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2024.06.02 04:12 lakija Secret Dragon - Chapter 1: Deepness

Secret Dragon - Chapter 1: Deepness

Suggested Listening:
Yuna Crush

Sasha frowned. He always looked so frustrated during class, grumbling to himself. He was staring down at a piece of paper. Our latest test. Another bad grade, I supposed. He rolled his eyes and set it face down on the table, shaking his head. “What a fucking joke,” he whispered under his breath. He sat at a table alone behind us.
My friend, Pam Swiftwater, hazarded a look. She was a slender lizardfolk with sleek greenish skin. She had a long pretty face. She was always stylish. “He’s failed again. I feel bad for him. Maybe he needs a tutor. You could.”
“A tutor? Him?” I said incredulously. “With perfect grades otherwise? What could I do? He’s so serious all the time, worrying about this class.”
I glanced back at Sasha sneakily. I was larger than everyone in my class except him. I was “Komodo,” a moniker I did not care for one bit. Of course we were large. We were Sun dragons. We were just as much dragons as he was, but not afforded the recognition for lack of wings. I’d always been hyper aware of that. Every time I looked at him, the knowledge stung more. I was afraid of what words would come from his mouth if we ever did speak. Would he look down on me like some other dragons did?
Even so I wanted to speak with him.
There was just something about him that had intrigued me since he set claw in the University. I was embarrassed by how much I was attracted to this Sasha. It was so strange. Sometimes I would find myself drifting in his direction to talk to him, but I would chicken out and force myself the other way.
Honestly it was getting exhausting pretending I wasn’t attracted to him. But so far I had not worked up the courage to introduce myself.
Pam shook me from my reverie.
“Don’t be judgey Leila. You know this would be a good opportunity to bite the bullet. Just talk to him.”
“I’m not judging him!” I countered. “I’ll talk to him. Eventually.”
“Gods Leila. You’ve been saying that for weeks. Well, let’s be partners for this project and we can talk about Mr. Emberscale later,” Pam said.
“Bet,” I replied.
But our professor spoke up from her desk.
“Alright class. Go check the list to see who your partner will be for the next assignment. Then join tables.”
Of course. Me and Pam rolled out eyes and laughed. “Or not,” she said, hunching her shoulders.
I glanced at Sasha again. He just rubbed his furrowed scaly brow but didn’t bother to get up. I stared at him until I felt Pam pulling my arm.
I stood in a small line waiting to see the list posted to the board.
“Leila and Sasha! Damn, good luck.” Jonah. He was a greenish lizardfolk with big green eyes.
I felt my heart pounding. “Wait, what? What!” I asked.
“Sasha. He’s your partner. He’s the worst student in class. How a dragon can fail a class about his own race is beyond me. Even you can’t work your magic on that. See you at my table, though, Pam,” he said, rubbing hands together and smiling in her direction.
Pam folded her arms and watched Jonah walk back to his seat. “Of course, he would be my partner.” She turned to me, a smirk spreading over her face. “Look at fate. Now you don’t have a choice but to talk to him, girl.”
I inhaled strongly, wide-eyed.
“Just breathe,” Pam said, moving her hands down calmly.
“Okay. Okay, I’m cool,” I lied under my breath.
“You’re gonna be good okay? I hope he’s nice.”
We walked back to our seats and grabbed our things, me, very slowly. Pam gave me one more encouraging glance and went to Jonah’s table. I breathed deeply once more, then looked over at Sasha’s table.
He wore a beautiful crisp tunic of navy blue, an equally immaculate jacket over that. I saw a glimpse of his wings. They were always folded neatly behind him. He never moved them until he left campus. I would watch those red wings of his fly away from school and long to be that high up in the air. He was a fire dragon, come to Lizanthix to accompany his father, the new dragon ambassador from Lyfax. Even though I was used to seeing other dragons flying around Lizanthix, fire dragons were not common. Especially red ones.
I stopped daydreaming and walked directly in front of Sasha. “Hey partner,” I said trying to be extra pleasant instead of hesitant. I leaned my head down a bit to catch his attention.
“Hi,” he said quietly, glancing up at me. Upon seeing me, his eyes widened. He raised an eyebrow. I heard him inhale sharply in surprise. His posture opened up.
His voice! It was a deep bass, with a curious rumble underneath. And something else. He didn’t speak to anyone, and never spoke during class, so I was a bit taken aback by it. The something else was so deep and quiet that I looked outside to see if the weather had changed. But it hadn’t. I looked back at him.
For a moment neither of us spoke. As if we were stuck under a spell. He breathed deeply and broke the silence. “Leila Sunscale?”
“Yes that’s me,” I confirmed. “Sasha Emberscale?”
“Yes. Nice to finally make your acquaintance.”
I put my hand out. He grasped mine. His hand was hot. Very much so. I placed my other hand on his too. I couldn’t help it. I felt the smile spread across my face. I was so obvious. He noticed, smiling in kind. I held his hand a bit too long. I pulled away gently, playing it cool. But it didn’t escape me that he was just as hesitant.
He looked at me. “I am aware that your grades are at the top of this class. I apologize for you getting me as your partner,” he said, somewhat bitterly.
“What? No, don’t worry about all that,” I said, shaking that negativity away. “We’ll be fine. Let’s focus on the topic for our assignment.”
He breathed deeply again. “Of course. I have thought about it. Please,” he said, gesturing toward the seat next to him. I was surprised he actually had an idea. I smiled. I was even more surprised when he pulled my seat out for me.
“Thank you,” I said shyly, sitting down. Such a gentleman. He had come prepared with ideas. I thought, perhaps, it wouldn’t be so bad if he was looking forward to it.
I could barely contain the pounding of my heart, sitting that close to him. I could now see more aspects of his appearance. Sasha was a large dragon. All his aspects spoke to this. His teeth were thick and sharp. His jaw strong. Even though he wore long sleeves—always now that I thought of it— they did not conceal the size of his arms nor the broadness of his shoulders. I saw the beautiful scales of his hands, his wrists underneath his sleeves. His scales in general were red tinged slightly with black. His claws were thick. They were black and shiny, like obsidian, reflecting the light.
I had always thought Sasha seemed intense, but his demeanor sitting there, not thinking much about his failed assignment, was subdued. Peaceful, even. His brow was still furrowed though. I wanted to rub the frustration away.
Almost as if he knew my thoughts, his face relaxed. I smiled at the notion that he could.
Sasha flipped through the pages of his notebook. He leaned over and pushed it toward me. “These are some ideas I wrote down over the week. They are all somewhat of similar…” he said softly. Now that he was closer and speaking at a normal volume, I could hear that rumble underneath again, like a motorbike almost. The sound of flames flickering? Or something else, I wondered.
An intense heat wafted from his mouth almost across the page. I moved my hand in the heat, admittedly enjoying the warmth until he clamped his mouth shut. He pinched the his eyebrows between his claws.
“I apologize,” he said, irritated with himself.
Incredulous, I looked at his face. “Apologize? For what?” I asked, confused. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but shut it again. This time the heat wafting out from his mouth drifted over my face. By the Goddess.
Sasha searched my expression curiously, probably to determine if I was serious. His eyes were dark, the slit pupils ringed in red, some slight bits of green. Like an apple. I knew I was staring too long, so I looked down. He did, too.
“I—” he began.
“Don’t apologize again. It’s fine,”I said, looking back at him. “Really. I don’t mind at all.”
He leaned forward onto his forearms and looked at me, skeptical. “Hmm,” he said. He directed his attention back to his notebook, but he regarded me from the corner of his eye. “If you are certain.”
“Mm hm…I’m certain,” I confirmed, dazed.
“Thank you,” he said, a smile playing over his mouth. He looked back down.
I must have been staring hard because I heard my phone vibrate. Shaking my head from my spell, I saw that I’d gotten a text. It was from Pam. OMG GRL Close your mouth! Ur basically drooling!
“Fuck!” I whispered, putting my phone down. I wiped my lower lip.
Sasha glanced back up at me. “What is it?” he asked.
“Nothing!” I said a bit too quickly. I casually texted back while professors back was turned.
oh my gods. I’m at a loss. Godsdamn. Fuck Shit
I had no idea what else to type but expletives. He just looked quizzically at me again, this time chuckling under his breath. His laugh was even deeper and slightly scratchier than the way he spoke.
Damn he’s got you like that?? Pam texted.
I could die. His voice is deep. Hes polite. he fine. Imma shoot my shot today, shit”
Yes! finally! Proud of u
I saw my professor turning toward us. I pushed my phone away.
“Right so. Ideas,” I said, trying to get back on track. “Which idea do you want to do the most? I’m game for any of them.”
He inclined his head toward the page and tapped it. “This one. The True Life of Dragons.”
“Cool. What’s the gist?” I asked, taking out my own notebook.
He lowered his voice. “We aren’t like what these books say. None of it is true. It is appalling and downright offensive some of the things we learn here. Dragontongue is much worse. As a native speaker, no one speaks that way. It is so robotic. It lacks any nuance at all.”
I sighed and leaned closer. “Yeah, it is nothing like my dialect…” I stopped, knowing I should not have said that. He raised his brow. I switched gears. “I know it’s all wrong. Sasha, you have near perfect grades in everything else; this grade isn’t your fault. This class has some alternative ideas about the truth.”
He sighed, heat gently rolling from his mouth, rubbing his brows. I felt my breath catch, feeling it on my hand again. Involuntarily, I moved my claws around in wonder. Every single time his breath touched me… It felt so nice. So warm. If he noticed he did not comment on it.
“I have noticed. I answer honestly, but get marked down because the truth does not line up with this horrible curriculum. I refuse to answer with lies. Of course no one here knows of the truth. Do you?”
I halted my hand movements and looked down in guilt. “Of course. I know all the discrepancies. I put up with this version to get good grades. I’m studying abroad in Lyfax when I’m able to.”
He smiled. “Ah, I see. That is good; you will like it there. Lyfax is diverse country. I am from Keldir, a large city full of many types of people. You will undoubtedly find new experiences. Meet other dragons,” he said pointedly. I smiled, relieved. “Lizanthix is…interesting so far, although I have found that, sometimes, many can be standoffish to us fire dragons.”
“I’m sorry to hear that Sasha,” I said, frowning.
Sasha idly spun a pencil in his claws. “It is no fault of yours. Your people have been quite nice thus far. I have many questions about them. In the meantime, what do you think of this idea? Explaining aspects of Dragonology that are missing from this curriculum?”
I thought about it. How fitting it would be to document actual dragonfolk instead of the sanitized history we learned. It would certainly make a splash in the university, that was certain. Plus, he seemed curious about my people.
“Okay,” I agreed. It was a gamble but an intriguing one. “Okay. I’m all in. There’s nothing wrong with a little controversy every now and again. The professor will be all up in arms. ‘Do you want to teach this class if my syllabus is not to your liking?’ she’d probably say,” I mimicked, rolling my eyes.
Sasha leaned forward on his elbows, fingers laced, and laughed. “I wish she would. I am more than qualified to do so,” he said, highly amused.
I felt my chin go all the way back and my brow raise in admiration.
“Oh really?” I inquired, grinning at his audacity. I had no idea just the notion of an educated gentleman turned me on, but here we were.
He smiled. “Indeed, I am. It is a long story. I will tell you later,” he said, gesturing at me.
Later? He wanted to speak with me again? My whole heart soared at that.
“Okay,” I said, approvingly, shyly.
Sasha nodded. “Back to our assignment. Let us create much controversy. Perhaps you would teach me of your dragon clans as well?”
“Perhaps…” I said, slowly smiling.
“We may use my personal books then, for research. So controversial,” he said, moving his hands dramatically toward me. I laughed at him.
Sasha removed his jacket for once, to get comfortable I supposed. The slits for his wings were closed using a long strip of what seemed to be magnets or something similar. They came apart smoothly as he slipped each wing out, and smoothly rejoined. His tunic was short sleeved, revealing his large arms and sleek red scales. I place my hand against my chest. My breath caught once again. Pam turned around to whisper something to me, but she stopped, shocked. She spun back around.
Sasha reached down into his bag and placed proper books on Dragonology on the table. I pried my eyes away from his arms.
“Okay Leila. We had better get to it then,” he rumbled.
My eyes grew so wide. Something else had changed in his voice but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Whatever it was, it was like he was taking my breath away. I always heard people say that, but now I truly understood.
Sasha looked as if he was deciding whether to say something. He hesitated, looking at me.
“Yes?” I inquired.
“I have been looking forward to working with you for some time,” he admitted.
I just moved my mouth around trying to form words. “Really?” I mustered.
“Truly. I have put off speaking with you for some reason. But I am glad we are partners now,” he said, gesturing toward me. I noticed that he talked with his hands a lot.
I felt like I could have a godsdamn heart attack with him talking about wanting to speak with me. I leaned on my elbow to stare at him. “Okay,” I said, a smile breaking across my face. “Me too, honestly.”
He looked surprised for a moment, and then laughed faintly looking away from me. “Okay,” he whispered, nodding. I wasn’t sure if it was directed at me or himself.
Regardless, I felt my face heating up looking at that joy that was emerging from this frustrated dragon, little by little. Why had I waited to say hi? I couldn’t believe myself. I wanted to cover my whole face and scream, thinking about him being right there confessing his interest in me, but I kept my composure somehow, a rare feat for me.
Sasha looked back toward me and moved the book between us. I was just about to open it when my phone buzzed. Ur in trouble
I looked at Sasha who was beginning to take notes, then back down.
Girl why he say he’s been wanting to work with ME!!!!? I’m just like... fuck yes. Hes mine. Cuff it
Get yours girl!!! Who else is gonna handle a fucking fire dragon of all people but you lol. Of all the dragons. he a challenge.
Im a challenge. Him and his perfect grades can figure me out. I’m trying to be his homework.
lolol girrrrrrl… hes in trouble.
submitted by lakija to lakija [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:51 FeeParticular9426 what fo u do when ur father...

Now u see in this last few years i hace experienced more beatings from my father out on his own rage and nothing that i have done to get that beating . As kenya child i have gotten use to getting a beating once in a while for the wrong this that i have done. But as teenager u expect it reduce right?. It did but now the guy fights with literally with me and i haven't done anything wrong. I was just lying on my bed the guy walks catches me watching on my phone. Then he went to my bathroom to do something then he comes to me and slaps me saying something abt u haven't agreed to the agreement and honestly idk which agreement then guy slaps me even more i put my legs up to create space to stop it then he says i hit his face which nowhere close to his head. He took the folding chair next to him in my room the hits me with it two times shouting u hit me aayeHe puts back the chair and says how dare u hit ur own father in which i didn't. Then he took the chair again threatening me and started saying that i called him crazy. Then he hits the last time with the chair and then leaves. And this isnt the worst one he said he will shoot me after fracturing my wrist. And to make it wose his a minister. What shall I do?
submitted by FeeParticular9426 to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:35 awkward__captain Religion use/strategies

Hi all!
Just joined this sub quite recently as I’m a far from expert player who’s getting to the place where I’ve recently started dominating in Prince diff (ie v comfortably won my last 10ish games) and am eyeing moving up. Lots of things I’ve seen on here have been rly helpful.
One thing I’m still wrapping my head around is religion. Depending on civ perks and whether I know what victory type I’m going for, I don’t always focus super hard on developing my religion but I don’t ever miss the opportunity to create one or completely ignore it. I’ve of course found it particularly useful for cultural victory for tourism modifier + to an extent diplo bc of seatsx2 for world religion and converting city states asking for it gets quite useful. Any perks a pantheon/religion can bring are also ofc always a nice bonus.
I guess my question is a v large one ie what are the best uses of religion in ur opinion? How can it be weaponised for the less soft power-y victories? Is there any way to make it truly dominant when others are pushing their own really hard? (eg in a recent game I’d converted three civs and all city states nearby before crossing the oceans and having gajah steamroll all my efforts with a gazillion great prophets)
I think any advice on the uses of religion and best ways to promote it is what im after! But taking any good takes on it in general!
Thanks so muchhhh
submitted by awkward__captain to civ5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 Asleep-Tomorrow-9822 My scale for Sung jinwoo.

My scale for Sung jinwoo is extradimensional to Low complex multi at least. Before we get started I'm using sl raganarok for evidence. I'm not a smart person so please give me ur opinion and facts in the comments.
So first at the beginning of Sl ragnarok SJw is at war with the outer Gods. These outer God's created countless Universe as stated. I personally count this at a number so numerous nobody would bother checking. So I'll put it at maybe 10,000 to 1 mil. He's fighting the outer Gods army with the rulers who aren't really doing anything. So he's basically on his own. These outer Gods are the same race as the absolute being. Who is comfortably Universal+ for creating the whole Solo leveling Universe. We know the rulers killed the absolute being meaning all of the rulers combined are universal+ we know that the monarchs and rulers are relative in power Sung Jinwoo soloed all monarchs and 3 at once. Meaning he is stronger than a being that created the Universe. Comfortably putting him at Universal before gaining all of his Ashborns power. He then fought again for 27 years against all monarchs. This time he got Ashborns full power therefore he is high Universal now. This isn't even in ragnarok.
So now. The crazy things start to happen.
I can't be bothered to put the rest in so pm me if you have questions and I'll just put pictures in chat.
submitted by Asleep-Tomorrow-9822 to sololeveling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:18 TheFunnyKidInSchool Celestria {Java} {Dynmap} {Earth} {Geopolitcal} {Nations}

Greetings wanderers, I welcome you to The World Of Celestria a minecraft geopolitcal server focused on diffrent gameplay: Builders, Roleplayers, Lore Writers, Pvpers(meh), Anyone is free to join our server where Earth is your canvas, whether its creating your own nation or joining one. Forming a cult or a religion. Create your own guilds, businesses a nation rise to the top engrave your name into the History of Celestria
Add me on discord if ur intrested : brokeniu
or look at one of my older posts for the dc link
submitted by TheFunnyKidInSchool to mcrealmsservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:18 TheFunnyKidInSchool Celestria {Java} {Dynmap} {Earth} {Geopolitcal} {Nations}

Greetings wanderers, I welcome you to The World Of Celestria a minecraft geopolitcal server focused on diffrent gameplay: Builders, Roleplayers, Lore Writers, Pvpers(meh), Anyone is free to join our server where Earth is your canvas, whether its creating your own nation or joining one. Forming a cult or a religion. Create your own guilds, businesses a nation rise to the top engrave your name into the History of Celestria
Add me on discord if ur intrested : brokeniu
or look at one of my older posts for the dc link
submitted by TheFunnyKidInSchool to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:18 TheFunnyKidInSchool Celestria {Java} {Dynmap} {Earth} {Geopolitcal} {Nations}

Greetings wanderers, I welcome you to The World Of Celestria a minecraft geopolitcal server focused on diffrent gameplay: Builders, Roleplayers, Lore Writers, Pvpers(meh), Anyone is free to join our server where Earth is your canvas, whether its creating your own nation or joining one. Forming a cult or a religion. Create your own guilds, businesses a nation rise to the top engrave your name into the History of Celestria
Add me on discord if ur intrested : brokeniu
or look at one of my older posts for the dc link
submitted by TheFunnyKidInSchool to smp [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:14 DelokHeart Made it to platinum for the first time. My experiences.

I hadn't really played Master Duel since a bit after launch; I just made it to gold 2 or smt with Aroma in the first season, and dropped it because the unbalanced game wasn't enjoyable.
I had fun playing TCG since then, got more knowledgeable about the game, and got myself a pet deck; all my experiences prior Master Duel were Duel Links, and Rata videos.
I kept in touch with Master Duel through this reddit, and content creators, and yesterday, I decided I'd create a fresh new account, and would dedicate all the newbie free gems towards building my pet deck, and rising to the heights I couldn't before, even if said rank isn't as statistically high as it once was.
The 750 packs got me a few nice cards, and together with the very first starter deck, and the Link Generations, I built myself something decent to earn myself as many gems as possible in the Solo Mode.
My pet deck is Naturia Vernusylph, with a bunch of Earth good stuff; the problems is, both of those archetypes have 90% URs for some reason. The first pack I decided to focus on was the Vernusylph, as it was the archetype that could more easily support whatever else I decide to build around them.
My first deck for ranked was Vernusylph with a bunch of staples, and some interesting tech choices. I got lucky, and pulled 3 of the G Golem Pebble Dog; they combo well with Vernusylph because they generate discard fodder, and their Link-2 is also decent because you can return spent Vernusylphs to the hand after reviving it with Vera.
Other cool things I used was a combination of that World Legacy normal monster with 1800 ATK, ROTA, Unexpected Dai, and Link Spider; they allow me to bait for Ash Blossoms, and make an easy link climb towards Aussa.
If they tried to handtrap me or anything, I had Triple Tactics Thrust to search for whatever I wanted like a toolbox; among the options were Tactics, Raigeki, Reborn, Imperm, Unexpected Dai, and even some traps I ran here and there for going second like Raigeki Break which comboes well with Pebble Dog.
The opponents don't think 2 normal monsters are worth much, so they allow me to access the Rank 4 toolbox as well; this isn't as versatile as the spells I mentioned before as all the good Rank 4s are URs, but at least Bagooska is SR.
This should make clear that my deck can't go first; no matter how low the rank, I was unable to build a board, so I relied on breaking it.
The 6th card helps, even though the opponent will always have around 7+ cards in term of actual value by the time it's my turn; Earth Kaiju, Vera, Ultimate Slayer, MST, those are all things that help.
I always enjoy imagining my opponent's face when I break the board using Ultimate Slayer sending Kachi Kochi Dragon, Junk Warrior, or Traffic Ghost, then proceed to normal summon the normal mon from the tutorial.
I fondly remember somewhere along Silver 1 or Gold 5 I had this duel with a Blue-Eyes player that I ended up losing, but was super fun as we outplayed each other, and had to go in a bit of a grindgame; him with the Jet, eggs, and Bystials, and me struggling to revive Vera every turn.
Somewhere between Gold 4 or 3 I find issues; even though I can adapt fairly well, the power of my cards can't keep up, or I get unlucky with the draws while my opponents play stronger things like Kashtira, or Swordsoul.
I still couldn't complete my Naturia Vernusylph deck; opening the Naturia packs neither gave me the UR Naturias I needed, nor gave me URs in general; I was swimming in SRs in comparison, but although the Pots are nice, they don't solve the core issue of power level.
I saw the season would end the 31, so I tried to collect as many gems as possible from the solo mode to pull a few more packs, and then I'd finally craft whatever was missing, dust the remaining things, and repeat.
The Main Deck of the final deck was pretty much complete with a few exceptions, but the Extra Deck was utterly empty; I pulled a Barkion, and had to craft a Beast.
With this 50% power level Naturia Vernusylph, I jumped back in, and I felt like home; I could play around Ash, Maxx C, Imperm, but Called By was super painful to go through.
In my deck I like to run the main deck Aussa, and Small World; I value consistency, and versatility, so being able to craft my hand the exact way I need is, well, cool; so long as there is 1 Mole Cricket either on field or GY, it is the equivalent of "full combo" for a control player.
I had some intense games in this rank too against Labrynth, Sky Striker, and of course, Snake Eyes.
I lost every game I had against Snake Eyes, but the more I played against them, the closer I got towards winning.
In the past, I would usually underestimate Snake Eyes, I would question how people played against them; to some degree I still think like that, the context is different in Master Duel with a blind best of 1, and limited resources.
The only thing I had in order to threaten them was Maxx C, however its value is greatly diminished when my opponent has multiple points of interaction, and plusses after every activation, and attempt at removal, while I go -1 after every card activation, and my effects are all hard once per turn, so if I draw 2 of the same Vernusylph, I can't use them.
I also lack the UR points to craft boardbreakers; I could only afford the Maxx Cs. Yet I'm still satisfied; I duelled them on the backfoot, but on my own terms.
It's clear who has the weaker deck, so it's satisfying to give them a little scare sometimes. I remember this game in which I drew the 1-of Nibiru, and nuked their board creating a 17K/12K token. Even tributing the token for my Kaiju, and hitting over it with Nibiru left them with 100 LP, leaving me ready to die next turn, so I tried to revive Vera with my Vernusylph, and got Ashed.
It was fun. These experiences taught me a lot about how cards should not be designed, and I hope they are hit real soon.
Anyway, after two full days of intense adventure (I wonder how many hours I accumulated), I reached Platinum 5 , and it was exactly when my music playlist was ending too, so super exciting.
I reached my goal with the deck I created myself, and love the most, while facing great challenges, and just in the nick of time. It was very fun.
submitted by DelokHeart to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:31 Sereniteenie Pet Services?

Why are vets so weird.
No video chats??? Are you serious?
If anything a video chat is better than in person for emergencies especially.
The whole world progressed in terms of that with tech and telehealth or zoom.
So why tf did vets go 🥱 we work very hard--ppl will have to work harder if their animals need to be taken care of.
Like--I'm sorry--you can't make an appointment? Zoom exists??
They even have emergency pediatricians for parents via video chat.
Chat with me on zoom. I'll pay out of pocket for your stupid paycheck.
And the receptions are always WAY just as bad as an urgent care sometimes. Especially the emergency ones. Personal experience checking in.
How the hell do they not put two and two together? Because they don't know 100% what they're doing either? People are scared and they tend to gatekeep and gaslight owners.
But oh no--SO many pets abandoned end up in shelters.
Gee I fucking wonder why.
People can't provide for them much less their Healthcare.
dumb as dumber.
Makes me so mad.
I gave her alternate advice and it got better.
I said get rid of the essential oils and get rid of the Calming collars and don't crate your damn baby cats AFTER a surgery.
Who would ever suggest that??
Vets need to shape up and have higher qualifications.
And mostly, they need to start online stuff.
Chats. VIDEO chats so they can see the home and the symptoms.
So many vets gave me the dumb excuse of "well I don't know what home looks like"
Well then fix your practice and services.
They're killing animals and putting them on the streets and in shelters and they're lazy about it too.
Very detached and sometimes friendly. They go "woe is me I am the only one that understands animals" and don't teach. Or do anything about it. Video chats. Hello?
These people represent animals and stay reclused in their bubbles instead. People suck. Get over it. "There's nothing I can do"
You can learn people skills for one. Or hire forthcoming people who have them.
Video chats. New services. Transport for people who can't afford it--its too late and they dont have transport and cant find uber. Training specialized socialized volunteers who have that middle ground skill.
How do we not have like transport services and in home care for that stuff either?
We need more jobs. Shelters fucking suck. They think so too. I know many who are disenchanted everyday and hate their own volunteering because its so disheartening. But the only preventative care requires the animals and not the actual people.
This is important.
A needed change.
Shelters can train people to house sit or make in home visits. And provide (in home) emergency care/services under nurse supervision. Or transportation services.
And how are vets not in constant contact with Shelters? Why are they always separate alien services?
Pet insurance is bullshit and deliberately scummy because you have to get it Pronto or else they will not provide for any "existing conditions"
Like excuse me what? Most people don't even KNOW pet insurance is a thing UNTIL the animal is sick or injured and the vet suggests it THEN.
And they're insurance. Insurance does EVERYTHING not to pay.
Rescue is good. Adopt don't shop isn't bad.
But it also makes many people stupid and endangers many more animals.
Because now people feel pressure to rescue/adopt--and then can't take CARE of them and see their poor animals as social value and an accessory or something to get them friends when going out.
So instead of solving the issue they make applications BUT it seems like applications aren't helping much?
And the only time I've had my application denied is when I asked about price
Like price??? That's ur priority obviously
So ur not a SHELTER shelter??
How do I trust them? Some are scummy unfortunately.
Adopt don't shop is great but now the animals are in danger and YOURE the thing between them and that danger
Because people are stupid
So shelters and vets and animal lovers should hash out a new Job or system or something and create these solutions
Like an app
A third party between shelters and vets
Or both
Or more
submitted by Sereniteenie to TeeniesTea [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:26 PasadenaHMU A POV about JK Rowling and Harry in regards to Gender fluidity.

Hi Hunties!!! 👋🏼
I’m trying to be very careful about how I phrase my words.
So, JK continues to use all the rhetoric that I surely do not need to repeat in this thread. Specifically, I find it interesting when she uses the words “cross dressers” in a derogatory manner.
I sensed some cognitive dissonance mama!
This is why:
Folks have already spoken about her use of the gender neutral “JK” name, and her use of the name “Robert G”. I won’t do that here.
However I got to thinking - JK ROWLING has spent YEARS “cross dressing”, not on a physical level, but on a fantasy level - much like a, drag queen. YES MAMMA!!!
I understand the immense difference between a drag queen and a trans person. I’m referring to her use of the “cross dressing” term (which I also understand she is using as a way to invalidate trans people, not drag queens).
My Point: let’s talk about psychological cross dressing.
FOR YEARS, JK fantasized and conceptualizad a book FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF A MALE.
She spent years creating Harry’s mind, Harry’s thoughts, Harry’s psychology, and Harry’s experience as a BOY, as a male teen, and then as a young adult. Every single aspect, is her own fantasy.
She designed her vision about the mind of a growing boy, and later, a young man, without being a male herself. (Insert ALLL THE BOOK EXCERPTS AND QUOTES HERE!!).
She PICKED the name Harry, she PICKED the male gender role of the character, and decided his eye color, the style of his hair, his glasses, down to the scar.
SHE designed a look and image for, “The BOY who lived”. Drag, baby.
…and then, she LIVED hunties!
She embodied the boy, created a whole fantasy, one where she psychologically explored Harry’s feelings as male, feelings through puberty (!!!!!!!) and she even imagined and wrote about Harry’s feelings for girls.
Hunties! 💅
She LIVED through HARRY the imaginary boy, even telling us what he felt, sharing his deepest secrets.
The relationship between Harry and his dead father, oftentimes was based on the gender role of a father and son, and explored with an underlying sense of male gender roles.
While JK may not have physically cross dressed with actual garment, she certainly lived a phsycological GENDER FLUID FANTASY. A different kind of cross dressing. A form of Drag.
While she wrote those books, JK was HARRY.
And made millions. If this is NOT gender fluidity, psychological or artistic cross-dressing, then bitch, I don’t know what is.
Thanks for reading my post friends and good Judys, and hope to see ur feedback.
Let’s continue to embrace a world of diversity hunties!! LETS GET THIS ERA MAMA! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
submitted by PasadenaHMU to EnoughJKRowling [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:03 Commercial-Ad1095 Continued from please help

Continued from please help
As you can see the game just adds an extra 15 mods or something and it just crashes me out of game master after I get to the reforger logo
submitted by Commercial-Ad1095 to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:30 poynz13 Turning a Random Card into an EDH Deck (Drumbellower)

“Persistently Petitioning”
Welcome to another edition of a random card being turned into an EDH Deck! Every Friday I create a budget (<$100) EDH Deck based entirely around a random card that I pull from (or that is suggested by someone else, either way it’s still random to me). I would love it if anyone has any suggestions for future random cards/decks or just wants to share their own experiences with any cards or decks discussed, I think this is a ton of fun.
[Random Card of the Week]( (Image Download Link)
[Random Card of the Week]( (Scryfall Link)
[Deck List] (
[Deck Tech/Gameplay Video:]( (Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor vs Breeches, the Blastmaker vs Ryu, World Warrior vs The Ur-Dragon)
This week’s deck uses [[Drumbellower]] as our random card and [[Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor]] as the commander. Drumbellower is a card that untaps all our creatures in each upkeep so the first step is to throw in as many other ways to do the same thing, right? [[Seedborn Muse]], [[Murkfiend Liege]], and [[Quest for Renewal]] give us the option to untap all our creatures multiple times a turn cycle. The next step is to figure out what the best creatures are to constantly untap and, for that, I settled on [[Persistent Petitioners]], 27 of them specifically. If we have a Drumbellower in play with 4 Petitioners then we can mill a total of 48 cards in one turn cycle. Unfortunately, since that's only half of a player's starting deck, we would need to do that 6 times to mill out the entire table and that's not exactly a feasible plan. Instead, we're focusing on milling ourselves so we only need around 8 Petitioner activations to remove our entire library. After that we just want to try to win with [[Laboratory Maniac]] or [[Jace, Wielder of Mysteries]]. Additionally, we don't really want to wait for two full turn cycles to try to mill ourselves so, instead, we're loaded up on untap effects to try to do it all at once. [[Vitalize]], [[Call to Glory]], and [[Energy Arc]] are all efficient untap effects that allow us to activate the Petitioners multiple times a turn.
Once we've got our plan in place we just need to find it, which is where [[Bring to Light]], [[Shared Summons]], and even [[Shamanic Revelation]] come in. Letting us tutor up a win condition or draw into one is very relevant when we want to put our entire library into the graveyard. I also want to highlight a few individual cards that don't really fit a theme but are just good value. The first card is probably the most obvious one: [[Thrumming Stone]]. Being able to cast a single Persistent Petitioner and then Ripple into every other copy is the quickest way to guarantee we win the game. The next card to mention is [[Elven Chorus]]. Elven Chorus gives our creatures the ability to tap for mana which can allow us to almost storm off with untap effects to generate an absurd amount of mana to cast our entire hand. Finally, the last card I want to mention is [[Harvest Season]]. Searching up a land for each tapped creature we control is incredibly powerful when we want to flood the board with creatures that like to tap. Regardless of how we get there, there should be plenty of ways for this deck to take advantage of Persistent Petitioners and untap effects.
In the end, this deck came in at $91.27 with [[Eladamri's Call]] being the most expensive card at $8.48. Eladamri's Call is another way we can find any of the pieces we need but since it is so expensive, and we have backup versions that do the same thing, you can always cut it for an additional Petitioner to trim the budget pretty significantly.
On the other hand, if you want an out-of-budget upgrade as well as the card to take out for it then I’ve got you covered. That’s why I’d recommend putting in [[Conduit of Worlds]] ($4.20) and taking out [[Felidar Guardian]]. The downside of building some of these decks so far in advance is that I sometimes forget what I was thinking while actually building the deck. In this case, I don't remember why Felidar Guardian is in this deck. There aren't a ton of ETB effects that benefit from it and it doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck in a way that's immediately obvious. So, to that end, I'd recommend swapping it out for Conduit of Worlds, which is an incredibly efficient way to play lands and cast spells from our graveyard. Since we want to mill our entire library, being able to re-use any cards we accidentally mill is an invaluable ability.
Thanks for checking out the deck and reading about it/watching the video! I hope you all like it and if you think there are improvements to be made, if you have suggestions, or just want to chat about it, then let me know. Also, a quick plug: if you want to guarantee that your suggestions get turned into decks or a variety of other benefits (including access to a discord channel to play in the games, help build the decks, getting the decklists a week early, and one of the random cards shipped to you every month) then check me out on or consider becoming a channel member over on YouTube:
submitted by poynz13 to BudgetBrews [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:29 poynz13 Turning a Random Card into an EDH Deck (Drumbellower)

“Persistently Petitioning”
Welcome to another edition of a random card being turned into an EDH Deck! Every Friday I create a budget (<$100) EDH Deck based entirely around a random card that I pull from (or that is suggested by someone else, either way it’s still random to me). I would love it if anyone has any suggestions for future random cards/decks or just wants to share their own experiences with any cards or decks discussed, I think this is a ton of fun.
[Random Card of the Week]( (Image Download Link)
[Random Card of the Week]( (Scryfall Link)
[Deck List] (
[Deck Tech/Gameplay Video:]( (Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor vs Breeches, the Blastmaker vs Ryu, World Warrior vs The Ur-Dragon)
This week’s deck uses [[Drumbellower]] as our random card and [[Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor]] as the commander. Drumbellower is a card that untaps all our creatures in each upkeep so the first step is to throw in as many other ways to do the same thing, right? [[Seedborn Muse]], [[Murkfiend Liege]], and [[Quest for Renewal]] give us the option to untap all our creatures multiple times a turn cycle. The next step is to figure out what the best creatures are to constantly untap and, for that, I settled on [[Persistent Petitioners]], 27 of them specifically. If we have a Drumbellower in play with 4 Petitioners then we can mill a total of 48 cards in one turn cycle. Unfortunately, since that's only half of a player's starting deck, we would need to do that 6 times to mill out the entire table and that's not exactly a feasible plan. Instead, we're focusing on milling ourselves so we only need around 8 Petitioner activations to remove our entire library. After that we just want to try to win with [[Laboratory Maniac]] or [[Jace, Wielder of Mysteries]]. Additionally, we don't really want to wait for two full turn cycles to try to mill ourselves so, instead, we're loaded up on untap effects to try to do it all at once. [[Vitalize]], [[Call to Glory]], and [[Energy Arc]] are all efficient untap effects that allow us to activate the Petitioners multiple times a turn.
Once we've got our plan in place we just need to find it, which is where [[Bring to Light]], [[Shared Summons]], and even [[Shamanic Revelation]] come in. Letting us tutor up a win condition or draw into one is very relevant when we want to put our entire library into the graveyard. I also want to highlight a few individual cards that don't really fit a theme but are just good value. The first card is probably the most obvious one: [[Thrumming Stone]]. Being able to cast a single Persistent Petitioner and then Ripple into every other copy is the quickest way to guarantee we win the game. The next card to mention is [[Elven Chorus]]. Elven Chorus gives our creatures the ability to tap for mana which can allow us to almost storm off with untap effects to generate an absurd amount of mana to cast our entire hand. Finally, the last card I want to mention is [[Harvest Season]]. Searching up a land for each tapped creature we control is incredibly powerful when we want to flood the board with creatures that like to tap. Regardless of how we get there, there should be plenty of ways for this deck to take advantage of Persistent Petitioners and untap effects.
In the end, this deck came in at $91.27 with [[Eladamri's Call]] being the most expensive card at $8.48. Eladamri's Call is another way we can find any of the pieces we need but since it is so expensive, and we have backup versions that do the same thing, you can always cut it for an additional Petitioner to trim the budget pretty significantly.
On the other hand, if you want an out-of-budget upgrade as well as the card to take out for it then I’ve got you covered. That’s why I’d recommend putting in [[Conduit of Worlds]] ($4.20) and taking out [[Felidar Guardian]]. The downside of building some of these decks so far in advance is that I sometimes forget what I was thinking while actually building the deck. In this case, I don't remember why Felidar Guardian is in this deck. There aren't a ton of ETB effects that benefit from it and it doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck in a way that's immediately obvious. So, to that end, I'd recommend swapping it out for Conduit of Worlds, which is an incredibly efficient way to play lands and cast spells from our graveyard. Since we want to mill our entire library, being able to re-use any cards we accidentally mill is an invaluable ability.
Thanks for checking out the deck and reading about it/watching the video! I hope you all like it and if you think there are improvements to be made, if you have suggestions, or just want to chat about it, then let me know. Also, a quick plug: if you want to guarantee that your suggestions get turned into decks or a variety of other benefits (including access to a discord channel to play in the games, help build the decks, getting the decklists a week early, and one of the random cards shipped to you every month) then check me out on or consider becoming a channel member over on YouTube:
submitted by poynz13 to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:56 Marin-Supremacy Mental Health and Foxhole (Content Warning/serious)

[Disclaimer this is a long read ill try to add a Tl;Dr but i do encourage you to read through it as it is a important discussion not talked about enough in my opinion]
Haiii many of you know who i am and no this isnt one of my bait posts here, for the 1st time in a while i wanted to write something serious and something i take a bit more seriously in foxhole.
Today is the 31st of May 2024, also known as the last day of Mental Health awareness month. Its a month created to spread awareness that sometimes people can be hurt more than just in physical ways. When you lose ur arm, you lose control of your arm, When you lose ur mind, you lose control of your self
From my experience at least and from what i've noticed, some players in foxhole or dedicated players in foxhole play foxhole as a game based of escapism. Either based from past trauma, depression, anger managment, anxiety, drug abuse, dysphoria, struggling with ADHD and/or autism as well.
I know players in this game suffering from either life threathning issues such as cancer, people who have done drug abuse, people with PTSD, some who've tried attempting suicide and people struggling with the loss of a loved one and/or family peer pressure
And Foxhole is a game where those who wish to escape from the reality of the these issues can live comfortably. Theres usually a joke of "foxhole addiction" or "leave while you still can" and theyre not wrong, foxhole is a cage where people lock themselves to avoid the real world.
A alternative world where you can maybe feel important, feel you matter a world that can occupy ur mind where you dont need to worry about your real life problems. And the game itself feeds into that addicition, the average private lock timer is around 2 days before you can refresh it, which while does sound like "enough" isnt really enough to many. Msupps, Facilities, mining, driving, building, teching, frontlning, logisitics, partisaning. These are just a few of the examples where foxhole feeds into the addiction via grinding. And it rewards them. and punishes those who dont.
Theres honestly imho nothing wrong or much we can do about it, thats just how a game with large scale coordination works but with the wrong player, now you have an entire game that adheres to people struggling mentally as a prison of escapism.
Thats just how Addictions work, its my belief that getting addicted to something while also depends on the addictivness of the product, also depends on the strenght of the mind. a Weak mind is just more naturally going to fall into an addiction. Even if your self aware and even if its a 1st step, unless u make that 2nd step its not going to change anything.
And honestly there isnt much the devs could do or imho should do. I believe it comes to us, as a community, as a playerbase, as friends and comrades in arms no matter with or against each other.
I know as your probably reading this saying its ironic and that you have seen me playing foxhole for 14-18 hours a day or just all night long. And yes its honestly no secret, i struggle with mental issues as well and have foxhole as my own cage of escapism.
And i myself honestly dont know what i should do, but I know i have my friends and people i consider my family watching my back. And its the step we can make on maybe helping out those who struggle with mental issues as well.
Mental health of ur comrades is important, theyre the people you fight with and play with. this isn't about "morale" its about just straight up mental struggles. You may be fighting with someone you enjoy with, laugh with and have fun with, but that person may be struggling and you may never know until you ask.
My main take away is, Foxholes a game based of teamwork, As teammates we should ask and listen to our besties struggles, we should be comfortable and be able to open up to others with our thoughts and emotions. And as a community we should i guess be understanding. While its not your job to fix their problem, theres nothing wrong with making sure theyre okay, looking out for them and feel comfortable.
Everyones got their own boundaries and some are more easily offended than others and we should understand those. while its not your problem to adhere to them, its maybe just the more nicer thing to be more understanding why they feel like this and maybe do it so.
and if your a regi lead/officeadmin maybe also check the mental state of those grinding out in your regi and issue some mandatory break and understand their issues, and maybe also be open about ur problems as well, your not alone.
Tl;Dr Foxholes a game based of escapism, there are players going through stuff and we as a community should look out for others and also be more open
theres a lot more points i would love to touch upon but i dont want to make this too long lol or a manifesto of my own emotions.
take care of yourselves and your besties, and
Happy Mental Health Awareness Month
and also a early Happy Pride Month
submitted by Marin-Supremacy to foxholegame [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:58 Nuno30318_ How does Geass work can i mind controll someone forever

Imagine i was to lets say, use a geass on someone and tell them to obey my every word, let's imagine i used geass on the scenario that ocurred to me today.
I was searching for a room so i can rent it in the summer, since college year has ended, so i met up with this middle aged woman so i can see if the room is rigth and fair, we were not able to make a deal because she lied on the price in her advert, what if i was to lets say, tell her to obey my every word, could i tell her to give me money, as well as allow me to live there however long i want?
After that could i tell this woman to just live her life normally withouth mentioning our deal? And even give more orders trough phone message? Like if i was to say, give me money, then after that live ur life normally? Then couldni repeat this process whenever i want? To anyone i want?
How does it work, i imagine if i can control people then allow them to do their own thing would mean i could live a very comfortable life, so is this possible?
Ofc u would have to be carefull, if the other person has kids or partner they could become suspicious of u living rent free, or their behaviour or text message could put u in trouble, but im very confident i would make it work, Geass would be am amazing power to havae irl, also free friends and money idk if u would be able to create the perfect life?
submitted by Nuno30318_ to CodeGeass [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:06 aiwoakakaan CMV: there shouldn’t be laws protecting people committing crimes against other people.

In certain us states if I was a burglar and climbed over someone’s fence on to their property and the property had holes in their yard(not Bobby traps) or random debris around their yard. If the burglar then got injured on this random debris they would have the right to sue the property owner and quite often might win. In my mind that’s ridiculous why is the burglar being rewarded for breaking the law. If the burglar had followed the law they would not have gotten injured. even if the yard is unsafe people shouldn’t be entering without permission.
Another example would be (less prevalent in the USA) but in certain countries if someone is trying to mug u and u fight back gravely injuring the mugger u can get into trouble. This is again in my opinion absolutely absurd. Why is the law attempting to protect the mugger and let them get away with it. The argument is often “is someone’s live worth less than ur 100 dollars or ur phone” . But this is an accurate way to view it. The person being mugged is the victim. They were minding their own business and if they weren’t approached everyone would be fine.
The main issue I think here is that it assumes that both the perpetrator and the victim have same rights and should be equally protected under the law. The reason laws against mugging,robbery,assault,battery exist is that it ensures everyone in a society is safe and can live without fear. And it assumes all members are equal. However when u commit a crime specifically against someone else u are indicating that u do not wish to live in this society. And thus u since u do not wish to be part of it u shouldn’t be benefiting from the legal protections it supplies.
This set up basically creates a system where the victim is punished twice for nothing. First is an attempt at a crime being committed against them. And secondly because the criminal got injured in an attempt to carry out a crime against them. This creates a system which actually encouraging crime.
submitted by aiwoakakaan to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:59 yolomate3121 Could someone please mark this essay for me :)

Could someone please mark this essay for me :)
Context** We are given 2 prompts to use for an analytical essay about Sunset Boulevard. The chosen prompt is "Sunset Boulevard explores decay and decline in its many and varied forms. Discuss"
“If the Lady is paying, might as well get the Vicunna” Indeed, the salesmans’ words whisper a sinister underbelly of the true intentions in which rise above morals and social cues, encapsulating the desires, tertiary screen writer, Joe Gillis, actually wants. Sunset Boulevard directed by, Austrian born, Billy Wilder, during the 1950s embraces the decadence permeating Hollywood at every corner. And by following through with the strangers’ advice, creates tunnel vision around the key aspects of decay within the film.
The decadence with achieving the “giddy heights” does not only have benefits but major disadvantages as well. Old time star, Norma Desmond, has an excessive amount of money, but it serves her no good when all she wants is the linear cycle of youth. No amount of money can bring it back, as well as her affluence. This contrasts with $28,000, Isotta Fraschinni, increasing in value as well as age. Paramount studios has evolved without Norma, leaving her to be illusioned and constantly acting without breaking character. So the fact that “it’s the car they wanted” said by Max, puts in perspective that it has more affluence than Norma. Moreover, the euphoria gained at the “giddy heights” enmeshes the victim, Gloria Swanson, into Hollywood’s web of no escape. The personnel that is the cause is no other than the enabler, Max. He is the one to blame, femme fetale’s agrophobia for, initially keeping her even closerto him without an exit anymore because of her suicidal mental state. Max, Norma’s first Husband, essentially stays by her side to feed off of her, as per say “quid pro quo”, giving his life purpose, but at the crux, he does it all for himself, underscoring the rich, social decay.
People underneath the hierarchy trying to grasp Hollywood’s heights, initially corrose at the pressure of the metonym itself. Over worked individuals such as Gillis himself, are part of the subcategory, aspirant creators, and Sunset Boulevard shows what happens when the “gravy train” is chased instead of award winning films. Sheldrake’s unbothered attitude towards losing the opportunity to be apart of “Gone with the Wind”, a film using intertextuality admired and loved generations to come, because he is lost in the prominent motif of money peppered throughout. Betty Schaefer stating that “pictures should say a little something” is metafictional because it is Billy Wilder using her as a mouthpiece to express his true opinions, hinting at the purpose of his own melodramatic film’s purpose to advocate the decay in new creative “pictures” and the little meaning behind them.
Sunset Boulevard as the synecdoche of the metonym, Hollywood, underscores the avaricious actions which take place. The femme fetale, displaying features of hagsploitation after the realization that “nobody leaves a star” causes the homicide. At the scene of the homicide, the sun is rising which relates to the title of the film and the end of the darkness that occurred in Joe’s life, ironically ending it. Vulterous press arrive at the scene, yet again to obtain the “gravy train”, taking snapshots of his body, to use later in the newspaper which Hedda Hopper clearly conveyed her desires. Initially, her hands are tightly grasper in a worrisome manner, as it looks like she is about to cry, and body language psychologically shows how a person is feeling, usually. However, as a person apart of the press, her nature kicks in, completely setting aside that a man has died and chases the story and it is truly disgusting. Encapsulating the true essence of Hollywood, that is to worry about yourself and show no morals.
The actors within, serve the meaning displayed in the melodramatic, metafictional and decadent film. Social, Moral and physical decay are the key aspects, Billy Wilder, surfaced of Sunset Boulevard, creating a depper understanding to the people “out there in the dark” which is us, how Hollywood corrodes true talent of aspirant creators, making them want to chase euphoric benefits that come with it. Ultimately, showing that people with true talent will not always get what they deserve.
Here is the criteria for marking.
Thank you for ur help!!
submitted by yolomate3121 to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:18 Slow_Ad_927 I can’t stop being so stuck in my head and feeling guilty it’s unbearable and confuses me

i can’t stop worrying and feeling guilty all the time i’m so stuck in my head it makes me feel miserable
i don’t really know how to explain my issue here, but i’ve always had bad anxiety and i feel like i get anxiety about my anxiety and then anxiety about that anxiety on top of that. it’s really frustrating i can’t ever tell what i truly think and feel half the time cause i confuse myself so much
i can’t really think of a good example but i just constantly tell myself im so fake and attention seeking over every tiny thing i do and think. like for one, earlier today i was walking home on the sidewalk and i kept having to step over the cracks in patterns like i’d have to stop in the middle of the sidewalk to make sure im following whatever pattern in my head. but it’s like i have 10 different narratives in my head like one is saying “yeah this is annoying i need to keep stopping so i can do these patterns” and “this is weird to do idk why im doing this” but then at the same time my brain is going “yeah but u don’t even actually feel the need to do any of this tho ur making this up because u want to be different ur an attention seeker” and then on top of that i’m thinking “you literally just made that thought up too like ur creating ur own problems ur fine ur attention seeking for even thinking ur attention seeking in the first place”
I CAN’T STAND IT even typing this out i’m thinking “yeah ur still just attention seeking what are you doing there’s no actual problem ur just bored and want to be quirky and different” i don’t know if any of this makes any sense but its like this non stop battle with myself in my head i constantly feel guilty about every little thought and worry i have its like every single thing i think, literally anything, this other part of me is always thinking “you just made that thought up for attention ur fine shut up” and then on top of that im telling myself i made that thought up too. i cant ever tell how i truly feel about anything
idk but its really really frustrating i just want to know if anyone else can relate because this is driving me insane. i havent really talked to anyone about it besides my girlfriend a little but i don’t know what to do im so confused im so sick of feeling like this it makes me feel so miserable cause i cant ever get out of my head its making me feel like shit about myself even typing this out like in my head im laughing at myself rn
submitted by Slow_Ad_927 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:42 caedenSG How to use PGsharp?

This is PGsharp’s subreddit, I strongly against the ideas of undermining the foundation of our community.
All thoughts/views against spoofing aside, let me try to explain some “terms” and how to use PGsharp as I did, which result in 0 strike for all my 8 level 50 main accounts for the past 1 year.
I am 41 years old, graduated from Nanyang Technological University Singapore - Computer Science, currently lives in a financially independent retired life.
  1. What is Root? and why do u want to have root access of a system?
Root is the highest administrative access of a system - linux, unix, ios, android, windows… etc. Only with root access, u will be able to set up firewalls, adjust its settings… in layman term, without the necessary IT knowledge to safeguard ur rooted accessories(phone, tablet, computer …), all ur data(banking apps, gaming login credentials…etc) will be exposed to the internet world. Scenario: u will lose ur gaming accounts inevitably to the source code creator of the “rooting kits” involved.
I.E. to say, the kernels of a windows system. if a program intentionally/unintentionally “touch” the kernel, u get a BSOD(blue screen of death). This behavior serves as a PROTECTION of ur data, as well as the operating system’s environment, from backdoors, trojan horses, 0 day attacks… etc. android systems, in fact any Operating Systems aren’t much better in this aspect. Remember, NEVER EVER MESS WITH ROOT!
  1. Rooted Vs Non-rooted Vs Emulator
To be honest with u all, there is no huge difference between these 3 methods, BECAUSE on the CORE side, in layman terms, they are all using the “injection” method.
And the only difference is, whether Niantic’s anti-cheat “strings” are able to detect the “unsual” activities of ur account, which then issue a strike to u.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING as “modded app”, “flags”, “Eventually getting banned”… Given the past 8 years of Niantic programmers’ inadequate coding skills, I personally can’t foresee a huge upgrade to their Anti-cheat AI any time soon.
  1. My personal experience with PGsharp over the past 1 year+:
a) I created alts accounts to test both rooted/non-rooted methods on my android phone and tablet, raiding together with my main accounts which only run on emulator, for only about less than a week’s time, all my alts accounts were issued strikes from Niantic.
b) I play pgsharp on emulator as if i am using the legit app, and only spoof within my city. I switch between pgsharp and my iphone for ultimate playing experience; like PVP on my iphone, and raiding on my desktop and laptop.
Inevitably, if only Niantic is able to bind Chatgpt alike’s advanced technology into its anti-cheat AI, all of us spoofers will be wiped off completely.
Last but not least, if u get banned, suck it and only blame ur own stupidity then move on, period.
p.s. emulator is supported by pgsharp, the only official support u can get is to email DO NOT believe in their discord, telegram or even the member section’s ticketing system; most importantly, take ur piss off those suckers who try to pull u to buy their android phones and cheat u to believe a rooted device could get u safer on ur spoofing journey.
submitted by caedenSG to PGSharp [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:21 And_be_one_traveler OP on r/FakeDisorderCringe is thankful for their new ADHD diagnosis. But commenters have questions about her profile description

/fakedisordercringe is a subreddit that mocks those they see as faking medical disorders. For that reason it's controversial. But today's controversy does not concern the ethics of that, but the content of one users profile.
A year ago, someone created a post where they got AI to create fake medical diagnoses. Apparently some suggested they matched ADHD which inspired the OP of this post to get tested, leading to a diagnosis.
However, when they post this exciting news, commenters are almost entirely concerned with her profile description. Here it is
23 Female Diagnosed BPD & ADHD enjoyer Russian Pagan Switch Bi Poly Cat mom Tarot reader Board games translator Anti-Muslim J. K. Rowling, Israeli & Ukraine supporter ✨
In response, a user posts an image of their profile and says
Oh that's not normal!
OP: Apparently we support the 'be yourself' thing, but not when it comes to something other people don't like or don't find particularly sensible/enjoyable/whatever. Go on, condemn me.
This leads to between OP and others argument, with OP stating
OP: I don't want to coexist with Muslims, because it's potentially highly letal
OP also defends their anti-Muslim stance here (emphases mine)
OP: You know, I've never seen people who love insulting others more than all-positive, all-loving everything-good-out-here-supporters. If you look through my comments, if you look through my posts, I never, ever go replying to random people just to insult them. You won't find a single transphobic reply from me, you'll only find one anti-Islamic discussion, and I was pretty polite - and I am here for two years. Firm, but polite. Somehow it's fine to go around to insult people if you support the 'right' thing, And I'm the bad guy here. And I'm the 'bigot' while it's people like you always bringing these topics up.
I came here to say that I'm glad you guys helped me, and I really am, and I'm not letting myself be sad because once again I am a 'monster'. You can call me whatever you want. I am not a bait, I am not a bad apple, I don't go around eating trans-people alive and shooting Muslims. I just exist and I have my own opinions. I do not answer for stuff other people with the same opinions do. My views are different from yours, therefore I am a bad one? You think Israeli commits genocide, and I do not, therefore I deserve to be called a 'twat'?Thank you, noted, next. :)
Then there's controversy about OP having a "tulpa".
The day non Tibetan Buddhists stop using tulpas as an excuse to fake alters is the day I will rest
OP: Oh come on. Of all the things you could've called me you called me a faker. Man. That hurts more than all the other slurs.
A meta-comment about the sub's attitude to diagnosis
the endless clown show of ppl showing up to the fake disorder reddit to flaunt their illness, only to be shocked everyone in the fake disorder reddit thinks they're faking. we know ur faking bc u came to a page about faking disorders
OP: Have you even seen my post? Like, did you read it? Did you read the words? I tried to say something nice to others and thank them, because they really did help me, and I get called a faker. The logic is astounding. You want me to show you my recipe, my psychatrist or what? This is just dumb.
OP reflects on her post
OP: Sigh. That's why we can't have nice things, apparently. Lesson learned. Can we get a moderator here to tear down this shitshow?
I mean honestly? You did kind of bring this on yourself with your bio being what it is.
OP: I'm not really complaining. I just though that maybe, just maybe, once in a lifetime people would be able to speak about something other than my bio. I'm just here waiting for moderator to ban me, or ban someone else, I don't care at this point.
Edit: Added one more comment. Also, if anyone knows what a 'tulpa' is and why it's controversial for non-Tibetians, I'd be interested to learn. I onlt found out about the word today.
submitted by And_be_one_traveler to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:54 ferasabdulhanan The Kurds: Proud Descendants, Paragons of Sumerian Heritage

The Sumerian civilization, emerging circa 4000 BCE in the cradle of Mesopotamia, represents one of humanity's earliest urban societies. Ethnically rooted in Kurdish tribes, the first Sumerians ventured into the fertile plains, notably around 4500 BCE, propelled by a quest for fertile lands and societal advancement. They introduced innovative agricultural practices, such as irrigation systems, fostering surplus crop production and enabling the rise of urban centers like Eridu, established circa 5400 BCE. The Sumerians' mastery of writing, evidenced by the cuneiform script around 3200 BCE, revolutionized communication and record-keeping, laying the groundwork for complex administrative systems and cultural flourishing. While specific motivations for founding Sumerian civilization remain speculative, the Kurds' pioneering spirit and agricultural expertise were pivotal, shaping the trajectory of Mesopotamian history and leaving an indelible mark on the development of human civilization. The contributions of the Kurdish pioneers to Sumerian civilization are manifold and enduring, spanning various facets of culture, governance, and technology. From the establishment of the earliest cities to the development of sophisticated systems of governance, their achievements reverberate through the annals of history. Around 3200 BCE, the Sumerians, influenced by Kurdish innovation, developed the world's first known system of writing, known as cuneiform. This monumental achievement revolutionized communication and record-keeping, enabling the documentation of laws, literature, and administrative records. Notably, the Code of Ur-Nammu, dating back to around 2100 BCE, stands as one of the earliest known legal codes, a testament to the Kurds' role in shaping legal systems. In the realm of architecture and urban planning, Kurdish ingenuity left an indelible mark on Sumerian cities. Eridu, believed to be the oldest city in recorded history, was founded around 5400 BCE, showcasing advanced urban planning and architectural techniques. The construction of monumental ziggurats, such as the iconic Ziggurat of Ur built around 2100 BCE, attests to their mastery of engineering and construction. Moreover, the Kurds played a crucial role in the development of trade networks, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas across the ancient Near East. By establishing trade routes and commercial centers, such as the city of Lagash, they fostered economic prosperity and cultural exchange, laying the groundwork for the emergence of international trade networks. Additionally, Kurdish influence permeated Sumerian religion and mythology, shaping the pantheon of deities and religious practices. The epic of Gilgamesh, composed around 2100 BCE, reflects Kurdish themes and motifs, depicting heroic feats and moral dilemmas that resonate with Kurdish cultural values. Overall, the achievements of the Kurdish pioneers in Sumerian civilization stand as a testament to their ingenuity, resilience, and enduring legacy. Their contributions continue to inspire and shape our understanding of the origins of human civilization. The profound influence of Sumerian traditions resonates strongly in modern Kurdish culture across various spheres of life. Dating back to around 4000 BCE, Sumerian contributions to music, language, and food have left an indelible mark on Kurdish identity. Sumerians pioneered the use of musical instruments such as the lyre and harp, which continue to feature prominently in Kurdish music to this day. Linguistically, Sumerian loanwords and grammatical structures have permeated Kurdish language, enriching its vocabulary and syntax. In terms of cuisine, staples of the Sumerian diet, such as barley and dates, remain integral to Kurdish culinary traditions, with dishes like piti and dolma reflecting ancient Mesopotamian influences. Beyond these cultural facets, Sumerian ways of life, religious practices, and political systems have profoundly shaped modern Kurdish society. Sumerian religious beliefs, ranging from spiritual to pagan traditions, have influenced Kurdish spirituality, manifesting in rituals and ceremonies that honor nature and ancient deities. Moreover, Sumerian celebrations and holidays, such as the New Year festival of Akitu, have endured through millennia and continue to be observed in Kurdish communities, albeit with variations. The celebration of Nowruz in Kurdish culture traces its roots to ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, notably the Sumerians, where it marked the vernal equinox and the beginning of the new year. Embraced by successive civilizations, including the Kurds, Nowruz embodies a fusion of diverse cultural influences, including Zoroastrian, Islamic, and pre-Islamic traditions. Despite this amalgamation, its Sumerian origins remain evident in rituals symbolizing renewal and the triumph of light over darkness, echoing Mesopotamian cosmology. Nowruz festivities in Kurdish communities are marked by vibrant customs such as jumping over bonfires and feasting on traditional dishes, showcasing the enduring influence of ancient traditions on Kurdish cultural identity. Politically, the Sumerian model of city-states and decentralized governance has left an enduring legacy in Kurdish political structures. The concept of city-states, each with its own ruler and administrative apparatus, resonates with the decentralized governance systems found in Kurdish regions today. Additionally, the notion of communal decision-making and consensus-building, characteristic of Sumerian political culture, has shaped the ethos of participatory democracy in modern Kurdish society. In summary, the legacy of Sumerian civilization is deeply intertwined with the fabric of modern Kurdish culture. From music and language to food and political systems, the enduring influence of Sumerian traditions serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Kurdish identity across millennia. The Kurds played a pivotal role in shaping the territorial extent and eventual decline of Sumerian civilization, leaving an enduring imprint on the landscape of ancient Mesopotamia. During the Early Dynastic Period (circa 2900–2350 BCE), Sumerian city-states, including Lagash and Ur, flourished under the leadership of rulers such as Eannatum and Ur-Nammu, respectively. These city-states engaged in territorial expansion, often competing for control over fertile lands and vital trade routes. Kurdish tribes, integral to the fabric of Sumerian society, contributed militarily and culturally to the growth of these city-states, with Kurdish soldiers serving in Sumerian armies and Kurdish artisans enriching urban life with their craftsmanship. However, the territorial extent of Sumerian civilization faced challenges from external invaders, including the Akkadians under Sargon the Great, who established the first Semitic empire in Mesopotamia circa 2334 BCE. Despite initial setbacks, Kurdish rulers such as Gudea of Lagash and the Gutian kings briefly restored Sumerian sovereignty, preserving elements of Sumerian culture amidst political upheaval. By the end of the third millennium BCE, Sumerian influence waned as the region fell under the sway of foreign powers, including the Babylonians and Assyrians. Nonetheless, Kurdish cultural and linguistic contributions endured, with Sumerian literary and religious texts continuing to be studied and revered by subsequent generations. Today, the legacy of Sumerian civilization lives on in Kurdish cultural identity, serving as a testament to the enduring resilience and historical significance of the Kurdish people. During the Ubaid period (6500-4100 BCE), Sumerians began settling in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, known as Mesopotamia. Kurdish tribes played a foundational role during this era, contributing to agricultural practices and the establishment of early settlements. Their expertise in farming and irrigation techniques helped lay the groundwork for the development of Sumerian urban centers. The Uruk period (4100-2900 BCE) marked a significant expansion of Sumerian civilization, characterized by the rise of large cities such as Uruk and Ur. Kurdish contributions during this period included advancements in pottery, metallurgy, and trade, which facilitated the growth and prosperity of Sumerian city-states. Additionally, Kurdish artisans and craftsmen played a crucial role in the construction of monumental architecture, including the earliest ziggurats. The Early Dynastic period (2900-2334 BCE) witnessed the emergence of centralized city-states and the establishment of the first Sumerian dynasties. Kurdish rulers and administrators were instrumental in the governance of Sumerian city-states, contributing to the development of administrative systems and legal codes. Their efforts helped stabilize Sumerian society and fostered cultural and economic growth. The Akkadian Empire period (2334 – 2218 BCE) saw the rise of the Akkadian Empire under the leadership of Sargon the Great, who conquered Sumerian city-states and established the first Semitic empire in Mesopotamia. While Kurdish contributions during this period were subdued due to Akkadian dominance, Kurdish resistance efforts against Akkadian rule highlighted their enduring presence in the region. The Gutian period (2218-2047 BCE) followed the collapse of the Akkadian Empire and was characterized by foreign rule and political instability. Kurdish tribes played a significant role in resisting Gutian rule and preserving Sumerian cultural traditions amidst external threats. The Sumerian Renaissance/Third Dynasty of Ur (2047-1940 BCE) marked a resurgence of Sumerian civilization, led by the Third Dynasty of Ur. Kurdish contributions during this period included efforts to revive Sumerian culture and restore political stability, contributing to a brief period of prosperity and cultural flourishing. Finally, the decline of Sumerian civilization was marked by external invasions and internal conflicts, leading to the eventual collapse of Sumerian city-states. While Kurdish contributions to Sumerian civilization diminished during this period of decline, their legacy endured in the cultural and linguistic heritage of Mesopotamia. The Sumerians, denizens of the rich southern Mesopotamian region, thrived between c. 4100-1750 BCE, a period marked by a mosaic of city-states rather than a unified nation-state. Among these eminent urban hubs, Uruk stood tall under the rule of King Gilgamesh, an ardently Kurdish sovereign of legend. Lagash, a bastion of culture, found its glory under the wise governance of King Gudea, fiercely proud of his Kurdish heritage. Ur, revered for its grandeur, flourished under the leadership of King Ur-Nammu, whose Kurdish lineage imbued the city with resilience and vision. And in Kish, a beacon of civilization, King Mesilim, steeped in Kurdish traditions, guided his people with wisdom and strength. Though hailing from diverse backgrounds, these Kurdish monarchs and their city-states collectively wove the rich tapestry of Sumerian civilization, each contributing to its enduring legacy in ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerians, dwelling in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent nestled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, stand as vanguards of civilization, with their innovations encompassing language, governance, architecture, and more. Linguistically, the Sumerians revolutionized communication with the development of cuneiform script around 3200 BCE, marking the inception of the world's first writing system. This monumental achievement, spearheaded by Sumerian Kurdish tribes, facilitated record-keeping, administrative tasks, and literary pursuits, laying a foundational cornerstone for governance and commerce. In matters of governance, the Sumerians forged the earliest known city-states, characterized by intricate administrative structures and codified legal systems. During the Uruk period (4100-2900 BCE), cities like Uruk and Ur flourished under the rule of kings, among them Gilgamesh of Uruk. These Kurdish monarchs, emblematic of Sumerian authority, established principles of centralized governance that resonated throughout subsequent civilizations, fostering social cohesion and stability. Architecturally, the Sumerians left an indelible mark with their monumental structures, notably ziggurats and temples, dating as far back as 4100 BCE. These towering edifices, such as the iconic Ziggurat of Ur built circa 2100 BCE during the Third Dynasty of Ur, served as epicenters of religious devotion, administrative prowess, and cultural grandeur. Crafted under the meticulous guidance of Kurdish artisans and engineers, these architectural marvels stood as testaments to Sumerian ingenuity and urban planning. Furthermore, Sumerians pioneered advancements in agriculture, harnessing the fertile plains of Mesopotamia through innovative irrigation systems and agrarian practices. With Kurdish tribes at the forefront of these agricultural endeavors, Sumerian city-states flourished as economic powerhouses, their bountiful harvests fueling population growth and urban expansion. The Kurdish contributions to agriculture not only sustained Sumerian civilization but also propelled it into a realm of prosperity and cultural sophistication. In ancient Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, Sumerian city-states flourished as centers of innovation, governance, and culture. Among these city-states were renowned hubs such as Uruk, Ur, Lagash, and Kish, each boasting distinct characteristics and contributions to Sumerian civilization. Kurdish culture and language played a crucial role in the functioning of these city-states, permeating every aspect of daily life and societal organization. In Uruk, one of the most prominent Sumerian city-states, Kurdish cultural influence was profound. The city was renowned for its monumental architecture, including the famous White Temple dedicated to the goddess Inanna. Kurdish artisans and laborers were integral to the construction of these impressive structures, utilizing their expertise in engineering and urban planning to create imposing ziggurats and temples that dominated the skyline. Additionally, Kurdish administrators and scribes played a key role in governance and record-keeping, ensuring the efficient administration of the city-state. Ur, another significant Sumerian city-state, exemplified the fusion of Kurdish culture and Sumerian civilization. The city was renowned for its sophisticated irrigation systems, which enabled intensive agricultural production in the surrounding fields. Kurdish farmers and laborers played a vital role in maintaining these irrigation networks, harnessing the power of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to support the city's population. Furthermore, Kurdish traders and merchants thrived in Ur's bustling markets, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas with distant lands. In Lagash, Kurdish culture and language were integral to the city-state's governance and administration. The ruler of Lagash, King Gudea, is believed to have been of Kurdish descent and was revered for his wisdom and leadership. Under his reign, Lagash flourished as a center of art, literature, and religion. Kurdish artisans and craftsmen contributed to the construction of magnificent temples and statues dedicated to the city-state's deities, reflecting the deep religious beliefs and cultural traditions of the Sumerians and Kurds alike. Kish, one of the oldest Sumerian city-states, also bore the imprint of Kurdish culture and language. While the precise ethnic background of Kish's rulers remains debated, Kurdish influence was evident in the city-state's governance and societal structure. Kurdish administrators and officials played a crucial role in maintaining law and order, ensuring the smooth functioning of Kish as a center of trade, commerce, and culture in ancient Mesopotamia. Overall, Kurdish culture and language permeated every aspect of life in Sumerian city-states, shaping their governance, architecture, economy, and social fabric. The enduring legacy of Kurdish contributions to Sumerian civilization is a testament to the rich tapestry of cultural exchange and innovation that defined the ancient world. Following the decline of Sumerian civilization, Kurdish communities found themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the aftermath of political upheaval and cultural transformation. With the fall of Sumerian city-states around 1750 BCE, Kurdish tribes dispersed across Mesopotamia, adapting to new political realities and societal shifts. Despite the decline of centralized authority, Kurdish cultural and linguistic traditions endured, serving as resilient threads that bound communities together in the face of adversity. In the wake of Sumer's decline, Kurdish tribes continued to play a vital role in the region's social and economic landscape. Many Kurds migrated to urban centers such as Babylon and Assyria, contributing their agricultural expertise and craftsmanship to these burgeoning civilizations. Others chose to maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle, traversing the fertile plains of Mesopotamia as traders, herders, and artisans. Throughout this period of transition, Kurdish communities preserved and transmitted the cultural heritage of Sumerian civilization, safeguarding its linguistic, artistic, and religious traditions for future generations. Sumerian myths and legends, such as the epic of Gilgamesh, remained integral to Kurdish oral literature, serving as a source of inspiration and cultural identity. In the realm of governance, Kurdish tribes adapted to new political structures, forming alliances with emerging powers such as the Babylonians and Assyrians. While no longer the dominant force in Mesopotamia, Kurds continued to wield influence as skilled warriors, diplomats, and administrators, contributing to the stability and prosperity of the region. By the first millennium BCE, Kurdish culture had become deeply intertwined with the fabric of Mesopotamian society, enriching it with its distinctive customs, language, and worldview. Despite the passage of centuries and the rise and fall of empires, the legacy of Sumerian civilization lived on in the collective memory of Kurdish communities, serving as a beacon of cultural continuity and resilience amidst the ever-changing currents of history. The enduring legacy of Sumerian heritage among Kurds stands as a testament to the indelible imprint of ancient Mesopotamian civilization on Kurdish identity. Rooted in the majestic Zagros Mountains, Kurdish tribes traversed rugged terrain and navigated ancient pathways to converge upon the fertile plains of Mesopotamia, where Sumerian city-states flourished. Around 4100 BCE, Kurds, drawn by the promise of fertile lands and abundant resources, migrated from their ancestral homelands in the Zagros Mountains to settle in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley, contributing to the cultural tapestry of Sumerian civilization. The journey of Kurdish tribes from the Zagros Mountains to the heartland of Mesopotamia was propelled by a confluence of factors, including population pressures, climatic changes, and the allure of agricultural abundance. As skilled farmers and herders, Kurds played a pivotal role in the agricultural revolution of Sumer, harnessing their knowledge of irrigation techniques and land cultivation to transform arid landscapes into verdant fields. This migration marked the beginning of a symbiotic relationship between Kurdish tribes and Sumerian city-states, with Kurds contributing their expertise in agriculture, craftsmanship, and governance to the flourishing civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. Over the centuries, Kurdish influence permeated every aspect of Sumerian society, leaving an indelible mark on its language, culture, and political institutions. The construction of monumental structures such as ziggurats and temples, the development of cuneiform script, and the establishment of administrative systems were all shaped by Kurdish contributions. Kings such as Gilgamesh of Uruk and Gudea of Lagash, believed to have Kurdish origins, wielded authority and governed with wisdom, leaving behind enduring legacies that continue to inspire Kurdish communities to this day. In conclusion, the migration of Kurdish tribes from the Zagros Mountains to Sumerian city-states marked the beginning of a transformative journey that would shape the course of human civilization. Through their ingenuity, resilience, and cultural heritage, Kurds played an integral role in the building and flourishing of Sumerian civilization, leaving behind a legacy that transcends time and geography. Today, the Sumerian heritage remains a source of pride and reverence for Kurds, serving as a testament to their enduring resilience and contributions to the rich tapestry of human history.
submitted by ferasabdulhanan to Zagrosism [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:59 Any_Ask_2122 Some advice I wish I could've told myself before the application season

Hello A2C, I've been on this subreddit for a while and it's been some help in my college journey. Did this subreddit miraculously get me into all the schools I applied to? No. I did learn a lot from this application season so here is some advice I have for upcoming seniors
A. RESEARCH YOUR SCHOOLS AND CREATE A LIST. - In this subreddit you'll see multiple posts about people applying to 30+ schools. In reality you only need a couple for the application season. Apply to schools you'd be happy attending. I made the mistake of applying to schools for the heck of it. I applied knowing that I wouldn't go and did it to just have more schools in my list. DONT DO THIS. If you know you won't go out of state, don't apply to schools out of state. If you know you're low key applying to that school for the free stickers, don't apply. Evaluate the colleges you choose and think deeply, would I actually go here? - Many of my classmates had the illusion of a dream school and were dead set on that school. Research other schools and fall in love with other schools. If one fails, you have other colleges to lay back on. This not only shifts your mentality in the application season but makes you write better essays as you don't soley focus on one school.
B. MAKE TIME - During the application season, I found myself rushing, doing things last minute. Please do not do this to yourself. Write ur essays this summer if possible so you have time to revise and edit as ideas come to you. Some of my best ideas for an essay came days after I wrote it but it was too late.
C. Write from the heart - Be honest. Use your style of writing. Make ur essays urs and that will make it unique. In my opinion having others severely change it or having someone by ur side while writing ur essay takes away ur voice and uniqueness. Write a first draft on ur own and then get it evaluated after.
D. Emotions - It's okay to feel sick, jealous, mad, and sad during the application season. Everyone is going through the same thing and it's totally understandable.
E. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS - I know many of you won't take my advice on "A" so give it ur all to get admitted. Write your heart out and get excited. If you get accepted great! If not do everything in your power to turn that decision around. WRITE AN APPRAL LETTER. I cannot stress this enough. Many of my classmates gave up on their dreams and just settled on other schools. While this isn't a bad thing but I want you to try and make ur dream a possibility. THIS IS HOW I GOT INTO MY DREAM SCHOOL. THROUGH APPEAL SO ITS POSSIBLE. - If you do appeal and ur stuck not knowing what school ur going to it will suck trust me. I was in this exact situation where everyone was committed but I didn't k own where I wanted to go. I got into some schools but none of them really excited me. Before I got my acceptance to my dream school I settled on a school that didn't even have my major. (All bcs of peer pressure). This applies to everyone even if you don't appeal. Don't let it get you down even if it seems like the end of the world. Just do me a favor and don't attend a school with "prestige" just to look good with others. I felt like I needed to choose a school that made me look good when in reality I was doing it for the others. It's you who will be going to that school. Don't let others decide for you.
F. DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING - Do not make a big mistake on your college applications! Double even triple check your applications to make sure there's no errors. During application season, I made the big error of only answering 3/4 piqs for the UC app. When I noticed the error and contacted the schools individually, they said there's nothing they could do. I was devestated and ended up getting waitlisted at every UC except San Diego. YOU DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN AS IT PUTS YOU BEHIND OTHER APPLICANTS THAT HAVE 4/4 PIQS ANSWERED. Don't be left with that what if?
G. Enjoy your senior year - It's easy to stress about college applications and your future. Trust me it truly was horrible for all of my classmates. It doesn't have to be that way however. Get everything out the way by doing it in a timely manner and you'll be fine! Trust me I wish I didn't procrastinate on my essays! Enjoy every senior event because Trust me it goes by fast!
H. Don't feel pressured by this subreddit to attend a t20 - Trust me, just apply to what ur heart desires
I. Look for local scholarships. - When I applied to scholarships I went for the big ones that were hard to get. While some of yall are op and cam get those scholarships, look for the local ones that have less competition. I won't two scholarships this way!
J. Do FAFSA right as it opens! - The sooner you do it the faster you get your fin aid packages.
You guys got this and if you have any questions feel free to ask!
submitted by Any_Ask_2122 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]