Student bio example


2013.02.25 06:21 /r/StudentDiscounts

This subreddit is for sharing discounts for students. Links to discounts and questions about discounts are permitted. Requests for discount codes will be removed.

2012.05.21 19:54 lolitsaj Chemical Reaction GIFs

A subreddit showcasing the complexity of those lovely little atoms, as well as other interesting science topics in gif form.

2010.02.18 09:59 Psychopauser Death Note

Subreddit for all things related to Death Note.

2024.05.19 06:52 GrimoireWorthy17 The Akashic Records -

The Following will be an introductory level article on “The Akashic Records”, for I feel this is a fundamentally important concept for the awakening individual to familiarize themselves with, as it can be one of our greatest metaphysical assets.
You can think of the Akashic Records as an accumulation of lessons (Conclusions), thoughts, ideas, energies, entities and knowledge in general… coming from all the lives that we have ever lived on our evolutionary cycle… A spiritual record of all that we are, have been, and will ever be… one which is Omnipresent, Ever Vigilant and Actively Communicable to the awakened Individual.
We all have a personal ~Akashic record~ which pertains to all the lives that we as an individual soul have incarnated, you could perhaps consider this to be somewhat synonymous with ones “Personal unconscious” … and then on a larger scale there is the ~Akashic records~ of the entire world, which you might say is synonymous with the ~“collective consciousness/Unconscious~” and could perhaps be described as an accumulated, ever-changing aggregate of all combined experiences and there underlaying factors, both physical and Non-Physical… both of which (Personal and Collective), are of course Intimately connected. The above-mentioned can be a priceless tool throughout our process of awakening, if one can cultivate the internal faculties necessary for tapping into its essence.
We can develop the ability to access and channel our “akashic records” for endless varieties of knowledge and insight, and there are many different degrees of being able to do so. Often times an individual will tap into the knowledge of the ~akashic records~ within everyday life without even knowing it, this is what is known as “Intuition” … Pulling entirely accurate and immediately applicable knowledge out of “Seemingly Nowhere”.
This form of Akashic Interpretation is one of a more “Information Transference” or you might say, “Channeled Insight” type Manifestation… where an Individual actively translates the Insight or Information in a split second based off of Circumstantial necessity and or Focused Intention upon a particular area of thought…
This Insight is received and experienced in many different ways, depending upon the Individual… Whether it be A Feeling, An Impulse of some kind, An inner Voice, A “Packed” or “Complete” Thought Form etc.
It is said that an “old soul” never has to learn the same lesson twice on their evolutionary process… this is because when we come across this “lesson” or circumstance again in our current incarnation, we recognize its energetic resonance in one way or the other, and are able to foresee the consequences, then either avoid or maneuver around it… for when this lesson shows its face again we do not have to “learn it” again, but rather “Remember it”. Intuition is an incredibly helpful and often times unnoticed degree of being able to tap into one’s akashic records... one which is easily brushed off as “Coincidences” and “Lucky Hunches”…
Though, for the developing clairvoyant there are many direct and in-depth methods of accessing these “~Akashic Records~” …
For example, when ones extra sensory perception is developed to a certain degree, they will start being able to visually perceive these Akashic records in their waking life… this happens through varying kinds of “Psychic Materializations” and or “spiritual apparitions” which result in knowledge and insight… Insight that one can see clearly with their eyes as if they were reading a physical book… Written and Painted upon the Surface of Time and Space like a Divine Mural which conveys the story of all Existence and Experience… including all events, both “Major” and “Seemingly Insignificant”… All deeds, both loving, Hateful and indifferent… All psychological developments, both beneficial and unbeneficial… ad well as the entities and non-physical factors which were the Animating cause behind all of the preciously stated physical phenomena.
The Visual Manifestation of this “Akashic Information” Is a Divinely Memorizing phenomena… to perceive layers upon layers of Information, in the form Symbols, Equations, Entities, Thought forms and Pictorial Conveyances…
The multifaceted, overlapping layers which one will perceive within this great complexity, makes it necessary for the Clairvoyant to develop, at the very least, the most basic form of Visual Discernment… meaning that they learn to “Draw Forth” One of the many layers of the overlapping image, so they might be able to better more efficiently Interpret its Symbolic Conveyance.
Those who have seen the movie “The Matrix”, have seen Hollywood’s New Aged, Technology-Driven depiction of this “Underlaying Code” A.K.A “Akashic Information”, which Interacts with and surrounds us constantly.
Though, speaking from the perspective of a true Visual Clairvoyant… I will say, while this Hollywoodized version of Akashic phenomena is generally speaking a good connection to the underlaying truth… this Akashic information is Endlessly more Mystical and Spiritually Symbolic in its Nature… and is not at all to be perceived in some “Purely Mathematical”, Technologically Inclined fashion.
There are also many Akashic Experiences and insight which can be” witnessed” and or attained through out of body experiences or even what some may look at as an “Inner voyage” ... though these are much more advanced methods that you can find in detail, within the Workings of Edgar Cayce.
This particular method is a much more, for lack of a better word, “Unconscious” manifestation of this Akashic Information… being that one is “Physically asleep and “Astrally Aware or Awake”, when this is experienced… Whereas in the Visual Clairvoyant, this Information can be directly perceived and Interpreted even in their waking life… Actively engaging or utilizing their Astral and Aetheric faculties, even while physically conscious.
Developing these extra sensory abilities will also make the accuracy and consistency of one’s regular (Non-visual/Circumstantial) Intuition, much more efficient within their daily Lives… Making stronger their Connection and Relationship with their Higher Nature.
We are constantly utilizing and as well adding to the akashic records and their unfoldment, all the time both personally and collectively… which is what makes this a greatly important concept for the Student of Esoteric Knowledge to delve into.

Much Love

Gage Timothy Kreps Ramirez -
submitted by GrimoireWorthy17 to SpiritualAwakening [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 GrimoireWorthy17 The Akashic Records -

The Following will be an introductory level article on “The Akashic Records”, for I feel this is a fundamentally important concept for the awakening individual to familiarize themselves with, as it can be one of our greatest metaphysical assets.
You can think of the Akashic Records as an accumulation of lessons (Conclusions), thoughts, ideas, energies, entities and knowledge in general… coming from all the lives that we have ever lived on our evolutionary cycle… A spiritual record of all that we are, have been, and will ever be… one which is Omnipresent, Ever Vigilant and Actively Communicable to the awakened Individual.
We all have a personal ~Akashic record~ which pertains to all the lives that we as an individual soul have incarnated, you could perhaps consider this to be somewhat synonymous with ones “Personal unconscious” … and then on a larger scale there is the ~Akashic records~ of the entire world, which you might say is synonymous with the ~“collective consciousness/Unconscious~” and could perhaps be described as an accumulated, ever-changing aggregate of all combined experiences and there underlaying factors, both physical and Non-Physical… both of which (Personal and Collective), are of course Intimately connected. The above-mentioned can be a priceless tool throughout our process of awakening, if one can cultivate the internal faculties necessary for tapping into its essence.
We can develop the ability to access and channel our “akashic records” for endless varieties of knowledge and insight, and there are many different degrees of being able to do so. Often times an individual will tap into the knowledge of the ~akashic records~ within everyday life without even knowing it, this is what is known as “Intuition” … Pulling entirely accurate and immediately applicable knowledge out of “Seemingly Nowhere”.
This form of Akashic Interpretation is one of a more “Information Transference” or you might say, “Channeled Insight” type Manifestation… where an Individual actively translates the Insight or Information in a split second based off of Circumstantial necessity and or Focused Intention upon a particular area of thought…
This Insight is received and experienced in many different ways, depending upon the Individual… Whether it be A Feeling, An Impulse of some kind, An inner Voice, A “Packed” or “Complete” Thought Form etc.
It is said that an “old soul” never has to learn the same lesson twice on their evolutionary process… this is because when we come across this “lesson” or circumstance again in our current incarnation, we recognize its energetic resonance in one way or the other, and are able to foresee the consequences, then either avoid or maneuver around it… for when this lesson shows its face again we do not have to “learn it” again, but rather “Remember it”. Intuition is an incredibly helpful and often times unnoticed degree of being able to tap into one’s akashic records... one which is easily brushed off as “Coincidences” and “Lucky Hunches”…
Though, for the developing clairvoyant there are many direct and in-depth methods of accessing these “~Akashic Records~” …
For example, when ones extra sensory perception is developed to a certain degree, they will start being able to visually perceive these Akashic records in their waking life… this happens through varying kinds of “Psychic Materializations” and or “spiritual apparitions” which result in knowledge and insight… Insight that one can see clearly with their eyes as if they were reading a physical book… Written and Painted upon the Surface of Time and Space like a Divine Mural which conveys the story of all Existence and Experience… including all events, both “Major” and “Seemingly Insignificant”… All deeds, both loving, Hateful and indifferent… All psychological developments, both beneficial and unbeneficial… ad well as the entities and non-physical factors which were the Animating cause behind all of the preciously stated physical phenomena.
The Visual Manifestation of this “Akashic Information” Is a Divinely Memorizing phenomena… to perceive layers upon layers of Information, in the form Symbols, Equations, Entities, Thought forms and Pictorial Conveyances…
The multifaceted, overlapping layers which one will perceive within this great complexity, makes it necessary for the Clairvoyant to develop, at the very least, the most basic form of Visual Discernment… meaning that they learn to “Draw Forth” One of the many layers of the overlapping image, so they might be able to better more efficiently Interpret its Symbolic Conveyance.
Those who have seen the movie “The Matrix”, have seen Hollywood’s New Aged, Technology-Driven depiction of this “Underlaying Code” A.K.A “Akashic Information”, which Interacts with and surrounds us constantly.
Though, speaking from the perspective of a true Visual Clairvoyant… I will say, while this Hollywoodized version of Akashic phenomena is generally speaking a good connection to the underlaying truth… this Akashic information is Endlessly more Mystical and Spiritually Symbolic in its Nature… and is not at all to be perceived in some “Purely Mathematical”, Technologically Inclined fashion.
There are also many Akashic Experiences and insight which can be” witnessed” and or attained through out of body experiences or even what some may look at as an “Inner voyage” ... though these are much more advanced methods that you can find in detail, within the Workings of Edgar Cayce.
This particular method is a much more, for lack of a better word, “Unconscious” manifestation of this Akashic Information… being that one is “Physically asleep and “Astrally Aware or Awake”, when this is experienced… Whereas in the Visual Clairvoyant, this Information can be directly perceived and Interpreted even in their waking life… Actively engaging or utilizing their Astral and Aetheric faculties, even while physically conscious.
Developing these extra sensory abilities will also make the accuracy and consistency of one’s regular (Non-visual/Circumstantial) Intuition, much more efficient within their daily Lives… Making stronger their Connection and Relationship with their Higher Nature.
We are constantly utilizing and as well adding to the akashic records and their unfoldment, all the time both personally and collectively… which is what makes this a greatly important concept for the Student of Esoteric Knowledge to delve into.

Much Love

Gage Timothy Kreps Ramirez -
submitted by GrimoireWorthy17 to lawofone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:50 GrimoireWorthy17 The Akashic Records -

The Following will be an introductory level article on “The Akashic Records”, for I feel this is a fundamentally important concept for the awakening individual to familiarize themselves with, as it can be one of our greatest metaphysical assets.
You can think of the Akashic Records as an accumulation of lessons (Conclusions), thoughts, ideas, energies, entities and knowledge in general… coming from all the lives that we have ever lived on our evolutionary cycle… A spiritual record of all that we are, have been, and will ever be… one which is Omnipresent, Ever Vigilant and Actively Communicable to the awakened Individual.
We all have a personal ~Akashic record~ which pertains to all the lives that we as an individual soul have incarnated, you could perhaps consider this to be somewhat synonymous with ones “Personal unconscious” … and then on a larger scale there is the ~Akashic records~ of the entire world, which you might say is synonymous with the ~“collective consciousness/Unconscious~” and could perhaps be described as an accumulated, ever-changing aggregate of all combined experiences and there underlaying factors, both physical and Non-Physical… both of which (Personal and Collective), are of course Intimately connected. The above-mentioned can be a priceless tool throughout our process of awakening, if one can cultivate the internal faculties necessary for tapping into its essence.
We can develop the ability to access and channel our “akashic records” for endless varieties of knowledge and insight, and there are many different degrees of being able to do so. Often times an individual will tap into the knowledge of the ~akashic records~ within everyday life without even knowing it, this is what is known as “Intuition” … Pulling entirely accurate and immediately applicable knowledge out of “Seemingly Nowhere”.
This form of Akashic Interpretation is one of a more “Information Transference” or you might say, “Channeled Insight” type Manifestation… where an Individual actively translates the Insight or Information in a split second based off of Circumstantial necessity and or Focused Intention upon a particular area of thought…
This Insight is received and experienced in many different ways, depending upon the Individual… Whether it be A Feeling, An Impulse of some kind, An inner Voice, A “Packed” or “Complete” Thought Form etc.
It is said that an “old soul” never has to learn the same lesson twice on their evolutionary process… this is because when we come across this “lesson” or circumstance again in our current incarnation, we recognize its energetic resonance in one way or the other, and are able to foresee the consequences, then either avoid or maneuver around it… for when this lesson shows its face again we do not have to “learn it” again, but rather “Remember it”. Intuition is an incredibly helpful and often times unnoticed degree of being able to tap into one’s akashic records... one which is easily brushed off as “Coincidences” and “Lucky Hunches”…
Though, for the developing clairvoyant there are many direct and in-depth methods of accessing these “~Akashic Records~” …
For example, when ones extra sensory perception is developed to a certain degree, they will start being able to visually perceive these Akashic records in their waking life… this happens through varying kinds of “Psychic Materializations” and or “spiritual apparitions” which result in knowledge and insight… Insight that one can see clearly with their eyes as if they were reading a physical book… Written and Painted upon the Surface of Time and Space like a Divine Mural which conveys the story of all Existence and Experience… including all events, both “Major” and “Seemingly Insignificant”… All deeds, both loving, Hateful and indifferent… All psychological developments, both beneficial and unbeneficial… ad well as the entities and non-physical factors which were the Animating cause behind all of the preciously stated physical phenomena.
The Visual Manifestation of this “Akashic Information” Is a Divinely Memorizing phenomena… to perceive layers upon layers of Information, in the form Symbols, Equations, Entities, Thought forms and Pictorial Conveyances…
The multifaceted, overlapping layers which one will perceive within this great complexity, makes it necessary for the Clairvoyant to develop, at the very least, the most basic form of Visual Discernment… meaning that they learn to “Draw Forth” One of the many layers of the overlapping image, so they might be able to better more efficiently Interpret its Symbolic Conveyance.
Those who have seen the movie “The Matrix”, have seen Hollywood’s New Aged, Technology-Driven depiction of this “Underlaying Code” A.K.A “Akashic Information”, which Interacts with and surrounds us constantly.
Though, speaking from the perspective of a true Visual Clairvoyant… I will say, while this Hollywoodized version of Akashic phenomena is generally speaking a good connection to the underlaying truth… this Akashic information is Endlessly more Mystical and Spiritually Symbolic in its Nature… and is not at all to be perceived in some “Purely Mathematical”, Technologically Inclined fashion.
There are also many Akashic Experiences and insight which can be” witnessed” and or attained through out of body experiences or even what some may look at as an “Inner voyage” ... though these are much more advanced methods that you can find in detail, within the Workings of Edgar Cayce.
This particular method is a much more, for lack of a better word, “Unconscious” manifestation of this Akashic Information… being that one is “Physically asleep and “Astrally Aware or Awake”, when this is experienced… Whereas in the Visual Clairvoyant, this Information can be directly perceived and Interpreted even in their waking life… Actively engaging or utilizing their Astral and Aetheric faculties, even while physically conscious.
Developing these extra sensory abilities will also make the accuracy and consistency of one’s regular (Non-visual/Circumstantial) Intuition, much more efficient within their daily Lives… Making stronger their Connection and Relationship with their Higher Nature.
We are constantly utilizing and as well adding to the akashic records and their unfoldment, all the time both personally and collectively… which is what makes this a greatly important concept for the Student of Esoteric Knowledge to delve into.

Much Love

Gage Timothy Kreps Ramirez -
submitted by GrimoireWorthy17 to primordialtruths [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 PsychologyBrave9749 Grade 12 interested in PharmD

Hi, I’m currently a grade 12 student who is interested in the UW PharmD program. I was accepted into Life Sci Bio (co-op) and wanted to know how the course was in terms of difficulty, workload, etc. I also want to know how the application process works for PharmD, when should I apply for it, and how difficult it is to be accepted. I know only a certain amount of people get admitted. I’m very worried that I may not get in. I’ve only looked into pharmacy school so far. I was also accepted to UofT for Life Sci and considered the pharmacy school there. Is there anything else I should consider before committing to the pharmaceutical pathway? Are there other pharmacy schools you recommend? Any advice would be great!
submitted by PsychologyBrave9749 to uwaterloo [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:49 GrimoireWorthy17 The Akashic Records -

The Following will be an introductory level article on “The Akashic Records”, for I feel this is a fundamentally important concept for the awakening individual to familiarize themselves with, as it can be one of our greatest metaphysical assets.
You can think of the Akashic Records as an accumulation of lessons (Conclusions), thoughts, ideas, energies, entities and knowledge in general… coming from all the lives that we have ever lived on our evolutionary cycle… A spiritual record of all that we are, have been, and will ever be… one which is Omnipresent, Ever Vigilant and Actively Communicable to the awakened Individual.
We all have a personal ~Akashic record~ which pertains to all the lives that we as an individual soul have incarnated, you could perhaps consider this to be somewhat synonymous with ones “Personal unconscious” … and then on a larger scale there is the ~Akashic records~ of the entire world, which you might say is synonymous with the ~“collective consciousness/Unconscious~” and could perhaps be described as an accumulated, ever-changing aggregate of all combined experiences and there underlaying factors, both physical and Non-Physical… both of which (Personal and Collective), are of course Intimately connected. The above-mentioned can be a priceless tool throughout our process of awakening, if one can cultivate the internal faculties necessary for tapping into its essence.
We can develop the ability to access and channel our “akashic records” for endless varieties of knowledge and insight, and there are many different degrees of being able to do so. Often times an individual will tap into the knowledge of the ~akashic records~ within everyday life without even knowing it, this is what is known as “Intuition” … Pulling entirely accurate and immediately applicable knowledge out of “Seemingly Nowhere”.
This form of Akashic Interpretation is one of a more “Information Transference” or you might say, “Channeled Insight” type Manifestation… where an Individual actively translates the Insight or Information in a split second based off of Circumstantial necessity and or Focused Intention upon a particular area of thought…
This Insight is received and experienced in many different ways, depending upon the Individual… Whether it be A Feeling, An Impulse of some kind, An inner Voice, A “Packed” or “Complete” Thought Form etc.
It is said that an “old soul” never has to learn the same lesson twice on their evolutionary process… this is because when we come across this “lesson” or circumstance again in our current incarnation, we recognize its energetic resonance in one way or the other, and are able to foresee the consequences, then either avoid or maneuver around it… for when this lesson shows its face again we do not have to “learn it” again, but rather “Remember it”. Intuition is an incredibly helpful and often times unnoticed degree of being able to tap into one’s akashic records... one which is easily brushed off as “Coincidences” and “Lucky Hunches”…
Though, for the developing clairvoyant there are many direct and in-depth methods of accessing these “~Akashic Records~” …
For example, when ones extra sensory perception is developed to a certain degree, they will start being able to visually perceive these Akashic records in their waking life… this happens through varying kinds of “Psychic Materializations” and or “spiritual apparitions” which result in knowledge and insight… Insight that one can see clearly with their eyes as if they were reading a physical book… Written and Painted upon the Surface of Time and Space like a Divine Mural which conveys the story of all Existence and Experience… including all events, both “Major” and “Seemingly Insignificant”… All deeds, both loving, Hateful and indifferent… All psychological developments, both beneficial and unbeneficial… ad well as the entities and non-physical factors which were the Animating cause behind all of the preciously stated physical phenomena.
The Visual Manifestation of this “Akashic Information” Is a Divinely Memorizing phenomena… to perceive layers upon layers of Information, in the form Symbols, Equations, Entities, Thought forms and Pictorial Conveyances…
The multifaceted, overlapping layers which one will perceive within this great complexity, makes it necessary for the Clairvoyant to develop, at the very least, the most basic form of Visual Discernment… meaning that they learn to “Draw Forth” One of the many layers of the overlapping image, so they might be able to better more efficiently Interpret its Symbolic Conveyance.
Those who have seen the movie “The Matrix”, have seen Hollywood’s New Aged, Technology-Driven depiction of this “Underlaying Code” A.K.A “Akashic Information”, which Interacts with and surrounds us constantly.
Though, speaking from the perspective of a true Visual Clairvoyant… I will say, while this Hollywoodized version of Akashic phenomena is generally speaking a good connection to the underlaying truth… this Akashic information is Endlessly more Mystical and Spiritually Symbolic in its Nature… and is not at all to be perceived in some “Purely Mathematical”, Technologically Inclined fashion.
There are also many Akashic Experiences and insight which can be” witnessed” and or attained through out of body experiences or even what some may look at as an “Inner voyage” ... though these are much more advanced methods that you can find in detail, within the Workings of Edgar Cayce.
This particular method is a much more, for lack of a better word, “Unconscious” manifestation of this Akashic Information… being that one is “Physically asleep and “Astrally Aware or Awake”, when this is experienced… Whereas in the Visual Clairvoyant, this Information can be directly perceived and Interpreted even in their waking life… Actively engaging or utilizing their Astral and Aetheric faculties, even while physically conscious.
Developing these extra sensory abilities will also make the accuracy and consistency of one’s regular (Non-visual/Circumstantial) Intuition, much more efficient within their daily Lives… Making stronger their Connection and Relationship with their Higher Nature.
We are constantly utilizing and as well adding to the akashic records and their unfoldment, all the time both personally and collectively… which is what makes this a greatly important concept for the Student of Esoteric Knowledge to delve into.

Much Love

Gage Timothy Kreps Ramirez -
submitted by GrimoireWorthy17 to Soulnexus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:45 NatalieKCovey Pet Emergency, Urgent Advice Needed, good credit

MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS (delete lines that don't apply)
My credit is in good standing, I’ll find out FICO ASAP. I don’t have much income. I have 15+ years of on time payments from student loans. Still owe $108K. No other debts. Right now, I just want to save my dog.
submitted by NatalieKCovey to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:35 theallrounder360 Considering switching to certificate from D.P

Hi y'all, so basically, my current situation as year 1 student, is that in my first semester (in Canada only year 2 is unsemestered) which included TOK, film, English, and psych, I got nothing below like a 91, but in my second semester, I've got a mid 60 in advanced functions and 78 in bio (converted), my other marks are still strong. The courses I'm doing well (and are more interested in (English, Psych, Film) are all my HL courses and therefore, would be the ones I took if I did Certificate, meanwhile, my 2 stem courses (math specifically, bio is actually okay), I would not have to do, as by the end of this year I will have completed more than the requirements for those subject areas in my province's curriculum. With all this in mind, I'm considering switching to certificate for year 2, I have no problem with (and in fact quite enjoy) CAS and EE, it's just really math and a general feeling of being overwhelmed that are really getting to my mental health and bringing my average down. I do want to go to some top Canadian unis though so I'm hoping people have some advice on how much this would affect that, as well as some general wisdom on the matter from anyone who can offer it. Thanks!
submitted by theallrounder360 to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:27 TinkerAndThinker It's not about RP

Recently saw a post about a student who failed to enter NUS CS with a very high RP but H2 Physics C.
Just want to remind everyone that RP is not an official construct, it's just used informally to rate student's aptitude across the board.
You gotta put yourself in the shoes of the faculty, if there's overwhelming applications for CS -- what type of students would u want?
Between someone who aces all H2 with H3 distinction but did poorly In GP/MT/ PW vs someone else who has same "RP" but one of the H2 didn't fair as well, I would choose the former.
Tbh, if I'm soc admission committee, I would give higher weight age to maths, physics, bio, chemistry in that order.
submitted by TinkerAndThinker to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:20 vexorian2 Impossible to add roms/bios with either method

"Manual import". I click to open the folder. I get a helpful info box explaining that roms go to folders and uses the GC folder as an example. Then nothing more happens. No folder gets open. It tells me it is waiting for me to add the files.
Google searches are pretty useless and I can't find the folder's location.
The USB Transfer thing. I plugged in a USB drive, I click the button and it says it's creating the rom and bios folders, but it gets stuck in that state and no files get created.
Possible issues: - USB Drive is formatted exFat and has a partition name and device lbel - I don't have a SD card in the Steam Deck.
submitted by vexorian2 to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:07 No-Preference6624 Narcissism or Weaponized Incompetence?

As a writer, I have a conflicted relationship with commissions, but you’re here for the tea. Sorry if this is jumbled, but the client is an amalgamation of every bad commissioner that you have ever read about or that you may have worked for.
First, they ordered a writing commission, but during the first 5000 words they were surprised there was “too much” writing and reading. I told them from the start the first draft would be better off as a script so I could easily adapt into a novel, a D&D homebrew or whatever they desired. They originally had 60 PAGES of characters, but I have cut it down to 31 pages (so far). I gave them three simple ‘homework’ tasks to gather all the information I needed for the three parts of this commission. A plot summary (in bullet points) which took them four months because they insisted on writing it like a novel. The list of characters took six months (they are going back to remake EVERY character reference because it took them so long that the early references are out of date) and they fought me with every character we cut and they still haven’t sent me examples of how they want the D&D homebrew to be formatted. They say they have no idea what to look for as they knew nothing about D&D, but they blew me off for two years playing a D&D game with other friends using a D&D Beyond account ( I do not support Wizards of the Coast). For context, the bullet points took me 2 pages and 2 voice calls with the commissioner to summarize and the list of character names took 3 days and 3 voice calls to compile on Google Doc and move to Trello. What about my plan to script? He INSISTED that I, an expert in my field, should write the novel while he worked with a ‘friend’ of his on the D&D homebrew. Why would he need a script? He didn’t WANT a script.
Only a few weeks later, he ran back to me after being blown off by said ‘friend’, with the genius idea of having me write a script, novel and homebrew. His card is always empty whenever he pays for the next part of the commission because he spends it on $400 sketches and junk food. He refuses to listen when I say he doesn’t need 300+ characters. One of the stories he is plagiarizing is mine. My novel only has 27 characters (including a canine). We will be celebrating the 16 month anniversary of the commission by the time this is posted. He has nine days to finish the characters before I cancel. I’d rather live in my car again. Two hours ago he LITERALLY just made a FULL bio (in the description) with five full body outfits for a character that was deleted. He spent a month adding a shine texture to an npc's tiddies.
After making me wait for 16 months, he has the AUDACITY to get angry at me when I was offline for an emergency and I could only make one of our two commission vcs. Now he’s using the deaths of friend(s) caused by recent global tensions to ADD more characters. Why do you NEED to keep your brother’s ocs? To kill them? Delete them! This psycho has a history of making fictional versions of people who he perceives as having wronged him to kill and/or torture them graphically. Do you really need an entire MONTH? You won’t recycle two characters (that don’t belong to your brother) to fit VITAL roles but you proceed to make two random characters FROM SCRATCH that have nothing to do with those roles. Or last month I asked him for a list of 8 damage modifiers (8 digits) he replied in 12 minutes. This task previously took him an ENTIRE month because he was ‘busy’ with maps (in reality he was blowing up on a ‘friend’ who turned down his art commission on Discord and watching videos). This client is too lazy to browse with Google but he deliberately makes changes in complex organization software to disobey me. I am going to die before this torture ends! Would I be the a–hole if I put a stop to this nightmare?
It’s happening! Finished or not, the commission ends on my birthday. I am sick of getting “Okay.”, "Cool" or "XD" every time I ask him a question about his commission.
Just when I thought I was in the clear, he drops a D&D manual of dice rolling, resting and training mechanics, skill trees and a point buy system he has NEVER mentioned predating these 16 months; all the way back to when we met (2012). He does this the week that I am “finishing” the commission. Did I mention that he has “accidently” erased the maps through his own bad habits. ARGGHH! He’s got until Monday. I don’t care if he pays me one last time. I can’t live like this.
FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM! After 16 months and two weeks.
Since I had writer’s block and another traditional art friend was suffering from art block we decided to remake some of each other's characters in our styles. The subject of this post got excited to join us. What kind of a--holes would we be if we gate kept something this trivial? I remade nine of the subject of this post's characters in my style (in two days). We both use the same program for the same amount of years, but we have developed wildly different styles. Will I ever learn? He spent the whole stream telling me their sweaters were wrong, he disliked the ribbon in one of the girl’s hair because it was too big, asking why do all of the girls have the same stockings (while wearing school uniforms) and why they do not have the exact same skin tones (despite me using the eyedroppecolour picker to show him the neon colours (one background character has eight colours in their hair) he chose in his style does not work with my duller, minimalist palette. Did you ask for me to copy your style or use my own style? After they were done, he listed all of his (multiple) issues with them like nine college essays. I can take criticism, but I had to force one compliment (one word per character) out of him. His criticisms regarded me adapting elements from the references that HE sent me. 90% was negative and 10% positive. Naturally the subject of this post still has not even thought about which character of mine he'd like to remake, but even professionals cannot unravel the web of things this person has done to avoid me even in situations when I am the center of the conversation/activity. I was unsure where to post this since this rant is a bit of most subreddits that I enjoy. Thank you for reading! I have mountains of experiences to share from freelancing and I will have many more in the future.
submitted by No-Preference6624 to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 Lotushope PPC's platform on immigration

A People’s Party government will:

submitted by Lotushope to CanadaHousing2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:00 Direct-Caterpillar77 dealing with a problematic member of a board games group

dealing with a problematic member of a board games group
Originally posted to Ask A Manager
EDITORS NOTE: Changed Q to Quinn for easier reading
Original Post Sept 15, 2022
I wanted to write and say thank you.
I am part of a local board games group, and started to run the group a while ago. It’s a great group of people who all enjoy coming together to play board games and have fun, and it was one of the key factors in making my husband and I feel at home in the city where we live. We have both made friends with people in the group, and it’s now a firm part of our life here. In addition, a regular member who left recently said that the group was the highlight of his week, which was lovely to hear. I love running the group!
However, there is a member of the group, Quinn, who has been in the group since it started (seven years or more) and has been displaying problematic behavior since he joined (rude comments, refusing to play anyone else’s games, losing his temper at times, leaving games in a huff when he’s losing, and generally making the atmosphere unpleasant for others). When we joined, we were told that Quinn bothered everyone but was just something that was being in the group, so we went along with that. At the time, the group was very serious and inclined towards more serious board games, and only three people ever brought games. There has been a real change of culture since then, with a range of games being played (light games, traditional games, and heavy games) and everyone brings games now. The atmosphere is a lot lighter, with more emphasis on having fun and being social, and this is something that Quinn does not enjoy and has not adjusted well to.
When I started to run the group, I noticed Quinn’s behavior was having a terrible effect on the group (people not coming back because of him or doing anything to avoid playing with him, and his preference for playing games in reverential silence making sessions less fun for everyone). I also realized that some people were at breaking point with this and it might contribute to them leaving.
The deputy (Kelly) and I wanted to ensure that we did it fairly and using the right procedure. We gathered feedback on the group, (which was useful in itself!), which confirmed that Quinn’s behavior was an issue, and I spoke to him, named what we were seeing with clear examples, and explained what we needed to see change. Quinn said he would take it on board. Your scripts and language were very helpful, as Quinn takes things very literally and factually.
Quinn’s behavior improved for four weeks, which was great. Some people have put up with it for so long that no amount of change will make them want to play games with Quinn, but some people were willing to give Quinn a chance. Unfortunately, Quinn’s behavior started to slip after four weeks, culminating in a session where they almost put a new member off coming back by lecturing them about group etiquette and insulting their game shelves with what was meant to be a joke, but did not land.
I spoke to Quinn again and explained that since the behavior we discussed had returned, if this did not improve, we would have to ask Quinn to leave as the group is for everyone and I need to do what’s right for the group as a whole.
Quinn took the points on board and was visibly upset at the thought of being asked to leave the group. Since we spoke to them, they haven’t attended of the two sessions since then, but they are still chatting on our Discord channel and seem to be trying to make amends by promoting the group to a students’ group in the city we live in.
We don’t know what will happen, but Kelly and I have agreed what behaviors will mean Quinn will be asked to leave, and your scripts and posts were invaluable in thinking about how to tackle this, and what language to use. Your posts have helped me realize that being the group leader means that the buck stops with me. For example, my husband and I disagreed on how to handle the situation (he was in favor of asking Quinn to leave immediately) but I had the confidence to think it through, follow the process through fairly, and know that if it didn’t work, that responsibility would rest with me.
This isn’t related to work per se, but I wanted to say thank you very much for the invaluable and free advice which has really helped me in navigating this situation!
Update Apr 11, 2024
I am the letter writer who runs a board games group and used Alison’s excellent advice about communication to deal with a problematic member of the games group and the issues their behavior was causing.
We had a twist in the tale recently when Quinn, the member who was asked to leave the group because their behavior was negatively impacting others, asked if they could come back.
For four weeks every year, we use a different venue as another group needs our normal venue. One one of the four weeks, I went for a walk before the session and noticed what looked like Quinn in the park. When the session started, Quinn appeared, just “passing by,” and we had a quick chat about this and that before they asked if they could come back to the group, saying they were in a better place now. They then left without ordering anything, which makes me think they dropped in just to see us.
I said I would send a message, and gave it due consideration. I also asked a friend who knows Quinn and used to be in the group, but has now moved, for their more objective input.
The decision was no: the group is working well as it is, with high numbers and between 11 and 20 people per session, and Quinn coming back would lead to awkwardness and possible animosity from a few people, some of whom would speak their mind. We would also lose a lot of members, and the group would slowly decline. For what it’s worth, one person who had some very negative interactions with Quinn, when they heard why Quinn was there ( they were round the corner), exclaimed “No!” to Quinn coming back, and this person is one of the nicest people you’ll meet. Similar reactions were given from others.
I sent Quinn a message explaining the decision, and I was as fair and kind as possible given the circumstances. Quinn has found another games group, albeit one that only plays light games, (not heavy games, Quinn’s preference), and I mentioned that and said it sounds like a nice group (which it does).
Quinn was perfectly pleasant when we chatted, but that was for about eight minutes, and they knew what was coming. They also said that they weren’t often doing the things I’d mentioned anymore (moving other people’s pieces, and a couple of other examples I gave), and that although their new group likes light games, they are helping some people progress up to heavier games. It wasn’t clear if the people wanted to progress (one of the issues we had was Quinn assuming that everyone wanted to progress).
The games group continues to do well, with enough surplus each year to give everyone free sessions every January, and we receive frequent feedback that the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming and that people feel at home and confident to bring and teach their games there. Our annual Christmas potluck dinner and session with a Secret Santa also continues. We also have a Google sheet with people’s games collections, if they want to add them, thanks to one of our members who likes spreadsheets.
For myself, Ask a Manager continues to help me out at work! I recently applied for a job which would be a step up income wise and I used Alison’s tips, and I use the communication tips in daily life as well as at work. I was actually used as a bargaining chip in recent negotiations at work over a type of meeting that needs minuting (for my minuting skills), so I will take that as a compliment!
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:54 FUNDEMENTALSOFLOST J. J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Edition 12 : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card

J. J. Pizzuto's Fabric Science : Edition 12 : Bundle Book + Studio Access Card
Dive into the world of textiles with the twelfth edition of J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science(J.J. FABRIC SCIENCE ) – your ultimate guide to understanding the textile industry from fibers to finishes! This comprehensive book offers an in-depth overview of textile design, structure, and applications, catering to students and professionals in fashion, textiles, and related fields.
With a focus on textile sustainability, this best-selling edition covers a wide range of topics including fiber chemistry, innovations, fabric fabrication, quality assurance, and textile regulations. Updated topics such as bio-based fibers, circularity, and wearable textiles reflect the latest industry trends and advancements.
The included STUDIO features allow for interactive learning with self-quizzes, flashcards, and instructional videos, while instructor resources like the Instructor's Guide and Test Bank provide valuable support for educators.
Whether you're a student delving into the world of textiles or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge, J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of this dynamic industry. Order your copy today and take your understanding of textiles to new heights!
  • STUDIO Features Include:- Study smarter with self-quizzes featuring scored results and personalized study tips- Review concepts with flashcards of terms and definitions and image identification- Watch videos that bring chapter topics and concepts to life
  • Instructor Resources- Instructor's Guide with teaching suggestions, activities, lecture notes, and a guide to Swatch Kit assignments- Test Bank with over 600 multiple choice, short answer, and true or false questions- PowerPoint® presentations include full-color images from the book and provide a framework for lecture and discussion
Publisher - Academic & Professional
submitted by FUNDEMENTALSOFLOST to Reddit_ECommerceHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:49 mrgndx (Solution) AGESA solves GPU woes (not detected or PCIe running at x2)

Hi guys,
Since January I have been testing my new SFF PC builds with MSI B650I Edge Wi-Fi.
I am here to report an important finding which I deem critical.
TLDR; Install BIOS version 7D73v14 to solve all issues with cold boot GPU detection and PCIe lanes. Most importantly, this version has AMD’s AGESA version Anything higher than that causes the issues.
Description and details of the issues below. 1) On anything higher than 7D73v14 but before 7D73v19 I had issues when switched from 4070 to 4070 Super (both ASUS Dual OC, FWIW). Upon cold boot and after regular 40 sec of memory training, motherboard threw a white light and error beeps (I have a buzzer installed) that pointed to VGA problem. I had iGPU disabled at that moment.
Next time I reset CMOS, and cold booted again. This time it only found iGPU. Weirdly enough, after a restart, it was able to find the discrete GPU! Cold boot consistently was missing dGPU.
I rolled back to 7D73v14 until 7D73v19, which had the GPU not detected issues fixed. I tried it, and detection was great every time. Or so I thought…
Later I learned about an issue number two, after I started noticed random freezes once every few minutes in games for now reason (no overheating, my deshrouded GPU is <60 degC under load, power on PCIe and 12VHPWR is always > 12.1 V, CPU doing well as well, etc).
2) It turned out, every cold boot dGPU was booting at x2 lanes instead of x16! I found this out in GPU-Z. However, this was not a usual issue when, for example, there is not enough contact in the PCIe lanes (especially for me, I have FormD T1 with a riser cable), since the interface did switch correctly corresponding to the GPU load. So, for example, it said “x2 1.1” or “x2 2.0” while idle, and “x2 3.0” or “x2 4.0” when running FurMark or games.
Same symptom as in issue 1: if I then restarted, PCIe lanes were correct x16! And after each restart as well. So only cold boot was a problem, again.
So I then rolled back to good old trusty 7D73v14, with AGESA
Thanks to u/morty_blaze in this thread:
I hope this information might be useful for other brand AMD motherboards as well, not only mini-ITX ones.
I hope AMD will be able to sort things out in a year or two. I don’t wanna miss out on the CPU upgrade just because of these GPU issues :D
submitted by mrgndx to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:47 Unusual-Sherbet2517 Prerequisite

Hi all,
I have a question about the prerequisite for dental schools. Actually, I am a Chemistry major, in my university, they have restriction for BIO classes for students not a Biology major. So, I think about doing my prerequisites at Community college instead. So, will my application look bad if I register to several colleges?
submitted by Unusual-Sherbet2517 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:44 Responsible_Card_824 List of the 16 colleges that lied about meritocracy.

Just a reminder that 16 universities and colleges conspired to reduce the financial aid they award to admitted students through a price-fixing cartel. They advertised meritocracy on their website saying they only select "the best of the best", but the American judicial system outed them in 2022 as being nepotic instead, favoring "the richest of the richest". They are known as the "568 Cartel" and have settled millions in court to avoid lawsuit (for example, Brown, Yale and Columbia paid $62m alone), so the information doesn't go public. You can read about it here and here.
The 16 colleges that lied saying they were need blind and got caught, are: Brown, the California Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Emory, Georgetown, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern, Notre Dame, the University of Pennsylvania, Rice, Vanderbilt and Yale.
For some of them, like MIT, they even had a similar lawsuit back in 1991. Guess some colleges never learn.
Again, with colleges, don't look at what they say but look at what they actually do. This sub has a Wiki (look at vertical band on the left). In it you have the real FinAid numbers for all the colleges. Trust these numbers more than other sources because they represent reality.
submitted by Responsible_Card_824 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:31 More_Yellow_5791 Need Help with My TOEFL Essay! Can Someone Give Me Feedback?

Hi everyone,
I completed the "Free Activity of the Day" in toefl go and scored 4/5. However, when I asked ChatGPT to evaluate my essay using the official TOEFL writing rubric (, it gave me a score of 3/5.
I would appreciate it if someone could rate my essay and provide feedback on how I can improve my score to 5/5, and also how would you rate it? with a 4 or a 3? :(
Thank you!
There are a lot of debates on whether it's an important part of child's education to take them on field trips or not. As far as I am concerned, taking child's to field trips can make them feel more independent giving them the security to do more things on their own. For example, I remember that on primary school I went on a camp to a forest. At that time I was afraid of darkness and about not sleeping on my parent's bed, but in that trip, I noticed that all my classmates where able to sleep by it's own, so when I came back home I never slept with my parents again.
I understand both Kelly and Paul's opinion concerning the topic and I would like to agree with Paul because field trips help kids to know new things that can change their futures. Moreover, as it happened to Paul, they can find their interests in live.
So, I definitively believe field trips are a crucial part of child's education.
submitted by More_Yellow_5791 to ToeflAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:21 Melancholic_Pear Advice for an Undergrad Student Struggling With Intermediate Macro/Microeconomics?

If you could go back in time when you were an undergrad with what you know now, how would you go about studying folearning your intermediate micro/macro courses?
I'm current taking mine and am struggling (Varian and Blanchard’s textbooks for micro and macro respectively). I used to be the top student in a class of 100+ in my calculus and intro econ courses but now I'm maybe average/below-average amongst my peers in a class of 40. The students taking these courses have exam averages of around 25-35% each year, and the grade gets curved heavily. You could score a 20% on the final and still pass the course, for example.
Recently we had an exam on the Solow growth model (no calculus or really any math on this test.). I got 41%, class average was 45%. The lectures, assignments, and textbook questions only covered 30% of the test material. The prof told us he wanted the exam to be one of the hardest we'd done so far in our college careers so we'll be forced to "figure things out" on the spot and grow intellectually. This view is consistent across the department.
Is this how intermediate economics courses are supposed to be taught? This feels more like solving a math Olympiad of questions you've ever seen before rather than learning things and being tested no it. While apparently some classmates do well at this, I've always been the type who needs to practice solving something first beforehand to actual understand what I'm doing, especially if its abstract.
What advice would you give to a struggling undergrad econ student? Any resources that mind be good practice since class material doesn't seem to cut it.
submitted by Melancholic_Pear to academiceconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:08 Azchiel What are some peaceful ways to commit?

Hello, I’m quite new to Reddit. I don’t know which Reddit section I should choose so I chose this one. I’m a high school student and yet I already want to pass away. I know people might think that I’m only doing this for attention, but I’m not. I’ve been struggling with this type of thoughts ever since when I was in 6th grade. I wouldn’t do something repeatedly for many years just to gain attention. (I do not have a perfect grammar, I hope you can understand me)
I’ve thought about it many times, and the urge to do so this time is overcoming me. I can’t say I’m alone since I have my family, my girlfriend, and my friends. But I believe I can say that I don’t feel them most of the time. It’s almost as if I’m a ghost.
I don’t have a complete family. Rather, they’re mostly toxic and abusive, both physically and verbally. I’m from an Asian household and I don’t think those are some ways to properly discipline your child. I live with my grandparents from my mother’s side. I’ve gotten quite used to their treatment towards me as it has been going on for years. It’s kind of funny how I still remember this one line from my grandmother when I was in 3rd grade, “You’re old enough for me to kill you now.” And ever since, there was never a time wherein she never tried to kill me. I’m scared, to be honest. I don’t want to get killed either. But what else can I do? They see my explanation and defense as rebellion. I have no choice but to act numb. Now, it doesn’t hurt that much when my grandmother hurts me. The only time it stings is when it’s my mother who does the same thing. I’ve always thought, “how can a mother do this to her own daughter?” And I kept questioning myself that up until now. I even questioned my worth and existence. Every time a situation like that occurs, I just think that maybe I deserve those type of things since I wasn’t planned and maybe I’m just a bad person.
My father’s a cheater. He’s emotionally absent, and the side of my mother pulls me away from him. I’m kind of okay with it because I’ve always wanted what was the best for my mother. I don’t want to ever see her hurt because of my actions. My father used to beat me up when I was a child too. I don’t know but I vividly remember anything that hurts me. An example would be him beating me up because I spilled my milk on the bed. I was a kid, how was I supposed to know? What was I supposed to do?
As for my friends, I don’t feel any of them. They can’t see right through me. I always feel left out and it’s as if they’re doing well in my absence. That’s why I felt like I don’t have to worry about leaving them since I know they’ll be just fine. When I’m alive and they’re doing well with treating me like a ghost, what’s more if I really become one?
Though, I don’t really want to leave my girlfriend. I don’t want to leave her behind. She’s alone, and I’m her only ally since we’re in (kind of) the same situation. I’m gentle in loving her because she’s the most precious fragile thing in the world. My girlfriend is the kindest, purest, and sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She’s truly the best, and I could never ask for more. I love her so much and I could never imagine a life without her. I can’t bear the thoughts of hurting and leaving her. She’s the only one that’s keeping me alive. Without her, I wouldn’t know where I am right now.
I’m also scared of what’ll happen in the future and what I’m going to be. What if everything gets worse? What if I don’t achieve my dreams? I hate disappointing everyone around me.
Please tell me the methods. I hope you can understand me.
Edit 1: Personally, I’ll never believe that anyone will mourn for me. I’ve already tried suffocating, hanging, and smothering myself within two days.
submitted by Azchiel to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 eryland Information from a recent graduate from the School of Public Policy's MPP program.

Hello everyone,
I am a recent graduate from the Master of Public Policy Program at U of C. I wanted to share my experience of this program for those who may be thinking about applying.
TLDR: The program offers some great opportunities for networking and jobs/internships, but it can be a difficult experience for those without an economics background or who may be working full/part time.
Quick background about myself. I did my BA in Sociology and Minor in Economics. I spent two years at the MPP program. Yes, the program is only one year long, but I took an internship with the Federal Government at Environment and Climate Change Canada, so I extended it to two years. This means I have been in two cohorts, and have therefore been privy to both cohorts' complaints about the program. What I write is a personal account as well as a summary of what I have heard from others.
First, the good stuff.
Networking This is where the program really shines. You will get an opportunity to meet some real heavy hitters in the policy field, ranging from ex-cabinet minsters, authors, and high-ranking public servants. Some notable people in my cohorts were Janet Brown and an exclusive event with the Governor General (sadly, I was unable to make it to that one).
The teachers themselves are also great resources, and many of them are really well respected and known in there field (for example, Duane Bratt, Blake Shaffer, and Trevor Tombe). The cohort size is small, so you will have lots of opportunities to develop relationships with the instructors.
As well, the program prides itself on admitting a diverse cohort from varied backgrounds. Both cohorts I was in were fantastic. Generally, everyone is really kind and get very chummy with each other by the end of the program.
Job Opportunities This is the second best aspect of the program. Quite simply, if you graduate, you will get a job/internship. I have not seen a single person struggle to find a position after the MPP program. You will get sent job opportunities daily in the winter term, and the program has access to the APIP program - an internship program with the Alberta Government that is exclusively available to the policy students at U of C and U of A.
On top of that, if you choose an interesting capstone project, it is not unheard of for a professor to want to work with you to publish it after graduation, and they will perhaps even recruit you as a research assistant.
Capstone Your experience with the capstone will be highly dependent on your supervisor. If you have an unresponsive supervisor, you will probably have a bad experience. However, the capstone itself is very open in terms of what you want to write about and how. There are requirements - it has to be policy-focused, has to use a methodology, etc. -, but I did not feel at all limited by these requirements.
The capstone itself is not very long either - spanning only 8,000 words maximum. This means you will have lots of time to start and finish. Make sure you establish a good working relationship with your supervisor early. I suggest meeting up in person the first few times, then moving onto zoom meetings and emails.
Now the bad stuff
Work Load This is probably unsurprising since it is a one-year program., but when I say workload is heavy, I mean it is HEAVY. You will be working all the time, and you will never feel caught up. If you are the type of student to do all the readings and show up to class always prepared, you will be miserable; the program is only survivable by triaging your work to the most important assignments and letting your grades suffer strategically.
The nice thing is that the cohort suffers together, which is great for bonding. Admin and the professors can sometimes be understanding, but they tend to not budge on the amount of work assigned. If you are working a job, or if you have any other large commitments, I suggest you do not apply, or you break those commitments prior to starting.
Classes Don't get me wrong, some of the classes are great. The communications class, the decision analysis class, the first semester political science class are all well structured and interesting. However, the vast, VAST, majority of classes are poorly executed. The professors are often unhelpful - expecting that you figure out things on your own and coming off as annoyed that you are asking for help - so don't expect to get a clear answer from them at any point.
Further, the program is VERY economics focused. Now, I did my minor in Econ, and there are lots of Econ majors that apply, but if you have not solved a math problem since high school, I promise you will be in for a rude awakening. I cannot stress this enough: if you go into this program you will be doing economics, and that means math. Further, if you did econ in your undergrad, you will probably find the classes to be boring.
Anyways, that sums up my experience. If you have any questions, I will answer in the thread. I hope this helps those who are thinking about applying to the program!
submitted by eryland to UCalgary [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:03 CarteBlanchDevereau Beyond FFIE. 10 shorted stocks and my thoughts on each.

So, all the talk right now is FFIE, CRKN, and GWAV. I'm actually in all three and encourage you to stay in for AS LONG AS IT IS GOOD FOR YOU. But I want to talk about the importance of not going full port, and diamond-handing to a loss. There is ALWAYS a next FFIE. In all my years, I've seen so many I can't begin to estimate how many I've seen. As you play this game, you NEED to have stop losses set. You need to remember not to get greedy. Bank your profits, and be getting excited for your next play. Keeping an eye on what is coming up really helps keep you detached from the stock, so you don't get burned and left holding the bag.
Since what has brought most of you to these stocks is the thought of a MOASS, I’m gonna write up some other short stock opportunities. Full disclosure upfront: I’m heavy in two of these, and would love nothing more than 1/100th of the volume ya’ll have generated to come to those stocks.
This list is ranked top to bottom in percentage of short float, and ranked at the bottom in my interest level and my positions.
So, some of the most shorted stocks currently, and my thoughts on each:
Sunpower SPWR
On this list because it is the most shorted (non-penny) stock with 95% short interest. At sub $3 and only 45 million shares, this is as squeezable as it gets. Any sort of squeeze would have to be from meme value as the financials of this company aren’t great. They haven’t met expected earnings in the past 5 quarters, and have actually done worse quarter after quarter.
If this found volume and a rabid community I’d be in… but I’m not touching this thing otherwise. This is a real “all or nothing” stock.
MicroCloud Hologram HOLO
Spend anytime on squeeze forums and youre gonna see this one. Another stock with insane (75%) short interest This company has shown multiple times over that it is capable of a run. Part of that is that the product that they are making is quite intriguing… the other part is that this stock has left a lot of bagholders in its wake. If there were call options available, I’d be buying far dated OTMs hand over fist, because at some point, this thing will explode again.
Childrens Place PLCE
Okay, so this has some fundamentals that could be interesting to some. Heavily in debt, with historically bad gross margins, and a panic sell off when they announced they had breached debt covenants, this stock has gone from over $100 post-pandemic, to roughly $12 today.
Why could it be intriguing? Mithaq capital purchased 7 million shares recently. Backed by the Saudis, and capable of offering better terms on back debt, this could be a takeoveturnaround story. Purely speculative, and high risk, I don't see a squeeze happening here anytime soon, but if messageboard chatter picked up, I’d be grabbing a lot more calls… when this goes, it’ll go fast.
B. Riley Financial RILY
At 56% shorted this is one of my top picks (#2), the one most primed for a squeeze, and I'm heavily in it.
This is also the first company on this list that has a clear path to an increase in stock price. For me personally, this is what I look for in an investment. I love a good squeeze, as it accelerates my profits, but I like betting on companies that are going to get me there regardless of the squeeze.
This company has many facets and if you want backstory, there are several good write ups/DDs available on Reddit. As it stands, despite turning around their slow quarters, and doing better as a business, short sellers have ramped up their positions? Why? Because there is an actual villain in this story. Marc Cahodes. He is an infamous short seller, with a personal grudge against this company, and the short sellers are not running off a functioning thesis. This is about destroying a company to soothe a slighted ego. Soon, short sellers will unwind their position, as the stock has pretty much found its base. A short squeeze in the near future could send this stock up into the $90 range.
Trupanion TRUP
39% short sold, this pet insurance company has recently come under attack by…it’s Marc Cahodes again. Marc did his usual tactic, doxing and harassing supporters, and accusing everybody in the business (down to the janitor) of fraud. However, despite these attacks, the company itself has mostly “Buy” ratings. The share price has slumped, due to bad Q1 earnings and the short attacks, but there is a new CEO and she is intent on increasing profitability, and decent quarterly results could pop this back up to historic $60 levels (+100%).
Cutera CUTR
This company makes hardware for treating acne and other dermatologic issues. 39% shorted this should be on your radar in early JULY. Listening to their earnings call was a lot to be excited about, if you could stand to listen to their hopium bullshit. Clearing up inventory, and debt, they have a lot of potential to have a strong Q2 showing. At $2 a share, I’ve gone ahead and made a small position, as this is might be the bottom.
Immunity Bio IBRX
OH. MY. GOD. I LOVE THIS STOCK. By far my #1 right now. Sitting at 39% shorted, I wouldn't be surprised to find that Merck is behind the shorting; trying to keep the stock price down so they can buy it out. This is a life saving cancer treatment. With recent FDA approval, this company sold 400 million in product ITS FIRST WEEK. With trials ongoing for multiple other uses, and a meeting with the FDA scheduled in June to get it fast tracked as a treatment for lung cancer. I have a $20 price target set for July. $40 by September.
There is honestly so much to say about this company, that I will write up a separate, in depth DD.
Novavax NVAX
If you were paying attention, you just watched this thing pop (260%) Is it done? Actually, yeah, Probably. I’ve read a lot of chatter about how it has a historic high of $300 without people factoring in its 20:1 reverse split. Robinhood needs to fix the UI, because a lot of people are tossing out good money. That said, with 33% short interest, a mild squeeze may happen for a few bucks.
Lucid LCID
A DPAC luxury EV maker on the most shorted list? Who would have thought?! Ok, so, I’ve had a chance now to drive a couple of these… and HOLY SHIT. I want this company to survive. I want one of these cars.
That said, yeah, I’m not putting more money into this. I’m putting it on this list because sometimes, great products fail. This is a prime example. Since first being wow’d by this car, the stock price has fallen 80%. Truthfully, if the Saudis walk away from Lucid, they're done. Don't fall in love with a stock.
AST Spacemobile ASTS
The lowest short interest on this list (28.3% which is still high as fuck!!!) is my #3 pick. And I’m in this bigly. This tech is so good, it’s literally going to change your life. Imagine, no place on Earth being without cell service. Why is it shorted? Delays, and Delays, and Delays. Go on over to the subreddit, and feel the general relief that everyone feels as launch is FINALLY nearing. If you are thinking of getting into this stock, do so before early July, as it nears major catalysts.
There it is. My list.
I’m gonna order them now in the rank that I view them, with my positions.
IBRX (3000 shares and 402 call options)
RILY (2700 shares and 17 call options)
ASTS (5000 shares and 103 call options)
HOLO (1500 shares)
PLCE (25 shares and 10 call options)
CUTR (1000 shares and 20 call options)
TRUP (10 call options)
LCID (No position, sold off at a loss)
NVAX (no position, sold off at a loss)
SPWR (10 call options) - lowest position currently, but if chatter starts happening this goes to #4
submitted by CarteBlanchDevereau to ShortSqueezeStonks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:59 man_mel Domain-Driven Design and mathematical modeling

The article will show analogies between Domain-Driven Design and mathematical modeling

Mathematical modeling

Students are introduced to mathematical modeling in a school. Roughly speaking, it is the translation of a problem from informal human language into the language of mathematics for subsequent solution.
John and Bob ate three apples at dinner. John ate twice as many as Bob. How much did each eat?
Let x be the number of apples that John ate Let y is the number of apples that Bob ate.
x + y = 3 x = 2 * y
Solving the system of linear equations:
x = 2, y = 1
(1) - problem statement in the domain area
(2) - mathematical modeling
(3) - mathematical model
Another example from the world of physics - we need to calculate how much fuel is needed to fly to the Moon and back. There are Newton's Laws of motion of celestial bodies, there are data on fuel, the vehicle, the mass of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the calculated trajectory and other information.
The whole power of the mathematical apparatus is the absence of semantics. It doesn't care whether it's counting apples or the trajectory of a rocket. It is a formalized system that operates with soulless symbols according to established rules. Arithmetic has its own rules, algebra has its own rules, Euclidean geometry has its own rules.
The achievements of the natural sciences depend on how accurately and completely they construct mathematical models for their problems. If the mass of the moon is not specified, it will be impossible to give an answer to the above problem. On the other hand, if the proposed trajectory is mathematically unattainable, physicists will have to change it.
A mathematical model is a general projection of the problem to be solved from the physics side and the math side into some "common" space.

Domain-driven design

This methodology was proposed 20 years ago by Eric Evans in his famous “big blue book”: Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
For many, DDD is when if you are, for example, making an online store, you must have Product, ShoppingCart, etc. classes, i.e., entities in the code must correspond to business entities. This is not really about DDD.
The main goal that Eric Evans set when creating his methodology was to enable you to create a program architecture in such a way that you can satisfy the client's requirements with maximum probability and build a clear, maintainable and extensible system. Get a quality and successful program product.

Comparison of design methods

DDD is mainly aimed at complex non-typical tasks with vague/varying requirements, to minimize the risks of spending a lot of time and money and not getting something usable in the end.
In cascade development (waterfall), the client gives clear requirements to the business analyst, the system architecture is built according to them, and programmers make code according to it.
In agile development (agile, XP, iterative) the client gives general requirements, a prototype of the system architecture is built on them, programmers make code on it, the system is shown to the client, corrections are made, the next version is released, etc. in a circle.
In case of DDD the joint work between domain area specialists and programmers goes all the time of development. The link between them is the domain model and ubiquitous language. For the first few chapters of the book, Eric Evans talks only about them and their importance.
The main point of the domain model is to be a constant projection of the problem being solved from the client side and the developer side into some common space. Everything in the domain model should be reflected in the program architecture. And vice versa - if a programmer discovers that some business rule cannot be applied or it is better to do it differently, he is obliged to open a discussion about it and initiate changes in the domain model, without making attempts to simply code it in “the right way”.
The domain model itself lacks semantics, it is written using UML diagrams and formal documentation. Semantics is given to it by a ubiquitous language in which the whole team (including the client) communicates. Each term of the domain model must be understood equally by all participants.


Analogy to the space flight example above: - math model = domain model - physics = ubiquitous language - mathematical apparatus = software development - mathematical modeling = domain model development process
From this we can draw the corollary that just as in the first case, mathematicians' deviation from the supplied mathematical model will easily lead to wrong/unnecessary results, so in the second case, developers' deviation from the domain model can lead to failure in the end.
In his book, Eric Evans gives the following real-life example. Internet Explorer used to save “Favorites” as files with names corresponding to page names. When the user tried to specify his name, he sometimes got an error “Invalid file name”, although it was not obvious what files had to do with it. This was because the developers were using their own model and the client wanted something different.


Thus, there is a strong idea of mathematical modeling behind DDD
submitted by man_mel to DomainDrivenDesign [link] [comments]