Can crestor cuase sunlight sensitivity

Socially anxious people in Plymouth or nearby?

2024.05.19 18:27 obscurelodge Socially anxious people in Plymouth or nearby?

There was a Plymouth social anxiety meetup group on, but it has closed last year and even before that it seems that nobody was attending the meetups.
I always struggled to make friends and fit in with normal folks, as I am just way too quiet. I had several social anxiety meetups up the country, they were lovely. It’s just that you meet with the people who know what you are going through and you don’t need to hide your awkwardness and all that.
I thought maybe someone in here is going through similar stuff, have issues communicating, have social anxiety, etc, but wants to start going out there, making friends? Maybe we could arrange some sort of meetup, just a short walk or something similar. I know this can be way too hard, it was for me as well, I just forced myself until it got better and a bit easier.
I’m just feeling way too lonely and depressed and the years just go by and I cannot make any friends. I wouldn’t mind meeting normal folks, but it’s just too hard, I’m too quiet for everyone, too awkward. Stuff like evening out in the pub with a group of people, who laugh and communicate is just alien to me, I cannot even apprehend it.
Anyway, those who know how social anxiety can be bad, they know. So would be nice to meet like-minded good people who won’t judge for being quiet, anxious and awkward. As I do open up with time, I do talk more, but just after a long time and with right, kind and good people (I am a very sensitive bastard, which doesn't help in life at all).
submitted by obscurelodge to plymouth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:24 harzum6 Characters and their zodiac signs.

Descriptions of the zodiacs taken from Vogue
<LEE SUHYEOK> Scorpio: Intense but secretive The fiery, intense personality of a Scorpio can make any time spent together a wild, dizzying ride. But while they will go the extra mile to take care of your emotional needs, they remain notoriously secretive about their own—good luck cracking open the spine of this closed book.
<LEE CHEONGSAN> Capricorn: Goal-oriented but unforgiving Not everyone can conquer the world but if a Cap were to set out to do it, nothing would deter them until they had accomplished their goal. With a personality that is hardwired in practicality, they can often fail to appreciate nuance and are known to be unforgiving of others’ mistakes.
<CHOI NAMRA> Cancer: Passionate but uncommunicative Behind the brooding fortress that a Cancer has erected to protect themselves are abundant reserves of deep, undying love and loyalty. Pity that few will get to experience it because they aren’t the best at communicating what is in their hearts.
<NAM ONJO> Libra: Empathetic but indecisive If you are looking for someone to lend a comforting shoulder during times of distress and truly put themselves in your shoes, ring up the first Libra in your contacts. This empathetic side of theirs can sometimes get derailed by their inability to make up their mind, compounded by a fear of confrontations, which means that you never truly know which side they stand on.
<YOON GWINAM> Aries: Competitive but insecure There is nothing an Aries cannot achieve once they set their mind to it—no mountain is too high. However, you will also find them nursing a hidden imposter syndrome that can chip away at their confidence if allowed free rein.
<JANG HARI> Gemini: Versatile but impatient Throw a Gemini to the wolves, and they will come back leading the pack—the air element in this sign means that they can adapt easily to any situation. But their fuse runs short and once they run out of patience with someone, there is no wiggle room for second chances.
<YANG DAESU> Sagittarius: Spontaneous but flighty There is no storyteller quite like a Sagittarius—they can have the entire room hanging on their every word. But while they can show you grand dreams, it can sometimes be hard to pin them down and make them deliver on their promises.
<LEE NAYEON> Leo: Confident but dominating Born to be under the spotlight, there is nothing that this lion enjoys as much as being the cynosure of all eyes. However, this innate conviction that they are always in the right means that they can often run roughshod over others’ feelings and sentiments.
<OH JOONYEONG> Virgo: Perfectionist but self-critical Meticulous, organised and diligent, if the world were to end tomorrow, you would want a Virgo to lead the march into the new dawn. However, that pesky niggle of self-doubt in their head means that they are often harsher on themselves than anybody else can be.
<PARK MIJIN> Taurus: Loyal but stubborn Loyal to a fault, a Taurean is the most reliable person you can have in your corner when the chips are down. However, they have a stubborn streak a mile wide and can hold onto a grudge like no one else, so make sure you don’t cross them.
<PARK EUNHEE> Aquarius: Philosophical but detached A deep-thinker with a humanitarian streak, an Aquarian has grand plans to change the world. Shame that they left the party early though because their reclusive nature makes it hard for them to establish bonds with those around them.
<MIN EUNJI> Pisces: Whimsical but over-sensitive If you are looking to escape the mundane everyday grind, a Pisces’s imaginative mind can whisk you away into a realm of fantasy. Their kind, nurturing personality can prove to be a double-edged sword though, because their overtly sensitive heart is easily wounded, further compounded by a tendency to play the victim.
submitted by harzum6 to AllOfUsAreDead [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 ironykarma I sidestepped its ethical guidelines and it said something about Zionism

I sidestepped its ethical guidelines and it said something about Zionism submitted by ironykarma to ChatGPTGoneWild [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:15 adulting4kids Oracle Cards

To cultivate a meaningful practice with Oracle Card Spreads, start by choosing a deck that resonates with you. Establish a sacred space for your readings and set clear intentions. Regularly cleanse and charge your cards. Develop a connection with each card's symbolism through meditation and reflection. Practice various spreads to enhance your interpretive skills. Trust your intuition and incorporate journaling to track your insights.
Consistency and openness are key to deepening your understanding of Oracle Cards. Oracle cards are a divination tool similar to Tarot cards, consisting of a deck with unique images and symbols. Unlike Tarot, Oracle cards don't adhere to a standardized structure, allowing for greater creativity in design. These cards are used for intuitive guidance, self-reflection, and spiritual insights. Each card carries a specific meaning or message, and users often draw cards randomly or lay out spreads to gain insights into various aspects of their lives or seek answers to specific questions.
Oracle cards are embraced by individuals seeking personal growth, inspiration, and a connection to their intuition.
Oracle cards are diverse, covering themes like angels, animals, mythology, or affirmations. Users interpret the cards based on intuition, imagery, and personal associations rather than a fixed set of meanings.
The practice involves shuffling the deck, posing a question, and drawing cards to receive guidance. Some use Oracle cards for daily inspiration, while others turn to them during pivotal life moments.
The open-ended nature of Oracle cards encourages users to explore their spirituality, fostering a unique and personal connection with the deck.
Regular use enhances one's intuitive abilities and deepens the bond with the cards.To deepen your Oracle card practice, consider exploring different spreads that cater to specific inquiries or areas of your life.
Develop a ritual around your readings, such as grounding exercises or meditation, to enhance focus and receptivity. Engage with the imagery on the cards through visualization and contemplation, allowing your subconscious to contribute to the interpretation.
Maintain a journal to record your readings, insights, and feelings, fostering a reflective process that helps track patterns and personal growth over time. Remember, the essence of Oracle cards lies in personal connection and intuition, making each reading a unique and enriching experience.
Experiment with combining Oracle card readings with other spiritual practices like meditation, crystal work, or rituals to create a holistic experience.
Join communities or online forums to share experiences and insights with fellow practitioners, gaining new perspectives on card interpretations. Periodically cleanse and recharge your cards to maintain their energy.
Embrace the evolving nature of your practice, allowing it to adapt as you grow spiritually. As you become more attuned to your intuition, you may find that Oracle cards become a powerful tool for self-discovery, guidance, and empowerment.
Consider integrating Oracle card readings into a mindful routine, incorporating them into moments of introspection, gratitude, or goal-setting. Explore different spreads or design your own to tailor readings to specific aspects of your life. Share your insights with others or use Oracle cards in group settings for collective guidance.
As you progress, don't hesitate to explore advanced techniques, such as combining multiple decks or creating your own cards to personalize the experience further. Ultimately, the key lies in cultivating a practice that resonates with you, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual insights Oracle cards can offer.
To further enrich your Oracle card practice, delve into the symbolism and history behind the specific deck you're using. Understanding the cultural or spiritual context can deepen your appreciation and interpretation of the cards. Explore different spreads for specific purposes, such as love, career, or personal growth.
Additionally, regularly revisit and reassess your personal connection to the cards, allowing your evolving perspectives to influence the readings. Continuously expand your knowledge by exploring diverse decks and attending workshops or classes on Oracle card reading. This ongoing exploration ensures a dynamic and evolving practice tailored to your unique spiritual journey.
Grounding exercises help anchor you in the present moment and connect with the physical world. Here are a few simple grounding techniques:
  1. Deep Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on the sensation of your breath to bring your attention to the present.
  2. Body Scan: Sit or lie down comfortably. Pay attention to each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up. Notice any tension and consciously release it, bringing awareness to each body part.
  3. Mindful Walking: Take a slow walk and pay attention to each step. Feel the ground beneath your feet, notice the movement of your body, and observe your surroundings. This helps shift your focus from thoughts to the physical experience.
  4. Grounding Objects: Hold onto an object with texture or weight, like a stone or a piece of fabric. Pay attention to its features, temperature, and the way it feels in your hand, bringing your awareness to the present moment.
  5. Visualization: Imagine roots extending from your body into the ground, like a tree. Envision these roots grounding you and providing stability. Connect with the Earth's energy as you visualize this grounding process.
  6. Five Senses Check: Engage your senses by identifying five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This exercise brings you into the immediate sensory experience.
  7. Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations or mantras to center your thoughts. Affirmations can help redirect your focus and bring a sense of calmness.
Experiment with these grounding exercises to find what resonates best with you, and use them whenever you need to center yourself or alleviate stress.
To incorporate crystals and rituals into your Oracle card practice, consider the following steps:
  1. Crystal Selection: Choose crystals that resonate with your intentions or the specific energy you want to enhance during your Oracle card readings. For example, amethyst for intuition, rose quartz for love, or clear quartz for clarity.
  2. Cleansing Crystals: Before each reading, cleanse your chosen crystals to remove any previous energies. You can use methods like smudging with sage, placing them in moonlight or sunlight, or using other crystal-clearing techniques.
  3. Crystal Placement: Position your crystals around your Oracle card deck or spread. You can place them in a pattern or intuitively position them based on the energy you want to enhance. Trust your instincts and the energies of the crystals.
  4. Setting Intentions: Before beginning your Oracle card reading, set clear intentions for the session. State your purpose and what guidance or insights you seek. This helps align the energy of the crystals and cards with your intentions.
  5. Ritual Elements: Create a ritual around your Oracle card practice. This might include lighting candles, playing soft music, or incorporating specific colors or symbols that hold personal meaning. Consistency in your ritual can create a conducive environment for your practice.
  6. Meditation with Crystals: Meditate with your chosen crystals before starting the Oracle card reading. This helps attune your energy to the vibrations of the crystals and enhances your intuitive connection.
  7. Crystal Grids: Experiment with creating crystal grids around your Oracle card space. This involves arranging crystals in a specific pattern to amplify energy and intention. Grids can be simple or complex, depending on your preference.
  8. Closing Ritual: Conclude your Oracle card session with a closing ritual. Express gratitude for the insights received, release any energy that no longer serves you, and cleanse both the cards and crystals. This helps maintain a clear and positive energy space.
  9. Crystal Charging: Periodically recharge your crystals to maintain their energy. You can do this by placing them in the sunlight, moonlight, or on a selenite charging plate. This ensures that the crystals remain potent and ready for your Oracle card sessions.
  10. Incorporate Elemental Energies: Align your practice with the elements. For example, use earthy crystals for grounding (e.g., hematite), airy crystals for mental clarity (e.g., clear quartz), watery crystals for emotional insight (e.g., moonstone), and fiery crystals for passion (e.g., carnelian). This adds a elemental dimension to your readings.
  11. Create Ritual Symbols: Develop symbols or gestures that act as anchors for specific energies during your Oracle card readings. For instance, drawing a particular symbol in the air or using hand gestures can amplify your intention and focus.
  12. Moon Phases and Oracle Readings: Leverage the energy of different moon phases for your Oracle card readings. Perform readings during the new moon for new beginnings, the full moon for clarity and manifestation, or the waning moon for releasing and letting go.
  13. Crystal Elixirs: Create crystal elixirs by placing crystals in water under moonlight or sunlight (ensuring the crystals are safe for water). Use the elixir to anoint your cards or drink before a reading, infusing the energy of the crystals into your practice.
  14. Dedicated Sacred Space: Designate a specific area for your Oracle card practice and crystal work. This sacred space can be adorned with meaningful items, creating an energetic container that enhances your connection with the divine and your intuitive abilities.
  15. Intuitive Crystal Pairing: Trust your intuition when combining crystals with Oracle cards. Allow yourself to be drawn to certain crystals based on the energy you sense or the guidance you seek. Intuitive pairings can deepen the resonance of your readings.
Continuously explore and adapt these practices to align with your evolving spiritual journey. The synergy of crystals, rituals, and Oracle cards can create a powerful and personalized experience, enriching your connection with your inner wisdom and the energies around you.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:14 Familiar_Leather Is Advantage Education Loan a real company?
I’m looking to refinance my Sallie Mae loans as I currently owe $19,500 at 12.75% interest rate. A monthly payment of $300 that I can’t really afford on my current income.
I graduated, but it’s a trade school diploma, not even an associates, so I unfortunately don’t qualify for any of the other loan refinancers I’ve looked into. Everywhere I look claims that Earnest doesn’t require a degree to refinance, but when I tried to sign up it said I needed an undergraduate degree.
I’m really struggling and don’t know what to do but I also don’t want to give my sensitive info, like my SSN, to a shady company. Has anyone worked with these people before? Are they legitimate? Is it a trap? It seems almost too good to be true, and I am a little skeptical because of it.
submitted by Familiar_Leather to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 cthulhu5 Drug Testing in WA

Hey everyone, so I was offered a great job last week and accepted it, but found out on Friday that I have to do a drug panel test by Wednesday this week. Problem is I smoke weed fairly regularly (4-5x/week, a few hits from a joint each time) and weed takes a long time to leave the system when you smoke regularly.
But I know a law was just signed into law stating that companies can’t test for marijuana for pre-employment screening in Washington, unless you work for DOT, federal gov or federal programs, or are in a safety sensitive job. The job is none of those things.
The form for the testing says it’s a 10 panel drug test, doesn’t say anything about not testing THC. I was drug tested for a hospital job in Seattle recently and that test didn’t test for THC. This job is in Auburn but the company is based in another state.
So, do I need to worry about being denied this job based on a positive marijuana test even though weed is legal in WA and that law basically says I can’t be denied employment cause of the test?
Feel like that wouldn’t be lawful for them to do that, and they can’t just not hire me for “no reason” after making me do a drug test (I mean they could but that would be a legal nightmare for them). I’ve never had to be drug tested for this field I work in, besides the hospital job but that makes more sense.
Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
submitted by cthulhu5 to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:13 lesspoisonousivy How can I be less emotional?

i am a very sensitive person; i've always been a little more emotional than most other people but it's gotten especially bad lately. i have severe anxiety (to the extent that it's debilitating without proper aid) along with a few other brain-wonks, and have had a lot going on in my personal life lately that's been stressing me out badly. if i were just feeling bad i could handle that, but i feel everything so intensely that i can't suppress my reactions.
when something bad (or something i interpreted as bad) happens or my boyfriend seems upset with me or anything, i isolate myself, have a full sobbing breakdown, my voice is lost to me, and/or i just make myself pass out to avoid feeling the feelings; and the person that always has to deal with me when i'm like this is my boyfriend. he insists that he doesn't mind and actually enjoys helping me get through stuff, but i know it's not fair for me to allow him to carry all of my burdens for me. especially because he has just as much stuff going on himself and if he's always stuck helping me, who's gonna help him?
i've tried to just hold it in, SO many times. it works for a few minutes but it just builds up inside to a point where i can no longer withstand it and the aftermath is worse than if i had just let it out in the first place. emotional pain gives me physical feelings in my body; they don't usually "hurt", but it's this deep, cold pressure that feels empty and suffocating all at once. it takes over my whole body and it's just too much to handle.
i've tried journaling about my feelings and what's on my mind to try to find some other form of emotional release, and it does help me feel a little better (i still write regularly), but doesn't do anything to prevent those reactions once i'm feeling bad again. i've tried actually talking to people about it, but the only one i can tell about these things comfortably is my mom as she goes through the same stuff (plus we text instead of talk since she lives in another state and we're both busy, so i don't need to use my voice), the issue being that she also doesn't know how to handle it. i'd try to talk to my dad since he actually raised me and might have a little more of an idea of why i'm like this, like the actual root, but we aren't close and he's not really a big emotions guy. my only option there would be to have my boyfriend ask him instead; he's closer with my dad than me. i of course talk to my boyfriend himself about stuff when i'm able to, but when i say "my voice is lost" i mean it in the most literal sense possible. i can't physically make myself speak so i end up having to type things out/text him when he's right next to me in order to communicate and it makes me feel alienated, like i'm too abnormal and i really don't like that.
i feel like this is all starting to take a serious tax on my boyfriend, i think it goes without saying that it's been incredibly draining for me as well, and i just want to know if there's anything i can do to not be like this. i don't want to spend the rest of our lives with him having to closely monitor my emotions like i'm a toddler. i want him to be happy and not have to worry about me all the time. i'm also so so so tired of feeling terrible 25/8 but i can't figure out what to do to stop it.
any and all advice is appreciated. thank you in advance.
submitted by lesspoisonousivy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:10 Elegant-Ad6486 Too early to take an AI?

I just started my fifth week of 100mg of trt and 500 IU of HCG (both split into two pins a week). I went through TRT nation and was also prescribed anastrozole 1mg on a need-only basis. The doc just said if I get symptoms to pop half a pill during our initial three minute phone call.
The last few days I’ve noticed nipple sensitivity. I have my first labs coming up in 3 weeks and just worried about skewing the numbers as I want an accurate reading of my E2 so that I can make adjustments.
Should I take a small dosage of my AI or should I wait until after my labs?
Or should I just take a small dose now but not take any AI the week leading up to my labs?
submitted by Elegant-Ad6486 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:03 strikingredfox Woke up to my plant having lost a lot of bits, any ideas what’s going on?

Woke up to my plant having lost a lot of bits, any ideas what’s going on?
She’s on the afternoon sun side of the house directly at a window, I recently watered her with some fertiliser (for succulent plants, after winter I thought it would be a good idea). That was about a week ago. Today this (see picture), I’m concerned I f’ed up and would love some advice! There was also half a stem that was lying on the floor. Can’t quite tell where that one broke off, to be honest. I don’t have any pets in my room and can’t remember accidentally damaging it myself. Did I overwater the plant? Does it get too much sunlight?
submitted by strikingredfox to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:00 enchanted_summer What’s wrong with my Schefflera Plant

What’s wrong with my Schefflera Plant
Hello, can anyone tell me what’s wrong with my Plant? It was growing nicely until recently I noticed the leaves are curled more and I had 3 yellow leaves fall off already. Am I watering too much? She’s in a room that gets a lot sunlight daily. We water it about once a week? And I only added in new soil on top about a mont ago? Could this be the reason? 😭 does my plant look healthy? It grows new leaves up top but the bottom looks so dry. Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by enchanted_summer to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:58 Peter-Spering Rising signs and their decanates - what 'type' are you?

Rising signs and their decanates - what 'type' are you? submitted by Peter-Spering to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:55 manahananana [B&A] 5 months Az + 4 months Tret update!

[B&A] 5 months Az + 4 months Tret update!
Background: Reintroduced Tretinoin at a stronger strength and broke my skin barrier badly - leading to closed comedones and fungal acne
Skin type: Oily at T-zone, sensitive skin
It’s been over 5 months on Az and 4 on Tretinoin! There are still a lot of dark spots left but barely any purging. I still get comedones on my forehead and I continuously pick on them so now there are a lot of hyperpigmentation :-( Initially I thought it was fungal acne but there were blackheads!! I’m trying to see which product is clogging my forehead at the moment. I didn’t attach any images of my forehead because it’s not that visible through selfies.
Updated Routine:
Morning - Simple Face Wash - Mizumi Niacinamide or Numbuzin 5+ Toner pads on alternating days - Azelaic Acid Skinoren spot treatment - Moisturizer - Purito Oat calming gel - Canmake Sunscreen
Evening: - Muji Oil cleanseBiore Micellar Water - Simple Face Wash - Purito Oat calming gel - Tretinoin - Spot treatment with Sulfur clay
It’s just been the second day with the Purito Oat gel but I can already notice a difference with my fungal acne and that certain areas of my forehead being less clogged! However, it’s definitely not enough as a moisturizer for tretinoin nights.
submitted by manahananana to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:53 Horror-Grocery-8477 Should i restart my grow?

Should i restart my grow?
Hello Ion April 26th. I Let the royal haze autoflower seeds germinate and plant them on April 28th. transported into the small brown pots. on April 30th I transplanted these seedlings in the decomposable pots into their 11L end pots. I use the compo tomato soil with about 1/5 perlite. At the beginning everything went quite well and I tried my best not to make any mistakes when watering. The plants have now been above the ground for around 19 days and are quite small and underdeveloped. Can they still be saved or should I start a new run? Does anyone have an idea where the problem is?
I didn't use any fertilizer or anything like that and slowly acclimated the plants to the sunlight. When the plants slowly started to stretch a little, I increased the daily light hours on my south-facing balcony. At night the plants were indoors at around 21 degrees Celsius. The grow progress stopped like 10 days ago.
submitted by Horror-Grocery-8477 to CannabisGrow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:53 Mannah_Mannah Update: Baby won't stop scratching his head until it bleads.

I've posted about a year ago regarding my then 7th month old scratching his head and hurting himself in the process. You can find the old post here:
Recently I've had 3 different parents that have found the post and were in the same situation, inboxing for an update/solution, so I decided to make an update post in case more parents are looking for answers. Sorry I took so long. I know the despair you feel. I assure you it will get better if you persevere. This is an extremely long post, so I have bolded the several topics, in case you don't want to read everything, so they are easier to find.
To update on my son's situation: He's now 1y and 7 months. He is allergic to milk and he has a combination of cradle cap and eczema. In addition to this, he was also born with Hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys) which means he is limited in the medication that he's allowed to take (no ipobrufren, as an example)
The Cradle Cap situation has improved by itself, mainly by just carrying on with what we were doing. We use the Frida Flake Fixer treatment and a cradle cap shampoo (Dentinox). We've also been advised not to wash his head every day, leave it 1 or 2 days (one doctor even said once a week). For the cuts, the best thing was indeed a Vaseline barrier to help the raw skin heal. Even though it definitely stinks, the healing is the most important part. I would put Vaseline on his scalp the day before a bath, do the treatment with the Frida Brush and then I would rub a Baby Scalp Oil (Colief) to soften the flakes on the day after the bath; I would put Vaseline on the scalp the next day and he would take a bath the next day, rinse and repeat, until the cuts were healed, and I could ditch the Vaseline step. If the cut was deep I would sometimes apply Sudocream only at night after a bath and the Vaseline was removed and he'd fallen asleep so he wouldn't take it off. He still slept with mittens inside his cuffed babygrow, but he always managed to get one or two fingers out, I kid you not when I say, that sometimes I would sleep holding his hand to prevent him from scratching his head when the wounds here at it's worst. All of these steps have contributed to has improved the cradle cap lot and eventually disappeared in about a month's time. He's going trough a second outbreak now, a year later, but no where near as bad as it was then, he's not scratching himself to death.
The Eczema situation. Right....... this situation has improved for a few good 7-8 months with the Aveeno Baby Dermexa Emollient Cream. I would use it 3 times a day or more to fight of dry skin. The areas where the skin folded were the worst. Arm folds, neck folds, behind the knees, there the eczema would install and spread, That could only be controlled an Hydrocortisoid Cream, 1% w/w. It did eventually disappeared save for one spot -- just behind the right knee. He developed a habit of scratching it with his left foot. But, lets put the Eczema situation on hold for a moment, while we talk about:
The Milk Allergy situation.... Oh Boy..... this is about to get very long.....
In my previous post made at the beginning of May 2023, I stated that my son had been to the A&E (a week before the post) for an allergic reaction to porridge, so he would either be allergic to Milk and/or Gluten. We were told a referral was done to our GP for a visit by an allergy team who would walk us through to process of slowly introducing allergens so that my son would hopefully be able to safely be exposed to them in the future and advised to "only feed him vegetables and fruit". We were given an "prescription" for an antihistamine to continue the treatment and to use as an SOS in case of another allergic reaction in the future. No allergy tests were done for my son at all.
We were told that, it would take a couple of weeks before we were contacted by the allergy team and to contact the GP after two weeks if we hadn't heard from them. We waited a month and nothing. At the end of May, I went to our GP to ask for updates on this situation. Imagine my shock when the GP told me that they didn't even have ANY information about my son being in the A&E. They've spent 1h contacting the hospital to get the paperwork from the A&E that SHOULD have been sent to our GP. In said paperwork, it states that the hospital would like the GP to sort out the allergy appointment. So, no allergy appointment had been made for an entire month and if I hadn't enquired about this situation, the GP would have had no clue about the need to make one because they didn't have the necessary paperwork! I was given an apology and scheduled an "assessment appointment" 2 days later. I enquired about an Antihistamine prescription, since my son was gonna start nursery in a couple of weeks when my maternity leave would end and I needed to provide a bottle for them in case of an allergic reaction, because we still didn't know what my son was allergic to.... Lo and behold, when the GP staff looks at the hospital paperwork, it was stated that no more antihistaminic was necessary, against what we were advised, as we should have one antihistamine as SOS, I had to press the GP to provide us with an prescription (which the lady was very quick to do after seeing me ready to implode regarding this absolute incompetence) so the nursery could have one antihistamine with themselves as we couldn't keep juggling our bottle back and forth with them.
The assessment appointment which basically consisted in 5 mins of asking for details about the allergic reaction, all of which was written in A&E's paperwork and only then being referred to a dietitian's team. I was given no ETA, no info about where it would be, no contact that I could call to at least be put on a waiting list in case of a cancellation, nothing. I was only asked to wait and when confronted, the practitioner admitted that this appointment COULD have been made straight in the hospital's A&E, instead of this ridiculous and time wasting bureaucratic football between the Hospital and the GP.
You might think this was the end of the miscommunication and incompetence.... Oh oh But no,.. of course not!! I waited another month of silence. At the end of June I called the hospital's appointment hotline enquiring about my son's appointment, only to be told that he doesn't have one because a referral hadn't been made yet! I was fuming!! I immediately called the GP who have assured me that a referral has been sent to the hospital's Paediatric and gave me it's referral number and they would enquire....
If you are in the UK like I am and you see that your baby/child is being ignored by your GP / Hospital and not getting the appropriate care, then do as I did and contact PALS near your area. That was the best piece of advice that I have received from people at my local breastfeeding group, and if being a mother has taught me anything, is that sometimes, you will have to be a momma bear (aka Karen to the eyes of the target) and advocate for your child. I work in retail, I despise Karens and I have no wish to be one, I am usually a pushover. But I will not allow anyone to trample on my son's health. And while I do have respect for the NHS, seeing has my brother in law works there, I know damn well, by his own words, that the main problem is not the lack of funds, but the pockets where they go and the terrible disorganization.
At that point I had enough of excuses and I made a complaint to PALS about both the GP and the Hospital. My son was almost 9months and still breastfeeding but eating mostly Vegetables and Fruit as solid food as per A&E'S guidelines, delaying his weaning and feeding development and causing stress with the nursery and our family as we didn't know what he was allergic to and couldn't move on to full meals. I flat out asked them if they were intent on my son completing an entire year of life being fed only Vegetables and Fruit besides breastmilk, and called them out because an 8 month baby should not be put on the back burner over and over again due to the incredibly poor communication between these two organizations and have his health jeopardized. I demanded a resolution ASAP and forward this to the Paediatrician as I did not trust the hospital to be able clearly communicate between their departments and whom I suspected had not been told absolutely nothing regarding all this. Two days later the allergy team specialist rang me to personally and profusely apologise and take the situation under her control and give me her allergy guidelines which I should have been given since the beginning. I was still forced to wait until early July for a allergy test - Milk was found to be the culprit.
I still thank everything that I had enough perseverance to stick with breastfeeding and never, ever, though to look at formula. I tremble to think about the consequences, Even though I'm aware that dairy free formulas exist, me being a 1st time ignorant mother, chances were I could have picked a wrong one. Fortunately I produced more than enough milk and my son had a good latch. Also because my son was not making any allergic reactions to my milk, this meant there was a higher chance that he could grow out of his allergy, as he was still getting enzymes from the dairy that I consumed. From here on, food introduction was a breeze. He's a real foodie, he loves to eat and he loves to eat with us. Adapting our diet was a bit of work, as I have IBS and my husband is diabetic so there might be some foods that will be a trigger or might not be the most ideal to someone in our family, but we managed to strike a good balance. Vegan options do help and we are having fun exploring that.
The problems then came with the nursery. After letting them know that my son was allergic to milk and other things were fine, the cases of allergic reaction in the nursery stated to increase and he started getting very bad reactions. First we suspected cross contamination, then that he might be allergic to something else, but the foods they were saying he was allergic to made absolutely no sense as he was just fine having those at home. We came to the conclusion after several events in the softplay area - that involved no food at all - that the culprit might be their cleaning products and further pressed after two different members of staff said they themselves were allergic to that product - Milton. After several bickerings between us and the nursery and us visiting our origin country for Xmas where my son ate in 4 different household and 5 different restaurant with absolutely no allergy reaction (in comparing to the then daily cases of reaction on the 3 days that he stayed at nursery), we finally convinced the nursery to change their cleaning products - they are now using Sanell. In addiction to prevent cross contamination, my son was given his own high chair, that no other child uses. Happy to say the cases of allergy are nearly non-existent now. His recent blood results also came back with amazingly good improvements, so we got the thumbs up from the Allergy Team and the Paediatrician to start the milk ladder and slowly and gradually adding milk to his diet. Currently he's in stage one and having half a teaspoon of malted milk biscuit daily with no reaction. It will probably still be able two months until he can have a full biscuit, but I can't wait to see his smile when we get to this stage - he loves taking the little piece of my hand.
Because of the back and forth with the nursery and them insisting that the allergic reaction could be due to other foods, the allergy team at the hospital was more concerned with that than his Eczema situation. We had to insist about it, since we suspected the reactions might be Eczema instead, stating that I was still waiting for the promised skin specialist appointment since end of April last year. The lead Team Speciallist, again showed her amazing professionalism and chased up the situation and we finally got our appointment jointly with her and the skin specialist in January of this year. She gave us a few products to try but said that the Eczema situation was relatively controlled. The samples that she gave were:
About a week after the appointment, my Son had an mild outbreak of Eczema on his legs. We tried several combinations of above products that seemed to temporally control the situation but didn't complete solve it. In Early March of this year the Eczema appeared in his back. He has a huge red birthmark the size of my hand on his back, so that skin is very sensitive. He started to scratch and rub his back against things and it didn't took long to break the skin. It didn't bleed but it was oozing/weeping which would make the skin get stuck to his clothes and then get raw, so no treatment was going to work on that as it would slide off with the oozing/weeping. I despaired then as I had a year ago.
So I went back to the thing that worked last time - Vaseline. This time though, it was on a place that I couldn't exactly leave uncovered. My son was about to do some blood tests so hospital had given us numb cream to put on the inside of his elbows and some clear medical film. He had this done before and I remembered that the film had been resistant enough to keep the cream in and didn't hurt his skin, so I though, maybe I could apply the same theory. So I bought some clear medical film (Tegaderm Film), put a good chunk of Vaseline on the wound and sealed it with the film. I changed this twice or three times a day, depending if he was in the nursery or not. It worked like a charm and it allowed the skin to heal. For reference, the nursery manager, whose son suffers with really bad eczema has suggested me the AproDerm Ointment which also has a Vaseline consistency to it, but my son's situation cleared up before I had to use it.
The skin specialist by then had prescribed a treatment with another hydrocortisoid cream ( Daktacort 2% 1% w/w, needs to be kept refridgerated ) and an emollient cream - Epimax Oatmeal Cream. For the other patches of Eczema (that were not in wound), I would use Daktacord, once in the morning, once in the evening, and I would use Epimax to keep the skin moisturized along the day, whenever I would change a diaper. The skin specialist told us to keep using Daktacord twice a day for a week, then drop it to once a day on the following week, and then drop it to every other day on the week after. This has worked brilliantly and it solved all Eczema patches, including the stubborn one behind his right knee, We were able to drop the Daktacord and we now only use the Epimax emollient regularly about twice a day.
Thank you if you have read everything so far, I hope you have found something that could be of use to you. Happy to answer any questions that you might have, or if you're feeling desperate like I was and just need some reassurance, just drop me message!
submitted by Mannah_Mannah to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:51 GlennHodler What are the 'security risks' associated with running win 10 after EOL?

I keep reading about the main problem with running older windows versions after EOL being 'security risks'.
I'd just be interested to know what exactly these security risks are?
I mean presuming:
... what other bad stuff can happen without MS security updates??
Just curious.
submitted by GlennHodler to Windows10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:50 esquilacs I need recommendation

I need recommendation
I'm looking for a watch that is resistant to scratches and heat, that shows the time clearly, both day and night, and that the battery can be charged with sunlight. I have thought of models like: GBD-200UU-9 GA-2100RC-1A GA-2100-1A3 My budget is up to €350
I already have this one but I want one new
submitted by esquilacs to gshock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:41 Prior_Program_704 Why do I want to stay quiet and not say any word to anyone at all? Not because they find me annoying or I'm anxious, I just dont want to.

Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while now. (Also, english is NOT my first language)
Fyi, yes, I am veryyy mentally unstable. But I haven't had any therapy at all, so bear with me.
When someone talks to me, for ex. my fam, I don't find any reasons to reply at all. But I don't have the same problem for others. It's like I select who I wanna talk to BUT not intentionally. I just do. When I really need to respond, I answer as shortly as I can.
When I get yelled at, all I can think of is shut up and don't say any word. I don't know if I'm just dissociating or what. I feel like answering is something really heavy, I just cant. I can't control it neither.
I've been having symptoms of BPD for years but I won't diagnose myself with it because it's a sensitive topic, I'm just letting you know if it matters.
P.S. I feel like I'm just disrespectful but I also feel like somethings wrong with me. That's why I'm asking for help. <3
submitted by Prior_Program_704 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:38 throwrablueskysolace HSP man working fast food job, how do i thrive?

so i'm a highly sensitive introvert in his 30's, i've been through lots of emotional trauma in recent years, and as a result haven't been able to work all that much.. long story short, i went through some traumatic event like eight years ago, pushed myself to work through it for years and eventually got burnt out, and went through some other traumatic things two years ago... and have mostly needed a break since then..
i tried to push myself to work at a hotel last summer, but was fired in two weeks because i wasn't learning quickly enough... then took a nanny job a month later and didn't get past the first day without being fired...
i took time off again to recover, and last week began working a fast food job because the pay was decent and nobody else was hiring, and the environment seemed nice... and i was told it's not as busy as the other locations nearby... so i took the job..
so far, everyone is cool, but after working four days in a row of eight hours shifts, i'm very drained...
i have little drive to do this job since it's meaningless fast food...
i notice that when during a busy rush, after an hour or two i begin to slowly shut down and am way less productive... overstimulation begins to happen.
i'm trying to apply for nannying jobs, but nobody is hiring... i tried to apply for landscaping jobs, nothing...
i already told my manager that i can only alternate between 3 and 4 eight hours shifts per week...
how can i make the best of this job? because so far i'm feeling very drained and ummotivated when i'm off work...
also, what jobs do you recommend for me? i have no college degree
submitted by throwrablueskysolace to hsp [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:20 willckz This game's improvements in comparison to Suikoden (Heavy Spoilers for both)

First of all, let me start by saying, what a game! I'll forever treasure my first experience with this game, discovering all its secrets and locations. That said, I played Suikoden 1 and 2 right after finishing Eiyuden Chronicles and... It could've been better... But in this post I'll focus on what I think was improved, also, these are just my opinions, let me know what YOU think in the comments.
Here are some things I think this game did BETTER than Suikoden:
Recruiting the 108 stars of destiny in Suikoden can be a nightmare without a guide or previous experience. Suikoden 1 is an extremely short game, so you can kinda play it again (as I did) to get all the characters, Suikoden 2 however is not at all a short game, so when you realize you messed up, that can be a huge bummer. You don't get that in Eiyuden Chronicles because there's no time-sensitive characters (except the last one) and most of them you recruit on the go, so yeah, points for Eiyuden here.
I actually enjoyed the war battles of the first Suikoden, that kind of rock, paper, scissors game kinda grew on me, not to mention I love the war song there as well, however, I HATE war battles on Suikoden 2, it's too slow, too clunky, way too dependent on RNG... I don't know, that was one of the worst aspects of that game imo, not to mention your characters can DIE in there, making you have to load and restart... Eiyuden Chronicles makes the war battles very simple tho, some people might complain that you don't have that much control over them but war battles are not supposed to be the main course anyway, so to me is perfectly fine for them to be an extra and not impact too much on your playthrough.
I don't need to elaborate on this one, right? Being able to collect mats and actively participate in your HQ improvement is way better than seeing it grow out of nowhere. Not to mention how much of a mess it is when you return to your castle in Suikoden and the whole layout has changed making you get lost every now and then.
Being able to just go everywhere without having to go back to your HQ everytime is reaaaally good, RIP Blinking Mirror.
I might receive a lot of downvotes because of this one... Now listen... Gremio, Nanami, and Perrielle, these 3 characters are extremely different but they are connected through one plot point in common: They may or may not die. Nanami's death is the more impactful of these 3 but why do I think it's better in Eiyuden Chronicles? Well, and this is my opinion by the way, I hate when stories are afraid to kill their characters or go back on it, what do I mean by this? Consequences! Old RPG's have a bad habit of having "Best", "True", "Bad" endings, and most of the time the "bad" ending is actually the best ending in terms of writing. Gremio is pure bullshit, he dies and gets revived at the very last second just cause. Nanami recovering from her injuries is acceptable, but her death shouldn't lock you out of a "good" ending, since it's a good motivation for Jowy to feel empathy for Riou and look back at his mistakes. Perrielle tho, it's an impactful death that doesn't really lock you out of anything (well, except Leene), I don't think Leene saving her is bs nor do I think her death is badly executed, both outcomes are perfectly fine, and don't punish your progress.
submitted by willckz to EiyudenChronicle [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:13 samlsho Basic labs for mental health assessment ???
Caption of the video says "Depression and anxiety are typically symptoms of an underlying condition and not a condition on all its own therefore it is important to first evaluate your labs and rule out any medical conditions, or subclinical nutrient deficiencies that can be causing your symptoms". Is it true?
Below are some of the chemicals they would test for. Are they necessary?
AutoImmune Analyzer
Bilirubin, Direct
C-Reactive Protein, High Sensitivity (CRP, HS)
CBC w/ Diff
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Estradiol (E2)
Hemoglobin A1c
Insulin, Fasting
Iron + Total Iron Binding Capacity
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Lipid Panel
Methylmalonic Acid
Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids
SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)
Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Testosterone, Total
Thyroglobulin Abs
Thyroid Panel
Vitamin B12 & Folate
Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total
submitted by samlsho to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:11 roomyverse 1 VI pre-ordered

First and foremost, it shouldn't cost me a bean (on the contrary, selling the cans offered will save me 200 quid) then 48mm focal length, 48mp shooting mode, significantly bumped battery life, better performance, better screen visability in sunlight, and the slight increase in width might help with my godawful typing since switching to 21:9. Plus the usual notchless experience, microSD and headphone jack inclusion that other manufacturers have dumped for our 'benefit'.
But I also consider the pre-order a protest vote against the hegemony - Apple, Samsung and Google have their own way far too often. Sony have their flaws but Samsung play their Exynos games, Google processing is an acquired taste (and their Tensors aren't proven) while Apple are always trying to suck you into their ecosystem. I want none of that. And as for Honor, Vivo, and Xiaomi - they might have some top camera hardware but few if any UK networks carry their flagships on contract.
I want Sony to improve year-on-year - no-one wants the next gen to be a step back, and if I find shortcomings in the screen and only nominal improvements elsewhere I'll be the first to post them - but there are still more positives than negatives for me. And if helps keep Sony in the game just a little bit, all the better.
submitted by roomyverse to SonyXperia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:10 AidenDaBoi0506 The niche detail I pray the show will depict!

One of my biggest disappointments with the PJ movies is that Narsil didn’t glow! “And the sword of Elendil filled Orcs and Men with fear, for it shone with the light of the sun and of the moon, and it was named Narsil.'' I really really hope that when Elendil ends up with Narsil that it will glow in the moon and sunlight. It’s a really good way the show can make Narsil seem more magical and differentiate more design wise to PJ. Also would just look super badass seeing Elendil charge at Orcs with a blinding glowing longsword! Also on top of this wanting to see him wear the Elendilmir in battle.
submitted by AidenDaBoi0506 to LOTR_on_Prime [link] [comments]