Keflex syphillis

Urinary Issues in 21 y/o

2023.11.14 04:32 nursinstud Urinary Issues in 21 y/o

white female, approximately 5’5” and 130lbs, no prescribed medication, non smoker. Approximately 11 weeks ago, I thought I had a yeast infection. I treated this with OTC monistat and all of those symptoms seemed to subside. However, About 11 weeks ago, I began having urinary symptoms, with the main complaint being a bubbling sensation coming out of my urethra (not my vagina) following urination and occasionally during urination. I have had three urine dipsticks (all but one were normal and the “abnormal” showed trace amounts of leukocytes), and one urine culture which came back completely normal. I was treated with Keflex and then switched to Augmentin due to a bacterial throat infection. Then I was given a wet mount which discovered ureaplasma, was treated with Azithromycin (500 mg once daily for 5 days), with my doctor believing that the bubbling sensation was secondary to the ureaplasma. I continued to have symptoms and was referred to urology. The urologist conducted a cystoscopy, which only showed slight irritation around where the bladder excretes into the urethra. I was then prescribed 1g Azithromycin and 2g of Flagyl to be taken all at once again with the assumption that this was secondary to Ureaplasma. I waited a week as instructed and still had symptoms. Called the urologist back and they ordered a CT cystogram to check for a possible fistula. During this procedure I had severe pain in my back on the left side, I’m assuming was kidney pain, but none on my right. The results of the images state that nothing is wrong, no reflux into ureters, no abnormalities noted. I am beginning to lose hope and I believe my doctors are as well. Of note, I seem to have nerve pain around my genital area, or my buttocks but no visible lesions. I was tested for Chlamydia, Ghnorrea and Syphillis during my last PAP conducted in July of this year, these were all negative. I did have ASCUS cells present on this PAP though.
submitted by nursinstud to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 04:30 nursinstud Urinary Issues in 21 y/o

white female, approximately 5’5” and 130lbs, no prescribed medication, non smoker. Approximately 11 weeks ago, I thought I had a yeast infection. I treated this with OTC monistat and all of those symptoms seemed to subside. However, About 11 weeks ago, I began having urinary symptoms, with the main complaint being a bubbling sensation coming out of my urethra (not my vagina) following urination and occasionally during urination. I have had three urine dipsticks (all but one were normal and the “abnormal” showed trace amounts of leukocytes), and one urine culture which came back completely normal. I was treated with Keflex and then switched to Augmentin due to a bacterial throat infection. Then I was given a wet mount which discovered ureaplasma, was treated with Azithromycin (500 mg once daily for 5 days), with my doctor believing that the bubbling sensation was secondary to the ureaplasma. I continued to have symptoms and was referred to urology. The urologist conducted a cystoscopy, which only showed slight irritation around where the bladder excretes into the urethra. I was then prescribed 1g Azithromycin and 2g of Flagyl to be taken all at once again with the assumption that this was secondary to Ureaplasma. I waited a week as instructed and still had symptoms. Called the urologist back and they ordered a CT cystogram to check for a possible fistula. During this procedure I had severe pain in my back on the left side, I’m assuming was kidney pain, but none on my right. The results of the images state that nothing is wrong, no reflux into ureters, no abnormalities noted. I am beginning to lose hope and I believe my doctors are as well. Of note, I seem to have nerve pain around my genital area, or my buttocks but no visible lesions. I was tested for Chlamydia, Ghnorrea and Syphillis during my last PAP conducted in July of this year, these were all negative. I did have ASCUS cells present on this PAP though.
submitted by nursinstud to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2023.11.14 04:29 nursinstud Urinary Issues in 21 y/o

white female, approximately 5’5” and 130lbs, no prescribed medication, non smoker. Approximately 11 weeks ago, I thought I had a yeast infection. I treated this with OTC monistat and all of those symptoms seemed to subside. However, About 11 weeks ago, I began having urinary symptoms, with the main complaint being a bubbling sensation coming out of my urethra (not my vagina) following urination and occasionally during urination. I have had three urine dipsticks (all but one were normal and the “abnormal” showed trace amounts of leukocytes), and one urine culture which came back completely normal. I was treated with Keflex and then switched to Augmentin due to a bacterial throat infection. Then I was given a wet mount which discovered ureaplasma, was treated with Azithromycin (500 mg once daily for 5 days), with my doctor believing that the bubbling sensation was secondary to the ureaplasma. I continued to have symptoms and was referred to urology. The urologist conducted a cystoscopy, which only showed slight irritation around where the bladder excretes into the urethra. I was then prescribed 1g Azithromycin and 2g of Flagyl to be taken all at once again with the assumption that this was secondary to Ureaplasma. I waited a week as instructed and still had symptoms. Called the urologist back and they ordered a CT cystogram to check for a possible fistula. During this procedure I had severe pain in my back on the left side, I’m assuming was kidney pain, but none on my right. The results of the images state that nothing is wrong, no reflux into ureters, no abnormalities noted. I am beginning to lose hope and I believe my doctors are as well. Of note, I seem to have nerve pain around my genital area, or my buttocks but no visible lesions. I was tested for Chlamydia, Ghnorrea and Syphillis during my last PAP conducted in July of this year, these were all negative. I did have ASCUS cells present on this PAP though.
submitted by nursinstud to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2020.02.11 09:36 Flightless20 Keflex for Syphillis?

submitted by Flightless20 to STD [link] [comments]

2020.02.06 12:18 Flightless20 Keflex for Syphillis?

I had protected sex about a week ago. Today I noticed a small, painless red mark when fapping. The protected sex was protected when I had penetration with the girl, but she took the condom off and used saliva for lube and gave me a hand job to finish.
So I’m not sure if the red mark (which is under my glans and on the foreskin) was something I caught from the girl or if it was from using a vibrator with too much pressure in the exact same area. No other symptoms, but because Syphilis symptoms are painless lesions, it has me worried. I have a full bottle of 500mg Keflex from a couple months ago that was prescribed in error and is sitting in my cabinet. If I do the course of Keflex could that work?? I know I should just go get tested, but I’m married in a sexless marriage and I regretfully satisfied my urge and even used a condom.. until she took it off to masturbate me and used her saliva as lube. Ugh. I’m sick over this. If I go get tested, the insurance bill will show up at my house. Wife gave me green light three years ago to satisfy my needs but I would be highly embarrassed if I caught something.
I’ve scoured the internet to see if Keflex could be effective and I saw one or two links which stated it WOULD be effective but obviously penicillin is the antibiotic of choice. I’m so embarrassed.
submitted by Flightless20 to u/Flightless20 [link] [comments]

2017.11.15 15:06 Anderp53 Story, tested positive

[M45, engaged] About a two weeks ago I developed a sore at the base of my shaft, which hurt but not badly. The day I noticed something wrong, I thought it might be abrasion from sexual activity, or from a long hike we took. The next day a sore developed, I told my fiancé that evening after work, an made an appointment. l Went to the doctor, he said it didn’t look like herpes, but possibly a skin infection or syphillis, though based on my sexual history syphillis did not make sense (monogamous relationship for the past 3 years), and prescribed keflex (antibiotic). He said if it was herpes it would be much more painful. He did a swab test and sent it out for testing.
A lot had gone through my head, did my fiancé cheat? Does she think I cheated?
We have been dating for 3 years, just got engaged this summer. For the last 2 years we have not used condoms regularly, typically only during her fertile window, and would put one on half way though intercourse. We have sex 3-4 times per week, I would go down on her most every time, she would go down on me perhaps half the time. I knew she had herpes on her lip before, but she has only had symptoms once or twice in the 3 years we have been together.
My ex wife had herpes (lip) as well, and we just avoided contact there when she had symptoms (maybe once per year). I never had any symptoms before.
When I first told my fiancé of the symptoms, I told her I thought it might be herpes, she said she was sorry, but I could tell there was more to it than that, perhaps she thought I cheated? We didn’t have any sex for a week and a half, awaiting my dr appt and results.
Got the news yesterday morning, after I went to work. I waited till she woke up (we always txt good morning), and I called her with the news as soon as I got her txt. She went very quiet, she said she was sorry that I got it, but really not much more, it seemed to me that the news, or just the confirmation of herpes disappointed her. I just told her that I didn’t want to tell her by phone, I would have rather done it in person but thought she should know as soon as I got the news. She said she should get tested too.
I got home before her, and when she got home she looked sad about the news. We discussed how I could have missed catching it from her for so long, and just sort of came to the conclusion that it may have been inevitable. We were both sad, but I said it’s just a skin condition, though it has this stigma attached to it. We had a long heart-to-heart conversation, one which was positive and went very well. We discussed her getting tested, and came to the conclusion that it would essentially be irrelevant, since we already know what the results will be. And though my test was bad news, she was glad it wasn’t something else.
By the time I got the results, the symptoms were starting to go away, the doc sent a prescription for acyclovir that I picked up on the way home.
Later that night, though it may have been irresponsible, we had sex again (though with a condom). And she shagged me good. We both missed the sex, and it felt good to be back in the saddle again.
Looking back, I’m glad I told her about my symptoms right away. I would recommend the same to anyone else, without reservation. We know we both have it, and we will deal with it. It’s not the end of the world.
Thanks for reading, I would appreciate any comments or thoughts, and perhaps my story will provide some mental comfort and strength to others.
submitted by Anderp53 to Herpes [link] [comments]