Breezeway to garage ideas


2022.07.28 18:33 Travelin_Soulja garagebar

A place to talk about garage bars, to get ideas, to share inspiration, to ask questions, and to hang out.

2020.06.17 06:59 AdministrativeRoll VICEGRIPGARAGE

I don't knooow. Reopened and rebuilding. More to come….. The unofficial sub reddit to discuss Vice Grip Garage. Feel free to message me ideas and suggestions.

2014.01.04 06:09 holladays Motorcycle Mods

Garage built, garage modified, bikes, and projects.

2024.06.02 08:44 StorNextDoor Exciting New Startup in PEI – We Need Your Suggestions!

Hello Islanders,
I’m looking for some feedback and suggestions from this wonderful community.
Over the past few months, we’ve been working on a startup here in PEI which can help our community make some extra cash from home. We all know that our house is considered an asset, yet many of us still struggle with mortgage payments and often wonder why our asset isn’t helping more.
Our idea is simple: rent out your unused space – whether it’s a garage, driveway, shed, or basement – to people who need it for parking or storage. And don’t worry, we’ll handle all the details to make it hassle-free for you.
We’re excited to launch in PEI on July 1st, and we also have special perks for our early property owners.
I’d love to hear any suggestions or questions you might have. The startup is called – think of it as “Airbnb for your garage.”
Thanks a ton for your help.
submitted by StorNextDoor to PEI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:22 Difficult-Tonight910 Possible thing lurking around

A couple months ago we noticed a weird presence and atmosphere at my friend's house almost in the middle of nowhere. He has a couple neighbors next door but other than that the next neighbor is a ways down the road. We thought we noticed something from the kitchen window and the motion lights came on. So, we got the shotgun and went looking through at least an acre and a half of woods. We kept seeing the shine of our lights on eyes but couldn't ever pin point it. Since then similar feelings of not being the only ones there and being watched have only escalated even in the middle of the day. Then finally, today, we were riding our minibikes down his seasonal road, and he locks his brakes up well in front of me. When I catch up to him he asks if I saw that. We figured it was a deer, at least I did. Then his cameras which haven't worked in months suddenly alerted him that something was going on by/in the garage. We go to check it out, nobody and nothing in or around the garage. He then tells me what he stopped suddenly for on his minibike was what looked like a humanoid running on all fours. Any ideas? He also says his house is very haunted which I do not doubt as I've always felt a little bit of a presence here
submitted by Difficult-Tonight910 to SkinWalker [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:39 Optimal_Shame_3904 Horrible things I've had to do to afford 3 properties at 29 years old whilst working a mediocre job.

Hi all, I made a post asking something unrelated earlier today, and someone asked some questions about how I managed to afford 3 properties whilst having a low income at 29 years old. I thought it might be a good idea to make a post with the basics of how I did it, and for laughs, the horrible things I've had to do to save the money required for it... Please have a read, laugh at the bullshit I put myself through, and maybe learn things to do/not to do, if you want to buy property at a young age on a budget.
I bought my first house which was a 3 bedroom glorified hovel in the SE suburbs of Melbourne 5 years ago. (Income was 80k per year, however I did have a side job which generated extra income) Using a combo of money I'd saved and cash I borrowed from family to fund the deposit (I paid the deposit back in full with interest, thanks to working a side hustle in addition to my full time job teaching at tafe most nights of the week at that time) I immediately did basic renos on the house, and got two housemates to move in with me which covered a decent amount of the mortage.
Was made redundant 3 times during covid, due to the nature of my work, and learnt to save every cent due to my lack of money (more on that later) Eventually, at the start of 2022, I managed to get myself back into stable employment, and saved like a madman. Foolishly drained my super during this time to put towards a combo of bills, and saving for another property.
Waited until end of 2022, bought a two bedroom house (using a combo of equity in my first property gained using covid, and a cash deposit) as a family member needed a place to stay, and rented it to them, whilst adding a 3rd bedroom to add value to the house.
A few months ago, got that house revalued, and bought a rubbish unit using a combo of cash and equity from the first two places, renovated it myself using items I'd picked up in the last year off fb marketplace for free or cheap (paint, sinks, kitchen tops etc...) and rented it out straight away.
I am now extremely cash poor, however it's nice to see the equity slowly increasing. Before I talk about the horrible things I've had to do to make/save money, I'd like to clarify, that as a landlord I make sure that I look after the tennents correctly, rent out at a reasonable price, and generally make sure they have a higher standard of living than me.
Things I've had to do to get to this point...
-I built a home gym in my garage made up of weights I've picked up online for cheap or free over the years. And carpeted it using free carpet off of fb marketplace that I had to pull out from a crack shack as payment for it.
-My protein for cheap, comes from eating duck eggs from the ducks I've bought for cheap online (they live off of my food scraps in the backyard, so super low cost)
-The toilets in my house all have a brick in the cistern to save water each time you flush them
-I exclusively piss only in the backyard to save money on water bills from flushing toilet.
-I have not owned a car with a functioning radio or air con for the last 2 years
-I work a full time job and have a side gig which I do most nights of the week after work
-Once a month or so I treat myself to lunch, everything other than its pasta or baked beans in the microwave
-I bought my first roll of toilet paper about 3 years ago, before that, toilet paper was exclusively nicked from toilets at work.
-Grew 90% of my veggies from my own garden to save money
-I do market research on topics I have no clue about every few weeks about. I generally pretend I'm interested or have some expertise in the topic beforehand so I get accepted. Every time I do this, it generally covers a week or so of grocery bills, as I accept the payment in Woollies gift cards.
-I pay cash for everything so that in the lead up to buying a property it looks like I have zero expenses.
-Take random jobs for people doing terrible things like cleaning out disgusting old fish ponds out of deceased peoples estates before the place gets sold.
-Collecting bog wood from a country property, high pressure spraying it, and then selling it to aquariums for a profit, so they can sell it to customers for a small fortune (it's a rip off)
-Sold my TV to save cash for a property deposit
-Instead of buying an air conditioner, I chopped a circular hole in my bedroom floor, and put an extractor fan upside down on there, to suck up cold air from underneath the house in summer and pump it into my bedroom. Saves money on the power bill, and only cost me the price of a $30 extractor fan.
Anyway thats how I managed to buy three properties at 29 years old on a budget. I Hope anyone reading this enjoyed it and had a laugh at the dumb shit I've done to save money. Feel free to ask me any questions and I'll do my best to answer 😁
submitted by Optimal_Shame_3904 to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:38 DesignerFearless Wall texture

Wall texture
Hello all,
My family has an unfinished room where the goal is to insulate and, instead of drywall then another layer or paint, we’d use the planks or sheets that can be put in place of the drywall and are made to be the wall. That’s a confusing way to put it, but I can’t remember the term (apologies).
We’ve decided to use the dark blue planks for one wall as an accent (see left picture 1, looks brighter in person), the question has become what to do with the rest. The colour idea is basically an off-white. Since planks will be used, there will be either horizontal or vertical lines on one wall (any suggestions? I’m thinking vertical may add some height to the room). Is it “okay” to have planks for the remainder of the walls (ie, different colour but also have lines on the non-accent walls)? Would this look tacky, strange or give a feeling of inefficient design by having the same or different lines on all four walls since there’s an accent wall? Would preference be for more flat sheets of off-white stained wood or similar? Any spontaneous suggestions for texture or colour for the remaining three walls?
It’s a fairly large room. The blue wall won’t have much going on, the opposite corner will have a closet so we’d likely make the exterior walls the same colour (off-white). One wall will have shelving, and the last wall is for black and white artwork, TV, etc. The ceiling will be a brighter white. It’s effectively a multi-purpose loft in a garage with light grey flooring, we want the space to be inviting and bright, but comfortable.
Greatly appreciate any tips or advice you have.
submitted by DesignerFearless to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:35 Realistic_Trouble_37 Brake pedal locking

I have a 2019 Honda Civic. I park in the driveway on a slant, with the back of my car facing downward. Twice now, when it was cold outside (no snow or anything) I would put the car in drive and then my car would start to roll backwards. And when I tried to step on the brake pedal, it was stuck in the upward position and I couldn’t press it down. So I just slowly rolled back into the garage. Any idea why this happened?
submitted by Realistic_Trouble_37 to civic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:54 JaceLee85 Finally redoing garage wall, need ideas

Finally redoing garage wall, need ideas
My garage previously had almost no power and no insulation. When I mean no power, I had to turn off all lights and unplug chargers just to run a table saw or something or it would pop the only breaker going to it. Since then, I've had a 60amp breaker put in and fixed that issue. Now I'm putting in insulation and cover the walls with 1/4 osb.
For my bench, I have 18" of room and I want to make either my makita 10" miter saw or my craftsman RAS built into it. I have also been considering just buying a new HF Hercules or Bauer miter saw that offers tilt as my Makita does not.
Looking for input, ideas, or suggestions for how to build the bench. Especially ideas for dust collection, currently just use dedicated shopvacs hooked up to whatever I'm using atm.
submitted by JaceLee85 to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:24 Sensitive-Bee3803 Ozone machine exposure

A while back my landlord ran a small ozone machine in a closet outside of my room. At the time I had no idea what this machine was and I only recently saw that they can be harmful to humans. I think he ran it over night. It was in a closet that's in the garage and I am in an in-law unit in the garage. I didn't notice any impact to my breathing, but was wondering how likely it is that it would be harmful to me.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Sensitive-Bee3803 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:13 karseg Recommendations for basic guitar adjacent gear

Was inspired to ask this question based on one of the other threads today about helping newbs actually learn.
I’ve been playing for almost 20 years now, exclusively acoustic, exclusively for myself because I like learning and love music. The last three years I’ve been focused on finger style with an online weekly class (we all mostly stay on mute), and it has been awesome.
The downside of playing for myself and in an online group only is that I’ve learned basically nothing about the engineering components about guitars. Like- I have an acoustic electric, but no amp to plug it into. I don’t even know really how to connect it to my Mac and play around with GarageBand. if I wanted to record a video to send to my friends or family, I don’t know where to start to make it sound decent. And if I wanted to get brave and try an open mic, I should probably learn something simple about equipment.
Other than trying to YouTube my way through this (which I find tedious- I’d love to just hear from smart people like you), can some of you give me some ideas for how I might want to get started? what cables do I need? Is there a small cheap amp I should buy just for practice? What’s the most basic set up for recording?
submitted by karseg to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:11 wsando Question from a new arrival

Looked through this group, and have not found an answer. So originally from up north, used to store 5 gal gas tanks and 20# propane tanks in a shed. Our rental house does not have any storage beyond the attached garage. I want to store a gas can and tank safely any ideas ?
submitted by wsando to orlando [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:34 Serendipityyy 2024 Realistic cost to tear down a single family and build a multi unit?

edited to add more information
These might be annoying questions, I apologize in advance.
My husband and I may be inheriting a single family home in Little Village but it's in rough condition. If we wanted to live in it as a single family it would need to be gutted, which we're considering but we don't have any idea of costs for a project like this.
The home is currently 2 floors, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, 1,382sq feet on a 3,000sq foot lot. Most likely needs all new plumbing and electrical. Both bathrooms and kitchen need to be completely redone. We’d like to make both bathrooms a little larger and possibly combine 2 bedrooms. Upstairs is very crammed with a small narrow hallway and 3.5 rooms. Downstairs has a separate living room, dining room, small office/room, mud room and kitchen but we’d like a more open floor plan. Downstairs currently has wood paneling on the walls. For some reason half of the windows have glass cinderblock looking things so we'd need like 4 new windows. Planning for middle of the road finishes. Would this be possible for $150K or less?
Depending on cost, we’re also wondering about tearing it down and building a 2-3 unit? It would have to be rezoned and we’re unsure of what kind of cost there would be for that.
Lot has a bit of backyard that we’d like to keep as much as possible of and a garage but the garage roof is literally caving in/has holes so it definitely needs work.
Any range of estimates you could provide would be incredibly helpful!
submitted by Serendipityyy to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:32 Apprehensive-Suit715 Their extreme, entrenched selfishness is killing my mentally and physically.

I really thought that this would be the only place that might understand this post. I can barely keep myself going right now. I appreciate anyone who gets all the way through this, I’m only scratching the surface. I’m so tired of taking care of them. They think they’re self sufficient, but they’re far from it. Long story short I’ve been taking care of them since I could competently do chores, around 12-13 years old. I’m 30 now and doing everything from home repairs, to chauffeuring and cooking most meals . They’re in their mid 70s. Most of this is my asshat father. My mother is screwed up because of health issues , but I genuinely dislike her because everyone else’s happiness has always come before mine. Have away my stuff, snooped though my diary, volunteered me to help other people for free. I always took a back seat to her “make myself look good” social work. My feelings are lukewarm to say the least.
I had a brief two years of freedom when I was at grad school and then my mother had mini strokes and my father went into kidney failure shortly after. So, I had to move back and start forcing a downsize. It’s been a battle every inch of the way. My father has always been selfish and completely fixated on himself. We always had money for his things, but the moment I wanted something, it was suddenly out of reach. He makes more from his pension than I do at my full time job (I make 78K, he makes 185k before any of his).
In order to fix their McMansion, which I had barely been able to keep up with when I was living there before, it needed about 60k in repairs and updates. All the bathrooms had/have cracked tiles, leaking windows, one leaking ceiling, a million other tiny fixes, and most of the rooms needed paint because he was too lazy and or cheap to paint. I had previously (poorly painted) a few rooms when I was 15, but anyways. Back to my point of him wasting money. As of 2022 they had a low mileage practically brand new top of the line ford escape, but no, my father had to have a new Audi after his lease ended. So he went out and wasted 75k on a car. I had tried to reason with him that it wasn’t necessary and would really slow down all the repairs because of the suddenly outflow of money but Nooooope. I will digress, but he then managed to scrape the front number twice in less than a year on the garage in exactly the same place. AND guess who had to make sure it got fixed….ME! It’s always me fixing everything.
My entire childhood was spent doing yard work and working on finishing the basement which never was done. WHy dON’t yOu havE ANY FrENds?! Because I had no car, no time to myself, and so many other things. Bring someone over, so you can be quiet and not annnoy your father.
As a child I was diagnosed as lactose intolerant and a severe weight issue. They refused to make any alterations to their lives to help me avoid milk or even buy me stuff I could eat without getting sick. I had debilitating diarrhea every day I can remember until 17 when I basically starved myself and only drank tea. Not a great idea, but it was the first time I actually felt okay. When I lost the weight they said I looked better fat and refused to buy new clothes for me.
I kept it off for years, but since I loved back I gained a ton of weight because it’s constant shit food all the time. It’s a constant battle to get them to even eat leftovers and I end of stress eating. I can’t even get a good night’s sleep because my father refuses to go to bed at a reasonable time. Okay, stomp upstairs at 3AM, yeah, now I can’t get back to bed because your taking a sh** and flushing a million times right next to my room.
The “compromise” solution to their declining health was to build a house . Basically a huge screw you to me. My father promised me (after I had been killing myself with everything) that he’d help with a down payment on a house. Now they’re spending 1.1 million on a one story house, there’s nothing left for me. You’ll get it when we die. Yeah, when all that’s left of me is a neurotic quivering mess with intimacy issues, and severe depression.
I work a very stressful job, and it requires me to sit more since I started about a year ago (great people and work, but stressful). That combined with me carrying and lifting heavy things rather severely damaged my back. It’s a combination of the weight gain from stress eating, stress, lack of sleep and near no actually rest. My father as you can guess doesn’t give a shit.
Now I’m in constant pain, constantly angry, and with no way out.
What drove me up the wall today and motivated me to vent was a confluence of things. I have to get rid of a ton of furniture and a family friend really needed a bookcase because he was retiring from a local college and has a ton of books. I arranged to show up with my bookcase and I combined the trip with picking up a new vanity from Lowe’s. My father refused to have it delivered because it might get broken. Okay, that means I had to rent a truck and lift the monstrosity (actually two of them, this is the second one). After doing that I had to fight with him about helping. He can barely lift a gas pump, let alone a vanity and he kept getting in the way and I tripped over him. I had asked him several times to go inside and sit down because he tripped me the last time. So, there’s that.
Then on the way to drop the bookcase off because we were a bit early I offered to drive him by the house to see the progress. HUGE mistake. A couple of randos were looking at the house because they liked the alterations he made, but this gave him the opportunity to gab. I tapped him on the back several times and said Julie’s waiting on us, it’s rude to keep her waiting. HE f-inf ignored me every time and the wondered why I was mad. This made us so late that I got a call asking what was taking so long (no rude at all, just checking that’s all). This is just more proof he doesn’t respect me.
Now, I did not start doing this because of money. I’ve hardly ever seen a penny outside of some assistance with college. Half the time I have to get reimbursed because I’ve spent so much of my own money getting stuff done.
For my birthday, here’s a thousand bucks when I’ve just spent 3k on fixing things or have had to do a ton more maintenance on my car because I have to drive 100+ miles a day to get to work. I’ve had people I’ve hardly known value my time and energy more than they have. I had to give up a part time job I loved to take care of them. I definitely would still be making more money even if I was still renting. My father wanted me to pay rent in addition to doing everything I’ve been doing. Until I pointed out the hypocrisy of being a live in chef, handyman, unwilling companion and other things. So deluded.
It just extreme self centeredness and lack of self awareness. Oh and get this they’ve asked me why I haven’t had kids yet. My mother suggested they could leave the house for an hr, so I could have someone over. Jesus, I mean they have no idea how much work a meaningful relationship is.
The biggest betrayal was the fact they said they’d never let this happen, that they’d willingly love into assisted living. This was when I spent my summers taking care of my grandparents (doesn’t my life sound grand?!) doing all the shit I’m doing for them.
The only time I get a brief break and feel like myself are the monthly or bi monthly trip to visit a friend (who I love, but nothings going to happen because it’s too long of a story, but I appreciate, cherish and just feel at home with her). She knows the shit I’m dealing with but I refuse to dump it on her because I’m there to spend time with her and enjoy things, no wallow. It’s been so bad lately that I cry thinking about the dichotomy of what love actually feels like with her, versus the horseshit guilt-love I’ve been peddled by my parents.
I don’t feel like ‘me’ anymore. Since I moved out of my apartment I can’t afford anything unless I want to be dumping my entire pay check into rent/utilities. I’m so burned out emotionally, physically, and mentally I just don’t have the energy to make the jump to another country (it’s an option, just too tired right now). To get away from this I really need a continent between me and my parents.
submitted by Apprehensive-Suit715 to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:28 OddfellowJacksonRedo I Miss You, Old Man

I Miss You, Old Man
TL, DR. I admit this is a long and selfish post, you can just ignore and keep scrolling.
My grandpa died last March 19th at 89. It was sudden, and I didn’t get the chance to properly say goodbye before he was already gone.
He didn’t play the game himself, but he loved talking with me about it.
He had been a steel production engineer for U.S. Steel of Portsmouth, OH. He was a member of the Grand Masons, from my great-grandfather’s sponsorship of him in his teen years building houses with great-grandpa’s contracting firm.
He later worked for Goodyear Atomic, and eventually served as a declassification executive for uranium enrichment technology at Oak Ridge, TN before retiring.
He used to joke “You know those urban legends about a smart kid who figures out how to build a nuclear bomb in his garage? Guys like me are why that doesn’t actually happen.”
He was so excited and looking forward to seeing “Oppenheimer.” Not the least reason being that he’d met the man in 1957.
He loved technology and engineering, intellectual curiosity and scientific problem solving.
He lost two sons in sudden losses that sadly foreshadowed his own, and a wife of 55 years to pancreatic cancer. But he never lost his fascination to keep seeing “what came next.”
That was the only reason he ever admitted that dying still bothered him: he’d been born to party-line telephones in his village, and grown up to the Jet and Atomic Ages. He’d had his steel plant calculations checked by computers at Ohio State Engineering division that took up an entire building and lived long enough to see man on the moon and all of us carrying pocket computers more powerful and versatile than the Univac and Cray beasts he first knew.
I often talked to him about “Satisfactory.” Showed him run-throughs of my builds in progress on my laptop. Went over my hand-scrawled layouts for factories. He asked questions about power balancing and makeshift logic gates, and gave great suggestions on bridge spans and modular highways to cross the map.
He thought the zip line was a cooler way to get around than the hypertubes. We argued that one a few times.
It was actually HIS idea a few years ago for me to try designing a drag-and-drop Satisfactory factory layout system using diagram IO (my old SCIM system some folks may or may not remember). I used his suggestions for real factory schematic principles to be used.
We would talk about factory optimization and he offered every bit of advice that working in steel, in uranium, in raw coke and iron had given him. And house building tips from his contractor years for the layouts of my train and storage depots.
He loved the fabrication gun and the way the HUD laid out all the information you needed to play. I tried out Bauhaus-inspired designs (he admired Walter Gropius and Frank Lloyd Wright) and when the blueprint designer was released, we even spent a couple of nights past midnight, doodling and scratching out ideas for the perfect 3x3 and 4x4 modular factory and highway components…
…I haven’t played the game the last year or so since he died.
I have still followed videos from guys like TotalXclipse and ImKibitz and Let’s Game It Out. Still follow Snutt’s releases and even Jace’s solo work. I’m still thrilled at how the game is advancing towards 1.0. I still peek in here on the sub.
But for right now, I just haven’t had the heart to open those old saves, or start the new ones I’d planned to using his last suggestions.
Tonight I was doing some desktop housekeeping and found my saves backup, with my old SCIM layout tools. And it just walloped me in the gut…
…I’ll never get to show him all those great things he taught me, my whole life not just in the game.
I’ll never get to see him smile and chuckle, showing him a new mega build with hundreds of full conveyors and elevators humming along, or the finished “bullet train” rail he helped with.
My grandpa was my Ficsit guy. He could build or reverse engineer just about any solution.
In ancient days, he would’ve been right at home with a plumb bob and a surveyor’s glass, or an astrolabe and timing clock. Or even just a mason’s hammer and compass.
Houses he built are still standing, and are some of the finest older homes around New Boston/Rosemount/Portsmouth, Ohio.
He loved that a “game” could entertain so many by FACTORY BUILDING, something he’d done for real most of his life. He loved the idea of an alien world and one lone, imaginative Engineer given free license to explore and build.
My grandpa thought that all of us—all of YOU—were amazing proof that the world will somehow still keep going and creatives will figure out how to do it.
I miss you, Old Man. I love you.
I hope to get back there soon and try to finally build that 100% Utilization Plan we tinkered together in your living room, late at night.
Again, I’m sorry and I know this’ll get a ton of trolls and wiseasses saying what they will.
But my grandpa really thought the world of this game and this community grown around it.
And I thought the world of him.
Sorry, hopefully you just scrolled on and didn’t actually read all of this.
submitted by OddfellowJacksonRedo to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:13 throwitfarfaraway How much does it cost to have a detached two car garage built?

Has anyone had an unfinished detached garage built recently? I'm looking for a rough idea of how much I should expect to pay. The numbers I've seen have been all over the place (i.e. 30k to 100k)
submitted by throwitfarfaraway to LosAngelesRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:04 Cat_owner9 I’m afraid my cat is going to attack me

I have an indoor cat. Recently, with supervision and a harness, I've been letting my indoor cat go outside. Now she wants to go outside all the time. I've tried opening windows so she can feel the outside air through the net, I've tried lettering her go into the garage since it's a new room, but she just wants to go outside. She will hiss at you if you try to bring her in when she manages to escape. The issue happened today, though. We were grilling food outside when she managed to push the door and slip through it. When we tried to get close to her to bring her back in she would growl and hiss and try to bite and scratch us. She got aggressive and started panting with her mouth open. We eventually managed to get her back inside, but she was still panting with her mouth open. I was told to pick her up and put her in my room so she wouldn't escape again, and when I went to pick her up she growled and hissed. I had to get a blanket to do it safely. She's been a calm cat before she discovered outside. She's in my room right now and I'm in the adjoining bathroom. I'm scared that she may attack me because I won't let her out so I don't want to leave the bathroom. I love her so much but I don't want to let her outside and risk her running away. Any ideas on what to do? Is the panting with her mouth an indicator to something wrong? Please help
submitted by Cat_owner9 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:03 Cat_owner9 I’m afraid my cat is going to attack me

I have an indoor cat. Recently, with supervision and a harness, I've been letting my indoor cat go outside. Now she wants to go outside all the time. I've tried opening windows so she can feel the outside air through the net, I've tried lettering her go into the garage since it's a new room, but she just wants to go outside. She will hiss at you if you try to bring her in when she manages to escape. The issue happened today, though. We were grilling food outside when she managed to push the door and slip through it. When we tried to get close to her to bring her back in she would growl and hiss and try to bite and scratch us. She got aggressive and started panting with her mouth open. We eventually managed to get her back inside, but she was still panting with her mouth open. I was told to pick her up and put her in my room so she wouldn't escape again, and when I went to pick her up she growled and hissed. I had to get a blanket to do it safely. She's been a calm cat before she discovered outside. She's in my room right now and I'm in the adjoining bathroom. I'm scared that she may attack me because I won't let her out so I don't want to leave the bathroom. I love her so much but I don't want to let her outside and risk her running away. Any ideas on what to do? Is the panting with her mouth an indicator to something wrong? Please help
submitted by Cat_owner9 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:01 Cat_owner9 I’m afraid my cat is going to attack me

I have an indoor cat. Recently, with supervision and a harness, I've been letting my indoor cat go outside. Now she wants to go outside all the time. I've tried opening windows so she can feel the outside air through the net, I've tried lettering her go into the garage since it's a new room, but she just wants to go outside. She will hiss at you if you try to bring her in when she manages to escape. The issue happened today, though. We were grilling food outside when she managed to push the door and slip through it. When we tried to get close to her to bring her back in she would growl and hiss and try to bite and scratch us. She got aggressive and started panting with her mouth open. We eventually managed to get her back inside, but she was still panting with her mouth open. I was told to pick her up and put her in my room so she wouldn't escape again, and when I went to pick her up she growled and hissed. I had to get a blanket to do it safely. She's been a calm cat before she discovered outside. She's in my room right now and I'm in the adjoining bathroom. I'm scared that she may attack me because I won't let her out so I don't want to leave the bathroom. I love her so much but I don't want to let her outside and risk her running away. Any ideas on what to do? Is the panting with her mouth an indicator to something wrong? Please help
submitted by Cat_owner9 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:25 dollypartonsequins Is this antique folding screen reupholsterable? Or cleanable?

Found this antique 3-panel folding screen in my fiancés garage in the rafters.
Anybody have any idea of what it’s made of so I can clean/restore it properly if that’s possible. I would want to reupholster it’s not feasible to clean up a bit, but would like any input? I like an old patina but that one panel is pretty water damaged.
submitted by dollypartonsequins to upholstery [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:24 TheMightyDice This came out of my Rancor…any idea what this is?

This came out of my Rancor…any idea what this is?
I’m a bit confused, just pulled this from out an original Rancor. IG-88? Version?
Thought I’d ask the pros.
Had no idea it was in there. Bought Rancor at a garage sale.
Pulled on a foot and got an assassin droid.
Tough enough to survive a Rancor. That must have been a fun battle.
Any clue what version this is? I’m happy cuz I had to sell my vintage one. This has lots of articulation and the leg wires seem different.
Any clues?
…and always with you
submitted by TheMightyDice to starwarscollecting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:11 deadpoolsdragon Got this at a garage sale and the likelihood of these being a fake is high but I figured I'd ask cause i have no idea how to tell

Got this at a garage sale and the likelihood of these being a fake is high but I figured I'd ask cause i have no idea how to tell
Please help lol
submitted by deadpoolsdragon to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:18 janquadrentvincent Mould stains in polyester

Mould stains in polyester
Need some help please, dug the pram out of the garage as I will imminently need it and found mould stains in a few spots. I have been trying for weeks to get them out so far without any success, the issue is compounded by the fact I seem unable to remove the hood lining to properly soak it. The manufacturer has been no help at all, so everything I'm trying is in situ.
Note the stains are the black spots, the white stuff is remnants of the soap I tried today.
So far I have tried - scrubbing with dish soap (Fairy), vinegar and sunshine, Astonish soap bar, paste from bio laundry powder and nothing is budging it.
I have more hydrogen peroxide arriving next week but nothing is working so I'm not holding out much hope.
Any ideas? It's polyester.
submitted by janquadrentvincent to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:30 Novel-Heat-271 Water : any one else just buying it ?

Edit : I want to thank everyone for sharing their advice and experiences and knowledge. I'm so glad for this community! For the person who chose to be rude to me, I feel sorry for you. I Have an autoimmune disease that affects my brain. I am doing my best. Not everyone is as able bodied as the rest.
We have decided that shelter in place is the best way for us in an emergency. We don't have the storage to store water in the garage, plus the garage is like 120 degrees in the summer and I imagine the water would get funky and require extra steps. My brain is not in a place right now to learn a new thing regarding purification tablets, filters, etc and since we don't plan to leave, is buying loads of bottled water a terrible idea ? Like drinking sized and those five gallon ones ?
submitted by Novel-Heat-271 to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:21 DudeCrabb Anywhere I can work on my car?

I’m looking for a spot to rent to leave my car so I can work on the damn thing. Regular maintenance, new suspension, brake pads. That stuff. My apartment doesn’t let me do anything on property.
I have a few ideas. I’m trying to save as much as I can. A storage unit seems to be the cheapest and smartest?
So my options are: work on it anyways on the weekends when the onsite manager is gone. Tempting tbh. But I’d love freedom around when I can. Plus neighbor cars are super close.
Not hiring a mechanic for this work. Last one quoted me $900 for a new wheel bearing and knuckle
Rent a house, not an apartment so I can have a garage. Moving truck. Probably lose my deposit here. Pay for new deposit. Pay for first months rent minimum. New application fee. Not a great choice for me tbh.
Rent a storage unit. Average I’ve seen is $200. I think that’s the winner unless yall got a better idea?
submitted by DudeCrabb to SALEM [link] [comments]