What does ecup test for

Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

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2011.03.24 07:09 roger_ AskElectronics

A subreddit for practical questions about component-level electronic circuits: design, repair, component buying, test gear and tools.

2015.03.09 00:47 HadToHurt

Any video, gif or picture of something that looks like it had to hurt. This is a safe for work sub.

2019.04.27 07:57 throway2816 Chron's patient that needs some help

Hi everyone,
Throwaway because I have family that knows my regular account. Pretty much I got a job offer for a analyst position and because it is a government entity, I will receive a drug test (Thanks Reagan!!). The drug test is a 5 panel ecup test that I will need go to a minuet clinic for. I found out about the test 16 days ago so that was the last time I smoked weed.
Now before that I was a daily user as a have been self treating my Chrons symptoms with marijuana and I am in a non legal state. I can't describe to you how much more manageable my symptoms have become since I have started medicating with marijuana. There were days in the past where I could not stomach a piece of fruit and would be bed ridden all day from lack of energy. Now, something as simple as a little bowl hit changes that and helps me get food in me to start my day. The last 2 weeks I have started to see a lot of my old symptoms reemerging and the stress of the upcoming test along with this has made life really difficult.
I am not the trimmest guy as I'm around 200 lbs and 6 feet tall. But I have been working out, pounding water every day, and continue to eat a vegetarian diet (something that has also helped with my symptoms) but when I take the at home tests I either get the faintest red line or no red line at all, indicating a positive test. I will have to take the test by this upcoming Tuesday and am very worried that I will not pass and in turn, lose the job offer.
I do however have access to some UPass 8.4 but it seems like looking at reviews on the internet is really unreliable since many websites are pushing other products.
Has anyone had any experience with using this product and can share some stories? Or does anyone have any other suggestions to help me out? This has put a tremendous amount of stress on my life and I don't know what I will do if I fail and have my offer rescinded. I'm not sure if anyone in here has experienced similar issues but I would love to hear about your experiences if possible. Thanks in advance!
submitted by throway2816 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]
