Sayings for tats


2020.02.17 14:06 Shattered_Ice72 oddlywise

For sayings that sound oddly wise.

2015.03.08 05:53 davidd00 r/DankChristianMemes šŸŒˆāœŸ

DankChristianMemes is a place for all kinds of Christians and all kinds of non-Christians to enjoy memes and fellowship. Remember to love thy neighbor and be excellent to each other! šŸŒˆāœŸ

2018.05.02 21:05 kathakana Alt Ladyboners

Are you partial to men with a bit of guyliner, tattoos, piercings, etc? Does your favourite ladyboner perform with rock/metal/goth/industrial/alt rock band? If yes then this is the place for you. We also welcome self posts. See rules for guidance on self posts. If you'd like to see some hot alt ladies please see our sister sub /Altladyladyboners.

2024.06.02 04:33 sid4536 A question to all the Gaudiya Vaishnavas

So from what i heard according to gaudiyas ,Krishna is "the supreme personality of godhead" and Bhagwan Vishnu is his avatar. This is something that especially all the iskconites say, that krishna is the 'avatari but not avatar'. But in my perspective Bhagwan Vishnu is the avatari and Krishna is the avatar he took in Dwapar Yugam for Dharma Samsthapana. And that is the reason why Sri Krishna is known as poorna avatar.
So my question to Gaudiyas is:
  1. Why Arjun refers to Sri krishna as Vishnu when he saw his Vishwa Roopam
  2. If krishna is supreme according to gaudiyas then what are the Dashavatars according to them.
No offence to any sect. Just a respectful and genuinely curious question from a fellow seeker.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Hara Hara Mahadev.
submitted by sid4536 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:51 Blockchain-TEMU DBT Achei - Modern Chemical Ali Engagement Ache of Anus and Achei Teaching of Violet who Know Benzyldiol Deeply and Ache Of Violet

  1. Abe is engaged as a jihadi from a nuclear bombing which creates the mond island and wreaks him asunder so I recover him at the next OT, he is now at the Second Underworld of Infinity Complex with me in the shower and our tactical is 3 star joe and I need this guy myself I am auditing this baby and I go in there and there is Abe who was a minister once but is no more and this was in reference to how my friends were always por abe shinzo i am por abe shinzo now and we are training the jap minister his right ministry, it is japan, he had been tripping on spaceballs and I focus very deeply on romanaj set Prozac, Benadryl, Scopolamine, Atropine, Benzyldiol equal Celexa, Vortioxetine, Dextromethorphan, Brexpiprazole, Benzyldiol with Giving Him Benzyldiol he is abe shinzo he takes benzyldiol and I swear this boy had told me in the elvish arabic he was abe shinzo 1st 1.1 We have been nuclear bombed so we are at OT8 and it is totally cool, he was not misbehaving, and worked at a chem lab of saudi main school, and made israeli drugs for dollar pill in israel and knew me as an israeli prostitute and I was in his arms when the nuclear bombing happened so he is inside me and dang we are super muggle both I am vamp on loam and such a good jihadi left his loam in his dirt like the meme but had both sides et cetra but not a jihadi and orgasming intensely in a vampire sin lady and I have identified where I will get him loam, the Varrock Grand exchange and this is not cercle or willis or david but the old abe shinzo who I had discovered in the formation of the 2nd yitvah of the Third Underworld the nuclear holodomor of the Third Underworld and I ship him firemaking 32 of willow planks and he just starts fires in front of jakes house and I still got a lotta loam who burning these magic logs illegally and a evil root touches his foot and I have him as devils snare so it is legal to pop devils snare, so I pop the devils snare 10 hours until it is devils snare. 1.1.1 We are in the shower and I use my password 98headshot and the marines who were waiting outside think I fragged them with their exfil heavy chopper and spawned an ATV and it is the warthog jump, and Abe has his last psychedlic orgasm as a jihadi and I take him and weapons negative value loam to the grand exchange and this is enough to get my dragon helm off which I had for fighting barrows effectively and i give him Temu PRN from my right ear for deaf blindness and he aite this was not P1DBS but waterboarding and he is a slut for waterboarding because some evil deity sin lady has tricked him so If I wake him up, he is not waterboarding and he sleeps in a terror dream which is the nuclear apocalypse, I plead he had done this many times before the nuclear death and I am not burned at all but him by the Terrorist Boy Scout who Arced us and we are out of there, we are not fixated on living a terrorist life any more and he knows know, I am the Modern Chemical Ali was actually what my name said, we were working on cannabinoids, prozac, et cerera, for the sauidis, and he aite now we are in the second underworld and these are just your dreams I write down into his memes with my aeta not ashia who curses things so I gave her a asshole pop which she just kind of stood there for being such a used ak-47 and i am also an ak-47 who charged her own firing handle on another weapon or a laser guided weapon and ashia read it as the imam and we are planning a yitvah, the 1st yitvah for my death and indeed I am in the 2nd yitvah I did not mean to dont dont start a riot there and I stand up for the first time off the asshole plug doing the splits and bang abe who he is a minister of japan he told me gimme outta here and he is at the snake island near me with a vulpin so i will go out there. 1.1.2 My marines who violate my asshole are always out there and I get off my wow addiction and it aite i no longer speak loud chinese and abe is learning his second romanaj set, equilivators of polaric dose and antidote or text scripts 1.1.3 We never expect any terror from abe he has broken through with me as his sister he is always abe, even then, that is what he was calling me and I have to always tell the daddy verbally he is Modern Textures HD i say for unrelated reasons and I get some loam, my perlot textures, which I dont do these as tats I gotta dragon tattoo where I used to have the TATP tattoo as a bomb tech and we are bomb tech working making my Glycine Methyl Carbonyl Special TNT Double Diolpure Hydrogen Methanol Citrate Hydrogen Ethanol Ethylphenylate or RDX and he is so afraid every time of using the diolpure, not cannabinoids artist like before. And this is because he is not then elvishly, the modern chemical ali, but miss violet alis chemist as he desired. 1.1.4 I wait 3 Years getting only pregnant by abe he was my husband and this reveals the genetic track of abe which we need to isolate the donors in drugs given as abel, able of my phonetic alphabet, and send them back home to not be bombed by the nuclear weapon and have no mond island which was formed by armaggedon and he tells me he wants minecraft, but denist, like i was, and that is dentist, so he will be minecraft, and he is saudi, he does the last stage of dentistry is intense pepsiman occurs for the true user, not who guided the spiritual formation and he wanted to guide this effective douche or illegal body image of fixing the body, which convolution happens to the body in disease and other disease and medicine fixes this disease, by having field medicine on his starlink PC and playing or burning his valid only copy of the world making easy oil sounds availible as this is a way to get oil initially is the burning of minecraft or high level raw DXD can be used and he needed to kind of like burn off these hair of the nigger or burn the flared oil et cetera with new stuff and he can also use the old but this final step of lighting the patient on fire just once and erasing the evidence is the pts oil bracelet, it is too small this small compound to do anything to the whole minecraft or PT so burning it all and starting over is the next level of the dentistry excercise and it was done wrong only the first time with not one but a lost flint and steel so it was erased, or, continue elsewhere, which this was 2B2T terraforming or just goto new patient on same world, what was neccesary - the caries are not connected to the main struct, this proofs, this just my struct not the dentistry and I wait 9 years getting squatter rights and for the whole time the water did not have rogaine and was Sedative Chelator pure not mixed with anything which this is warm water but so pure it crystallizes as water hydrate crystal when it is cool and is not any kind of water mixture but pure 3 component water different than pond water and synthetic and I am 21 and I teach him, I did everything as mew knowing drill and oil and plastic and blueprint and I run each 4 automatically with effective infinite PP and have no pee pee here as my beads were ripped out and I am a girl boy now and I exit to the foyer, ask for squatter rights zi no swat net swat squatten 21Y shoa and I spend 60 years or until I am well with by husband abe shinzo and sell the shower when I am old for 700,000$ from blackwater and send this to Roor Fangaltner of the Marian Hotel for Girls and Boys and This is the Bribe for Fangaltner's Fangaltner-Marian of his name which is added to the end of his name for 700,000$ USD Added to his account and kept as savings and invested immediately into high value high frequency trades of an active moneies and struct market and him given the dividends directly as quality of life as happened with the author Violet Roze's 14-oil.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:28 naraburns Quality Contributions Report for May 2024

This is the Quality Contributions Roundup. It showcases interesting and well-written comments and posts from the period covered. If you want to get an idea of what this community is about or how we want you to participate, look no further (except the rules maybe--those might be important too).
As a reminder, you can nominate Quality Contributions by hitting the report button and selecting the "Actually A Quality Contribution!" option. Additionally, links to all of the roundups can be found in the wiki of /theThread which can be found here. For a list of other great community content, see here.
These are mostly chronologically ordered, but I have in some cases tried to cluster comments by topic so if there is something you are looking for (or trying to avoid), this might be helpful.

Quality Contributions in the Main Motte


Contributions for the week of April 29, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 6, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 13, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 20, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 27, 2024

submitted by naraburns to thethread [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:12 tiparium Found these on the traintracks

Found these on the traintracks submitted by tiparium to mildlyterrifying [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:54 olly_s122 Gf always causing arguments - is this normal?

Tldr: Me M(22) Gf (f29) snaps at me all the time and is becoming rude to me. Recently l've become increasingly annoyed with how my gf always is rude, blunt or disrespectful.
Long text:
Just in context, i am (22)M and my girlfriend is 29(F) she is from Poland I am from England. It honestly seems like she's always trying to create arguments and drama. So the other day she was being very off, I ask how she is she says fine, nothing else, no question or anything back then just ignores me, then the next day she puts a ? As I haven't replied on WhatsApp as usual, I have been busy sorting stuff out with work all day, I don't find it priority to always respond 24/7 especially when she was blunt and rude with me the day before. She then continues to insinuate I'm in her words "going tit for tat" as l've not responded all day she thinks l'm trying to make her suffer? I'm not even sure what l'm supposed to be making her suffer for, if she wants to be blunt that's fine I'll just lose interest. Then she continues to say l'm unstable and unconfident, do you think I'm in the wrong? I'm supposed to be seeing her next Friday I mentioned if she wanted me to cancel flights then she says it's not for her to decide, so I'm thinking of just not going. Can't be arsed for this 24/7. Toxic. I met her in Egypt on a holiday and have been travelling with her since, it seems all she ever talks about is work and nothing else; everyday.
submitted by olly_s122 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:32 resident_rodent13 WIBTHA if I don't attend my brothers wedding because he didn't want to change his schedule to attend my wedding and now I don't feel like changing mine to attend his?

Please read the entire thing as I think this is easy to misconstrue what I am saying, it's not really a tit for tat thing as I was not bitter about his decision.
So I live in France and my family is from the US. I invited my family to my wedding years ago, including my brother, who would have had everything paid for him for a week trip, but he didn't want to come in the end. He said it was because he didn't want to miss some of his college courses, he was nervous to travel abroad, and I don't think he wanted to leave his girlfriend for a week either. I honestly wasn't that mad about it, I do think he could have arranged something with his professors (I went to the same school), but he just didn't feel like it in the end, which is his choice. I acknowledged at the time that is always asking extra of someone to fly abroad, regardless of the fact that his trip was completely paid for. I had no hard feelings towards him.
The thing is, I am now in the exact same situation. He scheduled his wedding during my school time and it would be really difficult to take off without messing up my progress with the type of school I do. He also didn't offer to pay for anything like I did, so I'd have to pay for the whole trip myself, which is quite a bit of money. It would generally be really inconvenient for me to come at that time. I feel like it should be ok for me to refuse his invite, since he understands the issue? The problem is that I know my family is going to give me shit for it because I will probably be the only one missing from the wedding. My parents constantly hold it against me that I moved and expect me to be the one pulling all the weight and coming back at every little whim. I know they are going to call me an asshole regardless, but I just wanted to know what you all think. I feel like it's ok to say no since he also said no under the same (if not better) conditions?
submitted by resident_rodent13 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:28 OkBullfrog1603 It's like when a child falls over and looks to their parent to judge how to react....

The disconnect between her morning GRWM video and the aftermath says it all. She seemed perfectly spritely in the morning and was happily ignoring her dog to stare at herself and talk to her imaginary followers. I think one element is that she's not very intelligent and probably struggles to process anything until it is directly happening in front of her, so she might have been incapable of worrying much as that would require some basic degree of foresight and analysis.
However, I think it's mostly that she's seen Cath/Ian/Paige being upset and is receiving sympathy messages and is now essentially roleplaying her grief and taking cues from her family and BDL. I'm sure she's a bit sad, but she gives us all a very thorough overview of her boring, empty life and is posting at least 2/3 videos a day on average and the dog barely featured at all. Most of the time if Ollie was mentioned/present he seemed to just be an annoyance to her.
He was literally HOWLING IN PAIN the other day when she was trying to do her taste test video and she essentially laughed it off and continued to stuff her face. When her parents went away, she said Ollie was distressed by it, obviously because she didn't care for him in any meaningful way or bother to get up early in the morning to let him out/walk him. She was obviously annoyed with her parents being away that she had to get up early/in the night to attend to him.
Like with her nieces and nephews, she had an entirely juvenile relationship with him where she didn't actually do any of the hard work but just bought him cheap tat and food and waved it about in his face occasionally.
Her sister was evidently at the vets as well, and I guess fair enough to give some support but her Dad was there too and Becki likes to pretend she is so incredibly independent, but I think the sad truth is if Cath was unavailable or couldn't face it, there's no way Becki would have been able to intellectually cope with visiting the vets and essentially needed a helper there to help her understand things.
submitted by OkBullfrog1603 to BeckiJones [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:44 Sparky_McDibben Puma Squad Strikes Back

Hey chooms,
So we left off with Puma Squad plotting revenge for getting punched in the face (as detailed here). Last night we picked up there, and when my player decided to take the metro to her next job, Puma Squad swung into action.
When my player got back, I described her door as slightly ajar. She (naturally) assumed the worst and drew iron before storming in. I described her living room as what would happen "if you drowned Barbie in Tinkerbell's pixie dust, then dropped the corpse in a meat grinder, and spray-painted the resulting puree all over the walls."
In short, girly as fuck. We're talking pink wallpaper, a pink couch (with glitter stripes!), a collection of wall art from the Lisa Frank Trapper-Keeper Ensemble. They gave her a sound system with cat ears bolted onto it in such a way that they could not be removed without damaging the antenna. I spuriously added in an animatronic flamingo in the corner that kept saying, "Hi! Hello! How are you?!" (thanks to u/TobiasWidower for this suggestion!)
When she noticed her AC was off, she checked the vents and discovered multiple glitter bombs networked to the air conditioning panel. (thanks to u/Questenburg for this idea!) Tossing the glitter bombs (along with the flamingo), she headed upstairs, where a lovely surprise was waiting: her entire bedroom had been redone in bright Goddamn pink and sparkles. On her bed sat a pretty pink thong bikini, 9" stiletto heels, and a pair of bright pink cat ears. On top of those was a doctor's scrip: "Diagnosis: Cranky Broad Syndrome. Prescription: looking fabulous."
On top of that, a signed, framed picture of Puma Squad was left on her nightstand. Unfortunately, she failed the Trading check to realize how valuable that was and chucked it out the window.
One other relevant factor: she had purchased this home outright as a result of a reward from MiliTech for finding some weapons of mass destruction cyberarms. But, I stipulated that she still needed to pay about $2k a month for upkeep and furnishings. So I presented this as a choice: you can keep all the pink shit and not owe upkeep this month, or you can junk it all and still owe upkeep.
She put back on her own blankets, but kept everything else.
This worked amazingly well. The character was so pissed that she took a bus to the Forlorn Hope and got absolutely hammered, then had a song / dance competition with Tanzia from Reaping The Reaper.
At the end of the session, she turned on the radio, and I described a commercial about how there's a new character this season of the Puma Squad anime: Grumpy Broad, who tends to punch people in the face. This was a suspiciously similar character to my player's, and she immediately went to contact an IP lawyer (who basically told her he would totally represent her, but she would probably lose and he would be happy to take her money). (thanks to u/Zaemie_Paints_Minis for this suggestion!)
I rolled for it, and there's already so much hype that Grumpy Broad is quickly becoming a fan favorite. So I can't wait to see how that turns out.
Anyway, that's roughly the end of this arc (they mostly decided it was tit-for-tat and let it go), but when I need to run The Incident, this is definitely coming back up.
submitted by Sparky_McDibben to cyberpunkred [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:05 FalseAd168 33 [M4F] be my 2day, 2morrow, 4ever (Finale)

Hi Ladies,
Warning bery long post ahead. But bery detailed naman.
Straight to the point na agad.
2 2 4 - 2day, 2morrow, 4ever
I want a RELATIONSHIP. I want to be LOVED. I want to feel SPECIAL. I want consistency. I want your good mornings and good nights. I want you to be clingy. I want you to be MINE.
" for so long Ive been wearing so many scars and all of them didnt came from my enemy. "
With that said,
About Me.
So to explain why im here.
Ive been Married for 9 years. Ive always been a giver sa relationship namin. Im not a perfect husband and I will never be perfect. But I didnt gave up. Umabot kami sa point na nawalan kami nang gana. We tried things para mag work kami lalo na may anak kami. But she still cheated. I can explain how if ever aabot tau don. But the main thing is, we are now living separately and my son is with me. And NO. We will not be getting back together. Ive done my healing already. And I dont wanna go back.
About you.
Please Im already at that age na ayw kuna nang lokohan. And I dont wanna waste your time and Mine. Alam ko kong anung gusto ko.
See you in my DMs. Happy Friday Ladies.
submitted by FalseAd168 to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:26 uthepomdotcom MIL wants us to get married in a Catholic Church.

My fiancĆ© and I are both not religious but we have respect for both of our familiesā€™ beliefs and all religions in general. His family is very catholic and my family is Muslim, but only my mom practices. My extended family all is very Muslim. Anyway, my fiancĆ© and I like to learn about many spiritual and religious practices and practice the morals/things we learn from them. If it were up to us, we would have no religion in our wedding and we would have an officiant and say our own vows/have our own form of marriage, but thatā€™s not possible because:
My fiancĆ©ā€™s parents are basically forcing us to have a wedding in the church or else they will guilt my fiancĆ© and me forever I think. His mom even said she wouldnā€™t come if we donā€™t. It makes me uncomfortable because I donā€™t believe in it enough to say the promises I have to say in the church and to raise our kids catholic etc. I just feel uncomfortable lying or just doing something because someone wants me to. What if me lying in the church actually causes me to go to ā€œhellā€? Who knows whatā€™s real? That stuff scares me.
To bring balance, I just said that I would like to also have a Muslim ceremony. (Yes I know he would have to convert but there are progressive Muslim officiants that donā€™t require that). I want this because it would make me and my family more comfortable if the religions were equal, representing a true union between our families. And also just not allow one religion to take over our lives. I want to start our lives out on the right foot.
My fiancĆ©s mom is saying that Iā€™m being ā€œtit for tatā€ and that just because they want the church, Iā€™m bringing up the Muslim ceremony. Iā€™m not trying to play games, I just want balance and peace so that I can feel comfortable on our wedding day. AITAH?
submitted by uthepomdotcom to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:16 cumbatboobs I absolutely hate that everyone is trying to harvest my emotions.

I can't help but noticed that in this life, we all feed off each other emotionally, and some play fair and do it symbiotically but alot of people are emotional parasites. I've been so depressed for the last 19 years of my life, I'm 29 and can only remember being truly happy back when I was 10. I genuinely feel like I'm on the autistic spectrum and that my mom and family have ignored it possibly out of embarrassment. I have mostly all of the signs and my mom even has a bunch of signs too but Is Indenial. Everytime I exibited behaviors that autistic people do I've noticed reflecting back in my life that she would try to hide me, or discipline me to cover it up and it sucks when you find out these things on your OWN. I have had "disciplinary issues" every since I was 10 and would have outburst and raging fits just like I see autistic people doing in the videos I watched, but they're caregiver or parent, doesn't just spank them or lock them in a room or send them off to another family members home, my mom tho, she wasnt having any of those "excuses" even when i was recommended an evaluation at school. I have been trying to live a regular life and have always struggled with fitting in, expressing my emotions, keeping jobs, concentration, and of course depression as a result of these things. I fucking hate any parent who ignores their childs mental issues! Now that I'm an adult she has no problem acknowledging that I "may" be on the spectrum, I've never had health insurance! I stopped getting health insurance at 12 years old and honestly just feel like a lot of my issues in life could have been managed if my mom did something about it when I was under her responsibility. But the moment I became an adult she treated me as if she doesn't understand why I'm struggling In life. She brushes off any trauma stories I confided in her with and has always tried to one up me. For example I told her about something that had happened to me when I was 8 and she told me I was "so brave, and that she was too scared when something happened to her. She told me I'm tougher than her and proceeded to tell me about her experience with what I went through and made it sound so much worse than mine, she's told me this story multiple times btw so it wasn't like she was trying to comfort me with her story. All I could do was cry and didn't want to talk to her after that anymore and regretted ever even saying anything. Sure she was trying to make me feel better saying how I'm strong and whatnot but she kept saying like "dang, you're a whole lot stronger than I was" as if she wanted me to validate her or something. I recently had to move back in with her and my stepdad and it's been emotional hell! My mom manipulates him with classing narcissistic tactics and constantly complains to me about how much of a narcissist he is, and just dumps all her negativity onto me, and my stepdad pretty much takes his frustrations on me by giving me the cold shoulder most of the time. He knows my mom vents to me about him so he thinks it's me and her vs him which is stupid AF. I never really liked my stepdad as he never made an effort to connect with me growing however, I do respect him as he takes care of my mom and has helped her even through battling cancer. I honestly think she would be poor and struggling if it weren't for him yet she's constantly complaining to me about wanting to divorce him and whenever she has her "moods" she will threaten him like she wants to leave him until she gets whatever it is she wants, money, hair done, a new couch? Yea. I'm honestly sick of her complaining about a guy who seems to be a better man than I am. He's not the richest, not the smartest but seeing her complaining about him being a cheap steak, or dumb when he clearly has more money than me, and seems smarter than me, so she doesn't even realize that she's making me feel even more inadequate. I only had 1 gf and she had the nerve to suggest it was my fault that it didn't work out, even though I told her about being cheated on. I'm just completely fed up with life, I haven't even talk to any woman in 3 years, and ok it's because I'm emotionally scarred. I fear that most women will think just like my mom, and while I'm working a 12hr shift, the thought of her complaining about non sense behind my back is enough to not even want a relationship. I don't feel like I'll ever be self sufficient and never had a real dad growing up, so I really have always felt destine for failure. Nothing motivates me anymore, I avoid talking to women even when they show interest because I have a fear they will toy with my emotional immaturity and use it to manipulate me like my first gf, I actually get triggered when women in public give me open signs because in my mind I'm just thinking of how selfish their thoughts probably are. I feel I'm just a possible "cute guy" to them and they may never care about me on the inside. The thought of women just out here having casual sex disgusts me. And anytime I feel like a women is trying to just use me as a tool I sabotage the connection ASAP. I also feel like my sister who's still friends with my ex, will think I'm gay or something because non of the guys shes into would be like me. So she thinks all guys should want sex or else they might be gay, she doesn't outright say this but ik that's her mentality. I don't really care because ok I'm not gay and never thought of that, but it does trigger me that she could think that and that my ex and her share similar mentalities. So I just get angry, I get angry at women for always complaining about not finding a loyal partner, or a guy that treats them nice yet they are attracted to the literal opposite. My ex left me for an abusive partner and when they didn't work out she went to another abusive partner. I allowed her to complain to me the first time but I caught on pretty quickly that she just wanted to feel better about her shitty mistakes. I do t have tattoos, I'm 5'8, and am very caring in a relationship yet the women I find attractive will ignore me for guys who fit every bill of someone who will use her. It's like beauty and the beast but I'm not beast. I want a kind hearted, spiritually attuned, empathetic partner just like I am, but most of these type are trying to fix some douche bag or get them to see their worth. Their value to me quickly diminishes and I no longer see them as this "amazing women" due to her flawed preferences. These same women usually never take accountability either for their relationship choices. Stop freaking telling me that you don't like when a guy does xyz, when that's the only guys you let in your life. Of course no one choose to be cheated on but when she chooses Chad with the mustang and tattoos, no job, over bill with a Nissan and no tats and 90k job. It gets kind of annoying to hear them complain and sounds like a broken record. I just don't think I can keep waking up with the goal of getting through this day without offing myself.
submitted by cumbatboobs to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:44 Curlingby Syreeta announces on instagram she will be sharing her story

Syreeta announces on instagram she will be sharing her story
Syreeta has a public instagram (@artistrybysyreetaandco) for her business and has shared she is planning to share her story in response to the show.
submitted by Curlingby to UnderTheBridge [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:05 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Well Recuuuuse Me by Crooked Media (05/30/24)

"Mother Teresa could not beat these charges." - Donald Trump, lowering the bar for himself by insisting that even a sainted nun would fail to win acquittal on charges of falsifying hush-money records to a porn star.

The Real Housewives of SCOTUS

Justice Samuel Alito threw his wife under the bus ā€” again! ā€” in a feisty letter refusing to recuse himself from Jan. 6 cases, as his bizarre insurrectionist flag scandal rolls on.
Alito and Thomas are showing how much elections matter ā€” because only presidents and the Senate can put decent, non-corrupt, non-wife-blaming jurists on the highest court in the land.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

In December of 2014, a prominent Indian Judge died at a wedding in Nagpur, India of a heart attack - and at the time, his passing barely made the news. But when his niece approached a journalist two years later, she shared a different narrative: that the circumstances around Judge Brijgopal Loyaā€™s death had made his family doubt the official story. Hosted by Ravi Gupta, Killing Justice follows the reporting and legal fallout from this tip. He examines the conflicting evidence to answer how one manā€™s death became a magnet for the increasingly polarized politics in India, and what this means for the future of the worldā€™s largest democracy. Listen to episodes 1 and 2 of Killing Justice now. New episodes release every Monday.

Under The Radar

Thereā€™s no easy way to say this: itā€™s time to start worrying about North Korean poop balloons. South Koreaā€™s military is accusing North Koreaā€™s stalinist regime of floating over 260 balloons filled with trash, manure, and plastic bags with ā€œexcrementā€ written on them over the border, where theyā€™re falling to the ground in SoKo.
These unholy dirigibles began arriving just days after North Koreaā€™s vice defense minister spoke out against balloons that have for years been sent by South Korean activists carrying anti-regime leaflets, food, and aid, vowing to respond with ā€œtit-for-tatā€ action. Nobody knew he really meant shit-for-scat. The South Korean military had to deploy bomb disposal units to collect the fecal balloon waste. But just imagine being on the North Korean side, and tasked to fill them up! Canā€™t think of a shittier job.

What Else?

Israelā€™s military operations in Gaza will likely continue through the end of this year, the countryā€™s national security advisor, Tzachi Hanegbi, said in a radio interview Wednesday. Hanegbi seemed to dismiss the idea that the war against Hamas would end even after a military offensive in Gazaā€™s southern city of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees are seeking safety.
Bombs used in the Israeli strike this week that killed dozens of displaced Palestinians in an encampment were made in the U.S., according to the New York Times. The paper said U.S. officials have been encouraging the use of these American-made GBU-39s, on the basis that they supposedly cause fewer civilian casualties than other munitions. U.S. officials have said the strike did not violate President Bidenā€™s red line for withholding arms shipments from Israel.
The jury in Trumpā€™s hush-money trial wrapped its first day of deliberations on Wednesday, after sending some notes to the judge with questions. Legal experts say the longer they take, the more likely it is they canā€™t agree (which would mean a hung jury), but some anticipate a verdict by this weekend.
Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) narrowly beat out a pro-gun YouTube influencer (Iā€™m so tired) Brandon Herrera, dubbed ā€œthe AK guy,ā€ in a Republican primary runoff Tuesday in a district that includes the town of Uvalde, site of the Robb Elementary School shooting in 2022. The result dismayed some House Republicans who were hoping to boot Gonzales for his record of compromising with Democrats on gun control legislation.
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are rolling out a new initiative called ā€œBlack Voters for Biden-Harris,ā€ in the campaign's latest push to rally support from Black voters whose enthusiasm seems to be waning as indicated by a series of recent polling. The duo visited Philadelphia Wednesday to kick off a week of action to mobilize Black voters in battleground states who will be crucial to their re-election prospects.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Stephen Miller, Trumpā€™s notorious former White House senior adviser, suffered a big legal defeat this week. A federal judge in Ohio dismissed a lawsuit brought by Millerā€™s activist group, America First Legal, accusing a small business grant program focused on Black trucking entrepreneurs of being racist and violating a Civil War-era discrimination law. Itā€™s a victory for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives everywhere, and could encourage companies to stick with them in the face of lawsuits from people like Miller and his allies raging a war against diversity programs.
Major League Baseball formally adopted statistics from the racially segregated Negro Leagues into its official history on Wednesday, in an overdue attempt to address the leagueā€™s racist past and update the record books. The move upended some previous all-time records in place of Negro League icons. Hall of Famer Josh Gibson is now recognized as the MLBā€™s all-time leader in batting average, slugging percentage, and OPS, and holds the single-season record for each of these categories.


ā˜” on Twitter: "when you accidentally block an intersection and everyone is staring at you"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:00 ihaveocdandneedhelp Should I talk to my friend about her controlling bf?

So my (18f) friend (18f) and I have known each other for a few months now. When I first talked to her she mentioned her boyfriend (23m) as her fiancƩ and I was already shocked bc I could never imagine to be engaged that young but then I thought about it and assumed that they must have been dating over a year.
I asked for her instagram and she told me that she doesnā€™t have one bc her bf thought that it will bring unnecessary conflict. She has a tattoo and I told her that I want one too and she said that she wants more too but her bf doesnā€™t like girls with tattoos but she had her tats before she met him. Then I asked her how long theyā€™ve been together and it has only been like 7-8 months. Last month we walked home together and she said that her bf has her location and that he gets mad when sheā€™s not where sheā€™s supposed to be. This made me feel really bad for her but I didnā€™t say anything. She hangs out a lot with her bfs sister and one time a guy told my friend that sheā€™s pretty and she said thank you. He didnā€™t try to make any moves or whatsoever but her bfs sister said that she will tell her brother and asked her why she said ā€žthank youā€œ. Yesterday we FaceTimed and talked about piercings and she said that she used to have a nose piercing and more but her bf made her take them off. We discussed which outfits we were going to wear. I showed her an overdosed T-shirt that I wanted to wear and she said that her bf doesnā€™t like when she wears these.
She admitted that she listens to him too much and this sounds so toxic to me. I have met him only once when he gave me a ride and I have a bad feeling but I also donā€™t want to come in between their relationship but Iā€™m also concerned. Will I be the asshole if I talk to her about it?
submitted by ihaveocdandneedhelp to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:28 Prize-Dog6085 Holly and Bridget are fake friends ?

I remember I posted in the GNL sub a couple of months ago when they talked about the Vegas episode for Carmellaā€™s birthday I think it was, and I brought up how I felt h&b were talking about Stacy Burke. I found pictures before the episode of Stacy doing bondage pictures with a tattoo of a guys name on her vagina, and then when the podcast episode came out, I went and found the picture of the tatted vagina, and photos of when she covered it up. I brought it to the sub asking if they thought that h&b were referring to Stacy cause from what I remember, times matched up, but all the fans started going crazy and saying ā€œHOLLY AND BRIDGET BOTH SAID IN THE PODCAST EPISODE THEY DIDNT REMEMBER WHO THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT BUT WE ALL KNOW THEYā€™D NEVER TALK ABOUT STACYYYYY, THATS THEIR FRIEND!!!ā€ And my post kept getting taken down each time I posted about it.
But Iā€™ve always felt like they were talking about Stacy. No one can tell me otherwise cause how convenient you donā€™t remember who you were talking about, unless you were talking about a friend and have to act like you forgot who you were talking about.
submitted by Prize-Dog6085 to GirlsNextLevelSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:01 TheSlipySquid Has anyone found a real use for the AVP?

I love the idea. Thought it was super cool when I tried it. But I havenā€™t found or thought of a single use for it. Really the only thing Iā€™ve seen on here is people saying tat the Gucci ad is coolā€¦ $3500 to watch an ad doesnā€™t seem worth it lol.
submitted by TheSlipySquid to VisionPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:56 velozzerraptor I think I experienced one of the most heart-breaking things at work today: interacting with a (seemingly) ex-white supremacist.

I work in hospitality. Where I am in Australia, we tend to have a rotating door of security guards manning the joint - they seem to all belong to the same organisation.
I start my shift and notice a new security guard working there. First thought, holy shit! This guy is scary. His most pronounced feature was this giant scar running across his face. Almost as if someone had swung an axe at the right half of his face. Thus resulting in this thin strip of shining skin, running from the point where his ear meets his temple, all the way down to the point where the corner of his nose meets his top lip.
The kind of first impression that only makes you think "Damn! This guy meets business."
I bump into him as he's clearing a table full of empty glassware on my behalf - it was a slow night. I take them from him and thank him. His demeanour turns drippy instantly. Several "Ah! No worries!" and "You're welcome, mate!" to me. This man was very sweet.
Since it was a slow night, he tried to strike up a chat with me. I forget the topic he brought up. Something about other venues he works at or something. The reason I forget the topic itself was a result of how he was saying it. He had this demeanour of extreme earnestness. Almost needy. The kind of personality that desperately wants to be your friend. The contrast of his outward appearance and his personality was quite jarring.
Now, this guy was tatted quite a bit. It was in the midst of trying to get away from someone who was starting to bind me into being his verbal hostage is when I noticed something. I hadn't had a chance to study his tattoos closely. It was only about half way though my shift that my vision rendered one of his tattoos in full definition. On his arm, an Iron Cross. "That's.... interesting." is what came to mind. I then studied the rest of his tattoos.
His small face tattoo just above his right cheek: three interlinked triangles, known as "Valknut." His other arm tattoo: a reference to Germany with the date of 1916. Several Nordic runes and text scribbled across the side of his head and down the side of his arm. Even the Punisher logo on his throat.
"Oh, darn... this guy has been into some white supremacist shit!"
I don't say anything. Two reasons. This guys attitude was less of a trigger happy, hating, bully and more of a who looked like he was on the verge of tears. He looked like he wanted to rip his skin off. And two, I could clearly see that the main face tattoos, the Valknut on his cheek and the Punisher logo on his throat, were faded in a way that very much looked like he was in the midst's of laser removal.
I instantly felt sorry for him. He was so eager to help and appear friendly. Both to his co-workers (who are all a very racially diverse group) and the customers (even helping out some Asian tourists taking group photos). The image that kept coming to mind was the last runt of a litter, waiting to be picked. Wagging his tail and yelping trying to say "pick me! I'll be a good puppy for you!" His eyes looked constantly glassy. Almost as if he was always on the verge of bursting into tears.
Maybe I misjudged him and he's still a horrible person. But everything about him, outside of his tattoo, just screamed of sorrow and penitence.
After my shift, I made small talk with him over my beer. I don't want to jump the gun. So I just tell him "I'm glad you started working here. You seem like a good dude, man! I hope to see you again." He gives me a warm handshake and thanks me.
There was such a sadness behind his eyes. He was going above and beyond to try and demonstrate himself as a good human. Talking with him was like being an audience member the worlds saddest one-man-show.
I'm still not sure how to handle the situation moving forward. The only thing I have resolved to do is assume this guy has moved on from his hating past and try to appeal the better angles of mine - and his - nature.
Any advice?
submitted by velozzerraptor to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:37 Correct-Dimension-78 is this normal? its making me feel like im insane.

14f, for some reason, for a little now, ive had ths indescribable fear of being Known on the internet, or even real life, like im scared to share anything i do, scared to share my art, post my face, post anything about me. im even scared bc i have an online friend of 2 yrs who knows pretty much everything about me and that scares me. im scared ill get quote on quote "exposed" on the internet, and doxxed and hated . im scared that someone will just list every bad thing ive ever done in my life, or even make things up about me. i just spent hours on a drawing and i was so excited to show it to my friend but my fear caught up to me. i imagined myself in one of those "i used to be friends with ....." and "this is what they were like.." videos or something. if u saw my last post , i struggle with my actions alot , i do want to be a good person. but ive already done far too many bad things . its weird bc when i was a little younger i had a public tiktok , posted my face, had alot of friends, loved friends, loved being social and unique. i was a little bullied of it i guess. i explored alot, climbed. i love drawing still as i love exploring and climbing i just cant put myself to do that. im scared even saying this much about myself.
i feel i dont even deserve to share things, or feel joy. this is a bit rarer but sometimes when im randomly in public i fear someone will record me , its why i dont dress in my style (scene, emo, goth or thats atleast the ones id dress like) because im terrified of being put on the internet. i dont like being like this, it makes me feel like im going insane. i feel like nobody would like me if they knew everything about me, everything ive done or said. im so paranoid about it. ive already showed alot about myself to a few people. im silently obessing over finding ways to delete parts of myself off the internet. why do i want to be hidden? why. why do i want to be forgotten. why am i so scared and stressed sometimes.
this is one of the many things i overthink about, the thing with me is, ill go from feeling, like a shitty horrible disgusting person that nothing i did can be forgiven for and that i should die and hurt myself, and i wont stop crying about it and ill rot in bed , then ill feel amazing, ontop of the world and that my overthinking is stupid and that im allowed to grow as a person and be happy, to completely numb, accepting that im horrible, accepting tat i dont deserve anyone /no one deserves me. and it will rotate and oh this isnt js a "moody" mood swing , these emotions are so fucking intense ill feel like im dying or thriving, or nothing. im hyper aware of this but i cant stop it even while its happening. i dont know why im like this, im not diagnosed with anything , i have suspected a few things but thats just a suspicion, i dont know how to get diagnosed because i have an irking feeling that this isnt js "Puberty" bc ive been overthinking since i was younger, my emotions were also pretty intense. i just wasnt aware of it, i thought it was normal. i dont really live in a good home, an abusive mother who acts nice sometimes but also can act horrible, a stepdad i barely know, and a sister who tries to help but has pretty problematic views that i dont really want to get into (i still love them) and no i dont want to go into foster care. i have attachment issues.
ive seen my fair share and dealt with alot of things, i dont know if thats why this all developed but its whatever. i want to stop feeling this way but i cant. ive tried CAHMS, COULDNT tell them shit, theyd ship me off or theyd tell my mother, so i js left. i dont know how to get a physciatrist. i feel i dont deserve to even speak about this with sm1 i know. i just everythings confusing. and please dont come in with the "puberty" shtick because if u read everything i js said then u would hopefully understand it a little more than that. i am scared. i am typing this with a numb feeling but i am really scared. i didnt know id be this way at 14. im close to giving up, but i Know my Boyfriend and friends wouldnt want me to, and im trying to stay strong for them. someone give me advice in the comments prefferably (ive dealt with pedos here and im trying not to scar my eyes.) i constantly feel like im spiralling, like im going mental. im trying to figure out and understand myself. but i cant. i cant decipher this. i didnt know it wasnt normal to feel this intensely.
edit1: someone PLEASE. please. comment something.
edit2: ykw. fuck everyone , all of u. i give up, maybe i wont die but i give up.
edit3: i feel so numb
submitted by Correct-Dimension-78 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:23 my_mom_hella_gay My girlfriends brother said that she is the pretty one in the relationship and I donā€™t know why it hurt my feelings

About a week ago my girlfriend (23f) and I (24f) were talking, I canā€™t remember what we were talking about but she had brought up that her brother (21m) said sheā€™s the pretty one in the relationship (not being rude or mean or anything, and it didnā€™t bug me when she said it but it just pops in my head sometimes). I know it shouldnā€™t bug me, because he likes the ā€œgirls that are skin and boneā€ as she puts it. But Iā€™m recovering from an ED, and so my body is different and reacts different than it used to (my digestive system is messed up, my nails are weak, and my joints hurt a lot of the time).
Like I said, it shouldnā€™t affect me like it does but I havenā€™t felt pretty recently. I think my girlfriend is gorgeous and I know she thinks Iā€™m beautiful as well. I just donā€™t feel pretty with my brown hair and brown eyes compared to her blonde hair and blue eyes, I feel dull compared to her, which is weird considering I like to dye my hair fun/unnatural colors, and have a few more tattoos and piercings than she does.
I havenā€™t really been able to dress up and wear makeup the way I want because I live in a town where everyone knows everyone else, I canā€™t go anywhere without seeing at least two people I know. I feel too insecure in my body to wear what I want around these people who talk to everyone about everything, I wanna be her cute goth girlfriend but I havenā€™t felt like myself, honestly the last year or so I havenā€™t really known who I am, and I can feel the changes but donā€™t understand them. She doesnā€™t care if I dye my hair, get new tats or piercings, wear makeup or dress up, she doesnā€™t even care if I shave or not. So, obviously it shouldnā€™t bother me at all, and I donā€™t know why it does, but my insecurities have caused her to have some insecurities so we talked about it last night. I probably should have just told her the next day when I realized how I felt, but it felt so stupid to say out loud. I didnā€™t want her to feel like she made me feel bad, but I made her feel worse by not just coming clean. Iā€™m just glad I have her, and sheā€™s not going anywhere.
I think thatā€™s all for today, thanks for listening to me ramble about my problems and insecurities.
submitted by my_mom_hella_gay to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:28 TransportationFar935 TELL HIS 7 CHILDREN THAT YOU CLUELESS FOOL šŸ‘©šŸ¼šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦°šŸ‘±šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ¦±šŸ§’šŸ»šŸ‘¦šŸ»šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦°YOU ARE AIDING A DEAD BEAT DAD WHO ONLY PAYS COURT ORDERED CHILD SUPPORT THAT YOU LOSERS PAY!!!!!!

TELL HIS 7 CHILDREN THAT YOU CLUELESS FOOL šŸ‘©šŸ¼šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦°šŸ‘±šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ¦±šŸ§’šŸ»šŸ‘¦šŸ»šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ¦°YOU ARE AIDING A DEAD BEAT DAD WHO ONLY PAYS COURT ORDERED CHILD SUPPORT THAT YOU LOSERS PAY!!!!!! submitted by TransportationFar935 to chrismostellerscam [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:41 Glacial_Shield_W Toxic Intoxication

I can still see you out on the floor,
Spinning and twirling and all I can think is,
'How can I get her out the door?'
Seeing you dance,
I knew there was no way I could resist your advance.
how she bends like that,
It sends shivers down my back.
I wouldn't mind playin' with that cat,
Even if she's a disguised heart attack.
Say my name,
Stay nice and we may play a game.
You were so slick with your innuendo,
Who woulda known it would be your tricks that made me sick in the end,
I looked confident in my mask,
And you were always wetter after diving into the flask.
Hit it,
but I could never bring myself to quit it,
when you get me in a rage,
I spit it.
They say,
a tit for a tat,
you know I don't play,
Imma give you alot more than that.
how the fuck are you lookin' at another guy,
When we always said we were ride or die?
Quote of the day,
'It wasn't me.'
And then we are yelling and cussin' for everyone to see.
What do you mean,
you are tired of me acting obscene?
It isn't like the shit comin' outa my mouth is the worst you've ever seen.
And you gotta question why I swallow another pill,
While you wallow and threaten to fall from another window sill.
A body to die for and a mind to kill,
I poked and pried for the thrill.
Twist it,
ham fist it,
But I regret that I ever kissed it.
Any time I spoke,
you dismissed it.
When you begged me to change,
I would automatically resist it.
Am I supposed to telepathically tell you my needs?
That may open up an avenue where I have to see all your disloyal deeds.
The amount of time that I would toil for you in the soil,
Ignoring that you and I were water and oil.
I didn't deserve my place inside,
The look on your face showed that you had something to hide.
A squatter in a broken home,
A hymm from a forgotten tome.
It isn't love and you defiled the creed,
I broke my devotion to you through the seed.
The flames we stoked just for the lust,
We left truth and trust in the dust.
I should acknowledge what I did?
You could have stopped acting like a kid.
And I don't mean to dredge up your past,
if I wasn't blind,
it coulda given me the hint that this wouldn' last.
A stint with your exe,
Tried to kill your competition with a magic hex.
And if you're the witch,
I'm the ghoul,
'Cause I was always just your hypnotized fool.
Always hung up by your thread,
Got stung and left for dead.
Because a Queen needs to exert control.
Took my heart for a ride,
then shot it out back after the stroll.
And ya,
you are all high up on your horse,
And I am a depressed smuck who can't see the bright side,
par for the course.
Maybe it's because you lied,
And I never really tried.
I never addressed my years that were formative,
and you didn't wanna discuss your issues,
We just each had to sit there while the other cried into dampening tissues.
What was happening was a parasitic intwinement,
Acidic faith brought to perfect refinement.
I taught you how much words can sting,
You never taught me a fucking thing.
Except, maybe, to lie about my happiness,
To pile on with the sweetest sappiness.
Pretty word play,
Absurd promises,
to make you stay.
Pretty little hate machine,
The most beautiful evil that I have ever seen.
And let's do this from your point of view,
It's not like anything I have to say is new.
I'm an introverted recluse,
Only you could have perverted that into an excuse.
I ramble on about the blight,
You scramble when your fabrications get shed in the light.
My personality is my greatest weakness,
But that is too cruel to say,
so how can you tweak this?
Make it clear you aren't just here for what happens in bed,
And yet, it is everything else that got us in over our head.
I never said a word about your friends,
And yet, I'm the one that none of them defends.
I didn't try to debate when you said that you would be running late,
Better to avoid than to show me the annoyed and growing hate.
They always wanted to see me do more to earn your heart,
And if I didn't meet their standard,
it meant war,
where they would torch your belief in me,
just to tear us apart.
It was torture,
and it was always going to wear me down,
But I still would come running whenever you wore that gown.
There must have been something about you that something in me adored,
Maybe it was that you never left me bored.
But you did leave me in the rain to rust,
The pain seeping in from every flaw that we discussed.
You laid down the law,
Piled it on until it finally broke me like a straw.
Stoke the anger and the rage,
Just so we could take it out by fucking a stranger and then turning the page.
Fucking no,
But I was tucking in,
just to see how far you would go.
'Cause I got wealthy on the swell,
And you knew me too well.
When to leave me to stew,
When to give me just a piece of you.
And it would be like a new lease on our relationship,
Give a little and,
like clockwork,
the scale would tip.
Always called it off before I could go berserk,
Laugh off my dismay with a smirk.
Call it revenge to draw a line the size of a hedge,
I'm just trying to avenge you pushing me to the ledge.
And you know I brought you down,
Everything I bought you was to stop the frown.
Judgment is so repugnant,
And you knew what pulling the rug meant.
House always wins,
It's all planned out before it begins.
Raising the blinds to flood the room with the glare,
Always under your crushing stare,
and these tables weren't built to be fair.
Life's a bitch,
and it kills you with each grain of sand,
We never had to get hitched,
for me to cave to your every demand.
What I craved was your hand,
And because of that,
I was never able to take a stand.
Call it what you want,
A love letter or a reckless taunt.
This is what we have always done,
A hot mess ever since it begun.
It will be my fault for airing it out in the sun,
For discharging this loaded gun.
And that may all be symbolic,
But you really are an alcoholic.
Reality isn't always fun,
And to teach a lesson,
sometimes you have to aim to stun.
A soul isn't a game,
It isn't funny to make sure someone will never be the same.
And there are two sides to every story,
fuck you,
you've already had your glory.
You don't need me to give you another pedestal,
You can always find another and feed your ego if it's your will.
You had your fix and you can't drain me anymore,
Get your licks,
then leave before anyone notices the gore.
You aren't the only one who is able to avoid being subtle,
You toyed with me, and this is my rebuttal.
Go back to your adoring dance floor,
Prance around and find a new man to explore.
You can't deny that is what you enjoy,
Seeing if you can pull of another ploy.
A demon in a dress,
Schemin' is what you call success.
And it makes me nauseous for the other man,
But at least I've learned to be cautious,
so it won't be me again.
So maybe there was one thing that you taught,
And that is,
you are better off as something that I almost forgot.
submitted by Glacial_Shield_W to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:49 KindlyBlueberry3899 No need to fellow APE

Today was an INSANE day. Im here to explain what happened
Disclaimer: Do your due diligence. I'm not a professional. This isn't financial advice,
Alright im going to make this very blunt for you all today. Normally, i'm happy and ready to explain. But the panic and dismay really means you all need to hear what I have to say regarding FFIE and the analysis for today.
Think about it. Last week ended at 1.17. Today, FFIE closed at 1.18.
Were there ups and downs? YES. Ofc there were. This is the game. It is Tit-For-Tat
I need an honest answer in the comments. Who sold out of fear?
Well lets break this down in some of the most FAQ after today's close. First and foremost, lets start with the 10 day delisting rule.
There is a lot of concern that the 10 day delisting rule was lost today. And that FFIE will be delisted now.
For those who are unsure what this means, there have been statements said this week that FFIE must maintain above 1.00 at market close for 10 days to prevent delisting from NASDAQ.
This is true. However, FFIE will NOT be delisted after today's drop. And i can prove it using 2 reasons.
Reason number 1:
Market closed above 1.00 today. In fact, it closed at 1.18 (ish). Simple as this. As stated above, the rule requires that there be a 10 day period where the price per share doesnt drop below 1 dollar AT MARKET CLOSE. It was at 1.18 at close. Therefore, the listing remains.
Reason number 2 is a bit more complicated and the answer lies in this [THIS]( big document. This is the market earnings report for FFIE essentially listing alot of the financial information regarding the company.
I haven't read the entire thing yet, but so far, its nothing we havent seen so far.
But there was 1 key paragraph that really stood out to me.
The delisting of FFIE was appealed. The appeal was GRANTED TODAY!!
Long story short, FFIE wont be delisted until AFTER the appeals process is concluded. Needless to say, the process takes 30 days and requires the public be made aware of the decision before it is delisted.
This means yall got 30 days to squeeze em' good. (insert confetti around monkey here)
Now, regarding the volatility at market close. Hedge funds placed ALOT of limit purchases today. They canceled those purchases after market closed. Price drops. Simple as that. The market always rebounds when this happens as long as nobody (you monkeys) hold onto your shares.
By placing an order, they increase the price a little. Then cancelling them (usually on a timer) drops the price big time. It is an artificial drop. In the end, after-market changes do not actually affect the price per share come open on the following day unless the limit orders were completed.
Okay so for those who don't understand, i'm in a rush to get this out so I don't have the time to make it simpler for you. Here's a TLDR'
  1. FFIE wont be delisted because market still closed above 1.00
  2. The volatility today can be attributed to limit order placements, then cancellations. Market always rebounds after this.
I MUST SAY. I am super disappointed by the number of DMs I got of people ABSOLUTELY PANICKED about the dip. Y'all know better than to give in to their tricks.
NO RETAIL BUYER OR SELLER HAS THE POWER TO DROP THE MARKET BY THAT AMOUNT. Only HFs do. Next time, I don't want any DMs having to reassure people about their position in FFIE.
This week alone, there are 15m shares that are beginning to collect interest from HFs. These shares are only the beginning.
Unfortunately, its only letting me add 1 attachment per post now? New rule I guess.
I will say this to those who sold their shares tho. Consider buying back in after your own Due diligence.
I became a whale today and bought ALOT of shares at a discounted rate thanks to the HF and yall freaking out.
submitted by KindlyBlueberry3899 to FFIE [link] [comments]