Recovery group games


2022.06.07 18:50 Ok-Remove-4213 VaxRecoveryGroup

NO CENSORSHIP because healing comes first. We will actually warn you about MLM schemes and bad medical advice. Vax injury, Long COVID, ME/CFS, etc. are all welcome.

2020.11.22 15:56 MensRecoveryGroup

Addictions and mental health

2015.05.06 18:45 SpookyMobley Kinda Funny Games Group

Meet up with other best friends to play games with them! We have official groups located in the sidebar for you to join, you can also create your own. If you just want to meet up an play with some people, make a post, but please read the rules first! :D KINDA!

2024.06.02 10:27 Dead0nTarget Did I ask too much?

Did I ask too much?
Got served a 2 day ban moments after posting LFG to sell Weenie Wagon on Xbox. Don’t see any option to appeal so guess I have to grin and bear it… Was it the name or price?
submitted by Dead0nTarget to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 smolraccoonboy never got the hang of caravan? never understood it? here's some help!

so, I'm gonna explain everything in extreme detail. as much as i can. everywhere i tried to learn how to play from confused me so much so i tried to explain it all to make it the LEAST confusing. it's just going to be a long explanation and I'm so sorry for that. shorter explanation at the very bottom.
first thing to know is: the game itself is very simple. you get all of your stacks to 21-26 before the other player does and trying to stop them from doing so. essentially is a simple math game with strategy.
second: you need at least 30 cards in your caravan deck. you don't have to have exactly 30 but you can't have 29 or less. gotta have at least 30.
those are the first two things you need to know.
so, now onto what do all of the cards mean in the game? ace thru 10, just means 1-10. that simple the special cards mean something entirely different they do not mean numbers. as in the king, queen, jack and joker. these go on top of numbers and effect what the original card does.
kings go on top of a number and double the number. another king stacked on that king doubles it again. so, a 9 would turn into 18, and then another king with that would make it 36. you can apply this on your own cards too.
I'm gonna skip over queens and go to jacks. jacks when added onto a card take that card out of the stack. if you stack it on a card that has 1 or more kings it will take those kings and the number away. so without the king there it just takes the number card away. either way, the number disappears. this can be applied on your own cards too.
jokers go on top of a suit you want to get rid of. and it gets rid of any of them on the table including your own. so on top of a diamond it gets rid of all diamonds on the table. queens can counteract the joker by bringing back the suit. I'm not sure exactly what else it does or if that specific thing is correct, i don't use queens personally.
so, now we have a basic understanding of the cards and their meanings plus the general idea of what you need to do going into it. there is more, but i'll get into that as i go on.
when you boot up caravan with an npc like ringo in the beginning of the game, it'll take you to the first screen which is placing a bet. if you aren't used to playing, keep it low. but you can always do an equal bet, which is just matching their bet. you can raise the amount if you wanna drain them more of their caps but that is up to you my friend.
after you place your bet, itll take you to the next screen. a group of all your cards, one row on top and one on the bottom. one showing the backs of the cards, and one showing the front. so, this is where you either add or remove cards. remember have at least 30. the higher the number of cards in your caravan deck the better though it makes you less likely to run out of cards. if you run out you lose the game and your caps. so, the best numbers to store in your caravan deck are higher numbers. like 5 and above. specifically 10s, 9s, and 7s. "why this exact combination, op?" because it makes 26! so you should stock up on these cards where do you get cards? from specific vendors around the mojave wasteland, if I'm able to edit to add later which vendors i know of that sell cards i will. if not ill make sure i comment. you can only get them in the main menu of their vendor screen, not in misc not in apparel not in aid nowhere else. so you'll have fun scrolling through the entire menu of their shop lol other cards to stock up on? jacks and kings. these are so so so important!!
when buying cards, make sure you do not have any cards that are the exact same from the same place. you can have the same number and suit, that is okay. but not from the same place. that is illegal in the game. so this is an example: a 4 of hearts from gomorrah and a 4 of hearts from tops are completely different than two separate 4 of hearts from tops. make sense?
now onto the strategy part of the strategy math card game that is caravan...
so, i don't use queens or jokers cuz they are pretty irrelevant to the game and no npc i've ever played against has used them against me. the jokers can fuck you over and the queens themselves are just so confusing to me I'm still not entirely sure if i have it down what they do.
the beginning of the game starts off with you putting down your first 3 cards and you cannot proceed to stack on top of the first cards until you complete this task. you do not have to follow strict rules with what card you start off with. some people say only start off with 10s, that is simply not necessary. if you remove/discard cards out of your hand they cannot be played for the rest of that game of caravan. discarding cards after your first three cards are placed will end your turn and go to the npc to play a card. just start off with whatever is helpful in that moment for those first three cards. i go with the biggest numbers i can, whatever is in my hand. once the three cards are placed on the table, sometimes the npc will put a jack on one of your cards and that's just part of the strategy. don't fret. you will get your revenge.
focus on building your stacks while simultaneously stopping them from building theirs. i personally like to be petty and stack a jack on one of their cards almost immediately after they do it to me. when stacking your numbers stack in numerical order. smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. it's what works. you cannot stack the same number in the same stack. it's pretty cool to stack the same suits together but not required. I'm pretty sure you can break the big to small and small to big process if you stick to the same suit. i can't remember off the top of my head right now but in my tired state it sounds right at the moment.
you use jacks when you don't have your own card to play, jacks are used throughout the game on the npc and yourself. if you don't have any cards in your hand that can directly add to your stack, try to destroy their abilities to build their stacks. that's why you stock up on the kings and jacks. they can ruin the npc's game. you use kings on the npc when they are close to achieving 21-26. do anything to put them above 26 and if they add a jack to the king you placed, make it so when they do that it puts them the furthest they can be from building back up to that stack. as in, put a king on the highest number they have in that stack <3 if you want to add a king to your own stack to make it easier to get to 21-26, be wary npcs might just decide to use one of their kings against your king. it's very rude but they do this sometimes. like i said before don't fret. their karma will be their pockets drained.
so, you don't always have to do the 10, 9, 7 method. you can also do king, 5, 6 method. you stack kings on the 5 to get it to 20 and then add a 6. bada boom. but relying on this might not help if you don't have enough kings OR if they decide to be a douche and add another king on yours making it 46 instead of just 26. find a method that works best for you, but you don't HAVE to stick to this method or any method! you can switch it up and figure out what is easiest for you. like have one 10, 9, 7 stack and then another stack is 5, 8, 10 and another stack is ace, 5, 9, 10. that's one little idea. it isn't something you need to stick to!!
just keep them on their toes. use these methods to your advantage. make sure you are building your stacks and getting to 21-26 before them.
so far, no-bark in novac is yes a crazy man who somehow spits facts he is a high better and so is the ambassador at the ncr embassy on the strip. still trying to find even more high betters.
condensed ways to win caravan: •you need 21-26 to win. if you get above 26 you have to fix that stack or discard it. closer to 26 the better •keep higher numbers in caravan deck •caravan deck=the cards you're playing in the game •stock up on good cards but not doubles of the same card from the same place •remove any cards you won't use from caravan deck before fully playing the game with npc •build your stacks while you destroy theirs •ace-10 = 1-10 nothing special about them they're just numbers •jacks=removes card(s) •kings=double card(s) •jokers/queens=unnecessary. not needed. confusing and self destructive. •go in numerical order, keeping suit may break this rule. bigger to smaller, smaller to bigger otherwise •use jacks throughout game •only use kings on them to make them go above 26 •use kings wisely on yourself they may stack a king on yours to fuck you up •if they stacked a king on your stuff remove it with a jack whenever throughout game. avoid discarding the entire stack completely •no numbers or kings/jacks to play on your own stacks in your hand? stack jacks/kings on their stuff instead •try not to discard stacks OR cards from your hand you won't be able to use them for that specific game after you discard •buying cards takes place in the main menu of certain vendor's shops, nowhere else. not aid/apparel/weapons/misc. only main. •no-bark in novac: high better •ambassador at ncr embassy on strip: even higher better •more cards in your caravan deck the better, if you run out of cards to play you will automatically forfeit your caps. •10, 9, 7 method=recommended not required •5s with 2 kings then 6 method=not exactly recommended so tread lightly
if you have any questions or other helpful tips to add to the list, let me know!! i havent lost once. all of this stuff once i figured it all out helped me SO much and now I'm so obsessed with playing caravan i drain everyone's caps and it is a thrill i can't get over. now i know why some people actually gamble. its.. addictive.
good luck and god speed couriers!
submitted by smolraccoonboy to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 Dramatic_Flower_2226 Post whatever A.I. Art, costume characters, you can post whatever your heart desires without all those dumb, stupid pesky rules to block you. Do what you love and show what you're best at could be gaming, videos, history and etc. I hope you enjoy freedom of this group.

submitted by Dramatic_Flower_2226 to GroupWithoutRules [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 theIasthunter Need Help finding old zombie game

So I've been looking for this old zombie game from back in the day. I remember seeing it on gameshed a very long time ago but this game had like real people acting in it and you had to make choices for the group. I've been looking for it for so long and I just can't seem to find anything about it, I just remember seeing it whenever you looked up flash games and all that. I know I'm not providing enough information but that's all I really have for now.
submitted by theIasthunter to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 Sycamonia PSA - Don’t forget to abuse Flames of Zammy whilst you can.

PSA - Don’t forget to abuse Flames of Zammy whilst you can.
Especially those pre-Bowfa like myself.
Never had so much fun than the last 2 days grinding out Zulrah.
Originally had 5 KC, with 3 min kills or longer using magic only.
With flames of Zamorak and charge, I’ve got my PB down to 1:13, and got 110 kills using next to no supplies. Luckily managed to get a drop before they change this.
Set up as seen in the picture. Obviously Zamorak staff too (bring trident or an auto cast for Jad phase).
Managed to get all these kills on mobile with manual cast, only choosing rotation 3.
Good luck!
submitted by Sycamonia to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 ThrowRAbarbaratthepd What can I (F19) do to be attractive and interesting to my boyfriend? (M21)

We have been dating for 2 years now and I already forgiven so many of his mistakes. At the moment I have a couple problems that make me ask that question above.
First issue is our sex life. I have a very high sex drive and he does not, the only way I can finish is through oral sex, he expects it from me but gets grumpy when he goes down on me and I fell bad even asking for it. I’m the only one who initiate sex and it ends when he finishes, if he does go down on me after he stops before I finish and says that it’s pointless. I find him very attractive (it’s very subjective all my girlfriends say he is a 4/10 max) but I think I disgust him. He complements me very rarely but to be fair I have gained a little bit of weight since we started dating but I don’t think it’s that much about 2-3 kg. I used to spend hours doing my makeup and hair everyday for him but recently I stopped taking care of myself because I feel like a “pig in a lipstick” whenever I look in the mirror.
Another thing is his family, I love them and they are all great but I hate whenever there is a bigger gathering, we always sit so I have him on one side and people I have never met before, he turns his back to me and I just kind of sit awkwardly between two groups. A week ago we were on a kayaking trip with his family (pretty big group about 20 people) and we had to use two vans to get there, he left me alone and went to sit with his family and I had to drive with again people I have never met before. He often drops our plans to help his dad but and hour later I see him playing games online
And another thing is a ring and I know I only say bad things about him but I love him and he can be very sweet one of my friends who is dating his friend for about 3 years got a promise ring from him on their first anniversary. Another one of my friends that I introduced to his friend got a ring 3 months after they met!! And I know it’s childish to want a promise ring and all but it just makes me sad because I have sacrificed so much for him I gave up college in England, I cook and clean for him, forgave him for kissing another girl, helped him recover form drinking and a bunch of other stuff. Whenever I mention it he says that it’s not the time and that he is committed to me and a ring won’t prove anything. But I want to get married in 3-4 years and have kids in 5-6
So the question is should I move on? Can I be happy in marriage where the intimacy is basically non existent? What can I do to better myself?
submitted by ThrowRAbarbaratthepd to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 Accomplished_Spot282 Speculation on abilities and what they do

360 - spin move?
50/50 - Improved jump ball ability
Adrenaline - performance under pressure away from home?
Aftershock - increases wear and tear dealt out?
Backspin - punters ability to get a good bounce?
Balanced - break hit stick and strip attempts (confirmed)
Ballhawk - Improved break on throw abiltity (confirmed)
Best Friend - QB composure gain on first down catch (confirmed)
Blanket Coverage - zone coverage improvement?
Blow Up - tackling on backfield?
Bouncer - movement improvement on outside runs?
Captain - reduced composure losses for team?
Checkdown - accuracy hitting running backs?
Chip Shot - slower kick meter inside 20?
Clear Headed - Protection from composure loss (confirmed)
Clutch Kicker - Easier accuracy timing on late field goals (confirmed)
Coffin Corner - slower meter aiming for corner on punts?
Cutter - improved cut blocks?
Deep Range - less red on passing meter over 30 yards?
Disrupter Pass - swats at the line?
Dot - accuracy boost unpressured in pocket (confirmed)
Double Dip - Improved double move routes (confirmed)
Downhill - Break more tackles when running at max speed (confirmed)
Dropback Disrupter - improvement in collapsing pocket inside?
Dropback Shield - counter to above?
Extender - roll out passing?
Fan Favourite - Increased composure gains at home (confirmed)
Field Flip - less likely to over kick inside own territory on punts?
Field General - Assists in identifying blitzers and disguised coverages pre-snap (confirmed)
Focused Kicker - slower meter on deeper kicks?
Gift Wrap - throws catchable balls?
Grip Breaker - Bolsters a defender's capability to disengage from a block (confirmed)
Ground And Pound - power blocking?
Hammer - increases wear and tear on the tackler when ball carrier?
Headfirst - improves trucking?
Headstrong - ability to resist distractions from stadium pulse, reduced route scramble and reduces chance of mistakes (confirmed)
Housecall - interception return break tackles?
Immovable - DL tougher to move in run game?
Inside Disruptor - inside run game shedding?
Inside Shield - counter to above?
Intimidator - hits lower composure?
Jackpot -
Jammer - press coverage?
KO - pass breakups on catch point?
Layout - Improved dive catches
Legion - improved composure for whole DB corp (confirmed)
Magician - sack breaker?
Mega Leg - deep field goals with reduced over kick risk?
Mobile Deadeye - as in madden?
Mobile Resistance - improved contains?
Off Platform - throw off backfoot?
On Time - increased accuracy on timing routes?
Option Disruptor - defends better as read defender?
Option King - Improved accuracy on pitches and potential Wear and Tear protection on option plays (confirmed)
Option Shield - option blocking?
Outside Disruptor - outside shed?
Outside Shield - protect Vs above?
Pass Pro - all day in madden?
Play Action Shield - blocking on PA plays?
Pocket Shield - Progressively makes offensive linemen hold blocks better on standard pass plays (confirmed)
Press Pro - press coverage?
Pull Down - pull blocks?
Quick Drop - increased accuracy on 1/3 step drops?
Quick Jump - pass rush get off in quick game?
Quick Step - counter to above?
Rally DL - DL composure on sacks?
Rally OL - OL composure on 1st downs?
Recoup - Improved fatigue recovery (confirmed)
Redirect - zone chucking improvement?
Resistance - resistance to composure losses?
Rhythm - confidence when completing passes consecutively?
Road Dog - performance on the road?
Robber - reaction to balls when in a mid zone?
Safety Valve - win Vs man and secure catches from backfield (confirmed)
Side Step - Improved fakeouts on juke moves (confirmed)
Sleight of hand - increased effect of play action on 1st down or less than 3 to go (confirmed)
Step up - accuracy boost when stepping up in pocket unpressured (confirmed)
Sure Hands - Improved standard catches (confirmed)
Takeoff - quicker release when not pressed (confirmed)
Workhorse - Improved protection from Wear and Tear
submitted by Accomplished_Spot282 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 PocketSquare1000 Hope someone can test the Xfer from RH (with their stock borrowing) to Fidelity or another more trustworthy brokerage

If I had my stash on RH I would. Someone said they checked with RH and they said it would be a “sell” and not a transfer and NO ONE wants that! HODL! Depending on personal average/share (ie. if it’s higher than current market, or roughly equal to with little volatility, how long the process would take, # of shares) it may be worth the risk for the “end game”.
I would get the info from the other side though to see what they would say on how it works. And I definitely would screenshot all transactions as proof making note of date purchased (for tax purposes), and # of shares and cost at that time per transaction. I would pose those questions with the other firm in the invent RH is trying a scare tactic for multiple reasons.
But I definitely would get all my new with the New group. I will personally try to remember to check with my own firm on the industry rules and regulations on that and test it out with a different stock that I have but less vested in. Hope those that do, do some research on this and that someone might test this out.
If nothing else, hope you enjoy the clip.🤣…Im ole’ school!🤣 R.I.P. Bernie!😇
submitted by PocketSquare1000 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 Serious-Pen-5908 🎉 Welcome to Grow your business - AS VISION! 🎉

We're thrilled to have you join our community of passionate entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals committed to taking their businesses to new heights. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your existing enterprise, you've come to the right place!
Here in Grow your business - AS VISION, we believe in the power of collaboration, innovation, and support. This group is designed to be a hub for sharing valuable insights, practical advice, and inspiring stories to help each member succeed.
👉 Here’s how you can make the most of this group:
  1. Introduce Yourself: Tell us about your business, what you do, and what you hope to achieve. We love getting to know our members!
  2. Ask Questions: No question is too big or too small. Our community is here to help with advice, feedback, and solutions.
  3. Share Your Expertise: Have a tip, strategy, or resource that’s helped you? Share it! Your knowledge could be a game-changer for someone else.
  4. Network and Collaborate: Connect with like-minded individuals. You never know who might be your next partner, client, or mentor.
  5. Stay Positive and Respectful: We’re all here to grow and support each other. Let’s keep the conversation positive, respectful, and encouraging.
💡 Weekly Themes and Activities:
Let’s make this group a dynamic and supportive environment where we can all grow and succeed together. Feel free to start a discussion, share your thoughts, and get involved!
Once again, welcome to Grow your business - AS VISION. Here’s to your success! 🚀
submitted by Serious-Pen-5908 to GrowyourbusinessAS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 Xaldarino STAR-TPQQ-BQH3 for 5,000 UEC [+more, see post]

When you use my referral and buy a game package. I'll send you 1,000,000 aUEC to enjoy in game! Just reply here so I know you have done it!
Referral Code: STAR-TPQQ-BQH3
Add me on Discord if you're looking to play with a group or org: Xaldarino
Enjoy the verse!
Previous payouts:
submitted by Xaldarino to starcitizenreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 Much-Strategy563 Partner of 11 years wants to end things and I don’t

I(38F) have been with my partner(40m) for 11 years. We have had ours ups and downs as with every relationship but this last fight he wants to end things. We haven’t tried couples counseling and anytime I’ve even tried to talk he gets defensive and blames everything on me and my up bringing. He accuses me of never wanting to do anything with his friends and that I use work as an excuse not to do anything (I work retail with short staffing surprise surprise and my schedules, yes I may make them, are 3 weeks out and I’m lucky if he informs me a week prior to the event) . When he is out he often drinks too excessive, I think he’s an alcoholic but he’ll tell you he’s not cause it’s only beer not hard liquor. He then won’t come home until 12 (I know that may not seem late but when you have a kid it is). He is loud and disruptive and usually wakes up our 3 year old daughter. I have been honest with him that he has one group of friends I like and one I don’t. He has had two DUI’s and the first one included felony mushroom possession. Both DUIs happened with the group that I don’t like, although he’ll tell you the first was my fault.
I’m angry, I’m so angry this is how it ends. I truly loved him. I loved how he didn’t really care what people thought of him (I however am always in my head). He was there when I lost my brother to suicide and really help my family through that. The moments I see with our daughter and the way he melts with her. He would tell me I was sexy even though I may not feel it.
I know I’m messed up, I get angry when he doesn’t come home by 11 but he would also tell me he was leaving a place that was 20min away and not be home until an hour or two later with no communication. Maybe I PTSD from those DUIs, not hearing from him for hours thinking he’s in a ditch somewhere. I’ll never forget the phones calls one at 3am and the second at 1am I answered both went to pick him up both times, the second waking up my daughter to take with, waiting over an hour for him to be release him.
I’m devistated that he just wants to end things. I’ve put so much into this relationship. I never give up on things.
I guess I just show my support and love by being there unconditionally. He’s said some horrible things to me that I won’t mention but most of you would have said to leave him if you knew. But I can’t I want to work on things.
I also suffered a miscarriage two months ago. Neither of us really wanted it but it still fucked with me. I feel like I’m still getting through that. Wanted or not it’s still a tough thing to go through especially when you just start bleeding heavily and have blood clots the size of tennis balls. I haven’t felt normal since then but I don’t think he would even care, so I haven’t told him
I don’t know what to do. I’m rambling now. I think I just needed to get shit off my chest. I need someone to tell him to stop being so angry and listen, really listen and try to understand what i’m saying. He feels I’m against him and I’m not.
I know I need therapy myself I push things down and down and down until I explode. I have two associates at work causing a toxic work place. They want each other fired but that’s not going to happen because well the company doesn’t really give us a way to do that. It’s all about talks and what can we do better blah,blah,blah. I also hate confrontation. But tonight I exploded. I got pissed. He was doing a “concert” thing with a new group of guys and I asked him if he was leaving soon since it was 10 and he was riding his bike and we were going to a cubs game the next day, which meant up early to get ready (he doesn’t understand a girl needs time to get ready), get my daughter fed and dressed and take her over to her grandparents to catch the train in to the city. He came in ran to the basement, must have tossed his drumsticks somewhere cause I heard it and the started to whistle when he came up the stairs (we live in a single story house). I had just worked a 10 hour day also. I flew in to the kitchen and went off on him. He then proceeded to tell me he was sick and tired of this and he was done and then said a few hurtful things while I cried on the steps leading down to the basement where he went. I said I want to work on things but he said it’s over. He said I was isolating him and abusive. I was antisocial and never want to do anything. Our daughter woke up and came to the top steps. I told him to shut up and stop talking our daughter was there but he said he didn’t care and told me to fuck off. She wanted to tell him to stop being so angry but I wisked her away and got her back to sleep. So here I am now typing my guts out out because I don’t know what to do. He already made a comment on another post about ending an abusive 12 year relationship (it’s actually only been 11) being the best thing for his mental health.
And I already know I need to seek some counseling to better myself for my daughter.
Ugh I guess that’s it that’s my ramble. I’m going to try and get some sleep now.
Also be nice but honest it’s my first post.
submitted by Much-Strategy563 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 holowool [online] [5e/other] [lgbtq+] [cest/gmt+2] zero experience player looking for a game

about me: hello! my name is bayam (any pronouns), i am 17 years old and slavic (my english is pretty bad). i have been interested in ttrpg for a few months now and wanted to play, but its tough to find groups that are open to inexperienced players like me. i have very basic knowledge of the game. i am generally very friendly and like to learn new things. although i may be very shy at first.
looking for: i am looking preferably for a more silly campaign, but wouldnt mind a more serious lore-heavy one. or a horror one :3. i am pretty flexible and open to many ideas, so most settings would be of my interest. i mostly love horror, pirates, vampires and other things like that. im basically open to anyone who would be patient enough and willing to help me learn and get started :D i am free all weekdays 3pm-10pm CEST (except for thursday) and the weekends depends.
if youre interested in adopting me please dm me🙏 i have discord and a decent mic
submitted by holowool to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Substantial_Amount_6 Championship structure solution.

Yesterday’s crowd in The Hyde was a good bit smaller than the Connacht Championship match between Mayo and Roscommon, it was even smaller than the league game so it’s clear that the current championship structure isn’t working. This is how I would fix it.
  1. Make it 12 teams instead of 16. I think the current structure is giving us a lot of close games but if it was just 12 it would be more even and get rid of teams that just aren’t good enough to compete against the top teams. They would get the chance to test themselves against the top teams in provincial championships (sort of like the fa cup in soccer)
  2. Make it 2 groups of six based on geography. (Like the hurling) can’t expect big crowds at games if the likes of Donegal have to play down in Cork and Kerry. For example these groups could be North: Derry, Donegal, Armagh, Tyrone, Monaghan, Louth South: Dublin, Kerry, Mayo, Galway, cork, Roscommon
  3. Top 2 go into semi finals bottom 2 go into relegation playoffs. Scrap the quarter finals adds more jeopardy to the groups and will bring bigger crowds to Croke park for semi finals when it’s the first time playing there all year.
  4. Make the Dubs play home games in Parnell Park, if it’s not big enough they can renovate it they have plenty of money.
submitted by Substantial_Amount_6 to GAA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:05 ThreeActionEconomy [Online] [PF2e Remaster] [Homebrew] [LFP] [FoundryVTT] Sundays 8pm-11pm Eastern

Hello! We're looking for one more to round out our homebrew game. The campaign is maybe best described so far as a cross between Delicious in Dungeon, the horror show From, some old school Planescape, with a generous dose of Philip K. Dick. So far the party is made up of a bard, monk, sorcerer, wizard, and fighter, although the bard is having a rough time scheduling wise.
Who we're looking for:
Do you hate traitors to democracy? Did you shout "Yes!" 34 times this week while watching the news? Do you feel like punching nazis in the face is completely acceptable? Are you bemused by all the bad people having temper tantrums at the rainbows they see this month? If you answered yes to all of these, you're probably going to fit right in with our group!
PM me a character concept and a few words about yourself!
Thanks everyone!
submitted by ThreeActionEconomy to pathfinder_lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:58 OutrageousNet2478 BCLC’s Employees Aid Kamloops Charity Groups

The British Columbia Lottery Corporation continues to give back to local communities. Last week, the Crown agency’s employee-giving committee made donations of CA$19,444.57 to the Y Women’s Shelter and Kamloops Food Bank. Thanks to the efforts and consideration of its employees, the money will come in handy for the two selected charity groups.
The committee is an employee-led one devoted to making a difference. Every year, it dedicates its time to organizing numerous internal fundraising initiatives for employees to participate in. It includes raffles, silent auctions, 50/50 games and community lunches to raise money for employee-selected charities in the Kamloops and Vancouver regions.
Mike Hays, BCLC’s Director of Finance said as a purpose-led company committed to generating win-win for the greater good, the donations to the two charities are a great example of just that. Mr. Hays explained it all thanks to the BCLC’s employees and effort. He added that the employee-giving committing is pleased to support the tremendous work done by the two organizations.
Kennedy Epp, Community Engagement and Communications Coordinator at the Kamloops Food Bank commented the organization is grateful for the generosity of the Crown’s employees. She noted the staff put efforts together to raise money and support the food bank in its objective of relieving hunger in the area and the donation will provide much-needed food supplies for the spring.
Meanwhile, Jacquie Brand, Manager of the Violence Against Women Intervention and Support Services at the Y Women’s Shelter, commented a donation like this one from BCLC means more than words can describe. She also noted that the CA$9k contribution will be invested into home repairs and improvements to the shelter including Indigenous art installation in the coming months.
Warning for a new Online Gambling Con
BCLC is the regulator of legal gambling and lottery in the Western province and it recently cautioned locals about new and elaborate online casino scams. According to the gaming watchdog, there is a new set of fraudulent advertisements that trick people into providing their personal information by presenting themselves as commercials from licensed provincial casinos.
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2024.06.02 09:57 RudyBluNiebieski Cragheart - full ON spoiler guide to best dps in game. 300dmg/scenario is rookie numbers.

Big HP pool, bad initiative, low movement and awesome control of obstacles. What not to love about our little cragheart? He is considered mid classs but I've always susspected he is a Gem hidden in clay. And I've wanted to try it out for years. And when I did...
The build I will show you soloes entire rooms and reliably does 300+ dmg in scenarios at lvl 9. Ready yet?
We keep 4 lvl 1 cards: extra ammo, curse tornado, Forceful storm and rumbling advance (just increase the M on bottom) skip lvl 2, then: lvl 3clear the way, lvl 4 and 5 kinetic assault and rock slide, 6: cataclysm (Dig pit should be his best initiative so he has access to different playstyle!) 7: brutal momentum, 8: lumbering bash and 9, no surpise BLIND DESTRUCTION. THE BEST DAMAGE ABILITY IN GAME. 100 dmg per turn? WHY NOT? 9 clumped enemies? WIPED OUT.
How would you do it? Well, you gotta take items that support him. And no character benefits from items as hard as he does. Yes, due to blind destruction.
So how do we apprach the absolute and utter anihilation I promised you?
Well, lets start with helmet: advantage per long rest. Can't risk great dmg be flopped by -2 or miss, can we now? armor: there are 2 options: take 3 dmg and get +1 dmg per long rest. It really adds in dmg but chips away at your hp every now and then. very usefull when dealing with shielded enemies as 3 AoE dmg is much superior to 2 AoE (which get multiplied by other item used and extra target). The other, more interesting choice is armor that gives you both fly and invisible when you are in obstacles. Gives such a new layer of depth to that character, while his dmg is sstill amazing!
Weapons. Before lvl 8 of gloomhaven its a bomb and a hit 2 targets axe. after its a bomb and a bigger bomb (that does dmg to allies, but we do so massive dmg to allies they wont mind extra 2. I'm kidding. Try not to hurt your allies. Please.) Boots: Rocket boots. Well after you get armor of flying and hiding just boots of +3M are the same, but i got my rocket boots earlier. Let me talk about mobility. Cragheart doesn't come as very mobile character, does he? Well, he can make up to 11 movement in a round. There are some limitations (like 6/9 of that movement has to be in straigth line or he has to use earth to do that, but its actualy not that hard). You fly in, hide in and obstacle and then waith for your BIG ROUND.
Consumables: potion of+2 dmg, bigger stamina for 2 cards back, item that allows you to do additional top of different card (ring of brutality is it called?), COMPASS. I took it on a whim coz why not and I cannot stress enought how compass is important for that build to work. Enemies DO NOT want to group up, kicking 1, up to 5 away from you, 2 tiles is how you increase dmg from 40 to 100 with one action. Last could be another stamina potion or healing option or whatever rows your boat.
With that setup. With all the pieces in place you jump into rooms, blind destruction everything, if enemies survive, throw cataclysm on top with ring of brutality. You got 2 meele attack with 7dmg or more. (brutal momentum+kinetic storm is 2/5 with boots movement 7 dmg for cleanup and the other one is brutal momentum into obstacle.) You got Cursenado, the thing ppl say makes cragheart OP, while in reality its totally mid compared with his dmg. 2 good initiaitves of 19 and 26, making you move before lots of opponents and AMAZING initiaitves of 80+ for when you are safely hiddenin an obstacle, waiting, LURKING AROUND, ready to eradicate all life when your turn arrives.
The best case scenario is when your tank opens the door and retreats. And enemies follow. The most memorable one was when we were getting close to exhaust, other dudes statying at 3-5 cards and we open last doors. Dragons of both types and flying imps inside and they come forth toward the door. There was a hole in the middle of their formation, so i used compass to fill it. And I threw a bomb. Advantage helmet gave me x2. Over 100dmg with that single action, 9 enemies reduced to gold piles. It wasn't the first time I did it, but the most spectacular one. Warning with digital: System may draw multiple modifiers, but only the first one will determine AoE DMG. If its x2 and does 8 dmg, every single target will do 8 dmg around itself and you got the 100+dmg. If its -2 or system decides to start counting from shielded enemy your AoE will be very unimpressive. Good to have ring of brutality to finish things off afterwards guys.
submitted by RudyBluNiebieski to Gloomhaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 PrussianAvenger Potential hearing loss caused by a group of kids?

So I was at an arcade yesterday and while playing a co-op game with me standing closer to the group of boys (on my left), when something exciting in their game would happen they would shout/yell "Let's go/yeah/etc." (and just plain out scream).
Edit: I should say their screaming was loud enough to make me move in discomfort to the right. I chose to finish the game (story mode game) before removing myself from their audible vicinity.
The rest of yesterday and today it sort of felt like my left ear was a bit muffled compared to my right. So I was wondering if coupled with the already loud environment of loud machinery, is it likely any hearing damage could have occurred?
submitted by PrussianAvenger to hearing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:51 BusyBaby98 Bridal shower games ideas?

Me and my best friend are getting married in the same month and are organising a joint bridal shower as our friend groups are the same. We wanted to plan some fun games that included both of us?
submitted by BusyBaby98 to weddingplanning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:50 JustPEdgy [Recruiting] [Code: PB84JPAN] My DND Group Got into the game, I'm hoping to try and get my code used to bus at least one around

As the title says, my friends joined and I recruited a friend once before for the Head item, and one asked if I had a multi seat mount, I looked it up and I think I need one more recruitment?
submitted by JustPEdgy to ffxivraf [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:45 ThrowMeAway9165 How do I (29m) repair my online friendships after ignoring them to focus on my fiancé (28f)?

Some backstory… I had a really dedicated group of online friends that I used to hang out with on discord, we chatted and played games literally every night for years. I didn’t have any friends irl so they became my best friends, we even met up a few times for conventions and stuff.
I met my fiancé 4 years ago and I love her very, very much. When we started dating I obviously wasn’t online as much and my friends understood, but eventually I stopped logging on completely. I would log in every few months and catch up with them but eventually that went away too.
To be clear, my fiancé wasn’t demanding I not game or have online friends, it was just hard for me to find the time. I have responsibilities to her and our pets and I put my friends low on my priority list, which is shitty. My fiancé games too and even asks why I don’t hang out with them anymore.
I want to hang out and play games with them but it’s been almost a half decade since I was around regularly. I miss them a lot and I just don’t know what to do. Show up and pretend like I didn’t ghost them? Apologize and hope they understand? Slowly work my way back in?
submitted by ThrowMeAway9165 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Combatspy Had to look twice to make sure 🫣

Had to look twice to make sure 🫣 submitted by Combatspy to ironscape [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 The_CRU_z Nothing dies in war? When can we ever expect balance changes?

When will we get some balancing to quite literally anything to bring down the TTK?. People Sync 20 detos to kill 1 player its not nearly as fun as in the past. Just seen a 30 minute war and the highest assists was 37? Like the whole mosh pit, coinflip meta in group play is boring. The entire solo agency in the game especially in war has gone down nearly ebery update, and artifacts only made it worse.
submitted by The_CRU_z to newworldgame [link] [comments]