Lightheadedness sore muscles


2012.07.17 20:34 Jugger

The Reddit page for Jugger, an International sport for those who need more chaos and sore muscles in their life. Beginning in Germany, the sport has made it all the way to Australia and the US.

2012.04.23 05:58 ripples2288 CrossView: stereoscopic 3D using cross-eyed freeviewing of side-by-side stereograms

Cross viewing is seeing 3D with nothing but your regular screen! The pictures here show two perspectives, just cross your eyes and make the two sides overlap to see the image in 3D. Tutorials and helpful apps on the sidebawiki/menu/about. Accepting submissions of all forms (pictures, gif/gfys, videos). If things look 'reverse depth' then /ParallelView might be the place for you!

2013.02.14 05:55 /r/crossview_gifs: Moving 3d images, without glasses

/CrossView_gifs, dedicated to the stereoscopic free viewing method of cross viewing. Accepting submissions gif and gfy (and apng) formats and all subjects (SFW/NSFW must be labelled).

2024.05.19 13:25 333333x Are you always bedridden with the flu?

I had a virus that I thought was a bad cold because I wasn't bedridden. But my symptoms were that of the flu, sore muscles, sore skin, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue ect.
submitted by 333333x to flu [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:47 Impossible_Peak_885 Back of head muscles very sore from clenching

Is it a TMJ issue that the muscles (I believe occipitals) on the back of the head are extremely tight from clenching my jaw? What can be done to loosen them up?
submitted by Impossible_Peak_885 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:58 potentialeffects Exploring Its Remarkable Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger, known scientifically as Zingiber officinale, is not only a popular spice used in cuisines around the world but also a revered medicinal herb with a long history of therapeutic use. From ancient times to modern-day wellness practices, ginger has been celebrated for its numerous health benefits. Let's delve into the wealth of goodness that ginger offers:

1. Digestive Aid:

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

3. Nausea Relief:

4. Immune Booster:

5. Pain Management:

6. Cardiovascular Support:

7. Anti-Cancer Potential:

8. Brain Health:


From soothing digestive woes to boosting immunity and fighting inflammation, ginger stands as a versatile and potent ally in promoting overall health and well-being. Whether enjoyed in culinary creations, brewed into tea, or taken in supplement form, incorporating ginger into your daily routine can be a simple yet powerful step towards better health.
Make ginger a part of your wellness regimen and experience firsthand the remarkable benefits this humble herb has to offer.
submitted by potentialeffects to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:57 fmn_ Other symptoms of acoustic shock/trauma

i had an acoustic trauma event 7months ago. At first it was very bad. Insane tinnitus and crazy nerve pain in ears and face.
7 months later and I still have these annoying symptoms:
My analysis is that I still have significant nerve damage or something hence all these weird symptoms. Just seems weird to have it still after 7 months
Anyone else have this? My T has improved over the 7 months.
submitted by fmn_ to TinnitusTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:29 Si1vie What do you for pain?

I’m not totally sure if it’s cause by pots or one of the many disorders that often accompany it but I have pretty bad almost constant pain. My joints, especially knees, and muscles ache all the time, I just super sore shoulders and neck and I have often sharp pain in my back, but it also aches like the rest of my body. I’ve tried two different muscle relaxers and they have 0 affect on me, pain relief or other. And the only thing my doctor has wanted to try is antidepressants (works for nerve pain) and very unhelpful and unwilling. So I need some things to try that I can do/ get myself. I’ve tried lidocaine and it’s not that helpful, I loved bio freeze but I used it too much so it doesn’t work very well anymore. The only thing that really helps is ice because it just numbs the pain. I was wondering if a brace might help my knee pain too. So I just want to know what things you guys do to treat pain that I might not have tried yet, hopefully ones that are not prescription, but if you have similar pain to me medication recommendations would be good too so I could hopefully get my doctor to actually help me 🙏.
submitted by Si1vie to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:13 AdHonest1097 Where is shoulder tip pain?

Hi, I’m almost a week into my second dose of methotrexate for my ectopic, and I’ve been having some muscle cramping/burning and have felt pretty overall sore in the arms. I’ve tried to get a model of where exactly is shoulder tip pain (I know the name is self explanatory), but I just want to know if the pain I’m having is actually in the shoulder tip. I out a diagram, to my knowledge shoulder tip pain should be where I marked “B”, and I know that others have said it’s like a super weird and distinct area to have pain. I’m currently having pain in the “A” and “C” regions, but the “A” region is concerning me because I haven’t really ever had pain there except for after an intense arm workout. I had the pain this week and had an ultrasound with the doctor who said everything looked good, but for those who experienced the shoulder top pain if you can tell me where exactly you felt it that would be really helpful.
submitted by AdHonest1097 to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:17 Environmental_Quit90 miserable from withdrawal

i just stopped taking luvox (tapered from 150-100-50 then stopped & replaced with 10mg prozac) and this is genuinely the worst withdrawal i have ever been through (and i’ve taken effexor). i’m not sure what i want out of posting this i think i just want to feel less alone & get reassurance that there’s nothing super wrong with me😭 i’m feeling so weak and shaky, my body just hurts like all my muscles are sore, the brain zaps and my sleep are just terrible. and on top of all of that i feel this weird dissociation where everything around me just feels nightmarish and unfamiliar. does anyone else experience withdrawal this shitty? should i be worried or is that just my ocd talking LOL
submitted by Environmental_Quit90 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:48 meowzzz4352 Thoughts on my Symptoms

Now that I discovered this community I am pretty confident what is happening to me is all tied back to this lovely little jaw muscle. I see my GP Monday 8am . Hoping for any advice - better details - corrections on my wrong assumptions or statements and ultimately a little reassurance and validation from yall , That what is happening to me right now is all connected and I am not crazy.
10 months ago I had my last 2 upper molars pulled the "ol fashioned" way with the wiggling and the tugging and the ripping and the "Okay now you're going to feel a bit of pressure" followed by the feeling that your jaw is in fact being ripped out of your mouth.
Things started mild 6 months ago intensified around the 3 month mark and now these last 3 weeks I can barely function. I feel the definition of "Malaise" hits perfect. I'm afraid to leave my house the head pain / brain fog has me feeling like I could blackout any second, And the whoosh / vertigo / world spins has me terrified of driving.
So here is what I'm feeling in order of how they hit , everything is on the left side if that matters
Shoulder Blade - Everything is felt along the bottom of the blade.
Jolt of fire and burning on the skin -- A tearing and ripping under the skin on the muscle - Starts to vibrate a tingling fire sensation outward in a semi circle
When I put my tens unit on there the flexing caused pain on the top of shoulder and collarbone.
Always strongest when I lift or carry, random bursts when I'm sitting doing nothing and now even the weight of my phone sends it to 11
Muscles Weakness and Tremors
When the blade pain is bad, I can barely grip anything with my hand, Hands tremble and different arm muscles randomly will twitch and flex.
My jaw is now (2 weeks) shivering / chittering (IDK wtf it is) as if im cold. Digging my fingers into the facial knots will stop it. Always hits when I first get out of bed, then a few times during the day no pattern in the trigger
Couldn't keep my contacts in more than half day , left only felt cloudy hazy blurry - They are brand new lenses and Ive been use the good "eye juice" with no changes. Tried yesterday had to take em out within an hour.
Sharp twinge zap inside the ear - cold trickling sensation down the canal - ends with a punch of pain behind ear on the thick neck tendon
The Whoosh (Is this brain fog? Something else?) Zap / Jolt of electricity on top of my brain but under my skull - The whoosh when i see everything spin a 360 for a second - And ends with me "off kilter' for minutes to hours, As if there is a delay between what my eye sees to when my brain processes. During the spell ill feel "wonky" "Out of body" "tunnelly vision"
The Exploding Head
Its a constant feeling / sensation that my head is filling with sludge.
Forehead & eye have waves of intense dull aches, This part is killing so bad right now, even with NSAIDS it never stops having pressure just relieves it slightly. When it kicks hard and throbs my eyes go really fuzzy and that im going to blackout feeling hits. I have not actually passed or blacked out thank god - my cats would eat me alive in a day -
Jaw/ cheek & gums are twitchy with tightness/fullness and pointy pain shockwaves. The M in the TMJ is a ball of rubberbands and it is so very tender. My face does not appear to have anything swelling outwards from here but poking around in there i find tons of lumps I can break up.. Opening and closing i have full range I think and right now no popping or pains when i do. The area by my ear where the bones connect is so tender, but I dont feel lumps much here. I feel such relief when I hit here with my point tool.
Side of my Neck has small mushy lumps just under the skin and some big daddies deeper in and these ones get stabbyy pains that pulse with my heart.
Back of my neck the bottom half is gravel I can break up pretty easy but I think 3 more come back in their place.
Base of skull I have golf balls burried deep,. They dont throb but when I rub them it is painful but in the best way because I feel such release everywhere else but then they hurt for days. When I rub them to hard and deep oh man sore for days.
All this ends at my upper back and this area is awful. It burns on the surface level 24/7. Icy hot tricks my brain for about and hour. I did some scraping massage here and it sounded like rice krispies and I think hese are adhesions vs knots. .Deeper is full of thick knots, I have the trigger point hook to dig in there and sometimes magic happens and the ache everywhere else gets better for a bit.
The floating bone
It was mild discomfort, odd feelings of tightness inside my actual throat, tingles and a dry feel. It started wiggling around on its own pretty often and when I felt that first water balloon pop inside yikes I was scared AF. Now it just moves whenever it wants. I barely touch it and it "shoots" to the other side. Massaging in here hurts so GOOD! Looking all the way up and feeling from chin towards throat I have many bumps all different sizes. And lastly when I move my head certain ways it feels as if there is a leak happening and almost mucus-y like I could cough but usually dont need to
If you are still with me many apologies this got longer than I thought it would. Today has been my worst day so far, all the pains I mentioned are now hitting at once. Today I was sitting here sobbing in pain it because I was at 13 / 10 and wouldn't ease no matter what I pressed on . 3 Naproxen with 3 ibuprofen gives me about 3 hours of refief right now. I know posture is a part of my pain levels and ive aready ordered some tools so I can correct.
submitted by meowzzz4352 to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:54 Organic_Side_1219 Powerlifting and PMDD

Looking for some programming/exercise advice. I am autistic with PMDD, endometriosis and chronic migraines.
Powerlifting is one of my touch stones for emotionally regulating, staying fit, feeling strong, getting my anger and rage out and it all round really helps me.
When I'm in my luteal phase, I find the DOMS (muscle soreness) incredibly challenging, it lasts for days, it's super intense and I avoid taking my migraine tablets because taking them makes my DOMS feel so much worse.
My lifting feels harder, I have to reduce my weights, my lower back can flare up, putting my belt on when I'm bloated feels worse. But also, getting exercise done does massively help my mood.
My questions to the community are: How do you temper your exercise/weights during the luteal phase? Do you do less, do different things or not do any exercise at all? Do you also find DOMS worse in luteal phase?
Thank you all so much 💚
submitted by Organic_Side_1219 to PMDD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:38 Shadofortuna My dad's constant criticisms are affecting my adult life.

TW: Abuse
I'm here to vent, but I wouldn't mind some support, if possible. Things are not going well for me right now.
My dad is very much present in my life, but it's apparent to everyone that he f'd all of his kids up.
To summarize, the man was born in the middle of the Vietnam War. He spent three years of homelessness in communist Vietnam with his entire family during his childhood, and consistently reminds us of this to this very day. It's been his way of dismissing any protests my siblings have had towards the things he'd done to us - hitting us with rolled up newspapers like dogs, verbal and psychological abuse, frequent displays of intimidation - at one point, my mom had suspected sexual abuse as well.
I developed a rare soft tissue tumor in 7th grade. It broke through the skin, and I had to be rushed to the ER. He immediately blamed me because of a superstition of not eating red meat after an operation. At the time, I was severely anemic, underweight, and spent the night in the hospital getting two bags of blood infused. 3 years later, I was put in a psych ward for an eval after some remarks to a counselor. He was banned from seeing me, and blamed my mom(who we only saw on weekends) for f'ing me up. "She's doing this shit for attention," he says.
Fast forward to today. I've developed another tumor, which turned out to be cancer this time. Two weeks ago, I had a follow up with my oncologist. They have concerns about my most recent CT scan, and think it may be lung cancer. I've barely been able to get out of bed since then. My mental health is garbage, and I'm not able to do as much physical labor as I could do - especially when I'm working with an arm that is visibly missing a huge chunk of bicep muscle, swollen, and nerve damage in my hand. "Cancer is no excuse to be lazy."
I've also expressed interest in getting my MSW to become a therapist, as it's something I've unofficially been doing for everyone in my family since I was 12, and I'd make more money than I'm making now with a State job (12.50/hr). I was pushed into the state job by my dad because my film degree is garbage, like the rest of my aspirations. Now, my dad can't fathom that I get paid less for being single and childless. He's also pointed out that I've gained weight - something that's been a sore spot for me all my life - and he's only complimented me when I rapidly dropped weight from both tumors.
Thanks to all of that, I have severe anxiety attacks when SOMETHING goes wrong - it could be anything. I have such low self esteem, and possibly early stages of BD. If I had moved back closer to my dad, I'm certain I would develop an ED. I've considered offing myself many times since 5th grade, and I'm surprised I haven't done it yet. If I make it past 30, I'd be surprising my 16 year old self. Using the excuse "what will happen to my pets?" isn't inspiring my will to live like it used to.
submitted by Shadofortuna to daddyissuesclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:33 tunnelvision001 3 months into Vyvanse, all of a sudden have subclinical-hypothyroidism?

Bit of a far fetched thing, but since I’ve started Vyvanse I’ve been getting hypothyroid symptoms and recently tested for normal levels besides one being in the subclinical range. Leading to the doctor to presume “subclinical-hypothyroidism”
Has anyone had this experience where the meds were messing with your thyroid production, it’s strange to me but I don’t believe I had any issues with my thyroid before especially given what the current side effects are.
It’s quite disheartening because Vyvanse has really helped me in other ways but would switching to any of the other stimulants have less of an effect on it messing with my thyroid? Or has anyone switched and had say Ritalin or dex IR stop the fluctuating thyroid levels?
It seems a bit rich that all of a sudden I’m having thyroid issues or it was already messed up previously because as I’m aware it’s never been a problem in the past prior to started treatment which leads me to suspect Vyvanse.
Symptoms; (common/uncommon side effects but as a whole point towards something else)
If anyone has had any experience with these issues, or your thyroid was messing up during ADHD treatment I’d love to hear from you!
Edit: (this is a repost here as I didn’t get any answers on another sub)
I started on 20mg and increased to 30mg at 1 month and have stayed there since.
I understand this isn’t a cure all, and it does come down to working on these things myself. But the main point is I believe it’s effecting my immune system, and 3 months in it’s gotten worse in those particular areas, like the focus of the post being thyroid TSH rising and was wondering if someone in here had experienced this or become diagnosed w/“subclinical-hypothyroidism”, or at least the same side effects that could mimic it. If it’s not common with anyone in the community I guess it shows it could be either a variable of the meds affecting me individually based on my own physiology or is unrelated entirely and is an underlying issue.
submitted by tunnelvision001 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:51 Girllikethat33 Bugs going around this time of year.

Because it’s too early for Wednesday Whinge.
Is it just me or is everyone sick at the moment? There’s been viruses and covid flying around my workplace offices - both city and regional.
I came down with a sore throat last Sunday, which turned into fever, muscle aches and dry cough with green muck coming up from my lungs. Negative covid tests. Saw a gp last Thursday, got sent for a swab (still awaiting results) and started on antibiotics as I started going down hill.
Been literally coughing up my lungs every night to the point I can’t sleep. Lungs are too tired to keep coughing. I’ve not been sick for over a year and this is something else.
Anyone else experiencing a virus like this at the moment? Going on day 8 and not significantly better.
submitted by Girllikethat33 to perth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:32 CarCrashCollin What is causing my aches, pains, and decline in performance?

(I posted this a few days ago but I'm looking for some more opinions in light of things I left out of my last post)
Let me give some quick background.
So I've been seriously lifting for about two years and I've made a lot of progress. 5'7, went from around 115 to 160 lbs at the beginning of the day. I'm on my second bulk so far, but, despite eating all my macros and a calorie surplus, I've been seeing declining performance for weeks now. I don't feel much stronger than when I started bulking, and I've had to cut my 75-90 minute workouts (6 days a week) short quite often in recent times before my muscles will tire, forcing me to quit before I'm satisfied with the work I've done.
I decided to take a week off last week, but coming into this week, not only have I been able to do even less work and have had to cut the workouts even shorter, but both today's and yesterday's workouts have caused aches and pains in my chest and shoulder respectively (Monday is chest and tricepts, Tuesday is biceps and back). My pecs are super sensitive to any movement and feel sore, and my shoulder feels like it's having growing pains (aching pain).
I've also been taking muscle relaxants (magnesium citrate) for about 2 months for the sake of my digestion. Could this sustained ingestion of muscle relaxants harm my performance?
What's the cause of this pain, and more broadly the workout problems I've been having? Overtraining? Plateauing? What's the solution.
submitted by CarCrashCollin to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:31 Visible_Hold_1739 Almost had a panic attack. Sos

I was having jaw pain super dull it’s something that has came and gone, pressing on it felt like a sore muscle but nothing too bad. I started massaging it &’ BOOM the pain went away. Instantly my mind went to fear. Fear that “what if I had an abscess” “what if I just gave myself sepsis” omg my heart rate was boosting instantly and then the panic kicked in my chest &’ i got up so quickly my heart started pounding even felt on the back of my head.
Not going to lie I almost health anxiety spiraled. Also I’m still super scared but I’m trying really hard to focus on my breathing.😭
submitted by Visible_Hold_1739 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:26 Artrock80 Anyone had chest pain after using Monoxidil for an extended period?

I saw an ad for a competing product that claimed Monoxidil can potentially cause heart issues, and apparently there's some merit to that statement. I've just been using the topical, over the counter version for close to 2 years now, (sometimes I feel like it's worked, other times I'm not so sure). But I've noticed weird chest pressure periodically, that I usually attributed to muscle soreness from working out or heartburn/acid reflux. I've decided to stop using it for now to be safe. Anyone else have an experience like that, or had a doctor recommend against using it?
submitted by Artrock80 to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:56 Ok_Distance_1000 Need Help and Advice

So I've had health issues for 20 years ever since getting h.pylori and it going untreated for 6+ months. I also have IBS, had PCOS and in 2022 yeeted my uterus and all its little friends. (It had everything hut cancer growing in it )
Before my hysterectomy my colon spasms went to a ridiculous level and they put me on muscle relaxers for it. Still have issues to this day, when my estrogen dips low it flares it up.
I've had post exertion malaise for years but thought it was just my wonky body.
Last Nov I got my 6th 'rona shot (I'm pro science and doctors). I sailed thru the first five shots with nary an issue other than a sore arm. I thought I sailed thru the 6th one as well until 48 hours had passed and the colon spasms of death hit me. I ended up being off work miderabl in pain, exhausted, nauseated, you name it for two months. When I went back to work after Christmas I was still exhausted and still am to this day.
Im at the point where I only work two days a week, (I'm a private music teacher) and teaching one day wears me out . Shoot just showering and putting on makeup does me in most days.
I got a referral to an Endocrinologist and saw her and went thru testing for Cushings and Lupus. Negative on both but have a positive ANA that is speckled. She referred me to a Rheumatologist to try and figure out what is going on with my body. But the rheumatologist won't make an apt with me until I have a diagnosis and supporting evidence. Who exactly is supposed to diagnose me Sir? I'm trying to find out what I have! SO frustrating.
Apparently I should have went to med school because now I'm having to be my own doctor and do all the research which is great when youre exhausted and barely functioning.
My Endo thinks (and I agree) that the last shot woke something up in me or activated/flare up an existing autoimmune disease. But what, we don't know. And again I'm pro science and vaccines so please don't think I'm some crazy nut job.
All that to say, does anyone have any suggestions on things to test? My PCP is great about ordering whatever labs I ask for. Endo couldn't order the ENA panel bc of INS so PCP had to order it. I really thought I had lupus so to find out I didn't, and be back at square one is really disheartening.
I just want to be able to live my life a little bit more than constantly being on the couch or in bed.
submitted by Ok_Distance_1000 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:28 Turbulent-Wonder7090 How to reach orgasm inside?

Hello, top here. I just want to ask how do you reach orgasm and how do you cum inside your partner?
My beloved boyfriend appears to be patient with me naman. Although, sometimes he gets frustrated whenever he climaxes while my dick is inside of him pero hindi pa ako nilalabasan. Ang feeling ko naman kasi while I am making love to him, I want to continue pa and climax inside of him pero his hole is sore na raw after na labasan siya. Moreover, I can't seem to maintain a really hard erection. Sabi niya, mahilig kasi ako sa glucose and carbs which is true naman. Hindi naman ako ganoon kataba and may muscles naman due to working out. Siya kasi, rock-hard dick lagi after ng 1 round of penetration na rock-hard din ako. Sa first round of penetration, he climaxed nga here while my dick is inside of him, nilabasan siya hands-free. After some break, titigasan ulit kami then try ko sanang ipenetrate kaso lumalambot bigla dick ko. Kapag ganito nagsi-sides na kami.
This is my first time having anal sex and my first genuine m2m relationship. We've been together for several months na and I want to be better for him. I want to make love to him din talaga and breed him.
I really love him, genuinely and my heart is centered towards seeing him fulfilled, happy, and safe. I care for him wholeheartedly kaya napilitan na ako magtanong here. Ayaw ko na nago-overthink siya na hindi ko siya mahal dahil mahal na mahal ko talaga siya.
Also, gusto ko sana maaral kung paano ba maging magaling na top in terms of sexual performance. One time I asked him to top me so I can learn pero ayaw ko rin talagang may gagalaw ng hole ko. I asked for this kahit alam kong gusto niyang magbottom lang kasi desperado akong matuto for him. May history na siya ng pagto-top pero ayaw na niya kasi raw mawawala yung fantasy of being a bottom. Di ko rin gets ito pero strictly bottom na siya.
I want to perform my best talaga for him dahil gusto kong the best lahat lagi sa kanya.
I am desperate na, please send tips.
submitted by Turbulent-Wonder7090 to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:24 _gjc What are your #1 most and least favourite exercises?

I’m interested to hear everyone’s most and least favourite exercises in the gym - and why?
I’ll go first:
MOST FAVOURITE - chest press (dumbbell or barbell) and tricep extension (dumbbell). For some reason I really enjoy the soreness the next day in my chest/triceps, and the feeling of pushing through the last couple of reps!
LEAST FAVOURITE - squats, 100% without a doubt. I am pretty tall (177cm/5’10) and naturally very lean but with little muscle strength, particularly in my legs/glutes (my family describes my body shape AND coordination as that of a baby giraffe). I find squats super frustrating because I just cannot get my form right, and I feel like I never make good progress on them. I’m focussing on building strength with leg presses and other glute exercises in the meantime, but I just fkn hate squats lol.
submitted by _gjc to xxfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:23 dcowboys022 1st degree AV block on EKG

I've been having episodes of lightheadedness, muscle weakness, and noticed my bp dropping the past couple weeks. My blood pressure dips while I'm sleeping and wakes me up at night the past week. In the daytime when I feel muscle weakness I noticed my systolic bp is 88-96 and diastolic around 50-60.
I had a prior ekg done in January when I had lightheadedness and it showed a normal sinus rhythm and nothing else detected. Then I had a recent EKG 2 weeks ago and it showed a first degree AV block.
Is it possible the Ekg result was an error if the leads were placed slightly wrong?
I have an appointment for a Holter monitor in a couple days but I won't get results for a couple weeks.
The symptoms have woken me out of my sleep a few times this week and falling back asleep is a bit worrisome.
Are my symptoms concerning and If I do have a 1st degree av block what will happen?
Thank you.
The EKG shows a sinus rhythm with a ventricular rate of 94. There is a first-degree AV block. There is no acute ST elevation or ST depression present as interpreted by me.
41/Female History: Prediabetic Possible goiter (ultrasound next week) Tsh 1.87 (not taking meds)
Calcium 8.1 (8.5-10.7), Sodium:135, Potassium:3.6 (3.5-5.0), Chloride 101 (101-111), Co2:26 (21-31), BNP: 35, Anion gap:6 (3-11), Troponin :3 (<=12), Magnesium 1.8 (1.7-2.8), Wbc:8.1 (4-11), RBC: 4.86, HGB 12.3, HCT: 38.7, MCV 79.6 (81-99), MCH 25.3 (25-35), RDW 16.0, Platelets:234, Iron: 46, Iron sat: 11% (20-50),
submitted by dcowboys022 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:49 River_Steel What were your first 2 weeks like on T?

I just applied my 2nd dose of T gel and I’m just curious what everyone’s first few weeks were like? My muscles have been sore all day (like 75% of what I felt like after the Covid vaccine), I’ve been so freaking hungry, and I’ve had headaches on and off all day. I didn’t expect to actually feel anything so soon and even though being hungry and sore isn’t exactly fun, I’ve been so euphoric and happy for the past 24 hours knowing that I’m finally transitioning
submitted by River_Steel to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:39 AcanthisittaBig9012 Phantom Feeling Arms and Chest

Hey everyone,
19M and I don’t feel anything in my arms or my chest when I lift/do pushups. Anything above the waist, “I don’t feel the burn”.
It’s just weird because I used to feel the burn, the soreness, and activation of a muscle in my upper body before my low back injury last year(not sure if this is the cause), but now I don’t. My arms just “give out” at some point.
I still get a pump and my arms are getting bigger, but it’s a weird uncomfortable feeling to not be able to push through the burn and to not to be sore the next day.
Not sure if I’m psyching myself out, it’s just got me worried. Let me know if anyone else has experienced something similar!
submitted by AcanthisittaBig9012 to workout [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:15 jnfls0203 Is this PPPD

I have this weird “dizzy” feeling (not constant) that I’ve had since I got off an SSRI 1.5 years ago, but suddenly got worse last June. Overall, my symptoms are:
  1. Weird feeling/pressure in head, mostly behind eyes and around brows. It makes my head feel light and I feel tired
  2. Sometimes when I turn my head I feel like an inner spinning feeling, although occasionally I do feel like I’m drunk and the world spins. This usually lasts 2 seconds max. Sometimes I can feel a static/buzzing sensation in my head when this happens
  3. Most of the time I feel it in my head, but sometimes I feel a weird pulling sensation in my neck, and it’s always on the left side
  4. I recently started to have tingling sensation on my scalp and in my brain when the dizziness gets worse
  5. I have sore neck muscle near the base of my skull. I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I get frequent headaches, usually on the left side as well.
When my symptoms are worse: they are usually worse late afternoon and evening when I’m tired, and definitely worse when I feel anxious
When my symptoms are better: when I travel or do something fun. Some days are much better than others but the good days are getting less. I also feel better during exercise (lifting or cardio), but the symptoms temporarily get worse after exercise for some reason. I often feel better when lying down. Also funnily enough, when I’m tipsy or actually drunk
Tests I’ve done: head MRI, many blood tests, VNG test, everything came back normal
Does this sound like PPPD to you? Thanks in advance!
submitted by jnfls0203 to pppdizziness [link] [comments]