Cancer man pisces woman 2011


2017.07.08 02:36 prometheus_x Astrology

Subreddit for astrology, numerology and mysticism in general.

2013.12.29 06:08 Angel Olsen

This is a place for discussing and sharing all things Angel Olsen, the wonderful American folk/indie rock music artist, singer and songwriter.đŸ„Š

2017.09.15 03:13 daaaaanadolores Justice for Holly Bobo

A subreddit dedicated to discussing the case of Holly Lynn Bobo and the trial of Zach Adams in her murder.

2024.05.19 07:18 Eastern-Ability-2894 John Kreese has the most tragic life story in the whole Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Universe.

John Kreese has the most tragic life story in the whole Karate Kid/Cobra Kai Universe.
In the Karate kid and Cobra Kai Universe, John Kreese has the most tragic life story ever. In my opinion he is also one of the most tragic characters in film/tv history.
Kreese grew up without a father and had a mentally ill mother who sadly killed herself when he was a young man of only 19 years old, leaving young Kreese to fend for himself. To add more tragedy to an already tragic loss, he was constantly bullied by others because of his mother's actions. Eventually things in life started to look more promising for Kreese as one day in 1965 he met a beautiful young lady named Betsy while working as a bus boy at a diner. After witnessing Betsy's then boyfriend David abusing her, Kreese stepped in to save her, beating up David and his friend, Kreese then offered Betsy a ride home which she happily accepted with a big smile to Kreese.
For the next couple of years Kreese and Betsy dated, they adored each other so much and were madly in love. Kreese eventually enlisted in the Army and left his beloved for basic training, Kreese said his goodbyes to the love of his life, Betsy, along with a few kisses, promising to not only return home to her but also that he'll come back a hero. By 1968 Kreese was already in Vietnam serving, he quickly gained a reputation for basically having a death wish, a reputation which caught the attention of Captain George Turner who was putting together a Special Task Force Unit, after meeting Turner, Kreese joined his unit, choosing his good friends Ponytail and Twig, aka Terry Silver to also join the group. Captain Tuner was a Korean War veteran who learned Tang Soo-Do from Master Kim Sun-Yung of South Korea. Turner taught Kreese, Silver and Ponytail many aspects of warfare including hand to hand combat. During that time though Turner would often berate Kreese for his inability to shed his humanity during physical confrontations, as Kreese was still fighting with mercy. During a sparring match with Turner, Kreese landed a good punch on him, but he briefly lowered his guard which Turner immediately took advantage of, sending Kreese to the ground. Turner went on to explain that it's either kill or be killed and that you never have second thoughts or hestiate and you show your enemy no mercy.
Soon after Kreese pulled out a picture of Betsy, a photograph which she had sent him earlier on and while looking at her photo, Kreese said that he'll be home soon, but tragically that would never happen as Betsy was already gone by that point, passing away in a fatal car accident. Though Captain Turner did receive a letter saying that she had tragically passed away but he never told Kreese or even gave him that letter. Later on during a mission to eliminate a Viet Cong encampment, Silver's radio erupted, giving away their position to the enemy, Turner ordered Kreese to detonate the explosive charge which Ponytail had just set but Kreese hesitated as Ponytail was still in the blast radius. Ponytail tried to run away but was caught by some Vietnamese soldiers who knocked him to the ground. The rest of the unit was then captured as well with Ponytail being executed right in front of them soon after. For the next year or so Kreese, Silver and Turner plus the rest of the unit were subjected to numerous methods of torture including being locked inside a bamboo cage and being forced to fight one another to the death on a platform suspended above a pit full of snakes, all for the amusement of the Vietnamese soldiers.
Sometime in 1969, Captain Turner and Terry Silver were chosen to fight each other but Kreese decided to take Silver's spot and fight their Captain instead. Turner who still hadn't forgiven Kreese for his actions in getting all of them captured cruelly revealed and even mocked that Betsy had died in a car accident. The news of her death profoundly impacted Kreese as he was clearly so devastated, initially dropping to one knee in pain, trying to process what he had just heard. Captain Turner early on in the fight had the upper hand on Kreese who was still very distraught by the news of Betsy's tragic death, but Kreese then became very enraged and defeated Captain Turner. Kreese showed his Captain no mercy by stomping Turner's hand as he was hanging by the platform suspended above the snake pit, Captain Turner fell to his death in a pit full of snakes. After the Captain's demise and still standing on the platform, Kreese immediately closed his eyes and let out a breath, in that moment Kreese was reborn, the kind hearted man with compassion and mercy had died with his love Betsy and now Kreese was starting to embrace a much darker side of himself, This is where Kreese first adopted his Strike First, Strike Hard and No Mercy moto. Kreese then freed the rest of the unit including the young Terry Silver who hugged Kreese and promised him a lifelong debt for saving his life. Kreese would also go on to save Silver more times between 1969 and 1975.
After his victory over the snake pit, Kreese and the other surviving members of the unit earned berets as well as battlefield commissions as officers in the US Army. Kreese would continue to Serve in the US Army Green Berets, earning the rank of Captain himself before leaving the military in 1975. Kreese also became the US Army's Karate Champion, a title he held from 1970 to 1972. He returned home to the valley very hardened and embittered by the numerous bereavements he suffered during the war, especially with the loss of his beloved Betsy. Soon after returning home in 1975 Kreese would co-found Cobra Kai Dojo alongside Terry Silver, teaching new generations the way of the fist and the same creed that Turner had once taught him, and the rest is history as we know it.
So Kreese is definitely the most tragic character in all of Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. He was a very good and kind hearted man that was twisted by unfathomable amounts of pain, loss, suffering and extreme violence from war. All Kreese wanted was to live a normal life, to serve his country and be a hero, to marry and have a family of his own one day with the only woman he ever truly cared about and really loved, Besty, but all Kreese got in the end was losing everything and everybody, leaving him with absolutely nothing. So Kreese shredded his humanity and buried all emotions deep, he stopped feeling when his Besty died, overtime building himself into the completely merciless, heartless and vicious karate sensei he is today.
His very sad and tragic backstory also helps us understand why in Kreese's mind, there is no middle ground, that survival has to mean the absolute defeat or death of your enemy, whether it's on the streets or in competition, even in the dojo, survival in life depends on that kill or be killed mentality which was psychologically engraved into Kreese through the brutality of war, his Captains cruel teachings and the very tragic/ profounding losses Kreese suffered in his life, the most impactful and damaging of all being the death of his sweetheart Betsy.
Though today John Kreese is a very cruel, vicious, merciless and cold hearted person, i still feel a great pity for him.
submitted by Eastern-Ability-2894 to cobrakai [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:18 MarvSee Karl Ess Vermögen, Erfahrungen, Test, Fake, Seriös?

Karl Ess ist ein renommierter Personaltrainer, Lifestyle-Coach und YouTuber, der sich in der Fitness- und Veganer-Szene einen Namen gemacht hat. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf seine Karriere, seine Prinzipien und seine Erfolge.

Karls Ess Herkunft und AnfÀnge

Karl Ess, geboren 1989 in Seattle, wuchs in Stuttgart auf. Der Halbamerikaner ist bekannt fĂŒr seine natĂŒrliche Herangehensweise an Bodybuilding und seine vegane Lebensweise, die er seit 2011 praktiziert. Seit 2012 teilt er sein Wissen ĂŒber veganen Muskelaufbau und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung auf YouTube und in seinen Videokursen.

❌Klick hier fĂŒr mehr Informationen❌

Der vegane Lebensstil von Karl Ess

Ein bekanntes Zitat von ihm lautet: „Ich bin der Meinung, dass es nichts gibt, was man nicht vegan essen und muskeltechnisch aufbauen kann.“ Er betont, dass eine vegane ErnĂ€hrung gesundheitliche und sportliche Vorteile bietet. Viele Menschen entscheiden sich heute wegen des zunehmenden Umweltbewusstseins gegen den Verzehr von Fleisch. Karl Ess lebt diesen Lebensstil konsequent und inspiriert andere, es ihm gleichzutun.

Das Karl-Ess-Prinzip

In seinem Buch „Das Karl-Ess-Prinzip: Wie du deine Welt in 30 Tagen verĂ€ndern kannst“ erklĂ€rt er, wie einfach es sein kann, auf tierische Produkte zu verzichten und dennoch gesund und fit zu bleiben. FĂŒr ihn ist es eine ethische Entscheidung und nicht nur eine Frage des Geschmacks.

SpiritualitÀt und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Karl Ess beschĂ€ftigt sich intensiv mit Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und SpiritualitĂ€t. In seinen Videos teilt er regelmĂ€ĂŸig Tipps und Erfahrungen rund um Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. FĂŒr ihn ist SpiritualitĂ€t eine Einstellung, die es ermöglicht, bewusst zu leben und die kleinen Momente im Alltag zu genießen.

Karls Ess Unternehmertum

Mit ĂŒber 500 Millionen Aufrufen auf seinem YouTube-Kanal und mehr als 700.000 Followern auf Instagram hat Karl Ess eine beeindruckende Reichweite aufgebaut. Sein Erfolg basiert auf harter Arbeit und hochwertigen Inhalten, die er tĂ€glich produziert. Neben YouTube generiert er Einnahmen durch verschiedene GeschĂ€ftszweige, darunter BĂŒcher, Online-Kurse und Coachings.

Beliebte Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Der BĂŒcherclub

Karl Ess fasst in seinem Videokurs die wichtigsten Inhalte von FachbĂŒchern zu Themen wie Business, Fitness und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zusammen. Der Buchclub bietet wöchentlich neue interessante BĂŒcher und passende Übungen, um das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden.

Privatier Coaching

Mit der „Lifebuilding Privatier Gruppe“ bietet Karl Ess ein exklusives Coaching-Programm an, das Teilnehmer in allen Lebensbereichen unterstĂŒtzt. Ziel ist es, mehr Zeit, Geld, Energie und emotionale Kontrolle zu erlangen.

Karl Ess' Vermögen und Einnahmequellen

Karl Ess hat durch seine vielfĂ€ltigen TĂ€tigkeiten ein geschĂ€tztes Vermögen von rund 5 Millionen Euro angehĂ€uft. Neben Einnahmen aus YouTube und Social Media generiert er UmsĂ€tze durch sein Life Building Programm und andere GeschĂ€ftsfelder. Seine erfolgreichen Unternehmungen umfassen Fitnessprogramme, BĂŒcher und Coaching-Dienste.

❌Klick hier fĂŒr mehr Informationen❌

Kontroversen und Kritik

Obwohl Karl Ess eine große Fangemeinde hat, steht er auch in der Kritik. Einige seiner GeschĂ€ftsmodelle wurden als fragwĂŒrdig bezeichnet. Zudem geriet er in die Schlagzeilen, als ein junger Mann in einen tödlichen Unfall mit seinem Maserati verwickelt war. Wie der 18-JĂ€hrige an die SchlĂŒssel kam, bleibt unklar.


Karl Ess hat es geschafft, seine Leidenschaft fĂŒr Fitness und vegane ErnĂ€hrung in eine erfolgreiche Karriere zu verwandeln. Mit seinem umfassenden Wissen und seiner positiven Einstellung inspiriert er viele Menschen, einen gesĂŒnderen und bewussteren Lebensstil zu fĂŒhren. Trotz einiger Kontroversen bleibt er eine einflussreiche Figur in der Fitness- und Veganer-Community.
Karl Ess ist ein renommierter Personaltrainer, Lifestyle-Coach und YouTuber, der sich in der Fitness- und Veganer-Szene einen Namen gemacht hat. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen detaillierten Blick auf seine Karriere, seine Prinzipien und seine Erfolge.

Karls Ess Herkunft und AnfÀnge

Karl Ess, geboren 1989 in Seattle, wuchs in Stuttgart auf. Der Halbamerikaner ist bekannt fĂŒr seine natĂŒrliche Herangehensweise an Bodybuilding und seine vegane Lebensweise, die er seit 2011 praktiziert. Seit 2012 teilt er sein Wissen ĂŒber veganen Muskelaufbau und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung auf YouTube und in seinen Videokursen.

Der vegane Lebensstil von Karl Ess

Ein bekanntes Zitat von ihm lautet: „Ich bin der Meinung, dass es nichts gibt, was man nicht vegan essen und muskeltechnisch aufbauen kann.“ Er betont, dass eine vegane ErnĂ€hrung gesundheitliche und sportliche Vorteile bietet. Viele Menschen entscheiden sich heute wegen des zunehmenden Umweltbewusstseins gegen den Verzehr von Fleisch. Karl Ess lebt diesen Lebensstil konsequent und inspiriert andere, es ihm gleichzutun.

❌Klick hier fĂŒr mehr Informationen❌

Das Karl-Ess-Prinzip

In seinem Buch „Das Karl-Ess-Prinzip: Wie du deine Welt in 30 Tagen verĂ€ndern kannst“ erklĂ€rt er, wie einfach es sein kann, auf tierische Produkte zu verzichten und dennoch gesund und fit zu bleiben. FĂŒr ihn ist es eine ethische Entscheidung und nicht nur eine Frage des Geschmacks.

SpiritualitÀt und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Karl Ess beschĂ€ftigt sich intensiv mit Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und SpiritualitĂ€t. In seinen Videos teilt er regelmĂ€ĂŸig Tipps und Erfahrungen rund um Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. FĂŒr ihn ist SpiritualitĂ€t eine Einstellung, die es ermöglicht, bewusst zu leben und die kleinen Momente im Alltag zu genießen.

Karls Ess Unternehmertum

Mit ĂŒber 500 Millionen Aufrufen auf seinem YouTube-Kanal und mehr als 700.000 Followern auf Instagram hat Karl Ess eine beeindruckende Reichweite aufgebaut. Sein Erfolg basiert auf harter Arbeit und hochwertigen Inhalten, die er tĂ€glich produziert. Neben YouTube generiert er Einnahmen durch verschiedene GeschĂ€ftszweige, darunter BĂŒcher, Online-Kurse und Coachings.

Beliebte Produkte und Dienstleistungen

Der BĂŒcherclub

Karl Ess fasst in seinem Videokurs die wichtigsten Inhalte von FachbĂŒchern zu Themen wie Business, Fitness und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zusammen. Der Buchclub bietet wöchentlich neue interessante BĂŒcher und passende Übungen, um das Gelernte direkt anzuwenden.

❌Klick hier fĂŒr mehr Informationen❌

Privatier Coaching

Mit der „Lifebuilding Privatier Gruppe“ bietet Karl Ess ein exklusives Coaching-Programm an, das Teilnehmer in allen Lebensbereichen unterstĂŒtzt. Ziel ist es, mehr Zeit, Geld, Energie und emotionale Kontrolle zu erlangen.

Karl Ess' Vermögen und Einnahmequellen

Karl Ess hat durch seine vielfĂ€ltigen TĂ€tigkeiten ein geschĂ€tztes Vermögen von rund 5 Millionen Euro angehĂ€uft. Neben Einnahmen aus YouTube und Social Media generiert er UmsĂ€tze durch sein Life Building Programm und andere GeschĂ€ftsfelder. Seine erfolgreichen Unternehmungen umfassen Fitnessprogramme, BĂŒcher und Coaching-Dienste.

Kontroversen und Kritik

Obwohl Karl Ess eine große Fangemeinde hat, steht er auch in der Kritik. Einige seiner GeschĂ€ftsmodelle wurden als fragwĂŒrdig bezeichnet. Zudem geriet er in die Schlagzeilen, als ein junger Mann in einen tödlichen Unfall mit seinem Maserati verwickelt war. Wie der 18-JĂ€hrige an die SchlĂŒssel kam, bleibt unklar.


Karl Ess hat es geschafft, seine Leidenschaft fĂŒr Fitness und vegane ErnĂ€hrung in eine erfolgreiche Karriere zu verwandeln. Mit seinem umfassenden Wissen und seiner positiven Einstellung inspiriert er viele Menschen, einen gesĂŒnderen und bewussteren Lebensstil zu fĂŒhren. Trotz einiger Kontroversen bleibt er eine einflussreiche Figur in der Fitness- und Veganer-Community.

❌Klick hier fĂŒr mehr Informationen❌

submitted by MarvSee to Erfahrungen123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:17 throaway_account_22 [M4F] Finding Ms. Right

"Healing comes in waves, and I'm allowed to feel every rise and fall of my tide." -Alex Elle
'After a long and stressful day, I yearn to be held. To be cherished. To be lovingly tucked into bed by someone nearly old enough to be my mother. Well, maybe not THAT far but enough of an age difference to give us a certain motherly dynamic.
You've always been there for me. I love the way you smell as you hold me close in bed at the end of every night. I love the way your silky, sexy robes hug your curves as you climb into bed.'
Hi! I have an idea for a gentle, wholesome, cuddly, DETAILED RP between a younger man and a much older woman. Something about an older woman taking control without being too cold or mean about it just sends shivers down my spine in the best way possible.
I'd love for this to mainly be a slice of life kinda deal, heart to heart talks, all that stuff. Maybe we could include snippets of their day-to-day lives in it i.e. doctor's appointments, therapy appointments (for him), clothes shopping, etc.
I'd put his age around 19/20/21. She's MUCH older. We can go over her exact age in chat. But the age gap is a VERY essential detail in regards to their dynamic, how she treats him, and how she approaches him. I also have backstories in mind for both of our characters. I will have to warn you, his backstory is quite dark. If that's an issue for you then I'll try to be as flexible as I can but I feel like it's essential for his character.
I would love to discuss the details further in detail with all you fine people ❀.
submitted by throaway_account_22 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:14 rrrammo 31 [NB4R] California/Online - VC?

Hey there!
As the title states, I'm on a search for short term voice chats through discord. Nothing crazy, nothing serious, just a simple conversation. Could be about anything or nothing, whatever works. Please don't ask for text chat, I'm horrible at those.
Although I may not identify as a man or a woman, my voice is rather feminine... Or at least I think so. No one's ever said anything about it so I'm going with my default settings if you catch my drift.
If you're in California that'd be super cool, but definitely not a requirement. All I ask is that you're in your 30's too and that you won't be mean đŸ„Č
If anything about this vague post interests you, reach out! If you msg a bit too late, but are open to perhaps scheduling a vc at a later date, also let me know. :)
submitted by rrrammo to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:12 crazymanace Alan Berg - Man vs. Woman: Are Women Really Ugly When They're Pregnant?

Alan Berg - Man vs. Woman: Are Women Really Ugly When They're Pregnant? submitted by crazymanace to MurderBryan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:12 sammomokk Forever Single?

Am I crazy? I'm writing this drunk and high. At 12:34 on a Saturday night. Probably because I wouldn't write it at any other time. I think I'm forever single. I've been in a relationship before. One. It started when I was 17 and ended when I was 19. I'm not sure if it was love or puppy love. I almost entered a relationship a few months after that with this gorgeous guy, but I wanted to be single and wasn't interested in being smothered anymore. Flashforward to 2024, a week after my 25th birthday, I haven't been in a relationship since. Hell, I haven't even been close to being in a relationship since. I haven't spoken to a boy/guy/man for more than 12 hours since. (I say 'boy/guy/man' because I feel like at my age, that's what you've gone through. When you're a teen, you date boys. In college, guys. When you've been contributing to a 403b for almost 4 years? Men? Right?? Men. I do looooove men. Anyway...) I am/I've been on the apps. I've had hot Grindr hookups. I've had horrible, terrible Grindr hookups. I go to gay bars in NYC, Fire Island, Florida, Vegas, PTown. No one seems to be interested in me. I dont have abs. My weight flucuates often. I suffer from anxiety and I love smoking weed. I've been really focused on work and starting my career. But, surely, many gay men who would say all of the above are in happy, committed relationships. But I'm not even sure that's what I want. A (straight) couple that I haven't seen in months caught up with me tonight and, of course, one of the first questions they asked was my relationship status. "Oh dont worry, I didn't find him until I was 38!," the woman exclaimed. When speaking to an acquaintance tonight, she brought up a guy that we both mutually know. "He's 30 and has never seriously dated anyone or brought anyone around," she remarked. As a put-down. As evidence to prove how immature this guy is.
Does this mean I'm immature? Is this what people say about me? It's not that I dont want a relationship. It'd be cool, I guess. I'm not asexual. In fact, I'm like the horniest person I know. Except after college, I've barely had sex with anyone. Being in a relationship that guarantees regular sex would be awesome. Maybe it's a confidence issue? When my weight flucuates, I get really self-concious. When I'm anorexic and draw attention to myself, I grow confident. I guess I dont outwardly seek relationships, like a lot of the people around me. I'm cool with staying home. I'm not necessarily a relationship person, like a lot of the people around me, either. I work hard and enjoy being self-depedent. I like smoking and watching a movie by myself. I'm cool eating alone at a restaurant. I love treating myself to a Broadway show. I guess, after writing this all out, I'm wondering if anyone can relate? Is this normal? Is a relationship the end goal? Is that what I should strive for? I'm so young, I know, but I feel like an old fucking maid. I'm not sure what I want. But I've seen some single, lonely old men that are just so sad. And I think to myself, "Is that what I want to be?" I'd like to say that, 'I'm just meant to live the Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle!' But Carrie dated and actually slept with people (sometimes regularly too)! Then, she ended up with the guy. I guess I'm just looking for clarity and thoughts. Thanks guys ❀
submitted by sammomokk to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:12 Global_Push4521 5 months married, he cheats, I’m trying to figure out what to do

So I basically married a man who I thought would be the love of my life. We fell pregnant pretty instantly after starting to date. I wanted a life with him all the kids and the family. It progressively has gotten worse. He got into sissy porn, buying masturbation devices behind my back, he even went as far to download a gay app and planned to meetup with a trans woman to have sex. They even planned on inviting a girl to have a threesome. After that event I lost pretty much all respect for him. I forgave him for it. He blamed me said it was because all we had been doing was arguing. Mind you, I had my baby shower 4 days before he left to go on this trip, and he didn’t even show up to his own son’s baby shower. It’s been a nightmare of a time but he apologized and said he wants to make things right and that he messed up really bad. Whatever. Gave him another chance. We moved into a house together. I’m 5 days overdue, baby can be here at any moment. We’ve reached a point in our relationship now where he doesn’t go places with me, won’t ride in a car with me, if I’m driving the car he’s constantly complaining saying how I’m a terrible driver, he never takes me out on dates or asks me to go anywhere with him, he doesn’t want to go to the park with me, doesn’t want to take our dog on walks with me, doesn’t even want to sit and chill on the couch with me cause once I start talking he tells me to be quiet and to leave him alone. I’m pretty sure he’s just giving absolutely no effort at this point, and I keep enabling it and staying out of my love for him. A lot of it has to deal with us about to have our first baby also. Speaking of, I paid for us to attend birthing classes and he only went to 2 of them. Argued with me the entire way there too made it seem like it was unnecessary for him to be there. Anyways. I can’t help but want to seek out other male attention at this point because I am So neglected by my husband during such a vulnerable part of my life. My question is though, what MEN out there would date a woman who just had a child? Is there anyone who would even consider? I’m not even necessarily looking for something super serious. It’s mainly just some sort of flirting, sexting, affection, hugs, company, going out and doing fun things etc. (I’m speaking in terms of whenever I have my baby, after I separate from my husband and give it some time)
I just don’t know anything about the dating world with children. I feel very deprived of love and affection. My husband has acted out many times and I’ve stayed. I can only think at this point of doing the same back to him. I know FWB is a thing, how do men feel about that with a woman who has a child? I guess this post would be seeking advice/support. Cause I’m just a mess at what to do right now.
submitted by Global_Push4521 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 cleavage-2-beaver M4F - Straight On Until Morning [Peter Pan Inspired] [Dark Romance] [Violence] [Crime] [Thriller]

This is my first script. Please be kind. If it sucks, it sucks, but I had fun writing it nonetheless. Please link me if you use/fill it. I would love to hear your take on it. Free to monetize, Youtube, Patreon, whatever, I just want to hear it. :)
P.S. I know people hate seeing other characters lines a lot -- so I just covered them for other people and if you want to see them, just click on them -- there just little responses that helped me continue writing the script.
Speaker: You are Killian James a.k.a. Hook. Your eyes are the color of the sea, your hair is dark as night, and you are dashing, troubled, and flirtatious. The lilt of an accent gives you a melodic tone, and your personality is dark, playful, and direct. You are comfortable in three-piece suits, and are a dangerous man with many secrets.
Listener: Your name is Wendy. Your friends have convinced you to go to a bar downtown in the more dangerous part of the city due to rumors, only they end up bailing without you. You are going to go home after you finish your drink. The bar is called Never Land, Where, according to your friends rumors, the owner is a mysterious man that they all seem fascinated with. Apparently, he is tall, dark, and handsome – a devil of a man that goes by a strange name. They call him

Scene setter: Italics
SpeakeVA: Plain text with "quotes" outside of the sentence/phrases
Internal monologue: Bold/italics
Action of character or SFX: ((Double Parenthesis))
Response from a character: ((pause))

((SFX – The club is above this basement 'torture chamber' area-you can hear the music of the club playing muffled. The basement area is clean and not dungeon-y but is more of a modern torture chamber with drains for easy ah
 clean up))
SCENE: There is a man chained/tied up. Hook enters the room, looking almost bored that he needs to be there. He takes off his jacket, handing it to one of his henchmen, leaving the vest on, before he unbuttons his cuffs and starts rolling the sleeves up.
“I’m not pleased that our shipment is late, Mr. Jukes. It was supposed to arrive on a super yacht named the ‘Jolly Roger’ today with a bunch of rich snobs who were none the wiser. Your men guaranteed me that it would arrive with the staff and be loaded off on the dock shortly after, however, that is yet to come to fruition, and I am not a patient man.”


((SFX: VA puts on leather gloves, stretches fingers and gets comfortable in them))
“I am aware that they have taken a detour due to a storm, Jukes – but your mismanagement of my time, and my money, are not to be forgotten. Bad form, Jukes! Bad form!”

((SFX: dragging knife sound – //our character uses a tactical Hook knife. It’s typically for gutting deer – not really necessary to know, it’s just to flesh out the character for you//, Hook approaches slowly))
“I know it won't happen again. Don’t worry, Jukes, since this is your first time having erred with me, I shall simply leave you with a small reminder. I expect the shipment to be directed to our port swiftly, otherwise,” ((small cruel laugh)) “I won’t be nearly as lenient again.”

((SFX chains straining, screaming that becomes muffled screaming, as Hook takes his knife and leaves the man with a Cheshire Grin/Glasglow Smile up one side of his face, heavy breathing for a moment, as he returns and throws his knife down on the table)) --
“Get me my other three-piece suit from my office and a clean shirt. I’ve got this bastard’s blood all over me. He's not to be given his freedom until I hear that the shipment has come in from the Jolly Roger. If it does not go to plan – we will have to take further, more drastic actions and I don’t want to have to find this cad, Mr. Jukes again. Do I make myself clear?”
((henchmen answer))
((SFX – him pulling off the leather gloves and getting changed))
“One of you stay here and watch him. Tonight I’ll be on the club floor. I’m not to be interrupted until The Crocodile has made contact. Is that understood?”
“Good. That is all.”
((he leaves))

((SFX – transition to this however you like))
\*modern day, bar scene/sounds (*no* jazz or classical music - it's a nightclub), people mingling in the background. In enters our VA/Hook.*

“Tinkerbell, pour me my usual, will you, dear?”
((Tink is quick, and slides him his drink. Sip, sigh, and pause as he looks around)) (( This internal thought is not necessary but if you want to, go for it ))
\*internal thought*\** Who’s this? Oh my, sweet lamb, you are definitely in the wrong place.
“Tink, one last thing, could you possibly tell me anything about that young woman there? The one in blue.”
((listening intently for a moment))
“Hm. Lovely. Thank you, dear.”
((SFX – he puts down his drink, footsteps/fine Italian leather shoes approaching the young lady who is at the bar))
“Well, well, well
 Isn’t that a beautiful dress on an even more beautiful woman. That color of blue really suits you. You
 are a piece of art. A fascinating and intriguing piece of art. However, you don’t quite seem like you belong here.”
“Someone as divine as you, as *innocent* as you, dressed as you are, doesn’t really seem to fit in. Not in this kind of place. You look more like you would fit in one of the high-class jazz lounges uptown. Martinis, a piano player, velvet couches and the like. Do you think that you fit in amongst these gentlemen of fortune and these women dressed in their slinky club clothes? Look around, do you see the patrons here?”
((short pause as she looks around))
“Don’t you see? You are simply dressed too elegantly for a place like this. No, you, my dear, are definitely not the type that belongs amongst these fiends. You belong uptown. Not here, amongst the dregs of society like us. Your mannerisms are too graceful, you walk with pride and your chin up – this is not the body language of one of my people.”
“Well, I happen to own this establishment, Never Land, so I am rather familiar with the likes of the people who tend to come through its doors, and I have never seen you before. You seem quite unforgettable. Could I have the pleasure of having your name?”
 What a lovely name for such a lovely woman. Well, Wendy, darling – my name is Killian. My friends call me Hook.”
“So many questions! What an inquisitive slip of a thing you are. Perhaps, we could talk over a drink?”
((*VA snaps fingers* Bartender Tinkerbell approaches immediately and waits)) ((ListeneWendy begins to decline))
“Don’t fret, darling. It’s just a drink. Should you find yourself not interested in our conversation or in me, you are more than welcome to leave and go back uptown to the *safe* areas of the city, where the likes of people like me and my ilk will be of no bother to you ever again. But should I pique your interest, perhaps allow me the grace of your presence again in the future.”
“Just one drink. And nothing more.”
((ListeneWendy accepts))
“Delightful! Tink, if you could get us another round. One of whatever the lady was drinking, and my usual.”
((short pause as he takes her in before sighing and leaning in closer to speak to her))
“Darling, do tell me, why have you wandered into the seedy underbelly of our city? What is it exactly that you are searching for? Mystery? Intrigue?"
((whispers // into her ear))
((VA leans back and there is a sly curling of his lips into a crooked smile))
“Mm, that blush really does make me think that you truly are as innocent as I originally thought, Darling. Albeit, I am sure you knew what kind of danger you could get into coming to a place like this. You may be looking for danger, but it seems danger has found you instead.”
“Oh, yes, danger. There is plenty of danger here. However, it seems like that’s something you seem to be searching for. Should I inquire as to –“
((VA leans in once more))
“What *kind* of danger you are looking for? See, Darling, that’s the thing about danger
 You may only want a little but you never truly know how much you’re going to get.”
((VA - practically whispered across her lips or ear, you imagine how close you want to get))
“Ah, yes, Wendy, darling. I happen to be very
((Listener steps back))
((he gives a low chuckle))
“Do I 
 make you 
((short pause and VA steps forward as Listener shakes her head defiantly))
“Or perhaps, I am not the kind of danger you are looking for?”
“Do you even *know* what you are looking for, my little lamb?”
((dangerously close to her))
((drinks come at this time delivered by Tink – VA returns to less invasive persona))
"Ah, thank you, Tink. You’ve impeccable timing. Shall we? I’d love to take this to a VIP booth I prefer to sit in. It will give us a little more privacy and won’t be as loud. Come now, pet."
((footsteps/music/whatever SFX have them move to a slightly quieter place, sit in a booth))
"Do you mind, Darling? I’d much rather be sitting next to you than across the table. That way I can hear you better. Yes, that’s it, just move in a little further."
((this gives no escape for Listener as James/Hook is between the easy exit and her – SFX of her moving over if you want to get technical and him sitting next to her))
“Ah, *that*. The name Hook
 It is simply from a childhood long ago. Raised in an orphanage with many other lost boys like myself. It’s a truly heartbreaking story, I’m sure, but I’d like you to remember our first meeting in a different light. Not melancholy and deep, dark secrets. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps, if you decide to embark on a journey with me in the future, or are willing to grace me with your presence again, we can discuss it then.”
((Listener nods, nervously))
((he leans in))
“But you, Wendy, darling –“
((whispered // reaches out to draw a finger down her jawline as he looks from her eyes to her mouth))
“You still haven’t answered me.”
“About what *kind* of danger you are looking for
((pause // leaning in))
“Are you looking for something – just a wee bit threatening? Perhaps something that will get the heart pumping momentarily?”
((pause // leaning in))
“Or perhaps, a singular thrilling night before the sun rises and the fun is over?”
((pause // leaning in))
 are you looking for something darker? Something much more dangerous. Something soul shattering that will devour you whole? Something that makes you question your morals
 Your boundaries
 Something that will burn you to ash and will leave you begging me for more even once I break you?”
((kisses Wendy))
“Do you know what kind of danger you want yet, darling? That last one
 It is not a wise idea for a sweet little lamb like you, but I promise... You’ll love it.”
submitted by cleavage-2-beaver to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 NickyGthe1 Jasmine’s mystery man

Jasmine’s mystery man
It has been confirmed that the person Jasmine was "hiding" on her TikTok Live is a woman, not a man. This individual is her publicist, not a new romantic partner.
submitted by NickyGthe1 to u/NickyGthe1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 throwaway11307 I [30M] and a coworker [35F] mutually developed very intense strong feelings for one another, but tons of complications exist.

Using a throwaway account for reasons. There are also some details whether seemingly important or not that I am omitting for brevity--this is strictly about the subject and the future.
To begin, and to drive right into the complications, I am currently going through a divorce. I was married for 3.5 years or so after being with stbxw for 9 years. We grew through our 20s together and while things were fine in our early 20s we had a lot of issues as we started transitioning into adults. I started a new job last fall and my past relationship with soon to be ex wife was already falling apart and we were also attempting to recover from an affair she had with our old neighbor, she was still having the affair after promising and lying. I am quickly moving on and deserve better. I always was loyal to my wife. Though, we have a 4 year old daughter and spontaneous triplet boys who are about a year old together to boot which is crazy. We started the divorce this past winter.
To back-track, within a month of my new job, which started last summer working as a project manager, a new project coordinator I was partnered with joined the company. We will call her Elle. This woman is insanely out of my league. She is insanely beautiful, smart, kind, mature, etc. and we quickly bonded over the fact that we both lost a parent in the past, my mom in 2014 and her father in 2015. Elle and I formed a strong friendship within our team and I started observing that she cared about my issues quickly.
She is from Chicago and kind of moved out here (AZ) to be with her boyfriend of 2 years or so whom she has a weird broken relationship with. Elle and I quickly got along, we shared similar senses of humor, some similar interests, I found that we had a growing chemistry throughout the fall. Around Thanksgiving and throughout December I started missing her quite a bit--I started noticing within myself that emotional and physical feelings were growing for her. I noticed that we were flirtatious at work quite often and that we had this insane connection when we locked eyes with each other. We were incredibly professional, always were, however it was becoming obvious in the office that we liked each other. A lot.
It was obvious what we were feeling for each other, so in December I confessed to her about how I was feeling and we quickly found that it was very mutual. Obviously there are complications here--I was starting a divorce and she lives and has a relationship with her boyfriend, and he tracks her.
Stbxw is a bit crazy to boot, and the fact that I have children with her is also complicated. However, for the past 4-5 months, Elle and I have kind of ignored our issues. We started coming in earlier and staying later together, getting coffee all the time together. We started hanging out after work parked in the garage and I would buy a bottle of wine and we'd hang out for hours drinking together. Getting really physical at job sites if we were alone. Things were escalating quickly. We started getting physical, making out, tried sex once but the issue for both of us is that she is essentially cheating on her boyfriend no matter how desperately we wanted it. Which is ironically what happened to me with my past relationship. I was just on the other side of it now.
We couldnt help it, our chemistry is really strong and I found myself thinking about her all the time, missing her, wanting to be with her. Same with her. We were sexting a lot and insanely flirtatious. We fell in love with each other. It kept getting stronger. We started talking about actually being in a relationship, hell, even talking about marriage and kids and shit. It was really intense and escalating quickly. She started asking for me to "be patient with her" and that "soon" we would be able to actually start dating, that she "needed to get out and deal with her situation on her own". We were constantly talking about a future together--things were getting serious. Hell, I even bought a nice ring for her as a token of my promise that I am hers. She wasnt, so she says, sleeping with her boyfriend, something I was getting a lot of intrusive thoughts about, we were waiting for each other. I toured an apartment with her as she was planning to move out, i could tell she didnt like it though, was homesick, and i talked to her about moving in with me which at one point was agreed on. But again, complicated.
Early March was the first "real" discussion we had about things though, as January and February were filled with those moments above. It was serious--she felt incredibly guilty for cheating on her boyfriend, saying she was a bad person, confused why she was doing what she was doing and I obviously felt it was wrong as I went through it myself previously and just as well a red flag for myself even if we became a couple I was running the risk of being with somebody capable of that, and we talked about that many times. But there was something obviously missing about her relationship with her boyfriend--they didnt get along and he treated her poorly in the beginning of their relationship that may or may not be a contributing factor to whats going on. She said we should stop, she mentioned she could be going back to Chicago and is seriously confused about her life and us being together, while we feel what we do, was a big step for both of us and I couldnt help but agree. It isnt a simple relationship approach given our "situations", a word that was used frequently between us.
Since then we have tried putting up walls with each other several times--it was and has been very difficult, no matter what we do, we know how we feel about each other and continued--though now we do not hang out in the garage, the sexting stopped a couple weeks ago or so--and now she truly is moving back to Chicago this summer which has put a timer and damper of sadness on this all. She also is moving back there with her boyfriend which is pretty disheartening as some would agree however she doesn't have much money so is kind of using him to get back there and she wants to be with her family and friends. Complicated. I dont know. I dont like it obviously. We attempted to come up with a game plan to mitigate this situation--no matter what we do, we end up getting coffee, spending time talking and seeing each other as much as we can at the office and enjoying our prescences with one another. She didnt request for me to wait for her, but she told me not to forget about her. There have been a couple times she said "who knows, maybe ill move back there and Ill just end up regretting it" and still have that strong feeling of a future together even though this is happening currently. We also need time for ourselves honestly--my divorce and her situation with her family/friends and her boyfriend thing, maybe she needs to re-discover herself in a way. Or she may end up settling with him. Ugh. Any possibility exists.
We still feel the way we do. We love each other and she says no man has ever treated her the way I do, looked at her the way i do--and mutually myself I feel like I have found the woman of my dreams. We honestly are like a power couple together. A true match in personality and looks. It just sucks, we see each other every day, I was semi-promoted so i have a different position now but still work closely together so its very hard and the undeniable chemistry is still there. The way we lock eyes is still there. She comes into my office often and talks to me, spends time with me and we make excuses to be around each other. We just know now that her moving back to her home in Chicago is a reality and WILL be happening now--so we arent talking as often as we used to. It definitely is deflating in a way--though the mutual feelings exist. We both have the feeling that once we "figure out our lives" maybe its something we can revisit. The future can be weird, and even when she leaves this summer I will have that hopeful "someday, one day" feeling about us.
Not really looking for advice, it is what it all is. Just sharing a relationship story.
TL;DR: coworker and I fell in love but things are complicated. we both have messy situations that need to be individually addressed-trying to write more bc post was removed for not having a tldr when it did. Anyway yeah our lives while we have strong feelings arent aligning at the moment
submitted by throwaway11307 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:11 Tall_Orchid_5609 I hate religion and all their ceremonies (my personal stories)

I’ll never understand why women are religious. I understand why men are, after all, they are the gods. They are the superiors and we are just the r*apebait, baby making slaves right?
Religions women disgust me. No self-respecting man would ever follow a religion that only/ mainly has female gods, that worships females, that calls females the creators, that has a “father” but can never acc mention that father, that constantly says that they are inferior to women, that men were the cause of the original sin/ that they are rhe root of evil cuz 1 (made up) “person” messed up and now everyone born their gender will have a painful and fucked up life, and so on and so forth. So why do women do it?
This is one of womens’ many flaws imo. Too forgiving. And because of that, i think that religions are right in saying that women are “obedient”. More men are atheists than women. It should be the other way around but women just wont leave this toxic relationship.
Im south asian. Almost all my family is hindu, and i sort of practised it too until i was about 10, then became an atheist. I am 19 now and have everlasting trauma and self-hate from those 10 years and just learning more about the different religions makes them hate them and my self more and more and more and more.
There is a ceremony that some people preform when a girl gets her first period. Absolutely barbaric and this was my breaking point to making me become an atheist. It’s basically am advertisement and it’s lowkey pedophilic cuz the whole idea of it is that they invite everyone and basically say “i have a daughter who can now have kids. So men, come up, and take a gander at her”. Basically saying that this 7-12 yr old is old enough for marriage and to have kids. And it just gives off “if she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed” vibes.
And ofc men dont have anything this humiliating cuz why would they? Men actually have DIGNITY in this world that tries to shame, belittle and degrade women from the time we are born!
Oh and also right after i got it. Like the second after i got my first one. My stupid mom called all of her family and told them even when i told her not to. NO RESPECT FOR ME
I never did this stupid thing. I had to fight my parents to not do it and i dont regret what i did. BUT after not doing it, people (random ass family members mainly) would COME UP TO ME AND ASK ME IF I “WAS NORMAL” 
 NORMAL. THAT IS THE EXACT WORDING THEY USED. ASKED ME IF ANYTHING WAS “WRONG” with me! The answer is no. BUT WHY IS THAT ANYONES BUSINESS. WHY SHOULD MY BUSINESS BE SHARED TO ALL THESE PEOPLE WHO I DONT EVEN KNOW LIKE THIS? Like even if i did have endo or didnt get a period for whatever reason or whatever, THAT WOULD NOT MAKE ME “not NORMAL”. Do we treat anyone else with other diseases/ illnesses like this?! Do we tell people with cancer that they are “not normal”. NO BECAUSE THEY DONT CONTROL THAT (not in every case). They for the most part have condolences and best wishes. but the SECOND it is something that affects cis women, SOCIETY SHAMES THEM INSTEAD OF RESPECTING THEIR PRIVACY OR SHOWING THEM PITY OR CONCERN OR GIVING THEM USEFUL/ WANTED ADVICE
When you are on you period, you are “unclean” and apparently spread cooties or something idk. Just such childish thinking. Cuz ive had family members Litterally SNEEZE AND COUGH IN FOOD or cough without covering their mouths and my mom turns a blind eye to it. Defends them. Says theres nothing wrong and that they are not “actually sick”. But BUT 
. If i am on my period and want to touch my own clothes in my own closet. Or if i had just finished my period and haven’t showered yet and go to touch my clothes, TELL ME WHY MY MOM THROWS A HISSY FIT TANTRUM GOING OFF ABOUT HOW IM “CONTAMINATING” all mu clothes and that everything ive touched now had to be washed ?!?!!?!!!?!!???? GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
YELLS AT ME FOR GOING TO THE KITCHEN IN MY OWN HOUSE. YELLS AT ME FOR PASSING THE PRAYER ROOM TO GET TO MY OWN BED ROOM. Like she knew she was raised like this and that she would do that to me. Should have just had an abortion (im from canada) the second she found out that i wasn’t a precious, clean baby boy , but instead am a dirty, impure female.
UK WHAT, just search up what “period huts” are on google 😀 and all the LITTERAL DEATHS THEY CAUSE CUZ PEOPLE WANNA BANISH GIRLS FROM THEIR HOMES FOR SOMETHING WE CAN NOT CONTROL NOT EVEN ALLOWED IN YOUR OWN HOME AND YOU ARE REDUCED TO A STRAY ANIMAL FOR YOUR PERIOD. In fact, despite the fact that these people throw those huge parties to announce a first period, periods are VERY taboo in south asia. To the point where women cant even have/ use pads or carry pads around so they have to resort to using cloth and leaves WHICH CAUSES INFECTIONS
That said, i dont think that hinduism is the worst one out there. There are definitely worse ones but this was just my experience and i needed to vent and maybe teach others some things and give reasons as to why we shouldn’t be following these MAN MADE LIES!
submitted by Tall_Orchid_5609 to femalepessimist [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:10 GoatmontWaters Defense and size is more important than offense and I'll prove it.

This is why I think 2024 will go to either Denver or Celtics. Mavs/Indy/Knicks dont have all-stars who are big enough, or elite switchable defenders.
submitted by GoatmontWaters to nba [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:09 Backstabbingmonkey55 Why does animated porn always consist of interracial couples when it’s a dark skinned woman/man?

I focused too much on it and now it annoys me, why does animated porn always make it an interracial thing when it comes to darkskinned characters? Same with darkskinned males, I barely ever see two darkskinned characters go at it, why is interracial porn so popular nowadays?
submitted by Backstabbingmonkey55 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:08 Witchin-n-Bitchin7 My ex/BD is now with someone else

I (27f) left my daughters father (28m) 3 years ago. He cheated on me the whole pregnancy and was mentally/emotionally abusive. I still have not gotten into another relationship nor have I slept with anyone else. I left him when our daughter was barely 3 months old and she has been in my custody about 90% of the time (which I’m not complaining about at all. I am so blessed to have my babygirl so much) . He claims that he just works so much and doesn’t have a lot of free time for her (or his other child from a previous relationship). He and i have tried to mend our relationship a few times over the years but it just never worked. I still carry a lot of pain from the trauma of the relationship. I’ve tried therapy, meditation, and just plain grieving but i still break down over it every once in a while (maybe 3 times a year). No matter what I do, how I’m doing, or what I have going on, i still feel such deep pain from what he did. It’s really messed me up in the head and i don’t trust a single soul. I don’t let anyone get too close. Today, i see that he is now with another woman. I know he’s been sleeping with other women since I’ve left. (That’s how he’s always been. He’s always been sexually involved with somebody/anybody since he was 14) but seeing him POST another woman was like a dagger in my heart. How can he just go on like I never existed? I have never loved anyone the way I did him. When i say i gave that man my heart and soul , I’m not exaggerating. I gave up so much and did so much for him because I loved him more than anything in this world. I cant even be sexually intimate with another person. I cant even allow myself to fall for anyone. I’ve TRIED. I’ve gone on dates, met new guys, all that. But I’m absolutely stuck. And i don’t know why. And i don’t know how to get unstuck. I hate feeling this way and I just wanna not be in pain anymore. I cant take it.
Just needed to get this out. I don’t like taking about the BS anymore and if i do talk about it with anyone i feel guilty for still being so upset. I just want to send this into the abyss of Reddit and just pray i don’t feel this way yet again when i wake up
submitted by Witchin-n-Bitchin7 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:05 slytherinHBIC S1: Silas

I feel like everyone else in this sub is up to date, but I just started watching this show like yesterday lol.
But I need to speak to someone about Silas. He pisses me off so much it’s not even funny. Apparently his wife (Jasmine? I get all of the girls confused, but that’s another matter) plays some kind of trad wife role when it’s just the two of them, but she’s acting like a modern woman for the most part on this trip. So many weird little things have happened, where if I was her friend, I would be side eyeing them the whole time. The part that finally made have to make a post was him having a temper tantrum about
 getting dressed himself? He just made a big deal about her ironing clothes “unnecessarily” according to him the episode before and she accidentally burned his pants, but now he’s upset that she didn’t read his mind and steam his clothes without him asking or offer to help him get dressed. Like you’re a grown man, why do you need help? It was also weird he was going in on her burning the cheese but running around without his wedding ring.
Also he talks about how he likes routines and mansplaining things because he’s in the military 🙄. Mans joined the military as a RESERVIST like a year ago, you’re not even in the military fr, why is it your whole personality. The way he acts you’d think he was 10 years in serving full time and had been living the military life from middle school JROTC.
submitted by slytherinHBIC to summerhouseMVbravo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 SaltyAqua77 What draws a woman to a man that leads to marriage?

I (33M) don’t know how to describe it but you know, just like a couple that transforms and matures once they meet each other, kinda like they found the one. And the man is involved, not like a fierce man that wants to spread their wings and have space.
I’m a shy guy and socially anxious but at my new church’s Bible study, which has a lot to single young women my age, I feel like there are at least two women who I might have their curiosity. I just feel like there is a door open for me to give it a shot.
I don’t know what they see. Maybe I’ve calmed down in life and have a focus of desiring a wife and maybe they see that I just look prepared?
Like, since I have a career now, and I’m realizing that more seriousness and energy should be put towards following the teachings of Jesus, and I’m more sober about my spending habits, all that just mellowed me out and matured me in a way. Just having different priorities.
Are these things that can been seen from someone demeanor?
submitted by SaltyAqua77 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 burnerback9 23F Insecurities keeping me from being with women

Hey guys,
Wouldn't consider myself to be a late bloomer, but I am probably not going to have my first successful relationship with a woman until I'm 30 or something.
I consider myself to be gynosexual - I'm very attracted to feminine looking people, especially feminine presenting women.
I was in a relationship with one bio guy that lasted about 2 months, and he was bisexual and even considered himself to be potentially trans-femme (she/he was undecided on their gender identity)
Other than that, all my experiences have been with women. I used to be a sex worker, and homeless so I would sleep with men to "get things" (as terrible as that sounds)
I cringe looking back at my past with women, how I turned some off with my insecurities and behaviors. I just feel like I'm a big ick for femme women.
I don't want to relive some of those experiences, but I will tell you what in particular phases me:
submitted by burnerback9 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 hetalian456 I'm starting to hate my mom

For a bit of context, the last 4 years, my father was very sick with a multitude of illnesses. Heart disease, kidney failure, possible lung cancer, etc. etc. Even before this, he was an abusive man. Physically, especially when we were younger but verbally when we got older. He died just last summer, and all the problems we ignored are bubbling up. I have become a sort of therapist for my family during this time. Which is a bit inappropriate considering I was only 16 when this all started. Now on to the actual issues. This all started over something stupid, a cardgame, I asked my mom if she was willing to playa game after dinner with my younger sibling, who i will now refer to as Saturn, and myself. She agreed until dinnertime came around and she got a horrible migraine. She went up to bed after dinner to hopefully ride out the migraine. I of course was a little disappointed but I didn't make a big deal out of it. I get migraines too and know how bad they can get. Saturn went upstairs shortly after. I was left alone downstairs by myself with all of our family photos and my mind started to wandor back to my dad. He wasn't the best father but he loved us the best he could. And on nights like this he would have played with us instead and I got stuck on memory lane amd got emotional. Whenever I get emotional I go non-verbal. So fast forward an hour or so and mom comes down. I am still non-verbal and she notices something us wrong. She questions me but u can't talk. She gets upset that I can't answer her. Saturn comes down and I text them so they can talk to mom. Mom gets upset again that I was upset. Something important is that we never do anything I suggest. I express interest in something and she says she'll take me and never does. I brought this up to her. She said she'll work on it. She didn't. She than goes off on a rant about how she is trying hard to be good mother and that we don't appreciate it and that she most be a failure all because she has a migraine. We try to explain that no, we aren't upset. You wanted to know why I was upset and didn't wait to let her explain. She goes upstairs. Saturn and myself sit in the living room seething. We go uo to try to talk to her. And she is very impatient and flippant. I am not aloud more than two words at a time. The worst part is that everything that happened tonight I have talked to her about before. She promises to change and never does. I am sick of fixing everyone else's problems and shouldering all of the emotional baggage for everyone in my family. If I show any emotion that isn't joy or numbness I am yelled at. I am belittled. I am told that I am overreacting and that I need to get myself under control. I am sick and tired of being everyone's emotional and verbal punching bag. I wasn't even mad about the migraine. I just missed my dad. He may not have been the best father but he was still my dad. And it wasn't all bad. He got worse after he got sick.She didn't even let me explain before rushing off upstairs. She only stayed for 10 minutes. I can't take this anymore.
submitted by hetalian456 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 evilwizardlewzar Dating and Dating Apps as FTM

Looking for advice for navigating dating apps as a transman interested in ciswomen only. I’m completely stealth, transitioned 5 years ago and the only people in my life that know are my family who lives across the country and the handful of people where I live who knew me pre-transition.
I dated a girl I met on hinge for 5 months. She said she was bi/questioning in her profile, and had no idea I wasn’t cis until I told her on the 3rd date (when I was sure we were both serious about each other, but if I could do it again I would have told her after the 1st date). It ended up not working out, and we broke up a while ago. One of the reasons being she’s actually lesbian and hoped dating a transman would give her the “best of both worlds”. ie to her parents and family it looked like she was dating a guy, but behind closed doors/in the bedroom she wanted to treat me like a woman. When she realized I was “really a guy”, she ended things. But in the end we weren’t compatible in a lot of ways. Really shitty all around, but it is what it is.
Now I am back on hinge, but having difficulty getting matches. I think and worry that I got lucky the first time, as there aren’t as many bi women and I’m not sure how accepting most women are that have straight in their profile or don’t mention sexuality in their profile. Sometimes it feels like I’m too straight for bi women but don’t have the plumbing of a cis-man for straight cis-women to accept. My ex and I are still friends and she’s offered to take me with her to some gay/lesbian bars and clubs, but that’s not really my crowd and I don’t know how much luck I would have given I am cis-passing and straight. Looking for any advice or anyone’s experiences with this.
submitted by evilwizardlewzar to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 evilwizardlewzar Dating and Dating Apps as FTM

Looking for advice for navigating dating apps as a transman interested in ciswomen only. I’m completely stealth, transitioned 5 years ago and the only people in my life that know are my family who lives across the country and the handful of people where I live who knew me pre-transition.
I dated a girl I met on hinge for 5 months. She said she was bi/questioning in her profile, and had no idea I wasn’t cis until I told her on the 3rd date (when I was sure we were both serious about each other, but if I could do it again I would have told her after the 1st date). It ended up not working out, and we broke up a while ago. One of the reasons being she’s actually lesbian and hoped dating a transman would give her the “best of both worlds”. ie to her parents and family it looked like she was dating a guy, but behind closed doors/in the bedroom she wanted to treat me like a woman. When she realized I was “really a guy”, she ended things. But in the end we weren’t compatible in a lot of ways. Really shitty all around, but it is what it is.
Now I am back on hinge, but having difficulty getting matches. I think and worry that I got lucky the first time, as there aren’t as many bi women and I’m not sure how accepting most women are that have straight in their profile or don’t mention sexuality in their profile. Sometimes it feels like I’m too straight for bi women but don’t have the plumbing of a cis-man for straight cis-women to accept. My ex and I are still friends and she’s offered to take me with her to some gay/lesbian bars and clubs, but that’s not really my crowd and I don’t know how much luck I would have given I am cis-passing and straight. Looking for any advice or anyone’s experiences with this.
submitted by evilwizardlewzar to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:54 evilwizardlewzar Dating and Dating Apps as FTM

Looking for advice for navigating dating apps as a transman interested in ciswomen only. I’m completely stealth, transitioned 5 years ago and the only people in my life that know are my family who lives across the country and the handful of people where I live who knew me pre-transition.
I dated a girl I met on hinge for 5 months. She said she was bi/questioning in her profile, and had no idea I wasn’t cis until I told her on the 3rd date (when I was sure we were both serious about each other, but if I could do it again I would have told her after the 1st date). It ended up not working out, and we broke up a while ago. One of the reasons being she’s actually lesbian and hoped dating a transman would give her the “best of both worlds”. ie to her parents and family it looked like she was dating a guy, but behind closed doors/in the bedroom she wanted to treat me like a woman. When she realized I was “really a guy”, she ended things. But in the end we weren’t compatible in a lot of ways. Really shitty all around, but it is what it is.
Now I am back on hinge, but having difficulty getting matches. I think and worry that I got lucky the first time, as there aren’t as many bi women and I’m not sure how accepting most women are that have straight in their profile or don’t mention sexuality in their profile. Sometimes it feels like I’m too straight for bi women but don’t have the plumbing of a cis-man for straight cis-women to accept. My ex and I are still friends and she’s offered to take me with her to some gay/lesbian bars and clubs, but that’s not really my crowd and I don’t know how much luck I would have given I am cis-passing and straight. Looking for any advice or anyone’s experiences with this.
submitted by evilwizardlewzar to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:53 Danknoodle420 Neighbors causing a load of issues, just got a letter from them.

[US-GA] Duplex neighbor causing a bunch of problems and just recieved a mildly threatening letter from them.
So, let's start with the basics. I've been living in this place for almost 3 years now. Prior to living here I rented from the same landlord in a nearby duplex in 2014. My neighbor is a man and his wife. They've been living there together for about 6 years with the man living there for nearly 15. We've remained cordial to this point regardless of the issues that have popped up. At least, that was the case up until recently. We share a front porch that has railing around the ledge and splitting the unit down the middle at the living room.
So, the issues(these aren't listed in any particular order).
First, Over the last 2 or so years they've taken in roughly 7 stray cats. They keep the majority of these cats outside at all times. This wasnt an issue initially as I didn't mind the little fluffballs on the porch but as times gone on it has become an inconvenience. The cats will shit on my porch and walkway leading from the porch to the gravel driveway where I park. I have stepped in cat shit no less than 4 times in the past 2 months. When I moved in I had a welcome mat at the door. Well , after the cats shit on it 4 times in one week and I couldn't get the shit off it the last time so I threw it out. I bought a hose and spray nozzle just to spray cat shit off my porch and shoes. I have tried non-toxic sprays to try and coax them away from my walkway and that hasn't worked. I have spoken directly with both the man and his wife on this topic and all I receive is gaslighting. They claim it's not cat shit, it's actually chicken, raccoon, and opossum shit. Also, these cats are not healthy. They do not look healthy, the majority of cat shit I step in is diarrhea, and their fur is in such poor shape.
Second, roaches. When I first moved in there were roaches. I contacted the landlord and he had pest control out. I also placed multiple different traps at the same time and they died down a bit. The kicker here is I asked the neighbor about the roaches and his response was, and I shit you not, "oh the woman in the other duplex(between 500-1000 feet away from current duplex) was dirty and when she moved out the roaches moved over here." that was roughly 1.5 years ago and the roaches come and go now. I place new traps every few months to try and cull the population as much as possible. I just believe that the neighbors are dirty as all hell as their porch is a mess and I wouldn't doubt the inside is just as bad or worse. Oh, and to top that off, they leave their cat food open on the porch. So, roaches, raccoons(which I've seen eating from the cat plate at night), and opossums all get their fill.
Third, and trigger warning in advance, domestic violence. I'll admit going into that I am ashamed of what I'm going to state here. The man beats his wife. I have heard them fighting on so many occasions. There was one day where I had gotten off work and started to chill and unwind preparing to go to sleep on the recliner in the living room. I heard them start fighting as they normally do. Well, this particular time they brought it out onto the porch. All I heard out my window was things breaking and multiple banging noises. Then just absolute screaming. She was screaming as if she were being murdered. Then there was silence and I heard him say " if you ever talk back to me like that again I will kill you." this is where I am ashamed. I should've called the cops. I didn't. The dude owns a gun, is an alcoholic, and is definitely unhinged enough to retaliate if I were to try and help. I am afraid that there would be retaliatory violence and it is an uncomfortable feeling that I should not feel in my own home.
Fourth, my girlfriend refuses to come over to my house anymore due to the sad looking cats/cat shit, the occasional roach that she sees, and her not wanting to be at my home alone at night(I work nights) knowing how unhinged the neighbor is. She has heard him beating his wife. She is afraid because "what am I supposed to do if he gets really drunk while you're at work and tries to come into the house."
There are a couple smaller things but this is the gist of the major issues.
So, about a year ago I messaged the LL about the cats shitting everywhere. About a week or so later there was cat litter alongside my backyard fence. I wasn't seeing cat shit everywhere anymore so I let it go.
We arrive now at last week. Got home from a long night of work, kicked my shoes off, and relaxed. Woke up for work later and started to throw my shoes on just to notice that there was cat shit on them that I had already tracked through to living room.
I was pissed and messaged the landlord "Neighbors let their cats back out again and they are shitting everywhere. Theyve already ruined the mat that was in front of the door when I moved in. There are shit stains all over the porch. I don't want to call animal control cause I doubt they'll do anything but I'm getting tired of having to either clean my shoes or dodge shit everytime I get home from work."
He didn't reply, which I expected as he rarely replies.
A couple days later I get home from work to see a note left in my door. The neighbors wife was pissed. I don't have the note on me right now so I'm going to summarize.
She claimed that the cats do not shit on my side of the house. They shit near their cars "because that's where they are used to shitting" she said that all the shit I'm claiming to be cat shit is chicken, opossum, and raccoon shit. She threatened me with this line "you told the landlord the lie about the cats trying to get us evicted so why shouldn't we tell the landlord that the house smells like weed." yes, my roommate and I smoke. Yes, it's an illegal state. She then goes on to claim "the smoke comes through our oven vent and dryer vent and my clothes reek of weed." I call bullshit because not even my clothes smell like weed. This is legitimately the only complaint I've ever heard them say about my living there. Throughout the letter she claims multiple times that I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing and I'm just trying to get them evicted.
So, this is where I stand, all I can think of is get photographic evidence of the cats shitting, but I don't really know what it's going to accomplish. The cats definitely need to be taken care of better and them shitting everywhere is not cool either. The other issues I've noted should probably be dealt with as well but domestic violence is a tricky thing to involve myself in. My Gf is mad because I haven't called the cops but I legit don't want to be shot or be evicted/arrested because I smoke weed in my home.
Afterthought: there has been a few instances of the woman being on something, not sure what, and just being a zombie on the porch. I'm playing games and see a figure on the porch. I look out there and there she stands, facing the road, arms and head down, just trying to keep her balance. That was uncomfortable to see to say the least.
submitted by Danknoodle420 to Tenant [link] [comments]