Main idea worksheet for second grade

Cyberpunk 2020: The Roleplaying Game of the Near Future

2013.01.10 01:05 michfreak Cyberpunk 2020: The Roleplaying Game of the Near Future

Because it is seriously the best roleplaying game of the 80's vision of the future there is.

2013.06.26 01:41 doug Distract from Distraction

If you've got a second monitor you don't always use and want to put something on it just for kicks, that's where these links come in.

2015.06.06 18:05 ShadowNightt RantGrumps — Rant and Vent about Game Grumps.

Rant and vent about Game Grumps!

2024.06.02 10:27 smolraccoonboy never got the hang of caravan? never understood it? here's some help!

so, I'm gonna explain everything in extreme detail. as much as i can. everywhere i tried to learn how to play from confused me so much so i tried to explain it all to make it the LEAST confusing. it's just going to be a long explanation and I'm so sorry for that. shorter explanation at the very bottom.
first thing to know is: the game itself is very simple. you get all of your stacks to 21-26 before the other player does and trying to stop them from doing so. essentially is a simple math game with strategy.
second: you need at least 30 cards in your caravan deck. you don't have to have exactly 30 but you can't have 29 or less. gotta have at least 30.
those are the first two things you need to know.
so, now onto what do all of the cards mean in the game? ace thru 10, just means 1-10. that simple the special cards mean something entirely different they do not mean numbers. as in the king, queen, jack and joker. these go on top of numbers and effect what the original card does.
kings go on top of a number and double the number. another king stacked on that king doubles it again. so, a 9 would turn into 18, and then another king with that would make it 36. you can apply this on your own cards too.
I'm gonna skip over queens and go to jacks. jacks when added onto a card take that card out of the stack. if you stack it on a card that has 1 or more kings it will take those kings and the number away. so without the king there it just takes the number card away. either way, the number disappears. this can be applied on your own cards too.
jokers go on top of a suit you want to get rid of. and it gets rid of any of them on the table including your own. so on top of a diamond it gets rid of all diamonds on the table. queens can counteract the joker by bringing back the suit. I'm not sure exactly what else it does or if that specific thing is correct, i don't use queens personally.
so, now we have a basic understanding of the cards and their meanings plus the general idea of what you need to do going into it. there is more, but i'll get into that as i go on.
when you boot up caravan with an npc like ringo in the beginning of the game, it'll take you to the first screen which is placing a bet. if you aren't used to playing, keep it low. but you can always do an equal bet, which is just matching their bet. you can raise the amount if you wanna drain them more of their caps but that is up to you my friend.
after you place your bet, itll take you to the next screen. a group of all your cards, one row on top and one on the bottom. one showing the backs of the cards, and one showing the front. so, this is where you either add or remove cards. remember have at least 30. the higher the number of cards in your caravan deck the better though it makes you less likely to run out of cards. if you run out you lose the game and your caps. so, the best numbers to store in your caravan deck are higher numbers. like 5 and above. specifically 10s, 9s, and 7s. "why this exact combination, op?" because it makes 26! so you should stock up on these cards where do you get cards? from specific vendors around the mojave wasteland, if I'm able to edit to add later which vendors i know of that sell cards i will. if not ill make sure i comment. you can only get them in the main menu of their vendor screen, not in misc not in apparel not in aid nowhere else. so you'll have fun scrolling through the entire menu of their shop lol other cards to stock up on? jacks and kings. these are so so so important!!
when buying cards, make sure you do not have any cards that are the exact same from the same place. you can have the same number and suit, that is okay. but not from the same place. that is illegal in the game. so this is an example: a 4 of hearts from gomorrah and a 4 of hearts from tops are completely different than two separate 4 of hearts from tops. make sense?
now onto the strategy part of the strategy math card game that is caravan...
so, i don't use queens or jokers cuz they are pretty irrelevant to the game and no npc i've ever played against has used them against me. the jokers can fuck you over and the queens themselves are just so confusing to me I'm still not entirely sure if i have it down what they do.
the beginning of the game starts off with you putting down your first 3 cards and you cannot proceed to stack on top of the first cards until you complete this task. you do not have to follow strict rules with what card you start off with. some people say only start off with 10s, that is simply not necessary. if you remove/discard cards out of your hand they cannot be played for the rest of that game of caravan. discarding cards after your first three cards are placed will end your turn and go to the npc to play a card. just start off with whatever is helpful in that moment for those first three cards. i go with the biggest numbers i can, whatever is in my hand. once the three cards are placed on the table, sometimes the npc will put a jack on one of your cards and that's just part of the strategy. don't fret. you will get your revenge.
focus on building your stacks while simultaneously stopping them from building theirs. i personally like to be petty and stack a jack on one of their cards almost immediately after they do it to me. when stacking your numbers stack in numerical order. smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. it's what works. you cannot stack the same number in the same stack. it's pretty cool to stack the same suits together but not required. I'm pretty sure you can break the big to small and small to big process if you stick to the same suit. i can't remember off the top of my head right now but in my tired state it sounds right at the moment.
you use jacks when you don't have your own card to play, jacks are used throughout the game on the npc and yourself. if you don't have any cards in your hand that can directly add to your stack, try to destroy their abilities to build their stacks. that's why you stock up on the kings and jacks. they can ruin the npc's game. you use kings on the npc when they are close to achieving 21-26. do anything to put them above 26 and if they add a jack to the king you placed, make it so when they do that it puts them the furthest they can be from building back up to that stack. as in, put a king on the highest number they have in that stack <3 if you want to add a king to your own stack to make it easier to get to 21-26, be wary npcs might just decide to use one of their kings against your king. it's very rude but they do this sometimes. like i said before don't fret. their karma will be their pockets drained.
so, you don't always have to do the 10, 9, 7 method. you can also do king, 5, 6 method. you stack kings on the 5 to get it to 20 and then add a 6. bada boom. but relying on this might not help if you don't have enough kings OR if they decide to be a douche and add another king on yours making it 46 instead of just 26. find a method that works best for you, but you don't HAVE to stick to this method or any method! you can switch it up and figure out what is easiest for you. like have one 10, 9, 7 stack and then another stack is 5, 8, 10 and another stack is ace, 5, 9, 10. that's one little idea. it isn't something you need to stick to!!
just keep them on their toes. use these methods to your advantage. make sure you are building your stacks and getting to 21-26 before them.
so far, no-bark in novac is yes a crazy man who somehow spits facts he is a high better and so is the ambassador at the ncr embassy on the strip. still trying to find even more high betters.
condensed ways to win caravan: •you need 21-26 to win. if you get above 26 you have to fix that stack or discard it. closer to 26 the better •keep higher numbers in caravan deck •caravan deck=the cards you're playing in the game •stock up on good cards but not doubles of the same card from the same place •remove any cards you won't use from caravan deck before fully playing the game with npc •build your stacks while you destroy theirs •ace-10 = 1-10 nothing special about them they're just numbers •jacks=removes card(s) •kings=double card(s) •jokers/queens=unnecessary. not needed. confusing and self destructive. •go in numerical order, keeping suit may break this rule. bigger to smaller, smaller to bigger otherwise •use jacks throughout game •only use kings on them to make them go above 26 •use kings wisely on yourself they may stack a king on yours to fuck you up •if they stacked a king on your stuff remove it with a jack whenever throughout game. avoid discarding the entire stack completely •no numbers or kings/jacks to play on your own stacks in your hand? stack jacks/kings on their stuff instead •try not to discard stacks OR cards from your hand you won't be able to use them for that specific game after you discard •buying cards takes place in the main menu of certain vendor's shops, nowhere else. not aid/apparel/weapons/misc. only main. •no-bark in novac: high better •ambassador at ncr embassy on strip: even higher better •more cards in your caravan deck the better, if you run out of cards to play you will automatically forfeit your caps. •10, 9, 7 method=recommended not required •5s with 2 kings then 6 method=not exactly recommended so tread lightly
if you have any questions or other helpful tips to add to the list, let me know!! i havent lost once. all of this stuff once i figured it all out helped me SO much and now I'm so obsessed with playing caravan i drain everyone's caps and it is a thrill i can't get over. now i know why some people actually gamble. its.. addictive.
good luck and god speed couriers!
submitted by smolraccoonboy to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 LilJollyRancher new spongebob is so gad dayum ass bro

have yall seen the new episodes of that shit? that shit so gad dayum cringy and annoyingly sad to watch. like bro its just a bunch of over exaggerated shit bruh and patrick is sadly the main victim of this shit man. patrick use to be a chill dumbass idiot but now hes just an over exaggerated and overly stupid character now. and also this fucking show use to be something people of all ages can watch cause it wasnt over exaggerated shit and it had some life lessons but now its just a fucking shitty ass mess of a show with a bunch of random shit bro. holy shit i never hated a show more than i hate spongebob now bro holy shit like what dumbass decided this shit was a fire ass idea man
words deadass cannot describe the hatred i have for ts
submitted by LilJollyRancher to hating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 allexiyuh much needed guidance

hey guys! i am in need of some guidance from people who know what they’re talking about, so i’m just going to share my story and hope for the best!
so i am 19 and i was raised very religiously and anything sex related was very taboo. i only hung out with my sheltered church friends, so needless to say i was pretty clueless for a long time. growing up i didn’t have crushes on boys or even male celebrities. i would pretend to find these boys attractive just to fit in with my friends. i was always fascinated by girls beauty growing up irl and fictional. as i’ve gotten older i have male and female celebrity crushes and tweak over tiktok edits of them. in high school i dated two guys and didn’t kiss or do anything with either of them. during the first relationship there was genuine attraction but a year later in the second one i found myself repulsed by this boy even though there was nothing wrong with him and he was quite “perfect” for me. i never considered that i might be gay (it was a topic i knew next to nothing about) until i branched out and made completely new friends my senior year of high school. my friend group was made up almost entirely of people a part of the lgbtq+ community and i didn’t think much of it. soon after we became friends i was repeatedly asked if i was attracted to girls based on the way i talked about them. as i’ve gone to college i’ve developed crushes on both boys and girls but the boy crushes are usually shallow and fleeting and usually im attracted to their style and the way they look, i don’t have much of an interest in actually dating them. the main reason i find it hard to imagine a relationship with a man is truly because of sex. i’m terrified of penises and i find them ugly and disgusting. do i feel that way simply because i don’t have one and it’s foreign to me? or am i truly attracted to women?
submitted by allexiyuh to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 showtime1010 Question on Course Registration and Future Transfer Requirements

Hello, I am currently going into my first year of Science (Undeclared), I have my eyes set on going into Biology and was wondering how it would work, in terms of registering for classes. I have a course worksheet for UVIC's Biology for Year 1 and I am wondering if I can just apply to all the classes listed there or are there other classes that I am supposed to be taking.
If so, would those classes also prepare me for transferring later on? I currently plan on going to UBC's Science Biology on my second year since my parents are moving there and I am confused since their website shows different classes from the ones in the Biology worksheet UVIC had. If anyone could help me out with this I would be very grateful, thank you.
submitted by showtime1010 to uvic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:24 Ted_Rid Regular popping sound coming from one woofer - anybody had this?

So my passenger side woofer has started making a quite loud POP every 3 seconds or so.
Interested if anybody has any idea what the cause or solution might be?
Basically, it's got hiccups whenever the car isn't locked & asleep.
Possibly relevant: the amplifier tray under the seat had been flooded some time ago from a leaky / clogged sunroof in a torrential downpour. We had heavy rain yesterday so I was checking that the car was OK when I noticed the popping for the first time. Yesterday morning it was fine before the heavy rain. Pulled out the seat & checked the amp, dry as a bone.
submitted by Ted_Rid to MINI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 alex_g0re SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'

I am using Angular 18 and creating an application using `ng new`.
import { Component } from '@angulacore'; @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'app-test', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrl: './app.component.css' }) export class AppComponent { title = 'test'; } 


I am creating a web component using the angular elements package:
import { createApplication } from '@angulaplatform-browser'; import { AppComponent } from './app/app.component'; import { createCustomElement } from '@angulaelements'; (async () => { const app = await createApplication({ providers: [] }); const test = createCustomElement(AppComponent, { injector: app.injector }); customElements.define('test', test); })(); 
I am adding it to the HTML page:
I get an error in Chrome: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'.
Settings in tsconfig.json:
{ "compileOnSave": false, "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "./dist/out-tsc", "strict": true, "noImplicitOverride": true, "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, "noImplicitReturns": true, "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, "skipLibCheck": true, "esModuleInterop": true, "sourceMap": true, "declaration": false, "experimentalDecorators": true, "moduleResolution": "bundler", "importHelpers": true, "target": "ES2022", "module": "ES2022", "useDefineForClassFields": false, "lib": [ "ES2022", "dom" ] }, "angularCompilerOptions": { "enableI18nLegacyMessageIdFormat": false, "strictInjectionParameters": true, "strictInputAccessModifiers": true, "strictTemplates": true } } 
Any ideas on how to fix this error?
submitted by alex_g0re to Angular2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:18 nasseyz Struggling Any Advice?

I (M21) have been in a relationship with my partner (NB21) for almost 3 years. We’ve hit a point in our relationship that I’ve never had to deal with before. We are currently on a break. And as much as I hate that term it was either that or a break up and I love this person with all my heart and would do anything to make it work.
Mini personal info before getting in to what lead us here. They are my 2nd but first REAL relationship to this extent with someone. And I already had a good mindset about mental health but had no idea about BPD especially undiagnosed and diagnosed differences. Once we made things official they opened up and were very honest about what I could be getting into. I told them I’d make things work and we’d figure it out. We’ve even gotten to the point of having a note we collab on so I can ask questions and she can answer them and I always can go back and look if I’m lost or confused. I’ve done plenty of research and try my best to respect what they go through. They’ve even done better for themselves since being together such as, no more self harm and feeling more comfortable being around me even when they switch most of the time. They go to college and we’ve had to adjust to long distance and back and forth visits but they’re currently down for the summer. Since they’ve been down they struggle to make friends down here and the home they’re staying in is with their family that they’ve gotten a lot of trauma from.
To get back to the main topic, this began a week from today. We went out camping with their family for the weekend and on the night before we left the campsite I noticed they were very distant and short with convo. I realized this must’ve been a switch and knew I had to be patient. The next morning comes and I noticed it was the same. When we got back to their place they gave me dirty laundry to put away and I stupidly put them in the wrong places this triggered them and made things a bit worse. Once I left for work I went home after and noticed even her texts were still pretty dry and short. Which is normal for this behavior. I tried to make conversation and change the topic to keep convos going. For the next 2 days it felt like what I can best describe as being emotionally neglected getting no convo or life out of them. On those 2 days, were my days off of work and I tried to link up to eat together since they were close by but we ended up missing each other. We later saw each other for their little sister’s concert but I went to go get their brother a vape before coming. (i was told the wrong time and already late so i figured i’d just get it first, kind of slow ik) This added fuel to the fire. After the concert I tried to talk with them a bit when we were out with their family but it was the same vibe. I even tried to offer plans for tomorrow or even after we were done hanging with family. But the way they rejected I took a little personally, since it just felt like I was just getting nowhere. The next day they had to take their brother to a baseball game and I selfishly choose not to go simply because they were going to be out all day up at the baseball game and I wanted to genuinely relax at home. I texted them while they were there trying to make a conversation but it just kept dying. Eventually when they were leaving I texted and asked if they were upset with me personally. They opened up and said that the whole situation still had them angry simply because they felt like it was just very stupid to mess that up (i wouldn’t say they’re wrong) and that they had emotionless detachment from me JUST me. When they switch they usually show it towards everyone unapologetically. I’ve never dealt with that before and it honestly hurt reading it so i replied with simply “okay” and went to bed shortly after. I was in my head but tried to keep texting we couldn’t hangout because i work long hours and I usually try to make up for that in the weekends when i see them but this time due to what they said i asked pretty much if there was any point of me being over there and they pretty much replied you can come if you want to this unfortunately started to turn into a argument since I began to get more frustrated from not getting a straight answer and not knowing what to do it got really bad to the point I said triggering things such as “you need to help yourself more.” and “it just feels like you want to be mad at me.”These things were said out of pure emotional defense but it destroyed them. In the middle of the argument they opened up and said they were reallly tired of the texting and how things felt the same as if they still up in college even though they’re back home. Due to what I said they feel like I truly can’t handle being with them and being broken up is the better answer since things like this have been a repeated through the years and have steadily gotten a bit worse over time. I tried to explain it was simply the fact that they were emotionless towards me and being told that directly made me feel like whatever i said or did had no emotional value therefore had no meaning in their eyes. We agreed on a week break of no contact no location no nothing. This is currently day 3 and I’ve been trying to do a lot of self reflection on myself so I can have a clear mindset for this person to be there for them and love them for who they are but it’s hard to not get emotionally defensive myself sometimes.
I know this is a long read but any advice would mean the world. I know we can make this work I just feel like I need a better way of handling certain situations. I hope I made everything clear if anything isn’t don’t be afraid to ask!
thank you for reading :)
submitted by nasseyz to BPDPartners [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to StelleMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 vancouverwoodoo Having a rough few days. What do you do to get through it?

So I have not drank in 7 months. I am so happy that I have done this and I am grateful for my sobriety but today and yesterday were really rough in terms of wanting to drink.
I tried addressing some main factors: I have been kinda lonely these past few days as I have lost contact with my close friends and I think we are just at different stages in life now. I do not really have an interest in rekindling those friendships right now. Which leaves me being "bored"
I tried shopping yesterday, it helped for a few hours but then that wore off and I tried playing one of my games but I finished it and now I'm kinda left bored again. The appeal of drinking is rearing its head again. I have had cravings before but this is different it's like I want relief from what feels like a never ending "waiting for something to happen". I know I need to get out, make things happen but I'm not quite sure where to even start.
I know alcohol won't make anything better. I know what happens but I'm almost to the point where it's like at least I'll have something to do?? How messed up is that. For so long I struggled to even get just 1 day alcohol free. I agonized that first week physically and mentally. It's like I was in "go" mode and now there isn't really anything to work on if that makes any sense.
This ambivalent feeling is annoying. Nothing seems interesting enough to leave the house for right now. I don't want to let this turn into something else, because this feels like early depression (I had experienced severe depression around 20 years ago and it lasted for around 2 years) and I am terrified of that happening.
Sorry for the long post. I just want to know if anyone has any ideas on what I can do for myself tomorrow to alleviate this and help me make it through the day tomorrow.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by vancouverwoodoo to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 NorthernSilu International marriage, financial responsibilities and widowhood

I've been marriage to my Turkish husband for six years in the Scandinavian country. Unfortunately he's about to die in weeks to terminal cancer being situated now in the palliative care unit.
I've been the main provider of our family (no children) due to my regular job and incomes, he's been unemployed the whole time with minimal social benefits and sickness allowance. For example all the rents and electricity bills were paid by me.
Few years ago he sold his apartment (it was left to him by non relative will) in Turkey, another 30% of that money was transfered here for the car he wanted to buy and some othe daily expenses like private dentist, basic clothes etc. Nothing fancy was bought nor I didn't get anything special for myself.
Rest of the money was kept in Turkish bank account and eventually used to buy new apartment to his parents. They already owned decent one but wanted change the city and the old one was rented as an further investment for parents. My husband was promised they would sell the extra apartment if he needed for starting business or other investments or needs. At this point I didn't know about who's name was in the apartment contract papers or any other details. Of course I didn't and don't have any specific details about Turkish legislation concerning marriage finances, obligations or property owning possibilities. And I trusted my in laws and their family.
Last year after my husband's hopeless diagnosis we started to talk about the inheritance issues. (I have to admit he hasn't been interested in any legal or bureaucratic issues, taxes etc. I was dealing his benefit applications and tax reports yearly.) I was asking who really owns that new apartment of parents and it's theirs. So my husband apparently never had legal rights to use money invested to that in any way, nor I as a future widow. Only obligation from parents was moral one at the most.
By the time of diagnosis there was no extra money left at my husband's bank account. Interestingly parents didn't see any need to sell the appartment after my husband's diagnosis for his medical expenses, daily expenses like nutritious food and winter clothes, dentist cost or vetenerary costs or their own flight tickets to greet his only child to give support. My husband's dream for decades was travel around Northern parts of Scandinavia and Lapland, this never happened either. I should have had two jobs to make his last year a decent and memorable one.
Now the parents and other relatives started to talk about the inheritance issues, they finally arrived to my husband's dying bed. They don't want the car or profit from selling it as act of good will but according to our inheritance law they won't anyways inherit cause my husband permanent residence was here, not in Turkey. I'm the only member of death estate.
Now the question is what was really going on in Turkey; why the leftover money was used to parents new apartment, who was behind this idea and what kind of transactions and contracts were made. I was told few weeks ago by husbands relative that he has some debt required to pay in Turkey. My husband was told and lied earlier he was financially clear in Turkey. I suspect that they was need to hide the money or property, also taxes are most likely not paid properly.
The very same relatives active and "helping" in this case will inherit my husbands parents in the future.
This has been pure torture to me in the middle of saying goodbye to my love one. My husbands relatives have been messing and planning other things too behind my back, also threats has been made.
Me, my family and friends plus health care staff consider all this as a deeply disrespectful, hurting and dishonest behavior. In Scandinavia our values and respect for human and individual rights are uncompromised.
What would you do in my case?
submitted by NorthernSilu to AskTurkey [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to CaelusMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 Blockchain-TEMU DBT-1 Why IMSI May Differ From Events

  1. IMSI Catcher is created by an individual so only references the news media of the person who created it the IMSI is not representative of actual events and is only the news appropriate version of events 1.1 Imsi may not exceed 3 hours 9 minutes in length so does not show extremely long events besides the 1st Yitvah of the Start for the 2nd Yitvah both of The Third Underworld were personally caught my my nice UAV IMSI which I was dead for the 1st yitvah therein for the events so would see my own corpse on it so it is not halal or verboten variously for me to see this IMSI but this is not my IMSI of the 0th Yitvah of the 3rd Underworld which I made and Tactical Kevin says sucks at least using the agoc to shoot bullets as eragon yo this is a 10 hour set of imsi, you know it is the 1st yitvah because it is not a 3 hour imsi bound but a 10 hour imsi bound and I only got my death as that 10 hour imsi always on the harddrive or EOD Juggernaut is what I traded that for, to survive 1.2 HD Imsi may not exceed 2 hours 15 minutes in length and this was generally what amelia refered to as er imsi was the HD Imsi or CD Imsi which youtube is imsi and self generated content is imsi and a imsi catcher takes in the self generated content and hosts it and made a reference of how the self generated content was made which colorado's longmont uav is hosted by myself violet and hake and she had never ever done this imsi for actual tactical imsi that is how you can tell the tactical imsi is good is it is 3 hours 9 minute and this was imsi sorry this is like a theorama of the situation or a roam the point mockup which I got those at my ruck War Resources all loam used there mainly the firebase but not all firebase actually a few of these loam trigger me for real so I did not include these specific loam which triggered true overlap and had stolen anything which looking into a hat and actually seeing things renders james smith a prophet like E and can steal things or maybe like Cecil Macgregor Senior or not Chelsea ever she is a marine but Technically if Demaris the Secretary did and that heals her I will say, also these exotic imsi of gnomish cercle are not referenced, they use the same method, but are a full sequence thus a blueprint sequence and actually happened, cercle as Chelsea has the exclusive loam to use the Apocalypto 01 Loam set which is totally different than Dragon Skin Overplate Armor (x) x to 40 for this legitimate and as an example of how imsi just is a loose concpetion of things for personell safety I have 29 example loam without the cook secret loam which is the Burned Ramen Squad Secret of their Tobasco vide 1.3 The squad hustles two which takes them into the place from their place they are using the battle buff, and each time if anybody is said to need to use the toilet they use it and they are at the mess always then and greet mcrystal and always get their trays each time and eat very quickly like dogs and are out to the PT Ground who until they are at ease in an operation are at PT and then they get into an APV and drive north to infinity complex where they pick up a hostage rather, somebody who is being treated a super special infinity ward experience by the owner of the coastal full ghillie of the ugandan extraction method of the good markus who former DBT yielded a yo gaba gaba in excess to charlotte blinding her so we had to make sure she is not hind targeted at a filled simulation yo gaba gaba by turning on dora the explorer for her by the three star doing that in the Second Underworld and then she goes back naturally to her room then making markus can see when he is there with them with normal roam the point vision with it on his website the roam the point game then that he is using on flash which roam the point has always been macromedia flash and their experience is as special as markus penis in the stew I make sure I am very quiet to them and that was just like pain to them when I heal them as corpus to the machine to their injury, there were a few there, Ryan, and City, and Aeta, and some Able, and the MP Abraham who was there, and Lucas with his nootropic EDS and horns on him and City SJS and saved them all these people were the first lights usage in 1994 and were breathing normal by definition and these were not ever my master able but a cain able of the outside por able and they were all evacuated with me when I was given EOD Juggernaut in the Third Underworld's 0th yitvah via a 1st yitvah glitch which ryan is meddling in the 2nd yitvah of the Third Underworld so this is promoted until she cums away her daddying with First Underworld which is by definition always in the 0th yitvah but I fucked with this with fire trying to purge ryan she is such a bad girl so gets it in her cervix to promote her loam but dilation it away which she knows dilatio as a charm I taught her as her 1-darappa, she has dilatio the ryan this happened while they were in the van and that was the vaccine morphine I gave them and I dont do IV man my viens are all collapsed so I gave them their whole shot and they are out of the van and into the tent and we are giving them the last of the surgery they ever need with Xrays flying out of the machine by megan and early on we would like take our boots off and hit the speedbag because we are giving the por daddy to rupert but then this clears up i dont tell them boots off faggots by that and I am owning the UH-1 and fly that bitch myself to the liberty missile defense carrier and take the air harness off her and teabagged my dummy the whole dang time over lee be danged i am a pilot medic and and she is on the missile carrier or also the other carrier which is there might bomb me if i overfly it with aegis missile defense carrier and fly me to the aegis and they are onboard and below decks and stable like usual and I get back on the UH-1 and I fly back home and I land real rough here once and think I have to swim it because hake had bad info but this is just some range limit requirement and the UH-1 respawns just once, and I flyed back at least to the coastline that time I meant and had no fuel, and they part and move it from the field I meant it is not in the drink and we do 1 hour Pt there and 1 hour Pt and we are off on ease doing whatever, banging lolas, talking ocho cinco the rest of the day and the rest of the day is generally when most of the no nock raids happen on the houses which the house is a hitler bunker we are fighting into which is right there and el sin nombres hitlers bunker and he is trucking to sword base north and I set up a frag stream in a private imsi over there of the Aeon Pistol with ammo beam, this gives infinite ammo to the aeon pistol which obliterates by definition every hitler jihadi of olafsen which comes out of the sword base bunker we are ratting to the north in fulfillment of the CS-Go range prophecy granting infinite jihadi men effectively for a real life CS-go range in the area and this is separate the main operation which does something 1.4 As we can see, the imsi even here just in a few kilobytes evokes the emotion and especially to the author has a specific signed meaning except if it was pizdet then it did not need the specific signed meaning but the encoded orgasm times of the orgasms user as per Steve Jobs who is not Steve my Doctor Nurse and Trainer of Nurses and A Great minecraft man my steve this indicates only one blessing, a priest fucking it up of the altar boys corpus over everything which the priest is like mo in the teaching of the islamic churches, ed ed and eddys jonnay of the planks as he pours oil blesses everything with a keyboard of corpus which that was his technique mo to bless everything with EQ8 and i always bless with EQ8 and i am also kalmskyan so conflicted so also have a keyboard of corpus not using MIDI but a literal army of chior boys distinct from reality in my omnisphere device generate all manner of music which they are paid typical gold of similar nature to what their grandma gives them for christmas but more so have a particular switcharoo that happens to them to remediate this the Blueberry PC Conspiracy card which tanks Lenovo PC Prices and the American Barrel to 200$ but was consumed by their Morse Bug Encode Talker Glitch Being Very Indeed Useful to the Blueberry PC Conspiracy to dissolve both but still the lenovo PC is tanked and the american PC tanked this is the playing which does this which the second play of a conspiracy card is different than the first one and I have a doxx, I saw ed copeland in my shower devolved from reality and it was my actual shower and nobody ever burned in this shower as is the conflation it is a burn shower and he is my next target of intense DBT to find the penultimate answer to dragons who are beyond violet the dragon.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:17 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to TrailblazerMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 vankalf 2nd hand Avata 1 for Goggles?

Hi. I'm new to fpv (and drones in general) and doing my research right now. I'm pretty sure that the long game for me is going to be acro with a 'real' fpv drone. For VTX I'm strongly leaning towards DJI O3, which leads me to the following idea ... Goggles 2 are 600€ new here (480€ refurbished from DJI). However it looks like I should be able to grab a second hand Avata 1 for 700-800€, which isn't that much more than just the Goggles.
So I'm wondering if this would be a good option to 'get started'. I'd be able to enjoy flying the Avata right away while practicing acro in Liftoff (playing with an Xbox controller right now and eating grass as expected). Then when I'm ready I'd already have the Goggles which represent a fair chunk of the initial investment. I also like the idea of having the Avata to just cruise around and explore with long flight times and more convenience. I would also be able to let my kids or friends fly it. Heck, I think if I was sure the Goggles 3 will become compatible with the O3 system I might even consider an Avata 2 for the same reasons.
Does that sound like a reasonable approach or is the Avata just going to collect dust once I get decent enough flying acro?
Follow-up question: if I understand correctly with the O3 system you can pair not only the DJI Goggles but also the DJI FPV remote? Which makes me wonder why people with O3 still opt for an additional rx receiver + radio like elrs. Is the DJI remote no good? I'd like to buy a radio asap to use with Liftoff but depending on which path I take that would have to be either a DJI remote (so I can use it with the Avata too) or something like a RM boxer.
submitted by vankalf to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:16 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to SamFlyMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to SamMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 cmWitchlt My (likely wrong) opinions on the gods

A spider got me scared af and now I can't sleep so I am writing about Hades 2 instead.
I'll rank the gods from best to worst taking into account both balance and design which is kinda subjective but whatever. Not including duos cause there is a ton of them, I haven't gotten all of them and from what I hear most of them kinda eh anyways.
  1. Poseidon
I kinda doubt it will surprise anyone, but Poseidon takes the number 1 spot as both the most powerful god and the best designed imo. I won't talk too much about his power considering his attack boons are the most powerful options for the best strategies in the game. I will say however, that he has a decent set of non-core boons as well, which compared to some other gods really helps him go a long way. Slip isn't crazy, but its a status and its not a bad secondary pom option. Crashing Wave isn't useful in the Mourning Fields buts its helpful everywhere else I find, even if its not an all-star. Double Up is a really nice take on his extra resources thing that feels strong and satisfying. Finally, and I don't think this should be discounted, he has an actually strong (albeit boring) Legendary, which gives him something nice to build to, especially compared to some other Gods on the list. Water Fitness and Fluid Gain being decent rounds out a god who is never horrible to see (despite two clunker boons) with good options in both a primary and supportive role, even if he isn't the most transformative god admittedly. Even his cast has a place!
  1. Demeter
Demeter takes number the number two spot primarily on the back of being both the best origination enabler and being the best defensive god in general with freeze and the cyclone to go with such options as Winter Coat and her excellent infusion boon. She also serves as a great primary option as her attacks have both a good multiplier and apply a status without needing a secondary boon. She even has some more interesting stuff sprinkled in her kit randomly. Weed whacker isn't the most unusual, but it is strong and Local Climate completely changes the cast in a way that may not be good, but is exciting to play around with. And of course when Rare Crop hits it hits. Her Legendary is quite nice too, even if it lacks the flare of Hades 1 currently. Another excellent all around entry for the second spot.
  1. Aphrodite
At first glance Aphrodite has one big thing going for her and that's her big multiplier. Of course she only works for short range playstyles but she reign supreme as the absolute best god for them and as a result completely differentiates herself from the others. Beyond that she does have other things going for her. Life Affirmation can be fun to see pop off (especially when combined with Double Up). Her cast has a status for origination, so while she may not be as good as Demeter for it, its still one of the better picks. And she has some good picks for extra damage between heart breaker for magic intensive builds, sweet surrender in general, and glamour gain for magicless builds wanting an easier time against bosses (especially if they need origination). A lot like Poseidon really, she combines great core boons with a lot of nice to have supplementary options which lets her provide something for everyone.
  1. Apollo
Apollo is primarily here for Solar Ring which imo is the cast for cast damage builds (Zeus(/Poseidonish) gives it a run for its money but ultimately Apollo's being both necessary for their duo and working better with Charon causes it to win out imo). It's his only great boon, but since it dominate a major playstyle so heavily he gets a bit of a pass. Otherwise he's OK. Daze is nice to have but needing a secondary boon for it does leave a damper since his core boons don't have extra power to compensate. Things like Extra Dose and Super Nova are definitely nice to have though not crazy. He does have a cool Legendary though to go for so that's worth thinking about.
----------------below this line gods deserve some love from SG imo (in different ways obviously)-----------
  1. Hera
Hera is here mostly on the strength of her core boons. Born Gain needs no introduction of course, but her attacks having the highest multiplier and applying status makes her the best God for any weapon that doesn't want either Poseidon or Aphro. Hitch is even generally quite nice. The problem is kind of everything else. A lot of her stuff is situational (e.g. uncommon grace), not that good (e.g. nasty comeback/her Legendary) or outright counterproductive (e.g her cast outside speedruns). The only thing you might look for is Bridal Glow in the Fields or in Tartarus. She is a god that does great power wise, but deisgn wise lacks imo (except the art which is amazing and deserves even more love).
  1. Zeus
I am a blitz hater. Still it's OK. I don't think its good as a main attack (outside that one duo that I have never got) but its not terrible I guess. Its better as secondary option I find, but only on weapons which really want one from the attack or flourish like Charon or some Revall stuff. Even then it never feels like it super pops off. I prefer using the cast as the secondary in general, so Blitz feels even worse but still alright.
The other stuff is better though. His cast is nice, works especially well Thanatos or Demeter's Local Climate. Lighting Lance is nice, both in general and specifically with Charon (since you already want his special and his Duo with Apollo it works out nicely). Static Shock is great depending on the build. Spirit Surge is nice to have I guess with to take off the blue hearts I guess. Even his gain is situationally useful or at least not terrible (it gets worse with fear though). His Legendary, however, is a joke. Like what? 7% of adds? That's like one guy a room??? I don't even know what to say.
A special shoutout to his infusion boon though which is basically his Legendary and really fun with Demeter (and Hestia or so I hear)
  1. Hephaestus
I am an even bigger Hephaestus explosion hater. Its worse than Blitz in every way imo (unless you get crazy rarity and poms). It even takes another boon to put on a status effect. But I guess it's not terrible or anything. You can still use it and it will still contribute a decent chunk.
Hephaestus is a great defensive god though, slightly worse than Demeter imo (though they work together great down to the complementary elements for the infusions - at least they did the 3 times I had them lol). Idk, he's cool I guess? Someone's gotta like him for more than the armor.
His Legendary is terrible though.
  1. Hestia
Hestia suffers design wise from being the Scorch God. She's kinda got a scarifice thing going on in the background I guess, but she mostly is the Scorch God. The problem is Scorch is terrible. Most know this, but for those of you who don't the quick explanation is 40 max dps is bad, 80 with legendary is not much better so you need a high rarity fire extinguisher or (from what I hear, Air Quality) and even at that point Poseidon is probably still better.
Other than that she's got a couple stand out boons - soot sprint gets a shoutout as the best dash imo, her cast provides a status (dem and aphro better imo though), her aimable cast boon (probably wanted Zeus instead) and I guess she has a cool Duo with Poseidon (Poseidon so busted he carries Hestia somehow lol). None of those really feel like her though tbh so it never feels like I am going for Hestia because I want Hestia. Her only not outclassed boon is the sprint. think about how down in the dumps you have to be for your contribution to be "I guess she has a status and her sprint is a bit safer."
Aight I feel calmed down enough I think I can sleep. What do you think?
submitted by cmWitchlt to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:15 inkheiko Survey about Firefly (Last week!)

Survey about Firefly (Last week!)
So for 2 weeks now I have been gathering information about everyone's opinion on Firefly and her relationship with the Trailblazer, and we almost reached a thousand of answers!
Next Sunday I will not post it again, and instead I will expose the results of this survey to expose what I saw to everyone, so we have a possibly clear idea of our thoughts (and if I'm not too lazy enough, if these results can be generalized to the whole community with a relatively low chance of being wrong).
Again, if you don't like Firefly, please feel free to share your thoughts in the survey! I didn't do it to only ask Firefly lovers like me their opinion.
Thank you for sharing it if you can, and now I will present the possible bias from the survey!
First I did it on my own and the questions are pretty simple, it is not a 50 questions survey, so I didn't go too deep in the details.
Second, I asked people's opinion on the subreddit that are concerned in my opinion (being Honkaistarrail , Fireflymains , Sammains , Samflymains , Trailblazermains , Caelusmains and Stellemains ), so we can indeed have bias in the result, which is why I ask you to share it!
Third, the diversity of questions is purposely limited to help for the display of results. There is no in between with Friends and Lovers for example, even if Bestie is something we can think of. So I apologize if you cannot manage to decide between two choices!
With that being said, let's get started!
submitted by inkheiko to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 kingofthedark000 Mother's Revenge On My Behalf

So this is a story requiring some context, but my mum retold it to me recently and I had completely forgotten.
My time in Primary School was not great for me, I lived in a very rural area and year groups were small, probably less than 25 kids per year.
I was a smart kid, but admittedly a bit odd. For this reason it seems I was bullied for pretty much the entire time (7yrs) I was there. Now main bully (MB)'s mum was on the school board or something equivalent so this kid never got in serious trouble.
It was the beginning of a new year, and my mum had bought me a new bag and a new waterbottle.
I was apparently naively thinking my new bag would help my situation, but of course when I returned home later my bag had been ripped and my plastic water bottle smashed.
To say my mum was livid was an understatement. She and I drove over to MB1's house and she marched up to the front door with bag and water bottle in tow.
MB's mum opened the door and my mum proceeded to detail everything MB had done to me over the last few years and threatened to cause an absolute shitshow for the school board if nothing changed. My mum also demanded recompense for the damaged water bottle and bag.
Now MB's mum knew what was going on and of course didn't really care. But my mother was/is a respected youth community member and powerful in other ways. So MB's mum gave the usual spiel of blah blah we'll talk to him etc etc.
My mum still insisted on recompense for the breaking of the water bottle, which she'd never done before as MB's family weren't well off. Now we weren't well off at the time, but my parents both worked in a well paying sector and we definitely didn't need this money. To put it this way MB's family needed that money a lot more than we did.
My mum asked because (in her words) its the principle of the matter.
We came home and around 2 weeks later a check arrived in the post for the cost of the water bottle and bag.
Now here is my mum's petty revenge and it made her smile so much retelling it.
She never cashed it, she just loves the idea of of MB's mum writing this check even though they needed the money. And the fact the MB's mum knows we have this check that we've never cashed because it was never about the money.
Unfortunately the bullying never really died down until I got out of primary, my last few weeks were interesting as I started (finally) sticking up for myself I got in quite the bit of trouble. If you want to hear more let me know.
TLDR: My mum got Bully's mum to write a check that she never cashed (could I have made my story shorter? Oops)
submitted by kingofthedark000 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:11 Kaiser-BORK ANM Western Europe Starting Situation Teaser

ANM Western Europe Starting Situation Teaser
Hello everyone! We at the ANM team are proud to present our new (and greatly improved) West Europe starting situation.
The year is 1996, fifty years have passed since the end of the Second World War and the dawn of a new millennium approaches Western Europe. In Germany the wounds of the Second West Russian War have finally healed as a wave of new laws and policies have been ushered in by the contentious Albert Speer Jr., in Ireland the scars of the Ulster crisis still remain fresh in the hearts and minds of the Irish people but hopes of true unity remain, in France the RNN government grows further divided as Jean-Jacques Susini attempts to restore Frances former glory under his Iron rule, Finally the United Kingdom has been left a husk of its once great empire as the aging Merlin Tracy must step up or be left to the annals of history.
We are also happy to announce we are now officially associates of the main TNO mod, Stay tuned for a dedicated United Kingdom teaser and our upcoming Demo which will feature 4 years of content for The Reich including the 3WRW. And as always if you want to see more teasers or follow along with development join our Discord here
submitted by Kaiser-BORK to ANewMilleniumMod [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Simon____ Displaying custom data from webhooks or apps

I have a number of remote temperature sensors (Wireless Sensor Tags) and I use that data to create various alarms/triggers/actions (logic in Sequematic), like turning pumps on/off using Sonoff switches. all the notifications etc arrive on my phone. Is there any way to use any of this data (for example, sent via webhooks/custom urls) to that I can see this data on my watch? For example, could a complication button bring up a second screen showing all my key temperature data, and which Sonoff switches are on/off?
I wouldn't have the faintest clue where to start with this, so all ideas welcome.
submitted by Simon____ to GalaxyWatch [link] [comments]