Citibank gsa

GOP congressmen urge GSA to terminate a $700 billion dollar contract with CitiBank requesting they award it to "a company that does not unfairly restrict a customer’s constitutional rights"

2018.04.13 03:52 peterboykin GOP congressmen urge GSA to terminate a $700 billion dollar contract with CitiBank requesting they award it to "a company that does not unfairly restrict a customer’s constitutional rights"

GOP congressmen urge GSA to terminate a $700 billion dollar contract with CitiBank requesting they award it to "a company that does not unfairly restrict a customer’s constitutional rights"
Submitted April 12, 2018 at 09:42PM by PaulRyansEvilTwin\_Donald/comments/8bvkd6/gop\_congressmen\_urge\_gsa\_to\_terminate\_a\_700/?utm\_source=ifttt
via The Cucks at /The_Donald
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