Self storage reader board messages


2010.08.09 10:14 epicRelic Witchcraft

Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions, and further the progression of witchcraft as well as the individual's path. All are welcome, those who practice witchcraft and those who wish to learn.

2008.06.10 16:36 TechSupport

Stumped on a tech problem? Ask the community and try to help others with their problems as well. Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO spez. Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators.

2014.01.01 23:30 ImNotJesus Everything Science

/EverythingScience is the sister subreddit to /science. With a broader rule set than /science, it is the place for high quality scientific content that doesn't necessarily reference a peer-reviewed paper from the last 6 months.

2024.06.02 09:40 rat-_boy First job anxiety after college

I am currently entering my senior year in IT from a four year college. I have a job available here in my college town from my internship. But after I graduate I plan on moving to a bigger city to be with my partner and closer to family.
Looking at what’s available on job boards, linkedin, recruiters, etc. On top of all I hear about difficulty finding entry jobs today is making me scared of what opportunity is really out there. Especially with most listing looking as sketchy as possible.
I’ve heard from my current boss about how hard it is to find candidates who will just show up for work willing to learn and have a ounce of personality. But the IT environment here is much closer knit.
What more should I work on here in my last year of college to find a position in a much more competitive environment? As well as any suggestions on my first real job search?
Currently I have: - My GPA is a 3.0 currently (rough freshman year) - 2 years of internship experience (1.2 in an MSP setting, .8 internally) - An A+ and a CCNA - Self taught web development experience - A couple home-lab projects scrapped together from old gear at work
submitted by rat-_boy to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 redditor1122345 Which laptop should i go for?

Which laptop should i go for?
They're are both the same price, main difference is i7-13700hx and i5-14500hx along with some upgrades like cam, ram, and build
submitted by redditor1122345 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:31 StatisticianGreat514 White People can be Uncle Toms, too. And White Conservatives should start using such terms to combat Anti-White Rhetoric.

I've been seeing a lot of posts here on this Subreddit complaining about how White people are being demonized in society. Examples include these:
-White people are victims of systemic racism.
-Anyone that says white people don't face any racism at all are wrong.
-In western countries, racism against White people and sexism against men are not only ignored but accepted as normal.
-White people are the most openly mocked race.
-White people are treated as a butt of joke in the society.
-"Woke" white people are extremely racist. All of their views and talking points lead to racism.
-First "whiteness", now "proximity to whiteness", it sounds like these people just hate whites.
-Racism agianst white people is normalized and many black people get a pass for almost everything (VERY LONG POST)
(This Sub doesn't allow me to link posts, that's why I bolded and italicized them.)
I'm assuming that all of these posts were written by Conservatives, particularly White Conservatives in general considering a lot of the content that's being written here lately is mostly Conservative in nature and the fact that White people for the most part are Conservatives. In fact, they're the only demographic that mostly leans that way. Not to mention, Anti-White Racism is the only form of Racism that Conservatives fight against. Not so much the other ones, except for Jews.
In all of these posts, they highlight how Whites are being mocked, discriminated, and becoming victims of various forms of racism both openly and discretely in terms of verbal and systematic ways. And that it's White Liberals who are constantly tearing them down along with themselves down in every way possible.
All I can say is that by reading these posts, it got me thinking about something. I wonder if these people who wrote these posts expressing their grievances now realize why Black Conservatives are called Uncle Toms by other Black people. It's because they constantly tear down their own race in order to elevate their status among others. This is the exact same reason these posts that I listed here are addressing.
So here's a little word of advice that I, a Non-White, Non-Conservative person, would want to advise them. I want you to start using the term Uncle Tom to combat all the Anti-White rhetoric against you and use it against the Self-Hating Woke White Leftists who are enabling them. Better yet, use the word Cuck to show Distinction because Uncle Tom already has been taken. Similar terms include Coconut for Hispanics and South Asians, Banana for East Asians, Pick-Me for Women, Simp for Men, and Kapo for Jews. The last two terms in particularly are used by the Right to describe Emasculated Men and Jews who aren't too supportive of Israel. Even other Jews use the word Kapo as well to describe them.
Trust me, there's nothing wrong with saying terms such as Uncle Tom and Cuck. It's not racist or bigoted. It's politically incorrect. It's the language you guys speak, isn't it? You constantly complain and mock White Guilt, so when you use these terms, you're sending a message that you have a sense of Self-Esteem, Dignity, and Respect and that there's nothing for you to feel guilty about. And while you're at it, I hope you to apologize to every single Black person who you accused of racism for calling their own kind who vote Conservative as Uncle Tom because they had a point. If there's anything we can agree on, it's this: Putting down your own race in order to gain approval from others is not cool. Doesn't matter if you're Black or White, Majority or Minority.
Go on, say it. I dare you. I'm being serious. This message is not to be taken lightly. It's meant to be taken seriously. After all, we're not supposed to be politically correct, right? Yeah, that's right. Now, go say Uncle Tom and Cuck to the Self-Hating Whites who are enabling Anti-White Racism. Otherwise, your lives will continue to be a living hell thanks to them.
submitted by StatisticianGreat514 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:25 MLial It would be nice to meet some people who like to voice call.

It's been a long time since I had anyone I was close with. Lost a lot of people I loved and maybe even that feeling altogether too. Recently I've been pouring all my time into writing in the hopes that it will carry legacy and all that. Never planned or wanted to be a writer but I've been doing it for ten years now so there's that I suppose. Got pretty good I might add. Wrote a few poems recently (Not normally my thing). I'm just feeling pretty weird recently. Not my normal self maybe. Feel like I deserve something more than this but not sure. Feel pretty isolated. It would be nice to meet some people and I prefer voice calls rather than messaging, it's just better.
Besides being a writer, I'm a pretty creative person. I enjoy art, music of many different kinds, history, dreams. I also like to collect stuff, mainly historical weapons and some figures from when I was young. I'm very open as well. I also don't mind talking with people who don't share my interests. I find that often I get along with people that are my opposite anyway. Really I just want to connect with someone again, something even slightly meaningful would be good for my life I think, cause right now the only thing I love is me. And that's good. But it's hard to explain. As I said I feel weird. If you read this far you are something special so I appreciate that. If you would like to call please message with a bit about yourself like I did. I will most likely ignore short/low effort messages or if it seems like you just read the title and not the actual post because a lot of people seem to do that. Thanks!
submitted by MLial to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 MLial [24/M] It would be nice to meet some people who like to voice call.

It's been a long time since I had anyone I was close with. Lost a lot of people I loved and maybe even that feeling altogether too. Recently I've been pouring all my time into writing in the hopes that it will carry legacy and all that. Never planned or wanted to be a writer but I've been doing it for ten years now so there's that I suppose. Got pretty good I might add. Wrote a few poems recently (Not normally my thing). I'm just feeling pretty weird recently. Not my normal self maybe. Feel like I deserve something more than this but not sure. Feel pretty isolated. It would be nice to meet some people and I prefer voice calls rather than messaging, it's just better.
Besides being a writer, I'm a pretty creative person. I enjoy art, music of many different kinds, history, dreams. I also like to collect stuff, mainly historical weapons and some figures from when I was young. I'm very open as well. I also don't mind talking with people who don't share my interests. I find that often I get along with people that are my opposite anyway. Really I just want to connect with someone again, something even slightly meaningful would be good for my life I think, cause right now the only thing I love is me. And that's good. But it's hard to explain. As I said I feel weird. If you read this far you are something special so I appreciate that. If you would like to call please message with a bit about yourself like I did. I will most likely ignore short/low effort messages or if it seems like you just read the title and not the actual post because a lot of people seem to do that. Thanks!
submitted by MLial to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:23 IngloriousFlow 29M - Looking to Drain My Social Battery

Hey everyone, it'd be nice to talk to someone tonight. Maybe even make a friend. I'm into a lot of things, not great at any of them. Haha. I like video games, board games, DIY everything. I'm going to be starting school pretty soon. I love cats and I probably, technically, have to many - depending who you ask. Anyways, message me. I can carry a conversation well, but please give back the same energy. Have a great night/day everyone! And remember, fake it 'til you make it.
submitted by IngloriousFlow to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 HeadspaceBrainfart He’s 28/M, I’m 30/M: Did I just confused my overthinking with my gut feeling?

I’ve been in a same-sex relationship for quite sometime. had 3 exes including the most recent and probably the most manipulative and traumatic I ever had and the last that I’ll allow.
I had a solo trip to Taiwan last November 2023 to clear my headspace and with hopes of moving on from my 2nd ex-boyfriend. I’ve been to places but that was the first time I’ve traveled alone. I rode the Cable car from Taipei zoo to Mao Kong Gandola, that’s roughly 30mins. I was joined by this cute couple (both male). I’m assuming here but they seem like from different country. I can’t hold my thought so I initiated talking to them (they strike to me as very shy). I uttered “You two look cute together”. The Caucasian looking man answered “Yeah! Thank you, I appreciate you telling us that” and we began conversing and even shared the best Night Market to try something out. We parted ways at the end of station. When it’s time to head back, I got lucky and had the cable car all by myself. That trip was a moment. My hopeless Romantic Self just kinda hit, I plead and prayed to God to accord me my partner for life and never will I take him for granted, I’ll nurture our relationship bla! Bla! Bla! Among other words of petitions.
Fast forward, Feb 1, 2024 Someone message me asking my whereabout. I stalked him and he’s nowhere near my province-Batanes (Philippines). Based on his profile, He’s currently working in Makati. So Nah! I don’t thrive in long distance relationships. A rock-hard pass for me. The next day, he messaged me and ask if I can join him to a local bar. To my surprise, he’s working here in my province since September 2023 and told me that he hasn’t updated his bio then. So yeah. Game on! let’s hit it. Thanks, Cupid! Let’s give it a try. We had good time together, met his friends and got their approval. I want to assume that they kinda like me for him. We’re on the same page (atleast that’s what I believed). Its that “rainbows, butterflies and compromise” from the song. I’m loving this feeling. I found myself believing in love again. We went out publicly, we enjoyed our shared interests- beach and snorkeling. Late bednight talks, honest intellectual discourse, movie night, and hitting off the convenience store for ‘Samyang’ noodles. One casual visit at the convenience store, I saw this familiar guy at the cashier. With face mask on, I’m thinking I’ve seen this somewhere else. And yes. It registered, He’s the reason why I’m single before meeting the person I’m with now. This b*tch stole my then boyfriend from me. Anyway, I don’t want to make a buzz about it but I’ve told my boyfriend the whole story and asked him if by any chance that guy messaged him. He said No and firmly assured me that he’s way out of his league. We sometimes go home at 1am. We just can’t stop talking about anything and everything-the things we did for love. Some find it silly but it feeds my soul being with him, it hits differently with your special someone. I’ll do it over and over again.
The butterflies are still there but the time I dread eventually happened. We’re separating for 10 days. He’s going to wedding of his cousin in Manila and I’m part of an entourage for a wedding in a nearby island (I got there by airplane). The ship we’re in began to shake us but our love is stronger than ever. Communication and trust were the foundation of our relationship. We constantly video call and I’ve never felt a sense of insecurity all throughout his vacation in Manila, Elyu and Baguio. He has my full trust and we talked about it. The days have passed and vacation was over. He returned in Batanes on Friday (wedding day that I attended) and I’m still on the other island and will head back to Batanes on Saturday. I was sad that I can’t pick him up at the airport. Good enough that he has friends who can do that on my behalf.
Friday, the day he returned to Batanes was a fine sunny day. He landed safely at 8am and he called me saying he’s gonna sleep. The wedding ceremony ended at 10:30am and for some strange.. very bothering and strange reason. I felt a chill down my spine and felt the need to call him. Idk what went on to my head but there’s this voice telling me that “Call him! Call him right now!” There this itch that needs scratching and this will only be satisfied by calling him. So I did. I called him 3 times before He answered. Strangely, He’s at the Rest room sitting in the toilet with no clothes at all. I overthink and confronted him immediately “Who’s with you? I know you have someone in there”. Ofcourse why would he reveal if there’s any. He just gaslit me and said I’m just over reacting. It doesn’t make sense. He already had his shower before dozing off at 8am, why would he take a shower 2 hours later? I mean. It doesn’t add up. He ended the call and take his clothes on and started calling me. He swiped the whole place with his phone camera reassuring me that no one was there. The heck! Ofcourse if there was someone in there, he/she probably stormed out the moment I called or atleast when he/she had the chance. Anyway, He just wanted me to go back there. I didn’t enjoyed the wedding I attended because I was preoccupied by my thoughts. I even called the airline if there’s an available flight that moment so I can rush my way back. That afternoon, I strolled and made a video recording saying “if you’re watching this, we’re probably on our first anniversary. Today is April 12, 2024 at 6:14 pm I’m at ****** We’re being challenged now and I refuse to give up on you…..” I was suppose to let him watch that video on our 1st anniversary. Sweet huh?!
Saturday, after we landed in Basco I dropped my things to our house. Took a shower and before I went to his boarding house I pass by first to the Cathedral to pray and asked for guidance then I head to his place. I gave him a bouquet of flower and we talked about it. He said he wanted to break up coz’ he’ll eventually move to other place and he knew that I don’t thrive in LDR. I refuse and I just told him we’ll make it through and we’ll cross the bridge when we get there. So yeah! We’re back on the game.
He decided to move to different apartment and someone recommended this place, we repainted it and get it all fixed. We build our dreams, we talked about how he’ll cook for me and pick me up after my shift. We’re dreaming and building our own future and even talked about going to Japan. He bought a cat adding up to the whole romantic setting. I can’t believe we’re a furdaddies.
The truth unravels
One afternoon after I pick him up from his workplace, we checked his apartment (he hasn’t move in yet). We saw the guy who once worked in the convenience store (cashier) on our way to the apartment. Strangely he smiled at my boyfriend and what’s more strange is that my boyfriend smiled back as if they knew each other. So I parked the motorcycle and we went upstair. I can’t just disregard what I just witnessed. I asked him as calm as possible if he knew that guy. He said he met him when he once hit the gym. I immediately sensed a lie here. I told him “Actually, if you quite remember we saw that guy when we are dating and you told me that you haven’t met him and you haven’t went to the gym since then or atleast while we’re together”. I never imagined myself asking him his phone but I did. He unlocked it for me and immediate searched his name on his fb messenger but no messages. I checked his instagram and Voila! It’s a floodgate of cheating messages. The worst part was that the funny and ‘kilig’ videos he sent me were also sent to that guy. Oh! And I thought I was damn special. The story doesn’t end there. Brace yourself. There’s someone who pick him up when he arrived at the airport and it wasn’t one of his tight-knitted friends. Guess who’s the guy? And yes! He’s actually at his boarding house when I “overreact”while I’m at a wedding and yes! They had sex on the same bed we slept in. The final nail to the coffin? They did it twice and I highly doubt that. They probably did it a couple of times but it doesn’t matter. I’m let karma take its toll.
I’m feeling the pain and I hope I self-soothe and bounce back from it. I confused my overthinking with my gut-feeling.
submitted by HeadspaceBrainfart to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:15 AutoModerator Swap Meet Sunday: Post items for sale, events and wanted listings here.

Every Sunday this will repost as a sticky post. Please use the comment section as a community bulletin board.
Please remember to follow Reddit's rules by not posting personal information. A little common sense goes a long way - please invite people to reach out to you by private message for details.
submitted by AutoModerator to camaro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 Jetblackheart21 20M seeing what's out there

Im from Utah County and non-Mormon, so you can see the obvious fun I have dating /S. I'm not making this a sob story; the real reason I'm posting here is that it feels a bit more personal than most dating apps. I'm a pretty cheerful, confident guy. I can be a massive smartass and yap a lot, but I can have serious conversations and value communication. So, if you need an ear, I'm game, but do expect the same in return. I tend to be out and about a lot, usually doing stupid stuff and trying not to get hurt or in trouble while doing it. Most of the time, I'm a pro, but there are quite a few stories where I fumbled, lol.
I like to work out. I mostly do calisthenics. I'm admittedly fairly skinny but decently toned. I've also taken up running, but I'm not Usain Bolt, lol. I also play video games, mostly military simulation games like Arma and OHD. I also play platformers like Mario and Sonic, with Sonic being my go-to for my neurodivergent self. I'm big into history, mostly WW2 and the Cold War, and some WW1. I'm actually working on making a Cold War-themed board game.
On top of being a nerd, I do have a sensitive side. I know some of you have probably rolled your eyes, but hey, I like to write poems, and I'm a huge flirt when I warm up to someone. I'm looking for a sweet, caring person around my age and preferably living in the USA. I'm not picky, it's more important that we click, you know?
submitted by Jetblackheart21 to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 attracdev Moschitta Framework: Backed by the `moschitta_base` Rust library

[Introducing moschitta_base: A Rust Library for Enhancing Moschitta Framework]

Hello Moschitta Framework community,
We are thrilled to announce the release of moschitta_base, a Rust library designed to act as the foundational layer for the Moschitta Framework's moschitta-core module. This library aims to enhance performance, concurrency, and resource management, providing a robust base for the framework's various features.
Below, we provide an overview of the key features of moschitta_base and how you can integrate and utilize it within your projects.

Key Features of moschitta_base

  1. Serialization and Deserialization
  2. Concurrency and Asynchronous Operations
  3. Cryptography
  4. Networking
  5. Caching
  6. Database Interaction
  7. Logging
  8. Utility Functions


To get started, add moschitta_base to your Cargo.toml dependencies:
toml [dependencies] pyo3 = { version = "0.15.1", features = ["extension-module"] } serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1.0" tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } futures = "0.3" openssl = { version = "0.10", features = ["vendored"] } hyper = { version = "0.14", features = ["full"] } tokio-tungstenite = "0.15" lru = "0.7" sqlx = { version = "0.5", features = ["sqlite", "runtime-tokio-rustls"] } tracing = "0.1" anyhow = "1.0" uuid = "1.0"

Implementing moschitta_base

Below are code snippets and explanations to help you integrate and utilize the moschitta_base library.

Serialization and Deserialization

Using serde and serde_json for JSON operations:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use serde_json::{self, Value};
/// A function to serialize a struct to JSON.


fn serialize_to_json(data: &PyAny) -> PyResult { let value: Value = data.extract()?; let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&value)?; Ok(serialized) }
/// A function to deserialize JSON to a struct.


fn deserialize_from_json(json_str: &str) -> PyResult> { let value: Value = serde_json::from_str(json_str)?; let gil = Python::acquire_gil(); let py = gil.python(); Ok(value.into_py(py)) } ```
These functions make it simple to convert between Python objects and JSON strings.

Concurrency and Asynchronous Operations

Example of an asynchronous function:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*;
/// A simple async function.


async fn async_hello() -> PyResult { Ok("Hello, async world!".to_string()) } ```
This demonstrates how you can use async functions within the Moschitta Framework for non-blocking operations.


Using openssl for AES encryption and decryption:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use openssl::symm::{Cipher, Crypter, Mode};
/// Encrypt data using AES.


fn encrypt(data: &[u8], key: &[u8], iv: &[u8]) -> PyResult> { let cipher = Cipher::aes_256_cbc(); let mut crypter = Crypter::new(cipher, Mode::Encrypt, key, Some(iv)).map_err(e e.to_string())?; let mut ciphertext = vec![0; data.len() + cipher.block_size()]; let mut count = crypter.update(data, &mut ciphertext).map_err(e e.to_string())?; count += crypter.finalize(&mut ciphertext[count..]).map_err(e e.to_string())?; ciphertext.truncate(count); Ok(ciphertext) }
/// Decrypt data using AES.


fn decrypt(data: &[u8], key: &[u8], iv: &[u8]) -> PyResult> { let cipher = Cipher::aes_256_cbc(); let mut crypter = Crypter::new(cipher, Mode::Decrypt, key, Some(iv)).map_err(e e.to_string())?; let mut plaintext = vec![0; data.len() + cipher.block_size()]; let mut count = crypter.update(data, &mut plaintext).map_err(e e.to_string())?; count += crypter.finalize(&mut plaintext[count..]).map_err(e e.to_string())?; plaintext.truncate(count); Ok(plaintext) } ```
These functions enable secure encryption and decryption of data using AES.


Performing an HTTP GET request using hyper:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use hyper::{Client, Body};
/// Perform an HTTP GET request.


async fn http_get(url: &str) -> PyResult { let client = Client::new(); let res = client.get(url.parse().unwrap()).await.map_err(e e.to_string())?; let body = hyper::body::to_bytes(res.into_body()).await.map_err(e e.to_string())?; Ok(String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()).unwrap()) } ```
This demonstrates how to make asynchronous HTTP requests efficiently.


Implementing a basic LRU cache:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use tokio::sync::Mutex; use lru::LruCache; use std::sync::Arc;
/// Basic LRU cache using Arc and Mutex for thread-safety.


struct Cache { inner: Arc>>, }


impl Cache { #[new] fn new(size: usize) -> Self { Cache { inner: Arc::new(Mutex::new(LruCache::new(size))), } }
fn set(&self, key: String, value: String) -> PyResult<()> { let mut cache = self.inner.lock().await; cache.put(key, value); Ok(()) } fn get(&self, key: String) -> PyResult> { let cache = self.inner.lock().await; Ok(cache.get(&key).cloned()) } 
} ```
This cache helps improve performance by storing frequently accessed data.

Database Interaction

Initializing a database connection pool:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use sqlx::sqlite::SqlitePool; use anyhow::Result;
/// Initialize database connection pool.


async fn init_db_pool(database_url: &str) -> Result { let pool = SqlitePool::connect(database_url).await?; Ok(pool) } ```
Use this function to set up a connection pool for efficient database interactions.


Logging a message using tracing:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use tracing::info;
/// Log a message.


fn log_message(message: &str) { info!("{}", message); } ```
This function helps with monitoring and debugging by logging important events.

Utility Functions

Generating a UUID:
```rust use pyo3::prelude::*; use uuid::Uuid;
/// Generate a UUID.


fn generate_uuid() -> PyResult { Ok(Uuid::new_v4().to_string()) } ```
UUID generation is useful for creating unique identifiers for various purposes.

Bringing It All Together

To utilize these functions in your Python project, you can load the Rust library using PyO3 and call the functions as needed. Here is how you can define the Python module:
```rust /// A Python module implemented in Rust.


fn moschitta_base(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> { m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(serialize_to_json, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(deserialize_from_json, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(async_hello, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(encrypt, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(decrypt, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(http_get, m)?)?; m.add_class::()?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(init_db_pool, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(log_message, m)?)?; m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(generate_uuid, m)?)?; Ok(()) } ```


The moschitta_base library is a powerful addition to the Moschitta Framework, providing enhanced performance, better concurrency handling, and efficient resource management. We encourage you to explore these features and integrate them into your projects. Your feedback and contributions are welcome to help us improve and expand the library.
Happy coding!
Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. Let's build a more efficient and powerful Moschitta Framework together!
View the Moschitta Framework on GitHub
submitted by attracdev to MoschittaFramework [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 Entire_Donut406 35 UK Gaymer Guy

35 UK Gaymer Guy
35 UK Married Gaymer
Looking for new friends. PC, Xbox, PS5 and Switch. Also love board games and DnD.
Open minded with games, mostly into RPGS, Strategy games, Simulations but always happy to try new stuff.
Games I'm currently playing: Baldurs Gate 3 (Xbox) Dying Light (Xbox) Kena (PS5) Detroit, Become Human (PS5) Galaticare (PC) Sims 4 (PC) Manor Lords (PC) Palia (Switch)
Feel free to drop me a message and lets have a chat :)
submitted by Entire_Donut406 to GaymersGoneMild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 StunningWeekend Long-Time iPhone User After 72 hours With Android (Pixel 8 then Samsung S24 Ultra) - My Reflections So Far

(Note: I posted this on Android but I wasn't sure if I did something incorrect because it was removed by the bot immediately, and I don't know how to get it approved. So... if you see it there too, then it must have gotten approved at some point and that's why. Just trying to find a home for this discussion and I promise I'm not trying to spam!)
After a decade with iPhone, curiosity finally got the better of me and I made the switch to Android. My trusty iPhone 13 Mini is still there just in case, but I really do hope to sell it soon. I wanted to document my journey over the last 72 hours with Android in case it helps someone else sitting on the margin just looking to dive in.
These 10 things are simply my opinions and reflections! I'm sure my feelings will continue to evolve, but here's where I'm at after 3 days. As I started typing, I did not expect this to be so long, but I had so many things floating through my head. Sorry for the long read and I'd love to hear others who have made similar changes.
1. Sloppy first impressions: I started with a Pixel 8. Got it for $390, in like new condition during eBay's memorial day sale, and just couldn't pass up that deal. The look of the phone never really attracted me before, but after a few hours it really grew on me. However, I really started to get annoyed at the experience and polish. For example, I had a lot of screens where the text was cut off or folders where the text was cut off. There were system pop-ups where I was expected to approve something that disappeared within a second before I could even read it - was it approved or was it declined?! But what really was upsetting was that there's no way to sort notifications by time. The phone would beep and then I'd have to spend a few seconds trying to figure out what the heck the notification was amidst the long list. Half the time, the time stamp doesn't even show and I'm left wondering if I missed something. This was exacerbated when I started not receiving notifications I would expect, because my iPhone (which was still on WiFi only mode) was getting notifications for new Gmail messages for example, and the Pixel just stayed quiet. That was unacceptable and I decided to return the phone.
However, my significant other has a Samsung, and she mentioned never having these issues so I stuck it out and tried again. This time, I figured - go big or go home - and I got the Samsung S24 Ultra.
2. Much better second try: I read a lot of bad experiences about the UI of Samsung coming into this, but frankly it's a lot more polished than the Pixel. It's like there's a nice coat of paint over all the underlying workings and as an iPhone user, I appreciate that. Everything looks great and while I've been toying with some of the themes in the Galaxy store, I have gone back to the normal One UI each time.
3. Smart Switch works great. It took about an hour to transfer all my settings and applications over to the Samsung. The only thing that took a little bit of figuring out was how to get 25K+ iCloud backed up photos onto this phone. Fortunately, there's an official Apple method for transferring iCloud files to Google Photos, and I initiated that. It's still not done but assuming this goes to plan, the transfer process wasn't that bad at all. I pretty much plopped my iPhone sim card into the Android, spent an hour waiting, and then all my old applications, wallpapers, and even placement of icons was there. Then, I just spent about half an hour signing into everything that I needed to (1Password is hugely helpful!) and I'm off to the races.
4. Settings galore: I am not used to this many settings! It seems I am approving or declining permissions all day long. I have multiple Gmail accounts setup, and I have to go in and adjust each account's notification setting when I just want all of my Gmail messages to have the same setting. I thought I would like this level of customization but it's been a little frustrating finding everything, or trying to figure out what I'm even approving. I find myself on YouTube looking for videos for how to change things such as the lock screen shortcuts. I am hoping that once I get through this initial difficulty, then I'll be cruising. And the biggest thing - Samsung lets me sort notifications in chronological order! That's huge (for me).
5. Navigation bars on top. Why?: I had a small iPhone Mini so one-handed navigation was never a real challenge but I still appreciated how all the menu bars (Facebook, Safari, etc.) were on the bottom of the phone. It made navigation really easy. With all the customization I mentioned in #3, I just assumed this would be an easy fix on Android and I'd be able to change this for any app. I was wrong! Other than Firefox, I have not figured out how to do this in Chrome or Facebook (as an example). I really do not understand why the iPhone version of Facebook would have this on the bottom but the Android version would have it on the top! For a phone as big as the S24U, that would've been a really nice option.
6. PhoneLink is pretty good: I had gotten rid of my Macbook a long time ago. I basically live on my Phone and also have an iPad for when I need a bigger screen and a Windows desktop for professional work. Integration b/w devices was never a big deal to me but I put I setup Phone Link and it's been pretty good. I don't have any real complaints so far - I can transfer files and get all my notifications and respond directly from my computer.
7. Dex is really cool but also buggy: The dream of having only to carry around my phone and never having to open up a laptop, tablet or desktop would be amazing. This phone is definitely powerful enough for the applications I use for work - Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. But Dex has some weird quirks that make it a little unreliable. For example, every time I open up an image in Gallery on Dex, the screen goes black for a few seconds before coming back on. Close the picture? Same thing! The cursor scroll just isn't as smooth as on my Desktop machine where I can customize the DPI settings exactly on the Logitech app. These are small things but build up into a less than perfect experience. But when it works, it works great and it's so close to a dream realized.
8. Face unlock is pretty bad, and the fingerprint reader can be hit or miss: FaceID on iPhone was a pleasure to use, except when it's not - i.e., I'm lying in bed. But for most situations, it works pretty good. For those moments I do wish I had a fingerprint reader so it's really nice to have that on the Samsung. But with that said, the Face unlock is horrendously bad. It works about 3/4 of the time in good light and then never in low light. I think the fingerprint reader is 80% successful on the first try for me but that's still lower than I think it should be. Perhaps I should re-register my finger. (Also, what's up with the super bright fingerprint reader on the Pixel 8? I feel like I was staring at the sun every time went to activate it! That said, it does feel like the Pixel's face unlock is better than Samsung). And on the topic of security, I think one of the biggest things I miss is Apple Pay. Some of my favorite go-to restaurants locally let me order online and pay directly using Apple Pay. Now I have to memorize my credit card number....
9. This thing is super powerful. I think people who choose Android chose it for two primary reasons: customization (which I mention in #2 and #3) and power to be productive. It has been very cool to be able to export files from one app directly into another app, edit it there, and save it as a file and then transfer it to my desktop. On iPhone, it was never a certainty which applications I'd be able to import files directly into but on Samsung it seems everything is available. There's always a workaround or solution or a method to doing something and that's been pretty cool. The Snapdragon processor is quick and the screen is beautiful. It's a great media consumption device and I hope it continues to be as snappy as it is now, because 7 years of updates is a very long time!
10. But the size of this phone is kinda insane. Especially coming from an iPhone mini, this thing is so big! It literally does even fit in my pockets when I am sitting and I've had it slide out a couple times onto the floor already because so much physically hangs out of my pants when seated. If Samsung made a smaller Ultra version of the phone in the same size as the S24, then that would be perfect (kinda like how Apple has the Pro and Pro Max). I think if there's a reason I end up going back to iPhone, it's because of the size of this thing. I want something as powerful as the Ultra but in a smaller package, and I haven't found another company that makes something like that. I don't have a case yet and maybe a more textured case will resolve this.
I'll keep this experiment going as I want to make a real effort to switch. Looking forward to continued learning!
submitted by StunningWeekend to samsung [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:54 Notdoinggreat1 AITA For storming out of my own party because my friend brought someone I told him not to?

Hello, this is a short situation but I just have to know if I’m the A-hole. My friend (let’s call him Mk) has another friend (let’s call him Creepy) who I’m very uncomfortable around. In the past Creep hit on, leaned on, and followed me around during our parties in the community room of our dorms while heavily intoxicated, not to mention every time without fail tried to ask fotake my vape even though I’ve told him no time and time again. He was never invited just showed up and we couldn’t kick him since it was the community room. Lately I’ve become decent friends with Mk and about three times he’s invited creep to join us in card games in my room, which I’ve caught creep staring at my ass and more. When I told Mk he was not welcomed to our events if I am the host and relaid the things he’s done he said “I don’t think any of that’s happened but ok” but then two nights later he invited him and had him apologize for the things he’s done and said “I don’t remember doing any of that and I’m not sure it actually happened but I apologize” which I did not take because it truly felt like he did not care about how I felt in that moment.
Flash forward to tonight. I spent hours prepping drinks and baking a ton of food for a Harry Potter themed party for our group. Mk asked if he could invite creep since he “apologized” and I said “I’d rather you not.” And he shrugged. An hour later he calls someone on the phone and walked out of the community room. Moments later he walked in saying “Look who I found!” And creep walks in behind him. Mk then says “Listen Op I know you don’t like him so if you wanna tell him to leave you can” I didn’t want to seem like a jerk because Mk was the only one tracking what creeps done and I didn’t like being put on the spot so I just said “fine”.
Not even ten minutes later after everything has passed on Mk says to everyone but looking at me “I don’t know why you hate him so much it’s a little ridiculous” and all I could say was “I don’t hate him just, can you drop it? It’s over let’s just have fun” and Mk says “I’m just saying you’re being silly and it’s not that big a deal”. I again asked if he could drop it and just stop continuing the conversation in which he proclaimed he wasn’t continuing anything and repeated him self once again ask why and I just got so frustrated that after hours of cooking and prepping this was the treatment I was getting, forced to hang with a creepy guy and being morally interrogated in front of all my friends. I decided to just get up and leave saying “I’m done, I can’t even have fun at my own party”
Mk messaged me saying it wasn’t that deep and I needed to come back but I’m just done, he didn’t even apologize for what he did. I’m also mad none of my friends stuck up for me by telling him to stop or even came to check on me. So AITA for storming out and refusing to come back?
submitted by Notdoinggreat1 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:53 tired_owl1964 Resources for Family Member

I have come to realize that I (25F) am most likely Autistic & don't particularly want to go down the path of a formal diagnosis. (There are several reasons with the main one being medical trauma that makes seeing new providers and seeking out diagnoses triggering & I just am not in the place to do that at this point.) I reached a bit of a breaking point in grad school (just graduated thankfully) with burnout & after realizing that this was what it was & not a bad depressive episode, I was sort of forced to begin unmasking. I moved back in with my parents during my clinical year & have started to experience some friction and push back about the things that I have found work for me in terms of accommodating my life/space/personal organization. I have found that when I communicate things about myself or my experience to my family directly, it isn't well received. I have found that sharing things I relate to from sources that aren't me myself get the message across better. My question is this: does anyone have any good resources that can help explain the experience of living with autism as an adult to a loved one? I've looked online, social media, etc. but can really only find stuff applicable to either children or people (men) that present more typically. I am highly masking and the struggles I have had for the majority of my life have been totally invisible, so it's been hard trying to explain myself and having them not be able to separate their perceptions from my actual self. I think it helps to have them see that I am not making things up and that there are actually other people experiencing exactly what I'm describing, which they otherwise see as "excuses" or "getting out of things" when they can't see the actual inner torture of things in my daily life.
TLDR: Any good resources to help describe the adult/female/highly masking autistic experience to family members?
submitted by tired_owl1964 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:53 GodOfNothing22 Which one should I buy?

Which one should I buy?
  1. Is there a 1TB version of LOQ 13th Gen?
  2. Which of these is long lasting?
My main purpose is editing and light gaming
submitted by GodOfNothing22 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 WiLLNESkrrQuavo_ I don’t know how to deal with self-loathing.

i am a wayward partner.
i betrayed my partner this year in an online affair. i am no longer in contact with ap (since partner and i split).
i made my fatal choice because i was struggling with myself and met a man online while drunk and began an online affair. i never planned to meet with my ap. id never ever dream of intimacy other than with my bp. which is why i feel so horrible. why did i do this??
he gave me attention and validation i hadn’t been receiving in a bit. but i should have turned to my partner for it. i really should have. every message i sent, shame erupted over me, yet the feelings of lust overwhelmed any rational actions. horrible. so selfish. i felt horrible about what i had done and ended all relationships. blocked ap, split with bp. bp found out and i split with him the same day. when bp asked me about ap during our breakup- i was transparent and honest. i have always been honest with bp about everything in regards to the affair.
my bp and i have been now living separately for 3 months (D-Day) but regularly see each other and check in with one another, text every day. we are not currently in a relationship but continue affections for one another (typical relationship stuff) and go out on dates. we hug, kiss, say i love you. our situation is confusing but we arent currently seeing anyone else.
i love him so much, but every time i see him i feel horrible. guilty, shame, remorse. when he texts me, my heart feels so heavy.. i feel like i cannot look him in the eyes. seeing his numbness. seeing his old self shattered. he acts so different. he rarely laughs anymore, his tone has shifted. its my fault. i broke this man. my thoughts are scattered. i have nightmares about how badly i’ve hurt him. seeing him cry breaks me.
yet,kissing him just feels so right, hugging him brings me a sense of calm and comfort.
i cry every single day about what i have done. at night, it gets so much worse. all i can think about is how he feels. i absolutely hate myself for it. i hate myself so much for hurting the man i love the most. i love everything about him- there is not one thing i would change about him. he is so kind, gentle, intelligent, handsome, caring, and loving. and i messed everything up.
the first month, i struggled very hard with thoughts of self harm and suicidal ideation. it was very difficult but i am glad to say i am past that point and focusing on myself- or at least trying to.
i still struggle very much with seeing my bp. he and i lived together for 3 years and i miss him very deeply. i cannot help but think about him, worry about him, and i feel i have an overwhelming responsibility to try and heal him for the damage i caused.
i was cheated on constantly in a past long-term relationship. i truly know how scarring and traumatizing it is to your self-esteem, self-worth, values, etc. which is why i do not truly understand why i would have ever done what i did.
this choice haunts me. feelings of shame cloud my head every single day. i hate myself for it. i feel i cannot talk about it with anyone, because i have tried to reach out and was shamed, and people said i was victimizing myself. i am not trying to.. i just want to be able to speak about how i feel.
i am stuck in a hole of guilt and i feel i cannot escape.
we are still working on reconciliation. he tells me he wants to be alone right now but wants to be together in the future- just feels like he cant forgive me. god i feel so much pain knowing i hurt him
submitted by WiLLNESkrrQuavo_ to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 strugglingmm If u have time, advice would be nice

Hey yall so for context I got married a couple years back and moved states to my husbands hometown. It was extremely difficult moving at such a young age and not knowing anyone here and i really struggled in many aspects of my life the first year or two. This isn’t capturing the severity of it but I was rlly depressed lol. Not to mention we briefly lived with his parents (abt 8months) before literally escaping (and yes I use the word escape) and moving out. I am no contact with my husbands immediate family except occasionally seeing them at holidays and bigger family events and life is better and less stressful that way for all of us. I can get into the reasons why but I promise you it’s completely valid and it’s either no contact or I called the police and cps so I’ll leave it at that. That being said, I am extremely close to my husbands extended family. Especially his three cousins. Their mom is like a second mother to me and we live down the street from each other because of how close we all are. Or so I thought. One of his cousins (all my age or younger) decided to completely cut me off. And It was immediately noticeable because we all usually hang out regularly. Every weekend if not multiple times a week. We grab food sometimes or go out to the mall or school events or we just hang out at their house talking till late at night and having so much fun. I genuinely love these girls and felt like I finally had close friends for the first time in my life. We talk about our innermost thoughts, vent to each other, and just behave as a usual girl group of friends do and I absolutely loved it. They’re pretty much the only friends I have here despite having moved over three years ago and I never felt like I needed to find others because my new relatives provided me with such a great friendship. One of the girls (I’d say I was actually closest to her) decided to cut me off. And I noticed right away because no texts came weeks after she decided to stay silent at my bday dinner. The entire. Evening. . When I’d drop by the house like I always do she’d never come out her room. I heard her mom at one point yelling at her to come greet me at least and she refused. I ignored it but it really started to hurt me. Especially when their parents started asking why I haven’t been around like we usually hang out. I asked the other siblings and they brushed it off saying how weird we were being and we should just talk if something is bothering us or whatever. But I noticed they stopped reaching out as well. A few days ago it was her graduation ceremony. And despite us making plans for over a year about the bouquet she wanted me to make, decorating her huge grad party, all these things, I was not invited or even made aware of the event until they posted it. That was the ultimate slap since her mom had asked me weeks before to make her a grad cake for the party (over 100people attending). After her ceremony she texted me asking to speak to me in a very hostile message, mentioning how it will be in private as “it’s no one’s business”. I agreed and went over after my shift and she called me to her room and sat down and proceeded to say the most hurtful things I’ve ever heard. She preyed on every insecurity she could think of and started to say how since the day I moved here she’s never felt comfortable around me and she shouldn’t have to put herself thru this tension and stress to be around me and how every conversation we‘be ever had has added no benefit to her life. She said she feels uneasy whenever I come over and that she just decided she doesn’t want to fake having to like me anymore and I can’t do anything to change that. And she said this all smirking and smiling as I had tears pouring down my face. It’s been three years of slumber parties shopping birthdays holidays family events weekends pool days everything u could think of we’ve experienced it together and those are some of my happiest times. All for her to say it was all fake? I kept asking her how she could say such hurtful things when I see her truly as a younger sister and one of my closest friends and after I’ve opened up to them so much over the years. I swear I even told them how grateful I am for their friendship and how I struggle to make friends because I feel like others judge me or make me feel bad for my personality. But I never in all these years felt that with them. Not to mention that I am literally married to their cousin. I’m the closest thing to a sister in law. How could she throw all that away? And she just shrugged and said none of that matters and I don’t get to decide who she speaks to. I asked if she really means she doesn’t want to speak to me anymore and she just chuckled and said ya. “It’s better I don’t see you or that you don’t come around here and make me uncomfortable.” A lot more was said but for the sake of reading I’ll leave it out. I left her room sobbing and she slammed her door shut behind me. Her sister was in the room next door and did not say anything. the rest of the family was asleep or in bed. I cried all night and literally feel Ike I’m going thru a breakup or something. My poor husband is so confused and mad but we have no idea what to do. It’s more deep rooted since I’ve literally bonded so much with this family I love them all truly and now Ifeel crazy like I imagined these three years of friendship. i keep thinking back and doubting every second I spent there. I have so many pictures in my apartment of all of us and thousands on my phone of us just hanging out and I keep looking at them and doubting if she hated me all those times we talked.
Her mother called me the next morning saying how her husband told her what he heard of the convo and how they were both so so sorry for what she said. She said her daughter has done this before with her own brother and didn’t speak to him for weeks but I told her this is different. She could very well go the rest of our lives not speaking and there goes my future of comfort in my only family here. She said she will talk to her and get her to apologize but I don’t want to even hear that. I can never bring myself to see these people again and I will not beg for a friendship with someone who doesn’t want me around. I have that much self respect at least. I’ve done so much for these girls I bake every bday cake I buy them great bday presents I celebrate every happy moment with them and support them when they feel low. I’ve given them the most kind and genuine friendship… the kind I hoped to receive in turn. I honestly cannot believe that chapter of my life is over and now I feel so alone. I spoke to one of the other cousins when she jokingly asked why I left crying (she lives with them too) and I broke down and told her everything said and how hurt I was. This girl just shrugs and says “ya that’s how she is we can’t change that” like are u kidding me??? I mean absolutely nothing to these people. They all went out and posted it and I’m here crying all day. How do I get over this pain and how do I handle the rest of my life with these people. I still care about their parents I’m just so hurt and offended and shocked at how shitty this one person made me feel. Sorry if this is all confusing I’ll probably delete this in an hour. I just have no one to talk to.
submitted by strugglingmm to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 AloneGinger0906 Film Reco like Bar Boys

Hello po!
I’ve been a silent reader here but ngayon I need movie recommendations na same as Bar Boys. Need ko lang ng movie na magpupush sa akin to strive harder since nasa last semester na ko ng college and board review subjects na siya at ngayon I’m experiencing burnout and anxiety na nagpapabagal sa akin to be productive.
Thanks in advance po!
submitted by AloneGinger0906 to FilmClubPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 GodOfNothing22 Which Should I go for?

Which Should I go for?
  1. Is there a 1TB version of LOQ 13th Gen?
  2. Which of these is long lasting?
My main purpose is editing and light gaming.
submitted by GodOfNothing22 to LaptopDealsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 CentennialElections 2024 Presidential Prediction (6/1/2024)

 2024 Presidential Prediction (6/1/2024)
Presidential (Margins: 1/5/15)
Even though Trump got convicted a few days ago, my prediction for the presidential race from last month really hasn't changed yet. After the sentencing, if Trump's support starts to drop dramatically, then I would likely make changes in my August to early November predictions to reflect that. For now, I still think Biden has an underrated chance of winning, but it's still looking to be very close, closer than 2020. Unlike last month, however, I'd like to go into detail about why I have these placements.
Likely Republican States:
  • Missouri: Even though this was a Safe Republican state in 2016 and 2020, it only barely went over 15% for Trump. In 2020, it even trended left relative to the nation (18.51% to 15.39%, 20.6% to 19.84%). More importantly, much like in Kansas, the percentage of vote the GOP gets in the rurals have largely been in the 70s-80s, while the suburbs are competitive and within reach for Democrats. With that in mind, I could see Missouri dipping just below 15% in 2024. I've seen the same argument made for Indiana too, though I'm a little more hesitant with that (for now) since it was a point or two redder than Missouri.
    • Predicted Margin: R+14-14.5
  • South Carolina: Should be self-explanatory. For the last several elections, South Carolina has been in the Likely Republican range. When adjusting for national environment, SC has remained rather stagnant, hovering around 14-16% of the national environment. Right now, there's nothing to indicate that will change much at all.
    • Predicted Margin: R+12-12.5
  • Kansas: As I mentioned with Missouri, Kansas' rurals are starting to max out, while the suburban areas are becoming better for Democrats. It's happening a lot faster for Kansas than for Missouri though. In particular, the state's 5 most populated counties, Johnson, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Wyandotte, and Douglas have all been moving to the left It's been trending to the left relative to the nation since 2012 (21.61%, 20.42%, 14.65%; when adjusting for NPV - 25.47%, 22.51%, 19.10%). As such, I expect Kansas to be more competitive in 2024, though not below 10%.
    • Predicted Margin: R+11.5-12
  • Nebraska's 1st Congressional District: Similarly to Kansas, Nebraska's 1st has been seeing some strong trends to the left (alongside the 2nd District). While it has been redder than Kansas so far, the recent redistricting has flipped their positions, with NE-01 being bluer now (taking away from NE-02).
    • Predicted Margin: R+10.5-11
  • Iowa: Iowa has been fairly red from 2016 onwards, and unlike in Ohio, Democrats have only one statewide office - Auditor. No senators, no members of Congress... almost nothing. It did go from R+9.41 to R+8.2 in 2020, but relative to the nation, it actually trended right (11.50% to 12.65%). I don't really see how this state could move left without Biden outperforming nationwide.
    • Predicted Margin: R+9-10
  • Alaska: Alaska has s remained fairly Republican since 1968 (when Nixon narrowly won it), though it's been trending left for quite a while. In 2008, it voted for McCain by 21.53% (28.81% when adjusted for NPV), but in 2020, Trump only won it by 10.06% (14.51% when adjusted). Certain areas, like Anchorage, are getting a lot bluer. Additionally, Mary Peltola recently won the house race in 2022. That said, Anchorage is losing population despite its blue shift, and the WWC Mat-Su valley is growing in population. I still think it could shift left somewhat, but it will still be Likely Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+8.5-9.5
  • Ohio: Similar to Iowa, Ohio has been competitive for a while until 2016, and since then it's been fairly red. In both 2016 and 2020, it voted for Trump by about 8%, even trending to the right of the nation (10.16% vs 12.48%). Unlike in Iowa, though, Ohio Dems hold one statewide office - Senator Sherrod Brown. Additionally, while the rurals have gotten much redder, the suburbs are shifting blue, which could offset some of the Republican trends going on in the state. I don't see it moving much either way right now.
    • Predicted Margin: R+8-9
  • Florida: As with Ohio, Florida used to be a key battleground state, though the transition into a more Republican state was more gradual. Even before the 2022 midterms blowout, Florida seemed to be moving to the right. Although Biden did better nationwide than Clinton, he performed worse in Florida (1.20% vs 3.36%; adjusted - 3.29% vs 7.81%). Since then, Democrats have had only minor victories in Florida, and the registration numbers for Republicans have been going through the roof. While I think the rightward trends in Florida are sometimes exaggerated, they are real, and I don't see Biden doing well there.
    • Predicted Margin: R+7.5-8
  • Maine's 2nd Congressional District: Once a decently Democratic district, ME-02 has become far more Republican since 2016. It moved a bit to the left in 2020 (10.29% to 7.44%; when adjusted for NPV - 12.38% to 11.89%), though I don't think it will move that far to the left. It's kind of hard to tell where it will go since its such a small district, though it should remain Likely Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+7-8
Likely Democrat States:
  • Virginia: This state has been moving to the left since 2008, especially between 2016 and 2020 (5.32% to 10.11%, 3.23% to 5.66% to the left of the nation) due to growth in the suburbs and opposition to Trump. Yes, Youngkin did win the governor's race, and many polls have Virginia looking competitive, but I don't buy that Trump will do much better here than in 2020. He may gain a bit, but northern Virginia should still remain fairly opposed to Trump.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9.5-10.5
  • New Mexico: After 2008, New Mexico has remained around 6-7% to the left of the national environment, being a Likely Blue state. Since 2020, many areas have seen a shift to the right among Hispanic voters, especially in Florida. While Hispanic voters aren't a monolith, Trump does seem to be making gains with this group across the board. As NM has a lot of Hispanic voters, this could lead to Trump making some gains in the state, though not enough to make it very competitive.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9.5-10
  • New Hampshire: Historically, New Hampshire has been rather elastic, and its voting patterns suggest a tendency to go against incumbents. But in 2020, things changed - NH went from D+0.37 to D+7.35 (1.72% to the right of the nation to 2.90% to the right of the nation). Furthermore, New Hampshire has a lot that makes it a bright spot for Biden (linked because that comment explained it better than I could, and I don't want to make this explanation too long). For those reasons, I expect Biden to improve on his performance in New Hampshire by quite a bit.
    • Predicted Margin: D+9-9.5
  • Maine: Like New Hampshire, although to a lesser extent, Maine became more competitive in 2016 (going to Clinton by 2.96%, 0.87% to the left of the nation). In 2020, though, Biden won Maine at large by 9.07% (and 4.62% to the left of the national environment). Unlike New Hampshire, I don't imagine this state moving to the left in 2024. It's a fairly rural state, and it isn't quite as socially liberal. I imagine it will move a bit to the right due to the growing urban/rural divide, though nowhere near enough for it to be Lean D.
    • Predicted Margin: D+8-8.5
  • Nebraska's 2nd Congressional District: As a very suburban district, Nebraska's 2nd District has been trending to the left fairly quickly since 2012 - R+7.15, R+2.24, and D+6.64 (national environment comparison - R+11.01, R+4.33, D+2.19). While redistricting has made NE-02 less blue (and made NE-01 bluer), the suburban district is still trending to the left, and that should be enough to make up for the redistricting.
    • Predicted Margin: D+6.5-7.5
  • Minnesota: Although Minnesota moved to the left in 2020 after being very close, similar to Maine and New Hampshire, it appears to be more likely to move right compared to those two states. Minnesota is very open to third parties, and those third parties tend to take votes away from Democrats. Third parties get a lot of votes in New Hampshire and Maine too, but their demographics are more favorable to Democrats (especially New Hampshire), while Minnesota has a large WWC population that Trump could pull from. While I doubt it will be Lean Democratic, it should be closer than in 2020.
    • Predicted Margin: D+5.5-6.5
Lean Republican States:
  • Texas: Since 2012, Texas has been moving to the left due to population growth and blue trends in suburbs and urban areas, giving Democrats hope that the state may be flippable in the near future. In 2020, though, the Rio Grande Valley, a traditionally Democratic area, shifted very far to the right. Most of the region is low in population, with the exception of Hidalgo County, the 8th largest in the state. While Democrats have a fair amount of obstacles in the state of Texas, I do think Democrats are likely to make at least some gains here. The RGV, and other rural areas, while shifting to the right, are losing population, while many highly populated areas (not just the Bexar, Travis, and Dallas counties, but many surrounding ones such as Collin, Denton, and Tarrant too) are growing in population. While I think the rural trends will slow down the leftward trend of Texas, I don't think it will be enough to stop them fully, let alone reverse them. But they won't move the state very far left, which is why I put it at the higher end of Lean Republican.
    • Predicted Margin: R+4-4.5
  • North Carolina: From 2012 to 2020, North Carolina has remained between 5.7 and 5.9 percent to the right of the national environment. The leftward urban trends and rural rightward trends appear to be cancelling each other out. Biden is capable of winning NC, particularly if things improve for him in the future (ex: Trump actually gets jailed), but right now, I see him doing better than Clinton did in 2016, and a bit worse than he did in 2020.
    • Predicted Margin: R+1.5-2
Lean Democrat States:
  • Michigan: I really don't buy the argument that Michigan will be the second bluest or reddest out of the rust belt trio (MI, WI, and PA). Yes, Biden could struggle with getting turnout from Arab Americans and college voters because of Gaza and other issues, but these populations don't make up as much of the state as people think. Furthermore, the suburbs are growing in population and trending more to the left. If Trump continues to lose ground in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Grand Traverse, or suburban Detroit, lowered turnout in Arab-American and college areas won't be enough to offset that. I'm hesitant to say Michigan will be bluer than it was in 2020, but I don't think it will be much redder either, especially since it was the only one of the trio to move to the left relative to the national environment (R+0.22 to D+2.78; R+2.31 to R+1.67 when adjusted for NPV).
    • Predicted Margin: D+2-3
  • Arizona: Even before the court decision on abortion came out not too long about, I've become more skeptical about Trump's chances to win Arizona. It's a state that has rejected Trump and his brand of Republicanism over the last several years - Mark Kelly won both the 2020 special senate election and his 2022 race, and Katie Hobbs overperformed polling to defeat Kari Lake, albeit narrowly. Furthermore, Maricopa and Pima are two counties that are not only trending left fairly quickly, but make up a massive chunk of the state. Combined, they make up 5,649,033 people, compared to the state's total population of 7,431,344 (76.02%). Also, Trump insulting McCain frequently hasn't helped him with traditional Republicans in the state. Trump can win Arizona, but I see this state being his worst swing state by far, besides (maybe) Michigan. Santa Cruz and Yuma are two areas I can see shifting right, but that's nowhere near enough to counter the shifts in Maricopa and Pima.
    • Predicted Margin: D+1.5-2.5
Tilt Republican States:
  • Wisconsin: This one was really hard to decide for me. On one hand, Democrats outperformed polling expectations in the 2022 Senate and Gubernatorial races. Democrats have also been gaining in the WOW counties (Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington), and they've been able to win Wisconsin in 3/4 of the non-Obama elections in the 21st century (albeit by less than 1% every time). Plus, polling suggests that this state is one of Biden's better options. On the other hand, Wisconsin polling really overestimated Biden, putting it to the left of Pennsylvania, and even Michigan. Plus, Trump has a lot of room to grow in rural areas (and while it went from R+0.77 to D+0.63, when adjusted for NPV, it trended right; R+1.32 to R+3.82). I'm very unsure how this state will go, and I can see an argument for it being Tilt either way. For now, I'm keeping it at Tilt Republican, though that could easily change in the next few months. Either way, I'd say that this is Trump's easiest state to flip.
    • Predicted Margin: R+0-0.5
Tilt Democrat States:
  • Georgia: Similarly to Arizona, many traditional conservatives are turning away from Trump. While Brian Kemp was able to win by a good margin, he's a decently popular incumbent who ran against a candidate who wasn't that strong (Stacey Abrams), survived a blue wave in 2018, and isn't a Trumpian Republican. I do think Biden will have some issues with minority voters, though that won't be enough for Trump to make up for Biden's huge gains in the suburbs and urban areas. Georgia trended left in 2020 even faster than Arizona (R+5.13 to D+0.23; R+7.24 to R+4.22 with NPV adjustment). Trump can definitely win here, but I can't see this being Trump's easiest state to flip.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0.5-1.5
  • Pennsylvania: The opposite of Georgia, Pennsylvania is one swing state that I see as rather overrated for Biden. Given that he barely got it over 1%, and that it trended to the right of the nation (R+0.72 to D+1.17; R+1.37 to R+3.28 with adjustments), and Trump's base of support is generally stronger in the Rust Belt than in the Sun Belt (which is part of why I'm skeptical of current polling that says the opposite), I don't think Biden will improve here overall. That said, Biden does have room to grow in the suburbs in southeastern Pennsylvania, and I think that should be enough to help him narrowly win the state and counteract Trump's growth in rural areas.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0.5-1
  • Nevada: In 2016 and 2020, Clinton and Biden both won Nevada by around 2.4% (meaning it trended right relative to the nation - D+0.33 to R+2.06). This state is kind of hard for me to decide. While it has arguably been moving to the right, partially due to Clarke County, Nevada polls underestimated Democrats in the Senate race for 2022, and it is a rather pro-choice state. Even Joe Lombardo, the GOP governor, signed pro-choice legislation. Plus, Catherine Cortez Masto's opponent was Adam Laxalt, a Trumpian candidate who supported the election fraud claims. This could indicate that, like Arizona, Trump would be in trouble. However, Masto barely won the Senate election. While Biden could do better than anticipated, I see this race as being one of the closest for 2024, albeit narrowly favoring Biden at the moment.
    • Predicted Margin: D+0-1
The states I'm the most shaky on are Wisconsin and Nevada. While I have an opinion on which candidate they tilt towards, it was very hard to decide whether I should change them from my May prediction, especially with the recent conviction.
Should Trump receive jail time for this case, I imagine that my prediction could change substantially among the seven battlegrounds (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). For now, though, this is what I expect - Biden improves over the next several months and outperforms polling expectations somewhat, having the same incumbency boost that Bush, Obama, and Trump all got (though to a lesser extent than those three, as Trump was the previous incumbent).
submitted by CentennialElections to AngryObservation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 GhoulGriin Best Acudraw Crossbow

Best Acudraw Crossbow
Get ready for an action-packed adventure with the Acudraw Crossbow, a cutting-edge weapon that combines precision, power, and versatility for hunters and enthusiasts alike! In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Acudraw Crossbow's impressive features, top-notch performance, and unparalleled accuracy, helping you make an informed decision on whether this is the perfect crossbow for your next hunting expedition.

The Top 20 Best Acudraw Crossbow

  1. Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Crossbow - High-Performance Hunting Accessory - Unleash precision and power with the Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Repeating Crossbow, featuring a UV-resistant polymer construction, adjustable buttstock, and a maximum velocity of up to 220 FPS.
  2. Affordable Compact Crossbow for Various Uses - The Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414, known for its affordability, offers versatility and compatibility with a range of accessories, making it a popular choice for those seeking cheap crossbows.
  3. High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow for Hunters - Experience the ultimate precision and performance with the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 ACUdraw Crossbow, a reverse-draw hunting crossbow shooting up to 400 FPS.
  4. Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Reverse-Draw Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent and Pro-View 400 Scope - Experience lightning-fast speed and ultimate accuracy with the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow, featuring the easy-to-use ACUdraw Silent system and Pro-View 400 Scope, perfect for beginners and seasoned hunters alike.
  5. Adjustable Compact Pink Crossbow for Outdoor Fun - The Bear X Desire XL Crossbow, available in a fun pink design, offers adjustable stocks, easy self-cocking functionality, and a maximum arrow speed of 175 FPS for a thrilling shooting experience perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike.
  6. Affordable Wicked Ridge Invader Crossbow with ACUdraw and Pro-View 400 Scope - Wicked Ridge Invader M1: A lightweight, compact crossbow with powerful ACUdraw cocking device, Pro-View 400 scope, and 3 Match 400 arrows - perfect for hunters seeking an accurate and efficient hunting experience without breaking the bank.
  7. Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow Package with Rope Sled and Accessories - Experience unparalleled accuracy and speed with the Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package, featuring a 30% narrower design and up to 30 FPS faster performance than its predecessor, all while maintaining the durability of CNC-machined aluminum construction.
  8. Revolutionary Crossbow with Advanced Technology and Unmatched Accuracy - Experience unmatched accuracy and speed with the revolutionary TRX 515 crossbow from TenPoint – the perfect combination of cutting-edge technology and superior design.
  9. Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow: Fast and Powerful Hunting Companion - Experience big game performance with the ultra-compact and lightning-fast Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow, equipped with advanced features for unparalleled accuracy, speed, and durability in one powerful package.
  10. Silent and Fast Crossbow Cocking Device, ACUdraw PRO by Tenpoint - Experience the efficiency and safety of the ACUdraw Pro, the ultimate quiet, lightweight, and fast cocking device for your crossbow.
  11. Wicked Ridge Acudraw XS Crossbow: Lightweight, Powerful Hunting Companion - Experience silent, effortless cocking and fast speeds with the Wicked Ridge Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow, the ultimate hunting companion for any adventurist.
  12. High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow: 380 FPS Speed and Easy Cocking - Experience the power and precision of the Wicked Ridge Commander M1 Crossbow, featuring the ACUdraw cocking device, a 4x Multi-Line Scope, and pre-sighted at 20-yards for ultimate hunting success.
  13. Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw 50 Cocking Device - Experience unmatched precision and power with the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow Package - the perfect choice for serious crossbow enthusiasts.
  14. Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Lightweight Crossbow - Multi-Line Scope and 3 Arrow Quiver - Experience the ultimate hunting adventure with the ultra-light Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow, equipped with a sleek design, Multi-Line Scope, ACUdraw Pro, and a 3 Arrow Instant Detach Quiver for exceptional performance and versatility on the field.
  15. Lightweight, Portable, and Effortless: Tenpoint ACUdraw Crossbow Cocking Assist - Introducing the Tenpoint ACUdraw, a revolutionary and lightweight solution for cocking a crossbow, perfect for hunters of all abilities and ages - effortless, accurate, and fully integrated for maximum convenience.
  16. Effortless Rope-Cocked Archery Accessory - Upgrade your crossbow experience with the Tenpoint ACUdraw 50, featuring easy-to-use 50% reduction rope-cocking, lightweight contoured covers, and powerful mini-magnets for secure storage when not in use.
  17. AMERICAN-MADE Wicked Ridge NXT 400 Crossbow Package with ACUdraw Compact Design and 3-arrow Quiver - The Wicked Ridge NXT 400 ACUdraw Crossbow Package features a lightweight design, tenacious accuracy, and easy handling, making it a top choice for hunters seeking superior performance and a made-in-America build.
  18. Revolutionary Titan 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent Cocking - The Tenpoint Titan 400 offers unparalleled accuracy, ease of use, and speed in a cost-effective package, making it the ultimate choice for crossbow enthusiasts.
  19. Easy Self-Cocking Acudraw Crossbow Pistol for Hunting and Target Practice - Ace Martial Arts Supply Self Cocking Draw 80 lb Crossbow is a versatile and durable weapon designed for small game hunting and target shooting, featuring a self-cocking mechanism and adjustable tactical sight.
  20. Flatline 460 ACUslide Crossbow for Excellent Hunting Performance - Unleash the power of the TenPoint Flatline 460 Crossbow Package, featuring innovative ACUslide cocking and de-cocking system, precision scope, and Quick-Loc Technology for unrivaled speed and accuracy.
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🔗Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical Crossbow - High-Performance Hunting Accessory
The Steambow AR-6 Stinger II Tactical has definitely made an impact in my daily life. The first thing that caught my attention was its sleek design. The impact-resistant polymer construction is not only durable but also UV-resistant, which is a great feature for outdoor use. The length-adjustable AR-style buttstock along with the standard buffer tube provides a comfortable grip.
One of the standout features for me was the maximum velocity of up to 220 FPS and a maximum energy of up to 15.2 FPE. I could really feel the power behind each shot! The ridged and textured pistol grip made holding it steady during use much easier.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks. The instructions booklet was virtually useless, and I had to rely on a video to assemble it. Additionally, the shims were quite frustrating. Despite these small setbacks, the crossbow performed well and was a lot of fun to use. Overall, I'd recommend this to someone looking for an affordable and powerful crossbow.

🔗Affordable Compact Crossbow for Various Uses
The AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414, a compact and versatile crossbow that has become a staple in my outdoor adventures. Its ease of use and portability have made it a go-to choice for a variety of activities.
The draw weight of 35 pounds ensures a sturdy and reliable shot, while its compact design makes it perfect for hunting in tight spaces or carrying during longer excursions. However, despite its strong points, I've noticed that it can be quite noisy, which might be a concern for those in more sensitive shooting environments. Overall, the AR-6 Stinger II Compact Crossbow Black 414 strikes a balance between performance and convenience, making it a worthwhile investment for hunting enthusiasts on a budget.

🔗High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow for Hunters
I recently discovered the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 Acudraw crossbow, and I must say, it has completely changed my perceptions about crossbows. The RDX 400 is a beautiful balance of speed, accuracy, and affordability. It has a power stroke of 15.5 inches and can shoot up to 400 feet per second. The perfectly balanced reverse-draw design utilizes the full power stroke for lightning-fast speeds and consistent down-range accuracy.
I love the ACUdraw Pro feature, making cocking a breeze. The included mounted scope, quiver, and arrows deliver a complete package, perfect for both beginners and experienced hunters alike. The compact size of the crossbow (only 9 inches wide) adds to its ease of use and portability.
However, there have been a couple of small drawbacks in my experience. The first is the width options of 9 and 15 inches—the 9-inch width is too narrow for a complete cocking device, so I found myself using the cocking rope more often than not. Secondly, the string serving broke after just 20-25 shots, which was quite disappointing.
Despite these minor issues, the Wicked Ridge RDX 400 Acudraw crossbow has proven to be a reliable, fast, and accurate hunting companion. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to experience the thrill of crossbow hunting without breaking the bank.

🔗Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Reverse-Draw Crossbow with ACUdraw Silent and Pro-View 400 Scope
As a reviewer who has been using the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow in their daily life, I've had the opportunity to explore its features and experience the benefits it offers. One of the highlights for me has been the ease of use and cocking with the ACUdraw Silent, a feature that allows for silent cocking and reduces the draw weight significantly.
The reversed-draw design provides a smoother shot and better balance for increased accuracy, making it a top choice among other crossbows in the market. The state-of-the-art Pro-View 400 Scope comes with aimpoints out to 70 yards and an updated reticle for improved down-range accuracy.
However, one downside I've noticed is the occasional noise and vibration, which may be addressed by some users with the integrated String Stop System. While the crossbow is a great value, some reviewers have faced issues with the warranty and customer support, which could be essential for future purchases or repeat customers.
Overall, despite the minor drawbacks, the Wicked Ridge RDX 410 Crossbow is a superior choice for those looking to experience the thrill of crossbow hunting with ease and accuracy in their arsenal.

🔗Adjustable Compact Pink Crossbow for Outdoor Fun
Using the Bear x Desire XL Pistol Crossbow has been an exciting adventure in my backyard. The compact design of this pistol crossbow makes it easy to store and transport, yet it's powerful and accurate. The self-cocking arm and forearm grip are perfect for beginners like me, and the adjustable stock allows for comfort and increased stability while shooting. The velocity of 175 FPS makes target practice enjoyable and the 60-pound draw weight provides a challenge without being too overwhelming.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this pistol crossbow. The supplied aluminum bolts with plastic push-in fletchings are prone to breaking upon impact with firm surfaces, and the cocking stock latch tends to break almost immediately. These issues are frustrating, but they do not significantly detract from the overall performance of the pistol crossbow.
In conclusion, the Bear x Desire XL Pistol Crossbow offers a fun and user-friendly shooting experience for beginners and enthusiasts alike. Its adjustable stock, compact design, and powerful velocity make it an excellent choice for backyard target practice. However, the flimsy bolts and faulty latch might require replacement over time.

🔗Affordable Wicked Ridge Invader Crossbow with ACUdraw and Pro-View 400 Scope
I recently had the chance to try out the Wicked Ridge Invader M1 crossbow, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. As a beginner with crossbow hunting, this product was an excellent addition to my gear. The built-in ACUdraw crank cocking device proved to be a game-changer, significantly reducing the draw weight and making cocking a breeze.
One of the standout features was the 70-yard Pro-View 400 scope, which offered impressive aimpoints and a cleaner view for improved accuracy. The scope's updated reticle made a noticeable difference when taking shots at various distances. Additionally, the crossbow's pre-sighting at 20 yards gave me confidence that it would perform well on the hunt.
The fact that this crossbow is built in the United States was a nice touch, and the craftsmanship was evident upon handling the device. The inclusion of a Pro-View 400 scope, 3 Match 400 arrows, and a 3-arrow quiver made the package even more appealing.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered during my experience. Firstly, the compact size of the crossbow made it slightly uncomfortable for me to carry and handle for extended periods. Additionally, the weight of the crossbow was a bit heavier than expected, making it challenging for me to carry it around for hours in the field.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Wicked Ridge Invader M1 crossbow proved to be a reliable and efficient hunting companion. The combination of features and performance made it a valuable addition to my gear, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to upgrade their crossbow or start their hunting journey.

🔗Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow Package with Rope Sled and Accessories
As a crossbow enthusiast, I've had the chance to try out the TenPoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package with its Rope Sled. When I first opened the package, I was impressed by the high-quality construction with its CNC-machined aircraft-grade aluminum material. It was lightweight yet sturdy, and the compact design made it easy to carry during my hunting trips.
One of the standout features for me was the ACUdraw De-Cock system. It made taking off the safety a breeze, allowing me to quickly and safely aim at my target. However, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed with the trigger. It wasn't as smooth as I expected, and it required quite a bit of effort to pull back.
Shooting with the TenPoint Titan M1 was a breeze, thanks to the powerful stroke and elongated inverted VX-5 cams. I was able to achieve pin-point accuracy and devastating speeds, and the included TenPoint 3x Pro-View 3 Scope made sighting in my targets a cinch.
The inclusion of the optional Rope-sled and ACUdraw cocking system made this package versatile and allowed me to choose which one suited my shooting style better. Although the stock itself could have been better, I was happy with the overall durability and performance of this crossbow.
In conclusion, the TenPoint Titan M1 Crossbow Package with Rope Sled is an impressive and powerful crossbow that can truly make a difference on your hunting trips. Despite some minor hiccups like the rough trigger and the stock, it has been an excellent addition to my outdoor gear.

🔗Revolutionary Crossbow with Advanced Technology and Unmatched Accuracy
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the TRX 515 crossbow from TenPoint, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. One of my favorite features was the reverse-draw design, which added a level of smoothness to the shot that I had never experienced before. It was also incredibly accurate, thanks to the twin-riser technology that reduced the riser flex and limb torq.
However, it did have a bit of a tricky cocking mechanism, as I had to make sure to use the patented ACU-slide Maxx system for silent and safe de-cocking. It definitely took a bit of practice to get used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was a great feature. I also appreciated the ambidextrous thumb safety, which allowed me to keep both hands on the crossbow and maintain my focus on the target.

🔗Tenpoint Titan M1 Crossbow: Fast and Powerful Hunting Companion
I recently got my hands on the Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow and let me tell you, it's quite the experience. I've been crossbow hunting for a while now, so I was eager to see how this one would perform.
The first thing that stood out to me was the size of the crossbow. It's compact and easy to maneuver, making it perfect for those tight hunting spots. I especially loved the narrow width, which made it less hassle to carry around in the woods.
A feature that I enjoyed was the speed at which the crossbow shoots. It's capable of shooting arrows at an impressive 370 FPS, making it one of the faster models I've tried. The T5 trigger with its smooth pull and crisp break was a game-changer, making each shot feel more precise and controlled.
However, one area where the Titan M1 fell short was the durability. I experienced issues with the bowstring, which frayed and snapped after a few hundred shots. I reached out to the customer service team, and they were quick to help, but it was still an inconvenience.
In conclusion, the Tenpoint Titan M1 ACUdraw Crossbow is a good addition to any crossbow collection. With its high speed and compact design, it's sure to make your hunting experience a breeze. But be warned, there might be some durability issues that you'll need to keep an eye on. Overall, I'd give it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.

🔗Silent and Fast Crossbow Cocking Device, ACUdraw PRO by Tenpoint
I've had the chance to test out the Tenpoint ACUdraw Pro, and I must say, it has both its pros and cons. On one hand, the product is incredibly quiet, making it perfect for those who prefer hunting without any distractions. Additionally, I love how the ACUdraw Pro is fully integrated into the stock, making it a seamless and sleek addition to my crossbow.
However, there have been a few areas where I experienced some issues. For example, I found that the handle fitting was a bit off, making it difficult to fully utilize the product. Plus, I noticed that the crossbow took a bit longer to cock with the ACUdraw Pro compared to without it.
Overall, I've enjoyed using the Tenpoint ACUdraw Pro, but I believe there's definitely room for improvement. With a few adjustments and tweaks, this could become a fantastic addition to any crossbow enthusiast's arsenal.

🔗Wicked Ridge Acudraw XS Crossbow: Lightweight, Powerful Hunting Companion
I recently had the chance to try out the Wicked Ridge Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow, and I must say, it's a game-changer. As an avid hunter, the first thing that caught my eye was the ACUdraw system, which allows you to silently cock and safely de-cock with minimal effort. Not only does it save time, but it also adds a level of stealth to your hunting experience.
One of the highlights of this crossbow is its incredibly lightweight design, weighing in at just 6.5 pounds. It's perfect for those long days in the woods when every ounce counts. Additionally, the 31.5" length, 390 FPS speed, and 5.8 total pounds provide the power, accuracy, and maneuverability you need for a successful hunt.
The Rampage XS ACUdraw Crossbow also features a 3.5-pound trigger, Pro-View Scope with 3x magnification, and a 2.5" adjustment for greater accuracy and comfort. Overall, using this crossbow was a seamless and enjoyable experience, and I'm confident that it will be a reliable addition to any hunter's arsenal.

🔗High-Performance Acudraw Crossbow: 380 FPS Speed and Easy Cocking
I've been using the Wicked Ridge Commander M1 Crossbow for some time now, and let me tell you, it's a real game-changer. Despite its budget-friendly price tag, this crossbow punches well above its weight.
The ACUdraw cocking device is a dream to use, making the cocking process a breeze. The 4x multi-line scope offers accurate aiming up to 50 yards, and the fully coated optics are a massive plus. However, I must admit, the draw weight could be lighter for beginners.
All in all, the Commander M1 is a reliable and affordable choice for hunters and archers alike, offering the perfect balance of power and precision.

🔗Wicked Ridge Invader 400 Crossbow with ACUdraw 50 Cocking Device
Last fall, I took up crossbow hunting as a new hobby. I had been researching for months, reading reviews, and comparing different brands. From all the options available, the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 seemed to stand out. Here's my honest review of my experience and the features that really made a difference in my hunting journey.
The first thing I noticed about the Invader 400 was its amazing accuracy. With its fully adjustable Pro-View scope and 3-arrow instant-detach quiver, I was able to hit my targets with incredible precision. This feature was especially useful for my first hunting trip, where a close-range shot was crucial.
In terms of safety, the ACUdraw 50 cocking system made the crossbow feel much more secure when I was preparing to shoot. It was also very easy to handle, even after a long day of hunting, thanks to its lightweight design. However, there were instances where the cocking rod did feel a bit rough on my hand, which caused some discomfort after several shots.
One of the features that I appreciated the most about the Invader 400 was the quiet operation. In the forest, sound can be more important than you may think. Not having my target spooked away is crucial, and this crossbow performed exceptionally well in that regard. That said, the quiet operation did come at the cost of a slight reduction in power compared to some other models on the market.
A few downsides that I encountered during my time with the Invader 400 were the lack of a built-in string stopper and the absence of any kind of noise-reducing mechanisms in the crossbow itself. The lack of a string stopper made for a more dangerous experience, especially when loading and unloading arrows. And while I appreciated the quiet operation, it would have been great if the designers could have found a way to maintain that while still providing a little more power.
Overall, my experience with the Wicked Ridge Invader 400 was mostly positive. It was an excellent crossbow for a beginner like myself, and its accuracy and powerful shots made my hunting trips more successful. There are some features I wish it had, such as built-in noise reduction and a fully adjustable sight, but it certainly gets the job done well for the price point.

🔗Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Lightweight Crossbow - Multi-Line Scope and 3 Arrow Quiver
As an avid hunter, I was intrigued by the Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow. Its lightweight build and sleek design caught my eye from the start. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed a couple of hiccups with the product.
Firstly, the AcuDraw cocking device was quite tricky to use, requiring some extra effort and attention to avoid making mistakes. While I eventually got the hang of it, I couldn't help feeling a bit frustrated with the initial learning curve.
On the bright side, the crossbow itself was impressive in terms of accuracy and power, with the built-in scope providing a clear and precise view of the target. The lightweight nature made it an easy carry in the field, and the foot stirrup, while small, did the job when needed.
However, there were a couple of downsides I encountered. The scope, while functional, felt a tad flimsy and its dial-in system was somewhat unreliable. Additionally, the foot stirrup, while compact, wasn't the easiest to use, especially for those with larger shoes.
Overall, the Wicked Ridge M-370 ACUdraw Crossbow seems like a promising option for hunters in search of a lightweight, powerful weapon. With a few tweaks to address the minor issues, this crossbow could be a great addition to any gear arsenal.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to the Acudraw Crossbow Buyer's Guide. In this section, we will discuss important features, considerations, and general advice that can help you make an informed decision when purchasing an Acudraw crossbow. With a wide variety of options available on the market, understanding the specific requirements and features of an Acudraw crossbow can help you find the perfect one for your needs.

Power Stroke Distance
The power stroke distance is one of the primary factors that determine the performance of an Acudraw crossbow. It is the distance the bow limb moves during the draw cycle. Generally, a longer power stroke distance leads to higher speed and kinetic energy, which results in better accuracy and penetration. Look for a crossbow with a power stroke distance of at least 10 inches for optimal performance.

Draw Weight

Draw weight is the force required to pull the crossbow back to its full draw. Higher draw weight means a stronger and more powerful crossbow. However, it may also require more effort to cock the crossbow. Consider your physical strength and hunting requirements when selecting a draw weight. A good starting point for most hunters is between 150-200 pounds. If you are considering a youth model, look for a lower draw weight, typically around 100-125 pounds.


The speed of an Acudraw crossbow is measured in feet per second (fps) and affects its shooting range and accuracy. A higher speed crossbow will generally have a greater range and better accuracy. Aim for a minimum speed of 250 fps, as it can provide an ideal balance between power and speed. For a more advanced crossbow, look for models with a speed exceeding 300 fps.

Noise and Vibration

Crossbows can be noisy and produce vibrations that can affect the shooter's aim and accuracy. To minimize noise and vibration, look for crossbows with built-in noise dampening and vibration reduction features, such as rubber dampeners or recoil dampening systems. These features will help improve your shooting experience and reduce fatigue.

Practical Considerations

  • Length: Opt for a crossbow with a comfortable length that suits your height and reach. Ideally, the butt plate should rest comfortably against your shoulder when drawing the bow.
  • Weight: Consider the weight of the crossbow, especially for hunting. A lightweight crossbow is easier to carry during extended hunts, but it may also be less stable and require more control.
  • Safety: Look for features such as a manual safety, an automatic safety that engages when the bow is cocked, and string dampers to help prevent accidental discharges.
  • Scope: Choose a crossbow with a quality scope that offers a clear sight picture and adequate magnification for the desired shooting range.

Maintenance and Care
Caring for your Acudraw crossbow is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular maintenance includes cleaning and lubricating the crossbow after each use, inspecting the strings and cables for wear, and maintaining the scope properly. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines to keep your crossbow in top condition.
Selecting the perfect Acudraw crossbow requires considering several factors, such as power stroke distance, draw weight, speed, noise and vibration reduction, and practical considerations like length, weight, safety, and maintenance. By taking these elements into account, you can find an Acudraw crossbow that meets your specific needs and provides an enjoyable and successful hunting experience.


What is the Acudraw Crossbow?

The Acudraw Crossbow is a precision-crafted crossbow designed for hunters, archers, and all those seeking a reliable and high-quality weapon for various shooting activities. This crossbow boasts exceptional accuracy, power, and durability, making it a perfect choice for serious shooters.

What are the key features of the Acudraw Crossbow?

  • High quality, low-maintenance design
  • Adjustable power and accuracy
  • Sturdy and lightweight construction
  • High-powered, adjustable scope for ultimate precision
  • Easy to assemble and use

What materials is the crossbow made of?

The Acudraw Crossbow is crafted from advanced materials, including carbon fiber, aluminum, and high-strength composite materials. These materials provide exceptional durability, stability, and lightness for optimal performance.

What is the maximum range of the Acudraw Crossbow?

The maximum range of the Acudraw Crossbow depends on several factors, such as power settings, scope adjustments, and the quality of the arrow used. However, it can typically achieve an impressive range of up to 400 yards with an appropriate arrow and optimal settings.

Is the Acudraw Crossbow suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Acudraw Crossbow is suitable for both beginners and experienced users thanks to its adjustable power and accuracy, user-friendly design, and easy assembly. Beginners will appreciate its forgiving nature, while experienced shooters will enjoy its high performance and precise tuning capabilities.

What accessories or additional components are available for the Acudraw Crossbow?

There are a variety of accessories and additional components available for the Acudraw Crossbow, including quivers, arrows, slings, and scopes. Users can choose from a range of accessories to customize their crossbow and enhance its performance according to their needs.

Is the Acudraw Crossbow easy to maintain and store?

Yes, the Acudraw Crossbow is designed with ease of maintenance in mind. Its sturdy construction, along with its high-quality materials, ensures that it is resistant to wear and tear. Moreover, it is easy to store and assemble, making it a practical choice for shooters of all skill levels.

What is the warranty period for the Acudraw Crossbow?

The Acudraw Crossbow comes with a standard warranty covering manufacturing defects. However, specific details may vary depending on the retailer or seller, so it is essential to check the warranty terms and coverage provided by the supplier when purchasing the product.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 loseallmorals advice on how to reevaluate religion

i’m 19m and i’ve had my fair share of poor religious experiences. i don’t know if they constitute as trauma really, but it has had some effect on my life course. for some context, i’m transgender and queer. my parents raised me in the church, but they never forced any of their beliefs on me. they expressed many times that whatever religion i chose was fine with them, and that they took me to church solely because i was too young to be left home alone. when i was in 6th grade, i came out to my parents as bisexual. they confided in our pastor at the time, because they wanted some support in learning how to navigate my new identity. my parents were then told by the pastor that i was no longer welcomed in that church unless i started leading a better life. my parents quickly decided to let me attend a different church. the only reason i was still required to attend was because they didn’t trust leaving me alone due to a history of self harm. i found solace in the new church, many of my friends from school attended with me, and there was a group of other queer people. the youth pastor never preached against homosexuality or anything. i felt as though i was finally in a place that i belonged. 8th grade came around, and i was still struggling with self harm at the time and i confided in one of the service leaders. we bonded quickly, despite him being at least 7 years older than me. i was young, and i didn’t realize how strange it was for him to take interest in me. in the end, it turned out to be him grooming me. he had sent me inappropriate photos and messages. i told one of my friends about it, thinking it was cool to have an older guy be interested in me. she expressed how weird it was and made me understand, when i confronted the service leader, he acted like he had done nothing wrong. a few weeks went by, and everything was normal. one day, my mom was waiting for me to get out of therapy, and she got a call from the youth pastor. he told her that someone he trusted very well had accused me of drawing satanic symbols while i was in church. i had obviously not done anything like that, i even showed my parents my sketchbooks and my laptop. they didn’t really need the proof, they just wanted to see if it was misinterpreted. they called the pastor back and basically told him that the accusations were bullshit, but to no avail, as i was unfortunately no longer welcome. i was around 14 years old the last time i set foot in a church, my parents finally trusted me to stay home alone and they were sick of people excluding me. they eventually also stopped attending church because of this. recently, i started a new job. i’m a waiter at a local restaurant. during my training, i saw my old youth pastor. i honestly don’t really hold anything against him, because he was just going based on the information he was fed. he didn’t have the authority to really investigate the claims, he just had the responsibility of notifying my parents. i wanted to walk up to him and say hello, but unfortunately i didn’t get a chance. earlier this afternoon, i was at a party and he was there again. another person present at this party was the service leader who groomed me and got me kicked out. i decided to say hello to the youth pastor, he seemed relatively happy to see me. he asked me about my life, and didn’t seem to have a lick of hate towards me. the service leader saw me and kept his back toward me whenever he could. all of this to say that i feel like it’s a sign that i should start going back to church. not the same church of course, but a church. i don’t know though, has anyone else dealt with stuff like this? i just don’t know if this is like meant to be happening to me or something, or if it’s all just crazy coincidence. any advice is helpful.
submitted by loseallmorals to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]