Driving a train game


2013.02.20 23:06 tekkacake BeamNG

BeamNG.drive is a realistic and immersive driving game, offering near-limitless possibilities and capable of doing just about anything! BeamNG in-house soft-body physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle 2000 times per second in real time, resulting in realistic and high-fidelity dynamic behavior.

2008.09.16 04:42 boardgames

The #1 Reddit source for news, information, and discussion about modern board games and board game culture. Join the community and come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Brass, and all your other favorite games!

2012.11.08 23:21 Dickfore Physics gone wild!

Gifs and videos of game physics and glitches

2024.05.19 10:29 Few-Alternative-1074 Low-level hiking/running destinations for next week

Hi all! Visiting from out of state and working remote for a few days then exploring for the long weekend. I know there’s still a lot of snow in the leaks, so I’d love some suggestions of areas to look into that are still beautiful but lower elevation. Willing to drive up to ~6 hours from Denver. My only goal is to get out of the city
Im currently in 50 miler training… so specifically scouting out some good trails to run on as well!
submitted by Few-Alternative-1074 to coloradohikers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:28 shortchangerb Biggest mistake I made

So a lot of people say how they wish they could forget the entire game and go again, and I definitely feel that.
The problem is that I want to savour the game and make it last, but the whole point is that your curiosity drives you to put the puzzle together. I also tend to rush text reading because I’m afraid of the supernova.
I was stuck on the ATP puzzle for ages, and when I finally figured it out, I knew exactly what to do. So I was desperate to go back on the game, but… it was quite bright outside 😭 I landed at the Eye and couldn’t see a thing because of the glare on the screen. I was trying to rush because I was scared the sun would still get me.
Then in all the following segment where you assemble the band around the campfire I really struggled to see what was going on. But I was so desperate to progress.
So in a way I’ve spoiled it for myself. I’m having to force myself to take a break with the DLC so the same doesn’t happen again. But I’m so close!
submitted by shortchangerb to outerwilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:27 Epic_Gamer_Man1 Just a couple of observations

Two things I've noticed now that 7 is out:
All the "beach" scenes AKA Stinger Flynn's dream world have some form of transport in each game. In 3 its a car, in 4 there's Choo Choo Charles (A train), in 6 there's a bus, and in 7 there's a plane. This ties in with what Flynn says about needing to go back to the beach.
The Givanium Citizens speak various foreign languages (Japanese, Spanish, and German I think?), a trait only shared with Zolphius, who says "Lo siento" in Banban 3. Zolphius' visual appearance and presence in Cityngeon also ties him to the citizens. It is possible Zolphius is one of Syringeon's creations, but it is unlikely due to the fact he is officially incorporated as a mascot and even mentioned by name in the 'Friendly Letter'
submitted by Epic_Gamer_Man1 to gartenofbanban [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:26 championofsales RCB Qualified for IPL Despite Less Than 2% Chance heres what i learned about perseverance from them

the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) have qualified for the IPL playoffs, even though their chances were less than 2%. This astonishing feat is more than just a sports story; it’s a powerful lesson in perseverance, especially for those of us in sales.
Here’s what RCB's journey taught me about never giving up in sales:
  1. Believe in Your Potential: Just like RCB believed in their team, believing in your product and your abilities is fundamental. Confidence can drive your performance, even when prospects seem slim.
  2. Consistency is Key: Success in sales doesn't come from a single call or meeting. It's the result of persistent effort. RCB's consistent commitment, despite setbacks, mirrors the need for continuous effort in sales to build relationships and close deals.
  3. Adapt and Overcome: In sales, flexibility is crucial. Just as RCB adjusted their strategies to stay in the game, we need to be adaptable in our approach to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the market.
  4. Learn from Rejections: Every "no" is a stepping stone to a "yes." RCB faced numerous defeats but used them as learning experiences. In sales, each rejection is an opportunity to refine your pitch and improve your strategy.
  5. Teamwork Drives Success: Collaboration is as important in sales as it is in sports. RCB’s qualification was a team effort. Similarly, leveraging the strengths of your sales team and collaborating can lead to achieving and exceeding targets.
  6. Stay Positive and Resilient: Maintaining a positive outlook, even when deals fall through, is essential. RCB’s resilience in the face of adversity highlights the importance of staying positive and persistent, knowing that every setback is temporary.
submitted by championofsales to Sales_India [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:22 caighdean Moving from Oxford - car hire

Hi all, I'll be moving out of Oxford at the end of June to London (don't have anywhere yet but probably near Clapham). I don't have much to bring with me, just a few large suitcases and some crockery and cutlery etc, but it's a bit much to bring on the train or tube so I was thinking of hiring a car and just driving up myself with my bits in the boot and the backseat.
I'm new to the UK this year and am not familiar with what car hire services are out there - I'm sure Hertz, Sixt etc and other companies that do car hire for tourists would be able to sort me out, but I'm never quite sure if those will be a rip-off and if there's a better option available to me that I'm just not aware of. I'd rather not hire movers as it's a pretty straightforward move that I can do myself and would rather just manage it under my own steam if possible.
tl;dr any recommendations for reasonably-priced car hire from Oxford to London where I wouldn't then have to drive the car all the way back to Oxford!
submitted by caighdean to oxford [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 Davess_World2019 Hagwon Life: How to spot a lazy manager/owner

Re: PODCAST: How to Spot a Lazy Manager
I'm telling ya, other than trying to rip off as many people as possible and get as much work out of them, and do the least amount of effort themselves, I don't know why Hagwonites bother. And I don't know why foreigners care more than the people who own the place and/or will be working there 10 years from now.
It reminds me of George Costanza's frustration with his lazy boss Mr. Kruger. You can see the YouTube clip here. Bust your rear-end for what? So it can backslide back to square 1 as soon as you leave and the new person replaces you? You're not helping the place advance, you are helping it idle in neutral.
See if this sounds like your experience at a Hagwon.
1. One: they blame low performance and turnover on employees.
**--**And every other mistake as well. The students are total brats? That's your fault. You don't teach the lesson absolutely perfectly without training? That's your fault. Kids are bored? That's your fault. A child pokes another child and mom calls about it, again --your fault.
None of these managers actually manage. They give irrelevant or no training. They institute no discipline plan all the staff, students, parents will agree on. They often give not enough material to teach the class, ALL OF THAT falls on the hands of the foreigners. Imagine that, a place that's been open for 5-10 years still hasn't taking point on all these issues, just push them off on the foreigner and go back to gossiping about how terrible the foreigners are.
BTW, I'm not an owner of a company, I can discuss people who should be discussing ideas.
2: They look for quick fixes to complex retention problems.
--That's more than true. I declined to accept a 2nd contract by being offered slightly more money, about double the vacation time, and move up to head teacher. Why didn't I accept this promotion? Because everything I said the entire year was totally ignored, the pay wasn't enough to put up with their stupidity. The vacation was totally bogus because we had to threaten a mutiny just to get 2 extra days due to break between semesters. Why would I trust them to give me more when they didn't honor the ones in the 1st contract. Search Bar: Mutiny. Also, they harassed the head teacher out of a job, why would I then stick my head in the guillotine after they dragged the body away by the ankles?

But wait there's more!

That's the end of that link, but you and I can identify so many more issues.
3. Physically / Intellectually a bad example for everyone.
I don't know about you, but I don't respect slough-offs and idiots. The person that SHOULD Be working the hardest is the person who owns the place. Did you ever see the video of Elan Musk sleeping on his sofa in his office at the production plant? Yeah, really. The billionaire owner is there to field problems as they come up instead of being called at home and have to drive in at 2am. He suffers more and works harder than anyone there.
Some dumb-butt that owns a hagwon said on here one time,
I don't do make employees do anything I wouldn't do
You are supposed to do what your employees do and 10x more than that! You're the owner. This is your livelihood, it will destroy your life if it faulters. You have to pay off employees with severance, pay back loans you probably can't pay off, reduce your living space, sell off assets to survive. You put all your eggs in this basket, it HAS to work, why are you putting the outcome in the hands of people who have no skin in the game?
I don't respect boneheads who should have their educational chops figured out by this point. They should have taken notes and improved themselves as each semester rolls on by. Why are the same problems recurring every semester or every year such as the Halloween or Christmas event, you did the same thing a year ago!
submitted by Davess_World2019 to HagwonBlacklistKorea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 smashburgerman Unsure about TF2

Hey fellow transportation lovers! I really like tf1 but some aspects of it prevents me from fully enjoying it. For instance, the cities are a bit life less, the citizens are only walking to or from a station. Another aspect is that the maps are too small and there are not enough towns. I want there to be several larger cities and then a large number of villages or smaller towns. I want to be able to build a long train line between two or three of the larger cities which also runs through, but doesn’t traffic, the smaller towns. There are then shorter lines that traffic the smaller towns!
So my question: is it worth buying tf2? Is the game much better than the first when it comes to these aspects? Thanks for any help you all can provide!
submitted by smashburgerman to TransportFever [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:14 Fit_Let_9998 [Modding] Tips for modding kotor 2

New to modding here. I've played this game 3 times on mobile before and when I started again on PC I decided I should mod it to make it more enjoyable. With my first few attempts I encountered some issues and accumulated a few questions. It would be awesome if someone could help me out.
  1. Do I need the TSLRCM if I'm using the steam version? I couldn't find an exact answer on google as some people say steam has restored and fixed some stuff but to what scale? Is there anything to be noted if I wanna install TSLRCM?
  2. Did TSLRCM fix or improve the cutscenes and animations?
  3. There are some mods for high-quality nebulas and stars that I really like but I'm not sure if it conflicts with some world re-texture mods.
  4. I have been using KSE. Does that conflict with what I'm about to install?
  5. People say steam workshop mods are not recommended as there's no guarantee for compatibility and if you wish to use multiple different mods it's likely to crash. But my game is steam version so I'm not sure if the mods on other platforms (e.g. nexusmods) are compatible with my game. I'm always confused and reluctant when the mods description from several years ago states the location of something like LucasArt/KoTOR 2 while in my case it's steamlibary/steamapps/common/Knights of the Old Republic II.
  6. One type of mods requires you to drop the files in the override folder and I was wondering if I can simply drop the whole extracted folder to the override folder and it will work or do I need to drop them without the folder? Cuz when I tried to mod kotor1 I dropped the files along with the folder and some seem to have worked but some seem not.
  7. Someone mentioned "compatibility patch" like this: UCO -> [Required mod] -> Compatibility patch (Overwrite if asked) But my poorly trained mind simply could not comprehend what actions are to be taken.
submitted by Fit_Let_9998 to kotor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 UsualView674 Please help me with my resume

Hello, I live in the U.S. I’m a 30 year old male and just found out I’m having a child and I’m panicking a bit about how far behind I am in life. I should have my A.S. In Supply chain management in May of next year. I’m aiming for a higher paying job related to supply chain or inventory. Any suggestions would help.
submitted by UsualView674 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:06 OkAudience7093 £2000 gaming pc

-Ryzen 7 7800x3D -Artic liquid Freezer III A-RGB -Gigabyte B650 AORUS Elite AX ATX AM5 Motherboard
-Lexar Thor OC 32 GB DDR5 Memory -KingSpec XG7000 Solid State Drive -Gigabyte Windforce V2 Geforce RTX 4080 Super -NZXT H6 Flow Case
-NZXT C1200 1200W Power
I am wanting to only use the PC for gaming, and I live in the UK
Is this a good gaming PC or should I change any of the parts? I've never built a PC before, I will need to buy thermal paste right?
Thank you for the help
submitted by OkAudience7093 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:04 poopbag2000 Building a PC very soon, anything that could be changed?

PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor $305.64 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler $37.21 @ Amazon
Motherboard Asus ROG STRIX B650-A GAMING WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard $250.78 @ Amazon
Memory G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory $115.23 @ Amazon
Storage SanDisk SSD PLUS 1 TB 2.5" Solid State Drive Purchased For $0.00
Storage Crucial P3 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive Purchased For $0.00
Video Card NVIDIA Founders Edition GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card Purchased For $1096.40
Case HYTE Y60 ATX Mid Tower Case $197.54 @ B&H
Power Supply Thermaltake Toughpower GF3 TT Premium 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $111.95 @ Amazon
Case Fan ARCTIC P12 56.3 CFM 120 mm Fan $9.87 @ Amazon
Case Fan ARCTIC P12 PST 56.3 CFM 120 mm Fans 5-Pack $38.40 @ Amazon
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $2163.02
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-19 03:59 EDT-0400
submitted by poopbag2000 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 AutoModerator Weekly Results Discussion 05/19 to 05/25

When you had positive results - you don’t need to leave the sub completely. We encourage members to stay – but in a supportive role!


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For a comprehensive Beta database, check out http://www.betabase.info/ for more information on beta based on DPO (DPO = days post transfer + 3, or 5 day embryo; DPO = Days post Insemination for IUI).
Further info: Human chorionic gonadotropin as a predictor of outcome in assisted reproductive technology pregnancies00512-9/fulltext)
Radiopaedia on Fetal bradycardia
Normal Ranges of Embryonic Length, Embryonic Heart Rate PDF!
You may be interested in posting at /whatworkedforme.
You are always encouraged to share your non-pregnancy-related infertility experiences with people asking questions on the sub and continue to support other community members here on infertility
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 CryonixsOW How long until i get “ok”

1 put around like 1 1/2 days of constant play over the last 4 days (i played for a few hours when the game launched but that's it) and i've really had fun so far but i still kinda suck.
I'm pretty decent on console at fps games and peaked rank 7 in overwatch so i've got some fps fundamentals down but I struggle sometimes to understand what i'm doing wrong and how i'm dying in apex.
My aim is alright but I kinda get overwhelmed when I'm fighting multiple people. I've made great improvements from my first day or two but I'm still not performing at the level I want to.
How quickly did it take some of you to get to like to top 15-10% of players. (Also i am practicing my movement, watching vod reviews, and aim training daily for an hour or so)
submitted by CryonixsOW to apexuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 YUE_Dominik What would it take for you to buy a mobile game?

Couple montha ago, I bought Slay the Spire on my phone and I love it since I can play it while on a train.
What would a game need for you to consider buying it on a phone?
submitted by YUE_Dominik to gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 Helleri What is this fresh hell I've stepped into And is there any real help with navigating it?

I finish downloading the game. It opens fine, Has a landing screen. I go to join server. I want official. No officials without at least one mod (this dear jane thing). But can I install it from the point of it telling me I need it? Nope, trying takes me to page that is identical to the install page I would eventually find except that it lacks an install button. An install page that I have to reach through the landing page, which it seems I have to close and reopen the client to get to, as there is no readily apparent way to back out to that initial page. Once I'm actually in the mods list.
Searching seems to have little to nothing to do with whole phrase or even whole word matching. Rather it seems to narrow a search alphabetically one letter at a time and if you get ahead of it's ability to think it doesn't know what you want and shows you random results or no results at all. So I type d (lowercase mind you because it automatically throws out all results if I type upper case even though that exactly matches the result)...e...a... Ah there it pops up. I click install. It waits a ridiculously long time to download 272.89.MB before failing. I click it again, and again, and again. Fails each time. I restart client. I restart machine. Same result. Down speed connection is fine,. there's plenty of storage space.
Okay, so maybe a manual install. Those are generally better anyway. But where to extract to? I know what drive the game is on. But every googling of what directory to extract to yields a path I simply don't have or can't find. I know where the game is located. I'm looking through every folder and sub folder one by one. Can't find anything that indicates that's where the mod should extract to...
I'm stuck. No idea what to do here. I expected the game itself to be unoptimized. I didn't think I'd have to learn game development just to play it. Glad the game was gifted or I might be fuming right now instead of just being annoyed and confused. But can anyone tell me what to actually do here to get this up and running?
submitted by Helleri to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 popablaster I wish I could dissociate my consciousness from my body, give my body its own consciousness, and then torture the fuck out of it

I'm so fucking sick of taking 1-3 hours to fall asleep (yes THREE HOURS) each night and then waking up long before I get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Whereas I know that many other people fall asleep and for a long time uninterrupted much much faster, like my dad who will be snoring in less than 5 mins. No I don't have any diagnosed sleep disorders, my body in particular is just fucking retarded. Just wound up with this sorry excuse for a body how unfortunate oh well
Tonight I made it a point to sleep extra early, at 11pm, when I had been sleeping at 1-3am for a while before. I took a warm shower, then immediately went to bed without looking at any screens (even if I did, both my phone and computer are perpetually on night mode anyway). I also don't drink alcohol or abuse any substances, basically I should be in good condition to have restful sleep most nights. Well guess what? I actually did fall asleep relatively quickly, probably in under an hour, but my retard fuck body ruins what would be a productive sleep by waking up at 2am and it's been an hour of lying in the dark trying every USELESS fucking sleep help technique i know of (counting backwards from 500, thinking of words for each letter of the alphabet, relaxing muscles one by one... all strategies that seem to work for other people having trouble sleeping but OF COURSE NOT ME), so I give up and I'm here ranting about how much I want to inflict suffering on my own useless noncooperative pussy of a body. Daytime tomorrow I'm probably going to be tired as shit and only THEN I'll fall asleep easily........ hmmmm i wonder why? fucking retard
It's like you don't want to work with me you fucking sorry piece of meat. I work out on most days and stuff food down my body, wayyy more calories than my natural bitch body's appetite, both healthy things that would be expected to help sleep, but then this shit happens? Is this shit youre pulling on me your way of getting revenge on me for putting you through this (exercising and eating like a healthy person)? I'm doing this for you and our health you fucking ingrate.
I also have diarrhea rn, have had it for a few days, I don't even know how the fuck that happens considering that my day to day diet (which is pretty healthy as far as I can tell; good macronutrients, calorie surplus to gain weight, and good amount of water) barely fluctuates. In theory 1L of milk every day may in theory result in the shits, but I have been drinking the same amount of milk everyday for months without any problems (I know it's the same because I buy those 3-pack bags of milk from the store and go through 1 bag/day). And if it turns out im lactose intolerant? Oh well just another entry in my body's massive catalogue of faults, no surprise there.
Speaking of eating, also such a fucking pussy in that regard. Tonight 2am woke up with extreme hunger pangs even though I finished eating, meeting my daily calorie/protein goal right before bed (and lying down or taking a shower soon after eating is apparently bad for you, wow very cool! fucking retarded human body requires so much shit and then refuses to work even when those requirements are met) so im here typing this as i eat goldfish crackers. I spend a disgusting amount of time cooking, shopping and calorie counting (which is fine) but also a disgusting amount of time EATING because my body is, again, a fucking pussy. I am probably one of the slowest eaters I know period, I could probably literally be starving and still take 30min to finish 500cal worth of rice. And the constant gagging that always seems to happen in the latter half of any meal, shut the fuck up and down it you useless sack of shit.
Ok now lets talk about the gym. Weak ass pathetic fucking body, of course i am small and skinny by default because my genetics said fuck you and im stuck with this. I've been training on and off for almost 2 years now yet some people who have literally never touched a weight or counted a single calorie in their life can probably lift more than me and somehow also progress faster and gain faster if they keep going because woohoo genetics!!!! maybe if you decided to cooperate and sleep like a normal functional body you would be much better off physically? unless you want to be a fucking loser for good, you sorry cunt. Now don't get me wrong, I have improved quite a lot over my training, but... see above
I wish I could dissociate my mind, soul and consciousness from my body, give it a retroactive consciousness of its own, and punish it for all the bitchmade shit its been pulling. Don't want to fall asleep? Well I hope you enjoy being fully awake for the whole night because I'm going to be torturing you medieval style the whole time. Thats what you wanted right? Hahahaha. Want to pussy out like usual and nap during the day? Too bad, you asked for it. Bitchmade eating difficulty? I will shove more food down your gullet than you can handle, lets see how you are after that... or I'll completely starve you instead since you don't want to eat right? Fucking cunt. And weak ass body at the gym? Either I'll make sure you train to failure every time until your very sinews are tearing, or I'll let your muscles atrophy to nothing since thats what you wanted right?
And this is just the physical side of things, not even going to get into the other shit. At least I'm mentally okay I guess, don't have depression or anxiety or anything, so we know those arent causing my somatic problems its just my body being fucking stunted
There is so much more I want to get out but it's 4am now and i'm tired on less than 3 hours of sleep and we all know why. yes, it's so fun how I'm too tired to do anything, yet unable to sleep! so very fun!! worst of both worlds, thanks for nothing fucking disabled body. I'm going to play video games to hopefully wear myself out ENOUGH, then try to head back to sleep with zero guarantee of success. good night
submitted by popablaster to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 recursiveecho ChatGPT makes me feel better

I'm just a software engineer who doesn't know a lot but kinda knows how to talk to ChatGPT and I thought some of the info I prompted might alleviate some people's worries. Everyone is calling FFIE a pump and dump, but it never occurred to anyone that it could have characteristics of a pump and dump because a lot of retail investors didn't hold like the rest of us. That's why it's important to stick together here!
ChatGPT below 👇
Based on the gathered information, here is a detailed analysis to determine whether FFIE’s stock movement on May 17, 2024, was a short squeeze, a pump and dump, or a combination of both:

Key Findings

Characteristics of a Short Squeeze:

Characteristics of a Pump and Dump:


Based on the evidence, it appears that the stock movement of FFIE on May 17, 2024, was predominantly driven by a retail investor-coordinated short squeeze.
However, elements of a pump and dump were also present, especially considering the rapid profit-taking and subsequent decline.

Detailed Analysis

Retail Investors and Short Squeeze:

Pump and Dump Elements:

Final Thoughts

While the primary driver appears to be a retail-driven short squeeze, the characteristics of rapid profit-taking and the lack of fundamental support suggest elements of a pump and dump. Therefore, FFIE’s stock movement on May 17, 2024, can be seen as a hybrid event involving both a short squeeze and pump and dump dynamics.

Current Status of FFIE and Potential for a Short Squeeze

Summary of Recent Activity

Faraday Future (FFIE) recently experienced a dramatic rise in stock price due to what appears to be a short squeeze. On May 17, 2024, the stock surged by over 367% during intraday trading before closing down 37.58% at $1.03. This significant volatility was driven by retail investors coordinating efforts on social media platforms to buy and hold the stock, targeting its high short interest.

Key Indicators of a Short Squeeze:

  1. High Short Interest: FFIE had a short interest of approximately 95% of its float, with about 36.34 million shares shorted. This made it a prime target for a short squeeze, as identified by investors and analysts.
  2. Coordinated Retail Activity: The surge was fueled by retail investors, particularly those influenced by figures like Roaring Kitty, who led the 2021 meme stock rallies. The coordinated buying efforts were aimed at forcing short sellers to cover their positions, driving the stock price up.
  3. Unusually High Trading Volume: On May 17, FFIE's trading volume surged to over 445 million shares, compared to its average daily volume of 41 million shares. This spike in volume is a strong indicator of a short squeeze as short sellers were forced to buy shares to cover their positions.

Current Status:

When the Short Squeeze Might End:


FFIE's recent price movements indicate that a short squeeze is currently happening, driven by high retail investor activity and a substantial short interest. The situation remains volatile, and the short squeeze will likely continue until the factors driving the buying pressure diminish.

Current Status of FFIE Short Sellers

Short Interest and Recent Developments

As of the latest available data in early May 2024, Faraday Future (FFIE) has a short interest of approximately 85.71%, with about 36.34 million shares sold short. This indicates a high level of short interest, making the stock susceptible to a short squeeze.

Indicators of Short Sellers Covering

  1. High Trading Volume:
    • On May 17, 2024, FFIE saw an extraordinarily high trading volume of over 445 million shares, compared to its average daily volume of about 41 million shares. This surge in volume is indicative of short sellers covering their positions amid the buying frenzy driven by retail investors.
  2. Stock Price Movements:
    • FFIE experienced a dramatic price increase, up by as much as 380% during intraday trading before closing down 37.58% at $1.03. The initial surge followed by a sharp decline suggests significant short covering activity followed by profit-taking by retail investors and re-entry of short positions by hedge funds.
  3. Days to Cover:
    • The "days to cover" ratio, which measures the time required for short sellers to cover their positions based on average daily trading volume, is currently 1 day for FFIE. A low days to cover ratio further supports the occurrence of a short squeeze as short sellers quickly buy back shares to close their positions.


Based on the current data, FFIE is still in the midst of significant short covering activity. The high trading volume and price volatility indicate that many short sellers have covered their positions, but the situation remains fluid with continued retail investor interest and hedge fund activity. Monitoring short interest reports in the coming weeks will provide further insights into the extent of short covering and whether the short squeeze is ongoing or subsiding.
submitted by recursiveecho to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:54 just_a_noob61 sonic cd pc version music not working

So first things first, its pirated. I found it in an archive site. So there was an iso file and a fix to play it in windows xp when i installed it and played it there was no music just SFX but there was another folder that had the audio when i put the audio in the game folder nothing changed. But i found some answers on the internet. There was a folder called GAME in the iso file. I put the audio files in there and converted the iso file to bin and cue. i mounted the "cue" file in to a virtual cd drive and installed it. And it did install the audio files with it. But still no music. So does anybody have a solution for this?
submitted by just_a_noob61 to u/just_a_noob61 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:50 BrysonStrife THe Tutorial...

I am new... okay... so I am playing the tutorial part... where you train and practise with the Dodges, Avoidances... and what not... and the game expects someone whose new to pull off some very strong looking attacks
I am playing on Student for now so I can get used to the game...
I would also like to ask if there's a downside to playing on Student for the newbies... cause there are some games who like to lock things behind certain Difficulties.
submitted by BrysonStrife to SifuGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:48 voidspace021 Game crashes on startup every time on PC

The game used to work fine and then I moved it to a new SSD. Now during startup it gets to the Gearbox logo and then the application just closes, not even an error message. I've tried verifying game files, moving it between drives, even reinstalling the whole game. It still crashes in the same place everytime. Other games work absolutely fine on the SSD so I don't understand why I can't play at all. Please help.
submitted by voidspace021 to borderlands3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:48 RIPTactical_Invasion Has there not been adequate updates since release?

Has there not been adequate updates since release?
Now that many big mods are in the game is it now more comparable to cities skylines one you filthy haters? I mean my god you put a fucking sliver of hope in something these days and the world shuts it down. All for executive greed that the devs had nothing to do with.
Holy shit am I amazed at the horsepower of hate trains on Reddit. Am I just in my joker era?
Pic unrelated
submitted by RIPTactical_Invasion to CitiesSkylines [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:46 Hueyris Do I or do I not export Automobiles?

So I am in late game and I'm the largest producer of cars with one of the highest SoLs in the world. If I do not trade any cars at all, Both engines and Automobiles would be at around the base price. But I am capable of exporting several thousand cars a week, to countries with which I have trade agreements. If I do this, the prices of cars on my market will increase to like 20% higher than base price.
Now here's my thought - since I am the largest producer of cars, higher car prices means that better wages and higher SoL for those in my country that work at Motor Industries (which is a lot of people, but by no means the majority of the population). But since I am also a large consumer of cars, this means a lot of people in my country who don't work at Motor Industries now cannot afford cars which would drive their SoL down.
How do I know how many cars to export, or if to export at all? Which outweighs the other?
submitted by Hueyris to victoria3 [link] [comments]
