Savella for ptsd

A support community for those affected by C-PTSD

2012.12.26 00:42 A support community for those affected by C-PTSD

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is rarely discussed in public forums, even though healthy connection to others is an integral part of healing. This is a peer support community for those who have undergone prolonged trauma and came out the other side alive and kicking, but with wounds that need tending. This is also a place for friends and family of the victims to come for support.

2008.09.03 05:31 PTSD

We are a supportive, respectful community for discussion and links of interest for people who have PTSD or have friends, family members, or partners with PTSD. NOTE: We can not diagnose you with PTSD here. If you think you have PTSD, please see a licensed professional.

2008.01.30 05:55 Military

The largest military subreddit on reddit. Please consider joining our discord for the latest updates

2022.11.12 18:28 TwoForSue The 5 Drug Classes of Antidepressants

If you’re curious about starting an anti-depressant
here are the 5 antidepressant drug classes and a little bit about each one.

1 Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs

citalopram, celexa, escitalopram, lexapro, fluoxetine, prozac, sarafem, symbyax, fluvoxamine, luvox, luvox CR, paroxetine, paxil, paxil CR, pexeva, sertraline, zoloft, vilazodone, viibryd
Drug class
Many professionals claim that this drug class has the best medication for panic attacks and anxiety.
This makes it a very common drug class; prescribed to treat anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, migraines, panic attacks, eating disorders, PTSD, OCD, and even chronic pain.
Like any other medication there are advantages and disadvantages of SSRIs.
Over 10% of the US takes an SSRI

2 Tricyclic Antidepressants TCAs

anafranil, clomipramine, asendin, amoxapine, elavil, amitriptyline, norpramin, desipramine, pamelor, nortriptyline, sinequan, doxepin, surmontil, trimipramine, tofranil, imipramine, vivactil, protiptyline
Drug Class
The word “tricyclic” refers to the three molecular ring shapes associated with this drug class. These existed before SSRIs, but they seem to cause more side effects.
The negative effects of antidepressants on the brain (like memory loss & forgetfulness) are usually associated with TCAs. This has led to SSRIs being more commonly prescribed nowadays.
But, TCAs are still often prescribed for things like anxiety, depression, migraines, panic disorder, eating disorders, mood disorders, insomnia, hormone disorders, bedwetting, and even nerve pain.

3 Selective and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors SNRIs

cymbalta, duloxetine, effexor, venlafaxine, fetzima, levomilnacipran, pristiq, desvenlafaxine, savella, milnacipran
Drug Class
A similar drug class to the SSRIs but instead of just inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, it also inhibits the reuptake of norepinephrine.
They’re prescribed for depression, anxiety, panic disorder, fibromyalgia, and even nerve pain.

4 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors MAOIs

isocarboxazid, marplan, phenelzine nardil, selegiline, emsam, tranylcypromine, parnate
Drug Class
The first antidepressants! But, not prescribed much anymore because of side effects. These drugs inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.
The kicker is MAOIs block monoamine oxidase, which breaks down tyramine, which impacts our blood pressure.
So if you’re taking an MAOI you have to avoid tyramine because it impacts blood pressure which can get dangerously high OR low when you take an MAOI.
Tyramine is in; beer, soy sauce, pickled foods, smoked/processed meats & a lot of others things..
That’s just too much to ask & too problematic with the result being deadly blood pressure fluctuations.

5 Atypical Antidepressants

bupropion, wellbutrin, mirtazapine, remeron, nefazodone, trazodone, vilazodone, viibryd, vortioxetine, trintellix
Drug Class
This drug class still works with dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. Though, they don’t all work the same.
If you’re prescribed one you’re better off looking up the specific drug vs learning about the drug class.
Articles related to 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Antidepressants
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10 Supplements to Improve Your Mental Health
submitted by TwoForSue to mentalhealthstuff [link] [comments]

2022.08.21 01:05 sick0fbeingsick Tachycardia and/or chest tightness with gabapentin and baclofen

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to see if anyone has similar experiences - I have fibro, chronic fatigue, ptsd, interstitial cystitis, and possibly pots (will be evaluated for it soon).
I seem to get worsened tachycardia so easily from meds and I'm just at the end of my rope. I'm devastated because Gabapentin actually helped bring my bladder pain a couple notches, but I noticed worse tachycardia within a couple days of taking it.
I tried telling myself it would just get better, but then it got worse and I started feeling chest tightness and then even a pain near where my heart is with every inhale.
I stopped the Gabapentin and the tachycardia is going back to my more normal levels. I was hoping it wasn't the Gabapentin especially because sometimes it's even supposedly used to treat POTS.
I couldn't tolerate Baclofen, Amitriptyline, or Nortriptyline because of the tachycardia and/or chest tightness I experienced with these, either... and the amitriptyline helped my bladder pain too. Tried low dose Naltrexone, but it gave me really bad 3-day headaches.
Does anyone else get so many cardio symptoms from so many meds? I'm 31F, not overweight or diabetic, all my bloodwork seems to come back normal (although I don't think my cholesterol has been checked recently).
I'd like to try Pregabalin but I'm afraid the same thing would happen since it's so similar to Gabapentin. And I'm scared if I try Cymbalta/Savella/Effexor or anything else this will just keep happening to me and it really freaks me out when meds mess with my heart. The last thing I need is another scary trip to the ER, just trying to get some relief from my constant pain.
I did seem to sortof tolerate Lexapro okay for a year or so but I stopped because it wasn't really doing much for me.
Feeling discouraged af right now. :(
Editing to add: I only took 100mg of Gabapentin, at night. I know this is a low dose but I'm about 100 lbs, so I think it's plausible that it's what caused the tachycardia/chest tightness. It has gotten more normal since I stopped taking it a couple days ago.
submitted by sick0fbeingsick to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2012.12.23 14:46 notapaladin Anyone on Savella? Also, any suggestions for getting Dr. to listen to what you may need for pain?

I was recently officially diagnosed this week (Merry Christmas to me right), after jumping through some hoops for all the different specialists. I was prescribed Diclofenac about three months ago, I take it with food but I get horrible gut rot and burning in my stomach from it. Rheumatologist prescribed Savella, I just started it this week but it seems the combination of the two burns even more. I also feel really sick to my stomach (reminds me slightly of the morning sickness I suffered for eight months straight) when I wake up. She said the Savella should help with my energy and over time will help control my pain. She seems extremely hesitant to give me anything that is considered a painkiller, so I end up having to self medicate with cannabis in order to get my pain to a manageable level (meaning not writhing on the floor or bed curled up in pain). The network of clinics I go to does not look too fondly on this, which I think is contributing to why they pussyfoot around treating my pain. I am honest about this use and do not hide anything.
She also found I have four bulging discs in my lower back, caused by degenerative joint disease. I am being referred to an orthopedic specialist for this, I see him January 8th. Also am all set for physical therapy to start next week. Should I expect that the specialist will want to actually manage my pain in my back, (where the majority of the worst pain is 75% of the time).
If anyone has any comments/suggestions, please give them. I nearly always have to deal with these appointments on my own, because its a real bother to drag my four year old with me AND my husband, who works third shift and usually isn't even awake when I go. I also have PTSD and am horrible at driving the point home of how much pain I am in at home- I may not be in pain at the doctor, but even the last appointment I was in 9/10 pain and got very little sympathy. Thanks!
submitted by notapaladin to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]