Words that start with a to describe someone

Curled Feetsies

2015.12.18 11:13 krebstar_2000 Curled Feetsies

Curled Animal Feetsies Of All Kinds

2014.12.02 00:19 Poemi Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2redditors1cup! a place where folks across the internet cross ways in an unexpected way! sometimes the world can be incredibly small.

2016.06.16 21:53 Shinies, but in real life!

The term "shiny" originates from Pokémon. It is a term used to describe a pokémon that is a completely different color from all others in their species. We have taken that idea and expanded it to include objects, plants, food, and people! All color morphs are accepted providing they are atypical from the norm of that species, breed, or type.

2024.05.21 13:11 missmightberight Just want a second opinion

Let me describe the situation first. Colleague A was talking a lot of trash about colleague B. I didn’t get involved because I’m quite new in the company and thought this was none of my business. The other day I was talking to B and she told me about a situation that A described completely different. Since I was absolutely baffled I replied that I’m quite shocked since the way A described it was totally different. This led to us realizing that there were a lot of things A lied about. It wasn’t just about “small” things but e.g. B getting warnings from our boss and stuff that could totally ruin her reputation. B wanted to talk about this with our boss. This led to a meeting with all four of us since B wanted me as a witness. Well, let’s say it turned from me being a witness to the guilty party. A declined everything I and B said. “This is not how I am and I stand with myself” or “I didn’t mean it like that so I’m sorry if you misunderstood it”. A started crying in the most random situations during the meeting. To make it clear I never, not in any moment, directly attacked her. All I was hoping for was that we’d all work on our communication so that a situation like that doesn’t happen again, I never intended to expose her or anything. Naively I thought that this was the whole point of the meeting, to work on our team. Things I said was stuff like “sometimes communication gets lost on Microsoft teams or can be misunderstood so we all really need to look at how it might appear”. Although our boss said that she’d stay neutral and not get involved she definitely chose a side because now I’m the one that got the sanctions. Colleague A requested that whenever I want to talk to her our boss needs to be there, too, and that she gets cc’d in any of our mails just in case I “misunderstand” her again. Like bruh, she actually said those things. She told me highly confidential stuff about B I wasn’t supposed to know, so how did I know if nobody told me?
I really need a few opinions on this issue since I have no idea what happened and if I’m in the wrong. I know this is a lot of Text and it probably does sound confusing in some parts so please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for reading so far
submitted by missmightberight to work [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 ThrowRA2906 How can I (24F) accept my boyfriend's (27M) misogynistic friends?

So.. i've been with my boyfriend for little over 2 years. It is the first time im in a long term relationship..For the most part, I've enjoyed it a lot. It was really magical at times. But there were breaches of loyalty and respect from my boyfriend constantly the first year. Not exactly cheating physically (from what i can prove), but a lot of emotional cheating. Although I do have evidence of him possibly cheating physically as well, but what do I know. It affected me so badly. It still affects me horribly. At the time, I ignored a lot of it (idiot), because I just didnt want it to end. Eventually I confessed to him about how its hurting me, all of it, we talked through it, cried through it, threw stuff over it, and he seemed to understand, apologize and adjust his behavior. But I've always wondered why someone who looks to be an absolute angel, madly in love with me, would do it at the first place (most naive sentence you've read, maybe ever huh)
Well this brought up horrendous trust issues in me, no matter how much we've discussed these problems. It just didnt bring enough clarity, and left me confused, and feeling pathetic. So I decided to start a conquest, with a goal to understand who am I really in a relationship with. I had suspicions (it was ungodly clear) that my boyfriend's friend group are the biggest, most pathetic manchild, self-reflection lacking assholes. They've made a few mildly misogynistic remarks in front of me, but I, as always, brushed it off. But its that type of people you just feel would say the most heinous stuff if you weren't there.
They have this whatsapp groupchat. This groupchat, I knew for a long while, would break my heart if I ever peaked into it. So I internally concluded looking into it is way past the line 2 years ago. But I, unfortunately, given the circumstances, broke my own promise (which I am ashamed about, although I personally wouldn't care, I truly think going through someone's stuff is shitty). And what I saw was beyond repulsive, as expected. Talking about women as nothing but sexual objects - suggesting my boyfriend should fuck european bitches, but find a latina that would squat on his face, he would finally experience a real woman, he would cook for her all day every day if he had a chick like that (my bf is known for being a good cook), i beat that pussy up this and that, cityboy shiiiii, i hate when chicks dont know we in an open relationship (talking about their long term girlfriends which are all sweet girls), my boyfriend suggesting he wants a "big tiddy goth chick" (which is like, the opposite of what I am), talking about their exes and my boyfriends exes like they are absolute dirt, my boyfriend saying that "denying him fucking models would be culturally insensitive since he is French", and that "post nut clarity makes him want to be a monk" (which broke my heart the most, as our sex frequency did lessen, especially from his side. I asked him about it, was upset about it, he told me he just feels like shit cause he gained weight, because of work, whatever whatever, and of course told me im not initiating as well, but who wants to initiate on someone who doesnt show any sexual desire)
Well yesterday, I told him that I did this, what I saw, I packed my things and left to my parents house to be alone for a couple of days, and to decide what to do next. He barely told me anything, he told me he's not in the mood for this, that he cannot believe im leaving for some banter with the boys, that he is disappointed i treat his stuff like its a public library, but that he still loves me. yuck...
Barely texted me since I left, only that he is sorry that it had to come to this, that there was a better way to deal with this, and that he hopes we will talk soon, and that he loves me.
So... I understand this is perhaps a take it or leave it situation. How can I ever come to terms this is how my boyfriend talks about me? A lot of people told me to break up and run, but its way more nuanced than that, and also I believe in commitment with its dark and ugly sides, and believe in trying everything in my power to make it work before leaving. What can I do here
submitted by ThrowRA2906 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:09 Active_Ad1975 I have a crush on a guy my friends used to like

I’m sorry if this is confusing, I’m not really sure how to word this.
I F15 (2009) and my friend F14 (2010) have been friends for a couple months, we normally interact during school hours. We’re both in year 9 even though she’s a year younger, age is important to the story btw.
For the sake of simplicity I will call me friend Zoe, Zoe has a crush on this boy M17 let’s call him Jake. Jake and Zoe had been talking and of course the school had caught wind of it since they were walking around together during break, I personally thought it was a bit weird given there 3 year age gap. Normally 3 years isn’t bad but because of Zoe’s maturity level it made everyone agree it just wasn’t right.
Didn’t matter and they kept talking but eventually after a while u asked Zoe how things were going because she hardly talked about him. And she told me he liked her but things were complicated, I felt sorry for her and I didn’t want Jake to play with her feelings. So I went and talked to Jake who explained to me that he wasn’t comfortable with the ‘relationship’ because of the age gap and wasn’t sure how to tell her, I told him to just out right and say it. The next day he told me he did during a phone call, I was kinda relieved until a few days later he told me and my friends that she was still contacting him, he found it annoying and asked us to talk to her. I didn’t talk to her because i didn’t know how to approach the conversation, next week he complains again (she sent him a tik tok about how she liked him but couldn’t have him) and one of my friends tell him to block her on everything, since he already set his boundaries. We asked him why he hadn’t done it before and he expressed he was worried she’d kill herself (which is wild but okay).
Because of this whole thing me and Jake started talking more often and I got to know him, we text now and again when I’m not too busy. When Jake followed me on instagram he noticed my following count was 666, called me out lol. I thought it was funny and posted it on my story. Zoe has seen it and she texted me asking if I was talking to him and I explained we we’re talking about someone else (which we were) and she asked to know what exactly he was saying. I told her since it wasn’t a big deal but I still thought it was strange. I thought it was a bit odd but I just brushed it off, I did end up telling Jake to tease him. Couple weeks later Zoe messages me again asking if I would date Jake because she overheard my friend calling Jake my man (my friend was very unhinged and I was trying to tell her to shut it omg) so I obviously said no because at the time I wasn’t interested in him.
Now fast forward a couple weeks i regularly talk to Jake, I wouldn’t say I’m In love with him but idk he’s funny and today I was in class and I tried talking to her but she kinda ignored me, idk maybe I’m overreacting but I still feel weird about it.
ANYWAY I need advice and I need to know if I’m in the wrong and breaking girl code.
submitted by Active_Ad1975 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:08 RegisterSolid8582 24 [M4F] #Sydney #Online - Asian INTP looking for a serious relationship

Would be great if we start off as friends and learn more about each other. I don't mind where you at the moment, but would be convenient if you're in a similar timezone. I'm East Asian, tall and fit and very nerdy. I like anime and manga a lot with also interests in investing. I also love travelling a lot.
Looking for someone around my age. You don't need to share the same interests - would be keen to learn new things in fact. Most important is that you're open minded and honest. So please just send me a DM introducing yourself!
submitted by RegisterSolid8582 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:07 IntelligentLaw2284 Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.

Gameboy Enhanced Firmware v0.5 for M5Stack Cardputer More than twice the FPS and Custom Controls, 12 Colour and Super Game Boy modes.
I've been eager to reach this point; when I can say that I have met my original goals when I started working with this firmware approx 2 weeks ago. Customizable controls, savegames, no memory limitations save for the cost in performance. A slew of other features I couldn't help but implement along the way too. v0.5 is now live on m5burner.
I've spent the time avoiding the user interface work I finally did yesterday, instead optimizing the rendering and memory subsystem to get more than twice the performance of my last announced release(v0.48). Super Mario Land 2 and Donkey Kong Land show more than a 100% improvement in frame rates (17fps -> 53fps in the overworld for super mario land 2)
The next steps planned:
Save States
Some more options; custom palette, performance related things
debug w/ Pokemon, figure out why it restarts the firmware
about information screen crediting Matteo Forlani for concept implementation; any one else who ends up contributing.
And in the would be nice category:
Wifi link-cable; I doubt it would get much use but the hooks for it all appear to be present in peanut_gb.
Custom borders (I wont sacrifice ram for this, but I could stream it from the sdcard, it is not redrawn during normal gameplay)
Any other ideas? If there are any pixel artist out there, there is room in the ROM for a cardputer themed border and I'm more than willing to entertain submissions in that area as well, with full credit of course going to the author(s).
Changelog since I started:
* added bottom menu bar with instructions to the main rom selection menu, pres ESC or ' key (same thing) to enter the settings menu either from the main menu or while playing a game
* added options menu, can be entered from the menu or from within a game; displays the 8 main controls with their current setting, saves settings when closed
* added restore defaults for config menu
* settings are saved to gbconfig.dat; delete this if you are having any issues
* Reimplemented memory subsystem to use progressive partial page seeking/pruning; the original memory management code was the first I had typed in 14 years; after some thought I devised something much more suitable for a real time environment. This resulted in the average page seek time being much lower, and distributes maintenance of the paging system across successive calls. The results are the largest improvement to speed to date. Over double the frame rates from before; less stutter, smoother page transitions in memory. Donkey Kong Land averages around 45fps now; Super Mario land 2 gets an average 53fps on the overworld.
* Reduced rendering workload 6.25% by modifying peanut_gb to inherently skip lines that aren't visible due to scaling.
This prevents the engine from having to process the layer and sprite data for these lines all together. Why 6.25%? because 9 lines are skipped which is 6.25% of the lines that were rendered previously.
* Refactored graphics code; ~120,000 less operations a frame
* Scrolling behaviour and screen content differences no longer effect rendering performance Titles such as final fantasy or even super mario land 2 show a huge improvement in overworld movement speed.
17.05.2024: v0.483 Pushing this now as a BUG FIX RELEASE
* Fixed bug in main menu causing selection to only move upward; you can now navigate properly again.
* added FPS display while Fn button is held, causes slow down which is subtracted from the FPS display. This is so I can evaluate performance improvements more than anything else, but it doesn't hurt to have so I'm leaving it in.
* new borders are on hold while I make decisions about the internal format (leaning towards argb1555,presently 565)
16.05.2024: v0.482
* Added Analogue Pocket 12color palette category with 44 palettes
* Automatic 12color(AP) palettes mapped as per Analogue Pocket suggested mappings for:
Mario 1/2/Wario Land/Balloon Kid/F1 Race/Tetris
* added Cottage Daytime SGB border
* Fixed 12colours not being assigned until palette select bug
* regularly mapped controller up/down/a now functions in addition to arrow/enter keys in main menu to allow a single hand posture for the entire interface if desired.
15.05.2024: v0.481
* proper gameboy startup sequence, may help compatibility with some games.
* Message boxes now will display any emulation errors reported by peanut_gb
* Attempts to access ROM address outside of the available cartridge ROM will display an appropriate message
14.05.2024 v0.48 Added 12 colour mode, with the 12 palettes the game boy colour could apply to old game boy games as the first of this mode, but more to come in this area.
*Super gameboy support added for screen borders with gameboy skin set as default, followed by 1 (for now) of the official borders from the hardware itself. Activate by holding Fn and pressing '[' and cycle borders by holding Fn and pressing ']'. Because these are the same keys used for other visual modifications, I hope using the combination of Fn and these keys is intuitive.
* Super gameboy palette support added for balloon kid, the legend of zelda links awakening and kirbys pinball land
* Various other small tweaks you probably wont notice.
12.06.2025 V0.47 Added first iteration of Super Gameboy Mode with all 32 official palettes that were included with the original hardware. Nintendo included a table on the device to map certain games to certain palettes, and that functionality is partially implemented. Mario 1/2/Wario Land, F1 Racer and Tetris all autodetect and assign their colour scheme. This mode can be toggled on and off at any time during play with the '[' button, and the current cycle palette button will cycle through the 32 included palettes. Games with defined profiles with start with that palette selected automatically when Super Gameboy Mode is engaged for the first time each session.
*Lots of user interface changes; message boxes will appear to describe your palette selections, among other things - no console style debug remains in normal operation.
*Another 4k of memory allocated to ROM storage, may smooth out some edge cases of stuttering.
*Improved readability in the main menu; and made highlighted selection more apparent.
*Added smooth transitions to splash screen.
*Disabled unused (for the moment) configuration file
11,05.2024:: 0.44 squished a bug, added palette control, press ']' to cycle between presets.
b/w, gameboy(original), gameboy pocket and gameboy light (in that order).
Huge performance improvements for larger ROMs with over 110k more ram available to the memory sub-system. Palette values are from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_console_palettes for accuracy.
10.05.2024:: 0.41 added savegame support. if a game uses it's onboard ram constantly though, use the manual backup button (=). The save feature will only automatically engage after the cartridge ram has been left untouched for a second.
08.05.2024: v0.4 forked from gb_cardputer, added memory management subsystem (paging) to manage random access to roms of any size the filesystem supports.
Yellow bars on either side of the display momentarily indicate that the cartridge ram has been backed up. The savegame format will not be changing, its a simple binary dump.
Have fun!
submitted by IntelligentLaw2284 to M5Stack [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:06 IllustratorBig8347 Help?

Hi Guys,
Will try not to bore you. I was wondering if anyone has similar symptoms or if their progression sounds like mine.
So last year September, I woke up to this aching feeling when carrying my handbag on my right hand. Within a week, the whole hand was affected. I had pain lifting anything and I started using ibrupofen everyday to control the pain. It was that bad.
That same month, I noticed my vision became very blurry. I started having this shaky and tremor in my legs with slight cramps.
Somehow, my right leg was twitching uncontrollably too. I had shortness of breath when lying down (this has been on and off) with really bad fatigue. I was always tired.
September - Weak shoulder and arm, Painful hands
By October, noticed twitching in my neck and difficulty swallowing. Like I had to push the food down to swallow it properly. This time, I also noticed some cramps in my left fingers and hands. This continued on slowly. I still had strength.
October- Weak Left arm, swallowing issues.
November: I started twitching in my tongue. My tongue dances around. Soon, I would get mouth aches after talking for over an hour and my head felt weak, my neck could not hold itself up and would fall. I was using braces in my hands, legs and neck. This time, they did an EMG on all four limbs which came back clean. This was exactly two months since the symptoms started. I had a clean ANA profile as well.
November - Tongue twitching,neck collapse.
December - Nothing new, the symptoms just got worse. So, I decided to take a blood test. All came back ok except my iron which was extremely low and high copper.
So, I started supplementing iron. This somehow would stop the tongue dancing around for like an hour and soon it would return. This was too much to bear. So, I did the below treatments
Feroglobin - 1 tsb per day Glu Scavenger - 1 Folic Acid - 1 Glutathione - 1 Vitamin E - 1 Vitamin D - 1 Ashwaghanda Lions Mane Lserine- 2x a day I also did a phospholipid exchange
Alas, the day I started Tudca mixed with fulvic and humic acid (omnyne on Amazon) , my life changed forever. My symptoms went down by over 90%. No longer had tongue twitching or facial weakness, I could not even notice the weakness. The pain almost went.
I have been on Tudca ever since. Realised the fulvic acid is what makes the Tudca effective so I bought Fulvic Acid separately and this was a game changer. Barely noticed any weakness. It helps with the pain and cramps too and I almost go by everyday without any pain or issues.
however, after a week of stress (I baked a lot and had a lot of guests so I had to be on my feet for close to 10 hours a day) I noticed my left leg has not become weak. The whole thing is all over my body now from head to toe. I am now experiencing similar symptoms as I did in Septembe October only this time, Tudca and acids are keeping it at bay and it did not get so bad like I had in September with my right side.
Problem is my next neuron appointment is in October and quite frankly w/o the Tudca, I think I would be in a much worse state by now. My legs are slowly better and my grip strength sometimes gets so bad but once I supplement with feroglobin, I get better.
I have asked every single person they seem not to even think this relates to the three big words or MS. MRI clean too.
Please help me.
submitted by IllustratorBig8347 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:05 magicsockparade I hate cuddling

23, female, I have come to the conclusion that I hate cuddling.
I wasn't always this way. As a teenager, I loved the idea of having a boyfriend to cuddle with and I'd get so excited whenever prospective partners would talk about cuddling and offer to cuddle with me. Nowadays though, the thought of spooning with someone makes me so tense and anxious. The only people I can be physically affectionate with are my family and my dog. Anyone else feels like a massive invasion of privacy. Even friends leaning their head on my shoulder gets me tense. Unless I'm drunk, I can't cuddle. Period.
It's definitely mostly psychological. Whenever I'm with a guy and he starts trying to cuddle me, I automatically assume that its sex he's after - which if I'm not in the mood for, I'll start to feel really guilty and just want to pull away.
The only person who didn't make me feel like cuddling was a prerequisite for sex was my ex, but towards the end, even him cuddling me gave me the ick. Not because I didn't like the intimacy, but because he had started treating me like his mommy. After a certain point, I didn't feel like his girlfriend anymore. I felt like his surrogate mother. We cuddled because he needed to feel safe. The fact that I felt completely insecure in my relationship or that he never bothered to satisfy my needs was irrelevant.
I'm texting a new guy now since I'm looking to have a FWB situation over the summer. Despite everything I said here, I'm quite romantic in other regards. I love kissing, making out, holding hands, dates etc. We haven't met yet but he seems like a nice guy and I'd like to get to know him but he always mentions how much he wants to cuddle over text. I always cringe when I read those texts because I'm simply not that naive anymore to believe that he actually just wants to cuddle and doesn't just want sex. I'd rather he just say he wants sex. Whenever I'm getting to know a guy and he starts talking about how much he loves cuddling, I straight up don't buy it.
I know cognitively that this isn't true, but I've never been with a guy who didn't treat me as either a walking fleshlight or a mother figure. Because of that, whenever someone I'm with tries to cuddle with me, I just immediately feel tense because it just doesn't feel sincere. I'm always expecting an ulterior motive.
It's frustrating because I do need intimacy and I do want to be able to date again, but I just feel like I've lost all faith in romance. Cuddling is just the embodiment of that.
Sorry for the vent. I just never met someone who feels the same way as me. Cuddling feels way more intimate than sex or making out.
submitted by magicsockparade to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 PIugshirt CMV: nearly every negative thing said about Che is outright propaganda

I’ll preface off the bat by saying I don’t think he is a good person I just feel like claims he is a monster are heavily overstated. Secondly I’m not a communist, socialist, etc so that doesn’t really play any part in my defending him.
I see pretty much the same talking points spread about that he sent homosexuals to concentration camps, is racist, and committed genocide all of which are verifiably misrepresentations or outright lies. To start off the concentration talking point is beyond laughable as he I shit you not left the country entirely months before these concentration camps opened up so any feelings about that have to be taken up with Fidel Castro. That being said these concentration camps while still bad weren’t death camps like the ones nazis used and only sent people who couldn’t hoping the military and as homosexuals weren’t allowed to they were sent there. Fidel went undercover there to see the abuse going on he had heard and put reforms in place to lessen it so while still bad they weren’t nearly the level of evil the word concentration camp draws up in one’s mind.
Che was racist as evident by his own words but his racist quote everyone spreads around was from before he became a revolutionary and realized the error of his ways to the point he literally fought alongside the Africans in the Congo.
The majority of the people Che sent to be executed were members of the Batista regime who had committed war crimes. He executed many people who were likely innocent due to sentencing people without much proof at times but such ruthless is in a way necessary for a revolution and is seen to occur in every prominent revolution from the American to the French to the Haitian. In an ideal world no innocents would have to be killed but holding punches when overthrowing an oppressive government causes revolutions to fail who ch only causes more death and suffering.
Regardless the fact such ruthlessness was used is proof enough he wasn’t a good person but he isn’t a monster by any means. The thing that separates Che from Fidel Castro is that Fidel used talk of helping the people as a ruse to gain power while Che believed in his cause to the extent he spoke out against Castro publicly for becoming dependent on the Soviets as it was no better than doing so to America. He was so genuine in his motives to help the people that after winning the revolution in Cuba he continued fighting in other countries until he was killed. He was flawed but the extent at which people try to portray him as being is little more than blatant propaganda to discredit the fact that he is a symbol for revolutionaries everywhere. I’ve seen a lot of conflicting opinions on the matter and want to hear some reasons for thinking he is a terrible person based on his actual actions and not fabrications
submitted by PIugshirt to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 THATRK1111 Am I the asshole for sticking up for myself? Let me explain...

So I was around seven when this happened and I was over at my dads. Mind you, im 13 now, and know the full meaning of the word. A little bit of a background check, just so you get the jist! My mom and my dad divorced in 2016, so my dad moved in with my grandmother. He eventually found he liked his crushed since 7th grade, my step-mom. Let's call her...step-mom. I also have some step-sibling. My brother, and older sister. We'll call them brother and older sister. One time we went camping. At this time my older sister had maybe just turned 8 and I was still 7. Brother was around 5 maybe. I was sitting in a dicks sporting goods chair, this will come in handy later, so remember it, and I was looking out at the pond that was near our camping site. I saw the dicks sporting goods logo, turned around, and told brother "Oh brother, your a dick." Je started rolling on the ground with laughter, or tears. It would be bad if he was crying cause he knew what it meant, but it would be even worse if he was laughing and knew what it meant. My dad came over, picked me up, and started carrying me over to the tent saying that I shouldn't have said that. Step-mom shot me a mean glare and said, very baitum, "You really shouldn't have said that." I pleaded and cried saying I didn't know what it meant. And I didn't. I was 7. "Yeah, sure you don't. Your a guy and you don't know what that means? Pft..." and then kept looking at me with this wildly mean face. My dad put me in the tent and left me there for a minute.
A few minutes later.
My dad came over and asked "Do you really not know what that word means?" I kept on shaking my head, trying to prove I didn't. AND I DIDNT! I AM WAS 7! My dad told me what dick meant, and I immediately ran from the tent without my dads permission, darted passed him whilst he yelling at me to get back there, and I hug my brother and say, "I'm sorry, I didn't know what it meant." He said I was okay. I walked back to my dad and step-mom talking. Step-mom said I should be put in the tent for the rest of the day, and that I was lying when I said I didn't know. I butted in and said "Uh, know I do. So thusfore your argument is invalid." I quote for quote said that. My dad looks down in astonishment and asks me how old I was. I told him I was 7. He says to step-mom, "I don't think he needs to spend anymore time there." I apologized to step-mom for being a jerk to her, but she huffed...puffed...then stomped away. So what, am I the jerk, for being 7 and not knowing what a word was?
submitted by THATRK1111 to AmITheJerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:04 Kittenxkills Sabotage or what?

Do men cheat to sabotage?
I already know there’s a fair chance I’ll get judged, but I’m going through heartbreak and am in desperate need of advice or the right words, idk. So my bf and I have been together for a year. We had what I thought was a pretty good relationship. Come to find out, everything was a lie in a sense. He essentially feels I pushed him into a relationship. He loves me, but is not in love with me; and wants to end the relationship. I also found out, that he’d been downloading tinder and bumble to flirt with girls for “validation”. I will admit I’ve begged him to stay, and I’m very confused. My mind can’t wrap around how he would spend every weekend with me, see me during the week, game with me, FaceTime with me and seem so happy during all of that… but now we’re here and he wants to leave, but I’m begging him to stay.
I’m in a ton of pain and I think a bit part of that for me is just the shock/not understanding how a man can do so much, be so involved, spend so much time, show no signs and then here we are.
I’m genuinely wondering if he is sabotaging the relationship because of the deep rooted fears coming from his parents marriage. They’ve been together a very long time, but he NEVER sees them being affectionate. They don’t kiss, and he never hears “I love you”. He’s terrified of ending up that way.
I really feel like only men will understand his thought process and I need insight. I need to understand.
Mind you, he chased me from the start. I initially was hesitant and when I finally gave it a shot, we’re now here.
submitted by Kittenxkills to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 Ok-Supermarket1258 Enhance Your Child’s Skills with Primary 5 Maths Questions

Enhance Your Child’s Skills with Primary 5 Maths Questions
Helping your child excel in mathematics starts with tackling primary 5 maths questions These questions are designed to strengthen the foundational skills that are critical for success in higher-level math. Covering a range of topics such as fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, and word problems, primary 5 maths questions are pivotal in developing problem-solving abilities and logical thinking.
Engaging with primary 5 maths questions regularly can boost your child's confidence and proficiency in mathematics. These questions often include real-world scenarios that help students understand the practical applications of mathematical concepts. By practicing these questions, students can improve their calculation speed, accuracy, and overall mathematical fluency.
submitted by Ok-Supermarket1258 to awinash62 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 Kittenxkills Cheating, sabotaging relationship etc?

Do men cheat to sabotage?
I already know there’s a fair chance I’ll get judged, but I’m going through heartbreak and am in desperate need of advice or the right words, idk. So my bf and I have been together for a year. We had what I thought was a pretty good relationship. Come to find out, everything was a lie in a sense. He essentially feels I pushed him into a relationship. He loves me, but is not in love with me; and wants to end the relationship. I also found out, that he’d been downloading tinder and bumble to flirt with girls for “validation”. I will admit I’ve begged him to stay, and I’m very confused. My mind can’t wrap around how he would spend every weekend with me, see me during the week, game with me, FaceTime with me and seem so happy during all of that… but now we’re here and he wants to leave, but I’m begging him to stay.
I’m in a ton of pain and I think a bit part of that for me is just the shock/not understanding how a man can do so much, be so involved, spend so much time, show no signs and then here we are.
I’m genuinely wondering if he is sabotaging the relationship because of the deep rooted fears coming from his parents marriage. They’ve been together a very long time, but he NEVER sees them being affectionate. They don’t kiss, and he never hears “I love you”. He’s terrified of ending up that way.
I really feel like only men will understand his thought process and I need insight. I need to understand.
Mind you, he chased me from the start. I initially was hesitant and when I finally gave it a shot, we’re now here.
submitted by Kittenxkills to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:02 Critical_Signature89 28 M keeps telling me 25 F that I have bad communication, what should I do?

Am I in the wrong ?
If I call him through the day or anytime really and he happens to be at work or doing the most stupid mundane things at home he sounds like the most boring uninterested, non-present person, to which I make some excuse and end the call. It’s super pissing off
I want someone who talks and texts me more
But when he calls me I’m supposed to be present and interactive etc? I don’t like it
Today we had a fight, we hadn’t spent time in a while and finally got the chance to but that got cut short due to me leaving for some short work
To which he said why don’t you come back after to which I agreed
And so I finished my work fast and called him to which he then said that he wanted to sleep and can we hang in the evening? I said sure
I actually look forward to it but half of the things he says are in the air which is very annoying
I’ve told him before in the past not to do it but he doesn’t understand
I text him at 4 and he says he’s just come out to meet his friends so I told him to call me after and I’ll come see him. He said sure
At 8 I call him since he hadn’t called yet, and I asked him what his plan was? He said he was gonna chill with his friends for longer and if it’s not too late he’ll call me when he’s free and I could come see him otherwise we could hang the next day
(that also being said very lightly in the air probably)
This really pisses me off, he does this very very often
To him it’s probably nothing as he does this with all his friends - makes plans in the air all the time
I got really angry but I don’t want to over react for stupid things so I’ll say something like actually no let’s just hang tomorrow only , he can probably sense I’m angry and then I won’t pick his call for some time
He calls this super immature behaviour and says I’m horrible at communication, says if I want to hang with him why can’t I be direct and upfront and say no I want to hang out right now leave your friends and come see me
I’m scared of being needy so I don’t ever say things like that and he calls that as me being a terrible communicator and how it’s annoying that I get angry so easily
I don’t understand how it’s Normal to say things like that ? Leave your friends and come see me I want to hang out with you??
Isn’t the fact that I’m texting him that I’ll see him later and calling him asking him what his plan is enough of a ‘I want to hang out with you’ sign
After this fight he ended up leaving his friends and coming to pick me and take me home where we ended up watching a movie but he was for 80% of the movie on his phone playing games ?? Again super pissing off but I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t want to start another argument
He claims he’s so in love with me and I’m his dream girl but wtf is this behaviour constantly
Even when I’m at his house he barely talks and has interactive conversation with me I feel like I’m hanging out with a wall
One thing I can say is he doesn’t do all of this purposely but either way it is pissing off especially since he gives me shit when I am late for things, when I don’t make enough time for him, when I’m on my phone for too long
We’ve been together for around almost 3 years, ladies are you supposed to ask for basic things like this from your SO all the time? I hate having to ask for stupid things, and also I am quite a tit for tat person, I feel like giving him a taste of his own medicine so he gets how I feel
submitted by Critical_Signature89 to CallHerDaddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:02 GoldenDrachi Windows 10 - Client PC scrolls endlessly without user input

Hey everyone,
One of our clients has a problem, that we are unable to solve currently. I hope that someone here may have experience with this problem and a solution he or she can share.
Since a restart today (no new Windows update installed), the PC started to scroll without an end. As soon as the cursor is above a scrollable window (for example, Outlook, a Webbrowser, Windows Explorer or the device manager) the window scrolls up- or downwards. PC is a Windows 10 Pro Dell Precision 5820. 64 GB of RAM. Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2145 CPU @ 3.70GHz.
What we already tried:
The only thing that helped was the uninstalling of the drivers. This is not a permanent solution though. As soon as the PC is rebooted, the problem reappers.
We would like to prevent a new installation of the PC or a different PC if possible, but thats our only hope currently. Does anyone have some more ideas?
submitted by GoldenDrachi to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:01 HeidiInWonderland The truth hurts. Who said the truth would set you free?

Written by both Heidi and Lita. Lita has to leave early for her internship so Heidi is posting this.
We had a very long, difficult, and important conversation with our mothers last night. We are posting this with their permission, hoping that it might help others like us.
It's hard for us to imagine any other 16-year-olds having a more wonderful year than we have had. How many people find their life partners at our young age? We trained our bodies, dove into our respective art forms, gained insight into our future careers, earned/saved a lot of money, made many friends, explored Buddhism, and joined two families into one.
But we were building a new family on a foundation of deceit and this is what had to change. Back to our conversation.
"We had led you to believe we met at school volleyball team practice back in September. We told you we discovered our soulmates and we were queer. From there we lived hard and well, became a family of six, and then everything else followed. We don't regret a second.
"We just left out one fact...we met and began our relationship one year earlier when we were in 9th grade. We had kept it secret from you. Sound familiar? It is like the story of Emma Nolan and Alyssa Greene in The Prom."
It is hard to describe the look in their eyes. We saw disbelief, shock, hurt, anger, and mostly a sense of betrayal.
Muma: How did you really meet?
Lita: Actually, we told you the story. In fact, we have been leaving clues all over the place kind of hoping we would be discovered.
Heidi: This goes back to September 2022. I was on the crosstown bus. I saw some boys get on. One stayed in the front and the others placed themselves in the aisle going down. The boy in the front grabbed a girl's phone and they passed it to each other. The boy at the end got the phone and walked out of the rear door. I had seen the entire thing and just followed him. He thought he had committed the perfect crime and I approached him. "I saw everything. I know your face, what you are wearing, and your sneakers. I know your friends. Give me the phone and I won't say a word." He did. I walked back to the bus and there was the girl with the bus driver and a couple of cops at the side of the bus. She was sobbing and they were trying to comfort her. I went up, told them what had happened, and gave her the phone back.
Mom: I remember the story. And you are saying that the girl you helped was Lita.
Muma: And the little heroine you told Pupa and me about was Heidi?
Lita: Yes. I was an absolute wreck, completely unconsolable. I felt violated and humiliated. The girl grabbed me by the arm and simply said "Come, let's sit down." She brought me to a cute ice cream restaurant she knew near Bloomingdale's. What's your favorite flavor? I said Plain Vanilla. What's yours? Chocolate. We looked at each other's skin and just had to laugh.
Heidi: I can't describe how I was feeling while we eating ice cream. Waves and waves and waves of emotions hit me.
Lita: All I could do was look Heidi in the eyes and hold her hand.
Mom: I remember that story very clearly.
Lita: We exchanged numbers and IG. Then came texts, calls, secret hookups, the first kiss, and the rest.
Heidi: It was like The King And I, "Hello Young Lovers."
Lita: It was High School Admissions time and I encouraged Heidi to audition for LaGuardia for the 10th grade.
Mom: So that was what that was all about?
Muma: But I don't understand why you felt a need to keep your relationship a secret for an entire year!
This was really the hardest part of the conversation. We talked about all the emotions we were experiencing. What, we are in love? We are lesbians? We are sneaking behind our parents' backs? We are watching lesbian porn and acting it out? What, I am with a black/white girl? All this shame at once and we couldn't figure a way out until Girls Volleyball. We even left some hints on this blog in case you read it.
Muma: What is most painful to me is that this was the time you needed your mothers the most and you went through the entire year all alone.
We are four strong woman. We were at a place far beyond "How dare you? This has to end. You are grounded. Scotland is off." There was thoughtful silence, long looks into each other's eyes, and then cuddling on the couch and watching The Good Doctor.
We all had the same thought. How are we going to tell Dad and Pupa?
submitted by HeidiInWonderland to LoHeidiLita [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:01 sillyfacez The perfectionist in me is ready to be losing...

Yesterday, I had an AMAZING day finishing all the tasks earlier in my schedule. So when I woke up super early this morning (3am) to see that there was still 1/8 cup (29 ml) of water still in water bottle, I quickly (and unemotionally) said to myself: guess today is Day 1 (again).
And then I remembered that I overfilled my water bottles each day (started this a week ago) to be sure I got the one gallon in. Phew!
I realize that sometimes I am waaaay too quick to dismiss my efforts and work. I think we talk a lot about cutting corners but I don't think we talk enough about overachieving.
When you overachieve (or achieve) but don't actually allow yourself to experience winning (and instead stay used to FEELING like a loser)...there is a comfort zone issue here around winning and identifying as a winner.
Just sharing because I do believe that many of us doing these challenges are really hard on ourselves in general and find it hard to recognize when we've met or surpassed the goals -- always looking for evidence we're actually failing. I would guess that has to do with letting ourselves "off the hook" of winning because there's some sort of pay off...
I hope this is relatable to someone!
submitted by sillyfacez to 75HARD [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 Richubs Capri, the twin brothers episode

Just watched this episode and saw this sub being so mean to the bros. They are (surprisingly) one of the only ones that remained open for a long while after the episode was aired and only closed due to non financial reasons.
The brothers I’ve seen here described as creepy/mentally stunted and even they are the latter they seemed like nice people (Gordon himself says so. I have never seen Gordon giving a lunch review on this show and start it with “You seem like nice guys but…”)
The bros started crying after being called dirty and actually had a sense of urgency before Gordon returns and they cleaned the damn place. Also didn’t push back on Gordon’s changes. They just seemed like dudes that were too laid bac who got a kick of reality from Gordon and woke up. They were one of the best owners imo.
submitted by Richubs to KitchenNightmares [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 Neowza Weekly Advocacy Post

Below you'll find information and links to help advocate for Reproductive Freedoms and Abortion care in Canada and emerging policy issues with the Reddit platform. This is a recurring post and will be periodically updated as needed. Feel free to post additional information and discussions in the comments.
Advocating for Abortion Care in Canada:
Reference: Policy Options, via the Institute for Research on Public Policy and Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights
What can you do to improve access to abortion care in Canada?
  1. Listen, research and learn. This is always the first step to understand any problem.
  2. Send a letter to your MP and MPP. Tell them that access to abortion care is important and how difficult it can be to access it in your province. Urge them to prevent anti-choice groups and CPCs from receiving charitable status, and to revoke the charitable status from CPCs that already have it. Encourage them to include reasonable reimbursement for travel costs related to receiving medical care when it is not available in your community. And push them to pass Safe Access Zone Legislation to protect patients, practitioners and their staff from anti-choice harassment and intimidation.
  3. Give a donation to a pro-choice charitable organization of your choice. Remember, if you give a total of $201 CDN or more to Canadian charitable organizations, you'll get a credit of 29% of your total annual donations on your income taxes (for those that file Canadian Income Taxes, only).
  4. Sign up for the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada Newsletter. https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/
  5. Participate in local marches and rallys in support of access to abortion care.
  6. Spread the Word. Tell your friends and family. Encourage them to research, listen and learn. Encourage them to contact their MPP and MPs.
  7. If you work in a Doctor's office or as a family physician, consider incorporating Mifegymiso into your practice to ensure patients have timely access to this essential service. If you are a Doctor, or studying to be one, consider opening an Abortion Care practice when you are licensed and qualified to do so, especially in rural areas where there are a lack of options.
  8. If you work in politics, consider proposing legislation that will ensure safe access zones for abortion care providers and their clients and covering reasonable travel costs for constituents when medical care is not available in their community.
  9. If you are a journalist or work in media, consider preparing pieces sharing the difficulty Canadians can have accessing medical care such as abortions.
  10. If you work in the area of Not For Profit/Advocacy, consider partnering with a Pro-choice organization and helping them spread information and lobby for improving access to abortion care for Canadians.
  11. If you know someone who needs abortion care, consider giving them a ride to a clinic, helping them access the advice and care they need, and provide non-judgemental support.
  12. Ensure persons of First Nations, Metis and Inuit heritage know about Jordan's Principle, which ensures that First Nations children (which includes people who can become pregnant under the age of 18) can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1568396042341/1568396159824
Emerging Policy Issues with Reddit
On July 1, 2023, Reddit raised the price to make calls to their API from being free to a level that killed every third party app on Reddit, from Apollo to Reddit is Fun to Narwhal to BaconReader. This policy change meant that mobile users would have a lesser experience browsing Reddit, users with visual difficulties could not browse reddit as screenreaders are not compatible with the official Reddit app, and mods lost tools that they depend on to keep communities on-topic and spam-free. Many subreddits protested this change in June 2023, and the Reddit admins enforced draconian measures such as removing and replacing mods who privatized their subreddits in protest of this policy change.
On September 12, 2023, Reddit will eliminate reddit coins, including removing all accumulated coins, a perk that Reddit Premium users pay for every month. Coins are used to reward comments and posts by showing your appreciation for the effort. Some reddit coins offer the ability to use reddit without ads.
In March 2024, Reddit had an IPO (Initial Public Offering), and the founder and current CEO, as well as the COO have sold $500,000 of their shares. How does this effect you? Reddit may face pressure to increase revenues to attract investors. This could lead to more ads or new monetization features. There could also be changes to the platform to attract a wider user base, such as bans and censorship on certain topics or words and control over content to appease more conservative shareholders or users.
What can you do to protest policy changes at Reddit?
  1. Listen, research and learn. Check /modcoord for updates
  2. Cancel your Reddit Premium membership
  3. Participate in subreddit led protests
  4. Look for other forums to patronize. We have a forum on Discord called Auntie Network Canada. Message the mods here for an invite link to the Discord group.
  5. Complain. Message the mods of reddit.com, who are the admins of the site: message reddit: submit a support request: comment in relevant threads on reddit. Leave a negative review on their official iOS or Android app.
submitted by Neowza to auntienetworkcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 ScarletMenaceOrange Kobo Libra 2 review (first e-reader)

After going totally nuts trying to decide between this and the colour version, I finally bit the bullet. I don't have other e-readers to compare to, but I did absorb huge amounts of info from Youtube videos, reviews, and comparisons.
Someone said that the BW screen is magical. I did not really believe it, but the first time I got the device, I tried to peel off the text from the device's screen, because I thought it has a sticker on it. Well, it was just text on the normal screen, it just magically looks like paper. The reason why I don't switch this to colour (even if the temptation is there) is exactly this, I don't want to give this magical paperlike screen away. It can be even read normally without any backlight, but you need some ambient lighting then, or to be at outdoors. Even then, you can get away with 4-8% backlight usage, which is very small. Biggest draw of the device for me was that it is easy for the eyes compared to LCD screens, so no way I'm ever giving that perk away. As I understand it, colour version has a dimmer screen that needs more backlight, which then makes it to be less "magically paperlike". I'm sorry, Libra colour, maybe some day when the technology has improved, or I can afford a companion device (or two 😂).
I got the Kobo plus free trial, definitely everyone should try it, as you can cancel it right after and still use the month, then continue if you feel like it. However, the plus collection is not that large, it was hard to find something that I know and enjoy from there. It was good for testing reading and manga capabilities though.
The wifi was a bit annoying, bouncing on and off. Also the normal home library view was not that good. I sorted my manga's in different folders, but the device did not seem to care about this. Also it wants you to check out the store and its over priced wares. For example, Made In Abyss one manga volume costs 10 dollars, while you can get a physical edition for of the same thing for 15 dollars. I just call it what it is, highway robbery. Luckily you can sideload the thing easily if you can get your books in other ways, so I'll be doing just that and saving a TON of money. The first day I got it, I read the whole day, and it would have costed me about 80 dollars in manga purchases alone.
So I installed Koreader, which made everything just better, if you take a bit of time to finetune it, as the default settings are not very nice. Also you need to install a dictionary, which is another ordeal to do and find one. After this, the device is just faster, it is a BIG difference while reading manga. The horribly expensive store is gone, good riddance I say! Wifi can be turned off eternally for all I care, more simplicity and no battery drain. Manga's and books can be sorted in libraries, and the device understands it! Custom screensaver is easy to get, ofc need to have that too, just for fun. Well now it starts to look like a great device, it seems that doing little bit of work really pays off. If I tried to use the device "as intended", I would have no money left, and would still be waiting for those absurdly large manga pages to turn (some which crashed the device). This is the way.
So yeah, it is a very good device. The screen autorotating feature is excellent, I find myself reading books on landscape mode, even if it is not the first instinct. Perfect use in outside sun with 0 backlight. The buttons are a must, I would not buy anything without side buttons at this point. Only wish it had a remote page turning, that would be the next step. You can mod for it, but that will be a hassle, and the current solutions are far from perfect. When people realize how comfy that would be, maybe in future the devices start to feature it. I guess it is hard to covet something that you do not know or have not experienced.
I was scared that the size is not good enough for manga, but it is. Emphasis on "good enough", it will do the job, and reading them is enjoyable, but a bigger screen would be optimal. Also when Kindle made a "manga version", it had this exact screen dimensions.
The screen, again, is immaculate in it's details. I'm enjoying too much how my wallpaper looks on it, it can be used as a tabletop photo frame, like a decoration! That will require buying a case for it, which I recommend, as when you close the case, the device goes to sleep automatically, and wakes up when you open the cover. That is very convenient, as is the ability to use the cover as a stand. I would just buy it for the screen protection alone.
submitted by ScarletMenaceOrange to kobo [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 girided What all options we have ( as per me)

Retentions for me : Surya, Bumrah, Tilak, ( Hardik Or Rohit either of them) If there is RTM then, we may have 2 players which would be Dhir ( Wadhera)and Coetzee
Now if we don't retain Rohit then we may have 2 opening slots to fill. I don't think kkr would retain Phil salt and if they don't then we should go all guns blazing for him. Another opener could be kyle mayers. With that we could have nice and quick openings for Surya to look forward. ( Other players we might target for openers , Prithvi shaw, sudarshan , Wade , Evin Lewis or even rachin ravindra)
Now if we don't retain hardik then we have to fill a middle order slot mostly our lower middle order where we might get our Green back from rcb Or if he goes for a big price tag we shouldn't try to purchase him rather go for Glenn Phillips Or even aiden markram and devon conway.
Now the most important part is the lower order. We need a really good finisher to finish things off and not someone like Tim David. Firstly we may have the services of Dhir Or wadhera who can strike the ball well in the 16th 17th overs. Then another finisher should be a hard hitter who can start hitting from the very first ball itself. We can go for shai hope here or Powell or hetmyer.
Now for bowlers we have bumrah coetzee and we need another left arm pacer who can bowl three overs in powerplay. For that we may target mohsin khan khalil ahmed Or someone who can generate tha swing with the ball. For spinners we should get back r chahar hasaranga Or we can have even someone like bishnoi other players we might target is thusara madhushanka t natarajan. With that here's our potential squad
{Rohit (c)} Salt, Lewis, Surya, Tilak, Phillips, ( Green, markram, Conway), Dhir,( wadhera), Hetmyer, ( Powell ) { Hardik (c) }, Hasaranga ( R chahar), Coetzee, Bumrah, Mohsin,
Impact subs ( thusara, hope or else the players in the brackets).
submitted by girided to MumbaiIndians [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:00 BellesRose1213 Why do some boy moms seem to really hate girls?

This isn’t meant to be offensive at all nor am I posting about anyone in particular. These are just some observations I’ve had as someone expecting my first child and I’m genuinely curious to get others’ thoughts, especially from those who have kids.
I’m 37 weeks pregnant for the first time and I have opted not to know the sex of my baby until delivery. With pregnancy you get so many comments but when you don’t know the sex, everyone is dying to know what you’re having. I started showing early and I work a very public facing job so I have certainly gotten my fair share of comments about the baby’s gender and what people think I’m having. But one thing I wasn’t expecting was the general attitude towards boys vs. girls based on what the person commenting has themselves. To be honest, it’s a really fascinating observation and something I never expected. I find it extremely interesting.
For example, when I talk to moms of both boys and girls, they will usually tell me the positive qualities of all of their children and tell me I’ll be blessed either way. Many women will tell me it’s really special to have a daughter, but otherwise there’s really no preference or negativity.
Moms of girls are usually similar. They’ll usually either make a comment about how fun girls are or they’ll tell me they’re broke from buying all the girly stuff. But they’re not usually negative about boys and they usually don’t seem to have a preference for what the sex of my baby is.
But with moms of boys, it tends to be different. When boy moms talk about the sex of my baby, many are downright negative about raising girls, despite not having one of their own. I’ve had several moms of boys tell me that girls are spoiled, catty, annoying, rude, and demanding. They tell me I’m better off having boys like they do and they seem to really not want me to have a girl. Almost as if having a girl is a tragedy or something. It’s really weird and makes me sad for my child if I do end up having a girl. I’m not saying ALL moms of boys are like this by any means; not at all. But it’s definitely a trend I’ve noticed and one I’ve found a little unusual to be honest. I will be happy with either sex but I’ve always wanted a daughter and I just think it’s odd that so many people without girls tend to see having a girl as a negative thing.
Anyway, I just thought this was a really interesting observation and I discussed it casually with a few other expecting moms who said they’d noticed the same trend. I’m just wondering why it might be. Is it just a general disgust for girls and women rooted in misogyny? Is it jealousy? Has anyone else noticed this?
submitted by BellesRose1213 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:59 Equivalent-Hall7668 I'm suffering from loneliness and isolation for way too long...

The first time I made a real close friendship was in middle 7th grade they were 2 best friends we were talking all day and night even studying together but suddenly after we finished 8th grade they started ignoring me maybe because of my anger issues and rudeness when I was talking about the abuse in my house they thought I'm way too crazy so they dumped me now I'm now in first year of since 9th grade I haven't find any friends in school or online idk why but whenever I talk to someone they're really weird or narcissistic psychopaths I live in a third world corrupted country and I think it's normal for society in this type of countries to be ignorant and immoral but it's crippling I really don't know what to do I reached my peak since the last 2 months I can't get no more than 5 hours of sleep I smoke a lot of cigarettes and some days I don't even sleep at all, I tried to make my brain just forget about all the suffering and problems but YouTube and movies are always talking about brain rotting politics or violence and crime, I always seek socializing but no one likes me and it's too late already it ate up all of my brain I was a smart and fast thinker in middle school I learned English with my friends in middle school in 2 years to the point where we can listen to English songs and understand the lyrics without translation or turning the subtitles on but since they left me I can't learn anything I can't study I can't work I can't sleep it's my fault that I just tried to look for people like them I should have looked for people who are more like me but it's too late and I have just realized lately. 2 full months of insomnia and I really can't figure out who am I or what do I want or what are my interests even if right now if someone just texted me and told I'm like you or I just had a perfect friend I don't know what to say to them it's like I'm socially and mentally dead from the dry and cruel life I'm suffering from insomnia and my family doesn't care they speak loudly, shout and slam doors when I try to catch some sleep (btw I'm so sorry if I can't write correctly I can't focus at all) now the real point is that I'm asking you what is this feeling is my brain damaged or am I just dead does it have a name is it a mental disorder or is it what 5 years of no talking with people do to you when you're still growing up
submitted by Equivalent-Hall7668 to loneliness [link] [comments]
