Human body and musical notes

all things paper money collecting

2012.05.16 19:19 moosher all things paper money collecting

A place to share collectible paper money (and fiscal paper) with numismatic value from all around the world. The subreddit is moderated by professional and very experienced collectors - please read the rules before posting. Enjoy!

2013.03.10 19:25 AskAnthropology: answers from the science of humanity


2014.02.07 21:49 elleGeneralisimo Make your cards, cross your X's, increase your willpower.

People here are on a 50-day journey to create/break one or more habits by simply making a 7x7 grid on a card and crossing off each day with a fat-ass felt marker, because your willpower is like a muscle, and it gets stronger and stronger as you exercise it.

2024.05.19 17:00 blondemanloverfrench As Blonde men we need to silence the masses, postmodernity is the ideology of the weak

As a collection of like minded individuals we must start completely ignoring the existence of the masses (I.E women, inbreds). And not in a superficial way, we shouldn’t disagree with them, we shouldn’t look at them and we certainly shouldn’t talk to them. They simply shouldn’t have any existence within our minds and then, I am convinced of this, “they” will simply cease to exist.
I am not perfect, perfection is something we must move toward. But because I am not perfect I feel myself ponder the idiocy of others. Or trying to explain my position to women. I am going to stop this. I don’t need to explain myself any more.
For a long time I DIDN’T believe truth and objectivity was possible. Clarity was an impossibility.
You don’t believe in truth? you don’t know what truth is? You cannot define truth? questions like this plagued my mind for hours, teachers in school affirmed these thoughts. I was young and Impressionable. I’m not perfect.
You can define truth. Ignore the intellectualism, ignore the thoughts of others, ignore your environment. You are truth, everything you believe is the truth. The world and people around you demand you to view things through endless layers of nuance, you don’t need it. People believe that a greater depth of understanding is equal to intelligence. That being an “expert” is a good thing. It is not, you will only yearn for more. I have yet to meet a professional or expert I respect, they are shackled to their field of knowledge. Unable or unwilling to view things from a broader more truthful perspective.
Looking at things through the lens of collective groups or definitions is also reductive. The “haves” and “have nots” are arbitrary distinction. I can harp on for hours about how the modern age strips meaning from us, refusing to allow us to view things from our own perspective. Being the critic is easy, finding an alternative is hard. That is what my father says.
So here is alternative, lift weights and dominate others. Physically and mentally. Your will is the most important thing, disregard morals, they box you in. Others will try and box you in, why? You ask, I say, disregard their motives. It is not important to know others unless you, personally, deem them of value.
These concepts; equality, post modernity, ideas, consciousness. Waste of time. Strive for excellence, strive for intelligence. They hate that I disagree, they say I am morally bankrupt, they say I live a deeply sad life. Either are true, I feel stronger, I’m happier than ever. What you feel is important, your emotions are important. Base your morals off your emotions.
They created industrial war, it is no longer an art. The 20th century told us one thing, humans want to kill each and strip each other from history. Everything is driven by profit, stand against profit for it is how they control you, shackle you to community. To the collective. Money and success is not valued by the number you have in your bank account. Actually the number in your bank account is directly correlated to have much of yourself you’ve given away. How you have betrayed yourself. Given in.
Success is happiness, and I am happy.
David foster Wallace once said that
If you worship money and things — if they are where you tap real meaning in life — then you will never have enough. Never feel you have enough. It’s the truth. Worship your own body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly, and when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally plant you. On one level, we all know this stuff already — it’s been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, bromides, epigrams, parables: the skeleton of every great story. The trick is keeping the truth up-front in daily consciousness. Worship power — you will feel weak and afraid, and you will need ever more power over others to keep the fear at bay. Worship your intellect, being seen as smart — you will end up feeling stupid, a fraud, always on the verge of being found out. And so on
once I heard this quote I’d decided to value nothing. But I think I misunderstood the idea behind Wallace’s words. I am not perfect. Maybe you shouldn’t worship anything. Or maybe you should worship yourself, in totality. For you, the individual, is already perfect. I don’t agree with Wallace on everything, but unlike the people today he thought about things. Had original ideas, not the endless pseudo-intellectual rehashing and slight modification of ideas that have floated through the collective ethos for years. You already know everything you need to know to live this very moment, and that is all that matters.
But the truth is I want it all, yet I am told that I shouldn’t do that. Accept my weakness, let go of my childlike desires. They say; “truth is unobtainable and perfection is unobtainable”. And do you know who says that, ugly people. They shouldn’t have an opinion anyway.
submitted by blondemanloverfrench to RS4gayblondemen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:00 Cizalleas A bit more ⁩»just intonation« , but a scheme of it different in-detail from what I posted about before. Willy M⁩_ͨBlind — Nobody's Fault But Mine.

A bit more ⁩»just intonation« , but a scheme of it different in-detail from what I posted about before. Willy M⁩_ͨBlind — Nobody's Fault But Mine.
Yes this is underlyingly the same song as the one Led Zeppelin did a version of on their Album ⁩»Presence« .
That Which is 'What I Posted Before'
Last FM — Willie McBlind


Willie McBlind is an electric blues band led by singer Meredith Borden and experimental guitarist Jon Catler, fusing traditional Delta blues with microtonal harmony.
Willie McBlind is a Harmonic Series Blues band featuring vocalist Meredith ‘Babe’ Borden, guitarist Jon Catler, bassist Mat Fieldes, and drummer Lorne Watson. The Blues has always existed between the notes, but Willie McBlind goes all the way – using 64-tone Just Intonation and fretless guitars to recast the blues in a different Harmonic framework.
Willie McBlind plays original blues as well as modern rearrangements of some of the Delta masters including Charlie Patton, Mississippi Fred McDowell, Howlin’ Wolf and Blind Willie Johnson. The arrangements often start simply enough, and develop in new directions informed by the unique tuning. Willie McBlind has mastered the subtle shadings of pitch so crucial to blues feeling, yet so trampled in the modern day rush of our time. In songs such as the Catler composition Shallow Gray, the band unearths a mountain of overtones evoking Clouds over the Delta.


I very strongly recommend that song mentioned in that biography, aswell: Shallow Gray . Maybe soon I'll just (pun intended - ¡¡ haha !!

😆😂🤣 )

be recommending everything they've done !
submitted by Cizalleas to progrockmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:59 Jlynneknight Can you help me get clarity? I need to see him for the next 12 years.....

I I guess I'm looking for validation that this is textbook, and I am looking at this correctly. I guess that is the effect of being gaslit - you don’t know your reality is really your reality. But I am here, and asking for help, because I will need to see him for the next 12 years (our kids go to the same school). This will be in passing and at events, but I am traumatized, still recovering, and just scared. I am looking for some insights because I spent about 2 months trying to fit my story into a box of emotional and narcissistic abuse…. But it's not that....I see that now. If you are able to share tidbits of knowledge, or point me in the direction of more clarity, I would appreciate it so much. Thank you so so much.
I am going to write out the cliff notes. I imagine a lot of you can fill in the parts I leave out as from what I read on here, it’s typical.
I met him walking my kid to school. He walked the same way every day. Over time, we became friends, and I learned he was trying to leave his marriage. Once he did, the relationship happened fast – too fast. He seemed so 100 percent sure of me and it was odd. I often looked disheveled walking to school and tired….I am not sure what he saw in me. But, I felt sure of him too, but wanted to go slower. I tried to slow it down, but at the same time, didn't. I am responsible for that. I felt like a hamster on a wheel after a few weeks and was able to tell him that I need the weekdays for myself, for my work, and for my kid. He seemed to respect that.
But he often romanticized the first few weeks together....even in the last days.
Quickly, I started to notice the emotional dysregulation. There was a lot going on for him: moving out, going through the divorce, parenting, work….so I understood it. I was also still getting to know him. Then severe trauma responses and triggers started happening. They would lead to these large child-like reactions with a lot of tears and anger. I didn't understand it but knew enough to know he had trauma to work through, and perhaps was feeling it for the first time. Each time this happened, there was nothing I could say to help or get him out of it, he would blame me a lot and say I was the cause, and he expected me (without saying it) to be there for him 110% even though I couldn’t. And truthfully, I didn’t want to….I wanted him to be able to handle that for himself or realize it was an issue. I didn't have the tools to deal with it and suggested he try deeper therapy. He agreed.
When he first met with the therapist, she told him it is like a virus takes over his brain and he is convinced in those moments. That was music to my ears at the time. But that is the last time I felt that way.
After a few months of this cycle continuing, I started detoriating. First my mental health, and then my physical health. I couldn’t breathe. I felt like we couldn’t go a few days without him reacting to something small. I wrote in my journal many times “there's no amount of validation I can give this person.”
I didn't point it to excessive adoration and validation, I could not see that really, but if he texted me 5 things and I responded to all 4 logistical ones and ended with "love you too" I was chastised. If I was driving and did not respond to an “i love you,” I was called out for it. At the end of October, I told him I needed the weekend to clean my apartment. It happened to be 60 degrees that day and of course, I would have preferred to be outside, but I am an adult and could not blow off my commitment to myself to clean. That day he messaged me 18 times that me missed me. He kept inviting me out. I kept asking him to stop, because clearly I would prefer to do something else than clean, but needed to. The missing was excessive. I didn’t even know what he meant. We lived next door to eachother. That night, I had to work, and he was upset with me because to him, it was optional and I should have chose to see him.
There were so many moments when he wanted so much comfort I couldn't provide. We were both single parents. That kind of affection goes to my kid....and I couldn't give it to him in that way. He would even want the affection when he hurt me.
He would see my daughter freak out at me and then say that I don’t love her enough, and he would joke they are the same….
It wasn’t a joke?
As time went on, and his therapy went on, and he felt validated by the therapist, the blame came on more and never left. It started in August, and even when I'd get an apology, it would be for the impact (what I'm responsible for) and not his intent. He'd argue with me over seeing his intent clearly. I'd say I don't care about your intent, you're killing me. It didn’t matter, nothing did.
I never felt like we could repair any incidents. As the blame went on, I really questioned myself. I wondered if he was right. What if I don't love enough? What if I don't receive love well? I've been in therapy for 20 years and know I have limitations but I'm not an asshole…
I felt coerced a lot of the time.
I felt he wanted me to change a lot....he wanted me to be less blunt, more loving, more balanced, work less even though he was awful with money, have sex when sick, injured or mentally dead from the day, always be happy to see him, don't be affected by the trauma responses and don't try to talk to him about it, don't take space and if I do, prepare for some kind of punishment, love him and miss him endlessly, do everything together, if I am dysregulated, he wanted me to regulate with him….
I noticed I started taking precautions to keep myself dafe. I didn’t realize I was setting boundaries to prevent the abuse but I was. I’d say I was busy when I wasn’t. I wouldn’t accept or ask him to get me from the airport, knowing I would not be 100% happy after a flight and that would cause a fight (as it did). I didn’t ask for help, and when I did ask for help, I would expect the help to not happen. I did not communicate anything he did “wrong” (like, you said you would drop off quarters for laundry on monday….do you have them?)
There were a lot of moments we would have deep conversations and I felt like we were getting somewhere, that he heard me.
I'll fast forward to the end because this is already way longer than I wanted….and it’s sad that I know it could be so much longer.
In the last month, he reacted and blamed me for everything. There were at least 5 major incidents. After the last one, I told him I was done. It was really bad and left me spending $50 to uber home in the snow, when I could barley walk as is (I had a herniated disc in my back and could barley walk). That month, I lost health insurance, and after begging for time to just take care of the injury, he told me we need intensive couples counseling. I had asked to just continue our therapist until we could change. That wasn't enough. The next weekend he asked me to go to a Gottman weekend. I said I couldn't leave my kid to do that right now and needed to take care of my help.
After that snow episode, that was really bad, laced with blame in the unpacking, I said I'm done, I can't do it. I was crying uncontrollably. I was scared. I really did not know who I was speaking to. After an hour, right when I needed to leave, he snapped out of whatever mindset he was in and told me he'd do anything, that he would work on anything, to please stay. I had to go, I could not think anymore. So in desperation, the only thing I asked for was to go alone on a trip with my daughter. He was scheduled to come with us. I said I needed time just with her. He agreed.
And honestly, he held up his end of the bargain....until he didn't.
3 days before the trip everything fell apart. I worked 12 hours that day and at the end of the day, went to pour water in a cup at home. It was the only time we had together before I left for the week. He hugged me from behind while I was pouring the water (....remember herniated disc in my back). I asked him to please stop and just let me have a second to pour the water.
He said "there's no turning back from this" and got his stuff to leave. I was floored. I was so upset because I knew where this was going - the blame game. He left, wouldn't come back, and then continued to blame me for the next 2 days about how I was an asshole the days before, only spent time with him out of obligation (not true), and rewrote history. I had a stomach bug all weekend and could not eat, but still tried to hang out as much as I reasonably could, and that was not enough.
The water incident was Wednesday, Thursday he had therapy and reinforced the blame, and I ended up leaving without saying goodbye. It was a week. I wanted to believe this relationship could survive a week. But I was clear with him days before: I am working up until I need to leave Friday so I can have real time off with my kid. He was upset I did not find him to say goodbye, even though he made no attempt to make peace earlier. But of course, my fault.
That night, he claimed down. Was nice. But it was a trap. After 12 hours of him being nice in text he said he was only doing it hoping I felt remorse and realized how wrong I was. He told me over and over he wouldn't see it differently. He said he read the transcript of our texts to 2 therapists and his friends and it’s clear: I am wrong. May be important to name here that we are both in our late 30’s.
I said that I want to work this out and I'll talk when we can actually discuss it and I'm willing to hear his side but not willing to blindly take all responsibility. He nailed me on every response, telling me how wrong my response was and what I should have done differently.
I was with my kid and could not talk. When I said "why are you doing this now, you know I can’t really respond" he told me to stop avoiding.
That night, he ghosted me for the first time in the relationship and I panicked. I called him a few times. No answer.
The next day, despite him never doing that to me before, he called me controlling for calling.
At 7am the next morning he told me our relationship was over in a text. This man, who 7 days before was professing his love and understanding of me ended the engagement in a text. This of course continued with a back and forth. I asked him to please stop. To please pause and talk to me when i'm back in 5 days. He told me to fight for the relationship or it was over. I said “I am just waking up with my 7 year old, in a hotel, please stop.” I asked him to attend couples therapy in 3 days to talk this out. He said “you accept all responsibility and change your behavior or we are done.” I asked if he was willing to talk and he said the problem was my perception and that it's wrong, so unless I change we are done. I knew this wasn't ok but I was so blindsided I did not know what to do. He agreed to go to couples therapy Thursday. We barley talked. There were a few more messages of him telling me he needs to know I can live a drama free life and celebrate his love and see it all as beautiful (almost verbatim). At this point, all I wanted to do is keep the dial down. I pushed back saying, “I cannot teach my daughter that someone can just tell her that her emotions and feelings are wrong, I hope you will be willing to talk and we can get on the same page.”
He agreed to go to couples therapy, and then didn't show up. He texted me 10 minutes before saying he was not going. I begged and pleaded. But he had the couples therapist to tell me he wasn't going to go. He had her tell me. I lost it. I lost my mind. I had been reeling for days. Not sleeping. Putting on a fake smile all day with my kid while I was dying inside. Staying up late to cry, process, read, figure out wtf was going on…
I called him about 10 times and of course, he told me it was inappropriate. He then picked up and gave me 10 minutes. He again wanted me to take all responsibility for everything. I was so shaken, I just fawned. I said ok. When I'm back I hope we can talk but if you want me to accept blame for now, fine.
Everything was calmer for 2 days until we were heading back and he texted me something along the lines of "don't fool me" I was like wtf? He said "there's no turning back. There's no other chances." I was like wait what? And then it was "don't make me look like a fool" I had no idea what was going on. I was like "um what is this?" He essentially was reinforcing his stance: I am to blame for everything in the present and past. If I try to talk to him about his side I'm wrong. I need to repent and one wrong move (defined by him) is a misstep and there's no room for error (his words). I was like....I will be in a relationship based in reality, and I will own my part and parts, but i will not be in something that i'm to blame for everything. That is not healthy. I have also been in abusive relationships before.
He then stopped messaging me. Didn't care that we got into flight issues. Didn't care we made the flight back. That night he came over and was a victim. Claimed in the 5 days I was gone he found himself. That he wasn't focused at work because of me and now he is. He wanted to try to be together. I had no idea what reality I was in. We slept together. He left. And told me we'd talk the next day. All of this felt so weird but I was just hoping he would snap out of this and back to reality and we would be able to talk. But I also knew this had to end at this point.
The next day, he didn't answer me all day. This was the opposite of behavior I ever experienced from him. Did not respond to texts or pick up the phone. We had a training appointment and he had the trainer tell me he wasn't coming. I broke down in tears. I begged him to just answer a text. He didn't. He drove by me while walking the dog and did not stop. I emailed him, expressing my confusion, telling him this is not what we agreed to. He blocked me. That night I got an email from him letting me know he was moving 10 min away. He lived next door in another apt building. He actually assured me the day before he “was not going anywhere.” In that email, he listed out the calls and texts I sent and how inappropriate it was. He never said we were done. He said taking space, needing space…so in my head I was confused but see it now.
I was inconsolable. I didn’t respond.
But here is the issue I am still in: I needed to see him dropping his kid at school the next day. I will need to see him for the next 12 years unless I move.
The following Friday he stood next to me at a school event. I purposely stood in the back to have space and be able to leave if I needed to. He went next to me. When I told him he should sit, he said he didn't want to make it obvious to his ex wife. I asked him to speak that Friday. He said ok but he was moving. I cried instantly. Already? I said ok.
On Saturday am, I saw the truck pull up and left the house. I called him that Saturday. I was blocked.
The next wednesday he asked me for a series of logistics in a text. None of which I handled yet. Wanting me to cancel flights and settle up money spent together. No mention or responsibility for all the money wasted on tickets we will never use. But then…in the text, asked for my engagement ring back.
I responded to logistics. Not the ring
He then called me 3 hours later because something went really wrong in his legal case. He wanted me to understand and validate him. I did....I just turned off my feelings for a moment. At the end he said, so about the flights. Can you handle it? "If i cancel it for you and your son i also have to do it for me and my kid. It's all on the same reservation" "well if you can go and not make sexual advances on me then we can try to go together.” I was like wtf? I could not have sex for months due to my injury. But he wanted to. Was this way of setting up blame that if we DID sleep together I would be to blame? I was like “I will cancel it for all of us.”
He then ran down more logistics and I said honestly you didn't seem done. I don't understand what you're doing. He said "im done" i hung up the phone.
He asked me for the ring again that night in a text. I said no, I need time to process this.
Everything since then has been a transaction. If i have a genuine emotion, he gets upset that i have it at all. He continues to sit next to me at school events because he claims he does not want his ex-wife to think we are done (this is insane to me….). I realize now that if it is a “good” interaction he is happy. If I am sad, then it is a “bad” one.
He never told his son we broke up, and shamed me for telling my daughter.
Recently he asked me a question and I was annoyed, and he said "can you not be mad at me?" I said “no, I can't not be mad at you…”
In the last 3 months, he’s said "I don't want to confuse things" has come up a lot. I don’t know if he is saying that to me or himself.
I have been so stuck trying to understand how I could not take space at all from him, to being totally discarded. I know he went back to spending, and drinking, but I don’t think he is seeing anyone.
He only responds when he wants to. He ignores other things. I never was able to get an MRI for my back because the claim went through a DR he set up for me and he never sent me the info when I asked.
I got the money back he owed me, but still lost so much money.
He told me he missed me one time.
I don’t know who this person is.
I will have to see him for the next 12 years while the kids are in school unless I move. I am not going to move just to avoid him, but I need to heal so I can be strong enough. I don’t know if he is going to try to come back. I have been in therapy and am getting clearer about what brought me into this in the first place.
Any clarity you can help me with, on this, and what may come from here, would be really helpful. It will help me direct some of my searches and begin to piece things together to process in therapy. I have severe anxiety when I run into him at school.
I have never had to heal from something like this before. At first, I thought it was healing from a narcissistic discard….this feels like so much more.
Does it sound like he will want to come back?
Is there ever closure?
submitted by Jlynneknight to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Montego Bay Jamaica

Best Restaurants in Montego Bay Jamaica
Best Restaurants in Montego Bay Jamaica Get ready to embark on a delectable journey through the best restaurants in Montego Bay, Jamaica.We're here to guide you as we tantalize your taste buds and introduce you to the culinary wonders this vibrant city has to offer.From savoring the authentic flavors of Jamaican jerk chicken at Scotchies to indulging in fine dining at Sugar Mill, Montego Bay has something to satisfy every palate.So, join us as we uncover the hidden gems of this food lover's paradise.Let's dive in and experience the freedom of flavor!Key TakeawaysMystic Thai, Sugar Mill, and Tokyo Jos are all highly rated restaurants in terms of taste, variety, service, and atmosphere.Juici Patties is a famous local fast-food chain that offers must-try patties and a filling Ackee & Saltfish plate.The Houseboat Grill is a unique dining experience and is ideal for special occasions like birthdays.Scotchies, Pier 1, Marguerite's Seafood by the Sea, and The Pelican Grill are all popular restaurants known for their delicious food, unique settings, and attentive service.Mystic Thai: Taste of Thailand in Montego BayWe have heard great things about Mystic Thai, a taste of Thailand in Montego Bay. If you're looking to experience authentic Thai cuisine in Montego Bay, Mystic Thai is the place to go. Located inside Fairview Towne Center, this fancy Thai restaurant offers a true taste of Thailand right in the heart of Jamaica.When it comes to the taste and variety of dishes, Mystic Thai doesn't disappoint. With a rating of 4.5 out of 5, their menu is filled with traditional Thai flavors and spices that will transport your taste buds to the streets of Bangkok. From classic Pad Thai to flavorful Green Curry, every dish is prepared with precision and attention to detail.Not only does Mystic Thai excel in taste, but their service is also top-notch. With a rating of 4 out of 5, the staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive, ensuring that your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional. The atmosphere at Mystic Thai is another highlight, with a rating of 4.5 out of 5. The restaurant's elegant decor and soothing ambiance create a relaxing and inviting space where you can truly savor your meal.While Mystic Thai offers an authentic taste of Thailand, it's important to note that the affordability rating is 3.5 out of 5. The quality of the food and service comes at a slightly higher price, but the experience is well worth it for those seeking a true Taste of Thailand experience in Montego Bay.Sugar Mill: Fine Dining at Half Moon ResortAt Sugar Mill, located in Half Moon Resort, guests can indulge in an exquisite seafood menu while enjoying a romantic beachfront dining experience. The restaurant offers a wide variety of freshly caught seafood dishes, prepared with a Jamaican twist.With its elegant decor, attentive service, and stunning beach views, Sugar Mill is the perfect choice for a memorable fine dining experience in Montego Bay.Exquisite Seafood MenuThe Sugar Mill restaurant at Half Moon Resort offers an exquisite seafood menu that's sure to delight any seafood lover. From succulent lobster to fresh-caught fish, the menu showcases a variety of delectable options that will leave your taste buds craving for more.The chef at Sugar Mill is a master at creating exquisite seafood pairings, combining flavors in a way that elevates each dish to new heights. Whether you prefer grilled fish with a tangy citrus glaze or creamy seafood pasta, the restaurant delivers a memorable seafood dining experience.With its elegant atmosphere and impeccable service, Sugar Mill is the perfect place to indulge in the finest seafood Montego Bay has to offer.And speaking of indulgence, let's move on to the next section about romantic beachfront dining.Romantic Beachfront DiningLet's begin with a truly romantic experience - imagine enjoying a candlelit dinner for two at the Sugar Mill, a fine dining restaurant located at the Half Moon Resort. This beachfront restaurant offers the perfect setting for a romantic evening, with stunning views of the ocean and a serene ambiance.Here are four reasons why Sugar Mill is the ideal choice for a romantic beachfront dinner:Sunset Views: As you indulge in a delectable meal, you can witness the breathtaking beauty of the sunset, painting the sky with vibrant colors.Intimate Atmosphere: The Sugar Mill provides a cozy and intimate atmosphere, ensuring privacy and a sense of exclusivity for you and your loved one.Exquisite Cuisine: The restaurant offers a menu filled with exquisite dishes prepared with the finest ingredients, expertly crafted by talented chefs.Attentive Service: The staff at Sugar Mill is known for their impeccable service, ensuring that every aspect of your dining experience is taken care of.Embark on a romantic journey with your partner and create unforgettable memories with a sunset dining experience at Sugar Mill.Tokyo Jos: Asian Fusion Delights in Sandals Montego BayWhen it comes to Tokyo Jos in Sandals Montego Bay, the ambiance is casual and laid-back, with a relaxed atmosphere that sets the perfect mood for enjoying Asian fusion cuisine.The menu offers a variety of dishes that fuse flavors from different Asian cuisines, providing a unique dining experience.While the service at Tokyo Jos is generally good, it could be improved to match the quality of the food and ambiance.Tokyo Jos AmbianceWe absolutely loved the vibrant ambiance at Tokyo Jos, with its Asian-inspired decor and lively atmosphere. The restaurant's interior is beautifully decorated in a fusion of traditional Japanese and modern elements, creating a visually stunning setting.The dim lighting and soft music in the background add to the overall relaxing and intimate atmosphere. The energetic buzz of conversations and the sound of sizzling ingredients on the teppanyaki grills create a lively and dynamic dining experience.The open kitchen concept allows guests to witness the skillful preparation of their dishes, adding an element of excitement to the meal. It's a perfect place to enjoy a romantic dinner or have a fun night out with friends.Tokyo Jos MenuWe frequently enjoy exploring the diverse menu options at Tokyo Jos, where Sandals Montego Bay offers an array of Asian fusion delights. The Tokyo Jos menu is a fusion of Japanese, Chinese, and Thai cuisines, providing a wide range of flavors and dishes to satisfy any palate. From sushi rolls and sashimi to stir-fried noodles and savory curries, there's something for everyone at Tokyo Jos.The restaurant's ambiance is casual and relaxed, with a modern and stylish decor that creates a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. The dim lighting and soft music add to the overall dining experience, making it a perfect spot for a romantic dinner or a gathering with friends.As we explore the Tokyo Jos menu, we can't help but anticipate the excellent service that awaits us at this Asian fusion gem in Montego Bay.Tokyo Jos ServiceThe Tokyo Jos service at Sandals Montego Bay combines attentive staff and efficient service to enhance the dining experience.Customers have raved about their experience at Tokyo Jos, praising the friendly and knowledgeable staff who go above and beyond to ensure a pleasurable dining experience. The waitstaff is attentive and prompt, ensuring that guests' needs are met in a timely manner.The service at Tokyo Jos is known for being efficient and professional, creating a seamless dining experience for guests. Additionally, Tokyo Jos offers a variety of vegetarian options on their menu, catering to the needs of those who prefer plant-based meals.Customers appreciate the inclusion of vegetarian dishes, allowing them to enjoy the Asian fusion delights at Tokyo Jos.Juici Patties: Local Fast Food FavoriteJuici Patties is a local fast food favorite, offering a variety of must-try patties, especially their beef and vegetable options. As a popular chain since the 1980s, Juici Patties has become a staple in Montego Bay. Located conveniently throughout the city, it's easy to satisfy your cravings for delicious and affordable fast food.The patties at Juici Patties are a true delight. The beef patties are juicy and flavorful, with a perfectly seasoned filling encased in a flaky and buttery crust. The vegetable patties are a great option for vegetarians, filled with a medley of fresh and savory vegetables that burst with every bite. Each patty is made with care, ensuring that you get the best quality and taste.In addition to their famous patties, Juici Patties also offers a filling Ackee & Saltfish plate. This traditional Jamaican dish features the national fruit, ackee, sautéed with salted codfish and served with sides like boiled green bananas and fried dumplings. It's a hearty and satisfying meal that showcases the diverse flavors of Jamaica.When it comes to fast food, Juici Patties stands out for its commitment to quality and taste. Their patties are made with the finest ingredients, and each one is crafted with precision and expertise. Whether you're a local or a visitor, Juici Patties is a must-try for anyone looking for a quick and delicious meal.While Juici Patties is a fantastic option for fast food, if you're in the mood for an authentic Jamaican jerk experience, Scotchies is the place to go. With its smoky and flavorful jerk chicken, affordable prices, and casual and laid-back atmosphere, Scotchies offers a true taste of Jamaica.The Houseboat Grill: Dining on the WaterAt The Houseboat Grill, we dine on the water, enjoying a unique dining experience in an actual houseboat located in Montego Bay Marine Park Fish Sanctuary. This restaurant offers something truly special, combining delicious cuisine with a one-of-a-kind setting.Here are some reasons why dining at The Houseboat Grill is an experience you won't want to miss:Unforgettable Ambiance: Imagine sitting on a houseboat, surrounded by the crystal-clear waters of the Montego Bay Marine Park Fish Sanctuary. The gentle rocking of the boat and the sound of the waves create a serene and romantic atmosphere that's perfect for a special occasion or a memorable night out.Spectacular Views: From your table, you'll have stunning views of the bay, with breathtaking sunsets and the twinkling lights of the city creating a magical backdrop. Whether you choose to dine indoors or on the deck, the beauty of the surroundings will enhance your dining experience.Fresh Seafood Delights: The Houseboat Grill is known for its delectable seafood dishes. From succulent lobster to perfectly grilled fish, every bite is bursting with flavor. The chefs here are experts at creating dishes that showcase the best of Jamaican cuisine, using locally sourced ingredients to ensure freshness and quality.Attentive Service: The staff at The Houseboat Grill are friendly, knowledgeable, and dedicated to providing exceptional service. They'll ensure that your dining experience is seamless, from the moment you step on board until the last bite of dessert.When it comes to a dining experience like no other, The Houseboat Grill truly delivers. Its unique location, combined with delicious food and attentive service, make it a must-visit restaurant in Montego Bay.Scotchies: Authentic Jamaican Jerk ExperienceWe always love experiencing the authentic Jamaican jerk flavors at Scotchies. This casual eatery with rustic decor is known for its Jamaican menu that truly captures the essence of the island's culinary traditions. As soon as you walk in, you'll be greeted by the tantalizing aroma of smoky jerk chicken being grilled to perfection. The menu features a variety of slow-cooked meats, including succulent pork and chicken, which are marinated in a blend of aromatic spices and then grilled over pimento wood for that distinct smoky flavor.What sets Scotchies apart isn't just the delicious food, but also the affordable prices. You can enjoy a hearty meal without breaking the bank. The portions are generous, ensuring that you leave satisfied and satisfied.The atmosphere at Scotchies is casual and laid-back, with bamboo chairs surrounding a table under a thatched roof shade. It's the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a meal with friends or family. As you savor the flavorful jerk chicken, you can also indulge in traditional Jamaican sides like Roast Yam and Bammy, a cassava bread.Scotchies has multiple locations in Montego Bay, making it convenient for locals and tourists alike. Whether you're craving authentic jerk flavors or simply looking for an affordable and delicious meal, Scotchies is a must-visit.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some of the Must-Try Dishes at Mystic Thai in Montego Bay?At Mystic Thai in Montego Bay, some must-try dishes include their flavorful Pad Thai, aromatic Green Curry, and mouthwatering Pineapple Fried Rice.The restaurant, located inside Fairview Towne Center, offers a fancy dining experience with a 4.5/5 rating for taste and variety. The service is rated at 4/5 and the atmosphere at 4.5/5.Though the affordability is rated at 3.5/5, the delicious Thai cuisine and pleasant ambience make it a top choice for food enthusiasts in Montego Bay.Can You Provide More Information About the Dining Experience at the Houseboat Grill?The dining experience at the Houseboat Grill in Montego Bay is truly unique. Set in an actual houseboat in the Montego Bay Marine Park Fish Sanctuary, it offers a one-of-a-kind atmosphere.It's an ideal choice for special occasions like birthdays, providing a memorable and romantic setting.The restaurant specializes in Jamaican cuisine, serving classic dishes with a twist. From flavorful jerk chicken to fresh seafood options, the Houseboat Grill offers a delightful dining experience that showcases the best of Jamaican flavors.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options Available at Scotchies?At Scotchies, you'll be delighted to find a few vegetarian and vegan options on their menu. They take pride in using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that even non-meat eaters can enjoy the authentic flavors of Jamaica. While Jamaican cuisine is known for its meat dishes, Scotchies offers a variety of plant-based choices such as roasted vegetables, grilled plantains, and flavorful vegetable skewers.Scotchies is definitely one of the best places in Montego Bay for vegetarian and vegan food.What Makes Juici Patties a Popular Fast-Food Chain in Montego Bay?The secret to Juici Patties' success in Montego Bay lies in its convenient locations and must-try patties.As a popular fast-food chain since the 1980s, Juici Patties offers a wide variety of delicious patties, especially the beef and vegetable options. Additionally, they also serve a filling Ackee & Saltfish plate.With their quick service and easy accessibility, it's no wonder why Juici Patties has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike in Montego Bay.What Sets Tokyo Jos Apart From Other Asian Restaurants in Sandals Montego Bay?Tokyo Jos stands out from other Asian restaurants in Sandals Montego Bay with its unique take on Asian fusion cuisine. As one of the best Asian restaurants in Montego Bay, Tokyo Jos offers a diverse menu that combines flavors from different Asian cultures.The restaurant prides itself on its flavorful dishes, attentive service, and affordable prices. With its casual atmosphere and convenient location within Sandals Montego Bay, Tokyo Jos is a must-visit for anyone craving delicious Asian cuisine.ConclusionIn conclusion, the culinary scene in Montego Bay, Jamaica is a true feast for the senses. From the exotic flavors of Mystic Thai to the elegant ambiance of Sugar Mill, there's a restaurant to suit every taste and occasion.Whether you're a foodie or just looking for a delicious meal, Montego Bay has it all. So get ready to indulge in mouthwatering dishes and create unforgettable memories. Your taste buds will thank you for it!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:53 Silly_Qube Shall we have our last dance? I'll even use my award-winning technique~ The 「Saltatio Favilae!」

Stand Name: 「Saltatio Favillae.」 (Favilla's Dance.) Namesake: Saltatio Favilae by HOYO-MiX (**)** Stand User: Fang Signora (Namesake: La Signora) Size/Height of Stand: 5'6. Stand Cry: "Battaaaaaa!" Stand Type: Artificial-Humanoid, Close-Ranged Stand. Stand Role: Offense, Support.
Info and Statistics:
Saltatio Favillae has a female appearance, resembling Fang in proportions. Its body entirely made out radioactive, glowing acid, it has no facial features, only facial movement, the hair seems to be as long as its waist. Both of its forearms are huge syringes, all filled with radiation, and acid. The feet on the other hand, are long spikes, instead of normal feet.


  1. Saltatio Favillae is made for speed, and offense, not for durability, and much like Royal Azalea and Anarchy Rainbow, one punch, expect 5 broken ribs and an arm.
  2. Acid-up! will only chase them for 10m, after that it just drops to the floor.
  3. Chernobyl is an extremely powerful ability, but it takes huge prep time to even use it, and a long cooldown.
  4. Since Saltatio Favillae glows, spotting it is extremely easy.

Stand Stats:

Description of User and Backstory:
Age: 20.
Fang has a energetic, extroverted personality (mostly), at sometimes, she can be boastful, arrogant. Standing at 5'6 (slightly taller than Trusyen), with long metallic blond hair, with the bangs forming inward horns, and her eye color is blue. She wears an outfit as the same as Trusyen, a red tank top, with spikes coming out form the waist, long red baggy pants, a long Drunar Beetle Scarf (Drunar Beetle Scarfs conducts The Pillar Men's attacks easily). (Fang is a human.)
Fang had no parents when she was born, so it's unknown where she was born from. While sitting on an alleyway, 9 years old, a person spotted her, 'pitied' her and adopted her. When she arrived to the person's disgusting dungeon of a 'home', she got immediately locked in one of the cells, the cell had 3 dogs, and lets just say...... She became a 'toy' for the dogs (yes including 'that action'). 15 years old, she managed to escape the hellhole, and ran, the police chased after her, like even 'The Quarter Division' had to go after her (i'll talk about 'The Quarter Division' later), until she managed to hide under a rock, found an arrow, first instinct was to fucking stab herself with it, after that, she walked out and sent the police, and the half of 'The Quarter Division' to space (not literally), then fainted. After fainting though, she woke up, picked up the arrow and kept on researching it. Currently 20 years old, when she was walking in Gatzabora, she saw posters of 3 wanted that had super powers, feeling like it..... She joined them (also because she had them powers too!). But even though that's a bland as hell reason to join them, she proved to be actually useful to the team.
Status of character: Important JoBro of the group.
submitted by Silly_Qube to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:53 timurpiper Amateur Wine Night #2

Amateur Wine Night #2
Another wine night with some friends who are slowly but surely getting to grips with tasting wine. It was a lovely sunny day so we all started with a glass of tufdeau BdB. Nice and zippy, lovely granny smith flavour and chalky minerality. First of the White's proving to be one of the most popular. Lovely tropical notes, like pineapple and ripe melon but with good acidity too. Next up and aligati from Burgundy, Surprise a lot of people little fuller and body but still with a lovely peachy flavor some nice orchard fruits and a nice bit of butteryness. The Shannon Blanc was actually identified correctly by one person there who is very happy with himself. Nice waxy finish to us again very classic South African chenin, some nectarine some peach some orchard fruits. First surprise of the night was this limousin Chardonnay. Incredible mouth feel super length such a textural and structured Chardonnay. The first of the reds a Carl koch spatburgunder, A little reductive on the nose but cleared off for a little bit of twirling in the glass Nice kind of lice cherry flavor light raspberry little funky bush a lot of people's favorites as well. Reserve de Jeanne was one of my favorites, a 60% Cabernet Franc 40% Syrah blend was so fun deep dark cherry notes lovely Cassis and a bit of peppery spice to back it all up. Another surprise Rihanna from Rutherford in California. A lot of peoples favorite wine the lineup because the big juicy jammy red fruit flavor coming off of it. Super easy to drink great for people getting into red wine for the first time. Finished off the rest of the cabaret Sauvignon from Stellenbosch this was so so good to drink, opened up a little bit ahead of time and super use of oak. The vanilla was subtly but they can very classic Cassis, black fruits bit of graphite coming through as well. Overall a super night with crazy good choice
Overall winner: Rhiannon White winner: Grillo Honourable mention: Réserve de Jeanne, Limoux Toques & Clocher
submitted by timurpiper to wine [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:51 Obvious_Ad4159 Twice Awoken (Pilot chapter)

It has been 20 years since the first calamity struck Earth. A massive wave of solar radiation from a nearby star known as Prometheus 673B showered our solar system in 2025. Electronics have been rendered useless for months, giving humanity the glimpse of what life was like long before. But that was merely temporary. The true effect of the solar flare came in the form of an illness, that afflicted roughly 10% of the current population. Unlike anything we've ever seen, the illness did not kill, rather enhanced the afflicted. For the first time in human history, the term Esper was used seriously. Dubbed the Awoken, those afflicted with illness that stemmed from the solar flare of Prometheus, gained the ability to manifest their own thoughts into reality, with varying degrees of success. At first, nations and laws, society as whole, was not prepared to deal with these new humans and their abilities. Crime ran rampant for a while.
Five years after the incident, the world banded together in a unified front, known as the AMA, The Awoken Management Agency, a world wide agency tasked with handling and controlling the Awoken, allowing humanity to once more function as a whole. Satellites have been sent out as far Earth's gaze into space could reach, to watch our for any other potential cosmic events that may occur, like the one that happened with Prometheus back in '25.
Now, 20 years since the first incident, the satellites have picked up another major cosmic event on the horizon, this time coming from the Aquila constellation. Is humanity ready to withstand whatever cosmos has prepared for it?
"Kenji. Wake up! You'll be later for your lectures, again."
The young man groaned, slowly turning to his side in bed, looking at his mother that stood at the doorway. "I'm up, I'm up."
Yawning and stretching, he sat up in bed, running his fingers through his hair, before turning to check the small clock on his nightstand.
"Wha? Late? Mom, it's only 8. Lectures don't start until 10." He sighed.
"Oh well. No need to cut it short, right? Plus, I've made breakfast." His mother replied and went back downstairs.
AMA Information Database:
Kenji Aoto. Age: 21 Category: Type 1 Awoken Ability: Embodiment. The unique ability of Kenji Aoto, unlike other Awoken of the same type, allows him to alter his own body based on how he feels. Most Type 1s change their environment around them, rather than themselves. Type 1s are classified as such for having abilities that considered non dangerous to the general non awoken population.
"We've got a lot of promising talent this year huh?" Nathaniel said to his daughter, as the two looked down at the auditorium full of students. The dean of the university was preparing his usual welcoming speech, as the assistants tried to quiet down the murmurs of the students.
"Yeah, we sure do." Clara smiled, not taking her eyes off the scene. "Quite a good number of Awoken too."
"Anyone interesting in particular?" Nathaniel asked.
"No, not really. They all have the standard abilities you would expect out of a type 1. Same level of control to boot." She responded.
"Well, I look forward to being their professor." Her father smiled, inhaling deeply. "The smell of youthful energy, so amazing. I can still remember your first day as a freshman."
Clara blushed a bit, nudging him in the ribs with her elbow. "Shouldn't you be down there giving your speech, Dr. Offset?"
Nathaniel rubbed the back of his neck with a slightly embarrasses laugh to boot. "Oh don't call me that. Ahem, yeah. I'll be going now. See you later for lunch?"
"Of course dad." Clara smiled, giving her father a little wave as he left the teacher conference room.
AMA Information database:
Clara Harris. Age: 32 Category: Non-Awoken (regular human) The lead ambassador for Awoken rights and unification in the AMA. Daughter of the lead researcher in Awoken development and the head teacher of the Awoken department in Nagoya University, Japan, Nathaniel Harris.
Nathaniel Harris. Age: 55 Category: Type 2 Awoken Ability: Offset. Acquired during the first Prometheus flare, the ability of Dr. Offset (he thought the name was cool when he was in his 20s), allows him to offset numerical values. Though touching an object is not required to use the ability on it, the potency of the ability greatly improved when he has direct contact with it. This also extends to, in theory, numerical values pertaining to objects and their position in space, relative to Nathaniel. Meaning he can move objects or parts of them relative to where he's standing, by changing their coordinates, however there were no recorded instances of him doing so. Examples include: Increasing or reducing the temperature of a beverage by direct contact. Increasing or decreasing friction on a surface of an object temporarily by touching it.
In his youth, Nathaniel attempted to become a sort of hero, once his powers kicked in, but due to the very low potency of his abilities, he never really managed to make the cut as one, despite being a type 2. Type 2s are classified as such due to having abilities that could be considered dangerous, powerful or harmful for the general non awoken population.
Location: Russia, Siberia. Time: 22:37 Facility: Maximum security prison for Awoken criminals in Russia, cell block 5.
Theodore laid in his bunk, staring at the ceiling. Each of his breaths released a soft cloud of vapor, that commonly occurs when someone is in a cold environment. In his case, the vapor was a byproduct of his ability, rather than the cold cell we was in. A thug with a love for violence, turned bank robber when his abilities fully developed, Theodore terrorized Russia and the neighboring countries. It wasn't until the AMA was finally assembled and operational, that he was arrested and sentenced to multiple life sentences in this highest security prison that Russia had at a time.
Even after being sent behind bars, he kept up his antics, becoming a nightmare for the guards and inmates alike. No man that was placed in a cell with him would last more than a few days before demanding transfer. Some even lost their lives to the former thugs whims, before their transfer requests could be approved. Hence Theodore has been placed in solitary, a cell designed with all the tech necessary to nullify his ability. There he spent the last 10 years of his life.
Despite being a type 1, an awoken with abilities that were not classified as dangerous to the general population, Theodore managed to use them to their fullest extent. His blessing of temperature manipulation, was a curse to everyone around him.
He looked outside, at the night sky, through his small cell window. Apparently, there was a big stellar event, similar to the one 20 years ago, that gave him the powers he now has. He heard guards and other inmates talk about it, how AMA is now prepared for such an event.
Theodore closed his eyes, imagining what this aurora would look like. The memory of that night, when Prometheus 673B's flare struck earth still fresh in his mind like it was yesterday. The otherworldly mixture of reds and yellows and greens. Like a primordial fire that was lit across the night sky.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps outside his cell snapped him out of his memory.
"Huh?" He adjusted in bed, to see who was outside his cell.
A man, in a white cloak with golden details, stood outside his cell. Theodore was confused. The man was not one of the guards, he was bare footed and did not wear any uniform. And no way he was one of the other inmates, no one had the capabilities to leave their cells without being let out.
"Hey, who the hell are you? How did you get here? The guards letting us out or something?" The criminal walked over to his cell door. The bars were made of material that could withstand sudden changes in temperature without bending or breaking, preventing him from getting out.
The man said nothing, he didn't even turn towards the convict, he merely stood there, hood covering his as he looked up at the night sky through the decorative windows on the buildings roof.
"Hey asshat! I asked you a question. How the fuck did you get out of your cell? C'mon man, don't be a dick, let me out too." Theodore grabbed the bars and rattled them.
The cloaked man finally turned towards him. The convict was stunned, only for a second. The man has a beard and long hair, both as white as his cloak. But his eyes, they were as blue as the midday sky. He could have sworn energy seemed to pour out of them. Before he could say another word, the figure before him extended his hand at him, and with a snap of his fingers, a bold of lightning struck Theodore square in the chest. The convict was send flying, back hitting the wall opposite the cell doors.
Location: Brazil, San Paolo. Time: 16:37 Facility: Remodeled Taubaté Prison, cell block 3.
Vitor sat on the bench press, just finishing a set, looking over the prison yard. Even behind bars, his connections did not dwindle. A former petty drug dealer, Vitor Alves quickly rose to power and influence once his powers awoke. He employed other Awoken with criminal tendencies as his own personal task force to drive all other competition into the ground. Once he held the entirety of San Paolo's drug empire in his hand, he set his sights farther. We wanted the entire city for himself, believing that no one could challenge his claim to that right.
With the help of the AMA, the Brazilian government swiftly put his plan to rest, and Vitor behind bars. The fight between the Awoken under Alves and the AMA/Brazilian forces was indeed a bloody one and resulted in a good number of civilian casualties. The drug lord was sent to Taubate, where he would spend the rest of his life. The prison was remodeled, per AMA standards, to be fully equipped and capable of holding Awoken criminals.
Despite having powers of temperature manipulation, capable of increasing temperature to lethal amounts, Vitor did not believe that to be his strongest ability. Money, influence, connections, those were real power, what truly carried him to the top of the criminal world.
Even now, as he sat on the bench press, doing a few reps before looking over the yard, Vitor was not powerless in the outside world. He waited on his informant, his connection to the outside, to appear so he could delegate orders to what was left of his followers and empire on the outside.
He wasn't sure if it was something he ate, or the heat from the pounding sun. Maybe it was even that sky flare that he heard AMA guards mention. Something indeed felt off, his vision seemed a bit blurry. As if the entire prison courtyard was moving slowly right before him. But the informant should be there soon, so Vitor decided not to go back to his cell just yet.
The other inmates, guards, even the basketball that the inmates played hoops with, suddenly slowed down to a halt. Through the statue like crowd, a single figure moved over to Vitor. His feet were bare, his body and face hidden behind a hooded cloak. The drug lord could only see his white beard and his eyes, as they seemed to be glowing a faint blue glow. Before he even got a chance to speak, the man extended his hand towards him and with a smirk, snapped his fingers, sending a bolt of lightning straight into the mans body, causing Vitor to fly several feet and collapse on the ground.
"Ugh... What the fuck man?" Theodore cursed, as he regained his consciousness. Slowly, he got up to his knees, his head pounding like he was struck by a hammer. The cell felt colder than before. Looking around, he saw the entire cell frozen, every surface covered by a thick layer of ice. Bed, toilet, the cell doors, frozen solid. And the ice shifted. With every movement of his hands, the ice followed.
"Could it be?" The inmate whispered, focusing his mind, channeling his ability. Ice began to form in the palm of his hand, morphing freely. With a single wave of his hand, the frozen bed shattered into bits and pieces. Theodore inhaled, getting up to his feet, head still in pain. But the realization was crystal clear. He could now freeze things without having to touch them, manipulate what he froze, as well create ice out by freezing the water in the air. With a grin plastered across his face, Theodore thanked the mysterious man, of who there was not a single trace left, and decided that he's busting himself out of prison.
"WARNING! WARNING! WARNING. PRISON BREAKS DETECTED ACROSS MULTIPLE AMA FACILITIES!" Blared the system on screen at the Awoken Management Agency in Nagoya. Other HQs across the globe received the same warning.
"What the hell is going on?" Clara said, running into the monitoring hall.
"I don't know. Prison breaks, across multiple locations world wide." Kaito replied, his eyes not leaving the monitors as he fired up the surveillance drones on the impacted locations.
"The main facilities that were absolutely totaled are Siberia and San Paolo." He continued.
"Think it could be?" Clara asked.
"Not possible. The protection against solar flares was at full power. Not a single particle should have hit the ground. I mean, we didn't lose any tech, unlike last time." Kaito shot her question down, pulling up the drone feed of the two prisons.
Taubate was in flames. The entire facility seemed to be entirely engulfed in a raging fire. The Russian counterpart held no better either. The entire prison was torn apart by massive glacier like formations, that seemed to jut out of the ground.
Clara, Kaito and other technicians presents stared, slackjawed, at the live drone feed. Something like that was not possible, no Awoken held that level of power. Not even if multiple Awoken united, could they produce that level of destruction across such a large area.
"Wait wait! What's that? Zoom in on one of the glaciers!" One of the technicians said, pointing at the big monitors.
Kaito's fingers flew across the keyboard, as the drone moved closer and the video on screen zoomed to its maximum. On one of the glacier formations, sat a man, clearly an inmate based on the jumpsuit he was wearing.
"Running identification." Chimed the computer.
"Inmate 4012: Theodore Ivarovski. Age: 36. Category: Type 1 Awoken. Ability: Low drop. His ability allows him to significantly drop the temperature of anything he touches, almost instantly."
"He's a type 1. No way in hell that he could pull of something like this." Clara said, eyes glued to the screed. "He must have re-awoken, there is no other explanation."
"Clara, in the last 20 years since the Prometheus, there was never a single instance of that happening. Some Awoken do push their abilities past the initial capabilities, but that's usually the end of it. It's a conspiracy theory." Kaito mumbled.
"Then how do you explain THAT?" She said, pointing at a massive piece of ice that was quickly forming above Ivarovski, before being sent flying towards the drone and cutting off the live feed.
(Howdy y'all. This is a bit different from my usual write style, with a more manga like story/narration instead of the standard story/novel format I do. I hope you like it, I came up with it months ago, but due to time constrains with work I haven't gotten around to writing it. Based on how it's received, I may continue this along side Sand & Steel. You can read S&S on here:
Royal Road
Scribble Hub
Hope y'all have a nice day.
submitted by Obvious_Ad4159 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:51 ConsciousRun6137 The Grim Global Harvest; The Onslaught of Parasites That Destroy Liberty

The Grim Global Harvest; The Onslaught of Parasites That Destroy Liberty
You need to understand that you and your family are targets of some of the most powerful corporations and dangerous tech that exists on earth. Yes. Your life is being stolen, and your personal electrical energy harvested. That’s what the controlling powers behind wetiko do, and the pressure is on right now to do this at warp speed. Life has become a never ending stream of psychological operations of deception. Whether any of us like it or not, the enemy is feeding on us. I’ve covered this idea at some length in this series on wetiko. [1]
Those of us in the know realize that the system is working very hard to use the slavery of the past as “permission” or “authority” to use us for what is essentially human batteries. Do you want to admit that you are being farmed like cattle (chattel)? This is a challenging concept, even though so many us that have awakened to the true plight of humanity and how we have been manipulated to believe in the illusion of our freedom. It’s nothing but a sham. We’ve been fed a broth of propaganda from the time we were babes, and most of us blindly accepted this for decades or more. Most of us are still under that power. Humanity remains firmly under the influence of “invisible” wetiko as slave master, through government and all power structures concocted by man and “archon.”
Under the continual influence of these “archons,” government, business and religion have been used for increasing subliminal programming of all humans for power and advantage. Of course, some are more sophisticated and harmful that others, but the mental and emotional entrainment are real. You are being used. That includes the energy that humans create and expend as finances.
Instead of being fearless, through continual battering and psychological operations, most of humanity has adopted a heads-down position to sustain an easier life, in an attempt to avoid trouble. For generations, even millenniums, most of us have taken this wetiko hook, line, and sinker even though it has been right in our face. We’ve been induced to internalize the negative energy placed upon us, caving in to regulations and orders that tear at freedom continually. Evil has been banking on fear winning the day. Yet the truth is, no matter how filled with wetiko many of these monsters are, they’ve been taking this a step at a time because of their own fear and hesitations, seduced by their own needs as they foist their poison agenda on the world of men, women and children. Wetiko needs psychopaths and the mentally ill to foist its collective will upon humanity. They also need technology (whatever tech available) to keep an iron grip on “the lesser” through every mind control technique available to them.
In most cases, our personal identities have been stolen, and we’ve accepted the thievery along with the chaos, distraction and reaction to the mayhem. They’ve hijacked the minds of multitudes throughout history to focus intently on elements of identity to divide and conquer.
Last post, I began to reveal how this massive mind control operation was being accomplished in physical minds, and how the minds of humanity were being affected and why. Yet, this attack is so pervasive and has been in place for so long, that removing the veil while having you able to understand what is being done might not be possible because of the degree of evil being pushed.
All of this hides a larger operation currently underway that is being worked through wireless towers that carry smartphone and other wireless signals. It’s part of an insane plan to track and count everything on this planet, which of course, consumes more and more energy. The insane power mongers operate as parasites, now through “wireless body area networks” and “medical body area networks.” Where will they get increasing amounts of this needed power? That power comes from you as an electrical physical being. It’s absolutely heinous, and the bastards think your silence is your consent, because that is the way they “legally” operate as part of their system of power. Your insurance company is even involved in the plot as they work to reign you in, even surveilling your physical home and surroundings under the illusion of providing health care. All this information is being used to subdue and control you, to produce data about you with the idea to control. It’s all a magic act of masterful deception. Humans are a major source of energy creation, as are all living creatures on this planet.
Biological parasites are real. Nano synthetic parasites are a new problem. Realize that you are being influenced on all levels through parasites, vampires that drain you at every opportunity to feed from you. Others work to poison you in a “war against humanity” to profit themselves.
Recent testimony to Congress proves the reality. Our government has been torturing people electronically by remote means using EMF radiation. Their campaign has been effective. Just as they used military families to test the “vaccine” and reap the results of an 82% abortion rate and declining health. The big lie was that the “vaccine” was not mRNA as biological material. The mainstream shots consist of synthetic materials using cesium 137 that make you a synthetic hybrid. The reverse transcriptase within will continue to poison generations to come. Shocking, even hard for many to believe.
You are being had if you are not awake to the cold reality that is being dealt, and then open to the idea of being badly used. Could your smartphone and other tech be used to feed on your electrical energy in a two-way information exchange? What other tech could be used? Time to think, open your mind and evaluate your options.
The evidence is clear. The pathological crime is underway. For example (in the States), a synthetic brewer’s yeast protein that is highly toxic (“pathogenic”) is being placed into all shots, including approximately 470,000 medications. This toxic “kinase” depends on a natural ability as an electrical parasite to the host body, promoting cancer and other chronic disease. Enter the famous “covid jab” of 2020. All inoculations turn the human body into an effective power source for technology to use as the “tech gods” see fit. This isn’t science-fiction folks. It’s a massive two-way surveillance tool. What’s worse: if you received the “vaccine,” you are genetically-modified chattel that belongs to the patent holder. Arguably, you are not human based on the legal niceties. Nice, huh? This detail is the real pandemic. You’ve been officially “owned” by their procedures and rules.
As electrical beings, we are susceptible to EMF radiation, and this is well documented. Research indicates that EMF radiation can be used to modify human behavior, depending on the frequency used. Frequency is everything, as we are creatures of frequency. For example, Bill Gates has turned people into computing nodes and use as a power source (Patent 2020060606, see image) to mine cryptocurrency. This patent harnesses the wireless body area network (WBAN). It probably hooks up to Windows computers and your router in ways you would never have imagined either. You really are the commodity, a servant to the “tech gods” for their empowerment and profit. The wetiko nightmare is real. The vampires are here and draining you, sometimes pretending to pay you something of value for the use of your biorhythms and personal data. It’s part of the carbon credit tracking agenda. You are being bought and sold based on biorhythms.
Over the decades, they have been able to track all humans by analysing cesium 137 contamination they placed in the food supply, which turns the human body into a two-way communication node. The gross large clots from the covid jab are flexible antennas, filled with the same cesium 137. Your privacy and health mean nothing to these mental monsters. Enjoy that reality if you can.
Wireless mesh networks, using low-energy bluetooth on smartphones are now tied into the vaccinated with 16 digit mac addresses for information harvesting on Android devices. It’s so ubiquitous that the IEEE (electrical engineers) have developed standards grounded in years of data. Based on these standards, our “benevolent overlords” have even decided that they might decide not to harness the energy of most children, and perhaps not the disabled. You can see the wetiko that Google and the business world have stooped to in a rush to the bottom in working through governments of the world. Business is simply another component of government creation and placement, such as in the case of Google. Android has made people cloud-computing nodes on the mesh network, soon to be followed with IOS. Tying this mesh network into satellite is in process. Starlink is a dual system, part of the harvesting plan with 30,000 satellites that the cover the earth with 5G. Most of this care and support of the Beast is being done under the pretense of “health monitoring” for the time being, in line with the health emergency declaration. The technology in place is two-way, in that “authority” has the ability to shut you down with disease, whether in the hospital or walking the street. Never before has killing someone anonymously been so easy, and it will get easier as this is normalized.
Last post, I discussed some positive things that you can do to heal, to fight the power of wetiko in your life. Now you can see that humanity is in a fight for its very life, and there are less of us that can do so as the global death cult attempts to take humanity down. Now we need to be involved in taking these towers of life-destroying power down, or stopping them from being erected altogether. It all starts on the local level with getting to know your local law enforcement, and through real-life contacts. You still have power to think and choose for yourself
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 Infinite_Scallion_24 Observability and repeatability, as well as other YEC misrepresentations of science

I think one of the worst things that you see a lot of the big YEC speakers do is the misrepresentation of science and the scientific method. It's one thing to argue with the evidence, this I accept as it is at least an attempt to engage in actual scientific discourse (excluding those who just baselessly decry the science). Even Tomkins with his apparent inability to do genomics is at the very least attempting to perform scientific experiments. However, these attempts to re-define science in a way that is beneficial to a creationist agenda is insanely frustrating, since it totally ruins all form of good-faith debate, and heavily misinforms people without a scientific education, and who don't really know how scientific process takes place.
To bring this point to light - I'm going to discuss this article from AIG: It displays basically all of these claims, and I consider it to contain some of the worst of AIG's mental gymnastics.
The article opens with a spiel about how science originated in Christian Europe, and refer to how Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei were all Christians who believed in a young Earth. Funnily enough, However - they fail to mention that Galileo was arrested by Christians due to his ideas contradicting a literal interpretation of the Bible - that being geostaticism (the idea that the Earth is stationary). I wonder why they excluded this piece of information?
They also state that "If the universe is a product of random chance or a group of gods that interfere in the universe, there is really no reason to expect order in nature". I could probably write an entire post on why this statement is false, so I won't go into this here. Maybe I'll do a follow up to this one just about this idea.
Now comes one of AIG's points that annoys me to no end - the ideas of 'Operational Science' and 'Historical Science'. AIG frames these terms as such:
Operational: "deals with testing and verifying ideas in the present and leads to the production of useful products like computers, cars, and satellites."
Historical: "involves interpreting evidence from the past and includes the models of evolution and special creation."
These terms do not exist in actual academia. They only exist within AIG's fantasy science land where they decide the rules, so that they can lend a fraction of legitimacy to their outdated ideas. The main reason they do this is to boil the argument down to one of faith. 'Evolutionism' vs Creationism is just a debate between two religions - same as Muslims and Christians arguing over which god is the real one. They present this in a slightly different way, but the meaning is the same: "The argument is not over the evidence—the evidence is the same—it is over the way the evidence should be interpreted." Essentially, 'we have different interpretations of the same stuff, so it's a matter of faith'.
What AIG are doing here is creating an unnecessary distinction. The worst bit is the reference to 'evidence from the past'. What they really mean here are things like the fossil record, radiometric dating, the geologic column - all the things that completely and utterly gut their belief in a 6000 year old created Earth. Instead of addressing them, they claim that it's a matter of interpretation.
Actual science doesn't create this distinction. Its purpose is to provide us with a method that lets us explain things we cannot observe directly, by looking at the things we can observe. No human has ever seen an atom with their own eyes - they are too small. Instead, we used observable evidence to figure out their structure, such as Rutherford's alpha particle scattering experiment - showing how most of the gold foil he was shooting the particles at allowed them to pass through, implying atoms being mostly empty space. Now Rutherford never saw an atom, but he inferred this about them through observation, as well as repetition of an experiment to minimise error. This is how science works. Of course, AIG would call Rutherford's work 'Operational Science', so we'll have to go somewhere else.
Let's use murder as an analogy (jolly, I know) - a person was killed 3 days ago, and their body was just discovered: we never saw them die, and we can never repeat their murder - because they are dead (truly groundbreaking stuff here). However, there is a gash across their neck, and a bloodied knife sat next to them. Moreover, this knife is covered with a person's fingerprints. We can then go to the house of the person who these fingerprints match, and ask them if they know anything - which they deny, despite lacking any alibi and having a definite motive. Do we have enough evidence to determine how the person died, as well as who killed them? Absolutely we do - there's a gash, and a knife covered in blood that matches the victim's: conclusion, they were killed with that knife. The knife is covered with fingerprints that lead to a person with no alibi at all, and a good motive: conclusion, they're the murderer. Now all of these data are from the past - the blood was put on the knife in the past, the wound was made in the past, the fingerprints were put on the knife in the past - by all metrics, this murder case falls into AIG's 'Historical Science'. As such, convicting this person is simply a matter of interpretation. We can only interpret that the fingerprints perfectly match those of the suspect. Who are we to say that they didn't somehow change over time? See how nonsensical this distinction is?
AIG then go on to the subject of theories - and again, they separated 'operational theories' from 'historical theories'. The idea is pretty much the same as discussed above, though there are a few points that I want to address. Firstly, they don't do the thing that I see many creationists (and other science deniers) state - that being the 'it's just a theory' thing, and draw a distinction between the colloquial and scientific definitions, though not without the prerequisite 'Evolutionists claim' line. This point has been beaten into the ground already, so I'll just leave it at that.
They go on to discuss how biological evolution is not an 'operational theory' as it contains 'interpretations of past events' and is 'not as well founded as testable scientific theories like Einstein’s Theory of Relativity or Newton’s Theory of Gravity'. It seems that AIG don't know that while Newton's law of universal gravitation remains as a very well-substantiated piece of science, his actual mechanism for how gravity works was in fact supplanted by Einstein's theory. Good scientific knowledge from AIG, as always. The big part of this section is how they refer to predictability as a method of validating a scientific theory: "These theories offer predictable models and the ability to conduct experiments to determine their validity in different circumstances." Once again, they conveniently omit the immense predictive power of evolutionary theory, instead choosing to claim that it lacks such a property - even going as far to directly claim "Molecules-to-man evolution does not offer this opportunity because these events happened in the past", once again ignoring that one of the key tenets of evolutionary theory is that it both has happened, and is currently happening - considering that we've observed speciation events occurring in the wild:;; The predictive power of evolution is immense, and we are only getting better at making evolutionary predictions as science progresses:,,will%20adapt%20to%20their%20environment.
There's also the brief bit where they conflate evolution and abiogenesis "molecules to man evolution". They're two different ideas - and YECs reading this post, stop conflating scientific theories, they are distinct ideas. Evolution deals with how life adapts and develops, it has nothing to do with how life on Earth began - that's abiogenesis. It's the same thing as the Big Bang: it only deals with how the universe formed, not what came before it.
There's a short aside about naturalism, but in order to stop this post turning into a thesis, I'm going to gloss over it and move onto the next bit. Here, AIG describe how "Evolution also relies heavily on the assumption of uniformitarianism— a belief that the present is the key to the past. According to uniformitarians, the processes in the universe have been occurring at a relatively constant rate.". Of course, they fail to consider that, as is the case with all other science, we have evidence to infer that processes do occur at a constant rate. They proceed to discuss rock formation erosion as one of these thing which we assume to have a constant rate - even though I'm pretty sure this is not the case - and that the rate at which these processes takes place is highly variable. To me, this feels like them taking the worst example - and borders on a straw man. Correct me if I'm wrong though - I'm not a geologist, so my understanding is limited here.
I have no doubt that the actual aim of this paragraph is also to sow doubt about other systems reliant upon constant rates of change - such as radiometric dating. Yes, if decay rates were not constant, the values given by radiometric dating would be highly inaccurate, and it would be a useless dating method. However, this would also require a total rewrite of fundamental physics - as the concept of constant nuclear decay rates is backed up by a literal mountain of maths and physical evidence.
However, the Bible makes it very clear that some events of the past were radically different from those we commonly observe today. Noah’s Flood, for example, would have devastated the face of the earth and created a landscape of billions of dead things buried in layers of rock, which is exactly what we see.
Another claim that would take up a post on its own - so I'll skip this and tackle it later. Honestly though, just watch Gutsick Gibbon's stuff on the Genesis flood - she gives a far better explanation than I ever could.
Just as evolutionists weren’t there to see evolution happen over several billion years, neither were creationists there to see the events of the six days of creation. The difference is that creationists have the Creator’s eyewitness account of the events of creation, while evolutionists must create a story to explain origins without the supernatural.
More totally neutral and unbiased claims by AIG, as expected. There is no 'story' being created - scientists observe the (sometimes literal - pun very much intended) mountains of evidence for evolution. The fact that they have to make up a nonsense distinction to split science in two, so that they can put the bits they don't like (Big Bang cosmology, fossils, radiometric dating, geologic column, etc.) in a separate spot to the bits they do like, such as technology and medicine.
Just because many scientists believe the story does not make the story true.
Ironic, considering how much Ken Ham loves to show his lists of creationist scientists. Practice what you preach buddy.
submitted by Infinite_Scallion_24 to DebateEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:50 AutoModerator What Car Should I Buy? - A Weekly Megathread

Welcome to a new weekly post on CTUK aimed at people looking to buy a car, be it their first or 15th. Please post car buying queries in this thread rather than starting a new thread in the main queue.

**You do not need to use the format required below, but keep in mind the more information you give the bettemore accurate answers you will get.**

Feel free to add add more information.


**Price range:**

**Lease or Buy:**

**New or used:**

**Auto or Manual:**

**Intended use:** (Daily Driver, Family Car, Weekend Car, Track Toy, Project Car, Work Truck, Off-roading etc.)

**How many miles do you plan to do a year:**

**How often to you make long journeys:**

**Does it need to be ULEZ compliant?**

**Vehicles you've already considered:**

[Do you have a vehicle size in mind?]( (Examples in the hyperlink of size definitions)**:**

**Is this your 1st vehicle:**

**Do you need a Warranty:**

**Can you do Minor work on your own vehicle:** (fluids, alternator, battery, brake pads etc)

**Can you do Major work on your own vehicle:** (engine and transmission, timing belt/chains, body work, suspension etc )

**Additional Notes:**

Please remain on topic and anyone ironically suggesting the Skoda Octavia will be flayed with a set of jumper cables.
submitted by AutoModerator to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:45 Dark8803 How can I search and then remove an entry from a field which is an array of strings in dyanamodb?
This is my table structure, and I want to remove an entry from my table, like for example, I want to remove the second connection from the connection_id array for the Nagpur row("YBcnnd6FBcwCFMg=") and just that in my disconnect handler. Note : I have the access to only the connection_id and not the key office_name, so a search on key is impossible. Only a search on connection_id is possible. Here is my snippet of my disconnect handler where I have searched for the connection_id, but this does not return any entry data.items length is zero. I have verified through cloudwatch as well :
 const connectionId = event.requestContext.connectionId; try { // First, find the item with the given connectionId const data = await ddb .scan({ TableName: process.env.RTO_OFFICE_TABLE_ARN, FilterExpression: "contains(connection_id, :connectionId)", ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":connectionId": { "S": connectionId }, }, }) .promise(); if (data.Items.length === 0) { console.log("In Disconnect123456: " + data.Items); return { statusCode: 404, body: JSON.stringify({ message: "No item found with the given connectionId", }), }; } const itemToUpdate = data.Items[0]; const updatedConnectionIds = itemToUpdate.connection_id.filter( (id) => id.S !== connectionId ); // Update the item with the new connectionIds array await ddb .put({ TableName: process.env.RTO_OFFICE_TABLE_ARN, Item: { office_name: itemToUpdate.office_name, connection_id: updatedConnectionIds, }, }) .promise(); return { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ message: "Disconnected successfully" }), }; 
submitted by Dark8803 to aws [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:45 Alive_Horse_3184 First and only rant before I disappear. Sorry

The people in my country are mostly unhinged animals that live on primal instincts and only care about stupid, loud, disgusting “music”, sex, alcohol and see women as disposable holes that are only worthy of existence if they have perfect bodies and faces. The “music” lyrics are horrible, full of crap and they think it’s great to be such “powerful” idiots.
If you’re a ugly, deformed, sick, weak, unwanted, undeveloped female you’re treated as a thing made to be stepped on and destroyed. If you’re unable to work, study and to properly take care of yourself and things, and also unable/unwilling to be with 1000s of partners or have kids, you’re seen as a criminal to spit on and make fun of. If you look gross because of diseases you’re unable to control and didn’t ask for, you don’t deserve to eat or have a roof over your head. If you’re unwilling to completely fake being a person who wants to be with others 24/7 gossiping, taking stupid selfies, scrolling useless social media videos every second of your life and not interested in the things they think you must be interested in, you’re denied basic human rights. You’re constantly watched, laughed at. Everything you do is wrong and must be filmed to be posted on instagram and tiktok, or some stupid whatsapp group of people your age that are “normal” and “perfect”. Not interested in listening to music or watching things? You must be a boring piece of shit that deserves to be stared at and talked about everywhere you go.
Or at least I am.
I just wanted to exist doing what I want and be invisible, never noticed. To go buy groceries and not be treated like a subhuman by the cashier because I was supposed to look normal and act normal, but am unable to. I just wish nobody cared as they pretend they don’t when it’s convenient, but in this country, it doesn’t work that way. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE
submitted by Alive_Horse_3184 to Schizoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:36 No_Pomegranate7134 Why people look down on about manual labor or minimum wage jobs when they exist for a specific reason and purpose? Would it mean they will replace EVERY job out there with robots, even doctors, lawyers and policemen for instance, as they are still done by humans?

Saying that "better" jobs exist is used as a mere excuse for some people not willing to work, like at all. Since people in the West always say that, but the truth is that they DO NOT want to work or burn some sweat, workers from poorer countries immigrating to Western countries that are desperate for employment don't care if the job is manual labor or sitting in an office cubicle for a long time, as long as it gives them a stable salary, since they exchange dollars, euros or pounds back into their local currencies to send back to their loved ones back home, so they remain indifferent if they are paid small, as like any other human, you need money to survive the contemporary society.
So, to put it, there is no point for people to talk shit or berate people who work minimum wage jobs (at the end, they will waste their own time for doing that), as they also play a part on maintenance, cleaniness or customer service and relations, it'll be completely stupid to get rid of garbage collectors or cleaners for example, as who else would tidy all of the mess up either on the streets or in your office? Robots can't do literally everything for you, as some interactions require humans to be around, like lawyers or doctors, since they need HUMANS (not robots) to have a more personal or clearer interaction with other people.
How can a robot be able to read your human emotions when you are upset, can it predict or assume if you have committed a crime, or what the verdict would be before the judge announces it? Are you going to lay off all human surgeons, doctors and nurses just to replace all of it with AI and robotics? People got to understand that jobs regardless if they are manual labor or not, have a purpose in their own way. (As why else have humans evolved through out history, it started from "manual labor" so there is zero reason to despite it so much.)
You might be surprised that jobs people consider "shit" have large salaries, for this reason: "It's niche, and no one wants to do it, only those who are willing to." as they are looking for those who willing choose to work in professions people consider "shit" by the masses.There is literally no reason for people to berate or talk shit about any job regardless if it is manual labor, minimum wage, or a white collar one, since human history they existed for their purpose prior to the industrial revolution and digital age, don't forget not all jobs can be replaced by robots and AI:
For instance, if there was an employer who was like:
So, which one are you tempted to take despite "manual labor" job having a higher salary by this employer, as they consider that people don't want to do it, or are looking for a specific canididate who remains indifferent to the public opinion on job seeking?
I'm saying "manual labor" as some sort of placeholder, but it could be a job no one expected to exist, but has a high salary than what you'd get within an office or any typical white collar job. (No, it is not sex work, it's not even related to that, at all.)
So, people would only understand if "you've been through their shoes" as saying that someone working for minimum wage or manual labor is a "inferior" person to in comparison to somebody who is employed at a white collar job with a suit and tie, is just plain stupid. It's either that:
It's like saying to garbage collectors, store clerks, couriers, uber drivers, and etc. suck, if that was the case, then they'll just walk out and NEVER come back, nowadays especially with social media, they can just brag about how they are treated, it's like a cog in a machine, if they are going to find a new one, it may not be as easy once the word spreads that the companies treat them like slaves, then people would not be interested, as they want to be treated with respect, not like an animal chained to a post.
If no one replaced those who all left, overtime they'll start to lose money and the companies who employ those sectors become defunct, even for the highest paying ones that require specific skills, still need actual humans to fill in those spots, not robots. Have you ever encountered (any of) these in real life, like at all:
You can imagine what that would do to humans, as what would be the purpose of humans existing if everything was automated, machines like all technology break down, as of now, to fix and replace their physical components within a physical body, you still need a HUMAN technician. Even the female robot living in Saudi still has a HUMAN owner, as a HUMAN created her, she did not create herself.
Put it like this, if people despite minimum wage or labor jobs so much, consider these factors:
submitted by No_Pomegranate7134 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:30 TheForce122 The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank

The Jewish Holocaust of 6M Jews was bad, by Satanist Adolf Hitler. However, the Christian Holocaust of 20-66 million mostly Christian Russians, by the Satanic Bolsheviks who called themselves Jews, was the worst Holocaust of all time. Rothschild NWO did Bolshevik Revolution to install central bank
Ynet article (
"Stalin's Jews: We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish"
Here's a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka. Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, "opposition members" who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.
In his new, highly praised book "The War of the World, "Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University's Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally. Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined "terror officials," cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate. All these things are well-known to some extent or another, even though the former Soviet Union's archives have not yet been fully opened to the public. But who knows about this? Within Russia itself, very few people have been brought to justice for their crimes in the NKVD's and KGB's service. The Russian public discourse today completely ignores the question of "How could it have happened to us?" As opposed to Eastern European nations, the Russians did not settle the score with their Stalinist past. And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty dwarf." Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his Book "Stalin: Court of the Red Star", Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women. Stalin's close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the "first Stalinist" and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind aside from the Nazi horrors and Mao's terror in China, did not move Kaganovich. Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist. In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges. In a fascinating lecture at a Tel Aviv University convention this week, Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a "carnival of mass murder," "fantasy of purges", and "essianism of evil." Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at times led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and "Soviet people." Therefore, we find it easy to ignore their origin and "play dumb": What do we have to do with them? But let's not forget them. My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of "our hangmen," who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin. article (
"The Bolshevik Revolution: An Iluminati takeover of Russia?"
The murderous Bolshevik Revolution made communism a political reality by mostly Jewish activists. Alarming similarities to today’s political climate invite comparison.
Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917. Since Bolshevik leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky weren’t even in Russia then, how did they gain control of it by November 1917? Western analysts uncovered parts of this mystery, but much remained unknown due to the Soviet government’s stranglehold on its history – as Orwell said, “Who controls the present controls the past.” With glasnost, archives creaked open. Perhaps no one has collated the information better than Juri Lina in his book Under the Sign of the Scorpion.
The Rothschild-Illuminati axis, through their network of banksters and Freemasons, controlled the Bolshevik operation.
In February 1917, an artificially induced bread shortage accompanied orchestrated rioting in Petrograd (then Russia’s capital). In a “false flag,” the mobs were machine-gunned from hidden positions; the casualties were blamed on the Czar.
British agents bribed Russian soldiers to mutiny and join the rioting. White Russian General Arsene de Goulevitch wrote: “I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Milner in financing the Russian Revolution.” 33rd degree Freemason Alfred Milner was a Rothschild front man.
Several Russian generals were Freemasons who betrayed the Czar under Masonic instructions.
Russians thought the provisional government, established under Alexander Kerensky after the Czar’s fall, meant future democracy. But Kerensky, Grand Secretary of Russia’s Grand Orient, was “phase one” of communist takeover. His government pardoned all political exiles – green light for return to Russia of fellow Freemasons Lenin and Trotsky.
Jacob Schiff and Federal Reserve founder Paul Warburg ran Kuhn, Loeb & Co. – the Rothschilds’ New York banking satellite. Schiff supplied $20 million in gold to Trotsky, who sailed from New York with 275 other terrorists on a passport obtained through pressure the bankers put on the Wilson administration.
In Germany, Warburg’s brother Max helped persuade the government to provide millions to Lenin and allow him to cross Germany with other revolutionaries in a special train. The Germans agreed because the Bolsheviks promised to remove Russia from the raging First World War after taking power.
The Bolsheviks succeeded because they had what other revolutionaries (e.g., Mensheviks) lacked – limitless cash. By May 1917, Pravda already had a circulation of 300,000.
It is a myth that Kerensky and the Bolsheviks were adversaries. Kerensky received $1 million from Jacob Schiff. During summer 1917, when it was revealed the Bolsheviks were on Germany’s payroll – treason during wartime – Kerensky protected them. When the Bolsheviks moved to seize power that autumn, he declined the option of requesting troops to preserve the government. Lenin and Trotsky gave Kerensky money and safe passage out. He died wealthy in 1970 in New York, where the Russian Orthodox Church refused him burial services.
Postwar Britain sent the Bolsheviks rifles and ammunition for 250,000 men. With this and other Western assistance, the Reds crushed the White opposition. Loans and technology from Western capitalists poured in for decades, as documented in such books as Antony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Joseph Finder’s Red Carpet.
In 1992, the newspaper Literaturnaya Rossiya estimated that, including starvation and civil war, Soviet communism left 147 million dead. Even accepting the more moderate claim of Harvard University Press’s Black Book of Communism – that communism murdered “only” 100 million worldwide – what these numbers represent is beyond comprehension. Stalin reportedly said: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.”
Leon Trotsky (Jewish born “Lev Bronstein”) and his 300 well-trained Jewish communists from Manhattan’s Lower East Side, boarded the Norwegian steamer “Kristianiafjord” for a journey that brought them to St. Petersburg in Russia. Their purpose was to establish a Marxist government under the leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. Before departing, Jacob Schiff gave this group $20 million in gold to accomplish the task, but the plan was already under way before they even boarded the ship thanks to the Rothschilds.
By December 1917, the Bolsheviks established their instrument of terror, the Cheka (the KGB’s precursor). Lina writes: “Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka’s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters.” By contrast, under the czars, 467 people were executed between 1826 and 1904 (78 years).
Trotsky declared: “We will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a complete idiocy.” Lina writes: “1,695,604 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists…” The Bolsheviks considered the intelligentsia the greatest threat to their dictatorship. This sheds light on the Marxist buzzword “proletariat.” The Illuminati knew nations are easier to enslave if only peasants and laborers remain. But even the proletariat wasn’t spared. The Cheka brutally suppressed hundreds of peasant uprisings and labor strikes, executing victims as “counter-revolutionaries.”
Satanic torture often accompanied killings. Many priests were crucified. Some victims had eyes put out, or limbs chopped off, or were otherwise mutilated, while the next victims were forced to watch.
Although Russia had been “the world’s granary,” over five million died of starvation during the famine of 1921-22. This wasn’t “socialist inefficiency,” but genocide from grain confiscation. In the Holodomor, Stalin murdered 7 million Ukrainians, including 3 million children, by ordering all foodstuffs confiscated as punishment for resisting farm collectivization. Communist brigades went house to house, ripping down walls with axes searching for “hoarded” food.
In Soviet gulags (concentration camps) millions perished. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that, just during Stalin’s “great purge” of 1937-38, two million died in gulags.
The Bolsheviks meanwhile lived royally. Lenin, who occupied Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov’s estate, placed 75 million francs in a Swiss bank account in 1920. Trotsky, who lived in a castle seized from Prince Felix Yusupov, had over $80 million in U.S. bank accounts. Top Cheka officials ate off gold plates. Communism was plunder masked by ideological slogans. Money and jewelry were stripped from homes at gunpoint.
Lenin and Trotsky repaid their masters. Lina writes: “In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold.” The Grand Orient de France refurbished its Paris Lodge with money Lenin sent in 1919. In New York, Kuhn, Loeb received, in the first half of 1921 alone, $102 million in Russian wealth.
Bolsheviks were predominantly Jewish – unsurprising given the long linkage of cabalistic Jews to Freemasonry and revolution. I state this objectively, without anti-Semitism. I am half-Jewish; my paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia in 1904.
In Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs (1920), Robert Wilton, The Times’s Russian correspondent, named each person in the Bolshevik government. The tally:
Bolshevik Party Central Committee: of 12 members, 9 were Jews. (NOTE: Actually 10 now that we know Lenin has been declassified to be part-Jewish)
Council of People’s Commissars: 22 members, 17 Jews.
Central Executive Committee: 61 members, 41 Jews.
Extraordinary Commission of Moscow: 36 members, 23 Jews.
In 1922, the Morning Post listed all 545 civil servants in the Soviet administration; 477 were Jews, 30 were ethnic Russians. “Russian” Revolution was a misnomer.
Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) was a Ukrainian Jew. He introduced the cabalistic five-pointed star as the Red Army’s symbol. In New York, Trotsky belonged to B’nai B’raith – the Jewish Masonic order – as did his financial angel, Jacob Schiff. Juri Lina has unearthed evidence that Schiff ordered the murder of the Czar and royal family.
Under Lenin, anti-Semitism became a capital offense. [lightbox full=””]The Bolsheviks destroyed 60,000 churches[/lightbox]; many became latrines or museums of atheism. Yet Russia’s synagogues went untouched.
Jews dominated the Cheka (formed of 23 Jews and 13 others). Lina lists 15 Jewish gulag commandants (Under the Sign of the Scorpion, p. 310). The Cheka targeted classes and ethnicities: the “bourgeoisie”; “kulaks” (landowning farmers); and Cossacks, whom the Central Committee declared “must be exterminated and physically disposed of, down to the last man.” They tried to eradicate [lightbox full=””]Russian culture[/lightbox], renaming Petrograd and Tsaritsyn after the revolution’s psychopaths. In Ukraine, the Bolsheviks seized traditional national costumes. Obliterating nationalism is a precursor to the Illuminati world order.
Though it is sometimes claimed Jewish dominance ended under Stalin, in 1937 17 of 27 Presidium members were still Jewish, and 115 of 133 Council of People’s Commissars. Stalin did turn against the Zionists in 1949, heavily persecuting Jews during 1952, after which he was poisoned.
Article source:
Tsarist Russia was a thorn in the side of western high finance because at the end of the 19th century the Russian empire was the only European power not to have a central bank. “It was still the tsar who decided on coinage in his country”. "It was very simple: the money was his and he controlled the amount." That was to change quickly when the communists came to power: one of Lenin's first measures was the establishment of a Russian central bank after the fall of the tsar. After the Bolshevik Revolution, “unimaginably large sums of money from the private assets of the Russian tsarist family flowed into the hands of international bankers”. It is easy to guess why that happened.
The October 1917 Revolution under Lenin, or the violent seizure of power by the Russian Communist Bolsheviks, was co-financed by German bankers. There are estimates that 50 million marks flowed back then, which today corresponds to at least half a billion euros. The saying of the mother of the 5 Rothschild sons is well known: "If my sons don't want it, there is no war." Anyone who wanted to wage war needed money; but money was only available from the Rothschilds at the time. So the success of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was dependent on money. The money came from Trotsky, who was hooked up with the Wall Street banks. Trotsky married Sedova, the daughter of Jivotovsky, who was closely associated with the Warburg banking house and the cousins ​​of Jacob Schiff, the financial group that financed Japan in the war against Russia. Here an ominous as well as powerful connection opens up, the alliance between capitalism and communism. Thus there is the apparently paradoxical connection that private capitalism, as the arch enemy of communism, financed its revolution in powerful Russia (thesis and antithesis).
Alexander Solschenizyn:
“We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But – Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the Truth. The Blood Maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered 66,000,000 in Russia from 1918 – 1957.
Between the years 1917 and 1991 preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is estimated that Communist Jews murdered somewhere between 60 and 135 million innocent people."
Source for quote:
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:28 bernardbarnaby Hoosiers(1986)

When I was a kid I was really into basketball. In 7th and 8th grade my Christian middle school team went undefeated and won the league championship. I mean our private school league had like 6 teams in it but hey we still beat all of them. One of the guys from my team went on to play and then become an assistant coach at St. Johns. As for me I got to high school and started smoking weed and drinking and listening to Morrissey and the Pixies so I kind of lost interest in basketball.
Well when I was still in my basketball phase my dad got me this movie on VHS for Christmas one year. I never heard of it before and I saw the empty sneakers on the cover and I kind of figured it was some Christian thing about the rapture or something. Well still we didn't have Netflix and stuff back then so we didn't have as much to choose from so a new VHS is always exciting no matter what it is.
Well I turned it on and it really was just so great. I probably ended up watching it like a hundred times that year.
So I was at a vintage store last night and I saw a copy of Hoosiers on VHS and so I picked it up and I was like VHS is the only way to watch Hoosiers I'm gonna buy this thing and pop it in my VCR you know VHS is like the vinyl records of movies that's what I always say.
Well I put it in and the VHS was totally fucked up it was all warbled and the sound wasn't really working and we'll so much for that dream. Fortunately I checked YouTube and it's up there to watch for free. But hey I'm still happy to have the VHS up on my shelf collecting dust. It's still real to me, dammit.
Hoosiers hit just as hard almost 30 years later. You know it's kind of basic the team sucks then this coach comes in and he's a little unorthodox but he gets them to the championship and I don't wanna spoil it but you can probably guess what happens there. But Gene Hackman is great and Dennis Hopper is awesome and there's slow motion basketball with some inspirational 80s music behind it and there's montages and also beautiful Indiana scenery to look at this movies a real classic.
I wish I was still into basketball I used to know every benchwarmer and all the stats. I remember taking notes one year during the NBA draft like what was the point of that right but hey I was into it. My favorite player back then was Tom Gugliotta from the Washington Bullets. He was the best player from the localest team to me. They lost like every game that year then he got traded.
Nowadays I don't really know anybody who's playing mostly I just know LeBron James is still in the mix. But after my job and my daughter there's barely time to watch a movie let alone 82 basketball games a year. Well luckily I did find time to watch Hoosiers again and you should too because it's really great.
Well that's all I have to say about Hoosiers thanks!
submitted by bernardbarnaby to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:27 Super-Criticism5370 BDD - Pes planus DBQ

BDD - Pes planus DBQ
Hey guys,
I just recently got my DBQ for pes planus and I’m a little impatient, so I wanted to see if anyone had a prediction for this.
Also, I noticed they failed to mention that I have swelling, severe pronation, calluses on my left foot, as well as hallux valgus and metatarsus primus varus that was not mentioned in my DBQ. Not to mention the use of inserts which have never helped. I also have documentation of previous complaints regarding Achilles tendon pain.
I have an upcoming SHPE appointment, would it be helpful to ask the doctor to reexamine my feet to see if I can get more documentation to help my claim?
submitted by Super-Criticism5370 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:26 No-Relative4683 All the plot holes with S8 mystery

Not technically a mystery, but I mean the murder cover-up storyline. We all know this entire plot was a mess but can we list all the things which simply didn’t make sense or could have been easily dismissed.
  1. The prosecution against Bree build the case on the basis that Alejandro was one of Bree’s one night stands and she murdered him while drunk. Except he died months before Bree started drinking again and she was with Chuck at the time.
  2. At the art gallery, when Chuck saw Susan’s painting, he acted like it was a major breakthrough that Susan had painted herself and the other women. But they are her best friends so she could have just shrugged it off, like “well yeah, I painted my friends - and so what?” And the dead body could have just been Mary Alice or Edie. It would have been so simple to get out of.
  3. Bree probably should have been grateful to Orson for getting rid of Chuck. That’s probably the most anybody else did for her that season - none of her friends cared about her like Orson did.
  4. Orson sending the Mary Alice note - why? Didn’t make any sense as he was out to protect Bree. It was just inserted as an Easter egg to the first season.
  5. During the investigation, why was Claudia not mentioned once? She was the wife of Ramon Sanchez so why is she not involved at all? I know the cops were out to get Bree but Tripp could have brought it up, he is supposed to be the best attorney after all.
  6. Apparently, Orson tipped the cops off about where Alejandro was buried. But didn’t Mike bury him somewhere else? I might be wrong on this one.
submitted by No-Relative4683 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:26 Cry-Skull-7 Would it be considered "In poor taste"/offensive if I had a character attempt to transition via magic, have it go wrong, then have them go back to more normal methods of GR?

To cut a long story short, I have a character I'm going to eventually introduce into my comic. She's a witch who had transitioned (MtF), during her transition she got impatient and attempted to speed things up with magic.
Being that she's a bit of a one-trick-pony when it comes to magic, things backfired and she turned herself into a plant/human hybrid (akin to DC's Poison Ivy), so she just resumed the reassignment therapy in addition to taking some plant growth hormones.
Am I crossing any lines here? Does this come off as tasteless, offensive, transphobic? Is there any advice y'all could offer?
A couple of things I should note btw: My comic doesn't take itself too seriously, so tend to throw in a touch of humoa more casual approach to lessen the intensity of plot points like this one.
Also, the events that eventually lead to her successful transition take place before the comic itself and are only likely to be mentioned through dialogue (I don't think I'd have the guts to show them as flashbacks, I'm trying not to overstep here).
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Cry-Skull-7 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:26 revlid Disciples of Tzeentch make no sense visually, and I hate it

Slaves to Darkness make visual sense. It's the old Warriors of Chaos aesthetic; you've got tyrannical dark knights who rule the wastes, calling on hordes of shirtless barbarians and mutated war-beasts to roam ahead of their legions. Lots of baroque, hellish ornamentation on brutal, hard lines, lots of barbarian warrior and foreign tyrant cues. It's all quite coherent, even when you put wildly different subsets against each other; Varanguard and Fellriders are very dissimilar, but even in isolation you can still see the links.
Maggotkin of Nurgle make visual sense. Everything is bloated and decayed and infested. Lots of round shapes, which makes the collapsed hollows or spiked growths stand out all the more. The armour is also rounded, with oddly-placed holes to suggest deformity. The war-beasts are all insects or molluscs, with fat abdomens and wriggling feelers. It's all very European apocalypse, the pestilential knights and plague victims shambling out of hell. The most divergent designs are the Rotmire Creed, who are a Warcry warband, and even they share the same spiked growths, ragged hoods, and plague-veils.
Hedonites of Slaanesh make visual sense. Everything is lithe and flowing and ostentatious. They have a very Orientalist vibe, taking cues from Western portrayals of "exotic" and "decadent" cultures like Persia, Greece, India, the Byzantines, the Arab caliphates, etc. From the armoured warriors to the near-naked archers to the giant cow-men, you'll find the same rich ornaments, elegant silks, and prominent plumage. The only things that stand out too oddly are the Hellstriders, and that's because they are ass old and barely part of the range.
Blades of Khorne make visual sense. They're pretty boring, but they make sense. Everything is muscular and hard, sharp and violent. They are a very straightforward rendition of the same Slaves to Darkness aesthetic, but more overtly macho and angrier. Chaos Warriors are here, but have bare arms and bulging muscles and angrier helmets and more axes. Marauders are here, but with bigger muscles and more spikes. Claws of Karanak diverge a bit from this, taking on more of a "barbarian reivemercenary" vibe, like the Roman image of the Visigoths, or mountain-dwelling bandit tribes, but they still fit in overall.
Disciples of Tzeentch don't make visual sense. Their core infantry all has a clear theme; the Tzaangors are buff satyrs with antelope horns, bird-heads, and faux-Grecian arms, armour, and loincloths. The Kairic Acolytes keep up the faux-Grecian armaments and dress, tossing in theatre masks, scrolls, eagle pets, and ridiculously sculpted muscles. There's a lot of overlap here, for better or worse, which gives a clear theme of... sinister bird cultist Greeks? Which works, honestly – setting aside the incredible workout routines on display, that's a visual language which evokes philosophers, knowledge-seekers, ancient occultism, and so on.
Except the instant you leave those kits behind, it falls apart.
Their non-Tzaangor heroes follow the Blades of Khorne approach, being essentially Slaves to Darkness characters with minor bird accessories, which results in a totally different style. A Curseling is an old Chaos Lord of Tzeentch. A Magister is an old Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch. The Gaunt Summoner is the same but with some feather decorations (good effort, I guess?), long robes, and a mutant head covered in eyes. They don't look like they're even part of the same army as Kairic Acolytes, much less their direct leaders. The Ogroid Thaumaturge ties in with Tzaangors reasonably well, until you get to his crude-looking staff and the fact that Ogroids are now firmly part of Slaves to Darkness. The Magister on Disc does better than most, but that's because he's just a Tzaangor Shaman with a breastplate, a mutant human head covered in eyes (interesting theme, shame it's found nowhere else in this army), and a random Gloomspite hood.
Their Warcry warband adds another, also totally divergent aesthetic. The Jade Obelisk ditch the vaguely Greek look entirely for a vaguely Mayan or druidic style, with thick, hooded robes over the whole body, laced with metal studs for an exotic coat-of-plates. They've got a heavy segmented cuirass and faulds, and a wildly different style of weapons, masks, and ornamentation. They're not spindly and fragile like the MagisteSummoner, or sculpted and buff like the Acolytes. The only commonality with the whole faction is a few bird-themed decorations and their bird-daemon familiar. Warcry warbands often stand out, that's fine, but these guys look nothing alike – it's as though the designers aren't sure what Tzeentch's shared language really is.
Meanwhile, the faction's daemons consist of exactly one evil robed wizard-bird with extra eyes on its head and book-staff (damn, hitting lots of buttons at once!). It's joined by... multi-armed blob-goblins, smaller flaming blob goblins, flaming mushroom monsters, and flying manta rays.
The Disciples of Tzeentch look like a mishmash of two, three, or even four factions with totally different visual approaches to Tzeentch's general themes. Are they spindly wizard-nerds with robes and loads of eyes? Are they buff Greek warrior-philosophers and beastmen? Are they armoured Chaos Warriors with feathers and extra arms? Are they shapeless blobs of tentacles and fire? What's the visual narrative meant to be, here?
I don't get it. This isn't a problem created by mix-matching old ranges, all of their mortal stuff is new and AoS-specific. Why are they like this? Why are they the only ones like this?
submitted by revlid to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:24 S_K_25 stealing idea and also reviewing all professors i’ve had

stealing u/epiccabbage123 idea, feel free to ask any questions!!
FALL 2020
Adam Kane- WR120, first year writing, nonsense fiction. very fun class honestly with a lot of interesting discussions, and super interesting and thought provoking material with very interesting perspectives. recommend
Laura Brusetti- LI111, first sem italian, fun professor but tbh i was just in the class for lang requirement, but made learning the language easy and didn’t put a ton of pressure. recommend
Dan Dill- CH101, gen chem 1, i mean everyone knows dill what do i say, took it online which made it a lil easier tbh but i guess that may depend who you talk to. talks really slow and i felt like the book explained concepts better than he did
Mark Howe- NE101, intro to neuroscience, this class moves pretty fast and is very content packed, also took it online. i really enjoyed this class since i was super interested, but could be tough if you’re not. don’t think he teaches this class anymore tho (take it with gobrogge in the summer if he still does that!)
Walter Hopp- PH248, existentialism, idk this is where i found out academic philosophy wasnt for me, but jf you’re interested in the subject you’d probably like it, remember doing some kant and nietzche but i stopped reading the material halfway through the class tbh
Rita Cote- LI112 (2nd sem italian), LI211 (3rd sem), more difficult professor people say but tbh if you pay attention to the questions she asks they are the same she puts on oral exams and paper tests so just write them down in class and prepare an answer (if she hasn’t changed how she teaches)
Lucia Pastorino- NE102, Intro to cell and molecular bio, really great professor but i didn’t get to take her courses outside of this one and it was online, so i didn’t get to know her that well. class was great tho and she is a great lecturer, neuro department is great here. recommend
Binyomin Abrams- CH102, gen chem 2, explained things better than dill but still found the best help was reading the textbook, honestly just taught myself that one
Kyle Gobrogge- NE102 Lab, NE203 Lab (Principles of Neuro), NE456, the absolute goat, i love him to death. probably my favorite professor i’ve had and a huge part of what makes the neuro department great. truly cares about all his students and is willing to talk about anything and everything. will push you to reach your potential and it feels like he truly believes in you. he will open doors for you if you really want, and you can get anywhere you want if you want to work for it, he will offer paths to publish papers, undertake whatever experiment you can come up with that he has the facilities to support. they run a lab as well called the gobrogge teaching lab where he gave me access to whatever resources he could to come up with experiments and do whatever i wanted with them. very low pressure on the research as well, it truly felt like a perfect learning experience and through him i was able to start learning how to actually undertake research. take their sex and aggression class, it’s something everyone should be exposed to at some level and gives you an opportunity to talk about topics on human sexuality, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anything and everything freely and openly. i could go on for a while about them. highly highly recommend take any classes they’re teaching
FALL 2021
Cote, 3rd sem Italian, above
Rebecca Kinraide- WR152, Medical debates, seemed like a class but i wasn’t super engaged tbh. she was super nice though from what i remember and i don’t have any bad things to say about her
Jeff Gavornik- NE203, principles of neuro lecture, moves quick but i found it interesting, explains basic functions of the brain and builds a good foundation for future classes, he specialized in the electrical side of things so the class was slightly heavier in that aspect. felt like he explained things well though, didn’t go to office hours much so i don’t know him very well
huge shoutout to Caroline Dugan, think she is currently teaching NE203 lab which was easily my favorite lab class at BU. got to design our own experiment on fruit flies and this class has only improved since. you get access to some really powerful tools that you can do some really interesting things with. caroline was a LA when i took the class and she was always a great help, great at explaining concepts from lecture or lab and i highly recommend.
also huge shoutout to John Tullai, i didn’t have the pleasure of taking one of his classes directly since i did 203 lab under gobrogge, but every interaction I’ve had with tullai all the way through graduation has been great. another huge part of what makes the neuro department great, great person and great teacher. highly recommend.
Tracy Dunne- PS101, intro to psych, she was good but i wasn’t always super engaged and honestly wish i did a different minor. great professor though with interesting lectures and funny stories, i’d recommend if you are looking at this class
Zeynep Demiragli- PY105, physics 1, honestly felt like she went over some concepts a little too quick and found reading textbook to be really helpful to supplement, but was super nice and seemed to care about her students a lot.
David Somers- NE202, Intro to Cognitive neuro, this class was also interesting and he brought up a lot of interesting experiments, definitely have to study for this one. his lectures were engaging enough imo but not standout. recommend
Arash Yazdanbakhsh- NE212 (Intro to Matlab), NE204 (Intro to Computational Neuroscience), both classes are matlab, expects his students to do well and put in effort but is also more than willing to explain things to the most minute detail and repeat whenever you’re confused. go to office hours and ask questions, exams are open note and open internet as well so take notes and use them. his lecturing style is a bit different than most, instead of directly telling you information he tries to lead you there with questions and student input. he wants you to try to make the steps that people discovering these things did and think about everything is presented, he will give you all the information you need. recommend
FALL 2022
Paul Trunfio- PY106, physics 2, loved this man honestly, he wants his students to do well and will explain and answer any questions you have. gave great lectures and very accessible but also felt textbook material/assigned work pretty helpful. recommend
Brett DiBenedictis- NE333, drugs and behavior, really interesting class and he is a great lecturer, but the professors for this class change all the time. he gives a lot of detail and a very wide perspective outside of just how drugs work, but also touches on how they’ve impacted society. recommend if you get the chance
Steve Ramirez- NE337, Memory Systems, this man is incredible and i wish i got to interact with him more. leads a really interesting lab as well doing sick memory research. learned a ton in this class about how human memory works, things that can apply outside of just neuro knowledge but you can apply to your life. engaging lectures, funny professor with great stories and is great at explaining concepts. highly recommend.
Alice Cronin-Golomb- NE338, neuropsychology, learned some really interesting information in this class and she brought in some interesting guest lecturers. great lecturer herself, can expect a lot but is very informative. recommend.
Andrey Vyshedskiy, MET BI366, Neurobiology of Consciousness and Imagination, this guy is a genius, like seriously. go read his book, titled on the origin of the human mind, especially if you are interested in neuro and human evolution. he proposes a super interesting theory on what makes humans unique and is doing some really interesting research trying to examine his theory. unfortunately idk if you can get into this class anhmore unless you are in MET, and i took this class with 4 other people. super super interesting though and really pushed my understanding of the brain but also began to build a much more holistic overview of how the cortex works and how humans can do what we do. highly highly recommend and seriously read his book if you’re interested in this kind of thing.
Rachel Denison- PS222, perception, she seemed like a super sweet woman but i didn’t enjoy the class much, felt very surface level and memorization based honestly and i wasn’t engaged. also didn’t let students leave the classroom after finishing midterm/final until the whole allotted time was up even if you finished early so idk what that was about?
Michael Lyons- PS371, psychopathology, again i wish i did a different minor but old psych white guy vibes, seemed fine enough but lectures weren’t very engaging and felt like they consisted of either some random story that was only slightly related or reading off entries in the DSM
Stephen Prothero- RN106, Death and Immortality, this was the last class that he taught but i would recommend if i could. didn’t read much of the material but lectures were interesting and discussion based, even with a large class. impressed how they managed that tbh. recommend this class for more than just hub recs even tho we all know that’s what you’re taking it for
FALL 2023
Kyle Gobrogge, NE456, above
Kevin Barents/Jeremy Yudkin MH408/AM336, bob dylan: music and words, love these guys, lowkey penn and teller vibes but very interesting professors. class is super fun, listen to bob dylan and discuss his music, influence, life, ideas, whatever. recommend
Meg Younger- NE520, Sensory Neurobiology, great class and great professor. not only do you get to look at the groundbreaking discoveries in sensory neurobio, she teaches you how to read and digest scientific articles and prepares you to move into a lab. runs her discussion sections like a lab would run a journal club which i found super helpful. also will always engage with student feedback and is willing to challenge students if she doesn’t feel like we are putting in enough effort. really enjoyed her class and teaching style, this was a smaller class that allowed for open discussion and lots of perspectives. she also runs a really interesting mosquito lab investigating olfaction, so she has some really interesting insights there. highly highly recommend.
Kevin Gold, DS110, intro to Data Science with Python, good professor and chill dude, didn’t go to office hours so i didn’t know him much. cool class tho, helpful information to know and a good beginyning exposition to python and data science. recommend.
Arash Yazdanbakhsh, NE204, above
Leonidas Kontothanasis, DS210, Programming for Data Science, difficult and demanding class but good professor, gives some interesting stories in office hours and fun to talk to. good lectures but definitely need to do some reading outside of lecture as well. his class began to spark my interest in programming. recommend.
Tanima Chatterjee- DS120, Foundations of Data Science, seemed like a great professor but honestly i didn’t attend lecture much, seemed super nice from her recordings and didn’t actually require lecture attendance, gave really detailed lecture notes that were super easy to teach myself from. class itself was just basic topics in probability, proofs and logic, calculus, and linear algebra, i didn’t find it too difficult. she’s good at explaining concepts and if i didn’t take this class as a second semester senior i probably would have been more engaged. recommend.
submitted by S_K_25 to BostonU [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:21 spazz4life A pacifier is not a mute button for your kid

I work retail. The amount of not-fussy toddlers/ little ones (2 to 4) with pacifiers in their age after it’s developmentally appropriate is insane. I had a toddler in line in front of me talking around a pacifier. That’s just sad.
Your kid is able to talk and walk. They can ask in complete sentences. Many can count. It’s time. Just because you can’t teach your kid emotionally regulation and self soothing (yes that’s part of parenting, waiting out a tantrum when they don’t get what they want).
Firstly, kids need to talk and babble it helps develop communication and language skills, it’s good for them. And a friendly child is one of my small joys in life. I don’t mind when your 2 yr old says “hi! What doing? I have shoes!” It’s adorable.
Your kid eventually needs to be weaned off their pacifier for their health as well, IT JACKS UP THEIR TEETH AFTER AGE 2. (Also the same for thumb sucking, that’s a side issue, but having busy hands can also prevent this to a degree). It’s why rattles and teething items have existed for centuries—yes teethers, stale bread, fruit, silver spoons if they were rich, and wooden toys (replaced over time obv; PSA tho don’t let your kid sleep in a teething necklace it could strangle them fyi). Let them self soothe at home so they can do it in public.
For context I’m a former ECE assistant with no kids. I work retail. I’m autistic. Yeah it’s annoying sometimes, but I’d rather you help your kid grow up a self regulated a little human when they are old enough to walk with you outside a shopping cart.
If you don’t like the noise when you are home, put on some music to make the sound less abrasive (not too loud so you can hear distress obviously).
submitted by spazz4life to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:20 Plus_Permit9134 Learning styles question

So, I've been around guitars for years, was a tech on the road with various bands, etc. Recently (-3 months) started actually trying to play. My partner plays bass, and is one of those people who can pretty much play anything (bass, lead, flute, a few classical instruments). I already play piano, violin, and sing.
I have been learning quite casually, but my focus, when I have time for a focus has been:
Question is, my partner, although not saying so, seems to think I'm somehow doing this wrong - although this is just the vibe I'm getting - things like slightly aloof sounding "ok"s and so on in response to what I'm doing.
It sounds pretty sensible to me - learn where the notes are, some patterns, play a few tunes, apply some theory.
Anyone think it sounds like there's more/other things to focus on instead?
submitted by Plus_Permit9134 to Guitar [link] [comments]