How to get over the plateau on the medifast diet

loseit - Lose the Fat

2010.07.29 14:53 mindspread loseit - Lose the Fat

A place for people of all sizes to discuss healthy and sustainable methods of weight loss. Whether you need to lose 2 lbs or 400 lbs, you are welcome here!

2012.08.01 23:15 I want to be sugar free!

This is your place to share your stories about sugar and how it's affected your life, post links to scientific research on sugar addiction, tips for how to get sugar free, and support others who are trying to beat "the other white stuff"! We are focused on avoiding sucrose specifically (and by extension, fructose), NOT all starchy carbs (glucose).

2012.06.24 04:34 zapff PlantBasedDiet - Whole Food Plant Based Diet subreddit (WFPBD)

Home of the Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPB)! A whole-food plant-based, low-fat diet could reverse heart disease and diabetes.

2024.06.02 07:08 barnuhbee Appetite

I know very well I’m not the only one going through this and I feel almost pathetic complaining about it when there’s other people going through much worse, but I’m having a lot of trouble coping with my appetite. I’ve been on the implant for about a year and a half now, and since the beginning of this year my hunger has been insatiable. The second I think I’m full, two seconds later I could eat what I just had ten times over. I’ve always been a little on the midsize/plus size side of things and I’ve never been exactly secure in my body, but now that insecurity has skyrocketed. I’ve tried to keep healthier things to snack on around the house, I try to stay active, but my hunger gets so bad and I always seem to give into the cravings. I’ve tried dieting again and calorie deficits, but my history with eating disorders makes it difficult to stay on a healthy path with those. I just don’t know what to do. I’ve gained so much weight and it’s so hard to feel happy with my body right now, especially when before the implant I was at a sort of peace with my body. My confidence, and in turn, my happiness, is at an all time low. I’m not at a place in life right now where I can get it removed, so any advice to cope or even relieve some of this?
TLDR: Nexplanon has turned me into a hungry bottomless pit and ruined my self confidence, any tips on how to help my appetite?
submitted by barnuhbee to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:08 Huge_Line4009 Can You Outrun Aging? Discover Workouts That Add Years to Your Life

Maintaining a consistent exercise routine is widely recognized for its benefits to heart health, muscle strength, and overall well-being, but its impact on longevity and aging is also significant. Understanding how certain types of exercise can influence the aging process provides valuable insight for those looking to not only extend their lifespan but improve their health as they age.

The Science of Aging and Exercise

At the cellular level, exercise has been shown to affect several biological mechanisms that are directly related to aging. For example:
Recent studies, including those published in journals like "Aging Cell" and "The Journal of Physiology," have documented how resistance training and aerobic exercises enhance longevity. These studies found that such activities not only improve physical function but also reduce the risk of chronic diseases commonly associated with aging, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Types of Longevity Workouts

Various exercise routines are touted for their anti-aging benefits:

Expert Opinions

Insights from fitness experts and gerontologists highlight the best practices for longevity workouts. They advocate for a balanced approach that includes a mix of:

Real-Life Success Stories

Real-Life Success Stories of Longevity Workouts

The transformative power of longevity workouts can be seen in the stories of individuals who have dramatically improved their health and fitness through consistent exercise.
CrossFit Enthusiasts Over 65 CrossFit has not only served as a robust workout regime but also a community hub for many seniors. Mary Schwing and Sandy Stevens, both over 65, have seen significant improvements in their health due to their dedication to CrossFit. Mary, who started CrossFit at 59, has managed to outperform her younger self year after year, even placing in competitive events well into her 60s. Similarly, Sandy started CrossFit at 71 and has continued to push her physical limits, accomplishing feats like 26 wall walks in a single workout. Both women cite the community and the challenge as key motivators in maintaining their fitness regimes​
Leah Misch's Journey with 'Minutes in Motion' Leah Misch's fitness transformation began with a simple commitment to 30 minutes of daily exercise, leading to significant lifestyle changes. Over three years, she not only lost weight but also completed several 5Ks and a half-marathon, significantly improving her overall health and vitality. Leah credits the structured challenge of "Minutes in Motion" for helping her stay consistent and motivated​
HIIT Workout Transformations High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has proven effective for people of all ages looking to enhance their fitness. Michael, a software engineer, used HIIT to gain muscle and strength, achieving results he never thought possible with just short, intense sessions. Lisa, a marketing manager and avid runner, overcame a plateau by incorporating HIIT into her routine, which improved her agility and firmness, and enhanced mental clarity​
​These stories highlight not just the physical benefits of dedicated exercise routines but also the mental and emotional improvements that accompany a healthier lifestyle. The success of these individuals showcases how adopting fitness regimes, particularly those involving community and structured challenges, can lead to substantial long-term benefits.

Integrating Longevity Workouts into Your Routine

Practical tips for beginning these workouts safely, regardless of current fitness level:
  1. Start Slow: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.
  2. Consult Professionals: Get guidance from fitness trainers or physical therapists, especially when starting new exercises.
  3. Stay Consistent: Regularity is key in achieving and maintaining benefits.


Exercise is a long-term investment in your health and well-being. Engaging in routines that focus on longevity can not only help extend your lifespan but also enhance the quality of your life as you age. As we continue to see advances in our understanding of how exercise impacts aging, incorporating these practices becomes ever more essential.
submitted by Huge_Line4009 to truefitpower [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:47 mumblecoreinfluencer How has Lacy ✨influenced✨you?

I started following Lacy back in her Free + Native days after she wrote a blurb for mindbodygreen about her hair growth infusion. I finally joined the Pathway in 2020 and did it in tandem with therapy and got a lot out of it at the time! But once I graduated from therapy I felt I had graduated from the Pathway as well. Even though I’ve since unfollowed TBM and Lacy and become a bit disillusioned by both, I realized just how much Lacy and her recommendations have influenced me over the years!
  1. Beans- Oh the beans! I never did the bean protocol strictly, but after listening to Karen Hurd’s first podcast (let’s pretend that second one never happened) I figured it was a cheap and pretty easy way of incorporating more fiber in my diet, especially as I move toward eating a more plant based diet. And now that my baby’s eating solids he also eats beans most days 🫣
  2. Flower essences- I will sing Alexis Smart’s praises until my dying breathe! Her flower essences really are amazing. I bought my best friend and I some on a whim after we had our babies because we were navigating so much postpartum and whoa did I notice a tangible difference! I’ve literally had her formulas on rotation ever since. I also DM’d her on Instagram and had the funniest, sweetest interaction with her. I won’t try and explain the conversation because it’s confusing without the full context but she actually came back and messaged me apologizing in case I took offense to her message (which I did not, there was absolutely nothing to be offended by! But I thought it showed how sweet, sensitive, and thoughtful she is that she’d reflect on what she recommended to me! It made me like her even more tbh.)
  3. Hair growth tea- If you don’t know the one I’m talking about, it’s this one. Even though I’ve technically been drinking this infusion for years, I’m never consistent enough to tell if it’s actually making any difference. If it’s worked for you let me know and I’ll try and get better about drinking it 😅
  4. Lara Elliott- I know someone on here recently asked about Lacy’s inner circle and Lara was mentioned. I had a life-changing womb healing session with her a couple years ago before I was about to begin trying for my baby. She was genuinely so warm and friendly! And I still talk about how powerful that session was to this day. She also gave me a really wonderful taco restaurant recommendation after our session haha. Seriously if you’re interested in booking a session with her, it’s worth every single penny!
  5. Jenna Zoe- I’m not even into Human Design but I love Jenna’s app so much, specifically for the meditations! It’s so affordable for the amount of content that she is regularly uploading (ahem take note TBM). She also has one of my favorite Instagram accounts PERIOD.
  6. Beekeeper’s Naturals- This stuff works amazing, I fear! We have a baby in daycare so the throat and nasal spray stay in rotation.
  7. Infrared mat- I forgot I opened an FSA account so I had a lot of money to spend in very little time lol so I bought myself an infrared mat after literally seeing Lacy have one (I feel like she had it at the Forest Retreat House?). The brand she used wasn’t FSA eligible so I bought a different one. I still loved it! Again, not sure if it made any difference to my overall health, but I it was great for menstrual cramps, I always used it when I got sick, and my dog also loved to have a snooze on it which is obviously most important haha.
  8. ION Biome- Bought this stuff after listening to Zach Bush’s Expanded episode when I was have a particularly rough bout of stomach issues. I don’t think it made them worse? But it definitely didn’t make them better. It also gave my husband the shits for days lol. I still gave it a couple months but traditional probiotics just work better for me 🤷‍♀️
I feel a real kinship with this particular community and would love to know what products/people you found through Lacy/TBM, and whether you recommend them or not!
submitted by mumblecoreinfluencer to ToBeMagneticSnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:44 SadSackingToday HRT, weight gain, general dammit it all to hell rant

Hello wise women,
I've been reading some of the posts about the variety of experiences with weight gain and HRT. My story is that I lost my period at age 43, when I happened to be running 250 miles per month. I wasn't overly lean IMO (I wasn't even down to my "normal" pre-child weight!). I was eating carnivore. Yes, all this was in response to a subtle shift in my body comp that I felt like a low pressure system deep in my being. The doctor and even my ND assumed I was in menopause after a year with no cycle. I worked with an amenorrhea coach and my ND. I started taken HRT due to my inability to get my periods back and my young age to protect my bones/ CV system. I had an insane reaction to the patches (wild deep red streaking all over my thighs and abdomen, not raised or bumpy or itchy). I switched to compound estradiol cream and 100mg of progesterone. My reaction to that? I got high. Laughing unable to walk upstairs to bed--it was awesome. But only lasted a few nights. I've since acclimated to the patch and have a higher dose since I keep testing low.
I have struggled with compliance. I would take the HRT and yes they helped w sleep and the bottomless depression; the mood help is pretty profound. My sex life is pretty great on HRT and pretty meh without. But on HRT the depression got worse in some ways bc of the rapid weight gain. In response, I would stop HRT, drop a few pounds and then inevitably the no-sleep demon and the other kind of marrow-deep depression would take me down. I would restart HRT. Each cycle was about 6 months. Then at the age of 47, I got my period back (last summer). For real. So I got to stop the hormones and wow I recognized myself in the mirror again very quickly (days!). I even went back to playing soccer - a lot. Maybe you can guess what happened a few months later...ACL rupture. Holy shit show. I did well w the surgery, excellent w the rehab and still, the depression/ the stress all of it, made my periods go away again.
I held out as long as I could but the no-sleep demon came for me and I had to go back on hormones. The weight gain is well, double-take level. As in, if I run into an old friend there is a visible swallow and eyes widening. I'm a former collegiate athlete, a surfer, I have a goddamn degree in exercise science and I have the discipline of an Olympian. I have a bike desk. I work out with impeccable form daily with proper periodization, planned rests, and have toned down the running (obs, see injury above). I can stick to any diet. I never overeat. I get my protein in daily. I hit my water goals. I take magnesium. All the things-done. I have never undereaten until this phase of my life. And this is crazy making. It feels like my body is gaslighting me. Oh you ate 1000kcals yesterday? Here's 3 extra pounds for your effort.
Like many of you, I had a traumatic childhood w a host of abuses. Trying and successfully figuring out cause and effect has saved my life on numerous occasions. It's important to me to understand why the laws of thermodynamics no longer apply. It's also bringing up some fear, uncertainty, & loss of control issues.
My pull-up game is weak (umm 1? If I cheat), my push-up game has suffered. My abs are still strong as hell but I can only see the top 4--the bottom part--WTAF is happening. I've put the work in, perhaps you may say too much work. If so, you a) may be right & b) maybe it will make someone out there feel better that someone with my track record/ experience is struggling mightily.
It's very important to me to feel in control of my body and I've tried to do so in a physically healthy way. For the mental part, I've done so much therapy. I've done every treatment under the sun short of electric shock therapy (thought about it) for mind and body. But the kind of stuff I went thru isn't the type of thing that really ever lets you feel safe again. This--my body, my health, my earning of my health has been my safety. Feeling fast and strong and fit has been my blankie. I want it back.
I'm currently 48, had a period last month, which I would love to think means I can stop HRT but since I re-injured my meniscus (PT had me jumping way too soon post-op sadly), I'm worried that my cycle has hidden again. I'm incredibly sensitive to stress and I always have been. Most of my life I've felt that I'm not quite cut out for it all due to my over sensitivity & insane hyper vigilance.
Has anyone else had such a clear weight up on HRT/ weight down off HRT experience? If so, did you say screw it, and just deal with low mood, no interest in sex, yet steamy, damp nights nonetheless...forever? Or did you go the other route and say eff it, I'm gonna see just how high my body fat can actually get to?
I'm tired of waffling between two of the shittiest choices on the market.
submitted by SadSackingToday to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 Icy_Shower3949 Roughly what bodyfat % am I and would it be wise for me to go sub-10%?

2 years of "experience" 16 years old 191lbs 6'2 bodybuilding/hypertrophy training
I'm currently in the process of cutting weight for summer, and I'm not exactly where I want to be. I plan on competing naturally in the future in some capacity, but as it is right now, this cut is purely "for the soul". Just wanna see how peeled I can get for the hell of it, snap some pics, and then hop into a mass-gaining phase. I've had a few too many screwups, but I'm deciding to officially lock in from now on. My TDEE is likely sitting at around 3000kcals and my plan is to go with a 2400cal diet that includes fasted cardio. Macronutrients would consist of around 190g of protein, 90g of fat, and 200g of carbs. I started at 215lbs and have lost 25ish pounds over the course of roughly 5 months. That aside, I'm trying to assess where I sit right now in terms of bodyfat %. With water retention fluctuations and other factors, it's hard to tell where I'm at with such a discrepancy between how I look when I'm pumped and how I look in natural lighting with no pump. I'll include some pictures in both environments, but I'd appreciate some educated guesses just so I know roughly where I'm sitting right now.
Pumped physique with good lighting: (Imgur link includes multiple photos so be sure to scroll)
No pump w/ natural lighting: (Imgur link includes multiple photos so be sure to scroll)
submitted by Icy_Shower3949 to naturalbodybuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:18 avoc_dovra 2yr male neutered cat care -UTI issues

Hi everyone, I am seeking advice on tips to keep my two (2 year-old tabby neutered) boys from getting UTI again. Both of them had UTI in the past two months. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or what’s going on. I’ve adopted my boys for one year and a half now. They were neutered when they were 8 month old. And they are from the same litter so I want to be mindful of their genetic similarities.
I’ve kept them on a dry food diet ( ARCANA indoor cat food w/ an auto feeder feeding them 4 time a day) occasionally with some wet food as treats. They have a water foundation that’s always running. They also drink from my cups around the house. Back in March, my older boy had symptoms of UTI. He had a hard time peeing and went into the litter every few minutes. It’s my first time having male cats and I thought about the worst case scenario so I took him to the ER due to holiday schedule that all primary vet nearby closed. It costed me $800 for some antibiotics, a urinalysis, and a visiting fee. I don’t have insurance for them so that was fully out-of-pocket. The ER doctor said that male cats tend to develop UTI issues and there is not much I could do besides keeping a clean litter box, making sure there is not much stress factors trigger them. Two days ago, my other cat show symptoms of UTI, he was in the litter box for over 3-4 mins and had a hard time peeping. I felt his belly it wasn’t firm, but with his brother’s history I took him to the vet. The primary vet suggested me to put them on a fully wet food diet and I will get the urinalysis result in the coming days with some antibiotics prescribed.
Last time my older cat had UTI was after I came back from a two-day trip while my husband was at home with them. This time we had guests over the day before my younger cat had UTI. They were nervous at first, but came out and played with us very affectionately. We don’t have guests that often, but when we do, they never had health issues afterwards. If they don’t want to play, they could just hide in the bedroom. I don’t know if was the trigger?
Any advice would be appreciated on how to take care of male cats with a history of UTI ( diet, environment, hygiene, etc.) In addition, I am looking into cat insurance. They are young and healthy except this UTI issue. What factors should I care the most when choosing insurance ? ( my own research has been focusing on criteria like covering visit fee, lab tests, imaging/ x-ray, low deductible ~$250, high coverage 80%). Anyone had insurance recommendation for cats with UTI history?
submitted by avoc_dovra to catcare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:05 highdefinitionjoke Scared my baby dechonking too fast

Scared my baby dechonking too fast
Little bit of a story…
So before I moved back home to take care of my mum, she used to free feed her cats with large bowls of kibble they could graze on 24/7, as well as wet food whenever they asked for it. One cat (boy) has always stayed slim and lean no matter what, other cat (girl) got more and more chonk over the years.
When I moved in, with mum’s permission, I started by finding them a wet food they’d actually eat the meat from, not just lick off the jelly.
Then very slowly I switched out the old kibble that had carbs in it to one that is 75% animal protein.
Next, I gradually removed the kibble all together, replacing it slowly with more and more of the new wet food. (For both cats, just because it’s healthier even tho the slim one has no weight issues).
Now on a diet of almost only wet food, I guess you could say we are essentially still ‘free feeding’, leaving multiple portions out when we go to work, leaving food out over night so they don’t bother us when we’re asleep etc.
So there is absolutely no food deprivation.
And because of this, I didn’t see the need to count calories or use special diet foods, because just getting them to eat so much better was a huge win all by itself. I didn’t even know if it would work/they would go along with it! I wasn’t even trying to get Chunky Girl to lose weight particularly, just be healthier and see what happened. She would barely touch wet food with the kibble always around, but that is a thing of the past now!
This has been going super well over the last several months (2-4 months, I can’t remember when I started doing it). Skinny boy has stayed exactly the same size, happy boy.
My baby girl however, it’s hard to explain. Like you know when you go on a diet for weeks and see no change and then one day you look in the mirror and you’re like, damn I look… SMALLER. Like TODAY. But rationally you know it’s happened slowly over many weeks?!
So chonky cat is doing really well slimming down and in the last few days/week-ish I’ve suddenly noticed how trim she’s looking and feeling.
I’m like great!!!! Proud of you!!! And then I’m like oh no, I heard fast weight loss is bad for cats. IS it fast?! IS it TOO fast?! I’m not weighing her! I don’t even know what she weighed when we started or how long ago that was!
I’m pretty sure I’m being paranoid as she is totally acting like her normal self and definitely not too thin or even lost all the weight yet!
But I feel like I wanna take her to the vet just to be sure. I have helped her so much and now I’m scared I’ve harmed her :(
submitted by highdefinitionjoke to dechonkers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:29 dolleyesbbygrl Experiencing muscle loss, past doctor refused to test me, I need to vent

I've posted pics of my face and my body to this sub before. A lot of you agreed with me that it is very likely for me to have cushings. I'm currently very insecure about my body's fat distribution, puffiness and inflammation so these were things that I was so unhappy about but now there's something worse happening. I've lost a lot of my muscle mass in my arms and legs. I cannot carry a glass of iced water without shaking. Most of my selfies are blurry bc my hands won't stop shaking (I've lost strength). My legs are getting a lot worse too. My legs shake like crazy when I go down the stairs and I always almost fall. I need help from someone else to get all the way down. I just turned 26 and it's crazy that I'm even experiencing these symptoms. I used to be very out of shape in the pandemic to the point where I could only walk very short paths but I've become more active since 2023. Now I can go for long walks that go over an hour. It felt amazing for both mental health and physical health benefits but now when I walk for so long I get leg pain. I feel like I have enough energy to keep walking but my calves start to hurt. I used to have thick calves but they've gotten a lot smaller which is odd bc I've never had that before. My arms look so small compared to the rest of my body that someone on another subreddit accused me of editing my arm to make it look smaller which is quite ridiculous lmao. My arms and my legs are getting smaller and my face is very inflamed in an odd way despite maintaining the same weight that I've been maintaining for a year. I have not gained or have not lost weight but my face looks like Jabba the Hut bad in terms of how bad the inflammation has gotten and my belly is my widest body part while everything else looks smaller. My doctor says it's just my genes but nobody on either sides of the family gains weight like that. The women in my family are either pear shaped or hourglass, even if they're plus sized. When I was younger I was actually pear shaped and now it's changed to complete Cushings shape. To me it is horrifying. I feel like my youth was spent looking like an ogre. I've really been affected by this for almost 10 years. The endo I saw at the beginning of the year has refused to test me bc she insists that I do not have it and that I'm just not obeying her diet. I followed her diet for months but I did not lose weight. It was very strict and my primary doctor said that it felt a little restrictive but I was so desperate that I gave it a shot for a few months. Even when I lost weight in 2019, I looked thinner but still had the same fat distribution. I was at the same weight that I was in right before my cushings mightve developed (2014-2015) and I looked a lot more puffy in 2019 than I did in 2014/2015 despite being the same weight. I made an appointment to see another endo and I've had to wait for months. It's June and I have to wait until September. I was put on a cancelation list but I honestly have to keep calling every week to see if someone has canceled their appointment. I hate waiting and having to live any second longer this way. It's limiting my mobility, I get very bad fatigue so I'm always tired, the way it makes me look makes me so sad that I'd rather not try dating anyone bc I feel like this disease has me looking awful. I know that i have a pretty face but it doesnt matter when a lot of people keep reminding me that I would look better if I just dropped 90lbs. (If it wasn't for cushings and insulin resistance I would have by now lmao). People make a lot of assumptions of who I am bc of how I look and I've been called 'built bad" before. I've been single for 4 years and I'm wondering if I should keep being alone until I get my diagnosis and my surgery, possibly also spend 2 years after that recovering. I have a lot of internal work left to do anyways so I might as well. I wonder what my late teens and early 20s would have looked like if I didn't look this way. If I had more energy and didnt experience pain or shame I know all types of women and men get treated badly but I think I've faced a lot of cruel acts because of how I've looked for so long. People attacking me for my looks, just not taking me seriously bc of what I look like, and people admitting to me that they were mean to me bc of my looks. I just wanted to be treated like a regular human with feelings :(. From all of the blood work it looks it started developing at 16 and I'm now 26. I don't want to keep going on with this disease bc of the scary health issues that I've developed as hell. Please pray for me lmao
submitted by dolleyesbbygrl to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:25 Lillibet0388 Before and after - I made it to the other side and want to tell you that it’s your journey and it’s f’ing hard!!! Let’s chat about it!

Before and after - I made it to the other side and want to tell you that it’s your journey and it’s f’ing hard!!! Let’s chat about it!
Hi everyone,
I haven’t posted on here in a really long time but I was reading through some posts yesterday and I thought now the time to share my before and after pictures and open my DM’s. It’s a really hard journey, both before and after and we either don’t tell people we love because we worry they think it’s the easy way out (even though it’s literally the hardest) or we tell people to get ahead of them being able to judge us. It’s hard before, it’s hard during and it’s very very hard after. I wanted to share my experience as someone who has done it and been “thin” for a year now.
So - my story!
I had a gastric band fitted in 2009 and removed in 2011 because it had slipped. I struggled on and off with my weight for years, cycles of binge eating and bulimia and loosing weight through excessive exercise only to gain 20kg in a month from eating normally again. I STRUGGLED.
When I had my bypass in October of 2020 I was at breaking point. I was 118.5 kg (261lbs), I couldn’t tie my own shoes without using my arms to lift my leg on to my knee. I was desperate for a solution and I had tried everything else. I went to the doctor full of hope and they told me I would only ever lose 65% of my excess weight IF INWAS LUCKY because I had had previous surgeries. That would still leave me in the obese category and I was told there was never ever going to be a time I wouldn’t be considered obese, and therefore I would never qualify for skin removal surgery and I may have complications trying to get pregnant for the rest of my life.
I went ahead anyway thinking that at least I would lose something. When I woke up after my bypass they told me I would be lucky to lose 40% of the weight as my scar tissue meant I wasn’t able to have the full bypass. My ouch was three times the normal size and they had to connect it to a higher part of my bowel. They said I would lose some weight but I would continue to struggle for the rest of my life and I would never see a day that I wasn’t on a diet.
They were wrong.
I have a lot of friends who have now gone through the bypass or the sleeve and are suffering and wondering why it isn’t working. I wanted to post this, as someone who is 3.5 years down the line and 1 year post skin removal and say - your journey will happen when it happens. It isn’t linear, it isn’t consistent. It isn’t predictable and it certainly isn’t anything you can control because your body will go in to fight or flight mode and you won’t be able to do anything. It’s hard and frustrating and confusing and the hardest thing I’ve ever done but also absolutely, totally worth it. You just need to trust the process.
My timeline was 18th Oct 2020 - 118.5kg 9th Dec 2020 - 92.5kg 29th dec 2021 89.5kg - nothing moved and I was watching every calorie and exercising like mad 6 days a week but my body was refusing to give up the fat, it was in survival mode May 2022- 20 June 2022 - 76.5kg - sudden drop over three weeks. I did not one thing different. 20 July 2022 - I had my loose skin removal on my arms and breasts. I went in 76.5 and came out 72.5kg Nothing else for MONTHS THEN sudden drop between feb and march of 2023. Wasn’t dieting, wasn’t eating exercising, it just fell off Feb 2023-14 April 2023 - 65.7 16 April 2023 62.5 - post tummy tuck
I am now between 60- 57kg but choose not to weigh myself anymore so I don’t actually know. It was something I used to do every morning and it was a form of torture and self punishment. Now I know I’m ok because my clothes all fit. If that changes I will adjust my diet if I feel I need to. I have maintained this weight since march of last year and I went from a UK 20/22 to a 8/10.
The most interesting part of the whole thing has been the shift in my brain. I spent every moment thinking about food and my body and how much space I was taking up on the bus or on a plane and all of a sudden I hit 70kg and that Josie just vanished. I haven’t had one single thought about food or calories in/out or a single bit of guilt since then. I eat pizza and chocolate and salad and fruit with equal approach. I have spent my entire life thinking people who said they didn’t think about food were liars or just horribly boring people who didn’t enjoy the pleasure of food, but now I genuinely think there is a point that your body gets to where that hormone does just switch that noise off. I can’t explain it but I have gone from a binge eating compulsive bulimic to someone who just doesn’t care at all. The only thing I can think is that a certain level of fat keep that gremlin alive and then once you drop below it, the gremlin (science calls it ghrelin, but that’s less fun!) just goes away. Obviously I’m not a doctor but it is the only thing I can think of as an explanation.
Anyway, I know this journey is hard and it’s so frustrating sometimes but just know that it’s worth it. Not because my life is better now I’m skinny (that comes with a whole host of its own problems and is really fucking hard sometimes for reasons I won’t explain here) but because I no longer vilify myself and beat myself up constantly over the slightest calorie. I am no longer my own worst enemy and I want everyone who’s just starting out to know that you will also find peace. You will get to a point that your body is comfortable at and your noise will go away as well and you will finally understand that your body isn’t what determines your worth and you will stop punishing yourself for something that isn’t your fault.
Remember - a diabetic takes insulin, an asthmatic takes Ventolin, obesity is just another example of a body not functioning at 100% perfection. It’s not your fault your body processes food differently, the surgery isn’t any more shameful than taking ADHD or diabetes medication is.
My dms are open. You’ve got this and I’m so proud of you all.
submitted by Lillibet0388 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:44 viacrucis1689 Should I ask for additional testing?

I (34F) had a lipid panel done 7 years after my first and am confused as to my numbers, especially the low triglycerides and high LDL.
2017 results: Total: 150 (normal below <200) Triglycerides: 36 (normal below <150) HDL: 60 (normal above >40) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio: 2.50 (normal below <5.00) LDL: 83 (normal below <100) Non-LDL: 90 (normal below <145)
2024 results: Total: 197 (normal below <200) Triglycerides: 48 (normal below <150) HDL: 63 (normal above >40) Cholesterol/HDL Ratio: 3.13 (normal below <5.00) LDL: 124 (normal below <100) Non-LDL: 134 (normal below <145)
Nothing in my diet or activity level has changed. If anything, I'm eating way less red meat (summer sausage was often part of my lunch). I eat oatmeal 6 days a week, maybe have beef 2x/month, and eat out 1-2x/month. Ground turkey and chicken are mainly what my mom cooks with. I don't drink alcohol, fruit juices, and maybe have a sugary drink (sweetened tea) once a week. I do drink a lot of milk, but I always have. I eat whole grain bread 95% of the time. I'm not great with fruits and veggies, but I have been eating a lot more salads in the past couple of months.
I have a disability and expend a large amount of energy just doing everyday tasks, like getting ready for the day. I am 5'3" and 116 lbs, and I've weighed about this since I was 17. My doctor once worried when I lost 6 lbs, so I know it's not my weight. On paper I don't exercise, but just doing taking a shower and getting dressed takes a lot of energy (and time), and I'm not sure my doctor understands as when I had my last appointment she commented on how much I sleep. Anyways...
The only thing I can think of that has changed, besides getting older, is that in the summer of 2017, I switched from Lexapro 20mg, which I had been on for nearly a decade, to Sertraline 150mg. I had a relapse in my depression and anxiety, and it was pretty severe.
Now, here's where I really wonder. All of my mom's siblings have high cholesterol; one had a heart attack at 38 and needed triple bypass. Five of the seven siblings are overweight, but two are/were not, including the one who had the heart attack. He admittedly did have a poor diet at the time. My mom's first lipid panel at 58 (no idea why she wasn't tested sooner) showed her total cholesterol was 292. She tried diet and supplements but eventually went on Lipitor 10mg. Hers is still borderline, but her doctor (same one I see) doesn't want to increase her dose.
Also, one of my paternal uncles has had high cholesterol since he was a teenager. I'm not sure about my dads's other 11 siblings. My dad hasn't had his checked in over 2 decades so he's no help. He did have a very minor stroke at 47, but his sister, a lab tech, went over his labs and said he did not have high cholesterol at the time. But that's family history, I know.
I know this likely has zero impact on my results this week, but in the two previous weeks, I ate out way more than usual due to 6x in a week, which is very unusual for me. Can something like that impact test results?
My doctor requested a follow-up to address my high LDL. She's extremely cautious and ready to treat when it comes to anything and everything, so I'm not sure what to ask. I read a lot about additional testing when it comes to LDL. Do you think it's warranted?
I don't want to go on meds as my disability already causes chronic muscle pain, but knowing my doctor, she'll recommend it if I can't get my LDL down.
submitted by viacrucis1689 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:35 Lonely_Examination92 Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc

Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc
Family: Titanus Chiroptera
Name: Bagorah and Korghan, Lord of Bats (Bagorah) and Lady of Night (Korghan)
Species: Super Fauna
Height: 239.6 feet/73 meters (Bagorah), 200.2 feet/61 meters (Korghan)
Length: 918.8 feet/280 meters (Bagorah), 459.4 feet/140 meters (Korghan)
Wingspan: 1377.11 feet/420 meters (Bagorah), 1148.4 feet/350 meters (Korghan)
Weight: 49,000 tons (Bagorah), 34,000 tons (Korghan)
Class: Alpha-Omega (Bagorah), Alpha (Korghan)
Aggression: Very high (Bagorah), Medium (Korghan)
Territory: mainly mountainous region of Skull Island Minor’s interior, but will occasionally roost in the mountains of Skull Island Major during the harsh dry seasons that hit the island chain from time to time
Rivals: Showa Godzilla, Millennium Godzilla, Gorgo, Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, Gamera and Leora
Allies: each other, most amoeba-mutated Titans, Battra, Sasori, Yog and Hitodah
Main weapon: concentrated blasts of sonic waves capable of rendering concrete to dust and flesh to paste if strong enough
•though much attention and research has been devoted to the Titans and their sometimes climactic appearances and struggles with one another, the creatures that followed them into the limelight, nicknamed Mega Fauna, were just as important due to their crucial impact on the global ecosystem. Many have feared that the introduction of so many new species could irreversibly damage the stability of the environment and send it into a downward spiral if left alone, and have so called for a systematic extermination of the Mega Fauna on the surface. Just as many have decried such notions as fear mongering, however, and instead suggest introducing measures to naturally curb and control the population growth of the newly discovered creatures; the bats that would become Bagorah and Korghan were to be one such attempted measure of control. Created by the biologist Zaphen Crumwell, these new bats were to act as a sort of microbat for regions dominated by the Mega Fauna and the plants and fruits that have followed in their wake. In particular, they were to feed on the invertebrates and fruit that were growing in abundance in tropical regions of the world; as such, they were spliced with hammerhead bat, common and white-winged vampire bat, little brown bat, and large flying fox to give them both a sufficient size and a wide range of diet that was to ensure that they wouldn’t starve during early lean years. A mating pair was thus created to study their affects in a controlled environment and see how well they adapt to their environment and how they would cope with the pressures they might face. Unfortunately, the secure research facility that they were contained in was attacked and destroyed by an unknown party, releasing the one entity most feared by the staff: the Yog. When the Yog searched for a suitable host, it found the pair instead. With no other option, the Yog infected the two despite their screeches playing havoc on him. As they mutated and grew in stature, Yog mutated and grew a certain immunity to sonic waves up to a point. After they finished growing, the two new Titans were ravenous, so Yog commanded them to devour nine entire costal villages before raiding a nuclear plant in the dead of night so that they had enough energy for the long voyage. After roosting in an isolated cavern nearby, Bagorah and Korghan then proceeded to make a journey across the North Atlantic Ocean, attacking and sinking ships of all sizes along the way. As the US Navy scrambled to search for the cause of so many sinking vessels, Bagorah and Korghan land in Miami, Florida and go on a devastating rampage that levels multiple areas of the city and kill many people. Under the directions of Yog, Bagorah and Korghan move towards the largest concentration of animal life that was closest to their position: Greater Miami Zoo. Once there, they proceed to infect as many animals as they could, creating an army of Super Fauna under the control of the Space Amoeba. Once this was completed, they then went on the march, following the coast and moving towards South America and the amazon rainforest, on of the largest and richest ecosystems in the world. Fortunately for mankind, this doomsday army was halted at the city of Galveston by a coalition of Titans led by Showa Godzilla and Gorgo. While the other amoeba-controlled mutants were bogged down by the other Titans, Bagorah and Korghan fought the Gojiras and Gorgo directly. The fight was long and brutal, both sides dealing harsh blows that knocked any unwary mutant that strayed too close unconscious. When Gorgo was isolated and pinned down, Bagorah and Korghan feasted on his blood, unable to resist their primal instincts anymore. The intake of DNA caused Yog to experience a sudden, uncontrollable series of mutations that left both mutant Titans paralyzed. All the sudden, every piece of the Space Amoeba left the bodies of every single mutant Titan present and converged upon the two pieces that were formerly within Bagorah and Korghan, taking the form that Yog keeps to this day. Resuming his own battle, Yog viciously fought with the trio while the two bat Titans watched on from their perches on a couple of skyscrapers. Though now free from Yog’s direct influence, they still felt a kinship with him and were conflicted over whether or not they should flee the scene to lick their wounds. By the time Yog had been defeated and sent scurrying into the hollow earth, however, Bagorah and Korghan had long since fled back across the ocean and further east, never truly stopping until they reached their current location. Bagorah and his mate rarely leave their location, only doing so when summoned by either Battra or Yog or when they seek larger prey beyond their island.
•of the two, Bagorah is by far more aggressive and hotheaded than Korghan, preferring to get into the thick of it and crack some skulls open and use brute force to solve any issues. Korghan, on the other hand, is more level headed and prefers to either outthink her opponent or use diplomacy to avoid conflict outright; caution should still be taken, however, for she’s just as dangerous as her mate, with faster attacks and movements due to her smaller size and lighter build. Amongst their allies in Battra’s alliance, some would be shocked to learn that they are the most consistent and reliable heavy hitters of them all when it has the likes of Kumonga, Tlanusi and Sasori. In practice, however, things are much different: Kumonga is usually too indifferent to the plight of nature, Tlanusi is usually deep asleep and unable to be roused by anyone, and Sasori is too much of a wild card to be relied upon for any period of time. Once Bagorah and Korghan are committed to a task or goal, however, they will stick to it to the bitter end, no matter how long it takes. This, combined with their desire to actually support and sustain the world’s ecosystem, makes them consistent and reliable allies for Battra to call upon any time he needs to. The only thing that somewhat sours their relationship with each other is Bagorah and Korghan’s ravenous appetite that repeatedly see them get into conflict with Titans on the other islands when chasing down larger prey. This, combined with their habit to periodically deplete their island of large prey, has caused them to be a lesser thorn in the sides of Battra and Monarch, who seek to maintain a stable population of Mega Fauna on the Skull Island chain.
•of the two, Bagorah is the most likely of the two to leave the island and wonder around the world to explore, his sense of curiosity driving him to seek new things to discover and map out. Such curiosity has often led him to get into all sorts of trouble, which usually involves him brawling with other Titans when he unintentionally enters their territory. He’s seen the most fights with Venria, Zeus and Tiamat, since Bagorah has an undying hatred for those who have such an insufferable and arrogant personality and abrasive attitude. It has gotten to the point that Bagorah seems to go out of his way to goad them into a fight, using his ear-piercing, sonic screeches to taunt and harass them until they either attack or retreat into a spot out of his range. Korghan, on the other hand, seems to mostly stick to the island entirely, patrolling its shores and keeping any wondering Titans away with her piercing shrieks when they get too close. The only times she ever leaves the island for extended periods of time are when Battra calls upon her for help or Bagorah manages to successfully coax her into joining him on one of his exploration journeys into the hollow earth and usually ends with both of them brawling with an enraged Titan that Bagorah had unwisely taunted and goaded until they snapped. Despite her very apparent anger towards her mate whenever this happens, Korghan seems to be willing to forgive Bagorah every single time. Despite their clashing personalities, differences and demeanors, however, the two are very loyal towards one another and have rebuffed multiple attempts by other bat Titans to court them. In fact, it’s Korghan who seems to act more aggressively towards other female bat Titans that try to court Bagorah than he does towards male Titans. This interesting quirk is still under study, but it has been theorized by the more conspiracist researchers that Bagorah secretly enjoys the attention he gets and is ashamed of it, which drives Korghan into a frenzy to protect her mate and save him from such uncomfortable situations.
•despite two of the bats that went into their genetic makeup being fruit eaters, the vampire bat and little brown bat within their makeup was amplified and further enhanced by Yog have caused them to become obligate carnivores, ingesting fruit, seeds and other plant matter in order to supplement their diet. Their main source of prey are Megapedes, Water-Vipers, Lesser Goliath Krakens and Skull Crawlers, with sauropods and other creatures of similar mass sometimes being preyed upon if there are no other sources of nutrients available. Megapedes, in particular, are amongst their favorites because they can use the creature’s naturally occurring toxins as a deterrent for skin parasites by rubbing it in their fur, wings, tail and face. Their most preferred prey, however, is the Lesser Goliath Kraken due its sheer bulk and the ease of preserving it in one of the salt-filled caves that they like to frequent. In fact, when researchers explored one of these caverns whilst Bagorah and Korghan were away on one of their explorations of the hollow earth, they discovered dozens of well preserved Lesser Goliath Krakens that showed signs of being casually nibbled upon and consumed; when taking samples to see how long they were preserved, they were startled to discover that the oldest carcass dated back to late 1999, just over ten years ago. This has led to Monarch researching into the preservation properties of the salt caverns of Skull Island Minor to see what could preserve dead matter so perfectly that they look like they were just killed a few days ago. Recently, however, such potentially groundbreaking research has been halted due to drastic changes in the two Titans.
•behavior of the two bat Titans has completely changed, leaving Monarch both confused and suspicious. It has been noted that Korghan has been sticking to the valley that she and Bagorah roost in the mountain range exclusively, picking up trees and other such shrubbery with a delicateness unseen before and taking them back to their main cavern. The only documentation that they could get before they were chased off by Bagorah was that it appears that she’s building a nest of some sort, using the tree trunks to build a crude wall and using the leaves and branches to create a soft (for them) bedding. The last sighting Monarch has received from the outpost station has noted that Korghan has put on not insignificant amount of weight, and seems to have grown to prefer skulking along the ground in a loping gate instead of flying, which may tie in to her weight gain. Bagorah seems to have done a 180 on some of his behavior, becoming much more reclusive and reluctant to leave the island unless it’s to chase sufficiently large prey; he now spends his days aggressively patrolling the shores of the island, the entrances to the mountainous region and the island’s single entrance to the hollow earth when he’s not excessively hunting prey of any sufficiently large size down and taking it to their roost, only to do it again immediately after. It has gone on for long enough that he’s been spotted boldly raiding territories that he once avoided in order to hunt their plentiful stocks of Mega Fauna and take them back to their caverns. More alarming about the change in Bagorah’s behavior in that he has become increasingly aggressive and suspicious towards any Titans or human craft of any kind that shows even a hint towards going to the island. A few much lesser Titans have even been found to have been ruthlessly attacked and killed by Bagorah, their bodies missing chunks of themselves that were taken by Bagorah himself as food. Things escalated slightly when a few freighters were found in ruins near the island’s coast, everything of even the remotest value was destroyed, though the crews were lucky to escape with only moderate injuries. Though the companies that owned those freighters had lobbied heavily for military action against Bagorah for the economic loss sustained by his attacks, Monarch was able to get it vetoed by pointing out the recent collapse of his paths of patrolling to only the mountainous region of the island. This has also allowed Monarch to regain communications with their outposts, who have reported that Bagorah himself now rarely leaves the surrounding valleys that connect to their roost and has blocked off the other entrances to the main cavern besides one that is easily defendable. Though some more aggressive personnel have suggested that they crack open the cavern and see what is going on, Ishirō Serizawa, now head of Monarch after the arrest of the previously head after their arrest due to their part in the attempted recreation of the Oxygen Destroyer, vetoed it on the grounds of just how a bad idea it was to do so and ordered that they be monitored for any changes to their behavior and movements. Time will only tell if his hunch is correct or not…
submitted by Lonely_Examination92 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:20 zaddar1 human beauty/ i have none of/ its not sadness that leads one to grasp it

chinese history can’t be separated from the problem of eunuchs, a political class, that was in theory supposed to be loyal to the emperor but turned out to be as self-interested as any other clique
a particularly messy rebellion against them
as a matter of interest, they also had the penis as well as the testicles removed giving rise to urinary tract problems that were highly unpleasant and even so, the imperial concubines usually took eunuchs as lovers
i think on balance they probably did facilitate many centuries of highly centralised rule, a role today filled by communications and surveillance technology
the bottom line of any addiction is what is it excluding ?
what is the opportunity cost ?
usually its so high because you have recognised it as an addiction
human beauty
i have none of
its not sadness that leads one to grasp it
too fragile to be held
but a deep melancholy
death is too close
the female world
sorta isolated
its own bubble
sorta tangential
to reality
propaganda and dictatorships work by controlling information and hence beliefs and opinions and it is amazing how easily we driven by these into various insanities
from the control point of view, any creativity is a threat or poison and is dealt with by the force of suppression or aversion
in delusian terms "creativity is an act of resistance"
when on reddit and you get downvoted, just repeat to yourself "a downvote is an upvote" which it really is since you have distressed an idiot !
the freedom
of good health
in old age
the burden of ovaries
an entire life
seeker and sought
the religious parlance
"zen" is a wrapped up box with some writing on it saying "i promise the answer’s inside" and when you open it up, its empty
i would guess the royal family has been boosted to the gills for covid and king charles and princess catherine both getting cancer makes me wonder
the precipice’s edge
dangerous to be there
on the other hand
is an illusion
st. isaac the syrian
quotes I
quotes II
“ for it is more expedient to be bruised than dead ”
he’s very underappreciated
han china
umpteen million
grain of sand
amongst many
must alter your perspective
existential angst
when tears roll from a baby’s eyes
its a bit early to be thinking about these matters
pillars of salt
we are always looking behind
but at least we can see
what has gone behind
what we can’t see
what is behind
other pillars
plucked from life
unto death
another state of being
the former from the latter
distinctive is
but how the latter
views the former
we can never know
ed. a poem i wrote on looking at a photo of emily dickinson’s nephew, gilbert dickinson who died of typhoid aged eight, the rhythms and semantics of the poem make it seem like it could have been written by emily ?
a non traumatic demonstration of how a caesarean delivery is done
its not a trivial procedure, i’ll say that
something i had never thought about
not surviving an operation
it happens
the unwanted
something i had never thought about
surviving an operation
it happens
the unwanted
the travesty
of how ill it fits
with the way this world works
the thought of nothing squared
halve it
then triple it again
is still nothing squared
travelling and living in a new place you like for a while and then leaving again
its like falling in love and then breaking up, what can you do ?
stitching together
what is discontinuous
interior stresses rend
what is held together
for a while
all rivers run
as coleridge said
to oblivion
ed. these lines below from coleridge’s most famous poem have always puzzled me, now i think about it, my poem is an alternative, more abstract version of his full poem which has always puzzled me and now it has sort of solved itself, i can’t believe it has sat in my brain for thirty or forty years as a puzzle looking for a solution
where alph, the sacred river, ran
through caverns measureless to man
down to a sunless sea
i give credit to coleridge claiming the poem is unfinished, but i am not sure that level of intense creativity can be sustained and even in terms of the existing poem it was starting to fall apart by the end
this is such a zen/religious thing, taking other’s words and paintings, not a single thing is their own
this is because the moment they say something or draw something of their own its laughable
you can’t tell 'em, diet and exercise are extremely important in keeping good mental health “ recent research published in the journal clinical nutrition reveals a significant link between high consumption of ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of developing depression
this study, conducted in brazil, indicates that individuals adhering to diets rich in ultra-processed foods are more likely to experience depressive symptoms over time these findings underscore the potential mental health risks associated with dietary patterns characterized by processed and convenience foods ”
i nearly ran into a cyclist a week ago on a windy back road because neither of us was keeping far enough to the left, then a little later nearly hit a car because, again i was not keeping far enough to the left
hopefully i have learnt, i think i was driving like i drive at night when you can assume you will see any oncoming traffic well ahead because of their headlights
daylight gives no such clues and cutting blind corners seems to be a local habit
“ taken together, our data highlight the profound impact of exercise in rejuvenating aged microglia (ed. reverting their gene expression signature to that of young microglia), associated pro-neurogenic effects and on peripheral immune cell presence in the ageing female mouse brain ”
clone factory
assembly line
when OP’s bleed
their writers
in denial
about their injury
a portion
ed. certified GPT-free
the double edged sword
its holder
as one brought up on a very patriarchal version of english history its interesting to see that william the conquerer’s success was in part due to having a very politically competent wife
ed. video has 3 parts
also interesting is that due to harold godwinson having been captured in normandy and kept there for a while, he knew both mitilda (possibly even having an affair with her) and william very well and should have been more au fait with norman battle tactics and strengths i have a theory that the middle ages and somewhat later had in effect a breeding program through intermarriage within the nobility/aristocracy creating a politically competent class, because politics is not a natural skill to the species, same thing for ancient egypt, in fact today’s international politics suffers a lot from people lacking any sort of the rationality and largeness of mind required
submitted by zaddar1 to zen_mystical [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:15 Doombawkz Community Tier List Discussion - June

Community Tier List Discussion - June
Hello all! With the success of the previous voting, here is an updated Tier List as per your choices!
This month we will be revisiting all of the top tiers to see if they've withstood the test of time (except prisoner sonic who ended up in SS tier last month).
CURRENT POLLS: [Ending 6/8]
Keep in mind when tiering that it is assumed the character is operating with the maximum possible skill ceiling, without any faults of a player beyond reason. This is because player skill is an unquantifiable attribute to tier off of, so assuming a player can't do something and that is a failing of the character is faulty logic. Presume that if the player is a Job-Hunting Saitama, they can and will land Accurate Defense when and if possible. If they are a Silverfang, assume they can and will get Depletion, so on so forth. We are judging the characters themselves, not those who play them. Likewise, assume all characters have access to any and all resources needed (SSR Arms, relevant chips, ect)

Tier Rundown

  • SS Tier - Above and beyond, characters who outright make a composition work. This is reserved for characters who, by themselves, define a team and are not simply a part of it.
  • S Tier - Incredibly strong heroes! These can slot into most if not all teams without issue, provide something substantial to that team, and have a well defined and effective niche.
  • A+ Tier - Very strong heroes! These can slot into most teams well but have less value in terms of what they provide or lack a truly defined niche within the team.
  • A Tier - Strong heroes! These heroes can slot into most teams, though they tend to work better with a bit of support. They provide some adequate value to their teams in some form, but perhaps lack the versatility or output of the A+ Tier
  • B Tier - Adequate Heroes! These heroes are more limited in the comps they can be a part of, and either have relatively lower levels of support capability or output. You can run these characters and do fine as they do have niches they can fill, however they aren't the best option to fill them.
  • C tier - Average Heroes! These heroes are only runnable in certain compositions focused on using them and have average or below average support or output capabilities. Lacks a real niche, and any semblance of one is better performed by other heroes from higher tiers.
  • F tier - Subpar Heroes! These heroes are not runnable in any composition with a reasonable expectation to win at the top levels of play. Their output is either so lacking that having them on a team is outright detrimental due to the fight dragging on longer, or their kit is so poorly constructed that using these characters as a self-contained unit is ineffective.
These tiering criteria should help give some context into how the characters should be ranked while also giving more than enough leeway to fit most characters within these tiers for whatever reason one may have. Remember, you are comparing characters to others in their relative level. As such, even if a character does ludicrous damage, ask yourself if that is enough to make up for other failings such as worse Arms than those around them, a lack of other support options, or a lack of mobility or versatility that may make them less effective during certain fights or against certain mechanics.
Now then, here is the updated list after gathering feedback and observations from the community over the course of last month. Remember, this list is subject to and will change. Do not take this as gospel, but rather a foundation by which these characters can be better sorted by you, the community at large! Also remember the tiers are not necessarily ordered, and most characters should be considered equals to their tiermates to some degree unless stated otherwise.

tl;dr list:

  • SS - Zombieman, Genos (Cyborg of Justice), Tatsumaki, Prisoner Sonic
  • S - Silverfang, Saitama-Dreamworld, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Metal Knight, Atomic Samurai, Amai Mask, Genos, Sonic
  • A+ - Fubuki, Job-hunter Saitama (JHS), Iairon
  • A - Snek, Max, Triple Staff Lily
  • B - Spring Mustachio, Smile Man, Stinger
  • C - Mumen Rider, Golden Ball

SS tier

  • Zombieman - Zombieman is one the few characters currently who make up the SS tier thanks to his SSR Arms granting a big bonuses to fellow Assault affinity characters. Paired with his versatile kit allowing him to dip in and out of combat and his Life Burst mechanic, he edges out Genos for the top spot overall due to having comparable tools but a higher overall output, as well as better partners in Tatsumaki, Fubuki and Iairon. That said he is entirely incapable as an AI player, with the CPU not adhering to his self-damaging needs and having bouts of introspection wherein he doesn't move.
  • Genos (Cyborg of Justice) - Genos allows for Overpower allies to gain a big bonus based on his composure damage, has a versatile melee and ranged kit, and strong damage output. Like Zombieman, the options for good partners is helped by Metal Knight and Amai Mask each providing huge amounts of damage, and while his damage in an optimal situation might be lower, he is able to ramp into his higher output ranges much faster and has a more consistent spread. Outright defines a team and has all the tools and damage to earn a SS tier spot.
  • Tatsumaki - Despite not having a composition forming Arms like Genos and Zombieman, her sheer output and versatility in approach more than makes up for it and arguably is as much a component of the Assault affinity team as Zombieman is as without her the team wouldn't thrive anywhere near as much. A threat from up close and far away, her unmatched mobility without losing any damage and myriad of AoE and single target damage net her a top spot.

S tier

  • Silverfang - Silverfang is a surprisingly potent and tanky combatant thanks to Depletion as a mechanic, allowing him to maintain a full offensive while still reducing overall damage from the enemy. His Ancient Martial Mastery allows him one of the largest single non-ultimate damage burst in the game at a staggering 3200% of ATK, and his chip layout is one that caters towards big damage. His SSR is also one of the best in the game at just invalidating content, as every 100 seconds you can get a substantial heal for all allies.
  • Saitama (Dreamworld) - A very large stick to beat enemies over the head with, his burst and overall output in the hands of a strong user is almost second to none. His form swapping isn't too difficult to work around, and transforming your defense into offense allows you to continue doing big damage even in the moments you need to be evasive, though his kit is ultimately one dimensional.
  • Puri Puri Prisoner - The ultimate defensive wall, high damage parries and a kit that lends itself to high damage output allows him to also maintain a spot on any team as your primary tank. Has the option to completely nullify three different boss ailments for the entire battle which is always handy to have if needed, and completely no-sells some mechanics and attacks thanks to Accurate Defense removing damage taken entirely. Can also run self-healing or boost the damage of other Morale characters if those ailments aren't at play, giving him some versatility in how he approaches a fight. Also, ironically, the single fastest character in the game thanks to Angel Dash, meaning no enemy is too evasive for him to catch.
  • Metal Knight - Metal Knight is a character who is defined by one thing: Damage. If there is a swarm or a boss like Ancient King who never moves, he can easily become the single highest output character when operated at capacity. He does have a mechanic-nullifying arms, but his biggest issue is evasive or movement intensive fights (Mosquito Girl, Sky King, Vaccine Man) can often leave him swinging at air. Still, when paired with Genos, he is an absolute unit who can tie together a composition. Likewise, his ability to fire-and-forget allows him a deceptive amount of movement ability while scooting around enemies, though he won't be winning any races.
  • Atomic Samurai - Despite having a similar SSR Arms to Zombieman and Genos (CoJ), his own output unfortunately falls a bit shorter. A combination of paper-thin defense mixed with the need to be in danger constantly makes having him in the main slot a challenge against some bosses, and that lack of versatility (something folks like Genos, Tatsumaki, and Zombieman have in spades) hurts him in the rankings. Mind you, it was a close vote and he may slip into SS tier should other technique characters come into play who benefit from his arms, but for now he's just not there in the eyes of the community.
  • Genos - Rising like an Incinerate blast, Genos's damage became clear after footage from Zakozen and further testing showed the sheer amount of output he was capable of. Comparable to even the most damaging SSRs and being strong both on control and as AI, a well built Genos will load heaps of damage into a foe provided they don't go running out of reach!
  • Amai Mask - A new overpower affinity character with a pension for huge damage at the cost of necessitating control to maximize his output, he is clear and beyond the highest damaged option for that affinity in terms of consistency and burst (though MK might still edge him out on certain fights). His power is tied to performance, and since we are assuming that this is a top level of play, that means his damage is going to be big! The only issue is his reliance on dodge to cancel out of strings, sometimes catching him into awkward spots where the timings don't line up with enemy attacks.
  • Speed O' Sound Sonic - Big output, agile and punishing to foes, able to handle both single target and multi-target fights. He's one of the strongest, if not the strongest, technique character you can bring to a fight. His main issue is longevity, though with proper play this should be mostly a non-issue. All in all, a strong character who can be your go-to on any team, even ones not focused specifically on technique.

A+ Tier

  • Hellish Blizzard Fubuki - Reasonably high output given you can use Flicker well, good AoE damage for swarm or multi-bosses like Sonic, Sky King, Tank Tops, ect. Single target damage is generally lower than other SSRs but has a stronger defensive profile than some. Having to play at midrange almost exclusively for the best output puts a small damper on things and is without question the lowest output SSR option currently but has a good healing SSR arms similar to Silverfang which keeps her in A+ tier in spite of it as well as her pairing with Zombieman as a viable third.
  • Job-Hunter Saitama - Diet Puri-Puri, Absolute Defense as a mechanic cannot be overstated in its usefulness. His existence as an overpower character somewhat earns him this spot thanks to being combined with Genos (CoJ) without taking up the same exact role, similarly to his tier-mate Iairon, but also has the potential to give Genos a massive 70% composure boost thanks to his R Impression Arms (assuming you don't need the debuff reset).
  • Iairon - The assault version to JHS, has the better partner in Zombieman but the worse mechanic in dodge instead of Accurate Defense. That said, his parry on Q is functionally similar (albeit the 2s cooldown keeps him from multi-parrying attacks) and his output is somewhat equal, plus having the better SR passive of triggering Pulling Slash automatically. Between himself and JSS, you have two strong tank characters who can fit into most comps as such, though their pairings with the SS tiers elevate them in this role.

A-tier -

  • Biting Fist Snek - Snek has some huge output on his admittedly convoluted kit, and flowing between his resources is key. Still, the benefit of being an Overpower affinity in a world with Genos is nice, and when played to his optimal abilities he has surprisingly high damage output overall. Has the chance to provide the big 70% boost to composure reduction to Genos, but also has a surprisingly potent heal option for an overpower-focused team if needed. At P6, he is able to start with his ultimate attack and the benefits therein completely change how he operates to make his kit flow much better.
  • Lightning Max - Max has some pretty high output options thanks to gunpowder letting him ignore resource management and his Potential 6 effectively letting him do the same, plus his pairing with Zombieman and access to an AoE attack boost are all effective tools. The biggest thing that keeps him in A tier, though, is his 3 chip combined with his potential 6. With his 3 chip active, non-consuming states lower his cooldowns by 50%. Paired with his E allowing him to enter this state for 6 seconds after dealing enough hits and you can almost fight without having to reload entirely, raising his output immensely.
  • Tri-staff Lilly - A composure breaking technique character in a similar vein to Atomic Samurai, she has both defensive utility and a strong offensive presence through Dazzling state, which she can maintain constantly. This is especially strong in fights where she can freely hammer into the boss, and her gap closers aren't too bad either. A massive glow-up from her initial placement, though she would still be considered perhaps at the bottom of A tier.

B - Tier

  • Spring Mustachio - Being a charge character is a tough life to lead, but Spring does an alright job all things considered. Overpower Affinity benefits aside, it's hard to fit him into a comp consistent given the other options within his affinity and having to use charge with the biggest duration reduction coming from dodging attacks. His abilities also have a tendency to leave him a bit vulnerable to taking a lot of hits, but he does have rather high damage otherwise.
  • Smile Man - Smile Man really needs potential 6 to reach his maximum effectiveness, but since we're assuming he has hit, he can quickly link together Kendama Destructions well which is pretty good damage. Reasonably bulky, but lower overall damage holds him back a lot. In the corner where he can quickly bat the ball and respin due to the lower travel distance, he gets a lot better, but you can't really count on that positioning in every fight. Probably one of the highest damage SRs when controlled by AI.
  • Stinger - High composure damage and constant output, but somewhat feast or famine. Can deal big swaths of damage very quickly and break down the enemy composure bar but lacks the sustainability to do so in a way that matches those in the tiers above. Basically a specialist in a niche that is better performed naturally by the higher tiers, but can be a good fill-in if those characters are missing or if a Genos-for-morale happens to come out.

C - Tier

  • Mumen Rider - Low output, inconsistent damage, kit is all over the place. Wants to be a tank but defensive options are a bit lacking at best and are consequential at worst, wants to deal damage but has to rely on enemy input to do so (and the damage is middling), but very mobile for what it's worth. Can catch up to enemies and proactively deal damage to them, and when you unlock Mach 2 bike his damage gets rather high thanks to Neg. Crit boost. Still, a shadow of his former Beta self.
  • Golden Ball - Output is reasonable but requires him to be at a certain range, then not at a certain range, but then back to a certain range, and while we are assuming characters are played optimally this simply isn't feasible for a lot of bosses who move. Unlike Metal Knight who has this issue but can comfortably and naturally play at any range, Golden Ball requires you to spend your defensive options and play relatively close to the enemy, holding still while charging, and having to rely on a stacking system to get even somewhat high damage burst. In terms of ranged characters, he's easily the worst of the bunch at his role, though one has to wonder if he has some kind of hidden potential.


  • Currently, there is no character regarded as being in F-tier.
This month, as we are going through the old guard, we will include new characters if and when they appear however primarily this will simply be ranking the old characters. Ideally we will be getting through SS and S tier, and next month we will go through A, B, and C tier.
This list will always remain stickied at the top, with the relevant weeks rating posts contained within. Please check by each date to have the chance to make your opinions known!
You may also make your thoughts known in here, though those won't be regarded for the list placement. You MUST post and vote in the provided topics for these characters to have input on their placements, with no exceptions.
submitted by Doombawkz to OnePunchManWorldGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:23 FlubberDubber930 Burger??

So I didn't have anything planned for dinner. My child missed lunch and there was a cheeseburger that nobody ate for lunch. I heated up the cheeseburger, added lettuce, tomato & onion. I ate ¾ of it. Now I'm concerned I will vomit it up. So my question is, have any of you eaten a cheeseburger while in this trial? How did you fair with the cheeseburger? Am I in for some suffering?
I stayed within my macros/calories and haven't over eaten. For some reason when I made an adjustment to a macro setting it switched me to a 1200 calorie diet. I'm not complaining.😂 It should supposedly be higher but I eat a lot of lettuce. It's not exactly full of calories or carbs. I struggle to pack in the protein every day. I feel like a brick right now. I'll eat light tomorrow and Monday since I do my shot on Tuesdays. I get concerned fried or fatty foods will make me feel sick. So in 3 months, this was my first cheeseburger. This could be a long night or I could be assured others have done fine eating a cheeseburger.😰😬
submitted by FlubberDubber930 to survodutide [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:52 Available_Net_5706 I no longer get aroused by porn

I've been doing NoFap for about 3-4 years now, I have lost over 100 lbs, started college, earned a full ride grant, became the top salesman of the company I work for, got my first gf, consistently go to the gym 6 days a week, go into Martial arts training, improved my diet, improved my hygiene, started reading more, learned how to make friends, and I'm currently on my way to start my own business.
Recently I saved a bunch of money and decided to quit my current job due to safety reasons, with all these free time I found myself with lots of urges. I decided to indulge in porn, I thought I was going to go back into my old ways and lose all my progress. However, to my surprise I didn't even get aroused. I felt like sharing because to me this was a crazy moment, I cant remember the name of the adult actresses anymore. Even though I gave in for about an hour (I didn't even edge at all lol) I was shocked at how desensitize I am about porn, it was like a curse was finally lifted. The girls on the video have nothing compared to the girls IRL, girls IRL just have a beautiful smile, sense of humor, dorky, kind of dumb lol, but most importantly they're unique.
I don't know what to say, porn detoured my life into a dark hole that I've had to work twice as hard to get out. They journey has been worth it, I cant believe it, i don't get aroused by porn anymore lmao
submitted by Available_Net_5706 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:44 EconomyBreadfruit450 Former D1 and Pro Soccer player

Hello everyone, I need help or advice from anyone knowledgeable or anyone once in a similar position to mine on this matter. All input is welcome! I am a 6 foot 4 former D1 and professional soccer player who has had struggles with my weight since retirement from the sport.
In college (Age 17-20), the most I ever weighed was around 185lbs and was less than 12% body fat. This was due to my everyday tough physical activity including gym for an hour every morning and training for 2 hours immediately after. I never ate healthy because I would always burn whatever I ate by the start of the next day. I was blessed to be in that position in life to not have to worry about such things. I know.
Post graduation (Age 21), COVID happend and I gained around 20-25lbs over 2 years. I could see and feel the changes in my body around this time and it made it hard to reach a “healthy” physique again. I tried to stay as fit as possible with quarantine restrictions, but I was never someone who really looked after their health and fitness because I was always just that…fit.
Pro life (Age 23&24), COVID period made it difficult to get back to peak fitness but I managed to land a professional contract to play for a team for 2 years. By this time my weight was around 220lbs and for the sport I play and the lack of fitness and momentum I’m sure some could assume this led to injuries such as muscle tears and reoccurring knee injuries. Picked up a few during this time and this is what has forced me into retirement from the sport I love and have since moved onto other things (I’m content with this).
On to today (Age 25), I weigh 245lbs…and I’m not quite sure what to do. I’ve tried doing CrossFit gym daily but the pain from my injuries has haulted me from these types of intense workouts that I was oh so use to…dieting also is a problem for me as I don’t really know where to start. I would like to weight around 200lbs but I don’t know how to achieve that.
If anyone can give any advise or opinions it will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
submitted by EconomyBreadfruit450 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:30 BrushedYourTeethYet Round 2 of Finding my Healthy Self - Accountability Post 1

A few years back, this sub helped me lose 22kgs. After a year of maintenance, I fell pregnant and all my healthy eating habits went out the window as I ate whatever I could (nausea and morning sickness is no joke!).
Everyone told me I would lose the weight after baby came. When that didn't happen, I tried to lose it myself. I had no idea what calorie consumption was normal for a breastfeeding mumma, and ended up accidentally starving myself at times. This developed into Binge Eating Disorder - something I am in recovery for now (and still attending Psychology support for).
I've managed a mental shift from "have to lose the weight" to "I want to be healthy and happy". Part of that is learning intuitive eating, finding ways to eat more balanced meals, and finding fun ways to move my body.
It's been a wild ride, and because my ADHD doesn't help with remembering to do things and finding motivation, I decided to use this sub as an accountability buddy. At the start of every month I will post progress photos ( and share my scale and measurement progress.
With Binge Eating Disorder Recovery, the goal is slow and steady weight loss, with the focus on habit change.
Weigh lost this month: 1kg Weight lost in total: 3kg
Hips: -1 cm
Belly: no change
Waist: -3 cm
Bust: no change
Leg: no change
Arm: -1 cm
Chin: -1.5 cm
I'm honestly shocked at how many centimetres I've lost across my body so far. It's a reminder that even if there is small change on the scales, there's plenty of change happening across my body.
What habits am I working on?
  1. Balanced eating: I've researched what balanced meals look like and I've added things into my diet, like wholemeal or whole grain options. I've come up with snack options that are easy to remember and grab.
  2. Reducing portion size to prevent possible binges. If I have less to eat in front of me, I'm giving myself a fighting chance against Binge urges and I am allowing myself to learn how much I need to be 'full'.
  3. Meal prep! I meal prepped some burritos and have them in the freezer for quick grabs to prevent take out urges.
  4. Zumba! I've been going once a week for the entire month. It's fun and gets me moving.
Sometimes I feel a bit like I'm going backwards. Today's check in revealed I'm still making progress. I am hopeful for continued progress over this next month!
submitted by BrushedYourTeethYet to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:58 Bow-tied_Engineer Nature of Knights ficnapping

Author's note:
This was certainly a challenge for me, as Nature of Knights is radically different to anything I've written and most of what I've read. In the end, I decided to focus on Rhea, and her experience being rescued by Tom after her time with the Arxur. These events follow from the events of chapter 5.
I had a couple more scenes I wanted to write, but I ended up running out of time, so I decided that this was a good place to end it. I may do a follow up chapter with the other scenes I had planned out, if I have the time and motivation.
I hope you enjoy!
original fic:

Transcription note: the subject was operating through a significant language barrier for much of the period encompassed by these transcriptions. Some relevant dialog has been reconstructed from a combination of other transcription subjects and phonetic reconstruction. These words are indicated with a strikethrough, to show that the subject couldn’t comprehend their meaning.
Memory transcription subject: Rhea, Fevarian attack mutt
Date [standardized human time]: July 12, 2275
I sat curled in the corner, my snout resting on my knees, holding my legs against my chest. Most of the wooly people stayed in the opposite corner of the room, clearly frightened of me. Did they know what I had been forced to do, what I’d- WHO I’d eaten to survive, broken and desperate on that Arxur ship? I still remember the fear in their eyes, eyes that I could see the sapience behind. I remember the way they pleaded, begging in a language I didn’t know, but what they meant was obvious. Food isn’t supposed to be something that can think, that can speak, they never should have been cattle. I can feel their wool on my gums as I-
At least I tried to make it quick.
I clutched my legs tighter, a whimper escaping my lips and tears seeping into my fur as my claws dug into my skin.
I could hear the wooly people talking amongst themselves in that same musical sounding language, with a few talking to the “Humans” who had slain my handlers in a different alien tongue. I tried to block out the musical language of the wooly aliens, and the memories it brought, by trying to glean meaning from the conversation with the Humans. Without any context, my emotion-addled mind couldn’t find any useful patterns in their speech. They sounded kind, though, much kinder than the Arxur, with their jeering growls and hisses. I hoped that the Humans would treat me better than my handlers had. Not that it’d take much.
With a shudder and a whimper, I tried to force my thoughts of the past and worries for the future out of my mind, letting the sounds of the Humans’ language wash over me, as the tears seeped into my fur.

Advance memory transcription: 9 hours, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
Date [standardized human time]: July 13, 2275

As I returned to consciousness on the hard floor, I heard the speech of one of the wooly people, and smelled their scent on the air. I curled in on myself deeper, waiting for the screams, or the beatings to start, as my handlers forced me to eat. But they never came. After a few minutes, I tentatively opened my eyes. I wasn’t in the kennel?I remembered, I remembered that armored person. They shot my handlers, but they didn’t hurt me. They said they wouldn’t, that I was safe. I hope it’s true. They are a Human. They brought me here, with all the wooly people.
As I looked around, I saw less wooly people than I remembered from the previous day. They probably just went to another room. I hoped they just went to another room. I then noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see the armored Human setting down a glowing device displaying what I assumed was Human writing, and putting their helmet back on. They turned to me and spoke in Arxur. “Good morning! Did you have a good sleep?”
I replied as best I could, “Yes, sleep was good.”
“I’m glad. Before we get you some breakfast, I have something for you, and I also need to ask you a couple of questions.” I cocked my head in confusion, wondering what they wanted to give me, and what else they had planned for me. They handed me some folded pieces of thin, tightly woven white fabric, and continued. “We saw that you wear clothes like us, and Sarah thought that you might want to cover up a bit more. This isn’t much, but it should do until we can make something better for you.” I took the fabric, but continued to look at them confused. He slowly reached out with a single armored finger, and gently plucked at my [shirt]. Or what was left of it. I suddenly realized how little my tattered clothes still covered, with much of my front visible through the gashes my handlers had left in my shirt, and my [skirt] was so shredded that my… everything could be seen by anyone who made the effort to look amongst the tatters and my matted fur. I instinctively tried to cover myself with my tail and arms, and the armored human seemed to sense my embarrassment. They moved to sit between me and the rest of the room, facing away, and reached back with a bottle and a roll of gauze in their hand. “For your wounds. Do you want me to help clean your wounds, or should I give you some privacy while you do it yourself?”
“Yes, clean my wounds.” And though I knew they wouldn’t understand, I added in my own language, “Thank you, truly.”
They turned around to face me, and, with more care and dexterity than I would have thought possible from such a heavily armored form, they explored the fur of my arms with their fingers, inspecting each of my cuts. When they found one that was still seeping, they unscrewed the lid of the bottle, which smelled strongly of distilled alcohol. They wet a cloth with it, before carefully dabbing it into the wound, and wiping away the pus and the worst of the dried blood. The alcohol burned, but I knew it was better than allowing my wounds to fester.
I still didn’t know the name of my savior, or even if they were male or female. At least I assumed Humans had males and females. Surely, with how kind they’ve been, they wouldn’t mind if I asked? While they cleaned and bandaged my arms, I tried to think of the best way to ask my question with my limited knowledge of the Arxur language. My handlers hadn’t exactly prepared me for social niceties. When the armored Human had finished with my arms, I took the opportunity.
“I am Rhea, She. You are?”
They cocked their head for a moment, seemingly confused, before responding.
“Oh, I never did introduce myself, did I? I’m Thomas Jones, he him, or you can call me Tom for short. Most do. I’m a knight of the Coalition, trained and sworn to protect its people and its ideals. To be the best the human race has to offer. I’m the shield that protects and the sword that strikes down evil.”
Once he had given his name and informed me that he was male, he seemed to fall into a rehearsed speech. As with everything else he said, there was so much of it I didn’t understand, but the unknown words he spoke were entirely new to me, and many of them seemed somehow less harsh than the rest of the language of the Arxur, as though they had never been touched by the cruelty of the people who took me from my home. And the way he was filled with confidence and nobility in his shining armor as he spoke made me think of the armored [knights] who gladly gave up their lives to try and protect us from the Arxur. His words too, a mantra of strength, excellence, and most of all protection, evoked their noble code. Is that who he is? A Human [knight]? Will he protect me too, even though I am not of the “Coalition”, whatever that is?
Will he still protect me if he finds out what the Arxur forced me to do?
I saw that Tom was looking at me for some kind of response, so I nodded to indicate I understood, and he nodded back, returning to my injuries. It seemed our species shared that gesture. He eased my [shirt] up out of the way, and I went ahead and removed it entirely, and turned away from him so he had better access to my back and sides. Judging from his sharp intake of breath, it was probably pretty bad. I clenched my teeth and braced for the pain of him treating my injuries, but even still, I let out a loud, pained whimper as the dull throbbing of my many cuts and scratches were thrown into sharp clarity, as the alcohol found and painfully cleansed each one.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry,” he said, as he rubbed one of my gashes clean, drawing out another whimper. “I’m doing my best to be gentle, but this has to be done.”
“I know.” I hiss through clenched teeth.
One by one my wounds were cleaned, and the worse ones packed with gauze. As he worked his way around to clean the few cuts I had on my front, I marveled at how he was able to be so dexterous and gentle with his armored fingers. He then took a fresh roll of gauze, and started wrapping it around my shoulders and upper torso, covering my wounds. The gauze stuck to itself, without aid of any glue or knotwork, and soon enough, most of my injuries were properly bound. The cuts on my legs and haunches swiftly followed. They clearly weren’t as bad or as numerous as the injuries to my back, as in seemingly no time at all, he had finished his work. He then handed me the white fabric again, and then stood with his back facing my corner, as if to guard my privacy while I dressed myself.
I unfolded the cloth, and found that Tom had given me two rectangles of fabric about [5 feet] by [3 feet]. I pondered how best to make something like clothing from them as I carefully removed my tattered [skirt]. Finally, I settled on folding over the end of one of the pieces of fabric to make it slightly shorter, and then tying it behind my neck so it covered my front like a baggy apron, before wrapping the other piece around my waist with my tail parting the seam like my [skirt], and rolling it over itself a few times to secure it so it wouldn’t slip down. I tugged on the fabric, adjusting it so it laid well against my body and so I was sure it wouldn’t slip, and that everything I cared about was covered. I wished that my crude [skirt] had some way to fasten it around my tail, but it would do, so long as I kept my tail fairly low to protect my modesty. Finally, I picked up my old clothes. I didn’t really know what to do with them. They weren’t really in any state to be worn, but they were all I had left of my home, so I couldn’t bear to get rid of them. In the end, I carefully folded them, and tucked them into one side of my crude skirt, where the bright colors of the ragged cloth contrasted against the pure white of my makeshift outfit and the bandages covering much of my arms and torso.
“Tom, I’m done.” I said, and he turned around to face me again, looking at me and giving me a small nod.
“Good. Now that you’re dressed, I need to know a bit more about your diet before we have breakfast.”
I cocked my head, unsure of what he wanted me to tell him, before he clarified.
“What do you eat?”

I froze.
He knows what I’ve done.
I began to hyperventilate.
How did he know? Did he even know?
“I didn’t want to! They made me-” I began in Fevarian, before halting myself and trying to explain myself in Arxur.
“They made me do it. I didn’t- I wouldn’t have if they didn’t- they made me eat them, they hurt me, hurt me when I didn’t!”
“Slow down. What did they make you do? What did they make you eat?”
I shuddered as tears dripped down my muzzle. I couldn’t hide what I’d done. Not now, not even if I wanted to. As the tears poured from my eyes, and a pained whine started in the back of my throat, I looked past Tom to the opposite corner of the room where a few of the wooly people stood, and whispered, barely loud enough to be heard.
I tensed up, bracing for his response.
As he processed what I had meant, I saw a shift in his demeanor as he tensed up, enraged by what I’d done. I cowered into the corner, expecting him to strike me down, but instead he hastily shifted his posture, forcing himself to relax.
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault. I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at them. I want to kill those fucking cannibal bastards a second time for what they did to you. We will hunt the Arxur down, until they can’t do that to anyone else, ever again.”
He removed his helmet and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, and for the first time, I was able to look him in the eyes. They were so alien, but I could see the kindness in them.
It’s okay, you’re safe now.” he said in his Human language, and while I didn’t understand the words, I knew what he meant. I could see it in his face, and the tone of his voice. He wasn’t going to hurt me. I was safe with him. I hugged his armored torso, and buried my face into his neck, allowing myself to just break down and sob. I cried and cried until I had no more tears, as Tom stroked the fur on my back and comforted me.“It’s okay.
Let it all out.
You’re safe now.
I’ve got you.
submitted by Bow-tied_Engineer to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:57 Salt-N-Parker Hormonal behavior?

Hormonal behavior?
Hi there! This is Luca he is 28 years old and I rescued him about 2 years ago. He used to always sit on me and hang out when out of his cage (multiple hours daily) and chew my shirts to bits but lately he’s been what I think is trying to make a nest. He goes under my leg and does like digging motions. From being on here I’ve thought this was hormonal behavior and I try to distract him with playing or training but he wants none of it and only wants to build a nest (if that’s what he thinks he’s doing). He’s also been more bite-y and scream-y. I only pet him on his head, give him 10-12 hours of dark time and feed him a good vet recommended diet.
The place I got him from said to just let him nest and he’d get over it but I feel like that goes against all other advice I’ve seen on here.
Any advice on how to address this behavior? Thanks in advance! (Pic for bird tax.)
submitted by Salt-N-Parker to parrots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:47 Brief-Company-2165 Scalp SebDerm not responding to any medications or shampoos

Hello. A little over a month ago I notice my scalp breaking out with sebderm and I've been testing a variety of products and medications since. I also had a flare on my face for which I was prescribed an oral antifungal and oral steroid, which helped on my face but did absolutely nothing for my scalp. I've tried pharmaceutical 2% ketoconazole, 1% selenium sulfide, 1% pyrithone zinc, and 1.8% saylilic acid shampoos. All of these were used after an aveno gentle acid cider vinegar shampoo.
Based on testing, the ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, and pyrithone zinc shampoos all seem to work about similar (only preventing flaking for about 6-12 hours) while the saylilic acid shampoo caused significant stinging and i stopped using after trying it twice. Using just water and no shampoo makes it worse. I may do a test where i just use the aveno shampoo only and see if using any shampoo at all helps just as much as antifungal shampoos. I found that using squalane oil and aloe vera after I get out the shower does help, but MCT oil makes it worse. I've used each product about 3 times a week for at least a week each with no changes to how effective or ineffective they are throughout that period. All products were ran through sezia and no major problems were found.
At this point I don't know what to do. My dermatologist appointment isn't until August and I just have to deal with it until then as 2 doctors both said that I am doing everything correct and I just need to see a dermatologist if it is not helping. As for my diet, I don't make enough money to make significant changes to my diet such as cutting out carbs completely or a carnivore diet, as I need less expensive carbs in order to effectively reach 1800-2000 calories a day with my income and can only afford chicken in terms of meat. Also I haven't noticed my seb derm getting worse after eating anything specific like dairy or sugar, so I am unsure how much my diet is contributing to my seb derm.I also have been taking a multivitamin and getting outside more to account for any vitamin deficiencies.
I am super defeated (although after going through a really bad flare up on my face I will say it makes my scalp sebderm seem like much less of a deal than before) does anyone have tips?
For context I am a 20 year old male with pretty dry skin and dry, wavy, hair if that is important at all.
submitted by Brief-Company-2165 to SebDerm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:42 imissuinmyworld Aitah for wanting a chance after finally finding a way to fight my depression after all this time

Ok this is going to be a long one but this is my first ever post about my life this is a burner account. My girlfriend (f 31) of 14 years broke up with me (m 32) a few months ago and we still live together we broke up because I let myself get too far gone. I suffer from depression and anxiety as well as PTSD from having an abusive schizophrenic mother who's a narcissist, I also got into gangs when I was young to give you some background anyway our problems started almost a year into our relationship i didn't know i had PTSD yet but I got into fights with friends and even my dad a man I respect and am closer to than anyone other than my ex and my kids anyway I always had fits and one day she tried to hit me and I smacked her hand to the table she fractured her arm and I took her to the hospital she panicked and made up something about being jumped and the cops came and I think she told them I was the cause after a while but renigged her statement later they interrogated me for hours at the station I knew not to tell the police the truth is I felt bad I felt guilty I loved her so I told the truth we both missed each other and she lived with me and my parents we rented an apartment from my dad and him and my mom lived in another at the time we had a no contact order but she got on the phone when I called my parents and pretended to be someone else and we talked and they brought it up in court I ended up having to take a dv charge I was set to win the case but they used the phone calls against us and threatened charges on her and my parents if i didn't plead guilty so I pleaded guilty and when I got out she got pregnant she was working a good job at the time but she got into a car accident she already took a pregnancy test so we knew she was pregnant and I was happy I knew she would make a good mother and I knew i wanted her to be the mother of my children and my forever since the day we met we had already had a miscarriage and she had a whole in her heart from a child that she took care of in her past relationship she was a runaway and had past trauma of her own her mother was abusive as well and every boyfriend she ever had abused her I was supposed to be different I didn't know I was so broken if I knew I had PTSD I would have left her alone but we fell in love deeply I want to say nothing happened when she was pregnant but it did we got into a bad argument and I kicked the basinet and it hit her in the stomach immediately snapped out of it after that nothing else happened until the baby was born our child was born 3 weeks premature and was my pride and joy still is my ex had postpartum so I spent a lot of time with the baby and because of the accident my ex was passing out and having seizures which later we found out were psudo seizures but they felt real and sometimes she passed out or had a seizure and woke up not knowing where she was who she was who I was but she said my voice calmed her down and I was always able to bring her back to reality she got a few concussions from her seizures but also a few from me if I'm being honest I went to the neurologist with her because of the concussions she got from the seizures but to later give her one I was disgusted with myself but she couldn't work anymore so I looked for job i couldn't find anything so I worked for the apartments under the table but that dried up I found something else it dried up too I kept looking but it was useless I had to move back in with my parents with my ex and our first born they had a 3 bedroom and we paid them well she did I eventually got on SSI because of the physical pain from my mother's abuse bipolar disorder depression and PTSD I already went to get help when my ex was pregnant because I wanted to know why I was doing what I was doing my parents wanted me to get a check so they sent me to the counselor but I wanted to get help with my relationship and being honest helped me get my diagnosis but I lost that counselor like I lost every counselor I ever actually felt i could actually open up to anyway we are in my parents house and my mom is a big trigger for me we were paying rent and she accused us of stealing even coming in our room uninvited by then she was pregnant with our youngest and I wasnt perfect then either I was still struggling with my PTSD I did for years I pushed her in the closet and told her she couldn't leave my mom was there watching a constant trigger I snapped out of it but things got bad between my ex and my mom and they started to fight each other never physical but verbal and after she had the baby she almost died she lost a lot of blood I didn't know if I could trust my mom with the baby so I didn't go I still regret that decision but when she came back we waited for a few more and I used my back pay to get her a car and to get out of my mom's house our oldest has high spectrum autism and is really smart and talkative but after that short time living with my parents she developed selective mutism and we had to take her to speach therapy so we put up with roaches for 15 months just to get away from my mom and at the new place she got her lick back she was trying to beat on me and she was trying to stab me from time to time i had a PTSD attack and it would be back and forth but to be honest this started a new problem i was young and I used to flirt i kissed a girl once when we first started dating it was an ex she also slept with her ex best friend before I got locked up again just background truth is i was a flirt for a few years I was young and still searching for the approval i never got from my mom in other women I'm not proud of it though I was talking to women on Craigslist friends only and casual encounters sadly I wasn't trying to cheat i wanted someone i didn't know to talk to about my problem I stopped talking to all my female friends and she stopped talking to her male friends at each other's requests because of the cheating and I stopped talking to anyone that would be around a lot of women and all my other friends were either too gangster to listen or already in happy situations so I wanted to talk to a stranger that was a woman for advice I don't know what it is but women give better advice so I foolishly went to Craigslist and got caught but I ended up actually cheating months later with an ex that I thought I could be friends with but she was my first love and I told her some of what I was going through and we ended up having sex I was feeling guilty and took forever to get hard she had an IUD it was horrible tbh and on top of that she tried to 3 way my ex just to get me to admit it was her after my ex called her and acted like she wasn't the one i cheated with the whole time she tried to ruin my relationship after that after a year of trying and going to specialist my ex got her own SSI check and we got out of our roach infested apartment things were ok I had been trying to work on my triggers and had way less PTSD attacks and things were better for a few years she had a problem with me liking pictures on Instagram and I admit I hate being told what to do especially when I feel I'm doing nothing wrong and I was liking everything not just girls and I never commented anything but where did you get that shirt my girl would love that or happy birthday or thank you and I never slid in dms none of that I just liked pictures and I worked on it eventually because it was the only thing we argued about after a while but then everything changed we got into a big fight and I called her a name she ran at me got on the bed and punched me in the jaw so hard like I'm pretty tough I been hit in the face with a bat and when I tell you she hit me she hit me and when she went to hit me again I just reacted I flipped her then I blacked out I woke up and my hands were wrapped around her neck I snapped out of it and my parents took her to the hospital another thing I never learned to drive my step dad the man I call dad is a good man and a hard worker but he was a drug addict and a thug who was a alcoholic so he never had a license my whole life and my mom was to selfish to teach me I was always to poor for lessons my girl is the best driver I know but never taught me because she would say things like I'll be cheating as soon as I learn to drive so I never learned I regret that too anyway they took her to the doctor and she tore her hamstring I tried to take care of her but she wasn't having it she didn't stay rested she stayed on her feet one time she even punched me when I tried to help we were still in love but it was dying we eventually made up but every year after that she was telling me she needed help telling me she was falling out of love she asked me to help around the house I was lazy at the beginning of our relationship and I got used to her cleaning but by the time we got out of the roaches my depression got so much worse I was trying to get help until COVID kept losing counselors to the point I stopped telling them about my whole life and I started skipping straight to me and my ex I wanted help I was tired of hurting the woman I love but something else happened we got into an argument and I said something slick and she tried to stab me I evaded her and calmed her down but the argument went into the next day I locked myself in the bathroom and she tried to break the door down we had a sword in the bathroom for security and I threatened to stab her with it she had a panic attack and called the police I got a misdemeanor harassment charge but I never got mad I worked on myself I didn't want us to argue like that anymore I got out of jail and I was ordered to go to anger management I wish they made me go the very first time but when I went I embraced it and used it to help me with my triggers and that helped not only with my PTSD but with my fight or flight response as well after I got out I came clean about everything and even about the ex I cheated with man she beat me in the head so bad I got multiple concussions but I wasn't mad I actually felt good because I didn't black out I was doing it i was working on my triggers but we kept arguing and every year she told me that she still loves me and wants to make it work but she's losing interest and I told her I'd change and I wanted to but i couldn't my parents didn't take much medicine my mom took Wellbutrin and other things but they made her sleep all day she was dead to the world and I took paxil and Adderall as a kid and I felt like a zombie not to mention my dad was afraid of pills and side effects so I was afraid to take medicine but I needed it my depression was so far gone that I stopped feeling empathy I was empty and I let my guilt and regret and hatred of myself lead to more depression I'm a good singer and rapper I stopped doing music I blamed her but it was depression she suffers from cyclic vomiting syndrome and I just sat on my ass when she got sick I didn't help I wasn't doing dishes but I couldn't even wake up and take a shower or brush my teeth it was horrible I didn't love myself and I was angry at the world and I took it out on her I felt useless so when we argued about me not helping I called her useless everything I felt about me I projected onto her I was numb and I think she was too then I got on tiktok and found something I was good at again I got a lot of followers very quick but that one ex that I cheated with came back and this time It was innocent but my ex told me any interaction with her and it's over but she had a large following and I was trying to get paid but my ex found out and like an idiot I was trying to not delete or block her because im a man and I'm trying to get ahead you aren't a man you can't even help the woman you love you idiot then she kept telling me she was done but we dragged it on because we loved each other by December 2023 we were done but we were still acting like a couple I was in denial thinking we were fixing it because before my birthday at the beginning of 2022 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure I decided to have 1 last year of holiday food and going out to eat and we started working out 2023 and I have lost 108 lbs with her help and her love and support we started a diet and worked out in the house 5 days a week she saved my life once again of course I was in denial of course I was trying to work it out but those last few months were crazy that last year was crazy in 2022 she got into a car accident and she was sore for a while but she found out that she actually broke her rib and healed it messed up and never knew so she got into working out to lose weight and we started our diet in 2023 but in 2022 I found Kevin Samuels and all that alpha male red pill male chauvinist poison it was bull shit I was insecure trying to convince myself that the most feminine beautiful woman I know is some how masculine and modern wtf is modern i wasn't true masculine I wasn't high value i was a loser that couldn't get off my ass for the woman I love and those ideas are disgusting even if you have money you shouldn't be allowed to cheat that's crazy I would just spew that horse shit when we argued she told me thats what really started pulling her away every time she argued that she needed help I started to act like it wasn't my place and that if I had a job I wouldnt have to clean but the truth is I got anxiety every time I saw those dishes piled up I felt like my chest was caving in same with laundry or any chores working out forced me to shower every day but I still made excuses not to shower we did 15-30 minute workouts if I had to go to the gym I might have died from getting fatter I lost my motivation and looking back I should have taken meds but I told y'all how my parents looked at medicine and my experience not to mention my girl trying to fix stomach problems and sleep problems literally experienced so many side effects I was just afraid to take the medicine but I wish I did because I would have saved my relationship neither one of us takes depression meds I looked for work but I don't even have a GED if you want that story I'll save it for the comments btw I forgot to say our child also gets a check so together we make enough money to live we just struggle for some wants everyone has clothes but there's not always a lot of money to shop for every one so we rotate between buying things for them and us through the months we even had to pay rent in two different places at the end of our lease and we made it happen off our checks and donating plasma we paid 2700 between two places with teamwork and sacrifice but like I said we broke up December 2023 we broke up and I was in denial and thought we were working out we were losing weight together going out doing couple things still having amazing sex it was always mutually great i was big on massages and running baths i was a great gift giver but I didn't lift a finger she was sick and all I did was roll a blunt and run a bath I was letting fruit flies fly around the house we were going out to eat spending money we didn't have to go out to eat that's why I gained all that weight in the first place I don't understand I love her and my kids with all my heart I never thought she would never leave me I was afraid she would leave but I just let it happen she is the love of my life afraid or not I should have taken the pills but that too gave me so much anxiety but I should have risked side effects feeling like a zombie sleeping all day anything is better than this because if I took the medicine we might still be together and since she was able to get past her depression and she feels like she was forced to get out of her depression because she was a mom she hates me she comes from a vacationing family I couldn't give them a lot of that but we still go camping and go out of town sometimes we have a car that's almost paid off but we are 32 and she has nothing to show for being with me but a car an apartment and no savings and if I loved her i would have tried harder but I couldn't i was paralyzed by depression and anxiety she doesn't believe me because she overcame her depression and anxiety we moved in our new place and I was planning on ending my life God spoke to me for the first time and my ex always wanted me to find God but my mom was gullible when it came to scamming preachers and she wasted so much of our money on books and prayer cloths that I went away from my faith for years so finding God was weird but I was accepting of his love he told me to fight for my family and that the path might be long but I can get my family back if im reborn and I make the promises I couldn't keep all of a sudden im reading the Bible every day cooking every day cleaning every day even looking for a job everyday but she says it's too late we sleep in the bed together so I don't have to sleep on the couch we slept together like twice but it didn't mean anything she wouldn't even kiss me and she cut me off we always promised we would at least have a sexual friendship relationship but i think i messed it up i just want to make it work i even told her she could have 2 boyfriends so I can work on being who she needs and have some one to help her with everything else until I can show I can be her problem solver she says it's over but we were in love for 14 years we were in love 6 months ago but in March I made a joke that killed us she was listening to a song called john redcorn and we got to arguing and I said that's some John redcorn shit she thought I meant my daughter our youngest and after what I put her through when she was pregnant she couldn't do it and like an idiot I doubled down and she thought i was saying our youngest wasn't mine it was horrible I told my kids everything they are 10 and 12 they lost hope in our relationship for a while but they want me back with they're mom I know I have to stay this man for the rest of my life if I want to get her back i have to work on communication and keep a job im even going back to counseling but she thinks I never loved her because I let it get this far what do I do?
submitted by imissuinmyworld to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:28 imissuinmyworld I lost the love of my life because of my depression

Ok this is going to be a long one but this is my first ever post about my life this is a burner account. My girlfriend of 14 years broke up with me a few months ago and we still live together we broke up because I let myself get too far gone I suffer from depression and anxiety as well as PTSD from having an abusive schizophrenic mother who's a narcissist I also got into gangs when I was young to give you some background anyway our problems started almost a year into our relationship i didn't know i had PTSD yet but I got into fights with friends and even my dad a man I respect and am closer to than anyone other than my ex and my kids anyway I always had fits and one day she tried to hit me and I smacked her hand to the table she fractured her arm and I took her to the hospital she panicked and made up something about being jumped and the cops came and I think she told them I was the cause after a while but renigged her statement later they interrogated me for hours at the station I knew not to tell the police the truth is I felt bad I felt guilty I loved her so I told the truth we both missed each other and she lived with me and my parents we rented an apartment from my dad and him and my mom lived in another at the time we had a no contact order but she got on the phone when I called my parents and pretended to be someone else and we talked and they brought it up in court I ended up having to take a dv charge I was set to win the case but they used the phone calls against us and threatened charges on her and my parents if i didn't plead guilty so I pleaded guilty and when I got out she got pregnant she was working a good job at the time but she got into a car accident she already took a pregnancy test so we knew she was pregnant and I was happy I knew she would make a good mother and I knew i wanted her to be the mother of my children and my forever since the day we met we had already had a miscarriage and she had a whole in her heart from a child that she took care of in her past relationship she was a runaway and had past trauma of her own her mother was abusive as well and every boyfriend she ever had abused her I was supposed to be different I didn't know I was so broken if I knew I had PTSD I would have left her alone but we fell in love deeply I want to say nothing happened when she was pregnant but it did we got into a bad argument and I kicked the basinet and it hit her in the stomach immediately snapped out of it after that nothing else happened until the baby was born our child was born 3 weeks premature and was my pride and joy still is my ex had postpartum so I spent a lot of time with the baby and because of the accident my ex was passing out and having seizures which later we found out were psudo seizures but they felt real and sometimes she passed out or had a seizure and woke up not knowing where she was who she was who I was but she said my voice calmed her down and I was always able to bring her back to reality she got a few concussions from her seizures but also a few from me if I'm being honest I went to the neurologist with her because of the concussions she got from the seizures but to later give her one I was disgusted with myself but she couldn't work anymore so I looked for job i couldn't find anything so I worked for the apartments under the table but that dried up I found something else it dried up too I kept looking but it was useless I had to move back in with my parents with my ex and our first born they had a 3 bedroom and we paid them well she did I eventually got on SSI because of the physical pain from my mother's abuse bipolar disorder depression and PTSD I already went to get help when my ex was pregnant because I wanted to know why I was doing what I was doing my parents wanted me to get a check so they sent me to the counselor but I wanted to get help with my relationship and being honest helped me get my diagnosis but I lost that counselor like I lost every counselor I ever actually felt i could actually open up to anyway we are in my parents house and my mom is a big trigger for me we were paying rent and she accused us of stealing even coming in our room uninvited by then she was pregnant with our youngest and I wasnt perfect then either I was still struggling with my PTSD I did for years I pushed her in the closet and told her she couldn't leave my mom was there watching a constant trigger I snapped out of it but things got bad between my ex and my mom and they started to fight each other never physical but verbal and after she had the baby she almost died she lost a lot of blood I didn't know if I could trust my mom with the baby so I didn't go I still regret that decision but when she came back we waited for a few more and I used my back pay to get her a car and to get out of my mom's house our oldest has high spectrum autism and is really smart and talkative but after that short time living with my parents she developed selective mutism and we had to take her to speach therapy so we put up with roaches for 15 months just to get away from my mom and at the new place she got her lick back she was trying to beat on me and she was trying to stab me from time to time i had a PTSD attack and it would be back and forth but to be honest this started a new problem i was young and I used to flirt i kissed a girl once when we first started dating it was an ex she also slept with her ex best friend before I got locked up again just background truth is i was a flirt for a few years I was young and still searching for the approval i never got from my mom in other women I'm not proud of it though I was talking to women on Craigslist friends only and casual encounters sadly I wasn't trying to cheat i wanted someone i didn't know to talk to about my problem I stopped talking to all my female friends and she stopped talking to her male friends at each other's requests because of the cheating and I stopped talking to anyone that would be around a lot of women and all my other friends were either too gangster to listen or already in happy situations so I wanted to talk to a stranger that was a woman for advice I don't know what it is but women give better advice so I foolishly went to Craigslist and got caught but I ended up actually cheating months later with an ex that I thought I could be friends with but she was my first love and I told her some of what I was going through and we ended up having sex I was feeling guilty and took forever to get hard she had an IUD it was horrible tbh and on top of that she tried to 3 way my ex just to get me to admit it was her after my ex called her and acted like she wasn't the one i cheated with the whole time she tried to ruin my relationship after that after a year of trying and going to specialist my ex got her own SSI check and we got out of our roach infested apartment things were ok I had been trying to work on my triggers and had way less PTSD attacks and things were better for a few years she had a problem with me liking pictures on Instagram and I admit I hate being told what to do especially when I feel I'm doing nothing wrong and I was liking everything not just girls and I never commented anything but where did you get that shirt my girl would love that or happy birthday or thank you and I never slid in dms none of that I just liked pictures and I worked on it eventually because it was the only thing we argued about after a while but then everything changed we got into a big fight and I called her a name she ran at me got on the bed and punched me in the jaw so hard like I'm pretty tough I been hit in the face with a bat and when I tell you she hit me she hit me and when she went to hit me again I just reacted I flipped her then I blacked out I woke up and my hands were wrapped around her neck I snapped out of it and my parents took her to the hospital another thing I never learned to drive my step dad the man I call dad is a good man and a hard worker but he was a drug addict and a thug who was a alcoholic so he never had a license my whole life and my mom was to selfish to teach me I was always to poor for lessons my girl is the best driver I know but never taught me because she would say things like I'll be cheating as soon as I learn to drive so I never learned I regret that too anyway they took her to the doctor and she tore her hamstring I tried to take care of her but she wasn't having it she didn't stay rested she stayed on her feet one time she even punched me when I tried to help we were still in love but it was dying we eventually made up but every year after that she was telling me she needed help telling me she was falling out of love she asked me to help around the house I was lazy at the beginning of our relationship and I got used to her cleaning but by the time we got out of the roaches my depression got so much worse I was trying to get help until COVID kept losing counselors to the point I stopped telling them about my whole life and I started skipping straight to me and my ex I wanted help I was tired of hurting the woman I love but something else happened we got into an argument and I said something slick and she tried to stab me I evaded her and calmed her down but the argument went into the next day I locked myself in the bathroom and she tried to break the door down we had a sword in the bathroom for security and I threatened to stab her with it she had a panic attack and called the police I got a misdemeanor harassment charge but I never got mad I worked on myself I didn't want us to argue like that anymore I got out of jail and I was ordered to go to anger management I wish they made me go the very first time but when I went I embraced it and used it to help me with my triggers and that helped not only with my PTSD but with my fight or flight response as well after I got out I came clean about everything and even about the ex I cheated with man she beat me in the head so bad I got multiple concussions but I wasn't mad I actually felt good because I didn't black out I was doing it i was working on my triggers but we kept arguing and every year she told me that she still loves me and wants to make it work but she's losing interest and I told her I'd change and I wanted to but i couldn't my parents didn't take much medicine my mom took Wellbutrin and other things but they made her sleep all day she was dead to the world and I took paxil and Adderall as a kid and I felt like a zombie not to mention my dad was afraid of pills and side effects so I was afraid to take medicine but I needed it my depression was so far gone that I stopped feeling empathy I was empty and I let my guilt and regret and hatred of myself lead to more depression I'm a good singer and rapper I stopped doing music I blamed her but it was depression she suffers from cyclic vomiting syndrome and I just sat on my ass when she got sick I didn't help I wasn't doing dishes but I couldn't even wake up and take a shower or brush my teeth it was horrible I didn't love myself and I was angry at the world and I took it out on her I felt useless so when we argued about me not helping I called her useless everything I felt about me I projected onto her I was numb and I think she was too then I got on tiktok and found something I was good at again I got a lot of followers very quick but that one ex that I cheated with came back and this time It was innocent but my ex told me any interaction with her and it's over but she had a large following and I was trying to get paid but my ex found out and like an idiot I was trying to not delete or block her because im a man and I'm trying to get ahead you aren't a man you can't even help the woman you love you idiot then she kept telling me she was done but we dragged it on because we loved each other by December 2023 we were done but we were still acting like a couple I was in denial thinking we were fixing it because before my birthday at the beginning of 2022 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure I decided to have 1 last year of holiday food and going out to eat and we started working out 2023 and I have lost 108 lbs with her help and her love and support we started a diet and worked out in the house 5 days a week she saved my life once again of course I was in denial of course I was trying to work it out but those last few months were crazy that last year was crazy in 2022 she got into a car accident and she was sore for a while but she found out that she actually broke her rib and healed it messed up and never knew so she got into working out to lose weight and we started our diet in 2023 but in 2022 I found Kevin Samuels and all that alpha male red pill male chauvinist poison it was bull shit I was insecure trying to convince myself that the most feminine beautiful woman I know is some how masculine and modern wtf is modern i wasn't true masculine I wasn't high value i was a loser that couldn't get off my ass for the woman I love and those ideas are disgusting even if you have money you shouldn't be allowed to cheat that's crazy I would just spew that horse shit when we argued she told me thats what really started pulling her away every time she argued that she needed help I started to act like it wasn't my place and that if I had a job I wouldnt have to clean but the truth is I got anxiety every time I saw those dishes piled up I felt like my chest was caving in same with laundry or any chores working out forced me to shower every day but I still made excuses not to shower we did 15-30 minute workouts if I had to go to the gym I might have died from getting fatter I lost my motivation and looking back I should have taken meds but I told y'all how my parents looked at medicine and my experience not to mention my girl trying to fix stomach problems and sleep problems literally experienced so many side effects I was just afraid to take the medicine but I wish I did because I would have saved my relationship neither one of us takes depression meds I looked for work but I don't even have a GED if you want that story I'll save it for the comments btw I forgot to say our child also gets a check so together we make enough money to live we just struggle for some wants everyone has clothes but there's not always a lot of money to shop for every one so we rotate between buying things for them and us through the months we even had to pay rent in two different places at the end of our lease and we made it happen off our checks and donating plasma we paid 2700 between two places with teamwork and sacrifice but like I said we broke up December 2023 we broke up and I was in denial and thought we were working out we were losing weight together going out doing couple things still having amazing sex it was always mutually great i was big on massages and running baths i was a great gift giver but I didn't lift a finger she was sick and all I did was roll a blunt and run a bath I was letting fruit flies fly around the house we were going out to eat spending money we didn't have to go out to eat that's why I gained all that weight in the first place I don't understand I love her and my kids with all my heart I never thought she would never leave me I was afraid she would leave but I just let it happen she is the love of my life afraid or not I should have taken the pills but that too gave me so much anxiety but I should have risked side effects feeling like a zombie sleeping all day anything is better than this because if I took the medicine we might still be together and since she was able to get past her depression and she feels like she was forced to get out of her depression because she was a mom she hates me she comes from a vacationing family I couldn't give them a lot of that but we still go camping and go out of town sometimes we have a car that's almost paid off but we are 32 and she has nothing to show for being with me but a car an apartment and no savings and if I loved her i would have tried harder but I couldn't i was paralyzed by depression and anxiety she doesn't believe me because she overcame her depression and anxiety we moved in our new place and I was planning on ending my life God spoke to me for the first time and my ex always wanted me to find God but my mom was gullible when it came to scamming preachers and she wasted so much of our money on books and prayer cloths that I went away from my faith for years so finding God was weird but I was accepting of his love he told me to fight for my family and that the path might be long but I can get my family back if im reborn and I make the promises I couldn't keep all of a sudden im reading the Bible every day cooking every day cleaning every day even looking for a job everyday but she says it's too late we sleep in the bed together so I don't have to sleep on the couch we slept together like twice but it didn't mean anything she wouldn't even kiss me and she cut me off we always promised we would at least have a sexual friendship relationship but i think i messed it up i just want to make it work i even told her she could have 2 boyfriends so I can work on being who she needs and have some one to help her with everything else until I can show I can be her problem solver she says it's over but we were in love for 14 years we were in love 6 months ago but in March I made a joke that killed us she was listening to a song called john redcorn and we got to arguing and I said that's some John redcorn shit she thought I meant my daughter our youngest and after what I put her through when she was pregnant she couldn't do it and like an idiot I doubled down and she thought i was saying our youngest wasn't mine it was horrible I told my kids everything they are 10 and 12 they lost hope in our relationship for a while but they want me back with they're mom I know I have to stay this man for the rest of my life if I want to get her back i have to work on communication and keep a job im even going back to counseling but she thinks I never loved her because I let it get this far what do I do?
submitted by imissuinmyworld to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]