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The Queen City!

2008.11.02 21:07 The Queen City!

A subreddit for Charlotte, North Carolina. Where residents and visitors alike can share news, events, gatherings, stories, and more. Tirades, Welcome to Charlotte, Things to do, Buying/Selling, and Charity are all weekly topics.

2014.11.24 17:02 roseetgris Moissanite

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2012.05.18 19:32 Western North Carolina - Land of the Sky

Western North Carolina - the Land of the Sky! Home to the most beautiful mountains, forests, and streams in Southern Appalachia. Come for the hiking, stay for the beer. Come share some local news and photography with us!

2024.06.02 06:01 AutoModerator Monthly Merchandise Megathread #39!

Monthly Merchandise Megathread #39!

Hello everyone! This is a mega thread for merchandise sales in which /Neopets members can advertise and find sales of Neopets merchandise with ease here. This thread will not be pinned after today, but it will be added to the sidebar.
Please read the following information carefully and trade safely!


  • Sellers must abide by our 90/10 Advertising Rule:
Some Neopets-related promotional posts/comments are allowed if you are an active member of the subreddit. A maximum of 10% of your contributions can be promotional; the other 90% should be meaningful and active engagement in other conversations here.
  • Please do NOT advertise a sales post in private messages/chats, thread comments, or in a new post. Don't treat the Neopets community as your own personal cash cow.
  • If you are selling NC Cards, please follow and adhere to the 90/10 rule as outlined above.
  • NC Cards/Merch/Codes are NOT to be traded with NP/NC items as that is against site rules.
  • Art, craft, and coding commissions are NOT allowed due to the legal complications involved. (We are waiting to re-evaluate this once the Neopets Fan Art program fully releases.) Additionally, we do not condone DMing random people to sell merch either.
  • Moderators have no liability with respect to any conducted transactions.
  • Moderators are not liable for lost funds or time. We cannot help you get your money back/your merch. It is YOUR responsibility to uphold your end and choose partners wisely. Caveat Emptor.
  • Moderators will step in if we receive multiple reports that a user is abusing the marketplace via not delivering works, not paying or any other breach of trust.


  • This thread is in CONTEST MODE This is to discourage downvoting in order to increase everyone's visibility and make it fairer for participants arriving throughout the day. All posts are randomized!
  • Please observe all rules as outlined in our community and discussion guidelines! (Check out the nifty sidebar!)
  • The plan is to have a mega thread every first Saturday of the month.
  • Reminder: NEVER mention Reddit (or any variations thereof like Read It, Arr! Neopets, Blue Aliens, “that other site”, etc) or this thread on Neopets itself! We are not an officially affiliated fansite and doing so can put your account—or the ones of others—at risk of getting frozen!


  • If you do gift, gift at your own discretion.
  • Exercise caution when it comes to new Reddit/Neopets accounts posting on the thread.
  • Please don’t be rude and steal other people’s sales if they are not intended for you.
  • There is to be no begging or harassment of any kind.
  • Report any suspicious individuals to the mods! This thread is a free-for-all chaotic mess most of the time and not micro-managed in any manner.


Is Selling NC Cards/Merch/Codes Neo-Legal?

Hi, TNT. While I was browsing through eBay, I found Neopets trading cards for sale. There are so many, and I was interested in buying some, but wouldn't that be against the rules? I don't really think it would be, but I'd rather ask than risk my account. I'm not 100% sure, but can't you redeem codes from the cards in the packs and get items? Would that then be considered buying items? ~i_luv_cows12345
No, physical merchandise produced or officially licensed by us is just fine to buy, sell, or trade online. This includes stuff like real life plushies, action figures, TCG cards, etc. Codes are considered a legitimate part of these items. Items you cannot buy or sell online are virtual items, Neopoints, Neopets, or accounts.
Hi, TNT! I have an odd question for you.... about commissions. Now, I know taking them in exchange for anything on Neopets is against the rules, as is doing commissions with Neopets characters. However... what about real-life merchandise? I'm the sort that's willing to take trades, and I was wondering: could someone pay me in Neopets plushies? What about rare item codes, or Neocash? (the cards, not actual on-site NC items) I mean, people sell the item codes on eBay all the time, so wouldn't that be okay? As far as NC cards go, if I'm just going to buy them anyway, why not save a step? Would these be against the Terms & Conditions because they give things on the site itself? I mean, obviously, it still wouldn't be okay to do a commission OF Neopets, but in exchange for merchandise, where do you guys stand? (please remove my username) ~username removed
As you said, as long as you aren't taking commissions of Neopets intellectual property, you're welcome to trade or sell your real-world merchandise however you'd like. According to Lawyerbot: "Trading plushies, rare item codes, NC cards, etc. for real-life merchandise is fine. I once traded my brother's turtle to a friend for a Shadow Uni Plushie.

Can I just send the Space Faerie Code, but keep the items?

Hi, TNT! So, I had a question about gifting rare item codes, Space Faerie codes, site theme codes (like Puzzle Adventure), etc. I know it is against the rules to ask for anything like "tips" or compensation in return for gifting a code, as well as selling codes. However, is it against the rules to ask someone to return the item that they got from the code itself? Say someone receives a plushie from redeeming a code. Is it okay to ask that they return the plushie, or would it be better to say something like, "I would greatly appreciate if you return the item, but it's not required" since non-requested thank you gifts are allowed? I just wanted to be sure. Thank you for your time! Also, a side note: I LOVE YOU, TNT. I HAVE BEEN PLAYING FOR 9+ YEARS NOW AND NEOPETS IS AWESOME. spreads love Please remove my username. ~username removed
If the receiver is kind enough to return the item from the code, we wouldn't consider it any sort of "tip" due to the nature of Rate Item Codes. That said, once you give away the code, it is up to the codebearer to decide what to do with the item. You can ask them as you phrased the example above, but code gifting is an unsupported transaction and we will likely be unable to assist if the person chooses to keep the item.

Where can I redeem codes?

What Neopets Merchandise gives out the Space Faerie challenger?

Products that can reward the Space Faerie challenger are:
  • Old Neocash Mystery Capsules Codes
  • Fun Pak Codes
  • Comic-Con Codes
  • Newer Merch Codes (Geekify, What’s Your Passion, etc.), etc.
  • TCG, Current Neocash, and Promotional Rare Item Codes do not reward the Space Faerie challenger.

Neopets Official Merch

Neopets Fan Art Program

  • Calling All Creative Neopians! (Jan 10, 2024)
  • The Neopets Fan Art Program will be a platform to showcase trusted and approved sellers who create quality Neopets-inspired artwork. This means approved sellers can legitimately sell digital Neopets products and commissions for real-world currency, with support directly from Neopets. Approved sellers will be featured on a dedicated page directly on Neopets.com, with an opportunity to share your work and build connections with potential clients and customers! There, Neopets will be able to link visitors to your store to purchase directly, meaning you won’t have to worry about any fees from Neopets! Your earnings will be 100% your own. This will also protect you and give you confidence in providing your services without risk of copyright infringement or rule violations on your Neopets account.
submitted by AutoModerator to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband (New Update)

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Complex-Wing7114
I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband
Originally posted to offmychest
Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
Previous BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: controlling behavior, threats, abusive behavior, stalking, assault, physical violence, gaslighting
Original Post Apr 27, 2024
Throwaway account as my husband and In-laws are follow my main. I, 29 F, have been married to my husband, 30 m, who I'll call Alex. Alex and I met in college during our freshman year. We started off as just friends, and got married seven months ago. I've gotten along with his family, but we aren't super close but we're friendly enough. The problem is that Alex has begun to make me incredibly uncomfortable.
Firstly, he's begun to ask me who I'm meeting with, where, what we plan on doing, how long every single time I leave the house without him. At first, I just thought he was being protective and a good partner just in case something happened, but then he started checking my phone after the visits, vetting and researching each of my friends as well.
He also has been pursuing me to link my bank account to his, as he's "in charge" of the finances when he was perfectly fine with keeping them separate before. We fight about it almost every day.
Finally, yesterday when he was preparing to go on a work trip for two weeks in California, he demanded I wear a tracker so he could keep and eye on me while he's gone. I can't do this anymore, I feel like I'm suffocating and his family who I've spoken to about his worrying behavior just said he's being careful and protective as a good husband should. I need to gather my things together and find a way to be gone before he gets home without tipping him off.
He's always threatened that if he ever found me cheating on him he'd turn in divorce papers the same day. He keeps a filled out copy in his desk. I'm going to submit those the day I leave. But there's so much to do, bergen finding a new place to live, seeing if my job has any transfers available, packing and moving in two weeks. His return flight May 11th, so I need to move quickly. I'm posting here because I don't have any close family, and I can't risk dragging my friends into this as we share the same friends.I just needed a place to vent, and ask if anyone has any advice on the easiest and safest way to do this?
Edit: oh my god you guys are amazing! I never even thought to not use his divorce papers. I'll check for cameras before I start any packing or prepping. I may also shred his divorce papers just in case and look into getting a lawyer for myself. I'm in a no fault divorce state, that much I so remember which will help. I'll update again when I know more. The tracker he wants me to use is a small clip to put on the belt or waistband. I'll wear it unless I'm going or doing something related to me leaving. No pets yet thankfully.
Update Apr 28, 2024
So I've gotten a lot of support and helpful advice along with questions I thought I should clarify before I proceed with the update. Some asked why I'd be 'hiding' things from Alex regarding going out and who I'm meeting with. I don't, and I have nothing to hide. However when he begins to then double check everything I tell him with the other people there right down to each person I talked to and what I said. Did I send any text msgs, did I order food, how much did I eat, that's when it started to feel like I was slowly being pushed into a corner. It didn't start that bad, but gradually grew worse overtime.
All of the Reddit subs my in-law's families are part of are related gardening and diy so I highly doubt they'll see this, if so by the time they do, I'll hopefully be gone. I talked to my job and explained things to my manager. And they promised to look into openings in other states to see if they could get me into one. They'll have an update on that in three days. I trust that my bank account us secured, considering he's tried to get into it before and failed. I found one camera in the kitchen, another in the living room and one in our bedroom. As such, I've left them in place for now and done all other planning, either in the bathroom pretending I'm taking a bath.
I'm honestly staying away from the domestic violence services as my sister-in-law is unfortunately higher up in those considering she volunteers there and I have a feeling if I did show up there, they would know in a heartbeat. I can't look for apartments until I get the update from my work, but either or i'm still gonna be leaving the state. The day before I do I will be changing my number carrier and wiping my laptop and all of his electronics before I do.
I've met with 2 lawyers so far and had them look over the paperwork. My husband had prepared and both said that it did it have some clauses in it. That could have caused me some trouble down the line. What alarmed all of us close the fact that several of those clauses dealt with future children, and not as a hypothetical. Like several hair suggested I have a feeling he fully intended on getting me pregnant to keep me trapped and tied to him.
There are 3 other locations. My job could send me to and I have. As a precaution Begun looking into all 3 cities and housing in the areas. Just in case one of those, this is the one they send me to. Even if they don't have an opening that they can push me into then I will just have to quit, move and figure things out on my own. I have enough money to live and survive for a few months until I can pick up another job.
Unfortunately all of our friends are mutuals and would likely be unaware of the consequences of saying or sharing anything I do or say with my husband. I don't have any surviving close family and obviously my in laws are not a good resource to rely on. I am on my own unfortunately, other than the wonderful bonds, i've begun to make here. I will update again if I get more information or something else happens. Otherwise all update when my work gets back to me. I do plan on leaving before he returns, though. Just to make sure that i'm not anywhere near here at that time.
Update 2 Apr 30, 2024
Good news! My work has an opening I qualify for that will not only shift me across the country, but also comes with a salary increase as well. I've started telling my in laws and friends that I'm planning a surprise outing for when my husband gets back for just the two of us. This way, people don't give me odd looks if they see me out and about. I've even gone as far as asking MIL to show me his favorite recipes.
Meanwhile, I've found a moving company that while small is willing to work in a storm. The reason is in five days, we're supposed to get hit with a large storm front. I plan to shut off the breaker and say we lost power if he asks just as several people here suggested and even send him a short clip of the storm.
I will have all of my stuff moved that afternoon, and I will be flying out once the weather has cleared enough to do so. I have a lawyer who will push my divorce through, and I've filled out the necessary paperwork so that I don't have to be here for it. I'm not suing for assets or alimony and I've shredded his divorce papers as well. I've set up a cheap payphone plan through cricket until this is all said and done at which point I will find a new carrier, number and phone. This one is being wiped and left behind.
My laptop is provided by my work, and the IT department inspected it thoroughly and it was clean thankfully. No other electronic aside from my laptop and new phone will be coming with me. If alex needs to talk to me, he can do it through my lawyer. Not sure if anything else will happen, my fingers are crossed that he doesn't think anythings amiss until after I leave - and I'm not turning the breaker back on when I do. He can when he gets home. My work is covering the plane ticket, so that at least is one expense I don't have to finagle in.
Update 3 May 7, 2024
Update 3: I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband.
It's been a busy week, but I've gotten so much done. Firstly, I am now out of the house and am currently in a hotel while I look for an apartment. It's a big city, bustling with people no matter where you look. We had a pretty bad storm system hit back home, that actually lasted two days. High winds, thunder, lightning and even hail everywhere. I didn't take much from the house, my documents, clothes and important sentimental items. I left all of the furniture and electronics behind. I cleaned the house top to bottom and took pictures on my phone so he couldn't claim I damaged anything when I left.
My lawyer has already started divorce proceedings, and my husband will be served on the 8th. His plane is due to land early morning, and the sheriff will be there at the house waiting for him. He is very much about public appearances and reputation. My lawyer will be calling him as well to inform him that I am more than willing to air out everything to the public about his actions if it means securing my freedom from him. I will go to court as long as I must to get this pushed through.
I haven't told our friends or his in-laws yet, I will do that while he is on the flight to prevent him from getting wind of it before he's handed the divorce papers. I will be calling around and explaining why we're getting divorced, to try and prevent him from twisting this into somehow being my fault. I don't want him trying to claim I had an affair or something so I want to get the truth out before he can twist this.
I'm... doing okay. I'm tired, but yet I feel almost jittery and off-kilter. I keep looking over my shoulder and monitoring what I say even when I don't really need to anymore. Hopefully that will fade soon. My work is covering the cost of the hotel, and I'm working on getting my other things in order. I also need to find a new GP as I want to get a full test just to make sure everything is okay. I don't know when my next update will be, probably when the divorce papers are filed or if we have to go to court to push them through. I will try to keep my head up, but it feels like I'm in a whirlwind or something with so many things to do and think about. I kinda thought it would be easier once I got out of the house but while the fear is smaller, somehow the number of tasks only seems to have grown.
Update 4 May 14, 2024
Sorry I haven't updated for a while, things got hectic and a bit chaotic honestly. Firstly, I'm working on getting an apartment still and have applications in at three different places and will hopefully hear back from them soon. I'm still going into work here at the new location, so I don't have to worry about burning through my emergency savings completely. I've gotten a lot of emails from Alex, his family and our old friend group asking question after question. I have only sent one return email to Alex, explaining that I don't believe we are truly compatible, and it is best we separate now. That his treatment of me when I'd done nothing to deserve as such was just as much of a deal breaker as cheating was for him.
I ended the email with the statement that I would not be contacting him further and anything else he needed to pass on to me or vice versa would be done through my lawyer. For his family and friends, I just typed up one email outlining everything that had happened and why I left. I told them I wished them no ill will, but that such treatment of his wife and partner was not acceptable. That should Alex get remarried in the future, I wished they would help support both partners and not just Alex.
Alex, from what my lawyer told me, was livid when he was served. The sheriff actually ended up booking him for assault on an officer and menacing due to the threats he was shouting. His father bailed him out in a few hours, but with the testimony of the sheriff, my lawyer believes I have a very good chance at getting a restraining order. Alex, upon returning to the house, apparently lost his temper again, breaking the dining table into pieces as well as the tv, and putting several holes in the walls. At least that's what one of the emails from one of our friends reported as Alex called him to help him clean up the mess.
My lawyer already has pictures of the house I took, with timestamps as evidence nothing had been damaged by me. My friend reported that Alex tried to claim I'd been the one to trash the house but the holes in the wall were at head height - Alex is 6'3", and I'm 5'4" so he knew that was false. Either way, taking the pictures definitely will help me so again thank you everyone here for the advice because I never would have thought of that on my own. My work won't share details of where I am, as I do work with some higher end clientele who value security and that information won't be gossiped about and no, I'm not some stripper or escort. I deal with contracts, notary and business management. As such, even if Alex tried to use my work to find me, he wouldn't succeed.


Update on leaving May 26, 2024
It’s been a little bit, and I thought I’d answer some questions before giving my update. It may be a while after this until things change.
Firstly, No I didn’t bring my car. The public transport here is good enough to use without needing one. I have secured an apartment, and the building has good security. You need a key card to enter, and there is a security guard at a desk right by the entrance to the building. As part of my contract, I gave them a photo of Alex and his family so that even in the off chance they do find me, they won’t be let in.
The responses I got from the emails varied. His family said I was overreacting, and that I owe Alex an apology for the problems this has caused him. The pending criminal charges puts him at risk of losing his job if he’s convicted. Alex sent a long email, apologizing and pleading for me to come home. He said he was worried for me, that he is willing to go to therapy if it will appease me. He wants us to remain together, and he didn’t think leaving was an appropriate response to his genuine concern and worry for my health and safety. The friends gave somewhat lacking replies, saying that they didn’t think Alex was ever going to hurt me and that I shouldn’t be letting my imagination run away wild. As much as I want to say I was surprised by the lack of support, I’m honestly not.
He intends to fight the divorce. I am letting my lawyer handle it, and I am also pursuing a protective order as well. Once I got approved for my apartment, I also froze my credit. I’ve changed my phone carrier and number, as well as making sure none of my documents list Alex as next of kin or POA.
Some have asked why I was so paranoid about Alex and his possible future actions. The answer for that actually is somewhat simple – my grandmother. I loved that woman to bits. As a teen, she explained why my grandfather was never around. He was extremely abusive and manipulative, and her generation didn’t allow divorce really. She wouldn’t have been able to buy a house or get a good enough job to support her and my mother on her own. As such, she endured it, shielded my mom as she could until my grandfather died. When I felt like I may have been overreacting, I remembered how she’d said she’d always wished she’d been able to see grandfather for what he was early on when she may have been able to annul the marriage.
I don’t know when I’ll update again, maybe when the divorce goes through or if something big happens but until then, I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:59 Significant-Tower146 Best 1911 Red Dot Mount

Best 1911 Red Dot Mount

If you're a fan of the 1911 pistol or just looking for an upgrade to your current mount, we've got you covered. This article features a roundup of the best 1911 red dot mounts on the market, perfect for enhancing your shooting experience. Whether you're a pro or a beginner, you'll find something that suits your needs here. So sit back, relax, and get ready to explore the world of 1911 red dot mounts.

The Top 18 Best 1911 Red Dot Mount

  1. Modular 1911 Red Dot Holster for Right Hand Carry - Experience versatile 1911 holster carry options with the ShapeShift Core Carry Pack, seamlessly transforming to IWB, Appendix, and OWB modes, made in the USA, perfect for your Govt model.
  2. Versatile 1911 Red Dot Mount Holster with Optics Compatibility - Experience the ultimate in rugged style and discreet carry with the Versacarry Rough Rider OWB RH Holster, handcrafted from premium water buffalo leather and designed for optics compatibility and easy draw.
  3. 45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories - Versatile 45-degree off-set rail mount by NcSTAR eliminates interference, offering easy access to accessories and a perfect fit for CQB situations.
  4. Quick-Detach M Lok Swivel for Firearm Accessories - The Allen 10845 Citadel QD MLOK Weapon Mount offers a fast and convenient way to secure your M Lok handguards, with its compatibility with the push button QD swivel for seamless adjustments.
  5. Versatile 1911 Red Dot Insert for In-Slab Conduits - The Red-Dot ESL-2 90-degree die-cast aluminum insert offers a secure, bend-free connection for conduits in concrete, designed for in-slab ceiling drops, floor mounts, and pre-fabricated conduit systems, and is UL listed and RoHS compliant.
  6. Adjustable Kydex IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP No Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut - Carry your 1911 5" Government 45ACP with confidence, comfort, and ease with our hand-molded Kydex holster featuring adjustable retention, ride, and cant, as well as a secure belt clip designed specifically for your firearm.
  7. Unity Tactical Fast Plate for 1911 Red Dot Mount - Experience seamless red dot integration with the Unity Fast Plate Deltapoint Pro, designed for 1911 pistols and equipped with a durable anodized finish for flawless performance.
  8. Premium Silver Plate for Flash Shoe of DSLR Cameras - Enhance your DSLR camera's performance with the Astromania Silver Plate, a sturdy weatherproof aluminum alloy plate featuring a hex wrench for easy attachment to a flash type connection, and designed for the 1X40RD Reflex Red Green Dot Sight mounting.
  9. Universal Pistol Mount for Mace and Flashlights - Versatile, easy-to-install Lethal Universal Pistol Mount ensures secure access to handguns, mace, and flashlights, perfect for self-defense enthusiasts.
  10. Monstrum Sentry Micro Red Dot Riser Mount for Picatinny Platform - Experience seamless co-witness with the Monstrum Sentry Micro Red Dot Riser Mount for 1911 Red Dot Configurations.
  11. Stylish 1911 Red Dot Mount Tail Lamp for Show Use - The Wyatt Gatling Red 12V Cat Face Tail Lamp is a stylish, non-D.O.T. approved decorative tail light, perfect for enhancing the look of your vehicle.
  12. Comfortable IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP Red Dot Optic Cut - Experience optimal concealed carry with this adjustable IWB holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut, crafted with comfort and versatility in mind.
  13. Lightweight Dovetail Mount for RED Digital Cinema Cameras - The RED Digital Cinema Dovetail Mounting Plate (Long) provides lightweight and versatile ARRI-standard quick release mount for ultimate camera portability and efficiency.
  14. Comfortable 1911 Holster with Adjustable Retention and Flexible Carry Options - Get the ultimate 1911 Red Dot Compatible Holster, with Adjustable Retention, Ride, Cant, and Clip, ensuring protection and secure draw - now available with a high-quality Kydex design, and proudly hand-molded in Las Vegas, NV.
  15. Best IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut - Experience unparalleled comfort and convenience with our 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut IWB Holster, offering adjustable features for the ultimate personalized fit and secure carry.
  16. Comfortable Glock 19/19X MOS Red Dot Optic Cut IWB Holster - Precisely tailored for the Glock 19/19x MOS Red Dot Optic Cut, this durable IWB holster offers adjustable retention, ride and cant, and is accompanied by a protective sweat guard and secure belt clip to optimize carry comfort and ensure clean draws.
  17. Versatile 1911 Red Dot Mount with Quick Detachment - Versatile, quick-release 3/4in, .825in or 1in illumination mount for 1911 Red Dot mount users
  18. Comfortable Chest Holster for Right-Handed 1911 with Integrated Red Dot Mount - Experience ultimate comfort and versatility with Galco's High Ready chest holster for 5" 1911 Optics Ready, designed for right-handed use in bear country or any outdoor adventure.
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🔗Modular 1911 Red Dot Holster for Right Hand Carry

I recently had the chance to test out the Alien Gear ShapeShift Core Carry Pack, which is part of the ShapeShift Modular Holster System. What caught my attention with this holster is the unique way it can be transformed into a variety of carrying positions. I was curious to see if it could live up to its promises.
First, I tried the Inside the Waistband (IWB) carry position, which was surprisingly comfortable. I appreciated how easily the holster can be positioned to suit my needs. However, I found that the Appendix carry position felt a bit awkward and less comfortable.
The OWB belt slide and paddle options were also great, but I must say, I felt the holster was a bit bulky, especially when using the OWB setup. I believe this holster is designed for those who carry for work, such as security or police, and not for everyday concealed carry.
One of the most interesting features of the ShapeShift Core Carry Pack is the bonus Holster Mount, allowing you to attach your holster to various surfaces in seconds. When I tried it out, it made carrying my 1911 Govt handgun even more convenient.
Overall, I think this holster is made in the USA and has good quality. The ShapeShift Core Carry Pack provides a variety of carrying options, which I believe makes it worth considering for anyone looking for a versatile and comfortable holster.

🔗Versatile 1911 Red Dot Mount Holster with Optics Compatibility

The Rough Rider Holster left an impression on me as soon as I laid eyes on it. Handcrafted with a blend of vegetable tanned water buffalo leather and industrial-grade bonded nylon thread, it exuded rugged style and durability. I found the double ply backing and snug fit to be truly delightful, as it allowed for minimal printing, making my holster blending into the background seamlessly.
However, the forward cant might not be the best for everyone, depending on personal preference. It took a bit of time to break in the leather, but in the end, it proved to be a worthwhile effort.
For those looking for a versatile, optics compatible, and budget-friendly option, the Rough Rider Holster is a great choice. Its compatibility with a 1.5-wide belt and design for quick and easy draws are features that stand out.
There was a minor downside in the first review, where a customer expressed their desire for a left-handed version of the holster. Regardless, this holster is a solid option for those in the market for a reliable, comfortable, and durable 1911 Red Dot Mount.

🔗45-Degree Offset Rail Mount for Tactical Accessories

Imagine you're in the heat of the moment, aiming down the sights of your rifle, trying to take out a target from around the corner. This is where the NcSTAR Mount shines. Its 45-degree offset angle allows you to mount your lasers, flashlights, or red dot sights at just the right angle for a clear view down the barrel.
The offset canted design of the mount adds a level of versatility that's not often found in other mounts. It eliminates interference with vertical grips, hand guards, optics, and other accessories, making it perfect for a wide range of uses. Plus, the ergonomic design gives easy access to on/off switches for your accessories, which is a game-changer when you're in the thick of it.
But let's not forget the solid construction. The NcSTAR Mount is made from hard-anodized aluminum, which not only adds strength to the mount but also makes it resistant to corrosion. And the single-slotted thumb nut secures the mount to Weaver Style or Picatinny rails quickly and easily.
The NcSTAR Mount isn't just a device, it's a tool that could give you the edge you need in tense situations. It's a reliable, solid piece of equipment that's easy to use and a pleasure to work with. And the reviews from other users certainly back this up - they've praised its quality, price, and performance. So, if you're looking for a reliable, dependable, and versatile mount, the NcSTAR Mount is definitely worth considering.

🔗Quick-Detach M Lok Swivel for Firearm Accessories

The Allen 10845 Citadel QD MLOK Weapon Mount certainly lives up to its name when it comes to durability and ease of use. I've been using this mount for weeks now, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for any serious gun enthusiast.
The mount's fast QD (Quick Detach) design works perfectly with M-LOK handguards, and it's even more effective when you combine it with the Allen Citadel Push Button QD Swivel. The ability to quickly detach and reattach your weapon in a pinch is an unbeatable feature on any mount, and it's something I've come to rely on.
On the downside, the mount does require a certain level of precision when attaching and detaching the weapon. A little bit of fumbling could potentially lead to scratches or damage to the gun's finish.
Overall, I'm quite satisfied with the Allen 10845 Citadel QD MLOK Weapon Mount. The benefits of a quick-detach system and the easy-to-use swivel outweigh any potential drawbacks in my opinion. It's a high-quality product from a company with a long history of producing reliable gear.

🔗Versatile 1911 Red Dot Insert for In-Slab Conduits

As a daily user, the Red-Dot ESL-2 has become a reliable part of my life while working with in-slab conduits. Its die-cast aluminum construction adds durability, and the removable seal gives me peace of mind when dealing with threads.
The 90-degree insert is perfect for my needs, allowing me to eliminate bends in concrete and providing a seamless connection with rigid/IMC conduits. The 3/4-inch trade size fits perfectly, and the UL listing and RoHS compliance make it a sustainable choice.

🔗Adjustable Kydex IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP No Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut

I recently had the chance to try out this 1911 IWB Holster, and I must say, the experience was quite interesting. The holster is designed specifically for the 1911 5" Government 45ACP No Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut, and it's made of durable Kydex. One of the first things I noticed was the adjustable retention feature, which allows you to set the tension to your personal comfort. I appreciate how flexible this holster is, with the adjustable ride and cant options.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I encountered. Firstly, the adjustable clip, while offering up to 8 different positions, didn't seem to stay in place as securely as I would have liked. Secondly, the protective sweat guard, while an excellent feature in theory, seemed to slightly impede my ability to draw my gun quickly and smoothly.
Overall, the holster is comfortable and offers a good fit for my 1911. The adjustable features make it versatile, but there are a few minor issues that I wish were addressed. It's definitely not a bad holster, but I'm still exploring other options to find the perfect one for my needs.

🔗Unity Tactical Fast Plate for 1911 Red Dot Mount

The Unity Tactical FAST Offset Optic Mounting Plate is a versatile and reliable addition to any 1911 Red Dot setup. As someone who regularly uses this mount, I can attest to its ease of use and durability.
The 2.05" optical height offers excellent situational awareness, while the compatibility with the UNITY LPVO Mount and Adapter ensures a seamless installation process. The DPP Pro footprint provides a solid foundation for the mount, and the anodized finish adds a touch of style.
However, one downside I've noticed is the weight, as it might not be the lightest option on the market. Nonetheless, for its robust performance and compatibility with various optics, the Unity Tactical FAST Offset Optic Mounting Plate deserves a spot in any gun enthusiast's collection.

🔗Premium Silver Plate for Flash Shoe of DSLR Cameras

I recently had the chance to test out the Astromania Silver Plate, designed for flash shoes on DSLR cameras. The moment I started using it, I was blown away by the sturdy weatherproof aluminum alloy that guarantees long-lasting performance. The silver plate comes equipped with a hex wrench, making it a breeze to attach it to my DSLR camera's flash type connection.
One of the highlights of this product is its compatibility with the device featuring a 20mm rail mount. It makes the process of attaching the 1X40RD Reflex Red Green Dot Sight to my DSLR camera a breeze. I was also impressed by the all-metal construction and anodizing aluminum process, which ensures durability for long-term use.
While the product has no notable cons, I would suggest that the manufacturer consider improving the instruction manual for first-time users, as it might take a bit of trial and error to get everything set up correctly. Overall, the Astromania Silver Plate is a fantastic addition to any serious photographer's kit, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for mounting reflex sights on their DSLR cameras.

🔗Universal Pistol Mount for Mace and Flashlights

I had the chance to give the Lethal Universal Pistol Mount a spin recently, and let me tell you, it left a lasting impression. This sleek, versatile mount works like a charm with all my handguns and even my trusty taser. No more fumbling for a holster, this mount makes it smooth and hassle-free.
What really impressed me is the ease of installation - no need for any tools! Simply attach it to my steering console and I'm good to go. It's a life saver when I'm on the go and need quick access.
However, there's one thing I noticed that could be improved. Sometimes, the mount can be a bit shaky, especially when driving off-road. A slight improvement in stability could make this an even more reliable companion. But overall, the Lethal Universal Pistol Mount is a game-changer for anyone who values accessibility and ease of use.

🔗Monstrum Sentry Micro Red Dot Riser Mount for Picatinny Platform

As a seasoned enthusiast of gun accessories, I recently gave Monstrum's Sentry Micro Red Dot Riser Mount a try. This sleek and efficient mount was easy to set up on my Picatinny platform, with its base blending seamlessly into the overall design. Moreover, the red dot mount itself was a breeze to attach, thanks to the versatility in footprint options – either Venom or RMR. My overall experience with this product has been nothing but positive, with the mount proving to be a reliable and precise addition to my setup.
The Monstrum Sentry Micro Red Dot Riser Mount has undoubtedly made my life easier when it comes to co-witnessing. However, I must admit that the mount's lack of options in terms of color and size might be a turn off for some, limiting its appeal as a universal solution. Nonetheless, the product performed exceptionally well and was undoubtedly worth the investment, making it a solid choice for those looking to elevate their target acquisition game.

🔗Stylish 1911 Red Dot Mount Tail Lamp for Show Use

I had the chance to try the Wyatt Gatling Red 12V Cat Face Tail Lamp recently, and I must say, it's a unique addition to any vehicle. This red cat face tail lamp features a 12-volt 23/8-watt bulb that truly shines both literally and figuratively. Its mounting system is quite easy to install on a flat surface, and I appreciate the included custom application.
While this tail lamp looks cool and is perfect for show purposes, I have to mention that it is not D. O. T. approved, which might be a concern for some users. Additionally, the instructions provided with the lamp are non-existent, which could be a challenge for someone new to installing tail lamps.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I found the Wyatt Gatling Red 12V Cat Face Tail Lamp to be a great choice for those looking to add a touch of personality to their vehicle in a show or decorative setting.

🔗Comfortable IWB Holster for 1911 5" Government 45ACP Red Dot Optic Cut

When I first received this 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut IWB Holster, I was a bit skeptical. But it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. This Kydex holster felt sturdy and reliable, fitting my 1911 perfectly. I appreciated the adjustable retention that allowed me to set the tension as per my personal preference. The adjustable ride and cant options provided maximum flexibility, providing a comfortable and discreet carry experience.
However, as much as I loved its features, I noticed a downside. I encountered some difficulty in installing the claw, but that didn't stop me from using the holster. It was a little heavier than I'd hoped, but it didn't feel too much. The protective sweat guard was a great addition, minimizing contact with my body, which was quite a bonus in the middle of a long day.
Overall, this holster met my expectations. It's reliable and comfortable, and though it may not have been without its flaws, the benefits outweighed them. I'd definitely recommend this holster to anyone looking for a reliable and discreet carry option for their 1911 5" Government 45ACP with Rail Only Red Dot Optic Cut.

🔗Lightweight Dovetail Mount for RED Digital Cinema Cameras

Every day, I'd grab my trusty Red Dovetail Mounting Plate before heading out for a day of filming. This particular mount is incredibly lightweight, making it perfect for my rig's configuration. What I truly loved about it was its compactness. You know how they say, 'less is more? ' Well, that's exactly what this mounting plate embodies.
One key feature that really stood out for me was the sheer ruggedness of the mount. It's incredibly strong and secure, especially when I needed it most. While filming on those challenging terrains, you can just imagine how crucial it was that my equipment didn't budge or shift. In fact, it gave me confidence to take on those unexpected bumps.
But as much as I love it, it does have its tiny shortcomings. I discovered that it slightly lacked compatibility with some of my equipment. Despite being the 'standard ARRI, ' it didn't work perfectly with all my cameras. And that little drawback really bugged me sometimes. But hey, it's a small hiccup in an otherwise pretty awesome product.

🔗Comfortable 1911 Holster with Adjustable Retention and Flexible Carry Options

I recently tried this 1911 IWB Holster and was quite impressed with its features. The Kydex material made it durable and long-lasting, while the adjustable retention allowed me to set the tension to my comfort level. The holster also had a protective sweat guard, which was great for preventing my gun from rubbing against my body.
However, there were a few drawbacks to using this holster in my daily life. Firstly, the clip's position was not ideal for concealing the holster under my shirt, and it often felt like a bulge that was noticeable to others. Adjusting the ride and cant also proved to be a challenge, even though it allowed for maximum flexibility in carry options.
Overall, the 1911 IWB Holster provided a balance between comfort and functionality, though it had its share of drawbacks. Still, I appreciated the protective sweat guard, adjustable retention, and Kydex material, making it a decent option for those in the market for a holster.

Buyer's Guide

When you're looking for a 1911 Red Dot Mount, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right choice. Here's a buyer's guide to help you navigate this category.

Important Features

  1. Compatibility: Make sure the mount is compatible with your specific 1911 handgun. Check the dimensions and mounting points to ensure a secure fit.
  2. Red Dot Sight: The mount should be designed to work with a variety of red dot sights, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs best.
  3. Durability: Look for mounts made from high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of regular use. Stainless steel is a popular choice due to its strength and corrosion resistance.
  4. Height Adjustment: A mount with adjustable height allows you to fine-tune the Red Dot Sight's position, improving your sight picture and accuracy.


  1. Price: 1911 Red Dot Mounts come in different price ranges. Establish your budget to help narrow down your options.
  2. Weight: Consider the weight of the mount, as it may affect the overall balance and handling of your handgun.
  3. Installation: If you're not an experienced gunsmith, choose a mount with user-friendly installation instructions to avoid complications.

General Advice

  1. Read Reviews: Before making a purchase, read customer reviews to get an idea of the mount's performance, durability, and ease of use.
  2. Ask a Professional: Consult with a firearms expert or a gunsmith to get their opinion on the mount's compatibility with your 1911 handgun.
  3. Compare Brands: Research various brands of 1911 Red Dot Mounts to identify the most reputable and trusted manufacturers in the industry.
  4. Buy from a Trusted Retailer: Ensure you purchase your mount from a reputable retailer to guarantee the product's authenticity and quality.
Choosing the right 1911 Red Dot Mount requires considering various factors, including compatibility, features, and pricing. Following this buyer's guide should help you make an informed decision and enhance your shooting experience with a reliable and effective mount.



What is a 1911 Red Dot Mount?

A 1911 Red Dot Mount is a device that attaches a red dot sight to a 1911 pistol. It allows for quick and accurate aiming, making it suitable for self-defense and competitive shooting.

Why should I use a 1911 Red Dot Mount?

Using a 1911 Red Dot Mount provides several benefits such as increased accuracy, faster target acquisition, and the ability to shoot accurately even in low light conditions. It helps you improve your overall shooting skills and is useful in various scenarios like self-defense, hunting, and competitive shooting.

What are the key features of a good 1911 Red Dot Mount?

  • Secure and durable design for reliable performance.
  • Adjustable windage and elevation for fine-tuning and improved accuracy.
  • Compatibility with a wide range of red dot sights.
  • Rugged construction to withstand harsh shooting conditions.

Are there any drawbacks to using a 1911 Red Dot Mount?

Yes, there are some drawbacks to using a 1911 Red Dot Mount. It may require some modification to your pistol, and it might add weight to your setup. Additionally, it may not be suitable for all shooting styles or preferences.


How do I install a 1911 Red Dot Mount?

The installation process typically involves removing the rear sight, mounting the 1911 Red Dot Mount, and securing it in place with screws. Some models also require drilling specific holes or adding a rear sight block. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult a professional for proper installation.

What are some popular brands for 1911 Red Dot Mounts?

Popular brands for 1911 Red Dot Mounts include Truglo, Tritium, and Burris. It is essential to choose a reputable brand to ensure quality, durability, and compatibility with your 1911 pistol.

What is the price range of 1911 Red Dot Mounts?

The price range for 1911 Red Dot Mounts can vary significantly depending on the brand, features, and quality. Prices typically range from $100 to $300, but you can find some high-end models priced above $500.

What is the warranty period for 1911 Red Dot Mounts?

Warranty periods can vary between manufacturers. It is usually between one and three years, covering defects in materials or workmanship. Always refer to the manufacturer's warranty for specific details.

How do I care for and maintain my 1911 Red Dot Mount?

To maintain your 1911 Red Dot Mount, follow these tips: clean it regularly, store it in a protective case or padded bag, and avoid dropping it to prevent damage. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for more specific care tips.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:30 AssistancePretend668 [US] Any experts on picking a domicile when leaving NY?

I am leaving the country again for a while as we all do here, but am also trying to leave tax ridden NY for good. Plus I can't stand how ruthless they are with doing business or living life there - it just seems like a giant money making operation.
I have access to a permanent address in NC as family lives there, so that's an easy option. A lot of my accounts (banks and such) are already set to there. They seem fair on taxes too, as well as other policies. But I know they're not perfect.
I have an LLC in WY I use for when I do consulting services. They have been wonderful to work with. If something confuses me, a real person replies by email and tried to help. NY on the other hand, it seems like you just get threatening letters for sneezing lol. A company I used to consult for got a letter from NY that opened with "WE COMMAND YOU" 😳
I am not ready to buy a house yet, so I can't base this choice around anything like that where I have to have expensive property or an apartment I won't even live in. I've heard South Dakota is pretty good for all of this, but looking for opinions. I obviously don't mind taking a short trip to do paperwork, set up a new mail forwarding address, etc.
Thanks for any tips. Sorry if it sounds like I want it all, but just don't want to go through all the hassle of changing states only to realize I could've picked a better option.
submitted by AssistancePretend668 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:46 kranchan "Apollo System" HVAC Replacement

A little bit of background. I had my regular split AC unit replaced in 2019, both the condenser and evaporator coil. I did not have the gas furnace replaced. The replacement unit is a 3.5 ton SEER 14 Trane and parts and labor was around $4,600. I do like shopping around and researching things out of habit to try to be informed on how much things should cost.
The problem is that a friend who has an ~835 sq ft single story townhouse on slab in central NC needs an AC replacement and has gotten a couple of what seem to me to be insane quotes. His current setup is a thing I didn't know existed called an Apollo system which if I understand correctly is an obsolete setup where both the heating for the house and the household hot water use the same water heater and the AC unit is just a regular one tied into the system. His townhouse also has a gas on demand water heater so the household water heater isn't even doing anything most of the year except wasting power.
Current parts that I could get info on:
Air Handler: Advanced Distributor Products BCRMA3924S3P3 using a 15a 120v breaker. AC Condenser: Goodman GSX140181MA (This is the part that is going bad.) using a 20a 240v breaker. Water Heater: US/Craftmaster E2F40LD045V using a 30a 240v breaker Main breaker: 100a
The first quote is for a Bryant 1.5 ton 215SAN01800A SEER 14.3 heat pump, FJ4DNXA18L00 air handler, and KFFEH8501N05 heat strips plus relevant other parts and labor for $9,000.
From what I can find this unit only needs heat strips below 0F. The coldest it has gotten here in the past 20 years is 4F so I fail to see the need for heat strips in this scenario but this also seems very overpriced.
The second quote is to put in a new Apollo system for $9,785.
There isn't really much more information on the parts in that quote but he was told he needed a breaker panel upgrade (not just swapping out the breakers) to accomplish it despite having 50a @ 240v and 15a @ 120v already allocated to HVAC. This seems like an outright scam to me and the Apollo system seems extra dumb since he has a tankless on demand water heater and thus is losing heating efficiency vs just a regular resistive heater.
I know that I can go over to https://hvacdirect.com/ and order a 1.5 ton SEER 20 split heat pump for ~$3,000. So I fail to see how there's ~$6,000 - 7,000 in labor here.
Is my assessment correct that both of these quotes are crap?
Is the breaker panel upgrade BS?
Are heat strips even needed?
Are Apollo systems as terrible as they seem?
Would buying this unit and finding someone willing to install it be a better option? https://hvacdirect.com/aciq-1-5-to-2-ton-20-seer-ducted-central-air-inverter-heat-pump-split-system-extreme-heat.html Is this brand fine? To my understanding they are made under some kind of CarrieMidea partnership so I would assume they're fine. This also only needs heat strips below -22F which in ~150 years of record keeping has never happened here.
submitted by kranchan to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:04 CornerRight4438 Only 1 mtg open for owners per year. Only 1 board member showed up. Knows nothing.

TLDR: Just another rant.
ChatGPT says this situation may involve Breach of Fiduciary Duty. Fraud. Violation of state law. Negligence.
Next meeting: next year.
Posted here many times about our FHOA. The FHOA gone wild that provided fraudulent declarations that were never recorded, to entice us into buying, their secret meetings and the attorney fees it's going to cost to try fixing.
Whelp, today we had our 1 owner annual AUDIO ONLY CALL IN meeting they think we're entitled to.
There was only 1 out of 4 board members on the call. Not the president. And owners representing only 10 out of 50 lots attended, including the board member who represented 3 of those 10 lots.
The 1 board member again acknowledged they don't believe laws (regulating non profits or HOA's) apply to them, and they don't have to open board meetings to owners because how on earth would they ever manage to notify anyone when and where they were (they are much too busy doing board business to notify anyone of anything), they don't use licensed (or insured!!) contractors to do work, they don't have a proper budget, they don't know how much it will cost because they never checked, because they don't have the money, how could they check if they don't have the money anyway? They didn't even see any problem with only 1 board member on the call.
Just circular talk of stupid shit from ignorant people who need to be taught an expensive lesson by a Judge. The ignorant stupid fucks and other stupid fucks who follow them are what keeps lawyers busy.
For those who say we're dumb for buying here: read this post again. They lied to us about what we were buying. Even the realtor, title company, and closing attorney all said it was all on the up and up and good to go. Yeah, for them, to get their commissions and closing fees. Good for them alright.
For those who say serve on the board: already tried that 3 times in nearly 10 years. They don't hold meetings.
For those who say disband: there is a private mountain road 2 miles long that HOA is responsible to maintain. Instead of fixing the drainage, they just spent our entire annual budget on putting new road material down a month ago and it's already washed out because they didn't fix the drainage first. NOBODY would keep up the road if nobody was responsible to pay.
For those who say sell: Too late for that. Nobody will pay nearly as much as we have invested. We'd have to go bankrupt to get out.
For those who say contact govt: Our state (NC) doesn't have good HOA regulations, no govt enforcement our attorney general won't do anything. It's up to an owner to sue. But someone must care. The news? State legislator? The owners themselves? Nope. Nope. Nope.
I've heard it all and there is no solution other than the legal route: receiver$hip seems in sight.
Maybe the insurance agent (our board president - never saw or met him or heard from him, ever, lives out of state) who wasn't on the call wants to explain to the board and owners what happens when there is an E&O claim, how high our insurance rates will go up. Or what happens when insurance inspectors come in and will no longer write homeowners because the road is so bad, what the mortgage company charges for insurance. Nope. Nope.
Almost saved up enough. Paying that attorney soon. If there was ever a case of stupid shit, this is it... It's so wild and ignorant, can't make this crap up.
p.s. And if you're one of the owners who are this stupid: go fuck yourself. Stupid fucking HOA losers And fix the fucking road so nobody would be complaining about all this stupid shit, it wouldn't matter.
submitted by CornerRight4438 to fuckHOA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:36 Anonymouse1080 Some different, not so talked about thoughts and expectations I have on prepping. Obviously situations will require different items and actions, but here's a list of things I put together.

Some items to purchase in bulk before they run out that will make life easier (not really a packing list, but just good things to keep on hand to make life a little easier):
Some EDC basic items to keep in car to help get home in case of emergency:

Super basic level of training I’d want family to have a basic understanding of:

General Thoughts and expectations to set for SHTF scenario:

Last minute prep list:

If staying in exceptions / thoughts:

If bugging out tasks / expectations / thoughts:
submitted by Anonymouse1080 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:09 sillygooseewoosie wwyd & rant

So let me start off by saying i’m a 16 year old girl cashier and my shift today made me question why I work here. As I was working this morning this crackhead couple had entered the store and had begun going into lines asking people if they were paying cash or card, if the customers said cash they than asked them if they would give them the cash in return for their food stamps, this went on for thirty minutes and management was notified saying they were gonna talk to them and make them leave. Than around an hour later they come through my line with a cart full of food and other items, I ring them up they ask to buy a bag and i ring that up as well. As i was ringing i noticed they had put a whole 4 cigarettes out of package on my counter where the groceries had been placed, I didn’t say anything about it though since the man had been very aggressive prior. They go to pay and food stamps had covered all but $14 of other items they had bought the women asked the man if he had cash yet no one had money on them so I voided all their extras untill they had $1.06 left which was their bag. The man insisted that I should void it off when I explained I couldn’t since he wanted me to let him keep it and not pay for it he and his gf had begun asking everyone in my line for the money. at this point I had flashed my light for management and it had been two minutes and no one came to me and the man looks me in my eyes and goes you just pay for it, you have the money. I’m not paying. So i ended up paying for it as he began to shuffle his abnormally large shirt by what looked like some sort of weapon underneath it as i was scared. I’m not mad i lost $1.06 more upset that I felt threatened and management didn’t come to help. I asked to speak to HR to find out no one was here today go figure! what would u do about this?
submitted by sillygooseewoosie to wegmans [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:39 musigalglo I wrote this in 2011 and thought of it when I stumbled across this sub

He actually felt awake that morning. Unsmeared by sleep, the world sparkled as the fresh morning light shone from every surface. The road was wet with the rain that had ceased even before he woke and reflected the traffic lights more dully than it had the night before. As he opened the door of his generic silver Toyota, his shoes scraped on the grit covering the pavement. The air was still moist, and though the clouds overhead were moving quickly, some of them were still dark. John sat and closed the sedan’s door. The engine grumbled into life, and he pulled through the parking lot onto the road.
He hated hotels. The thought of other people sharing a wall with him as he slept made him uneasy. There was also the speculation of how many couples had used the bed in which he lay for something other than sleep.
Last night had been different, though. It had been the grand opening of this Motel 6, and though he had skipped the complementary continental breakfast, he had been able to request the corner room, with no one adjacent.
Traffic was easy along the highway, and the promising clouds sprinkled his windshield as he moved further northeast. High mesas rose from the plain, red rock stained darker by the rain. Windshield-wipers swished, pushing the water from before his face as he sped down the road.
At eight o’clock that evening, his stomach began to ache, so he pulled into a gas station to buy supper. The lights in the overhead above the gas pumps glared down into the night; the air smelled of gasoline, and oil spots clustered in dried-up puddles before each vacant terminal. John locked his car and walked to the convenience store. The cold felt welcome on his skin, and he could now detect a hint of cigarette smoke in the air.
A security camera warning greeted him in red on the clear glass door and a bell rang tinnily as he pulled it open. The lights mirrored the glare of those outside. The floors were white, and short shelves of ill-aligned candy and snacks filled the center of the room in evenly disheveled rows. To his right, the checkout counter stood empty.
John walked between the shelves of junk food to the row of fogged refrigerated cabinets set into the far wall. He selected a ham and croissant sandwich and a bottle of Mountain Dew and walked to the register.
The little bell rang again, and the cashier came in. He was wearing a blue vest, and the scent of tobacco hung about his hair and clothes. He monotoned a greeting and rang up the food, and John returned to his car.
The Mountain Dew tingled against the inside of his lips. He ate as he drove.
His car was a bullet of warmth that shot through the cold, dark night, the windshield clearer now than it had been all day; it brought the world before him into sharp focus, making the soft black of the night stop abruptly where the small white dots that distinguished the lanes sat huddled like little rocks in that vast, hard stream.
The next morning he pulled into a rest stop and shut down his engine. The sun was just peeking over the trees that jumbled along the side of the road. After using the restroom, John bought a granola bar from the vending machine with the quarters that had been his change the night before. He munched it as he reclined his driver’s chair as far as it would go, and tried to keep the crumbs from falling on his shirt. The bar tasted oddly of dried banana, though there was no fruit in it, and it stuck to his teeth and throat.
He awoke when another car entered the cul-de-sac of pavement and parked beside him. It was already after noon. He managed to stretch two minutes into half an hour more of imagined dream time before the children that clambered out of the new car and clamored for bathroom priority drove back the waves of sleep that lapped at the edges of his brain.
Michigan was drawing nearer. He was finally nearing the destination he had avoided for so long. But though it didn’t really matter to him when he arrived, and it wasn’t as though anyone was expecting him, he knew he could not keep driving forever. He had to get somewhere sometime.
John spent the next night at a motel – a mom-and-pop kind of place with hand-knitted blankets and carpet from the eighties. The shelf above the bed was lined with potpourri in little vases – almost a graveyard of flowers, but he appreciated the attempt at hominess. What little sleep he got was sporadic and brief.
The belt of “I” states passed in a blur; soon he was turning due north, threading his way into the mitten state like a small blood cell in the wrist of the world. Fall was in full swing here much more so than in the west. Every tree was highlighted in gold, umber, or scarlet, except for the evergreens, which clung resolutely to their stately dark firs. The warm colors threw themselves into the sky with every gust of wind, and little drifts of fallen leaves gathered protectively about the bases of chilly buildings. Wind-whipped grey coated the sky, mimicking the concrete of the freeway below.
After an interchange or two, his exit came, and he stopped at a little diner to admire the waitresses and the toast before moving on. The squeaky vinyl seat of his booth matched the teal skirt of his server. Even with a plate of hash browns and two eggs sunny-side-up to fortify his pitching stomach, he stalled, nursing his coffee until it was tepid and undrinkable. He left it and a generous tip on the table.
He pulled off the road before entering town, and parked in a small clearing behind the graveyard at the edge of the woods. He could, at least, delay his arrival a little longer. He had come here often as a teen, lured partially by the mystique and partially by the loneliness.
The sun was starting to come out as it set, sinking below the layer of cloud. John leaned against his car and looked up at the pearly patterns now gilded by the sunset. It felt good to be back, despite his ambivalence.
There was a little tower on one side of the cemetery – a bell tower. John had always supposed that it may have once been a barn, for it was made of wood, and still had a large double door in the front of it, though it had been boarded shut.
He opened his trunk and retrieved a dreadlock-fringed plaid blanket. Without difficulty, he unlatched the small door in the side of the building and began to climb the stair that wound along the interior walls of the tower. In the loft hung the bell; it was more weathered than he remembered, just as he also must be. The room was full of shifting shadows and gleaming patches of light flung there by the setting sun. Pigeons and dust filtered through the air to rest on the beams. He laid out the blanket and sat with his face to the sunset.
submitted by musigalglo to TheNightFeeling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:14 AdGlittering2163 I need advice/Rant

This is my first Reddit post, so I apologize in advance. I am a 29F who is still living at home with her parents because I am pursuing my master's in nursing (to one day become a Nurse Practitioner) and also living in an HOC area. Further, I am also the only child of first-generation immigrant parents who also has a multitude of chronic illnesses (gastroparesis, chronic pancreatitis & GERD.. to name a few) and multiple abdominal surgeries that nearly killed me at a young age. Those deadly surgeries were a result of being undiagnosed for gastroparesis for the first 14 years of my life. I give all of this context because, throughout most of my life, my parents have always been VERY overly protective and overbearing of me to the point of it being unbearable.
As a result of my medical conditions, my mom became a SAHM while my dad worked in construction 7 days a week to make ends meet. As grateful as I am for all my parents' sacrifices to help me get to where I am today (they have paid for both my undergraduate and master's degrees), it has come at an extreme emotional cost on my end. Throughout most of my childhood, my mom would always say that if I ever decided to act like a spoiled brat (which I never did, and I never threw a tantrum for a toy), she would take me into a bathroom stall at the mall and spank me and that the more I cried while getting spanked, the more she would hit me. I knew better than to try and see if that threat was true because I knew my mom meant business, and she often got a kick out of spanking me when I had done something wrong or just annoyed her. All this is ironic, considering my mom is quite spoiled herself. She often does not like the gifts given, OR you have to tell her to pretend to like your gift before giving it to her. This is despite her claiming that 'gift-giving is her love language.' My mom also refused to get her driver's license when she immigrated because my dad refused to buy her an automatic car (my dad had a stick at the time, which my mom refused to learn to drive). Further, from when I was born until I was 14, I went undiagnosed with gastroparesis, which meant that I did not eat much as a kid thus, was labelled a 'picky eater' by everyone, including my parents. My mom often compared me to a cousin of mine (who is a year younger than me) to try and shame me into eating more. My mom's mean comments did not stop there. Last year, when I was dealing with some TMJD issues and did not want to leave my house because of the terrible vertigo I had, my mom basically took that as an opportunity to say I had no friends and was only hanging out with my boyfriend. (Both my parents also dislike my boyfriend because he is uneducated, and they view him as 'white trash.' However, he makes $60k/year with benefits from working as a supervisor in a casino. He also treats me very well and is extremely loving.) This is true; I distanced myself from my friends then, but that was because of how terribly I was feeling. I know she only commented because I had distanced myself from my parents. She is quite belligerent and likes to make comments that hit below the belt. On her side of the family, many people often say she has her grandmother's personality (which is NOT a compliment, and my mom was ironically raised by her).
Now, onto my dad. Throughout most of my life, my dad has always positioned himself as a safe haven from my mom because even my dad knows how hard it is to deal with my mom. He often says that you need a mind of steel to deal with my mom- which is true. As the years have gone by, my dad has begun to lose more and more of his patience from dealing with my mom and her belligerent and unapologetic ways. This has caused him to blow up at my mom and I (sometimes) in pure rage. This has resulted in him swearing at my mom (like telling her to STFU) and hitting her (twice that I know of so far- this is not me excusing his behavior because there is no excuse for hitting your spouse). One example of my dad blowing up on me was during Easter 2021. I received some pictures on Easter Saturday from our legal representative from back home in the motherland (Spain) of my parents' house, which was getting renovated. After spending time at my boyfriend's, I communicated this to my parents that evening and told them I would show them the pictures on Easter Sunday (the next day). My dad got really mad and began demanding I show him the pictures. On the other hand, my mom took my side (but only for self-serving reasons because she is quite jealous and does not like being the person who finds out about things last) and agreed that I should just show them the pictures the next day. My dad became even angrier after my mom said this and told me that he did not want to see the pictures anymore, and if he did see them, he would break my electronics (laptop and/or phone). The next day, on Easter Sunday, I got a long lecture from him while my mom was at Mass about how I always should do as I am told and when he told me to do something, I should do it, no questions asked. To diffuse the situation, I offered to show him the renovation pictures, which he accepted only because the whole time he saw the pictures, he just kept saying, 'It looks the same as the last update.' Also, for anyone wondering why I am dealing with the Spanish legal representative and not my parents (despite both my parents being born in Spain and knowing Spanish), it's because my dad REFUSES to use either his work email or create a Gmail account on his work phone or tablet. After all, he fears being tracked by his company. Meanwhile, my mom just claims technological ignorance, thus leaving me to do the emailing.
In addition to my parents' emotional outbursts, they have also been adamant about being as overprotective as possible, which has genuinely stunted my independence. An example of this was during my undergraduate degree when I went to study B2-level Spanish in Madrid for the semester (I was 20 years old at the time). Despite my family being from Galicia and having gone back a ton throughout the years for vacation, I had never been to Madrid. However, my parents took this as an opportunity for a family vacation and forced me to leave residence and live with them in an apartment they rented for the semester. At one point, they even tried to insist that I should let them drive me to school because "I did not know the area," and they wanted me to be "safe." We eventually settled on a "compromise" where my dad would walk me to the subway/metro station in the morning before school. Even though where I live, I always take public transportation, and there are no issues. Another example of this is for an upcoming conference related to one of my jobs (I work two jobs while in graduate studies), which is overseas. My parents are in a frenzy because I will be going alone for a week. And they have been freaking out about me being on my own for the week even though I feel more than ready.
From their overbearing nature to their emotional outbursts, I have, over time, grown to resent them. Once again, I am grateful for all they have done for me, such as paying for my studies, setting me up with a Roth IRA & savings, providing food & shelter, helping take care of my medical expenses, etc. Although the emotional toll is becoming far too much. So much so that I have begun being extremely mouthy towards my parents and my dad has been the most sensitive to it. One example was in 2020 when I flippantly told my parents, "You guys suck for not telling me my uncle's cat had died" (I was really close with that cat, and I was moreso mad that they had not told me because my parents see me as quite sensitive and "didn't want to hurt my feelings"). This caused my dad to give me the silent treatment for three days and then break down crying and saying how me saying something like that made him fear that I wouldn't take care of him in his old age. I did end up apologizing for what I had said. The second example was a week ago when I explained to my mom that because of the time difference between me and some stakeholders from that conference I am going to, I would need to take a meeting early in the morning before being able to help her. My dad then starts freaking out about the time change for whatever reason, and I say, "Alright, I am just going to start talking in overseas times before my dad starts barking up a storm." Once again, I hurt my dad's feelings and immediately apologized. But this time, I can tell what I said cut deep, and he continues to give me the silent treatment.
I know what I said was wrong on both occasions. What should I do going forward? For anyone wondering why I still live at home, it's to try and save money to move out, but paying with my mental health eventually doesn't seem to be going well.
submitted by AdGlittering2163 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:46 139andlenoxave [For Sale] Huge Selection Of 200+ Records!! New & Used Jazz, Rock, Funk, HipHop, & More!!

Hey everyone, I put together this huge list of albums and reduced prices on stuff previously posted, hope you enjoy! New batch of sealed Jazz audiophile reissues from Spain. Most used titles include original inner sleeves. Records will be shipped outside of cover in poly sleeve. Message or comment to purchase or for more information.
$6 Unlimited Shipping USPS Media Mail

— Graded Vinyl/Cover —
*Rare Earth - Willie Remembers 1972 NM/VG+ $5
*Malo - Malo 1972 OG VG/VG+ $5
*Anita Baker - Rapture 1986 OG NM/VG+ $18
*D. J. Rogers - It's Good To Be Alive 1975 OG VG-/VG+ $5
*Al Gee - Rap N' Rhythm (Programs #233 - 236) 1975 OG VG+/VG+ $14
*The Hesitations - The New Born Free 1968 OG NM/NM $12
*Syl Johnson - Back For A Taste Of Your Love 1973 OG SVG/SVG $14
*Various - Rosko's Evergreens Back On The Scene 1964 VG/VG+ $4
*The Stylistics - Round 2 1972 OG VG+/NM $8
*Johnnie Taylor - Super Taylor 1974 OG EX/VG+ $7
*Johnnie Taylor - Rated Extraordinaire 1977 OG VG+/NM $6
*Johnnie Taylor - Ever Ready 1978 OG EX/NM $7
*The Temptations - Live At The Copa 1968 OG VG/VG+ $4
*Clarence Carter - The Dynamic Clarence Carter 1969 Sealed M/EX $18
*Ray Charles - From The Pages Of My Mind 1986 OG VG+/NM $6
*Sammy Davis Jr. - Sings What Kind Of Fool Am I And Other Show-Stoppers 1962 RE M/NM $10
*Sammy Davis Jr. - Salutes The Stars Of The London Palladium 1964 OG VG/EX $4
*Blossom Dearie - Needlepoint Magic Volume V 1979 EX/EX $6
*Cat Anderson - Ellingtonia 1962 VG-/VG $2
*Duke Ellington - Ellington Indigos 1989 RE NM/NM $10
*Duke Ellington - The Early Duke Ellington 1968 OG Sealed M/NM $6
*Duke Ellington & Teresa Brewer - It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing 1981 RE NM/VG+ $5
*Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington 1965 RE VG+/VG+ $8
*Dizzy Gillespie - 16 Rare Performances 1966 RE VG+/EX $8
*Billie Holiday - The Billie Holiday Story 1972 2LP VG+/VG+ $14
*Baby Ray - Where Soul Lives 1967 OG Sealed M/NM $10
*Don Redman And His Orchestra - For Europeans Only 1983 Denmark NM/NM $12
*Charlie Parker And His Orchestra - Night And Day 1960 RE VG/VG $8
*Ernestine Anderson - When The Sun Goes Down 1985 OG NM/EX $8
*George Benson - Breezin' 1976 VG+/VG+ $5
*Art Blakey - Gretsch Drum Night At Birdland 1960 OG VG/VG $10
*The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Bossa Nova U.S.A. 1963 OG SVG/VG+ $7
*Kenny Burrell - Handcrafted 1978 OG VG/VG+$8
*The Eddie Costa Quartet - Guys And Dolls Like Vibes 1958 OG VG/VG+ $5
*Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert 1975 OG VG/VG+ $10
*John Klemmer - All The Children Cried VG+/VG+ $8
*Les McCann Ltd. - Live At Shelly's Manne-Hole RE NM/VG+ $5
*Johnny Smith - Phase II 1968 OG Sealed M/M $20
*Weather Report - Mr. Gone 1978 OG VG+/VG+ $9
*Bob Dylan - New Morning 1970 OG VG+/VG+ $8
*Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster 1979 OG VG+/VG+ $6
*Heart - Bad Animals 1987 OG NM/NM $8
*Jerry Lee Lewis - Southern Roots 1973 OG Sealed M/M $10
*Oscar Brown Jr. - Finding A New Friend 1966 Mono WL Promo EX/NM $20
*Mother Night - S/T 1972 OG NM/VG- $7
*Johnny Cash - At San Quentin 1969 EX/NM $12
*Baltimora- Living In The Background 1985 VG+/VG+ $8
*Ginger Bates - Refreshingly Country VG/VG+ $18
*Roberto Jordan - Roberto Jordan 1972 Sealed (Torn Shrink) M/EX $18
*Toquinho & Vinícius - Vinícius & Toquinho 1974 Brazil NM/NM $24
*Prakash Vadehra - Magic Flutes Of North India 1969 EX/EX $8
*Father Rivers - Sings The Mass 1966 VG/VG+ $4
*Bill Withers - +'Justments 1974 VG/VG+ $10
*Jacksons - Victory 1984 VG+/EX $5
*Wilton Felder - Inherit The Wind 1980 NM/NM $5
*Wilson Pickett - The Wicked Pickett 1967 MO VG/EX $10
*SPB Ska-Jazz Review - Elephant Riddim 2016 Russia EX/EX $15
*Listener - Wooden Heart 2014 Green/Cream Vinyl NM/NM $15
*Antonio Carlos Jobim - A Certain Mr. Jobim 1967 Sealed M/NM $17
*James Williams - Magical Trio 1 1989 NM/EX $7
*James Williams - Magical Trio 2 1988 Sealed M/VG+ $9
*Chilly - For Your Love 1979 VG/G+ $10
*Tina Turner - Private Dancer 1984 Club w Inner NM/NM $12
*Mary Jane Girls - Only Four You 1985 EX/EX $7
*Average White Band - Soul Searching 1976 NM/VG+ $6
*Invisible Man's Band - Really Wanna See You 1981 NM/EX $5
*Lonnie Liston Smith - A Song For The Children 1979 OG VG/VG+ $5
submitted by 139andlenoxave to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:45 Open_Midnight_9192 I think my boyfriends (M18) girlfriend (19f) is in love with him

To preface me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 months. Let’s call his girl best friend T, and my boyfriend L for convenience. T and L have been friends for about 3 years now (so before me(19f) and L were together) they haven’t always been close but always been friendly and or in the same friend groups. me and T met through a mutual and us and said mutual became a trio.
Fast forward to me asking T if she would put me on with L since I thought he was cute, the first thing she said to me was “your not really his type but I’ll try”. Strange but I didn’t read too much into it. A couple weeks later after some dates me and L are Dating and she seems very happy for us, I see absolutely nothing weird going on. They often hang out together alone which I’m very understanding of because they were friends before we got together and I figured if there was something between them it would have already of happened and she had told me nothing had happened, plus she was also in a relationship. We four began to go on double dates, where my boyfriend would buy me lunch or a trinket or something to that effect but it seems she was getting jealous that he wasn’t also getting her something? She would get really pouty and short with me and my boyfriend despite her boyfriend also being there where could have easily bought it for her. She also tried to get my boyfriend to go to an empty church parking lot alone with her at like 11 o’clock at night to ‘take pictures’. My boyfriend invited me along as he thought it looked very odd from my pov, he told her about 10 mins before he was to pick her up that I would also be coming, which shouldn’t be weird considering me and T are also friends. She said that it was fine so we went to pick her up. Before we went to the parking lot, we decided to get a late night snack from the grocery store, T did not want to talk to me, and was clearly being very short with me -she even went as far as to hang back about 3 feet and basically ignore me, super weird but eventually we went to the parking lot. She took her pictures and I hung around my boyfriends car, eventually I lit cigarette to which I offered her one because she always wants a hit when I have mine, she said yes, but once they were done with their pictures, she immediately started fidgeting with my boyfriends two seater confused I asked, “didn’t you want one?” to which she replied “I just kinda wanna get out of here.” Hearing that from anyone else would’ve been perfectly normal, but that’s just not who she is or how she ever acts so I understandably found this odd. Fast forward to our first argument- i’m one of those people who repost everything they agree with on TikTok, that being said I had reposted some thing about girls being disrespectful to other girls relationships. She brought it up to L and asked if it was about her L said he had no idea, but it probably wasn’t and he can’t imagine that I would re-post some thing intentionally to make a dig at her- which was absolutely true, and after he confirmed with me, he told her it wasn’t. This did bother me, but I didn’t say anything, again I re-posted some thing about pick me’s or something to that effect which led her to send him paragraphs on paragraphs about how I was being disrespectful to their friendship, and was trying to control his life. He was completely taken aback and argued that it was nothing like that. He also reiterated time and time again that I did not control his life and let them hang out very regularly. She said some very nasty hurtful things, but eventually apologized as he made it very clear he would choose me every time. Fast forward again and T told one of my very close friends that she had a crush on L not that long ago to, obviously, my friend immediately told me as she knows all of the weird stuff that’s been going on prior to this, that definitely raised some major red flags for me. Recently her boyfriend left for the military and she’s been acting extra catty towards me. T got very upset with me over not letting her write her name on a graduation gift thatI spent my Hard earned money and time to make by hand. Saying I was being unfair and hurt her feelings, I was really confused, so I just apologized but reiterated that I did spend my money and time on them when she contributed nothing. Then we were at a party together with a lot of our mutual friends, after the party was over she texted my boyfriend about how me and our other friends completely ignored her and made her feel alienated and didn’t give her a proper goodbye when she left at least five hours early. She went on to call me and our other friends ignorant, which I have a huge problem with because she’s name calling ME to MY boyfriend. My boyfriend absolutely hates confrontation so apologize that she felt that way, but said that he didn’t think it was anything intentional and left it at that. I know he would never cheat on me and I told me multiple times he would always choose me over her and if I didn’t want them to talk anymore he would understand completely. I just have no idea what to do in the situation. I have no hard evidence that she has feelings for him just weird instances. How should I handle this?
submitted by Open_Midnight_9192 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:29 ainsworthmar Samsung power board is noisy - how to fix it?

Samsung power board is noisy - how to fix it?
Hi everyone! I’ve got a Samsung TV with model number UN58NU7100FXZA and version no DB02/UNU7100. It’s purchased in ~2019 and worked fine until now where I heard a buzzing noise. TV is duel voltage so I moved it with me from the US to Europe in 2020 with no issues except replacing the cord. TV works 100% normal otherwise, no error messages coming up on the TV. I took the back panel off to discover it’s the power board that’s making the noise. There is a video of the noise and the board. I can add some pictures of the board if necessary. I am wondering a few things:
  1. Will replacing the board fix it? It seems to be an isolated issue but I’m not familiar enough with electronics to be certain.
  2. If that’ll do it, where do you recommend to find a replacement board (in US or Europe) and how do you know you’re buying the right one (other than checking the components of the board are visually in the same places on the board - is there any risk to buy the wrong one and that fries the whole TV?)
  3. Is it safe to use with this noise, knowing that it is the power supply board (until I replace the board)? Or is it better to not use it until it’s silent again? It works 100% but is annoying if the TV volume is too low.
Thanks so much for any help you can offer 🤗 I like to fix things myself but this is my first time trying to fix electronics so I’m a bit nervous to do it improperly (and would like to avoid taking it to a technician if possible).
submitted by ainsworthmar to TVRepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:01 Routine-Operation234 Is it worth trying with golden child and their spouse?

I recently went through what I think was an awakening. I just magically woke up and realized how many years I had spent fawning and entering fight/flight with nmom and I believe nbrothers. Who knows maybe I’m the narcissist. Anyways, I’m aware there was family enmeshment, codependency going on, and substance abuse.
(I have been here several times on this sub working through this so sorry, sorry if I’m repeating. I’ve gotten great advice on here and typing this and feeling community from the group has been therapeutic for me.)
They (foo) all believed I have been struggling with post partum and that’s some of it, but they also believed I was too poor to have a phone (reason for nc) I actually changed my number and decided I was done trying. I woke up to how truly let down I have been and I was angry and hurt causing me to pull away from everyone. I finally allowed myself to feel and stopped avoiding. I started paying attention to my inner voice and how much I put myself down (mostly while I was around them or in contact with them) and started asking where this was actually coming from. It was years of being exploited for supply and snarky put downs. I actually really like myself outside of the relationship with my foo.
I have been doing parts work and healing my inner child through the loving parents guidebook and other books. Anyways, I found myself buying stuff for my neice who is the child of my golden child brother. I reached out and was wanting to come by and bring the baby some gifts. I was ignored.
Through parts work I saw myself as a young child and I saw my brother. I realized he is a product of his childhood as well: I saw him as a little boy and seen the hurt he must have experienced as well even though he was regarded as the golden child, he was still put through abuse from our parents.
I want to stop feeling anger and meet him with compassion. It is not his fault our mother triangulated us. I have been coming at it from a hurt place but I want to bridge the gap if possible.
Is it possible?
My other brother has overwhelmed me and I have taken a step back from that relationship again. I can’t bring myself to open up messages because for some reason it’s just very overwhelming and stressful for me. I can see all the unhealed trauma in him and frankly he’s responsible for his own healing and it’s triggering to me as he tries to group me into being on the same level with him and that I agree with him, but I don’t. He comes off aggressive and know it all as well as my other brother.
I don’t want to pick and choose between siblings and I may be coming off that way.
I fear that these relationships will never be fixed. And maybe that’s for the best.
submitted by Routine-Operation234 to EstrangedAdultKids [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:44 ashzombi Help finding electrical component store

Does anyone know where to buy micro electronics like capacitors, resistors, inductors and all that?
submitted by ashzombi to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:43 Zestyclose_Register5 Disabled Brother is Caught Up In a Dating Scam

My brother is mentally disabled. He's high functioning in some categories, and low in others. It's kind of similar to a teenager with zero experience, but feels they know everything.
He is 40yo, and moved out of my parents' home last year. He has an apartment with another disabled gentleman. I am his guardian, and I have locked all of his credit and provided him with $50/week to spend any way he wants. All bills, medical appointments, food, electronics, and travel near home are paid for from a separate account that I handle.
About 3 months ago, I noticed that he has seemingly not been spending any of his extra cash. I asked him about this and he just says "you wouldn't understand." That's an indication that if I push the issue, he's about to get upset. I just asked if he was safe, and whether there was anything more that he needs help with.
Fast forward to the present. I've heard from his roommate that my brother is sleeping until 3PM and talking to a "woman in California." It turns out that my brother is speaking with someone all night, but only over Facebook Messanger because "her phone is broken." This makes no sense to me, or anyone else... If someone has either a phone or a laptop with internet access, there are many ways to call or video chat. I've also done a reverse image search and proven that the photo is a slightly photoshopped version of some d-list celebrity. I've shown all of this to my brother and asked him to be cautious. I specifically said, "Do not send her any money. When someone who you've never met starts asking for money, it's most likely a scam." I suspect that he hasn't listened to me, and this is where all of his allowance is going.
This happened once before, previous to me getting guardianship and locking his credit. He opened credit cards that nobody else was aware of and went $8k in debt. I bailed him out, which may have been the wrong move... I'm not sure that he'd learn a lesson either way, though.
I've included his case worker in this mess because he has avoided buying food in an effort to "save money," and losing weight. I can tolerate losing $50 /wk, but I cannot tolerate watching my brother deteriorate while some scammer gets a little extra spending cash!
Here's the question: How would you stop this without taking away any sense of freedom that he has?
submitted by Zestyclose_Register5 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:47 paulo39Atati Building a giant Homepod

Tell me what will go wrong with this project please:
I did something similar in my backyard with a HomePod mini in an old in-wall intercom system. I gutted the electronics and was left with the outside cover that was retro-cool looking and acoustically transparent, and the enclosure in the wall where the electronics used to be. In there I fit an outlet, the usb-c charger for the HomePod mini, and,in front of that a 3 sided plastic box, one flat on the back, two flaring open on the sides. The HomePod was placed sideways with the lights facing outwards. The bass sounds amazing, and the HomePod lights are totally visible through the old speaker cover when you talk to Siri.
Here is the plan for the new project:
  1. Buy an antique floor radio cabinet. Not one that can still be restored, an old cabinet, preferably in bad shape.
  2. Sand the cabinet down and refinish it in gray so it matches the furniture of the room it will be in.
  3. Place a Homepod (not a mini, the big one) inside it, behind the speaker cover. Probably with a barrier of plywood behind it. I’ll place it as close as possible to the speaker cover, will need to do some testing to see if sides that flare open or no sides.
  4. Buy an old led sync, not the hdmi ones, the ones that used a camera that went on top of the tv to read the colors and control the light strips around the TV. I can get one for $80, complete with the lights.
  5. Place the light strips on the back pointing outwards, will need to glue a square frame behind it to support the lights.
  6. Point the camera sensor for the lights to the top of the Homepod. This will take some adjusting as the camera was designed to cover a screen, not a5 inch circle, but placing the stem holding the camera closer (and vertically) ought to do the trick.
If it all works when I talk to Siri I should see the moving lights on the wall around the old radio cabinet.
Has anyone attempted something like this? What will go wrong?
submitted by paulo39Atati to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:31 WeaknessDowntown6356 I want to join the French Foreign Legion

Hello everyone.Im an 18 year old malaysian.5'10,74 kilograms,decently healthy physically active person.I used to play tennis on a high junior level in Malaysia and right now I am 2 months away from completing a Foundation programme in my country.The relationship between me and my parents have soured over irreconcilliable differences including my not being as dedicated to islam anymore,my life with women and my interests in life.At the moment I have exactly 4,500 euros to my name after conversion from my currency.I could also make an additonal 500-700 euros after selling off my personal electronics except for one phone and a laptop which I would need.Im in a very dark place as my parents do not agree with anything I want to be in life and they have cut off all financial support although I live in the same house.I make some money from coaching tennis,around 1k-2k euros monthly.But I want something better for myself,to be a part of something bigger,and to be in a country where my individuality would be welcomed.I have no past criminal record.I have excellent results from malaysian national high school,speak B2 level french and Ive had a french girlfriend before and I love the South of France.Im making this post because Im deeply considering leaving everything behind in Malaysia including having to go for an Accounting degree which I have no passion in as Ive dedicated so much of my life to academics and having a shot for being in the FFL,becoming a french citizen one day and living a freer life.I understand that serving in the military requires discipline and fitness.I wear glasses with 250 astic power on both sides as a disclaimer but am otherwise physically fit.I can do 9-10 proper pull ups,30 push ups properly in a row.I want to make this big decision buying the flight ticket one way to CDG,what advice do you all have to give to ensure that I dont screw this up and do you agree with my decision?I'll put the post up for a week and will respond to the comments you make.Its a big decision to make.If you want to help out by asking questions about certain details to help make answer please do. Merci beacoup.
submitted by WeaknessDowntown6356 to france [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:01 Gloomy_Tangerine3123 Now that Amazon India and Flipkart have changed their return /replacement policy to 7 days brand service center replacement policy, where are you buying expensive electronic items from?

It seems that this policy is implemented only in India. When I checked Amazon's US site, there still 30 days return or replacement policy is in effect. I haven't checked how it is other countries but I think affluent countries where customers' rights are well protected will have better experiences with Amazon
Do you guys still buy electronics fr Amazon, Flipkart etc or from local stores? And why?
In case you are buying big ticket items from local stores, pls drop the names of stores in yr city/neighboring cities that you buy from and also share the reasons for it.
I recently faced some problems in dealing with a manufacturer trying to come up with reasons for ignoring warranty for electronic items purchased before the policy came into effect and which are still in warranty period. I purchased a Panasonic AC fr local croma recently due to this. Now I want to purchase a projector that is only available in online stores. Want to know how the rest of India is dealing with change in Amazon and Flipkart's policy in this regard.
PS: I am not sure if this is the right sub for it but posting here as it seems like a unique policy implemented in India only by multinational e-commerce companies
submitted by Gloomy_Tangerine3123 to india [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 anselan2017 How to power LEDs properly via Grove Shield

How to power LEDs properly via Grove Shield
Whenever I have done LED projects requiring significant power, I have always just used an external power supply wired directly into the LED strips or whatever, and used the Arduino for data only.
But I have a Seeed Studio Grove shield for my Arduino Uno Rev2 and it's super convenient - no soldering or anything - and they have this great LED strip (https://www.seeedstudio.com/Grove-WS2813-RGB-LED-Strip-Waterproof-60-LED-m-1m.html) where they put a big warning like this:
...which is great but... they never say how to add this "extra power" in a setup with a Grove device like this. I presume they don't expect you to cut the wires of their neat little grove connector, right?
Yes, I've read about the various options for powering an Arduino (https://docs.arduino.cc/learn/electronics/power-pins/#barrel-jack-connector) but as far as I understand, even if I connect a powerful 5V adapter via the barrel jack (say, 4A), that current is not going to be available via the board (and, presumably, via the Grove shield).
Am I missing something simple here? I don't mind buying a beefy power supply, I'm just not sure how to add the extra power in!
submitted by anselan2017 to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:46 Chai_Ky The Case of Kate Blackwell: The Unknown Part 3 (Finale)

Log book of Det. Ryan Snow
Case #2798: The Appalachian Murders
When I woke up, I was in such a haze that I couldn’t make out where I was at first. My vision was a blur and all I could hear was the sounds of rushing water. I tried to move my limbs, but each muscle down to my little finger felt like lead weighing down on me, making it hard to breathe.
It felt like forever before the ringing in my ear was slowly swallowed out by a voice crying out from what sounded like a distance only to grow louder as it seemed to approach me from the void I had woken up in. It wasn’t until I heard my name that I recognized it was Kate’s voice, pleading and filled with tears.
I blinked away the blur, finding myself staring up at a water damaged ceiling, a single yellow light brightening the room. My head was pounding and my body still felt heavy, but I moved my head enough to turn and see where Kate was calling from. It took a moment, but I soon realized that she was lying on her back, strapped by her arms and legs to a metal table, looking to me with wide terrified eyes.
“Detective, please help!” She cried out. “Please don’t be dead! Please help me!”
“Bl-Black…Well…” I groaned out as I tried, painfully, to pick myself up off the stone floor, “Black…Well… Ah… Shit… Shit! Ms. Blackwell-“ I was gaining consciousness minute by minute as I finally took in the situation and got to my feet. However, the moment I had gotten to my feet and began running to Kate only to immediately fall back to the floor once again, my ankle getting caught by something heavy. I turned to see my ankle had been shackled to the floor by a cuff and chains. I searched my person to find my coat, along with my Glock had been taken, blood decorating my pants and sleeves. I placed a palm to my forehead to find blood when I lowered it down to look at the warm liquid slithering down from my scalp.
“Ms. Blackwell,” I returned my attention to her, examining what I could from my place on the floor, “are you alright, are you hurt?”
“I… I… I don’t… Don’t think so…” she managed to whine out.
“Where’s Mr. Raines?”
To this question, Kate looked away from me, sobbing being her only verbal response.
I went back to the shackles on my ankle and began trying to yank the chains off from the floor, but they had been well maintained and were too strong for me to simply yank out of the stone. I then quickly looked around the room to find we were in a different basement from the one in Cabin #3, though it had the same kind of layout, the table the only major difference. I also took note of the blood stains that trailed from the sides of the table and the dried pools below.
“I want my mom!” Kate cried out, her voice echoing in the empty room.
“I’ll get you to her, I will, I promise,” I assured her, trying to find something, anything to get us out of this, “do you remember how we got down here?”
“I… I… I just re-remember… Remember you g-getting knocked out… Knocked out by someone and them… Them putting a rag over me… Then everything went black… Then I woke… Woke up… H-Here…” Kate answered, trying to breathe with each sob she let out. “I… I th-thought… y-you… You were d-d-… Dead!”
“I’m not, I’m very much alive and I’m going to get you out of here and back to your parents,” I vowed as I continued looking for a way out of this situation, “we’re going to get you out of here, get you home, and we’ll make sure no one ever gets hurt here ever-“
The sound of the basement door from the splintered wooden steps cut me off. I listened as feet descended down the steps to the basement below, Kate’s ragged breaths the only other sound. The person who came down was a woman. The same exact woman from the photo I had found in her house. She looked as if she had not aged since that photo was taken, despite how long ago it seemed the photo was taken. She had the same exact long, white hair, same tired looking eyes, and same disgustingly pale skin as in that photo and on her profile picture. It was Mrs. Larson.
“Deeeeeetectiiiiiiive,” she spoke in a hoarse voice mixed with what I assumed was her own and several others, both male and female, adult and child, “youuuuuuu shouuuullld haaaaaaaaave juuuuuuusssssst giiiiiven herrrrrrr toooooo meeeeee… Youuuuuuuu diiiiiiiiid nooooooot haaaaaave toooooooo ssssssseeeee thiiiiiissssss…”
“Fuck you!” I shouted, beginning to charge at the elderly woman only to be yanked back by my shackles. “Let us go, right now!”
“Nnnnooooo,” Mrs. Larson replied harshly as she stepped over to loom over Kate.
“Stay away from her!” I barked, trying desperately to break free of my shackles.
She ignored me as she ran a shaky hand down along Kate’s trembling face. “Ooooooooohhhhh, Kaaaaaate… Sweeeeet, sweeeeeeeet, Kaaaaaaaaaate…” Mrs. Larson cooed as she went on stroking Kate’s wet cheek. “Doooooo noooooooot crrrrrrryyyyyyy, dooooooonnnnnn’t thiiiiiiiiiinnnnk oooooofff iiiiiiiit aaaaaaaassssss dyyyyyyyyiiiiinnnnng, thiiiiiiiiinnnk ooooooooffff iiiiiiit aaaaaassssss ssssssssaaaaaaaaaviiiiiiinnng aaaaaannnnoooootherrrrrrrrr liiiiiiiiife.”
“I-I… I d-don’t… Don’t under-understand… w-what th-that… That m-means…” Kate cried, her hands gripping the sides of the metal table beneath her, “P-Please, d-don’t… Don’t kill me… L-Let… Let us-us go!”
“Nnnnnoooooo,” Mrs. Larson answered in the same harshness she used on me, “IIIIIIIII neeeeeeeed youuuuuuuuuu,” she then shot a death glare my way through tired, silver eyes, “aaaaaaaannnnnnd heeeeeeeeee’ssssssss beeeeeeeeeennnnnn nnnnnnnoooooooothiiiiiiiiinnnnnng buuuuut aaaaaa thooooooorrrrrrnnnn iiiiiiinnnnn myyyyyyyyy ssssssssiiiiiiiide siiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnccccccce youuuuuu eeeeeessssssscaaaaaaped meeeeeeee.” She then looked back to Kate with a softer look. “Aaaaaaaassssss fffffoooooorrrrr whaaaaaaaat youuuuuuu caaaaaannnn’t uuuuuunnnnnnderrrrrrssssssstaaaaaaannnnnnd, IIIIIIIIII nnnnnneeeeeeed yourrrrrrrrrr heaaaaaaaarrrrrt tooooooo ssssssssaaaaaavvvvvvve myyyyyyy ssssssiiiiiiiisssssssterrrrrrrr.”
“The fuck does that mean?” I demanded, still trying to vain to pull my ankle from the chains. “How the hell will Kate’s heart save your sister?”
“Diiiiiiiiidnnnnnn’t nnnnnnneeeeeeed toooooo beeeee Kaaaaaaate’sssssss,” admitted Mrs. Larson, “buuuuuuuut sssshhhhhheeeeee hiiiiiiiiid theeeeee ooooooootherrrrr giiiiirrrrrrllllll ffffffrrrrroooooommmmm mmmmmeeeeee.”
“S-Son… Sonja…” Kate sniffed, the tears still streaming down her face.
“IIIIIIII oooooooonnnnnlllllyyyyy neeeeed fffffffeeeeeemmmmmaaaaallllle,” Mrs. Larson dismissed Ms. Greymoore’s name, “ffffffeeeeeeemmmmmaaaaaallllle heaaaaaaaarrrrrrrtsssss toooooo rrrrrrreeeeeetuuuuurrrrrrnnnnn mmmmmmyyyyy ssssiiiiissssssterrrrrrrrr toooooo theeeeeeee giiiiirrrrrllllll ssssshhhhhheeeee uuuuuuuusssssed tooooo beeeeeee.”
“That’s a fucking joke right?” I asked. “The hell makes you think eating a female heart will turn your sister back into a human woman? Have you seen what’s happened to your sister?”
“IIIIIIIII knnnnnnnooooooow beeeeeeecaaaauuuuusssssse iiiiiiiiiiit wooooooorrrrrked ooooooonnnnn mmmmmeeeeee,” Mrs. Larson explained, “IIIIIIIIIII waaaaaasssss aaaaaaablllllllle toooooo reeeeeeetaaaaiiiiiinnnnnn thiiiiiiiiiisssssss huuuuuummmmmmaaaaaannnnn fffffffooooorrrrrrmmmm ffffffrrrrrooooommmm eeeeeaaaaatiiiiiinnnnnng theeeeeeee heaaaaaaaaarrrrrtsssss, sssssspecifffffficaaaaaaallllllyyyyyy fffffffeeeeeemmmmmaaaaallllleeee sssssssooooooo IIIIIIIIII mmmmmmaaaaaayyyyyy rrrrrreeeeetuuuurrrrrnnnnn toooo beeeeeiiiiinnnng theeeeeeee giiiiiirrrrrrrllllll IIIIIII uuuuuuusssssed toooooooo beeeeeee.”
“You were dead,” I pointed out, “they found your body up here, you were buried.”
“Theeeeeessssssse sssshhhhheeeeeellllllsssss arrrrrrre mmmmmeeeeeerrreeeellllyyy veeeeeessssssellllllssssss ffffffoooooorrrrrr theeeeeeee sssssspiiiiirrrrriiiiiitsssss weeeee hiiiiiiiiiiide beeeeeneeeeaaaaattthhhh,” Mrs. Larson responded, finally turning her gaze to me, “IIIIIIII haaaaaaad tooooooo maaaake peeeopllllle beeeelieevvvve IIIIIII haaaaaad diiiiiiied tooooo keeeeeep frrrrroooommm theeeee poooooollllliiiiicccce ffffrrrrrrooooommmm pooookiiiiiinnnng aaaaarrrrouuuuuunnnnd aaaaannnnnd rrrrruuuiiinnnnniiinnnng eeeevvvveeerrrrryyythiiiiinnnng.”
“So, let me just get this whole thing straight,” I began as I started rubbing my temples, "when you and your sister starting into… Whatever the hell that thing you call your sister is-“
“Ooooouuuurrrrr sssssspiiiiiirrrrrriiiiiit,” Mrs. Larson corrected.
“Whatever!” I shot. “You found out that eating female hearts turns you two back into human women and to keep police from suspecting you, you pretended to be dead and… What? Just hope a shitty real estate agency would buy your property and you could just… Kill people, people with lives and families outside the mountains?”
“Thaaaaaaaat iiiiiiisssss cooooorrrrrreeeeect…” Mrs. Larson admitted, narrowing her eyes at me.
That’s when I began laughing hysterically, holding my sides that hurt with each harsh breath of a laugh I took. Both Mrs. Larson and Kate looked to me as if I had lost my mind and at this point I was starting to believe I had. Everything I had seen and heard about this entire case would put anyone in the looney bin. And I’m the damn fool who dug too deep into something he had nothing to do with.
“Whaaaaaat’s ssssoooo ffffuuunnnny?” Growled Mrs. Larson, stepping around Kate to stand between us.
“I don’t know what’s fucking funnier, honestly,” I chuckled, running a hand through my hair, “the fact that you thing people won’t be poking around even more when they discover not only is Blackwell missing, but so is a detective and escaped convict all of whom now have ties to these fucking mountains and those cabins, or that you thing I’m more afraid of what you plan on doing with me more than I am when her father finds out I got her in this situation in the first place!”
“Heeeeeee wooooonnnnn’t beeeee aaaaabllllle toooooo doooo aaaaaannnnnyyyyythiiiiiinnnng aaaaaaafffffterrrrrrr IIIIIIIII’mmmmm dooooooonnnne wiiiiiiiith booooooth ooooooooffffff youuuuuuuuu,” Mrs. Larson hissed as she inched closer, “fffffffiiiiiiirrrrrrssssst, IIIIIIIII waaaaaannnnnt youuuuuuuu toooo waaaaaatch mmmmmeeeee kiiiiiiillllll herrrrrrr,” she turned her head to look to Kate who was now just shaking, her eyes seemingly gone dry from the crying, Mrs. Larson then looked back to me, “sssssseeeeecooooonnnnd, IIIIIIII wiiiiillllll ssssssaaaaave youuuuu fffffooooorrrr mmmmmmyyyyy sssssiiiiiisssssterrrrr, oooooonnnnne heeeeaaaaart wiiiiilllll nnnnoooot ssssssaaaaaatissssfffffyyyy herrrr huuuuuunnnnnger.” She took another step. “Uuuuuuuunnnnnllllliiiiiike sssssssoooooommmme ssssssiiiiiibllllliiiiiiinnnnnngsssss, IIIIIIIII caaaaaarrrre aaaaaaboooouuuuut mmmmmmyyyyy ffffffaaaammmmiiiiilllllyyyyyy.”
She stared into my eyes, expecting a reaction and while my blood did somewhat boil at the accusatory statement, I didn’t fully understand what she was getting at. Not until she used that voice. Not until she relived that day with those two familiar child-like voices.
“Screw you, Liam!” She cried out in a voice I remember from my childhood. “I hope you drop dead!”
“Stop.” I demanded.
“Piss off, Ryan!” She shot back in a second boy’s voice.
“I said stop!” I began shouting.
“Help me, Ryan! Please, help me! I’m sorry! Please, Lucky Dime, help me!”
I then lunged toward her, reaching my hands out toward her neck only to be stopped by the shackles as she swiftly, almost without even moving, stepped just out of my reach.
“Fucking bitch!” I screamed out.
“If only you really cared about me, Lucky Dime,” sighed Mrs. Larson as she turned and began making her way to the side of the room where a cart stood in the shadows. She pulled it over to Kate’s side, the cart covered in rusted medical tools.
“P-Please,” Kate wheezed, “p-p-please… I… I d-d-don’t w-want… Want t-to d-d… D-Die, I… I w-w-want m-m-m… My m-mom!”
“Dooooonnn’t woooorrrrryyyyy,” Mrs. Larson soothed, using that mix of different voices, “mmmmmmaaaayyyyybeeee sheeee wiiiillll cooooommmme loooookinnnng ffffooooorrrr yooouuuuu aaaaannnnnd sheeeeeee caaaaannnnn joooooiiiiiinnnn youuuuuuu.”
Kate began to sob, begging and pleading for Mrs. Larson to let her go, thrashing around in her restraints. Telling the older woman that there was no saving her sister and that she was too far gone for this sick ritual to work anymore. I tried to yank at the chains once more, trying to loosen it at least enough to break free and grab at Mrs. Larson.
“Rrrrrrreeeeellllllaaaaax,” Mrs. Larson ordered as she began filling a syringe with some kind of clear liquid from a small bottle, “yoooouuuuuu woooooonnnn’t eeeeeveeennn fffffeeeellll iiiiiiit, thiiiissssss wiiiiiillllll puuuuuut youuuuu toooo ssssssllllllleeeeeep aaaaaannnnnnd wheeeeeennnnnn youuuuuu waaaaaake uuuuuuuup, youuuuuuu’lllllll beeee iiiiiinnnnnn heeeeeaaaaaaveeeennnnn… Uuuuuunnnnnnnllllllessssss youuuuuuu weeeerrrrrrre aaaaaa haaaaaarrrrrlllllooooooot, iiiiiiinnnnnn whiiiiiiiich caaaaaassssssseeeee, mmmmmaaaayyyy Goooooood haaaaaaaave mmmmmmmmerrrrrrrcccccyyyyy ooooonnnnn youuuuuur ssssssoooouuuuullllll… Aaaaannnnnd baaaaaaasssssed ooooonnnn hoooooow youuuuuu drrrrressss aaaaannnnnd theeeee coooommmmpaaaannnnyyyy youuuuuu keeeeeep,” She added as she eyed me, “IIIIIII ssssssaaaaaayyyy youuuuu haaaaaave aaaaa lllllloooooot ooooooffff fooooooorrrrgiiiiiviiiiinnnnng tooooo dooooo.”
Kate continued to cry as Mrs. Larson pushed the needle of the syringe into her arm, pushing down on the plunger as it pierced the flesh. Kate’s loud screams soon turned quieter and her red eyes began to glaze over, but she continued to stay awake, tightening her grip on the table and still begging to be let go.
“IIIIII waaaaannnnt youuuuu toooo waaaaatch, Detective,” Mrs. Larson spat out my title in Mr. Blackwell’s voice, “IIIII waaaaannnnnt youuuuu toooo waaaaatch herrrrrr fffffaaaaaade aaaaaannnnnnd mmmmmeeeee rrrrreeeemmmmooooove heerr heeeaaaarrrrrt toooooo ffffffeeeeeed tooooo mmmmmmyyyyyy ssssssiiiiiiiissssssterrrrrr,” she then pulled out a recorder, “theeeeennnnnn wheeeeeennnnn IIIIIII ssssssuuuuummmmoooooonnnnn herrrrrrr aaannnnd sheeeee fffffiiiinnnniiiishessssss oooooofffffff heeeerrrrr heeeaaaaarrrrrt, youuuuuuu’llllllll beeeeee neeeeeext.”
“Fuck you,” I snarled, “I hope you and your sister burn.”
“IIIIIIIII’mmmmm gooooonnnnnaaaaa gooooo aaaaallllllerrrrrrt mmmmmyyyyy ssssssiiiiiiissssterrrrrr,” Mrs. Larson turned and began making her way to the basement steps, “ssssseeee youuuuu boooooth ffffffoooooorrrr diiiiiinnnnnnerrrrrrr.”
She then pressed the play button on her recorder and a small, little girl’s voice echoed in the room before Mrs. Larson vanished up the steps.
“I’m here… I’m here… I’m here…”
Then the door slammed shut.
“De… Tec… Tive…” Kate squeaked out, her breathing slowing.
“Stay awake, Blackwell,” I ordered her gently, looking around frantically for anything to get us both out of this alive, “I’ll get us out of this, I promise, just stay awake, we’ll get out of here, I just need-“
“I’m… S… Sorry…” she breathed out. “I’m… So… Sorry… For… Get… Getting… You… In… To.. This…”
“No, no, this is not your fault!” I assured her. “That psychotic bitch got us both into this shit and I won’t stop until I get us out and put her and her fucking sister are six feet under!”
“W…Wha… What… H… Hap… Happened… To… To L… Liam…?”
I stopped struggling with the chains and turned to look to Kate. Her head was turned to me, her face wet, hands clenching as hard as they could to the table beneath her, the light in her eyes slowly fading second by second. She was trying desperately to stay awake. The medication Mrs. Larson taking hold of her as the minutes ticked by.
I dropped the chains that were in my hands, looking away from her, wanting to stare at anything other than another person I had failed.
“He was killed,” I answered, “we were fishing at a lake nearby… Lake Gaagige… We got into a really stupid ass fucking fight about how which fishing pole we were going to use. I wanted to use our dad’s, but Liam was older and said only men could use dad’s fishing pole… I told him… To drop dead and stormed off… When I got home, my parents dragged me back to the lake and scolded me for leaving him…” I trailed off, swallowing all the tears and screams I’d bottled up since that day. “When… We found… Him… The autopsy… Said he was mauled by a bear… I’ve blamed myself for leaving him there alone… For letting him die and getting killed like that… The last thing I ever told him was to drop dead… I was a shitty brother and now I’m a shitty detective…”
“Is… Is he… Why… You became… A… Detective…?”
I took a deep breath and swallowed the tears again. “No, Blackwell,” I answered, “he’s not why I became a detective… I already knew what had killed him… It was my fault… If I hadn’t been such a brat and stormed off… He might still be alive… And now… What that bitch said…” I replayed Liam’s screams that escaped Mrs. Larson’s mouth. “I’m starting to think I’m getting what I deserve. Karma’s back to kick my ass…”
“H… How… Old…?”
“I was six… Liam was eight…”
“N… N… Not your… F… Fault…”
I turned to look to Kate, her eyes on mine, however faded.
“Y… You were… Only… A k… Kid…”
I took another intake of what little air there was down in that basement. I had spent years trying to convince myself of the same thing, but those moments never got easier for me when those thoughts returned.
“I think you’re just being nice,” I laughed painfully, “but I’m afraid I- and my folks- don’t share the same sentiment.”
I was staring down at where the chains were coming from in the ground, Kate not saying a word for over a couple of minutes. I spun to see if she had fallen asleep and immediately tried to find out how to wake her up again. However, once I our eyes met, I saw that she was still fighting sleep, the last of her tears rolling down across the bridge of her nose and into her hair.
“I… I… I had… Had a c… Crush… O… On… J… Jasper…” she confessed, her voice getting quieter and higher. “P… Paul and… And Son… Sonja knew… I never… Never c… Cared f… For Luke… But I’m… Sure… S… Sonja t… Told him…” she looked like she was going to sob again. “I… I never g… Got the… Ch… Chance… T… To tell J… Jasper… I… Was… Scared… He… He and… P… Paul were friends… And I… I kn… Knew… How P… Paul f… Felt… A… About m… Me… I… I did… Didn’t wa… Want to… R… Ruin… Anyth… Anything…” She took a gulp of air. “I… I ha… Hated L… Luke… I… A… Always… Kn… Knew… He… He was a… Player… B… But Sonja… Said… Said she was hap… Happy… So… So I did… Didn’t wa… Want to g… Get in… H… Her way… B… But Luke d… Didn’t l… Like h… How cl… Close… We… Were… I d… Didn’t w… Want him to make… Make her th… Think I… I was l… Leading her o… On… T… To get them… To b… Break up… Th… Then… That n… Night… Sh… She w… Wanted to… To leave…” She let out two pained gasps of breath. “I… I let them down… I let them all down… Luke pro… Probably thought… Thought I w… Was the one who… Who f… Filled Sonja’s mind… With thoughts of… Of him ch… Cheating… Th… Then I… I got them… All killed…
I… I didn’t deserve them, d… Detective…” she went on, looking away from me to stare up at the water damaged ceiling, “I… I… I was a… Terrible… Terrible friend…”
“Did you read their guest book entries?” I asked.
“N… No… D… Didn’t w… Want to… To r… Read any… Anything p… Private…” Kate answered.
“Jasper didn’t blame you,” I assured her, remembering what he had written in his entry during his time watching Mrs. Larson just outside the cabin, “even when he heard the voices- when he heard Mrs. Larson- telling him to, he didn’t. I don’t think the others blamed you either. You didn’t do anything wrong, Ms. Blackwell, there’s no way you could have known any of this would happen.”
“K… Kate…”
“C… Call… Call me… Kate…”
“Aright, Kate,” I let out what little laughter I had left inside me, “so long as we’re the last people we’ll be chatting with, call me Ryan.”
“R… Ryan…”
“If we at all live through this, I’m going to need a long vacation after this,” I said as I turned to look at my shackles again, looking around myself to try finding anything to Get free since a vacation sounded like something to die for at that moment, “do you know any good vacation spots I can book for the fall?”
“Y… You’re… You’re a… Dick…” Kate struggled to laugh.
“I also enjoy pineapple on pizza,” I winked as I reached down to my ankle, ready to break it just to taste that sweet combination of tomato sauce and fruit.
“G… God… I… I c… Can’t… Believe… I th… Thought y… You w… Were c… Cute…”
I sat down on the floor, grabbing my ankle with both my hands. Needing to hype myself up enough to do what I was going to do, I began removing my shoe and sock from the foot, rubbing and squeezing my way up and down the ankle to my toes. I had never broken a bone in my life before this and I definitely never thought I’d do it of my own volition, but this was a desperate time and it definitely called for desperate…
“Wait what?” I turned to look to Kate, finally registering what she had said.
However, just before I could be sure of what I heard, the sound of a hunting rifle going off just above our heads right before we heard the door to the basement swing open and immediately be slammed shut. Both Kate and I turned to see someone stumble down the wooden steps, his clothes torn and body scratched and cut to a nearly deadly degree. I was even shocked he was still breathing.
“M… Mr… R… Raines…?” Kate gasped out.
“What’s left of me at least,” Mr. Raines grumbled as he limped over to Kate and quickly began undoing her straps to the table, “damn thing almost ripped my head off, but one swing of the barrel to its eye and I was able to get away… Can’t say it didn’t do its damage though… I’m… Getting really fucking hungry…”
He shook his head violently before limping over to me. He then raised an eyebrow at me when he saw how I was positioned still on the floor with a bare foot in my hands shackled to the floor.
“I… I was… I… I thought you were-“ I stammered.
“I am,” Mr. Raines interrupted, “at least, I’m on my way there anyway.” He then retrieved my Glock from his back pocket. “I don’t know what that thing did to me, but I’m not gonna make it out of this alive, or the way I came in. It’s a massacre out there by the way. Lot of men in blue bodies out there… Very… Hard to ignore… Sure more will be on their way. So.”
With that, Mr. Raines pointed at my chains and pulled the trigger on my clock, barely giving me time to cover my ears as the sound rung out loudly in the basement. I shook my head, trying to undo the blurry and ringing side effects of the sound of a gun going off near your head. I gave the older man a glare before standing and snatching my Glock from his hands. That’s when I saw Kate shifting herself to the side of the metal table she was no longer tied to, trying to get her limbs to comply with her to help her off and on to the floor.
I ran over and grabbed her just as she nearly stumbled face first to the floor and lifted her up to her feet, her body heavy with lack of keeping herself up.
“Do you think you can walk?” I asked, trying to keep her on her feet.
“I… I don’t… I…” Kate stammered as she tried to push herself off of me while also using using me as a crutch until she could stand on her own. However, she didn’t seem to be able to put any kind of pressure on her legs without falling down.
“Kate?” A girl’s voice called out from above us.
Feeling Kate shudder, I realized that it must have been the sound of Sonja’s voice and Mrs. Larson was using her to keep Kate from running. I quickly swung my arm down behind her knees, pressing the other down on her back as I lifted her up off the floor, my Glock at the ready as I kept it pointed in front of me while my arm held up Kate’s knees.
“She must have heard the gunshots,” I pointed out, “how’d you get past her in the first place?”
“I set the other cabins on fire,” Mr. Raines answered as if it were the simplest of answers, “I had to distract her somehow and give those bodies she’d been eating a better fate than becoming her shit.”
“Are you planning on setting this place on fire too?” I asked.
“‘Course I am!” Mr. Raines exclaimed, seemingly offended I’d even ask. “I already doused it in gasoline, I ain’t wasting all that time!”
“Kate!” Sonja’s voice cried out, getting closer to the basement door. “Are you seriously leaving me here to die alone again!”
“Please… Make it… Stop…” Kate sniffed as she gripped my shirt and burying her face into the fabric.
“Let’s get you two out of here.” Mr. Raines began leading the way to the basement stairs, cocking his rifle as he did so.
“What about you?” I asked, immediately following after him.
Mr. Raines didn’t answer as he stomped up the stairs and kicked the door open to the first floor of the cabin. The stench of the gasoline he had spilled hitting me harshly in my face.
“Kate!” Sonja’s voice, along with a different crescendo of male voices shrieked out as Mrs. Larson appeared from the corner of the hallway where the basement was located.
“Leighton?” A different woman’s voice asked the moment the old woman’s eyes spotted Mr. Raines. I then watched in both shock and confusion as it almost looked like the very skin on the woman melted off to reveal a much younger woman. The woman I recognized as Bonnie Collins. “Leighton… Love is that you?”
Mr. Raines kept his rifle on the vision of the woman he once loved before her murder, but didn’t move or speak.
“Darling, I’ve missed you so much!” The fake Bonnie cried out as she began making her way to Mr. Raines with arms open wide to hug him.
Mr. Raines then lifted his gun up higher, placing his finger on the trigger which caused the vision to stop in her place.
“Leighton?” The fake Bonnie asked. “Baby, it’s me… Bun-Bun… Don’t you recognize me…?” She began to tear up.
“You’re not my Bunny,” Mr. Raines growled before he shot once at the woman.
The fake Bonnie swiftly dodged the bullet, an inhuman hiss coming from an unhinged mouth, revealing a row of long, sharp teeth. The skin of Bonnie then melted off to reveal another woman, a lot younger than the first one it intimidated. The face of one of the victims upon being brought on this case.
“Kate,” the fake Sonja called out, “Kate, what are you doing? Who are these men? Why are they trying to hurt me?”
Kate let out a sobbing gasp, her nails digging into my shoulder with her arm wrapped around my neck.
“Didn’t I suffer enough?” The fake Sonja asked. “First my boyfriend and now you? Why don’t you want to be with me anymore?”
“Shut up!” Kate demanded. “You’re not Sonja! You killed her, you killed all of them! I don’t care what happens to me, but I’m not letting their memories end with you!”
Kate then snatched my Glock from my hand under her legs and shot directly at the fake Sonja’s head. Again the shot missed as the fake vision of the girl slithered out of the way, a frustrated growl of a dog and human escaping it’s mouth. It then zipped to the side, cowering with its back to us on the floor.
“Lucky dime…” A child’s voice then took over. The vision’s skin melting now to a much smaller figure. “Is this what you want? To kill me all over again?” He turned to look up at me, Liam’s face forever eight-years-old staring up at me. “It’s no wonder mommy and daddy hate you now… You were always a shitty brother… Now, I’m gonna starve to death because you’d rather help a couple of strangers.”
“I’m sorry, Liam,” I replied, everyone, including the fake Liam looking to me in surprise, “I left you alone out here and that’s what got you killed by that thing out there and I’m sorry. But, if I’d stayed it may have been both of us and then mom and dad would have no one left to blame but each other. If you had left and I was the one killed, you’d probably be in my shoes instead. I’m sorry for letting you get killed, but I’m gonna make up for it now.”
I then took my Glock back from Kate and pointed it to the vision of Liam.
“Good bye, Liam.”
I shot the gun once again, missing the creature again, however, this time I just kept shooting, Mr. Raines following after. Our different bullets just kept firing, the thing dodging and trying to get closer to us. The creature screeched out at us in a myriad of different voices both familiar and unknown. It wasn’t until one shot from my Glock struck the creatures shoulder and Mr. Raines’ rifle struck its head when the skins of everyone it was trying to turn into all melted off, revealing Mrs. Larson once again.
However, this time, she looked shriveled, older than she looked before. Her face looked deformed, beginning to grow furry, her eyes growing nothing but red, no irises, no pupils, just red. Her hair grew longer, branches like antlers growing painfully out from her skull, breaking the skin as they grew larger. The lower half of her face grew elongated, turning into that of a muzzle of fangs and a drooling mouth.
“You… All… Have no rrrrrrriiiiiight!” A different, unknown voice snarled out from what used to be Mrs. Larson. “People liiiiiike you all… Abandoned me and myyyyyyyyy sister!” The fur growing around this thing grew out short and shaggy, the cloths it was using melting off with the skin and flesh it was wearing. It now didn’t look anything like a human woman. It now took the form of a large wolf mixed with that of a deer, it’s body dog-like with hooves, antlers, and a long, scraggly tail. “You lot abandoned us here! You left us all here to diiiiiiiie!”
Guilt was weighing down on me with each syllable it was growling. Kate looked away from it, burying her face in my neck as Mr. Raines lowered his rifle.
“Nooooow, you’re bringing more here to just leave and let die out here!” It went on, it’s horrifying, broken body shuddering. “Why let them just vanish and die up here when they can bring people like my sister and I back? Give me Kate’s heart and fix what you threeeeeeeeee failed!”
Mr. Raines then handed over his rifle to Kate, placing it down on her stomach as her hands were still wrapped around my neck. The older man made his way over to stand over the thing, its neck creaking like a rusted door as it turned its wolf-like head to look up at him.
“Leighton…” Bonnie’s voice came from the creature. “Give mmmmeeeee her heart aaaannnnd we can be togetherrrrr again… If you eat the deeeeeetective’s we can saaaaaave you tooooooo…”
“My Bunny’s dead,” Mr. Raines told it as he dug in his pocket and took out a carton of matches, “and so am I.”
“You’d burn your wife?” A mix of Bonnie and Mrs. Larson’s voices shrieked as it glared at the match he took from the match box.
“You’re not my wife,” Mr. Raines told it, “and I’ll never see her again.”
“Fooooooool,” Mr. Larson’s voice chuckled, “you’llllllll killllllll us both!”
“With the shit I’ve done in my life, I know you’re taking me to Hell with you,” Mr. Raines growled back as he struck the match on the box, “so I’m sure as fuck not afraid to burn here on Earth with you!”
Mr. Raines then dropped the match to the floor right before the creature and everything around the two of them immediately went up in flames, the fur of the creature catching quickly and engulfing it. An agonized shriek echoed out all around us, the creature thrashing in the fire it had gotten swallowed up in. Mr. Raines then grabbed it by it’s long, furry throat and swung it down back flat the floor, jumping to pin it down.
“Get out!” Mr. Raines cried out to me. “Leave here!”
Not needing to be told twice, I held onto Kate tightly and bolted past the two burning bodies, jumping over the fire as it began growing fast throughout the cabin. I quickly got to the front door and stopped to look back to see Mr. Raines fighting the creature and preventing it from coming after us, it begging for me to bring Kate back and that it would die without her.
“I’ll clear your name,” I called back, trying not to reel back in horror as I saw Mr. Raines skin begin to melt off, “I’ll let people know you didn’t kill Bonnie!”
“I’ll let people know you didn’t… Kill… Liam!” Mr. Raines’ voice called back, him thrashing around with Mrs. Larson as he said my brother’s name in my voice.
I turned back and kicked the front door open, rushing Kate out of the burning cabin. I ran until I got far enough from the smoke, turning back to see all three cabins now on fire, the area around them all ablaze. The only place untouched was Mrs. Larson’s house, all the evidence remaining. I could hear sirens in the distance coming closer. The sounds of shouts from the surviving officers sounding much closer.
“I’m here… I’m here… I’m here…”
I looked to the front porch of Mrs. Larson’s house where her recorder continued to call out for her sister. I set Kate down at the base of a nearby tree and ran to snatch the recorder, shutting it off. I searched around, looking for any signs of Prudence, but it appeared that the fire and the sounds of sirens and voices had scared her off. I ran back to Kate, her eyes closed and her not responding to me calling to her, but after checking her pulse and breathing, I found that the medication Mrs. Larson had given her had finally taken over and she was now fast asleep, the rifle Mr. Raines gave her still sitting on her rhythmically rising and falling stomach.
Letting out a sigh of relief, I leaned against the same tree I set Kate down on and slid down to the ground next to her. The first two cabins were already practically nothing but ash, the last still blazing as I heard the slowly fading screams of Mrs. Larson and Mr. Raines coming from inside.
When the screaming ended all together, the smoke turning blacker as it rose from the flames, I got to my feet and took out my pack of cigarettes as I approached the fires, staying far enough away not to get burned. I opened the pack up before stopping myself as I reached for one of the ten remaining cigarettes inside. I then flung the entire carton into the fires without taking one.
“Save one for me down there, you old bastard,” I told Mr. Raines before making my way back to Kate’s side.
It wasn’t long before the remaining officers found us, looking in confusion at the fires and to me with a sleeping victim in a homicide case on the ground. I told them we’d need to call an ambulance for Kate and that we needed to keep the flames from getting to Mrs. Larson’s house as it held evidence on the case. One officer retrieved his radio and called for an ambulance while a group ran to the house and another went to try controlling the fire as best they could by yanking out any bushes near by and throwing them away from the area around the house.
Luckily, the fire trucks were called long before the fire spread too far, residence noticing it practically the moment Mr. Raines set the first cabin on fire.
As I sat there, keeping Kate held up against the tree we sat under, I listened to the crackling of the fire, the sirens of fast approaching fire trucks and the ambulance, and the sounds of distance, coyote, almost human, howling.
Part 8
submitted by Chai_Ky to u/Chai_Ky [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 PatroWasTaken 3 hours

Hey everyone, I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it'll probably be shrouded by the other posts. Just needed somewhere to write it all down.
My life has never been good. I've had moments of happiness, even for extended periods of time, but never for longer than a few months at most. I grew up in a horrible environments in and out of CPS where my Mum finally got custody of me at age 3, after I remained in a foster home for around 6 months. My Mom tried so hard for me, even until she won her court case against my birth Father. Until I was around 12, I was raised in a fairly normal environment by myself. Most of my childhood I never endured abuse or anything like that. It wasn't until I was 12, shit got real. At that age, people deemed my problems invalid because I was so young and "it couldn't be that bad" or "other people have it worse". I could never tell my Mum because I didn't want to dissapoint her and make it seem like all her efforts were for naught. As such, I sat alone with my problems, occasionally talking to people online, but nothing helped. When I turned 13, I discovered herbal cigarettes for the first time. I would roll a herb (usually something that produced a relaxing effect or a minor hallucinagen) and smoke it on my porch when my parents weren't home. After I first tried it, I told myself, "It was a good stress reliever, but I'm not gonna do this again. It's bad for me." This cycle repeated daily for around a month. Eventually, my parents found out. Despite my worries, they weren't mad. But the dissapointment in my Mum's eyes were unreal.
This was the moment where I first lost my parents trust.
Eventually, I stopped, as my parents hid everything away from me. Because of this I never wanted to be at my house, so I was with a new group of "friends: I had made. There was this one guy, who I'll name John. John shared a lot of my common interests, and would talk to me during class and we'd hang out at the centre of our city pretty often, just us two messing around and having fun, like a bunch of 8th grade boys. This lasted for a few months. I had one of the best birthdays ever with him. Around a month afterwards, this man somehow tricked me into sending nudes to him. I'm a straight man. I thought this was another one of his jokes and we'd be chill afterwards.
I was wrong.
The next day, I went to school surrounded by weirded stares and comments on the situation. I knew then, that I seriously fucked up bad. I somehow got myself out of the situation by saying it wasn't me, but my friendship with John was diminished. Despite this, he was the only friend I actually hung out with consistently after that. I dealt with his remarks in the times in the future, which grew more and more consistent as the times went on. I knew I had to let him go after he told my principle that I had a weapon on me for self defense (which basically everyone in my city does), which nearly led to me being suspended. Eventually, I abandoned him all together, and ran with whatever little amount of pride I had left. I fell into a huge state of depression after this. Even my online friends didn't want me anymore. Someone had accused me of being a pedophile and falsified screenshots. I had no one.
One day, after school, a friend who I wasn't particularly close with wanted to hang out with me after school. He mentioned his parents had a cabinet full of alcohol.
Seeing no danger with this, I accepted without hesitation. This was my first experience with alcohol. I got wasted with him, and for the first time in months, my worries washed away. Eventually, this became a weekly occurance. I would tell my parents I was going to the park, but instead I would get drunk with my friend. This soon became the only way I could live without stress. Around this time, I became closer with an acuqainted friend and his friend group, who we'll call Terry and his friends. Terry was a chill guy. We didn't share all the same interests, but he liked me for who I was. He didn't care about my past. I became closer with his friends, too. Eventually this became my new friend group. Around the time I formed this new friend group, I stopped going drinking with my other friend. Not because I didn't want to, but because he stopped pestering me to hang out with him like he did the months before. Instead, the roles were reversed at that point. Me and this friend group started hanging out more, and more, and more.
During this time, I met my first love. It was online, but it felt like the best thing in the world. We were young, and stupid. She was beautiful. I remember first talking to her on the phone on the plane ride to my Uncle's wedding. I decided to myself that I really liked this girl. I wanted her more than anything. I remember she was the only thing I dedicated myself for. Something I felt was worth being there for. I finally felt like I had some worth for the first time in forever. I should mention this was slightly before the drinking thing. We talked, we called, we loved for two whole weeks. Towards the end, I made the stupid mistake of telling her that "if I didn't meet her I probably would've killed myself". This wasn't entirely true. I was depressed before talking to her, but I don't think I was suicidal. However, this seemed to be a problem for her. Apparently, she felt trapped. Thus, she left me. I remember having to hide my heartbreak from my parents. I shortly got over it, however, and met a new girl from my school. I realize now I didn't love her, I loved the idea of being in a relationship. I remember joking to my ex about how bad my girtlfriend at the time was. After a while, she found out I was following other girls on instagram. I denied it at first, but discovered it was an opportunity to pin a breakup on her not trusting me enough, so I used that reason and dumped her. She later told the whole school I was unloyal (which I wasn't, I didn't even talk to the girls I followed). She proceeded to post shitty photos of me on her tiktok account. I remember being fuming. If sonething so small was the worst of my problems now, I would be blissful happy right now. A few weeks afterwards, I got back with my first ex. This time, it was one sided. After just over a month, I began to look at girls in my class with desire. I completely broke it off with my ex, telling her I didn't love her anymore. Years later, I still regret this decision. She accepted this, and we remained friends. Every time I felt lonely, I would talk to her again, and we would begin talking like we were together again. This repeated for around 6 months. We kept talking until around a few months ago, where I discovered she blocked me out of nowhere. I believe it was out of respect for her new boyfriend, which I respect.
After we had broken it off for the final time, I began spending time outside of school with my new friend group. Slowly, we began to hang out more and more. I even found a new girlfriend, which I had found off of quick add on snapchat, lol. Around Christmas, things went downhill. My friends asked a personal question, which was whether my girlfriend had sent me explicit pictures (i thought it would make me sound cooler if I said yes), but then they caught me in the lie, and they immediately lost trust for me. I saw the same look in their eyes as I saw in my Mother. Distrust. I tried to salvage the friendship, but I new it wouldn't be the same ever again. It still isn't. I saw the cycle repeat itself. Like last time, I left my girlfriend because I lost interest. I began to become depressed again. I started vaping and drinking to escape the pain. I didn't care as much about my looks anymore. I remember having one of the worst heartbreaks of my life afterwards. I told myself I wouldn't date ever again. I still hung out with my friends, but we all knew inside that we didnt care for each other as much as we acted. For around a month, I lived life in a cycle. A depressed cycle. One day, I caught a glimpse of a girl in my class who was exactly my type in a woman, physically and mentally. I knew she was far too good for me. I barely talked to her, and didn't have her on any social media. I eventually got the courage one afternoon to add her on snapchat, after one of my friends gave me her snap. This was after a mutual friend informed me that she found me attractive, which I didn't buy. The night I added her, we talked, and I rememebr playing games with her and her friends. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I fucked up my sleep sdchedule just to speak to her longer. I got to know her more, and more. She was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. My eternal bliss lasted for a week. I had ordered flowers to ask her out with and I had the whole thing planned out with her friends. I remember going to my first work shift, and coming home, and getting a message from her:
"Hey, I think I'm lesbian. It's not your fault, I promise. I'm so sorry."
I was heartbroken, I kept tryna suffocated myself over and over again. I asked her why, what her thought process was. She eventually tired of my questions and she said that I was being a dick about it. I ended up sending her a message later that day telling her that I was sorry for being a dick about it (I still don't know what I did wrong). I didn't go to school the next day. I remember avoiding her hard for the whole rest of the school term. I was insanely depressed afterwards, the worst I've ever felt. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried weed for the first time afterwards, it was mesmerising. It nearly compared to the feeling of being with her. But it was only a temporary escape. As the weeks went on, I became more and more depressed. Then, my parents found out I smoked weed, and my own mother told the police (I still dont know if thats morally right and im overthinking it) and my whole family found out and now hates me. I'm scheduled to see them tomorrow. I'm being illegally overowkred by my job, and I can;t do anything about it. I didn;t show up today, I'm probably already fired. I tried a cigarette today, it was one last thing I wanted to know before I pass. I went to one last convension today, and asked God for a sign to keep living. I ended up meeting a girl, asking for her number, and she gave me her insta and messaged me "You really thought I'd date you? Not tryna be mean".
In three hours, it'll turn midnight. I'll go to a store, find nitrous oxide, and overdose on that. Asphyxiation isn't that painful. I have nothing at all.
submitted by PatroWasTaken to Suicide_Talk [link] [comments]
