Family reunion letters samples

'Failed to load content' error with any PS2 ROM

2024.06.02 09:02 yzysznz 'Failed to load content' error with any PS2 ROM

submitted by yzysznz to RetroArch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:54 bandaidserenade Last Name Suggestions?

I need more brains thinking on this. Any thoughts help! My fiancée and I will both change our last names when we get married as neither of us feel attached to our surnames. We both feel as though we have cool names already and would just keep them as is, but we want a family name. Plus, we have some not-so-great familial relationships as we are an interracial lesbian couple.
Here’s some things to think about when suggesting: We both have names that start with the /k/ sound and end with /i/ as in “keep, she, see”. We would like to include the letter “o” pronounced like /o/ as in “boat,go” I also like “sk” or the letter “j”, but that’s just more ideas.
Heritage wise she is biracial: black and Native American. I am white with family from Central Europe, like Austria, Czech, Slovakia, as well as the Iberian peninsula, and Northern Europe. I’m really white lol.
I love feminine surname suggestions as well. Names like Pearl, Sloan, Rose, or even “datter” at the end!
We like last names with meaning already. We would love a surname that includes something to do with bears or citrus. We have a dog Koda so that’s already off the table. I love some ideas like: Citrine, Golden, Aurora, Pomelo, Linde, Baer, Otso, Medved, Björn.
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance.
submitted by bandaidserenade to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:40 Puzzleheaded-Cat-804 am i (20F) being dramatic and a bad girlfriend to my boyfriend (20M)?

pls help:( so things have been going really good for us recently. we go to the same college but are currently doing long distance because of summer break (me in TX him in CA). this is our second LDR summer so we’re used to it and have found ways to stay close like watching shows together, making playlists for eachother, mailing love letters etc..
the issues started a few days ago. first, we were on facetime and i made a joke and started laughing (i do have a laugh that can be a bit grating) but he seriously responded and said “u know sometimes when you laugh i just have to sit here and wait till its over cus its not that funny”
i have pretty bad social anxiety and hes really the only person ive told that to.. its been growing because we are planning to vacation with his family soon and that has been making me anxious, that statement just made me feel unsafe with him. but, as a mature gf.. i simply just told him and he apologized and i tried to move on.
the next day i get a text from a random girl sending me a post hes made (hes a micro influencer) that had a few thousand likes insinuating that he prefers girls that dont shower before sex.. probably a joke but im on that page and like i mentioned earlier SOCIAL ANXIETY. ppl sending it rlly turned me off him, and to add insult to injury the trip we were supposed to go on got randomly cancelled and it was a hassle to get my money back..
i love him.. we have been together over a year but right now im so turned off him and the possibility of us seeing eachother and letting our physical connection help this situation now seems slim. weve tried to talk today but i just felt put off. he apologized and expressed his love for me and how bad he feels about these things but idk. ive started to think maybe our incompatibility is showing.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Cat-804 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:39 Lost_Trash_7999 I just keep feeling like I want them back

I hate myself because of what he's done to me. I can't function anymore without him. I keep having to tell myself all the bad things he did but it's not helping. I can't cope being alone anymore and I feel like it's never going to get better. I keep reading the posts here looking for support but so many people are saying they're months or years out and still feel the same and I just don't know if I can do that. I'm already so low and my self esteem was terrible before I met him but it's so bad now. I can't keep living like this I feel like every day is just too difficult for me. I already have different problems in my life and other abuse from my family that I can't escape from, and worse of all is they keep telling me how horrible I was for leaving him and how could I do that to him.
He blocked me so i can't even reach out. The last thing i said to him was a very intense letter about all the horrible things he did to me. I feel disgusted by him all the time but I'm absolutely useless without him. I'm so sick and tired. I keep having weird symptoms like last night I had so many nightmares and I woke up and the lights were all on and I was sat straight up in bed and I just don't know how that happened. I have headaches all the time and I've been taking painkillers everyday since it ended. I don't know I feel like the only way to cope is to swap the addiction for something else because I just feel like this is never going to end
submitted by Lost_Trash_7999 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:24 nunuvyabisnis For wanting to abandon my 2 kids and husband

I've been in an extremely rough spot lately, and want to leave my 2 kids and husband. Now before you judge I do have, in my eyes, good reasoning. I would rather leave my kids and let them know when they want to either via letter or face to face.. reasoning would be that I could not take care of them properly, I would do more harm being there than leaving. I do know myself after all... although its so hard to believe someone could be so cruel to their own kids..I fear I lack control in my emotions. After being on medication for years I still lose my cool. I'm a whole different person when I'm over stimulated and things keep going wrong.. After having 2 under 2... already my fault I know.. I have just been spiraling mentally. I don't think I would ever hurt my kids but I can definitely understand why people do hurt themselves or their kids. IM NOT SAYING ITS RIGHT BY ANY MEAN. I'm starting to yell at my babies, 2 under 2 (one is hardly half of a year old while the other is just under 2) I know this is my fault because I know what happens due to my actions. But this is so much mentally for me, my husband helps as much as he can but due to late nights and between sleep its really just me. But I'm also constantly on the go and lack sleep. I'm puking, losing weight rapidly 40 lbs in 3 months, and am not the nicest person to my kids when I'm overstimulated. In fact if I don't straighten up my kids will start to remember me as someone who would yell often or even abused them (different for everyone yanno). I feel like I constantly am unintentionally trying to pick a fight with my husband every day.. It's like its an unintentional cry for some adult conversation. All I hear everyday is crying and screaming more than laughter. We dont have transportation for the kids and I to get out to see other people and we just moved across country away from all our friends and family. As a kid I had parents who fought often, due to ones mental health being so bad.. More than 90% of my memories are yelling or just not being the parent I knew they could be.. I would much rather them parent from a distance until they had gotten better to parent us.. If at all.. as a kid I dont believe I would have understood but as an adult I would have thanked them more than doing what they had.. I just dont want that for my kids. I dont want to be a villain in their story. I know this wont last forever but I need a break to get better.. I dont know who to turn to.. Family cant just drop everything to help us nor can they home me/my kids & I. Husband cant stop working due to bills and needing to home 2 kids.. But if I continue to stay and not get sleep and continuously hear children day in and out I fear what I might do when I snap..
Now that I think of it... is this a cry for help? Who can lead me in the right direction or have multiple directions if A-Z doesn't work
submitted by nunuvyabisnis to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:02 oracle_robin Just need a place to vent a little.

Hi hi. I hope you're all doing well. I know it's probably sort of silly to come to a subreddit like his to just talk, but I wanted a place to do so and this seemed like the best option.
I'm so... so sad. And I try not to think about it so much, but it gets hard sometimes. I'm tearing up heavily just writing this post. I'm 20M, and I'm out of school, in College, but I had to withdraw from my first two semesters because I just couldn't handle it.
I'm doing my best to put on a happy face for everyone around me, including those I love, but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing it, I keep having these breakthrough days where I just don't have the energy to even get up, much less help around the house or get out to do anything.
My one thought that I always come back to is that I just want to be little again. The world was so much brighter then. I would come home from my elementary school and sit in the family office watching my mother play Plants Vs Zombies. And I always got so scared of the Zombies but I wanted to stay in there and put on a brave face for her. And then I'd go play with my toys... my Thomas the Tank Engine toys... those were my favorites. We'd occasionally go to the store and get a new one to add to my little train collection.. And my stuffed animals. I thought they were so magical. My mom would write me letters from one of them, one of my favorites. I think a little part of me died the day I found out it was just her. But I still had that childlike wonder, the feeling that nothing could or would go wrong. As I got older, things just got grayer. I don't know why.
I don't know why I have all these thoughts. I'm on a cocktail of medicines that SHOULD be working. But when I have them in me, I just feel... numb to everything? The dog I had for the longest time died earlier in the year, and I just didn't feel anything. It's not like I'm avoiding taking them, but I feel like... it just dampens anything I do. I know that's probably silly.
My mom and dad are so supportive of me and I love them so much. But I know they're not always going to be there, and there's always that little thought in the back of my head that says, would I be better off if I went before them so I wouldn't have to bear losing them? I know it's not right, but I don't know if I could lose one of them and still be okay.
Everything moves so fast these days. I have to pay attention to so many things. When I was little, nothing seemed like it would ever move. I liked it that way. God, I even broke down when my family changed the wallpaper in the house I grew up in. I still have a little strip I keep of that wallpaper I have in a music box. I never want to lose it.
And I love my dad. I love him so much. I know he's not got the same thoughts that I do, he grew up in a different time. I know I'm neurodivergent. And he does his very best to accommodate me, but he still makes me sad sometimes, and then he feels like it's his fault, and then HE gets sad, and then I feel awful... it's not the best dynamic, but I do my best to roll with it.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to post so much, I just needed a place to write down my thoughts, I think. I have no plans of taking my life, or anything silly like harming myself, but I need something. I don't know what I need, though. I just need these thoughts to stop. I get so sad... and I know I have an okay life. So why do I feel this way? Thank you for listening to me, if indeed you still are, and I hope you have an excellent rest of your night.
submitted by oracle_robin to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:00 Neldere An unsent love letter

I want you to understand me fully, because I find it immensely difficult to communicate any of this unless it is all laid out as one mindset, for I fear being misconstrued as ill-intended when for me this is an exercise of truth and speaking that truth which I feel. It is an exercise of honesty, and one of humility as I lay bare before your conscious attention the fullness of my feeling.
I have loved and I have lost. A number of times now, in various ways. I have explored depths of despair, loneliness, grief, trauma, and other shadowy sides to myself and after entertaining death itself for years, I have emerged refreshed and cleansed. I choose life and all that this incarnation has in store for me while my lungs continue to take breath and my heart continues to beat.
My orientation to life has long been to clench and grip and grab and tightly hold on to illusions of control and security. To ensnare people with untenable relationship arrangements founded on a lack of self-acceptance and love. To entertain conditional and transactional experiences with other humans, for fear of being taken advantage of. These seeds I have allowed to take root have sprung up many times, as I have continued to water and enrich them with anxieties and fears. No longer. I choose to live and to love. I choose to cultivate a space of love that welcomes and accepts and validates and entertains without the need for gripping and containing those who enter it. And as the space expands the walls of my heart, the incalculable depths of loving potential arise to the surface and saturate my being. I choose to be love itself, incarnate as far as my current form will allow. I honor my limitations and find great serenity in accommodating and challenging them in due course.
One of my core powers is understanding the nature of limitation itself. Thus I recognize that in terms of my love, a limit does not exist that can ever long persist. My love is infinite. As I fall into the space of love, I too am infinite as a whole and no longer feel a need to leave this form, or end things, or to do anything especial to avoid suffering. I am just love itself, and that is enough to satisfy my mind and my heart and my soul. All that exists that may limit the outpouring of this love is the nature of my form, and that blessedly is ever changing—seemingly to the benefit of all, and will ever grow alongside the expansion of my heart.
This space is supremely difficult to remain in forever. But when I am with you dearest, I am always in that space. I am always in that space of love with you. Even right now. I am in love with you. Do you get what I am saying? I love you as a person, a human, a being in general. I adore so many aspects of you. But I am also IN the space of love WITH you. I am in love WITH you. I love you, but I am also in love with you.
I have no fear stating this. How could I be afraid of loving utterly she for whom I hold all desire? How could I fear you, dearest, when your embrace is pure comfort and pleasure? You are divinely saturated in feminine expression and attract every atom of my being like a super-magnet. In fact, you instead take all my fears away and alchemize them into precise and pristinely perfect inspiration for me to cheerfully ingest, effortlessly. You ARE my inspiration, my muse, my lady, my woman, and my lover in my mind and in my heart.
Your laugh is a fountain of music and your speech an enchantment for my ears. Your smile as you grin at me is so wonderfully and delightfully silly, mischievous, cheerful, hopeful, and full of desire all at once. I have never felt my capacity to love so challenged as by you, but neither have I ever recognized just how utterly willing I am and will ever be to fully explore that capacity with you.
The way your eyes sparkle with celestial radiance, and draw me down into their depths is a fantasy ride into the very dreamy undertones of my most private subconscious sensualities. And with a bright unserious laugher bubbling up in the blink of said eyes, you make me go to pieces with chagrin and humility in the best possible way. Often, your glance pierces with icy diamond sharpness, but gives way to pools of the most vibrant tropical paradise blue that are wells of the deepest wisdom; a spring from the mountains that begins a stream that will take a lifetime to meet the sea. I would swim in the depths of those pools forever, were I so fortunate as to be invited closer than the leaves of the trees on the edge of the forest. The Keen-Eyed I name you, for there exists no veil or shroud over me that your gaze cannot penetrate with swift and unyielding overtones of warmth and delight. No shadow can endure that light.
Your skin is taut; your muscles wrought—of strength, and powerful endurance. You make the lands vibrate with joy and excitement as the wind chases your feet as they dance through the world. When it is out, the sun glows dazzlingly, glittering with tiny rainbows of color as it plays across your aesthetic and athletic form, and all the wildflowers yearn in anticipation as you pass—hoping for the glory and chance of being picked and tucked behind your ear—to their greatest delight and honor. Framing the soft expanse of your brow, the tresses of your hair flash with a rare and glorious golden radiance that only the light of the stars glittering in the inky darkness of night could produce. Their glow traverses the infinite emptiness of space only to at long last become ensnared and woven into the soft strength of each strand, to radiate that light anew.
When I hug you, I realize that if I could, I would freeze time and spend an eternity just holding you in my arms, lovingly caressing your hair and back as your soft gentle weight presses into me, comforting me utterly with the honoring of the full humility of my stark humanity. Feeling your acceptance, and validation and encouraging enrichment through holding you makes me possessed by great sorrow, knowing I must let you go, but it also leaves me with a lasting serenity and pleasure, knowing that within the space of this long lifetime, I somehow have been so unbelievably fortunate as to have been graced by so loving of an embrace. Humans go entire lifetimes without ever experiencing such a wondrous experience, and I treasure it every time it occurs.
You will never owe me anything, nor suffer any binding at my hand, save those of your own choosing. I offer you infinite depths of connection and reassurance amidst the wide world, but I do not seek to contain or cage you. You have a path to walk just as I do, but I would have yours lead back to me each moment that it may. I would cherish and love you all the days of my life, and never would I intentionally overstep your boundaries nor subject you to violence. I would uphold your honor and work to emphasize your grace with my own stature and beauty and power. Such that is granted to me by the space of each moment, anyways. There is great potential for mutual growth and fulfillment between us over the length of a lifetime if we are willing to invest in developing a deeper intertwining of our bodies and our souls. I recognize many limits but no limit to the depths we might explore together. The universe is vast, but perfection abounds from the highest highs to the deepest depths, and as long as I have you nearby, I may envision it and establish it in turn, for the benefit of our family, should you choose to spend your time in my company in a home of our own.
And if your choice is to seek a path that follows a diversion from my own, I will accept it with graceful resignation, wishing you only the utmost happiness for all your days. I may strain to understand how any other might love you with greater ardor than my heart is aflame with, but the cosmos does not revolve around me, and I recognize that there persist many potential partners of greater consideration and so I willingly let go of any claim I might try to lay for your hand. Instead I offer only a blessing, that should the universe favor me at long last, that this letter will not fall astray and will arrive to a welcome reception in the halls of your heart. Should it not, I will sit with contentment, recognizing my own bravery and madness in sending it, and regretting not the choice to seek your fancy.
You are a treasure dearest, and I am a treasure seeker. I covet many gems and beautiful minerals and crystals that this wondrous planet has grown and shaped. But no crystal radiates as you do. No crystal has so beautiful of colors. Nor is as delightfully energizing as you are. I find no greater assurance in any rock or stone than I do holding your hands and being within the sphere of your aura. I have faith that I will become as strong or as harmonious or supportive as ever you might wish me to be, if only were the smile in your eyes to wake me from dreamspace each morning alongside the rays of the sun and so inspire me to greatness.
May this wishful boat of heartfelt intention and deep desire sail gently into the cavernous depths of your being beneath the mountainous wall of the outer bulwark of your defenses, and may it receive safe harborage in the twilight pools of dreams that glow like galaxies in the soft glimmer of crystal-laden caves that house your soul. May it meet there the doorway to your heart, and may it pass over the threshold, to begin anew the conjugation of the universe with itself through the vehicle of our mutual love.
For K,
Who never received it, having chosen another lover.
submitted by Neldere to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 No-Course548 Where should I apply to?

Not sure which burner account I’m on and if I’ve posted on this sub Reddit before but could use advice on where I should apply. My LSAT score will be somewhere between 153-159 when I go to take it this next week (that’s what I’ve been averaging the last month with lowest vs highest but if it’s higher I’ll be happy😭). I have three really good recommendation letters! One from one of the lawyers at my T20 University in the world, a recommendation letter from a distant family friend who is at the top of her big law firm and is extremely respected and successful, and a recommendation letter from my high level philosophy professor. I have a 3.85 GPA at the moment but am taking full summer load of classes to raise it to a 3.9. I’m feeling stressed about what law schools I’ll get into especially since my LSAT score is subpar.
submitted by No-Course548 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:50 Odd-Advertising7883 Family reunion visa for an international masters student

Hello i am a masters student in germany (F & Tanzanian) since 2021 and last year we had a child with my partner (M & German). This year my student residence permit expires and i have to renew it. Since both my son and partner are German i have to apply for a family reunion visa, we are not married yet and i was wondering if
1) i need the A1 certificate? - i have one for B1 from when i applied for my Masters but mind that the certificate was from 2020
2) is there any other major document we could need apart from our child’s birth certificate and the Vaterschaftsannerkenung which we have for the visa application?
3) since we are not married is the family reunion category the right one for me in regards to applying for a new residence permit?
submitted by Odd-Advertising7883 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:30 riley_sucks A former lover I once knew

(The letter is long, I know, but I believe it's a nice testimony to how strongly people can love)
I just want to write this down and tell you I love you so much baby. Just the fact I get to call you baby makes me so happy, it reminds me of how you used to hate that and never got why people said it. I don't even remember how it started but now that I get to call you baby, it makes me think that maybe I am truly showing you what love is. That thought makes me happy beyond belief, the thought that I've changed things about you for the better, that I've made you more confident, more comfortable, and even more happy??? God my love that's a feeling I'll cherish forever.
You're always stuck inside my head in the loveliest way possible. Even if you aren't there, my love is still right in my heart and mind the moment I wake up, every second of the day, the moment I fall asleep, and even in my dreams. You're the reason behind why I try and work so hard, so I can better myself and work to make an easy future for you and our family. If I had it my way, you wouldn't have to lift a finger if you so desired and I would happily work as hard as it would take to ensure that. I know I've said it before but I still promise when I graduate, I'll go to a college, I'll work hard and I'll save money so we can raise the family you've always wanted. When I get a good job from my degree, you'll be able to live the life you want and carve whatever path you desire without having to worry about all the things I've taken care of for you. I'm not saying you'll live the easiest life ever because dreams still take hard work, but just know you won't have to worry about the little things, all you'll have to worry about is your goals and ambitions.
All of this because I love you. How could I not love you more than anything when you have such a precious soul <3 You embody beauty and elegance in my eyes. It's no coincidence I'm reminded of you in every flower, every shining star, every colored leaf. You are as beautiful as the nature around us. You are the breeze amidst the heat to me, the melodies of songbirds in the morning. When I hold you, it reminds me of the warmth I feel from a stray piece of sun, cracking through the leaves to gently wrap and embrace my skin. I hope you truly believe deeply and without a doubt in your heart that this is forever. We're not just simply loosely bound as high school lovers, but tied by the soul eternally. I fully believe that if we have past lives, we met and loved through each one. So not only are we bound by this life, but whatever may come after. Even if it's scary to me, I know your presence will find me in some way and all of a sudden, just because you're there, it will all be okay.
submitted by riley_sucks to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 kotori57 I need advice, or for someone to just understand what I'm going through

I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I (26f) have been with my partner (26m) for almost 5 and a half years. This is my third "serious" relationship. I thought I finally found the one, a good man, someone I could spend the rest of my life with and finally be happy. I get along with his family, he gets along with mine. I know everyone has different thoughts and feelings on this, but I personally want to be married and have children. We discussed this at the beginning of our relationship and he agreed.
As time has gone on, things have become more tense whenever marriage is brought up. I feel like we have been together long enough and are at an age where that step should be happening. Every time I try to discuss it with him, he used to make excuses but I gave valid solutions and now he just gets mad and changes the subject. About a month or so ago, I wrote a letter for him because I am better at handling my emotions when my thoughts are written and not spoken. For two weeks he continued as if the letter didn't exist (he had read it).
Finally I broke and told him I couldn't keep pretending I was fine and we needed to talk about it. He said some bullshit like "I have some things I need to work on first", "it's not a problem with you, it's me", and "I want to be a better person for you". No actual reasoning for why he thinks this way. I've told him that not telling me is just causing my brain to run wild with scenarios and whatever the problem is, it can't be worse than what I've thought of and am torturing myself with every single day. Yet he still chooses to not talk and actively avoids me when I'm in a depressive episode over it.
At this point I realistically know my relationship is probably over, but I am just so lost. I do everything I can for this man and I am not even good enough to give the decency of an explanation? I have never once thought he was cheating on me or anything like that, but now I am questioning literally everything.
Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk I guess.
submitted by kotori57 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 Accomplished_Oil527 Sample collection for genetics study complete: What's next?

Dear patients, supporters, donors, and friends,
Exciting news: Our second scientific study has wrapped up its sample collection phase and is now in full swing.
Today marks a significant milestone as we've successfully collected blood samples from over 150 patients, with a third of this data already on its way to Dr. Alfonso Urbanucci and his team at The University of Tampere. While we may need to collect some samples again, we are now considering sample collection complete.
This achievement is the culmination of six years of dedicated work by PFS Network, our research group and volunteers.
Alongside our ongoing study at The University of Kiel, these milestones signify unparalleled progress towards understanding PFS and developing safe, effective treatments for patients. We're more hopeful than ever about what lies ahead.
This progress has been hard-fought and largely led by patients, some of whom are no longer with us. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has contributed to reaching this point.

Patient Volunteers

A heartfelt thank you to all who have volunteered for our organisation. Your support forms the bedrock of our progress.
Special appreciation goes to the staff who initially volunteered to moderate the propeciahelp forum back in 2018. Despite the lack of recognition, their pivotal role paved the way for community-wide collaboration, resulting in significant achievements, including
These moderators facilitated a shift towards constructive, scientifically oriented discussions, steering our community platforms in a more productive direction.
We'd also like to extend our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to PFSN projects, whether through data analysis, SEO assistance, video editing, participant recruitment, media engagement, or other forms of support. Your contributions have been invaluable.


When we embarked on fundraising for our study at The University of Kiel in December 2021, we had modest expectations. The overwhelming response, reaching our 80,000 EUR target within four months, exceeded all expectations.
In total, our charity has raised nearly half a million euros over three years, a remarkable feat considering the grassroots nature of our fundraising efforts. These funds have supported two major projects and enabled us to hire our first PhD student. We are profoundly grateful to all who have contributed.
A special thanks to our major donors, who have generously provided the majority of our funding. Approximately 87% of our funds come from 'private donors,' including patient families, individual wealthy patients, and our first grant.
We also express gratitude to patient donors whose consistent support, though smaller in scale, has been invaluable.

Researchers & Clinicians

We've often expressed our gratitude for the exceptional team of researchers we're privileged to work with. What began as individual research endeavours has evolved into a comprehensive scientific advisory team comprising experts across various fields.
While we are immensely grateful for their support in launching these projects, we also recognise the contributions of others who have made these studies possible. This includes clinical support for patient and control tissue collection for the Kiel study, researchers who have previously published on the topic, and the teams supporting lead researchers at their institutions.

What's Next

Reflecting on our progress, it's essential to recognise the concerted effort it has required. Equally important is acknowledging the state of affairs before these advancements.
In 2018, cohesive patient participation platforms were scarce, clinical data was limited, and appropriate scientific research on the condition was lacking. The achievements of recent years are not accidental but the result of careful planning and thoughtful collaboration.
Throughout our journey, we've emphasised the importance of patience and practical, incremental steps towards understanding, recognition, and eventual treatments. We remind patients of the principles that got us here and urge you not to take this progress for granted.
As we move forward with both studies, our focus shifts to supporting researchers in their vital work. While we cannot provide detailed updates from the lab as frequently, rest assured we'll maintain regular communication, now on a quarterly basis instead.
Over the coming months, we'll continue consulting with our scientific advisory team, analysing incoming data, and exploring new projects to advance understanding and awareness of PFS.
To some, especially new patients, progress over the coming months may seem slow or non-existent. However, the most significant work is now underway.
We're cognizant that this could result in a situation reminiscent of 2018, characterised by a tendency towards quick solutions and increased complacency.
Please understand that our progress has been achievable only through broad cooperation and support of clearly defined, justified projects. We advise patients to carefully consider who they entrust to spearhead progress and meticulously assess any individual or group asking for their support.
Please remain active in driving progress forward, chiefly by backing our initiatives and motivating others to do the same. If you're currently contributing financially, please maintain your support to ensure timely commencement of potential new projects, when ready. Additionally, as advocated in our 2024 fundraising campaign, please continue to inspire your loved ones to contribute financially whenever feasible.
Thank you all for your unwavering dedication and support. Despite the road ahead, our optimism for the future has never been higher.
submitted by Accomplished_Oil527 to FinasterideSyndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 bibix21 Help I need to rewatch this movie!! But I don’t remember the title and I can’t find it anywhere!!

Years ago, I watched this movie about a male painter and a woman. He was an aspiring artist but from what I remember he wasn’t very good, but the girl that he married tried to convince people he was. I believe she was from a rich family. I only really remember a certain scene, where the man writes a letter to his wife and attaches it to his very last painting before he hangs himself. I think at the end of the movie the wife dies of sickness and her loyal servant makes their home a museum showcasing his art? There was another scene where I believe she was a writer and she wrote three books to make money, her and her husband liked to party and drink a lot! But that may be from another movie I’m not too sure. I also remember that the husband lost his limbs, but please help, I need to rewatch this movie!! It has been racking my brain for years!! I should mention it’s set in olden England, and honestly kind of gives me the vibe of atonement but not really 🤷🏻‍♀️
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2024.06.02 07:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Breakfast in Boone Nc

Best Breakfast in Boone Nc
Best Breakfast in Boone Nc Are you looking for the best breakfast in Boone, NC? Well, look no further because we've got you covered!We've compiled a list of the top breakfast spots in town, so you can start your day off right.From farm-to-table restaurants serving up delicious dishes made with high-quality ingredients, to family-owned bakeries and cafes offering fresh pastries and delectable breakfast plates, there's something for everyone.Join us as we explore the diverse and delicious breakfast options this charming town has to offer.Key TakeawaysBoone, NC offers a diverse range of breakfast options, from farm-to-table restaurants like Melanies Food Fantasy to retro diners like Troys 105 Diner.Visitors can enjoy classic American favorites at Sunrise Grill or indulge in delectable pastries at Stick Boy Bread Co.For a taste of traditional Southern comfort food, Danl Boone Inn Restaurant is a long-standing family-friendly dining establishment.Those looking for a unique breakfast experience can try The Pedalin' Pig, a barbecue breakfast spot, or Black Cat Burrito, an eclectic burrito joint with vegetarian and vegan-friendly options.Farm-to-Table DelightsWhile exploring the best breakfast options in Boone, NC, we discovered several farm-to-table delights that offer creatively plated dishes prepared from high-quality ingredients. One standout option is Melanies Food Fantasy, an established American restaurant that has been serving farm-to-table fare since 1991. They pride themselves on using the freshest ingredients sourced from local farms to create their delicious dishes. Their menu features a variety of breakfast options, from classic favorites like eggs and bacon to vegan-friendly dishes and organic coffee. The restaurant also offers outdoor dining on their patio, providing a pleasant atmosphere to enjoy your meal.Another great option for breakfast in Boone, NC is Stick Boy Bread Co, a family-owned bakery and eatery. This place is a haven for pastry lovers, as they offer a wide selection of freshly baked goods, including mouth-watering pastries that come right out of the oven. In addition to their delectable breakfast plates, Stick Boy Bread Co also provides full-service catering for all events, making it a versatile choice for any occasion.With these farm-to-table delights offering such delicious breakfast options, it's no wonder that Boone, NC is known for its culinary scene. But the delights don't stop there. In the next section, we'll explore the bakeries and cafes galore that are sure to satisfy your morning cravings.Bakeries and Cafes GaloreBakeries and cafes galore await in Boone, NC, offering a delightful array of unique pastry creations, locally sourced ingredients, and cozy cafe atmospheres.From family-owned bakeries like Stick Boy Bread Co, serving fresh pastries straight out of the oven, to quaint cafes like Our Daily Bread, offering a wide selection of freshly baked goods, there's something to satisfy every craving.Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast or a leisurely brunch, these bakeries and cafes provide a charming setting to enjoy delicious treats made with care.Unique Pastry CreationsWe love exploring the creativity of pastry chefs in their unique creations, which often showcase their artistic flair and culinary expertise. When it comes to breakfast in Boone, there are several establishments that offer exceptional pastries and baked goods. Here are two notable options to consider:Melanies Food Fantasy: This farm-to-table restaurant not only serves delicious breakfast options, but their pastry selection is also outstanding. From flaky croissants to decadent cinnamon rolls, their pastries are made with high-quality ingredients and expertly crafted to perfection.Stick Boy Bread Co: This family-owned bakery and eatery is known for their freshly baked pastries. Whether you're craving a buttery scone or a fruit-filled danish, Stick Boy Bread Co has a wide variety of delectable options to choose from.These pastry creations are a testament to the culinary talent in Boone and are sure to satisfy any breakfast or brunch craving.And speaking of high-quality ingredients…Locally Sourced IngredientsThere are numerous cafes and eateries in Boone that offer a wide variety of breakfast options, all made with locally sourced ingredients, ensuring freshness and quality.Supporting local farmers and businesses is a priority for these establishments, as they believe in the importance of sustainability and community.By using locally sourced ingredients, these cafes and eateries not only provide a delicious breakfast experience, but also contribute to the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint.From farm-to-table restaurants like Melanies Food Fantasy, to bakeries and cafes like Stick Boy Bread Co, to classic American restaurants like Sunrise Grill, there's something for everyone.Whether you prefer a retro diner experience at Troys 105 Diner or a cozy cafe vibe at Local Lion, Boone has it all.Cozy Cafe AtmospheresAs we enter the cozy cafe, we're greeted with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the inviting warmth of soft lighting.The cozy cafe atmosphere is a popular topic of discussion among food enthusiasts and those seeking a relaxing dining experience. Here are two sub-topics that engage the audience:Cozy Interior Design:Rustic decor with wooden furniture and warm color schemesSoft lighting and comfortable seating arrangements create a cozy ambianceWelcoming Customer Service:Friendly and attentive staff that make you feel at homePersonalized service and attention to detail enhance the overall experienceA cozy cafe atmosphere allows customers to unwind, enjoy their favorite beverages, and indulge in delicious treats. It provides a space for relaxation and conversation, making it an ideal setting for catching up with friends or enjoying a quiet moment alone.Classic American FavoritesClassic American favorites are a staple in the breakfast scene in Boone, NC. These iconic dishes satisfy both the palate and the wallet. From fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon to hearty omelets and golden waffles, these breakfast options are sure to please any appetite.With their timeless appeal and affordable prices, these classic American favorites are a must-try for breakfast lovers in Boone.Iconic American DishesWe love indulging in iconic American dishes like juicy burgers and creamy mac and cheese. These dishes have become synonymous with American cuisine and are beloved by people all over the country. They've stood the test of time and continue to be enjoyed by generations.Some of the iconic American dishes that we can't get enough of include:Classic Cheeseburger: A juicy beef patty topped with melted cheese, lettuce, tomato, and pickles, all sandwiched between a soft bun.Apple Pie: A sweet and tart filling made with fresh apples, baked in a flaky crust, and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.These dishes represent the heart and soul of American comfort food and are sure to satisfy any craving. So next time you're looking for a taste of America, don't forget to indulge in these iconic dishes.Budget-Friendly Breakfast OptionsWe can find budget-friendly breakfast options at classic American favorites, such as diners and cafes.Diners like Sunrise Grill offer a wide selection of mouth-watering dishes at affordable prices. With their impressive menu and cozy coffee bar, Sunrise Grill provides a satisfying breakfast experience without breaking the bank.For those looking for a more laid-back vibe, cafes like Local Lion are a great choice. They offer daily house-made donuts and various roasted coffee blends, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.These budget-friendly options allow breakfast lovers to enjoy delicious meals without straining their wallets.Step Back in Time at Retro DinersOne of the most nostalgic dining experiences in Boone is stepping back in time at Troys 105 Diner, a 1950s-style American restaurant that offers a lively setting with a retro theme, complete with vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating.When you enter Troys 105 Diner, you're instantly transported back in time to the 1950s. The restaurant is decorated with vintage memorabilia, including old Coca-Cola signs and classic car posters, creating an authentic retro atmosphere.The jukebox is a highlight of the dining experience. It plays a variety of hits from the 1950s and allows customers to choose their favorite tunes while enjoying their meal. The music adds to the lively and energetic ambiance of the diner.The seating options at Troys 105 Diner cater to all preferences. If you want a more intimate dining experience, you can choose a booth. The booths are cozy and provide a sense of privacy. On the other hand, if you prefer a more social setting, you can sit at the counter. The counter seating allows you to interact with the friendly staff and other diners.Stepping into Troys 105 Diner is like stepping into a time machine. The retro theme, vintage memorabilia, jukebox, and booth and counter seating all contribute to the nostalgic dining experience. Whether you're a fan of the 1950s or simply looking for a unique and lively atmosphere, Troys 105 Diner is a must-visit destination in Boone.Coffee and Donuts HeavenWhen we think of Coffee and Donuts Heaven, our mouths water at the thought of fresh, warm donuts and a steaming cup of coffee. In Boone, NC, there are several places that offer this heavenly combination.Local Lion, a cozy café and donut shop, opened its doors in April 2012 and has been delighting customers ever since with their daily house-made donuts and various roasted coffee blends. The warm ambiance and laid-back vibe make it the perfect spot to enjoy a leisurely morning treat.For those who prefer a more traditional Southern breakfast, Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen is a local favorite. Famous for their homemade biscuits, they offer a variety of biscuit sandwiches that are sure to satisfy any craving. With quick and friendly service, Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen is a great spot for a grab-and-go breakfast.If you're in the mood for a retro experience, Troys 105 Diner is the place to go. This 1950s-style American restaurant is located just a minute away from the Boone Mall and offers a lively setting with a retro theme. With vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating, Troys 105 Diner is a fun and nostalgic place to enjoy your morning coffee and donut.No matter your preference, Boone, NC has a variety of options for coffee and donut lovers. From cozy cafes to retro diners, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this coffee and donut heaven.Southern Comfort at Its BestAt Danl Boone Inn Restaurant, we indulge in the heartwarming experience of Southern comfort food at its best, with dishes prepared with love and served in a buffet-style dining experience. Our restaurant, a long-standing family-friendly establishment dating back to 1959, offers a taste of traditional Southern cuisine in a simplistic yet inviting setting.As you step inside, you'll be greeted by a homey atmosphere, complete with hospitable staff ready to cater to your every need.When dining at Danl Boone Inn, you can expect hearty portions of classic Southern fare that will leave you feeling satisfied and content. From fried chicken and country ham to cornbread and collard greens, our buffet-style dining experience allows you to sample a variety of mouthwatering dishes. And don't forget to save room for our famous desserts, including homemade pies and cobblers that will transport you to Grandma's kitchen.In addition to our delicious food, we take pride in providing a welcoming environment for families and friends to gather and enjoy a meal together. Our simplistic decor and down-to-earth atmosphere create a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Whether you're a local or just passing through, we invite you to join us at Danl Boone Inn Restaurant for a taste of Southern comfort at its best.Bagel BlissWe absolutely love the bagels at Boone Bagelry - their omelets are always customized to our tastes!Boone Bagelry is a locally-owned and longtime-running restaurant that first opened its doors in 1988. Located in a snug space with accessible parking areas, this bagel shop has become a beloved spot for breakfast in Boone, NC.Boone Bagelry takes pride in their omelets, which are made to order and can be customized to suit individual preferences. Whether you prefer a classic combination of eggs, cheese, and vegetables, or something more adventurous like a spicy sausage and pepper omelet, Boone Bagelry has got you covered. The omelets are cooked to perfection, with fluffy eggs and a generous filling that will satisfy any breakfast craving.In addition to their delicious omelets, Boone Bagelry also offers a variety of freshly baked bagels. From plain and sesame to everything and cinnamon raisin, there's a bagel flavor for everyone. These bagels are made in-house, ensuring freshness and quality.If you're looking for a breakfast spot that serves up tasty bagels and customizable omelets, look no further than Boone Bagelry. With their friendly staff and cozy atmosphere, it's the perfect place to start your day off right.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Farm-To-Table Breakfast Options in Boone, Nc?Yes, there are farm-to-table breakfast options in Boone, NC. These restaurants prioritize serving dishes made with high-quality, locally sourced ingredients.One such option is Melanies Food Fantasy, an American restaurant established in 1991. They offer creatively plated breakfast dishes that cater to both vegan and non-vegan preferences.Another option is Stick Boy Bread Co, a family-owned bakery and eatery that serves fresh pastries and delectable breakfast plates.Both establishments provide a farm-to-table dining experience in Boone.Where Can I Find the Best Pastries and Breakfast Plates in Boone?When it comes to finding the best pastries and breakfast plates in Boone, NC, there are plenty of options to choose from.Some popular choices include Stick Boy Bread Co, known for their delectable pastries straight from the oven, and Our Daily Bread, a quaint bakery and cafe with a wide selection of freshly baked goods.Each of these establishments offers a cozy atmosphere and friendly staff, making them great places to start your day with a delicious breakfast.What Are Some Budget-Friendly Options for Classic American Breakfast in Boone?Some budget-friendly options for classic American breakfast in Boone include:Sunrise Grill: This family-operated restaurant offers a coffee bar and an impressive menu of mouth-watering dishes at affordable prices. It is a great choice for a delicious and affordable breakfast in Boone, NC.Cracker Barrel: Known for their country-style cooking and variety of breakfast options, Cracker Barrel is a family-friendly eatery that offers a homey atmosphere. It is another great choice for a budget-friendly breakfast in Boone.These options provide a range of delicious breakfast choices at affordable prices, making them perfect for anyone looking to start their day off right without breaking the bank.Is There a Retro Diner in Boone With a Kid-Friendly Menu?Yes, there's a retro diner in Boone with a kid-friendly menu.Troy's 105 Diner is a lively 1950s-style American restaurant, located near the Boone Mall. It features a vibrant retro theme, complete with vintage memorabilia, a jukebox, and both booth and counter seating.The menu offers options for special diets and a kid-friendly selection.Are There Any Local Coffee Shops That Offer Donuts in Boone?Yes, there are local coffee shops in Boone that offer donuts.One such place is Local Lion, which has been open since April 2012. They serve daily house-made donuts and offer various roasted coffee blends.The atmosphere is warm and laid-back, making it a great spot to enjoy a delicious donut and a cup of coffee.ConclusionAs we conclude our breakfast journey through Boone, NC, we're left with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.The diverse array of breakfast spots in this charming town exemplifies the town's commitment to quality, creativity, and tradition.From the farm-to-table delights to the retro diners and everything in between, Boone offers a breakfast experience that's both delicious and nostalgic.So, whether you're a local or just passing through, be sure to indulge in the best breakfast that Boone has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:10 Adorable-Menu7301 a message i hope he sees

I was listening to this song and it had me thinking about him. I want to go back and i want to start over. i want to graduate and try again. A part of me hopes he sees my instagram post and another part of me hopes he thinks of me. a lot of me hopes he'll sees that i can change and have changed and want to be better. I want to graduate high school in 2025 and do my best once im graduated. i want him to see that i do love him im just confused by my own emotions. i don't hear everything i don't see everything and i ignore the red flags in my family and him but i love them both. i love him and i love how he made me feel. I cared so much for him and i knew i cared so much for him because i would bawl like a baby when something happened. i lied to him, i argued with him, i yelled at him and i hate myself for it. I wouldn't listen all the time and i wouldn't think all the time and it was a problem and its a problem i want to think. tuning out the world has become so easy and its un involuntary at times. i get lost in the bad stuff but forgot all the good stuff, how he made me tea with painkillers for my migraines, how he would hold my hands and kiss me, i miss how we'd play Minecraft, i miss how we would sing to each other in the dark under my stars and monster cans at late hours, i miss waking up to his good mornings and string of text, i miss the falling asleep in his arms so easily after school. i miss everything and was to focused on the bad. I see what i did wrong and i see how good he was but i still know what he did bad but he could change in a day and i couldn't in a week. i miss calling by 4 letter instead if 6, its upsetting. The "i dint miss you and i cant look at you in the eyes" is a punch to get that i understand. Does he think im a monster though. i don't think I'll ever know. I want a chance again when we're 18, but it wont happen if he sees me as an evil person. and if i never talk to him again i can never show him i changed. But nothing will be the same. not to him but i know people change just some take time and i need time. i still need time but i have had time to figure out and clear my head. i miss him, i want to show him i changed. one day.
i pinned this on my instagram with a song i heard today that fits so well, i hope he sees it, he has insta, i just hope he or someone he knows sees it
submitted by Adorable-Menu7301 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:58 Upstairs_Plane_8266 AITAH or is it my parents?

sorry this is long. For context, I am 29 years old and have been dating my boyfriend (now fiancé) for 5 years. I have been wanting to move in for about 2 years but have held off due to the fear of my very controlling parents. There are a lot of positives to moving in and I have been staying at my fiancé's house on and off a couple days at a time- for years. Recently I have had a health condition that developed and I needed some extra support and have been staying over for a month. I wanted to wait to move in a couple months after our engagement so my parents could have some time to feel like we didn't just get engaged to move in with each other, but this new health scare has kinda put it into perspective for me and it now just makes more sense for us to do what we want to be happy.
For background my parents are from Central America with a lot of culture and religious beliefs. They raised us ( I have an older sister) to be christian (baptist) and fairly conservative with our upbringing- so to them this is an ultimate sin (besides getting pregnant before marriage and other religious stuff like that). I have really lived my entire life for them, doing what they want and have been a people pleaser because of it. My mom has narcissistic tendencies and I see a lot of the toxic as I grow older and have my own opinions and beliefs.
here are just some conditions they put on my fiancé to propose to me ( which he replied, he'd happily do whatever I wanted):
I honestly can't remember them all. and after I got engaged my mother said she "approved an engagement but not a wedding" *sigh*
So, I got the courage to finally do what I want and wrote a very respectful letter to my parents, asked them to meet with me and drove down with my fiancé (they live 3 hours away) to talk to them. They refused to speak to my fiancé because they wanted to speak to me alone, and that already had put me with a lot of stress because I wanted his support ( also as a secondary listener) to what my parents were saying to not be gaslit or anything. They say that my fiancé is not part of the family so he should not be involved ( mind you my sister had dated her husband for 10 years and they are now married...and they still say he is NOT FAMILY). My letter basically stated this is what I think is best for me at this stage in my life, I am not necessarily asking for their permission but I hope they can support me or at least respect it. That I know we have different beliefs and values and I understand their frustrations but I dont want to wait to live my authentic happy life.
also important to note: my mom has stated previously that I could live my life when they are dead *sigh*
anyways...clearly I feel like everyone knew that it wouldn't go great. and it didn't. I do think that we had an OK conversation and no one was yelling, we didn't agree and left it as that..and I left.
I woke up to this email (translated from Spanish):
“We just want to inform you about what we have decided based on your decision to move in with [fiancé] 1-Not only is it a great dissapointment for us your decision but more important it is a deep pain for both of us because we have based our life on raising them with good principles, morals, but above all obedience to God and what voice you plan to do is unpleasant in the eyes of God. 2-your dad says that if in the future you marry [ Fiancé name], he won’t deliver you like he did with your sister. 3- It makes me very sad that you use me as an excuse for what happened at your sisters wedding that were normal disagreements that were fixed But you only remember the negative. 4-economically you will no longer be helped, the goal of helping you is that you are not yet economically independent and that you do not feel the Pressure of Economically and that you didn’t feel the Move with someone on the roof, food, etc. to have a home with your parents. Your car insurance ends today, your phone line will be given to you until June so that you can transfer your data and information but by July we are going to disconnect your phone. 5-For holidays or when you want to come, you can come alone if you want, we don’t want to see [Fiancé name] because as a gentleman he is under the status of taken advantage of, and fake because if we had known that his intention was to move with you we would never have agreed to the commitment, he lied to us and deceived us. I don’t respect our values. Your dad says that we are not going to see you too, if you want you can come alone, and let us know when you are going to come. It is important that you know all this before you make the decision to go live with him and put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Think and meditate on everything well, so that later you don’t regret, a man’s manipulation towards a woman can be subtle but it is always manipulation.”
there's a lot to unpack here, and well with my sisters wedding it was defiantly not normal disagreements: my mom called her ugly, refused to walk down with certain people, berated her and stated she was marrying into "that family" and pretty much traumatized me of weddings ...but this post isn't about my sisters experience.
I am able to financially support myself ( they have just always offered) so I never felt like it wasn't an issue. Moving in would help with saving money for medical school, wedding etc. but its not the only reason we want to take this next step.
I have been basically left with the choice to either move in with my fiancé and my parents cut us off and my dad doesn't walk me down the aisle ( most hurtful part). or I don't move in, but the damage is done with my fiancé, and this will enable them to treat me poorly and think that they can control me for the rest of my life.
its always been hard for me to distinguish the toxic and abusive patterns of my parents because I am first generation American and that guilt alone is wild, as well as I know what my parents have sacrificed and came from to give me a better life. But this letter feels like they are willing to just cut ties for 1 decision I am making... and friends have asked why don't we just get parents also said they won't approve a fast wedding and well...they don't want me married until after med school (5 years down the line).
so it really comes down to: can I live with myself if I cut my parents off? and I just don't know. AITAH or is it them?
submitted by Upstairs_Plane_8266 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:34 boogawoogawooga I [22M] think my girlfriend [24F] has bipolar and I don’t know how to help her?

Hi all, I am typing this currently at an all time low with my girlfriend (ex girlfriend I am really not sure we have broken up but agreed to not talk to other people). We had just finished up having one of the best weeks we have ever had, laughing, happy, just an overall good time. Then 2 days before my birthday she leaves a letter after sleeping over and waking up before me saying how she doesn’t want to do this and she is so sorry, but she feels like she needs to leave and ghosted me on everything. I drove to her place and talked about it with her and she seems incredibly confused.
Some context: last June I found out she was emotionally cheating on me with her ex who she emotionally cheated on with me. She was equally confused then and seemed to have similar mood swings. She had these mood swings for our entire relationship and said she was unhappy and that’s why she cheated. But then after I found out she was distraught saying she wanted to make it work because the past month had been so great and reached out various ways.
We broke up for 2 weeks and reconnected after a lengthy email she sent to me, it was horrible for about 3 months. We were not back in the relationship and were friends with benefits and I had immense rage because I put my entire heart into that relationship and was torn apart by everything I heard during those months. I had so much love in my heart for her.
We broke up and went no contact for 2 months after that. We both did not like it and missed each other a lot. I was the one who reached out the last time and said I wanted to talk with her and re enter the relationship. After a lot of talking we decided to re enter and suffered from many ups and downs, it was so all over the place.
Anyways we really made a lot of improvements and went from not being able to have a good half of a day together to spending weeks together and having a great time. We both love each other again, but the mood swings have persistently appeared during the process of all of this and a week ago hit the worst one.
There is a lot more context, but essentially she says her therapist convinced her to break up with me despite her not wanting to leave and being unsure about things. She says the week before then was so great and it made her so sad to do this. We have been talking for a week now trying to figure things out and she keeps saying she doesn’t know what to do. There really is so much to this story, but I firmly believe she has some kind of mental illness that needs professional help more than what she is getting. She sees a therapist every other week but from what it sounds like, they gossip a lot and the therapist is very unprofessional. She sees a psychiatrist to get medication for depression, but has lately not been taking the medications as described and changes medication often or will choose to take certain ones and not others. She has a family history of mental disorders as well such as ocd.
I genuinely do care for this girl with all of my heart and it makes me so upset to see her like this. I do not feel like her thoughts are always rooted in reality and a lot of the things she says do not make sense logically. I am dealing with a lot of pain on my end from this. I am trying to help her and save our relationship with everything I have. I believe she has undiagnosed bipolar disorder and I have told her this and tried to have her seek help, but she refuses. I really don’t know what to do anymore, I am praying every day for a miracle or for her to come to her senses. I know she loves me and wants me, but she is so confused right now and not in the right state of mind.
What am I supposed to do?
TL;DR My girlfriend and I are currently going through and all time low week after an all time high week. Her changes in mood have very much so affected our relationship and I don’t know how to help. I believe she has bipolar and that she is not in the right state of mind right now as she keeps making illogical statements, contradictions, and is remembering things differently this week. I don’t know what all I can do to help her, I care for her very deeply and we both have a lot of love for each other.
submitted by boogawoogawooga to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:32 boogawoogawooga I [22M] think my girlfriend [24F] has bipolar and I don’t know how to help her?

Hi all, I am typing this currently at an all time low with my girlfriend (ex girlfriend I am really not sure we have broken up but agreed to not talk to other people). We had just finished up having one of the best weeks we have ever had, laughing, happy, just an overall good time. Then 2 days before my birthday she leaves a letter after sleeping over and waking up before me saying how she doesn’t want to do this and she is so sorry, but she feels like she needs to leave and ghosted me on everything. I drove to her place and talked about it with her and she seems incredibly confused.
Some context: last June I found out she was emotionally cheating on me with her ex who she emotionally cheated on with me. She was equally confused then and seemed to have similar mood swings. She had these mood swings for our entire relationship and said she was unhappy and that’s why she cheated. But then after I found out she was distraught saying she wanted to make it work because the past month had been so great and reached out various ways.
We broke up for 2 weeks and reconnected after a lengthy email she sent to me, it was horrible for about 3 months. We were not back in the relationship and were friends with benefits and I had immense rage because I put my entire heart into that relationship and was torn apart by everything I heard during those months. I had so much love in my heart for her.
We broke up and went no contact for 2 months after that. We both did not like it and missed each other a lot. I was the one who reached out the last time and said I wanted to talk with her and re enter the relationship. After a lot of talking we decided to re enter and suffered from many ups and downs, it was so all over the place.
Anyways we really made a lot of improvements and went from not being able to have a good half of a day together to spending weeks together and having a great time. We both love each other again, but the mood swings have persistently appeared during the process of all of this and a week ago hit the worst one.
There is a lot more context, but essentially she says her therapist convinced her to break up with me despite her not wanting to leave and being unsure about things. She says the week before then was so great and it made her so sad to do this. We have been talking for a week now trying to figure things out and she keeps saying she doesn’t know what to do. There really is so much to this story, but I firmly believe she has some kind of mental illness that needs professional help more than what she is getting. She sees a therapist every other week but from what it sounds like, they gossip a lot and the therapist is very unprofessional. She sees a psychiatrist to get medication for depression, but has lately not been taking the medications as described and changes medication often or will choose to take certain ones and not others. She has a family history of mental disorders as well such as ocd.
I genuinely do care for this girl with all of my heart and it makes me so upset to see her like this. I do not feel like her thoughts are always rooted in reality and a lot of the things she says do not make sense logically. I am dealing with a lot of pain on my end from this. I am trying to help her and save our relationship with everything I have. I believe she has undiagnosed bipolar disorder and I have told her this and tried to have her seek help, but she refuses. I really don’t know what to do anymore, I am praying every day for a miracle or for her to come to her senses. I know she loves me and wants me, but she is so confused right now and not in the right state of mind.
What am I supposed to do?
TL;DR My girlfriend and I are currently going through and all time low week after an all time high week. Her changes in mood have very much so affected our relationship and I don’t know how to help. I believe she has bipolar and that she is not in the right state of mind right now as she keeps making illogical statements, contradictions, and is remembering things differently this week. I don’t know what all I can do to help her, I care for her very deeply and we both have a lot of love for each other.
submitted by boogawoogawooga to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:30 stargirl-xx being the eldest child and also first gen sucks

just a quick rant lol but please lmk if it gets better or what I can do to make it better
I feel that I grew up way too fast because I grew up in a setting where my parents barely spoke English, so I was constantly translating for them. Even receiving difficult news, I was the one who had to break it to my parents.
Since I was very little, I always wanted my parents to think I'm doing fine and that I am always happy. So, I never opened up to them and I also felt so uncomfortable showing any emotions to them. Even when I was being severely bullied for the first two years of middle school, I never said a word. However, they eventually found out from my guidance counselor, and even then I pretended that it was nothing. Even my past relationships, I kept a secret. I feel like my parents don't even know who I am. I know it's partially my fault for not telling them, but at the same time (I don't mean to blame my parents but..) they did not create that environment for me to feel comfortable to do so. Therefore, they overlook my feelings a lot and even claimed that I am not sympathetic enough. For example there has been situations where people I know have passed but I am so uncomfortable to expressing my emotions to the point where it came off as disrespectful. But the thing is, I am an extremely sensitive person. I just hide it very well. I feel things deeply and little words affect me a lot.
What hurts more is that I have younger siblings who I have always looked after. I literally felt like a mother to them even though our age gaps are not a big difference at all. But I see the difference in my life and their lives. I love them so much and I really do want to do anything to support them. But my whole life I have been making appointments for them, making an environment where they never have to feel like how I do and hide everything going on, and more, to the point where I am still like a mother. My parents also treat them so much differently. Everytime they go through a failure, my parents are there with open arms and rather worried about my siblings being stressed about it. Meanwhile, I feel the opposite way. Whenever I experience a failure that my parents know about, I feel stressed due to the way my parents will be stressed and worked up about it. I realized I never put myself first. Especially my mother, she will even sometimes yell at me for my mistakes and while she has never yelled at my siblings once but rather hugged them and told them it's fine. I have NEVER received that treatment.
I also feel that my parents have never been satisfied with me. Yk the classical AP. I'm not tall enough, I don't have a high enough GPA for them (even though at the moment I am in the top 3% in GPAs out of 800 people in a high achieving high school), I'm not skinny enough (even though I have a below average weight for my height), and etc etc. Once, my mom expected me to make the soccer team when I never even got training and I was competing against kids who have been training since they were young. When I didn't make it, she was so disappointed in me and I was freaking out so much because she gave me a silent treatment. This same thing happened with my brother for hockey, and he also did not make it. However, my mom reassured him and said it's fine and that it isn't fair that the other kids were already on teams for several years. It's just so so frustrating to see this. I know I'm being somewhat selfish and I am not at all saying I want my mom to be tougher on my brother. But it's rather that why didn't I get this treatment? Why do I always have to be on my toes and why do I always have to feel like a disappointment?
Regardless, I have so much love for my parents. I have a great relationship with them. They are always rooting for me and wanting the best for me. However, it's just so difficult especially because I live in an area that is white dominated and it's so so difficult for me to constantly wish I got the same treatment as the rest of the kids at my school. I am also fully aware that what I'm complaining about is nothing in comparison to some of the other stories here, but it's just that I am extremely fed up. I know I am being unfair by saying this, but if I try to communicate with my parents in English, it's English that is just jumbled up, pronounced wrong, and doesn't make sense. And I KNOW that they are trying their best, but it can just get so frustrating sometimes because my siblings cannot speak our native language as well as I do, so I ALWAYS translate back and forth to the point where I am so fed up. This isn't just about not knowing definitions, but rather the college process, banking related things, medical related things, etc etc. The only person in my family who is taking care of all this is me. And recently I have been so busy and I am just so tired. I have so much anger building up because nobody from my town has the same experience as me and neither do my siblings. So I am just constantly jealous.
I am going to be applying to colleges this Fall, and I have never been so stressed. My parents have extremely high expectations for me, and I have consistently not been meeting them. My parents will say stuff every once in a while that really hurt. They do not have faith in me for the college process and honestly I don't either. When they suggest some colleges (ofc all with super low acceptance rates) and if I say something like "I don't like the location" they will be shocked because for them it's only academics that matter. But I want to be happy and I want to enjoy it if I am spending four years of my life there. My dad has even said that I should apply because ofc it doesn't matter what I want but he emphasizes that he doesn't know if I am even going to have options from being accepted to many and being able to choose. It's just so frustrating especially because my whole life I have been doing everything myself (well it feels that way) and all of a sudden due to college applications coming up, my parents are somewhat trying to make sure I'm doing this and that. I know that this also sounds so bad of me but for example my parents asked me "did you ask for recommendation letters yet" or "did you participate in school today" and I know that this is nice of them but from my perspective, it frustrates me. This is because yes, I did already, and I have been in control my whole life and I just don't like how they decide to interfere now. They have been completely clueless about so many things and honestly I really know that they are trying to help me and I know that it's nice but pls someone say they understand my frustration lol. It's like my whole life I have been responsible about anything coming up, and them making sure I did something (which I did) just frustrates me because I know!!!!! Like ofcourse I did it already. I feel like it's too late for them to all of a sudden want to manage and be more involved in my responsibilities, and I just want them to back off. I know that this is the support that I want but they should've been like this when I was so much younger. I would now much rather just tell the good news and they don't need to know the process I took or setbacks that got in the way. I know I am being ungrateful but I am just so exhausted and done.
And again, yes my parents want the best for me, and yes they don't mean harm, and yes I am living a financially stable life because they work so hard...etc.. But all I want is emotionally available parents. That has been missing my entire life, and it's too late to reverse this. Btw, I have tried and tried multiple times to express my feelings. But the same events just repeat. They have apologized but there is no change. It was even to the point where I cried in front of them (which is so humiliating to me), and there is just no change. I also feel like since college applications are coming up, my whole conversations with my APs have been about that.
submitted by stargirl-xx to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:25 boogawoogawooga I [22M] think my girlfriend [24F] has bipolar and I don’t know how to help her?

Hi all, I am typing this currently at an all time low with my girlfriend (ex girlfriend I am really not sure we have broken up but agreed to not talk to other people). We had just finished up having one of the best weeks we have ever had, laughing, happy, just an overall good time. Then 2 days before my birthday she leaves a letter after sleeping over and waking up before me saying how she doesn’t want to do this and she is so sorry, but she feels like she needs to leave and ghosted me on everything. I drove to her place and talked about it with her and she seems incredibly confused.
Some context: last June I found out she was emotionally cheating on me with her ex who she emotionally cheated on with me. She was equally confused then and seemed to have similar mood swings. She had these mood swings for our entire relationship and said she was unhappy and that’s why she cheated. But then after I found out she was distraught saying she wanted to make it work because the past month had been so great and reached out various ways.
We broke up for 2 weeks and reconnected after a lengthy email she sent to me, it was horrible for about 3 months. We were not back in the relationship and were friends with benefits and I had immense rage because I put my entire heart into that relationship and was torn apart by everything I heard during those months. I had so much love in my heart for her.
We broke up and went no contact for 2 months after that. We both did not like it and missed each other a lot. I was the one who reached out the last time and said I wanted to talk with her and re enter the relationship. After a lot of talking we decided to re enter and suffered from many ups and downs, it was so all over the place.
Anyways we really made a lot of improvements and went from not being able to have a good half of a day together to spending weeks together and having a great time. We both love each other again, but the mood swings have persistently appeared during the process of all of this and a week ago hit the worst one.
There is a lot more context, but essentially she says her therapist convinced her to break up with me despite her not wanting to leave and being unsure about things. She says the week before then was so great and it made her so sad to do this. We have been talking for a week now trying to figure things out and she keeps saying she doesn’t know what to do. There really is so much to this story, but I firmly believe she has some kind of mental illness that needs professional help more than what she is getting. She sees a therapist every other week but from what it sounds like, they gossip a lot and the therapist is very unprofessional. She sees a psychiatrist to get medication for depression, but has lately not been taking the medications as described and changes medication often or will choose to take certain ones and not others. She has a family history of mental disorders as well such as ocd.
I genuinely do care for this girl with all of my heart and it makes me so upset to see her like this. I do not feel like her thoughts are always rooted in reality and a lot of the things she says do not make sense logically. I am dealing with a lot of pain on my end from this. I am trying to help her and save our relationship with everything I have. I believe she has undiagnosed bipolar disorder and I have told her this and tried to have her seek help, but she refuses. I really don’t know what to do anymore, I am praying every day for a miracle or for her to come to her senses. I know she loves me and wants me, but she is so confused right now and not in the right state of mind.
What am I supposed to do?
submitted by boogawoogawooga to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:25 wexicannotwexacant Toxic mother

I'm at a loss. I need some perspective from people who don't know my situation. I 40 Female and my sister 27 are no contact with our mom. My mom and I have had a bumpy relationship since I got sober in 2017. We don't see eye to eye on anything anymore. My mom and step dad are big trumpers and it has impacted our relationship but that's a different subject. My sister just had a baby 8 months ago but when she was 8 months pregnant she was living at my mom's house. My mother had been bitching about her everything constant but never took my advice to speak to my sister. She didn't and crap hit the fan. She hates my sister baby dad and My mother threatened to smack my pregnant sister and kicked her out basically over having a few cups in her room and a plate or 2. Annoying but not worth losing your family. My mother made me pick sides her or my sister. I picked my sister she didn't do anything to cut her off that's insane my mom don't see it that way. I tried to have a relationship till 2 things happened my mom kept using my daughter 8 to get to my sister's oldest daughter 10. Kept saying tell her there are 2 sides to every story etc. Then it ended bc I let my sister her bf new baby and older kiddo borrow my new jeep so I knew they where safe on vacation. Mom stopped speaking to me after that. Fast forward a few months my mother dropped off 3 bags full of all our photos and a 3 page letter. The letter broke my heart she was cruel. (Ill share for more context if wanted)And now idk what to do. Do I give her what she wants and respond in kind or let it go and realize my mom isn't the mom I need or want. I can't deal with the hypocrisy gaslighting and I truly don't know what to do
submitted by wexicannotwexacant to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:24 kileynjt "The only reason you can miss work is if you have a kid"

I'm in the middle of a really unpleasant situation at my job and wondering if anyone has any advice or words of encouragement.
The issues here started long before this but everything really kicked off last week when I was written up for being out for 2 shifts the week prior. I had strep throat and provided an excuse from my doctor, according to company policy. I have a very good attendance record. At first they claimed that no attendance policy existed and it was all up to discretion to which I printed and presented the company policy which is readily available via our Microsoft SharePoint. They had also cited me for 1 day which was approved PTO and another which I was able to prove that I worked. On-site HR refuses to speak to me about any of this and has been attempting to ignore it entirely, so last night I composed a lengthy email which contained all of my requests (that they ammend my attendance record to be accurate, provide me with a written ADA exemption for my disability, clarify attendance policy and expectations and explain to me why I'm being punished for the same actions others get away with on a constant basis) and sent it to our on-site HR, corporate HR and both supervisors present during my disciplinary meeting.
Today, when I arrived for my shift, I was demoted by my supervisor. When I asked why, I was told that it was due to my actions and that the only reason that exists to miss work without getting disciplinary action "is if you have a child". I do not have a child; I am in fact, infertile. I was under the impression that Family Status was a protected class in my state, but it seems it may only be in housing situations. My supervisor refused to elaborate in any way, stated to me that i "should've let this go", "just taken the write up and moved on". He stood up and left the room while I was speaking, effectively ending the meeting and refusing to engage any further.
I don't know how to handle this anymore. My supervisor was extremely hostile towards me during our meeting today. I work a night shift and do not see any upper management or office staff due to my start time. I've been documenting absolutely everything including recording the audio from all the meetings I have here (one party consent state) and I have 2 job interviews on Monday, but I don't know if there's more I can do or if i should even be as upset about this situation as I am. There are SO many details I've left out for sake of brevity. Any advice as to how to conduct myself beyond "document everything" and "follow policy to the letter" is welcomed.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by kileynjt to antiwork [link] [comments]