Pregnancy waiver forms

Trying to Conceive (TTC) After a Loss

2014.11.21 01:10 SansaScully Trying to Conceive (TTC) After a Loss

This sub is for people who are trying to conceive, waiting to try, or just dealing with life after any type of pregnancy or baby loss. This includes chemical, molar, and ectopic pregnancies, blighted ovum, miscarriage, stillbirth, termination, or infant death. If you are currently pregnant after a loss, and are looking for support, please visit PregnancyAfterLoss.

2019.02.17 21:06 nottaclevername Baby Bumpers November 2019

A place for all November 2019 parents! October and December fence sitters welcome! This is the November branch of the Baby Bumps community.

2018.03.02 10:17 December 2018 Baby Bumps

This sub is for those who are due to have a baby in December 2018 and fence sitters (those due late November 2018 and Early January 2019)

2024.06.02 06:46 Creditcards_info SBI Lifetime Free Credit Card - Features, Offers & Apply

Here are the key details about the SBI Lifetime Free Credit Card
Eligibility (typical criteria):
How to Apply:
  1. Visit SBI Card website or branch
  2. Fill online application or physical form
  3. Submit required documents (ID, address, income proof)
  4. Wait for approval and card delivery
submitted by Creditcards_info to u/Creditcards_info [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:29 Throwawayredditasker ID/Passport Help? (desperate mom)

Okay. Buckle in, this will likely be long winded but I feel you need all the context. There will be a tldr at the end, so scroll there if you don’t care for the small details.
I am a 26F, living in NYC. My ID expired in 2020 at the start of Covid, and I booked it to Atlanta after a bad breakup to clear my head. I wasn’t able to renew my ID in Atlanta because everything had shut down, so I saved up to come back to NYC. Things were still closed and slow when I got back, got into a new relationship, got pregnant. I know, judge me later. Between doctor’s appointments and most government official buildings being closed, I didn’t get to renew it within the year. When I tried to renew it the following year (per their two year time limit at the dmv), I was told I didn’t have enough points to renew or something similar. I would have used my passport if I had known they had a time limit of 15 years, but I took my first passport picture when I was nine.
It’s now been three years, and surprisingly, when you don’t have your own place where you actively pay bills, it’s incredibly hard to prove your citizenship. Before leaving NYC I had a job, an updated ID, a bank account, and a proof of address. I still don’t have an updated ID. Here’s why:
I have my:
SSN US issued Birth Certificate A credit card/credit statement Proof of address A benefits card (no picture) Old ID (beyond 2 years expired)
I do not have a bank account, I cannot get one without an ID and they closed my previous one. I no longer have a stable proof of address, I moved. I live semi off the grid with my daughter’s father. He works, we aren’t together, and I can’t secure income unless my paperwork is order. I have an address I can use, but my name isn’t on the lease and I have no bills in my name. I’ve been back and forth to the dmv, passport agencies, post offices, online, and even the library. They’ve all sent me on a wild goose chase that led nowhere, not to mention bad attitudes along the way. Am I supposed to just accept NOT having an ID and passport??
It feels like I’ve been going in an endless loop for three years trying to get my proper documentation. I can’t secure a job, I can’t apply for anything without an ID apparently. In a non joking way, I truly understand now how hard it is for some immigrants to enter the country legally. It’s a maze of complicated paperwork and processes, all involving a lot of money people may not have. It was not my intent to let it expire beyond two years, I am seeking advice on the fastest way to get my documents updated legally for the sake of my kid. I even took my own passport photo and filled out the forms but the website says I need an ID at the time of my appointment for them to go forward. I need genuine help, as I’m not sure how to update my ID/passport at this point.
TLDR; I screwed myself over by waiting too long to update my ID, partially due to Covid and pregnancy, and need advice on the fastest way to get it updated since most methods require an updated ID…which I don’t have.
submitted by Throwawayredditasker to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:58 MountainVegetable302 Want off of BC but I’m scared.

Just to start, I have severe health anxiety so I spiral pretty bad about medical decisions
I’ve only been on BC simply to avoid pregnancy - started at 16 now I’m 24.
I have been on bc for 8 years. Ever since my health anxiety has gotten out of control, I’ve become obsessed with the potential risk of getting cancer from being on BC for too long, so I want to get off of it.
Then I research about getting off of it, and I’m reading about increased risk of getting other forms of cancer or other issues such as PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, etc.
Being on BC for so long, my period is so scheduled, like it’s always from a Thursday to Tuesday and it’s never missed it’s assigned schedule - I’ve heard some peoples periods get all weird, do they go back to that same schedule or start their own schedule and stick to that?
Has anyone been on BC for long term and then come off of it and has been off of it for a long time, how are you doing??
Trying to outweigh the pros and cons of my risks staying on or getting off.
submitted by MountainVegetable302 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:50 eatshitdotgov [TW: Graphic Description] — I might be having a miscarriage, but didn’t know I was pregnant in the first place…

I think I might be having a miscarriage, but am not sure, and want to get a second opinion before I book an appointment to confirm whether or not I was pregnant.
Here is some context:
I have been on oral BC since I was 17 (currently F19). This was for acne, Accutane, and mitigating periods, as mine are particularly painful. I have been sexually active since Aug. 2023, and am still with my boyfriend (long distance) whom I first had sex with. In Feb. 2024, I had a bit of a pregnancy scare, in which I had experienced nausea and hadn’t remembered when my last period was (my BC kind of got rid of my period) — three tests came back negative.
About six weeks ago, I stopped BC just to see how it would make me feel; I got back on it about three weeks later, as my boyfriend was getting back to town, and wanted to be sufficiently “protected” when we reunited. The first time we had sex in ten weeks was on 5/24. Before that, it was on Mar. 10. I say this because I think this would be the most probable time of conception (3/10/24), if that happened.
I started my period on 5/29. This was unusual/unexpected, as I stated earlier that BC pretty much gets rid of my period. Normally, I wouldn’t really be concerned about this irregularity because, obviously, a period implies no pregnancy. But this afternoon, I saw a small, weird, tissue-like clump (purple, red, a little gray, a bit of black, etc.) — obviously nothing like a typical period clot, and the best way I can describe it is almost like a tiny placenta (1 in. in diameter)? I found a similar, slightly larger one yesterday afternoon. Following some research, this is either a miscarriage, or a “decidual cast”. This period has been similar in pain and flow as my periods prior to getting on BC, but the main difference is that the serious pain has lasted longer (more than the standard two-ish days), and the blood itself is far paler (normally very dark and liquidated).
I don’t think I need to explain that I am not only confused, but also incredibly scared. My boyfriend and I ALWAYS use two forms of protection (BC and condoms). I consistently take my birth control within the same 3-hour window, but could stand to be more precise. I don’t really know how I could be pregnant in the first place. Also, say I get a blood test, and pregnancy is detected — of course I would tell my boyfriend as I love him and trust him, and he was there during my first pregnancy scared. I’m hesitant to schedule an appointment in the first place because I don’t even want to get that “You’re pregnant.” call, and technically, I know that you can typically manage a miscarriage without a ton of medical intervention. But of course there is the off-chance an infection sets in, so I really shouldn’t chance it.
I think my first course of action will be to wait for y’all’s input, take an at-home pregnancy test (or three), and then go from there. I have a picture of the weird “tissue”, but this community doesn’t allow for attachments.
I look forward to hearing from you guys. 💜
submitted by eatshitdotgov to Miscarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:52 Yrunasaurus FASD Advocate

Hello. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you i am a self advocate for FASD. I am a 37 year old woman from the Netherlands, i have written a book about FASD and pregnancy. My children don't have FASD, i do.
I wanted to advocate because there is so much stigma and negativity surrounding FASD. For example, in the Netherlands still everybody thinks FAS is the most common and severe form and that people with FASD can't do anything. There are no supports for adults and children are basicly sheltered from the rest of the world because many fosterparents believe it's what helps them. Ofcourse not all fosterparents believe that but most do.
When i got to know about my FASD at 31 i saw so many scary stories and started to believe them. I got really depressed to the point i actually didn't want to live anymore. Then i saw some great self advocates for FASD and i gained my happiness, my self worth and my confidence back little by little. I started going to therapy to accept my diagnosis and i started learning to do what i like and finding out what i was good at.
I like writing and i have a strong voice that i use to speak up for what's right. For what i believe is right and that includes that people with FASD deserve the grace, love and respect that we usually don't get because of stigma and ableism. So many of us have gone through already enough.
If you're interested you can find me on Insta, Tiktok, Facebook and X as @fasd_warrior_nl
I am also a member of the International Adult Leadership Collaborative of FASD Changemakers. Anybody here knows who we are?
Soon i am launching my FASD discord that will be safe, stigma-free and inclusive. At least that's the goal 🙂✌🏼
submitted by Yrunasaurus to fasd [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 Apolleun All is gone... (Part 3)

Part 3: „It was the only real lie I ever told her “
Back to the time when I was at university and before all the medical problems. I was invited to a friend’s party. You know, the whole student stupidity; drinking, dancing and listen to terrible music. There was one girl that stood in the corner of the room that evening. She was there with some students from other departments and seemed not too thrilled by the gathering. I could clearly see a fake smile to the conversations and the surroundings. After a while I saw a familiar girl and we chatted for a minute or so. She was very drunk. I also had that fake smile of “enjoying” this gathering. The music, which was played, got even worse. I turned to that girl in the corner and our gazes met. She looked at me with a face that said it all: “How the what can I get out of here? “
I just shrugged slightly, formed a pistol with two fingers and pointed to my head and then faked a happy expression. She began to laugh very heavily. Like I learned, her name was Anna and she wasn’t drunk, not even tipsy but something about her had caught me. She was attractive, no doubts, but she seemed to be more “present” in the room than others.
From that day on we were like one. We met, chatted, laughed and after some time; well, did a little more. I was stunned what happened. Not even had I dreamed of a girl like her as my partner. She was everything I searched for without even not knowing that I needed it. I was madly in love. And through our conversations she confessed the same to me. I am not handsome or attractive. I was definitely not even close to her league. And she was no “Sandy” with no brain. I even questioned if this was a set-up or a trap. But I am coming from a worker’s family. No gold digger would stay with me for money. My career options were prosperous but this can be seen like a trifecta-bet. Why did she love me? When I asked her, she just said: “Because you are so stupid to ask!”
The most beautiful and mind-blowing about her were, in the end, the little things: the look of her eyes when I brushed her hair behind her ear, holding my hand as if she sometimes knew that I needed it and her good heart. She was the one calming me down when I was rushing forward of achieving things in a harsh manner. She understood me even if I didn’t tell her what happened. This was vice versa. When she was sad, I could cheer her up (okay, mostly the chocolate I always had in stock). When she was insecure, I helped her to find a solution for herself.
And yes, she was beautiful. She was natural and everything on her seemed to be the perfect combination. Her mannerisms and her movements were so classic and gracious.
How deep our relationship developed in just six months was unbeknown to most our friends and even my family. Sadly, she was on only child, raised alone by her mother after the sudden death of her father at the age of seven. Her mother died in an accident when she was 19. She had no grandparents left, even no uncles, aunts or cousins. She felt lonely. At the time I wanted to introduce her officially to my family as “the one”, there was an issue.
She was a little distant for a week or so. She said: „It’s nothing “. Although I was not married, every man with more than three active brain cells just knows: „It’s nuclear! “
It’s unbelievable how a little plastic object with indicator stripes can change your world forever. She was pregnant. And to my shame, I was a complete dumbfounded idiot with a blank mind and sat beside her and asked the dumb question: “How?” This was dedicated to the fact that we used protection and pills.
And Anna, looking at me with a mischievous smile said: “Come on Idiot, don’t pretend that you missed biology classes.”
That brought me back to reality. I was shocked but also kind of happy. It was not the best moment for having a baby, but it’s happening. I told her, more mockingly, that we should marry. She said: “Okay. That’s probably better. But don’t dare to wait too long to put a ring on my finger”.
Again, everything seemed to be on lightspeed. How should I explain this to my family? Well at least the finances where not a big problem. I was on a rarely full “stipendia funding” and she had a scholarship. But, damn! This was too early for that seriousness. But that’s life, I thought.
I was confused, shocked, happy, proud and terrified for the next days. Anna left for three days for an excursion with one of her classes at the university. She told me that she made an appointment with her doctor for confirmation of the pregnancy and for other check-ups after the excursion. When she was back, I have sorted more things out for myself. We wanted to meet in the late evening of Thursday at her place across the town. She had her doctor’s appointment on Friday and I prepared myself for the following conversation and wanted to tell her that we should go together to the appointment, if she wanted that. Before leaving my mobile rang. The number was unfamiliar. I answered the call with a “Hello?”
At this point my world collapsed with the words:” This is nurse …… from the ……. Hospital. I am calling about your fiancé Anna ……”
After discovering her pregnancy, she always has a small piece of paper with all necessary information about medical problems and an emergency contact in her purse.
I came to the hospital and rushed to the Emergency Unit. I told my name and whom I was there for. They called a doctor and informed me to wait for her. There were a lot of people, who waited for their call to be treated by the ER staff. I was crying and my heart felt like it’s almost shredded in thousand pieces. I waited about 10 minutes. A female doctor (let’s call her Dr. F.) called my name and I followed her to a small office.
Dr. F. came strict to the point. She told me first about the accident and then about Annas constitution.
Then Dr. F. (what I am remembering and in short) explained: “Your fiancé had a car accident. A driver lost control over his vehicle and hit her. Passengers called the ambulance immediately and she was brought to us. She has multiple broken bones and bruises. But that is nothing to the inner bleedings. We can’t stop them. We are trying to stabilize her. But there is no hope that her body will recover from these inner bleedings. She is now in one of our ER-Rooms and partially conscious. You can go to her, if you want. But be aware that she is under medication and maybe not awake. I must inform you that the fetus (she should have said: the baby) hasn’t survived. I am truly sorry. Do you want to see her. She always asked about you, if she is awake.”
I nodded my head. There was a hurricane insight of me but I felt like being in the eye of that monster. I was empty and calm. I didn’t cry anymore. I was weak and empty.
The doctor led me to Anna’s room. There in the hospital bed with a mass of equipment attached to her, was my Anna. Her face wasn’t bruised badly but the sheets must have covered her dishevelled body. On the floor were the remains of the bloody massacre. But not as much as expected; I thought. I went to her bed with small steps and stood over her. Her eyes were closed. I gently touched her cheek and calmly spoke to her with a voice like a whisper: “Anna. I am here.”
She didn’t respond. I said the same words again, this time a little louder and gently touched her shoulder. She opened her eyes slightly.
She smiled slightly and said: “Hi love.”
I cried instantly and managed or fabricated a smile and said back: “Hi Curly”
Curly (I hope this is the correct term in English) was my nickname for her because of her natural curly hair that I adored so much. The short version of our conversation is:
She asked me: “Is it really so bad?”
I said: “Yes dear.”
She said after some seconds: “I am so sorry. I don’t want to leave you. I am afraid.”
I reached out for her hand and hold it and said: “You have done nothing wrong. You are perfect. I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.” It was more a beg than a statement.
She whispered: “I love you too and I don’t want to die but I feel so weak and I am tired.”
I gave her a small kiss on the lips and hold her hand. She closed her eyes again. After some seconds she opened them again and asked: “Is everything okay with our baby?”
I said: “Yes. You will be the best mother and always watch after our baby. I love you, Anna.”
Anna said: “I love you too.”
She smiled and closed her eyes. This time she never opened them again and around 20 minutes later the EKG mad it’s devastating sound, indicating no heart activity, no pulse, no blood pressure and no Anna anymore.
The medical staff send me out of the room and tried to reanimate her but there was no hope. And 20 minutes later a doctor declared her dead.
I wanted to die too. This emptiness I felt, the loss, the pain, the anger, the disbelief and the broken bond were too much. My mind was on autopilot. I don’t remember many things that happened afterwards.
I was in the hospital for hours before I left.
Remember the beginning of my medical problems. It began in this night. I got the virus somewhere in or around the hospital.
Because she had no relatives to contact, I took the responsibilities with the funeral. She was cremated and buried in a small ceremony with only a few friends.
I never lied to Anna, except for typical questions like: “Do these pants look good on me?”
But the last statement I said to her wasn’t true, expect for the part where I told her that I loved her. I think she knew it. But it gave her peace in the end. It was the only real lie I ever told her.
submitted by Apolleun to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:09 nachobearr When should I inform Amazon that I'm pregnant? Also seeking any general advice from pregnant women at Amazon.

Just recently found out. 🎉 Soonest appointment with a doctor though is in a couple weeks from now. I am aware Amazon wants doctors to fill out accomodation forms as well.
I work in Pack Flow. Thankfully not too many heavy things, but even then the heavy things haven't been an issue for me. I like that my job keeps me active. But, I know that weight limits will change as the pregnancy advances.
Also, I do have some paranoia about Amazon targeting me so they might not have to pay for maternity leave. 🫤 Again though, it's just a paranoia I want to express right now.
Any experience or advice you're willing to offer is welcome. Thanks in advance! ✌️
submitted by nachobearr to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:48 RealTimeTraveller420 [OR] My colleague went ahead and used an image of me in our organization's newsletter next to the location of our new office, despite over a dozen conversations about my need for privacy

Pretty much what it says in the headline.
It started when they asked if they could get my photo and bio to share on our org's new website literally during our introductory meeting in my first week. There were no waivers around consent about image/information sharing. I said no and explained this was because a couple of folks (stalkers) regularly keep tags on me and look for new ways to contact. Because past workplaces had shared my info online (photo + name) in the past, my stalkers have shown up to past workplaces and even my home.
The next time I met with them, they asked me the same thing. I said the same thing (no + my concern for safety). And this literally happened pretty much every time I've met with them one on one. They've asked me over slack and over email. They tried pestering me about it during a co-working session with our boss. They even tried to broach the topic during an all-staff meeting which was recorded. Total, we've had this discussion at least a dozen times. I've explicitly explained that I do not want any photos or information about me online or in any promotional material or anything else, and even disclosed why & past experiences.
So, in addition to some other issues, they went ahead and used an image of me in our org's latest newsletter. And right before a highlighted section talking about our new location and where it is. I forwarded this newsletter to them and my boss reiterating my boundaries and why they exist, and that I had this discussion way too many times with my colleague already.
I am worried of this happening again in the future, so I would like to know: what do I do here moving forward?
We are a small org and I signed nothing else other than tax papers during onboarding. I know this for a fact since yes, I have told my boss (who is also HR) that I do not want my image or info anywhere online related to our org, and why, and that to keep track of these things, we should have forms for these kinds of things.
Upon reviewing the newsletter where my image was shared again, I realized our literal address was on the newsletter as well. I was not sent a draft newsletter, this was the actual newsletter sent to an unknown number of subscribers. From my experience in marketing, newsletters that have already been sent out cannot be changed.
submitted by RealTimeTraveller420 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:09 That_Employment_7510 Teen pregnancy shouldn't be encouraged

Health Risks:
• Higher risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth: Teenagers’ bodies are still developing, making them more susceptible to complications like pre-eclampsia, premature birth, low birth weight, and anemia. • Mental health challenges: Teen mothers face increased risks of postpartum depression and other mental health issues due to the stresses associated with early parenthood.
Social and Economic Impacts:
• Disrupted education: Teen pregnancy is a leading cause of high school dropout, limiting future opportunities and earning potential. • Financial hardship: Raising a child is expensive. Teen parents often lack the financial resources and stability to provide adequately for their children. • Cycle of poverty: Teen pregnancy can contribute to a cycle of poverty, as young parents may struggle to break free from economic hardship.
Child Development:
• Developmental risks: Children of teenage mothers are at a higher risk for developmental delays, behavioral problems, and lower academic achievement. • Social and emotional challenges: These children may face social stigma and challenges forming healthy relationships.
Instead of encouraging teen pregnancy, we should focus on:
• Comprehensive sex education: Providing accurate information about sex, contraception, and healthy relationships is crucial. • Access to contraception: Making affordable and accessible contraception readily available can help prevent unintended pregnancies.
The impact of bullying on teen mothers can be severe: Mental health: Bullying can contribute to feelings of shame, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Educational outcomes: Teen mothers who are bullied may struggle to focus on their studies or feel uncomfortable attending school, impacting their education. Social development: Bullying can hinder the development of healthy social skills and relationships.
teen moms, despite their experiences, shouldn’t normalize teen pregnancy:
Unrealistic Expectations: Teen parenthood is incredibly challenging. It involves significant life changes, financial burdens, social sacrifices, and emotional maturity that most teenagers are still developing. Presenting it as easy or glamorous sets unrealistic expectations for other young people. Minimizing the Challenges: Every parent faces difficulties, but teen parents often face compounded challenges, including interrupted education, limited job prospects, social stigma, and potential health risks. Normalizing teen pregnancy risks downplaying these very real struggles. Influencing a Vulnerable Audience: Teenagers are particularly susceptible to social influence, especially from peers or slightly older individuals they may admire. When teen moms present pregnancy as desirable or aspirational, it can influence younger viewers’ perceptions and choices. Perpetuating a Cycle: Teen pregnancy rates, while declining, can be higher in communities where it’s more common. Normalizing it can unintentionally contribute to a cycle where young people see it as an expected or acceptable life path.
submitted by That_Employment_7510 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:13 Hot_Source_2874 Is there a way to prevent this from happening to our child?

So my husband and I both have similar presentations of OCD. My husband’s main presentation is with body focused repetitive behaviors and misophonia. I also have body focused repetitive behaviors along with intrusive thoughts. I am formally diagnosed while my husband never has been. I am currently pregnant with our first child and I’m constantly worried that he or she will inherit the same issues, if not a more severe form. Is there anything I can do to help him or her better deal with or prevent symptoms from arising? I’ve read studies about supplementation during pregnancy helping to prevent some forms of mental illness, but maybe teaching meditation and mindfulness from a young age? Idk I just want to give my baby the best shot and do better him/her than was done for me. Any advice or experiences would be appreciated. Sorry if this question doesn’t belong here.
submitted by Hot_Source_2874 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:33 IamSheilaJackson My Texas apartment complex is charging me a security deposit waiver fee....even though I already paid my security deposit.

So in our lease agreement our security deposit is listed as $300. We paid this on initial move in back in 2021. We have not changed units. When our lease came back up for renewal we got an email with lease options and rent amounts for each option. The email does indicate that the security deposit is equal to one month's rent but this isn't even a form that got signed. I just checked a box and sent it back. Because I signed the waiver agreement addendum that's in our lease I now am being charged $36 per month. This really pisses me off because the verbiage clearly states in the addendum that the security deposit waiver fee is an ALTERNATIVE to having a security deposit on file.....which we the amount listed in our lease. Apartment manager told me to get over it and corporate won't do anything so don't even bother calling them. Yes it's only an extra $36 a month but this is BS.
submitted by IamSheilaJackson to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:14 IamSheilaJackson My Texas apartment complex is charging a monthly security deposit waiver fee....even though I already paid my deposit....what action can I take since they refuse to fix this???

So in our lease agreement our security deposit is listed as $300. We paid this on initial move in back in 2021. We have not changed units. When our lease came back up for renewal we got a sheet with lease options and rent amounts for each option. That sheet does indicate that the security deposit is equal to one month's rent but this isn't even a form that got signed. I just checked a box and sent it back. Because I signed the waiver agreement addendum I now am being charged $36 per month. This really pisses me off because the verbiage clearly states that this is due as an ALTERNATIVE to having a security deposit on file.....which we the amount listed in our lease. They refuse to accept their error. What are my options?
submitted by IamSheilaJackson to TenantHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:05 WhovianTrekkie_6366 My Star Trek Ranking Part 2: 900-876

Hello; really loved the interaction with my first post, so thanks so much for that! I'll just reiterate: spoilers for all Star Trek, and everything is just my opinion.
900) Unnatural Selection (1989)
TNG 2x7
Writer: John Mason & Mike Gray
Director: Paul Lynch
We've seen this idea done before and better. Yeah, it's a little bit different this time: it centres around children genetically engineered to be free of disease (isn't that illegal in the Federation?). But the actual plot of the episode is little different from TOS' The Deadly Years, with Doctor Pulaski aging and trying to find a cure for the condition. An uninspired repeat of a TOS episode that wasn't even that good in the first place.
899) We'll Always Have Paris (1988)
TNG 1x23
Writer: Deborah Dean Davis & Hannah Louise Shearer
Director: Robert Becker
Bored me stiff. I'm not always a huge fan of time travel stuff in general, and this is one of the least dynamic uses of that story type I've ever seen. Picard also has some weak character development, in his reminiscence about the girlfriend he left behind to join Starfleet, after he runs into her in this episode. The resolution with Data is fine, though, and I do like that they used him, as somebody less affected by the Maddox Effect, to solve the problem. Functional, just really dull.
898) Angel One (1988)
TNG 1x13
Writer: Patrick Barry
Director: Michael Rhodes
I will say that, as a teenage boy and as a young man now, this episode did give me empathy for what women go through in real life: being dismissed as weak and soft and barred from meaningful work. Beyond that, however, this episode really says nothing. It feels like it wants to be a deep and compelling exploration of gender roles, but apart from that feeling of empathy it gave me it doesn't accomplish anything of the kind. It's just a rote story about an oppressed section of society trying to combat their oppressors, and Riker saves the dissidents from being executed with a dull speech.
897) Silicon Avatar (1991)
TNG 5x4
Writer: Jeri Taylor, story by Lawrence V Conley
Director: Cliff Bole
Oh, just what I always wanted: the return of the Crystalline Entity from Datalore! Most anticipated villain return ever! But seriously, this could have been an interesting episode exploring a decent creature, but all that ends up happening is the Enterprise chasing the Crystalline Entity while Data has conversations with the mother of one of the victims of its attack on his colony. I will say that her hatred of Data got some genuine emotion out of me, as I raise my hackles against anyone who dares attack that loveable android, and seeing her come round to him was reasonably satisfying. But I still wasn't intrigued by their conversations, or the story of her seeking revenge for her son's death. The actual murder of the Crystalline Entity was done with a decent weight, but the episode takes forever to get there, through a slog of boring conversations and virtually no emotional investment for me.
896) The Outrageous Okona (1988)
TNG 2x4
Writer: Burton Armus, story by Les Menchen, Lance Dickson & David Landsberg
Director: Robert Becker
An aimless, artless story of a rogue caught between two fathers hounding him for his misdeeds. I don't find Okona amusing or charming, so his heavy presence in the episode doesn't do anything for me, and the story surrounding him is weak too. Data's stand-up comedy stuff is quite funny; Brent Spiner plays it brilliantly. I particularly enjoy the scene where he's trying out his act on Guinan, and it's just so bad. Also love Whoopi Goldberg's delivery of 'No' after Data asks her if his act was good. But this B-plot has only a flimsy connection to the main story, and therefore its presence leaves the end product feeling messy as well as weak.
895) Bounty (2003)
ENT 2x25
Writer: Hans Tobeason, Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong, story by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Roxann Dawson
An A-plot and B-plot that are both very bad. The story of Archer getting kidnapped by a bounty hunter is rote and uninspired, and definitely feels like it was one of the last ideas the writers came up with for the season. They were just filling time with a poor sequel to the earlier episode Judgement. His interactions with the Tellarite do not interest me at all, and I do not care about the Tellarite's lost ship. The B-plot with T'Pol prematurely going through the Pon Farr sees some of the worst sexualisation of the character, plus some cringey dialogue between her and Phlox. Archer's ending escape from the Klingons, with the Tellarite's secret help, is solid, though.
894) The Omega Glory (1968)
TOS 2x23
Writer: Gene Roddenberry
Director: Vincent McEveety
Goes from mundane to insane. For much of its runtime I would give this my label of dull but functional: there's a rogue Starfleet Captain trying to discover the secret to eternal youth on a pre-warp planet, and there's a lot of fighting with some of the savage natives. It's all very boring... until the last quarter.
It gets revealed that this is (yet another) TOS Season 2 Earth parallel, with the savages representing the US and the village people the Communists. There is no explanation given for how the aliens ended up with all the exact paraphernalia of that time on Earth, from the US flag to the American Constitution; it's all just ludicrous.
The crowning weirdness of the episode is Kirk's lauding of the American Constitution as the greatest thing ever invented. Now, I don't just not like this because I'm English; I would feel the same if the British (unwritten) Constitution was being lauded like this. I consider myself a pretty patriotic person, and I believe that every country has equal reason to celebrate themselves, but I feel it is utterly inappropriate in Star Trek for any one country or group to be held up as the ultimate shining example of civilisation. This is because Trek is meant to represent a future where everybody's come together under one banner. There's a lot to praise about the American Constitution, but it's inappropriate for it to be held up as the 'One True Way', if you will. Kirk's final admiring look at the US flag is so cringeworthily saccharine. So, yeah, this episode is boring for most of its runtime, and it certainly isn't in the end... it's much worse.
893) The Muse (1996)
DS9 4x21
Writer: Rene Echevarria, story by Rene Echevarria & Majel Barrett-Roddenberry
Director: David Livingston
The DS9 Lwaxana Troi episodes are largely not a good time, and this is the absolute worst of them. The story of her pregnancy feels so hammy and forced, and the drama with her and Odo doesn't interest me at all. She also doesn't feel like she has much of a presence in the episode, which is shocking given how she came on so wonderfully strong in TNG. The other plotline with Jake is also uninteresting. It's at least not as bad as the Lwaxana storyline, but it's still so very uninspired (you see what I did there?). Annoyingly our last Lwaxana appearance; they really should have stopped her episodes after TNG's Dark Page; that was the perfect ending for her character.
892) When the Bough Breaks (1988)
TNG 1x16
Writer: Hannah Louise Shearer
Director: Kim Manners
Gene Roddenberry did like his kiddie episodes, didn't he? The idea of 'Atlantis-but-a-planet' is interesting, but the episode wastes the concept on a tiresome kidnapping story. The kids are fine I guess, but I'd also rather not be watching them. Wesley feels kinda out-of-place among them, to be honest, considering how noticeably older he is. I will say that Picard's reaction to the abduction: 'You have just committed an act of utter barbarity!' is a superb bit of acting from Stewart, but other than that there's nothing else I'll praise about this outing.
891) Pen Pals (1989)
TNG 2x15
Writer: Melinda M Snodgrass, story by Hannah Louise Shearer
Director: Winrich Kolbe
This always feels like a short to me, despite its forty-five minute length. No time is spent building up Data and the alien kid's relationship; we just see the kid's first communication, then jump into Data confessing to Picard he's been in contact with a pre-warp individual. So I have no investment in this relationship, which is a shame because Data-plus-kid had the potential to be really sweet. They just didn't put the legwork into it. The resolution is fine.
890) Unforgettable (1998)
VOY 4x22
Writer: Greg Elliot & Michael Perricone
Director: Andrew Robinson
Got to be the most ironic title in Trek history, since this episode is extremely forgettable. It's also mind-numbingly boring: Trek does not have a good track record with single-episode romances, and this has got to be one of the worst. I feel zero connection to the guest character and zero investment in her relationship with Chakotay. The idea of a species that you forget after they've been gone for a while is intriguing, but it is wasted on this insipid romance. This was one of the longest forty-five minutes I've ever sat through.
889) Transfigurations (1990)
TNG 3x25
Writer: Rene Echevarria
Director: Tom Benko
Speaking of dull one-episode romances, here's another one. The idea of a species going through a butterfly-like transformation, that is feared and suppressed by the authorities, is again intriguing. It reminds me of the Jon Pertwee Doctor Who story The Mutants, if anyone's watched that, except it's done less well. Again, the good concept is wasted on a boring romance, this time between Beverly and her patient. This is another one that feels much longer than forty-five minutes.
888) Bread and Circuses (1968)
TOS 2x25
Writer: Gene Roddenberry & Gene L Coon
Director: Ralph Senensky
At this point in TOS Season 2, I just thought: 'Really, Mr Roddenberry? Another Earth parallel? I know you like them, but this is getting ridiculous!' Not only is this a tired repeat of an already done idea, but no explanation is given for why this planet parallels the Roman Empire. In A Piece of the Action and Patterns of Force clever reasons were given, but in this it's just presented as a weird fact. That doesn't fly with me.
And even if they had come up with another clever explanation, they have done this idea, which I don't like very much anyway, way too many times this season. I did have some minor interest in the concept of a Rome that never fell, but not enough to sustain me for fifty minutes. Boring and uninspired to the highest degree. I will say there's one really great scene between Spock and Bones in a prison cell, though, when Bones confronts Spock about how he keeps all his emotions carefully concealed.
887) How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (1974)
TAS 2x5
Writer: Russell Bates & David Wise
Director: Bill Reed
Similar to Who Mourns for Adonais?, in that it gives us an omnipotent alien, who was once worshipped as a God on Earth, and has returned to take charge of his wayward children, only to ultimately discover they don't need him anymore. This is a much weaker version of that story, however, with a less sympathetic godlike character and less runtime to flesh out the idea.
The episode also takes a weird swerve halfway through, from the setting of Kukulkan's city (a nice location, I must say) to his zoo, which I find much less appealing. This episode had an idea, but it wasn't quite sure how to tell the story. Kukulkan genuinely scared me a little, though, and I did feel sorry for him when he flew off, knowing that his former worshippers had outgrown him. But again, that was done better in TOS.
886) Resurrection (1997)
DS9 6x8
Writer: Michael Taylor
Director: LeVar Burton
Michael Taylor is a curious writer for me. He has written both some of my favourite and some of my least favourite episodes, with little middle ground. This falls hard into the latter category. It's interesting to have someone from the Mirror Universe cross into the Prime Universe, rather than the other way around as normally happens, and it's doubly interesting to have that someone be Mirror Bareil. But the episode falls flat on its face: every scene is just so interminably dull, and, unlike his Prime Universe counterpart, this Bareil has no chemistry with Kira. So boring, so pedestrian, and the absolute worst of the DS9 Mirror Universe episodes.
885) The Paradise Syndrome (1968)
TOS 3x3
Writer: Margaret Armen
Director: Jud Taylor
I think this is the epitome of functional but dull. The story makes sense, the characters' motivations make sense, but that doesn't mean the episode is interesting. I do like the idea of the Preservers, beings who transplanted members of endangered peoples, here the Native Americans, to other planets, but the episode flops. Kirk's memory loss leads to a yawnworthy stay among the Native Americans, filled with predictable tensions and conflicts, and a bland romance. The Spock and Bones B-plot is also boring. I feel a little something for Miramanee's death, but only a little something.
884) Assignment: Earth (1968)
TOS 2x26
Writer: Art Wallace, story by Gene Roddenberry & Art Wallace
Director: Marc Daniels
Star Trek without the Star Trek. Deciding not to focus on the main characters for an episode isn't a bad idea in and of itself, but the characters put in their stead hold little interest for me. The same is true of the plot they work within. This was of course a backdoor pilot for a spin-off that never manifested, and maybe if it had come about I would like this episode much more, but as it stands I find the characters unintriguing and the plot uninspired. The climax is particularly poor, with about seventy different shots of the rocket going into orbit, while the characters mill about and do very little. I want me my Kirk, Spock and Bones back.
883) The Red Angel (2019)
DSC 2x10
Writer: Chris Silvestri & Anthony Maranville
Director: Hanelle M Culpepper
Down here for the same reasons as previous DSC Season 2 episodes I've put on this list. It engages heavily in the twin foul-ups of the Spock's sister storyline and the Section 31 portrayal. I hate the base concept of Burnham being Spock's sister, for reasons I've explained in my previous post, so I despise all their scenes together, that build out this relationship that I wish had never been. And Section 31 continues to be portrayed as a public wing of the Federation, with ships and resources provided by Starfleet, which is godawful.
I will say, however, that I do kinda like the sequence where Burnham has to strap herself to a chair and bare herself to the planet's toxic atmosphere in order to summon the Red Angel. And the reveal that the Angel is not herself but in fact her mother is cool. But this is still a really bad episode.
882) The Storyteller (1993)
DS9 1x13
Writer: Kurt Michael Bensmiller & Ira Steven Behr, story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller
Director: David Livingston
A really messy, weak outing. The A- and B-plots have nothing to do with each other, which isn't automatically bad, but here it just makes the episode feel untidy. Of the two, I prefer the Jake and Nog subplot; it's funny seeing them mooning over the female teenage leader of a settlement who comes to the station. Their getting in trouble to impress her is charming. The A-plot sucks, though: the whole business of O'Brien having to become the protector of this village, from an amorphous cloud villain, is just lame, and the resolution is whatever. It is funny to see O'Brien and Julian in their first episode together, though, and witnessing how much O'Brien doesn't care for the good Doctor at this point. Oh, how times will change.
881) The Arsenal of Freedom (1988)
TNG 1x20
Writer: Richard Manning & Hans Beimler, story by Maurice Hurley & Robert Lewin
Director: Les Landau
A ramshackle adventure with a medley of different storylines, all of which are underwhelming. The best is Geordi's plotline, where he asserts himself as commander of the Enterprise over the *rsehole Chief Engineer of the week, but the other two don't really have any redeeming qualities. The Riker and co storyline is repetitive and the Picard and Beverly storyline is dull. I do like that the threat is resolved when Picard agrees to make a purchase from this dead civilisation, though.
880) Move Along Home (1993)
DS9 1x9
Writer: Frederick Rappaport, Lisa Rich & Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci, story by Michael Piller
Director: David Carson
OK, so I said this wasn't the worst of DS9, but it's still really bad. Though I have to say that, after I watched this with my siblings last year, and had such fun doing so, I've never been able to see it quite so badly. It's bad, yeah, but it's so, so much fun. The best-worst bit is of course the alien hopscotch scene, and I also really have to give credit to Alexander Siddig for playing some brilliant cringey comedy with Julian. The scene where he's trying to wake himself up from a nightmare by screaming? So funny. These (sort of) praises made, this is still a stinker of an episode, with a messy plot, too-silly events, and some serious overacting from Armin Shimerman at the end. Definitely something best watched with friends or family.
Allamaraine, count to four,
Allamaraine, then three more,
Allamaraine, if you can see,
Allamaraine, you'll come with me!
879) Justice (1987)
TNG 1x7
Writer: Worley Thorne, story by Ralph Wills & Worley Thorne
Director: James L Conway
I love the basic idea of this episode: Wesley runs afoul of a law on another planet and is sentenced to death by their draconian justice system. Then Picard has to struggle with whether to obey the Prime Directive or save his life. But the episode is dragged down by some weird costuming choices and, most of all, the addition of an omnipotent entity that watches over the planet's people. This should have just been an episode about Picard struggling between duty and conscience; the addition of a mega-powerful being steals screentime from this fine idea.
878) A Simple Investigation (1997)
DS9 5x17
Writer: Rene Echevarria
Director: John T Kretchmer
Uuuuugh; another boring single-episode romance. It's an interminable chore to sit through, from beginning to end, with tired, uninspired romantic scenes and an unexciting criminalistic plot surrounding the Orion Syndicate. I also don't like how the Changelings' linking is equated with sex in that one scene. There are a few fun scenes with O'Brien, Julian and Jadzia when they're playing the spy holosuite program (Jadzia's 'Ooh, somebody stop me!', or O'Brien's 'Hi, Odo!'), but that's about it.
877) Such Sweet Sorrow Part Two (2019)
DSC 2x14
Writer: Michelle Paradise, Junny Lumet, & Alex Kurtzman
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi
DSC wasn't merely content to introduce a sister for Spock who weakened the story of his childhood and family life. They had to make that sister so important in his life that he'd be willing to go with her into the future and leave his life behind. I hate that Kurtzman and co made this decision, as it makes everything in TOS, SNW etc feel like Spock settling for second-best, when in reality he is fulfilling his life's purpose in those series.
I also never connected with any of the DSC original characters, except for Saru, and even with him I don't feel any emotion at their grand final 23rd Century adventure to stop Control. As I've said before, this evil sentient AI story is a tired, repeated idea, and its connection to the terrible portrayal of Section 31 makes it worse. As a result of all this don't give a single crap about any of the grand-scale action in this episode, and I feel nothing for the loss of the Discovery crew to the far future. I will say that this episode did at least propel DSC into the 32nd Century, which would end up saving the series from being irredeemably awful, and it sets up the phenomenal SNW (although we didn't strictly need all this for SNW to work).
876) Vis a Vis (1998)
VOY 4x20
Writer: Robert Doherty
Director: Jesus Salvador Trevino
A vapid story about Tom feeling dissatisfied with his life on Voyager, and getting replaced by a shape-stealing alien. The concept for the alien is solid, but the execution doesn't fly. It ends up being a limp episode that drags quite a bit, with a bland character arc for Tom at its centre. Shoutout for the appearance of Dan Butler as the alien's main form, though; he played the testosterone-fuelled Bulldog Briscoe in my favourite comedy, Frasier.
That's it for now. Thank you very much for reading, and Live Long and Prosper!
submitted by WhovianTrekkie_6366 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:21 AggravatingCup1068 [Academic repost] Online survey on factors that influence young adults weight (Adults aged between 18-25)

Hi people!! Currently working on my MSc Health psychology thesis and need a final 20 participants!! Would truly appreciate your participation in my 10-15 minute online survey.
People cannot take part if they: are diagnosed with an eating disorder, a serious mental health disorder, a health condition that restricts their desired level of physical activity, or who have had major surgery or pregnancy in the past year.
All data is anonymous
submitted by AggravatingCup1068 to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:08 OkTop3132 Anyone got the Regional merit scholarship in this year?

Anyone got the Regional merit scholarship in this year?
How competitive it is to get the scholarship?
submitted by OkTop3132 to unsw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:44 No_Boss_7693 Why are the virgin goddesses virgins? Excerpts from Artemis by Stephanie Lynn budin

Athena, as the protector of the citadel, maintains her virginity as a symbolic reference to the inviolability of the polis: Just as she is not penetrated, neither are the city walls.4 Perhaps more significantly, Athena’s character is functionally androgynous; that is to say, while her sex is female, her gender is strongly masculine. Although she does partake of the feminine task of weaving especially, she is a goddess of warfare and strategy, and protector of the citadel. In the mundane lives of the Greek mortals, such activities were properly in the realm of men. Athena, then, had a strong masculine overlay upon her female sex, such that it was not conceivable for her to submit to a male sexually, or to be distracted with pregnancy and maternity. Furthermore, as she herself states to the audience in Aeschylus’ Eumenides (ll. 735–738), “I approve the male in all things—except marriage—with all my heart.” Athena is a guide and comrade to the male, his companion in the field and, one might say, at the drawing board. But she cannot fulfill such a function and be liable to eroticism: She does not submit to males, sexually or otherwise, because she is one of them, and their superior at that, being a goddess.
Hestia must remain a virgin because of her embodiment of stability. Her role as virgin tender of the fire is important for understanding ancient Greek conceptions of the family. The Greeks were patriarchal and patrilocal, meaning men wielded greater control in politics, law, and economics, and that women left their natal families upon marriage to join their husbands’ families. There was always a certain distrust of wives, strangers in the paternal household who could still have loyalties to their own families, or who could form greater bonds with their children than with a husband and his clan. Furthermore, there was a general anxiety present in same-sex familial relationships. Sons inevitably enforce the notion of the father’s mortality, and sons or grandsons often cause a (grand)father’s death in literature, like Oidipous and his father Laius. Mothers and daughters might form close bonds, but those bonds are inevitably severed when the daughter leaves her family to join a husband’s household, as with Demeter and “Persephonê. Thus, the closest familial bonds are between mother and son, and father and daughter. However, as with the mother–daughter bond, the father–daughter bond is constrained by the daughter’s need to leave home upon marriage. In human life, then, a father’s closest familial ally is temporary. The lives of the gods, however, were not so constrained, and in Hestia existed the ideal paternal ally: the daughter who did not marry but who clung to the paternal hearth, ultimately loyal to the paternal line. Just as the hearth is the solid center of the household, the virgin daughter, on the divine plane, is the solid center of the family. Hestia, being both, is more than just a hearth goddess for the Greeks: She is the personification of stability.
Artemis is forever a virgin because she, like her brother, never grows up. She is the perpetually nubile maiden, always just on the verge of fertile maturity, but never passing the threshold into domestic maternity. She is not asexual, like Athena or Hestia, but eternally on the cutting edge of sexuality without going over.
submitted by No_Boss_7693 to GreekMythology [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 Successful-Song-8238 Toxic in-laws, What to do?

I’ve never written a question on this app before but this is eating at me. BUCKLE UP THIS IS LONG!
So my husband’s family have been abusive to him, he is the black sheep of his family he is the youngest and has a different father than his older siblings (8,6 years older).
Ever since I started dating him I was antagonized in some way. When I first met his family for Christmas his middle brother invited his ex-girlfriend to hang out, unbeknownst to my then bf which was awkward but she was fine with me. My boyfriend then was really sick and I took the train 2 hours to pick him up from his home (where his family was with their cars) and take him to a hospital in London. He was there for 6 days not one person visited him but me. They made fun of him and minimized his illness.
Then we moved to my home country the US and eloped. They came to visit a few years later his mom and eldest brother were okay. Middle brother again constantly throwing barbs and digs at me completely unprovoked. I get there may be a culture difference they are White English conservatives, I’m African American. Shortly after we married he dated a black girl, who left bc she was also treated poorly. Some examples of digs; I congratulated him on graduating and asked him when he finished he replied “same time you were supposed to” (I dropped out). Then I asked what the he loved most and what was challenging about being a PT and he replied “no offense, working with fat people.” Took them to multiple meals and covered everything which wasn’t cheap, he complained about the food being “reheated” and bitched when he was ID’d.
Things get progressively worse, middle brother has a precious baby. I want to spoil her and become close with the mother of the child (who is not with him due to his creepy behavior). We form a fast friendship and chat all the time about the baby. My brother in-law tortures this girl denies he is the dad but also goes out of his way to bully her (she’s not breast feeding right, she shouldn’t have pacifiers) all from the comfort of his home. He is also constantly complaining about having to pay $50 a week in child support nonstop saying he is going “bankrupt”. My hubby is part of a group chat and my mother-in-law talks ish about my friend and my hubby is telling me. I ask to see and his brother is actively trying to give his soon to be 1 year old daughter eggs and gluten that his ex told him she was allergic to and they are plotting to do this during her birthday and explicitly NOT tell my friend the mom of his baby. The reasoning was “I’m the father, I deserve to be respected, I can make choices to” but he is extremely sneaky. I show my friend/baby’s mom the messages and all hell breaks loose because of course he lies and gets caught. I would have told him off directly but he blocked me because he was mad at how close I was getting to his ex. I am called a “despicable woman” dragged in their chat, made to seem that I’m spying on my husband and accused of being jealous and sabotaging my niece’s birthday party. My husband says nothing in my defense just goes along like he didn’t send me the photos of their chat…
They don’t know I’m pregnant at this time and I chose not to tell any of my in-laws due to how awful they are. I also don’t believe in telling anyone that would wish ill on me and my baby (bad juju), but my bestie the baby mom knows. I give birth his mom has an absolute tantrum says incredibly awful things to my husband, reaches out to my mom to wish her congratulations on her grandchild and says “i guess I will learn to love him.”
Then my friend the mom gets diagnosed with cancer and wants to keep this secret and makes me promise, she kept my secret pregnancy it is the least I could do. She dies a few months later and my brother in law attacks her for not telling him and claims she is a horrible mother. He takes custody of his daughter.
Fast forward the eldest brother meets this hog woman. She is rotund and English, very ignorant and rude. The first interaction I had she thought she knew so much, decides to bash my dead friend’s parenting, call my dead father in law “weird”, tells me my niece eats everything now due to having a “good parent” and called my apt in NYC “embarrassing” bc it had scaffolding on google maps when she looked me up (like a creep). She then antagonizes me in a variety of slick ways including posting the eldest brother with my niece with the caption “uncle B’s favorite!” On my son’s birthday. Most recently I tell his family that we want to actually have a proper wedding and celebrate after 10 years of marriage, i give them 2 years notice. The hog says “ohhh me and the eldest are planning on getting married then.” I ask why she says “nice weather”. She then proceeds to have a fall wedding (orange, red, greens, pumpkins, barley, wheelbarrows etc.” in May. I try to be the bigger person and send a kind welcome and she leaves me on read.
I hate these people, I need to let this go. My husband says that we should just go on continuing our happy life and not “start problems”. But it feels like so much awfulness to have to swallow. I also feel like if/when I do speak up I’m the hysterical angry black woman and this hog is the “innocent”. The whole thing is so so frustrating but I need to let it go even though I want them to hurt emotionally as much as they have hurt us.
Any recommendations, would you want revenge? There is so much more but I have written a novel already. I feel alone like no one has my back or tries to understand my perspective. They are so sneaky and underhanded. I want to protect my family from these sick people. At the same time I want justice, justice for my husband, for my dead bestie, for me son and for me.
submitted by Successful-Song-8238 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:24 Top1nvestor ChildFREE .vs. childLESS!

I'm not sure if it's "just me", but, do anyone else here get annoyed when people call us childLESS? There's a difference between childFREE and childLESS.
ChildFREE - Someone who doesn't want children in ANY form whether biological, adoption, foster care, step-parent, etc and regardless of circumstance wouldn't be open to the possibility of birthing or raising children. Freedom from children.
ChildLESS - Could mean one of four things, 1) someone who currently doesn't have children, but, wants them or is open to the idea of kids, 2) someone who WANTS children,but, can't have them (physically, financially, etc), 3) a fencesitter, or, 4), a prolifer (or even personal prolifer), because, if they had an unexpected pregnancy, one of their views will have to be abandoned,. Childfree and prolife are mutually exclusive. Deprived of children.
I still even hate the term "childless by choice", because, it still sounds like we're choosing to be "deprived" of kids.
Big difference!
submitted by Top1nvestor to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:00 AutoModerator Saturday Daily Chat Thread

This thread is where the bulk of the daily conversation, updates, questions, and concerns regarding pregnancy and postpartum following infertility occurs.
If you are newly pregnant and still in the first trimester we encourage you to check out the daily "Cautious Intros & First Trimester Questions/Concerns". We also encourage you to take a look at our WIKI for answers to common questions and early concerns. Questions around early bleeding, HCG/beta values, early gestational measurements, or early pregnancy symptoms are most appropriate in the "Cautious Intros & First Trimester Questions/Concerns".
Postpartum discussion is allowed in the chat thread, but in the form of a brief birth announcement only. We ask that members post ongoing postpartum dialogue in our dedicated postpartum thread. All submitted standalone birth announcements are caught by our auto-filter first then reviewed by our mod team to deem if suitable.
submitted by AutoModerator to InfertilityBabies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:14 Exciting_Bake3356 What are chances of pregnancy

so today is my expected day of ovulation as per app (i know apps arent 100% reliable on ovulation) i have really watery discharge and cramps so im going to assume im ovulating. what are my chances of pregnancy if i have protected sex today? are my chances high even if its protected? i dont take other forms of contraceptives any thoughts please let me know
submitted by Exciting_Bake3356 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:11 Sweet-Count2557 How Safe Is Babymoon

How Safe Is Babymoon
How Safe Is Babymoon Are you ready to embark on the ultimate getaway before your little one arrives? But wait, how safe is babymoon travel really? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll delve into the risks associated with babymoon trips and provide you with essential safety precautions to consider. From health considerations for pregnant women to choosing destinations with reliable medical facilities, we'll ensure your babymoon experience is not only enjoyable but also safe for both you and your baby. Key Takeaways
Risks associated with babymoon travel include changes in cabin pressure and reduced oxygen levels during flying, increased fatigue and discomfort during long car or train journeys, and the risk of blood clots from prolonged sitting. Access to quality healthcare facilities at the destination is crucial in case of any unforeseen complications, so it's important to research and choose destinations with reliable medical facilities nearby. Consulting with a healthcare provider before the trip is essential to understand specific risks and precautions related to pregnancy, as well as to assess individual health needs and determine if it's safe to travel. Essential items and documents for a safe babymoon include comfortable clothing, suitable footwear, sunscreen, insect repellent, necessary medications, copies of medical records, prescriptions, and emergency contact information. It is also advisable to purchase travel insurance that covers unexpected medical expenses or cancellations.
Risks Associated With Babymoon Travel
There are potential risks associated with babymoon travel that expectant parents should be aware of. One major concern is the risks of flying during pregnancy. While it is generally safe for pregnant women to fly, there are certain factors to consider. The changes in cabin pressure and reduced oxygen levels can cause discomfort and increase the risk of blood clots. It is important to stay hydrated, move around frequently, and wear compression stockings to reduce these risks. In addition to flying, there are potential complications during babymoon trips that need consideration. Long journeys by car or train can lead to increased fatigue and discomfort for pregnant women. Prolonged sitting can also contribute to the risk of blood clots forming in the legs. It is advisable to take breaks every couple of hours, stretch your legs, and do simple exercises like ankle rotations. Another concern during babymoon travel is access to quality healthcare facilities. It's crucial for expectant parents to research and choose destinations with well-equipped medical facilities nearby in case any unforeseen complications arise. It's essential for expectant parents planning a babymoon trip to consult their healthcare provider beforehand. They will provide personalized advice based on individual circumstances and help you understand any specific risks or precautions related to your pregnancy journey. Safety Precautions for Babymoon Destinations
When planning a babymoon, it's important to research and consider the safety precautions for your chosen destination. Taking the necessary steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip is crucial during this special time in your life. Here are some key safety precautions you should take:
Travel insurance for babymoon trips: Before embarking on your babymoon adventure, make sure to purchase travel insurance that covers any unexpected medical expenses or cancellations. Look for policies that specifically cater to pregnant travelers and provide coverage for pregnancy-related complications.
Consult with your healthcare provider: It's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before making any travel plans. They can assess your individual health needs and advise you on whether it's safe for you to travel during pregnancy. They may also recommend certain destinations or activities that align with your specific requirements.
Packing essentials for a babymoon vacation: When packing for your babymoon, be sure to include essential items such as comfortable clothing, suitable footwear, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any necessary medications. Don't forget to pack copies of important documents like medical records, prescriptions, and emergency contact information.
Health Considerations for Pregnant Women on Babymoon
To prioritize your health during your babymoon, it's important to consider certain factors as a pregnant woman. One of the most crucial aspects is engaging in appropriate pregnancy exercises. Regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce pregnancy discomforts, and improve your overall well-being. However, it's essential to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine. Another factor that contributes to your health on a babymoon is travel insurance coverage. While no one plans for unexpected events or complications during pregnancy, having adequate insurance coverage can provide peace of mind and financial protection in case of emergencies. When selecting travel insurance, ensure that it covers medical expenses related to pregnancy and childbirth. It's also vital to listen to your body throughout the babymoon and take breaks when needed. Pace yourself and avoid activities that involve excessive heat or physical strain. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eat nutritious meals to fuel both you and your growing baby. Lastly, ensure that you have access to quality healthcare facilities at your chosen destination. Research hospitals or clinics nearby that specialize in prenatal care should you require any medical assistance while on your babymoon. Choosing a Babymoon Destination With Reliable Medical Facilities
Choosing a babymoon destination with reliable medical facilities is essential for ensuring peace of mind during your trip. When it comes to the safety and well-being of you and your baby, it's important to be prepared for any potential medical emergencies or concerns that may arise while you are away from home. Here are three key considerations to keep in mind when choosing a babymoon destination:
Travel insurance for babymoon trips: Before embarking on your babymoon adventure, make sure to purchase travel insurance that covers pregnancy-related complications. This will provide financial protection and access to necessary medical care should any unexpected issues arise during your trip.
Researching local hospitals and clinics at babymoon destinations: Take the time to research the quality of healthcare facilities available at your chosen destination. Look for hospitals or clinics that have reputable obstetrics departments and specialized prenatal care services. It's also beneficial to find out if there are English-speaking doctors available, as effective communication is crucial in times of medical need.
Availability of emergency transportation: Find out if there are efficient emergency transportation options, such as ambulances or helicopters, available near your chosen location. Knowing that prompt medical assistance can reach you quickly in case of an emergency will provide an added layer of security.
By considering these factors, you can ensure that you have access to reliable medical facilities wherever you choose to go on your babymoon. Now that we've covered the importance of choosing a destination with reliable medical facilities, let's dive into some tips for a safe and enjoyable babymoon experience. Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Babymoon Experience
Planning ahead and packing all the essentials will ensure you have a worry-free babymoon experience. When it comes to planning activities for your babymoon, it's important to choose low-risk options that prioritize your safety and well-being. Gentle walks or hikes in nature can be a great way to relax and enjoy each other's company while avoiding any potential hazards. Additionally, consider booking activities like prenatal yoga classes or spa treatments specifically designed for expecting mothers. When it comes to packing essentials for your babymoon, make sure to bring all necessary medical documents such as your prenatal records and contact information for your healthcare provider. It's also crucial to pack any medications you may need during your trip, along with a first aid kit that includes items like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers. To minimize any discomfort during travel, don't forget to pack comfortable clothing and supportive shoes suitable for walking. Don't underestimate the importance of sunscreen and insect repellent as well, especially if you'll be spending time outdoors. Frequently Asked Questions Are There Any Specific Risks Associated With Traveling During the First Trimester of Pregnancy? During the first trimester of pregnancy, there are some risks associated with traveling. Safety concerns include increased chances of miscarriage and fatigue. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any travel plans. They can provide guidance based on your specific medical history and condition. Additionally, it is crucial to prioritize rest, hydration, and avoiding stressful situations during this sensitive time. Taking these precautions will help ensure the safety of both you and your baby during travel. Can I Still Go on a Babymoon if I Have a High-Risk Pregnancy? If you have a high-risk pregnancy, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider before going on a babymoon. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide guidance on whether travel is safe for you and your baby. High-risk pregnancies may have additional complications or restrictions that could make travel risky. Your healthcare provider will consider factors such as gestational age, medical conditions, and any potential risks associated with traveling. Always prioritize the safety of you and your baby when making decisions about babymoon travel. Is It Safe to Travel to Countries With a High Incidence of Zika Virus During Pregnancy? Traveling to countries with a high incidence of Zika virus during pregnancy is not safe. The risk of contracting the virus and potential harm to your baby is significant. It's important to prioritize your health and the well-being of your child. Consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on safe travel options during pregnancy. What Are Some Precautions Pregnant Women Should Take When Flying on an Airplane for Their Babymoon? When flying on an airplane for your babymoon, it's important to take certain precautions to ensure a safe trip. First, consult with your healthcare provider to make sure you're fit for travel. Stay hydrated during the flight and avoid sitting for long periods of time by getting up and walking around regularly. Wear comfortable clothing and consider wearing compression stockings to prevent blood clots. Follow all airline safety guidelines and consider requesting an aisle seat for easier access to the restroom. Are There Any Specific Medical Tests or Vaccinations Recommended Before Going on a Babymoon Trip? Before going on a babymoon trip, it's important to consider any specific risks and take necessary precautions. In terms of medical tests and vaccinations, consult with your healthcare provider. They can recommend tests to ensure you and your baby are healthy enough for travel. Vaccinations may be necessary depending on your destination. Keep in mind that the first trimester is a critical time for fetal development, so it's crucial to prioritize safety and follow your doctor's advice. Conclusion In conclusion, embarking on a babymoon can be a wonderful and memorable experience for expectant parents. However, it is important to prioritize safety and health during this time. By being aware of the risks associated with babymoon travel, taking necessary precautions, considering health considerations, and choosing a destination with reliable medical facilities, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable babymoon experience. While there may be some concerns surrounding the safety of babymoons, thorough research and preparation can help alleviate any worries and allow you to fully enjoy this special time together before your little one arrives.
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2024.06.01 05:07 HolderName Advice on what to do with Counselor

So, my high school counselor basically does not want me to apply to a college and I need her to send a form for my fee waiver, she has kind of belittled my chances and I do not want to apply but, it is my dream school. What do you guys think I should do? Should I send the waiver request and have her just do it or what?
submitted by HolderName to highschool [link] [comments]