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City sightseeing in summer while carrying rings?

2024.05.17 10:59 Due_Scale_4173 City sightseeing in summer while carrying rings?

For the European girlies: I’m from a EU country and will travel for more than a month to another EU country in July. During this timeframe, I have to put in 2 new rings so I’m wondering how safe is it to bring them while traveling, especially since the first day I arrive I will be visiting a city the whole day and only at night will reach a sleeping place. Do you think temperatures in Central Europe in July are unbearable to carry the rings (uncontrolled temperatures at least for a day)? I’m a bit lost in what I should do, any help is very much appreciated:)
PS: I read on an EU website that it is possible to use a prescription on pharmacies of other countries inside the Schengen Area, but I wonder if the “corresponding” product is really the same, as I don’t like the idea of “changing brands” even if it’s for 2 cycles, just bc of possible side effects and such.
submitted by Due_Scale_4173 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:58 Due_Scale_4173 City sightseeing in summer (for a day) while carrying rings?

For the European girlies: I’m from a EU country and will travel for more than a month to another EU country in July. During this timeframe, I have to put in 2 new rings so I’m wondering how safe is it to bring them while traveling, especially since the first day I arrive I will be visiting a city the whole day and only at night will reach a sleeping place. Do you think temperatures in Central Europe in July are unbearable to carry the rings (uncontrolled temperatures at least for a day)? I’m a bit lost in what I should do, any help is very much appreciated:)
PS: I read on an EU website that it is possible to use a prescription on pharmacies of other countries inside the Schengen Area, but I wonder if the “corresponding” product is really the same, as I don’t like the idea of “changing brands” even if it’s for 2 cycles, just bc of possible side effects and such.
submitted by Due_Scale_4173 to Nuvaring [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:50 Scared_Fix_1552 Random Thought Bubble

26 y/o Persian-American male (out of two younger sisters) - I sometimes feel like my brain is a lvl. 45 Pokémon in my party (of other organs? IDK), and because I don't have any 'gym badges' under my belt (aka a college degree that I've shamed myself for ever since, in a familial structure founded upon my Father immigrating here from Iran at 17 due to an ongoing war, learning English, and earning his Doctorate degree at UT Austin in Mathematics by 24/25 y/o + Mother whom also immigrated here from the same area & around the same time which has been working as a laboratory scientist within a highly established Hospital in TX), I wake up each day with ~75-80% chance of it totally steering me off course with regards to productivity in any/all facets of my life; further, I find that it has oftentimes made a decision for me prior to any kind of a chance I should/would have had otherwise at deductively/rationally responding with an actual expression of what 'I' want and/or think is best, making it that much more difficult to break my current insomnia(-l?), burn out, depression, and productivity paralysis - all in which I've been experiencing this past year. For example: my mom telling me we have to go somewhere I don't want to in the morning, my replying 'consciously', usually in agreement in an attempt to avoid further arguments/conflicts, trading authenticity for emotional convenience, be it for better or for worse, only then for my 5Head brain to do what it likely does best (at least with regards to consistency) ala subconsciously 5Head'ing the situation in the background like an antivirus program would after downloading a sketchy Switch emulator onto one's hard drive, it's way of 'resolving' it's self proclaimed virus by having me stay up all night to where there's no way I can go after all, trading my misery for a more preferable, oftentimes comfortable solution as well as rebellion, especially towards those whom I feel can't look past their own selves when offering advice/ideas, which is one thing, but also forcing said solutions onto those concerned, be it due to frustration, which I can't blame them for given my like-mindedness towards my own self and scenario. Slightly more context in that I've always been told I'm super smart, 'could' be one of my best students if... (you know the rest ✌️🙂‍↕️), blah blah blah, but have genuinely been able to achieve things I seriously haven't heard of a single other person accomplishing especially with regards to my passions and career choices, tend to for whatever peculiar reason attract highly successful and oftentimes famous individuals i.e. content creators, musicians, general artists - weirdly/oftentimes VERY well known ones - into my life on both friendly and romantic levels (ironically, seeming to have had a strange ability to attract the upper eschalon of high functioning individuals from not much interesting initial interaction(s) from my perspective, in OR out of schooling, admittedly enough, always hoping I would become one myself, likely as a coping strategy/defense mechanism/compensatory coalition with respect to my lackluster grades/overall effort in highschool despite taking and consequently passing every advanced course possible in relation to my corresponding grade level i.e. AP Calculus in Senior yeaAP English/Government/History, you get the idea, and which was the case from 6th grade onwards, even getting into Health Careers HS upon making an exceptional grade on the entrance exam, along with pure luck I suppose, which, again, pretty prestigious or should have been if I cared, to which I basically had to provide my parents one of my first ultimatums of what would be many: 'I'm gonna get all zeroes if you don't let me go to designated Public HS', likely because it didn't resonate with me at the time - part of me regrets it looking back tbh - and/or I didn't feel like I deserved it/belonged there either) just off my personality alone, which is a lot more humble and sweet than the tonality of this passage provides, often times declared by sources external to that of my own, however believable or on the contrary at face-value. What's crazier is how empty I feel on the inside in spite of everything I've accomplished with regards to, well, again, all facets of my life. Ex: Getting fired at my Banking job last year after the initiation of the divorce for inconsistent attendance, which is fair enough, then getting a new job later at the start of July only to get promoted off my performance by the end of the month, which, for better or for worse, has generally been my same song and dance with regards to my numerous occupations likely due to my need for validation/even 'consolidation' for not having it in me to pursue a Bachelor's degree, only to then go on leave for, frankly, no longer 'having it in me' despite my undying (and disgusting) desire to still push and/or power through in an effort, forevermore, to - not even emotionally amymore but physiologically, at this point - cope with this seemingly snowballing shit-storm of a situation that is and has been 'life' as I know it to be (admittedly/notably, taking the break DID feel good as I haven't really prioritized my own wellbeing like that before) but however eventual/inevitable, got fired for repeatedly giving a date for my return each time my manager reached out to check in on my well-being, only for my first ever and repeated semblance of a panic attack arising in spite of wanting to will myself, tooth and nail, out the house each of those individual instances, ultimately preventing me from following through with my now broken promises to aforementioned ex-manager - all part of this fuck-headed prophecy. :) In an effort to wrap this very real, very frustrating fool's fairytale up, it's important to note I've been jobless ever since that day, locked in my room, still more productive in many important aspects barring perhaps socially, but I'm in huge debt, especially since I had to fire my divorce attorney last year around August for having a 30% response/hit rate for anything that wasn't the bill - I wish I was wrong - though, I was hired at a coffee shop back in February as my mom thought (and still thinks/pushes this notion) that my problem is 'I need to get out there and into the world', welp, I listened albeit after weeks of conflict/disagreements/yelling (which actions in of themselves make me feel terrible since I once took great pride in being the family peacekeeper (and from a reasonably young age too, unfortunately enough) like any good son whom in which values their own mother's reasonable enough hypothesis would, except for, well, that job too, eventually and inevitably (in my mind) 'I' ending up quitting due to - long story short - unruly junior managers and their annoyingly asinine egos'.
Wrapping up, between going through a divorce with my wife, having been forced to live back with my forever faulty family, namely, with regards to my stubborn mother and father (however much I love them to pieces, to which I feel I express well enough, consistently enough, though at the same time think is fair holding back a bit affectionately given the frequency and intensity of my current circumstances, frankly). Thankfully, I have been able to maintain my well above average athleticism/physique (my words, sure, though genuinely intended with as little ego as possible, in fact more often than not mentioned by someone other than myself, and consistently so at that ever since the 10th grade when I initially started lifting/getting into Nutrition) through daily weighted pushups of 55 lbs in a sturdy backpack, along with my self taught singing voice (worded that way to emphasize I had to basically fight my mom and dad on investing time/energy into that back during HS as well, only to, like my fitness discipline, attaining a very high level on my own and in spite of the needless and unnecessary friction provided by family), along with, and perhaps most importantly, keeping up with my mental and spiritual literacies through many renowned online University lectures, free programs, videos by Dr. K-ing himself, etc. - all to say I'm at a point, currently, where this once 'Superman' persona that I suppose never existed in the capacity seems way closer to that of a depressed, worn down Clark Kent than ever before...
(P.S. To my 🧠: Thank you, sincerely, for giving me the courage/chutzpah to finally deliberately declassify, denote, and deliver this deconstruction of my mind, however flawed, over the internet. Further, it's imperative that I mention my confirmed diagnoses of ADHD/Borderline/Childhood & Family Trauma, along with a pending/potential Bipolar disorder as the metaphorically 'maniacal' cherry on top. I'm seeing a psychologist ATM and am prescribed Adderall which helps me tremendously, both with regards to mood and my ADHD symptoms. I've been taking medication for over 2 years now. Random but relevant side note: my insomnia started after the initiation of the divorce and again, I've basically slept once every other night throughout this whole duration)
(P.P.S. Forgive me for any inconsistencies/poor grammaseemingly unfinished statements and/or scenarios. I've had a couple hours of sleep the past 30ish hours, which has, give or take, been the case since June of last year.
(P.P.P.S. Crazy to acknowledge that I intended on sharing the first few sentences of this post when 'I' made the decision to write out this random Reddit post - I wonder, however hesitantly, what notable 'tomfoolery' my brain has planned as the potential outcome to this output and a half.)
(P.P.P.P.S. That's not even the full story LuL. Though I must mention I appreciate anyone bored/mad/strong-willed enough to muster their way from start to finish of my madness. I love this community with all of my heart, truly, and I'm sorry for coming across as brash or unapologetic at particular points, just not really feeling it ATM. Love and peace, always
Kindest regards,
Anotha One
submitted by Scared_Fix_1552 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:39 Aggressive_Oil_8505 Parking rental dispute (looking for guidance)

I was renting a parking spot for 4.5 years from someone in my building as my unit only came with one stall. The owner of the stalls have two stalls side by side. I rented one and they use the other. The other day they dinged my drivers side door with their front passenger side door, and I know it was them as there is corresponding damage. I also looked at my car before parking it, as it had come back from the dealership (who in the past also damaged my car). As well both our cars are newer and dark so it was very noticeable considering I see their car and my car every single day. They denied it but when I said I’m going to look into finding camera footage (there’s a camera above my car in the building) they instantly changed their tune and said they noticed the damage on their car (but conveniently not mine) and they would pay if they caused the damage. The wife even called and admitted she caused the damage by ‘lightly tapping my car’ (we recorded the admission).
Right after saying I would look into camera footage, the parking landlord said by email that I needed to be out of the parking stall by the end of the month. He said he no longer wanted the hassle and his wife had her own stupid excuse. Obviously, they kicked me out for bringing up the damage to my car that they caused—god forbid I bring it up! Super disappointing after 4.5 years of no missed payments and in fact EARLY payments by at least a week, every single month.
We were scheduled to meet at our cars to review the damage and things didn’t end well. He basically wanted me out that day and sent me back the funds for half the month.
I recall our contract had a 30 day notice from both parties however it was so long ago, and we had ZERO issues, so I don’t have a copy of the contract. I’m curious if there’s any recourse and whose jurisdiction this falls under, RTB? I’ve made a claim to icbc about the damage; however, kicking me out of the stall without notice—I’m just not sure who to go to !
For reference we are owners so we were just renting the stall from them.
submitted by Aggressive_Oil_8505 to vancouverhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:50 Agreeable-Jelly-5343 Crimson Scales Scenario 44: Stairs are not directional, right?

Crimson Scales Scenario 44: Stairs are not directional, right?
Consider the following section where two tiles join in Crimson Scales Scenario 44, which gave us pause in a few respects (where we entered the room from the east):
Our first reaction was "it seems like we can just avoid the staircase and trap by walking across the two hexes below the staircase." But we decided that it must be the case that the seam between the tiles is meant to be a wall due to the darkness? We don't recall running into this situation in other GH or CS scenarios, but realized that usually there'd be an overlay tile connecting the two maps, and thematically, it seems like a wall was intended in any case.
After that, though, it seemed odd that we could just walk around the trap and enter the staircase from the SE hex. Which leads to this post's question: staircases are not directional in Gloomhaven, right? (i.e., they can be entered from any of their six sides, not just the two corresponding to the top and bottom of the stairs?)
submitted by Agreeable-Jelly-5343 to Gloomhaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:49 Joshh170 Hades 2 Update Patch Notes Revealed

Hades 2 Update Patch Notes Revealed
Hades 2 developer Supergiant Games released new patch notes for the game's first early access update, which fixes several issues. Community feedback was key for the release of the new Hades 2 update, since Supergiant Games was able to find and fix several issues with the help of avid players.
The original Hades took the roguelike genre by storm in 2020, receiving critical acclaim and winning the hearts of players around the world. Although Supergiant Games typically does not develop sequels to its games, the popularity of Hades and the demand for more games like it encouraged the studio to develop Hades 2. Fans and critics were taken by surprise when Hades 2 was officially unveiled at The Game Awards 2022, and players were finally able to start their playthrough a year and a half later with the technical test, followed by the early access release of Hades 2 on Steam.
In a new Steam blog post, Supergiant Games revealed patch notes for the first Hades 2 early access update. The studio thanks fans for helping out with identifying issues that needed to be resolved, with most of the listed fixes being labeled as changes inspired by community feedback. Sprinting and dashing were formally addressed first in the patch notes, with Supergiant Games confirming that the Sprint and Dash mechanics are now more responsive and reliable following recovery animations. Sprinting is also faster, and certain abilities were rescaled to compensate for this change. In addition, the Swift Runner card now makes the player's Dash activate immediately, with the only downside being that the player's character will be invulnerable for slightly less time than before.
What's more, Hades 2 players may now gather from any resource point after unlocking the necessary Gathering Tool. The new Hades 2 update also applies adjustments and improvements to Driftwood resources, early encounters with Eris, mouse controls, and controller support.
The latest update applies a slew of quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes, including technical fixes for Hades 2's strange crashing issues. According to the patch notes, various issues involving ultrawide resolutions, keyboard inputs, and controller inputs were also addressed. As a result, players should have an easier time switching between controllers and a mouse and keyboard setup in Hades 2.
Supergiant Games confirms that a second Hades 2 update is being prepared with balance changes and adjustments based on what the development team has observed thus far. This means that players can expect more improvements in Hades 2, and community feedback will continue to be important in finding more issues that should be remedied before the game's eventual full launch.
Hades 2 Early Access Update Patch Notes
General Gameplay
Your Sprint is innately faster and turning is more responsive; re-scaled abilities that boost this You now can Dash out of many attack recovery animations more reliably You now can gather from any resource point once you have unlocked the corresponding Gathering Tool; you now can Prioritize any available Tool in the Training Grounds to make its resources appear as often as before, while resources for Tools you do not Prioritize will appear far less often
Altar of Ashes
The Swift Runner: now also makes your Dash immediate (note the faster speed means you are invulnerable for very slightly less time); re-scaled Sprint speed bonus since Sprint is innately faster now
Level Design & Environments
It is easier to Dash across chasms in Oceanus Driftwood resources are more common in the Rift of Thessaly
Menus & UI
Using a Well of Charon displays your current Gold without the need to check your Boon Info The Grasp Upgrade Tutorial in the Altar of Ashes will repeat if ignored Added Patch Notes option to the Main Menu (where you can read this!)
Early encounters with Eris are less likely to occur; she also drops something of value... Related, if this already occurred, look for a one-time bonus in the Crossroads while Eris is present Entries in the Book of Shadows are generally easier to reveal You can gift Echo without having to wait around as long after conversing Adjusted Animal Familiar upgrades invalidated by the Gathering Tool changes above In the Hades Flashback, a hint will eventually play for players who don't realize they are in control Improved mouse selection in various cases Improved support for some additional controllers Abilities that boost Sprint speed display more-accurate numbers (generally lower than before) Updates and fixes to translations in some languages
Bug Fixes
Fixed several issues with Dark Side (Selene) Fixed Sun Worshiper (Apollo) sometimes preventing new foes from spawning Fixed Fire Extinguisher (Hestia) not dealing damage as expected Fixed Sister Blades Omega Attack not hitting Chronos reliably from certain angles Fixed Satyr Hoplites retaining the ability to block while afflicted with Twilight Curse (Selene) Fixed various cases of foes sometimes spawning out of bounds Fixed camera zoom-in getting stuck vs. Polyphemus in certain situations Fixed cases where you could Dash out of bounds in the Crossroads Fixed Fishing Pier events in the Crossroads not passing Whiles like other similar events Fixed autolock not clearing as expected while using mouse controls Fixed keyboard inputs sometimes getting stuck unexpectedly Fixed several input issues switching from gamepad to mouse-and-keyboard controls Fixed several issues playing in ultrawide resolutions Fixed some visual effects vs. Chronos lingering between phases or after the fight Fixed a Melinoë voice line repeating unexpectedly around the City of Ephyra Bat Cages Fixed various rare crashes Fixed several text errors Other minor fixes
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:17 theconstellinguist People Are Less Likely to Help Those They Envy, and When They Can't Get Away With Not Helping, They Make Them as Dependent As Possible as a Way to Level them and Relieve Feelings of Inferiority

Envy and Help Giving, Part 1
One of envy’s instantiations is to increase, not decrease, dependence to keep someone down as a manifestation of malicious envy. They are actively disabled and kept dependent on purpose if their independence is especially aggravating to the envier’s self-esteem.
In this research, we explored and demonstrated a relatively implicit and covert means of undermining envied targets—namely, helping them in a way that retains their future dependence, rather than in a way that increases their autonomy.
Unfavorable social comparisons trigger envy in those who make the person about themselves (social comparison) instead of admire (just seeing them, for the period of admiration).
In the current research, we focused on unfavorable, upward social comparisons, which are comparisons individuals make with others whom they perceive as superior to themselves. These upward social comparisons often trigger envy. Envy is among the most powerful emotional forces of human nature.
Envy is based in lack circuitry, namely not having something. This is slightly different than fear of loss circuitry, so it is less about pathways of addiction which implies possession of the addicting substance and another about unmet desire.
In addition to being conceptualized as a dispositional trait, envy also is defined as a situationally driven emotion—namely, as a state that occurs “when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession, and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it” (Parrott & Smith, 1993, p. 906)
Malicious envy entails hostile feelings, thoughts and actions aimed at harming the envied other
According to the first account, malicious and benign envy vary not only in consequences but also in feelings and thoughts, with malicious envy entailing hostile feelings, thoughts, and action tendencies aimed at harming the envied other and benign envy entailing feelings, thoughts, and action tendencies aimed at improving the outcome of the envious person (van de Ven, Zeelenberg, & Pieters, 2009)
Painful feeling of envy instigates malicious motivations
We primarily focused on help-giving behaviors, and we examined and demonstrated the notion that to the extent that the painful feeling of envy toward an upward social comparison target instigates malicious motivations, it impedes helping behaviors and particularly affects the type of help that is provided to the envied target.
Envious people belittle, deceive, victimize, sabotage and undermine those they envy. All around, it shows dehumanization of the envied.
For example, envious people have been found to belittle those they envy (Salovey & Rodin, 1984; Vecchio, 1995); experience schadenfreude, that is, take pleasure in their suffering (Lange et al., 2018; R. H. Smith et al., 1996; van de Ven et al., 2015); deceive them; victimize them; sabotage their outcomes; and socially undermine them (Duffy, Ganster, & Pagon, 2002; Duffy et al., 2012; Gino & Pierce, 2009; Jensen, Patel, & Raver, 2014; E. Kim & Glomb, 2014; Moran & Schweitzer, 2008; Salovey & Rodin, 1984; Silver & Sabini, 1978; R. H. Smith & Kim, 2007; Vecchio, 1995).
Increasing future dependence is seen as a way of covertly undermining envied target from engaging in behaviors that aggravate envy.
We add to this literature by exploring and demonstrating a relatively implicit and covert means of undermining maliciously envied targets— namely, helping them in a way that retains their future dependence, rather than in a way that increases their autonomy.
When family or friends do not feel that their envy is acceptable, they will engage in covert rather than overt actions that they think will not allow them to go detected as participating in behind the scenes antisocial behavior against the envied
Consequently, we postulated that following upward envy-evoking social comparisons, people who encounter malicious motivations may opt to vent these motivations by using subtle and implicit means to undermine their envied targets (Jensen et al., 2014), especially in contexts in which individuals are generally expected to help and cooperate with each other (e.g., among friends, family, colleagues in the workplace, or members of the same team). In the present research, we used the context of teams to explore such potential subtle undermining and malicious consequences of envy.
Envy is strongly associated with a threat to one’s self-esteem (Tesser, 1988) and is predominantly evoked when the comparison target is otherwise similar and when the comparison domain is self-relevant (Feather, 1989, 1991; Parrott & Smith, 1993; Salovey & Rodin, 1984; R. H. Smith, 1991; Tesser & Collins, 1988; Vecchio, 1995, 2000)
In teams that are expected to work together, teammates in envy of other team members will maximize covert means of undermining
Moreover, given that teammates are typically expected to cooperate and coordinate with each other (Holland, Gaston, & Gomes, 2000), we postulated that when working in teams, envious people may be particularly prone to vent their malicious motivations by using covert means to undermine their envied peers
The fear of being envied leads to people increasing a prosocial interaction style. This can look like “And we couldn’t have done it without you” in donations style language or the trick some have been told of when someone is jealous ask them to help you to get them accustomed to feeling on your side. Seeking dependency implies incompetence to the envier, which lessens their feelings of inferiority. This study discounted gender, but interestingly this behavior is exactly what women are told to do when men are being aggressive towards them, implying that what the men may be feeling may indeed be envy for these women
First, the fear of being envied often increases envied targets’ attempts to ward off the potentially destructive effects of malicious envy—for example, by increased engagement in prosocial behaviors (van de Ven, Zeelenberg, & Pieters, 2010). To that end, envied targets may opt to request help from an envious peer as a means to flatter and praise them. Additionally, by seeking help, the envied target admits to at least some degree of dependency and incompetence, which in turn may lessen the threat they induce. Indeed, recent research found that revealing failures encountered on the path to success may be an effective means to reduce malicious envy (Brooks et al., 2019).
Less friendly and less generosity is a sign of increasing envy
Indeed, the fact that Rodriguez Mosquera et al. (2010) found that one of the key markers of being envied is the envied targets realizing that the envious individuals are becoming less friendly and generous toward them implies that encounters in which the envied target needs yet doesn’t receive sufficient support or assistance from envious others do in fact occur.
By opting to provide their peers with dependent rather than autonomous help, individuals can overtly conform (at least partially) to norms of cooperation and helping yet, at the same time, subtly maintain the help seekers’ incapability and dependency
In our work, we studied effects of malicious motivations toward envied outperforming others on help giving. We predominantly explored the type of help provided, distinguishing between two types of help: dependent help, which consists of providing the solution to the immediate problem only and thus reinforces recipients’ future reliance on others’ assistance, and autonomous help, where the helper also provides tools that develop the recipients’ capacities and enables them to later solve problems independently (Bamberger & Levi, 2009; Nadler, Harpaz-Gorodeisky, & BenDavid, 2009). By opting to provide their peers with dependent rather than autonomous help, individuals can overtly conform (at least partially) to norms of cooperation and helping yet, at the same time, subtly maintain the help seekers’ incapability and dependency
Envious people can be confused as non-envious people when understood in this way. One simply has to look if those they help become more or less dependent to see if they are envious or non-envious
. In organizational contexts, it also can serve as a source of power because of the reciprocal obligation incurred by the help recipient (Flynn, 2003b; Thibaut & Kelley, 1959), make people look cooperative, and enhance their perceived expertise and consequent performance evaluations, thereby boosting their self-esteem (Flynn, 2003a, 2006; Grant & Mayer, 2009; Hui, Lam, & Law, 2000; Warburton & Terry, 2000). On the one hand, envious people’s self-esteem threat (Tesser, 1988) may lead them to be excessively motivated to help others in order to gain the above-mentioned benefits. On the other hand, when contemplating whether to help an envied outperformer who triggers malicious motivations, additional factors may come into play and outdo these potential benefits. As noted above, these malicious motivations consist of the desire to level the gap by pulling down the envied target—that is, to belittle and otherwise harm them. Relatedly, numerous studies document a link between malicious motivations toward envied targets and schadenfreude, that is, taking pleasure in the maliciously envied target’s suffering (e.g., Cikara & Fiske, 2012; Hareli & Weiner, 2002; Krizan & Johar, 2012; Lange et al., 2018; Leach & Spears, 2008; R. H.
People are less willing to help a superior envied peer than a neutral peer. People show clearly marked lower willingness to help a superior peer.Hypothesis 1a: People will be less willing to help superior envied peers compared to neutral peers. Hypothesis 1b: The link between the type of peer (superior or neutral) and helping will be driven by feelings of envy and the consequent malicious motivations toward the peer. Specifically, increased feelings of envy toward a superior peer compared to a neutral peer will lead to relatively greater malicious motivations toward the superior peer, which in turn will lead to relatively lower willingness to help the superior peer.
Autonomous help is better for the receivers and more expensive for the givers, showing that those who provide true independence for others have stronger altruism drives.
When deciding whether to provide help, people also may contemplate about the type of help they provide: autonomous help or dependent help (Bamberger & Levi, 2009; Nadler et al., 2009). Autonomous help encourages recipients’ independence by providing tools that enable them to solve problems independently, while dependent help, which solely provides the solution to the specific problem, increases recipients’ dependency and need for future reliance on others’ assistance. Although autonomous help is often more beneficial for recipients (Geller & Bamberger, 2012), it obviously entails higher costs for its providers (e.g., investing more time and effort). From the helper’s perspective, recent work by Nadler and Chernyak-Hai (2014) found guiders were more likely to provide autonomous help to high- (vs. low-) status help seekers whom they viewed as more motivated and as sufficiently competent to make use of such help. We, however, offer that this may not be the case when the help seeker is a maliciously envied peer.
Moreover, given that envy-driven malicious motivations are typically socially unacceptable, and thus often not explicitly voiced (R. H. Smith, 1991; Vecchio, 2000), these hostile motivations are most likely to be manifested in covert, rather than overt, behaviors.
Extending this notion, we proposed that to the extent that the superior envied peer instigates malicious motivations, envious individuals are likely to prefer providing the superior peer with dependent rather than autonomous help. For maliciously motivated envious individuals, creating a situation in which the envied peer is dependent on them entails benefits associated with preserving a particular advantage, thereby restricting the disadvantageous gap and increasing their impaired self-esteem, sense of competence, and schadenfreude (enjoyment of others’ dependency and inability). Moreover, given that envy-driven malicious motivations are typically socially unacceptable, and thus often not explicitly voiced (R. H. Smith, 1991; Vecchio, 2000), these hostile motivations are most likely to be manifested in covert, rather than overt, behaviors.
When possible people will not help a superior other. But when it makes them look like they’re not team players, they will opt to make the person as dependent as possible to increase control to lower feelings of envy. They do not show that they care about the lowered opportunities this creates for other people that might have needed that person’s success. All they care about is relief from their envy.
Correspondingly, we expected the malicious motivations to be more observable in implicit behaviors, such as the type of help provided, than in the explicit decision of whether or not to help.
By keeping those they envy dependent, the envier is able to highlight their inability and dependence to attempt to get relief from aggressive feelings of hate and envy.
By opting to provide their envied peers with dependent rather than autonomous help, individuals can overtly be cooperative and help while at the same time subtly maintaining the envied help seekers’ inability and dependence.
Hypothesis 2a: People will be less willing to provide autonomous help to superior envied peers compared to neutral peers. Hypothesis 2b: The link between the type of peer (superior or neutral) and type of help (autonomous vs. dependent) will be driven by feelings of envy and the consequent malicious motivations toward the peer. Specifically, increased feelings of envy toward a superior peer compared to a neutral peer will lead to relatively greater malicious motivations toward the superior peer, which in turn will lead to relatively lower willingness to provide the superior peer with autonomous help.
People who are prone to envy persist unnecessarily in comparing their own state with that of others
People who are prone to envy persist unnecessarily in comparing their own state with that of others (R. H. Smith et al., 1999). Recently, Lange and Crusius (2015) suggested that people also differ in their propensity to experience the different types of envy, that is, in their dispositional benign and malicious envy propensities.
Hypothesis 3: People with more envy will want to provide less help, particularly when the help-seeking peer is someone they perceive outperforms them.
Hypothesis 3: Individual’s dispositional malicious envy will be negatively related to their willingness to provide help, especially autonomous help to their peers, particularly when the help-seeking peer is an outperformer.
Doing things for someone without showing them how it’s done is a way to keep people dependent and resolve painful feelings of envy
, and three items measured their willingness to provide dependent help ( .92; e.g., “When helping Terry with a work-related problem, that I am more knowledgeable about than him, I would solve it for him, without showing him how I solved it”).4
People were much more willing to help someone they didn’t envy than someone they did.
In these analyses, we controlled for benign motivations in order to account for the possibility that participants may have been more willing to help the nonenvied (vs. envied) peer due to increased benign motivations,7 rather than increased malicious motivations toward the latter.8
submitted by theconstellinguist to envystudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:05 Seth1466 Permanent Random Perks Concept

Permanent Random Perks Concept
This is a concept for randomized perks being added into standard Dead By Daylight queue:
Within standard matchmaking, killers and survivors will be able to select these new buttons on their loadout screen.
Upon selecting the button, the corresponding perk slot will be filled with the randomized perk icon. This will indicate that the perk in this slot will be randomized upon entry into the match. In order to better incentivize players choosing random perks into a standard game, an increase of bloodpoints per randomized slot can be given (I am using 25% as a placeholder).
This will allow players to bring in any combination of perks they'd like, as well as select any slots they'd like to be randomized, the incentive only being added to those slots chosen to be randomized.
I believe this could be a solution both to seeing less used perks from both sides being seen more often in standard play, as well as helping alleviate some of the bloodpoint grind. Chaos Shuffle has been a blast so far, and I'd like to see a more permanent option added for this.
Let me know what you think or any possible additions/improvements that could be made onto this concept!
submitted by Seth1466 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:47 doublestitch Thinking outside the icebox: how we saved $1300.

TL;DR We bought office lounge equipment instead of a multifunction refrigerator.
Full story:
Admittedly this is a niche post. If you're a homeowner who'd like the convenience of a refrigerator with an ice maker and water dispenser but hates how expensive those combo fridges are, then this is for you.
We love all that functionality too, especially the ice maker part. We go through ice like crazy in summertime; ice is one of the ways we stay cool when it's 113 F (45 C) outdoors.
So when our old Brita pitcher wore out and we looked into stepping up to something built for heavier use, the most cost-effective solution for us turned out to be equipment that usually turns up in office lounges.
Here's the breakdown. Prices might be different in your region.
A 20 cu ft fridge with an ice maker and water dispenser starts at $1400 in this area.
A basic 20 cu ft fridge without ice maker or water dispenser starts at $500 here.
A standalone bottleless water cooler that looks like this sells for $200. Has three dispensers for hot, cold, and room temperature water.
A commercial ice maker like this sells for $300.
basic fridge + separate water cooler + separate ice maker = $1000
Combo fridge = $1400
Initial savings of buying separate components = $400
There are a few differences with buying separate components instead of getting them bundled. The most important heads-up is the water dispenser needs to be connected to the household plumbing. We did our own installation; that would cost something for someone who doesn't DIY. Also, space might be an issue. If floor space is scarce then countertop alternates exist for both types of item: a countertop bottleless water dispenser costs about $50 more; a countertop ice maker costs about $200 less and has a correspondingly smaller capacity.
On the bright side, this type of water dispenser has features the $1400 fridge doesn't. The standalone dispenser has three selections for hot water, room temperature water, and cold water. Fridges with water dispensers rarely have a hot water option--the most affordable combo fridge and hot water dispenser we price checked would have cost $3900, and that model didn't come with an ice maker. We're really not going to spend 4K on a fridge (lol). And the option to brew tea, etc. right out of the dispenser is why we went with this type of system instead of an under-sink filter.
At this point you may be thinking "Hey, you said you saved $1300. You've only added up $400 in savings. What gives?" You're right. Good point.
The other $900 savings happened when the old fridge wore out. After nearly a decade we were in the market for a fridge again. The good news is the water dispenser and the ice maker still worked fine, so our replacement fridge is another $500 model instead of a $1400 model.
Eventually the water dispenser and the ice maker will reach the end of their lives. When that day comes it will mean replacing one function instead of three.
One other note: we only use the ice maker for a few hours each week. We also have a deep freezer so we'll make a bunch of ice, and there's a shelf in the deep freezer for ice.
Our water dispenser is made by Avalon and our ice maker is made by Euhomy. There may be other brands that do a good job. Ours have worked well since the mid-2010s.
Obviously this particular combination of equipment isn't for everyone. For instance some people swear by electric kettles, which we've tried and which unfortunately don't heat up as quickly on North American home electrical wiring as they do on EU wiring. To each their own. Good on you if another solution suits your needs.
The point of this post is that bundling multiple functions into a refrigerator really skyrockets the price of the fridge. So if there's enough space in the kitchen to consider alternatives, it could save more than pocket change to split off those functions into separate machines.
(edited to fix a link)
submitted by doublestitch to Frugal [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:49 Opaquer Today's daily (17/05/2024) 50 stage guide

Hi everyone, back again today for today's daily! Today's one was actually quite fun and we started off with iron hands!
As we've previously found, reloading the browser makes changes to the rng, so now I have notes when the browser has been reloaded so you can reload it too :). As per usual, sorry about the reloads - it'd be much easier if there weren't any, but I had some issues and instead of being able to restart I had to reload. Also there's at least one place where I've said to quit to menu and continue - I don't think this is the same as a reload, so maybe don't reload and just quit to menu instead?
Also, we originally though that different browsers have different RNG, but yesterday we found it may be a little more complicated than that. I use firefox when making my guides, and it seems like most of the variations are from chome, but it's not guaranteed - you can still have variations with firefox. If you do find any variations and differences, let me know - I'm trying to get some evidence so I can figure out what the changes are and see if there's a way to nullify them so we can have a single guide for any type of browser :). Also, yesterday some amazing people found a way to stay on track if you did run into variations, so thank you to those amazing people!
Also I'm currently testing this run for any missed reloads. I've currently tested up to wave 40, so wave 41 onwards is still being tested and may have some missed reloads. I'll keep this updated live as I do more testing!
ALSO ALSO: we're still trying to figure out exactly what the relationship with reloading is. For now, if when you need to reload, reload once you've chosen your pokemon for the battle, as, on average, that's when I would reload. I don't know if it'll make a difference, but it can't hurt to try and see what happens :). We think there may not be a relationship between when you reload as long as you're on the wave, but I just wanted to say this as a just in case :)
As per the others, I'm still learning about all this, so sorry for any mistakes I've made - I probably missed at least a couple of reloads, but hopefully I got the majority of them.
One note: I think I got all the unique pokemon except for 2 - a mimikyu on wave 13 that would not get into my ball and a clefable on wave 39 that just instantly killed itself.
Lastly, it seems like there's a bug in the game - I've heard it's best to change the "EXP Party Display" to "Normal" as if it's not on normal, sometimes moves you've learnt will disappear when you exit to the menu.

EDIT: Hey all - there's currently a bug in the game when you get to the end where the game just goes to a black screen. There's been a bug report on it, and until it's fixed you can play every other level, but might be best stopping at 49 just in case it doesn't save that you've completed it at 50. Keep an eye out about this - I'll try to update it later once it's fixed but I've got a few things planned tonight so I can't promise I'll update it

There's also a few waves where there's some max IV stat pokemon if you're looking for them:
Pokemon Max stat (31) Wave
Tympole HP 2
Poliwhirl HP 6
Paliptoad Sp. Atk 8
Phantrump Atk 16
Theivul Def 24
Sableye Sp. Def 27
Gothitelle Def 42
With the below steps, if I haven't said to take a move when one is offered, that means to not learn it. For the table, there's two columns relating to moves - one for moves to take and one for moves to replace. For example, if the "Move(s) to take..." column has Headbutt and the corresponding row in the "... by replacing move(s)" column has Wrap, it would mean you need to replace wrap with headbutt at this stage when it's offered - and if during that stage a different move is offered, don't take it if it's not on the list. Also if there's multiple moves to be offered, the moves offered in the table are listed from top to bottom of the order you get them - so if you have something like the below, it means that Crunch will be offered before Headbutt will, which will be before Firethrower (and their associated replacements):
Move(s) to take... ... by replacing move(s)
Crunch Vine whip
Heatbutt Astonish
Firethrower Water gun
Also, if there are multiple waves back to back that have the same pokemon (or are within a few waves of each other), I'll label them as 1 and 2 - i.e. Linoone 1 and Linoone 2. This is to help avoid confusion if you're looking back and forth and trying to figure out where you're at
Lastly, with the steps below, if I don't say to switch out to a pokemon, that means you use the pokemon that's come out automatically.
With that, here's the guide:

Stage 1

Wave 1: Croconaw
  1. Charge
  2. Sword dance
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Thunder punch Sword dance
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 2: Lombre and Tympole
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This tympole has max (31) HP stat
  1. Switch iron hands with nidoking and skiploom for iron hands
  2. Megahorn and thunder punch lombre
  3. Mud slap and charge x 3
  4. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Reroll, Super EXP charm
Wave 3: Stunfisk
  1. Switch to skiploom
  2. Bullet seed x 2
  3. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Mega drain Light screen
Flail Scary face
Bubble beam Supersonic
Reward: Nugget
Wave 4: Ekans
  1. Switch to nidoking
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Super potion stunfisk
Wave 5: Trainer Glenn and Jennifer
  1. Switch nidoking to skiploom, focus punch aipom
  2. Bullet seed and thunder punch galarian farfetch'd
  3. Bullet seed duskull and thunder punch normal farfetch'd
  4. Bullet seed and thunder punch duskull
  5. Bullet seed and focus punch blitzle
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Great ball
Wave 6: Poliwhirl
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This poliwhirl has max (31) HP stat
  1. Mega drain
  2. Poison powder x 3
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Sucker punch Charge
Reward: Potion jumpluff
Wave 7: Arbok
  1. Switch to nidoking
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Acrobatics Charm
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 8: Paliptoad
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This paliptoad has max (31) Sp. Atk stat
  1. Mud slap x 2
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Crunch Bite
Reward: Soul dew nidoking
Wave 9: Gulpin
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 10: Paliptoad
  1. Switch to jumpluff
  2. Bullet seed
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Stage end

Stage 2

Wave 11: Sinistea
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Send out feraligatr
  2. Ice fang
  3. Pokeball x 2
  4. Replace paliptoad with sinistea
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion sinistea
Wave 12: Yamask
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion feraligatr
Wave 13: Mimikyu
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
Note for this wave: I couldn't catch mimikyu no matter what I did, sorry. You can try if you want, but doing so may change the rng of the run
  1. Switch to jumpluff
  2. Acrobatics x 5 (this kills it)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion jumpluff
Wave 14: Yamask and Pumpkaboo
  1. Acrobatics and thunder punch yamask
  2. Bullet seed and charge x 3
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 15: Trainer Cameron
  1. Switch to feraligatr
  2. Crunch x 5
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Force palm Whirlwind
Slash Scratch
U-turn Poison powder
Bounce Endure
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 16: Phantump
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This phantrump has max (31) Atk stat
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion feraligatr
Wave 17: Duskull
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Great ball
Wave 18: Polteageist
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Giga drain Mega drain
Reward: X accuracy
Wave 19: Drifblim
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Ultra balls
Wave 20: Trainer Morty
  1. Switch to iron hands
  2. Thunder punch x 3
  3. Swap to feraligatr
  4. Crunch x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Stage end

Stage 3

Wave 21: Liepard 1
  1. Switch to nidoking
  2. Mud slap x 2
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Giga drain Mega drain
Reward: X accuracy
Wave 22: Pawniard
  1. Switch to feraligatr
  2. Ice fang x 3
  3. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 23: Liepard 2
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: in my testing, I got to here and there was no nugget reward. I exited to menu and continued and when I killed the liepard again, there was a nugget reward. You may have to do the same if you don't have a nugget as a reward?
  1. Switch to iron hands
  2. Force palm
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Nugget
Wave 24: Thievul 1
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This thievul has max (31) Def stat
  1. Thunder punch
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 25: Trainer Jay and Debra
  1. Force palm piloswine and ice fang mothim
  2. Thunder punch and crunch venomoth
  3. Thunder punch and crunch drifblim
  4. Force palm and crunch houndoom
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Shadow ball Withdraw
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 26: Thievul 2
  1. Force palm
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion iron hands
Wave 27: Sableye
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This sableye has max (31) Sp. Def stat
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: Thanks to you guys we found an issue here. I think I've fixed it so it works better, but unless you've refreshed recently, this is different to what it used to be. I'm going to keep the old steps as a side note after the rewards in case you need it
  1. Switch to stunfisk
  2. Mud shot
  3. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Cracked pot sinistea (NOTE: if the cracked pot doesn't show up, you may need to exit to menu and continue on this fight)
(Old steps were to switch to nidoking, megahorn x 2, pokeball)
Wave 28: Murkrow and Houndoom
  1. Switch nidoking to iron hands and switch feraligatr to stunfisk
  2. Force palm houndoom and bounce murkrow
  3. Charge (bounce should land)
  4. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Lum berry iron hands
Wave 29: Leipard 3
  1. Switch to nidoking
  2. Megahorn x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Reroll, Hyper potion Iron hands
Wave 30: Trainer Marnie
  1. Switch to iron hands
  2. Focus punch
  3. Force palm x 3
  4. Switch to jumpluff
  5. Acrobatics x 3
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Stage end

Stage 4

Wave 31: Claydol and Beheeyem
  1. Switch jumpluff for Polteageist and stunfisk for Feraligatr
  2. Shadow ball claydol and ice fang beheeyem
  3. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Hyper potion polteageist
Wave 32: Sigilyph
  1. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Ultra balls
Wave 33: Bronzong
  1. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Petaya berry polteageist
Wave 34: Lunatone
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Sucker punch
  2. Pokeball x 2
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Wild charge Charge
Reward: Pokeballs
Wave 35: Trainer Magnolia
  1. Switch to stunfisk
  2. Mudshot x 2
  3. Switch to iron hands
  4. Thunder punch
  5. Force palm x 5
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Aqua tail Flail
Reward: Ultra balls
Wave 36: Bronzong and Bronzong
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Swap iron hands with polteageist
  2. Shadow ball and crunch left bronzong
  3. Shadow ball and crunch bronzong
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 37: Musharna 1
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Leftovers iron hands
Wave 38: Musharna 2
  1. Shadow ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Rogue balls
Wave 39: Clefable
Note for this wave: No matter what I did, clefable just does healing wish and kills itself, so I couldn't catch it
  1. Sucker punch (clefable dies here)
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion stunfisk
Wave 40: Trainer Olympia
  1. Shadow ball x 3
  2. Sucker punch
  3. Shadow ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Stage end

Stage 5

Wave 41: Hypno
  1. Sucker punch
  2. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Close combat Focus punch
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 42: Gothitelle
NOTE FOR THIS WAVE: This gothitelle has max (31) Def stat
  1. Sucker punch x 2
  2. Rogue ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 43: Beheeyem
  1. Shadow ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
Superpower Slash
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 44: Tinkaton
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Pokeball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 45: Trainer Chelsey
  1. Shadow ball
  2. Switch to nidoking
  3. Megahorn
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion nidoking
Wave 46: Grumpig 1
  1. Switch to polteageist
  2. Rogue ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Lum berry iron hands
Wave 47: Xatu and Grumpig
Note for this wave: I reloaded my browser here; make sure to reload during the fight once it's started, and not too late
  1. Switch feraligatr for stunfisk
  2. Shadow ball and mud shot grumpig
  3. Giga drain and mud shot xatu x 2
  4. Pokeball
  5. Rogue ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 48: Grumpig 2
  1. Shadow ball
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 49: Tinkaton and Xatu
  1. Switch polteageist with iron hands
  2. Thunder punch xatu, mud shot tinkaton
  3. Thunder punch and mud shot tinkaton
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
Reward: Potion polteageist
Wave 50: Heatran
  1. Close combat x 2
  2. DONE!
Move(s) to take ... by replacing move(s)
None None
And with that, that's it! I hope you all enjoyed today's run - I definitely had a lot of fun doing it and making the guide! Also I'm not sure if I'll be able to get one more out tomorrow, but Sunday I'll be taking off, so if I'm not back tomorrow I'll be back next week some time!
As usual, good luck on your egg pulls, your shiny pokemon finds and let me know if there's anything different compared to normal!
submitted by Opaquer to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:11 Weathers_Writing They call Silicon Valley the tech capitol of the world. They're wrong

I won't disclose its actual location, so if that's why you're here, sorry to disappoint. It's not time for that yet. However, I do think it's time to start getting the word out. I've noticed an increase in what I'll call "Antennas" lately, or people who can detect cross-planar phase shifts. Without getting into all the math (some of which I don't even know), this is basically a phenomenon which refers to entropy seeping into our universe from other realms or universes or whatever you want to call it. Simply put, people think our universe is a closed system to entropy, meaning that the disorder of any variable in our universe can only increase or decrease in direct proportion to other variables in that same system (the universe). Under this precept, we can establish rules like the Laws of Thermodynamics, and for most people, they're effective. But not for Antennas.
Put another way, if you throw a bunch of bouncy balls into a box, there are a number of different configurations that the balls could take on, with different speeds and magnitudes. You can calculate all of those if you have the right numbers. Now let's say you throw in another set of balls that you don't consider in your calculations of the initial set. Well, then you're not going to get an accurate picture of what's happening. Most people only see the first set and calculate based on that, but some people can see two, three, four or more sets.
You'll understand the concept better when I tell you the story, but I wanted to give you a primer on an important concept that will help you understand why this place, which I'll call "Area X", exists, and what the goals of the people who work there are.
Also note that I'm going to be using the alias "Trent" moving forward. Please refer to me as such in any direct messages.
Eighteen years ago I started working as an independent Home Inspector. I dropped out of community college after my first semester (not because I didn't find some of the subjects interesting, but because deference to a man or woman has never been my style) and started working some odd jobs. I did construction work for a couple years, then plumbing. I even drove a garbage truck for six months. I've always found pleasure in using my hands, and getting dirty was never a problem for me. Still, having a boss really dragged ass, so I spent my free time working on creating my own business. It took a few years and lots of savings, but I finally managed to get basic set of Home Inspection equipment: Tyvek coveralls, a cheap half-face respirator, voltage & AFCI/GFCI testers, CO2 and radon monitors, an IR camera, and telescoping mirrors in addition to the boots, safety glasses, electric gloves, ladder, and toolkits I already had on hand.
My buddy at the time was in the business, but he was moving off to the coast, so he helped me get set up and even introduced me to some of his clients. Of course, by that time I had already gotten my State license, but I still was a bit apprehensive to work with insurance agencies. I thought I could make a living working independently, inspecting for mold or sizing up a house for a prospective buyer. Eventually, though, I realized I should probably take every job available to me.
Easing into the business went about as well as it could have. The clients my friend referred to me were very satisfied with my work, and I was able to retain them. Then, in order to increase my reach, I hired someone on Fiverr to build a website for my company which led to a marked increase in traffic and conversions. About six months through, I began to get on a first-name basis with the boys and girls down down at Allstate and Progressive, and they fed me some of the bigger cases. In fact, I got so booked by year's end that I had to hire someone to help manage my schedule and the Excel spreadsheet with all my finances. I capped off a successful year with a 5-star Google rating and a trip to Ireland to visit some family and friends and get piss drunk. When I got back, it was the grindstone all over again, until the summer when I discovered… well, you'll see.
First off, I want to say that I was never one to believe in the paranormal. I grew up watching the movies and hearing the ghost stories round the campfire like every other kid, but it never struck a chord with me. If I can't touch it or see it or hear it, does it really exist? Probably not. So don't go thinking this was a scared man seeing his own shadow. That being said, I had this sense that something was off about this house when I parked along the curb and looked through a large window, perhaps two times the size of my van, to a dingy, dark foyer.
The entire neighborhood was stacked with upper-middle class domiciles, though it seemed like only two thirds of them were occupied, mostly by professionals who commuted to the City every weekday, and the rest were empty. As a man who understands real estate, to say this was strange would be an understatement. Still, I had no problem appraising the mini-mansion for a couple of newlyweds looking to enter the community. I did some research on the property ahead of time, and it seems that it was owned by a couple of old timers who had gone off the grid some time ago. The water and electric bill were both unpaid dating back to 2004 (it was June of '06 now). The bank had repo'd the house (which only had about 100k left on it) and held it for a year and a half before putting it back on the market. I tried to find out more about the old couple who vanished, but there was nothing in the news.
I stepped out of the van in my coveralls and grabbed my suitcase which had my mask, gloves, and eye protection in it. I liked to do a preliminary survey first, running an eye test on the exterior then interior before bringing out the big guns (that way I could identify the areas where I think there could be problems instead of running a metal detector over the whole damn ocean seaboard). I was about to do just that when the window caught my eye again. It felt uncharacteristic of me to be so occupied with this window, but I detoured to the front porch and peeked inside anyway.
Most of the furniture had already been moved out, meaning all that was left was a single three-seater couch, a couple candlesticks on the fireplace mantle, a pristine chandelier overtop a dining room table, and the kitchenware: an oven, gas stovetop, marble countertops, and an island. I could see into the living room very clearly with the afternoon light, but the dining room was dim enough that there were a few structures I couldn't quite make out in the distance. One of them appeared to be some kind of china cabinet or bookshelf—I figured it was the former considering where it was located. The other shadow looked kind of like a grandfather clock. Or at least that's what I thought until it moved.
When I say it "moved", I don't mean to say that it picked up and walked away. If you're not familiar with the Necker Cube, I suggest you search it up, because that kind of illusion is the best way to describe what I saw. At first I was seeing the grandfather clock in a certain way—pushed into the corner of the room—and the next second my vision "corrected" and it was maybe five feet to the left of its former position. I shook my head and looked again and saw the grandfather clock in its second orientation, standing in the center of the room against the wall. I figured I was just seeing things, but even so I spent a little extra time dawdling around the Egress window, taking notes, and delaying the interior inspection.
When I finally grew a pair and went inside, I walked straight to the dining room. Sure enough, the grandfather clock was stowed away in the corner of the room. I spent a couple minutes watching it with my pencil and travel notebook out. I'm the kind of guy that likes to collect hard data when the chips are down. Unfortunately, the clock apparently already had enough fun and was content with sweating me. Oh, well.
I fitted my pencil behind my ear and pocketed my travel notebook, then flipped the rest of the first floor lights on and completed my prelim. I concluded that everything was pretty standard. If anything, the house was in better shape than I'd expect considering it presumably hasn't been lived in for a couple years. I say "presumably" because one can never count out squatters, even during those times. Mainly I was expecting more dust build up and cobwebs than there were. Perhaps someone from the department had come by recently. It's unlikely, but possible.
I did the same check upstairs and it came back mostly clean. There was a bit of staining near the attic I wanted to check for mold. Based on its color, it was probably just a minor case of Aspergillus, but better safe than sorry. Then I got to the basement, and, well, let's just count out the idea of anyone dropping by. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what I found.
The first thing that caught my eye was the long, slender body of a birch tree lying pale and dead across a large portion of the even larger unfinished basement's cement flooring. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but, yep, there it was. Its crown was sealed up in the wall with only its trunk hanging out, which made me think of those medieval pillory devices which locked up people's heads and arms. Then confetti-scattered around the tree and all over the basement floor was a minefield of broken glass and ceramic tangled up with a set of random objects. And when I say random, I mean random. There was an unfurled Somali flag (the blue one with a single star in the center), some packaged drinks and condiments branded with all sorts of different languages (I could only make out Gaelic and Chinese or Japanese, I couldn't quite tell), a broken dome-shaped security camera, an otoscope (the thing the doc uses to check your ears), Hot Wheels cars (okay that one isn't so strange), and the list goes on.
At that moment, I wasn't freaked out or disgusted. I was more or less just confused. I started walking through the rubble, trying to avoid the sharp fragments but pretty confident that my steel toed boots would crush most the pieces anyway, when I heard a clink just up ahead. I was able to spot the coin in time, just before it jingled to a halt atop an old Life magazine. I picked it up and noted right away its oval shape and bronze color—clearly not American made. I tried reading it, but not only was the language not English, it appeared to be so old that most of the lettering had been filed down. I looked up at the ceiling to see if it dropped from a shelf, but there was nothing that could have been holding the coin. I considered for a moment, looking around at the other junk, and had the crazy idea that maybe all this stuff just appeared here. I popped the coin in my pocket and headed back to the van when I stopped by the tree and realized something. It wasn't a birch tree—it was a palm tree. I just didn't realize because of how ashy and decayed the bark was.
Now at this point you might think I've been acting a little nonchalant for such a strange occurrence, and I don't blame you, but if you're gonna stick around with me that's just something you're gonna have to get used to. I guess I was just born with a screw loose, but I really don't scare easily, and I tend to look at everything pragmatically. If you dig deep enough, you'll always find another plausible explanation. That being said, I do want to get to the part about Area X, so let me give you the rundown on what I learned about this basement.
I ended up trekking back to the van and picking up my gear. I was no longer running the routine inspection, obviously, but I figured I might as well throw 30 thousand dollars of scanning equipment at whatever the fuck anamoly existed in that basement. Most of it came back negative. There was a bit higher-than-usual EM interference as picked up on the voltmeters, but nothing that screamed danger close. Still, it was enough for me to set up my volt testers and IR camera while muddling through the rest of the junk. I won't bore you with another list of items, but I did find one thing of value: a diamond necklace. And not just any diamond necklace, it was one of those Queen-wearing, multi-row, big-jeweled necklaces like out of some Historical Fiction movie from the thirties. I almost didn't pocket it because I'm used to expensive items being owned by someone… someone who might want it back. But I figured if there was ever a place the finder's keeper's rule applied, it was probably in this Quantum graveyard.
7 O'clock rolled around and I hadn't eaten. I'm a pretty bulky guy, carrying my share of both muscle and fat, and most people think that means I need to eat a ton but that's really not the case. Mostly I just get dehydrated easily, especially in the summer. That said, I was bordering on famished territory and considered heading out for a bite when I heard another sound. The first thing I did was check my scanners, and sure enough the voltage needle was fully spun to the right side of the dial. EM interference. Then I went to see what had dropped. I was able to pick the object out pretty quickly since I had spent the last 6 hours staring at the mosaic of a basement floor. It was a silver briefcase, like one of those out of a crime novel, and it was cracked open.
I had this sense then that I was standing at a precipice, and if I opened the briefcase and looked inside, I wouldn't be able to stop whatever would come afterwards. Part of me deep down knew that I was just that type of guy that had to know, and maybe this was my Hamlet moment where it would be a trait gone a step too far. But then again I didn't really believe in any of that sentimental bullshit, so I opened the briefcase.
The gun surprised me a little, but not as much as the piece of paper laid atop a case file reading in large black font, "FIND ME". I expected the envelope to have some missing person file in it, but instead there were all these schematics and blueprints for some kind of device. Whatever it was, it was pretty massive. Some of the lengths were hundreds of meters long. And what's more strange is based on the blueprint's locale, it appeared to be underground. I looked back through the pages a couple times, then checked the note—nothing strange there. The gun appeared to be a simple glock. I was no gun expert, but I had been to the range pretty regularly with my construction buddies, so I got used to the feel of a pistol and rifle and some of the different names; however, I realized pretty quickly it wasn't your standard glock when I couldn't find mag-release. That's when I noticed how light the gun felt. I tried to chamber a round, but again, there was no hammer. What the hell kind of gun was this?
I ended up throwing everything back in the briefcase, including the necklace, coin, and a few Koozies I found that were branded with one of my favorite sports teams (never let an opportunity go to waste). I put up all my shit back in the van and spun over to a local burger joint, got my fill, and went home. I made sure to draft an email to the prospective buyers, telling them the house had several patches of black mold and a bit of a rat problem before drifting off to sleep. Although I really didn't do much of that.
When I woke up, I took a cold shower and downed a can of Reign, then commuted to my gym and got a lift and some sauna time in before making the trip back to the house. I brought some extra supplies with me for some experiments I cooked up while not sleeping the previous night.
First, I had two camcorders set up on a couple tripods in either corner of the basement. I wanted clear footage of these mystery objects spawning in. Then I set up a voltmeter in a similar fashion, but I had a wire extending out of it on a circuit which fed to an alarm that would blare when the reading was over 250 volts. Upstairs, I rearranged some of the furniture so that the small number of tables, chairs, clock, cabinets, and other little pillows or vases I could find were scattered across the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Then I pulled up a lawn chair to the front porch window and waited.
I didn't have to wait long though. In about a minute, I started to notice some of the objects moving. It was strange. When a few of them would shift simultaneously, it was like looking at a holographic card that would change shape depending on where your eyes were in relation to the image. Every time I saw a shift, I felt an awkward feeling in my eyes. They went blurry for a fraction of a second, then there was a twinge of pain, as if my brain couldn't handle the contradictory stimulus. It didn't get more crazy than that though—until the alarm went off.
I had cracked open the small rectangular window in the basement to the side of the house so I would hear it. It took four hours and several strange stares from passersby walking their dogs before it rang, so I was a bit lost in my thoughts, but when I heard the beep I perked up fast. It lasted for maybe 5 seconds total, but what I saw was truly miraculous. The best way I can describe it is a pool of silver or gray or translucent light emerging in the foreground between me and the objects in the different rooms. A series of twisting tentacles sprouted from the gray octopus-like head and spun in a way that reminded me of that little kids ride at the amusement parks. Then the objects started to "heat up" is the way I describe it. Their position became relative, meaning they were here one second, there another, then they popped out of existence entirely. Suddenly the rooms were all empty, then they were full of things I had never seen before. Then five seconds passed and the octopus vanished and it was back to the same old objects in their usual places.
It took a few minutes to process what I saw, and even then I wasn't sure I really saw it. I went inside and looked around at my distribution of the house's furnishings. They were all there, intact. Then I went downstairs to check the cams. I rewinded a couple minutes and played it back, but there was no flying object to be found. Instead, there was some gray static that lasted half a second and then the object, a kid's treasure chest toy, was there on the ground. But you want to know the really strange part? I rewinded the tape again, and when I watched the footage back, the treasure chest was always there.
I later came to understand that these poppings in-and-out of our reality are only conceivable to a conscious mind that can track the interference patterns—not rote computational instruments. In fact, even most people can't do it (although everyone has at least a slight awareness of it, even if only subconsciously). Plus, locations like the basement of this house are very rare and kept under tight lock. That became obvious to me two days later when, after my normal morning routine, I pulled up to a driveway and curbside filled with unmarked government vehicles. Either bravely or stupidly, I pulled up to a few officers (they were wearing suits in 85 degree weather, so I assumed…) who were idling by the large fence of crime scene tape and asked them what the score was.
"There was a crime," said the short man with a unibrow.
"Oh, is that right? Damn shame. Someone break in? I have a niece who lives nearby, so…"
The man looked at his two compatriots, both of whom were wearing sunglasses and a "get this civilian fuck out of here" expressions. "Oh, yeah," he started in a reassuring tone that was so condescending it would have annoyed anyone except me, "we found a body. We think it was a homicide. Best to keep your kids away from here for a while."
I thumbed the stubble on my chin, my other hand outstretched on the wheel, and considered moving on, but my mouth had other ideas. "That right? But uh, isn't this house vacant? I mean, I don't remember no one living in it."
The short man, now tall with temper, said, "Yeah, some squatters. We think there was a dispute over some drug money. Nothing for you to worry about though, we got it under control. Now if you wouldn't mind moving along, we have a lot of work to do."
Oh, I'm sure you do, I thought, but only said, "Of course, sir, sorry for keeping you from your job." Then I rolled up the window and cruised on, keeping my eyes on the house which slowly diminished in the side-view mirror.
Luckily I had been smart enough to break down my camp and lug home all my equipment each night, so I didn't leave anything incriminating. I didn't move the furniture back, so maybe that would come back to haunt me, but considering the kind of shit going down in that house, I didn't think they would notice.
For any of you wondering about the conclusion of the house story, I went back a couple weeks later after the suits had left and the tape was taken down and confirmed that not only was the basement entirely cleaned out, but it was no longer exhibiting any strange properties. I looked for a story related to the house, maybe a made up murder of some kind, but there was nothing. That bastard lied to me and didn't even bother to cover his story up.
Now, in the aftermath of an event such as this, I really only had one of two options. I could forget it, move on, continue living life. The necklace was surely worth a fortune. I could sell it and have enough to retire, or at least hire enough people and expand my business large enough to retire within ten or so years. Or I could take all that money and invest it in my own PI business with only a single objective: finding out what those people knew, and why they were hiding it.
I think you know me well enough by now to guess which line of reasoning appealed more to me.
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to omit most of my encounters along the journey to discovering Area X. There's a lot to tell, and if it appeals to you perhaps I'd be willing to share at a later date, but for now I want to get this part of the story, the more proximal part, out in the open.
Three years ago, I discovered the source of what I'll call "The Receiver". This is the device that was schematized in the documents that I found in the briefcase. What it does is a complex answer, and how it does it is pretty much all speculation, but here's what I've been able to find out: this universe we live in is a node in a network of many other spaces. These spaces exist in higher dimensions that we cannot directly perceive, but using a conceivable analogy, just think about a flower with petals. The petals are these other dimensions which bleed into our world, which is at the center. However, it's not that pretty. We see the physical world through the lens of spacetime: sizes, speeds, etc. These other dimensions don't necessarily have space or time. In fact, what actually exists there, I couldn't say. The only data I have on them is from two sources: correspondence information and server data from the secret agency (which I'll call "the Organization") that keeps this under wraps, and first-hand experience with realms from these other entities, either directly (I experience it) or through the eyes of someone else with the same or greater abilities than I possess.
I referred to these people with abilities earlier as "Antennas", and I will continue to use the term. Antennas really come in three flavors, marked by the strength of their ability: weak Antennas, like me, are able to observe spontaneous interactions between our universe and other dimensions (phase shifts) when there is a strong force of collision like existed in the basement; moderate Antennas may see phase shifts occur at any point, and they usually are able to retain memories from across the different transformations; strong Antennas, and I don't know if they exist yet, but they are able to consciously interact with these other realms and cause phase shifts to occur.
I mentioned that moderate Antennas are able to retain memories from before and after a phase shift. Technically, all Antennas have this ability, but it's about degree. I can recall only very specific instances and without much detail. Moderates are usually able to pick out much more nuanced minutiae. At the lower end of moderate scale, most of those details fade or get fuzzy over time, but for the very strong Antennas, they hold onto almost everything. One other property that scales with strength is interaction with other conscious entities. Only a small percentage of moderates are able to do this. What's interesting is that these entities can possess (yes, like ghosts) people who aren't even antennas, but no one is aware of such possession at this deep of a level. I have several companions now, and only two have had interactions with these otherworldly beings. Not all of them are malevolent, some of them are whimsical or kind, but there are a fair share of demons out there.
Getting back to the point, Area X started as a government funded project in the 70's. At that time, they were focused on a few subjects: Artificial Intelligence, DNA sequencing, and psychedelics. Yes, they were part of the infamous LSD experiments. But they looked at these subjects through a common lens—there was something that the burgeoning tech industry, fueled by the advent of a commercial computer market, was missing. As the tech giants rose in the early 2000's and began to collect mass amounts of data, this other agency was decades ahead in a different metric, although it was completely (and still is) hidden from the public. Their efforts to understand psychedelic experiences led to a formalized method of understanding interactions between multiple realities. They built certain scanning equipment to detect anomalies like the one I found in the basement; although their tools were much more sophisticated and didn't utilize voltage readings. Then they ran tests in these areas. One area in particular is a hot-bed of phase shift interactions. That's where Area X is located (and the Receiver).
The Receiver is a giant electromagnetic orb that has trapped the kind of multi-dimensional energy that causes the phase shifts; since the Organization seized control of the lab, it's effectively become a map of the Earth in relation to these other worlds. For the past twenty or so years, the Organization has been studying this map, using the data big Tech companies have collected to essentially develop a Rosetta Stone for interpreting the meaning of the fluctuations in their scanning equipment. Recently, the public, though going the long way round, was actually pretty close to a breakthrough in this same department until recently when ultra-powerful LLMs surfaced, and the whole world began going down what I'd argue is the wrong rabbit hole of language processing. But I digress.
Area X is essentially a private military base built for defending the most impactful piece of technology ever invented. With the Receiver, the Organization now has the power to essentially predict any and all future outcomes, the only thing holding them back is the limitations of their own scanning equipment which will get better with time. To put it into perspective, the Organization has access to a kind of data allocation tool which in one day can produce over ten thousand times that the Big Data companies combined would be able to filter through in the next decade. You might think, then, that the problem is merely asymmetric power, and that is certainly a concern, but it isn't the main concern. The main issue is that this organization is actively recruiting (and kidnapping) Antennas from around the world in an effort to find or make one of them into a strong Antenna. In other words, they want a subject who is able not only to see the future, but to manipulate it at will.
balance to the world. I've been working on amassing resources, capital, and building my own team, and now I'm ready. You might ask why I'm posting this here. Wouldn't it be better to keep all this secret? Well, yes, it would be. But that's the problem. Nothing is secret anymore. They know about me and the others, and if I don't make a move, they will. In a way, this is a letter directly to the organization that I know, and I'm coming.
In a different way, I wanted to release this information to the public. There are lots of people out there waking up and realizing that the world they experience is not the one others experience. If you think you might be an Antenna, don't be afraid—you have a special gift that can be controlled. If you want more details on how to control it, or if you're interested in my mission, don't be afraid to reach out. This hasn't always been my life's work, but it is now.
At least until I die.
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2024.05.16 23:10 Weathers_Writing They call Silicon Valley the tech capitol of the world. They're wrong

I won't disclose its actual location, so if that's why you're here, sorry to disappoint. It's not time for that yet. However, I do think it's time to start getting the word out. I've noticed an increase in what I'll call "Antennas" lately, or people who can detect cross-planar phase shifts. Without getting into all the math (some of which I don't even know), this is basically a phenomenon which refers to entropy seeping into our universe from other realms or universes or whatever you want to call it. Simply put, people think our universe is a closed system to entropy, meaning that the disorder of any variable in our universe can only increase or decrease in direct proportion to other variables in that same system (the universe). Under this precept, we can establish rules like the Laws of Thermodynamics, and for most people, they're effective. But not for Antennas.
Put another way, if you throw a bunch of bouncy balls into a box, there are a number of different configurations that the balls could take on, with different speeds and magnitudes. You can calculate all of those if you have the right numbers. Now let's say you throw in another set of balls that you don't consider in your calculations of the initial set. Well, then you're not going to get an accurate picture of what's happening. Most people only see the first set and calculate based on that, but some people can see two, three, four or more sets.
You'll understand the concept better when I tell you the story, but I wanted to give you a primer on an important concept that will help you understand why this place, which I'll call "Area X", exists, and what the goals of the people who work there are.
Also note that I'm going to be using the alias "Trent" moving forward. Please refer to me as such in any direct messages.
Eighteen years ago I started working as an independent Home Inspector. I dropped out of community college after my first semester (not because I didn't find some of the subjects interesting, but because deference to a man or woman has never been my style) and started working some odd jobs. I did construction work for a couple years, then plumbing. I even drove a garbage truck for six months. I've always found pleasure in using my hands, and getting dirty was never a problem for me. Still, having a boss really dragged ass, so I spent my free time working on creating my own business. It took a few years and lots of savings, but I finally managed to get basic set of Home Inspection equipment: Tyvek coveralls, a cheap half-face respirator, voltage & AFCI/GFCI testers, CO2 and radon monitors, an IR camera, and telescoping mirrors in addition to the boots, safety glasses, electric gloves, ladder, and toolkits I already had on hand.
My buddy at the time was in the business, but he was moving off to the coast, so he helped me get set up and even introduced me to some of his clients. Of course, by that time I had already gotten my State license, but I still was a bit apprehensive to work with insurance agencies. I thought I could make a living working independently, inspecting for mold or sizing up a house for a prospective buyer. Eventually, though, I realized I should probably take every job available to me.
Easing into the business went about as well as it could have. The clients my friend referred to me were very satisfied with my work, and I was able to retain them. Then, in order to increase my reach, I hired someone on Fiverr to build a website for my company which led to a marked increase in traffic and conversions. About six months through, I began to get on a first-name basis with the boys and girls down down at Allstate and Progressive, and they fed me some of the bigger cases. In fact, I got so booked by year's end that I had to hire someone to help manage my schedule and the Excel spreadsheet with all my finances. I capped off a successful year with a 5-star Google rating and a trip to Ireland to visit some family and friends and get piss drunk. When I got back, it was the grindstone all over again, until the summer when I discovered… well, you'll see.
First off, I want to say that I was never one to believe in the paranormal. I grew up watching the movies and hearing the ghost stories round the campfire like every other kid, but it never struck a chord with me. If I can't touch it or see it or hear it, does it really exist? Probably not. So don't go thinking this was a scared man seeing his own shadow. That being said, I had this sense that something was off about this house when I parked along the curb and looked through a large window, perhaps two times the size of my van, to a dingy, dark foyer.
The entire neighborhood was stacked with upper-middle class domiciles, though it seemed like only two thirds of them were occupied, mostly by professionals who commuted to the City every weekday, and the rest were empty. As a man who understands real estate, to say this was strange would be an understatement. Still, I had no problem appraising the mini-mansion for a couple of newlyweds looking to enter the community. I did some research on the property ahead of time, and it seems that it was owned by a couple of old timers who had gone off the grid some time ago. The water and electric bill were both unpaid dating back to 2004 (it was June of '06 now). The bank had repo'd the house (which only had about 100k left on it) and held it for a year and a half before putting it back on the market. I tried to find out more about the old couple who vanished, but there was nothing in the news.
I stepped out of the van in my coveralls and grabbed my suitcase which had my mask, gloves, and eye protection in it. I liked to do a preliminary survey first, running an eye test on the exterior then interior before bringing out the big guns (that way I could identify the areas where I think there could be problems instead of running a metal detector over the whole damn ocean seaboard). I was about to do just that when the window caught my eye again. It felt uncharacteristic of me to be so occupied with this window, but I detoured to the front porch and peeked inside anyway.
Most of the furniture had already been moved out, meaning all that was left was a single three-seater couch, a couple candlesticks on the fireplace mantle, a pristine chandelier overtop a dining room table, and the kitchenware: an oven, gas stovetop, marble countertops, and an island. I could see into the living room very clearly with the afternoon light, but the dining room was dim enough that there were a few structures I couldn't quite make out in the distance. One of them appeared to be some kind of china cabinet or bookshelf—I figured it was the former considering where it was located. The other shadow looked kind of like a grandfather clock. Or at least that's what I thought until it moved.
When I say it "moved", I don't mean to say that it picked up and walked away. If you're not familiar with the Necker Cube, I suggest you search it up, because that kind of illusion is the best way to describe what I saw. At first I was seeing the grandfather clock in a certain way—pushed into the corner of the room—and the next second my vision "corrected" and it was maybe five feet to the left of its former position. I shook my head and looked again and saw the grandfather clock in its second orientation, standing in the center of the room against the wall. I figured I was just seeing things, but even so I spent a little extra time dawdling around the Egress window, taking notes, and delaying the interior inspection.
When I finally grew a pair and went inside, I walked straight to the dining room. Sure enough, the grandfather clock was stowed away in the corner of the room. I spent a couple minutes watching it with my pencil and travel notebook out. I'm the kind of guy that likes to collect hard data when the chips are down. Unfortunately, the clock apparently already had enough fun and was content with sweating me. Oh, well.
I fitted my pencil behind my ear and pocketed my travel notebook, then flipped the rest of the first floor lights on and completed my prelim. I concluded that everything was pretty standard. If anything, the house was in better shape than I'd expect considering it presumably hasn't been lived in for a couple years. I say "presumably" because one can never count out squatters, even during those times. Mainly I was expecting more dust build up and cobwebs than there were. Perhaps someone from the department had come by recently. It's unlikely, but possible.
I did the same check upstairs and it came back mostly clean. There was a bit of staining near the attic I wanted to check for mold. Based on its color, it was probably just a minor case of Aspergillus, but better safe than sorry. Then I got to the basement, and, well, let's just count out the idea of anyone dropping by. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't what I found.
The first thing that caught my eye was the long, slender body of a birch tree lying pale and dead across a large portion of the even larger unfinished basement's cement flooring. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't dreaming, but, yep, there it was. Its crown was sealed up in the wall with only its trunk hanging out, which made me think of those medieval pillory devices which locked up people's heads and arms. Then confetti-scattered around the tree and all over the basement floor was a minefield of broken glass and ceramic tangled up with a set of random objects. And when I say random, I mean random. There was an unfurled Somali flag (the blue one with a single star in the center), some packaged drinks and condiments branded with all sorts of different languages (I could only make out Gaelic and Chinese or Japanese, I couldn't quite tell), a broken dome-shaped security camera, an otoscope (the thing the doc uses to check your ears), Hot Wheels cars (okay that one isn't so strange), and the list goes on.
At that moment, I wasn't freaked out or disgusted. I was more or less just confused. I started walking through the rubble, trying to avoid the sharp fragments but pretty confident that my steel toed boots would crush most the pieces anyway, when I heard a clink just up ahead. I was able to spot the coin in time, just before it jingled to a halt atop an old Life magazine. I picked it up and noted right away its oval shape and bronze color—clearly not American made. I tried reading it, but not only was the language not English, it appeared to be so old that most of the lettering had been filed down. I looked up at the ceiling to see if it dropped from a shelf, but there was nothing that could have been holding the coin. I considered for a moment, looking around at the other junk, and had the crazy idea that maybe all this stuff just appeared here. I popped the coin in my pocket and headed back to the van when I stopped by the tree and realized something. It wasn't a birch tree—it was a palm tree. I just didn't realize because of how ashy and decayed the bark was.
Now at this point you might think I've been acting a little nonchalant for such a strange occurrence, and I don't blame you, but if you're gonna stick around with me that's just something you're gonna have to get used to. I guess I was just born with a screw loose, but I really don't scare easily, and I tend to look at everything pragmatically. If you dig deep enough, you'll always find another plausible explanation. That being said, I do want to get to the part about Area X, so let me give you the rundown on what I learned about this basement.
I ended up trekking back to the van and picking up my gear. I was no longer running the routine inspection, obviously, but I figured I might as well throw 30 thousand dollars of scanning equipment at whatever the fuck anamoly existed in that basement. Most of it came back negative. There was a bit higher-than-usual EM interference as picked up on the voltmeters, but nothing that screamed danger close. Still, it was enough for me to set up my volt testers and IR camera while muddling through the rest of the junk. I won't bore you with another list of items, but I did find one thing of value: a diamond necklace. And not just any diamond necklace, it was one of those Queen-wearing, multi-row, big-jeweled necklaces like out of some Historical Fiction movie from the thirties. I almost didn't pocket it because I'm used to expensive items being owned by someone… someone who might want it back. But I figured if there was ever a place the finder's keeper's rule applied, it was probably in this Quantum graveyard.
7 O'clock rolled around and I hadn't eaten. I'm a pretty bulky guy, carrying my share of both muscle and fat, and most people think that means I need to eat a ton but that's really not the case. Mostly I just get dehydrated easily, especially in the summer. That said, I was bordering on famished territory and considered heading out for a bite when I heard another sound. The first thing I did was check my scanners, and sure enough the voltage needle was fully spun to the right side of the dial. EM interference. Then I went to see what had dropped. I was able to pick the object out pretty quickly since I had spent the last 6 hours staring at the mosaic of a basement floor. It was a silver briefcase, like one of those out of a crime novel, and it was cracked open.
I had this sense then that I was standing at a precipice, and if I opened the briefcase and looked inside, I wouldn't be able to stop whatever would come afterwards. Part of me deep down knew that I was just that type of guy that had to know, and maybe this was my Hamlet moment where it would be a trait gone a step too far. But then again I didn't really believe in any of that sentimental bullshit, so I opened the briefcase.
The gun surprised me a little, but not as much as the piece of paper laid atop a case file reading in large black font, "FIND ME". I expected the envelope to have some missing person file in it, but instead there were all these schematics and blueprints for some kind of device. Whatever it was, it was pretty massive. Some of the lengths were hundreds of meters long. And what's more strange is based on the blueprint's locale, it appeared to be underground. I looked back through the pages a couple times, then checked the note—nothing strange there. The gun appeared to be a simple glock. I was no gun expert, but I had been to the range pretty regularly with my construction buddies, so I got used to the feel of a pistol and rifle and some of the different names; however, I realized pretty quickly it wasn't your standard glock when I couldn't find mag-release. That's when I noticed how light the gun felt. I tried to chamber a round, but again, there was no hammer. What the hell kind of gun was this?
I ended up throwing everything back in the briefcase, including the necklace, coin, and a few Koozies I found that were branded with one of my favorite sports teams (never let an opportunity go to waste). I put up all my shit back in the van and spun over to a local burger joint, got my fill, and went home. I made sure to draft an email to the prospective buyers, telling them the house had several patches of black mold and a bit of a rat problem before drifting off to sleep. Although I really didn't do much of that.
When I woke up, I took a cold shower and downed a can of Reign, then commuted to my gym and got a lift and some sauna time in before making the trip back to the house. I brought some extra supplies with me for some experiments I cooked up while not sleeping the previous night.
First, I had two camcorders set up on a couple tripods in either corner of the basement. I wanted clear footage of these mystery objects spawning in. Then I set up a voltmeter in a similar fashion, but I had a wire extending out of it on a circuit which fed to an alarm that would blare when the reading was over 250 volts. Upstairs, I rearranged some of the furniture so that the small number of tables, chairs, clock, cabinets, and other little pillows or vases I could find were scattered across the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Then I pulled up a lawn chair to the front porch window and waited.
I didn't have to wait long though. In about a minute, I started to notice some of the objects moving. It was strange. When a few of them would shift simultaneously, it was like looking at a holographic card that would change shape depending on where your eyes were in relation to the image. Every time I saw a shift, I felt an awkward feeling in my eyes. They went blurry for a fraction of a second, then there was a twinge of pain, as if my brain couldn't handle the contradictory stimulus. It didn't get more crazy than that though—until the alarm went off.
I had cracked open the small rectangular window in the basement to the side of the house so I would hear it. It took four hours and several strange stares from passersby walking their dogs before it rang, so I was a bit lost in my thoughts, but when I heard the beep I perked up fast. It lasted for maybe 5 seconds total, but what I saw was truly miraculous. The best way I can describe it is a pool of silver or gray or translucent light emerging in the foreground between me and the objects in the different rooms. A series of twisting tentacles sprouted from the gray octopus-like head and spun in a way that reminded me of that little kids ride at the amusement parks. Then the objects started to "heat up" is the way I describe it. Their position became relative, meaning they were here one second, there another, then they popped out of existence entirely. Suddenly the rooms were all empty, then they were full of things I had never seen before. Then five seconds passed and the octopus vanished and it was back to the same old objects in their usual places.
It took a few minutes to process what I saw, and even then I wasn't sure I really saw it. I went inside and looked around at my distribution of the house's furnishings. They were all there, intact. Then I went downstairs to check the cams. I rewinded a couple minutes and played it back, but there was no flying object to be found. Instead, there was some gray static that lasted half a second and then the object, a kid's treasure chest toy, was there on the ground. But you want to know the really strange part? I rewinded the tape again, and when I watched the footage back, the treasure chest was always there.
I later came to understand that these poppings in-and-out of our reality are only conceivable to a conscious mind that can track the interference patterns—not rote computational instruments. In fact, even most people can't do it (although everyone has at least a slight awareness of it, even if only subconsciously). Plus, locations like the basement of this house are very rare and kept under tight lock. That became obvious to me two days later when, after my normal morning routine, I pulled up to a driveway and curbside filled with unmarked government vehicles. Either bravely or stupidly, I pulled up to a few officers (they were wearing suits in 85 degree weather, so I assumed…) who were idling by the large fence of crime scene tape and asked them what the score was.
"There was a crime," said the short man with a unibrow.
"Oh, is that right? Damn shame. Someone break in? I have a niece who lives nearby, so…"
The man looked at his two compatriots, both of whom were wearing sunglasses and a "get this civilian fuck out of here" expressions. "Oh, yeah," he started in a reassuring tone that was so condescending it would have annoyed anyone except me, "we found a body. We think it was a homicide. Best to keep your kids away from here for a while."
I thumbed the stubble on my chin, my other hand outstretched on the wheel, and considered moving on, but my mouth had other ideas. "That right? But uh, isn't this house vacant? I mean, I don't remember no one living in it."
The short man, now tall with temper, said, "Yeah, some squatters. We think there was a dispute over some drug money. Nothing for you to worry about though, we got it under control. Now if you wouldn't mind moving along, we have a lot of work to do."
Oh, I'm sure you do, I thought, but only said, "Of course, sir, sorry for keeping you from your job." Then I rolled up the window and cruised on, keeping my eyes on the house which slowly diminished in the side-view mirror.
Luckily I had been smart enough to break down my camp and lug home all my equipment each night, so I didn't leave anything incriminating. I didn't move the furniture back, so maybe that would come back to haunt me, but considering the kind of shit going down in that house, I didn't think they would notice.
For any of you wondering about the conclusion of the house story, I went back a couple weeks later after the suits had left and the tape was taken down and confirmed that not only was the basement entirely cleaned out, but it was no longer exhibiting any strange properties. I looked for a story related to the house, maybe a made up murder of some kind, but there was nothing. That bastard lied to me and didn't even bother to cover his story up.
Now, in the aftermath of an event such as this, I really only had one of two options. I could forget it, move on, continue living life. The necklace was surely worth a fortune. I could sell it and have enough to retire, or at least hire enough people and expand my business large enough to retire within ten or so years. Or I could take all that money and invest it in my own PI business with only a single objective: finding out what those people knew, and why they were hiding it.
I think you know me well enough by now to guess which line of reasoning appealed more to me.
For the sake of brevity, I'm going to omit most of my encounters along the journey to discovering Area X. There's a lot to tell, and if it appeals to you perhaps I'd be willing to share at a later date, but for now I want to get this part of the story, the more proximal part, out in the open.
Three years ago, I discovered the source of what I'll call "The Receiver". This is the device that was schematized in the documents that I found in the briefcase. What it does is a complex answer, and how it does it is pretty much all speculation, but here's what I've been able to find out: this universe we live in is a node in a network of many other spaces. These spaces exist in higher dimensions that we cannot directly perceive, but using a conceivable analogy, just think about a flower with petals. The petals are these other dimensions which bleed into our world, which is at the center. However, it's not that pretty. We see the physical world through the lens of spacetime: sizes, speeds, etc. These other dimensions don't necessarily have space or time. In fact, what actually exists there, I couldn't say. The only data I have on them is from two sources: correspondence information and server data from the secret agency (which I'll call "the Organization") that keeps this under wraps, and first-hand experience with realms from these other entities, either directly (I experience it) or through the eyes of someone else with the same or greater abilities than I possess.
I referred to these people with abilities earlier as "Antennas", and I will continue to use the term. Antennas really come in three flavors, marked by the strength of their ability: weak Antennas, like me, are able to observe spontaneous interactions between our universe and other dimensions (phase shifts) when there is a strong force of collision like existed in the basement; moderate Antennas may see phase shifts occur at any point, and they usually are able to retain memories from across the different transformations; strong Antennas, and I don't know if they exist yet, but they are able to consciously interact with these other realms and cause phase shifts to occur.
I mentioned that moderate Antennas are able to retain memories from before and after a phase shift. Technically, all Antennas have this ability, but it's about degree. I can recall only very specific instances and without much detail. Moderates are usually able to pick out much more nuanced minutiae. At the lower end of moderate scale, most of those details fade or get fuzzy over time, but for the very strong Antennas, they hold onto almost everything. One other property that scales with strength is interaction with other conscious entities. Only a small percentage of moderates are able to do this. What's interesting is that these entities can possess (yes, like ghosts) people who aren't even antennas, but no one is aware of such possession at this deep of a level. I have several companions now, and only two have had interactions with these otherworldly beings. Not all of them are malevolent, some of them are whimsical or kind, but there are a fair share of demons out there.
Getting back to the point, Area X started as a government funded project in the 70's. At that time, they were focused on a few subjects: Artificial Intelligence, DNA sequencing, and psychedelics. Yes, they were part of the infamous LSD experiments. But they looked at these subjects through a common lens—there was something that the burgeoning tech industry, fueled by the advent of a commercial computer market, was missing. As the tech giants rose in the early 2000's and began to collect mass amounts of data, this other agency was decades ahead in a different metric, although it was completely (and still is) hidden from the public. Their efforts to understand psychedelic experiences led to a formalized method of understanding interactions between multiple realities. They built certain scanning equipment to detect anomalies like the one I found in the basement; although their tools were much more sophisticated and didn't utilize voltage readings. Then they ran tests in these areas. One area in particular is a hot-bed of phase shift interactions. That's where Area X is located (and the Receiver).
The Receiver is a giant electromagnetic orb that has trapped the kind of multi-dimensional energy that causes the phase shifts; since the Organization seized control of the lab, it's effectively become a map of the Earth in relation to these other worlds. For the past twenty or so years, the Organization has been studying this map, using the data big Tech companies have collected to essentially develop a Rosetta Stone for interpreting the meaning of the fluctuations in their scanning equipment. Recently, the public, though going the long way round, was actually pretty close to a breakthrough in this same department until recently when ultra-powerful LLMs surfaced, and the whole world began going down what I'd argue is the wrong rabbit hole of language processing. But I digress.
Area X is essentially a private military base built for defending the most impactful piece of technology ever invented. With the Receiver, the Organization now has the power to essentially predict any and all future outcomes, the only thing holding them back is the limitations of their own scanning equipment which will get better with time. To put it into perspective, the Organization has access to a kind of data allocation tool which in one day can produce over ten thousand times that the Big Data companies combined would be able to filter through in the next decade. You might think, then, that the problem is merely asymmetric power, and that is certainly a concern, but it isn't the main concern. The main issue is that this organization is actively recruiting (and kidnapping) Antennas from around the world in an effort to find or make one of them into a strong Antenna. In other words, they want a subject who is able not only to see the future, but to manipulate it at will.
balance to the world. I've been working on amassing resources, capital, and building my own team, and now I'm ready. You might ask why I'm posting this here. Wouldn't it be better to keep all this secret? Well, yes, it would be. But that's the problem. Nothing is secret anymore. They know about me and the others, and if I don't make a move, they will. In a way, this is a letter directly to the organization that I know, and I'm coming.
In a different way, I wanted to release this information to the public. There are lots of people out there waking up and realizing that the world they experience is not the one others experience. If you think you might be an Antenna, don't be afraid—you have a special gift that can be controlled. If you want more details on how to control it, or if you're interested in my mission, don't be afraid to reach out. This hasn't always been my life's work, but it is now.
At least until I die.
submitted by Weathers_Writing to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:21 Some-Dog9800 X-Men Game Concept

  1. The Premise: Cyclops is the player avatar who leads a team of X-Men under Charles Xavier and Magneto, who at this point are still running the school together. The game takes inspiration from games like Mass Effect with a linear story in which the player makes choices corresponding to two main paths, the Path of Xavier's Pupil, and the Path of the Mutant Revolutionary. The Team: The X-Men of this version consists of characters who have historically been part of Magneto's Brotherhood/Acolytes as well as Xavier's X-Men. The player chooses companions* to fight alongside them on story missions.
    • Jean Grey
    • Alex Summers/Havok
    • Bobby Drake/Iceman
    • Hank McCoy/Beast
    • Warren Worthington III/Angel
    • James Howlett/Wolverine
    • Ororo Munroe/Storm
    • Erik LensherMagneto
    • Raven Darkholme/Mystique
    • Anna Marie/Rogue
    • Remy LeBeau/Gambit
    • Kurt WagneNightcrawler
    • Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
    • Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
    • Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
    • Allison Blaire/Dazzler
    • John ProudstaThunderbird
    • Sean Cassidy/Banshee
    • Shiro Yoshida/Sunfire
    • Mortimer Toynbee/Toad
    • Regan Wyngarde/Mastermind
    • Fred Dukes/Blob
    • St. John Allerdyce/Pyro
  2. Downtime between missions is spent at Xavier's School upgrading gear and interacting with companions. This is where the bulk of choices affecting disposition would be made. Additionally, students and faculty appear as NPC allies. Charles Xavier is obviously a key NPC quest giver and mentor, Dr. Cecilia Reyes provides healing and buffing items, Forge provides, repairs, and upgrades gear as the team’s armorer.
  3. Gameplay and Combat: There's quite a few different directions the gameplay could go in. I'd like it to have RPG elements and emphasize Cyclops' tactical prowess. Something turn-based similar to games like XCOM and Midnight Suns would work really well to highlight that. I envision the player being assigned a mission by Xavier or Magneto, choosing 4 fellow X-Men to accompany them, and controlling them one at a time to complete objectives.
  4. Choice System: The player as Cyclops makes choices that impact his allies and their disposition towards him. Jean Grey and Havok are especially highlighted in relation to Scott. Jean Grey starts off as Cyclops’ girlfriend but they can drift apart depending on player choice. After a key story moment, half of the companions become locked off as Magneto splits from the X-Men and forces all the members to choose their side. Some of them are set in stone. Jean, Storm, Wolverine, Beast, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Dazzler(?) and Banshee will always side with Xavier. Mystique, the Maximoff Twins, Toad, Mastermind, Blob, and Pyro will always side with Magneto. Some, like Havok, Angel, Colossus, Rogue, Gambit, and Thunderbird, can be influenced either way. If they end up siding with Magneto, Angel and Thunderbird take the names "Archangel" and "Warpath" respectively. Depending on which side the player picks, characters who chose that side remain as companions while the rest are locked off.
  5. The Plot: I don’t have much specifically in mind for the game’s story. The main villain could easily be anyone from Cameron Hodge to William Stryker to Graydon Creed, but I think it’s important that it be a human in power with an anti-mutant agenda and genocidal goals, someone who can push Magneto to make the decision he does and drive the conflict of ideals at the centre of the game. I think the Hellfire Club and Donald Pierce could be interesting and would definitely like Emma to be involved in some way to make her a companion and romance option in a future game. The final boss would be either Magneto or Jean Grey for the Xavier’s Pupil and Mutant Revolutionary Paths respectively with other encounters throughout the game's second half where the Cyclops and his team must fight their former allies.
*I don't have too many ideas for how specific companions would play. If you want specifics, just ask.
submitted by Some-Dog9800 to xmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:20 infinitemind000 1

Someone reading this book may wonder what sort of audience is being targeted here. They may also be confused as to what the endgame is behind such a book. The aim of this book is to parallel the different religious & mystic traditions & connect them to the tropes that we find near death experiences propagate. They often are reconnecting us with what ancient texts have said but in the modern secular world where materialism is the norm we have become numb to the meanings & impact behind such text. These texts are often considered archaic & primitive. Unable to contribute much to the modern world they may only be useful in prayer chants.
Thus I aim here to revitalise the spirit of these traditions and connect them to what many call the modern day scriptures. The study of near death experiences, neuroscience, consciousness & other paranormal phenomena.
The endgame of the mystic is to connect, achieve union, knowledge and self growth. Thus by approaching all these texts and the various evolving thought that emerged from it, we can explore the parallels and connections that bridge the gap between traditions. The beauty of mysticism and perennial philosophy is the freedom it offers in interpretation.
This book doesn't focus on the question of whether scriptures are divinely inspired, man made tools written for sociological and political agendas or some sort of corrupted divinity. That discussion is a debate that will never end. Rather the focus here is on the possible wisdom & theological beliefs which parallel and mesh together well in forming a higher meaning & connection to the divine. Whether it be a higher power, an all pervading source or a metaphysical truth. You aren’t required to literally believe the divinity of these texts. A simple level of curiosity & intrigue is sufficient.
However one may contend that it is easy to parallel traditions when they are in harmony but when they differ they directly contradict rendering these connections meaningless and superficial. Therein lies the limitations of this book. Therefore the following concepts won’t be discussed in here. These are mainly :
The primary focus is in following a don't throw the baby out with the bathwater approach. Some may also contend that this book follows a shopping cart style of cherrypicking from texts and discarding beliefs from texts one subjectively finds inappropriate. To this I would simply say that the approach here is one of finding the parallels that align well together and acknowledging when a belief doesn't align well. Not necessarily a pick and choose system. An approach I would call the rational mystic.
The rational mystic is one who is simply open to what may be beyond their senses. They may be mystically inclined, fascinated and open to the plethora of supernatural ideas. However they will not blindly believe any and all beliefs. They will discern using rational faculties what of mysticism is most compatible with reality, what the data or evidence shows & what is more probable than not. I believe people of all beliefs or no beliefs can fit this definition. Whether you identify by a religion, as spiritual but not religious, non religious, atheist, deist or agnostic. Thus a skeptic or believer may able to gain an appreciation for these belief systems.
This book dives into the verses and parallels of ancient texts such as the Old Testament, Gospels, Quran, Hadith, Bhagwad Gita, Dhammapada, Tao Te Ching & Gathas of Zoroaster. Other older parallels such as from Vedic India, Ancient Egypt, Greece & Mesopotamia may be referenced.
Alongside that are the testimonies of NDEs and how they may parallel or differ to these texts. This book also attempts to provide commentary on major philosophical themes & elaborate on various exegesis, mystical traditions such as Kaballah, Sufism, Advaita Vedanta, Neoplatonism & Chinese thought. Since mysticism is ultimately about experience it relevant and useful to enhance these discussions by contrasts to various scientific ideas, philosophy & pop culture.
NDE Filter Methodology
One of the problems with ndes is the fact that they are subjective experiences which we cannot objectively verify or replicate. This makes them a weaker form of evidence compared to empirical studies which can replicate the results. These present a challenge. An individual nde may therefore be subject to embellishment, fabrications & delusions. Therefore in picking our choice of NDEs here we can only look at ndes as a whole in terms of statistical patterns that form. This is the methodology used in NDE literature by various academics including neuroscientists & philosophers researching the phenomenon.
To elaborate we therefore will discard testimonies that appear embellished with fantastical details. These fantastical details may also be subjective from person to person. Calling an otherworldly journey fantastical is simply irony. However in following the certain patterns that appear cross culturally in ndes it is much easier to identify reports that are considered fantastical. The following tropes appear the most across multiple nde studies.
There are of course other concepts that ndes reference which appear from time to time. These allow ndes to be flexible and not rigid experiences. After all no two nde experiences are the same. However using these motifs listed we can filter through unreliable ndes. These include
Finally one may say that the chapters of this book attempt to hint at the veracity of a religion & this book is a subtle attempt to proselytize that faith. I will reiterate that this book isnt trying to prove any specific religion. There may be subtle signs from one faith that fit better with the nde phenomenon than others. The following theories I would say explain these subtle signs. I leave it up to the reader to decide what they feel is the best explanation.
Whilst these theories may suggest a subtle spark of corresponding truths, generally NDEs dont explicitly point to any religion. Some say its simply the case that a Christian will see Jesus, a Muslim will see Allah, A Jew sees Yahweh & a Hindu sees Krishna. This of course is not entirely true. The portion of ndes that claim to see Jesus form a minority & interestingly they too dont point at specific doctrines. NDE experiencers may simply describe a sentient light they perceive to be God. This being doesnt tell anybody that I am Yahweh or Allah. Experiencers will say that religious texts fall short of describing this being. It is beyond what people are taught in religion.
Those who are familiar with NDE reports and studies will know that NDEs tend to be very religion agnostic and at best subtly imply a religious correlation but rarely do we find massive amounts of nde reports cross culturally presenting exclusivist dogmas such as follow holy book x or you will burn, believe Jesus died for your sin or you will burn for eternity. When an nde does present this its seen as a red flag since this doesn't occur with the majority of other ndes. The most we have are subtle religious correlations. However NDEs do present us with certain philosophical dilemmas when it comes to religion.
Some may ask what difference does it make that it doesnt point to a religion. if anything NDEs show us that God is far beyond the narrow confines of religions. It makes an immense difference when we factor the fact that religions have influenced entire cultures and civilisations in good and bad ways. Religions have been used to wage war, cause destruction, control the masses, brainwash, confuse and build fear into the human subconscious. And on the good side religions have given hope to the world that suffering isnt in vain, that life has meaning & that justice and ultimate happiness exists.
For alot of people the need to connect to the transcendental is insatiable and religion provides a whole structure of beliefs that one can organise themselves on. For some this is very restricting and enforces a cultural dogma on to everyone. They may prefer a shopping cart version of religion where they take whats good for them and discard what they disagree on. For others they prefer to deny all religious concepts as dogma and cultural beliefs. One could argue that humans need the cultural clothing of customs and traditions to keep their lives going, something which they can use to relate with to the divine. Not everyone can believe in an abstract deity that they cannot conceive of in the absence of symbols such as scriptures.
Religious texts provide at the very least a gateway to which one can relate through stories of heroes, morals and metaphors of the divine. Of course none of this leads us to whether said divine being has revealed these texts, whether they are inspired but corrupted by man or fully man made. These symbols act as aids in feeling like we have a piece of the divine soul with us thus giving comfort and hope. Thus whilst some have no need for religions, for the masses religions have immense value.
So why dont NDEs prove religion ?
There are no clear answers to this (unless somebody has an nde and asks whoever they speak with to tell them in specifics what religion is from God and whats not) all we can do is speculate. The ndes that do ask or do mention a scripture are so few that we cannot form any conclusion on this.
Do NDEs support materialism or not ?
While the aim of this book isnt to debate the afterlife or brain hypothesis, I will say that at the time of this being written, my view on ndes is to say that I consider them a plausible source of evidence towards consciousness surviving death & the afterlife existing. This view of mine may change in time towards either side. The following are some reasons I would argue for them being plausible.
1 Veridical NDEs : Numerous NDES report out of body experiences including witnessing of events in an environment when this should not be possible. More than 100+ veridical cases have been documented. Not to mention veridical cases from across different countries which further strengthens the case. We would have to be radically skeptical to consider all of these testimonies fabricated.
2 Lucid narrative : NDERS experience a highly lucid narrative that usually doesn't end in the middle or chaotically unlike dreams or hallucinations. Their ndes tend to be structured with a beginning, middle and end where they are either told, know or are sucked back into the body. This is quite a strange experience compared to delirium, delusions, hallucinations etc.
3 Deceased Relatives : Most NDES claim to see deceased relatives rather than alive people supporting the afterlife hypothesis. We should expect a mixed cocktail of alive & deceased people appearing in ndes if this was a case of dreams or hallucinations. The population that do claim to see a mixed group of alive and deceased is quite a small proportion of total ndes.
4 Intuitive Reality : NDERS are very convinced that they are in a hyper real reality that makes this world seem black and white, like a dream/illusion as some would say. They are intuitively convinced they are in something real the way we might be talking in person, as opposed to it being just a dream. In one study its believed that nders brain recollect their nde as if it's a real world memory.
5 ESP claims : NDERS may perceive no time at all, may experience a life review such that they can feel the feelings of others and recall memories long forgotten. They may feel like they intuitively know things without needing to learn. Some may report greater vision and detail than waking life, ability to hear thoughts, instantaneously appear, be in two places at once or pass through solid walls.
5 Religious Expectations : NDES often may contradict the beliefs of many Christians, Atheists and Muslims who have varying beliefs about the afterlife. Some may be surprised to experience the things they see & are particularly surprised at the ESP abilities as these are not predicted by religions. Particularly interesting are religious conservative ndes with more exclusivist beliefs who are surprised and end up becoming more pluralist and liberal.
6 Clinical Death Scenario : The best NDE studies focus on scenarios whereby the person undergoes cardiac arrest and thus clinical death. At this time a person has no heartbeat, no breathing, dilated pupils, no light reflex, no gag reflex and EEG reading of little to no brain activity. This is consistent with unconsciousness as no blood and oxygen can fully reach the brain. Furthermore the fact that most undergoing clinical death dont report any experiences means NDEs are odd occurrences & consciousness should not occur.
7 Transformation : NDERS often are transformed in their beliefs with less to no fear of death, detachment from the material, more interest in altruism and spirituality and are impacted by their NDE for decades, remembering it far more than a hallucination or dream. They see it as the most important experience of their life.
8 Double edged sword : The fact that not everyone has an nde may support the idea of nde being more than brain activity. After all if the nde simply was some evolutionary dying mechanism we would expect everybody to have one. This point could also support naturalistic hypothesis (See below)
However there is still uncertainty regarding the nde phenomenon and further data, & studies are required to build a case that is greater than just plausible. These are some opposing reasons to consider doubt in them valid
1 Embellishment : NDEs are unverifiable and therefore we cannot verify which ndes are authentic or which ndes are embellished over time with the nders own thoughts, interpretations or exaggerations. This makes it easier for fabrications and frauds to claim an nde experience.
2 Brain Activity : Since NDES happen during clinical death or unconscious states where a persons brain can be returned to living we cannot be sure that there isnt some deeper brain activity that causes an nde. We also cant be sure than an nde isnt happening in the window where cerebral blood flow hasnt ceased or in the window where CPR leads back to cerebral blood flow. EEG machines also have certain limitations such that they cannot detect deeper brain regions due to the skulls electrical resistance. EEG spikes may occur due to muscle twitches & electrical noise which can often make it harder to differentiate whether this is due to the NDE or not.
3 Cultural/Religious Contradictions : If we keep an open mind, its entirely possible that a Western nde could see Jesus, an Indian nde see Buddha or an Indian nde see Jesus & a Western nde see Buddha. It seems this can be reconciled by the idea that ndes are customized to fit what comforts people subconsciously. Japanese NDEs for example see a bridge/river symbolizing journey to another world, Westerners a portal/tunnel. Westerners relate best to Jesus, Easterners to other figures. However some ndes provide conflicting metaphysical views. This can be an issue with some ndes if nde 1 says they were told to keep reincarnating until they reach nirvana, nde 2 says something more fitting to abrahamic faith. nde 3 says hell doesnt exist and nde 4 says they saw hell realms.
4 Double edged Sword : This point can be argued for ndes (See above) but also against ndes. Only a small percentage 10-20% of those under cardiac arrest are said to have experienced an nde. This point leaves questions as to why aren't all people experiencing an nde. Should we not expect a larger proportion say more than half of people to experience an nde ? If there is a realm beyond the material should we not expect every person to experience an nde. A low proportion may mean that the nde is some sort of brain anomaly. We only have speculations as to why all dont get an nde.
5 Future Science : Current materialistic explanations may be inadequate to explain ndes but this doesnt mean that future understanding of the brain may not yield a new theory/explanation that explains it away. Thus it remains a potential argument.
All of these points are worthy discussions on their own and can be found in various other valuable books. The above points are simply a valuable framework by which the reader may be able to take away what they value out of this book. Everything written is simply my own research into the subject & I always advise people to take it with a grain of salt unless it makes rational sense to you & appeals to your intuition.
Diving into the depths
Spirituality & mysticism can be thought of as two sides of the same coin with philosophy the ring that runs the circumference of the coin. While spirituality deals with the human aspects such as soul, spirit, ego, morality & purpose, mysticism deals with the divine aspects of things such as essences, attributes, metaphors, realities, realms, entities, space, time, substances etc. We aim to dive into the following themes in this book.
The Divine Source : Everything relevant to defining the higher power & source of existence including essences & attributes.

Consciousness & Spirit : Everything relevant to the nature of consciousness, qualia, perceptions, the spirit & soul.
Reality : Everything relevant to the nature of perception, illusion, concepts, space, time, substances, modes, forms & realities.
Spirituality & Purpose : Everything relevant to the nature of human meaning, objectives, purpose & suffering.
Morality : Everything relevant to values, ideals, ethics & morals.
Knowledge & Truth : Everything relevant to the nature of seeking truth, seeking knowledge & attaining wisdom. These include concepts such as beliefs, truths, axioms, speculations, nature of inspirations & revelations.
Awakening & Dark night of Soul : Everything relevant to the nature of materialism, spiritual awakening, seeking inner peace, anxieties, depression, remorse, angst & layers of the psyche.
Divine Sorrow : Everything relevant to the nature of the eschatological souls corruption, redemption, purification, punishment, divine justice & mercy including modes & forms.
Divine Bliss : Everything relevant to the nature of the souls destiny, ultimate peace, happiness, bliss & divine love including modes & forms.
submitted by infinitemind000 to u/infinitemind000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 N0m4dMan DFV Code: Red & Green

I'm too time constraint to do a complete Due Diligence, to the standard I would like to for you lovely Apes. However, I'll give you the run down.
Also... who would say no to going through all the memes, whilst observing the chart on the hourly timeframe?
Take note of the green in the memes... For examples, get ready to bite the apple and take profit, and when it is red, get ready to buy. It corresponds with the video where he is wearing the green glove and things are in reverse and back-to-front.
Notice how in the School of Rock video, the getting wasted letters are in green? Is he trying to signal, that is when the market is about to take a dump.
Notice the Kill Bill scene? Right as the market had hit the floor for today. And that, is one bloody scene.
HOWEVER, I must stress, that DRS is of course what we have established is how we end this. However, if there is cash on the side line for options or day trading.
I know he isn't a day trader, however is this how we capitalise to then buy lower?
I don't know how options work to be honest, however I'm contemplating doing this with some small leverage?
*** EDIT: Just because we see some green letters, it doesn't mean that one thing, we have to observe the entirety of the theme. He is just reestablishing the pattern in to our minds by using the colour coordination.
Kind of like Larry said: "go back to the DD and read it line by line. And it will jump right out at you".
submitted by N0m4dMan to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:08 Southern-Ad-9105_4 The name of Christ is Joy.

Jesus was confused with Satan by some cultures and even worshipped as such – despite the fact that he was considered a "good" Satan and a "positive" Devil that sided with the weak and vulnerable and betrayed the "powerful ones" in order to dedicate himself and his life completely to the poor. (Such notion is not alien at all even to the texts – because Jesus is expressly called the Morning Star in 2 Peter 1:19, in Revelation 2:28 and in Revelation 22:16).
This is apparent in the fact that the Hebrews for example did not recognize Christ as the Messiah and they even called him "evil" and applied to him the title "Satan" (from the Hebrew: "śāṭān" meaning: "adversary, enemy"). The definition of "evil" here is relative – because since Jesus went against the teachings that the Hebrews held as sacred and he also went against the teachings that the Muslims for example also regarded as sacred (and he went against many other cultures as well for that matter; because the figure of Jesus was pagan and it actually belonged worldwide to all cultures of the world and he was claimed to have opposed all of them trying to reform them) – he was thus called "evil" in relative terms by some of these cultures; meaning an "enemy" or "adversary" of those doctrines. Originally not even the Christians considered Christ as a positive figure; because Christ professed a lot of ideals that were inconceivable and impossible to apply according to the mentality of the powerful castes that rule society – like the priesthood for example; because Jesus claimed many times that the wealthy ones must renounce everything they have, they must give their money to the poor and then and only then – will they be allowed to follow Christ.
But the Church completely ignored and bypassed this teaching of Christ because they knew that if they had started preaching this to their believers; they would lose all believers in one second since no one wants to give up their house, their wealth and their life to follow the Church. So even the Church had to rearrange and modify a lot of the teachings of Christ while straight up censoring and ignoring others; in order to create a religion out of it. The only difference is that the Christian Church decided that it was worth investing their time and money in turning Jesus into the symbol of their faith and into a figure that would appeal to the masses (basically deifying him and using his name and memory to attract people into the religion) – while the other two religions (Judaism and Islam) completely disregarded Jesus altogether and considered him a madman instead and even went as far as to call him "evil" and a "Devil" precisely because he had preached such revolutionary notions that were just impossible to accept for the rich and wealthy. (Another reason for this is also because Judaism had a different idea of the Messiah altogether and they followed a different Messiah – and this other idea of the Messiah along with the other Messiah – were also very different from the "Jesus Christ" concept altogether – but that’s besides the point).
The symbology of the spring refers to the blood of Christ which gives life and makes vegetation grow on the earth much like the water of a spring; but it also holds literal meaning because the pagan figures who correspond to "Jesus" were all claimed to have met their demise or to have had a life-changing experience happen near a spring or near a water-source more generally speaking. Such is the case for Hermaphroditus who was rendered female by his union with Salmacis near a spring; or also the castration of one of the gods called "Uranus" – because according to Cicero in his "De Natura Deorum" there were multiple Uranuses and one of them was the "younger" one – and he’s the same who was said to have been castrated near a spring by Phoenician mythology. (The fact that Hermaphroditus was joined to Salmacis thus becoming definitively feminine near the waters of a spring – refers to the confusion that happened in the myth due to the nature of the two characters taken into analysis; because Hermaphroditus and Salmacis were actually brother and sister in other iterations of the story and they were claimed to have been conjoined thus essentially making up a single being who was a "man-woman" united. But then after their birth they were separated and their bodies were not conjoined anymore; although the male – in this case Hermaphroditus – was claimed to have been castrated in further iterations of the story so it looked as though he had returned to being a female and was thus "rejoined" to his female nature which is why the Greek myth confused it and claimed that Hermaphroditus lost his manhood but he lost it by being rejoined to his twin-sister Salmacis. In reality he was castrated near the waters of that spring – the "conjoined" part referring instead to the myth of their birth, but the two accounts were later confused and amalgamated into a single story for the Hermaphroditus myth; thus confusing also the timeline on when exactly was it that the two siblings were conjoined – whether it was at the beginning of their lives or at the end of it as in the case of Hermaphroditus and Salmacis).
The god Attar of the planet Venus was worshipped as "Atarsamain" (Attar of heaven) by the Arabs and equated with Allat i.e. Athena (a fact that has left academics dumbfounded even to this day as for how is it possible that a male god was completely equated and identified with a female one. But the answer is found in the mythology and themes of the god himself – where he was considered of androgynous nature and was claimed to have underwent castration which made him be perceived as a female by some cultures). He was furthermore equated with the goddess Anat in the form of "Ninurta" – because the Mesopotamian warrior-god Ninurta being equivalent to Attar (and Atarsamain) himself – he was directly equated with the Canaanite goddess "Anat" and the name of Anat was also written as "NIN.URTA" in cuneiform. There is an epithet of Anat which calls the deity: "the strength of life" and this particular epithet is applied to Ninurta continuously throughout Sumerian mythology because he’s consistently called the "strength of Enlil" – the "one with superior strength" – the "son in whose strength the father rejoices" – the one with the "strength of a lion" and Ninurta was also in charge of ditches and canals being the one who created the canal-system in Sumer and who was claimed to have brought to everyone the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers as a result. The epithet of Anat – in this case referring to the male Anat who was though still worshipped as female regardless because the god possessed androgynous qualities (and not coincidentally the term "Nin" which comprises the name "Nin-urta" is actually more often than not utilized for female goddesses in Sumerian culture; for example "Ninhursag", "Ninisina", "Ninlil" etc. as it usually means "lady" – but in this case the word assumes a neutral meaning and its connotation is given by the context; so since the god is male it’s translated as "lord" – but the androgynous aspect of this deity is still kept intact nonetheless by using "Nin" instead of "En" ("En" being more traditionally used in Sumerian to mean "lord") – and the title thus refers for the concept of "the strength of life" to the strength of life as a life-giver; because Ninurta being associated with water and with the fertilizing effects of water having been the one who brought canals and ditches to Sumer; the meaning of the term thus acquired such connotation.
This deity is also always associated with physical beauty; for example in the case of Dumuzi (the Mesopotamian god of vegetation) who was called "the one with the beautiful eyes" and even in the form of "Ishtaran" (a form of Dumuzi worshipped as the "heavenly serpent") – where there are several references to his "beautiful face". This notion of beauty is once again reinforced and repeated for all other versions of this pagan god as he was called by many different names throughout cultures – for example also in the form of "Joseph" the biblical son of Jacob; who was claimed to be so beautiful that while a slave in Egypt the women could not resist him – or even in the form of Japheth the third son of Noah (who corresponds still to the same character) – where the word "Japheth" is connected to the root meaning "to be beautiful".
Thus the ideals of "strength and beauty" refer to him. (The pagan imagery of this god depicts him joyous and free as he dances through the flower-fields and while bringing the springing of vegetation to the seasons – often times represented with ears of corn or garlands adorning his head; as in the case of his Slavic counterpart "Potrimpo" for example).
Christ furthermore corresponds also to the pagan god Dionysus as mentioned in other posts; and Dionysus had a particular epithet in Rome which later ended up becoming his main name (or one of his many names alongside the more renown "Bacchus") and this particular title was that of "Liber" i.e. "the free one", one who embodies "freedom".
In the form of "Ishtaran" Dumuzi was worshipped as "Anu" as well – since they called Ishtaran with the epithet "AN.GAL" i.e. "great Anu"; thus meaning that Dumuzi was so beloved and his cult had risen to such prominence at some point – that some local traditions (smaller ones) worshiped him as God the Creator himself and substituted him in place of Anu or at the very least differentiated him from the main "Anu" by calling him "AN.GAL" – "the great Anu" or "greater Anu". This is why Hermaphroditus/Jesus corresponds also in Phoenician mythology to the one "Uranus" who was said to have been castrated near a fountain-spring – Uranus being the Greek equivalent of the Sumerian "Anu" and this is why he was addressed with the name "Uranus" and worshipped as one of the "Uranuses" (the younger Uranus, because the older Uranus is instead the father of Cronus/Saturn and he’s a much older Uranus).
Given how Dumuzi was worshipped as the male Ishtar and as Attar in Canaanite lands (from whom the name "Ishtar" came from because the name of the goddess "Ishtar" is actually in the masculine gender and the goddess inherited that name from the male god who was called "Attar", "Ashtar" and "Ishtar" himself); one has to take into account that the male god was worshipped as androgynous though – which is why he was later equated with the female goddess Inanna in Mesopotamia and became indistinguishable from her to the point that she also came to be called Ishtar herself. The rosette (as well as the eight-pointed star) is the symbol of Venus and of this male god of Venus who corresponds to Christ himself.
But at the same time the rosette is also the symbol of the female Venus as well and of the goddess Inanna (the female form of Ishtar) so the rosette refers to both Ishtars; the male and female one referring to the planet Venus in general.
Now, seeing as to how the figure of the "son of god" was worshipped as "the creator" himself by some more local cultures who idolized him to such degree that they ended up seeing him as the superior god over others – this explains one of the symbologies present on the modern representation of the apparent "pagan god" of the Templars; where he’s depicted with the head of a goat and the five pointed star facing downward. The five pointed star being a symbol of the divine – it represents through the symbology present on the idol the fact that the god in question is not the one who resides in the sky (in which case the five pointed star would have to be pointing upwards instead); but they worshipped on the other hand a creator who was "the creator on earth" thus being "the one below" – so their god was represented by the pointed star facing downwards. (This is for the representations that depict the idol with the star facing down; otherwise in other cases the star is absent altogether).
Now, according to the Atbash ciphering interpretation done on the name "Baphomet" which becomes: "Sophia" – if the interpretation is indeed correct (that Baphomet=Sophia) it would make total sense given how the name of Christ himself was actually "Sophia" and the why that is was explained in this previous post: – where essentially there was talk on the Christ’s physical appearance and the fact that he was born with androgynous traits. This for example made it so that the character in question also displayed overly-sized pectorals that were rather exposed when compared to the rest of his body and were also rounded and protruding; sometimes even resembling female breasts (and that’s where the symbology of the rooster sticking its chest out and of Christ "with breasts" came from: – the rooster in the act of sticking its chest out: – and the depiction of Christ "with breasts" on the Notre-Dame church: This (physical) androgynous nature of the "son of god" was then explained through metaphors and in spiritual terms by Christianity and Gnosticism with the fact that when Sophia incarnated she incarnated as "Jesus Christ".
But – there was also a female-incarnated Sophia; which incarnated as a woman and the figure in question is sometimes identified with the "Theotokos" i.e. "mother of god" Mary – or alternatively substituted by Mary Magdalene the consort of Jesus (being called the "Bride of Christ"). The fact that the Templars were claimed to have worshipped the prophetic head of a female alongside their god refers to the cult of the pagan goddess who corresponded to the Magdalene – where; she was claimed in pagan mythology to have been decapitated or to have been "half-decapitated" (her throat cut significantly to the point of almost detaching her head from her neck) and the goddess in question possessed oracular as well as prophetic gifts. The notion of Magdalene who corresponds to this pagan goddess was addressed in this previous post: (The head that the Templars held was of course symbolic and not the literal real head. But what was important is what that symbol represented to them – rather than to whom the skull belonged because it was a simple human skull taken from a cadaver).
So essentially the Templars were worshipping both Christ and Magdalene through pagan imagery (Christ being "Sophia" himself and Magdalene being the "female Sophia" who’s the counterpart of the Messiah); something which was not acceptable to the Church – and also because they were worshipping Christ in his real nature as opposed to the heavily filtered and altered version that Christianity gave of him – thus opposing the "official" canon established by the Church altogether.
submitted by Southern-Ad-9105_4 to EsotericOccult [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:34 Nitros629 My Physical Version of Queen's Blood

My Physical Version of Queen's Blood
This is a physical version of Queen's Blood that I've been working on since Rebirth came out.
Before starting this project I knew there were several things I wanted to change.
#1, the theme. Final Fantasy characters are great, but I knew several others would attempt to make versions of this using art from FF7 Rebirth so I wanted to do something different.
#2, rotating the game. When players play Queen's Blood in FF7: Rebirh, they are always on the left and the opponent is always on the right (except for one Gold Saucer challenge). This works fine for a video game with computer opponents but translating this to tabletop would not work so well. I envisioned a version where opponents would face each other across the table instead of sitting next to each other, so I rotated the grids of every card 90 degrees counter clockwise.
This can be shown on this "Ifrit" card when compared to this "Ultra Instinct Goku" card. Since my version is made with this rotation in mind, these are still functionally the same card.
Image credit to
#3, the text. The card text on Queen's Blood cards is written fairly poorly. The cards are always written as if they affect multiple tiles even when they don't. The text is also backwards from what I'd expect having conditions written last instead of first. So my version has revised the text to account for this, as seen on Mu and Jaco. These are still functionally the same card, Jaco just has clearer text that makes sense.
Image credit to
#4, the Extra Deck. There are several Queen's Blood cards that add cards to a player's hand or play cards onto the field from outside of the game. To translate this to a physical version, I changed those cards to use an Extra Deck this can be shown with Amalgam and Bardock. These are still functionally the same card, but the Bardock card specifies where the new card comes from. My rules for this game also state that you can only include cards in your Extra Deck which have a matching number to a card in your main deck, although it doesn't really matter if you have all the Extra Deck cards in your Extra Deck at once. Cards that originate from the Extra Deck have a white outer border and an EX in their number.
Image credit to Gamer Heroes
#5, two sets of cards. This is unavoidable. Two sets of cards must exist, one for each player. I have orange cards and blue cards for my sets, each with their own Dragon Ball symbol. Also, the blue tile pattern is a mirror of the orange pattern. Each set of cards also have their own card back, since they cannot be combined whatsoever. This is shown in Tarble, which is also functionally identical to Levrikon.
Image credit to
#6, the field. Queen's Blood is normally played on a 5x3 field for 15 total tiles. Instead of creating a playmat, I opted to create 9 filler cards which when used with the initial 6 rank cards creates the field. The rank cards are double sided, one side for each color so they can easily be flipped when control of that tile shifts to the opponent. I wanted to avoid having to move and manage several pawns or dice, especially when dice are important in tracking power buffs and debuffs. Admittedly, the clunkiest part of my execution is when tiles increase in rank. The previous rank card must be returned to the stack and replaced by the next rank. My set contains 12 rank 1 cards, 10 rank 2 cards, and 8 rank 3 cards.
In addition to the core 145 cards and any corresponding Extra Deck cards, I have also created the cards from some of the challenges in Costa Del Sol and the Gold Saucer. These cards all have gray borders to show they do not belong in a standard deck. I also remade the various box/Polygonal cards used from the Survival challenges as characters or locations from the Dragon Ball Universe.
I also remade the various Cactuar cards as Supreme Kai and remade Chadley and MAI as Kami and Mr. Popo.
Lastly, I painstaking played against the Shadowblood Queen over and over again trying to recreate her cards to make her deck. These red framed cards can be played against either blue or orange, as long as the Shadowblood Queen player uses the appropriate "Omega Shenron" card, which is functionally identical to the Shadowblood Queen card.
There is one card that might not be an EXACTLY functional recreation from Queen's Blood due to the translation to tabletop: my version of the J-Squad and the Hype Johnny cards. It's not stated in game but the Hype Johnny number played is determined by the rank of the position it's being played on. To streamline this I remade "J-Squad" as "Meta-Cooler Core", and made the "Hype Johnny" cards all Meta-Cooler with different ranks. Technically, the "Hype Johnny" cards do not have a rank and my "Meta-Cooler" cards do, but considering these are always played directly their rank should not matter.
Here are the card backs: blue, orange and red are for those cards respectively and gray is for some of the bonus cards that start in play.
This has been a cool project to work on, and I wanted to show off my changes and execution. I can share other pictures or answer any questions people may have. Hopefully my explanations spark others to adapt some of my changes into their own physical versions of Queen's Blood.
submitted by Nitros629 to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:15 Shy_Paw guidance for taking a drop year

i have currently passed 12th and had given uceed and nid, but i couldnt prepare anything for these tests as i was busy with my school (had pcm as my subjects), i couldnt qualify nid and didnt get a very good rank in uceed... so i have been thinking of taking a drop year and prepare for these exams, as i am on the weaker side from basics of drawing itself. So in order to not let this year go to waste, i was thinking of doing a correspondence grad for 1 year and prepare for design tests alongside. but for bachelors in any subject in distance learning, 3 years are needed... so im not sure what subject to take and how to move forward... any suggestions?
submitted by Shy_Paw to uceedtakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:51 avaani Hypoglycemic episodes but not quite

Editing because I can’t fix title: episodes that mimic Hypoglycemic episodes but sugar levels are normal—what questions can I ask?
I’m 23F, AFAB I have atypical Cystic Fibrosis, I’m pancreatic sufficient, and no CFRD. for the past 2-3 years I’ve been having episodes that seem to mimic postprandial hypoglycemia but my levels are always above 70. I’ve had a few fasting readings that are 67-69 but I don’t have any symptoms then. The symptoms start within an hour or so of eating and my levels will be 70-80 but get to 100ish 3-4 hours after eating, which does make me nervous that something insulin related is going on. My blood pressure is normal but tends to be on the low side as well.
The episodes mostly correspond with the 7-12 days before my period but it’s not uncommon for them to happen outside of that range. The symptoms are: - high heart rate (130-150) even if at rest (resting heart rate when I’m not having an episode is 60-70 range - shaking - sweating - confusion (including slurring/stammering and switching words around) - weird tingly rising feeling inside - mouth tastes like sand/ash regardless of food or drink - pallor - certain edges blur in my vision; like where the walls meet the ceiling or floors - more frequent urination with lower output - chills
There are a few things that don’t happen every time I have an episode but have happened more than once: - Pain behind eyes - intense headache that disappears quickly
I’ve tried adjusting my diet in every way I can think of (and GI and nutrition have suggested) and nothing really seems to have an impact. Drinking sugar during/after an episode does help a bit but not by much.
My CF team seems to kind of be at a loss. All of my bloodwork is normal, weight and PFTs are fine. They’re sending me to a gynecologist because of how the episodes tend to correspond with my period. I am also seeing my PCP to get my heart checked soon.
Meds: Bupropion 450 (had been on this for about 2 years before any of these symptoms started) Levalbuterol (10+ years) Trikafta (3 years ish) Mirena iud, placed fall 2019
Vitamins Women’s one a day 2000 iu d3
Other diagnoses: PTSD/CPTSD (incest/rape trauma related, not sure how relevant that it is but I’m trying to be more detailed than not ) Major depression General anxiety Insomnia (PTSD related)
Psych meds I’ve tried a while ago but didn’t help: - Zoloft (brain fog was way worse) - lexapro (would not stay in my system, to put it politely) - latuda (didn’t do anything)
I edited my post on cysticfibrosis after someone recommended I post here,so this part isn’t over there but —one of the things that’s getting truly untenable for me is brain fog/confusion. Since fall 2020 I’ve struggled a lot with brain fog and since it started with PTSD related events my doctors and I have been assuming it to be a mental health thing but I’m not that sure anymore.
The confusion is definitely worse during the episodes I described (and affects stuff like where I walk around and what I put down where, for example, putting my phone in a fridge or not being able to find my car) But day to day—I’m forgetting words and sentences almost immediately after thinking them. My mental health has improved a lot on Wellbutrin but I can’t tell if it’s improved the brain fog at all or just improved the other symptoms like low energy and the can’t get out of bed heaviness.
My major involves a lot of writing and the same assignments that would take me a few several hour sessions, if that, I haven’t been able to complete. I’ve spent 12 hours on essays (with only meal breaks and things like that) with about a paragraph to show for it — but what I can get out never quite matches what I’m thinking. I almost constantly have the feeling of having a word on the tip of my tongue, especially when trying to write. The things I think of seem to float away before I can keep them in my head long enough to write them down. I was supposed to graduate 3 years ago and I’ve been one full time semester’s worth of classes for these past three years because I just can’t get it done. The majority of my depression symptoms that remain have to do with the stress and feelings behind not having finished school despite being so close. On the whole though, my mental health is in the best place it’s been in pretty much my entire life And the other symptoms have improved drastically.
Last note on the day to day brain fog/confusion: I don’t switch words around when I’m not having an episode—but I have been noticing that 0-5 times a day (I can’t say for sure that it happens daily without fail but it definitely happens several times a week) that I do slur sometimes when talking? The beginnings and ends of words will just sort of smush together . This is a relatively recent development (in the last 8 months maybe?) don’t know if that’s normal person stuttering kind of thing but combined with the writing stuff it irks me more than it normally would)
I feel like a lot of these symptoms could be literally anything so I don’t know how to go about narrowing it down.
I have a check up appointment soon and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions for other questions or specific testing requests that I can ask my doctors for to help figure this out.
Thank you!
submitted by avaani to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:49 haygurlhay123 “This Time, I Will Never Let You Go”: Cloud’s Mission and the Hidden Purpose of the Remake Trilogy - Literary and Musical Analysis of FFVII - Part 4

(continuation of part 3)
Since Fatal Calling is all about Cloud facing his past and his origins, Tifa’s musical theme is most appropriate for the ending cutscene. For all of these reasons, Tifa’s theme is absolutely appropriate for the conclusion of Fatal Calling. It makes a lot of sense then that once Cloud has finished revisiting the past and vanishes with the crystal to find his Promised Land, Tifa’s theme stops and Aerith’s theme begins.
There’s a lot to be said about Sephiroth in Fatal Calling. Sephiroth feeds off of despair, and deems Palamecia’s suffering inadequate: he seeks a much greater source of power than this realm. He states that Palamecia isn’t “the world that was promised to [him]”, referencing his desire to become the god of his core world of FFVII:
“Sephiroth: Melding with the planet, I will cease to exist as I am now only to be reborn as a ‘god’ to rule over every soul” (FFVII OG, disk 1, chapter 25).
Sephiroth’s line “Now, let us return [Cloud]. Back to the Promised Land” reveals he wants to return to their shared core world of FFVII, like we established in our review of the Remake timelines theory (see section “I. a) vii.”). Sephiroth wants to go back to FFVII and modify the OG timeline to achieve his evil goals. This is his ideal scenario, his place of complete happiness: his desired Promised Land. Fatal Calling is setting up Sephiroth’s plans for Remake. In fact, the after-credits scene wherein Sephiroth stands in Nibelheim as it burns confirms his return to the FFVII OG timeline.
However, he isn’t the only one returning. Now that Cloud has revisited his past in Fatal Calling, he’s ready to reach his Promised Land. After Sephiroth’s after-credits scene, the OG FFVII title and logo turn into the FFVII Remake title and logo, indicating a shift: we are now officially in the Remakeera or world. Cloud and Sephiroth disappeared at the end of Fatal Calling, and now the game is telling us where they’ve gone. Combined with Hamaguchi’s recommendation that players complete the collaboration event before playing Remake, I think this is a solid indication that the Cloud and Sephiroth we see in this collaboration event are those we encounter in the Remake world. Once the switch to Remake occurs, Aerith’s theme returns. This communicates that she is indeed —as we’ve proven countless times already— Cloud’s Promised Land. But it also conveys her importance to the story of Remake. Scenario writer Nojima confirmed this:
“Aerith's the most important character in the remake so we paid special attention to her lines” (FFVII Remake Ultimania, section 08 “Secrets”, “Development Staff Interviews, Part 2: Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, Kazushige Nojima”, page 744).
Aerith was already important to OG, so what could’ve motivated Nojima to state her importance to Remake? Could it be that she’s even more important in the latter than she was in the former? In what way?
That was the collaboration! Before we move on from MFF x FFVII Remake entirely though, let’s glean some more relevant information from some of the collaboration’s promotional material and special features.
III. e) iii. Promotional Material and Special Features
Two particular pieces of promotional material for this collaboration stick out to me as extremely relevant. The first is a promotion for a new summons batch in the Mobius FF game, created in honor of the collaboration.
MFF x FFVII Remake Summons Batch Cloud Promo
The summons batch contains three FFVII Remake-themed cards, including a Cloud card. As you can see, this promo reads “Who awaits in the Promised Land?” under Cloud’s picture.
The second is a promotion of an Aerith and summons and an Aerith Job Card (in MFF, Job Cards allow a character to embody an archetype or another character, giving them certain physical traits, clothing, weapons and abilities):
MFF x FFVII Remake Aerith Summons and Job Card Promo
I couldn’t find this picture in English, but the text relevant to us translates to:
“Midgar's Flower Vendor Summons
‘I'm searching for you. I want to meet… you.’
The witch protects the planet, imbues it with power, and leads to the Promised Land.”
A few things here. First, Aerith is referenced by name, and we see a picture of her in her famous praying pose. Secondly, both Cloud and Aerith’s images are attached to the notion of the Promised Land. Cloud’s card asks who awaits there, and Aerith’s evokes a guiding role, as though in response. Thirdly, both Cloud and Aerith are attached to the notion of searching: Cloud searches for the Promised Land and whomever awaits there, and Aerith searches for Cloud’s true self. Speaking of which, the promo also includes parts of Aerith’s famous gondola date quote from OG:
“Aeris: I'm searching for you.
Cloud: …?
Aeris: I want to meet you.
Cloud: But I'm right here.
Aeris: I know, I know... what I mean is... I want to meet... you” (disk 1 chapter 24).
In case you’re wondering about the lady in Aerith’s clothes on the left-hand side, that’s Meia, a character in MFF. She is the “witch” being referred to in the promotional material. She’s often called the Azure Witch. Meia is wearing Aerith’s clothes because a Meia-type Job Card called “Flower Girl of Midgar” was created in honor of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration:
MFF x FFVII Remake \"Flower Girl of Midgar\" Job Card
There’s even an Aerith outfit you can have Echo wear, and it appears with Wol’s Cloud outfit in the promotional picture:
MFF x FFVII Remake Echo's Aerith Outfit and Wol's Cloud Outfit
To be fair, Tifa also appears in one of these summons promos. However, unlike Aerith’s, her appearance doesn’t reference the Promised Land or her version of the gondola date. She is not presented in connection to Cloud at all. On top of that, while the Aerith and Cloud outfits are promoted together, Tifa is paired with Vincent in the promotional image:
MFF x FFVII Remake Summons Promo Tifa and Vincent
This is hardly indicative of Cloti content in the event collaboration or in Remake.
III. e) iv. Cloud’s Promised Land
All in all, the collaboration tells the story of Cloud searching for his Promised Land, just as post-OG Cloud has been shown doing for years and years of canon SE content. Cloud is searching for Aerith in the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration, just like he was in FFT and DFF, and just like he was shown doing in the 30th FF Anniversary Exposition. This is nothing new. However, the collaboration informs us that this mission to be reunited with Aerith is what leads Cloud to enter the world of Remake.
Echo noted that people obtain the Promised Land they deserve rather than the one they want. What does Cloud deserve? I believe the answer is: another chance at saving Aerith.
Cloud needs to start over, from the top. He needs to go back to the very moment he and Avalanche arrived at mako reactor 1 to bomb it. He needs to return to the beginning of the OG game. He needs a redo, a fix-it, another shot at happiness; a remake.

IV. The Hidden Plot Point: Mission Theory

a) Thesis
Here lies the heart of my theory. My dear Cleriths, Sephiroth isn’t the only one who travelled back in time to undo destiny and create a reality where things go his way: Remake is also —I would even say primarily— Cloud’s chance to free Aerith from her fate, save her life and secure his shot at happiness with her. That’s why he experiences MOTFs in Remake: he’s done FFVII before and now he’s back, although with only fragments of his memories from OG, to save Aerith. That’s why his triggers all involve Aerith: he doesn’t consciously remember anything from OG, but his grief over Aerith is so strong that it rises from his subconsciousness at the slightest trigger.
In Remake, Cloud remembers some but not all elements of the OG timeline (MOTFs), and it appears he only remembers the most important things: all his MOTFs revolve around Aerith and her fate. Our theory explains why Aerith triggers Cloud’s MOTFs in Remake quite perfectly: he traveled back in time to prevent Aerith’s death from happening. Remake Cloud remembers Aerith because, well, he knows her from OG. Post-OG Cloud has returned to the past to save Aerith, resulting in Remake. This is why seeing her in Remake triggers visions and memories of things that haven’t happened yet in Remake, but have already happened to post-OG Cloud. He recognizes her face on Loveless in Remake because seeing her face again is the whole reason he entered Remake in the first place. His visions of her death when they meet once more at the church, the spike of anxiety and grief as he watches her walk away from him, the constriction in his chest when she talks about doing everything in her power to help the planet… all of it, it’s all his memories of OG being jogged by things related to her death. What he’s forgotten from the OG timeline emerges in flashes of pain, images, memory and emotion. Remember that the language the devs used to describe these instances where Cloud reacts to Aerith in this way is always about “remembering” or “recognizing”; Cloud has to have seen Aerith, known Aerith, loved Aerith, lost Aerith and felt the pain of living without Aerith before in order to recognize and remember these feelings. Think about it: this is the only thing that can explain Cloud’s extremely selective MOTFs and the fact that he has MOTFs at all.
The Remake trilogy is all about Cloud and Sephiroth stepping into the ring one more time, both ready to risk it all to get what they lost in the OG timeline. Sephiroth is hungry for destruction and godhood, while Cloud stands determined to save the love of his life. Fighting for their respective goals, the fated enemies enter a new battle in Remake, one to end the war, both needing to win this time after losing so horribly in OG. Now, it’s all or nothing. Sephiroth vying for the planet, and Cloud reaching out for Aerith.
Cloud’s back with a quest, one he can’t fail— it’s the most secret and important plot point of all. I call this the “Mission Theory”.
IV. b) Mission Theory Logistics
There are a few things that remain vague, so I’m going to use this section of the analysis to speculate on the logistics of my theory. We know very little about the hows of the timeline and multiverse shenanigans, so I’m going to hypothesize. However, this analysis is about the whys: so if you’re not interested in mechanical speculation on the logistics of time travel and multiverses, you can totally disregard this section and skip to section “V.”.
IV. b) i. Cloud the Time-Traveler?
It’s unclear whether Remake is the result of post-OG Cloud going back in time to try his hand at the OG timeline again, or the result of post-OG Cloud somehow informing OG Cloud that he must save Aerith this time around. It’s vague in the same way that we aren’t sure if Remake Aerith is post-OG Aerith or if she’s been informed by post-OG Aerith via her connection to the Lifestream as a Cetra. Though it doesn’t much matter how Cloud has memories of Aerith’s death in Remake, I personally think that Remake Cloud is a time-traveling post-OG Cloud. My explanation as to why might be a little confusing, so again, feel free to skip to section “V.”.
One must be able to communicate with the Lifestream in order to obtain knowledge of the future. This access can only be granted to the Cetra or to the souls of the deceased that compose the Lifestream itself. Since Cloud is not a Cetra, he cannot commune with the Lifestream while he is alive, meaning a deceased post-OG Cloud would not have been able to communicate his memories of the OG plot-line with a living OG Cloud. Therefore, the only way Remake Cloud could have knowledge of the future (manifested as MOTFs) would be that Remake Cloud is inhabited by his post-OG consciousness. Effectively, this is time-traveling.
Then comes the question of how Cloud was able to time-travel at all. I have what I consider a pretty solid hypothesis. The most interesting thing about the realm of Palamecia is that every FF character that’s ever appeared in the realm for a cameo died in their core world beforehand (spoilers for FFI, FFV, FFVI, FFX, FFXII, FFXIII, FFXV incoming). These characters include Tidus (FFX), Lightning (FFXIII), Garland (FFI), Sephiroth (FFVII), Gilgamesh (FFV), Vargas (FFVI), Gabranth (FFXII) and Ultros (FFXV). My interpretation of Palamecia serves at least partly as a directory for deceased souls that can’t simply fade. For instance, FFX’s Tidus actually came back to life to be with his love>! Yuna !! FFX!<. Of course, MFF x>! FFX !!FFX!< and FFX-2, just like MFF x FFVII Remake came out between FFVII OG and FFVII. And similarly to Fatal Calling, the ending cutscene of MFF x>! FFX !!Next thing you know, FFX-2 comes out and shows Tidus returning to Yuna and their core world in an optional cutscene.!< The MFF x>! FFX !! Tidus !Remake.
IV. b) ii. Post-OG Cloud’s Amnesia
If we consider that Remake Cloud is a time-travelling post-OG Cloud who’s returned to the start of the OG timeline, we encounter another logistical problem: why doesn’t Cloud remember everything or most things from the OG plot-line in Remake, like Sephiroth and Remake Aerith do? After all, aren’t the three of them in the same time-travelling boat? Why isn’t Cloud as lucid on the matter as the two others? Didn’t the post-OG Cloud in Fatal Calling face his past and origins? Shouldn’t that mean Cloud would remember all that stuff in Remake from the start?
In OG, the true Cloud’s memories are repressed by both his false persona and Jenova. The latter’s memetic abilities are able to block Cloud’s memories of the past from emerging and conflicting with his SOLDIER persona. For instance, in both OG and Remake, Cloud is unable to hear Aerith tell him Zack’s name in Evergreen Park: Jenova blocks it out. I think this is a similar situation: post-OG Cloud’s consciousness carries memories things that Jenova doesn’t want Cloud to know, so she pushes down on them. On top of that, after travelling through different worlds and back through the Lifestream for who knows how long, post-OG Cloud’s consciousness must be quite weak. We know how good Cloud is at repressing, so it makes total sense to me that post-OG Cloud’s consciousness would be trapped or suppressed somewhere deep in Remake Cloud’s subconsciousness. After all, it’s not like this whole time-travelling-consciousness thing is normal for a mind to experience. It’s no wonder Remake Cloud doesn’t consciously remember how things go in OG. However, post-OG Cloud’s love and grief for Aerith are so strong that memories related to her can occasionally pierce through to his Remake consciousness and Jenova’s barriers, resulting in his MOTFs. His pain and love for her are definitely permanent and strong enough:

“A young woman descended from the Ancients who will forever be engraved in [Cloud’s] heart” (Dirge of Cerberus, Japanese manual, Aerith’s character description).
“I believe for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feelings for Aerith, even to this very day… Its relation with the church scene is… Yup. I’ll leave this part to your imagination. (laughs)” (Nomura interview on Advent Children “Designer’s Note” in *Famitsu PS2!*magazine, October 24th issue).

So you see, Remake Cloud’s mind is a little more complicated than OG Cloud’s mind. Everything is still the same in Remake as in OG, but with the added complication that his future self is hidden in his subconscious mind, probably trying to get out.
There is actually pretty good evidence of this. I’m sure you’re aware that whenever Jenova is trying to hide something from Cloud or altering his memory and/or perception, the screen glitches green with an audio cue (34:15-34:29, 1:15:30-1:15:41 and 1:17:14-1:17:29). Guess what? These Jenova audiovisual cues also occur during the MOTFs (ie: MOTF 3 2:58-3:07 and MOTF 4 0:29-0:42). Whenever post-OG Cloud’s consciousness encounters anything that reminds it of losing Aerith, the strength of its pain helps it push memories of Aerith to the surface so that RemakeCloud can consciously see them. Remake Cloud then experiences sensations and/or visions, all from his future self’s memories as they rise to the surface, propelled by grief. Jenova can’t allow Remake Cloud to fully recover his post-OG memory, so in order to shut down the process, its cells jump in to repress the MOTFs: this results in the classic Jenova audiovisual cues. The only time Jenova doesn’t bother to fight against a MOTF is the sixth, as it is quite weak: no visions occur, only a tight sensation in his chest.
IV. b) iii. Eclipse Contact and Cloud’s Memories of Reactor 1
There is one problem I have trouble decoding. In Eclipse Contact, Cloud tells Wol and Echo that the last thing he remembers is the run-up to his arrival at mako reactor 1 (FFVII OG, disk 1, chapter 1). Recall that usually, people summoned to Palamecia have no memories of their world of origin and lives before that point at all. So then why is it that upon being summoned to Palamecia, Cloud recalls the events that took place right before the start of the OG game? This strikes me as highly relevant since this is the exact point in time where post-OG Cloud’s consciousness needs to be transported to in order for Remake to begin, but I haven’t been able to figure out a solid hypothesis on what it could mean. My best guess is that this is the devs’ way of signalling to us that the events of the MFF x FFVII Remake collaboration occur before the very beginning of post-OG Cloud’s second try at the OG timeline (Remake).
Now that I’ve shown you how I’ve come to form my Mission Theory and we’ve done some pesky housekeeping, let’s connect some dots, shall we? It’s time to really get into it and see if any of my wild speculation tracks with content from the Remake trilogy so far.

V. Musical Evidence

What about the music of the game? Any hints there? Let’s try to see if we can find support for the Mission Theory in the music made for the Remake trilogy thus far!
As a preface to my musical evidence analysis, I want to insist on something: the story guys tell the soundtrack guys everything. In a high-quality production such as Remake, people who make music for audiovisual media are told everything in advance. They need to know the secrets of every little scene, because their job is to depict whatever is happening through music.
Therefore, if the Mission Theory is true, then there has to be musical evidence for it.
V. a) Preface: The Basics of the FFVII OST
There’s a lot of evidence in the music of the Remake trilogy that we have to address, but before we get into it, I do have to give you the basics of the FFVII soundscape! For the easiest experience, I suggest you keep a tab open for every link I provide for you until the music analysis is over, because we will be hopping from one musical theme to another and then back again.
V. a) i. The World Theme: Cloud’s Troubled Identity
The world theme of FFVII is a perfect example of how musicians working on an OST have to know the secrets of a story as they compose for it. On top of representing the FFVII world as a whole, it doubles as Cloud’s character theme… except that isn’t exactly right. You see, this piece does indeed contain Cloud’s true theme, but Sephiroth and Jenova’s musical motifs also contaminate it. This, of course, symbolizes how Cloud experiences identity sabotage because of these two antagonists. The result is that globally, the world theme does indeed represent Cloud’s character, but it isn’t exclusively Cloud’s in the same way that Cloud’s mind isn’t exclusively his. It’s brilliant storytelling through musical motifs, and evidently requires Uematsu to know in advance that Sephiroth manipulates Cloud’s identity in the story.
For future reference, let’s isolate Cloud’s true theme from Jenova and Sephiroth’s influence.
V. a) i. 1) Sephiroth: Dissonance and Semi-Tone Motif
I’m sure you know Sephiroth’s infamous theme: “One-Winged Angel”. The first motif we need to know is Sephiroth’s threatening, repetitive dissonance motif, which plays all throughout the piece (plays solo at 0:00 to 0:04). The second motif is what I call the semi-tone motif. “One-Winged Angel” has a ton of minor 2nd intervals, which is what we call the relationship between two notes that are only a semi-tone apart. You might recognize the minor 2nd interval in the foreboding Jaws theme. Just like in Jaws, the minor 2nd interval or semi-tone is commonly used to indicate an impending, life-threatening danger, a monster, predator, evil, or insanity; suits Sephiroth quite nicely!
V. a) i. 2) Jenova: Parasite Motif
The track “J-E-N-O-V-A” contains many competing melodies and has generated many variations of those melodies —almost like clones— that all represent aspects of the alien’s character. The main Jenova motif is simply a descending, two-octaves-long, arpeggiated mb6 chord (eight notes total). I’ve played it for you here. Sometimes, this motif is altered to form variations. For instance, in “Listen to the Cries of the Planet”, a variation of Jenova’s main motif is created by changing the order of the notes and reducing the number of notes to only six (0:00-0:03), however, it remains an arpeggiated mb6 chord. Regardless of the alteration, if you hear an arpeggiated mb6 chord, it means Jenova is creeping close by or that its influence is at work.
The variation of the mb6 arpeggiated chord that concerns us alters Jenova’s main theme so it ascends from the tonic to the b6 note and descends back to the tonic, then ending on the lower dominant for a total of eight notes. I’ve played it for you here. I call this variation the “parasite motif”, because it is often heard when Cloud is being controlled by Jenova. For instance, it plays when Cloud loses himself and becomes unusually violent in Rebirth’s chapter 13 (17:25-18:34), signalling to us that Jenova is in control. It is also the main motif of the track “Who… Am I?”, which evidently symbolizes Jenova’s fuelling of Cloud’s identity crisis— though here, the parasite motif is shortened to its six first notes.
V. a) i. 3) Cloud’s True Self
Now that we can recognize Sephiroth and Jenova’s motifs, let’s return to the world theme to isolate Cloud’s true self. Cloud’s true theme can be heard from 0:51 to 3:48. It consists of a section A (0:51-1:54), followed by a section B (1:54-2:41), and then returns to section A (2:41-3:48).
After Cloud’s true theme concludes however, it seems he experiences a psychic interference: doubt and confusion weave through the world theme (3:48-4:09), representing an instability in his identity. I call this interruption of Cloud’s true theme the “interference section”. It symbolizes a moment of psychic interference or weakness within Cloud that Sephiroth and Jenova take advantage of to take control of Cloud.
The end of the interference section introduces Jenova’s parasite motif. It slithers in (4:09), later joined by Sephiroth’s dissonance motif (4:16): Cloud’s mind and identity are being hijacked by the two antagonists in service of their evil plans.
They torment Cloud, dominating his mind until he manages to free himself: section A of Cloud’s true theme begins playing again (6:06), closing the loop of the theme.
Based on this musical storytelling, if you already knew the character motifs going into OG, you might’ve suspected something odd was going on with Cloud’s identity, and that Jenova and Sephiroth were involved. All this to say that whatever music is playing at any given time can give us hints as to what is going on. That’s the power and significance of a good soundtrack. Trust me when I say that with Uematsu and his team, we’re in excellent hands. And remember: the story guys tell the soundtrack guys everything.
V. a) ii. Aerith’s Theme
Another base we have to cover before checking out the Remake soundtrack is Aerith’s theme. I’m sure everyone here is familiar with it, but I insist that you refresh your memory. It consists of a section A (0:00-0:34), a section B (0:34-1:13) and a section C (1:13-2:00), concluding with a repeat of section A.
V. a) iii. Motifs and Timing in FFVII OSTs
I’m going to analyze pieces in great detail, which people who haven’t studied or paid attention to soundtracks may find strange. To prevent anyone from making the mistake of thinking that I’m reading too much into things, I want to emphasize that the music that plays during the Remaketrilogy’s cutscenes is carefully timed, composed and arranged to match the events in the cutscenes, as they are provided in advance to the musicians. Composers pay lots of attention to whatever is going on onscreen so they can include the corresponding musical motifs as accompaniment at the exact right moments, always striving to get the timing perfect. I’m not exaggerating the effort and minutia involved in soundtrack composition and arrangement. Here are just a few sound staff comments from the “Material 4: Soundtrack” section of the FFVII Remake Material Ultimania to prove it:
“[To] make sure players really feel the weight of the moment, we worked hard on getting the tempo and the entry timing of each instrument exactly right. In particular, that big ‘boom’ that sounds almost like a meteor crashing down was fine-tuned to match the timing of the logo's appearance. I remember this was a real sticking point for us, because if the boom's timing was even slightly off, the effect would be completely different. We […] had to sequence [each and every sound] to play at exactly the right moment” (Shotaro Shima on track “Midgar, City of Mako”, page 229).
“I was originally told to keep this piece to under two minutes, but it ended up being over six minutes long, in order to match the flow of the cutscene. I arranged the track while watching the latest CG visuals that had been rendered for the scene” (Naoyuki Honzawa on track “Smash ‘Em, Rip ‘Em”, page 309).
“This is the track that plays during the tour of Shinra’s different divisions. The movie shown in the Visual Entertainment Hall describes the history of the Ancients (0:25 onward in the soundtrack version), and I wanted to create a musical link to them as well, so I made use of the chord progression from ‘Aerith’s Theme’ [D(I)-Am(Vm)-D(I).] [This simple sequence of moving from major to minor and back again creates a really mysterious air. Then, during the section where the movie recounts the history of the construction of the Shinra Building (1:47 onward in the soundtrack version), I quoted a section of the Shinra theme” (Yasunori Nishiki on track “Stewards of the Planet”, page 313).
V. b) The Remake OST
Now that you’re ready, it’s time to verify the Mission Theory’s validity with Remake’s music.
V. b) i. MOTF 6 Music
We were able to explain Remake Cloud’s MOTFs with the Mission Theory, and it just so happens that the music that plays during the scene of MOTF 6 is unique to Remake. This gives us the perfect opportunity: we should analyze the piece that plays as it occurs to evaluate the legitimacy of our theory on the Remake trilogy, using all the motifs we uncovered in section “V. a)”.
First, a refresher on the scene and on our theory’s interpretation of it. The party is gathered in Aerith and Ifalna’s old room at Shinra HQ. Here is how the scene is described by the VA script notes:
“The Whispers once again close in [on Aerith], but Aerith refuses to stop speaking this time.
Aerith: Listen to me. […] Shinra isn’t the enemy. They were the ones who set things in motion, but our true foe is someone else.
At that moment, the spectacle of Meteor they saw in the Visual Entertainment Hall comes into Cloud and the others’ heads.
Aerith: Somehow, some way, I want to help— all of you… the planet…
For some reason, Cloud feels his chest constrict tightly” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “Aerith Speaks”).
Indeed, right after Aerith says she wants to help the planet any way she can, Cloud looks down at his chest with a frown and a quiet grunt (7:46-7:54). According to the Mission Theory, this tightness in Cloud’s chest can be explained as an emergence of post-OG Cloud’s grief, triggered by the slightest allusion to Aerith’s sacrifice.
The piece that plays during this scene is called “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra”. It is one of many variations of Aerith’s iconic theme arranged for Remake. However, Cloud’s theme is just as prominent in the piece— if not, more.
V. b) i. 1) The Fate Motif
Before we interpret “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra”, I need to introduce you to one more motif that crops up in the piece. There is a windy motif that appears (from 1:45 onwards) and it is unaccounted for, despite how it’s clearly meant to represent something. I’ve become certain that this wind noise symbolizes fate, and I’ll tell you why.
In the MOTF 6 scene, just after Nanaki explains how he gained knowledge of the Whispers via contact with Aerith (7:23), they emerge and begin swirling aggressively around Aerith (7:26). Her hair and dress blow and ripple in the resulting wind. From this very moment onward “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” (3:00), a string section (bowed instruments in the violin family) that deliberately emphasizes the airy sound of the bow crossing the strings enters, creating a windy effect that adds to the already present wind noise (that started at 1:45). As the Whispers progressively become even more aggressive onscreen, both the wind SFX of the cutscene and the wind noise in the piece get louder and louder. Because of the timing of its appearance and crescendo in the cutscene, I’m certain the wind noise is meant to represent the restrictive flow of fate; it only makes sense, given that destiny is a current —or a wind— that cannot be broken, and Aerith is like a helpless petal in fate’s carefully planned storm. Of course, it’s also quite significant that the Whispers make a windy noise as they fly. You can hear it every time they’re onscreen, like when they first appear to Cloud in chapter 2 of Remake (17:45-18:20), or when the White Whispers hold Cloud back from chasing after Aerith during Rebirth’s Sleeping Forest scene in chapter 14 (28:43-29:45). You can also hear the wind sounds in other Whisper-related tracks, such as “Whorl of Whispers” (clearly audible at 2:50-3:05), as well as “A Death Not Ordained by Fate” (clearly audible at 2:56-3:18). Therefore, I’ll call these wind noises the “fate motif”.
V. b) ii. 2) Interpreting “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra”
In part 1 of “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” (0:00-1:45), Aerith’s theme and Cloud’s true theme play simultaneously, their respective phrases fitting perfectly together, interweaving peacefully and softly. It sounds like the two of them are chatting, dancing bashfully yet contently and in perfect sync, glad to be exactly where they’re meant to be as their themes sing together in harmony (soft piano). Part 1 of this piece is about Cloud and Aerith becoming important to one another as they discover their soulmate bond.
Unfortunately that contentment doesn’t last. In part 2 (1:45-3:00), Cloud experiences a moment of psychic vulnerability (world theme’s interference section). Fate lurks (fate motif enters quietly). His instability forces our couple’s sweet dance to a halt, and Aerith’s theme must retreat as Cloud’s confusion takes center stage. Sephiroth torments and taunts him (semi-tone played by strings, 2:03-2:10), taking advantage of Cloud’s psychic interference to plunge him into darkness (world theme’s interference section ends, low cello enters, 2:18): Cloud temporarily becomes a darker version of himself as evil corrupts him (piano plays section A phrases 1 and 2 of Cloud’s true theme in minor, 2:18-2:53). Jenova finally reveals itself and promptly exits, releasing Cloud’s mind from its grasp (seven first notes of parasite motif played twice on piano 2:53-3:00). Cloud is free, but the damage has been done: his dance with Aerith has long been interrupted, and she is gone. Part 2 of “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” is about Cloud being manipulated in service of Sephiroth and Jenova’s evil plan, interrupting his interaction with Aerith.
Part 3 (3:00-3:33) kicks off the mechanisms of a tragic fate (strings section joins fate motif, 3:00). Both anxious that she’s disappeared from his side and terrified of the darkness he just discovered inside him (in part 2), Cloud fearfully calls out for Aerith (phrase 1 of Cloud’s true theme’s section A, timid and hesitant piano, 3:04-3:15). Before his psychic interference began (start of part 2), Cloud’s voice was accompanied by Aerith’s as they grew closer and closer (their character themes mingling in part 1)… but now, Aerith isn’t answering his call, and he cannot find her (Aerith’s theme doesn’t to join Cloud’s anymore).
Anxious, Cloud tries calling out for Aerith a second time (section A phrase 2 of Cloud’s true theme’s, 3:19-3:31), searching for her in the hopes that they can continue their dance, but even now, Aerith does not respond. She’s gone (Aerith’s theme remains absent). Destiny keeps Aerith away from Cloud (fate motif gently crescendos). Part 3 of “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” is about Cloud’s separation from Aerith, his search for her, and the fear and anxiousness he feels when he realizes he cannot find her.
And then, part 4 begins with a sweet, gentle voice, calling out from the blackened horizon: it’s Aerith (section B phrase 1 of Aerith’s theme, soft piano, 3:33-3:45). Cloud finally hears her respond to his pleas: he’s found her. Fate begins howling in protest, doubling its efforts to keep Cloud and Aerith apart (fate motif crescendos noticeably in reaction to Aerith’s theme, 3:45). You can just picture Cloud running toward Aerith, struggling against the current of destiny to try and close the distance between them. Aerith tries calling out for Cloud a second time, (section B phrase 2 of Aerith’s theme, 3:40-3:43), but the Whispers only swirl around her more ferociously, taking her away in the uncompromising current of fate (fate motif continues to crescendo). Aerith tries again (section B phrase 1 of Aerith’s theme, 3:47-3:49). It sounds like she’s saying “Cloud, I’m over here, come find me!”
Fate doesn’t take too kindly to her defying it. Cloud and Aerith are not supposed to be together; it can’t be, it won’t. She’s destined to die to save the planet, and he’s destined to remain hollow forevermore. I can picture Cloud breaking into a sprint at the sound of her voice, running countercurrent to the flow of destiny— but the winds are so loud, fate’s demands are so strong, and the Whispers are shrieking in defense of destiny now. Aerith’s voice emerges for the fourth time (first three notes of section B phrase 3 of Aerith’s theme, 3:54 to 3:56). Fate screams louder, louder (steep crescendo of fate motif, 3:59-4:02). In a desperate hail Mary, Aerith shouts out one more time, as though throwing her hand out toward Cloud’s extended fingers (section C phrase 1 of Aerith’s theme, louder and more insistent, cutting through the fate motif as it crescendos sharply, 4:00-4:06). Part 4 of “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” is about Cloud and Aerith desperately trying to defy fate in order to be together. And then, it all stops: fate has seemingly quieted Aerith (4:04-4:08)…
Part 5 (4:08-4:27) begins with Cloud jumping, launching himself off the ground with all his strength (Cloud’s true theme section A phrase 2, first 5 notes, melody starting on the note E5 and ascending) as Aerith plummets toward the ground in a fatal fall (Aerith’s theme section C phrase 1, melody starting on the note E6 and descending, the last note altered)— he successfully catches her in mid-air (both Cloud’s ascending melody and Aerith’s descending melody meet in the middle of the octave, first uniting on B5, and then ending on A5). I’ve recreated the melodies for you here so you can hear this reunion more clearly. If you consider that the airy strings in this piece represent fate, which I do, the fact that they follow Cloud and Aerith’s themes in part 5 signifies that they are now in control of their own destinies, and successfully making it their fate to reunite.
To be completely frank, I did not realize until right now writing this that Cloud unites with Aerith in part 5, even though his theme is right there. I’m so excited to share this part with you.
We hear Aerith once more, her voice quietly trailing off into the silence (phrase 4 of section C of Aerith’s theme) with no conclusion (phrase 5 normally follows phrase 4 to conclude Aerith’s theme, but is absent here). Part 5 of “Aerith’s Theme - The Cetra” suggests that Cloud will save Aerith and that the couple will change their fate, but also conveys an uncertain and open-ended quality.
(continued in part 5)
submitted by haygurlhay123 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 FakeElectionMaker Riograndense politics and society during the 1930s

Riograndense politics and society during the 1930s
In 1937, President Getúlio Vargas decreed a Consolidation of Labour Laws (CLT), including mandatory work permits.
The 1930s saw a continued economic recovery and further industrial growth. Heavy industry in Rio Grande do Sul dates from this period, as, in 1935, the Vargas administration bought a steel mill design from Krupp. The government of the country also created a minimum wage, paid vacations, and unemployment insurance, most of which were not directly Vargas' responsibility, but rather that of individual congressmen. In 1937, Vargas decreed the CLT, contributing to his lasting popularity.
During the decade, Rio Grande do Sul experienced a boom in the radio, possibly facilitated by Vargas' use of this medium of communication for political purposes. Cinema grew to a lesser degree, with 37 movies being produced in Rio Grande do Sul during the decade, although it was mostly concentrated in Brazil's wealthiest successor states – São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the latter of whom came under the far-right dictatorship of Francisco Campos by 1934.
Three years earlier, the Legion of the Southern Cross (LCS) was founded in Bagé as a fascist, anti-liberal and anti-communist political party that supported corporatism, Catholic tradition in opposition to Castilhist positivism, and the rights of European immigrants. The large German and Italian communities in Rio Grande do Sul led to the LCS growing rapidly, and by 1937, it had 42,000 members according to modem historians. Vargas, a staunch anti-communist, had used the LCS to crack down on the outlawed communist party, but they later outlived their usefulness and got banned as well.
There was a corresponding growth in left-wing movements. On one hand, there was the Marxist-Leninist, clandestine Riograndense Communist Party, and on the other, the reformist Riograndense Socialist Party and Trotskyist Proletarian Socialist Party of Rio Grande do Sul. Each of these parties opposed the bourgeois PRR and sought to dominate organized labour, which Vargas sought to bring under government control, with little success, as relatively few workers joined the unions that the government created.
In 1938, Osvaldo Aranha was elected as the successor to Vargas, and reelected in 1942, bringing RS into the war on the side of the Allies. In 1946, Raul Pilla was elected on his fifth attempt (Vargas being term limited) due to wartime shortages and inflation continuing.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to GustavosAltUniverses [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:08 avaani Hypoglycemic episodes but not quite—what questions can I ask?

I have atypical CF, am pancreatic sufficient, and no CFRD. for the past 2-3 years I’ve been having episodes that seem to mimic postprandial hypoglycemia but my levels are always above 70. I’ve had a few fasting readings that are 67-69 but I don’t have any symptoms then. The symptoms start within an hour or so of eating and my levels will be 70-80 but get to 100ish 3-4 hours after eating, which does make me nervous that something insulin related is going on. My blood pressure is normal but tends to be on the low side as well.
The episodes mostly correspond with the 7-12 days before my period but it’s not uncommon for them to happen outside of that range. The symptoms are: - high heart rate (130-150) even if at rest - shaking - sweating - confusion (including slurring/stammering and switching words around) - weird tingly rising feeling inside - mouth tastes like sand/ash regardless of food or drink - pallor - certain edges blur in my vision; like where the walls meet the ceiling or floors. - more frequent urination with lower output
There are a few things that don’t happen every time I have an episode but have happened more than once: - Pain behind eyes - intense headache that disappears quickly
I’ve tried adjusting my diet in every way I can think of (and GI and nutrition have suggested) and nothing really seems to have an impact. Drinking sugar during/after an episode does help a bit but not by much.
My CF team seems to kind of be at a loss. All of my bloodwork is normal, weight and PFTs are fine. They’re sending me to a gynecologist because of how the episodes tend to correspond with my period. I am also seeing my PCP to get my heart checked soon.
I know it could end up being unrelated to CF but I wanted to see if anyone has had any similar experiences? I have a check up appointment soon and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions for other questions or specific testing requests that I can ask my doctors for to help figure this out.
Thank you!
submitted by avaani to CysticFibrosis [link] [comments]