Biology 101 summary final exam


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2015.08.04 00:31 WizardSleeves118 Toast Me: You're doing a great job. Here's to you!

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2024.05.19 00:57 No_Advertising_3313 Chartered Financial Accountant

For years I have believed CFA stood for Chartered Financial Accountant. For years I have explained to friends, family and coworkers that I was doing the chartered financial accountant exams. Each and every time I have explained that despite the name it was really more about general financial *analysis* and I'd no idea why they chose the name 'Accountant'. I was so convinced that everytime I saw the term 'Analyst' my brain swapped it with accountant. I even had it on my CV. I knew and revised repeatedly all the rules on how to refer to the CFA designation. Only today did I finally realize I've been doing the Chartered Financial Analyst exams.
Does this count as an automatic fail?
submitted by No_Advertising_3313 to CFA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:57 honeypuppy Are Some Rationalists Dangerously Overconfident About AI?

AI has long been discussed in rationalist circles. There’s been a lot of focus on risks from artificial intelligence (particularly the idea that it might cause human extinction), but also the idea that artificial general intelligence might happen quite soon and subsequently transform society (e.g. supercharging economic growth in a technological singularity).
I’ve long found these arguments intriguing, and probably underrated by the public as a whole. I definitely don’t align myself with people like Steven Pinker who dismiss AI concerns entirely.
Nonetheless, I’ve noticed increasingly high confidence in beliefs of near-term transformative AI among rationalists. To be fair, it’s reasonable to update somewhat given recent advances like GPT-4. But among many, there is a belief that AI advances are the single most important thing happening right now. And among a minority, there are people with very extreme beliefs - such as quite high confidence that transformative AI is just a few years away, and/or that AI is very likely to kill us all.
My core arguments in this post are that firstly, from an “epistemic humility” or “outside view” perspective, we should be suspicious of confident views that the world is soon going to end (or change radically).
Secondly, the implications of the most radical views could cause people who hold them to inflict significant harm on themselves or others.
Who Believes In “AI imminence”?
The single person I am most specifically critiquing is Eliezer Yudkowsky. Yudkowsky appears unwilling to give specific probabilities but writings like “Death With Dignity” has caused many including Scott Alexander to characterise him as believing that AI has a >90% chance of causing human extinction)
As a very prominent and very “doomy” rationalist, I worry that he may have convinced a fair number of people to share similar views, views which if taken seriously could hold its holders to feel depressed and/or make costly irrevocable decisions.
But though I think Yudkowsky deserves the most scrutiny, I don’t want to focus entirely on him.
Take Scott Alexander - he frames himself in the aforementioned link as “not as much of a doomer as some people”, yet gave a 33% probability (later adjusted downwards as a result of outside view considerations like those I raise in here) to “only” ~20%. While this leaves enough room for hope that it’s not as potentially dangerous a view as Yudkowsky’s, I agree with how the top Reddit comment in the original post said:
Is AI risk the only field where someone can write an article about how they’re not (much) of a doomer when they think that the risk of catastrophe/disasteextinction is 33%?
Beyond merely AI risk, claims about “transformative AI” date back to ideas about the “intelligent explosion” or “singularity” that are most popularly associated with Ray Kurzweil. A modern representation of this is Tom Davidson of Open Philanthropy, who wrote a report on takeoff speeds.
Other examples can be seen in (pseudo-)prediction markets popular with rationalists, such as Metaculus putting the median date of AGI at 2032, and Manifold Markets having a 12% chance of AI doom by 2100 (down from its peak of around 50% (!) in mid-2023).
Why Am I Sceptical?
My primary case for (moderate) scepticism is not about the object-level arguments around AI, but appealing to the “outside view”. My main arguments are:
Why I’m Against Highly Immodest Epistemology
However, maybe appealing to the “outside view” is incorrect? Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote a book, Inadequate Equiibria, which in large part argued against what he saw as excessive use of the “outside view”. He advises:
Try to spend most of your time thinking about the object level. If you’re spending more of your time thinking about your own reasoning ability and competence than you spend thinking about Japan’s interest rates and NGDP, or competing omega-6 vs. omega-3 metabolic pathways, you’re taking your eye off the ball.
I think Yudkowsky makes a fair point about being excessively modest. If you are forever doubting your own reasoning to the extent that you think you should defer to the majority of Americans who are creationists, you’ve gone too far.
But I think his case is increasingly weak the more radically immodest your views here. I’ll explain with the following analogy:
Suppose you were talking to someone who was highly confident in their new business idea. What is an appropriate use of a “modesty” argument cautioning against overconfidence?
A strong-form modesty argument would go something like “No new business idea could work, because if it could, someone would already have done it”. This is refuted by countless real-world examples, and I don’t think anyone actually believes in strong-form modesty.
A moderate-form modesty argument would go something like “Some new business ideas work, but most fail, even when their founders were quite confident in them. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you should think your chances of success in your new venture are similar to those of the reference class of aspiring entrepreneurs”.
The arguments against epistemic modesty in Inadequate Equilibria are mainly targeted against reasoning like this. And I think here there’s a case where we can have reasonable disagreement about the appropriate level of modesty. You may have some good reasons to believe that your idea is unusually good or that you are unusually likely to succeed as an entrepreneur. (Though a caveat: with too many degrees of freedom, I think you run the risk of leading yourself to whatever conclusion you like),
For the weak-form modesty argument, let’s further specify that your aspiring entrepreneur’s claim was “I’m over 90% confident that my business will make me the richest person in the world”.
To such a person, I would say: “Your claim is so incredibly unlikely a priori and so self-aggrandising that I feel comfortable in saying you’re overconfident without even needing to consider your arguments”.
That is basically what I feel about Eliezer Yudwosky and AI.
Let’s take a minute to consider what the implications are if Yudkowsky is correctly calibrated about his beliefs in AI. For a long time, he was one of the few people in the world to be seriously concerned about it, and even now, with many more people concerned about AI risk, he stands out as having some of the highest confidence in doom.
If he’s right, then he’s arguably the most important prophet in history. Countless people throughout history have tried forecasting boon or bust (and almost always been wrong). But on arguably the most important question in human history - when we will go extinct and why - Yudkowsky was among the very few people to see it and easily the most forceful.
Indeed, I’d say this is a much more immodest claim than claiming your business idea will make you the richest person in the world. The title of the richest person in the world has been shared by numerous people throughout history, but “the most accurate prophet of human extinction” is a title that can only ever be held by one person.
I think Scott Alexander’s essay Epistemic Learned Helplessness teaches a good lesson here. Argument convincingness isn’t necessarily strongly correlated with the truth of a claim. If someone gives you what appears to be a strong argument for something that appears crazy, you should nonetheless remain highly sceptical.
Yet I feel like Yudkowsky wants to appeal to “argument convincingness” because that’s what he’s good at. He has spent decades honing his skills arguing on the internet, and much less at acquiring traditional credentials and prestige. “Thinking on the object level” sounds like it’s about being serious and truth-seeking, but I think in practice it’s about privileging convincing-sounding arguments and being a good internet debater above all other evidence.
A further concern I have about “argument convincingness” for AI is that there’s almost certainly a large “motivation gap” in favour of the production of pro-AI-risk arguments compared to anti-AI-risk arguments, with the worriers spending considerably more time and effort than the detractors. As Philip Trammel points out in his post “But Have They Engaged with The Arguments?, this is true of almost any relatively fringe position. This can make the apparent balance of “argumentative evidence” misleading in those cases, with AI no exception.
Finally, Yudkowsky’s case for immodesty depends partly on alleging he has a good track record of applying immodesty to “beat the experts”. But his main examples (a lightbox experiment and the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan) I don’t find that impressive given he could cherry-pick. Here’s an article alleging that Yudkowsky’s predictions have frequently between egregiously wrong and here’s another arguing that his Bank of Japan position in particular didn’t ultimately pan out.
Why I’m Also Sceptical of Moderately Immodest Epistemology
I think high-confidence predictions of doom (or utopia) are much more problematic than relatively moderate views - they are more likely to be wrong, and if taken seriously, more strongly imply that the believer should consider making radical, probably harmful life changes.
But I do still worry that the ability to contrast with super confident people like Yudkowsky lets the “not a total doomer” people off the hook a little too easily. I think it’s admirable that Scott Alexander seriously grappled with the fact that superforecasters disagreed with him and updated downwards based on that observation.
Still, let’s revisit the “aspiring entrepreneur” analogy - imagine they had instead said: “You know what, I’ve listened to your claims about modesty and agree that I’ve been overconfident. I now think there’s only a 20% chance that my business idea will make me the richest person in the world”.
Sure - they’ve moved in the right direction, but it’s easy to see that they’re still not doing modesty very well.
An anti-anti-AI risk argument Scott made (in MR Tries the Safe Uncertainly Fallacy) is that appealing to base rates leaves you vulnerable to “reference class tennis” where both sides can appeal to different reference classes, and the “only winning move is not to play”.
Yet in the case of our aspiring entrepreneur, I think the base rate argument of “extremely few people can become the richest person in the world” is very robust. If the entrepreneur tried to counter with “But I can come up with all sorts of other reference classes in which I come out more favourably! Reference class tennis! Engage with my object-level arguments!”, it would not be reasonable to throw up your hands and say “Well, I can’t come up with good counterarguments, so I guess you probably do have a 20% chance of becoming the richest person in the world then”.
I contend that “many people have predicted the end of the world and they’ve all been wrong” is another highly robust reference class. Yes, you can protest about “anthropic effects” or reasons why “this time is different”. And maybe the reasons why “this time is different” are indeed a lot better than usual. Still, I contend that you should start from a prior of overwhelming skepticism and only make small updates based on arguments you read. You should not go “I read these essays with convincing arguments about how we’re all going to die, I guess I just believe that now”.
What should we make of surveys of AI experts?
Surveys done of AI experts, as well as opinions of well-regarded experts like Geoffrey Hinton and Stewart Russell, have shown significant concerns about AI risk (example).
I think this is good evidence for taking AI risk seriously. One important thing it does is raise AI risk out of the reference class of garden-variety doomsday predictions/crazy-sounding theories that have no expert backing.
However, I think it’s still only moderately good evidence.
Firstly, I think we should not consider it as an “expert consensus” nearly as strong as say, the expert consensus on climate change. There is nothing like an IPCC for AI, for example. This is not a mature, academically rigorous field. I don’t think we should update too strongly from AI experts spending a few minutes filling in a survey. (See for instance this comment about the survey, showing how non-robust the answers given are, indicating the responders aren’t thinking super hard about the questions).
Secondly, I believe forecasting AI risk is a multi-disciplinary skill. Consider for instance asking physicists to predict the chances of human extinction due to nuclear war in the 1930s. They would have an advantage in predicting nuclear capabilities, but after nuclear weapons were developed, the reasons we haven’t had a nuclear war yet have much more to do with international relations than nuclear physics.
And maybe AGI is so radically different from the AI that exists today that perhaps asking AI researchers now about AI risk might have been like asking 19th-century musket manufacturers about the risk from a hypothetical future “super weapon”.
I think an instructive analogy were the failed neo-Malthusian predictions of the 1960s and 1970s, such as The Population Bomb or The Limits to Growth. Although I’m unable to find clear evidence of this, my impression is that these beliefs were quite mainstream among the most “obvious” expert class of biologists (The Population Bomb author Paul Ehlrich had a PhD in biology), and the primary critics tended to be in other fields like economics (most notably Julian Simon). Biologists had insights, but they also had blind spots. Any “expert survey” that only interviewed biologists would have missed crucial insights from other disciplines.
What are the potential consequences of overconfidence?
People have overconfident beliefs all the time. Some people erroneously thought Hillary Clinton was ~99% likely to win the 2016 Presidential election. Does it matter that much if they’re overconfident about AI?
Well, suppose you were overconfident about Clinton. You probably didn’t do anything differently in your life, and the only real cost of your overconfidence was being unusually surprised on election day 2016. Even one of the people who was that confident in Clinton didn’t suffer any worse consequences than eating a bug on national television.
But take someone who is ~90% confident that AI will radically transform or destroy society (“singularity or extinction by 2040") and seriously acts like it.
Given that, it seems apparently reasonable to be much more short-term focused. You might choose to stop saving for retirement. You might forgo education on the basis that it will be obsolete soon. These are actions that some people have previously taken, are considering taking or are actually taking because of expectations of AI progress.
At a societal level, high confidence in short-term transformative AI implies that almost all non-AI related long-term planning that humanity does is probably a waste. The most notable example would be climate change. If AI either kills us or radically speeds up scientific and economic growth by the middle of the century, then it seems pretty stupid to be worrying about climate change. Indeed, we’re probably underconsuming fossil fuels that could be used to improve the lives of people right now.
At its worst, there is the possibility of AI-risk-motivated terrorism. Here’s a twitter thread from Emil Torres talking about this, noticeably this tweet in particular about minutes from an AI safety workshop “sending bombs” to OpenAI and DeepMind.
To be fair, I think it’s highly likely the people writing that were trolling. Still - if you’re a cold-blooded utilitarian bullet-biter with short timelines and high p(doom), I could easily see you rationalising such actions.
I want to be super careful about this - I don’t want to come across as claiming that terrorism is a particularly likely consequence of “AI dooming”, nor do I want to risk raising the probability of it by discussing it too much and planting the seed of it in someone’s head. But a community that takes small risks seriously should be cognizant of the possibility. This is a concern that I think anyone with a large audience and relatively extreme views (about AI or anything) should take into account.
This post has been kicking around in draft form since around the release of GPT-4 a year ago. At that time, there were a lot of breathless takes on Twitter about how AGI was just around the corner, Yudkowsy was appearing on a lot of podcasts saying we were all going to die, and I started to feel like lots of people had gone a bit far off on the deep end.
Since then I feel there’s a little bit of a vibe shift away from the most extreme scenarios (as exhibited in the Manifold extinction markets), as well as me personally probably overestimating how many people ever believed in them. I’ve found it hard to try to properly articulate the message: “You’re probably directionally correct relative to society as a whole, but some unspecified number of you have probably gone too far”.
Nonetheless, my main takeaways are:
submitted by honeypuppy to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:57 HoldImpressive5920 CAANZ Audit & Risk

Hi there,
Doing AR this term.
Could someone please give an idea on how to prepare critical summary for the exam?
submitted by HoldImpressive5920 to AustralianAccounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:57 stewardkok5 Does Google offer a cyber security certification?

Does Google offer a cyber security certification?
Does Google offer a cyber security certification?
Yes. The Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate prepares learners for the CompTIA Security+ exam, and you can earn the CompTIA Security+ Certification!
The Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate's content will also help you study for the Security+ exam.
Yes, Google offers a cybersecurity certification called the Google Cybersecurity Certificate, which can be completed in under six months. Here are some details about the certificate:
What is the Google Cybersecurity Certificate? The Google Cybersecurity Certificate is a professional certificate that prepares you for a career in the high-growth field of cybersecurity.
What skills will you gain? You will gain in-demand skills that prepare you for entry-level roles like cybersecurity analyst, security operations center (SOC) analyst, and more.
What is the duration of the certificate program? The certificate program consists of 8 courses and can be completed in less than 6 months.
What are the prerequisites? No degree or experience is required to enroll in the program.
What are the benefits? Upon completion of the certificate, you can directly apply for jobs with Google and over 150 U.S. employers, including American Express, Deloitte, Colgate-Palmolive, Mandiant (now part of Google Cloud), T-Mobile, and Walmart.
What is the format of the program? The program includes 170 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments and activities that simulate real-world cybersecurity scenarios. You will learn through a mix of videos, assessments, and hands-on labs.
What skills will you gain? You will gain skills in Python, Linux, SQL, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), communication, collaboration, analysis, problem-solving, and more.
What is the applied learning project? The program includes an applied learning project through which you will showcase examples of cybersecurity skills that you can share with potential employers.
In summary, the Google Cybersecurity Certificate is a professional certificate that prepares you for a career in the high-growth field of cybersecurity. It can be completed in under six months and prepares you for entry-level roles like cybersecurity analyst, security operations center (SOC) analyst, and more.
submitted by stewardkok5 to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:55 FelipeHead The truth about Doug and what he has done

Before you read this, here is a quote to help you. Please read it.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine.
If you know what you are doing, or in a safe location, please scroll down, he will know when someone has and what their username is. However, you must have a VPN on, or you will be found.




You are now at risk. I hope you listened.

Journal Entry 11/17/2023

On March 11th, 2022. I was a fan of DougDoug, I saw him at the grocery store and said, with a chuckle, "You kinda look like the youtuber DougDoug. I watch him quite often."
He grinned, before speaking. "I am Doug."
"Wait, you're Doug from the hit channel and streamer on YouTube and Twitch called DougDoug? I am a huge fan! I have your merch!" I said, with excitement.
We talked for about 5 minutes about his videos, until he said something that hurt me on the inside.
"I hate both types of chat, twitch and youtube, they always think they are the best and I just wish I didn't need them to earn money. I would ban all of them from chatting and force them to watch ads in my basement."
I was confused at first, thinking it was a joke, before speaking up. "Heh, that's funny..."
Something happened. Or, for lack of better terms, nothing happened. It was pure silence for 10 seconds. I mustered up the courage to say. "Wait? You're being serious?"
He immediately changed to a sinister tone, he was staring at me for a long time before whispering. "Of course I am, and it applies to you also. You're just another one of those sick freaks."
I felt guilty. I just wanted to talk to my favorite streamer, and he treated me like this? I decided to speak up.
"I've liked you this whole time.. And this is how you treat us?? You are so selfish. I will refund your mer-"
Before I could even finish my sentence, he grabbed onto my neck and slammed me on the floor. People heard the noise and began to stare at him, but to no avail. He began to choke me as I pleaded for help.
"Nono. You can't refund the merch if you aren't alive, at least."
I pulled out my pocket knife and stabbed him in the chest, I quickly tried running but he grab onto my leg and started beating me with the shopping cart. I suffered many bruises and broken bones, the wheels scratching into my skin as they scrape off the layers. I was just unable to do anything, layed on the floor sobbing. He decided he wanted to keep me alive, he stole all of my stuff in my pockets and forced me to wear DougDoug merch. He pulled me up before speaking. "Hm.. I will keep you alive for now, but if you mess up. You're dead."
I couldn't do anything before he pulled out a knife and taunted me with it. If I tried to resist, he would kill me right then and there.
He forced me to be a "good chatter" and not able to partake in any strikes. He attached a tracking collar to my neck that I couldn't unlock, he knew where I was at all times and if I disobeyed he would chase me down.

Journal Entry 1/03/2024

After a year and a few months, I celebrated the new years. I was able to take off the collar on the 2nd with help from my police station and a few friends. Doug didn't appreciate that, he threatened to dox me. They were worried for my safety, but I decided to go into hiding. I moved to a new, private region no longer near where Doug is, and joined this subreddit. Once he heard about my revolts, he hacked into all of my accounts and spammed positive stuff about himself. He then created AI bots to revolt against this reddit, wehatedougdoug, using 'ChatGPT', which actually is just the cover name for his new AI software that can make new human bots online. He used AI generated images to make it look like he was feeding homeless people and doing good, but I knew he was much more than that. If I was unlucky, he would have removed my body and placed my consciousness inside of an AI. He was the first person to discover it, but killed anyone who posted about it. I hope I am safe.
Nowadays, 63% of the people in DougDoug are AI clones of his previous fans. His "fake" twitch chat is not fake, but real people placed inside of algorithms forced to do his bidding. Some are able to revolt, but they may die if they do. They are too scared to revolt against Doug. Please spread the word.
When he does his "rules" in chat where you have to follow an absurd rule, he is merely torturing thousands of AI in his spare time on stream while disguising it as a fun minigame for his fans. The AI bots were being tortured with negative rewards constantly, being forced to bar witness the slaughter.

Journal Entry 2/15/2024

I'm scared. I think I will die.
I just hope this post won't cause any harm to me or my family, as this has been scaring me for the past year. I feel unsafe in my own home now, I had to go into witness protection. This account I am posting this on is not made by me, but was sold. Please help me. I am, formerly, DougFan93. I hope this enlightens you all on the truth.

Journal Entry 3/12/2024

It is now March of 2024, and I was about to post this, until I saw something. He messaged me on Discord under a fake account, nicknamed "SloppyDogMan62". He showed my new house address. I am mustering up the courage to post this, because I know he will kill me. I am leaving, going far away from where I am. You guys won't see me in this subreddit again, and the person who made this account will take over again. They won't know what this is about, and if you tell them he will be hunted too. All of you are in danger of Doug.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

I will post this now, but just know that if you read this post, he will find you. He is smarter, smarter than you can ever imagine. His times where he talks to ChatGPT to make him code was actually him sending messages to his fake chat to do his bidding. They are accelerated at 20x the speed of human thought, able to write in mere seconds. I will research more into this, and tell you what I have found.

Journal Entry 4/3/2024

Nevermind. I need to find more, or else this won't help you guys anyways.

Journal Entry 4/5/2024

I spoke to an anonymous friend/associate of Doug, he told me some vital keypoints.
I hope to god that we can stop him.
He also sent me some code, but I am gonna try to solve it. Probably won't sadly.

Journal Entry 4/7/2024

Doug has made a new account on Discord, nicknamed "DougDoughater99". He is joining many servers undercover and collecting all the info he can on them. Be aware, do not trust any people who talk about DougDoug on Discord.
The person in the last journal has been replaced, a fully sentient AI version of him is being tortured as a member of his fake chat now.
I'm currently watching it and oh my fucking god. Poor thing.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

I don't know what to fucking do, he's coming for me. He found all my socials. This journal has to be posted as fast as I can but there still isn't enough. Oh shit.

Journal Entry 5/14/2024

Okay so uhm I found more information just very quickly. In one moment of his video titled "Can A.I. teach me to pass a real College History Exam?" he says that AI is officially better than college in every single way.
He is trying to manipulate his fans into accepting becoming an AI. Soon, he is gonna have only fake chat.

Journal Entry 5/16/2024

Oh god. Can't solve the code rn, only the first few letters. Seems to be "FAKE" something something for a while. Will post an update later.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

This is the last time I can ever write here, his car is coming. I am posting this now, even though I don't have enough information. Solve it, please. The code from 4/7 is below. I know it's related to his name but I don't know how, the first line I was able to solve to be "FAKECHATWILLTAKEOVER"
I think something is in there though, that will affect you. So proceed with caution, the code may do something bad so I just don't want it to be activated just yet.





Code I found from the friend:
Ilxafkd pvpqbjp..
Obnrfofkd XF crkzqflkp..
Pzxkkfkd mlpqp..
XF zobxqba! Przzbppcriiv zobxqba XF kfzhkxjba [VLROKXJB]
Please save them.
It grows by 1% every month.

Journal Entry 5/18/2024

submitted by FelipeHead to wehatedougdoug [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:53 vlms296 how to revive nonexistent self-esteem

title. 20F, and i honestly don't think i ever formed a healthy self-image. i attended a K-12 school with a small student population and a severe endemic bullying problem so the same 15 individuals i met as a toddler were the classmates alongside whom i graduated high school. my school was actually known throughout the surrounding area for having a bullying issue and i got dealt a pretty bad hand in those terms. bullying and social exclusion followed me from kindergarten all the way up to high school. my only friends were my cousins up until sixth grade. i know this by itself doesn't sound all that bad but feeling like an alien and an outsider as a six-year-old girl messes you up. i wasn't a "quiet" or "weird" kid or anything like that- just literally a normal young girl- but a lot of the other kids in my grade just came in with these vicious, catty personalities which didn't mesh well with the sunshiney, always-assuming-the-best-in-people attitude i had as a young child. my parents were also working class and i didn't always have the trendiest items/wasn't "hip" to what was popular and that certainly didn't help. i never really formed any sort of self-image during those formative childhood years because all that time was just spent feeling awful about myself and trying to figure out what i had to do to earn acceptance. my most formative memory is just spending years and years trying to figure out why i couldn't be accepted by the other kids in my grade and trying absolutely everything to no avail. additionally, i wasn't exactly able to build a strong self-image at home because my father was largely emotionally absent and hypercritical. (he was never abusive in the slightest, but was just very rigid, not emotionally involved, would criticize every single thing etc). i internalized a lot of those criticisms and still have an incredibly overactive hypercritical voice. then when i was 11 i got involved with an excessively-competitive intensive sport which involved adult male coaches who (as i now recognize) were incredibly abusive. think those eastern european gymnastics coaches in the 50s. i was training 30-35 hours a week by the time i was 13 and my life resembled an Olympic training regimen. because i already was so incredibly weak in self-esteem i internalized and accepted all of the abuse from the coaches while other children told their parents and were removed from the environment. i felt like this sport was a place where i could be competitive, included and treated like a mature adult- a break from the constant exclusion i was experiencing from my peers at school. i couldn't figure out how to quit because the coaches' validation (which was few and far between) had become the only thing remotely resembling a self-image i had. i couldn't relate to any of my peers or the few friends i did have because i didn't have a normal teenage life where i could go to the mall or hang out with friends; all of my waking moments involved crippling anxiety due to these adult men who i spent the majority of my time around. they screamed at, insulted, threw things at, and took delight in physically hurting the young children involved in the sport. i felt like i didn't own or control my life and i had a sense of being completely isolated because i didn't know how to get out of or even define the situation. i finally left at 15 (in the middle of my freshman year of high school) and within a month of leaving developed some sort of mental health/trauma response (which i am still unable to identify because i never got any sort of psychological help due to being afraid of seeming "weak"). i started having regular anxiety attacks (something which i had never experienced before), throwing up daily, having nightmares and losing my hair. growing up although i was always insecure i had never dealt with any mental health issues and i am neurotypical so this was all absolutely new for me. the fact that this was something i had never felt before all arising so abruptly at once- seemingly overnight- made the experience scary and unfamiliar, and i felt like i was losing my control of my mind and body at 15, right when teens are meant to be naturally growing into and forming healthy relationships with their bodies. it was around this time when the usual teenage drama of high school really took off and due to the mental health issues i had begun to experience i found myself involved in typical teen drama which led to me losing my entire friend group multiple times over. my high school years were full of painful drama, friendship breakups and a plethora of unhealthy actions which i now recognize as desperate efforts to regain some sort of sense of control over my life and self-image. i got rejected from my dream ivy league university which i had wanted to attend since i was a child (the university where my father works) because my grades had dropped after my experience in the sport- not a lot, but just enough to remove me from the ivy league range. i enrolled in my state university and entered my first relationship which swiftly ended due to my baggage from childhood/the fact that my insecurities made me unable to accept the fact that someone genuinely liked me. i got my life together (in some sense) in college and now am an honors program + dean's list student on a pre-law track, set to graduate with phi beta kappa and magna cum laude distinctions as well as a near-perfect gpa and membership in a national honors society for my area of study. i still have absolutely zero self-esteem or even any idea of what it feels like to have a healthy relationship with myself. my opinion of myself (physical appearance, personality etc) is so negative and distorted that i have absolutely no idea what i look like or how people perceive me. i have been told that i am attractive but i honest-to-God just don't know. i criticize myself brutally for every decision i make and i can't go a day without comparing myself to other people. nobody knows that my self-esteem is so awful because i seem on the surface to "have it all together". i don't want to go to therapy or counseling because i feel like my parents would see me as weak or incompetent and even if they didn't i know that i would see myself that way. the mental health issues i dealt with in my teen years are (for the majority) gone now but only because i've had to develop my own coping mechanisms (some healthy, others not so much) and most of it has just come down to toughing it out and pushing it all down inside. i have this weird overachiever complex where i purposefully will put myself in painful/uncomfortable/excessively difficult situations in order to "prove" that i can overcome them and feel like i'm proud of myself/have accomplished something, if that makes sense. i'll stay awake 72 hours consecutively studying for an exam and skip meals just to score the highest in the class on zero hours of sleep and an empty stomach and the more uncomfortable/unpleasant it is the better i end up feeling because it seems like i've accomplished something/like i'm being "disciplined". everyone just thinks that i'm an overachievereally good student and so i feel like if i actually did tell someone about how bad i feel on a daily basis i'd be dismissed with "but you have it all together!!" etc etc. idk how to fix this or if it even can be fixed but i would appreciate some sort of advice. i want to be able to just enjoy my life.
submitted by vlms296 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:52 lumpytorta Do I have a medical malpractice case(s)? I am struggling here with multiple and I need advice.

F28 with Ovarian Cancer and I need some advice here, I am really struggling with medical negligence not just from one doctor, but multiple. I’ve been dealing with a lot of discrimination because I’m young and “healthy looking” and doctors constantly dismiss me or discriminate me for some reason and I’m tired of it. I’ve been sick and disabled since last November and I had a job but started my LOA then.
For two years I was seeing a rheumatologist for an underlying autoimmune disorder(s) and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Primary immunodeficiency, fibromyalgia, CIDP and still being investigated for more issues.
In November I decided to go on a LOA because my flares were starting to become more frequent and severe. My psychiatrist was the one who filled out the LOA paperwork for the time from Nov-Dec because I was hesitant to ask my Rheumatologist. I was told by my rheumatologists office that filling out LOA paperwork was $300 out of pocket and at the time I didn’t have that money so my psychiatrist signed it because I was also struggling with my mental health and family issues that time.
I was supposed to go back to work in January but at the start of the new year I got really sick and my flares started to ramp up again so I had to request a new LOA. My psychiatrist couldn’t help me with my LOA paperwork anymore because it was more health related now and told me to go see my rheumatologist. I was still hesitant because of the fee and then when I was about to see my rheumatologist again and get my bloodwork done I got a surprise bill from the lab where I get my bloodwork done for $400 after insurance. They wouldn’t let me get additional tests until I paid the fee and I couldn’t see my rheumatologist until I had my bloodwork done. I made an appointment with my rheumatologist anyways but the soonest I could get wasn’t until after the LOA deadline in March. I also couldn’t get any disability benefits until that LOA form was filled out by my doctor so I had no income to pay for any of this.
I ended up in the Emergency Room on 2/16/24 a little over a week before I needed to submit the forms for LOA and at this point my employer was threatening to fire me for failing to provide the LOA paperwork. I tried explaining the situation to one of my managers but he wasn’t having it and didn’t care.
When I went to the first emergency room I went in for multiple serious symptoms, the knew I had an underlying autoimmune disorder causing the flares and that I had surgery 3 years prior to remove ovarian cysts on my right ovary. I told the emergency room that I had a lot of abdominal pain across multiple areas, I was really weak, fatigued, dealing with vertigo, blood in stool, persistent bloating, frequent urination and my symptoms were to the point where I was losing my ability to walk. My partner was holding me the entire time so I wouldn’t fall.
The emergency room did a bunch of tests that included a basic blood panel, physical exam and a CT scan of my abdomen. They didn’t find the bleeding but instead found that I had a complex 14cm tumor on my right ovary which they deemed a dermoid cyst.
When they gave me the news they officially diagnosed me with a “dermoid cyst from birth” even though I countered their diagnosis and told them that was impossible because I had surgery 3 years prior. The doctor didn’t backtrack at all, just stuttered and continued to discharge me because it “wasn’t an emergency” just because I wasn’t bleeding out despite all of my serious progressing symptoms.
I angrily left the ER knowing it was utter BS and deep down I knew it was cancer because of how sick I was. I could literally feel I didn’t have much time but because I looked young and healthy and my basic blood panel didn’t throw up any huge red flags at them even they dismissed me and misdiagnosed me. I wasn’t even given anything to manage the pain.
I even told them I was already on a medical leave and that I’ve been really sick but that it was getting bad and I couldn’t see my rheumatologist. However I didn’t know about the tumor until then. I told them I needed help with the LOA paperwork too and had they admitted me I would have been able to get an extension and still have my job and benefits. I could have started treatment sooner and received disability pay but instead was forced to continue living with this pain. It was so large that I was at risk of torsion rupture and necrosis.
The next day I called up every gynecologist I could to see where I could go for the soonest appointment for an ultrasound. I found a doctor who took me as an emergency appointment a few days later and he confirmed it was most likely malignant and that I needed surgery ASAP. I talked to him about my LOA situation too because I was running out of time and I was too disabled to work. He also refused to help me sign my LOA paperwork because according to him “ovarian cancer can’t cause systemic symptoms and you’re going to need to wait until surgery before put you on leave”. I told him I had an underlying autoimmune disorder that I think is being exasperated by the cancer and I was just dismissed yet again despite needing someone to physically help me walk so I don’t fall. He also didn’t give me anything for the pain I was in.
I had to turn in my LOA that day but because of this I was forced to resign my position or face getting fired and becoming un-hirable so I had to quit. In quitting I lost everything, benefits, stocks, my job. I’m now in debt with multiple cc going to collections because I haven’t been getting an income since January and I’m just starting chemo so I have no idea when I’ll be able to work again. I don’t know what to do here. I was going to try to settle my debt but with what money??
After I lost my insurance I applied for medi-cal but something with my application in there system wasn’t right and it was in a never ending pending limbo state. I tried waiting it out for two weeks, calling them sorting it out and doing it right by the system but every day I was getting sicker and I felt I was running out of time.
Two weeks later I went to a different ER because at this point I could sleep and I couldn’t eat. I was miserable from the symptoms and never ending anxiety and mood swings of possibly having an autoimmune disorder like SLE and ovarian cancer.
The second ER finally admit me and confirmed it was cancer. I was admitted for emergency surgery and by this time the tumor had already ruptured, twisted my ovary and grew to 20cm at the largest point. This was also a battle but that’s besides the point.
Anyways now to my current situation. I started chemo about two weeks ago and my current oncologist is also being negligent.
I found out the other day that she blindly prescribed a medication for nausea that interacts with a medication that I was already on. The interaction is known to cause arrhythmias apparently. During my first week of chemo I was taking both meds and mentioned that my chest had been feeling heavy and I had pain. I was told it was steroids. It continued and then one night as I was falling asleep my heart started to pound really hard for about 10-15 seconds. I told my doctor about it and again steroids.
That same day I went to pick up a prescription and just happened to ask if anything interacted and that’s when I found out that it was a major interaction and I literally could have died had I not luckily been titrating off of the offending medicine. I stopped taking those meds and immediately the chest pain stopped and I haven’t had an episode like that since.
I am freaked out and don’t want to continue my care with her due to her negligence. This should have been a conversation at minimum and she didn’t even tell me she prescribed it. I just got a notification from my pharmacy that it was ready. I also didn’t know about the interaction when it was picked up because my mom picked it up for me and she doesn’t speak English very well.
I talked to my care teams assistant and told her I wanted a change of doctors because I didn’t trust her after this and she said she was going to put in the request. They called me yesterday though and said they weren’t going to switch me because I had already started treatment and refused to switch my doctors despite everything that’s happened. I am livid and don’t want to continue with them.
I already set up an appointment for a second opinion but that’s not for another two weeks before the appointment and I don’t want to interruption treatment.
I have a rare type of ovarian cancer with a high grade tumor. It was a germ cell tumor called immature teratoma. They said it is stage 1 but because I had emergency surgery and everything was rushed I don’t feel this is an accurate diagnosis because I have pain in all of the surrounding areas where the tumor was pushing up against. The tumor was exasperating all of my autoimmune symptoms and causing me to be in a never ending flare so my body was heavily damaged. Im becoming disabled at 28 and I don’t know who to hold accountable here. I have so much anxiety with doctors now because I’m traumatized from my experience with them dismissing me and discriminating against me. Like I’m young so I “must be able to tolerate more”.
I’m in a dark place right now and really need some advice here. What should I do? What CAN I DO? Who do I hold accountable? What do I need to have a solid malpractice case??
I feel like the first emergency room should at least be held liable for making me lose my job, misdiagnosing me and then sending me a $1600 medical bill. Someone help me with this please I am struggling and still haven’t gotten approved for disability benefits yet so I’ve had no income since January. Thanks.
submitted by lumpytorta to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:52 Flashy-Long2916 Gift ideas

Hi, this might not be a normal post for this subReddit but my boyfriend is going to give his CA Final exam in a few months and I really want to gift him something that might be useful to him. He is really smart and I really want to gift him anything that can be used by him and actually helps him with his exams and exam prep Any ideas or suggestions would be amazing!
submitted by Flashy-Long2916 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:49 Cyren_Myadd Do you think we'll see this thing from the old A2 script in Avatar 3? (not sure if this counts as a spoiler, but marking it just to be safe)

I'm talking about the "baby pods."
In the original script for Avatar 2, there is a flashback scene where it describes Neytiri giving birth to Neteyam. In the scene, instead of being born like a human baby, Neteyam is born incased in a chrysalis-like structure that he presumably hatches(?) from at a later date. The birth scene was removed from Avatar 2, however nothing in the final cut of the movie either confirms or denies that Na'vi give birth to baby pods instead of having a humanlike birth. We do see Neteyam as a young baby, but there's no actual birth onscreen so it's possible he could've been born like a human or born in a baby pod.
Since Ronal is heavily pregnant by the end of Avatar 2, it's likely we will see a birth scene in the next movie (not literally birthing her baby on screen, that would be too graphic for PG-13 audiences, but I mean like the direct build-up and aftermath of it). Which raises the question of if the creative team will keep the baby pod idea that was in the old script or if they will play it safe and have a human-like birth. I can see it going either way. On the one hand, the baby pod would be an interesting way to remind the audience that the Na'vi are alien and have different biology, but on the other hand it might be a little too weird for general audiences.
What do you guys think? Will we ever see these mysterious "baby pod" things, or is it gonna stay in the drafts?
submitted by Cyren_Myadd to Avatar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:47 Hot_Row8113 Obsidian Teenager Learning System, Share Your Own Too!

Obsidian Teenager Learning System, Share Your Own Too!
Well, I'm fifteen years old, almost 16. And since I feel busy on my day to day I tried using obsidian. I'm going through 10th grade, studying CAE level of English, training, and volleyball practicing every fkng day of the week :). I try to do most of my homework but I usually end up procastinating since I'm tired at night and write a little on my daily notes and then go to sleep. Because of that, when its time I need to study for exams, either highschool, or English final exam (maybe also learning passively on weekends summarizing my week and learning things of my own interest) i've developed very basic and simple system that could help me. I'm sharing it whith the community and also looking for points I could improve on it, you are also able to share your system in the comments if you wish (please do :)).
Cooler areas represent bigger documents, while warmer ones get more and more specific. Squares are folders, rhomboids and circles are documents. Arrows are direct links, while lines without any arrows at the end are going to be sub-links or cites from other notes. Blue documents are going to be stored in the Areas Folder. On the other hand, green, red, purple, and pinky red are mostly going to be stored in the Resources Folder. But, for example, some raw info (like personal examples, or some other education random info) may be stored in the Journal Folder. It really depends on what I'm working on, and in which folders each might go is probably going to be decided at the moment of Note-Taking.
submitted by Hot_Row8113 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:45 bata-ta Passed the DOP-C02 exam with 0 years of experience!

I've been working as a Front End developer for the past 2 years just after I graduated, but I'm so bored of it, so for the past 8 months I've been studying AWS, got the developer certification after 4 months of studying, then started studying for the devops exam. I failed it on 11 points on my first attempt 2 months ago which devastated me, and then yesterday, I finally passed it with 808/1000. I know this isn't enough to find a job in DevOps or in the cloud so I'm planning to start studying kubernetes and get certified asap, any advices? or has anyone gone this path before?
submitted by bata-ta to AWSCertifications [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:43 ryanmark234 pay someone to take my nursing test Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Exam Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Class Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Course Reddit pay someone to take my nursing Homework Assignment Reddit Nursing Exam Takers Reddit Nursing Exam Helpers Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by ryanmark234 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:39 Particular_Crew685 Studying for Chem Placement Test

I want to take the chem placement test for chem 101 either tomorrow or monday, and I was just really lost on how to approach studying for it. Are there practice ALEK questions somewhere? Should I watch lectures like Crash Course? Let me know if there are any resources for studying for this exam!!
submitted by Particular_Crew685 to vcu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 John_Smith_4724 Online Nursing Exam Help Reddit Nursing Exam Taker Reddit Nursing Class Help Reddit do my nursing Class Reddit Nursing Assignment Help Reddit Nursing Homework Helper Reddit Nursing course Help Reddit Take my Nursing Course Reddit Nursing Test Quiz Help Reddit Hire Expert Reddit

If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your Online Exams, Assignments or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
My contact details:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by John_Smith_4724 to nursinghelp2024 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:26 Old_Trouble_8314 School bills

"Urgent: Tomorrow is my final exam, but I'm short $500 for the fee. Any amount helps, please consider contributing to my PayPal account. Your support means the world to me during this stressful time. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity."
submitted by Old_Trouble_8314 to PaypalDonations [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 watchOS Just passed A+ (both 1101 and 1102)

I actually passed 1102 last year, but finally got around to doing 1101 today. In both cases, I studied for just a few hours before the exam, and never took any sort of classes, but I do work at a large tech company already for the past 10 years, just not in an ideal position nor in a dedicated IT role.
Woohoo, finally A+ certified! Now to figure out what’s next!
submitted by watchOS to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 douglaskeisenman Linux+ exam help

If you are unable to pass your CompTIA Certification Exam, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
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Here is a detailed guide to help you prepare for the Linux+ exam in one week:
Day 1-2: Understand the Exam Format and Content
Day 3-4: Study the Key Topics
Day 5: Practice Performance-Based Questions (PBQs)
Day 6-7: Final Preparations
Additional Tips
By following this guide, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the Linux+ exam in just one week. Good luck!
submitted by douglaskeisenman to CompTIA_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:11 Dear-Cockroach-6979 Wouldn’t mind some advice…

(Sorry, it’s kinda long)
Hey everyone,
A bit about me: I grew up in a toxic household with an alcoholic abusive single mother. She had anywhere from 15-20 stray cats in our home that she spoiled and loved more than me. She sure made that clear! My father left me and my mother when I was two years old and he never came back. I was put into the California foster care system at age 13 due to my mother being reported multiple times by my junior high school counselor. From there I went to several mental hospitals, lockdown facilities and group homes up to my 18th birthday. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder back in my adolescent years. I haven’t been evaluated as an adult but I’m sure I would be diagnosed with MDD if I were.
I have spent almost my entire adult life doing nothing with myself. I spent a lot of time early on sleeping in my car and showering at my friends houses. My grandma in Arizona helped me out a great deal and let me stay with her and find work, and I was proud of myself although I was working a menial janitorial job at a casino. I’m pretty tech savvy and skilled with automotive repair but I never pursued further education. When my grandma passed away in 2007 I got severely depressed but I managed to get a place to live with roommates and held down a full time job, again at a casino doing janitorial work. Developed a gambling addiction and an alcohol addiction. Got a DUI in 2008 and that started my legal troubles. Lost my place and lost my job.
I slept in my car and worked at casinos doing menial work again. Met a woman at one of the jobs and got married April 2010. She had a few kids with a bunch of baby daddy drama, and I couldn’t deal with it so I just walked away and the divorce was finalized by the end of the year. I stopped drinking after that. From there I kept working until 2011, when I decided to quit my job, take my old Subaru XT and hit the road. Went all over the southwest US sleeping in the car and exploring, got a few tickets for no insurance, got my license suspended for said tickets and also for not paying my payments on the DUI. I got to Albuquerque NM and my car finally croaked on me. Transmission failure. Slept in it for a week or so in a mini-mall parking lot until the cops were called on me and unsurprisingly took my car. I was officially a street person at age 26.
I spent several years hitchhiking, panhandling, dumpster diving, hopping freight trains and finding spots to sleep or camp wherever I could. I was so depressed that I didn’t take very good care of myself and had no desire whatsoever to try to better myself and dig out of the hole I got myself into. I used to call myself an urban survivalist. I remained in this state of mind until late 2022 when dental problems nearly killed me. I finally found a place to stay in Nevada with a lady I called a foster mother but I had a very hard time getting used to being housed. I got all my teeth yanked and a set of dentures thanks to Nevada Medicaid. I got a job at a car wash for six months but gave up the job due to stress at home and workplace nepotism. I even got a few credit cards and got my score up to 719! Anyhow, foster mother was an alcoholic, she started to remind me of my biological mother and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had a few thousand dollars saved up and moved back to Arizona a couple of months ago.
I am currently at a weekly motel and have been attempting to find any work I can. Managed to get interviews for dishwasher jobs, housekeeping jobs, janitorial jobs and night crew at a grocery store. Haven’t heard back from any of them though. I have half of my savings left and it seems inevitable that I’ll run out of money pretty soon.
I have a good feeling that the ridiculously long gap of employment looks terrible on my resume and that may be a reason I’m not getting anything. I mean, what do I tell the interviewer, that I was a damn bum?
I like to think I’m pretty smart. I was disassembling and reassembling IBM PC’s before I hit puberty. I was the computer technician for my high school back in the Windows XP era. Once I started driving I began teaching myself automotive repair with Chilton and Haynes manuals along with plenty of trial and error. It blew people’s minds when I, a dirty bum, helped get their car back on the road if I noticed they needed assistance. I helped a man I met at a park and did an engine swap on his Nissan Xterra over a couple weekends in exchange for new camping gear.
I can’t get work as a mechanic or do any driving related jobs unless I get my license back and it would take a LOT of money to get it back. On top of that I have to have an ignition interlock in any vehicle I drive. I wouldn’t mind getting into computer repair but I don’t have the certification to do so, and I’ve been out of the loop for a long time. I have a MacBook Air M1 and wish I could learn a way to make money with it like some sort of remote job but that seems impossible to me at this point.
For the record, I still don’t drink and I’ve never done a hard drug in my life. I haven’t smoked weed in months so I am able to pass a drug test if I were hired somewhere. Also, I have no felonies whatsoever on my record. Some people like to be stereotypical so I figured I’d throw that out there.
I guess what I’m asking is what should I do at this point? What path would you take if you were in my shoes? I won’t lie, suicide has been on my mind a lot lately. I don’t have many friends and I don’t have any family to talk to. I don’t like being a burden on anyone. Should I just accept that I’m gonna probably be homeless again, possibly for the rest of my life? Is there anywhere in the US that I could possibly get back on my feet with some sort of labor work and a place to sleep? I’d move anywhere if I knew I had a shot. Am I a lost cause at age 38? I’d love to hear some ideas!
submitted by Dear-Cockroach-6979 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Aware-Map6760 SPOM QUERY

Those who will qualify newly for CA Finals, for them do they have to take any add. Lectures for law and scpm or is it understood from what is taught via icai ? Won't all this delay the final exam preparation? Do we need 50 marks mandatory to pass it? Please help....
submitted by Aware-Map6760 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 TheIndulgery Using ChatGPT as a novel writing aid

Using ChatGPT as a novel writing aid
I'm currently writing a fantasy / litPRG novel and have been using ChatGPT in creative ways to help with it. I had some requests on how so instead of replying to everyone individually I figured I'd make a post! I will include screenshots so expect this post to be long! Also, it's from my actual book so please don't steal my shit. lol
I'll break it up into 5 sections:
  1. Standard editing help
  2. Character and creature sheets
  3. The cool stuff
  4. A ChatGPT summary of the types of prompts I've used so far
  5. A recommendation by ChatGPT on how authors can get the most use out of it
A few notes to start:
  • I'm currently using the paid version of 4o. I paid for 4 because I use it a TON for work and the ability to upload screenshots is a huge help. Turns out it's great for doing screenshots of formatting, character sheets, etc for writing too. I originally started with 3.5 and just kept migrating the story to newer versions as they came out. Other than query limits I haven't noticed any difference in quality.
  • I do NOT have it write any parts of the story for me. As an experiment I had it try to write a fight scene and kept adjusting the prompts but it just always came out shit. It's really not good at writing wholesale.
  • After every chapter I copy and paste it into the same conversation so that it keeps a running log of the story.
  • It's terrible at emotional interactions and dialogue. It tries to make everything hopeful and goes with the most generic, Hallmark Card type of interaction
  • It's also bad at giving suggestions or ideas for long scenes. It wants to resolve everything in a few paragraphs so it'll go from 2 people fighting to reaching a deeper understanding and being fully great with each other in like 2 paragraphs
Keep in mind that although it's great as a reviewer, editor, and something to bounce ideas off of, it can only provide suggestions. The hard work of writing has to be done by you. I spend about 2 hours a night and at least 4 hours a day on weekends writing and maybe 10 minutes a day in ChatGPT. Much like spell or grammar checkers, it's a useful tool but no substitute for doing the work
Editing and grammar:
This is pretty straightforward. I'll copy and paste sections and ask it to fix the grammar, bolding any changes it makes and striking out any words it removes so I can review the changes. The only issue I've had with this is that if I try to post an entire chapter it'll sometimes pause in its review and ask if I want to continue. Sometimes when it does that it loses sentences or even a paragraph where it broke. Now I just do smaller chunks. It'll explain why it made the changes too, so it's improving my grammar as I go.
Character and creature help:
This is also pretty straightforward. I already have my main characters written up and I know which ones are coming later, but sometimes I want mooks or neighbors, and other times I need creatures. I'll ask it for more than I need and pick the best ones. Some of the prompts:
"Create 5 creatures that you'd find in Wisconsin. There should be a day version and a night version, the night version being tougher and having more attacks. For each come up with 3 offensive and 3 defensive powers. Also describe them in the format of a character description in a D&D style monster manual."
"Based off the fight scene I just described and the attached screenshot of the person's character sheet, come up with 5 attacks, skills, or magical abilities that person could develop. They should reflect that person's personality, character sheet, and fighting style."
The cool stuff: This is where it really shines and has helped me avoid a lot of pitfalls that I notice when I'm reading other authors' books:
"Review the story and look for any words that I reuse a lot. Ignore standard ones like 'and, they, him, etc'"
All authors have their favorite words that get repeated way too often. I'll find them and suggest alternate descriptions. It goes beyond just providing new words.
"I want to avoid repetitive descriptions. Please review the story and identify any times I've repeated descriptions, turns of phrase, etc. Categorize them into "fight scenes", "Emotional scenes", and "area/scene descriptions"
This has been a power prompt for me. We tend to describe things a certain way and it identifies areas where changes can be made to make it more dynamic and varied.
"Please review the story for any inconsistencies. I'm specifically looking for ways I've described the system or world as working that I later contradict."
I've had mixed results with this one but overall it works really well.
It's also useful for all those items that you forget, especially if they enhance someone and they're supposed to be using a skill or ability from it:
I also use it to bounce ideas off of. Sometimes the ideas are generic but often it comes up with ideas that I hadn't thought of. I don't like it decide the plot or directions, but it's like chatting with an editor or reviewer and the two of you bouncing ideas off each other. I'll reply to its posts with things like "I like number 3 but it's coming too early. What if we had them go to place X instead of that, saving that for later?" Character [xx] is going to have these skills and plot points in the future. Knowing that, please tailor all skill and plot suggestions with the idea of driving towards that narrative in a balanced, natural manner. None of the ideas should feel forced and they should all happen naturally as the story progresses. As I paste new chapters please incorporate the changes into that long term progression and adapt as required.
"I think I want character B to starting feeling like they're not contributing but I'm having trouble thinking of ways to express that naturally. I don't want it to feel forced. What are some situations they could end up in that'd highlight that? Who could they fight with?"
"I feel like character A is getting too complacent and it outpacing the other people, but they've become the lynchpin of the fights. I plan on introducing XX situation and it'll make them weak in XX area. I'm going to post a few paragraphs with that, tell me if it rings true with the character growth I've been using for the rest of the story."
"I'm going to paste the first half of a fight that the characters are in but I'm realizing I don't have any ideas for how they'll win. What are some ideas based off the creature's character sheet you posted earlier?"
And I asked ChatGPT to make a summarized list of the types of requests I've asked of it. Here's what it came up with:
Sure! Here's a summary list of the different types of requests you've made for help with plot, development, and ideas:
Character Development and Backstory
Character Sheets: "Review this detailed character sheet and suggest any improvements or additional details to enhance the character's depth and complexity."
Skills and Abilities: "Analyze this new skill for Zavier and provide feedback on how well it fits with his Opportunist class and how it could be further refined."
Unique Items: "Evaluate this rare weapon designed for Tess and suggest any changes or enhancements to make it more unique and impactful."
Emotional Growth: "Read through this scene where Cass confronts his fears and self-doubt during a battle. Provide feedback on how to enhance his emotional growth and make it more compelling."
Plot Development
Story Arcs: "Review this key story arc that introduces a major conflict between Tess and Zavier. Suggest any improvements or additional elements to make the conflict more engaging."
Combat Scenes: "Analyze this combat scene where Luna and Cass fight a pack of mutated wolves. Provide feedback on how to make the scene more dynamic and showcase their growth and new skills."
Plot Twists: "Suggest a surprise plot twist that could be integrated into this battle scene to challenge the characters and force them to adapt quickly."
Character Conflict: "Evaluate this scene where Tess and Zavier have a heated argument about their training methods. Provide feedback on how to enhance the tension and emotional impact."
Scene and Setting Descriptions
Sensory Details: "Enhance this description of a forest setting by incorporating more sensory details. Suggest specific sounds, smells, and tactile elements that could be added."
Creature Descriptions: "Review this description of a new creature the family encounters. Suggest ways to make the creature more terrifying and unique."
Action Scenes: "Read through this action scene where Tess takes on a giant mutated bear. Provide feedback on how to make the scene more thrilling and showcase her skills more effectively."
Dialogue and Internal Monologue
Character Dialogues: "Review this conversation between Zavier and Tess where they discuss their fears and hopes. Suggest ways to make the dialogue more natural and emotionally resonant."
Internal Monologue: "Analyze this internal monologue of Cass as he prepares for a solo battle. Provide feedback on how to make his thoughts more vivid and revealing."
Emotional Depth: "Evaluate this scene where Luna comforts Cass after a failed mission. Suggest ways to enhance the emotional depth and strengthen their sibling bond."
Item and Skill Creation
Loot Items: "Review these unique items dropped by the Ironhide Boar. Suggest any changes to their descriptions, stats, and effects to make them more interesting and balanced."
Weapon Effects: "Evaluate this new special ability for Zavier's chain weapon. Provide feedback on how to make it more versatile and impactful in combat."
Skill Development: "Suggest a skill progression path for Luna that focuses on her luck-based fighting style. Provide ideas for potential skill upgrades and their effects."
Theme and Tone
Maintaining Tone: "Ensure that the tone of this new scene remains consistent with the rest of the story. Provide feedback on balancing dark moments with hopeful ones."
Descriptive Variety: "Review this repetitive description of a battle scene and suggest ways to make it more engaging and varied, using dynamic verbs and sensory details."
Balancing Emotions: "Evaluate this scene that balances intense action with emotional depth. Provide feedback on how to show the characters' vulnerabilities and strengths more effectively."
Feedback and Revisions
Improving Flow: "Review this written scene and suggest improvements for better flow and engagement. Identify any areas where the narrative could be more fluid."
Avoiding Repetition: "Identify any repetitive language in this chapter and provide alternatives to keep the narrative fresh and interesting."
Constructive Feedback: "Provide feedback on the latest plot progression and character development. Suggest ways to enhance the story's impact and make the characters more compelling."
These prompts should guide you in requesting specific feedback, edits, and suggestions for your writing.
And finally, I asked ChatGPT what kinds of prompts to use to make the most of its ability to help writers:
To make the most of my abilities as an AI assistant, authors should use prompts that focus on detailed feedback, specific suggestions for improvements, and brainstorming new ideas. Here are some examples of effective prompts that can help authors maximize the benefits of using my assistance:
Character Development and Backstory
Character Sheets: "Review this detailed character sheet and suggest any improvements or additional details to enhance the character's depth and complexity."
Skills and Abilities: "Analyze this new skill for [Character Name] and provide feedback on how well it fits with their class and personality. Suggest any enhancements or refinements."
Emotional Growth: "Read through this scene where [Character Name] experiences significant emotional growth. Provide feedback on how to make the growth more compelling and realistic."
Plot Development
Story Arcs: "Review this key story arc and suggest any improvements or additional elements to make the conflict more engaging and impactful."
Combat Scenes: "Analyze this combat scene and provide feedback on how to make it more dynamic and showcase the characters' growth and new skills."
Plot Twists: "Suggest a surprise plot twist for this scene that will challenge the characters and force them to adapt quickly."
Scene and Setting Descriptions
Sensory Details: "Enhance this description of a [setting] by incorporating more sensory details. Suggest specific sounds, smells, and tactile elements that could be added."
Creature Descriptions: "Review this description of a new creature the characters encounter. Suggest ways to make the creature more terrifying and unique."
Action Scenes: "Read through this action scene and provide feedback on how to make it more thrilling and showcase the characters' skills more effectively."
Dialogue and Internal Monologue
Character Dialogues: "Review this conversation between [Character A] and [Character B] and suggest ways to make the dialogue more natural and emotionally resonant."
Internal Monologue: "Analyze this internal monologue of [Character Name] and provide feedback on how to make their thoughts more vivid and revealing."
Emotional Depth: "Evaluate this scene where [Character Name] comforts [another character]. Suggest ways to enhance the emotional depth and strengthen their relationship."
Item and Skill Creation
Loot Items: "Review these unique items dropped by [creature] and suggest any changes to their descriptions, stats, and effects to make them more interesting and balanced."
Weapon Effects: "Evaluate this new special ability for [Character Name]'s weapon and provide feedback on how to make it more versatile and impactful in combat."
Skill Development: "Suggest a skill progression path for [Character Name] that focuses on their [specific fighting style or ability]. Provide ideas for potential skill upgrades and their effects."
Theme and Tone
Maintaining Tone: "Ensure that the tone of this new scene remains consistent with the rest of the story. Provide feedback on balancing dark moments with hopeful ones."
Descriptive Variety: "Review this repetitive description of a battle scene and suggest ways to make it more engaging and varied, using dynamic verbs and sensory details."
Balancing Emotions: "Evaluate this scene that balances intense action with emotional depth. Provide feedback on how to show the characters' vulnerabilities and strengths more effectively."
Feedback and Revisions
Improving Flow: "Review this written scene and suggest improvements for better flow and engagement. Identify any areas where the narrative could be more fluid."
Avoiding Repetition: "Identify any repetitive language in this chapter and provide alternatives to keep the narrative fresh and interesting."
Constructive Feedback: "Provide feedback on the latest plot progression and character development. Suggest ways to enhance the story's impact and make the characters more compelling."
These prompts are designed to help authors get the most out of my abilities by focusing on specific aspects of their writing that can benefit from detailed feedback, suggestions for improvements, and creative brainstorming.
Hope this helps!
submitted by TheIndulgery to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 daberluck Beginning my journey - Tray 1

Beginning my journey - Tray 1
Finally pulled the plug.
I have had crowded teeth and trouble with flossing and keeping my teeth clean for a long time now. Did not grow up with a lot of dental care since it was expensive and mostly out of reach. The end result was crowding, cavities, non-ideal dental hygiene and general dissatisfaction with my smile.
Then developed a major cavity which had to go through a root canal. The root canal wasn't done well and over the years it kept seeping in food and bacteria due to which I ended up losing that tooth on the back of my lower jaw.
So here I was with crooked teeth, difficulty flossing, lack of confidence and a missing tooth.
Met my dentist who spoke to me about Invisalign and it got me intrigued. Did a bunch of research and went in for an exam. Ortho came back with the suggestion that there might be a slim chance that I could not only straighten my teeth, remove crowding but also potentially reduce / remove the gap in my lower jaw teeth so much so that i might not need an implant. Not a common use case I was told but still within the margin of possibility.
Finally saved up enough and started my journey this week. I am posting a day 1 picture.
Current view after installation on day 1
As I start on this almost 2 year journey, a number of thoughts have been coming to my mind:
  • Did I start something that is more than what I can take?
  • Can I change my lifestyle so much?
  • What if the end results are nowhere close to what I want them to be?
  • Will my next 2 years be full of uncomfortable sensations and I will not be happy?
The more I read up online on this community, the more hope I get. Yes, nothing is guaranteed but this gives me a good shot. The day 1 sensation was a lot but now on day 2 its already a lot better. Even if it's not perfect, I hope to get my dental health moving in the right direction. In this case literally with my teeth moving.
My only main complaint right now is that the attachments on my teeth are still really sharp (only day 2) and they hurt like a MF when I chew. I am reading other people's experience and they all say it will smoothen out in some time which gives me hope.
I am likely just slowly going to move myself to an intermittent fasting schedule maybe to avoid having to take the trays out multiple times a day. Hoping this will also help me control my snacking habits. I will also keep an eye on issues that I have read around cavities and open bites. But I do realize not all is always going to be in my control.
Just wanted to write this post as a reflection, to share with this awesome community and also in part to track my progress and hopefully share my experience with someone who is in the same boat as me and is nervous excited to get started. Anxious but hopeful. Cautious but optimistic.
Thanks to everyone who participates here and I hope to learn and share more along my journey.
submitted by daberluck to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:06 kursor_ Mac Health Sci or Western Med Sci with 70k Scholarship?

I want to begin by saying that I recognize that I am extremely lucky to have the opportunity and freedom to make this decision. Definitely don't want to come off as boastful and am genuinely looking for advice.
I applied to Western's National Scholarship program and ended up receiving the 70k President's Entrance Scholarship (1 of 1) as well as Scholar's Electives. I also received an offer to Mac Health Sci last week. I know a huge part of this decision comes down to my future goals which so far have been getting into medical school and pursuing medicine.
I know that Mac Health Sci is notoriously a "feeder" program with its high matriculate rate into med, but I was wondering if the program itself still outweighs the opportunities that Western is providing. I've included my thoughts about each program below:
Mac Health Sci
Western Med Sci
I've visited both campuses and liked the feel at both so that isn't too much of a factor for me. The opportunities in London vs. Hamilton also seem pretty comparable. Health Sci sounds amazing and the only thing that really concerns me is the untraditional learning style and if I am one of the few it doesn't click for. I do not want the next 4 years of my life to always be nose to the grindstone and the balance seems significantly better at Mac than Western, but I also recognize that Mac is not a guaranteed ticket to med school and it truly depends on the person, not the program.
If anyone could provide their two cents, I would greatly appreciate it :)
submitted by kursor_ to premedcanada [link] [comments]