Vitamin deficiencies worksheet elementary

Dog help

2024.06.02 05:53 coffeequeenwithanE Dog help

I have never posted before only read post. But I'm desperate to find answers on what possibly is wrong with my puppy. To start this off, I got my baby when he was 4 weeks old, the mother stopped feeding the litter, so we got my baby and his sister also and bottle fed them until they were switched to wet food. I got their first set of shots in the middle of April. All was well and they both were normal puppies. One day I noticed my baby wasn't acting like his usual self. He felt hot, and wasn't playful with his sister. I took him to the vet and he was given a shot of antibiotics. (possibilities were, virus, ear infection, parvo, or a cold) two days later he was still hot and developed a limp and had a knot on the shoulder of the leg he wouldn't put weight on. I took my baby to a different vet that i thought would be more thorough. ( I felt judged, and dismissed by the first vet like it was my fault because they were due for the second rounds of shots and they were over due by a week). I informed the new vet that both puppies missed their second rounds of shots by a week due to a busy work schedule and plans to take them on my first day off which was the dog i noticed that my baby was sick. I told the new vet that the first vet had given a shot of antibiotics and the possible causes, and that now my baby has a new symptom of black goopy guck coming from his ears and still had a fever. I showed her the knot on his neck and the new one that had popped up over night, and his limping. The new vet made the diagnoses of just a really bad ear infection. So my baby was given an oral antibiotic, and pain meds for the limp and ear drops. The knot went down on his neck to pea size, all meds were about finished when we went back to the vet because he still had new ones popping up and new symptoms. He became to have sores on his snout and his eyes were swollen. Back to the vet we went. This time we got a diagnoses of PUPPY STRANGLES. This could explain every symptom he had. We got a refill on the antibiotics, steroids, and more ear meds. Since that day my baby has had multiple knots pop up, some in places where no lymph nodes are located. SIDE NOTE (Sister puppy was taken in to new vet also and got her second set of shots), we went back to the vet on Thursday the 30th. The knot of the side of his neck was the size of a golf ball if not bigger. (the babies are CHIWEENIE-YORKIE-TERRIERS) AS a small dog its was very noticeable. This trip the knot was ultrasound and the vet stuck a needle in it to see what fluid was in it to try and test it. IT was pus, but the back of the knot is a blood clot. Several of the knots are swollen lymph nodes, some are abscesses(without injury) and some are blood clots. The knot know has gone down since being drained. The back of the knot is still there and hard. (none of the knots are sore or he doesn't so any signs of discomfort when you touch or squeeze them). This time we left with a vitamin supplement and told to change his food. The vet is thinking he may have an autoimmune disease or deficiency. If this treatment doesn't work, the vet is going to put him to sleep, lance the knots and test the fluid in them. The vet only wants to do this as a last resort because he is little and we don't know what were dealing with. We are just perplexed on what this could be, also i have spoken with several online vets and called other local vets to see if that have heard of such thing in a puppy this age and they have all said the same thing. So that brought me here to this side of the internet. He is currently taking two antibiotics, a steroid, a vitamin supplement, and a new diet. Since seeing the new vet he was eating and drinking normally he has gained weight due to the steroids. He is playful and active. He doesn't act sick, but you can look at him and see he's doesn't feel well at times. Has anyone experienced this issue with a puppy and what causes and treatments were used. I am desperate for answers to make sure this baby is well taken care of. I am planning to order a DNA genetic test as well.
submitted by coffeequeenwithanE to ANIMALHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:27 Sea-Veterinarian6768 right side numbness after surgery

hello, I had my surgery on March 6th of 2024, and since then the right side of my body has been numbed, I don't know how to explain it but it feels like how your face feels after you go to the dentist they numb you up except it's my whole right side. I don't know if it's normal, and it feels super weird. I explained that to my surgeon and they explained that it might be a vitamin B 12 deficiency and that might be so because I have never taken vitamins as my financial state stopped me from being able to afford them from the shelf so I wanted to know if that possibly could be the reason.
submitted by Sea-Veterinarian6768 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:09 chboi98 Welp that sucked..

Since last November I’ve been dealing with insomnia chronically. It’s a combination of sleep onset and sleep maintenance. Around December is when I got on trazodone 50mg and have stayed on that shit since and it’s definitely helped.
But I always tried digging deeper to what was causing it. I’ve always been suspicious that it might be a vitamin deficiency so about a month ago i started supplementing vitamin D3 and b complex vitamins with zinc here and there. A week ago the unimaginable happened i actually slept on my own for atleast 4 days ! I felt clean and normal for once thinking this could be my big break.. wrong
I now am struggling to sleep even with my meds double dosed. I’m feeling anxious at night again and tbh have had weird suicidal thoughts that I obviously wouldn’t do but they’re intrusive. Could these be withdrawal symptoms as I stopped using trazodone so abruptly? Seeking advice from someone who has maybe experienced this.
submitted by chboi98 to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:51 GrindingToBeAimbeast Concerned About Blood test changes after 3 months carnivore

Concerned About Blood test changes after 3 months carnivore
Are these blood levels safe? I have to show my parents my blood levels but I don’t want them to make me stop carnivore diet because I just turned 18 and live at home and these blood readings would make them flip out. Any advice?
submitted by GrindingToBeAimbeast to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:52 i1xyz whats a fun fact about yourself (or just a fact)

i have vitamin d deficiency and when i was 10 i ate 40 vitamin d gummies thinking that it'll go away 😎
i still eat more than needed
none of these are fun im leaving
submitted by i1xyz to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:50 glitterstarfruit Does anyone else get angular cheilitis?

I read that the dry/crusty parts near your mouth corners can be from iron and b vitamin deficiencies, I never had this until recently and I found out im anemic
Jw if anyone has this, so annoying
submitted by glitterstarfruit to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:47 Brief-Company-2165 Scalp SebDerm not responding to any medications or shampoos

Hello. A little over a month ago I notice my scalp breaking out with sebderm and I've been testing a variety of products and medications since. I also had a flare on my face for which I was prescribed an oral antifungal and oral steroid, which helped on my face but did absolutely nothing for my scalp. I've tried pharmaceutical 2% ketoconazole, 1% selenium sulfide, 1% pyrithone zinc, and 1.8% saylilic acid shampoos. All of these were used after an aveno gentle acid cider vinegar shampoo.
Based on testing, the ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, and pyrithone zinc shampoos all seem to work about similar (only preventing flaking for about 6-12 hours) while the saylilic acid shampoo caused significant stinging and i stopped using after trying it twice. Using just water and no shampoo makes it worse. I may do a test where i just use the aveno shampoo only and see if using any shampoo at all helps just as much as antifungal shampoos. I found that using squalane oil and aloe vera after I get out the shower does help, but MCT oil makes it worse. I've used each product about 3 times a week for at least a week each with no changes to how effective or ineffective they are throughout that period. All products were ran through sezia and no major problems were found.
At this point I don't know what to do. My dermatologist appointment isn't until August and I just have to deal with it until then as 2 doctors both said that I am doing everything correct and I just need to see a dermatologist if it is not helping. As for my diet, I don't make enough money to make significant changes to my diet such as cutting out carbs completely or a carnivore diet, as I need less expensive carbs in order to effectively reach 1800-2000 calories a day with my income and can only afford chicken in terms of meat. Also I haven't noticed my seb derm getting worse after eating anything specific like dairy or sugar, so I am unsure how much my diet is contributing to my seb derm.I also have been taking a multivitamin and getting outside more to account for any vitamin deficiencies.
I am super defeated (although after going through a really bad flare up on my face I will say it makes my scalp sebderm seem like much less of a deal than before) does anyone have tips?
For context I am a 20 year old male with pretty dry skin and dry, wavy, hair if that is important at all.
submitted by Brief-Company-2165 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:11 llamalord478 Visual artifacts such as floaters appearing in my vision, any suggestion as far as cause?

Hi, 20M, 6 ft tall, don't smoke, approximately 220lbs, no previous diagnoses or prescriptions. As of almost a week ago I began to notice floaters, and another sensation; where the visual effects you get while rubbing your eyes, the sort of dark colorful haze has appeared but it's extremely faint, and is only really noticed in extremely dark, light, or while staring at the same spot. The floaters have moved and began to fade.
My visual clarity seems to be the same, I can see near and far and focus just fine it just seems there's the faintest filter of this "eye rubbing" static layer over my sight. I'm not sure what I can do since it's a month+ for my local optometrist, and I don't know if urgent care deals with vision. I've assumed it stems from a vitamin A deficiency, and have began taking vitamins but, but they're supposed to take a few weeks to kick in. Any ideas? Please I've been stressing thanks. I'll be coming home from college in July and at the latest I'll get it checked then.
submitted by llamalord478 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:50 911Erik Broken back / Failed fusion

42/M, 6’1, 170 lbs. - type 1 diabetic on the typical humalog/lantus combo.
In March 2022 I was involved in a single vehicle low speed collision. The result was several broken vertebrae in the lumbar. Most severe was L2 and required surgery.
6 weeks after the initial surgery, I was back for a second unplanned surgery to clear out an infection. The result of the second surgery was to remove the hardware on the right side and not replace it. The decision was made to keep the left side hardware in place to promote continued healing.
Fast forward to present - my back has not healed, the broken L2 is still broken and has also never fused to either adjacent level. Additional testing was done and determined that I have extremely low testosterone (I believe it was roughly 110). Bone density testing revealed osteopenia throughout the hip (-2.3). Also had some vitamin deficiencies. All of that along with being diabetic pointed to partial explanations why I wasn’t healing as expected.
The question is — the chronic pain in my back is all on the left side where the hardware was left in place. The right side feels mostly good. I’m not sure if the pain is a result of the hardware or the fact I’m still broken.
MRI image of the fracture from roughly 1.5 years after surgery
submitted by 911Erik to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:16 Trailrunner2013 Bone marrow biopsy

41F USA, non-smoker, 5’1” 115 lbs. Diagnoses you have: TIA (Jan 2022), elevated Factor VIII, malabsorption Vit D, Iron deficiency, anemia, osteopenia, abdominal pain, nausea, Tourette's, chronic low back pain, chronic abdominal pain, non-toxic multinodular goiter, innumerable breast cysts (seemingly benign), celiac disease, POTS, PMDD, ADHD, elevated LFTs, elevated IgE, neuralgia, palpitations, intermittent numbness (neurological, moves around to different locations).
Medications you take or any non-prescribed medicines/vitamins: Zyrtec, Vyvanse, clonazepam, Vit D, doxycycline, iron supplement, topical clindamycin.
04/03/24 Brain MRI showed "T1 hypointense marrow signal within the calvarium is nonspecific..." (see images)
Question: I had a bone marrow biopsy Wed 05/29/24 and just received lab results yesterday (Images below). I believe they were testing for lymphoma and multiple myeloma. I have an appt with hema oncology Monday and would like suggestions on what questions or tests to ask about. Thank you in advance.
Medical screenshots
submitted by Trailrunner2013 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:40 simplifiedbyizzy Vitamin D is the most important vitamin you can take... and here's why!

💬 What is vitamin D: Vitamin D is the only vitamin humans can produce. It helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.
🤷‍♀️ Problems of vitamin D deficiency:
▫️Not having enough vitamin D in your body can lead to bone conditions like sockets & osteomalacia in children and osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) in adults.
▫️Long-term vitamin D deficiency can cause bone loss, muscle weakness, falls and fractures in old people
▫️It is said roughly 50% of the population are deficient in vitamin D3
🔔 What/ Who it helps: Everyone
✅ Benefits of vitamin D:
▫️Prevents the development of certain autoimmune diseases & neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s & Dementia)
▫️It also helps your kidneys to keep more calcium instead of peeing it out
▫️Helps with brain function
▫️Certain role in preventing certain cancers
▫️Boosts mood
▫️Lowers risk of rheumatoid arthritis
▫️Lowers blood pressure
▫️Potentially lowers the risk of heart disease
▫️Lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes (link to D3 and body resistance to insulin)
▫️Beta cells reduce the secretion of insulin from the pancreas which creates insulin resistance due to not getting enough D3
👍 How best to take it: Vitamin D3 is best taken with vitamin K2.
While vitamin D3 helps your body absorb more calcium, vitamin K2 helps your body transport it to your bones and teeth rather than letting it sit in your arteries and other soft tissues in your body. This not only helps to promote bone health, but it also helps to keep your heart healthy as well.


submitted by simplifiedbyizzy to u/simplifiedbyizzy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:39 Hawk413 Is there a link to vitamin D supplements and kidney stones?

I'm very deficient in vitamin D - last time I had it checked a couple months ago I was 11 whatevers when the normal scale was 30-100.
I have on and off taken vitamin D supplements because of this. However, I swear every time I do I end up with a kidney stone shortly after. My doctor says there is no connection.
submitted by Hawk413 to KidneyStones [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:09 EyeBest What to do

Hey everyone, first time sub who started back in February. I’m a roving sub and love my position since I get to see all the kids in different grades at my elementary. All of the staff in the school are great and super friendly. Although the principal is questionable. There are a good amount of kids with tough behaviors at the school but there are also a lot of great kids. I notice it’s a lot of kids in the lower grades and that could be due to Covid which I was told by another teacher.
One kid in particular who has had some of the worst behaviors there, has been displaying red flags the moment I started working there. He likes to google inappropriate words on his Chromebook when doing the learning programs in class, he ignores adults and keeps talking to another kid and a lot of times it’s about something inappropriate like weapons like guns and bombs (mainly due to bringing up family members who were in the military but I believe he also watches in appropriate YouTube videos), barely has consequences being done in order to learn from mistakes, he’s even called kids using the n word which he knew exactly what he was saying. So many other things. Parents don’t do much, and seem to like to blame the school.🙄
The other day I was subbing his class for an hour. He wasn’t doing his work and got up from his seat. When I told him to work on his worksheet he said “no I don’t care, I’ll go with the FBI and shoot you.” These kind of threats are a major red flag to me. With all the inappropriate things he says and to say that to me makes me uncomfortable. I’ve heard of other teachers saying he makes them feel uncomfortable as well. I called for assistance when he told me that so the school psychologist took him out for a talk. He came back right before his teacher came back. I’m just flabbergasted nothing much is done besides a talk with the student. I ended up making a report to the principal but I never got talked to. What else can I do? I feel for the kids who have to witness these behaviors and not get the attention they need. Instead this kid is always having issues, distracting the whole class. It’s also a danger to others around him. This is why I believe school shootings happen. Not enough help or recognition of this behavior is met so then bad things happen.
Would appreciate any advice on how to be helpful in this situation.
submitted by EyeBest to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:54 Excellent_Corgi3592 PCOS or something else???? Help!!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I am 23 years old, I have a normal BMI, and I am healthy besides this issue. I am convinced that I have some sort of hormonal imbalance, probably PCOS. I am currently waiting on the results from my hormone panel from my blood test. Results from the vitamin and mineral panel said I'm Vit D deficient.
Can anyone advise what they think I may be diagnosed with?
These are my symptoms:
  1. Irregular periods. I have had irregular periods since my first about 11 years ago. I've only really been tracking my cycle since January 2022 and, since then, my shortest cycle has been 23 days and my longest has been 61.
  2. Painful periods. Usually the pain is manageable but I've had debilitating, throw up-inducing cramps about 5-6 times, which are now becoming more frequent.
  3. PMS for weeks before my period. I will experience cramping, mood swings, depression etc for weeks before I get my period, keeping in mind that my cycle can majorly vary in length, so I never know when it's coming.
  4. Depression. When my period is really late, I experience really bad depression and irritability. It's like I cannot control my emotions. I could cry over any little thing. It feels like my hormones build up until my body cannot take it any more and then my period is forced to happen.
  5. Low sex drive. This has been a thing for about 8 years now. I have had a severe lack of desire for sex and, when I do have sex, I do not enjoy it.
  6. Fast hair growth. I don't have hair growth in any unusual places but it takes mere hours for my leg hair (for example) to grow back after shaving.
  7. Acne. I've had acne since puberty and it's still terrible even as an adult.
Thanks in advance for your help. I have been so stressed about my blood test results and I am just dying for answers.
submitted by Excellent_Corgi3592 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:52 Icarus_Found Cant have sh!t w/ an ed 🙃

Cant have sh!t w/ an ed 🙃
Nah but fr im clutching onto my heating pad like a LIFELINE 😭
submitted by Icarus_Found to EDanonymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:52 Excellent_Corgi3592 Could this be hypothyroidism or PCOS???

Hi everyone! I am 23 years old, I have a normal BMI, and I am healthy besides this issue. I am convinced that I have some sort of hormonal imbalance. I am currently waiting on the results from my hormone panel from my blood test. Results from the vitamin and mineral panel said I'm Vit D deficient.
Can anyone advise what they think I may be diagnosed with?
These are my symptoms:
  1. Irregular periods. I have had irregular periods since my first about 11 years ago. I've only really been tracking my cycle since January 2022 and, since then, my shortest cycle has been 23 days and my longest has been 61.
  2. Painful periods. Usually the pain is manageable but I've had debilitating, throw up-inducing cramps about 5-6 times, which are now becoming more frequent.
  3. PMS for weeks before my period. I will experience cramping, mood swings, depression etc for weeks before I get my period, keeping in mind that my cycle can majorly vary in length, so I never know when it's coming.
  4. Depression. When my period is really late, I experience really bad depression and irritability. It's like I cannot control my emotions. I could cry over any little thing. It feels like my hormones build up until my body cannot take it any more and then my period is forced to happen.
  5. Low sex drive. This has been a thing for about 8 years now. I have had a severe lack of desire for sex and, when I do have sex, I do not enjoy it.
  6. Fast hair growth. I don't have hair growth in any unusual places but it takes mere hours for my leg hair (for example) to grow back after shaving.
  7. Acne. I've had acne since puberty and it's still terrible even as an adult.
  8. I am always cold. No matter what the temperature is, I will always have a blanket on me.
Thanks in advance for your help. I have been so stressed about my blood test results and I am just dying for answers.
submitted by Excellent_Corgi3592 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:51 Jhope_ultimate_bias Can’t shower without feeling like I ran a marathon

21 female, dx Crohn’s disease in 2020.
Lately for about a year after Covid, my heart rate seems kinda haywire as it spikes after doing small things like warm showers, stairs, getting out of bed and eating.
I never used to wear any tracking watches but I could feel my hr pounding like crazy in the shower and I’d have to lean against the wall and take deep breaths. Or I’ll have to sit to feel more comfortable. I noticed I also feel shaky and tachy whenever I eat.
So I started wearing my Apple Watch just to see what’s going on and my watch shows my HR at 105-120 while eating, and around 140-150 when I get out of bed. Resting is about 78-84. It also goes up to 180 with stairs and I’ll have to take deep breaths or I’ll feel like passing out/nauseated when I use the stairs.
I’ve ruled out anemia, hyperthyroidism, vitamin & electrolyte deficiency and adrenal issues. My Crohn’s also isn’t in a bad flare and I’ve had Crohn’s for almost 4 years but this started only last year after Covid. I’m just wondering if anyone here has any idea what it could be?
submitted by Jhope_ultimate_bias to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:50 KafkaBeetle 27/EST/PC LET'S VIBE/OW2,Phasmo,HellDivers, Venting Sessions??🐸

What up weirdos
I'm really trying to find some people to vibe and have some laughs/cries while we rip up games together.
A little about me:
A 27 yr old coffee enthusiast facing his quarter life crisis. I work in the biotech field and shamelessly love to nerd out on science stuff. I'm also really into hiking and backpacking and just generally being outside to combat vitamin D deficiency.
I can definitely balance keeping things light and relaxed after work with buckling down and giving you some covefinishing a level. Or we can just sit in discord bugging out about how big space is.
I'm all about the dark senses of humor but ultimately I think it is important to keep things kind and respectable // I would love to play with you no matter who you are and will accept the shit out of you.
Some relevant games (totally down to try something new tho!):
OW2, Phasmophobia, HELLDIVERS (just picked this up and really want to play), lethal company, stardew valley (barely played this!), valheim, raft, etc etc etc
Anyways I am such an absolute catch of a friend and I hope you will message me to see if we click/exchange discords :)
submitted by KafkaBeetle to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:44 Excellent_Corgi3592 Could this be PCOS? Help!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I am 23 years old, I have a normal BMI, and I am healthy besides this issue. I am convinced that I have some sort of hormonal imbalance, probably PCOS. I am currently waiting on the results from my hormone panel from my blood test. Results from the vitamin and mineral panel said I'm Vit D deficient.
Can anyone advise what they think I may be diagnosed with?
These are my symptoms:
  1. Irregular periods. I have had irregular periods since my first about 11 years ago. I've only really been tracking my cycle since January 2022 and, since then, my shortest cycle has been 23 days and my longest has been 61.
  2. Painful periods. Usually the pain is manageable but I've had debilitating, throw up-inducing cramps about 5-6 times, which are now becoming more frequent.
  3. PMS for weeks before my period. I will experience cramping, mood swings, depression etc for weeks before I get my period, keeping in mind that my cycle can majorly vary in length, so I never know when it's coming.
  4. Depression. When my period is really late, I experience really bad depression and irritability. It's like I cannot control my emotions. I could cry over any little thing. It feels like my hormones build up until my body cannot take it any more and then my period is forced to happen.
  5. Low sex drive. This has been a thing for about 8 years now. I have had a severe lack of desire for sex and, when I do have sex, I do not enjoy it.
  6. Fast hair growth. I don't have hair growth in any unusual places but it takes mere hours for my leg hair (for example) to grow back after shaving.
  7. Acne. I've had acne since puberty and it's still terrible even as an adult.
Thanks in advance for your help. I have been so stressed about my blood test results and I am just dying for answers.
submitted by Excellent_Corgi3592 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:34 Think_Sample9184 How do I fix my hair loss and weight gain please?

23F in London, UK of Bengali background. I work as a nurse. I have been experience intense and severe hair thinning, breakage and loss over the last 4 years.
I used to wash my hair daily, hardly ever put conditioner in, tight ponytails to school every day, no hair care whatsoever and had long silky hair down past my bellybutton when I was a teenager.
Now I have maybe 1/10th of my hair left despite shampoo and conditioner every few days, using a hair mask, using a silk pillow. I lose clumps and clumps of it daily. I do wear a chiffon headscarf and a tight band underneath but I’ve worn this since I was 19 and some traction alopecia I can expect however this is insane.
I have a background of PCOS according to the doctors (although my US came back clear for cysts). When I was younger, I used to have very irrrgular periods but now they are regular with a 2-5 day variance maybe in cycle length.
I am very vit D deficient according to doctors but take a daily vitamin D and iron supplement.
My bloods were checked last month- iron is slightly low, thyroid normal, no anaemia, just the low vitamin D.
I thought maybe it’s fungal infection- as I get this yellow scalp buildup and dandruff.
I currently use inecto conditioner and shampoo. Plus wella professionals fusion intense repair hair mask. I wash my hair every 3-4 days. I weekly massage my head with oils and leave it overnight before washing it.
I am so depressed due to it esp as I have excessive hair growing everywhere else I feel like and I just want to give up.
In addition to this I’ve gained so much weight. I used to weight 50kg 6 years ago and I now weight 68. I’ve been working on exercising more and eating more healthy too.
What else can I do? What is going on?
submitted by Think_Sample9184 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 sicily9 Lost height in early menopause.

I'm 45F, newly menopausal and have rapidly lost 4cm (a little over 1.5 inches) in height in recent months. A bone scan came out normal. What are the possibilities and what further testing would you suggest I seek?
I have a history of Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders. This includes a two year period of AN in adolescence and two adult bouts, one in my early 20s and the other in my early 30s. Both adult relapses lasted less than a year, but resulted in emaciation, amenorrhoea and probably bone loss. A bone scan in 2003, (following the 2002 relapse) showed some thinning.
I have also had some amenorrhoeic periods outside of being at a low weight.
I am probably at high risk of osteoporosis, given this history, combined with early menopause. My BMI is currently about 27.
There is a family history of early menopause on my mother's side, so mine is likely to be genetic. I entered perimenopause aged 36. I have yet to try HRT.
I had Essure coils inserted aged 32 or 33, but this is unlikely to be related, given my family history. Fortunately, I have not experienced health issues related to Essure.
I have recently started taking calcium and Vitamin D on my doctor's advice. Blood tests showed a Vitamin D deficiency. I've also started taking collagen and fish oil. My exercise regimen includes weights 3 times a week and 4 kilometres on the elliptical most days. My diet is fairly erratic, but no longer reflects a diagnosable eating disorder.
submitted by sicily9 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:15 Excellent_Corgi3592 Could this be PCOS? Help!!!!!!

Hi everyone! I am 23 years old, I have a normal BMI, and I am healthy besides this issue. I am convinced that I have some sort of hormonal imbalance, probably PCOS. I am currently waiting on the results from my hormone panel from my blood test. Results from the vitamin and mineral panel said I'm Vit D deficient.
Can anyone advise what they think I may be diagnosed with?
These are my symptoms: 1. Irregular periods. I have had irregular periods since my first about 11 years ago. I've only really been tracking my cycle since January 2022 and, since then, my shortest cycle has been 23 days and my longest has been 61. 2. Painful periods. Usually the pain is manageable but I've had debilitating, throw up-inducing cramps about 5-6 times, which are now becoming more frequent. 3. PMS for weeks before my period. I will experience cramping, mood swings, depression etc for weeks before I get my period, keeping in mind that my cycle can majorly vary in length, so I never know when it's coming. 4. Depression. When my period is really late, I experience really bad depression and irritability. It's like I cannot control my emotions. I could cry over any little thing. It feels like my hormones build up until my body cannot take it any more and then my period is forced to happen. 5. Low sex drive. This has been a thing for about 8 years now. I have had a severe lack of desire for sex and, when I do have sex, I do not enjoy it. 6. Fast hair growth. I don't have hair growth in any unusual places but it takes mere hours for my leg hair (for example) to grow back after shaving. 7. Acne. I've had acne since puberty and it's still terrible even as an adult.
Thanks in advance for your help. I have been so stressed about my blood test results and I am just dying for answers.
submitted by Excellent_Corgi3592 to PCOS [link] [comments]