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2009.09.15 05:37 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

All about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. survival-horror computer game series: Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, community mods for each, and the upcoming official sequel S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. This is not a subreddit about stalking people nor discussing real-life stalkers!

2016.07.11 01:43 korantano Pokémon Go Illinois Players!

This is a subreddit dedicated to Pokémon Go players in Illinois, to show spots to catch certain Pokémon, great PokeStop locations, and more!

2011.08.11 21:18 PhourLoko The Magicians by Lev Grossman and on SyFy

A sub to discuss "The Magicians": the trilogy by Lev Grossman, the show on SyFy, and the comics by Lilah Sturges and Pius Bak.

2024.05.19 13:43 Starkfault Apes are catching shit for not selling last week

Apes are catching shit for not selling last week submitted by Starkfault to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:42 AlarmedPatience4212 Exposed!

Exposed! submitted by AlarmedPatience4212 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:42 Professional-Baby604 Will you buy this?

From the past 1-2 years, I haven't got morning wood and few weeks back I watched a video about how lower testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction and other problems in men. I used to have different symptoms which are a sign of low testosterone like low libido, not stronger erections like I used to have when I was 13 years old, lower motivation, sleeping more and lower semen volume.
So, I was very worried that I have low testosterone at such a young age, I am 18 btw. So, I read multiple books (over 35 books) on testosterone, endocrine disruptors, fertility and watched several podcast on this topic and read multiple articles and research papers.
I had spent over 450 hours on learning on this topic and created an eBook that has all the important lessons and facts and doesn't contain any useless information. I just want to know and get your feedback that if I would sell this eBook, will you guys pay $10 to buy this eBook or not.
I just want to get your feedback. So, please leave a reply.
submitted by Professional-Baby604 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:41 MarahSalamanca Best place to buy ukiyo-e prints in Osaka

Hello folks,
Do you know of any places that sell a decent selection of ukiyo-e prints in Osaka? I think there’s the ukiyo-e museum shop that sells some but if you know other places I’d be interested in paying them a visit.
submitted by MarahSalamanca to OsakaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:38 Far_Host5598 Costo di produzione di una nettarina

So che non è il sub adatto a questa domanda ma vorrei chiedere a qualcuno di voi se sa effettivamente rispondermi con certezza. Sono un universitario figlio di agricoltori che producono prevalentemente mele , pesche , kiwi e ciliegie. E vorrei chiedervi se esiste un sub in cui conversare su questi tipi di argomenti e se qualcuno anche all’interno di questo sub potesse darmi un consiglio su come calcolare al netto le spese di produzione. Vi ringrazio in anticipo.
submitted by Far_Host5598 to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:37 Naseer_08 Ce broker recomandati? Parere FxPro.

Salut. Vreau sa incep sa pun bani intr un cont real(am invatat si am facut si pe contul demo un oarecare profit) si acum imi caut un broker pe care il pot folosi pe MetaTrader 5 si din ce m-am interesat, FxPro e cam cea mai buna varianta din afara. In Romania, am vazut XTB si TradeVille, dar am auzit ca XTB nu are 2FA sau ceva de genu si de TradeVille nu stiu ce sa zic. Oricum dintre optiunile astea, doar XTB merge pe MT 4 (nu 5) si habar nu am. Ce brokeri imi recomandati la inceput? As dori si fac niste trade-uri cu micro lots (de ex 0.01 in XAUUSD) daca tot sunt la inceput sa nu pierd cine stie ce, si din cate stiu sunt brokeri carora nu prea le place si nici nu prea e convenabil la ce comisioane au. Si daca mi-ati da alte optiuni la ce as putea folosi in loc de Mt4/5 m-ar ajuta foarte mult! Multumesc!
submitted by Naseer_08 to robursa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:36 Sorry_Eye8611 Rimborso

ho parlato con un ragazzo che mi ha fatto l’ordine. L’ho contattato e gli ho chiesto a che punto stesse l’ordine e se si potesse fare il rimborso. Mi ha detto che il rimborso che ti fa panda buy è solo del 75%… è vero?
submitted by Sorry_Eye8611 to PandabuyItalia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:36 gtermini Ma non dovevano togliere le accise?

Premetto che nel (lontano) 2022 io ho votato Meloni. Qualcuno potrà pensare che con quello che sto per scrivere, io mi sia bevuto il cervello (alcuni lo pensano a prescindere, ma tant'è). Ed invece è la dimostrazione che io non sono ciecamente fedele ad un’ideologia o ad un partito: io voto sui programmi e sulle azioni concrete. Oggi vorrei togliermi un paio di sassolini dalla scarpa su alcune proposte fatte circolare dal governo italiano in merito alle auto elettriche: “Tecnici del Mef al lavoro per una strategia destinata a traslare la tassazione dai carburanti ambientalmente dannosi ai nuovi propulsori green”. Ma come, invece che seguire l’esempio cinese, che da decenni pompa sussidi statali per incentivare la transizione ecologica, l’occidente studia modi per spremere gli acquirenti di queste tecnologie come un limone?
Ma scusate, allora a che cavolo servono i grandi proclami fatti dai parrucconi di tutto il mondo alle riunioni della COP? (che non è il supermercato sotto casa) Per carità, anche il Paese a stelle e strisce soffre di memoria corta: quando Trump, da presidente, impose pesanti dazi alle auto elettriche cinesi, eravamo tutti a strapparci i capelli per questa decisione scellerata. Ora Biden fa pure di peggio (dazi del 100%, una cosa assurda) ed i giornali neppure ne parlano, e le promesse alla COP sono solo un lontano ricordo, tutto in nome del solito portafogli.
Vorrei solo ricordare che Giorgia nel 2019 fece questo video:
Beh? Non solo le accise non sono state tolte, ma se ne studiano di nuove per colpire le tecnologie più ecologiche. Certo, non si tratta di una novità: qui in America, molti stati hanno da tempo messo in campo imposte sui veicoli elettrici, che a loro dire, sono un segno di equità fiscale. Tutti i veicoli usano le strade, stando ai promotori di queste iniziative, però solo quelli a benzina pagano il costo della manutenzione, tramite le accise sui carburanti. Vero. Però allora si potrebbe dire che il costo sociale delle malattie causate dall’anidride carbonica emessa dalle auto a combustione viene anche pagato dai proprietari di auto elettriche, che di anidride carbonica durante la guida non ne producono.
Insomma, ci lamentiamo sempre di più di come la Cina stia superando l’occidente, grazie ad una campagna strategica messa in campo negli ultimi 30 anni, eppure non facciamo nulla per creare condizioni di mercato serie che consentano di recuperare, almeno in parte, il terreno perduto. Poi ci si mette anche l’Europa, con i suoi diktat secchi secondo cui bisognerà per forza passare tutti all’elettrico entro il 2035, e la frittata è fatta. Già, perché mentre l’abitante di Oslo ha uno stipendio che gli consente di permettersi di acquistare l’auto elettrica e paga la corrente pochi centesimi, l’abitante di Siracusa non può dire la stessa cosa, e non dispone di una rete capillare di colonnine che rendono l’elettrico possibile e conveniente. Per fortuna, almeno questo, la Meloni l’ha capito.
submitted by gtermini to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:36 Sad_Fisherman_9905 Mi frigge il cervello ogni giorno di più

Sono esausto, è una continua sensazione di ansia e pericolo. L’80 % del mio tempo,lo passo a spremere il mio cervello cercando di trovare una soluzione. Mentre mangio,mentre lavoro, mentre mi lavo. Vado al sodo più che posso. Ho 24 anni, e da un anno a questa parte ho avuto un brutto e buio periodo che mi ha portato a toccare (penso) il fondo con i miei pensieri. Per questo ho cambiato 3 terapeuti,avuto giornate molto buie, e insomma,caduto in un limbo confusionale che non auguro a nessuno nella vita. Il fatto è che molte delle persone attorno a me,hanno preso una strada. Chi ha vinto un concorso,chi ha cominciato un percorso di laurea,chi una relazione, insomma, non sono allo stesso punto. E neanche io effettivamente,ma specifico che la mia triennale in ingegneria industriale e la mia magistrale in economia,sono lauree telematiche e quindi poco utili. Ho un lavoro,un contratto a tempo indeterminato in un posto dove fingo ( a quanto pare troppo bene) di fare bene il lavoro e che mi piace,mente ogni giorno penso a come vorrei fuggirne. Insomma, una insoddisfazione logorante. Il tempo che passa, il dolore di non aver fatto scelte differenti, la paura di rimenare così, dove sono. È buio pesto, e di certo la mia famiglia non è un posto di pace, per non parlare della mia blanda e inesistente socialità. Non so più che pesci prendere. Mi sento un fallito, sto lottando in tutti i modi , vado a correre,in palestra, mi impongo di imparare nuove skill, insomma. Ma la concentrazione viene meno subito. Troppo presto. E ritorno a sentirmi inutile, intrappolato. in questa profonda insoddisfazione che mi logora come coltelli nello stomaco. Vorrei solo avere lucidità,capire realmente per cosa sono fatto e cominciare questo percorso. In ritardo, magari soffrendo vedendo che altri lo hanno finito e che tutta questa mia sofferenza sia solo stata gratuita.
submitted by Sad_Fisherman_9905 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:34 PizzAzzra Good guy Sauron looking after my gut microbiome

Good guy Sauron looking after my gut microbiome
Caught the light from the smart meter and I realised that the Great Eye is indeed ever-watchful 👌🏽
submitted by PizzAzzra to lotrmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:31 maddis0nw Help with tools needed for South West UK fossil hunting!

I’m wondering whether anyone might be able to help me, for reference I live in the UK.
I want to get into fossil hunting and I’ve been doing a lot of reading but I want to make sure I get all the right tools, especially for my area (south Devon - although willing/wanting to go to Dorset too and maybe north Cornwall). I could also travel to north Devon too.
i plan on getting maybe a couple hammers although I’m not sure which type; e.g, either chisel, pick, club…
I’ve also seen people ,emotion the length of the hammer handle, with long being good for splitting stuff but the shorter ones being good for the more gentle hits - do I need both?
I will also buy a chisel, brush, spray bottle, safety stuff, etc. I think I’m just more confused over the hammer choice(s).
idk if anyone is familiar with south Devon/Dorset/north Cornwall geology and could help me with the types of hammer(s) and other tools I will need to find some fossils.
Thank you.

submitted by maddis0nw to FossilHunting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:30 red9350 Mondo della musica in lutto, è morto il DJ e vocalist Franchino

Mondo della musica in lutto, è morto il DJ e vocalist Franchino submitted by red9350 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:28 EnvironmentIcy4116 Yawara! Si è belli quando si fa ciò che piace

Yawara! Si è belli quando si fa ciò che piace
"Yawara" è un manga di Naoki Urasawa pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1986. La trama segue la storia di Yawara Inokuma, adolescente con un talento innato per il yudo, coltivato con i duri allenamenti di suo nonno, il leggendario Jigoro Inokuma. Il manga inizia in maniera episodica, i primi capitoli raccontano mini-storie quasi autosufficienti che presentano al lettore i personaggi e le loro relazioni, ma si evolve presto, sviluppando una trama orizzontale.
L'opera si distingue per la sua capacità di mescolare vari generi, quali la commedia, lo sportivo e il romantico, senza risultare dissonante o alienante. Urasawa utilizza vari registri senza che mai questi ultimi sviliscano la complessità dei personaggi, anche se sono presenti stereotipi la narrazione non lascia mai che questi ultimi abbiano la meglio sulle emozioni della storia e dei suoi protagonisti. Nei primi numeri, il nucleo tematico centrale ruota attorno alla riluttanza di Yawara nel praticare il yudo, che considera non solo uno sport maschile, ma anche un ostacolo al suo desiderio di conformarsi agli standard sociali e di essere una "ragazza normale". Yawara non è un'emarginata, non ha caratteristiche indesiderabili, quello che intende con "ragazza normale" è quindi di fare tutte quelle attività che generalmente si associano all'adoolescenza femminile.
Come concilia la sua naturale propensione verso il yudo e il suo voler essere femminile? La risposta viene da sua madre - la figura genitoriale materna nelle opere di Urasawa è quella a cui viene dato più spazio nell'ambito familiare: non serve conciliare le due cose perché si può essere femminili anche se si è forti e si pratica il yudo, si tratta quindi di un falso problema.
Più avanti nella storia sarà detto che Yawara "splende" mentre pratica yudo, radia bellezza, questo potrebbe essere interpretato come un'invito a perseguire le nostre passioni, disinteressandoci delle opinioni altrui, poiché è nel coltivare ciò che ci appassione che coltiviamo la nostra bellezza.
Per questi motivi e banalmente perché è un bel manga, vi consiglio "Yawara!".
submitted by EnvironmentIcy4116 to AnimeItaly [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:28 cruachan06 First ride clipless and thoughts on Torq Fitness drinks

Took advantage of yesterday's lovely weather and headed out along NCR75 with the intention of going as far as I could in training for the Five Ferries later this summer, and getting the train back.
I picked up a pair of dhb Dorica MTB shoes from eBay, and spent my £40 of reward vouchers on a pair of Shimano EH500 hybrid pedals (sometimes take the bike to work so wanted double sided pedals). Not sure I felt much difference from a power point of view, although there were a few times when I felt my right foot lifting and my left foot catching "up" on it's down stroke. Probably get a better comparison on a shorter route that I know. Probably was because it's new and I was very conscious of it, but had no issues remembering to clip out, and the combination of the MTB cleats and the channel of the shoes made it very easy to clip in. With the dual sided pedals it was also easy enough to get away from lights etc and then flip the pedal and clip in later.
Lastly, I asked here a few weeks back about drink options and as you can make a custom tasting pack I elected to give Torq a shot. Bought 2 each of the Berry, Lemon and Tangerine drinks, 1 each of the Blackcurrant, Lime Lemon, Lemon and Cola energy drinks and a few gels and flapjacks to make it up to 15 items and get a 10% discount.
Overall quite impressed. I usually like string flavours, and these are quite subtle, but refreshing. Think more like flavoured water such as Volvic touch of fruit, the Lemon hydration drink for example is quite sharp tasting like cloudy lemonade. Haven't tried all of them yet but IMO worth a shot, and the custom tasting pack option means you don't have to buy a big bag of something you might not like or buy a bottle (my other pet hate with such things, got so many High5 bottles cos their sample packs are always on offer!). Haven't tried the gels yet but the flapjacks are tasty, although the 2 I had (carrot cake and ginger) pretty much tasted the same.
submitted by cruachan06 to ukbike [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:19 Express-Potential-11 Three Bodies of Buddha: From the mouth of Linji

Quotes from Sasakis Record of Linji book. Seriously the notes are super thorough. Google it, get a PDF or buy it for 27 bucks on Amazon. Read all of it including the notes.
I'll post the quote, relevant notes, and my thoughts so it has some original content and this isn't just some ctrl c Ctrl p post.
““If you wish to diff er in no way from the patriarch-buddha, just don’t seek outside. “The pure light in a single thought of yours—this is the dharmakāya buddha within your own house. The nondiscriminating light in a single thought of yours—this is the saṃbhogakāya buddha within your own house. The nondifferentiating light in a single thought of yours—this is the nirmāṇakāya buddha within your own house. This threefold body is you, listening to my discourse right now before my very eyes. It is precisely because you don’t run around seeking outside that you have such meritorious activities.
The pure light… within your own house In this passage Linji speaks of the human body as a house that is the dwell- ing place of the trikāya, the threefold body of buddha 三身, which reveals its presence through the three aspects of each instant of human thought. Th e three bodies of the trikāya are:
  1. Dharmakāya 法身: the unconditioned, absolute buddha, beyond all form. Th e dharmakāya is buddha viewed as truth itself, and as such is the essence of wis- dom and purity. Linji is referring to this latter attribute when he characterizes the light of the mind in its fi rst manifes- tation as 清淨 (Skr., pariśuddha), that is, pure and free from any defi lement. Th e dharmakāya is symbolically represented by Vairocana Buddha, whose name means “omni- present light,”
  2. Saṃbhogakāya 報身: the “reward” or “recompense” body. Th is is the body that a buddha receives as a reward for fulfi ll- ing the vows taken during bodhisattva- hood. It is defined under two aspects: as the body received for the buddha’s own enjoyment 自受用身, and as that received for the sake of others 他受用身. In this second aspect the saṃbhogakāya reveals itself to the bodhisattvas, to whom alone it is traditionally said to be visible, in order to enlighten and inspire them. A typical representation of the saṃbhogakāya is Amitābha/Amitāyus Buddha.
  3. Nirmāṇakāya 化身 or 應身: the body that the buddha assumes when, in human form, he appears in the world for the purpose of bringing enlightenment to others. A typical representation of the nirmāṇakāya is Śākyamuni Buddha.
Th e doctrine of the threefold body of bud- dha is confi ned to Mahayana Buddhism, although undoubtedly its origin can be found in ideas that arose in the older Bud- dhist traditions.
We can see right from the get go, interpreting the trikaya as something outside is the nonzen way of going about it. Trying to understand them apart from ourself is seeking outside. The notes make it clear that no one considered Shakymuni to have more than one body, the "bodies" were represented by other Buddhas, these other Buddhas are from various sutras.
““According to the masters of the sutras and śāstras, the dharmakāya is regarded as basic substance and the saṃbhogakāya and nirmāṇakāya as function. From my point of view the dharmakāya cannot expound the dharma. Th erefore a man of old said, ‘Th e [buddha-]bodies are posited depending upon meaning; the [buddha-]lands are postulated in keep- ing with substance.’ So we clearly know that the dharma-nature body and dharma-nature land are fabricated things, based on dependent understand- ing. Empty fi sts and yellow leaves used to fool a child! Spiked-gorse seeds! Horned water chestnuts! What kind of juice are you looking for in such dried-up bones!
According to the masters…. Compare this passage to the words of Linji’s teacher Huangbo in the cf:
A buddha has thre e b o dies. The dharmakāya preaches the dharma of the universal voidness of self-nature; the saṃbhogakāya preaches the dharma of the universal purity of things; the nirmāṇakāya preaches the dharmas of the six pāramitās [see page 211, below] and all other good practices. Th e dharma of the dharmakāya cannot be grasped through words, sounds, forms, or the written word. Th ere is nothing to be said, nothing to be demonstrated; there is nothing other than the universal voidness of self-nature. Th us it is said, “Th ere is nothing to be preached as the dharma; this is called preaching the dharma.” Th e saṃbhogakāya and the nirmāṇakāya both appear in response to particular circumstances, and the dharma they preach corresponds to outer con- ditions and to their listeners’ capacities; in this way they guide sentient beings. None of this is the true dharma. There- fore it is said, “Th e saṃbhogakāya and the nirmāṇakāya are not the true buddha, nor are they the ones who preach the dharma.” (t 48: 382a)
Dependent understanding translates 依通, an unusual term that is not found outside of Chan writings. Japanese com- mentators take it to be an abbreviation of the phrase 依倚通解, “understanding that depends upon something else.” In the section of the gy devoted to Nanquan Puyuan, an exchange between Nanquan and a certain monk is recorded:
Th e monk asked, “Is a student not permit- ted to understand the Way?” Th e master said, “To understand what Way? Also, how understand?” “I don’t know,” the monk said. Th e master said, “Not knowing is all right, but if you take my words you will be called one of dependent understanding.” (x 68: 70a)
Th e wl of Huangbo Xiyun has:
But to one who has seen into his own nature, what place is not his own original nature? Th erefore the six gati (destinies); the four ways of birth; and the mountains, rivers, and great earth, all are the pure and bright substance of our own nature. Therefore it is said, “Seeing form is no other than seeing mind, because form and mind are not diff erent.” One who accepts form and, on this basis, sees, hears, and perceives, and who then tries to see into [nature] by reject- ing things as such—such a one will fall into the ranks of those in the two vehicles [śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas], whose understanding is dependent 依倚通解. (x 68: 21b)
Empty fi sts and yellow leaves used to fool a child! translates the two expres- sions 空拳黃葉、用誑小兒, metaphors for something that is passed off for what it is not. They are found frequently in the Nirvana Sutra and other scriptures. The Mahā-prajñā-pāramitā Sutra, for example, uses the expression “empty fi st” 空拳 as a metaphor for deceiving others with false views:
It is like deceiving a young lad with an empty fi st. Because he is ignorant he thinks there is something real in it. (t 7: 1104c)
And the Northern Nirvana Sutra uses “yellow leaf ” 黃葉 to indicate expedient teachings:
It is as, when a child cries and wails, its father and mother will pull a yellow leaf from a poplar tree and say, “Don’t cry! Don’t cry! We will give you a piece of gold.” Th e child, on seeing the yellow leaf, imagines it to be pure gold and at once stops crying, though in truth this poplar leaf is not gold. (t 12: 485c)
Dried-up bones translates 枯骨, an expression likely deriving from an alle- gory that is found in texts like the Zhengfa nianchu jing 正法念處經 (Sutra on con- templating the true dharma) and the Da baoji jing, in which a dog licking a dried bone mistakes its own saliva for juice from the bone.
Me: I think it's pretty obvious just from these bits that the three body of Buddha has nothing to do with the man Siddhartha Gautama. We can also see that they are founded in Buddhist Sutras. Most of what Zen masters say is based on their understanding of sutras. These terms were expedients, like literally all of the teachings of Buddha and all the Zen masters. Gold leaves to stop children crying, a phrase which also originated from a sutra
submitted by Express-Potential-11 to zen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:15 bitcoin_IT Crash post-Bitcoin, Solana scala nuove vette

Il forte calo di Bitcoin a $ 44.000, all’indomani dell’adozione di Bitcoin da parte di El Salvador, ha lasciato il mercato globale delle criptovalute ferito con un calo a $ 2,03 trilioni. Ha anche lasciato diverse criptovalute leader tra cui Ethereum, Cardano, Binance, Dogecoin in uno stato simile. Tuttavia, imperterrita dal crollo, l’altcoin Solana ha raggiunto il massimo storico di $ 214,96 il 9 settembre secondo l’indice dei prezzi di CoinMarketCap. Con l’aumento dei prezzi, il capitale di mercato di Solana è aumentato a circa $ 60 miliardi, lasciandosi dietro Dogecoin e Ripple Leggi articolo

Bitcoin #Solana

submitted by bitcoin_IT to Bitcoin_Ita [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:13 Stayvfraw Intel--Hold

Here's some DD on Intel. There's a lot of bullshit, just read the TL;DR.
My position:
17 Dec25 $60 Calls, net basis of $1.57, unrealized total gain/loss of ($842.18).
Before discussing ratios, technicals, etc. Let's go through the most relevant business units.

Revenue Analysis

CPU Market
Intel currently produces the fastest CPU chip on the market in the 14-900K and 14-900KS on 10nm lithography, compared to the AMD's 7950x3D on 5nm.
While Intel does fall short in categories beyond speed compared to AMD, such as being much more power-hungry (on a turbo overclock Intel's flagship chip consumes 253W's compared to 162W for AMD) and prone to instability (seen in recent reports of motherboard crashes,) Intel still retains 78-82% of CPU Market share as of February.
Intel will likely retain this CPU dominance in the coming years with its adoption of more recent industry technologies like EUV tech, which should allow for convergence and then surpassing TSMC's manufacturing edge by late 2025/early 2026. Additionally, if Intel is able to effectively compete on old lithography at 10nm, if they were to reach parity of lithography <=5nm, they could actually expand their CPU dominance.
Therefore, Intel's share of the PC/OEM revenue from CPU sales will likely remain consistent and potentially improve depending on AMD's ability to implement new 3D memory and transistor designs, and as 40-45% of Intel's revenue is derived from this market, as PC sales return from the 2022 post-covid collapse, we can expect Intel's revenue to grow at least in line with the growth of PC/workstation sales, which, though weak in Q1, is set for healthy growth throughout FY24 and FY25.
GPU/AI Accelerator Market
Intel did not even compete in this market until April of this year with its launch of Gaudi 3, and as Nvidia currently holds 98% of the data center GPU market, a near-absolute monopoly, raking in $47.5B of revenue in FY23, even if Intel is only able to capture 4% of that market share from Nvidia, that's ~$2B of additional revenue on top of its existing FY23 revenue of $55.4B, and that's assuming Intel only captures 4% of Nvidia's current market share.
Until we see how Intel's accelerator actually performs in the market, however, I don't think additional assumptions can be reasonably made.
Intel's foundry business has gotten a lot of bad news lately, especially due to the restructuring of financial statements to better reflect the amount of revenue it eats up.
But I think it's important to realize that by dividing up intel into the design business and the foundry business as separate units, we're likely to see each business more successfully compete against their respective peers (TSMC vs. Intel Foundry, and AMD/Nvidia vs. Intel Design.) But not enough time has passed since the change to see any evidence to substantiate a theory one way or another yet.
And as near-shoring continues and funds from the CHIPS Act are handed out, I do want to point out that Intel's foundry competitor, TSMC, has never operated a chips manufacturing plant in America before, compared to Intel, a company very familiar with American chip manufacturing. And I don't think it's a given that TSMC's new American plants will operate as successfully here as they did in Taiwan, due to staffing and cultural issues; staffing issues would impact Intel's new plants as well of course, but if the issues are cultural, rather than just the ability to find skilled employees, TSMC could lose margin and benefit less from the CHIPS Act than Intel.
But TSMC could also retain its advantage by investing in other Western countries with similar cultures to Taiwan such as Japan and South Korea, which it has already begun. But Intel doesn't need to dominate TSMC, or even effectively compete with the company: if Intel just broke even on its costs, that would be an additional $7B of revenue on top of Intel's trailing annual revenue of $55.4B.

Stock Pricing

Now that we know where Intel stands against its competitors in key products, how does it price against these competitors?
It currently sits with a TTM P/E of 33.6x compared to 237x for AMD, 79x for NVDA, 29x for TSMC (I believe AMD and NVDA are more relevant for price comparisons given their revenue is gotten from Intel's main source of revenue, design, rather than manufacturing, with TSMC.)
Intel's forward P/E is 28.8x, compared to 47x for AMD, 38.2x for NVDA, and 23.4x for TSMC.
Intel has a dividend of 1.56%, AMD has no dividend, NVDA has a 0.02% dividend, and TSMC has a dividend of 1%.
So compared to its design peers, the stock is cheap; compared to its manufacturing peer it's modestly expensive.


Intel's stock is within 20% of its 52-week low.
MACD (12,26) is -1.6.
EMA (9) is -2.1.
RSI of 41, off a recent low of 23.


There are better things to buy while we wait for Intel's turnaround to materialization, but Intel is actively trying to revive itself and it's comparatively cheap.
Intel's revenue could pop with the secular return of the PC/Workstation market next year, the CHIPS Act allowing for margin expansion in the foundry business, and the entrance into the AI market with Gaudi 3, but much remains in the air as the CHIPS Act funds were just allocated (not even distributed), Gaudi 3 just launched, and the foundry business was just separated as its own business unit recently.
I wouldn't recommend jumping in until more data comes out on their turnaround.
I'm aiming for a price of $45 before my expiration date as a gamble on the return of PC sales, the success of future Intel GPUs, and the fact I don't want to lose money.
submitted by Stayvfraw to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:11 FartestButt Detrazione medicine 730

Detrazione medicine 730
Ciao, siccome è ora di fare il 730, stavo riordinando gli scontrini. Ho notato che nel mio precompilato uno scontrino di farmacia da ben 107€ non appare proprio. Volevo sapere se lo potevo aggiungere, perché magari la farmacia non l'ha banalmente trasmesso, oppure se non va bene, ad esempio perché non riporta i dettagli dei farmaci. Il mio codice fiscale è presente e ho pagato con bancomat. Lo scontrino in foto è detraibile? Grazie!
submitted by FartestButt to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:59 One-Ideal3910 Sud Africa: il mostro degli abissi, doppiaggio italiano smarrito!

Sud Africa: il mostro degli abissi, doppiaggio italiano smarrito!
Salve sono da poco un membro di reddit sto cercando il doppiaggio italiano di un documentario intitolato in originale “Shark of Darkness: Wrath of Submarine” in Italia arrivato col titolo “Sud Africa: il mostro degli abissi”.
Ricordo che lo vidi più volte molti anni fa in televisione più di preciso ricordo che andava in onda qualche volta se non errò su “discovery channel” [forse per l’evento di shark week] oppure su “dmax”, facendo ricerche su YouTube ho avuto conferma che è andato in onda sul canale “nove” e anche su “dmax” a quanto pare sembra che avvolte capiti di beccarlo su questi 2 canali.
Ho fatto molte ricerche anche in inglese ma su safari non si trova nulla nemmeno in qualche sito streaming, le uniche cose che possono confermare l’esistenza del doppiaggio italiano sono 2 video il quale uno di questi lo postato qua sopra e anche una pagina che ne parla in italiano.
Vorrei tanto ritrovarlo sia per nostalgia a che anche per ricerca, sarei davvero grato se qualcuno riuscisse nell’impresa.
Grazie è buona giornata fatemi sapere!
submitted by One-Ideal3910 to Lostmediaitalia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:59 MorpheusTheKnight My guardians stole 28k+ from me.

I’ll try to put in as much information as possible, but I’m not sure anything can even be done as I’ve already been kicked out as of 4 months ago, and I turned 18 in December of last year.
My mother died of breast cancer in October of 2019, and she was my primary parent, she had nothing money wise left for her kids as she had been fighting cancer for months and wasn’t able to work. My father was not in the picture. My aunt(SAHM 30) and uncle(30) in law on my dad’s side took me and my younger sister in, she was 10, I was 14. They also have their own child, who is very young, she mightve been 4 when we came?? But For majority of that time it was absolutely horrible, not because my mom died, but because the people who took us in are emotionally abusive and manipulative. They even admitted that they never wanted me or my sister in the first place.
My dad died from drug overdose April of 2022, two years ago. Officially making me and my sister Orphans. I don’t know when my aunt and uncle started getting security benefits, but I know they never saved any of it. Not for me, and not for my sister. We never got allowances, (my sister still isn’t) either. For the first year our living situation was very unstable, we first lived with my uncles mother for a few months before we got evicted, then we lived with my aunts grandpa for a few months, and then we found a place to actually settle down, we lived there for the remainder of the time. I can understand them having been tight on money for the first year, even year and a half. But my uncle had a steady well job for the entire time I lived there, that allowed for them to buy themselves plenty of pleasures(despite claiming to have lived paycheck to paycheck) such as new mattresses for them and their kid, a trampoline(that only their kid could use or she’d scream and cry about it), at LEAST 4 packs of cigarettes a week, as well as vapes and pens and weed too, a Nintendo, a Xbox, maybe 5 controllers, a small pool, new phones, new iPads, new TV’s, so much goddamn food because my aunt is nearly obese and eats 5 meals a day with her toddler, ymca memberships, daycares, every streaming service possible, new furniture for themselves, new cars, too many (expensive)toys for their kid, they put their kid in special therapies and private school too(because she is “autistic”, she’s not, my aunt is just trying to get disability checks) and there’s a million more things I could go on about.
I’ll describe half of my 16th year, and majority of my 17th year for you. When I was sixteen, I got my job and I worked every week, I got paid into my back account every week, and I saved money. I obviously had newfound financial freedom and would spend money and buy myself stuff all the time, when I turned 17, my guardians decided that it was too expensive to drive me to work anymore or school or pick me up(it was my senior year and I had two senior study halls), yet i wasn’t allowed to have a car until I turned 18 because they didn’t want me on their insurance, and also refused to let me get my license until a few days before my 18th birthday because “if you have a license and live here we have to add you on our insurance.” I also had at this point bought my own phone with my money, and paid my own phone bills, I also was working 2 jobs ontop school to afford to Uber to work, to school, and home (the school wouldn’t allow me to stay during my off periods), as well as my phone bills, and feed myself because by the time I would get home it was late and they wouldn’t save me any dinner. I was relying on my older sister, my brother, and my friend’s mom to transport me in the times I couldn’t afford it. The last few months, I was at my friends house more than I was actually at my own. I told my guardians I was going to graduate a semester early, January of 2024, that way I could take a full year break to save money for college. shortly after I told them they told me how much the security benefits have been, 1,200 a month, and that if I graduated early, because I wouldn’t be in a primary school anymore and be 18, they won’t get money anymore. They told me that if I stay for the remainder of the year they would give me my 1,200 every month for the few months I’d be in school until I graduated and they’d charge me rent, but if I DONT stay I needed to be out of the house by February.
They never saved any of the money for me, in all four years of them receiving social security, they never saved it, never bought me anything big or expensive, except some parts for a PC(after they sold my first one.) at some point, when my dad died I inherited a car, they told me they’ll buy it from my grandpa for 1,000 and when I go buy my car, he’ll give that to me. When I asked my grandpa about it, he claimed they never gave him any money, when I asked them about it they told me to talk to my grandpa.
Over the two years I knew for sure they were getting security deposits, I was supposed to have 28k, but I’m pretty sure they were getting it for all four years I lived with them, it would’ve been over 50 thousand.
My brother has been able to help me get a running vehicle, and I live with my sister for cheap rent but even then Im barely scraping by every month, and my sister is moving next month so I’m soon to be homeless if I don’t find somewhere to go, and all my savings were blown trying to buy a car. I can’t imagine how better off my life could be right now if they ever even gave a single fuck about me or my sister.
I’m wondering if there’s anything I could even do now? There isn’t much of a way I could prove they never used the money for me, but you never know. I live in South Carolina.
submitted by MorpheusTheKnight to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:47 Own_Recording_4955 RN ATI PEDIATRIC PROCTORED EXAM 2023 WITH NGN or copy and paste alkoshy1977 Reach me now to download

submitted by Own_Recording_4955 to NursingStudent [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:45 Boring_Work_6152 What Is Dropshipping and How Does It Work in 2024

What Is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a model where you purchase products directly from suppliers and manufacturers, who then ship them directly to your customers.
Dropshippers can focus on marketing and customer service, freeing them from the burden of warehousing and logistics challenges typically associated with running a dropshipping business. In digital entrepreneur circles, dropshipping has gained prominence due to its many benefits for beginners.
With low capital required, dropshipping provides an accessible and low-risk entry into the e-commerce sector. With no upfront investment in inventory, this becomes a more viable option. Furthermore, it simplifies the process, eliminating the need for tasks like packing, shipping, inventory tracking, and warehouse expenses. This reduced complexity makes dropshipping a more simple and scalable approach than other forms of e-commerce.
In traditional retail, a threefold increase in orders typically translates to a proportional increase in workload. However, this dynamic changes when it comes to dropshipping. The need to buy in bulk is immediately eliminated, making it more convenient to assess and test the market.
Many drop shippers test the market by listing and selling an item before investing large amounts. Experienced entrepreneurs stress the importance of validating your idea to avoid heartbreak later – the biggest risk is in creating and selling something that no one wants. In today’s economy, the appeal of working from anywhere is significant.
visit for more interesting topics.
submitted by Boring_Work_6152 to u/Boring_Work_6152 [link] [comments]