Where to find toddlercon

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2011.11.26 21:30 YouListening Play and Create Pokémon Hacks

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2014.10.07 08:25 kochier Where to Buy x in Winnipeg

Where to buy "x" in Winnipeg. Looking for the best place in town to find whatever it is you are looking for? Then this is the sub-reddit for you! You can post handy buying guides for places you find have the best version of product "x", or you can simply post a question asking where you can find "x" in Winnipeg. This is not a buy and sell forum, just a general "What's the best store in Winnipeg to go to" forum.

2019.09.04 04:03 Ader73 Cringe TikTok videos

Welcome to CringeTikToks, where we post the cringiest TikToks we can find. The cringier the better!

2023.06.18 17:30 PainlessAgony Pedophiles are complaining that lolis aren't young enough and what it causes

Pedophiles reached the point where even actual children aren't young enough for them. They complain that 14-10 year olds aren't young enough, so even say that they are too old. They don't find them attractive anymore.
The demand for toddlercon is rising now since they are forced to go for lower ages because of the desensitization. So soon you have a pretty high chance to see memes and defenders of toddlercon especially when the major demographic will finally abandon their last morals. I already saw that type of memes on ifunny and I actually saw somebody calling a fictional toddler (baby doll from batman) thicc in the youtube comment section so it has already started.
Damn idiots are fetishizing daycare now, I have no clue how many problems this will cause

submitted by PainlessAgony to antisex [link] [comments]

2023.04.16 19:19 ra-ra-rasputin1988 4chan Does Sinfest: The 2020s Begin!

If you haven't checked out my previous thread, you should probably do so, if only to get some context. If you have read my previous thread and weren't bored to death, then welcome back! Let's get to it, eh? I would link to the relevant comics, except finding old strips is apparently impossible on reddit, and I'm sure as hell not linking to Tats' site, so apologies if some context is still missing.

2020... for the most part

OP, on the "Rent-A-Womb" comic
I legitimately don't understand this comic. Is it just an absurdist "what if surrogacy was like a drive thru" or does Tatsuya legitimately have something against surrogacy?

Fuck you, Tats. Now I want to try to make a hot-dog shaped piece of ground beef and put it in a bun with salsa, cheddar and sour cream.A true tacodog.

God, if Pinkie wasn't such a confused metaphor stuck in this shitfest I think she'd legit be a really good character.

Poor Slick - at this point he’s only meant to suffer, can’t change can’t be a competent good guy or a full on bad guy. Nope at this point he’s only allowed to suffer no matter what, his god is cruel his salvation in unattainable.

See, shit like this. This is the kinda shit where it could have been so interesting to have Pinkie be an actually willing whore. Just a girl that likes to give compliments/have sex. But still being an independent woman like the others and doing what she wants at the same time.But no, Tats can't allow any sex positivity. No woman could ever ENJOY doing this stuff.

It's weird thinking about how Tatsuya's mind would be in a healthier spot if he just fully embraced being a coomer

He is drawing trans people as the soijack. That's... I mean that's what most of the strips eventually become.
Okay, I had to include these two posts.
I wonder if the Sinfest subreddit is raiding these threads.
perhaps we were the real Sinfest subreddit the entire time...
Alright, alright, back to discussion of the comic...
Did Tats just suddenly feel like doing some old plot stuff in March of that year?This all feels so disconnected from everything happening just before it.
OP on that bullshit with Vainglorious in March 2020:
I'm glad Tats is addressing the very real issue of women being turned into sculptures.
Some Anon, also commenting on the bullshit with Vainglorious:
>Multiple women present for the exhibit, with us even following one as she went in and was entranced by the works>Robo only points to the men and says they're exploitersDoes Tats even have a nose anymore considering how hard he always slams stuff on it?

Man, Tats really likes this "powerful woman walks past and suddenly female empowerment happens" thing.I swear this is like the 10th time he's done that.

In retrospect this is technically toddlercon.
This mini-discussion is worth documenting (1/4):
Oh no, is this really going to be diving into covid shit now?God dammit Tats, why must you always try to be topical?
I mean, it would be kind of weird if he just didn't mention literally the most consequential thing that happened in 20 years or so.
But he doesn't mention Roe
Wait he doesn't? With all the feminism and tradwife stuff he never brings up roe? He has to, at some point

Lmao, doesn't he hate BLM solely because he couldn't use them as a platform to yell about porn?I think they're funny in a very "vintage meme" kinda way, but Tatsuya trying to use literally any meme reeks of trying to stay "with it"

Imagine toiling your life blood away over a drawing board being too proud and full of yourself to sell out and merchandise your comic or look for sponsors only for 30 years later to become a monkey for /pol/ schizos for free.

I’m not looking forward to when the comic just becomes psychotic, seething political strips. At least it still has a narrative to follow and maintain interest in this point in time.

Modern Sinfest really hits different when you remember the dude is in his 50's

Did the story, or at least the closest it had to one previously, literally get derailed to complain about liberals?
Another mini-discussion:
I know this comic is batshit and the downfall is well-known, but looking at https://sinfest.xyz/news.php just makes me sad.
>https://sinfest.xyz/news.php>2000>Yo you radical dudes! thanks for checking out my webcomic! Hope your ready for some sexy fun times XP>2016>PENIS BAD! PENIS EVIL!

Oh hey it's the DC capitol insurrection--in November...perpetrated by the Woke mob......on The Devil's Mansion...
Man, this Photoshop filter is working overtime!
In response to OP accidentally posting a 2021 comic:
Good, I was confused, instead, now we can get back to me being confused

Ah yes. The pills that keep the year alive. or sedated or whatever.

So are we supposed to like these fire extinguisher sized feminists, or are they also some type of a joke?

I know i'm late to the party but Tats got INCREDIBLY lucky that he decided to make 2020 be the year where the devil kidnaps the new years baby.

>Wait, are they actually lesbians or no? Tats actually having a somewhat normal romantic relationship present?Only as far as Tats hypocrisy is concerned, because Monique asks like how Tats usually writes guys around her girlfriend. She constantly tells her girlfriend what to think, how to dress, what job to do etc.She is the most "toxic masculine" person in the entire comic. But because she has a vagina and fucks a vagina no one will point it out in the comic
This right here? Stuff like this is why I made these posts.
Monique was self centered even in the before times, when she was being a "muse". The universe simply bent itself around her so that she can feel like a perpetual victim even though she seems to live comfortably without having a real job and enjoys exotic colorful demon sex with a character that seems to have been inserted into the world just so that Monique could have her.
Their world basically revolves around letting Monique never feel wrong. When Monique was positive about the world, the world was a quirky place. When Monique was negative about the world, it becomes a literal hell. She holds an underlying meta sway that makes her dangerous to everyone around her. Cross her, and your existence will deteriorate.
And, because 4chan will be 4chan...
I think the real reason no one asks for porn of Hekate is that she's pretty unfuckable.
I'll say it again: Tat draws CARICATURES of attractive women but he's not really a great artist. He does the primary shapes and your brain fills in the gaps. What's going on with Hekate is that she has no personality outside of holding disdain for just about everything. She gets one comic where she rocks out with the fembots, but here later she kills them, so there's nothing inside her. No heart, no feelings, no spark.
You can imagine Monique as a person and so she reads as a person. Like a sexy person even, before she revolves her life around resentment. But with Hekate she reads as nothing and may as well be a mannequin.
And that's 4chan's take on Sinfest circa 2020! Not as lengthy as their takes on 2019, but I should probably make a new post, just to be on the safe side.
submitted by ra-ra-rasputin1988 to sinfest [link] [comments]

2018.08.27 18:29 AnxiousAdam1234 Saw something on the internet that I really didn't want to see...


I'll try to keep to the point.

I'm in the UK.

I accidentally stumbled across a site that seems to host cartoon images of very underage characters performing sexual acts.

I saw one picture, with a very concerning title of "toddlercon", I only clicked the link, saw one picture and backed straight out of there within 10 seconds as I scanned the web page for a report button, best I could find was a "remove" button, whatever that did, I clicked it anyway.

I've tried to report this site to the Internet Watch Foundation multiple times, but I keep on getting a locked page where I can't progress any further in the report, I tried to report this to google themselves, but they tell me to report it to the Internet Watch Foundation. Which I can't seem to do.

I suppose my question is, am I going to get into trouble for this? My search wasn't anything to do with THAT, I clicked a bunch of links without thinking to check through them all, only one of them was the BAD one.

I've not been able to sleep properly, I'm very worried that I'm going to be charged with something and now it's just a matter of time.

I didn't WANT to see it.

I understand that this was a very cartoony character, but still, I feel very uncomfurtable having seen it at all.

I can't even seem to report the site.
submitted by AnxiousAdam1234 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2014.11.13 09:22 games2007 Quitting my "passion" for Hentai/Porn to improve my life, learn Japanese, and become a better programmer

Alright, so I'll start with a brief breakdown of my life and personal things I'd like to share, I suppose. Firstly, I'm a 19 year-old college student, and I'm trying to quit hentai to improve my overall well-being, improve concentration, and save time spent on this habit. This story intimately describes my slow desensitization to life, as my taste for porn increases.
I first got into porn when I was around 11 or 12. I got some cousins into this stuff, and some showed me new stuff as well. I was really just, you know, turned on by it. It was occasionally on TV on certain channels, and I'd come up with different ways to get off on it. I had this stuffed animal I'd hump. I'd get to a sort of orgasm-esque state, where I'd feel the throbbing and climax sensation, but I couldn't really ejaculate yet. When I eventually could cum from watching porn, that's when it started getting more serious. I had a laptop and knew about porn. Back then, I would often watch the same videos, and everything was good. It was still an occasional ritual at the time.
Expansion Then, I started increasing my variety a bit, and turning to other sources. When I was around 12 or 13, I started finding out about "Hentai," or Japanese animated porn. I found random clips of hentai through a website, and I would download and watch them. They were each 30-60 seconds long, but they were pretty amazing. I eventually found a website that had full hentai videos on Megaupload, and holy shit, I had hit the jackpot. Midnight Sleazy Train was one of the first titles, and I've probably fapped to it at least 100 times. At this point, I'm still into a select number of hentai.
Later, I realized that there was hentai based on anime and cartoon series I had already seen. At the same time, I'm progressing with my real porn watching, and my technological know-how. I had a program that I used to download the videos. At this point, I'm downloading hundreds of my favorite porn videos from websites, and I shuffled through them. I'm developing tastes for similar sorts of women. I'm really into light-skinned girls with black-hair or blonde hair, but I was a bit lenient even then. I was turned off by certain types of girls that I would more recently be really into or fine with. Now, I'm starting to build a porn stash, and I start finding picture websites for hentai based on my favorite series. It's mostly Pokemon, Naruto, Bleach, Mario, Zelda, Sonic (Not into furry, I just liked female characteristics of some characters), DBZ (Kamehasutra and the other random pics were a godsend at the time). I'm still basically finding pornographic versions of my childhood shows, and sticking to the same types of women at this point.
Sorta Life Change
Now, fast forward a bunch. Now, I start getting into anime in 2012. I quit playing 12 hours of League of Legends a day to pursue a new hobby that I feel much better about. I also expand my hentai stash. By now, I've looked through 1000+ hentai series and stored favorites. I'm also into a bunch of more anime, so I find that there are a ton of doujins (basically hentai comics) based on those series. I'm still not branching out with my porn too much, despite all this. My hentai video taste isn't varied in art style.
Later, I start expanding my anime taste, and start looking for anime that are different from the norm. I develop a sense of elitism and boredom for shows that feel similar to each other, and I argue about these things a lot, and the state of the anime industry and its lack of creativity. I discover that there are a bunch of nice niche anime, but I feel like I eventually depleted my shows. I go on to watch movies and other things just to keep from watching stale anime. I also find a new medium, Visual Novels, which is absolutely incredible and I'd highly recommend you go to visualnovels and learn about them if you want a beautiful and emotional experience. Protip: Little Busters is a fun start. Visual Novels are also part of my reason for learning Japanese, which is part of why I want to quit my hentai and fapping habit.
I'm reaching this peak of searching for originality and elitism. I start branching out and finding new types of porn. I'm going on the top 720p videos on kat.ph, looking through screenshots, starting to give new hair colors, skin colors, and ethnicities and try. I'm torrenting a ton of videos. I'm doing the same for hentai, too. Now, I'm going on 4chan's hentai board and finding out about new artists and fetishes. I'm always finding new crazy things to search for on Exhentai, and I'm saving the doujins in huge folder. I even go and find new hentai videos that I previously wasn't into, so I had to go and look through lists all over again with my newfound, more open-minded taste. My doujins are now mostly of random series and original series (i.e. not based on any anime or manga), and they're by a bunch of different artists, with a variety of fetishes that some people will find insane, like Futanari, Beastiality, Lolicon, Toddlercon. (google those if you want, maybe don't google image search them)
Now I'm reaching the point where all I care about is getting off. Some of the hentai I was first into were really intimate and loving. Visual novels have sex scenes in them that are pretty embrasive and intimate, and I enjoy those. Character relationships in that are really close in less sexual ways, and it's giving me these feelings I've never had before. I'm developing this sort of sensitive side alongside my view of women and drawn female characters as sexual objects. I'm starting to become more interested in real girls, while still maintaining this side part of my life, my (primarily) hentai fantasies. I take pride in being a Hentai connoseur, being able to recommend great material to people. I feel like I have so much experience, and can contribute to threads, make hentai recommendations for people, upload an image gallery of quality material, and get a ton of views and internet epeen when I occasionally do it. Its become almost a collection, and I almost stop thinking about it in certain ways. The scenarios don't always matter to me, and it's more about how sexily drawn everything is to me, as my taste in hentai art approaches a level of elitism akin to my anime taste.
Alright, time for a bit of real-life stuff. So, at my dorm last year, I meet this nice girl. She's actually into anime and manga, and even wants to get into visual novels through my help. I had an hour long conversation with her, and really, this is probably the longest real conversation I've enjoyed with a girl in my entire life. We talked about life goal and our interests. But damn, I look her up on Facebook and she has a boyfriend. I started actually getting really upset over the fact that she was already taken. The thoughts I had about her have always been more intimate thoughts. I want to value her as a person first, and have someone I can hug and comfort, and be comforted by. A female companion, not a sex partneobject. She's actual single now this year, but I'm not sure if I'm going to try and build a relationship with her. I feel like she might just have a lot of close male friends she's met through her hobbies, conventions, and other events in her life, and I'm just this guy on the side. I don't really know how to approach this situation. I wish I could just know if a relationship is possible without being straightforward and asking. She lives in my dorm like a floor below me, and I gave her my number and asked to text whenever. She's always excited to talk, but I feel like it's just her personality, and I'm reading too much into things with how she talks to me, just like how I thought she was single a year ago and she wasn't. Ok, so what's the issue? I mean, I'm a sort of privileged college student with good taste in hentai, and I have a girl I can talk to and maybe get a relationship.
My problems: I've been having issues concentrating and issues sleeping. It feels like some days I can get to sleep quickly, and other I spend hours in bed, sleepless. Sometimes I can concentrate well, but I really want be more consistent. Japanese is a hard as fuck language that I want to learn, and it requires a bunch of concentration. I'm having issues, where I just sort of blank out after small amounts of reading or studying. Like, my capacity just feels really low for whatever reason. I keep doing minimum work in my classes, and it might bite me in the ass if I have to retake another one of my classes this year. I always thought I was smart, and I've even been paying a good amount of attention to my classes, but I'm still having issues keeping up. I actually feel below average, but not because I'm not trying. When I did crappy sometimes in high school, it was because I was lazy, didn't pay attention, and didn't study enough, but I reshaped that and started working harder and pulled a 4.0 GPA. Now in college, it feels like even if I try, I just can't concentrate or retain enough of anything to do well. I can do the 1.5 hours of reading in 3 hours the night before for a quiz the next morning, and not remember a fucking thing I read, even while taking notes, highlighting, and looking over them before the quiz. It's like I'm having good days and bad days with my levels of concentration. It even applies to this game I play competitively, a mod of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Project M. Some days I can play really crispily, even with a bit less sleep than usual, and other days I just play on autopilot and physically can't play really well. My playing Smash Bros. is a whole different issue. I play it for fun with friends, mostly, and don't play it much at my dorm. They come out to our college game room and we have a blast, and it's like my recreational thing to do up to a few times a week. I quit my addiction to hugely time-consuming games like WoW, League of Legends, other MMOs in the past, and don't really game a lot, despite having a gaming PC. (Sorry PC gaming master race, I let you down)
So, I have a bunch of issues, mostly with concentration and I think they're due to a bunch of reasons.
  1. Maybe caffeine. I tried to quit coffee, but eventually was just like eh, and didn't. I may consider switching over to Black Tea completely, or just waking up to drinking water in the morning. I dunno, I can't really determine how much of an issue caffeine is for me, or whether it causes some of these issues I have.
  2. Diet and Exercise - ok, so I definitely need to do some more walking/jogging again. I lost a ton of weight from being obese before high school, and I felt really good around that time. I always felt really good when I ate healthily, and didn't feel as groggy and inconsistent. I'm not trying to get too into weight lifting, but I'll try and do some pushups to build some upper body strength. I gotta lay off the sugar and bad carbs more to keep from having blood sugar spikes. I'm improving this by making some better choices with picking better food. I also plan to get rid of my Meal Plan on campus, and use the money to buy my own groceries and eat a lot healthier.
  3. My fapping and hentai/porn habit. I did back up all my stuff to a Google Drive, because I don't want my progress totally gone and removed. I'd like to look back on it years from now and say that I've overcome it. I deleted all my porn and hentai from my computer and other devices, though, and removed the addon to access Exhentai. (it requires an addon to log onto it, and it's the quintessential hentai doujin website). Loss of time and bad sleep patterns may be attributed to this. See video way down below.
  4. My Super Smash Bros. habit. Yeah, so I basically got into this about 5 months ago, now, and I've been playing it on and off. It used to suck up a lot more of my time, but now I mostly just try and play with friends when they come around. We can say that this is subdued and a social thing that feels like less of an addiction for me, as I won't try and constantly look up Smash-related info as I used to, and constantly try and improve at the game on my own.
More Info: My Schoolwork and Life Goals
Ok, so I'm in the computer science major, and it feels like a pretty tough, though high-paying, field. I can't slack off, and I need to be able to more consistent and concentrate. I feel like programming can often be really rewarding when I complete tasks and learn new concepts, but my hentai habits have sometimes caused me to feel depressed and desensitized. I vented recently in an essay to my English teacher about how I had issues following my life goals in spite of my procrastination and love for Smash Bros. With Smash Bros. subdued, I find that I sometimes waste entire days shuffling between fapping -> looking up new hentai -> fapping -> reading h-related news articles, browsing hentai/porn subreddits -> talking nonsense on Skype to procrastinate because I feel like doing nothing -> fapping some more, etc. Entire days go wasted when all I want to feel is pleasure. Sometimes I really just wish I could man up to my work and goals, and some days I feel like I can conquer the world. Other days, I feel overpowered by my work, and really just wish I can get hugs and pats on the head to tell me that it's not so bad. Other times, I just waste away my free time in the ways I mentioned earlier. I feel constantly in a cycle of struggling to concentrate and get work done, and wasting my free time. Like, life isn't as lenient as before. My grade school and high school GPA don't matter for shit compared to what I'm doing now, and I could afford to slack off back then. Now, when I have these real long-term and life-related goals, I can't even do them.
My Revelation
I came across a TED Talk video, and it basically described a lot of the issues I was having. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU I think this video is awesome, maybe even worth of a sticky on here, or at least definitely worth a watch. It may give you some inspiration. Also this one is interesting, more about how we become desensitized and lose a sense of passion and love when it comes to sex - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRJ_QfP2mhU
So yeah, I just wanted to share my story. Maybe other people interested in hentai, anime, Japanese, etc., will enjoy my story or find it when they search hentai on this subreddit.
I feel like hentai has caused a lot of issues with how I perceive my own goals, and I've become a really inconsistent person. Diet and exercise might not be able to help it, but maybe quitting fapping can. I recommend watching the video a few paragraphs up. I might be overreacting, but I think there's a real issue I'm having, and I want to wake up and enjoy life again. I know my story is colossal, and quitting fapping is hard. I think it just takes a realization of the side effects of something in order to make a change in one's life.
submitted by games2007 to NoFap [link] [comments]
