Constant pain in legs lymph

Information and support for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome

2014.01.14 19:28 Information and support for those affected by Restless Legs Syndrome

Welcome to the community of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease. PLEASE VISIT OUR FAQ: This is a place to connect with others, discuss treatment options, and kick around ideas. There is help and hope for RLS!

2014.01.29 19:13 itschvy also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that is characterized by small blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated pruritic, clear vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic.

2012.04.07 16:47 southern_linguist Vulvodynia

A place for individuals (however they identify) with vulvodynia to share stories, give and receive advice and support. This subreddit is dedicated to providing information and being a supportive space, as well as raising awareness. Please note that this subreddit is not a substitute for a proper diagnosis. If you are experiencing vulval pain, please see a doctor specialising in vulval conditions. You can find advice in the sidebar about diagnosis and treatment.

2024.06.02 11:05 SoapDust87 Being a medium ugly teenage girl is not for the weak

I literally don’t have any other place to talk about this. I (14f) actually can’t stand the way I look. And it’s such a first world problem too. Like sure I’m lowkey ugly but I’m healthy, right? So that counts for something? But at the end of the day I still hate myself. I have thick Arab leg hair, thunder thighs, a bloated stomach that always makes me look 3 months pregnant the moment food enters my stomach, a wide ribcage that guarantees that I’ll never have a thin waist, uneven eyebrows, jacked teeth, awful skin, and more but I don’t think that’s overkill. I’m naturally pudgy and always have been (currently 136lbs and 5’6) but too depressed most days to haul myself out of bed let alone workout. My workout regime consists purely of small hikes and PE. Sometimes a genuinely think I’m better off killing myself in hopes of being reborn as someone naturally pretty and skinny. But if I ever voice this with my friends I get crucified because (and I’m not saying this to be mean) they’re all bigger than me. Despite all my flaws and a self hatred that lingers within me no matter what I’m doing, I’m in a constant limbo of not knowing if I truly look awful. If I go on apps like whisper and send selfies to random creeps (who’s age ranges from 15-50) they all praise me as if I am the most attractive human being they’ve ever laid their eyes on. Some have even gone as far as saying they’re “repulsed” by skinny girls. But how am I to know who’s lying??? My confidence goes from 0 to 100 back to 0 because I am constantly receiving compliments but it’s only online. And as a side note, no guy to my knowledge has ever found me attractive in person.
Tl;dr I am a teenage girl who has insecurities like any other teenage girl but it genuinely makes me want to kill myself
submitted by SoapDust87 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 11:04 YehudielPrime PSA: Bedlogging in the Warden (or other vanguards?)

PSA: Bedlogging in the Warden (or other vanguards?) submitted by YehudielPrime to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:59 lolalootsa Tailbone pain

Has anyone randomly acquired tailbone pain on top of an existing sciatic/shooting pain down leg? I’m not sure whether this is the start of cauda equine and freaking out. Pain is when I sit dead in the centre and push around the muscles of my coccyx
submitted by lolalootsa to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:59 PaulGeru New Ghost recon in first person view

The other day I found out that the new part of the game will be with a first-person view. Do so many people really dream about it?
To be honest, I've tried mods for the game with a first-person view. Yes, it's fun to try, but when you're in the game (wildlands and breakpoint) for a long time, it gets annoying. I want to see motion animations, act out some kind of role-playing component, and not just constantly stare at the gun and my legs.
For as long as I can remember, games with a first-person view are fascinating, but not as much as from the third.
How do you guys like this news?
submitted by PaulGeru to GhostRecon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:54 LeaderExternal7795 How long did it take for a diagnosis ?

I started having serious symptoms about a month ago and just wondered for others how did you do about getting diagnosed. At this point it could be other things for me but my PCP says it is likely MS based on symptoms (2nd time for similar issues .. but first went away within a few days) but referred me to a neurologist.. . He also said it could be something much simpler and not to worry.
I’ve had a bunch of lab work and have ruled out diabetes and vitamin B12 deficiency. There’s other things with my blood work like high WBC count and high neutrophils but low lymphocytes. He’s concerned but not sure what it could be so referred me. I do have low vitamin D but not extremely low.
I started with mild numbness in my legs and spread up to my torso. Now I’ve started having severe pain in my lower legs and feet. I’ve fallen a couple of times because of this and walking has become somewhat painful. It gets worse at the end of the day and after showers or walking in the heat (Texas).
So I got a n appointment with a neurologist 2 weeks from now. I assume from there I will have to schedule an MRI and other tests. And even then I may have no absolute diagnosis for a bit from what I’ve read.
My husband wants me to go to the ER because of the severe pain in my legs and me falling and he’s afraid I’m going to injure myself worse. He won’t let me shower without him within earshot because that’s when my legs just seemed to turn to jelly the last time.
I used to work in ER as clerical and do not like the abuse of the ER and heard so many doctors and nurses complaining that I basically just refuse any ER treatment .. but he feels this is not abuse and they could find out what’s wrong faster… especially with my falls.
I’m just curious for any one else. Did anyone end up in the ER or just get referred out as I’m expecting. Or did you go through quite a bit of time and appointments to figure it all out ? I’m just confused as what to do and if waiting may cause damage or if that’s just how it works.
submitted by LeaderExternal7795 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:49 Academic_Gift5302 To all the single moms/ soon to be moms out there, how are coping up with walking away from your cheating partner?

To all the single moms/soon to be Moms out there how are you coping up with walking away from your cheating partner?
Alam ko hindi na bago ang kwento ko. It is really true na kapag niloko ka, lolokohin ka ulit. In my case, 7 yrs kame, recently, I caught him & forgave him nung nakita ko na naghahanap sya ng walk. He was sorry... pero after 2 weeks, nakita ko na yung contact nya sa ktrabho nya sa Viber naka hide with pin code. He said hindi nya maalala yung pin at hindi sila nag uusap, pero nung nakausap ko yung babae, naguusap sila.. cheating and lying again.
This time, tinuldukan kona yung panloloko nya. I chose myself this time at hindi na babalik pa. Currently 7 mos pregnant, it hurts to bad because I never wanted to be a single mom, but I have my family and friends constantly reminding me that this is a blessing in disguise, this is God's way of saving me from a lifetime misery..
Sa ngayon nasa stage pa ako na nag ggrieve ako. Paanong pag momove on ang ginagawa nyo moms? How are you coping up sa desisyon nyo na umalis na sa partner na nagtataksil palagi despite na may anak or magkakaanak na kayo?
Matatapos ba ang pain na to, kung finally piliin kona ang sarili ko?
submitted by Academic_Gift5302 to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:48 Diligent-Exit9171 Does anyone know what this could be?

Hello, I'm 18M soon 19 and for the last 3 months I've been experiencing weird headaches.
It started off as sharp pains that would last seconds and happened around once every couple of days.
Those sharp pains got more progressive and slowly started to accompany with this dull-pressure inside my head.
One morning I woke up and was super tired, no matter what I did it wouldn't go away and I've been feeling fatigued ever since. Last month I've noticed extreme progression in them. Loads of muscle spasms on both sides however more common in my left leg. Sometimes random tingling and pain, also noticed that my right arm falls asleep very easily for example when I'm working on my computer and holding my mouse, It falls asleep super easily and it never did that before. Sometimes sharp pain behind eyes and around the temple however my eyes were checked and said to not have any problems. My hands are always cold even though it's summer and it's literally boiling hot outside. The only suspicious thing that was caught in my bloodwork was a high number of white blood cells but then on my 2nd blood test they dropped so I really don't know. Also some nausea especially in the morning. Having loads of tinnitus especially at night and It's super high frequency. No seizures, no memory problems, no full numbness in any part of my body.
I have an MRI scheduled in 2 weeks time since doctors said to get one just to be sure.
Does anyone know what this is if they had similar symptoms?
submitted by Diligent-Exit9171 to headache [link] [comments]


It is truly a very painful injury but just trust me there is a light at the end of the tunnel whether or not you can see it, I have been dealing with L5 - S1 sciatica for almost a year now and my pain has deteriorated to the point of it being 95% gone, although it dropped down to 80% as I was not able to gym and workout for a while since I had my exams, this leads me to the point that I was trying to make PLEASE PLEASE make effort to workout your torso and legs specifically, trust me on this, abs, LOWER BACK, hamstring, quads especially are incredibly important as these exercises take away the load from your herniated disc, you’re muscles will take the load instead and the herniated disc will be in less pressure which means over time it will cause the bulge to decompress, although I have to mention that you can only really workout after you have somewhat healed a little, but please trust me I cannot stress this enough, TRAIN YOUR BODY, a healthy body fixes almost every problem sciatica being one of them, you can also add swimming into the mix if you’d like as that is very healthy for your recovery, and your lower back should be the most important area to train, one movement every week is enough, you will feel significant change after a couple of weeks and even feel as if its gone after a few months TRUST ME.
submitted by OneCow7657 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:37 Soft-Performance2164 Lost IUD

Just wanted to share my story as it has been an absolute NIGHTMARE and I would have never gotten one if someone warned me of these risks prior to insertion. I had my IUD inserted 1.5 years ago and the insertion process was difficult due to my anatomy and required multiple attempts and a specialist. I have had intermittent sharp stabbing pain in my pelvis multiple times a day since I got it in, for the first six months I was told this was normal. After 6 months went by I decided I needed to have it removed.
Since then I have gone multiple attempts to remove it, after multiple attempts with no success (including a cocky male gynecologist PRYING at it for 45 minutes while I cried), I was referred for a surgical removal of it via hysteroscopy. I had this procedure done and the IUD was not in my uterus. I have since had an MRI, CT and Xray to try and locate it but the doctors are still unsure of its exact location, however it is definitely still in me as it is seen clearly on the xray.
They currently think that it is lodged somewhere in my myometrium (muscle lining of uterus) or poking out of my uterus in my abdomen and have recommended an exploratory laparotomy to look for it. I am scared, constantly in pain, and so tired of dealing with a medical system that doesn't care about women's health or take it seriously. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
submitted by Soft-Performance2164 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:36 cwrace71 Hernia Symptoms Becoming Increasingly Bothersome

I've dealt with hiatal hernia symptoms for 5 years, but the last couple months in particular have been awful. I had Covid back in December and im not sure if that factored in but it did feel worse after Covid. I do have tons of other weird symptoms from years ago so the hiatal hernia just adds to it.
But yea, the pressure in my sternum has just gotten so much more bothersome. I feel my heart beat so much along all kinds of different kicking, popping, squeezing, and feeling my heart beat like feelings at the bottom of my sternum. I cant bend over or my heart rate picks up and pounds and I get dizzy'ish. Going from sitting to standing I start feeling popping in my lower chest/upper stomach, its almost like a baby kicking in my stomach. Just moving around sometimes does it to me now. I feel like any kind of tension at all now where my ribcage would get tense and it just fires off all of these symptoms. The low blood sugar feelings I get, which dont actually seem to be blood sugar related have been worse also. (eating solid foods fixes it). Also im 33, I've been checked for aortic aneurysm and that came back normal. Its all becoming much more constant than it used to though. I feel like theres almost nothing I can do now.
My muscle soreness and pains overall have been worse since Covid but I really feel them the last couple months also. Like my muscles are always tense or tight and sore, which also adds to these feelings.
submitted by cwrace71 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:25 Andrea_Merluzzo I'm in so much pain

I'm in so much pain, it's never ending. I can't even focus on anything and my head hurts constantly from just having to keep fighting my thoughts to stay alive. I just want some rest from this, even a couple of hours without feeling like this would be ok to rest my mind and body. I'm tired of feeling like trash every day and i'm tired of being treated like garbage by some people. I'm tired of being unable to focus on anything, i'm tired of being unable to go out without feeling terribile anymore,i'm tired of being this mess of a person, i'm tired of my feelings crushing my heart every single day i'm tired of everything. I can't take this anymore i am battered i don't have the strenght anymore. All i want is to rest
submitted by Andrea_Merluzzo to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 Papa_Hasbro69 To all magic players. Beware of LGSes that appear on the route stretches of the California Route 66. It is too late for me but let this be a warning to the rest of you.

To all magic players. Beware of LGSes that appear on the route stretches of the California Route 66. It is too late for me but let this be a warning to the rest of you.
I’ve always been a fan of Magic: The Gathering. There’s something about the intricate strategies, the beautiful artwork, and the camaraderie that has always drawn me in. So when I stumbled upon a quaint little game store tucked away in a remote part of the rural California desert while I was driving along the historic route 66, I was thrilled. The sign above the door read “The VML,” and the window displays were filled with vintage cards and board games. It felt like stepping into a treasure trove.
My first visit to The VML was nothing short of magical. I had come across it while driving home from a trip, the bright, inviting sign a beacon in the desolate landscape. The shop was dimly lit, with shelves crammed full of games and memorabilia. The air was thick with the smell of old paper and the faint scent of something musty, but it only added to the charm. The shop owner, an outspoken transwoman named Ms. Hargrove, welcomed me with a warm smile. Her eyes twinkled behind her round spectacles, and her voice had a soothing, almost hypnotic quality.
The VML prided itself on being an inclusive space, reaching out to members of marginalized genders and offering two spots to the Magic Pro Tour each year. This commitment to diversity was one of the reasons I felt so drawn to the shop. It seemed like a welcoming community where everyone could feel safe and valued.
I quickly became a regular at The VML. The other players were friendly, and we bonded over our shared love for the game. There was Carl, a burly man with a deep laugh, and Jane, a quiet woman with an impressive collection of rare cards. Our games were intense, filled with laughter and groans of defeat. It felt like I had found a second family.
We often played draft and commander formats, our favorite styles of play. Draft nights were especially exciting, with the tension of opening booster packs and crafting the perfect deck. Commander games, on the other hand, were epic battles that could last for hours, with alliances forming and breaking as we vied for dominance. It was the highlight of my week.
The shop had its quirks. Everyone wore pronoun pins, a small but meaningful gesture that fostered a sense of inclusion and respect. Ms. Hargrove was particularly passionate about the Universes Beyond cards and always made sure they were featured prominently. She also had a special fondness for the Gay Pride Bearsape card, which she claimed brought good luck.
Despite its welcoming atmosphere, The VML had its dislikes. Ms. Hargrove and the regulars despised the subreddit freemagic with a passion. They saw it as a toxic community that went against everything the shop stood for. I didn’t pay much attention to it at first; I was just happy to have found a place where I belonged.
The players at The VML always urged me to spend more time at the shop. They seemed genuinely thrilled whenever I walked through the door, their enthusiasm infectious. But the longer I stayed, the more I noticed subtle changes in myself.
One evening, after a particularly thrilling commander match, Ms. Hargrove approached me with a small, velvet-lined box. Inside was a set of Arabian Nights cards, pristine and untouched. She said it was a gift, a token of appreciation for being such a loyal customer. I was ecstatic. Arabian Nights was one of the most coveted sets, and having it in my collection felt like a dream come true.
But from that moment, things began to change.
It started subtly. I noticed a strange sensation in my fingers whenever I touched the cards, a tingling that soon turned into a dull ache. My skin grew pale, almost translucent, and I felt an odd sense of detachment from my own body. My pulse, once steady and strong, began to slow, a faint throb beneath my skin.
The players at the shop began to make offhand comments and jokes about transitioning, often sharing stories about how good HRT was. They even offered me pills, insisting they would help me feel better and more in tune with myself. Desperate to stop the changes I was experiencing, I took them, hoping they might help. But the pills only hastened my decay. They weren't HRT; they were medication that increased the rate of necrosis in my body.
My skin began to flake off in small, dry chunks, and no amount of lotion could stop the decay. I couldn’t feel my pulse as strongly anymore, and my reflection in the mirror looked gaunt and hollow. Panic set in. I combed through forums and medical websites, desperate for answers, but nothing seemed to fit. It was then that I decided to investigate The VML. Something about the shop, about Ms. Hargrove and the other players, felt off. I needed to know the truth.
I returned to the shop late one night, long after closing time. The lights were off, but I could see a faint glow coming from the back room. My heart pounded in my chest as I crept inside. The air was thick with decay, and the musty scent I had once found charming now turned my stomach. As I approached the back room, I heard voices, faint and whispering.
Pushing the door open, I was met with a sight that froze my blood. The room was filled with the players, but they were not the lively, friendly faces I had come to know. They were corpses, long dead and rotting, their flesh hanging in tatters from their bones. Carl’s deep laugh was now a hollow, rattling sound, and Jane’s quiet demeanor was replaced by the vacant stare of a skull.
And at the center of it all was Ms. Hargrove, her eyes no longer twinkling but glowing with an eerie, unnatural light. She looked at me with a twisted smile, and I realized with horror that I was becoming one of them. The Arabian Nights cards were cursed, draining the life from me, turning me into one of the undead.
I tried to run, but my legs wouldn’t obey. My body felt heavy, sluggish, as if it were already succumbing to the rot. Desperation clawed at my mind as I stumbled out of the shop, the whispers of the dead following me into the night.
I reached out to friends and family, desperate for help, but no one believed me. They couldn’t find any record of The VML. It didn’t exist on Google Maps, and no one had ever heard of it. They thought I was losing my mind, that the stress of work and my obsession with the game were taking their toll. But I knew the truth. The shop was real, and it was killing me.
With every passing day, my condition worsened. My skin, now gray and lifeless, peeled away in larger chunks. My bones ached, and my movements became stiff and labored. I felt the decay spreading, consuming me from the inside out. The faces of the undead players haunted my dreams, their hollow eyes a constant reminder of what I was becoming.
In a final act of desperation, I returned to The VML one last time. The shop was dark and silent, but I could feel the presence of the undead lurking within. I knew it was my only chance to escape the curse. With trembling hands, I gathered the cursed Arabian Nights cards and set them ablaze in the parking lot, hoping to sever the connection that was draining my life.
As the flames consumed the cards, I felt a searing pain course through my body. I collapsed to the ground, writhing in agony as the darkness threatened to swallow me whole. But then, miraculously, the pain began to subside. The whispers of the dead faded, and I felt a faint glimmer of hope.
I staggered to my feet, my body weak and ravaged, but still alive. I had narrowly escaped the clutches of The VML, but the damage was done. My skin was still gray and lifeless, my pulse a distant memory. I knew I was beyond medical help, my body too far gone to be saved.
Now, as I write this, I can feel the decay spreading once more. My narrow escape bought me time, but the curse still lingers, slowly consuming me. I am racing against time, searching for a way to break the curse, to stop the transformation. But deep down, I know it’s too late. The VML has claimed me, just as it has claimed so many before.
If you ever find yourself in that forgotten corner of the rural California desert, and you see the sign for The VML, I beg you: turn away. Do not step inside. For once you do, there is no escape from the curse that lies within.
submitted by Papa_Hasbro69 to freemagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 mushroomiesss tired of the lack of empathy

multiple times over the past five years, people have made comments about my facial hyperhidrosis and it’s getting so painful. people will say things like, “wow you’re so sweaty,” or if someone touches my face or anything i can see them wipe the sweat off whatever touched me. i’m in my mid twenties and i just want to be a cute girl, but my makeup is constantly being melted off by sweat and i feel so unattractive. i wish people thought about the things they said before saying them. my hyperhidrosis is because of my anti anxiety and anti depression medications. i shouldn’t have to choose between mental stability or not being sweaty as hell all the time.
submitted by mushroomiesss to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 Top_Charge1282 Would a horse with a mechanical lameness be considered “serviceably sound?”

Would a horse with a mechanical lameness be considered “serviceably sound?”
Im interested in taking my gelding to shows soon however he is diagnosed with a mechanical lameness known as Fibrotic myopathy. Basically means that he had an old injury in his leg that healed incorrectly and now one of his back legs looks a little fucked up when he takes a step. I’ve been interested in showing him in main ring performance/sport horse at arab shows however horses are required to be “serviceably sound” unless they are being shown in equitation/showmanship. My vet confirmed that he isn’t in any pain and is perfectly rideable however I don’t know if he would be considered serviceably sound and i cant find any source related to it. My vet also said that it should be fine to show him and that any knowledge vet would be able to tell that he doesn’t have a pain related lameness but i just don’t know😭
submitted by Top_Charge1282 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 ApplicationLivid6631 Retear or Overworked ACL?

I had an ACL and meniscus reconstruction with a hamstring autograft about 3.5 months ago.
3 weeks ago, I had no pain and I seemed to be healing well until I tripped and awkwardly caught myself. My leg pivoted in a weird way, and I had moderate pain. I did not hear or feel a “pop.” I was able to walk and drive home immediately after. My knee was swollen for about 2 weeks and unable to bend to the extent that it could before the fall.
It’s been about 3 weeks since the fall, and the swelling is gone but I still have some pain, especially after walking for an extended period of time.
I was wondering if you think this is either a complete tear of my ACL graft, or just a sprain from the fall and walking so much? I am super worried, and I want to know if you think I could have retorn my ACL so easily
submitted by ApplicationLivid6631 to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 TurtleBox_Official I think I was almost Abducted as a Child.

There are very few things I remember from my childhood, but earlier last year I began a therapy program and began to attempt to discover what truama had caused me to begin to block out so many years of my childhood. My Therapist says it could be caused by a single truamatic event or in some cases an overall truamatic living situation. I am still not quite sure which category I fit into, or where I fit into all of this at all for that matter.
I was not a special child, I did not come from a good home. Growing up it was just myself, My mother, and two of my sisters, the only one relevant to this story being named Meg.
Two weeks before Halloween, my mom took us all to the near by K-mart to pick out one cool thing for Halloween as well as our outfits. I picked out some knight outfit because at the time I was obsessed with Final Fantasy Tactics. My sister, Meg, picked out one of those weird Voice Changers, like the ones they used in the Scream Movies, you know? My mom just gave her one rule, she wasn't allowed to use it to scare me or annoy people.
About four days later, some bizarre things started. I began to hear her out in the hallway using the voice changer from her room. The almost growling low pitched voice setting was quite haunting. She was only really saying one thing though...her own name. This went on for two nights before she started sleeping in my older sisters room instead of her own, sharing a bed with each other.
Around this time is when she began to use the stupid voice changer to keep me awake. She would stand outside my bedroom door, in random hours of the night, and just say my name. "Zachary....Zachary..." Over and Over. In that eerie painful voice. It kept me awake for hours, and whenever I did sleep I would have nightmares. Nightmares that gave shape to the voice. Always a lonely looking creature, with skin that looked charred with white eyes that dripped back into it's sockets like runny eggs, always keeping it's head down low as if to hide itself from embarrasment or guilt like a child would.
This went on for days... then the tapping would begin. First on my door, then somehow on my window. This simple tapping turned into hard scratching at the door which at first I would assume was our cat or dog. Every few nights the the being within my dream would be see more detail added to the body. First a thin layer of what seemed like fur, then eventually clothes, a visably moldy jean jacket and and on it's head a thin layer frayed hair. On it's feet it wore no shoes and but wore ripped tattered shorts. It had a small mouth, very child like and immature facial features. It always seemed so helpless and lonely.
I stopped talking out of this overbearing sense of guilt I felt the more the dreams continued. I kept hearing the voice every where I went. At school, to the store with my mom, at home, in the bathroom...sometimes I would even hear movement where the voice was coming from...While taking a bath one night, I heard the bathroom door open, next came very soft steps...almost soft enough to be our dogs...
"Zachary...are you in here?" I'd never been so horrified in my life before then. The door closed behind it. I sat in the bathtub for about an hour listening to it scurry around. Eventually my mom came in and asked for me...she hadn't remembered that I was still in there.... I'm convinced to this day it was hiding just outside of the shower curtain that provided me privacy during these bathtime hours.
A few days pass, still hearing it calling my name at night, still tapping, still scratching...Halloween comes. I put on my costume, my sister put on hers, everyone was getting ready to go out for the night. A friend of mine was coming with us and I naively figured I'd be protected in my knight outfit. It was still around midday as Mom prepared our Trick-or-treat bags so I went outside by myself to on the side of our lawn that faced the huge abandoned vineyard. Every parent in our neighborhood always used to stress about how we were never allowed in Vineyard. Eventually it all entirely blocked off by the township and is currently said to be filled with various homeless camps despite friends of mine in the town saying they only ever find the bodies of the homeless and never actual evidence of camps.
I was swinging my plastic sword, fighting imaginary bad guys when I heard that there was someone moving in the bushes. I could hear it vividly, It wasn't normal like a cat or dog or even a person. It was precisely weighed footsteps inched apart bit by bit. I moved a bit closer to my house and farther back from the thick bushes. If my mom knew I was on that side of the house, she would have killed me.
Then it all happened so quickly The voice began calling my name from the bushes. It was only saying my name. It wasn't telling me to come over or anything, it was simply saying my name and moving back and forth. I could see the outline of it's clothes...a jean jacket, some shorts, and it was wearing boots. It was wearing a mask however, one of those old 90s alien mask like you'd see in the Halloween store, the flat plastic kinds with the small eye holes and horizontal mouth slit. It moved down on all fours and began walking closer to the ledge. And that's when I noticed it's legs and hands...they were absolutely burnt, charred to an almost unrecognizable crisp like exaggerated burnt bacon. I could tell it was looking right into my stupid eight year old eyes. It whimpered and seemed to press it's belly to the ground before speaking in a voice that instantly put me over with fear. "Zachary...I will...You...Come..." My eyes grew twice their size and I ran inside, dropping my sword and shield in the grass.
My mom got furious. Shes stomped around before calling my sister into the room. Upon being asked about the voice changer and teasing me for sister told us that it broke, that it had stopped working one night after she dropped it in the driveway. She even showed my was smashed. My mom just looked out the window into the Vineyard. My sister looked over at me. We weren't allowed to go out that night. My mom made up some story about Halloween being cancelled because another kid in the town had gotten hurt like a few years before, something I still don't really remember.
That night my Sister and I just sat in our living room. We didn't really speak. We didn't pay attention to whatever Disney Channel Halloween movie was playing. We both knew the other had something to say but couldn't open our mouths.
After what felt like hours of silence she moved closer to me and spoke -
"It tried to take you too, didn't it?"
I nodded.
submitted by TurtleBox_Official to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 Perfect_Ad6502 pregnancy or pms?

hi, i'm kind of new to reddit and the reason why i cam here to ask is that lately i've been worrying that i might be pregnant. I had unprotected sex in April 21 and last month in May 10 i'm not sure if i got my period because it was brown and it only last about 3 days. I took a PT 4 times and it shows negative but im still not sure if i can rely on that since i've been feeling like i have symptoms of pregnancy like shouldeneck pain, sore boobs, dizzyness and constant peeing. Please help.
submitted by Perfect_Ad6502 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 Stares_In_Raw_Hatred Plastering Over the Cracks.

So, I have finally gotten to a certain point in my life that I can live with my autism. I don't think I will ever like being autistic because it has stolen so much from me. But the way I see it now as an adult, there's very little difference between being autistic and having terminal cancer. If you were diagnosed with terminal cancer tomorrow, you'd do the best with what you have left. The real me, the person I was supposed to be was killed in the womb decades ago and I need to do the best with what's left. I need to make something of myself and live the best I can.
My life revolves around my business. My finances are rock solid and nobody can take them away from me. My business allows me to put up walls and make demands for respect and fair trade from others. I'm no longer walked on by everybody else. I'm no longer the low status guy that even the HR department can grind into the dirt for their own amusement.
I have places to go, people to see, but I'm completely lacking in everything else. I'm only alive when I'm working. There seems to be no way of plastering over the cracks.
The pain in my life is very high and it always will be. Everything is just a constant fight for dignity and I will fight for it every day. But the pain from those cracks can be so much sometimes and I don't know what to do. I want a family, but I'm too broken for a woman and I refuse to give a child autism so I need to keep taking the pain and keep up the fight.
Everything is a fight. Everything.
submitted by Stares_In_Raw_Hatred to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 Casifititi I don't know if I can continue

It has been a little more than 2 years of lies. I have always loved and forgiven him. He has left me alone crying and blamed me for being resentful or sad about things he has done to me. The other day I read his diary, he has a fixation with looking at any woman on the street, I read that at the padel he couldn't stop looking at a spectacular blonde, that while he was with me in the supermarket a girl in sports tights crossed paths and he wanted to cross her again so I could see her better, and a host of hurtful things. He goes to specialized therapy once a week, he insists that he is working on not doing the things that he does but that are difficult for him. He even has the courage to tell me that I don't love him because if he did it it would have to be with his virtues and his defects. Am I crazy for not wanting him to constantly lust after others? Is there any way to accept it? Sometimes I think that with time and therapy we can become happy, but I have more and more doubts and I don't think I can bear so much pain. I tell him I want to quit when I find out these things and then I regret it because I think about the good and that there will be a happy ending. I'm definitely crazy.
submitted by Casifititi to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:54 afonja Anything I can do to prevent or reduce muscle ache on long rides?

I'm only just getting into cycling and yesterday did my first 50 miles. It was all going actually quite well and I initially thoght I would do around 80 miles in total, however, when I made a stop at around 40 miles in I started feeling burning pain in my thighs. It was very bad and unpleasant.
I tried standing, sitting, doing stretches and it was going away for a brief moment but as soon as I stopped putting any strain on my legs it was immediately coming back.
After about 20 minutes it didn't get any better so I decided to head home which was 10 miles away from where I stopped. I didn't feel much pain while pedaling but as soon as I stopped even for a brief moment - it was back in full force. It was a miserable ride home.
First thing I did once I got home was to lay on the floor and lift my feet up against the wall. To my surprise I didn't feel an ounce of pain in this position, and I stayed like that for good 15 minutes.
I then went for a quick shower and the pain was back as soon as I got up. However, by the time I finished - the pain was gone completely. I was quite surprised as I thought I would be suffering with that for a few days while it slowly decreases. But no, it just went away leaving no signs behind. I feel like I'm ready for another ride today.
So I wanted to know if it's something common for new riders and whether there is something I can do to better prepare myself for a next long ride in order to deal with this kind of pain better or maybe avoid it completely?
submitted by afonja to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:52 Complete-Shock899 I Believe I may have cancer but my Parents don’t believe me. I don’t blame them.

I am 17 years old. I have struggled with ocd all my life and just recently got diagnosed a few months back and have been on many pills trying to help. I have also been very sick off and on since middle school. Missing a lot of school. I’ve had bad stomach pain. I had my appendix taken out in 6th grade. I Have taken every tes and screening under the sun. And recently had my gallbladder removed. My Gi Doctor recently moved me onto a cardiologist because he believes that all my Gi problems are gone and that I may have POTS. On top of all my stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting from my gallbladder I have been having sinking spells. I’ve been very fatigued and tired. Not able to do much physical labor becoming very hot and sweaty. My vision going black and getting close to passing out. I was sent to the cardiologist and he basically just said he doesn’t know for sure if I have POTS but I fall under the spectrum and to try and up my salt intake by double the average and get more excerise. Which really sucked because I haven’t been able to function like a normal human being the last few months. Missing work. But I understand there’s not much you can do for pots besides just lifestyle changes so it will take time. So I just said ok and have been doing all the things he asked of me. But recently I’ve noticed it’s just getting worse and I’m having other symptoms. I’m still having all my stomach pain and nausea from eating. My fatigue very bad. But I’ve also started to have lots of night sweats which isn’t normal for me. And itchy skin. Especially when laying in bed. I washed my sheets thinking maybe it had just been too long (don’t judge I’ve been sick!) but all the symptoms are still there. And just yesterday I noticed a lump in my armpit. Now. With all this. It’s all symptoms of lymphoma. But. Sadly in the past due to my ocd I’m terrified of cancer. I convince myself I have it all of the time. In the past I’ve cried myself to sleep every night thinking that was my last and I was dying of cancer. My parents have went and got my blood drawn and had screenings to make me feel better. They always come out perfectly fine. So even though I’m showing symptoms they don’t really care and don’t want to do any tests. My mom has grown really frustrated with me. And yelled at me today when I told her about how nervous I am. I tried to explain to her that I understand how annoying it is and that it’s not rational. I told her to picture how annoying it was for me. Being so scared and panicked and being genuinely terrified but when I express it to my parents they laugh and make fun of me or yell. I understand how annoying it must be. I get why she yells. But it’s making it worse. I feel like I’m not being heard. I started to think harder about if I’m just having an episode or if this is a genuine concern. A month ago when my gallbladder was removed they also drew my blood. I figure they would find something then and that I’m ok. But then I remember how so many doctors told me I was ok for years to actually find out that I had a genuine problem and my gallbladder wasn’t functioning. Doctors don’t really make me feel heard. They’ve told me my pain is all in my head and it’s just anxiety before. So I think I’m just not the most trusting of doctors. But. I’ve had a cat scan on my stomach recently for my surgery nothing suspicious. And blood work with no suspicious things. So I’m probably just freaking out for no reason. But the symptoms and how they’re worsening just really scares me. I’m just scared that I may have become the girl who cried wolf by my past freak outs. And something is actually wrong. I don’t really want to ask my mom again because I don’t want to get yelled at. Any thoughts or advice would be so helpful. If you think I’m just crazy or maybe something is happening:)
There is a reasonable explanation for a few of my recent symptoms. The swollen lymph node in my armpit. I recently put in all of my ear piercings after not having them in for 8 months. It was a bit of a struggle and the lump showed up right after. So it could be as simple as that. Also. I live in Texas and summer is here. So the night sweats could just be because it’s getting hotter. But I’ve never really sweat that much before but I’m 17 and on hormonal birth control so my hormones are a bit all over the place so it could just be that. My itchy skin I’m really not sure. It could just be anxiety symptom. I’ve been having very bad nightmares the last few months and they make me too anxious to go to sleep. It feels like bugs are crawling all over me right before I’m about to fall asleep and it wakes me up. All those symptoms could definitely be explained. All my stomach problems nausea and puking is obviously due to my gallbladder surgery. It’s not going to get better over night. It’s been a month and a half since. And I probably just need to keep recovering. I’ve been following a low fat diet. And my fatigue is probably just the POTS. I haven’t been on the double salt and double excersise for longer than a week. So I think I maybe just need to give it some time. Thinking as rationally as I can. All of these things make sense. But I am still not able to stop obsessing over the thoughts. I’m scared. I just wish I had someone that understood. I recently had to drop my therapist due to opening up about my intrusive thoughts and her making me feel judged. I don’t think it was her intention but I’ve asked her about it and tried to get over it but it’s left a bad taste in my mouth and I can’t move on. So I’m looking for someone else to try and help me through my ocd and anxiety. I think I wish my parents didn’t laugh when I tell them how scared I am. I have massive panic attacks and cry myself to sleep mostly everyday. And I get it’s funny that I roll out of my room in the morning deciding I have cancer. But it’s genuinely scary for me. And I wish that maybe my mom didn’t yell at me for it. I get how frustrating it is. How annoying it could be. But I need to depend on her. That doesn’t mean I think she should take me right up to the er and get testings done every time I think I’m dying of cancer or something else terminal. Because that’s just enabling my unhealthy behavior. I understand that. I think I wish she talked me through it. Or talked me down from my high. Yelling and laughing makes it worse. My parents have told me if I keep stressing it I’m gonna manifest it into reality and actually get cancer. And I get that it’s just a silly joke. But later when my brain is spiraling I actually convince myself that will happen. Whatever I’m definitely fine. The doctors have done everything under the sun for me. I just need to get over myself. But who knows I could have lymphoma and I’m not nuts. But I think I’d definitely rather just be nuts.
submitted by Complete-Shock899 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 big_old_cow Dreamt of God, but it felt extremely real

Hello everyone, I’ve come here to post about my experience and see if anyone else has had a similar one. I’ve had a lot of health issues this year, and was suffering from 24/7 constant tension headaches. I went to the doctor and got scans many times but they came back fine. I was scared of the pain and worried that my life would be like that forever. I stopped eating and began sleeping for full days to avoid the pain in my head. But then I had a dream, and all I remember was this bright white light like sun. I didn’t hear anything, all my senses were gone except my sight but in my dream I understood this to be God. I felt very at peace in my dream and when I woke up I felt as though something had been revealed to me but I couldn’t remember what. I know it’s just a dream but it felt very real and unearthly and I can’t stop thinking about it. Has this happened to anyone else before?
submitted by big_old_cow to spirituality [link] [comments]