How to type kawaii emoticons

The Enneagram of Personality

2011.03.16 02:32 squidgirl The Enneagram of Personality

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

2008.01.25 05:02 Productivity

Tips and tricks for being more productive!

2009.06.14 12:00 epicRelic Resumes

Get help with your resume! Please read the Wiki before posting.

2024.06.02 08:20 insomniac_sheep_22 I dated a Japanese fboy

Hey everyone. It’s my first time talking shit abt my ex to anyone and I thought it’s abt damn time that i share my my stupid ass ex. I’m sorry it’s long and excuse my language. For context, I live in Japan and I go to uni in Japan and this happened 2 years ago when I was 19.
Two years ago, when I was a freshman in uni, I had a group of friends that I was pretty close with and one of them posted a picture of me and her on her instagram. She tagged me in tho photo and I liked it and didn’t think much of it. Until one day I got a dm from this guy in my school and he told me he was a friend of my friend(the ig girl) and he thought I was super pretty. I know what ur thinking, this girl is so stupid to fall for such an obvious trap and clearly this dude is trynna hit. But mind u, I went to an all-girls high school and I was not used to being around men, especially not used to being complimented by one. Anyways, I was kinda surprised and happy to get compliments from such a good looking guy. NO JOKE he looked like Heeseung from ENHYPEN (maybe his nose wasn’t sharp as his) but as a Heeseung Stan I was like is this my y/n moment?? Anyways Heeseung (we’ll call him that now) asked me out and I said yes. Fast forward, we went on couple of dates and he was so nice and sweet, I genuinely started to like him. After maybe three months of talking, he asked me out in front of my friends. Now that I think about it, that was kinda manipulative cus he’s basically not giving me a choice to say no. But at that time, why should I say no so he and I started to go out. But here’s when it gets weird. I knew for a fact that he like those kawaii girls that wears frilly clothes and acts very cute since he followed many underground idols of such. (If u don’t know, pls google underground idols of Japan and you’ll know what I’m talking abt). Me on the other hand, I dress like a middle school skater boy and wears very tomboyish clothing and I’m very blunt. So I asked him, I’m very far from his type, was he sure he wanted to date me? And ofc he said yes, and said that he liked me for being who I am and his types are his fantasies and fantasies aren’t real. However, whenever we go out, we’ll go to Harajuku where it’s very famous for selling clothes that are very hyperfeminine and cute and he’ll point at the clothes and be like “I wish u would dress like this”. This was already pretty irritating but what’s more annoying is that when I told him I’ll wear if he bought it for me, he’ll get mad and tell me I just want his money and leave in the middle of the date. This happened multiple times but as a dumbass that I am, I let it happen. Another thing is, he was a horrible drinker. He would drink whenever and wherever and he was a sloppy drunk. He’ll call me in the middle of the night telling me to pick him up and if I refuse he’ll yell at me and throw up while being connected on the phone. He will also snatch my phone away and look thru everything but when I try to touch his phone he will suddenly start throwing tantrums about how I don’t trust him and things like that. IN PUBLIC!!! But this wasn’t the worse of it. The worse part is, he had a childhood girl best friend who was EXACTLY his type. Like she was short (150cm or smth and I’m 165cm) and loved to dress in basically Lolita clothing. Now I didn’t really mind that cus I have bunch of male friends too but I only treat them as my friends and nothing more. However, whenever he was drunk or we got into a little fight, he will talk abt his best friend nonstop. One time, we got into a huge fight abt intimacy. As I said before, I went to an all-girls high school and I was not comfortable with physical touch with men because I have been SAed before, and when we first started dating I told him that and he said he was willing to wait. We’ve been improving but never gotten to the actual deed. Then he got pissed at me telling me that I need to get over the fear of men and it’s not a big deal. I told him that it doesn’t just go away overnight and it was also during final weeks and we should be focusing on our studies. But we kept arguing and finally I told him, we’ll talk about this once the finals are done in a week. I’ll focus on my studies and u do this same. Not even a week later, I hear from my friends that he went into a love hotel (it’s a hotel for mainly having intimacy) near our school. Not once but twice!!! HE WAS SEEN TWICE!! I mean how stupid can u be, going to a love hotel near our school and being seen twice????? And guess who the girl is. ITS HIS GIRL BEST FRIEND!!!! I am not pathetic bitch so the moment I found out, I told him we need to talk. The day we talked, we went to a coffee shop and I confronted him with all the evidence and told him I’m not gonna date a fboy who just happened to have a pretty face. I was so mad at myself for being so blind so I left right after that, leaving more than enough money to cover my bills but as I was abt to leave, he grabbed me and started WAILING. not sobbing, full on ugly crying in a very quiet coffee shop. I was so damn embarrassed I tried to run but he ran after me. And he was begging me not to go and we can talk. I was so ready to punch him but the waiter from the coffee shop came out running and told us we haven’t paid the bills. I told him I already left the money and he will be paying for the rest and left. Thank god for the waiter came cus if he didn’t I would’ve been arrested for assault. Anyways I cut all contact after that and haven’t dated since! Moral of the story: fuck men and girls, don’t date handsome guys just because. Thank u for reading and sorry for the foul language lmfao.
submitted by insomniac_sheep_22 to redflagsTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:58 PebieJeebies So far I’ve found one of my alters, and I’ve experienced things that I’d like to make sure is actually DID symptoms or something else <— Questioning

Before you tell me to see a profess, I. Can’t. My parents refuse to acknowledge my problems and most likely disorders, which is always eating at my sanity every now and then, so telling me to check a professional before even letting me talk is really pointless, as I’m trying to help myself, and help whoever is in my head
So, 2/3 days ago I came here and asked for help, I was questioning and I stated some of my experiences, and after so many genuine, kind, accepting comments I’ve gotten, I’ve finally pushed myself into really acting as if I am plural. Which as you guessed from the title, WORKED!! An alter showed up completely different than I am, and I wanted to state some of our differences to try and see if it’s fair for me to self diagnose myself as DID, or if it’s some other things (Imagian, Median, etc..)
A brief backstory of my life to maybe help you understand what I went through and why I’m even questioning this. when I was around 5/7 is where most of my trauma started.. (my memory is horrible, so bear with me ☹️) I have two siblings, and I’m the oldest, I have a mom and a dad, and so far in my life was great, until one day, my mom thought I was somehow old enough to take care of my house, my sisters, AND deal with school, which EACH of these had so much unbearable responsibilities that I barely managed to survive (mentally survive, not physically)
I could go into detail, but if you want more context feel free to jus pm me and I’ll GLADLY vent about it, because no matter how much times i talk about it, I still feel the need to vent more and more until someday I finally feel comfortable
Now onto theeeeeee…. COMPARISON!! WEEHOO!! Also do note we might have autism <- self diagnosed
Names Pebie - Host (She/her) Odie (She/hxr)
Body language/control Can feel everything Cant/chooses not to feel left arm (unsure of this, because I can’t differ if it’s me whose moving her arm or not) And vision randomly blurs
Typing quirks Emoticons, Emojis, and loads of exclamation marks and questio marks, a very fast typer, uses both hands, using like shorter versions of words (idk, thru, mayb, kinda), says (EEGH, ogh, ough, oof) Hates punctuation marks, goes far enough to edit her text and remove it even, very slow, using the right hand to type, sometimes likes spamming specific letters and accidentally holding onto the letter on the keyboard while typing
Voice/talking Always talking like, coherent sentences and has a pretty clear voice Does these little “Ah.” “Hm.” Sounds, slowly says one specific word, and/or just repeats a word I said that stuck in hxr mind, I dont know how she sounds like from how short her words are
Personality Super bubbly, friendly, and like VERY eager to meet new people Super shy, zoned out had many panic attacks when she first fronted, didn’t know anything about herself, was genuinely stressed and like zoning out to feel better (She’s doing better now that shx got to know me <:Dc)
Extra nothing for me but —> Probably holds my autistic symptoms, I’m sure of it
If you somehow read thru all of my *looks up* scarily long rambles, I love you/p 🫂
Idk what I think really, as I always forget most of my research and just end up spending hours trying to find the answers that I already knew before.. but what do these REALLY drastic changes mean?? I’m definitely not a median, and me and hxr easily front and swap, even co-fronting with each other, and yeah,
any tips/suggestions on how to store all the information abt systems and such would be greatly appreciated, as I hate going back to the internet and researching and digging through the specific things I forget.
Other than that..
I love you, and so does Odie (I’m tryna get used to using We/us, but I think Odie prefers to not really see herself as anything different than me, despite the huge differences)
submitted by PebieJeebies to plural [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:29 porroco NAURRR BCOZ WTF MY BESTIE IS IN HIS SMART ERA??????

yall give out ur theories abt the week-old rambley review mv bcoz my bestie got this from... this???
"help this is shockingly time-accurate for a music vid??? supposed the indigo park universe takes place in present time 2024, there's been 2920 days aka 8 years since the last visit so that would mean 2016 was the last time rambley would've ever had access to any external medias in general. this organic artstyle coupled with further nostalgic references like (solitaire or the o-matic suffix which was especially prevalent in retro 3d kids games back at 2016 standard) to the past like around 1990's or 80's when ramble probably would've been implemented is VERY reminiscent of how previous music videos were like in general, with the whole era like melanie martinez, katy perry, britney spears, nicki minaj making music videos consisting of old-fashioned type of entertainment with the mixed media of their time back then. Undertale came out in september 2015 and was popular with tons of family friendly youtubers back then, so the font similarity isn't entirely unplausible and this artstyle is just on point with the trending teenage art back in 2015-2017 tumblr in general, the height of animated meme communities giving rambley the mannerisms of this certain time-specific choppy movement he would've had then. the subcultural mix-in with kawaii anime, rambley's chibi-influenced minimised design itself, the classical grey anon avatar, digital comicesque frame panels, even the way his teeth are drawn are ALL LITERALLY what 2016 internet culture was
it's literally a representation of his denial that time has moved on without him while he still attempts to connect with the same audiences he was made to entertain"
submitted by porroco to IndigoPark [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:55 No_Army_4779 Dream, HUGE MOON SPILLING LAVA ON INNOCENT PEOPLE

I would be very grateful if anyone shared their ideas about this dream. I have had moon dreams before and they have always been incredibly powerful. I am a 24 yo woman. I am a documentarian (make documentaries). I have been making a film about Mrs. Driver, who is a funeral celebrant (was a midiwfe). Had incredible dreams about her in the past; she represents to me some sort of feminine wholeness, a motherly warmth. Her home has somehow become a symbol for a place of my transformation.
I'm at Mrs. Driver’s house and I'm filming at her house. Although there is no house there at all, just a big meadow. But for some reason, I guess, exploring the film further, I start going downhill, to the bottom. It turns out that just outside the gate is the border with China, delineated by a small meandering river. Suddenly, in awe, I watch the moon set in front of my eyes, which is absolutely huge. It most of my vision. I feel like I have unraveled an amazing mystery; in this place, when the moon sets and touches the water of the river (like when the sun sets; it "touches" the horizon of the sea), the water that it touches turns into magma. The water spits out and in an act of burtal nature, burns the Chinese poeple which happen to be standing by. After touching the river, the moon disappears immediately. [Oddly enough, the sky is not dark for the moon to appear - throughout this whole scene, it is light.] These people, that happen to be standing nearby, are completely bruised, injured. I see a woman who has a disfigured face. They have gouged holes in their faces, in their bodies, everywhere. I understand that this is a conspiracy by the state to make them believe that this is simply how it is, that they have to be there (next to the setting moon) and put up with it. I am horrified.
A little cartoon of the dream
When I return up the hill, I make sure to avoid the moon, which is setting - so I myself don't get burned. I go back up there, to the top of the hill, and I want to prepare a camera to record all this. I want to add it to the documentary. By the way, it turns out that I missed a football match that I really wanted to see. This actually annoys me a lot, and I'm very disappointed, counting the hours I had to be downstairs to have missed it.
I go back "downstairs"with some friends (I don't know what kind of friends). It turns out, when I start telling them about this moon, that they know about this phenomenon - they read about it on the Internet. Only for me it was such a mystery. But we enter further into China. It is as dangerous and oppressive a regime as North Korea. We walk around the country a bit. For a moment we feels we're lost. In an amok, I take out my phone and type in “234 Poppyside” (her real address), I don't need to type all of it, since its already saved on my google maps account. It turns out that the way out of there is very simple. We just have to go straight. Suddenly we find ourselves on some sort of seaside boardwalk. There it turns out that some kind of macabre disease has spread, (at the same time it is some kind of cliché/memory from the past). The sickness is airborne. We run home, holding our breath so as not to be infected by this macabre disease - it is a bit like leprosy, something so extremely dangerous. We run through while North Korean women (Chinese/NorthKorean) are puking blood, puking, AND dying. The women themselves are doomed to die. They make almost theatrical noises, unnatural, over-colored, exaggerated, “kawaii”. They look at me in a kawaii way, as if even in this tragedy they're putting up a show, and want to look attractive. There is a terrible atmosphere, nurses' cries everywhere and the moribund howls of women, they are terminally ill. We hold our breath so as not to get infected. There is one English woman running around crazy. She is tall. She has short dark hair. She runs there crying that her daughter would have been 34 if she had survived the disease but she died (and at the same time, the daughter had never been born) and so she too had to stay there. She is condemned to this world forever, crazy and demented. We make our way through the corridors as fast as we can.
We find ourselves at the border already. This is the road leading back “there”, home. It is a high wall separated by a simple gate China from non-China. There is a sister and a brother on the border. The brother is on the Chinese side, while the sister is already in the corridor inside. There is a little girl (with her mother?) being let through. The man lets us through but the woman is suspicious. She is abnormal, destroyed by the regime, makes faces, hysterical, unpredictable. I'm afraid we won't make it home, but I make her laugh, or make some other socially intelligent move (though I'm very scared making it) and by some miracle she lets us go. We go through some hole in the trees. Some person who is with me says that she completely does not understand what this phenomenon with the moon is all about - I explain to her that it is simple. I am very afraid that it will burn us too, but it turns out that the moon has already set that we can safely go home. I return to “home”
  • Mrs. Driver’s home; a place of transformation, a “home” in exile, a place full of maternal warmth and serenity
  • A tiny path to China:
  • Small path: very close and easy to get to
  • China/ NK: a place of oppression, a regime in which people do not matter
  • The moon falling in, “setting” like the sun - brightness in the darkness sets - that's not good - because what is left behind? Nothingness?
  • River - here life begins, here is life, life flows.
  • When the moon touches the water, it ejects magma. The collision of life-giving water with consciousness, produces something solid - hot lava??
  • Lava that steams people: they are helpless, oppressive, they can do nothing about it, they are helpless as lambs. The Moon didn't mean any evil. It was the fact that the government didn't take these people out of there - that was a sin. But these people were all completely ignorant, they did not take any responsibility for their situation in life. They were passive. In addition, it happened every day, and even though it was fully predictable they still did not do anything about their fate.
  • A woman with a distorted face: a victim, helpless, stupid too, unaware. A “woman of the people.” - peasant woman.
  • I finished reading a book yesterday about women in Japan, and how they are oppressed... Although it didn't fully resonate with me, there were a lot of gruesome threads in this book about precisely how the government was destroying these women, reducing them to subordinates of men, to baby factories. There were also threads about disease - most notably leprosy, where women (and men) were confined to sanatoriums, cut off from social life forever so as not to infect others.
  • I want to add the moon that I saw to my film: want to incorporate it into my creative pursuits, I want to “capture” it, want to preserve it, want to weave it into my life
  • I missed the game: I missed the masculine competition aspect while engaging in this transformation, this journey.
  • Burt: the day before yesterday I was with an old friend at the boat house-she was leading me through the corridors of the place, and I felt like she was taking me to some bad place, I felt claustrophobic there. It had very masculine energy. The corridors in the dream were similar. They stretched almost to infinity, white and long. The only colours there were white and red.
  • Women dying kawaii, my femininity suffering and yet trying to be somehow acceptable, even my suffering must be acceptable and somehow attractive.
  • Dark-haired woman, English: I will be 34 years old in 10 years. 10 - divinity, wholeness (1+2+3+4). A similar woman though older appeared in a dream of mine from a couple of days ago- she could not digest a change happening within me, and was doomed to die very soon.
  • Border and little girl: some new energy coming through the border? A new idea?
  • Brother AND sister as guardians: the male part had good qualities in her, she was rational, while the female part was evil, possessed, something was wrong with her, the regime destroyed her forever, distorted her psyche.
Resources from online:
  • (Reddit) In Jungian psychology the moon is regarded as the light in the darkness. The light would be a consciousness and the darkness would be the unconscious. In Jungian terms this would correspond to the Anima/Animus and the unconscious. This is because the Anima/Animus is the awareness that dwells within the unconscious.
  • (Reddit) I've had the dream of the moon darting about the sky. (Though it turned out that it was actually the Earth and I was on an Earthlike moon but never mind that). What I think it means is that there's a lot of activity in the unconscious. This would also correspond with the idea of the moon getting larger. If you've been reading and been affected by the writings of Jung recently then I wouldn't be surprised to hear that your unconscious was becoming more active
submitted by No_Army_4779 to Jung [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:39 wacksez Breeding questions

I've recently gone into breeding (dragoturkeys) and would like to ask some questions for some fellow breeders
  1. How do you label your mounts to keep track?
  2. How many fo you breed?
  3. Do you breed specific ones, or more than one type?
  4. How many mounts can interact with a breeding equipment? (I feel like sometimes it doesn't register, but maybe I'm to fast with my emoticons)
  5. Do you seperate females and males when training them in paddock?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by wacksez to Dofus [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:11 Kjaamor Two Weeks in Japan - Lessons Learned

Hi, all.
This Sunday I got back from my first ever trip to Japan. I went for two weeks with three friends. I had forged a detailed itinerary, made up of roughly 3-4 blocks per day, but for the sake of simplicity our itinerary was essentially this:
  1. 4 nights in Tokyo (based in Kabukicho) with one day trip to Nikko
  2. 1 night in Kawaguchiko by Mount Fuji
  3. 4 nights in Osaka (Namba), with one day trip to Kobe
  4. 4 nights in Kyoto (by the station), with one day trip to Nara
  5. 1 last night in Tokyo (Hamamatsucho)
I'd always intended to give a breakdown here; I love reading other peoples' after all. I thought I'd talk about what I enjoyed but I almost more want to get off my chest the things that I would've done differently. So here's the lessons (I think) learned:
(Caveat: I am a glass half-empty person and am British with added social anxiety. Factor this in.)
1. The curse of the overplan and the over-research
I would stress that this is the master point, and most lessons come back to this point.
I had wanted to go to Japan since I was a teenager, and when I finally committed and bought tickets 10 months ago, it was like a world of possibility opened before me. I watched endless videos of my favourite Youtubers, read article after article, drafted an incredibly detailed spreadsheet of places to visit, food to eat and things to do, and spent hundreds of hours learning Japanese in preparation.
It's hard to say, because I have no source of comparison, but I think this was a mistake.
In the final month before we left I actually began to feel burnout. I was spending so many hours a day looking at things Japan-related that I kind of became tired before I left. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed my time there, but I wasn't buzzing anywhere near as much as I thought I would be on the flight there. The other issue is that by researching the classic "things to see" in such detail before I went, I lacked a sense of discovery when I was there. More than a few times I went to amazing spots that I knew would be amazing, and there was a sense of "Yup. There it is." Which is one of many reasons that lead me on to point two...
2. My Itinerary Quickly Went Out of the Window
It's not so say that it wasn't useful. I'm glad we committed to Nikko or else I don't think we'd have gone. Sometimes forcing ourselves into action helped. Yet when I look at the plans we made things just didn't work out that way 90% of the time, and all the best moments were when they didn't. This leads me on to the reasons why:
3. BRING. WATERPROOF. FOOTWEAR. (and always carry two plastic bags with you)
I cannot begin to stress this enough. I live in a very rainy part of the UK, so assumed I was somehow immune to rain. The (painfully obvious in hindsight) difference is that when it rains here I don't normally go outside.
It threw it down in Nikko. My feet were soaked and I had to buy new socks and throw my old ones away they smelled so bad. We had a few days of dry weather where my shoes and feet nearly recovered and then Fukuoka rained solidly for the 24 hours I was there. It was horrible not just because of the feeling but because of the smell. I was mortified. I thought of throwing my shoes away but I don't think they do shoes my size. In the end I wore plastic bags over my socks which helped but only very minorly.
This comes back to the itinerary. After the disaster of Fukuoka I stopped doing things I want to and just started to go to places that were sunny! The holiday actually picked up a bit after that because I felt a lot more secure in myself.
4. Japan is Tough for Type 2 Vegetarians
I'm an omnivore/flexitarian. On holiday I'll eat anything. Two of our party were type 2 vegetarian. When I say type 2, I mean the following:
  1. Type 1: Does not eat mean for any manner of external (usually ethical) reasons.
  2. Type 2: The idea or notion of having ingested meat products makes them feel physically ill.
There are lots of blogs from type 1 vegetarians in Japan. Most come down to the fact that while you can eat the meat, you have to forgive yourself if at some point you ingest gelatin or stock (most often dashi). That was difficult for half our party. We flew with the absolutely excellent Japan Airlines and though the service was the best I've had there was no vegetarian option on the flight. This was a frequent thing. Two things happened as a consequence:
  1. As the person with the best knowledge of Japanese (albeit barely N5) I felt a lot of responsibility here. Very quickly I saw them eat things and thought "That's probably made with fish stock." But do you tell them? To be fair to them, they never put me directly in a position but it was a stress.
  2. Sometimes vegetarianism would be amazingly poorly understood, which was hard for everyone. In the Kawaguchiko ryokan, we had a 6 course meal arranged in advance. We had explained in advance that two people were vegetarian and the ryokan had done its best but sometimes understandings with the waiting staff were poor. Our vegetarians were repeatedly offered fish and what started with understanding became more frustrating as it kept happening. I felt sorry for the vegetarians, sorry for the staff, and quite frankly sorry for myself for being in that situation.
5. Four people is a crowd in a Japanese Bar?
I asked here about taking four people to Golden Gai, and people said that four people is a lot for Golden Gai. They weren't wrong. In truth, four people was a lot for most of the bars we went into. It was much, much easier to go out drinking in Japan either on your own or as a couple. At least in the following sense...
6. Four socially awkward people is a crowd in a Japanese Bar
...this was the case. There's a wonderful video out there of Chris Broad and Connor drinking in Tokyo, and then American Pete (PremierTwo) arrives and suddenly everything becomes easier. I felt at times that I, someone far less capable of striding into a random bar than Chris Broad, was forced into the Pete role and I buckled under that pressure. Part of it is the analysis paralysis of having so many damned places to choose from, the other was finding places that matched the criteria listed (or in one incredibly frustrating situation, unlisted) by all parties.
7. Japan was better solo (or as a romantic couple)
Eventually I apologised to my friends and went off on my own. I did Hiroshima, Fukuoka, The Inland Sea, Osaka and a few days in Tokyo solo. All my favourite bits were at these points. I did meet a few traveling couples and I can imagine that would work, but unless you have a confident leader and a group with no requirements, four is tough.
It was much easier to get chatting with people in bars when I was on my own (although I will always find that difficult), I consistently ate much better because I could just walk into places (although I still struggle with that). I also felt like the holiday was much more aligned with what I was looking for. I was able to genuinely explore places - not just hit the landmarks - and I really, deeply enjoyed that.
8. Spontaneity of where to go is great! Just not in Tokyo
I ran off spontaneously to Hiroshima. I ended up having to pay about 8000yen a night for a double bed with an en-suite. I paid even less in Fukuoka. A fraction of that for Osaka and Onomichi, although those were proper hostels (I had to keep costs a bit low as I found out I was being made redundant while over there. *sadface*). All of these were booked on the day itself. Flexibility was not a challenge.
...until I got back to Tokyo, and it got a lot harder. Both my Tokyo hostel bed and the capsule hotel cost more than Hiroshima each, and the hostel only had room for one night. This is admittedly looking only at Shinjuku/Shibuya/Nakano and surrounding areas, but that was my requirement. So feel free to be spontaneous but book your Tokyo hotels in advance.
9. Huge Arachnids That Will Devour Me and Everyone I Love
I saw two spiders over the entire trip, the biggest had a leg span of less than an inch. Was almost disappointed. Almost.
10. Don't bother learning more than a few words of Japanese for a holiday
In my defence, I wasn't sure if I wanted to move there. Having been, the answer is no. Don't get wrong, Japan is awesome, but holidays != residence. So this is from a tourist perspective. The level of English I encountered was much better than I imagined. Japanese to English is tough, and grammar was often difficult, but their vocabulary was amazing. Even those who thought their English was poor were very good. But I had learned Japanese, so I felt I had to try.
...but when I did, it often seemed to go wrong. Even very simple phrases just didn't seem to land. Undoubtedly poor pronunciation on my part was a factor, but it also felt like a lot of people seemed just totally thrown by it. In the few customer service instances where their English was poor, they seemed to absolutely panic at having to deal with me and were reluctant to listen to me try. They were still welcoming and accommodating, and I don't believe we were committing any obvious social faux pas, but they were much more comfortable with me pointing at the menu than me asking in Japanese.
The only people who seemed remotely impressed, for whatever reason, were the few interactions we had with kids, who couldn't believe that we would know Japanese, but that was three extremely brief interactions over the holiday. Oh, and the girl in the airport who helpfully corrected/added "Kawaii" to my "Kirei" porcelain cat. And the Steak House guy who acted as if I knew the entire language.
11. Don't Do Tokyo First (or at least also do it last)
Chris Broad said this and he's right. Tokyo is amazing, but it's also overwhelming. By the end of the holiday I was much better equipped for Tokyo and I was able to enjoy it a lot more. I think this is especially true if you have any sort of anxiety about speaking to people or ambiguity about entering social situations.
  1. British Specific - Don't look for a pub or a restaurant
This one was really difficult for me as a British person. The rest of the world may find it easier. See, there are establishments in the UK where I go to eat, and establishments in the UK where I go to drink. And never the twain shall meet. I don't go to the pub for food (mostly), and I don't go to get pissed in a restaurant.
In Japan it felt very different. Since the vast majority of places seem to do both. I mentioned at the start that I'm a glass half-empty person. So if I want food, and I see people drinking beer and eating, then it's not a restaurant. When I want to drink and I see people drinking beer and eating, it's not a pub. To most people reading this bit must sound insane, but until I adapted my thinking on this I really struggled. Again, it's a situation anxiety sort of thing.
  1. Kyoto Is Not for Me
Lots of people enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it's not for me. The most popular spots were swarming with people and I got the distinct impression that many of the people enjoying it felt like "well, lots of other people are also here so it must be good." I also - and this subreddit takes some blame here - viewed my interactions with Kyotoans in a slightly different light to the rest of Japan and it just didn't seem as friendly as a result.
It's senseless to bash an entire city, and there's lots there, but what I saw and felt, I enjoyed other parts of Japan a lot more and I ultimately wasted a lot of money on accomodation in place I very quickly bounced from.
I was also dealing with my upcoming redundancy there, which may have been a factor!
14. Toilet and Recycle When You Can, Rather Than When You Need To
I was talking to a friend who lived in Tokyo on this and she didn't experience this (or had forgotten what it was like). Tokyo has a serious public dustbin shortage - most of Japan does, but Tokyo specifically. So whenever you find bins it is time not only to dispose of all the rubbish you've been carrying, but to generate new rubbish here so that it can go straight in. Recycling spots are often - but by no means always - offered somewhere in Konbinis, but there were definitely parts early on where I was walking around holding an empty can for an hour.
Similarly, and maybe this is just city exploration rather than anything specifically Japanese, my life got a lot easier when I started seeing toilets and thinking "Can I go right now?" and choosing to if I could. It is a lot easier to find the toilet in Japan rather than the UK, but I often missed it when I most needed it!
15. Don't Overthink the Social Faux Pas
I was warning one co-traveller about eating on trains before we went and she said "As long as we're better than most tourists we'll be fine." I thought this was a terrible attitude and that she would be a massive problem, but by and large, she was right.
Reading a lot of Japanese travel advice on the internet, particularly if you're anxious in social situations, can quickly lead to you worrying about everything as it is happening. Being anxious about whether you're committing social faux pas generally leads to you being more stand-offish and less friendly. I actually think the biggest social faux pas I committed were around me not engaging or being clearly uncomfortable in the face of hospitality.
  1. And finally...
Again, don't overthink it or overplan it, and whatever you do, don't spend hours reading lengthy reddit posts from people who have their own idiosyncratic and ill-informed opinions on how to enjoy a holiday. Particularly if you get a sense that they might not be very good at enjoying themselves. It's your holiday, ruin it the way you want to.
(I did enjoy myself really)
submitted by Kjaamor to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 14:18 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 22

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On the screen, one could see young Tav running around the living room for a moment, before picking a barely used extinguisher from behind a closet’s door and spraying it wrong at the growing fire on her floor.

Blanco stared, amused, as the little baby steps this Bastard Mage was taking into The Art. The flames of Tav’s first (or well, maybe second) spell were beautiful, healthy, full of emotion… He saw potential on the Bastard, at least a little bit. Potential for greatness, but also potential for a lot of mayhem.

Out of mere mockery he took a picture of the moment where the panicked Tav took her books off the table, trying to protect them from the flames she failed to extinguish.

“They have to see this.” The vampire said with a wide, wicked smile. “Let’s see… send!”

The creature chuckled, visibly entertained as he sent the picture to the two mages he confided in, just to see if he got any reactions from them.

To nobody’s surprise, Giovanni immediately chastised him for laughing at other people’s misfortune.

Meanwhile, Mustafá sent him no answer… huh, not even going to humor him this time, huh? Fine, he didn’t need her. Giovanni’s righteous indignation was enough for him to smile and chuckle a bit more.

Maybe the woman was busy or something. He didn’t really care.

The old man sent him a message, even!

Ventotto: That better not be Tav killing herself, Blanco! I told you to watch her!
[] : And I am watching her and it is hilarious.
[] : :3
Ventotto: Do something!
[] : Ah she has that covered, old man. No need to fret.
[] : 8)
[] : Oh by the way she totally has forbidden knowledge on her hands
Ventotto: qué.
[] : Yeah. She holding a book, old, leathery.
[] : It’s FULL of runes.
Ventotto: How full.
[] : I didn’t see a single word written in there, only runes in long rows.
[] : :o
Ventotto: … it’s written in the Language of the Gods…
[] : Can I spook her now?
[] : >:)
Ventotto: Not yet. I have a feeling…
Ventotto: I’ve seen this, in a dream.
[] : Oh you and your dreams!
Ventotto: I’m serious! Just, make sure she’s safe.
[] : Yeah yeah, I will.
[] : >:(

Blanco stretched his arms lazily and simply laid back for a moment with a yawn. ‘Look after her’, yeah right. It’s a Bastard Mage! She barely knows how to read the runes.

What’s the worst that could happen now?

Fire! The books! My computer! MY HOME! I have no idea why the extinguisher isn’t working but, it just isn't! The fire burns right through the chemical powder, somewhat bothered but always roaring back up with enough time!

In a panic, I decide that mundane methods will NOT save me right now. So, I try to remember. Do I know any other trick!?

You don’t know the word for ‘snuff’ or anything. You’re doomed. This is it.

Saints damn it all! I can feel tears escaping me as the fire just grows, and grows, like a pillar of flames bursting from the piece of paper. If this really is inextinguishable by regular means then the whole building is doomed too! Urgh!

But then, something hits me.

Don’t I know the word for ‘No’?

I immediately point at the flames, yelling.


I try pronounce it like “Hoh”. Nothing happens.

Maybe I am pronouncing it wrong!? I try again, this time pointing at the paper on the floor.


Nothing. It still burns. I pull my hair and try not to just break down sobbing as I think.

And then, it hits me again. Maybe just yelling ‘No’ is not enough! Lucia said I had to write the thing! I can’t really write on the circle without burning my hands. So maybe…

I quickly put my books down, grab a piece of paper and scribble a combination, then I seal it in a circle. Not a full circle though, just like the words in the book.
Rune 5
Begging for this to work, I hold the paper with my hand, point it facing the fire and breathe in to yell.


The paper on my hand shines in octarine light immediately… and the fire snuffs in an instant. All that’s left is a slowly rising spire of smoke.

I stare at what I’ve done for a moment… I messed up, yeah, but I was able to control it! Sorta! A smile begins creeping on my face. I did it? I really did it!

Quick, open the windows!

Oh, right! I trot over to the windows and open them, letting the smoke out of the living room with a sigh. People will complain about this, and it will be annoying… but that didn’t take away my merit…

But now, more questions came to my mind. I still remember, and insist on remembering, that the meaning of ‘Golthoi’ is not only ‘Ignite’, it also means ‘Turn on’! And this is important… because maybe I can use it in more creative ways, then?

Or maybe you shouldn’t, and maybe you should read a bit more before risking it…?

I hate to say it but I agree with her. Restrain yourself, damn it.

Not yet… There are things I wish to try. Still holding the paper in my hand, I pointed at the lit lightbulb on the room. If I focus on the message I want to send, point my finger at it and then pronounce the spell as if it was an order.



The light was off.

Marveled by my sudden power over electronics, I run over to write another ‘On’ rune on a paper and point at the lightbulb, begging to the Saints that it didn’t simply burst into flames.



The light was on.

My smile was back on, trembling and hurting my face from how wide it was.

Do NOT try this on the computer!

Yeah no, absolutely not. I suspect turning off my computer suddenly would not do anything good to it…

But I had to go and tell someone about it!

Now that the smoke had cleared, I closed the window and trotted back to my computer, ignoring the burnt stain on the floor to immediately start typing.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I DID IT! O.O
Jeepers creepers man: hmmm? what did you do?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I have learned MAGIC! My power is LIMITLESS!! O.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I guess that means things are going well huh? lol
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I can turn lights on and off with my mind!
Jeepers creepers man: wait what?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I thought you couldn’t do that
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Huh? o.o
Jeepers creepers man: magic and technology don’t really get along well
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: yeah, careful there! you can’t really know when something will explode!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I will be careful! n.n

I can’t help but feel that these people are exaggerating a little bit, but I have seen many shows in which the nervous and eager apprentice starts doubting their superiors and then chaos ensues.

So I better refrain from that and instead focus on what they have to say… for now, at least.

That hubris will be the end of us all, you know?

Oh sillyness! What’s the worst that could happen now?

The alchemist was bored. Bored out of her mind. Floating gently around Universe Gamma, all while watching Socrates and Plato frolic about in their enclosure, wasn’t as exciting as it had been in the past. She loved her crabs all the same, even if she would never admit it to anyone (not even herself), but to be honest, it simply didn’t stimulate her! Nor did the silly tasks the Brotherhood sent her way.

Solving riddles, making calculations, performing commission spellsmithing for them… it was frustratingly boring.

And then, there was the damn Second Sacrifice coming. She had been knocking her head on the wall that was that conundrum for years now, and even if she had made a few interesting advances in the past, right now she was stuck. Trying to get unstuck was terribly frustrating, too…

So really, she was just sulking.

Mustafá was getting ready to actually let the day pass and simply go to sleep, when suddenly her phone vibrated. A message? Who even has her number? The alchemist rolled her eyes and opened the old device, checking the screen only to see a picture of some fool crying in panic over a fire.

Blanco often sent her the most bizarre things while he was awake, so she wasn’t fully surprised. It didn’t make it less annoying though.

She was more than ready to just disregard the message and simply erase the picture, when suddenly something in the background bothered her. Something familiar.

Moved by instinct she connected the phone to her computer, and immediately zoomed as much as she could on the books this fool was carrying. An old notebook, an awfully bound tacky book… and then, a leather bound tome. One carrying the very same patterns she had seen not too long before, in a vision.

The alchemist stared long and deep at the image before her until she was fully convinced that this was, indeed, the very same tome. But how! How did it end up in the hands of a bastard!?

This had to be corrected, post haste. That book had to be the key to what Humiko was trying to tell her, to the Second Sacrifice, to everything! She had to grab it quickly, before any members of the Brotherhood could find it and burn it.

Ignoring her disdain for the damn Forum, Mustafá sat at her computer and with one hand began directing the keyboard and the mouse … while the other summoned forth one of her many tomes and searched through the pages for the correct glyph.

There was a very specific reason why she always asked for the people’s emails, and it wasn’t just because of protocol. She needed a way to contact them directly, a way to create a connection between her computer and theirs. With some luck, this Tav would still be by her computer.

“And… send.”

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I mean, if you don’t see the gay undertones in Meduka, I am not sure how to help you man -w-
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: RIGHT!? xD
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: People are coping so hard trying to say ‘NOOOO MEDUKA AND HAMERU ARE JUST FRIENDSSSSS’
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: Come on people, it’s 2012! Grow up a little =u=
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Amen sister -u-
Jeepers creepers man: you kids these days and your animes
Jeepers creepers man: well not that I can talk much, back in my day we were SUPER into comic books
Jeepers creepers man: and GIRL let me tell you how wacky those got
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: Pink kryptonite, everyone?
Jeepers creepers man: we don’t talk about the pink kryptonite, this is a sanctified house
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I swear man every day these conversations get harder to follow
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: This is SUPER NORMIE SHIT tho, Gal-kun~ o3o
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yeeeah get with the program Gal-kun~ o3o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: oh saints no there’s two of them now

Now this was more comfortable. I can’t believe how much I missed talking about random shit with people! The fact that they are mages doesn’t really change a thing now, does it? They are still a bunch of dorks. For the first time in a while, I am legitimately smiling while typing. It’s refreshing!

And then, the messenger notified me that someone just sent me a friend request.

Who the hell?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hey guys, anyone knows ‘[](’ ? o.o
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: Not a clue! O.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: isn’t that 82?
Jeepers creepers man: yeah that’s 82.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: 82? o.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: yeah you know, one of the Admins, the one that isn’ Ventotto
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ohhh! o.o She just added me…
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: … Am I in trouble!? QwQ
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: REMEMBER THE PLAN TAVY-CHAN!! O0O!!!
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: Canny-kun got you here! She doesn’t have the right to ask for ANYTHING else! xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok, ok T_T
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: if she ask for specialization, you just tell her you’re an apprentice
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Alright, will do!! Here I go, I am accepting her! TwT!

Taking a deep breath, I tap the button to accept this woman’s friend request. It doesn’t take long for a message to pop on my desktop.

SilentObserver82: Greetings.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hello!

I have to bite down my hands to not put any emoticons. Behave like an adult, damn it!

SilentObserver82: I am speaking to ‘Tav’, yes?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yes, that is me! You must be ογδόντα, right?
SilentObserver82: Indeed.
SilentObserver82: I speak to you because I have come to the knowledge that you possess a specific book. Leatherbound, magicked.


She knows!? How!? How did she know!? Did somebody rat me out!? Unless…

Only now I notice the webcam is on.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Are you spying on me!?!?!
SilentObserver82: That is irrelevant.
SilentObserver82: I assume this means you have the book I am talking about.


I just admitted to that, didn’t I? No use hiding it now

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yes.
SilentObserver82: I am prepared to pay a handsome sum if you give it to me.

I freeze. Paying me? So this CAN be resolved with words?

That depends. Are you going to accept?

… I mean…

No one will judge you if you do. You can just pass this to someone more capable and that will be it.

But what will I tell Pelafina?

Fuck her.

Besides, you can just tell her you lost it. What will she do? Punish you for it? You’re a grown adult, she has no real sway over you.

But, but. This has connected me with nice people, and given me a reason to get up in the morning. It’s… special, to me.

Then you know what you have to say, right?

Be ready for the consequences, this woman clearly didn’t come here to be told no.

I gulp, taking a deep breath before answering.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Can I give it to you after I finish translating it?
SilentObserver82: No.
SilentObserver82: You are an incompetent Bastard Mage who barely understands the situation she’s in.
SilentObserver82: This is beyond you.

I can’t help but feeling a little… no, VERY insulted. Maybe I do still have some pride in me after all?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I have done some interesting progress already.
SilentObserver82: Translate a sentence.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No.

I answered by mere instinct, didn’t even think about it! I mean, telling her would equate to reveal the spells I know, right? And Gato’s guide told me to never reveal stuff, I have to be mysterious!

This is NOT the time for that.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: If you wont give me the time to do my job, then I am sorry but I will not sell.
SilentObserver82: Do you know what you are doing right now?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I don’t have to answer any of your questions.
SilentObserver82: Is this your final answer?

Why do I feel so threatened by this woman!?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Yes.
SilentObserver82: Fine.
SilentObserver82: So be it.

I sigh. Perfect, now I will be banned or something. Sigh… at least I met a few people before it all. And all because of this damn book… I pick it up and read it again with a bitter smile.

“Are you really worth all this trouble, little girl?”

Rolling my eyes, I begin writing a message in the group chat:

“Well guys, 82 hates me now. I refused to sell her a book I have. Oh by the way, now that I’ll probably be banned, I can totally tell you about it! There’s this book I have that is written in the language of Magic itself. Yeah, it’s a language, I’ll be telling you all I—”

Suddenly, the screen goes dark. Completely and utterly black. Not even off, just black! I tap it a few times, feeling panic crawl up my spine, maybe this is what Gato was talking about!? I rub my face and get off my chair to just, try to think of a solution to this. But then, a green light begins shining on my screen. A dot, brightly octarine, slowly travels on my screen leaving a trail of colour on its path.

I soon realize: it is drawing a glyph.


Of course she can access my computer. The next step was all too easy to guess. I quickly pick the book up again and jump away from my computer, just in time to feel the hues of green, purple and gold burst from my screen. The force of the explosion is enough to push me back and leave me on the floor, but strangely enough nothing else in the room moves…

Someone was now standing on my chair. A cloaked figure of dark brown skin, petite and thin, probably much shorter than me! And I am not even that tall to begin with! Her black hair is tied in some lazy braids, partially hidden by an oversized white turban, a good combination to her white robes to be honest.

The way her eyes were shining with golden light was both interesting and terrifying to me…

“Greetings.” The woman said, bowing her head softly enough to not let her turban fall. “My name is Mustafa. You may know me as 82.” I keep my eyes glued to the woman as she speaks. I can’t even articulate a single word. “I am here for the book, and I will not leave without it. You may accept my terms and surrender, or face me and prove you’re capable of keeping the knowledge you hold.”
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:36 scarabosst Where is the criativity of riot to release new champions?

Besides the hundreds of human champions riot releases, it seems like riot now only knows how to make 2 type of non human champions: either kawaii champions like yuumi or smolder, or super monstruous look how evil and dangerous I am characters like naafiri or belveth. The last champion that does not fit any of these categorias was ornn 7 years ago in 2017.
The game already lacks a lot non human champions, and when those are made they are super generic like cute dragons, a literal dog, a literal cat. I miss some champions like azir, bard, ivern, and maybe the reason why non human champions don't sell too well is because there are like 10x more human champions than non humans, and when non humans receive skins it's like some filler skin line like infernal???
runeterra life is so rich like we all know from LOR, and instead riot only releases either human champions, or generic cute champions, or darkin/void monsters as they forgot how to create unique models.
submitted by scarabosst to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:05 Few_Huckleberry_4682 Me and Z, false friendships and cyberstalking

In the spring of 2016, I had too much free time. I was 16. I was a lonely and introverted teenager with some complexes, so naturally, I spent a lot of time playing computer games.
So I joined a small Minecraft server. I liked the unique community, I liked the custom server plugins, and I liked the administration's approach to server management.
When applications for server moderation team opened in mid-summer 2016, I submitted my application. Even though I was a relatively new member of the server, my application was accepted, I was given a fancy red prefix, access to special commands, and I officially became a member of the server staff.
In a position of strength, my complexes began to manifest themselves. I started acting like an arrogant jerk.
It was around this time that I met J. She was a very creative server player, and without a second thought, I complimented her building abilities.
This turned out to be a mistake on my part; a little of my attention was enough for J to become obsessed with me and want even more. She did everything to get my attention: she threatened me with suicide, sent me gory photos, and drew disgusting drawings. This scared me a little. She was only 13; she had obvious problems with self-harm, and I had no idea what to do with her attention as I was worried about her mental and physical health.
On the evening of one autumn day in 2016, when I logged into the game after school and, as always, was busy satisfying my complexes by punishing some poor kids for doing kid stuff, a player with the nickname Z joined the server.
Almost immediately after he joined, an extremely ambiguous message was written on the server on my behalf in the general chat.
When I tried to ban Z, my prefix just turned toxic green.
I panicked and wrote to one of the server owners about what was happening and received an unexpected answer...
Z is a senior member of the staff and part of the development team.
It is worth noting that I was never personally introduced to all members of the staff; I was just added to the private server. That's the reason why I didn't know who Z was.
Although the problem was resolved, in my eyes, Z humiliated me in front of the entire server. I was angry, and I wanted to repay him in one way or another. It sounds funny now, but I was 16. At the time, it seemed like a matter of honor to me.
So from that very day on, Z and I developed a kind of comic feud. When we were both online, we joked and messed with each other.
Over time, we began to sometimes chat outside the game. Z was quite good at IT, and at that time I was thinking about a career in that field. so I sometimes consulted him on the topic.
In January 2017, something happened among the senior staff. I never found out what, but as part of this, Z and several other senior administrators resigned. The server could not withstand such a crisis and closed down two months later.
My interest in Minecraft was starting to wane a bit at that time, so I just shrugged and went back to the games I was playing before. But my connection with Z remained, and J continued to stalk my online accounts.

Somewhere in March 2017, I started playing another voxel game on the RP server. This was my first RP experience, and it just blew my mind.
RP allowed me to be anyone, and of course (now I’m even embarrassed to write this), I started playing as a lonely, serious, and rich government employee.
About a month later, Z found out about my RP alter ego.
Me: damn Z, I’m playing this RP game, and presidential elections are going on right now, and I’m supporting one of the candidates and
Z: And he turned out to be a Nazi?
Me: NO!!! It’s just that there are two candidates, and the one I support is not the one who is going to win! What if they take revenge on me now?
Z: And what will they do to you :-/?
Z: Why are you playing then if you're scared?
Me: I like it!
Z: That sounds interesting; what exactly are you playing? :-)
and Z came in. and Z liked it.
We started chatting much more. I was lonely and didn't have many friends. That's why I became attached to Z and our chats with him. I often sat up until the early hours of the morning, just chatting with him about all sorts of stuff.
Z was two years older than me, had answers to all the questions, spoke four languages, was a troll, and had a strange, charming style of communication. One moment he would talk like your wise older sibling, and the next he would act like a stupid, naive little one.
Z: You have a new car!
Me: Yeah, it's a little buggy, but they promised to fix it in the next bugfix.
Z: Why blue?
Me: I like blue
Z: But why not green?
Me: Because I like blue!
Z: But I like green :-(
Me: Well, paint yours green!
Z: I want yours!
Me: Nope, my car.
Z: meanie:_-(
He also had the habit of taking the conversation to unexpected places.
Z: Hey, what do you think about immortality?
Z: Hey, don’t be like that! I’m sure you’ve thought about this at least once :-/
Me: To be honest, I’m too lazy to think about immortality at 4 am haha
Z: lazy ass :-(
Me: What do you mean by immortality anyway? Like, how does it work?
Z: any theoretical immortality! Do you think this is good or bad?
Me: um... I'm not sure. Bad, I think.
Z: Don't you want to live forever? :-)-:?
Me: I'm just not sure that immortality for all people is a good idea. Some might go crazy or smth, IDK
Z: How sweet! You care about other people!
Somewhere in July, I developed an addiction to opening cases in a very well-known online shooter. I spent most of the money that I earned on them.
I knew that Z had a lot of money; Z never hid that he worked in a lucrative position at a construction company. This led to one of the most humiliating moments of my life.
Me: Hey Z, can you lend me 100usd, please?
Me: please?
Z: For what? :-/
Me: cases. I'll return it in a week, I promise!
Z: Nah, try to rob your parents :-)-: I'm sure this would make a cool news headline.
By the beginning of June, I decided to sell some virtual game items for an approximate amount of 700 USD and spend it on my addiction. I found a buyer and asked Z to help me with the process. but everything didn't go according to plan. Z lied to me, transferred the items to his own account, and then... permanently banned his own account.
This was the first time I saw this side of Z. I sat helplessly and felt that, through the monitor, Z was glad that he could hurt me, glad that he was able to humiliate me.
I blocked Z on all platforms and decided not to contact him anymore.

I haven't talked to Z for two months. Honestly, I don’t remember what excuses I came up with, but I unblocked his accounts and wrote to him myself. I was lonely; I had no friends, and my time with Z was one of the best times I've had in years. Any excuse would do.
Me: Hey, jerk.
Z: hi :-)
I again started staying up late and texting with Z. Re-reading our chats now, I see that he began to behave more aggressively towards me, intentionally hitting my emotions and complexes. I was mistaking his obvious attacks for stupid jokes, which is what he was probably aiming for.
Moreover, I became even more attached to Z, which led to another extremely humiliating moment.

Me: You know, I wish you could be my girlfriend.
Z: Oh wow, the offer is certainly interesting, but I’ll probably refuse :-D

Around late November or early December 2017, J continued to write to me again and send me a lot of gory stuff. I was annoyed by this and complained to Z about her.
A couple of days after I complained to Z, I received a link to a file-sharing service from him, and of course, being a complete idiot, I downloaded the folder that was on it.
After opening the downloaded folder, I was completely shocked. The folder contained almost all possible data about J that you could think of. even her parent’s passports. Z doxed J to me. But my idiocy didn’t end there. I, as a 17-year-old edgy teenager trying to seem cool on the Internet to my ‘cool friend‘, so wrote in response the most moronic thing I could.
Me: Fuck, she lives in my city!!!

Yeah, I was so stupid that I doxxed myself. What was I thinking at that moment? no idea. Z responded very vaguely:
Z: What a coincidence :-D
At the end of January 2018, Z and I had a little fight over some nonsense.
A couple of days after this fight, I saw J near my school. She smiled, waved at me, and walked away. I immediately realized that Z had contacted J, and told her that we lived in the same city. I shared photos of my life with Z, and from them, J could easily identify my school, street, and, over time, even my look. and she did.
So now J stalked me not only online but also in real life. I was terribly scared; I didn’t know what to do. She pushed her drawings under my door, she walked down my street in the hope that I would come out to, her online spam increased threefold.
Z found it funny. Yeah, even after Z did this, I still forgave him, put on a “brave face” and continued to chat with him. I didn’t want to seem like a coward in front of him, so I didn’t say anything about this. I just asked why he did it, to which I received an extremely common “Z answer“
Z: I thought it was a great idea :-)
In March 2018, Z and I had this conversation:
Z: Hey, explain to me why you are so dependent on the opinions of others.
Me: This is a strange question; I have no idea how to answer it. We're all a little dependent on it, aren't we?
Z: Maybe so, but you make all your decisions looking at those around you :-/-: “Oh my God, what will people say? What should I do?”
Me: Um... well, I'm just a little indecisive!
Z: No, you are afraid of those around you. Let’s say, why isn’t your photo on one of your social networks? M?
Me: What does this have to do with it?
Z: This is very important; it's stupid to be afraid to show your face simply because you think others will judge you. Others don't matter.
As a result of this, I put my photo on one social network. exactly for a couple of minutes, then I felt anxious, and I deleted it. But these couple of minutes were enough for Z to download this photo.
I didn’t know that Z saw and even downloaded that photo.
In March, J’s actions began to cross all boundaries, even reaching the point of making threats towards my parents. I was afraid to tell anyone about J because she threatened me with false accusations several times. On the Internet, J began using the same emoticons as Z.
Z jokingly advised me to kill J, and even gave several methods of slow poisoning, and even presented me with a scenario for killing J in which I would remain undetected.
This all happened in the usual humorous manner that Z enjoys, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.
In June 2018, Z sent my childhood photo to our chat.
Z: Cool outfit :-D
I had no idea how to respond to this. I was in shock; words didn't come to mind.
I: ?????????????
In response to my message, Z sent more photos to the chat. photos of my parents, photos of my deceased grandmother, photos of my parents' old and new cars. And the photo that I posted earlier.
It was some kind of strange, unvoiced threat without a threat.
I know who you are; I can find out even more.
At that moment, so many thoughts were swarming my head that I didn’t even think about the implications. I was just scared.
Z is the only person whose gaze I felt through the screen, and at that moment I felt it. I felt him enjoying the moment of my weakness, the moment of his control over me. But I didn’t want to look weak—to look like a coward in front of Z. So I typed something extremely stupid:
Me: Yeah, yeah, very cool. How did you do it?
Z: :-)-:
I never found out how Z got these photos; Z didn’t tell me, and I didn’t insist because I thought that if I did, I would show weakness.
Looking at it all now, I can assume that Z somehow forced J or someone else to break into my house for this. but this is a theory without evidence.

At the end of June, after J once again stalked me on the street, I wrote Z an extremely irritated message in which I said that his joke with J had gone too far, that it was putting my whole family in danger, and that I was afraid to go outside because of him. I expected him to be angry, but instead, he answered me very calmly.
Z: Okay, I'll fix it. Your loss
After a week, I no longer saw J around my neighborhood. I thought that Z had talked to her, or maybe even bribed her with something.
Later, I found out from J herself that he actually tried to reason with her, but she refused. In retaliation, he sent her self-harm video to all work emails associated with the company where her mother worked. This forced her parents to take action and find her help.
In mid-summer 2018, I had an extremely memorable interaction with Z. While playing with him, we had a humorous argument during which I accidentally killed Z’s character.
I didn't think this would be a big problem, but for Z, it turned out to be. Z literally exploded in chat and typed some offensive and very hurtful things. After some time, he stopped typing; his character stood unmoving for about 3 minutes, then disconnected from the game. I didn't see him online for about 3 days. When he returned, he apologized for his behavior and said that he had misunderstood my words and the situation.
I described all this to make it clear that Z was a paranoid person who could misunderstand your words by turning them around.
From the fall to the end of 2018, I was overwhelmed with a lot of studying. Z, on the other hand, was busy at work, which is why we had almost no time to chat. At first, it bothered me. Z was my safe space, and it was hard for me. But then I became more open and made real friends.
My chats with Z at that moment were limited to just a couple of messages a day. Z himself began to behave much more apathetically toward me, but in general, he showed joy and even strange pride in me, That I am no longer limiting myself and socializing with other people.
In February 2019, it was revealed that my school’s network was compromised and was used for malicious purposes; this even made it to the local news. I don't understand anything about cybersecurity at all, so I won't even try to go into technical detail. All I know is that all the school computers were infected with something, and because of this, the data of several professors and students was leaked online.
I didn’t even think it could be Z at that time, but now I don’t rule out this possibility. Based on his further actions, he is quite capable of such things.
In April 2019, I received a personal message from R on one gaming platform.
R said that he saw me on Z’s friend’s list and asked how I was related to him. I replied that Z is one of my best friends. R replied that he, too, once considered Z his best and only friend, and he wanted to warn me about Z.
R, like me, was once a lonely teenager who was hiding from real life in video games, and in 2015, he met Z on the same Minecraft server as me.
R and Z began chatting under the pretext of language learning. R, as a Russian, did not know English very well, and Z did not mind learning Russian, which he already knew well.
R was 14 years old at that time, so it was easy for Z to take control of him. And if Z behaved like a friend with me, with R, he behaved like an older brother.
Their main communication took place in voice chat, which surprised me because in those rare moments when I had the courage to offer Z talking through voice chat, Z refused.
R was talking to Z every day, telling him about his life and telling him some of his very intimate secrets. Z gave R advice, helped with homework (to be fair, he helped me too), and even helped his family financially when times got tough.
Just like with me, at a certain point in their relationship, Z obtained a lot of personal information about R, creating an unspoken threat.
R blocked Z from all areas after Z sent sketchy people to photograph R's younger brother on his way home from school.
Despite all the earlier threats, Z did not respond to this in any way.
R also wrote that Z was responsible for leaking some personal data of two bullied 11-year-olds in Ukraine in 2012, which ultimately led to extremely sad consequences.
Just like me, R became more open over time, made a circle of friends, and became a fairly well-known local DJ. According to R, without Z, he wouldn’t have achieved any of this. This upset me and lowered my spirit, since I was proud of myself that I was able to change a little, and in R's opinion, this is not my merit but the merit of Z.
I can't confirm or deny R's story, but I am inclined to accept the main part of it.
I chatted with R for one day, after which I blocked him. I felt disgusted and uncomfortable, and I chose not to listen to him anymore. He said what he wanted to say and warned. Well, I guess too late.
In July 2019, I started dating.
Z showed almost no emotion to this news; he wrote that he was happy for me. I think that he already had another victim, and he didn’t spend as much time on me as before.
Despite this, in October 2019, he sent some people to my girlfriend’s apartment complex to take photos of her. after which he sent them to me.
Me: You're sick.
Z: Well, we are all sick in some ways :-)-:
I didn’t stop chatting with him out of fear; he had too much information about me and my loved ones, and I can’t imagine what I would have done to myself if something had happened to them because of him.
In 2020, Z himself began to show me the results of his actions. From hacked computers, surveillance cameras, and data leaks to raider takeovers. It was clear that he was showing this to me to implant in me the idea that it could be me, and this made me even more scared.
Z's messages stopped being sweet and friendly; they became sarcastic, sometimes with some kind of double-threatening overtone. I think that it was at that moment that the real Z, who loved to destroy, torture, and enjoy all the destruction, communicated with me.
In the fall of 2020, due to my stupidity (previously, I downloaded some files that Z sent me), Z gained access to my phone and sent phishing links to all my contacts. As a result, the finances of several of my friends were jeopardized. Z didn't even deny his involvement in this.

In December 2020, I heard Z's ‘voice’ for the first and last time. It was in a discord voice chat with a few other people, and he was using a voice changer. He sounded completely distant and had a strange French-German accent. Perhaps it was some side effect of a changer
In the winter of 2021, Z entered into a conflict with a Russian lawyer, O. I have no idea whether this was a 'direct' conflict regarding some legal matters (I don’t think so, since Z is not Russian) or whether O simply offended Z in some way online. But you could feel the anger from Z through the screen.
To my horror, Z was determined to seriously ruin O's life, and I had to watch. If Z stalked me, then he giga-stalked O. Personal photos, secretly taken photos, and even live broadcasts from the webcams of O’s relatives and friends were sent to me.
I think that Z thought that O was challenging Z’s intelligence by not ‘getting under control’, and every day this infuriated Z even more. But again, this is just my speculation, since I don’t know how the conflict between O and Z started.
Over time, Z's actions became more... physical. Z sent people to crash O's car, set his elderly father's house on fire, and beat up several of his friends and coworkers. ‘Others suffer because of you’ seems to be Z’s favorite tactic.
Did O do anything in response? he did. I don’t know what exactly , Z preferred not to talk about his failures, but from the context and some vague wording, I could understand that O was trying to somehow resist Z, which irritated him even more.
In the late summer of 2021, Z was able to gain access to O’s personal computer and phone. In early autumn, Z outed O as gay using personal messages from dating sites and a collection of gay prose written by O. Z specifically posted this information on websites for people with extremely negative views of it. Given Russia's problems with gay rights, I don't think O got off easy.
After that, the only time Z mentioned O was when O's prose was removed from all sites on which it was published. Z was clearly delighted.
I was horrified; a person’s life was being destroyed in front of me, and I didn’t know what to do. I felt like an accomplice (I still do), and I was afraid that I would be next. I was scared for my family, I started having problems sleeping.
In November 2021, I couldn’t stand it and told my girlfriend everything. About Z, and J, and about the fact that Z sent people to take pictures of her, and about O.
She supported me, and we both decided that the best solution would be to block Z and forget about him. For several months, I was afraid of some kind of retaliation from Z, but it never came.
In the fall of 2023, J contacted me. She gets the help she needs, and she is very sorry for what she did. She didn’t want to discuss Z.
Sometimes I just go in and re-read our old chats with Z, just out of nostalgia, and I see that Z's accounts are still active.
My story may be missing something because I tried to tell only about the important moments leaving out the unnecessary. Because of this, I might have missed small details.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
submitted by Few_Huckleberry_4682 to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:18 podgress I dreamt that my therapist hired my ex-girlfriend to work for him in his office

As the dream begins, I'm preparing to enter a building, I'm feeling a sense of contentment. The structure is familiar to me. It's a place that I remember appreciating the architecture of in the past, as far back as when I was a child. I walk around a bit, smiling, thinking that I have to tell someone about this association to my past. So obviously, I haven't been to this area in a long time. In fact, I think it'll be my first experience actually walking through the doors. However, I had been in one of the neighboring buildings on many occasions. They're both similar in style, but I've always liked this one I'm going to today very much more.
I'm kind of looking around the interior in awe as I enter the building. The inside is as cool looking as the outside. It all has a kind of art deco design.
Then I notice my ex-girlfriend in the large, spacious room. She's crouched down to be at eye level with some kids; one or two, maybe three. Either they're playing a game of some kind or she's helping them to get ready to go outside, adjusting the collar of a raincoat perhaps. They don't appear to be her own children. The scene has a very kindergarten teacher type vibe.
She turns her head as she notices me, and smiles. It's not clear whether she knew I was going to be there or not. But seeing her is a total surprise to me. A pleasant one. It feels really good to finally see her again. We interact for a bit, talking. Replaying this in my mind just now, I can feel my heart soar. I have no expectations of what will follow. I'm not thinking about kissing, reuniting or having sex - things I long for in real life - so I'm solely in the moment. I realize now while writing this down that she was probably able to do that for me often. That partner had helped me to feel centered when we were together.
After some conversation in the dream I find out my ex-gf works there, in this building, for my therapist. Then the dream transitions to where I'm walking into my psychologist's office. My impression is that I felt good going in, still riding the high of appreciation for the building and of seeing my gf again. But there are some conflicts here in the timeline. I can picture arguing with her out in the lobby area too, which would have been before I entered the office. Insert shruggie emoticon here.
I haven't been to see this therapist, either in the dream or real life, in a long time either. It's like our first session of a restart of our work together (which would have been for the third round). I would be happy if this were happening in real life. But I'm suddenly angry at the guy, basically yelling at him for having hired my ex without warning me about it ahead of time. My assumption is that he knew how important she had been to me, knew how much pain I'd been in since the breakup, and knew how triggering it would be for me to see her again. That was about it for the dream.
Some context: In real life, I had been seeing this therapist while that girlfriend and I were still together, or at least supposedly still a couple, even though she'd been out of the country for months, if not over a year. We didn't "officially" break up until after I stopped going to him for therapy and she returned from overseas. However, originally I had started my second round of sessions with him because she and I had begun having an affair. One that led to my divorce (and questionably to hers). I had probably spent the entire therapy session time since then - maybe six years? - talking so much about the anxieties caused by my relationship with her that he was literally nodding off while I blabbed on and on. In fact, I had stopped seeing him in part because I noticed this happen once or twice. I never mentioned to him though that I felt like I was boring him with my complaints, and it hadn't been my intention to put a halt to our work together. But we had a break for holidays, a different opportunity arose, and I decided to try that approach for awhile. Turned out to be years. He and I haven't communicated in any way for nearly 20 years.
Feel free to interpret the dream if so inclined, but the meanings aren't lost on me at all. I'd be happy to discuss. I just had to get it out of me and preserved somewhere.
submitted by podgress to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 asshhyyyy_ lookin for big sibby or cg friends!!

hiiiii!! uhmmm i dunno if this gonna work but im gonna try >:0 so uhhh hii!! im vee! (they/them!) and im looking for someone's to talk to while im in little space or someones to take care of me when im small -//- like a big sibby or a cg!! or even jus a friend that's good w kids! <3 (kid headspace not like actual children lmao-)
what type of little are you? ⤷ hyper and playful!! i have adhd so i might be a lil goofyyy def affectionate! i rlly wanna make u feel appreciated and cared about ^ and i def wanna draw stuff for u!! <3. i luuuvvv petnames! and i luv rp too if ur comfy with it!
what type of cg are you looking for? hmmm maaybe,, like someone caring and chill that vibes w my energy?? someone that i can be all teeny and silly with basically xD luv causing silly shenanigans together mwahahahaa >:3c nd sweet and comforting for sure! sometimes i can get a bit anxious or get sensory overload so it’d be rlly cool to get more comfort nd reassurance than just like an ‘oh im sorry’ and nothing else yk?? :,)) and someone who’s not a dry texter!! ex. ‘hi’ ‘how r u?’ ‘im good’ like,, just no energy or emoticons or anything ugghhh- its boring and also makes it super hard for me to figure out tone :,3 ⤷ anyways that’s all i can think of!! just dm me or comment if u wanna chat! :3c (here or discord! my tag is: rawrviolii)
submitted by asshhyyyy_ to agerestuffiecloset [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:25 asshhyyyy_ 18 lookin for a cg or big sibby!!

hiiiii!! uhmmm i dunno if this gonna work but im gonna try >:0 so uhhh hii!! im vee! (they/them!) and im looking for someone's to talk to while im in little space or someones to take care of me when im small -//- like a big sibby or a cg!! or even jus a friend that's good w kids! <3 (kid headspace not like actual children lmao-)
what type of little are you? ⤷ hyper and playful!! i have adhd so i might be a lil goofyyy def affectionate! i rlly wanna make u feel appreciated and cared about ^ and i def wanna draw stuff for u!! <3. i luuuvvv petnames! and i luv rp too if ur comfy with it!
what type of cg are you looking for? hmmm maaybe,, like someone caring and chill that vibes w my energy?? someone that i can be all teeny and silly with basically xD luv causing silly shenanigans together mwahahahaa >:3c nd sweet and comforting for sure! sometimes i can get a bit anxious or get sensory overload so it’d be rlly cool to get more comfort nd reassurance than just like an ‘oh im sorry’ and nothing else yk?? :,)) and someone who’s not a dry texter!! ex. ‘hi’ ‘how r u?’ ‘im good’ like,, just no energy or emoticons or anything ugghhh- its boring and also makes it super hard for me to figure out tone :,3 ⤷ anyways that’s all i can think of!! just dm me or comment if u wanna chat! :3c (here or discord! my tag is: rawrviolii)
submitted by asshhyyyy_ to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:31 SilphNaut My SWSH Top 12 Art Picks (In order of release date)

My SWSH Top 12 Art Picks (In order of release date)
  1. Zeraora V- Chilling Reign- Incredible art by Furusawa, I do not like the design of Zeraora at all but this card's style and perspective actually made it look top tier.
  2. Vaporeon V Alt - Promo- The card that got me back into collecting. The magentas and full range of blues playing against each other along with the more kawaii style Vaporeon istantly grabbed my attention and pulled me back into the hobby.
  3. Vaporeon VMAX Alt -Promo- Speaks for itself, looks straight out of a Hi Def Pokemon movie/video special.With the added ensemble of water types for scale, it is clean and damn near perfect.
  4. Bronzing CHR - VMAX Climax - I hate Bronzing and Bronzor. They are a worse version and rip off of the Beldum line. I am neutral towards Jasmine.
When I saw the leaks for VMAX Climax this became my number one chase card for the set. The masterful line work (line and sketch type art is my personal favorite style to look at in general) and the simple application of colors added a nice contrast letting the lines shine even more.
My personal favorite card from Hataya thus far, although I hope they will draw something in the future that can top even this.
  1. Galarian Moltres V CSR - VMAX Climax- This spot originally belonged to the G.M V Alt from Chilling Reign. But as time has passed this card has grown on me and the other's hold on me has dimished a lot. This was my number 3 chase card from VMAX Climax. The moment I saw it the Pokemon Gen 3 battle theme started playing in my head and I imagined the in game movement from when you encounter pokemonon the old handheld games. Gloria's "Oh fuck" expression is priceless. Love how Moltres is so detailed as you get further from it the detail on everything else is lesser and a little out of focus. Color saturation and contrast of colors make it a banger.
  2. Umbreon V CSR - VMAX Climax - Umbreon is my favorite eeveeloution.
The best Umbreon art the TCG has produced IMO. With the Umbreon and Darkrai by So-Taro being second for me and the McDonald's Umbreon Promo in third place.
The Umbreon VMAX CSR and Moonbreon look like fucked up caricatures to me and are very meh to me personally.
Ligton's first card and easily her best.
The setting at the bench/bus stop at night, Karen getting Umbreon's attention, the polished floor against style of the character's, against the painted sky and trees. Umbreon looking how it should. This card is a masterpiece.
  1. Cyndaquil -Promo- Nostalgia and a storybook painted style = best Cyndaquil card produced .... so far!
  2. Pikachu CSR - Dark Phantasma- Furusasa strikes his third and final time on this list. The colors, shadows, and setting of the two just passed out on the grounds in the Legends Arceus universe is done so well it just transports the viewer there.
My 2nd favorite Pika of all time behind the Shiny Pika Ray poncho alt.
  1. Giratina V Alt - Lost Abyss-
Cleanly drawn Gira with a BG as crazy as my ADHD mind and just reminiscent of a fever dream in the Lost/Distortion Zone/World. The only card of the SWSH "Top 5" that has top tier artistic merit for me.
  1. Charizard VMAX Alt - Promo- When I first saw leaks of this card I thought "this fake so fucking sick I wish it would be a real card." That wish was granted.
I've always wanted a truly badass Charizard canon form in the cards, anime, movies, etc. This card is the first time I truly felt like that was delivered. Hide everyone in your country, Kaijuzard is coming. The unique art style as far as Pokemon cards go is perfect in conveying the atmosphere and scale of this abomination.
  1. Leafeon VSTAR SAR - V Star Universe - Leafeon is 7/8 on my eeveeloution list. Galceon is 8/8. Have never been a fan of their designs. That being said, this is THE best eeveeloution card art I have ever seen (so far of course)
Every detail from Leafeon's eyes and body to its resting pose are perfect.
The background in the greenhouse with the jars makes for a stunning environment with splashes of color from flowers along with neutral bright tones of white in the dishes and bottles and light from the window in the upper right brightening up the bottom and middle left's dark earth and wood tones. Jiro Sasumo has never failed to deliver. I can't wait for more.
  1. Gardenia's Vigor SAR - VSTAR Universe - Yoriyuki's first official card and 2nd card illustration for the Pokemon company (IYKYK if not ask) His best art so far for me personally. Literally a masterful painting full of contrasting colors along with melding various similar tones of colors. Wish there was a 16x20 hangable version of just the art for the card.
Other than the market and investing bullshit swinging things from crazy direction to another I loved getting back into the hobby during this era. The art has blown me away and SV is going above and beyond even that with some of what has come from it so far.
Glad the eeveelotions were the most spoiled group of this block because of the insane variations of artists and art styles that got to take a crack at them.
There was something for every taste. I personally despised the Leafeon VMAX Alt more than any other SWSH alt art (not counting GGs or TGs) but have a homie who worships the art on that thing, and that's where the beauty of collecting with so much choice in artwork truly lies.
I'd love to hear about or see people's top however many art cards from the SWSH generation!
submitted by SilphNaut to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:03 Guthrum06 A Spoiler-Free Review of Nurse Love Syndrome

A Spoiler-Free Review of Nurse Love Syndrome
Nurse Love Syndrome is a Japanese yuri VN developed by Kogado Studio (probably most famous for Symphonic Rain). It’s available in English on Steam, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch. It takes around 30 hours to read every route and see all the endings.
It’s been Kaori’s dream to be a nurse since she got in a near-fatal accident when she was 10 years old. Her life was saved thanks to good medical care. She can’t remember much about her accident apart from that, though. The game starts on her first day as a nurse after graduating from nursing school. The VN largely focuses on her first few months working in the internal medicine ward at a hospital. The game’s central story is about her adapting to life as a nurse and finding love, with a multi-route mystery that uncovers the details of her accident as well as her mysterious ability to sometimes heal people using only her touch.
The game has excellent art across the board. The sprites are great and highly expressive, the character designs are adorable, the CGs are beautiful, and the backgrounds are highly detailed and very well done. Overall, the game has a very kawaii art-style, one that might trick you into thinking the game is 100% wholesome, but don’t be fooled.
The sound is really great for the most part, especially the VA which is top-notch. You can tell the cast went all out, and the emotionality in their voices is always exactly where it should be. Kaori and Sayuri’s VA were the ones who stood out the most, but everyone did a great job.
The game makes heavy use of sound effects, which I actually like. Lots of doors opening, people walking, medical devices making sounds, and so forth. It’s good for immersion.
The music is probably the weakest link when it comes to sounds, but it isn’t because it’s bad. It’s just less good than the other stuff. Only the three main heroines have themes, which is a bit of a let down, and the game has a relatively small number of tracks (18) for a VN that takes 30 hours to read. So, some of them get pretty repetitive when you’re on the back half of the game.
There’s a common route that lasts about six chapters before you end up on a romance route. You’ll meet most of the heroines over the course of the common route. The common route does a great job of presenting the various challenges that nurses encounter on the job and it doesn't sugar coat things. You’re likely to come out of it with more medical knowledge than you had before and newfound respect for nurses. There were actual nurses involved in the writing, and it shows. The parts of the game that focus on medical care and specific patients were a highlight for me. It was easy to get immersed.
There are six heroines. Three of them are “side heroines” with shorter routes. These three didn't actually have routes in the original game, but only got them in the remaster. The other three have more substantial routes and reveal more of the game’s mysteries.
All six have a good ending and a bad ending. For the most part, I don’t like how they executed the bad endings. Most of them don’t tell a good story and just seem to be going for shock value, and the things that they have the characters do in these bad endings often feel very out of character for who they actually are. I don't have a problem with bad endings when they are well-written and thought provoking. Most of these aren't.
There is an enforced route order. You have to complete the game’s “normal end” first, which takes you through the common route and into the first couple chapters of Hatsumi’s route. Then, you can gain access to most of the other routes – but not Hatsumi’s actual good and bad endings, which you can only reach after seeing the good endings for Sayuri and Nagisa. In other words, you pretty much have to read her route last, and they do it that way because her route reveals the most.
Sawai Kaori
Kaori can be pretty frustrating, especially in the common route. She’s got to be the most incompetent nurse who ever lived. And, while it’s understandable she would encounter problems being a full-fledged nurse for the first time, they go a little too hard on having her struggle. For example, she doesn’t know what PT stands for, doesn’t know how to stop a bloody nose, and can’t draw blood. Those are only the most egregious examples of her medical failings early on in the story, and they were bad enough that I was dreading having to put up with this MC for almost 30 hours of reading.
However, I will say that she gets better as the story progresses, and her desire to work to get better is a large part of her story. Except in Nagisa’s route, where she continues to be incompetent for much longer than in the other routes.
In the end, I do think she’s a likable MC that you can empathize with, but it does take awhile for you to feel that way. It doesn’t hurt that her character design is downright adorable, and her VA does an excellent job too. Her backstory is really interesting and well-executed as a multi-route mystery, too.
Now, let’s talk about the heroines, who I’m also discussing in my recommended route order. This is the best order for gradually revealing the game’s mysteries.
Asadi Ami
Ami is a 16-year-old patient with nephrotic syndrome. She’s a musician who missed a ton of school in the hospital’s internal medicine ward. She comes off as a super sweet girl, despite all of her hardships. She very clearly has a crush on Kaori from the beginning. Her route is one of the shorter side routes, and it’s solid, but nothing special. If you’re a Symphonic Rain fan, her route does have several references to it that are pretty fun.
Yamanouchi Yasuko
Yamanouchi is a nurse in her late 20s who is a mentor to both Kaori and Nagisa. She’s wacky and likes giving everyone a hard time, often in a very flirty way. But she cares deeply about her patients and their well-being. Hers is another one of the side routes. Like Ami’s, I’d say it’s solid but nothing special. She is hilarious and fun in everyone's routes, though.
Sakai Sayuri
Sayuri is a 20-year-old patient who is suffering from aplastic anemia. At first she’s incredibly cruel to Kaori because of how incompetent she is (and who can blame her?). She’s a textbook tsundere. For me, Sayuri’s route is the best, and it isn’t particularly close. In fact, her route is one of the best routes I’ve read in any visual novel, and a route I know I’ll come back to. Her bad ending is the only one that I would describe as “well-written” in the entire VN, and her good ending is also excellent. You will find yourself very much invested in her as a character, and in her relationship with Kaori.
Nagisa is Kaori’s high school senpai. They were in student council together, but the two have lost touch for the last several years. Kaori’s first day at the hospital is the first time they’ve seen each other since graduation. But, they immediately pick up where they left off. I think Nagisa and her route are the weakest part of the game. I didn’t find her likable at all. She doesn’t have an especially distinctive personality and kind of gets lost around more expressive, mysterious, or entertaining characters. The path they take her down in both of her endings is one that made me like her even less. I had a hard time understanding why Kaori would even want to be with her, which is never what you want in a romance route.
Wakamoto Mayuki
Mayuki is a young girl who is described as an “incredibly difficult patient,” so much so that Kaori is instructed to stay away from her. Despite hers being a shorter side-route, you do learn some important things about Kaori here. Despite having some important story elements in it, I think it’s the weakest of the three side routes. This is largely because you don’t see Mayuki at all if you aren’t on her route. So, you have very little time to make you care about her story or how Kaori gets along with her. One notable thing about her for yuri fans - her VA is Sakura Ayane (Erika in the Flowers series).
Ootsuka Hatsumi
Hatsumi is in her early 30s and is the chief nurse in the internal medicine ward. She’s a stern no-nonsense type but is somehow very nurturing at the same time. Making sure the nurses in her ward are the best they can be is her entire focus in life. She’s definitely got some serious mommy energy. While I don’t think her route is as good as Sayuri’s, I think it’s pretty easily the second best route in the game. Her route is the one you have to finish the game on because of the enforced route order, and her good ending is a great way to end the game.
The game has beautiful art and sound
Hatsumi and Sayuri’s routes are excellent, especially Sayuri’s.
The multi-route mystery is well-executed and compelling.
The MC is incredibly frustrating, especially during the common route.
Nagisa is a net negative to the game.
The “shock value” bad endings often feel out of place and out of character.
OVERALL GRADE: 7.5/10 (In between “Good” and “Very Good”)
This VN isn't perfect, but it's definitely a good read and lots of good stories and cute moments await you. Just be expected for some hard times and some heart break, too. Especially if you read the bad endings.
submitted by Guthrum06 to yurivisualnovels [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:32 davidroid87 Damn them and their job actions preview

I've been on actual subscription break ever since Zepla got backlash... But I digress... I've even avoided all but some of the highlights from FF Fest.
This job actions preview opening with them viper moves tho! Like hiss hiss boom bitches! 🐍.
I haven't even finished watching....
Dragoon is just always solid since HW.
Warrior go boom. What's to complain about?
Astrologian, like wtf. They hinted rework, but cards???
Dancer, awww. It might be fun again.
Reaper stealing some thunder.
Machinist looks way cooler again.
Ninja looks mildly more appealing.
Sage doesn't look too changed.
BLM, wait... Did he just change it's position!?!
Viper seems like the red mage I've actually always wanted.
White mage is kawaii plus ultra.
Monk appreciation for consistently the best rewarding looking job I've never played.
Archer, I've missed you but it mostly because of sick 🎸 bow.
Summoner's Bahamut went on a diet.
Samurai I think I just don't know enough to see what changed.
Scholar can it come back from the dead!?!
Pictomancer looks neat but not quite the real Rill.
Gunbreaker don't skip.
But if I skipped your job, I'm like furiously typing. No offense.
Okay, done watching and posting while rewatching.
Drum roll
They got me guys. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Idk bout y'all, but the WoL is gonna be back for some Tural! 🧙🏽‍♂️🪄✨⚔️
Side note: I still don't know bout pictomancer tho. Also, 259k EXP to Lvl41 l but not showing how much it'll be at Lvl100, hahaha.
submitted by davidroid87 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:50 DarkEsca Time Machine to RBY #3: Cinccino

Time Machine to RBY #3: Cinccino
image thumbnails are still a pain
This awesome RBY-style Cinccino sprite is made by SharkGuy01--check them out on DeviantArt!
In this series we will analyze how modern Pokémon would function if they existed back in RBY. Note that I will only cover efficiency in RBY OU specifically, as I don't have enough knowledge of RBY lower tier metas to say much with confidence about them. As for the rules when "translating" a mon to RBY, check out the first installment.
For the third entry of the series we will take a step back from tossing high-BST legendaries into the good ol' days and throw in a more innocent little critter. A rather unimpressive mon outside of the kawaii factor, Cinccino doesn't exactly scary many people in modern OU metagames, and when transporting it back to RBY it would lose many important moves like Tidy Up, Triple Axel, Rock Blast and even its signature Tail Slap. Will the coveted Normal type and some hidden gems in that movepool be enough to make it usable? Let's find out.

The Stats

Jumping out is the 115 base speed. This is excellent by RBY standards, outpacing Tauros and speed tying with Starmie. Alakazam and Jolteon are the only relevant things that threaten to outrun you and neither are known to be good at tanking physical hits. You also get a crit rate of roughly 22% which is nice to have.
95 Attack is solidly usable. It's not terribly high, but remember Tauros dominates the meta with only base 100. With STAB Hyper Beam under the belt, rest assured you can threaten some things.
The good parts end there though, as its bulk is... really not good. 75/60 physical bulk is barely better than Jolteon, and low enough that Body Slam into Hyper Beam from Tauros is a KO more often than not, pretty much invalidating your status as a potential switchin to it despite immunity to Body Slam paralysis. Rhydon Earthquake also always 2HKOs, and you often don't even take an Exeggutor Explosion from full HP. It's not as horrid as it is in later gens due to RBY bulk mechanics, but it's definitely far below what the rest of RBY has.
65 Special is also definitely not something to write home about. Its special attacks won't threaten many things unless they're x4 effective or something, and its special bulk isn't too great either. Alakazam's Psychic is a roll to 2HKO without any crits, for example. Granted, this special bulk is comparable to Tauros', so it's not like this is unheard-of levels of low, but it's a definite downside and quite the uphill battle to overcome.

The Typing

There's not much to say here. Normal has a case for best type in RBY. You lack exploitable weaknesses due to Fighting moves being nearly inexistent, so despite being on the frail side, you're almost never going to be OHKOd outright. In addition, you cannot be paralyzed by opposing Body Slam. This greatly improves your matchup into opposing Normals, as while you still take more actual damage from Body Slam than you'd like, you cannot be trolled by paralysis in a 1v1. Offensively, Normal very notably gives you STAB on Hyper Beam, meaning you have a powerful finisher that can threaten moderately chipped stuff to switch out. It also would give you STAB on Body Slam (the 'would' is an omen to the unfortunateness coming later).

The Movepool

Looking at the standard offensive movepool, we notice a big problem: Cinccino does not get Body Slam! This is a huge blow to its general offensive capabilities: in cases where Hyper Beam doesn't kill yet, you are now reliant on Double-Edge for damage, which is admittedly stronger but also has very annoying recoil damage that only exacerbates your subpar bulk. In addition, Double-Edge cannot threaten to paralyze switchins like Starmie and Rhydon, which complicates getting past them in the long run. You do have Hyper Beam, at least.
Your coverage is also pretty pathetic. Only having Thunderbolt and Thunder, coming off 65 Special, is poor. The only real target for these is Cloyster, which you threaten a 2HKO on with Thunder. This is pretty notable since Cloyster otherwise looks like it walls you fairly hard (especially since you cannot even threaten to paralyze it). Other potential targets will be less impressed, like Starmie, who is only 3HKOd by both Thunder and TBolt.
That being said, our little chinchilla rat has three notable moves not mentioned yet that might well elevate it beyond "shitty Tauros with 5 more speed".
The first of these three is TWave. TWave somewhat alleviates the lack of Body Slam paralysis by letting Cinccino threaten to just manually paralyze stuff. Being rather frail and running into 4MSS as we'll see later makes this not the hugest deal, but it's still a very handy tool to have access to and pull out once in a while.
The second hidden gem is Sing. Sing immediately gives Cinccino a massive niche: since it outpaces Gengar, this makes Cinccino the fastest user of a sleep move in RBY. Of course Sing isn't exactly accurate, but the threat of it alone will influence play a lot, and this would definitely give Cinc a spot on at least some of those Gengar Lead teams. It's unlikely to push Gengar out of the meta altogether, since it lacks that notable Normal immunity that Gengar contributes to teams, but people looking for high-risk-high-reward strategies that want the fastest Sleeper out there now have a new option.
The third, and perhaps most notable move, is Super Fang. Super Fang in RBY is... really cracked.
To put things into perspective, Super Fang was enough to put Raticate on the OU VR for a long time. Because everything in RBY is absurdly bulky, even the meta's strongest attackers often only 3HKO their targets. What prevents Tauros from just running through everything on turn 1 is that most things do in fact take Body Slam into Hyper Beam from full HP if no crits are involved. In an environment like this, a move that just cuts the opponent's HP in half is massive. Cinccino is barely strong enough that its Hyper Beams generally do around 50% to most neutral targets that aren't massively bulky, including Starmie, Tauros, Chansey, Zapdos, and Exeggutor. I think it becomes pretty clear what we're going for here. There are very, very little things that can safely switch into Super Fang and not be at risk of dying to a followup Hyper Beam. On a mon that outpaces Tauros and isn't Raticate levels of frail, this is... pretty fucking huge.
Super Fang pushes Cinccino from being down with mons like Dodrio and Kangaskhan as "I wish I was Tauros" to a genuinely huge offensive threat in its own right. It's pretty risky to use because of Super Fang accuracy and needing to get predictions between Super Fang and Hyper Beam right a lot, and truthfully most of the mons mentioned aren't guaranteed to die to Super Fang->Hyper Beam from full HP (unless a crit bails you out) but with a bit of luck the chinchilla will definitely tear massive holes into the opposition. And if you thought it was bad enough as a Tauros replacement, imagine it as a Tauros partner. Even if Cinccino dies in a 1v1 it could never win, the bull in the back will gladly take on the Rhydon or Snorlax it forced to low HP and do Tauros things afterwards.

Sample Sets

Fan of Fang (Cinccino)
  • Super Fang
  • Hyper Beam
  • Thunder Wave/Thunder
  • Double-Edge/Thunder
    Do Re Mi Fang (Cinccino)
  • Sing
  • Super Fang
  • Thunder Wave
  • Hyper Beam/Double-Edge

Checks & Counters

The biggest counter to Cinccino is without a doubt Rhydon. Super Fang will massively chip it which is not appreciated in the slightest if Rhydon wants to deal with Cinc's teammates or get Substitutes up later, but beyond that, Cinc isn't doing much to it. A movepool consisting entirely of Normal and Electric moves can obviously not touch Rhydon for relevant damage, with a crit Hyper Beam capping at 38% and a non-crit one not even KOing after two Super Fangs.
Gengar provides similar issues. Interestingly, Ghost isn't immune to Super Fang in RBY, so it still takes hefty damage from it, but Cinc's moves that actually finish a mon off after Super Fang can't really touch it. The most it can do is Thunder, which without a lucky crit caps out at 20%. Gengar meanwhile has a good shot (factoring in Gengar's crit rate) to 3HKO back with Thunderbolt or Psychic of its own or can just Explode for roughly 75% right away.
Very physically bulky things like Lapras, Cloyster (if no Thunder) and Snorlax can win the 1v1 by tanking Super Fang into non-crit Hyper Beam, if they have options to 2HKO Cinccino back. They can't exactly hard switch in though, since a second Super Fang (or just a Double-Edge) will put them in range of Hyper Beam afterwards. This also means stalling Cinccino out with Rest isn't exactly viable, since Super Fang->Super Fang->Hyper Beam will just KO.
Alakazam and Jolteon can serve as checks by virtue of outrunning Cinccino and 2HKOing (in Alakazam's case) or threatening to paralyze, which immediately makes Cinccino's threat level plummet by making it unable to overcome foes with recovery without paralyzing them itself. Needless to say though, neither of them has any business hard switching in: Jolteon will always fall to Super Fang -> Hyper Beam even from full HP (with the tiniest bit of chip, even Double-Edge does the job) and while Alakazam can play mindgames with Recover and potentially Reflect, Cinccino's high crit rate and Alakazam taking at least 80% from even non-crit Hyper Beam turns this into a game it really wouldn't want to play.
While not outrunning it and not at all being a safe answer, Starmie also annoys Cinccino because of the speed tie making a lot of its options unsafe to go for. If it Hyper Beams on a turn that Starmie outruns and Recovers, this gives Starmie a free turn to do whatever it wants, often paralyzing it. Clicking Super Fang on a Starmie that's slower that turn on the other hand wastes Super Fang PP and Starmie will still be out of Hyper Beam range on the following turn. If Cinc spends a turn paralyzing Starmie with Thunder Wave, chances are Starmie will paralyze it back the first chance it gets. And in a raw 1v1 where both mons got a safe entry, they're likely exchanging TWaves as well, which Cinccino hates way more than Starmie does.
Lastly, rather than looking for hardcounters, a good way of dealing with Cinccino would probably be to just outplay and outrpredict it. Super Fang into Hyper Beam gets many KOs, but Hyper Beam on its own gets little. This puts Cinccino in prediction-heavy situations a lot since not getting a KO with Hyper Beam means you're taking a heavy punish, but Super Fanging something that stays in will also have uneasy consequences. You're not Raticate levels of frail, but still take heavy enough damage from many things that you want to be careful with your HP, and if something TWaves you it's as good as game over usually. Couple this with Cinccino not being able to hard switch into most things safely, and Super Fang missing from time to time, and it makes these scary interactions perhaps a bit less likely to happen in practice.


Raticate, whenever it's ranked, usually lingers down in E because even Super Fang has trouble truly popping off on a mon with stats that atrocious. However, we've seen that with Cinccino, which is way faster and just strong enough to pick up many 2HKOs that Raticate lacks, the genuine threat level is there. The mon is pretty cheesey still because of a reliance on good prediction and luck, but teams without a Rhydon are definitely in trouble against a well-played Cinc, and if nothing else the holes it opens up for a teammate like Tauros in the back are easy to exploit.
It's tough to imagine Cinccino being actually reliable and splashable enough to be on par with the A Ranks, but the threat level is likely enough to hang in the lower echelons of B1 still around Cloyster and Jynx's level.
As for how the rest of the meta might adapt to Cinccino's presence, Rhydon might see an increase in usage as probably the hardest answer to it, though being tasked with answering Cinccino does greatly cut into its capability to deal with Chansey later (funnily a Cinccino could kamikaze into an incoming Rhydon with Super Fang -> Super Fang -> Hyper Beam to put it into Zapdos Drill Peck range though, but this isn't likely to be worth it). Gengar is a mixed bag: on one hand it also beats Cinccino decently well, but on the other it faces competition from it as a fast sleeper, so its total usage might not change too much. Snorlax might run Hyper Beam a bit more so that it can properly 2HKO Cinccino with Body Slam -> Hyper Beam (or just Hyper Beam an already chipped one). Lastly a lot of "second Tauros" mons in the meta will likely greatly fall off if not become irrelevant altogether. Kangaskhan has a bit of a case to stay with its good bulk and Rhydon matchup, but Persian has it rougher since it lost its speed tier advantage and Super Fang does more than Slash on average. Raticate, unsurprisingly, would never even be considered for the E Ranks again, its minuscule niche of hitting Rhydon with Bubble Beam not nearly being enough to make up for everything it loses compared to Cinc.
What do you think? Would scarfy have an easier or harder time doing stuff in RBY than I imagined? Thanks for reading!
submitted by DarkEsca to stunfisk [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 09:53 mr_boizoff MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979 TWS Earphones Review

MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979 TWS Earphones Review
Another chance. I decided to give MoonDrop’s TWS earphones another chance, and it was a tough decision because MoonDrop Alice were shamefully poor in terms of connection stability and proprietary software.
When it comes to MoonDrop Golden Ages 1979, which I’m gonna talk about today, my attention was drawn to their design, low cost, and a planar driver. And I also had a glimmer of hope that at least MoonDrop managed to bring the software to the users-don’t-get-sick-and-tired state, after all.
I got Golden Ages (hereinafter — GA) for $80 a month ago, and now they already go for $75.
This review in my blog:

What’s included

The earphones come in a brightly decorated large box.
What do you get:
  1. The earphones;
  2. A charging case;
  3. A protective cover for the charging case;
  4. A USB-A to USB Type-C cable;
  5. 4 pairs of eartips of the same type in different sizes.
There are some papers underneath, including a quality assurance service report.

Design, assembly, technology

TWS earphones start with a charging case, which is quite large and stylish when it comes to GA.
The design and color choice is no accident: in 1979, the first Sony Walkman TPS-L2 cassette player was released, which looked like this:
Therefore, there is an image of sort of a TPS-L2 window and a specific left-pointing arrow at the front of the case (the film was rewound from the right reel to the left one if you are not in the know) and an orange pairing button at the back of it.
There is a single green indicator diode at the front, too. The USB Type-C charging port has been moved to the bottom face.
The case interior is painted orange. The earphones fit in tightly, hold on to the case with magnets, and are not loose.
You can pull (with noticeable effort) a transparent protective cover on the case, equipped with an eye for attaching a lanyard.
The case is well-made; it feels pleasantly smooth, opens and closes without creaking, with a mid-elite click.
Let’s move on to the earphones and start with their technological features. The GA use a 13 mm planar driver. The manufacturer focuses on the dual suspension system implemented in this driver, as well as 4 times higher efficiency as compared to dynamic drivers of the same size.
The earphones are made of gray plastic, with some themed pictures coated on the ‘sticks’ on the outside. And what’s the main, they have L and R on them. There are microphones at the ends of the stems that capture the user’s speech, one for each earphone.
The compensation hole is neatly covered with a mesh and oriented upwards.
The oval-shaped sound duct is extremely short, covered with a mesh, too. There are additional holes on the inside; I suspect these are additional microphones for ANC.
There are charge contacts at the ends of the ‘sticks’.
The earphones are made quite neatly, but they feel cheap: the pictures are of poor quality, and joints and burrs are visible on the plastic. The enclosures are painted, which immediately raises the question of their durability. But, as always, it is necessary to keep in mind the product price. In terms of visibility and recognition, everything is just fine: once you see them in someone’s ears, you will never mistake them for other TWS.

Hardware and software

Before describing the functionality of the native Android application itself, I should tell about some ins and outs, that is to say, how you can update the application and firmware so that you can see everything that is shown below.
The algorithm is as follows:
  1. Follow the link—there is the application MoonDrop Link 2.0, version 1.0.50c-240429. (On the manufacturer’s website, there is version 1.0.0-bla-bla-bla.)
  2. We need to install it, launch it, go to the GA settings on the OTA tab, and select firmware version 1.1.0.
  3. Time for an update. It’s working like a charm.
So, the application starts from the device selection screen. Let’s choose GA.
On the first EQ tab, you can select one out of 5 preset equalizers.
On the ANC tab, you can control the following values:
  • Noise reduction mode—acoustic transparency, all off, or active noise reduction is on.
  • Enable or exclude any of these three modes from the settings rotation.
  • Set the mode switching sequence.
The Setting tab provides access to selecting the hardware gain mode, as well as enabling support for LDAC and LC3 codecs.
On the OTA tab, you can select one of the firmware options available online or choose a file from the local storage.
The last Touch tab hosts control gesture settings.

Ergonomics, usage experience


Good points:
  1. The earphones are stably connected to the source (when using LDAC, I tested them with Samsung S23 Ultra and Hiby R6III) and do not lose connection, and this is already half the battle.
  2. The earphones are easy to pull out of the case, they’re made for comfort of your fingers.
  3. Gestures are recognized and processed without any problems.
  4. Active noise reduction works, and it works quite well, at around the level of Soundcore Libery 3 Pro.
Ins and outs:
  1. The earphones ‘sit’ very tightly in the case, which heavily limits options for alternative eartips: 2-flange SpinFit, large Tangzu Tang Sancai, standard ‘foams’ and many more eartips just do not let you close the case. I’ll tell about the eartips in detail below.
  2. The microphones are disgusting, much worse than anything in the same ballpark.
  3. IPX rating is not stated. However, I had functional training wearing them, sweated a lot, and the earphones survived. But I’ve only tried it once.
Lastly, there is my personal problem, which is my beard. When the acoustic transparency was on, it turned out to be impossible for me to use GA because the ‘sticks’ of the earphones touched my beard hair all the time and rustled nastily.
As for the fit and enclosure geometry, I tend to regard them as normal (as to my own ears). It is impossible to forget that GA are in your ears, that is, to stop feeling them, as it works with Sony Linkbuds S. It is even difficult to wear them for 4-5 hours as the enclosures begin putting unpleasant pressure on your auricles. However, as for 3-4 hours of listening, they suit me personally quite well.
It would be wrong to make any generalizations out of this very personal case.
To sum up: the earphones have no problems with connection, and there is no reason to hope for the appearance of any good microphones in TWS (at the current stage of technological development) for any money in the world.


The application has started working much better – it is more or less stable, it is logically organized, and it just works, after all. I’d like to specially mention very funny notification sounds voiced in a kawaii girlish manner, which was done by Mitsuki Yuki, the MoonDrop mascot (see the photo of the kit, the picture on the box). Compared to the nightmare that was in the days of MoonDrop Alice, the current version of Link 2.0 is the apex of grace and convenience.
However, this is only if you compare Link 2.0 versions with each other.
And if we take into account any competitors, then some limited capabilities come to light:
  • no N-band equalizer, let alone a parametric one. There are predetermined presets only;
  • no notification volume setting;
  • no wizard to make your own equalizer;
  • no implemented function to automatically enable acoustic transparency;
  • no connection to two devices;
  • no sleep timer setting in idle mode;
  • no way to control the volume using gestures;
  • no way to switch equalizer presets using gestures.
Besides, in order to upgrade to firmware 1.1.0, you need to google really badly and make it through to the method that I described above. There is also lousy English, but that already seems to be hopeless.
On the other hand, GA and those TWS that can do all of the above are apples and oranges in terms of their pricing.

Quick specifications overview

  • Design: closed-back ‘earbuds’.
  • Drivers: 1 planar driver.
  • Weight of a single earpiece: 5 grams.
  • Weight of the case with the earphones inside: 46 grams.
  • Bluetooth version: 5.3.
  • Dust and moisture protection: none.
  • Audio transmission protocols: SBC, AAC, LDAC, LC3.
  • Earphone battery life: approx. 5 hours when using LDAC and medium gain level.
  • Earphone charging time: approx. 1 hour.
  • Case charging time: approx. 1.5 hours.

Subjective sound impression

Since the earphones have 5 equalizer presets, we need to talk about them point-by-point. Surprisingly, 4 out of 5 presets are not bad. They are frankly listenable and are a little more ‘like or dislike’ and a little less ‘failed tuning or OK tuning’. Only the Secret preset sounds as if someone fell asleep on the keyboard when tuning: this is a totally, mysteriously distorted sound.
So, I stayed with the Basshead preset for the outside and the Reference one for home. By ear, these two presets differ only in the amount of subbass, which you would want more in a noisy urban environment, especially as GA has certain problems with sound insulation.
GA sound… great. They sound just phenomenally good and ‘right’ for TWS earphones in general and even more so for such inexpensive TWS earphones.
In terms of subbass and bass tuning, MoonDrop bucked the trend and did not ‘pile up’ 120 Hz on them so that they would beat and shake on your head, leaving all frequencies to the left behind. In GA, the subbass dominates the bass. They are well separated and do not ‘overlap’ each other. I can assume that the frequency response in this part is linear, but rotated clockwise. The choice of eartips is very important: if you do not hear subbass or it is subtle and not deep, try different eartips (see the next section).
The lower middle and middle sections are just great, I don’t know how else to describe them. They are full-fledged, smooth, informative, and everything is just fine with them.
The upper middle section reveals a little fly in the ointment: GA sound a bit unnaturally in this frequency range, a little shriller than necessary. And that’s because the volume at 4 kHz should be lower than one at 2.7 kHz. GA have them equal, or even 4 kHz may outvoice 2.7. This gives rise to sharpness, sort of ‘detail’, but also artificiality of the sound. I need to underline: this is about a fine nuance and not about a fatal tuning error.
And further up, to the right of the frequency response graph, everything is fine up to nearly 11-12 kHz, where the listener will find the nastiest surprise in GA tuning – a gargantuan mountain. The ‘mountain’ can be heard, and rustling and ‘crackling’ appear on some tracks that actively use this range. Some people do like it, but I don’t. The disaster is not immense, it is still a category of ‘I don’t give a shit pretty much’/’you can get used to it’, as you like. And it’s still infinitely better than, say, Fiio FW5, true story.
The feeling of the virtual sound stage is realistic, but it is more deep rather than wide. There is no incredible sound source positioning.
Thus, I am inclined to rate the GA tuning as outstanding, despite that annoying Qomolangma at 11 kHz. I don’t remember any manufacturer setting up TWS earphones so well, so deliberately.

Eartip choice

Eartips for GA are a pain in the ass because of two facts:
  1. the GA sound depends on the eartips A LOT and, at the same time,
  2. the choice of eartips for GA is strictly limited to ‘short’ models because the charging case will not close otherwise.
And I would like to change the eartips because the ones provided do not ensure really good sound insulation, which is why there is not enough subbass, and ANC works not really effectively.
The good news is that usual ’round’ eartips can be pulled on oval sound ducts of the earphones quite well.
My list of what you can put on GA, with the earphones fitting in the case:
  1. JBL Project Rock;
  2. Whizzer ET100AB;
  3. Tangzu Tang Sancai – Wide bore;
  4. SpinFit OMNI;
  5. Zhulinniao Zhu Rythme;
  6. Sony EP-NI1000 (eartips WF-1000xm4).
All kinds of SpinFit CP100, CP240, ‘foams’ by KZ and many other models will go with the earphones, but not with the case, so to speak.
How does the GA sound change in dependence to the eartips? Radically:
The fit depth also has an additive effect, although with such an earphone form factor it can be varied within very small limits:
Personally, I chose Tangzu Tang Sancai – Wide bore. They turned out to be the most comfortable for me and the closest to the eartips provided in terms of sounding. But they insulate much better.


The headphones were used with the Hiby R6III player (LDAC). A measuring rig conforms to the IEC60318-4 standard. The smoothing is indicated on the graphs. I’ve described the limitations of the rig and the headphones measurements in general in this article.
This is the basic frequency response graph for GA with ANC turned on, medium gain, and the Reference preset:
And it’s an absolutely brilliant setup because:
  1. the subbass is between the Harman curve and the neutral curve;
  2. the middle corresponds to the Harman curve;
  3. the upper frequency range falls below the neutral curve;
  4. it all starts looking ill at 12 kHz.
The upshot is tuning, which sound is more fun compared to completely neutral one, but it’s still not as V-shaped as Harman. It is very smooth, with 5-6 kHz correctly ‘suppressed’, but with 4 kHz raised, which negatively affects the sound.
And there are immediate answers to basic questions: is sound delivery different with ANC on an off? No.
Reddit does not allow to insert more pictures, so please conitue reading here.
submitted by mr_boizoff to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 08:22 Whydonate_Platform The Ultimate Guide on How to Donate on Twitch: Supporting Your Favorite Streamers

Twitch, a leading live streaming platform, has become a vibrant hub for gamers and content creators alike. If you’re enjoying the content and want to show your appreciation, donating to Twitch streamers is a fantastic way to support their efforts. This blog post will guide you through the process of how to donate on Twitch and explore the various methods available, ensuring that you can support your favorite channels effortlessly.

Understanding Twitch Donations

Donations on Twitch are a popular way for viewers to support streamers financially, allowing them to continue producing engaging content. Unlike Twitch subscriptions, which are split with Twitch, donations go directly to the streamers, minus any transaction fees imposed by the payment method used. Knowing how to donate on Twitch is valuable for both new and seasoned viewers who want to contribute to their favorite streamers' success.

How to Donate on Twitch: Direct Donations

The most straightforward way to donate on Twitch is through direct donations. Most streamers set up donation links through services like PayPal, Streamlabs, or Patreon, which they link directly in their Twitch profile or channel description. Here’s how to donate on Twitch using this method:
  1. Visit the Streamer’s Channel: Navigate to the channel of the streamer you wish to support.
  2. Find the Donation Link: Look for a donation link in their channel description or profile panels. This is typically marked clearly.
  3. Enter Your Details: Click the link, which will direct you to a payment service where you can enter the amount you wish to donate and any message you want to include.
  4. Complete the Transaction: Fill in your payment details and confirm the transaction. Some services might allow you to donate anonymously if you prefer.

How to Donate on Twitch: Bits

Bits are Twitch's virtual currency that viewers can purchase directly on the platform. Here’s how you can use Bits to donate on Twitch:
  1. Purchase Bits: Click on the ‘Get Bits’ option in the top right corner of the chat window on Twitch. You can buy Bits in various increments.
  2. Cheer in Chat: Use Bits by typing ‘Cheer’ followed by the number of Bits you want to donate in a streamer’s chat (e.g., Cheer100). This will appear as an animated emoticon in chat and contribute financially to the streamer.

How to Donate on Twitch: Subscriptions

While not a donation in the traditional sense, subscribing to a Twitch channel is another way to provide financial support. Subscriptions come with perks such as subscriber-only emotes and badges. Streamers receive a portion of subscription fees, making this a valuable form of support.

How to Donate on Twitch: Third-Party Services

Some viewers opt for third-party services to send donations, which can include features like on-screen alerts during a stream. Services like Streamlabs and Muxy integrate directly with Twitch and offer more personalized donation options.

Best Practices for Donating on Twitch

When deciding how to donate on Twitch, consider the following tips:
  • Protect Your Privacy: Be cautious about sharing personal information. Use services that respect your privacy and provide secure transactions.
  • Be Mindful: Donate responsibly. Ensure you are financially comfortable with the amount you’re giving.
  • Support Authentically: Donate because you genuinely appreciate the streamer’s content, not to solicit favors or influence.


Understanding how to donate on Twitch is a great way to support and connect with content creators. Whether through direct donations, Bits, subscriptions, or third-party services, each method offers a way to contribute to your favorite streamers' growth and success. By following these guidelines, you can ensure your donations are safe, secure, and meaningful.
Twitch, a leading live streaming platform, has become a vibrant hub for gamers and content creators alike. If you’re enjoying the content and want to show your appreciation, donating to Twitch streamers is a fantastic way to support their efforts. This blog post will guide you through the process of how to donate on Twitch and explore the various methods available, ensuring that you can support your favorite channels effortlessly.
submitted by Whydonate_Platform to WhyDonate_Campaigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:48 sexy_seagulll What headphones should I get??? (I have autism/adhd)

Hello Reddit peps! I found out I have asd around a year and a half ago and I think I got my headphones a month or two before that and lemme tell you that these mofos are incredible however I want to try a new pair that maybe are less bulky and or are just cuter. Love me some kawaii stuff
The headphones I currently have are ones I could not tell you the brand of and are actually not electric. At my summer camp as a kid they had a few rifles that we could use to shoot targets and so I just ordered the best looking inexpensive shooting range headphones cause I remembered how well they work. I luv them but they definitely large and heavy and not the cutest lol so I would like recommendations on other types because I’m rather new to the noise canceling headphone game.
I will say that my dad for his work has headphones which have the electric noise canceling ability but I did not like the buzzing static background noise it makes plus my chonky ones without electricity worked better so if anyone knows of any that make none or very little noise that aren’t giant shooting range ones please comment below!!!
And if they ugly but they work I will sticker them up
submitted by sexy_seagulll to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:11 OrwellianWiress Noah's Ark

Okay I'll admit it, maybe I knew a tad too much about computer hacking and modding for a 10 year old kid. There's nothing wrong with being a tech nerd. I was just into it for all the wrong reasons. I liked to prank my friends online. And I don't just mean rickrolling them or changing stuff on Wikipedia. I was a bad guy. I would delete valuable items from my friends' accounts on their favorite games. I'd find out what creepypastas scared them the most and then change pictures on their most visited websites to them. I just thought it was funny. I liked watching them use every swear word in the dictionary or fall out of their seats after a jumpscare.
My favorite victim was my sister Ella. Boy did I enjoy screwing around with her stuff. She was obsessed with that game Animal Jam. The funniest thing I ever did to her was getting her first account banned the day after she bought her membership. I downloaded a bot that allows you to mass send the same Jam-a-Gram to everyone on your buddies list. I also figured out how to make someone your buddy automatically without them having to accept your friend request. I logged onto Ella's account and automatically friended everyone in the same land I was in. Then I mass sent them inappropriate Jam-a-Grams until people finally reported me enough to get Ella permabanned. I still laugh thinking about the temper tantrum she had.
I felt a little bad knowing that our mom had spent her own money on the membership card, so I told myself I wouldn't mess around with Ella's membership again after she got a second account. I still played other jokes on her like making her switch animals at random or changing her den to a giant model of a phantom (which she was terrified of). Eventually she got tired of me screwing around and locked her den. Fair enough. But that wasn't gonna stop me. If I could make all minigames unwinnable, I could easily bypass the "only me" den lock setting. So I did.
When I got inside her princess castle den, everything was where she last left it. I opened the decorating menu and noticed that there were animals inside the castle. They weren't moving, so I thought they were just plushies. I moved my tiger character closer to the animals. They were all horses. Not plushies, but the animal character models. None of them had a username tag that I could click on. They were all gray and were all in the sitting pose facing each other. I made my tiger run around their circle a few times, thinking they'd acknowledge me. The horses just stayed still. I typed "Hey guys" in the chat. My message popped up in the speech bubble and stayed there for a few seconds. It disappeared with no response.
That evening I asked Ella to show me her den. She opened the decorating menu and the gray horses were gone. I chalked it up to being something left over from when I messed around with the phantom models.
My friend asked me to raid the den of this user that was cyberbullying him. I was going to put so much furniture that it would overload and make the game severely lag to a point where if it didn't crash automatically, it would take about a minute for your character to move a couple steps. I bypassed the den lock and was about to get to work. Then I saw the two gray lions in front of me.
"I'm stronger." said the first lion. "I'm smarter." replied the second. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a little troll. "You are both weak and dumb", I typed in the chat. The lions turned around to face me. "But only one of us can go." one of them said. Forgetting what I came for, I stayed around to hear what they were talking about. There’s nothing like some good Animal Jam drama, right?
“So the question is, which one of us does the new paradise need more?” asked one of the lions. This was strange to me. Nobody talks in complete sentences and proper grammar in this game. And what was the “new paradise”? Surely they must be roleplaying. Why not join the fun since I’m here? I asked what roleplay theme they were doing. They didn’t respond to me and kept speaking to each other. “We need to decide now. The end is approaching fast.” I barricaded the whole den with furniture like I was supposed to, and went on my way.
I went to Jamaa Central to go shopping, and noticed there was a crowd around the Mira statue. Surrounding the statue were three different animals: a bunny, a fox, and a sheep. They were all gray and didn’t wear any clothes. Everyone else sporting their usual colorful fur and accessories looked upon them from a small distance. It was almost like there was some sort of imaginary line separating the two groups.
“Mira’s feathers have begun to fall.” said the sheep. “We have been ignoring nature’s warnings for too long.” added the bunny.
No one else was talking. There wasn’t anyone advertising what they had for trade or inviting others to play a minigame. All of the animal avatars were turned to face the statue.
“The inevitable destruction of Jamaa awaits. Your existence will cease to be.” the fox said. This piqued my interest because I thought it was some weird roleplay. I decided to join in with what little context I had. “Soon, your den will be filled with phantoms!” I said in the chat, playing along.
The gray animals spun around to face me. “The tiger is a false prophet.” announced the fox. I responded with “Rude :P “, using the silly tongue emoticon. If these guys were gonna screw with me, then it’s only fair I mess with them, right? So I clicked on the fox’s player card and sure enough, she had a locked den. I knew exactly what I was going to do: make my little prophecy come true and turn her den into the giant phantom model. I bypassed the den lock and watched the loading bar fill.
When the game finished loading, I was alone in total darkness. The sidebar with your Jam-a-Grams and friend list was gone. There was no globe button to return to the map, but there was a name tag for the location- “The Ark”. I tried to walk around, but my tiger didn’t budge.
Two spaces to the left and right of me lit up like spotlights and revealed a gray monkey and fox. They were displaying strange animations I had never seen before. The monkey had its eyes closed and hands clasped together, as if it was praying. The fox raised its tail and rested its head on the floor. There was no music but the sound of a flowing stream.
Behind them stood a horse bowing its head repeatedly and an eagle with its wings folded in, concealing its head. I wanted to ask what this place was, who these people were and why I was there. I tried to chat, but I could no longer type freely. I was restricted to Bubble Chat, a list of generic Animal Jam-approved phrases to help you navigate the game (such as “Let’s be buddies!” or “How do I earn gems?”). But these phrases were definitely not part of the usual Bubble Chat list. Some of the options I saw were: “Oh Mother Nature, bless me with your kindness.” “Amen.” “The flood is coming.” “You aren’t worthy of salvation.” “Listen to Noah’s warning.”
I felt something that I had never felt when playing Animal Jam before. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be here.I don’t know what I stumbled upon, but I knew in my heart that I found something bad. Someone really didn’t want me to see this. I’m worried that whoever is trying to keep this secret would do anything to make sure it didn’t get out.
The area continued to illuminate, revealing even more animals in these strange positions. At the end of the room was a large wooden boat with a door that looked like you could walk through. It opened and out came a gray wolf. He had the skull eyes and was the only one wearing any items of clothing; he had what looked like some sort of cane or scepter on his back. Chat bubbles appeared over every animal, which had the same message: “Hail Alpha Noah”. They repeated the message every few seconds.
“Cease exaltation.” said the wolf’s chat bubble, stepping out of the shadows. The other animals stopped talking. He walked into the center of the room. “It appears that we have saved the last voyager, have we not?”
“Yes, Alpha.” said a sheep. “We have saved the tiger.” The sheep turned towards my avatar, and the other animals followed suit. I clicked around desperately, hoping to find a way out but to no avail. I had no idea what was about to happen next and I wasn’t exactly eager to find out.
Noah the wolf drew closer. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that it was only a children’s game. Nothing was going to happen to me in real life. I shouldn’t let that creep me out. But what if I stumbled across something that really was evil? My imagination ran wild. Was this a front for some sort of real criminal activity? Was I being drawn into a plot? Why do it on Animal Jam of all places?
My worries were soon interrupted by a pink and purple panda running out into the middle of the circle. I thought that help had arrived. Finally, someone who looked like a regular player. Maybe she could help me get back to the normal Animal Jam map.
“Hello?” the panda called out with her chat bubble. All of the gray animals sharply turned towards her. “Who are you and why are you here?” asked Noah. The panda told him her username and that she tried to follow her buddy somewhere, got lost, and ended up in this weird place.
“We already have a panda on the Ark.” said Noah. “You don’t need to be here.”
I don’t understand. Why was this random player not needed, but I was? It seemed like we were both just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wait. That’s not right. The panda said she got lost on the way to somewhere else on the map. I was prying around in other Jammers’ dens. She didn’t mean to come here. I asked for it.
The panda asked Noah how to get back to the world map. “I am deeply sorry, but I cannot grant you salvation. You are simply not fit for the Ark, yet I cannot let you return to Jamaa either. If you go back and tell everyone what you experienced, you will only stir up jealousy among the other animals over who is worthy of salvation. Then the Ark will be overcrowded, it will sink, and no one gets saved.” This speech was divided up into several chat bubbles because of the character limit.
Noah walked back to the giant boat. “Let this be a reminder as to what will happen to the heathens when the Great Flood strikes. Praise Mother Nature and be grateful to me that you were fortunate enough to be the single member of your species that will live on.” All of the other animals turned their backs on the panda. I did too, out of fear.
The middle of the circle opened up into a deep blue water texture, almost like the ocean. The panda’s still model bobbed up and down beneath the waves. Every time she disappeared behind the water and came back, she sank down lower. Then she closed her eyes, transitioned to the sleeping animation, and sank down into the dark water until she couldn’t be seen anymore.
I just saw an animal avatar drown.
After seeing that, I knew what I had to do: fit in with this group or else. Only move when they move. Say what they say at the same time they do. I know that nothing happened in real life to whoever was behind the panda character. I still didn’t want to find out what exactly that was.
“Shed no tears for your heathen friends and family. Turn your backs on them like you did just now.” said Noah. “Oh, I have forgotten a very important matter. The last voyager.” He prowled towards my character from across the circle. All eyes were on me now. I started to fidget in my seat. I don’t know what the “last voyager” is, and it doesn’t sound like a very good thing.
“The tiger. He represents vitality and luck. We are so fortunate to have found the great tiger after so long. You truly possess these traits, constantly finding yourself surrounded by wealth and fortune.” he said. “Do you believe you embody the tiger’s greatest traits?”
I scrolled through the Bubble Chat phrase list and found “Yes.” I didn’t quite get what Noah meant, but if I appeared confident, he probably would leave me alone.
“Then drink from the water of Mother Nature’s sea.” A golden cup appeared next to my avatar. I assumed it worked just like the hot cocoa or smoothies, so I clicked on it to drink. Surely enough, it shrank and disappeared just like I expected it to.
“Rejoice, voyagers, for our toils are finally over. When Mira releases her tears and floods the world, we are prepared. We will be saved. We will be all that remains of Jamaa.”
Everyone entered into the strange praying animation I saw earlier. I clicked the animation menu and there was a button with a boat. I clicked it and the tiger sat, bowing its head.
The room illuminated once more to reveal a giant clock set to 12 o’clock. The sound of a church bell rang out.
The clock started to tick backwards.
submitted by OrwellianWiress to creepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 02:41 CapAccomplished8072 We need to talk about RWBY. Does it have flaws in its writing? Sure, but you will not find RWBY fans claiming it to be the next Game of Thrones or FMA. We're just saying its a good show worth watching. Let me explain where RWBY does ok in writing women and LGBT. And writing overall.

  • For starters, the show has mostly female characters, none of whom are sexualized by the writers or animators. There is no "Moe Moe" there is no "bim,bo" there is no "ditz" and there is NO panty shots. There is no nudity, no adult behavior, and no sex/dirty jokes.
  • The protagonists are female, there are four of them. Each of them have their unique goals, and personalities. None of them are "man-hungry". They regularly pass the bechdel test, are equal to male characters in intelligence, and are allowed to win against male characters in 1-on-1 fights. Yang is allowed to beat up a sexual harasser twice. Weiss is allowed to beat up a racist. Blake is allowed to beat up and even kill her abuser.
  • The straight white male inversion. Many "critics" of the show complain that straight white males are villainized or made irredeemable to "prop up the female characters". I want you to think about all the times that a show glorifies the straight white male while putting down or objectifying the female characters? Female and LGBT characters winning against the straight white male characters while NOT in any way shape or form making them villains because they are straight white male characters takes some practice.
  • Abusive characters or narcissists. The show tries to go into detail about emotional and psychological abuse regarding Adam Taurus, who was based on Gaston. A man who is popular who mistreats women and who acts as if he serves the common good but is just in it for himself. Blake and Yang , two women who have been physically and emotionally harmed by him, are allowed to defeat him in self-defense. The show acknowledges that abuse is more than just physical, and that it takes time to heal, thanks to other people. We need community.
  • Women anger and women self-interest: How many times have we seen female characters shamed for being angry towards a male character or thinking about herself (cough cough, Skylar White from Breaking Bad) or when a woman stops acting like an accessory towards a male character or a plot tool for him, she's immediately shamed (Lois Lane MAWS). In RWBY, we see that the women are allowed to be angry or think about themselves (Yang in volume 5 talking with Weiss, Ruby's breakdown in volume 9) .Sadly the moment these women stopped acting in a way that fanfic writers wanted them to act , the female characters are hated for acting human, or worse, turned into homophobic memes. God forbid a woman go through changes in life that isn't "Kawaii" or submissive.
  • LGBT. I'd say RWBY's Bumbleby could DEFINITELY take less time to have become canon, but? Unlike Legend of Korra, with Korrasami? There are LITERAL hours of screentime where Blake and Yang interact with each other or talk about each other. Makorra had...what, 10 minutes? Blacksun has barely 20 minutes altogether. Please don't say it came out of nowhere or that it was rushed or that blacksun was forcibly dropped? Not when there are videos showcasing over 2.5 hours of Bumbleby development throughtout the show. Its just not true, you're not paying attention if you think hours of women talking means less than mere minutes of a woman and man talking.
  • Understandable motives. Now many "morally grey" or "sympathetic" female antagonists do you know of? That DO NOT revolve around men? Emerald Sustrai owed Cinder Fall her life. Cinder Fall was a slave who uses power to feel safe. Harriet felt that following orders was better than questioning a dictator who would shoot, imprison, or in Volume 2 BETRAY those who questioned or defied him. Meanwhile Raven is terrified of the Bogeywoman and just wants to feel safe by hiding. Even if not sympathetic? You can understand where they are coming from.
  • "Badly written fanfiction"....Every time I see people call rwby fanfiction, I remind people that RWBY is STILL an original show. The writers do NOT let their self-inserts be in a relationship with the women, and have their male characters lose in fights. How many fanfics with RWBY have you see women get the "reason you suck" speech or "Ron Weasley is a death eater" trope applied to female characters while every male antagonist gets the "draco malfoy in leather pants" trope applied? Especially when ironwood is written as a saint, Adam as an abuse victim, and Jaune as a "gigachad?"For every criticism of RWBY in writing women, the fanfics somehow make the show itself seem like a masterpiece when you see the sheer sexism and homophobia in the fanfics that are DETERMINED to straightwash every LGBT character in sight.
  • Bisexual female character done right. Blake Belladonna is a bisexual character that has both men and women interested in her, and she has positive relationships with most of them. In a badly written setting, we'd have psycho yandere lesbian trope, or a woman who is bisexual just so she'll ditch a woman for a man. However, like Legend of Korra, the bisexuals ditched a man for another woman. I think this was a good idea that RWBY borrowed from LOK. The POC Lesbian character gets redeemed and becomes a hero. Bad writing would keep Ilia Amitola a villain or have her be "disciplined" for existing.
  • LGBT encouragement and support: The writers don't just write and LGBT with respect. They get involved with the fandom and support LGBT fanworks and fanprojects. Writers that encourage LGBT and feminist content have got to count for something, right?
I am NOT going to call RWBY a masterpiece, and if someone tries claiming we do, they are lying about us as they lie about the show.But the way people try to analyze the show and nitpick it to death is worthy of psychological study, as the hatred against the show and its fans is as if the show itself is some type of crime against humanity according to a lot of people. Try talking about RWBY WITHOUT somebody jumping into the conversation out of nowhere and screaming about their hatred for the show.
We JUST want to talk about the show and encourage others to give it a chance, because there are many of us who like it.
What I AM however saying? Is that RWBY is much better than you give it credit for, and all I ask is that you please give the show a chance, and not try to stop others from giving it a chance.
submitted by CapAccomplished8072 to saltierthankrayt [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:10 SlimeSpree SeoulGAGE, Korea REVIEW with pics!

SeoulGAGE, Korea REVIEW with pics!
I'm not sure I even have a life outside of slime anymore! 🤣 Indeed, slime is life, so here is another review for ya! Today’s collection is from:
Seoul GAGE (Korea)
My incredibly well presented hoard from Seoul Gage.
This is a Korean slime marketplace with some 35+ individual sellers. My package arrived with me in the UK in around 4-7 days. The pots are 8oz and range between roughly $16-25, plus have waterproof labels.
They have a very pretty and super Kawaii aesthetic. My delivery came with a very smart drawstring bag filled with the care card, sticker, powered borax and the cutest little kawaii bottles of borax solution and glycerine, a lovely touch. Upon receiving a recommendation from a slimer friend whose tastes crossover with mine, I mostly purchased from the creator YYOUNG (with Magma being the other maker.)
YYOUNG’s labels were occasionally themed to each type of texture they produce but not entirely individual to the specific product. Magma’s labels were unique to each slime. The labels were waterproof and easy to peel off should you wish to transfer the slimes to your own larger container post inflation. However they didn’t stick down again that well and needed a little clear tape.
I had a slight struggle telling what was what with YYOUNG’s slimes as the lids are not always pictured on the website so identification can be hard if you have multiple similar looking slimes. I tried translating the labels with an app but it seemed they just had serial numbers on the jars rather than names.

  • YYOUNG’S Mini strawberry foam foam (Block bead/Jelly, strawberry scented)
This slime had a soft, sweet and realistic strawberry scent and looked so refreshing and appealing upon opening! The base was very loose and I instinctively reached for the borax after the first poke but, upon taking the slime out the pot, I realised it really wasn’t sticky. I was aware that Korean textures tended to be a lot looser and more jiggly so proceeded without activator to feel the texture out.
This was a really stunning slime and fun to play with. Obviously a little bit pokey on account of the block beads but the jiggly base made it a tad softer on the hands. It was very stretchy with no dropout and little pops and crackles. It was certainly a different feeling to the thicker clears I'm used to. I do prefer my clears very thick usually but with the block beads this made a nice change.
  • YYOUNG’S BUTTER BED (fluffy, butter bread scented)
A beautifully subtle, soft, sweet and buttery bread scent, I really loved it. Scents are subjective but this was one of the nicest bready scents I have ever experience. This had a firmish skin on top and was runny underneath so I did have to add some activator but it came together very easily as I kneaded. The texture was very soft, light, plush, fluffy and jiggly. Super elastic on the stretches and kashmir-smooth on my hands. This was beautiful to play with, had a bit of hold to it and inflated a lot to a lovely, matte whipped texture. It had great clicky pokes and lovely soft sizzles. The bubble pops were present but quite mellow. I very much liked this texture and will buy it again in the future to try out the other scents.
I do actually wish this soft, gorgeous smelling slime was my pillow!

  • YYOUNG’S BERRY JELLY (clear slime/peach and cream scented.)
Another nice, fresh and delicate scent, I was getting a mellow peach. It was well activated with a TON of gummy resistance on the pulls and big squelchy, wet finger pokes. It got stretchier and looser as it warmed up but never sticky. The jelly cubes were big and chunky which I love and absolutely amazing to squish! They were far bouncier and firm than other jelly cubes I’ve experienced, you really have to work to crush these which adds to the fun so much for me. I do usually crush all the cubes in my jelly cube slimes and always find the fun is over too quickly leaving me disappointed. However, due to the extra work I had to put into crushing these, I ended up getting my crushing fix and still had enough left for a do over another day! By the end of play, this had assumed a much more jiggly, loose Korean slime texture which was a surprise considering how firm and gummy it had started out. This was certainly one of the most satisfying jelly cube slimes I have experienced.
Look how juicy those cubes are!

  • YYOUNG’S MILK IS WHITE BY NATURE (smooth, fluffy, soft and moist/milk scented)
This genuinely smells of a sweet, creamy milk without being overwhelming or sickening and I absolutely LOVED it! The slime was a light and airy, moist, jiggly, marshmallow fluff-like texture (evidently a little snow in the recipe to assist with that.) It was a tad under-activated at first so I added some activator and it took away the tack but does remain quite jiggly by design. It had super loud clicks despite being matte, soft bubble pops and major soft sizzles like an alka seltzer being dropped in a glass of water! It inflates like a souffée and gives the sensation of being lighter than air in your hands. I was so in love with it and would buy this again, the formula comes in a variety of scents.
Look at the gorgeous, poofy monster it became with some inflation!

  • YYOUNG’S LADY GREY MILK (jiggly, black milk tea scented)
Very regretfully I found a long head hair when I opened this slime which did break the magic somewhat! A shame after such a strong start. Hopefully this is just a very unfortunate freak occurrence but I do think slime shops need to take every precaution against such things in the way of hairnets and gloves etc. and its presence made me wonder if such measures were being taken by this shop. The scent however was a pretty accurate black tea which I liked.
This was an extremely runny slime. I had to literally pour it out the pot like heavy cream. It wasn’t actually all that sticky but impossible to pick up and handle it due to how loose it was. It was almost a water slime, like a "water creme" if you like. On closer inspection I found photos by the maker showing it being poured and it arrived with the pot taped up so evidently it is this consistency by design. You can get some bubble pops out of it and it’s got loud finger pokes but all in all it’s a very awkward texture. I did try adding activator and it came together a bit but barely. This is not a texture that I would buy again.
First opened and post activator and a bit of inflation.

  • YYOUNG’S STRAWBERRY COOKIE WHIPPING CREAM (Gelato/strawberry cookie scented)
This was softly and pleasantly scented, I was picking up the intended strawberry and cookie notes. I loved the little red fluff inclusions that made it look like a real strawberry smoothie. This is a light, airy, matte slime with strong resistance for the first few pulls which suddenly gave and became the opposite. It was dry and fairly firm at first and then, really quite suddenly, got looser and a bit sticky so I went in with the activator which took the tack back a bit. This is a light snow creme, massively inflating with tons of soft sizzles. I would call it a moist wip. If you like inflation, you will love this. I would buy this texture again.
This inflated a great deal into a moist, light, flubby puffball.

  • YYOUNG’S ALMONDFUL (floam, almond milk scented)
Another absolutely delicious scent! It smelled like sweet whipped cream. It looked so cute set up with the little almond fimos! The base was soft and jiggly which felt great with the foam balls. I did go in with a bit of activator to firm it up a little. It sounded amazing when stretched with lovely wet sizzles. This was crazy on the crackles with some fabulous bubble pops. I really loved playing with this one.
I find the almond slice fimos so satisfying!

  • YYOUNG’S PLUMPPLUMP TAPIOCA (clear jelly with fluffy balls, tapioca scented)
This looked and smelled so incredibly fresh! I was getting lychee from the scent. The Little soft pom-poms feel fantastic in the base and look and feel like real boba. Great finger pokes and bubble pops. However, very suddenly it became loose and sticky. I started to see a trend with these Korean clear glue slimes in which they start off quite firm and stiff and then very quickly get super loose, really quite strange. I wonder if Korean glue is a little bit more heat sensitive. I was less keen on it after the texture change and activator didn't help it come together again after that.
This really looked refreshing and pretty!

  • YYOUNG’S GREEN TEA PILLOW (fluffy, green tea scented)
To me, the scent was slightly perfume-leaning with notes of green tea, I thought Momo’s green tea/matcha scent was much better. This was the same gorgeous, chubby, inflating texture as butter bed. I do love this light, fluffy texture but 100% prefer the warm milk bread and butter scent of Butter bed. Good slime though!
This lovely texture will gladly inflate for you!

  • YYOUNG’S PLUMPPLUMP CHERRY BLOSSOM (clear with fluffy balls, cherry blossom and osmanthus scented)
Another very beautiful delicate scent and stunning looking slime, so inviting! I loved how this had the scent of a true floral without smelling like a perfume, as is so frequently the case with flower scented slimes. Another from the "plumpplump" series as above and essentially the same slime. Again, this one became very loose after a bit of play and, no matter how much activator I gave it, it didn’t come back together again. That was a shame as it was very nice before the major texture shift.
Such a pretty slime!

  • YYOUNG’S VANILLA TURKISH DELIGHT (floam, vanilla churro and milk scented)
This smells unbelievably delicious, exactly as stated! I easily identified the cinnamon, the sweet bready churros and notes of vanilla cream. One of the best smelling slimes I have ever experienced! It came with some m&m charms but I decided not to put them in as I thought they were an interruption to an otherwise very pretty/classy aesthetic. This was another nice floam like ‘Almondful’ and the texture was the same, though the scent ever yummier!

  • YYOUNG’s MINTCHOCO OREO PUDDING (jiggly, mintchoco)
Another extraordinary scent exactly like creamy mint choc chip ice cream, I adored it. Unfortunately, this was another in the ‘jiggly’ texture above which I found way too liquidy (which is a shame because I got so lost in the beautiful scent and wanted to play with it properly! )The texture was just too impossible to handle and wouldn’t activate any more. Again, like the previous jiggly above, the pot was taped up so I am pretty sure this was the intended texture but can't be entirely certain. I would snatch up a fluffy, inflating slime with this scent and colour for sure but this slime/texture was a fail for me!
Mint soup?

  • MAGMA’S COOKIE CREAM CAKE (DIY clay hot chocolate caramel scented)
This smelled pretty good and I was getting both chocolate and caramel but it was fairly subtle. The clay was nice and soft though I was taken aback when my fingers ran into the polystyrene chunks! I wouldn’t order another slime with polystyrene chunks of this type as it was extremely hard to break up and not really a pleasant feeling for me. I feel the giant lumps interrupted the texture and also really took away from the elegance of the slime. It’s otherwise nice and clicky and good for soft bubble pops.
The black part sandwiched in the clay portion were the polystyrene chunks.

  • MAGMA’S STRAWBERRY CREAM MACARON (DIY clay, strawberry milk scented)
This smelled like a delicious strawberry milkshake. Sadly, I had a disaster assembling this slime and was so disappointed! The little strawberry macaron looksed so beautiful in the pictures on the website and the clay was really nice and soft. I lovingly built the macaron first and set everything up for the photo but as soon as I placed the macaron on top of the base it immediately started swallowing it! I grabbed it and saved it as best as I could but the macaron fell apart! Silly of me not to test out the texture of the base first but I've never had this happen before so didn't think. Sadly, my picture was nowhere near as pretty as I had planned, which is shame as the little macaron looked so cute and whimsical on the listing photo!
This slime was another very loose and jiggly texture and I’m really not sure if that’s by design or if this was a little melted or under-activated? It was nonetheless fun to play with, good to fold and inflate with very nice clicks and pretty decent bubble pops. Again, I struggled to convince it to activate any further than this.
Apologies for the mess! It was supposed to look like the pic on the lid!
In conclusion, Korean glues give their slimes some great qualities but it is also well known to trend towards the loose and jiggly. What came as a big surprise to me was how impossible it was to activate this slime and how easily and quickly it would melt in my hands even if the starting point was considerably firm. I’ve read and heard from others that this was the case for them too with slimes purchase from this maker, as well as other Korean glue based slimes.
Its a bit difficult to determine whether some of my slimes had a melted starting point and were not intended to be quite as low in viscosity, or if these were the maker's intended textures. It’s very possible, considering its qualities, that Korean glue is also not the most stable and can deactivate quite easily but then its a great shame it doesn't activate again with any ease.
Finding a hair in my slime was obviously a very unpleasant experience and does make me question the hygiene standards adopted by this seller. However freak accidents can happen and I would still give them the benefit of the doubt and order from this shop!
There was also PLENTY to be enjoyed about the experience and I loved the slimes with firmer, fluffy, matte inflating textures. If I had only purchased those I'd be giving this maker 10/10. I will definitely buy those fluffy textures again.
The cute presentation and packaging was very nice and the scents were sublime. I do feel that Korean slimes have the edge scent-wise! They really did have the perfect level of fragrance added and many were really very true to items they were supposed to smell like. I absolutely love delicate scents that are realistic, not too intense and never nauseating or chemical-tinged. Unlike many other slimes, the scents didn’t embed themselves deeply into my hands and ending up following me around all day (which does start to nauseate and bother me after a while!) 8.7/10
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]