Gift certificate template, graduation

Gap Year concern for DS-160 and VISA Interview

2024.05.17 11:26 Matrix_030 Gap Year concern for DS-160 and VISA Interview

I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in 2023 and applied to 5 grad schools, I received an acceptance from one school (free application) that I didn't want to go to as I didn't like the overall program offered by that school, this was due to me having underwhelming profile, GRE and TOEFL scores. So, I decided to wait another year, focusing on improving my scores and profile (I was working on an internship and had a paper in the works when I was applying during my 2023 cycle).
I now have a better score with a published paper which I sent to the universities and an internship certificate which I was able to add to my SOP while applying to the schools and have received an admission from NYU for FALL 24. I am, however, concerned since I didn't get a job (I did apply) and about how the gap year might impact my visa interview and DS-160 process as I have mentioned I am a student along with the whole description that I graduated in 2023, and have been working on my profile since then.
My Interview is next month. Any guidance will be appreciated.
submitted by Matrix_030 to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:23 throwRA1253 Gf developed a tendency to bite me various times throughout the day now. Is this normal?

So, it all started when I crossed off a major thing off her bucket list which is going on a couple’s cruise trip. Her graduation was coming up soon so in my mind, I said bet and surprised her with a virgin voyage cruise vacation as a gift for her finishing university.
I had her be blind folded 5 min before we arrived and revealed it to her when we were passing the ship. I also had her best friend pack clothes for her, and I made a little video of her friends and parents congratulating her on her achievement. She bawled her eyes out since she’s a pretty emotional gal, and just kept giving me kisses the entire time until we were on the ship. 9/10 experience btw, awesome food, entertainment, locations and people.
Anyway, after the cruise, it’s been chomp city ever since. She’ll bite me when we’re watching shows/movies. She’ll bite me when we’re cuddling, during sex, when we’re in public, etc. Everyday, she just chomps on me now. What’s up with that? I asked her and she just gets embarrassed and says she doesn’t know, she just wants to bite me whenever she looks at me or is near me. It doesn’t bother me but I do think it’s a little strange.
submitted by throwRA1253 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:47 Kind_Criticism_5610 Tips to Improve my Resume.Benn getting lot of rejections for Software Enginerr Early carrer
submitted by Kind_Criticism_5610 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:36 Quiet-Description275 What are the prerequisites for enrolling in machine learning courses in Bangalore?

What are the prerequisites for enrolling in machine learning courses in Bangalore?
Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, is revolutionizing industries worldwide. In Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, the demand for skilled professionals in this field is skyrocketing. But before diving into machine learning courses, let's understand the fundamentals.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of AI that enables systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed. It finds applications in various sectors like healthcare, finance, retail, and more.

Importance of machine learning courses in Bangalore

Bangalore's thriving tech ecosystem makes it an ideal hub for learning machine learning. With numerous IT companies and startups embracing AI technologies, the demand for machine learning experts is ever-growing.

Understanding Machine Learning

Before enrolling in a course, it's crucial to grasp the essence of machine learning.


Machine learning involves algorithms that parse data, learn from it, and then make informed decisions or predictions. It encompasses supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning techniques.

Applications in various industries

From recommendation systems in e-commerce to predictive analytics in healthcare, machine learning algorithms are transforming industries by optimizing processes and enhancing decision-making.

Prerequisites for Enrolling in Machine Learning Courses in Bangalore

To embark on a machine learning journey, certain prerequisites are essential.

Educational background

A strong foundation in computer science or related fields like mathematics, statistics, or engineering is necessary. Most courses require at least a bachelor's degree.

Programming knowledge

Proficiency in programming languages like Python, R, or Java is indispensable. Understanding data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming concepts is advantageous.

Mathematics proficiency

Machine learning involves complex mathematical concepts such as linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. A solid understanding of these subjects is vital for grasping advanced algorithms.

Familiarity with data analysis tools

Experience with data manipulation libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and data visualization tools like Matplotlib or Seaborn is beneficial. Knowledge of SQL for database querying is also advantageous.

Choosing the Right Course

With numerous options available, selecting the right course can be daunting. Here's what to consider:

Accreditation and reputation

Opt for courses offered by reputable institutions or platforms with accreditation. Check reviews and testimonials from past students to gauge the quality of education.


Evaluate the course curriculum to ensure it covers essential topics like machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment techniques. Practical hands-on projects are a plus.

Faculty expertise and industry connections

Inquire about the faculty's credentials and experience in the field. Courses with industry experts as instructors or guest lecturers offer valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Cost and Financial Assistance

Cost is a significant factor in choosing a course, but financial aid options are available.

Tuition fees

Compare the tuition fees of different courses and consider factors like course duration, mode of delivery, and additional resources provided.

Scholarships and financial aid

Many institutions offer scholarships, grants, or installment payment options to ease the financial burden. Explore these opportunities to make education more affordable.

Learning Environment and Resources

The learning environment greatly impacts your educational experience and outcomes.

Classroom vs. online learning

Decide whether you prefer traditional classroom-based learning or the flexibility of online courses. Consider factors like interaction with instructors, peer learning, and schedule flexibility.

Access to libraries, labs, and software

Ensure the course provides access to libraries, labs, and software tools required for hands-on practice and projects. Cloud-based platforms like Google Colab or Azure Notebooks are commonly used for experimentation.

Career Opportunities After the Course

Completing a machine learning course opens up diverse career opportunities.

Job prospects

Bangalore's thriving tech industry offers abundant job opportunities for machine learning professionals. Roles like data scientist, machine learning engineer, AI researcher, and business analyst are in high demand.

Networking opportunities

Take advantage of networking events, job fairs, and online communities to connect with industry professionals and potential employers. Building a strong professional network can accelerate your career growth.
  • Do I need a background in computer science to enroll in a machine learning course? No, but a strong foundation in mathematics and programming is essential for grasping machine learning concepts effectively.
  • Are there any free machine learning courses available? Yes, several platforms offer free introductory courses on machine learning, though advanced courses may require a fee.
  • How long does it take to complete a machine learning course? The duration varies depending on the course format and complexity. It can range from a few weeks for introductory courses to several months for comprehensive programs.
  • Can I pursue a machine learning course while working full-time? Yes, many courses offer flexible schedules or part-time options to accommodate working professionals.
  • What job opportunities are available after completing a machine learning course? Graduates can pursue careers as data scientists, machine learning engineers, AI researchers, business analysts, and more, in various industries such as tech, healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.
  • Is it necessary to have a master's degree to land a job in machine learning? While a master's degree can enhance your credentials, practical skills, experience, and certifications also play a significant role in securing job opportunities in the field. ConclusionEmbarking on a machine learning journey in Bangalore requires careful consideration of prerequisites, course selection, and career prospects. By fulfilling the necessary requirements and choosing the right course, you can pave the way for a successful career in this dynamic field.
submitted by Quiet-Description275 to u/Quiet-Description275 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:33 VivianRodriguezq My mom got me a green onion bouquet as a graduation gift.

My mom got me a green onion bouquet as a graduation gift. submitted by VivianRodriguezq to OnionLovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:18 YoLoMaN2510 [REQUEST] [PS5] Horizon Forbidden West $49.99 (23rd ATTEMPT)

Hello everyone at GiftofGames, how are you all doing!!
I recently graduated from college and I'm struggling to find a job. It's really demoralising for me receiving rejection letters, I'm a big gamer and playing games is the only thing that has kept my morale up during these tough times. My financial situation is pretty dire right now, I can't afford to buy a lot of new games.
I'm currently looking to buy Horizon Forbidden West on my PS5. This is my 23rd attempt at requesting for this game. I played the first game on my PS4 and loved it. The standard edition of the game is currently on sale at $49.99. I'm looking for a $50 PlayStation gift card of US region.
The sequel to 2017's Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West is set in a post-apocalyptic version of the Western United States recovering from the aftermath of an extinction event caused by a rogue robot swarm. The player can explore the open world and complete quests using ranged and melee weapons against hostile machine creatures.
Basically the game takes place in the far future where humanity almost gets destroyed by their advanced robotic creations. But it seems humanity have sort of gone backwards with their primitive clothing, implying that they haven't got the previous knowledge of their ancestors. The first game Horizon Zero Dawn, the protagonist Aloy discovers secrets about what happened to humanity, and its sequel is the continuation of this first game where she explores the far west of modern day america.
The reason why this game appeals to me is the setting. I find it soo interesting how humanity was able to be on the brink of extinction and somehow managed to survive (I can't anymore due to spoilers). And after surviving, civilisation sort of went backwards instead of continuing on from the ancestors. I watch a lot of lore videos on youtube about this game, and there are many different stories hidden in the game world which tells us different perspectives of people on the situation. Even though its humanity that is in trouble, everybody has a different view on how to tackle the problem. But this is only touching the surface, there is also the robot machines created in these giant cauldrons that is a big mystery to this day.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and will give my thanks if I receive the gift card from you. Here is my PSN ID:
Game link:
submitted by YoLoMaN2510 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:11 B-B-B-Byrdman Tokyo Century 8439

Company Information

Corporate Site
Tokyo Century Corporation provides equipment leasing, mobility and fleet management, specialty financing, and international businesses in Japan, the United States, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, the Philippines, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, and internationally. The company offers leasing and finance, including ancillary services and other businesses relating to the handling of information and communications equipment, office equipment, industrial machinery, transportation equipment, and equipment for commercial and service industries. It also provides automobile leasing for corporate customers and individuals, car rental and car sharing businesses, etc.; specialty financing for shipping, aviation, real estate, and environment and energy fields; and fleet services.
The company operates in a lot of different segments. For consumers, their most famous company is probably Nippon Rent A Car.

Stock Perks

Categories: Alternative Currency, Gift Certificates, Transportation

Rights day

End of March


QUO card and Nippon Rent A Car gift certificate worth 3,000 yen.


You wlil get the 3,000 yen Nippon Rent A Car gift certificate by holding 400 shares.
The QUO card amount depends on how many stocks you own and how long you've held them:
400 shares - 2,000 yen worth
Less than 2 years of holding - 4,000 yen.
2 or more years of holding - 6,000 yen.
Less than 2 years of holding - 6,000 yen.
2 or more years of holding - 8,000 yen.


Although QUO cards are always easy to use and people who rent cars will find the Nippon Rent A Car certificate valuable, the high share requirements will probably discourage most people who invest for perks. The scaling is so poor for the QUO Card that I wonder why they even bother with the long-term holding bonus. If you really like this company and are going to invest anyway, then these perks are a nice bonus I suppose.
submitted by B-B-B-Byrdman to japanstockperks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:06 B-B-B-Byrdman Tokyo Century 8439

Company Information

Corporate Site
Tokyo Century Corporation provides equipment leasing, mobility and fleet management, specialty financing, and international businesses in Japan, the United States, Ireland, The United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, the Philippines, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, and internationally. The company offers leasing and finance, including ancillary services and other businesses relating to the handling of information and communications equipment, office equipment, industrial machinery, transportation equipment, and equipment for commercial and service industries. It also provides automobile leasing for corporate customers and individuals, car rental and car sharing businesses, etc.; specialty financing for shipping, aviation, real estate, and environment and energy fields; and fleet services.
The company operates in a lot of different segments. For consumers, their most famous company is probably Nippon Rent A Car.

Stock Perks

Categories: Alternative Currency, Gift Certificates, Transportation

Rights day

End of March


QUO card and Nippon Rent A Car gift certificate worth 3,000 yen.


You wlil get the 3,000 yen Nippon Rent A Car gift certificate by holding 400 shares.
The QUO card amount depends on how many stocks you own and how long you've held them:
400 shares - 2,000 yen worth
Less than 2 years of holding - 4,000 yen.
2 or more years of holding - 6,000 yen.
Less than 2 years of holding - 6,000 yen.
2 or more years of holding - 8,000 yen.


Although QUO cards are always easy to use and people who rent cars will find the Nippon Rent A Car certificate valuable, the high share requirements will probably discourage most people who invest for perks. The scaling is so poor for the QUO Card that I wonder why they even bother with the long-term holding bonus. If you really like this company and are going to invest anyway, then these perks are a nice bonus I suppose.
submitted by B-B-B-Byrdman to japanstockperks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:57 wannaeatramyeon Become a Digital Marketing Rockstar: Top Courses in Navi Mumbai Compared!

Guys, are you still Skeptical about switching your career to digital marketing? Worry no more, Transform your career into a satisfying and blossoming one with these online courses in your comfort zone.
When looking for digital marketing courses in Navi Mumbai, several reputable institutes stand out for their quality training and industry-relevant curriculum. Institutes like IIMSkills, IIDE, Anuvaa, and Freelancers Academy offer comprehensive programs covering essential digital marketing modules such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing.
Freelancers Academy
I hope this helps you and have a nice day! Remember Someone else out there is living your dream life, just because they weren’t scared and took the steps that were needed to make progress.
submitted by wannaeatramyeon to u/wannaeatramyeon [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:55 Hungry_Spite_4185 Weird childhood memory about a study. No parental consent

Part of me is hoping one of the people involved see's this or has info I can use to get more information
Whenever I recollect this to my parents they both say they had zero knowledge about what went on. When I was in 1st grade (2003-2004?)I was called aside from class and taken to a separate administrative room used for extended care. This was a small private roman Catholic pre-k-8th grade school that is part of the South Bay area diocese. I don't remember which teacher or staff member brought me over but I was in the room with two other class mates who I'll call AM and AF (their names both started with "A" one was male and the other female). We were introduced to two college students from a local university which was either San Jose State or Stanford. I maybe wrong but those two stick out the most from what I remember. When the study began we were asked to choose our a toy from a shelf. After we took turns telling a story about an argument or figuring out a conflict. Those details I can't remember as it's been around 20 years since. When I went to college for psych I learned this is often a tactic similar to that used when kids have been SA'd. As far as I know I was never a victim but the common denominator was that we were part of broken house holds. AM was being raised by his mom while his dad was in prison, I was never told why and never asked. AF told me her dad broke up with her mom because he realized he was gay. My parents were in the middle of a divorced because my dad was a violent alcoholic. My main concern behind all this is that no one actually consented or informed and that this was potentially used as data for something more important. I basically feel gas lit about this ever happening as I fell out of touch whith either classmate and my parents never gave consent for me to be part of this. I don't trust the diocese to give accurate info on this. The school was shady; like it took parents complaining to hang up my graduating class picture in the hall. They completely skipped out class graduating on a wall of class photos that spaned 2 decades. Back in 3rd grade a piece came out in the local paper that the diocese allowed a convicted sex offender to volunteer at around 3 local schools withing the diocese including mine. I definitely came in contact with "Jim" and remember him attempting to groom girls in my class with small gifts.
submitted by Hungry_Spite_4185 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:51 brandimav Fulbright ETA - Questions for Past ETAs

Hey everyone! I’m a current rising senior in university and I need to start drafting my essays, personal statement, and grant. I’m an English major with an interest in becoming an ETA in South Korea, Italy, or Greece.
In the past, Fulbright interested me because of the the open study and the ability to get a masters overseas, but after studying abroad in Rome for a semester I realized an ETA position was right for me. Traveling with the privilege as English as my first language made me realize how vital it is and illustrated why non-native speakers depend on English for success. Anyways, I am getting a tad bit overwhelmed in the process and I have a lot of questions.
I do not have teaching experience, but I’ve worked with children in a daycare and I could squeeze in a TESL certificate before I graduate. I am currently in the process of trying to get more solid experience. Would any of these help improve my chances.
Any past ETAs from South Korea, Italy, or Greece I have some questions.
  1. Where were you placed? Did you like it?
  2. How much of the language did you know before going? Did you become fluent by the end? How much should I study beforehand?
  3. Is the stipend plenty for the region or should I save up?
  4. If you are POC, did you experience any racism in the workplace?
  5. What was it like returning back to your home country? Did the experience help you with your career?
Any past (or current) ETAs from different countries please feel free to share your experience as well!
I appreciate your help! :)
submitted by brandimav to fulbright [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:45 This_Nose_359 To all university workers - is it possible to halt someone's graduation?

My father is having an affair with a graduating student (college level). The girl is continuously receiving financial support from my father, despite demands on the both party to stop. And has, in every sense, contributed largely to the emotional and psychological breakdown of our family. We have an ongoing legal battle with my father. We have receipts of the affair. Is there in any way compel her provincial university to not warrant her a certificate of good moral and conduct? Walang bang mandate na ganito?
submitted by This_Nose_359 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:20 Takashi010 Foreigner looking for a job.

Hello everyone, i'm 25 y.o guy from Azerbaijan. Based in my homeland's capital city Baku. I've been to Dubai 5 times. Adorable city. After my last visit in early may this year I completely came to a conclusion i want to live there. Currently looking for a jobs to relocate, open for any kind of tips or help.
Shortly about my background:
  1. Well-educated, graduated master degree in Istanbul, Turkey. ( Business Administration)
  2. Bilingual, can speak Russian, Turkish and Azeri. All at native speaker level. English C1. ( have a certification)
  3. After graduation started career as a Sports Marketing specialist ( got promoted to Lead Specialist recently). 2 years of experience.
Looking for a job related or close to my field of study or experience. Also open to work in Luxury Hotel Chain brands.
Would be grateful for help, tips, advice ( already using a Linkedin), probably you know someone who is hiring?
Can provide my CV with all details.
Thanks in advance 🙏🏻
submitted by Takashi010 to UAE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:53 srslyjk BWT, what are must-have graduation gifts??

One of my cousins is graduating from her masters program and I want to buy her an amazing gift, but don’t know where to start! Price range is $300-400. She’s starting a new job, so maybe something related to work accessories or some jewelry? I’m lost! TIA for the feedback :)
submitted by srslyjk to NYCbitcheswithtaste [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:43 jam1974 May Win a $100 Xero Shoes Gift Certificate (5/31/24) {WW}

May Win a $100 Xero Shoes Gift Certificate (5/31/24) {WW} submitted by jam1974 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:37 Gold_Strawberry_8279 Alright, Subreddit.

Alright, Subreddit.
The king of the Subreddit, Lord Minion, has unknowingly gifted us a template. Do what you will.
submitted by Gold_Strawberry_8279 to distractible [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:18 LazyReaperYT not one interview after 2,471 applications, how doomed is this resume?

i’m wondering if this whole resume needs to be tossed into a trashcan and obliterated, all i want to do is just have something that actually works instead of people just stubbornly ghosting me like it’s facebook marketplace.
submitted by LazyReaperYT to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:08 cheesekunafa Overcoming Past Struggles to Build a Better Future.

Hello everyone,I am a 30-year-old married man with no children, currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I feel lost and uncertain about my future. I work for a small company with a minimum salary and have been trying to find a better job, but without success. Despite being a commerce graduate, I am gradually losing interest in my field. Although obtaining a certification in CMA or CIMA could improve my situation, I struggle to focus and study for such qualifications.
I have always been passionate about cars and motorbikes since childhood and have often dreamed of building a career in that field. Unfortunately, I ended up in a profession that does not interest me. I would like to start my own business but have no idea where to begin. I believe that having a mentor could help me achieve great things, but I currently lack such guidance.
Living with the constant fear of losing my current job adds to my anxiety. I live with my wife in the Middle East, and my goal is to provide a good life for her and for any future children we may have. However, I lack the confidence to pursue my dreams, partly due to a difficult childhood where I received little encouragement. I used to enjoy drawing as a child, but my parents, especially my brother and mother, did not support or nurture my interests. They often beat me and shouted at me, which caused me to grow up with very low self-confidence.
I desperately want to become a better person and a good role model for my future children. I want to raise my kids in a completely different way than I was raised, giving them the support and encouragement I lacked. However, I am unsure how to move forward at this stage in my life. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by cheesekunafa to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:07 cheesekunafa Overcoming Past Struggles to Build a Better Future.

Hello everyone,I am a 30-year-old married man with no children, currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I feel lost and uncertain about my future. I work for a small company with a minimum salary and have been trying to find a better job, but without success. Despite being a commerce graduate, I am gradually losing interest in my field. Although obtaining a certification in CMA or CIMA could improve my situation, I struggle to focus and study for such qualifications.
I have always been passionate about cars and motorbikes since childhood and have often dreamed of building a career in that field. Unfortunately, I ended up in a profession that does not interest me. I would like to start my own business but have no idea where to begin. I believe that having a mentor could help me achieve great things, but I currently lack such guidance.
Living with the constant fear of losing my current job adds to my anxiety. I live with my wife in the Middle East, and my goal is to provide a good life for her and for any future children we may have. However, I lack the confidence to pursue my dreams, partly due to a difficult childhood where I received little encouragement. I used to enjoy drawing as a child, but my parents, especially my brother and mother, did not support or nurture my interests. They often beat me and shouted at me, which caused me to grow up with very low self-confidence.
I desperately want to become a better person and a good role model for my future children. I want to raise my kids in a completely different way than I was raised, giving them the support and encouragement I lacked. However, I am unsure how to move forward at this stage in my life. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by cheesekunafa to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:07 cheesekunafa Overcoming Past Struggles to Build a Better Future.

Hello everyone,I am a 30-year-old married man with no children, currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I feel lost and uncertain about my future. I work for a small company with a minimum salary and have been trying to find a better job, but without success. Despite being a commerce graduate, I am gradually losing interest in my field. Although obtaining a certification in CMA or CIMA could improve my situation, I struggle to focus and study for such qualifications.
I have always been passionate about cars and motorbikes since childhood and have often dreamed of building a career in that field. Unfortunately, I ended up in a profession that does not interest me. I would like to start my own business but have no idea where to begin. I believe that having a mentor could help me achieve great things, but I currently lack such guidance.
Living with the constant fear of losing my current job adds to my anxiety. I live with my wife in the Middle East, and my goal is to provide a good life for her and for any future children we may have. However, I lack the confidence to pursue my dreams, partly due to a difficult childhood where I received little encouragement. I used to enjoy drawing as a child, but my parents, especially my brother and mother, did not support or nurture my interests. They often beat me and shouted at me, which caused me to grow up with very low self-confidence.
I desperately want to become a better person and a good role model for my future children. I want to raise my kids in a completely different way than I was raised, giving them the support and encouragement I lacked. However, I am unsure how to move forward at this stage in my life. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by cheesekunafa to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:06 cheesekunafa Overcoming Past Struggles to Build a Better Future.

Hello everyone,I am a 30-year-old married man with no children, currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I feel lost and uncertain about my future. I work for a small company with a minimum salary and have been trying to find a better job, but without success. Despite being a commerce graduate, I am gradually losing interest in my field. Although obtaining a certification in CMA or CIMA could improve my situation, I struggle to focus and study for such qualifications.
I have always been passionate about cars and motorbikes since childhood and have often dreamed of building a career in that field. Unfortunately, I ended up in a profession that does not interest me. I would like to start my own business but have no idea where to begin. I believe that having a mentor could help me achieve great things, but I currently lack such guidance.
Living with the constant fear of losing my current job adds to my anxiety. I live with my wife in the Middle East, and my goal is to provide a good life for her and for any future children we may have. However, I lack the confidence to pursue my dreams, partly due to a difficult childhood where I received little encouragement. I used to enjoy drawing as a child, but my parents, especially my brother and mother, did not support or nurture my interests. They often beat me and shouted at me, which caused me to grow up with very low self-confidence.
I desperately want to become a better person and a good role model for my future children. I want to raise my kids in a completely different way than I was raised, giving them the support and encouragement I lacked. However, I am unsure how to move forward at this stage in my life. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by cheesekunafa to productivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:05 cheesekunafa Finding My Path: Overcoming Past Struggles to Build a Better Future.

Hello everyone,I am a 30-year-old married man with no children, currently going through a difficult phase in my life. I feel lost and uncertain about my future. I work for a small company with a minimum salary and have been trying to find a better job, but without success. Despite being a commerce graduate, I am gradually losing interest in my field. Although obtaining a certification in CMA or CIMA could improve my situation, I struggle to focus and study for such qualifications.
I have always been passionate about cars and motorbikes since childhood and have often dreamed of building a career in that field. Unfortunately, I ended up in a profession that does not interest me. I would like to start my own business but have no idea where to begin. I believe that having a mentor could help me achieve great things, but I currently lack such guidance.
Living with the constant fear of losing my current job adds to my anxiety. I live with my wife in the Middle East, and my goal is to provide a good life for her and for any future children we may have. However, I lack the confidence to pursue my dreams, partly due to a difficult childhood where I received little encouragement. I used to enjoy drawing as a child, but my parents, especially my brother and mother, did not support or nurture my interests. They often beat me and shouted at me, which caused me to grow up with very low self-confidence.
I desperately want to become a better person and a good role model for my future children. I want to raise my kids in a completely different way than I was raised, giving them the support and encouragement I lacked. However, I am unsure how to move forward at this stage in my life. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for listening.
submitted by cheesekunafa to Adulting [link] [comments]