Any scholarship


2022.07.19 16:07 GatoradeWaterBottles VoyagerScholarship

The Voyager Scholarship (The Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service) was created to connect future young leaders across the country together. This subreddit is a space for applicants and (future) alumni to discuss topics related to the Voyager Scholarship. The views expressed in this space are not affiliated with the Voyager Scholarship or any official entity.

2020.08.16 08:37 DOST-SEI Scholars

A subreddit for all DOST-SEI scholars.

2011.12.22 17:49 gregorynice The ultimate subreddit for US high school and college students to post and find US scholarships

Looking for scholarships? This subreddit lists opportunities for **U.S. students** who are seeking free money for college. Come back often, as we frequently add new scholarships to our growing list of available awards.

2024.05.19 08:33 Tubelight1710 BC or NEU's for Master's in Quantitative Finance (STEM)?

Hello everyone!
I need some advice on deciding between two options for my Master's in Finance program. I’ve been accepted into both Boston College's Carroll School of Management and Northeastern University's D'Amore-McKim School of Business but I’m having trouble deciding which offer to accept. Here are some details to consider:
Scholarships: Both universities have offered me scholarships. NEU's scholarship covers 25% of my tuition fee. BC does not mention the exact amount of scholarship but could be b/w 5K - 10K with the Dean's scholarship.
Tution cost: total $54K but would cost around $39K with scholarship at NEU. Tuition cost is approx $66K at BC.
BC has also awarded a graduate assistantship with an annual stipend of $6,840. NEU has co-op programs but didn't consider me for any GAs.
Both programs are highly regarded, but I’d love to hear about your experiences or knowledge regarding the quality of education, faculty, networking opportunities, and career services.
Have a great weekend! Thanks!
submitted by Tubelight1710 to NEU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:11 DefinitionNo2586 I got into Kellogg MBAi program but waitlisted at INSEAD.

I am Indian female candidate with 710 gmat (tech background). My top choice was INSEAD but now that I am waitlisted I am not really sure what to do. Kellogg deposit deadline is approaching but I dont really want to work in US in future . Any tips or suggestions will be highly appreciated on what should I do next in this confusing situation.
FYI I havent received any scholarship.
submitted by DefinitionNo2586 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:10 Charming_Gene_5630 Hello, I`m looking for guidance from an Indian lawyer who is pursuing JD in Foreign University as I`m confused if taking LLM also allows practicing in some exceptions.

  1. How hard is it to pass NY Bar
  2. Do we need any other tests along with passing NY Bar to practice?
  3. JD V. LLM Scope
  4. I find the courses to be costly, what about scholarships?
  5. Job oppurtunities post JD
  6. Job oppurtunities post LLM (as foriegn trained lawyer ..India)
  7. How does the ranking of Uni effects the career
submitted by Charming_Gene_5630 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:09 blueberrycaek Do any former students/seniors of UNSW "Master of Animation & Visual Effects" have a copy of fee structure of the program (a detailed fee payment every semester)?

I got offered to the aforementioned program (I am international from Malaysia) for Term 1 February 2025, and it is time for me to search several sponsorships/scholarships as early as possible just in case. And this one sponsorship (GrepMARA) needed a "fee structure" for the whole 2 years study; payment fee of each semester. A mandatory requirement to submit it in PDF file only to them.
I thought the fees are already mentioned in the offer letter itself, but it seems GrepMARA needed detailed info; like in some sort of table, if I googled what "fee structure university course" look like is right.🤔 Oh and must include all elective subjects as well.
I looked through UNSW website for so many times on fees section and... it is a bit confusing here and there. So I emailed UNSW last week asking the same thing, but they haven't reply yet.
And the GrepMARA application will soon close this upcoming Friday (24 May 2024 afternoon at our timezone). That particular fee structure is the only document left to be submitted.😅
Hope to hear from you all soon! Any help is appreciated and thank you! 🙇‍♂️
submitted by blueberrycaek to unsw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:00 redbird180 Is there such thing as an inpatient program, "camp," or some kind of intensive training for adults with ASD to learn basic life skills? Im a NT (F, 54) married to a ND (M, 56) @ wits end.

TLDR: Is there such thing as a life boot camp with ppl with high-functioning ASD? An intensive, hands on, and or immersive type "experience" where one could learn "simple" things like how to open your mail, pay bills on time, make checklists for yourself, keep your room clean (make a bed, fold laundry), etc? It would be such a great bonus if there was ANYTHING that could teach basic intimate relationship skills too either in addition or separately. I have been overcompensating for my husband for almost a decade and a half and Im getting worn out. I don't want to do it bc not only do I think it wouldn't work but it would have me "playing mommy" and no one wants to f*ck their mother. At least they are not supposed to ;)
My apologies if I am in the wrong place.
I love my husband, I do. I don't want to get divorced, we have 2 kids F 13 and M 12. Our parents got divorced and we never want to do that our kids. That said, I have been pretty unhappy for YEARS. I posted in the deadbedroom bc our sex life ground down to a halt and someone there thought my hubby sounded ASD. It made so much sense the more I looked into it. Both of our kids have been diagnosed ASD and ADHD (both my hubby and I are diagnosed ADHD-He takes meds and sees a psch, I don't bc I don't feel the need). Ive told him many times you are either ASD or an a$$hole? Which is it or is it both?
ITB his parents got divorced when he was 6 months old, he never had a romantic relationship that lasted longer than 5 months, and the fact that he is a "geek" (works in tech and has a master's in Physics-he got on a full merit scholarship), he has little to no life skills and or understands what is involved in a healthy happy intimate relationship.
When we 1st met, he was living in squalor. Like never cleaned his bathroom for 13 yrs, only owned 1 fork, had only a bed, a desk, and a book shelf in a 1200 sq ft apt. Stacks of books everywhere and piles of old clothes, shoes, etc. I tend to be a fairly "dynamic" person and had owned my own company for almost a decade. My profession requires a HUGE level of organization, people skills, etc and utilizes all my positive attributes of ADHD. It seemed at the time I could take the guy out of the squalor, give him a beautiful home, children and a great life. But I guess I did not understand that you cant take the squalor out of the guy?!?!
We met when I was turning 40 and he was 42 going on 43. I got pregnant the 1st time we had sex, so we got married, bought our 1st home and other amazing milestones happened easily and quickly for us. For the 1st 5 yrs we were married, it wasn't perfect but things worked and I was happy. I now realize that I just overcompensated for him in MANY ways, thinking that he would get the hang of SOME things and learn how to pitch in and or be more of a partner. We have tried marriage counseling through the yrs but nothing seems to have any effect on him. He goes through the movements or just says what sounds good at the time but just reverts back or doesn't do anything that would be or lead to meaningful change.
He operates on this lvl where if he thinks things are fair or good, they are...even though they so arent. He LOVES playing the semantics game where he will claim things like he IS "trying" bc he does X (that is a very small baby step type thing) for X amount of time and I guess I am supposed to understand and take whatever he is doing bc....reasons and he is "trying."
Besides doing his job that he was doing for years before we met (he is the same "lvl" and has not taken on ANY advancement in his career) to earn the $ that supports our family (we agreed I would give up my company and career until our youngest went to the 1st grade and I have made some savvy investments to bring in considerable $) he does practically NOTHING. He works from home since 2020/Covid and at 1st it was good bc it offered us more freedom in where we could live but now he is around 24/7. I would LOVE to return to my beloved career, but I have nothing left energy and time wise between our kids, the house, and him. He wont even get our mail out of the mailbox, let alone open it and or deal with LIFE.
He is seeing a psychiatrist and says he doesn't suffer from depression. He has terrible sleep hygiene and we sleep in separate rooms. We have cleaning people in once a week but his room is almost constantly dirty, disorganized, and cluttered. He constantly maintains that he doesn't really see what the problem is and plays the "semantics game" like "I empty out the dishwasher" ( a task that I have timed myself doing in less than 2 min) or "I take out the trash" when I bring up that I feel like Im drowning in a sea of tasks.
I have told him that I am unhappy. I have screamed and yelled. I have tried being sweet and accommodating to ask that he be at least semi-accommodating in return but he doesn't seem to care that our relationship is not mitigated. I have tried letting things get so bad that he would HAVE to do more but he just lets things get so bad like when our water gets turned off due to lack of payment, he goes to the store and bought a few gallons of water so "it buys us some time" getting the water bill paid the next day. It is NOT like we don't have the $, he just doesn't "like" paying bills and or "dealing with drudgery" LIKE I DO!?!?!
I have asked him to live in a hotel bc I told him that if he didn't, I would go to a hotel bc I need a break from him AND I want him to know I am SO SICK OF HIS SH*T. He agreed and is supposed to be trying to find help. He has tried life coaches (he simply did not do any work that they gave him to do and they charge 1k a month) and allegedly is trying procrastinators anonymous but I see no real effort. I have asked him to get diagnosed with ASD but he claims he spoke with a therapist that specializes in ppl with ASD and the therapist said that "it wouldn't matter" if he got a diagnosis. I asked if he is telling ppl that his marriage is on the rocks and he told me that he did say that his "lack of effort has put some strife in his marriage." Some strife in his marriage?!?! Did he elaborate and or tell them about how unhappy I am? No. He is "concentrating" his efforts on improving "executive functioning" and I guess this is supposed to help make the MEANINGFUL CHANGE I so desperately want and need him to make.
I think that something like boot camp or a life skill clinic or a halfway house for separated/divorced dads would stand the best chance of having him make the changes to his life he DESPERATELY needs to make. If not for me or even more for him but for our kids. They are picking up his bad and destructive habits. In his defense, he doesn't know how to do most things. Both of his parents were highly toxic ppl. His father died in his apt and it wasn't until his body started to smell that anyone noticed. The fire dept had to climb in through the window-fire escape bc the apt was so cluttered/hoarded. His mother is anorexic, keeps no food in the house, will sleep in her clothes on top of a made bed rather than "do all that laundry," and lives in squalor. So, he never learned it at home.
Is there anything where a grown man could learn basic life skills and or how to be a halfway (Id take 1/8) decent partner? Maybe if he could gain some life skills and or the ability to deal with life's demands, he would be happier, healthier in mind, body, and spirit, and in turn me and our family.
ANY suggestions besides "just get a divorce" or "put up with it bc you have for over a decade" it would be helpful. Thanks for reading my BOOK.
submitted by redbird180 to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:57 onemangang15 Baseball in the US has become strictly a rich kid sport.

It feels like if you don’t have money, you will fall behind. I coach in a very affluent neighborhood. I have a modest apartment, a very blue collar job, and drive a 20 year old car. I have a semi decent amount of money saved up due to living a frugal life, so I prioritize buying my son higher quality gear without thinking much of it, but we’re not going on any luxury vacations or getting one on one training.
All the kids in the league he plays in get dropped off in luxury SUVs, live in multimillion dollar homes, and routinely go on vacations to beautiful parts of the world. They join tournament teams that play indoors when the weather’s unplayable, which is like October through March, and they also have occasional tournaments in Arizona during the cold months. These teams cost upwards of $10k a year, before travel expenses.
It’s impressive seeing how talented some of the kids have become, but also a lot of these kids have batting cages in their backyards, have former minor leaguers as hitting/pitching coaches, and play in tournaments all year round. And they’re 10.
In the nba and nfl we hear stories of players going from rags to riches that make it a lot more admirable knowing the background of where many of these players come from. But I feel like the stories of American mlb players are all just players who come from families of parents with fill in the blank high earning careers. Obviously the talent to make it to the highest level is worth acknowledging regardless of one’s upbringing, but I do feel like children who come from less wealthy families are put at a huge disadvantage that’s seldom discussed.
It’s a shame because sports can be a great pathway to make it to college for families who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford tuition, but with the increasing cost of youth sports, the kids that are most likely going to be able to become talented enough to earn athletic scholarships are kids who come from families that could pay to have their child attend anyways.
submitted by onemangang15 to Homeplate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:54 454ever how would you deal with overbearing parents as an adult child?

Long story short, I just got in a heated argument with my father over how he treats my 13 year old brother (more on that later). I am 21 years old and they still control a lot of my life. I am financially independent (technically, more on that later as well).
For some background. I was raised VERY religious. Those Christian moms you see on social media that was my father. I never went to prom (because godforbid I got out in the world). I went to a public high school but was still super sheltered. My life outside of school consisted of coming home and working on homework, the extra homework he assigned me, yelling because I never did "good enough," and church youth group (which I hated because I am not a Christian). I made good grades, mostly As, the occasional B, and one C (in chemistry, but I mean come on that shits hard). That was never good enough. Every single assignment I did he had to look at. Study guide for an exam. He had to look at it. Discussion board reply. You guessed it he looked at that too. I didn't get a phone until sophomore year of high school and when I did I got one of those shitty 80 dollar Samsung phones that you couldn't do shit on (and where he checked all my texts, notes, and emails). I was very sheltered. The extent of my fun was shooting the shit with my friends in the cafeteria at lunch and on the bus. I wasn't allowed to go to birthday parties or sleepovers or even go over to a friends house. He is raising my brother the same way, but way worse. If I am ever blessed with kids one day he has taught me what not to do.
Thankfully I am now in my third year of college. I picked a school he didn't want me to go to. Not because of money or anything he just said "you aren't going to a party school. There are too many idiots there you don't need to be around." I rebelled and committed to that school. Hands down the best decision I have ever made. I have a full ride scholarship that pays for my tuition (although it is dirt cheap for in-state already). I also have a scholarship that pays for rent for my 1100 dollar a month apartment and gives me about 500 spending money every month. I consider this my second best accomplisment as screwed up as that may sound. My father controls my money. All of it. I have a credit card that I use and then he pulls that money out of my account. I have no idea how much money I have and what he is doing with said money. He also has access to my Schwab and Vanguard accounts. He says he does this to help me with investing but I know there is more to it. He still wants to control me. I don't even know my damn login to the banking app for Christ sake (sorry not sorry dad for using the Lords name in vane). I know I should have fixed this issue sooner but I didn't want to fuck up our relationship. I am not sure what to do about this.
Another major problem came from this sheltered/overbearing environment I grew up in is my inability to say no to things I have never done before. Throughout my time in college I have experimented with drugs and alcohol (cocaine, weed, molly, lsd, shrooms, xans, oxy, you name it, pretty much with the exception of meth and heroin, I've done it and not just once). I am not proud of this (minus the fun I've had on psychs and even then not one of my better attributes). As a result of his abusive parenting style I have a hard time saying no and give in super easily to peer pressure. So much so that the first friends i met at college I still hang around with. These guys I probably shouldn't be around (the type where daddy pays for everything so they get a four-year drug fueled adventure in college). Don't get me wrong they aren't all that bad but just not the type of people I though I would be hanging around. I never thought I would be sleeping around, going to clubs on a Tuesday, and doing lines of coke off my island at 4pm but here we are. I am not proud of this but feel like I started doing these things because I was finally free. It is so hard to stop now. I think that I hang around them as a sense of rebellion to my parents and a sort of "f u" if you will. I know it is wrong but it feels good to finally be free. I have developed a raging nicotine addiction as well (something I am definitely not proud of). My parents have no idea. I have had to lie to them about things for the past three years.
I don't know if that is a result of my own actions or the years upon years upon years of constant yelling by my father. I mean for fucks sake the man never told me good job on anything. I got an A on a test it wasn't good job. It was "show me the test and what you got wrong," followed by a thirty minute yelling match about how I fucked up on the test. When I got into college on a full ride it wasn't good job it was "that is all because of me and the things I gave you." When I graduated high school it wasn't good job. It was my mom, god bless her she is great but tied down by my father, putting on a dinner party for me with all the neighbors and my parents friends. My dad was there but never even spoke to me (he just bullshitted to his friends about how I was such a hard worker (mind you he never told me this) and other things that narcissists do). I never was told good job when I got Eagle scout. That fucked me up, all of it. I am not one to want praise or one of those participation trophy people but come on that's fucked up at least in my mind. I never heard good job once.
He does the same shit to my brother but worse. My brother is 13 and in seventh grade at a private Christian K-12 school (one of those rich schools where the parents drive benzs and the kids have gucci shoes and shit). My father doesn't send my brother there because it is a better school, trust me, it is not by any stretch of the word. He sends him there to look better (aka "my kid goes to a private school you peasants" type of behavior). Recently, my brother was caught playing a computer game (papa's pizazaria on coolmathgames). Off topic but that is still the best one and you cannot change my mind. When he caught my brother they went at it for four hours. Now my dad checks my brothers search history, backpack and every single piece of paper in every binder every single day. He has moved my brothers desk into the living room and made my brother buy, with his own money, 300 dollar noise cancelling headphones to somehow be able to focus down there. My brother now has developed a twitch and the habit of twirling his hair. It was gotten so bad that some of his hair is falling out because of it and my dad refuses to take responsibility for it. The kid is so stressed that you would think he is on coke or meth the way he acts. He told me that he is scared when my dad comes home from work. I brought this up with my dad and asked him how he feels about his child being scared of him. My dad said nothing. Not one word. I am asking advice/thoughts on this situation.
To end things off I want advice on what I should do moving forward. I am home for the summer and working a job up here but am really considering not working and going back down to my school. I never had a normal childhood and can't stand my brother being treated this way. He is not allowed to go outside and play with the neighbor kids, watch TV, search ANYTHING on his computer, and take breaks longer than dinner away from his "schoolwork." I can't handle this shit anymore. I understand that part of my situation is my doing but I think it partly stems from the years of manipulation and control on behalf of my father. Am I overreacting? What would you do?
P.S. One final thing I wanted to say to get off my chest is that I do not respect this man. He yells at my mother constantly about how when she lets him be a kid and do kid things she is "setting him up for failure." I don't mean yelling I mean cussing and screaming to the point when I go to bed I can hear my mother crying. It hurts me to hear her cry it really does. I'm a bigger dude, 6 foot, 210, built. But that shit hurts. A fucking lot. I'm at the point where he needs to be confronted about it. I have lost every ounce of respect I have ever had for him. This may be an overreaction but I don't think so. He still controls my life. He tracks where I go in school, what I buy, etc. I have to lie to him sometimes but I am okay with that. This is the first real fun I have had in my life. I am doing pretty good in school, 3.1 gpa in a major I (not him) am happy in. I already have a job lined up outside of school making 58k straight out the gate. He has no idea because I don't tell him shit, he doesn't deserve to know in my mind. This is a man who will act super nice around everyone but our family. He is super active in the church and scouting, although he doesn't let my brother go anymore. He constantly gives to charity and volunteers around the community. You would never know this if you watched how our family operates on any given day behind closed doors. The only conversations I have with him now are about "why is there a charge for mexican food on the credit card. you should be studying," or my personal favorite "why is there a charge for x amount of dollars at a convenience store at 9:00 at night. Only bad people hang outside after dark (by bad people he is referring to everyone who is non-Christian by the way)."
This man has held me back so much even in college. I understand that this is partly my fault because as a legal adult I could have stopped this but I did not want to ruin our relationship. He stopped me from going on trips because "people could be drinkng" and has told me that on my 21st birthday (last week) that if he ever catches me drinking or vaping or anything I will not be allowed back into the house. I want to get clean but I do that shit as a fuck you to him. I apologize about cussing so much in here I'm just frustrated and need to get some stuff of my chest. I can't be the only one with parents like this. Right? I refuse to let this situation continue on. Should I do something about the way he treats me and my brother and mom? What do I do? What would you do? FYI cutting him out of my life entirely is not ideal because my mom and I still get along great. I would do it if there was a way to still be able to see my mom as they live in the same house. Minus certain political issues (mostly economic stuff) my dad and I don't agree on anything. He is the most judgemental person I have ever met in my life. I have met upwards of 1000 people in the past couple of years and he is by far the most judgemental person I have ever met. There is not even a close second.
Am I overreacting? What would you do in this situation? God bless and thanks for any and all responses/similar stories you all are willing to share. This seems like a great group of people. Stay blessed and if you need someone to talk to I am here for anything.
submitted by 454ever to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:51 ImmortalDonut64 LSU vs Tulsa?

Hello! Just looking for advice from random people on the internet just because it’s how this cycle has taken me…. If anyone has any opinions or experiences with either of these schools I would love to hear some thoughts. With scholarships and looking at Cost of living, both would cost around the same, I think LSU has the better name/connections, clinics and area but Tulsa has small class sizes more individualized attention, might not be as competitive and etc and a non conditional scholly.
submitted by ImmortalDonut64 to OutsideT14lawschools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:42 kainike Delusional Filipino actually turned out fine

im a harbinger of bad luck so cant believe things actually went okay-ish considering im not a competitive applicant
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Demographics
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Intended Major(s): Media Production / Film and Television Production / Communications / Media Studies
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁Academics
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Standardized Testing
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Extracurriculars/Activities:
i didnt plan my extracurriculars in high school i sure did a lot and most of them were scattered out HAHA. jack of all trades, master of none moments. i tried to include mostly my media and writing related activities. aside from the ones i listed on my common app, i was immersed in a lot of social justice and political advocacy works + other sports :)
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Awards/Honors
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Essay
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ LORs
I did not read the letters but im basing it on how much they like me as a student. I chose these teachers because I got high grades in their subjects and they got PhDs.
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ Interviewss- I got none and I was too busy to go for optional interviews. I really did not display any demonstrated interest.
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁ D*ecisionss *(ALL REGULAR DECISION, actually I filed my international applications late like 2-3 weeks after the deadlines because I was in a depressive episode last January)
₊˚⊹♡.𖥔 ݁Reflection
well that was krazy HAHA. ik many people here showcase ivies and T20s and im not that remarkable with my t40s to t100s but i'd like to think its not that shabby for an unknown international from a third world country. my biggest regret is not applying for NYU, its my dream school but again considering my depressive episode from November to January I wasnt able to file my application on time. its a miracle that universities still accept late applications and im grateful for all that I have and received. If i could turn back time I wish I was a little bit stronger and more stable to have been able to apply for NYU, my common app essay about my favorite author was actually an alumni from NYU :")
but we carry the burdens of choice under the merits of luck; even with merit scholarships, I cant afford any of the international schools I was accepted to. more likely i'll have to attend the top university in my country. but i dont want to give up man i'll still try to appeal for financial aid and if that wont work I'll apply for transfer during my sophomore year to ivies and top LACs that give full financial aid to international transfers. the odds are low but never 0 and no harm in trying !! see you all again next year for my transfer results :]
submitted by kainike to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 ApprehensiveFault229 Scholarship

Hi! I graduated as valedictorian of my batch and I was wondering if there is any scholarships I can avail? If so, how does the application process work?
submitted by ApprehensiveFault229 to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:58 Representative-Air73 Any California Scholarships?

If anyone knows any scholarships for California students, can you please send me a link? For some reason, I can’t find any 😭 It doesn’t have to be big, any amount will help
submitted by Representative-Air73 to scholarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:58 thirstymfcoder HAU vs AUF Engineering?

Hi! I'm looking to transfer po either with HAU or AUF, possibly Computer Engineering or Electronics Engineering.
Ask ko lang po sana saan mas okay? But of course, I'm inclined to choose the univ na mas mababa tuition and where it's more plausible for me to get a scholarship po. Any other related information or detail is appreciated so feel free to share.
Edit: Ask ko na din po pala if any of the two universities have exams for scholarship or merit based lang? I know I can pass the exam po sadyang kapag merit based kasi I'm at a disadvantage due to my previous toxic learning environment and my grades are pretty subpar now.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by thirstymfcoder to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:32 Euphoric-Iron-8491 lkc med ipad scheme

hi i got accepted to lkc med, i vaguely heard from the students at the whylkc event that they use ipads a lot, and on the website they said "all students are issued with an iPad". can someone help explain to me if this issuance is free or if there is a cost how much is it? i'm worried bc medicine fees alr so expensive and i didnt qualify for any scholarship...
submitted by Euphoric-Iron-8491 to NTU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:24 Newbuilder2212 Summer STEM opportunities for a 16 year old

hey, I graduate next year but nominations for scholarships at my highschool start in October and one of my biggest goals before I graduate is to get nominated for one of these scholarships. I talked to my school coordinator and she said that since Im going into a STEM field( computer engineering at the UofA) I should look for opportunities in STEM over the summer. Ive already got some down from previous years but I feel like I can do way more this summer. do you guys have any Ideas on what I could do.
(excuse me if this is the wrong place to post this, I felt university students would know the most)
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Newbuilder2212 to uAlberta [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:48 Impossible-Focus-729 How Can I Overcome My Past Mistakes and Successfully Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Hi ,
I'm really struggling and could use some advice. Here’s a bit of my background:
I started college in 2018 majoring in Computer Science but dropped out in 2021 as a junior. The major was extremely challenging, and I ended up cheating my way through by paying others to do my assignments. I wanted to keep my full-ride scholarship but lost it eventually. I also ghosted another small scholarship that gave me many chances, but I was going through a lot mentally and just hated Computer Science.
I had a job lined up after graduation with a company I interned for, but I lost that too. In hindsight, I wish I had pushed through, but it all felt overwhelming and meaningless at the time. Despite everything, I believe technology is the future, and I feel like I've already invested too much to give up now. However, my skills are lacking—I can't even code.
I want to go back to school and finish my degree, especially focusing on cybersecurity. I'm torn between starting over or trying to complete my current CS degree since it would be faster. I’m 24, and I feel like I’m falling behind while my friends have graduated and are moving forward in their lives. I’m at home, under my foreign parents' control, working for the family without pay, and I have no income. I'm unhappy.
My family supports me going back to school, but I would need to take out loans this time. I'm scared because I cheated through so much, and now I have upper-level courses left with no real foundation.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? What steps should I take to overcome my past mistakes and build a solid foundation in Computer Science? Should I start over or try to finish my degree? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for reading and for any help you can offer.
submitted by Impossible-Focus-729 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:42 Necessary_Neck1181 National Merit 2023 PSAT

So I have a question about national merit scholarships for the PSAT and any answer I would be grateful for. So basically, I took the 2023 PSAT and I qualified for the National Merit Scholarship. But I don’t know what it means.. what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to apply to something, and if so, when is the deadline? I’m a bit worried because the deadline may have passed already, or it is coming up soon and I don’t know about it. If someone could educate me on this I’d be really thankful. Thanks!
submitted by Necessary_Neck1181 to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:40 BusyRice3623 Are there any past Cameron Impact Scholarships applicants

Just found out about this scholarship yesterday and it seems to be like a really good program. Are any applicants from previous years able to provide advice on the application process or how they choose the finalists.
submitted by BusyRice3623 to scholarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:32 VersionOk246 After 5 years, karma finally hit my abusive ex and I couldn’t be happier

(So if this had a flair it’d definitely be under karma’s a bitch, but here we go anyway - it’s a long one so buckle up lol)
The backstory: Five years ago I was fresh out of high school, and I moved away to university into a dorm without knowing anyone there. My roommate’s were part of a big friend group which I joined, and in that friend group I also met a girl who I instantly clicked with. Our relationship moved very quickly, and it was an emotional whirlwind the whole time. I was young and dumb and didn’t realise she was love bombing me.
About a month in, her true colours started showing and she began to bully me, making fun of my weight, my interests, my other friends, etc etc, she also cut me off from any other friends and family, and so I became pretty dependent on her for things like groceries and trips to campus (I am a wheelchair user and I need assistance with these things). I started spiralling into depression and an eating disorder - on the daily I was told how much of a burden I was, and how no one could ever love me except for her. Eventually when I started thinking about ending my life, I told her - and she said “just do it already, I don’t care.” That night my roommates noticed how unwell I was so they ended up calling an ambulance, which took me to the psych ward for about a month. In there, my godsend of a psychiatrist pointed out how unhealthy our relationship was and supported me in cutting her off and rebuilding my relationship with my family again. The absolute kicker though - when I was discharged from hospital it turned out she had called up the admins of our dorm, saying I was aggressive and dangerous, and I made her feel unsafe, and that I was ABUSING HER. So while in there they terminated my housing, and barred me from campus (with zero proof provided by her I might add 🙄)! Then she told our entire friend group how I was secretly terrible to her for our entire relationship, I just wanted attention by going to hospital, and essentially turned them all against me. Being homeless with no friends, and barred from my studies definitely wasn’t what I was expecting to come back to. She pretty much ruined my life for like a good year…
It was a hard road to recovery, and obviously I had other issues I needed to address that made me vulnerable to her manipulation and abuse in the first place: but I’m glad to say I’m doing much better now!
The karma: Over the next few years eventually people around her started to catch on to how toxic she was. - she had several relationships with new people: they all dumped her for her antics - that group of friends she evicted me from: yeah they all got fed up with her too and cut her off (now we play video games together lol!) - her uni degree: She had to drop out because she spent so much time gossiping and creating drama she didn’t study and failed a whole bunch of subjects AND she lost her scholarship - her housemates: they kicked her out after she kept being toxic to them - her mental health: refusing to take accountability for it to this day, and still hasn’t gone to therapy or changed her behaviour
Now, 5 years later she’s in almost the exact same position she put me in all those years ago, and while I do pity her, damn it feels good to know that karma had my back on this front! No friends, no relationship, had to go back and live with her parents, dropped out of uni, stuck in a dead end job, absolutely miserable. Sometimes you don’t have to create any petty revenge for people to get what’s coming to them. :)
submitted by VersionOk246 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:23 Dekustan505 How are you affording to apply to so many schools?

Hi everyone! With AMCAS opening up I just realized how expensive it is to apply to so many different schools. I have 4 on my list right now and it’s already at 300$+ but I see people on here applying to 20+ schools. Is there any scholarships or fee waivers that people apply for? Any information helps. Good luck to everyone applying this cycle!
submitted by Dekustan505 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:08 alps-mountains Europesn master in embedded computing systems (EMECS) INQUIRY

My cousin has been accepted in this master program self funded and he was dreaming to study there and we need to know if there is any funding organisation that can fully or partially fund him, or any financial aid for international students, he will study first year in RPTU in Germany and second year in Southampton University but he is required to pay the whole cost of program before starting first year.
If you have any suggestions because there was a regional funding scholarship but the application is closed before receiving the acceptance letter.
Please provide any information that can help by the way he is not EU citizen
Thanks you in advance. I posted this one before but there was no reach so i hope this time it will reach as much as people in this group.
submitted by alps-mountains to sotonuni [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:06 fullmetalkarina 18 and lost, like most 18 year olds LOL

So I graduated high school with my associate's degree and a full scholarship to any public university and some trade schools. I attended my first year of university this past year and realized it wasn't for me. I loved the culture of it, walking everywhere and the social aspect, but realized psychology just wasn't what I wanted to do anymore, especially with the idea of having to attend school for 4 more years to get my master's to be an art therapist. So I finished my semester and dropped out.
I am stuck between two decisions, esthetician (which I just posted on a board about) and an elementary school art teacher.
I want to take the summer and fall to just work and think. However, I am hoping to work at this daycare my friend does in hopes to see if I like working with kids and could see myself going down a teacher route. Is it worth it?
With having to deal with the board's control over your moves and decisions and the pay, is it worth it? I could see myself really enjoying it, especially because it would leave time for me to create and sell art on the side. But I have a feeling that's not the reality of it. How bad are the stressors? And is working that childcare job a good start? What are the difficulties of working with children and art? Do you wish you had chose older students? Is there anything I should know before working as a teacher? Do you regret it?
Anything is helpful. I really appreciate your time. Thank you! :)
submitted by fullmetalkarina to ArtEd [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:05 Let_me_tell_you_ Engineering scholarships

We are not from Indiana. My son was supposed to attend our state flagship university but today he said we would like to go to Purdue. He never asks for anything so this means he really wants it. We make $150k a year before taxes and we will not qualify for any income based financial aid. We cannot afford attendance, even after the $16k merit scholarship the Purdue offers.
Are there generous merit based scholarships for out of state engineering students in addition to the general ones? The college website is very vague. My son has 1510 on the SAT and 34 in the ACT. He will have 6 AP exams by the time he applies and ranks 3 out of 500 students in his class (top 10 high school in the state). Has 3 extra curriculars but nothing fancy. Should he take the SAT or ACT again or enroll in more ECs to increase his chances of admission or scholarships?
submitted by Let_me_tell_you_ to Purdue [link] [comments]