Levothyroxine and eyesight


2020.02.25 16:01 ___bacchus___ ImprovingEyesight

How to improve eyesight. What are good eyesight habits? Natural improvement of Myopia, Hyperopia, Amblyopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia and other eye conditions. Discussion of all natural methods of eyesight improvement are welcome. Ask questions, share your story, make friends!

2014.02.26 10:51 fvig2001 Vision Training

A place where people who aim to regain their 20/20 vision through the teachings of Willam Bates and the like talk about things they do in order to improve their vision. Please try to be open minded.

2013.04.11 02:02 JustWantToBeHealthy Prepare for the UK theory and practical driving tests

A place for those learning to drive and in particular to pass the UK driving test. Discuss theory & practical test tips, share driving advice & your progress as a learner. Full licence holder? Check out drivingUK

2023.04.26 19:51 Individual-Goose5508 Mystery Illness w/ Supraclavicular Granuloma, Fatigue, Chest Pain - Potential Sarcoidosis?

I basically have a mystery illness that has really been impacting my life the past few years. So buckle up, if you're willing to come along for the ride.
I moved to Norway from the US in 2020. In the winter of 2020–2021, I started to develop a lot of fatigue (I would sometimes have it in the past, but not like this where I couldn't get out of bed), brain fog, night sweats, loss of appetite/weight loss, muscle fatigue, and just a general feeling of being unwell. I then was very aware of a fullness and uncomfortable feeling, then a lot of pain accompanied by a visible lump above my left clavicle.
I was referred to ENT oncology (as they suspected Lymphoma) at the research hospital in Oslo right away, and there was definitely an abnormal left supraclavicular growth. After a lot of cytology samples, blood tests, ultrasounds, CT scans, etc., they went in for a biopsy at the end of February 2021. I also showed scarring/a nodule on my left lung (which has since remained unchanged) and PET showed inflammation in ovary (which checked out as fine from gyno referral).
The supraclavicular lymph node granuloma was not cancerous but the area showed necrosis, and they did all sorts of tests on that (bacteria, infection, etc.) with no conclusive results. They ruled out tuberculosis, etc. (connection to the lung). I was transferred from the ENT dept. to the dept. for rheumatology and infectious disease.
I also did an endoscopy and colonoscopy, which showed a bit of lymphocytic colitis (I occasionally have bouts of intestinal discomfort and issues, but nothing debilitating—or I've just learned to live with it, like everything else).
All in all, I was back and forth at the hospital for 6+ months while they tried to figure out what was wrong. They tried doxycylcline after awhile, and I felt a little better but still unwell. A lot of potential diagnoses were thrown around, but they just didn't know what was wrong and could't be certain of anything. They recommended follow-ups every 3–6 months with CTs, etc., but I was back to my GP.
I was still quite fatigued for a long time and just generally felt unwell, although not as bad as when I went in for the biopsy. They said if it was some sort of infection, it was normal that it could take a long time to feel back to normal. So, I just learned to kind of live with it.
In Feb 2022, I got a bad case of COVID after which I assumed I had long-COVID, as my lungs were affected, shortness of breath, lightheaded, brain fog, exhaustions from mental and physical exertion, etc.—a lot of overlapping symptoms I had previously, but GP just kept saying I probs had long-COVID. Haven't really been able to exercise properly since.
In August of 2022, I finally went to the ER as I had been having terrible chest pains for awhile on top of the previous symptoms. It would be intense tightness, pressure, and fullness accompanied by spikes of stabbing pain (center, off to the left). The ER referred me overnight where they did a bunch of tests, checked for GERD, etc. They said all tests were normal.
Fast-forward to today, and I have been seeing my GP again for months because the fatigue, etc. has gotten worse again, the chest pains are back and worse, and now I get pain up in the supraclavicular area and up the left side. She did a bunch of tests to rule things out (I was low on iron so supplemented, and under treated a bit for hypothyroid so increased meds—no change in symptoms when levels were improved).
Could be totally unrelated, but my eyesight has gotten more sensitive and also jumped a bit worse (from -1.50 and -2.00 to -2.75 and -3.00) and have a weird farsighted binocular vision thing (she said common if I work on a computer all day).
I noticed when I translated all of my notes from Norwegian that sarcoidosis was mentioned as possible a few times—I don't recall them ever mentioning this to me. My GP does't really know anything about sarcoidosis. She's been working with me to try to diminish any symptoms that might be from other things, and says she thinks there some sort of autoimmune issue but can't figure it out. Lupus has been mentioned to me by a few medical-area friends.
I just went to the ER again because of chest pains—my GP said she put in a referral to a cardiologist, but to go in if the chest symptoms get worse, as I did have a slightly elevated P-NT-proBNP at 189 in a recent blood test. The ER did a quick EKG (or ECG? 10 seconds) and the ER doctor said it was normal and he's not really concerned about that blood level due to my age. After talking about my history and symptoms, he said there's def something wrong but he's no sure what. But he wasn't super concerned about heart failure, heart attack, etc.
So I'm hoping to go back to the university research hospital as they move faster, but waiting for referrals, etc. to go through. I'm quite frustrated, and have put a lot of things on hold as I've been unwell with no end in sight. There are days I can push through at work, and then days I can't get out of bed or off the couch due to fatigue. I'm trying to push for answers versus just living with it, being exhausted from work, etc.
I notice the symptoms seem to get worse late afternoon/early evening and into the night and breathing always hurts at the top of the breath, akin to when you're out of breath when it's really cold outside. I also have noticed symptoms tend to get worse if either I've been more active or outside in warm weather (often they go hand-in-hand, so not sure which is a the catalyst).
Any advice is very welcomed. Are there certain tests I should be pushing for? Thank you 🙏
submitted by Individual-Goose5508 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.04.08 03:47 BaylisAscaris How to reduce edema without Spironolactone?

I have edema. When I am on 100mg Spironolactone I lose around 15-30 pounds of water weight within a week of starting it and gain it back after stopping. When the edema is treated my eyesight is better, my sleep apnea is better, it is easier to get exercise, my hidradenitis suppurativa is better, my periods are more regular and I don't have as many ovarian cysts, etc. Unfortunately Spironolactone makes me very depressed, so I have done a slow taper off of it and now feel emotionally great but physically bad.
I asked my doctor if there are other drugs and she said to "eat less salt" even though my sodium levels are normal to low and I don't eat a lot of salt normally because I dislike the taste. In fact, if I don't make a conscious effort to eat some salt my blood pressure gets very low and I pass out. Spironolactone was prescribed for edema and excess testosterone, not high blood pressure.
Age: 40
Sex: F
Height: 5'2
Weight: average to overweight depending on medication
Race: white/etc.
Duration of complaint: lifelong
Location: USA
Any existing relevant medical issues: PCOS, insulin resistance, autoimmune hypothyroidism, hemolytic anemia, allergies, edema, glaucoma, sleep apnea, hidradenitis suppurativa, irregular periods, ovarian cysts, etc.
Current medications: Metformin, levothyroxine, spironolactone, b-complex, d
Include a photo if relevant
submitted by BaylisAscaris to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.03.17 04:04 SpecificTemporary774 When should I see a doc about a headache?

I am a 21 year old female. My height is 5’0” weight 100 lbs. I have hypothyroidism and have had migraines in the past. I currently take levothyroxine and birth control pills. Nothing new.I don’t smoke, but I drink occasionally. I have had nonstop headaches (usually in the left frontal lobe) for about a week. They feel like someone is stabbing me, and recently I’ve been feeling intense pressure when the stabbing stops. I’ve also been feeling very dizzy when the pressure gets really bad, extreme fatigue that makes me head and extremities feel very heavy, and nausea (it’s rare tho).
The migraines I’ve had in the past are not quite like what I’m feeling now. During migraines, I can’t see properly, the pain is in one area like it is now, I feel intense nausea when I move, and I lose feeling in my fingers on that side of my body. During the headaches recently, I haven’t lost eyesight (however I can’t focus on things because of the sharp pain) and haven’t lost feeling in my fingers.
I’ve read that this could be cluster headaches, but I’m nervous that it could be more. I do think I’m a bit of a hypochondriac, so this could be nothing. I already have a yearly checkup scheduled in August, so I could wait to bring it up then if it’s still happening. I’m just scared that it could be something serious this time and waiting could make it worse.
I’ve tried to take ibuprofen and Tylenol. They worked at first, but it’s gotten to the point where they don’t take the headache away fully. I can still feel the stabbing and it feels like they’re not doing anything anymore. I’ve increased my water intake and decreased my caffeine intake. I’m not sure what else to do besides wait and see if they stop. It’s becoming a big nuisance in my life.
Any advice is greatly appreciated
submitted by SpecificTemporary774 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.01.27 06:11 KanyeWaste69 Can drinking alcohol too fast and taking antacids cause a severe allergic reaction?

Male 25, 130lbs
white, Mexican and other Hispanic. Possibly Asian (related?)
I'm prescribed Adderall 45mg XR and levothyroxine.
I've had two severe reactions after both drinking a little too fast, and taking Tums roughly 20-30 minutes later
The Asian mention is because I think I'm intolerant as I found out that sometimes getting flushed/red after drinking isnt normal and that's mostly tied to Asian genetics, or related to being part Mexican? Should I get enzyme and panel tests? I haven't had a checkup in years. Regardless it's never resulted in any allegric reaction before.
First time calcium carbonate, yesterday it was Pepto bismo
Allergic symptoms showed up shortly after my stomach pain would go away 10-20 minutes after eating the antiacid-
First time it was on an Adderall break so I had also consumed caffeine that day.
Yesterday it was day 1 after taking 2 weeks off my Adderall. Of course I only took my first 25mg, didn't take my 2nd dose cause it was very strong due to not taking it
I had a couple small glasses of white wine but sobered up. 3 hours later, I drank a full 24oz Mike's harder (8 percent) in under 15 minutes. So like 3.5 shots worth maybe?
didn't realize how fast I drank it but both times this allergic reaction happened in this order below.
Drink alcohol - drink too fast, stomach pain, take antiacid- suddenly red, itchy. Full on allergic reaction. Called 9/11.
Other similarities. I forgot Pepsi has caffeine so Both times I had consumed caffeine and both times I had not been not taking my levothyroxine since I ran out.
First time I think they gave me an EpiPen. This time it was 50mg of Benadryl and 40mg Prednisone. It took 2-4 hours to fully resolve
I had all the insane symptoms (hives extreme itching trouble breathing, stuffy nose, swelling,.
Also my blood pressure kept jumping up and down a lot. From what I heard at least they couldn't figure it out.
Last odd symptom. Even my eyesight would pixelate to the point it was almost gone, I'd feel like I was losing consciousness, it was a lot of blue pixels with an arrangwment of others colors
, kaleidoscope vision? No headache or anything, no migraine history
But Id love to know why an allergic reaction would cause this, or if it was because I drank too quickly, or both?
submitted by KanyeWaste69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.12.26 04:58 stephhxstar Weird head rushes? anyone else?

Hi all! 28yo female here, new to this sub, and newly diagnosed hashimotos this summer (although its been lingering my guess at least a year prior, maybe more). Im experiencing something strange, and wondering if anyone else has to narrow down the possible causes. Over the last two to three months (on 25mg SID levothyroxine since August) I've noticed that if I lay down suddenly or get up very fast I get a horrible head rush that feels like the blood vessels in my head and neck are going to burst for about 30 seconds to a minute. And also never before until recent, I've experienced absolutely random bouts of sudden, extreme vertigo where my eyesight goes completely upside down and then in almost a figure eight and I feel like I'm a split second away from passing out. To the point where I cry out for my husband to come to my aid because it's terrifying and feels very very wrong. Anyone else experience this with hashimotos, on or off meds?
submitted by stephhxstar to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2022.03.15 23:50 Key_Surprise_8652 Low B12 but elevated folate?

I’m not sure if my folate is actually elevated because the reference range says normal is > 5.4 ng/mL and doesn’t specify an upper limit, but mine was 19.3. My vitamin B12 was 212 (200-1100 with a note that some people experience neurological symptoms with levels between 200-400).
I’ve been taking B12 since I got my test results back about 6 weeks ago, and I started a b complex vitamin maybe 2 weeks ago but I’m not sure if I need it.
I haven’t found much info on elevated folate with low b12, except that b12 is needed for your body to properly use folate? I’m mostly vegetarian but I do eat chicken occasionally and I eat dairy pretty often as well.
I also have low ferritin (reference range was 16-154 ng/mL), mine was 19 but everything I’ve read online says under 30 is low. My total iron was fine at 82, saturation is 24%. Vitamin D was 31 (30-100) after taking supplements for a few months.
My CBC was all in the normal range, with some being closer to the lower end but still fine as far as I can tell. I’m not too familiar with any of these. Hemoglobin was 12.8 (11.7-15.5), hematocrit 36.7% (35-45%), MCV 87.2 (80-100), MCH 30.4 (27-33), MCHC 34.9 (33-36), RDW 11.8% (11-15%), platelet count 256,000 (140,000-400,000).
I also have hypothyroidism and take levothyroxine, and my prolactin was slightly elevated at 30.5. My TSH was low so my dose was just lowered as well.
I’m taking B12 & a B-complex, levothyroxine and Vyvanse (for ADHD) in the morning, vitamin D, an omega 3 oil, coenzyme Q10 with food, and 65mg iron, vitamin C, and magnesium at night (also added in zinc every other day recently but not sure if it’s needed). My doctor was concerned with my B12 but fine with everything else, including iron, but I just want to make sure I’m on the right track and not missing anything in terms of potential causes or best options for treatment. I do experience numbness and tingling in my hands and feet, but I was also diagnosed with Raynaud’s and I think my circulation isn’t great. My eyesight has gotten much worse in the last few years as well but I just had an eye exam with a new eye doctor and they prescribed me glasses and weren’t concerned, but I went from being farsighted in my early 20s to nearsighted in my late 20s which freaked me out a little. Not sure if that’s related in any way but might as well mention it!
submitted by Key_Surprise_8652 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2022.01.29 04:53 HelpUsDocs Seeking Advice for Testing/Self Advocacy for Insane Symptoms

24, Female, 150 Lbs, 5'2", Caucasian, USA
Issues have persisted for over 10 years.
Only taking 25mg Levothyroxine (For Hypothyroid)
Drink maybe once a month.
Once a week use of Nicotine, as a temporary treatment for the Brain Fog symptom, as it has a calming effect with the distress they bring.

Hey Reddit, I’m helping my partner put together this post so she can advocate better for herself in the upcoming doctor appointments, as these issues have been plaguing her for years without getting conclusive resolutions.
She’s had various mental disorder diagnoses throughout her life due to things like hallucinations and mood issues, and most recently was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder - Bipolar Type, but has been treatment resistant pretty much all her life. We’ve been trying a lot of things over the last few years and have actually narrowed most of the symptoms associated with her diagnoses to some sort of Gluten reaction (Suspect Gluten Ataxia or some brain-affecting variant of Celiacs).
Making our home strictly gluten-free has been substantially more effective than any of the Antipsychotics she’s worked with in the past (Latuda, Seraquel, Zyprexa, Ivega, Risperdal, Abilify, Geodon, Haldol, and others), and virtually all related symptoms are treated after 2 or so weeks without any cross-contamination. Because of this, she was able to completely go off all mood stabilizers and antipsychotics months ago with no negative consequences.
But there’s two things we’re wanting to work towards now. One, just narrowing down what exactly it is (Like Ataxia VS something else). Two, there’s a small set of seemingly unrelated symptoms that seem related to nerve issues that are pretty concerning and are persistent regardless of glutening.
At the moment we have scheduled a visit with a Primary Care Physician and a Neurologist and want to detail this stuff to them in a concise way, and also advocate for tests that will best help identify what all is going on, and were hoping we might be able to get some guidance on that here.


Symptoms Obvious After “Glutening”:

Strange Nerve Issue (Seemingly unrelated to Glutening)

Another weird issue that seems to stand on its own, but is persistent:

Treatment Attempts
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2020.08.04 14:26 RUlax23 Welcome!

Hi everyone. I'm in my mid 30s and was just diagnosed with mosaic turners this Summer. I was diagnosed because I am currently pregnant with my second son and we had an inclusive NIPT test. The NIPT test that I got at 10 weeks was not able to determine the gender. A few weeks later we redid the NIPT test and got the same exact results. They decided to run the mother's blood to rule out any chromosomal issues on my part and that's how I found out I was mosaic for turners.
Background Symptoms: Growing up I was always short, I'm 5'1". In school I pretty much did okay but it wasn't my top priority. I was good at math but I really struggled with reading comprehension. I begged my mom to take me to a doctor so I could get diagnosed with ADD... Everybody I knew that was on medicine was able to focus so well. She never took mebut I did fine and was able to graduate college too. But I wonder now with my day doses I probably do have ADD or ADHD somewhat. I didn't have great eyesight and ended up having LASIK surgery after college. About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I've been on Levothyroxine ever since then. After the wedding it took us several months to conceive. We had an early miscarriage with my first pregnancy at 10 weeks. My thyroid medicine was increased and I started seeing an endocrinologist specializing in fertility at this time. I naturally became pregnant four months later and I have an amazing son. It did take a while to get pregnant again but I attributed that to the fact that I breastfed for 12 months. I'm due in October and my boys will be a little over 2 years apart.
Finding out as an adult that I have Turner syndrome... During a pandemic is not ideal. I was able to have one tele-medicine call with my general doctor. I am meeting with my endocrinologist this week but the appointment had been rescheduled three times already due to covid. And now I have to find a cardiologist which hopefully that appointment will be in-person. I wonder if my first miscarriage was related to my Turner syndrome... I wonder if it was a daughter who would have had Turner full and is that why I had the miscarriage. Or is it completely unrelated and just due to the one in four pregnancies that end in miscarriage unfortunately. I won't know but I always wanted a big family and my husband and I will talk and maybe decide after this pregnancy that we are done with two kids... We'll see.
Feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions. I created this group because I was really surprised there wasn't already one on Reddit.
submitted by RUlax23 to MosaicTurnerSyndrome [link] [comments]

2020.05.03 04:54 emmyknowing Brain tumor fear

36, white female, 5'7, not sure but >200lbs. Current medications: claritin d, sertraline, atenolol, bupropion and levothyroxine daily. Meloxicam and generic Flexeril as needed for pinched nerve in neck two months ago; don't take it often now. Motrin for headaches. Medical issues: degenerative disc disease, IBS, allergies, past hysterectomy to resolve endometriosis and fibroid, had thyroid out last year for NIFTP. No new medications in the past year. Main complaint has been ongoing about two weeks or so.
About two weeks ago I started smelling things that weren't there. At first it was getting hit by rotting garbage smell after coming inside from throwing out the trash; I figured my face mask somehow delayed the smell and ignored it. I also smelled the "someone turned the heater on" smell - it's a vaguely electrical smell and I kept sniffing my laptop, sure the faulty fan was acting up again.
Then I got knocked down by the worst headache I can remember having since I used to get migraines as a kid. Woke up with it. It kept moving around my head. Changing the position of my head helped for a few seconds but it'd start up again. Getting up and moving around made it worse, so I gave up and went back to bed. It woke me up twice with a stabbing feeling on top of my head (both times I was dreaming and was just like "Well that's fucking taking me out of the moment, ow.") Eventually it more or less went away. I've been having mild headaches off and on for a couple of months that I didn't think much of (I pinched a nerve in my neck and figured that was the cause; it can be stiff and painful still.) For a while I had pain in my cheeks, forehead, temples and the bridge of my nose, but now the pain mostly lingers in my forehead/temple area. It's mild but not pleasant. My eyes also hurt, like I've been reading with the wrong glasses. (The headaches started in earnest when my cat smashed my regular glasses and I had to switch to backup ones, but they're all the same prescription, no idea why I'd have a headache from them.) My eyes have also been burning nonstop for the past month or so and they're always red; I assume allergies. None of my usual nasal congestion, though.
And I'm still smelling weird things. I smelled Ajax a couple of times (I thought someone had been cleaning but no), marijuana once, mostly that electrical smell. Most of these last for the duration of one inhale and the smell is gone; a couple of times they've lasted a few breaths. From my understanding, phantom smells that last such a short time are usually neurological. My sense of smell is otherwise fine. Can still smell cat crap from anywhere in the apartment, etc.
At 36 I know I'm youngish for a brain tumor, but I can't think of a more likely explanation, since I've had bad sinus smells before and they were more like...musty basement combined with burning rubber that I smelled every time I bent my head. I have nonstop post nasal drip, but that's normal for me right now. No history of CNS infections, no head injuries. Had a brain MRI over a decade ago (coming off a medication had fucked me up pretty badly and we wanted to make sure I wasn't just dying), no cysts or anything weird. I feel like I'm having problems with my eyesight, but mostly if I hold things the right distance from my face or at the correct angle, or squint in the case of my computer screen, I can see fine. Not sure if that's just needing new glasses or another symptom.
So is there any chance this isn't seizure activity and I'm not going to die a painful death at the end of a short life? I plan on talking to the GP I'm currently seeing about it, but I have to be honest; I'm not super impressed with the guy. My old GP had to surprise-retire due to poor health and I've been in a tizzy since then. I can be a bit of a hypochondriac, but usually I can find something on Google to give me hope. Right now I've got nothing.
submitted by emmyknowing to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.11.24 19:45 DetSluOs Marijuana with Hashimotos

So this is going to be a little long, apologies.
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 170cm
Weight: 69 Kilograms
Race: White/Australian
Pre-Exisiting Medical Issues:Hashimotos Thyroiditis. (Underactive Thyroid)
So all of this stems around (in my opinion) smoking marijuana , my problem (I think) is directly caused by marijuana.
So let’s start from the beginning, it was about 6 months ago, I smoked weed for the first time. Got an intense feeling of delayed touch, depersonalisation, derealisation, basically felt like I was in a dream. But by far the most life affecting part was the delayed touch. I would touch my skin and only feel the sensation of the touch after about half a second. Everything just felt a little off. This continued for about 3 days slowly wearing off.
It’s important to note that I do have a endocrine disorder called Hashimotos. I really don’t think this has (much) to do with it, but it very well may. So after this horrible feeling went away I proceeded to smoke marijuana multiple time’s the following months. This was until about 1/2 months ago. I was smoking just like usual and suddenly, completely out of no where the delayed sense of touch slapped me in the face. I remember having a panic attack because it was so intense. Every single tactical sensation was delayed by a good 1 second which made life like a nightmare. I just laid on a bed for about 5 hours. This delayed touch however continued for multiple weeks, until fading away (very slowly).
This chronicly affected my life, my job, my family it truely messed everything up. But it was gone and ( I have not smoked any since )
But last night I went to the cinemas and boom out of complete no where the delayed touch came back and I felt myself touching my face and feeling it all delayed and slow. I was scared. I knew that this now was a neurological issue. Weed can’t affect you months later.
It’s important to note that I have an iron deficiency & am having my levothyroxine for my Hashimotos dose changed. I’m currently on 100mcg a night of levothyroxine. I’m very fatigued and dizzy. I’ve also been having bad eyesight and I seem to sort of run into walls or objects ( rarely ) thought this was a sign of a brain tumour but haven’t been tested yet. So I don’t know what’s happening with me right now but I need desperate help. There’s a list below of all my symptoms I’m feeling right now.
-Fatigued -Dizzy - Nauseas (Sometimes) - Blurry Eyesight - Bad coordination - Forgetfullness/Memory loss - Muscle cramps/stiffness - Minor heart palpitations
I’ve been to the doctors and had multiple blood tests, heart scans, and a chest x-ray. Everything’s good besides my horrible Hashimotos levels that are being adjusted very soon as soon as I see the specialist.
Please if you know ANYTHING about what I’m experiencing, don’t hesitate to reply to this.
Thanks. Nick.
submitted by DetSluOs to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2013.07.29 14:34 FreezrBurnz Seeing My Endo Today: What Should I Ask?

I'm taking 137mcg of levothyroxine daily. Hair is breaking and falling out, skin very dry and itchy. Terrible reflux. Brain flog. Sleeping all the time. I feel like I've been beaten when I wake. Eyesight blurry. Blah, blah, blah--I'm sure you know the drill. Have been seeing the endo for six months. Initially, simply ran tests (TSH, T4), then raised my levo from 125. Doctor ran TSH, T4 again, last week. I'm seeing the endo today. What should I ask? This can't continue. I have to work, and I'm a mess.
submitted by FreezrBurnz to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]
