Quotes on sisters moving away

Boston, MA

2008.01.25 07:52 Boston, MA

A community for the city of Boston and surrounding area

2017.08.26 22:09 WilliamMcCarty Moving to L.A.

The subreddit dedicated to questions and comments for anyone considering a move to Los Angeles.

2019.07.24 23:40 BlackoutGamingYT blackdesertonlineps4

Black Desert on the PS4 community. Moving away from the toxicity of xbox

2024.05.19 10:21 NotYourDadsRobot I’ve broken the heart of someone who didn’t deserve it

The whole thing is my fault. We had been together 5 years. I knew a year or year and a half ago that it wasn’t going to work out but I didn’t know how to do it. My hand was finally forced since we were going to move soon. I had actually agreed to the move until I realized she meant it to be permanent in that city. It shouldn’t have taken that to make it happen though. Hell I broke up with her roughly 3 years ago and she convinced me to stay and try to make it work. I should have stayed with my gut then. I was to weak.
I have hurt her so much. I’ve shattered her. Probably caused scars that will last into future relationships. All because I was to weak. Because I wanted to keep the peace. I blindsided her because I always said what she wanted to hear. To try and make her happy. To keep the peace so I could do what I wanted or not get in a fight. My weakness has caused her so much more unnecessary pain. Wasted so much of her time.
Why couldn’t I do it? I do love her but I think long term this wasn’t going to work. I couldn’t see us being married and living happily ever after. I couldn’t see raising kids with her. But I couldn’t tell her that. She’s a wonderful beautiful kind person. We have so many good memories but my last memory will be her tears and the pain in her voice. Because I was too weak. She could be healed and likely forgotten me by now.
She begged me not to do it, was willing to give up so much to stay together. I can’t take that though. I can’t take away everything she wants in life to be with me. I can’t hold that gun to her head that I may break up if she ever wants to move. I can’t hold her back.
I stand by the decision that breaking up is the right move but the pain on her face made me want to go back on it. She doesn’t deserve what I did to her.
We lived together, had a dog, furniture, a joint card. Now I’ve blown it all up because I knew when I started it that it wasn’t going to last. She kept saying it doesn’t make sense and how could it? How do my actions make any sense. The only thing that came of them is more pain than if I had been honest to start.
That’s all gone now. The dog is hers. The dog won’t understand why I’m not there anymore. Why I can’t play or cuddle.
She’s going to think it’s her fault when it’s all mine. There’s no way to convince her of that though.
My family and friends keep saying they’re sorry to me like how? After what I’ve done how?
I knelt my head to God tonight for the first time in awhile and didn’t even pray for me but just for her to find all the happiness she deserves.
I’m sitting in a gas station parking lot at 4am after losing $400 at the casino. I can’t sleep or distract myself anymore. I think this is the worst thing I’ve ever done which probably isn’t all that bad it’s not violent or anything.
Idk just needed to vent all that out. Thanks for reading.
submitted by NotYourDadsRobot to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:20 wompwomp_s pls help me

hello! i did not know where to post it here but i wanted to get clarification on what happened to our senior dog.
basically these were her symptoms: - sudden lethargy - no appetite (not eating any liquid food but drinks water when given in syringe) - sudden paralyzation of the body (she could move her neck and head tho) - very dry nose - no control of her bowel and urine movements - sudden spasms - would sometimes stare faraway
my parents decided to have her euthanized instead of letting her pass away of a natural and painful death that would only leave her to suffer. but they were still open to the idea of medicating her but the vet said there's a very low chance she'll survive with medications so we proceeded with euthanizing instead.
the vet was not clear about what might have caused our senior dog to have such a fast declining health but he said she might have been suffering from heartworm and did not show any symptoms until it was too late.
our senior dog was very healthy and suddenly became very sick like that. for the past few weeks i've been thinking if maybe it was paralytic rabies? but then if it was rabies, the vet would have told us and would suggested us to get post-mortem results and also my dog wasn't drooling or salivating on her last few days. i've also been thinking that maybe it might have been distemper? but there were no dogs around here who could have infected her in our area as we do not let her near other dogs.
submitted by wompwomp_s to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 Admirable-Style4656 Going permanent vanlife in less than 2 weeks. Can't wait.

Once the paperwork goes through, I'll be moving into a 15 year old van that needs work, for basically scrap price. It already has a roof vent installed, bedding, cabinets and sink.
Eventually I'll rip everything out and insulate and rebuild the interior to my taste, but I have all summer to do it. Once renovated, I'll be saving a fortune on rent.
Been researching vanlife for about 4 months, and the most exciting thing has been setting up a 24/7 personal mailing address away from my current flatmate, my ex, and officially leaving my old life behind.
submitted by Admirable-Style4656 to vandwellers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 Specific-Volume5652 My experience with a PTSD spouse

I (M42) and my spouse (F40)
I just had the shock of my life, and possibly the most dramatic upheaval imaginable. I'm scared, concerned and i wonder if anyone else has a similar experience. This is concerning my soon to be ex-wife. Not an easy read or even to type, but strap yourselves in. We were married for 13 years, had known each other for 23. She was a child that grew up in a war in her home country, and was effected by it more than she let on. During the last 4 years of our relationship, she started developing incredible anxiety and depression. She would become like an exposed nerve, and every perceived slight became something she would ruminate on for days at a time. We had some events in our marriage that were incredibly stressful. Our son was born prematurely, our daughter when she was born was also traumatic. She was always highly strung when i knew her. i was very much the calming influence to her and it was a role that developed in our dynamic. i would be her rock and safe place. Things started to change, and dramatically so. I travel with work and she would look after the kids. i would be home large parts of the year, but i would have to go away sometimes for 4 weeks at a time. When covid hit, we were both home for a better part of 18 months, and i started to notice things that concerned me. She began to become incredibly paranoid about neighbours. She was certain they were spyi ng on us somehow (even though they were 80, and not at all interested in us). This spiraled from the neighbours commenting on the length of our grass. It effected her, and she became fixated. Any new neighbours she instantly distrusted, and she believed they all spoke badly of her.none of it was true, but in her state of hypervigilance, she was misinterpreting signs. A strange look, or half glance was enough to make her feel unsafe and scared. This slowly devolved into her being fearful of being spied on in the shower, people who walked dogs the same time each morning past our house were doing it to spy on us, etc. I could see it was draining her, and making her very ill with stress so we discussed maybe going to therapy, which she did. During the years we were together, she had been on various anti-depressants to cope with depression. I always chalked it down to post natal depression and the stress being a mother brought to her, especially when i went away. She attended therapy, but would stop when it became uncomfortable. She then opened up to me one day regarding it. It turns out that she was molested as a child by a family friend, and had buried it. that coupled with seeing her childhood friend die from an explosion (which i knew about) had effected her more than we knew. The therapy seemed to make it worse, and since that point things took a massive nose dive. She was an incredibly bubbly, happy and cheerful person to everyone. or so i thought. She would sometimes drop the mask at home, and i could see the turmoil developing. I hate to admit it, but i was blind to it for many years. she had masked it from the very beginning. Her paranoia got worse and worse. she came off of her antidepressants and started using weed vape pens to be able to cope with the incredible anxiety. I watched her drift apart from me over the last two years, her kindness towards me vanishing and almost a resentment towards me. She would complain about the new house we had bought and that she hated it because of the neighbours. We discussed moving, but she realised in her more lucid times that the issue would follow her whereever she went. The last year together she would speak about moving to another country. I said i would, but after my parents, who are old, passed. i didn't want them to not see our children in their final years. We had grown apart, she had this strange push-pull dynamic with me. One day she'd love me and be this caring person, the next cold and distant. I tried incredibly hard to pull us back together whilst dealing with her delusions of paranoia that were still ongoing, but the more i tried (and at some points i was quite combative and forceful) to get her to communicate, the more she pulled away. There was hardly any intimacy, which i yearned for and would comment on. She would initiate it sometimes, but for me, i'm ashamed to say, i complained about it a lot. She would have sex with me on occasion, and then if we argued later say "i didn't really want sex, it was like rape". This hurt me to my core, and made me bitter about how we were. The arguments became worse and worse. She started resenting me for trapping her. That was her reality. i had trapped her in the relationship. It wasn't true, but she was upset i travelled with work and could escape when she couldn't. It was never escape for me, i travelled because i had to. Her and the kids were all i wanted to be with. Travel to me was a chore.
Slowly she withdrew more. The more i tried to help and talk, the more she withdrew. All the time she was still paranoid, and now believed the neighbours were spying on her with cameras in the garden. the "cameras" were garden lights.
After three years of constant paranoia and her anxiety, it was starting to effect me. We couldn't go out in the area as she hated the neighbours. Yet to their faces she was bubbly and happy, smiley and almost overly kind. Yet when we were alone, the mask would slip and all her thoughts about them would spill out. Our social life started to be affected,
Anything i said was misunderstood or taken in such a way that i was insulting her. If i said she was silly for thinking in a certain way, i was calling her stupid. Anytime i tried to logic something out with her regarding the neighbours (for example she believed they were watching her shower) it was dismissed. I actually showered and told her to ask if she could see me from the garden. She was confused when she saw she couldn't.
The delusions became worse, and she became more and more paranoid. The textured glass in the bathroom was the wrong way around in her eyes, so people could see in. The motion activated light at the bottom of the garden was a camera, for sure. things like this.She withdrew more and more. I had to go away on a work trip, and the day before i left she asked for a divorce. I was hurt, but said "we can talk about it when i get home" when i arrived at the destination i was working across the world, i messaged her. No response. I tried multiple times until eventually i got a text "The kids will be taken away from me, and i will be sent back to my home country" I rang my father who lived very close to us to find out what was happening.
She had asked him to take her to the police station. She said to report the neighbours for spying, which she did try to do. they obviously didn't listen. She was taken to hospital by my father as she was having a mental breakdown and behaving strangely. I told my boss i had to fly home as something was happening. he booked me the earliest flight and i flew back. I was arrested from the plane. She had accused me of Rape, Control and coercion and ABH. Things i would never do. I was arrested, questioned and told not to go back to my home or to contact her. In one day i lost everything. I was in shock and was an emotional wreck. Worst of all i was concerned and scared for my wife and kids. She blamed me for her emotional state. said i had caused everything and had abused her constantly for years. After a week of staying at my friends house, social services got involved as the kids were missing school. It turns out she was taking the kids to hotels because she was terrified of staying at home. The kids told me later that "mummy thinks men are after her" instead of telling any authorities this, she said it was because she was scared of me. Social services believed everything she said. I was under investigation for the allegations, although not charged. The investigations were ongoing for three months, and in that time i wasn't allowed to contact her at all. Unfortunately in my fear i contacted her repeatedly. She had me arrested for harassment, and i was charged and convicted. I wasn't ever abusive in the texts, but i did contact her a lot.
I secured access to my children through a rushed family court order. I also placed a block on her leaving the country without seeking my permission with the children, as she had taken my passport details to apply for the kids passports without my knowledge. I did this due to her erratic behaviour and i knew she wasn't stable. My father thought i'd over-reacted, but my ex was so good at masking she hid how she really felt even to him. Oscar level masking.
Looking back i realise how bad it was. She ran from her home country at 18 and always ran. she always wanted to move jobs if something went wrong. She would cut off long term friends in an instant if she felt any pressure form them. Her first instinct would always be to flee anything. Any littlle insignificant thing or slight would become something she'd chew over for weeks, often applying the worst case scenario that would then become her reality. The truth was she was constantly afraid. I think at the end i became something she was afraid of too. My determination to keep us together and keep her from falling apart became too much for her. I wasn't always kind and was exasperated a lot. I was too demanding on someone that was exhausted, anxious and clearly unwell. Unfortunately i didn't realise this until too late. I still see the children, but have zero contact with her. She filed a restraining order due to the harassment conviction which i will adhere to. I'm currently going through family court again to secure further rights. She applied for full custody and has said some very terrible untruthful things at court to almost destroy me and remove me from her life. I'm a broken man because of it all, but staying strong for the kids.
I hope there will be some sort of resolution in the future, but i realise that she's scared of me now as she is scared of everything. She told me near the end that she trusts nobody. This broke my heart. The court on the last visit realised that something wasn't right. they have ordered a investigation into our family, and it will hopefully be reported in June when we go back to court. Her medical documents have been re-visited and statements taken. My father witnessed some very strange behaviour and has reported it. We just have to see what happens. She has requested to sell the property we lived in, and i'm slowly watching the life we built implode. She also has asked for the order that stipulates the need for permission to leave the country lifted. June will be the crunch time.
submitted by Specific-Volume5652 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:17 Hotpot-creations Short story - Mystery: Emily Is Missing

Short story - Mystery: Emily Is Missing
Image by Hotpot.ai
Emily Is Missing Story and image by Hotpot AI
Private investigator Dirk Armstrong had seen all the greatest sleazy hits in his line of work. The cheating spouses, the embezzling employees, the fake Worker's Compensation injuries. It had all become pretty mundane. But when a call from a new client came in, it caught his attention. This case was different, like something out of a movie. This case was about a missing heiress, Emily, who had vanished without a trace.
Emily came from an old-money banking family, with a fortune that could make anyone's head spin. And now, she was gone. Her family was desperate to find her, and they turned to Armstrong for help.
As Armstrong delved into the case, he quickly realized that this was not a simple missing person's case. There were layers upon layers of lies, deceit, and hidden motives in high society. The family's desperation to find Emily seemed to be more about protecting their fortune than finding their beloved daughter.
Armstrong's investigation led him to Emily's closest friends and family members, all of whom seemed to have something to hide. But one person stood out to Armstrong: Emily's brother, Marcus. He was the one who had hired Armstrong, and he seemed to be the most anxious to find his sister. But his anguish also seemed a bit overwrought. Maybe even faked.
As Armstrong dug deeper, he discovered that Marcus had a gambling problem and was in deep debt. Could he have something to do with Emily's disappearance? Armstrong couldn't shake off the feeling that Marcus was hiding something, but he needed concrete evidence to prove it.
Then, four days after she had gone missing, there was an traceable email communication from someone who stated that they had kidnapped Emily and were holding her hostage. They made a demand for a ransom of one million dollars, and stated that they would be in contact again soon.
Not long after this, Armstrong received a call from an overseas insurance company. They were investigating a million-dollar claim for Emily's kidnapping. They explained that six months earlier, the family had taken out a specialty insurance policy on Emily for high net worth individuals. It was a highly unusual policy, paying five million dollars in any case of kidnapping, seven million dollars in cases that are resolved by paying ransom, and 10 million dollars in cases where the insured individual dies in the course of the kidnapping.
The insurance company had serious doubts about the legitimacy of the claim, and wanted to send their own investigator to interview Armstrong. They wanted to know if he had found anything suspicious in his investigation.
Armstrong couldn't legally reveal the details of his investigation to any third party, but he did tell the insurance company's investigator that something didn't add up. He couldn't put his finger on it, but there were certain things about Emily's kidnapping that didn't ring true.
The insurance company's investigator thanked Armstrong for his time and left, but his words lingered in Armstrong's mind. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this case than meets the eye.
Weeks went by with no further word from the kidnappers. Everyone feared the worst. Police detectives gently counseled the family that there was little hope any kidnapped victim is still alive this long after the abduction and involving this long a silence. Because they didn't follow up on pursuing the million-dollar ransom, the family expressed fear that the kidnappers had panicked and killed Emily in order to walk away from the whole plan with impunity.
But then, early one morning, the seemingly impossible happened—Emily appeared. She looked exhausted, malnourished, and was wearing the same clothes she was wearing when she disappeared. She told a strange story of being abducted by three men in Halloween masks and thrown into a van. She said they had kept her in some warehouse in the inner city, handcuffed to one of the warehouse's metal support poles.
She said that she was never allowed to catch as much as a glimpse of the men's real faces the entire time. They did not abuse or physically harm her, she said, but they provided only minimal care during her captivity. Then, at daybreak this day, they suddenly removed her from the warehouse, put her in the same van, and drove her near home and tossed her out of the vehicle.
This all sounded very dramatic, but because of the insurance money at stake, no aspect of her story or the situation overall could be accepted at face value. The insurance company's investigator interviewed Emily at length, but could not find flaws in her story to gain leverage with since she had been—or claimed to have been—confined and blindfolded at all times in the kidnappers' presence.
Usually, a good insurance investigator can tell whether someone's story stinks by picking apart their story and analyzing all the details. But in this case, that wasn't possible because Emily had not seen anything at all, and only heard a few things, none of which were helpful to police and the investigation.
As Armstrong continued his own investigation, he ultimately uncovered a shocking truth: Emily was not really kidnapped. It had been a fraud pulled by her family, who had been experiencing financial pressures despite being pretty rich compared to most people. They had concocted the plan, and Marcus was the mastermind behind it all. He had convinced Emily to go along with the pan to fake her kidnapping, promising her it would solve all of the family's money problems.
Armstrong confronted Marcus with the evidence, and he finally cracked. He confessed to everything, including Emily's involvement. The family's greed had blinded them, and now they were facing serious consequences. Emily herself was destined to do several years in prison for her participation, which was critical to the entire scheme.
As Armstrong handed over his findings to the authorities, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Justice had been served, and Emily was safe and sound. But the case left a lasting impact on Armstrong. He had seen the dark side of high society, where money and power could corrupt even the closest of families. And he knew that he would never look at his job the same way again.
submitted by Hotpot-creations to HotpotAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:16 ChristLover10 The Last Child (Fanfic)

(Part 2 out now)
I woke up with a cough of blood and pain. I felt something metal with my hands as I looked down. A long stint of rebar poked out of my ribcage and through my chest plate, covered in a mix of my blood and the bile of a bug.
I reached down and grabbed my Senator, feeling its trusty weight in my hands. I haphazardly tried to place the barrel against the portion of rebar sticking out of my back. This had better work, I thought. I pulled the trigger once and with a loud Crack I felt the vibration from the shot in my stomach. I tried to choke down vomit and pulled the trigger twice more Crack, Crack. With the third shot the rebar gave way and I rolled to my side and collapsed on the ground. Agony shot through my body as I hit the dirt.
I realized then, Hmmph, they left me. During Extraction one of the other divers called in a 500kg as we were about to board Pelican 1. She had thrown it over one of those damned chargers in an effort to kill one last bug but... it started charging us. I was the last one in line and just as I was about to board... i was thrown 200 feet away from extraction site. I don't blame them. I'd have left me too. We had successfully evacuated a number of scientists and other military personnel, but we'd lost the planet. No hard feelings I guess.
I tried to pull my mind away from those thoughts and just focused on one. Survive. I pulled myself to my knees and looked at the rebar again. Cant park there bud, I thought tryna cheer myself up. I had dropped my senator when I fell and ended up with two free hands. I reached down and with the assistance of my servo-assited armor prepared to wrench the rebar from my chest. Alright, count of three, I thought. One my heartrate quickened. Two I adjusted my grip ever so slightly. Three I ripped the metal rod out and felt a hot stinging pain shoot through my body. I quickly grabbed a stim and applied it.
I winced as the stim numbed my broken ribs and began rapidly working to heal them and my open chest wound. After a couple seconds, I could stand.
I took quick stock of my inventory. My Senator with 23 rounds left, two ration packs, a canteen of water, 1 stim, a knife, and a bag of oatmeal. Oatmeal? Seriously? I'd rather have ammo but... beggars can't be choosers.
I looked around me. Snow and beaten down rubble surrounded me. This was some kind of research station, I think. Didn't bother grabbing the name. Cold as hell and nothing really around to get my bearings. Great. I thought. Im gonna die inside a freezer. I started looking through the rubble for anything useful. I found a corpse of one of the scientists that hadn't made it to evac. I grabbed the ID card off his jacket. Figured It'd get me inside a building if there were any left standing. I crawled out of the rubble and onto the snowy tundra.
The sun had set and with it most of the light I would've been able to utilize. I scanned the horizon for a blinking light. Blinking like meant beacon. Beacon meant possible radio, maybe some ammo. I clocked one to the southwest and began walking that direction senator drawn.
I spotted a few distant bug patrols illuminated by moonlight but they had no interest in me. I kept my head down and kept moving towards the light. Details started to take shape and I could see this was a research station. Perfect I thought.
I reached the door and used the key card. There was a Beep and the red light flashed green. The door cracked open before jamming. Oh no you dont, I thought and with one hand yanked the door open. I closed it behind me with the same hand to keep the wildlife disinterested.
Inside was dark and damp. I had lost the seal integrity on my suit so there was barely any oxygen regulation. Didn't need it on this planet but still, it's a bitch to fix. I turned my flashlight on and started scanning the room for a light switch. I found one but wouldn't ya know it... dead. At least the beacon had power. I walked over to the radio and pulled off my helmet. I wedged the flashlight in my neck and leaned my head to the side. I started flipping switches and turning dials to see if there was a response. Nothing. Id have to find the master terminal. I grabbed the flashlight and donned my helmet again. I began scanning the room again before I heard it. A little shuffle behind me. I turned quickly and drew my senator raising it at the source of the sound.
It was a small child. At least... thats what it appeared to be. At first glance I could see bindings on its legs and arms. A hospital gown with little ducklings on it and a teddy bear tucked under its arm. I lowered my senator as it spoke.
"Dr. Mehon told me to wait here. He said hed be right back."
Dr. Mehon was probably dead I thought. I knelt down and put my hand on the child's shoulder. "Whats your name kid?"
"3". I felt a rage build up. I swallowed it quickly.
"Well 3, what uh... why.. why do you have bin.." I stopped myself. Whatever those scientists were doing here...
3 looked up at me and I noticed it. A cat like set of eyes. Other little details started to click as well. Four fingers on each hand, slightly pointed ears, a discoloration of skin and a rigid scale-like spine on the shoulder.
"The radio doesnt work mister." 3 seemed to have understood their situation. "Dr Mehon destroyed it before he left."
I realized then that it was unlikely either of us would make it off this planet alive.
EDIT: Part 2 out now! (Part 2's a lil shorter) I Didnt think itd get this many upvotes and comments. Ill keep writing then. Feel free to suggest names for 3!
submitted by ChristLover10 to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 Davess_World2019 Hagwon Life: How to spot a lazy manager/owner

Re: PODCAST: How to Spot a Lazy Manager
I'm telling ya, other than trying to rip off as many people as possible and get as much work out of them, and do the least amount of effort themselves, I don't know why Hagwonites bother. And I don't know why foreigners care more than the people who own the place and/or will be working there 10 years from now.
It reminds me of George Costanza's frustration with his lazy boss Mr. Kruger. You can see the YouTube clip here. Bust your rear-end for what? So it can backslide back to square 1 as soon as you leave and the new person replaces you? You're not helping the place advance, you are helping it idle in neutral.
See if this sounds like your experience at a Hagwon.
1. One: they blame low performance and turnover on employees.
--And every other mistake as well. The students are total brats? That's your fault. You don't teach the lesson absolutely perfectly without training? That's your fault. Kids are bored? That's your fault. A child pokes another child and mom calls about it, again --your fault.
None of these managers actually manage. They give irrelevant or no training. They institute no discipline plan all the staff, students, parents will agree on. They often give not enough material to teach the class, ALL OF THAT falls on the hands of the foreigners. Imagine that, a place that's been open for 5-10 years still hasn't taking point on all these issues, just push them off on the foreigner and go back to gossiping about how terrible the foreigners are.
BTW, I'm not an owner of a company, I can discuss people who should be discussing ideas.
2: They look for quick fixes to complex retention problems.
--That's more than true. I declined to accept a 2nd contract by being offered slightly more money, about double the vacation time, and move up to head teacher. Why didn't I accept this promotion? Because everything I said the entire year was totally ignored, the pay wasn't enough to put up with their stupidity. The vacation was totally bogus because we had to threaten a mutiny just to get 2 extra days due to break between semesters. Why would I trust them to give me more when they didn't honor the ones in the 1st contract. Search Bar: Mutiny. Also, they harassed the head teacher out of a job, why would I then stick my head in the guillotine after they dragged the body away by the ankles?
submitted by Davess_World2019 to HagwonBlacklistKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 alienowitch [H] Scarlet/Violet Shiny Paradox/Shiny Gimmighoul/breeding/items service/Shiny Mythicals/Custom Shiny hunts/Iron Leaves/Walking Wake/RNG services gen 3-8/Shadow Colosseum Pokes/Authentic Sinistea raid/SwSh+SV shiny egg services/Level 1-2-4-6 Shiny GO Latis/Lvl 1 LakeTrio/Few past events ! [W] Paypal

Hello !!
I'd like to offer my time and knowledge gathered across all Pokemon games in the help of getting you Pokemon you'd like to have. If by any chance you're not finding anything of interest among ones listed: fret not becuse it is my honest pleasure to go and catch whatever you desire to suit your fancy. Please take a look at my offer of these creatures and services:
Curently in the middle of BDSP and COLO RNG's. Such requests will take more time !!
* Shiny Mew from Masterwork reasearch - 60 $ Unredeemed yet, random IV's - customisable OT
* Shiny Level 1 Lake trio: Mesprit in Ultra ball, Uxie in Ultra ball, Azelf in Great ball - random IV's - customisable OT, self caught during Sinnoh Tour - 14 $ for one or 37 $ if taking a set
* Shiny Level 1 XXS/XXL Azelf in Great ball and level 1 XXS Uxie in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour.
* Shiny level 1 XXL Mesprit in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour.
* Shiny level 15 XXS Cresselia in Ultra ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour from research.
* Shiny level 15 Giratina-O in Great ball - Taking offers here. Self caught during Sinnoh Tour from research
* Shiny level 1-2 Latios and level 4/6 Latias from Pokemon Go. They are still in PoGo and can have custom OT. Self caught at the time of Hoenn Go Tour - 25 $
* Home stamped Shiny level 4 Suicune OT: Alienowitch TID: 939638 in Great Ball self caught during Johto Tour - 60 $
* Shiny Celebi from Pokemon Go special research - Caught by me in Pokemon Go, ready for transfer - 15 $
* Shiny Melmetals from Pokemon Go - Level 1-35, 10 $ per 'mon OT: Alienowitch TID: 343668 self caught in Go or Custom OT + Speed IV - 20 $
* Shiny PoGo Darkrai - 13 $ Self caught in raids - OT customizable
* Shiny PoGO Genesect - 13 $ Self caught in raids - OT customizable
* PoGo Hoopa - Caught in Ultra ball - customizable OT - 15 $ (self research in Go)
* PoGo Shaymin - Caught in Ultra ball - customizable OT - 10 $ (self research in Go)
* PoGo Zarude - 15 $ per 'mon self researched and caught in Ultra ball
* PoGo Shiny Deoxys - 13 $ self caught in PoGo, customizable OT
* PoGo shiny Furfrou - 15 $ Valentine trim (can be changed into ANY trim)
* Shiny PoGo legends: Raikou/Suicune/Zekrom/Reshiram/Tornadus/Thundurus/Landorus/Kyogre/Groudon/Raikou/Registeel/Regice/Tapu Lele/Tapu Bulu/Tapu Koko/Tapu Fini (list to be expanded cataloguing species - ask for specific 'mon) - 6 $
* Shiny Eternatus OT: Galar TID: 221118 - Self redeemed, proofed - 15 $
* Volcanion OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 10 $
* Genesect OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 10 $
* Marshadow OT: Mythical22 TID: 220909 - Self redeemed, proofed - 15 $
* Victini OT: Victory TID: 220818 - Self redeemed - 15 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Tapu Koko/Lele/Bulu/Fini in Luxury balls- 10 $ or 35 $ for set
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Safari ball Mewtwo - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Safari ball Tornadus - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Premier ball Zygarde - 20 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Sport ball Solgaleo - 10 $
* Shiny Dynamax Legends OT: Slava TID: 036275 Love ball Necrozma - 10 $
* Shiny Regieleki OT: Slava TID: 036275 Premier ball - 30 $
* Shiny Regidrago OT: Daakuson TID: 726825 Heavy ball - 30 $
RNG services/Services:
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* Shiny Jirachi from bonus disc, please be aware that all shiny Jirachi are natural clones and come with OT: WISHMKR ID: 20043
* Gen 3 overall RNG: Custom Colosseum/GoD: XD/Fire Red/Leaf Green - customisable (OT/ball/nature/IV's)
* Shiny Manaphy from Pokemon Ranger cart - customisable (OT/Nature/IV) - 18 $
* Gen 4-5-6-7 RNG: legendary/Ultra Beasts - customisable (Shinyness/OT/ball/nature/IV's) - 8 $ or 5 $ if random IV's
* Gen 8 raid RNG: - customisable (Shinyness/Ball/Nature), OT will be: Alienowitch, TID: 059583 (SWORD)/ Alienowitch TID: 729244 (SHIELD)
* Gen 8 raid RNG'ed Authentic Shiny Sinistea with spread Timid 31/0/31/31/31/31. Customisable OT and ball - 12 $
* Sword/Shield Egg breeding services customisable - random guaranteed 5x31 or 4x31+1x0 IV's - 5 $
* Sw/Sh Calyrex/GlastrieSpectrieKubfu/Regis catching - 5 $
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* EGG RNG - Custom nature/Ball/OT/egg moves - 3 $
* Shiny Arceus (custom OT/Ball/Nature) - 25 $
* Custom Legend RNG (OT/Ball/Nature) - 5 $
* Member's Card Shiny Darkrai in Moon ball Timid nature OT: Lucas TID: 070365 - 80 $ (RNG'ed using Pokefinder and capture card for another user, which backed down from deal - proofed)
* Member's Card Shiny Darkrai RNG - Yet to be caught, different OT's available, can be caught using any ball available in BDSP - 80 $
* Any playthrough for custom OT is 10 $ per game once
* Iron Leaves in Friend ball Jolly OT: Alienowitch TID: 564392 - 12 $ (proofed)
* Raging Wake in Dive ball Timid OT: Alienowitch TID: 564392 - 12 $ (proofed)
* Raging Wake+Iron Leaves set - 20 $
* Shiny egg services (custom OT/ball/nature) - 4 $
* Any item - 0,5 $
*Any normal non shiny Pokemon - 0,5 $
* Comp+battle ready non-shiny Pokemon - 1 $
* Any Shiny Paradox in custom pokeball - 3 $
* Koraidon/Miraidon/Iron BouldeIron Crown/Raging Bolt/Gouging Fire custom OT catching - 5 $
* Shiny Gimmighoul in level ball TID: 558144 OT: Bulek - 15 $ (self caught using raid from second CFW console)
* Vivillon/Shiny Vivillon forms/dex - Paldea mark any ball available - 2 $ normal/ 5 $ shiny
* Ribbon Master - Always wanted to have one and never could ? I can help with that. Now having beauty like this: H-Typhlosion RM/Scizor RM won't be a problem ! (Bear in mind that some ribbons can't be gotten becuse of gen 4 wi-fi shut down or are pretty hard to do now - master ball tier battles for example).
Most proofs can be adjusted to your liking so just write me on this topic, we will manage.And that is all I can provide, but wait... You still didn't find what you've been looking for ? Ask away ! I really like to RNG and stuff so I might just go and get it for you ;)
Here's my Reference
Thank you for your time dear Redditor ! :)
* Gen 8 Raid RNG: CFW Switch + Capture Sight/Raid Finder.
* Gen 8 BDSP RNG: CFW Switch + Capture Sight/Chatot website PokeRNG or Capture card + Pokefinder
* Gen 7: CFW 3DS+3DSRNGTOOL+NTR Plugin or Citra+Python plugin+3DSRNGTOOL
* Gen 6: CFW 3DS+3DSRNGTOOL+NTR Plugin
* Gen 4: RNGreporteRNGhelpyRAM watch/.lua script/TWL Save manager
* Gen 3: RNGreporteDolphin emulatoVBA emulatoAguacate script/HxD/GBA backup tool/.lua script
* Gen 9 Gimmighoul: Raicrawler (data look up) + date change
* Special mention: Jirachi is done solely on emulator using rom of Bonus disc. Manaphy is done by wiping save on physical Pokemon Ranger Cart, playing through the game, sending Egg to Gen 4 game, ripping the save to do RNG on emulator and writing it back to Gen 4 cart.
* Any lack of OT and TID info will be filled accordingly in comments when said Pokemon are transferred to their respective medium.
* All Pokemon offered in this thread are caught/received/redeemed by me.
submitted by alienowitch to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:14 Ok-Salamander-385 AITAH for stepping up for my friend and getting called manipulative?

so lets give some background- Ill call the first friend maya. She is a very sweet person and honestly would never purposely hurt anyones feelings. Lets call this second girl cara and cara honestly can be passive aggressive and be stubborn about her opinions. Theres another girl, lets call her Bee. Bee used to be best friends with maya but now only talks and prefers to talk to cara, which is her choice so its whatever. Cara has shit talked all of us including Bee and we know this for sure. She left her old friend group because they knew she shit talked them, and she blames me for them coming up to me and asking if she did the same with me, which I said yes to. We are all part of another big friend group lets say 14 people. We put our differences aside because its really not that deep and everything was chill In our group. Recently some girl started a slander account on insta making fun of people in our year group. We were curious who it was as this was the third time i think and they never got caught. While the whole gc were texting and trying to figure it out just for fun, Cara says she knows who it is and what we are guessing is wrong and she knows how this girl "operates." We just asked out of curiosity, "who is it" cause i thought as good friends for a few years she would tell us. She said she didnt want to and coudnt. we said and I quote "alr its ur choice but is there any reason you cant?" we asked out of concern and curiosity and it was well intended. However, she said she just "I cant." we then said "ah fine then its ur choice."
Maya asked after "did this person say anything to u before doing this?" which she asked because she thought that the person behind the account had announced it and cara heard or something along those lines. Cara interpreted it as Maya was saying she was involved in the account and was friends with this person which:
  1. if youre friends with them, then you arnt responsible for their bad actions but covering up for them is wrong, so as long as u report it, its fine and we dont really care
  2. Where tf did u see it as if maya was saying u and this person were besties, her text did not say anything like that at all???
  3. if you arnt going to tell us who it is, why keep announcing you know this person and how they "operate," which makes it sound like you know them well
Cara sent 3 voice messages on the group chat and then a whole paragraph basically saying, "how could u think i would be friends with a person like that tf." I felt bad for Maya as she kept apologising when she didnt even have to, and I know she woudnt even hurt a fly and didnt mean any harm. So I said "i read the text as if she was just asking if this person said something about it to you, not that you were involved." and I also said "its just a misunderstanding cara!" which is what it was. But soon after Bee steps in and asks Maya "are u okay bro tf" "why would you say that" "this is horrendous." and writes a paragraph that assuming stuff is wrong. But didnt cara assume Maya was being mean? Bee and cara sent maya whole rants on priv after, at like 12 in the night and maya was asking me to help out because she didnt know what to do and kept apologizing.
I asked Cara why she didnt see that maya didnt mean any harm, but long story short cara kept telling me that i was gaslighting her and making her believe that her side of the story was wrong and i never took her side,
she brought up her whole old friend group and said it was my fault that they think she shit talked them (there was screen shot proof of her doing that and they only asked me if cara did the same to me which I had proof off so I said yes).
Cara said maya and me attacked her on the gc, and when Bee stepped up it was her being mature and not taking a side which is so wrong what, It feels like double standards to me because when i stepped up and said nothing wrong btw just that it was a "misunderstanding," she said I was wrong. I dont know what to do but its really not that deep and its ruining the whole friend group as no one wants to take sides seeing as we have our finals and no time to fixate on this.
Cara keeps saying no one sees her side and she keeps saying she knows shes correct. I said I acknowledge u have ur own views but so do I so can we just move on from 1 simple text? and she said no. she seems to have forgiven Maya but is still mad at me. I apologised anyway for how our texts may have come accross but she said she doesnt want to see my side because im wrong and i cant justify it.
what should I do and AITAH
submitted by Ok-Salamander-385 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:13 gaycat21 my elder cousin sister is naive and I hate her

I have an elder cousin sister (S) - 28 and a younger cousin sister (A) - 18. I'm 24F. We all don't have any siblings and have relied on each other for emotional support. All of our fathers are either abusive, alcoholic or absent and that's what bonded us all together.
Now, A is smart & intelligent and I know she's gonna make it big in this world. She's so young but so articulate and talented. S is....naive and a little stupid. Sometimes it's hard to believe she's the eldest of us. She's constantly complaining about her friends and colleagues. Rightfully so because from the stories she has told us, they sound absolutely horrible.They owe her money as well but this woman doesn't want to ask for her own money back because it's awkward and she doesn't want to ruin her friendships with them. She also has a lot of male friends who constantly make sexist jokes and she lets it slide. She dumps all of this on us on the groupchat every other day and starts crying about how they make her feel. She's a woman in STEM and evidently more successful than the rest of them but these friends of hers always try to make her feel small.
We have been begging her to cut contact with them and start anew for the past few months. We have tried talking to her calmly, gave her tough love, suggested therapy and starting new hobbies and everything under the sun. Whenever we call out her friends, she defends them like nobody's business which feels like such a betrayal. The way she accomodates their bullshit and their requests and excuses is so infuriating. We have tried telling her she deserves friends who are kind and respectful to her. Nothing we say sticks to her brain.
We were delighted when she had to move to a new city for a job! We thought she'll finally be away from these people but due to her fear of loneliness, she keeps visiting them every weekend to hang out. She has no personality outside her work and refuses to do anything for herself. She goes to work, comes home and doomscrolls and the cycle repeats everyday until the weekend arrives. I wish she focused on her finances more and taking her career to the next level.
We've been so encouraging for so long that we have started despising her. Her lack of self worth and her inability to stand on business is killing our bond. I know she was sheltered and had helicopter parents but we feel that it's time to grow up. Thankfully, she's single!
I don't want to be around her anymore, it's exhausting. I'm tired everytime I talk to her. My younger cousin feels the same way.
We both were just wondering - should we cut her off or should we keep trying to get her to see her worth?
Any advice or suggestions?
submitted by gaycat21 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:13 rileylovesmushrooms Update on the mouse I found. I don’t know what to do

Posting this again to hopefully get some more advice. I found this little guy two days ago in my house on the ground. He was still breathing but he never opened his eyes or started moving. Today is the exact same. He’s certainly a fighter but you can see that he has no energy left. At this point I don’t know what to do. I was hoping he’d pass away because he’s clearly not feeling well but he’s been here for two nights.. thoughts? Is it worth it to bring him to a rescue? Or should I just leave him alone?
submitted by rileylovesmushrooms to WildlifeRehab [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 Public_Lifeguard7942 Turning a brief outdoors cat into an indoor cat

Hi all.
So unfortunately we ended up in a bad situation whereas my mum received a section 21 letter because the landlord wants to sell the house.
Due to her disabilities we went down the council route, mum was band A, she was preliminary offered a property. However the council messed up big time and pulled it out from under her feet.
A council lhoysing eader overturned all decisions medical evidence of my mum’s disabilities including hospital reports and took away all bandings. Were the process of appealing this but we’ve decided to go elsewhere. The appeal is more about disability rights.
Having witnessed things about the local council I believe they have seriously breached a duty of care.
Anyway We have had to secure alternative accommodation in an housing association. The place mum will be moving to is an over 55s facility. Its nice.
Whilst it does allow small pets, cats have to remain indoors and are not allowed in communal areas. My mum will also be on the second floor.
My mums cat is everything to her, and she cannot give him up. He has really helped get some of her life back after my dad died.
Unfortunately there is no one to take him in. I can’t because I live in a shared place. I’m not taking him to a rescue because they would just turn him a way. (I know the bleak outlook for him in my area).
He is mostly an indoor cat anyway, and is extremely clean. (Better than most humans.) He won’t go out at night and he only wants to be asleep on my mum. He cries to go to bed and will keep at it until my mum gives in. He goes out for about 5 minutes a day realises he hates it and comes back in again.
The accommodation is temporary because it’s not the best but we are working with other housing providers. Stuff is in the pipeline but it will take a few months. This option was a last resort on the back of the council screwing us over.
I’m just wondering if there are anyways to make the transition smoother. There is a communal garden I don’t know what their rules are, put if mum could put him on a cat leash or something and just sit with him. Or if we could do anything to the apartment.
It’s a completely open space aside from a few cupboards which benefits from the sun. We’re thinking of getting him one of those cat play areas from pets at home too.
submitted by Public_Lifeguard7942 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:09 KiaOra11514 Natural treatments for adenomyosis?

Hi, recently diagnosed with Adenomyosis and currently on a 6-8month waiting list to see a gyny about my options which are limited to Mirena and hysterectomy (doctor has ruled out all other medications as my dad passed away from a blood clot which caused a heart attack when he was 38 so I have an increased risk). I’m very reluctant to try the mirena when I read there’s a chance of mood changes as I’ve already had hormonal crazies with Graves’ disease (hyperthyroidism) where I lived with panic disorder and extreme anxiety for years and it’s taken a lot to move through all of that. Hoping gyny understands this and will be asking for a hysterectomy if nothing has improved as I’m experiencing horrific bleeding where I can’t get out of bed for over a week at a time and it’s become very frequent. Wondering if anyone has had any luck improving symptoms with diet/life style changes, supplements etc. Thanks for taking time to read :)
submitted by KiaOra11514 to adenomyosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:09 Jazzlike-Ad8781 Afraid that my IUD is out of place + I might have a cyst.

I got the copper IUD inserted two weeks ago. It went very well, it was almost painless. They did a sort of scan on me aswell, like an echo thing.
I got some bad cramps in the first week of my IUD insertion, bug they faded away after the first week. I got vaginal discharge in that week too, but no blood.
Now, two weeks later I got my period yesterday. At least I thought so because the bleeding and cramping has completely stopped now. I haven’t had any all night and day. So I basically just bad very bad cramps and a lot of blood for a few hours. I thought I was on my period so I didn’t think much of it, and it was twice as bad as my usual periods. Now that it has completely stopped, I’m afraid that this wasn’t a period but just my IUD moving. I just tried to feel my strings in the shower and I just can’t feel them. It also feels like I have quite a big lump in there, when I try to feel for my strings. It scares me a lot and I’m not sure if it’s normal or a cyst. I’ve been having some pain and discomfort during sex, it feels like there’s something pushing against my cervix, like a sensitive uncomfortable pain. I just thought that it was nothing after they did the scan because if they saw a cyst during the insertion they would’ve definitely seen it, right. I feel very scared and worried and I don’t know what to do now. Is it normal to suddenly get really severe cramps and really havavy bleeding? Especially since I haven’t even been having that in the first week.
submitted by Jazzlike-Ad8781 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:08 JudgmentRemote2168 It’s been almost 3 years

Back in 2018 I met someone online through a mutual friend, and we casually started speaking. We never thought it would go anywhere, but fast forward we fell for each other hard and dated long distance. We were in a good situation where we were able to see each other about once a month even being across the country from each other.
When the pandemic hit, we moved forward with closing the distance and I moved from the west coast to the east coast. I didn’t want to move in together right away as I was fiercely independent and wanted to ease into us being close together. I also had lived alone for a long time, and wasn’t ready to fully share my space with someone yet.
For a year we were together in the same city, and I thought things between us were going great. We spent (at least) half the week together and I was easily integrating into my new city and life.
Then it all came crashing down when he told me he had met someone else, and he wanted to be exclusive with her and didn’t want to cheat on me so he wanted to end things between us so they could be together.
I mean.. he was cheating the whole time, but whatever, if it makes him sleep better thinking he did nothing wrong then… ok I guess. You never hooked up so you aren’t a cheater (yes he is).
But to the point, it’s been three years. I have no desire to get back together with him, and even if he did reach out to reconcile… I wouldn’t do it.
But I also don’t have any desire to date anyone, at all. I tried dating a little bit, but I just felt like I was doing it because I had to.
I live a very fulfilling life, I have great friends and a beautiful life in every way except romance. I just feel like he was it for me. He was the love of my life, and it ended, that was my chance and now it’s done.
I know what he did was wrong, I’ve talked about it in therapy a lot. I know I can’t blame myself because he decided to be a piece of garbage… but even so I just feel like my shot at a romantic future is done, and my fairytale has ended forever.
I don’t know what I’m looking for by sharing this, I just guess to finally admit it. I tell my friends I just don’t feel like dating, when in reality it all feels pointless.
I don’t look at his social media, I have no clue what he’s up to. But I know he looks at mine sometimes, I see he’s looked at my stuff every now and again.
submitted by JudgmentRemote2168 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:05 ggwplucky [Abandoned Pools] Sony Connect Track by Track Interview

[Abandoned Pools] Sony Connect Track by Track Interview
A while back I was messing around with the Wayback Machine & came across this diamond in the rough on AP's MySpace page. Also found some photos, but most importantly, a track-by-track [Armed To The Teeth] interview from Sony Connect that they did back in '05 (presumably around the same time they did the Sony Connect set with the acoustic songs).
In the interview, Tommy tells the story behind each track on Armed To The Teeth (except Lucky). You'll also find tidbits about the process, lyrically & sonically of these songs, and much more!
If you want to read it/see it from the "raw" source and discover more, here's a link with the Wayback's capture I found on the interview blog: https://web.archive.org/web/20071005015435/http://www.myspace.com/abandonedpools
Now without further ado, the Sonic Connect Interview:
A track by track discussion of Armed to the Teeth from the Sony Connect Store interview:
LETHAL KILLERS TW: As far as how that [demo of the] song was constructed ... I did this trick where I would take a half-time drum loop and sort of nudge it one way and then put in another track and nudge it the other, and we got this sort of double time, rolling drum feel. So that - plus the sort of round-robin type of guitar parts that we have going - was sort of a very easy construction for a song. And then you start moving the bass part around, and, boom, you've got a song.
But I think that lyrically - I want to make it clear that that song isn't necessarily [about] "church is bad, government's bad." I think it's a little bit more complicated than that, though sometimes if you mix the two of religious power and government power, that can be bad for both of them. And I kinda like the idea of not living a life saying, "Well, you better live life in a certain way because then, you know, everything's gonna be great later in heaven." You know, the idea of, like, if this is all we have now, if that idea was just a little bit more embraced, our world could be a little bit better. I just find that a little bit more satisfying, too, if you think like, this is all you have and then you're gonna die. [Laughs] It seems a little bit more like, "Oh, okay, well!" instead of, like, thinking that there's some other life at some other time and you can put things off.
RABBLE TW: Well, a lot of the songs on this record - about two-thirds of it - have to do with a relationship I had that went south, and you know when you go through relationships you always have such a good 20/20 hindsight about things. And I think "Rabble" is just trying to basically say to somebody, "I just wanted to know you better" . . . It's just one of those things where, with this relationship in particular, I wish it would have turned out better. And there's a lot of things that happened that shouldn't have happened, and it's just sort of one of those "oh, what could have been?" scenarios.
THE CATALYST TW: "The Catalyst" is definitely along the same lines. I think the main line in that one is "I wish I could say something beautiful to make you fall in love again." There's a Coachella reference in there, too: "Love has slowly faded away like spotlights shining into space." Have you ever been to Coachella? Of course you have. You know, there's all those spotlights that shoot up in the air. I just thought that was kinda cool, like, how far do those lights really go? "The Catalyst" was also the last song written for the record. It was demoed while we were in the studio. And it's one of those songs that I said two-thirds of the record was written for somebody. That's one of them.
TIGHTER NOOSE TW: "Tighter Noose" is the oldest song on the record by far. It was probably written back in '99, 2000, or somewhere in there. I was thinking about it for the first record [2001's Humanistic], but it didn't really fit in with those kind of songs, so I kept it around and we'd even play it live occasionally. I think it fits in with these songs way better. [As for what "Tighter Noose" is about,] that song is one of those breaking-off-on-your-own- what-have-you-got-to-lose kind of things, because that was written sort of in the wake of when I was in The Eels. It wasn't a terribly happy situation, so I was like, well screw it, I'm just gonna go off and do my own thing. And then it's sort of like, well, you know: "I'm gonna go start my own thing. Uh, I have to learn to sing and write songs now." [Laughs] It's kinda funny: "Screw you guys! I'm gonna go get a deal!" And then like, "Uh oh." But really, I'm a firm believer in that [idea that] you just gotta go for it. And so it was like, well, this is gonna be difficult, but it's gonna be better than what I had before. And actually, with some distance on that situation, I realized I made the right decision and made a lot more money and was a lot more happy as a result. So that was sort of a leap of faith, you know. I didn't want to be someone's stupid bass player. Now I'm my own stupid bass player.
WAITING TO PANIC TW: There was a lull between record companies. The first record [Humanistic] was on Extasy - I don't know if you know about that company, but we were basically the poster-child for the implosion of an indie label. I came off the road in 2002, the label's folding, and I'm like, well, I'm just gonna go back and give this my best shot and we'll get another deal. It seemed highly unlikely, but we ended up doing it. And there was just a lull in there where nobody was interested. I had attorneys not returning my phone calls - that kinda stuff. It felt like, I'm just waiting around and I'm really anxious. So that was a song of frustration that was written and demoed all in one day - it was a song that just came out of me in like eight hours. We also put an EP out [The Reverb EP] and on the EP is the version of that demo that I did in one day. It doesn't happen [like that] very often. Usually I build bed tracks and come back to it a few weeks later and add something, and then come back a couple of days later. This one was all in one shot.
HUNTING TW: My friend Ross Golan, who has his own band Ross Golan and Molehead, had been following the wake of the relationship. He's like, "You just gotta write her a song and use her name." And I'm like, nah, nah, it's not covered enough. And he's like, "No, just do it. Go for it." So I did. I wrote this song and I wrote it for her for her birthday and I used her name, which is in the first lyric of the song, which is "Ginny." So I just went for it and wrote it. It was basically a birthday gift, and it was basically saying, like, you know, "Oops!" [Laughs] It didn't get me very far, but I like the song. We're friends, she's a good girl, absolutely, but back at that time, it was kinda like, "Erraaghhh! Here's a song!" But I like the song and I just think it was one of those times where I was really putting myself out there, and I know she liked it, too. But then, I think that's a myth where you just write a song and all of a sudden the girl just says, "Oh! Okay!" But, you know, hey. There it is. It's on the record.
That's the romantic notion of how they'll react to the song, at least.
TW: Exactly. And I'm really glad we're past that whole ironic phase, which I was part of with The Eels, where everything was super ironic and we'd play "The Macarena" on stage - [sarcastically] and that was funny! I'm glad we're through all that stuff, even though I was still a Beck fan when he was doing all that stuff, too. But I like being sincere and sappy and romantic. I kinda think that's a great thing.
ARMED TO THE TEETH TW: This is one of the first songs written when we came off the road and I had a lot of momentum. If you look at the state of the industry you can see a lot of corporations that seem to have to buy everything in sight. They just have to own everything, and to what purpose? Does it really make the industry much better? No. There's fewer outlets, there's a lot more gatekeepers. They want to buy stuff and it just kinda makes things bad for everybody. All the radio stations play the same shit - except for Indie 103.1 and KCRW in L.A. In spite of it all, I'm just gonna try to do my best and have a career anyway. When we came off the road I felt like I had a lot of momentum. Performing live is inspiring to writing, so it was just the whole idea of, "Alright, now that I have one record under my belt, I'm gonna really go for it in spite of all the forces that be." Even though they're pretty much indifferent to us, [laughs] their actions do affect us. It's sort of a song of bravado.
Why did you also choose "Armed To The Teeth" as the name of the album, too, which, in turn, implies it as the overall theme?
TW: Yeah, which is funny, since I kinda decided on that theme early on, thinking I was gonna go in a certain way, but then, like I said, two-thirds of the record is love songs. So "Armed To The Teeth" doesn't really fit in a certain way, but I also liked it just because [of] that idea of, like, now I'm really ready to make a record, and also I think it reflects the state of the country a little bit. Everything's a little bit aggressive, we're at war, and I thought it was sort of timely in that way
SOONER OR LATER TW: "Sooner Or Later" is another one of those tracks that was written after we got signed, so it's a newer song. I mentioned that sort of double time drum loop thing with "Lethal Killers" - this is the same thing. It's a half time drum loop that I nudged in one direction and then put in another track and nudge it in the other, then "boom," it's double time. And I like that, it's a good effect. It really sets up this kind of overlapping, rolling sound that a real drummer can't do. And things flam a little bit, and I really like that feel, so this song was constructed in the same manner where you have a rolling drum loop and then you put over a couple of guitar parts here and there and all of a sudden you got a song - I think this song is over six minutes. This is, um, I guess it's a couple things. Lyrically, it's sort of saying, like, whatever you do or whatever you say, there's no point in hiding anything because it all comes out in the end - which is the tagline in the chorus. There's no hiding. And in the verse it says, "Sooner or later / It's all coming down." In some way or another, whether you acknowledge it or if it just eats at your self, you can't really get away with anything. It's sort of fatalistic that way, but also in terms of, like, seeing how I also look at as a bigger picture of, like, politically, and since we're at war right now, it seems like things are getting a little scary. And that's kind of like one of those doomsday scenarios. If you look around a little you can really freak yourself out if you're reading about, like, bio-warfare and things like that. So a lot of this talk about "smoking gun in the shape of a mushroom cloud" and all that, it sort of brought up for me a lot of doomsday scenarios. So it's two-fold: it's that doomsday scenario, in terms of as far as the world is concerned, and then, personally, if you do stupid shit then you're eventually gonna pay for it somehow.
SAILING SEAS TW: Like "Hunting," this is probably the most direct, out-there storytelling song. Instead of using her [real] name, it's switched to "Holly," which is in the chorus. So it's another one of those songs talking straight to somebody. And there's a lot of details in there that I wouldn't talk about in normal conversation. That's the funny thing about songwriting where I wouldn't talk about this, but then I can put it in this song and you can still hear it and you still understand, but it's sort of masked a little bit. It's presented in a certain way where it's somehow okay to say that when you're in a major key or something. Because like, the second verse is about pretending you're outside a room listening to somebody [you love] have sex [with someone else], and that's a situation to put yourself into to really torture yourself. I created this scenario in my head and I put it in a song, and it's kinda brutal, but the [beat of the] song is upbeat and happy.
RENEGADE TW: This is a sample-based type song [with] drum loops. The cello was originally a Bjork sample and we replaced it. This one is sort of hard to explain. To me it’s just sort of like just a creation, because some of the record is social commentary, and I think there's a lot of that in this song, and it's like little snippets and ideas, and not necessarily one unifying idea. I think it's just kind of a song based on looking around and taking stock of things. This song in particular isn't really even about anything. It's just, like, observations, pretty much. And, oh, by the way, Billy Howerdel, the guitarist from A Perfect Circle, is playing guitar on that song. He jumped on that track and he's the one that makes it sound scary.
MAYBE THEN SOMEDAY TW: That was one of the first songs written in the wake of the breakup. It was one of those kind of "well-it-just-didn't-work-out-but-maybe-one-day-we'll-see-what-happens" kind of things. Because the circumstances are such that it wasn't gonna happen immediately so I was kinda like, well, we'll see. I don't have much to say about that; it's just grouped in with "songs about her."
GOODBYE SONG TW: That was also written when there was not a lot going on for me and we hadn't really nailed down the record deal. She [Tommy's ex-girlfriend] always thought she was bad luck - she'd show up and bad things would start happening - so she thought it was her fault that I hadn't got a deal. She actually moved away and soon as she did, we got a deal. [Laughs] I think it's funny to sort of say, like the first line of the song is "I'm not washed up / And you're not bad luck for anyone," so, you know, get off the ledge, really. And it's just one of those things; it's one of those yearning songs. I think with a lot of those songs there's a certain amount of effort spent on presenting evidence, like, "Look, I know this is how you feel, but look at all the other stuff." It's almost like making a case for your self [in a song]. And like I said, it didn't get me far, but it's still a good venting process. And I sort of realize when I say things like, "I wrote this for her" or whatever, it's not really for her. It's more self-indulgent to get this stuff out. And in a way you're saying, "Yeah, I wrote this song for you," but no, you wrote it for yourself so you could say things that you felt like saying. So I realize that and I think I realized that while I was writing them, but my job is to write songs so you take from what's around you to make it happen.
submitted by ggwplucky to AbandonedPools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:02 cinnamongrapefruit My dad finds a way to hate every man I date

My (26f) dad (60m) consistently hates every man that ALL of his daughters, including me, express interest in or date. We do not date bad guys. These men are not criminals, losers or abusers with bad intentions or bad behavior. He consistently finds minuscule things to pick on such as their jobs not being good enough for him or them not being handsome enough for his taste. He then proceeds to drive them away with irrational behavior such as threats, aggressive words, and intimidation. It really makes us uncomfortable. We are all adults in our 20s and 30s. It is absolutely INSANE that he acts this way and because of this I’m seriously thinking of going minimal contact with him because it would be wildly unhealthy for me to remain close to him in this stage of my life trying to pursue a serious relationship moving forward.
He doesn’t see his behavior as wrong, he thinks it’s justified. I tried talking to him so many times but hes so arrogant he thinks he’s always correct. I recently started seeing someone, he’s a good man and successful. He seems chill and peaceful. One of my biggest relationship goals right now is peace and tranquility. But my dad won’t respect it because in his opinion, he’s ugly. How could you be so arrogant, shallow and stupid. The girlfriends he cheated on my mom with were nothing to ride home about yet I never bashed them or said this one is ugly you can do better dad! Fucking hypocrite. He has also said he doesn’t like that I’m dating a man older than me yet he himself is currently dating a younger woman. He is actually quite stupid, contradictory and hypocritical but can’t see it.
submitted by cinnamongrapefruit to entitledparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:01 JustaCatChick My roommate is my aunt and she’s becoming difficult and starting to slowly charge me more.

My aunt F(40) and I F(25) agreed to both get an apartment with both of our names on the lease. She was in a rush to get an apartment as she had just had a divorce, and I wanted my own place after moving out of my boyfriend’s parent’s house.
She was in a rush to sign the papers and move in because she had nowhere else to go. Her sister (my other aunt) allowed her to live in her house rent free for a couple months before she needed to look for a place. So once she found out, I was breaking up she took it as an opportunity to get a roommate.
I feel like me being naïve and new to the lease signing process was seen as an opportunity to take advantage. The day of signing the lease they told us that we couldn’t view the unit because it wasn’t ready and I told her that I didn’t sign it because I don’t know what the condition is but she insisted that we do and that we can fix it later, so I did trusting her.
Once we move in, it’s a very old department and we are paying roughly 1,500 in rent. It’s a two bed two bath. It comes with the garage for a single car, which she has claimed since she pays more. She has the master bedroom with a standup shower and a bathtub as well as “his and her sink”. I have the guest restroom, which is just a simple small bathroom with a tub shower, toilet and sink.
Initially, the agreement was the I pay a portion of the rent, electricity and Internet. Her mother, which is my grandmother was trying to help us get us into our own place so sent her $5000 which was supposed to be divided by two which would give $2500 to her and $2500 to me. I didn’t know about this until recently as she hid it and was acting like it was given to her for months, and even made it seem like she was being nice by helping me out since I couldn’t afford some stuff during she furniture shopping. So when we went shopping for the apartment, I tried to help pay for half of groceries and little furnishings that I could afford out of my pocket. When it came to picking out couches, she made it seem like a very carefree experience (not paying attending to price) and was looking for a very big couch that was lavish and when I told her I couldn’t afford it, she said don’t worry Grandmother is helping us out. (but we’re just spending my portion of the money on the couch she wanted) If I had known that MY money was going towards that couch, I would’ve definitely chose a cheaper one and put more thought into selecting it.
I had a gut feeling about the spending and asked my grandmother about the “help she gave us”, she told me the truth: that $2500 should have gone to me, and she’s sorry that she didn’t clarify it soon as she sent it. She thought my aunt would’ve done the right thing and give it to me to help me purchase my furniture for my room. Later she went shopping for a brand new mattress and began shopping for more furniture and decor. Meanwhile, my room is full of free furniture that is used and that I’ve gotten from family members storage and IKEA furniture that I bought out of my own pocket.
I am a full-time student, receiving assistance from the gov receiving 1400/month as a Veterans dependent. And I also do commissions on the side to make extra money. So I live very frugally naturally and am a minimalist tbh and yes I CAN afford bills and own groceries. I’ll also watch all her animals while she’s out of town for free (2 cats and 1 dog). I only have one cat and often clean the whole apartment, including helping her with her laundry that sits in the washedryer. Since i see it as a contribution and helping her out.
The agreement has changed in the past four months that I’ve lived with her. We are 4 months into a 14 month lease. She pays $1200 a month for rent, I am responsible for everything else. That being: whatever is left of rent, water, electricity, Internet, and I have to pay for my own parking every month at the apartment we stay (she gets garage so she doesn’t have to pay parking)
Lately she’s been asking me if I’m going to get a job and to start contributing more towards the rent, which caught me off guard as I thought we had already come to an agreement on the rent/bills situation before signing the lease and revisiting about a month ago. Right now I’m roughly paying $600-$700 in utilities and rent combined. If it gets more expensive and bills go up I am responsible for the overages and she seems to like to leave the AC low and lights on. She’ll leave her clothes in the washer and forget to throw them in the dryer and end up washing them again. The same thing with the dryer. Even if it’s dry she’ll, have to redry it to “freshen it up”.
I’m also probably undiagnosed OCD, my only complaint to her is to be clean and at least keep common areas tidy. She likes to leave things in the sink overnight, dump her weeks worth of coffee cups that she brings from work in the sink and leave them for hours. Her dog will pee around the apartment and I find it after it dries up and becomes sticky after I step in it. I’ve mentioned these issues before, but she seems to shrug them off and give me excuses.
I’ll leave for days at a time and give her a notice on when I leave and come back because I know I am leaving my cat with her, but I make sure he always has food and I come by and check on him, clean litter box and tidy up around the place if I’m staying at my boyfriends, which is only 20 minutes away. She complain the fact that I’m gone too long. And when I’m at the apartment, it seems to bother her that I do school from home and can work from home doing commissions. I’m an introvert.
She is a shopping addict and is in debt and also runs a business that is in the red, she has no children and she seems to be living above what she can afford. Her ex husband is needing help financially and I think it’s affecting her financially. In the end she’s asking for me to help her as she is struggling with her lifestyle, relationship, and business.
Some people might say that my situation isn’t that bad or that I’m overthinking, but since this is a family member, it’s hard to set boundaries as well as stand up for myself when I respect her as an aunt.
She’s came to me offering to help me in the beginning when I was looking for a place and now it seems like a trap. My parents asked me to move back in so that I could save money and avoid rent but she said if I move out I’m fully responsible for breaking the lease or paying for her to downsize into a single bed room unit, which would be $1300 in fees or more. I want to stand my ground since my name is on that lease and we made an agreement. I’m frustrated and really need advice. Am I wrong, should I help more or is she just taking advantage.
submitted by JustaCatChick to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 ahhidkthisusername How do i talk to my parents about how this 'diet' course that they buy is not even enough food for a small child?

Both my parents have been buying this diet guide that comes with supplements. Their diet is literally just 2 meals a day comprised of steak and green vegetables, they don't eat any snacks, carbs, sugar, etc- my mum literally was searching up how many calories are in a teabag. They eat and are still really hungry afterwards while my sister and I (both teens) are eating more than them. My sister and I have both had/have ED's (not extreme but still dealing with it) and them constantly talking about it is just super toxic. When we were eating broccoli my dad told us that we shouldn't cook it fully because it takes away the nutrients, told my sister that she shouldn't eat bread for breakfast and dinner because its too many carbs, etc. This diet thing lasts like a couple months and then they go off and on again. They pay quite a bit of money for these 'supplements,' and the food lists- the supplements are just nutrients because they don't get enough through the food they eat. Me and my sister try to talk to them about it but they get all defensive, so I don't know how they will understand how insane they go when they go on this diet. What should I do?
submitted by ahhidkthisusername to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 Proper-Acadia4443 How many 'stern-survivors'?

I suddenly realized that there would have been very few direct eyewitnesses who were still on the ship when it broke and sank, as the lifeboats were hundreds of meters away. How many direct eyewitnesses do we actually have of people moving to the back of the ship? We know the baker (and Rose Dawson, just kidding), but almost all of the 1400+ people on the stern obviously perished.
Or were there still lifeboats very close by?
submitted by Proper-Acadia4443 to titanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 Important_Rub_3479 Buy a house in current country now for equity or wait until we move to US?

The wife and I want to move to the US in about 5 years. For background, I am a US citizen.
The housing market in AUS is real bad. However we are in our early 40s and know that no one will give us a mortgage when we’re 50. We wouldn’t buy in the US right away. So we’re feeling the pressure to buy a house now, just to have some equity even if we’re planning on leaving soon.
This of course ties us to AUS for a while which I’m not keen on. I’d move now but I want to have everything in line financially before we do considering the AUD is pretty bad against USD.
If we don’t buy, we can save more, and hopefully have a healthy deposit for when we do move and find a place we like. But I feel like we’re risking waiting until we’re too old for a mortgage, esp as newcomers.
submitted by Important_Rub_3479 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:58 spotieda are rent prices getting out of hand?

I need to vent but also looking for advice.
Me, my sister and my friend, we all are planning on getting a place together this year and when searching for places I've found that moving out of our parents houses seems unattainable.
Each of us make double minimum wage and in theory should be able to get a place but rent prices are so high. Is it because of summer? Should we wait till winter to look for places?
What I've seen online for example: 1500 for a 3 bed Or even 700 for a 1 bed in a shared house?
I personally can only afford maybe 500 a month, am I delusional for thinking housing cost is outrageous or are we looking in the wrong places.
How is anyone able to live in this town??
submitted by spotieda to idahofalls [link] [comments]
