Printable hard hattemplate

High Resolution Prints - Because prints are expensive.

2011.05.14 08:14 MyNameIsRobPaulson High Resolution Prints - Because prints are expensive.


2013.04.05 21:50 Vailhem TheGrid

A reddit for the grid. All things grid'ed. From smart ones to dumb ones. From close ones to far ones. From old ones to new ones. The grid and all its glory... and shortcomings is the focus of this guy. Post whatever you feel appropriate. Get connected!

2024.06.07 20:34 Gorroth1007 I just released a new version of my 3D printable travel case for the Odin 2

I just released a new version of my 3D printable travel case for the Odin 2
You might remember me from my previous post about my first (or the first) 3D printable travel box for the Odin 2. Some of you described it as a „tank“, because it was huge and bulky. And many of you also asked for a thinner version (device only). The last couple of weeks I spent my free time to once again power up fusion360 and model a completely new case (while keeping good things and changing things that bothered me). It’s now 30mm thinner than my first model. Also my first model had some TPU underneath, on top and on the sides of the case (inside), but now it features a full 360 degree protection, as there are TPU parts completely enclosing the Odin on the inside of the durable PETG hard shell. And because of the Odin‘s overall shape on the back side, I was still able to make a little space underneath usable to store at least an AirTag, a cable or as in my picture, a Victorinox Spartan (just for scale). All needed print files are - as always - available for free on my printables:
Should you decide to print the case, I would love to see yours!
submitted by Gorroth1007 to OdinHandheld [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:06 telix3 getting started with a 5 head Prusa XL

Here is a rundown of my journey so far with a new five head Prusa XL. TL/DR: This is an awesome printer!
I preordered a partially assembled 5 head XL way back in July of 2023. I was finally able to complete my order this April, took delivery at the end of May. The build process was overall pretty easy. Compared to the build of an Mk4 which I did about a year ago, this was both easier and less time consuming. Definitely worth the $500 savings and the additional knowledge gained by seeing how everything goes together.
During the build, the most surprising thing to me was the level of force necessary to tighten the single screw holding each head-docking port in place. You have to crank that about as hard as you possible can and should re-test the tightness several times, especially after a few prints.
After the build was done, during my first few test prints, I was surprised at the challenges associated with filament loading. On the Mk4 (the only other 3D printer I’ve used) this is fast, dead simple, and works 100% of the time. On the XL this works, but it is very finicky. The Bowden tubes place a substantial amount of resistance on the filament and the two filament sensors compound this issue. Furthermore, and this is the worst part, the filament does not enter the extruder in a perfectly vertical fashion which leads to miss feeds as much as 1 in 3 times. This requires re-loading and fussing with it until it successfully feeds. Once loaded, however, everything works very well. I was just surprised that this was considerably more problematic than the Mk4 since the mechanisms are similar. My feeling is that some iteration of the XL will fix both the head mounting approach as well as the filament loading issues. There are already several work arounds on Printables that help mitigate these problems, but they are not perfect. This seems like an area where Prusa could make improvements without too much effort or modification of the system.
My XL is set up in my lab at a university. Getting networking to function was a problem as the wifi requires user name / password authentication. This is apparently impossible with Prusa's software/hardware choices which seems extremely limiting. Luckily the room was wired for ethernet. Once I gave up on wireless and used ethernet, I was able to get Prusaconnect to function and it is working well now. If you are in a similar situation save yourself some time: don’t bother with the wifi and go directly to ethernet.
I started my printing journey on the XL with FW 6.01. I found that the noise of the XL was comparable, but different from the Mk4: Fast, long distance moves are louder than the Mk4, but all printing moves are much quieter than the Mk4. This really makes me hope that in the future there is phase stepping upgrade for the Mk4, possibly as an Mk4s that includes accelerometers? Because this level of quiet is really, really nice!
My first print was a bonkers benchy printed in Prusament Galaxy Black PLA. It came out more or less perfect. Soon after I did a 3 head print using black and white PLA with PETG as supporting material using the “fully soluble” settings. This came out great! By far the best supported surfaces I’ve seen. Much better than using normal pla-on-pla supports. I will be doing many more of these types of prints to see how this works generally, but for the moment I’m very enthusiastic about the prospects.
Next I printed all the parts needed for the SUMO enclosure from 3dsourcerer. These were mostly simple one color, PLA prints, but many of them use the full build plate of the XL and let me tell you, they are huge. When I look at my Mk4 print bed it seems so tiny now by comparison! Furthermore one of these prints is very tall and very thin. In my opinion it would have been impossible to print on a bed slinger without toppling over, but the XL printed it without any difficulty. Half-way through this same print I got to experience the awesomeness of filament failover: my primary roll of filament was used up, the printer detected this and immediately switched heads to the back-up roll of filament. For big prints in particular this is a game changer. I was curious to see if a there was any perceptible layer shift due to the head change, but despite occurring on a long smooth part of the print where it would be most noticeable, I couldn’t see anything. Overall for the SUMO prints, this required almost 3kg of PLA and every print was perfect with one exception that was due to my stupidity: Half way through a print I was trying to make changes on a head that was not in use and I dislodged it. This caused the printer to halt the print job and re-seat all the heads. The print was able to be restarted, but in this case there was a small layer shift that coincided with a feature requiring very tight tolerances and led me to eventually re-print it.
Humorously about 24 hours after fully assembling the SUMO enclosure Prusa announced the official XL enclosure. While there are some nice feature of this newly announced enclosure, IMO the SUMO is aesthetically far more pleasing (and much less expensive).
I am still experimenting on how best to feed the XL. At the moment I am using two SunluS4 filament driers, one on each side of the XL. This isn’t especially efficient, but seems to work. At some point I may re-run the side filament sensors to be at the back of the printer to help with the filament / Bowden tube runs and make them straighter for less resistance. For the moment though, I don’t really want to make significant hardware changes to the XL until I have more opportunity to see what is working well and what needs help. Despite my feeling that there is too much resistance to the filament, the Nextruder seems to have no real difficulties pulling.
I will post updates as I print things that would have been difficult or impossible on the Mk4.
submitted by telix3 to prusa3d [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 09:51 copelandmaster Bigscreen Beyond: an imperfect, highly immersive VRChat Lifestyle HMD I can't live w/out. A sleeper’s review after ~9 months of ownership and mods. Incl. focus on the Apple Vision Pro Solo Knit, Dual Bands & Stock Gasket vs Slimterface impressions (generic ver). Guest Starring Diver-X Contact Glove.

Bigscreen Beyond: an imperfect, highly immersive VRChat Lifestyle HMD I can't live w/out. A sleeper’s review after ~9 months of ownership and mods. Incl. focus on the Apple Vision Pro Solo Knit, Dual Bands & Stock Gasket vs Slimterface impressions (generic ver). Guest Starring Diver-X Contact Glove.
[Please bear with me if the formatting looks strange, it was done with old reddit in mind but posted with new reddit after I realized attaching pictures on NR would be much easier to do. I might have to fix formatting again after posting. There's also a ton of links in this post, so if any are broken, please let me know! EDIT: Mobile Old Reddit looks dire, sheesh.]
This review was already mostly done a few weeks ago, but I’ve had to re-evaluate how I approached certain topics in light of other impressions posted recently, as well as the community’s response to said impressions: ~
If you want a TL;DR: The Bigscreen Beyond is an escapist's HMD. With many, many modifications, it is the Best HMD to be a comfy VRChat sleeper. It is 100% the correct step forward for the future of VR, versus comparable hardware in form factors several times its size and weight.
This is NOT a review of a stock Bigscreen Beyond. This is also not a detailed review of all the technology specifications. You've seen all of them, they're all true. The positives, the negatives. All that hardcore gamer stuff is completely secondary to the most important thing to my use case, which is relaxation and the freedom the headset can afford you to be comfortable in VR. Should you be in the right state of mind, wearing it can much more easily allow you to let go of the physical world and become entirely present in the space of your choosing, with whoever or whatever you want. This is an escapist’s HMD, more than any other released HMD to date.
If you want me to blather about specs like a press release: it has a relatively incredibly light weight at under 200g, and a pretty high-resolution micro-OLED panel at 2560 x 2560. The screens are 1.03 in, allowing for between 25 - 32 PPD for the majority of your eye box, heading towards the center of your view. The screen-door effect? What screen-door? I can increase the resolution past the 4360 x 4360 default Steam VR internal res (RTX 4090, 75hz mode) to 5k or 6k in a small VRC world with a few people and get incredibly sharp edges even without VRChat's performance destroying MSAA implementation. If we could get the newest DLSS implementation somehow with a Unity engine upgrade, the IQ to performance cost ratio would be staggering. You can see this for yourself if you play the Unreal Engine game Kayak VR with Ultra settings and an upgraded DLSS .dll.
--------Getting audio out of the way (this had more of a place in the initial version of this review)
This is completely up to you. I use the Koss KSC75s, with this Xumee USB DAC: . These Koss headphones are similar to what will be shipping in the official audio strap, same brand in fact. They sound fine to me. They are not ideal for laying down and get tangled in my cord all the time, you could probably do much better. But I'm a zero-latency gamer sweat at heart, no wireless for me until sub 5ms is possible. Audio is in the ear of the beholder, and you really need specialization here, especially for side sleeping. I’m a back sleeper, so no problems here.
--------Comfort Review (Stock Gasket)
Yes, there is glare. Yes, my FOV is 99 H x 89 V (stock gasket, MFG Sept 2023). It’s an early model and probably on the thicker side. After using the Beyond for 8 months, I do not care about the small FOV. Unfortunately, there is something I couldn't get over, and that was the stock comfort of the Beyond with the default strap and top strap permutation. The ill fitting straps that come with the Beyond get in the way of the experience immediately. You must be willing to search for a perfect fit further than the stock strap and custom face gasket setup supplied to you, because the Beyond does NOT ship as the perfectly fitting HMD. The default strap and top strap are not good enough, full stop. You need to create or find mods to print something that's comfortable, FOR YOU.
Having spent time with various HMDs: PSVR1, HTC VIVE OG, Oculus Rift OG, VIVE Focus 3, Pimax Crystal, and the Beyond, now I feel that wearable technology is not a one size fits all endeavor (with one exception, which I’ll get to further down). You buy clothing that fits close to or perfectly for your body, VR headsets should be the same. It would be nice if there were alternative ways to get a user's measurements. That should be considered for a future headset.
So here's how I've made my Beyond the most comfortable HMD I've ever worn.
Including a link to the AMVR Quest 2 head strap attachment, which is an essential additional purchase for the beyond:
Name dropping as well for 3D printed parts. And of course, for the various mods listed below, you should join the Bigscreen Beyond Buyer’s Discord to follow the links:
--------Strap comfort, relative to one another (Stock Gasket)
Default strap only: D. Doesn’t quite get the job done for standing up. With as comfy as my gasket is for most instances, I experienced frequent light leak under the default strap configuration whenever I relaxed my face/cheeks. Centering myself and staying within the eye box sweet spot properly was very difficult.
Default strap+top strap: C-. Better comfort, same light leak and sweet spot issues.
Default strap+top strap plus Quest 2 AMVR Head cradle: B. Mostly fixes light leak issues. Comfortable, but sort of semi-loosens and unevenly distributes the tension on your head, creating moments of weird fit and light leak.
Apple Vision Pro Dual Strap plus Quest 2 AMVR Head cradle Band: B. Lighter than the above, but needs tighter fit (I'm wearing a large size). Light leak is possible, even with the AMVR Cradle, sweet spot issues are minor. I don’t know if I would call the material itself very comfortable vs the default Beyond Straps. I think this strap might need its own specific adapter, the Solo Knit Band adapters I had on hand might not have been optimal.
Bigscreen Beyond bd man Audio Strap Mod plus Quest 2 AMVR Head cradle: B+. Takes the top strap and bottom strap and makes them worthwhile by helping to redistribute the tension, even with the AMVR head cradle attached. The cradle even helps a bit here! Staying within the sweet spot is not a problem here. This is the best price to comfort ratio solution I’ve tried. The audio portion I didn't utilize. Link:
Apple Vision Pro Solo Knit Strap: Between B+(FT)/A-(w/o). This solution surprised me with how much it conforms so well to your head. It’s so soft and comfy. I didn’t try this for very long, because I got the sense that it might start to slip on the head after stress testing it with my VIVE Facial Tracker and its extra cable run. If you only have the one cable to worry about without addons, this should work very well. Here’s the basic adapter, along with a cable clip. I HIGHLY recommend utilizing the Carbon Fiber filament suggest in that post, if you can find someone to print it. Some of these prints can be very small, and defects might cause fitment problems. :
Apple Vision Pro Solo Knit Strap with Beyond Top Strap (pictured): A
This might be as close to perfect as I can get, and necessary for adding the VIVE Facial Tracker. The link for that addon is towards the end of this review, search “~Bigscreen Beyond Eye and Face Tracking”, paragraph 2. It feels really, really good to sleep in this configuration. I had a bit less sinus pressure upon laying down and minimal fatigue when waking up. The majority of the pressure rests on the eyebrows in this configuration.
I did not have the correct adapters for the most optimal integration of the Beyond top strap at the time of these pictures, but there are several variants available in this sub thread on the Beyond buyers Discord:
I have tried this this set (Overall, B rating with the Solo Knit Band. Slimterface and Stock interface):
It did not work for my use case, as it emphasized its pressure points on my cheeks, caused otherwise loose fitment issues similar to the Apple Vision Pro Dual Strap, and required a farther spacing of my eyes from the lenses on the Slimterface using magnets (meaning light leak). I also had quality issues printing these in resin – if ANY of the prints linked in this post needs a Carbon Fiber resin, it’s this set right here. For these reasons, I did not choose to take my final pictures with this most recent configuration and am returning to the pictured config asap.
~Strap Config Overview End
There are multiple versions of adapters for different headset straps on the BSB Discord in the DIY and mods section, including ones for the several 3rd party bands, the Valve Index head strap, the HTC VIVE Deluxe Audio strap, and much more. If you’re an Index Audio Stan, you can inquire about the various Index Audio mods, including one for the AVP Solo Knit band that is currently in the works. The discord is now open to the public, you should join to get further impressions or just have a good time with the people there.
--------Comfort Review cont. (Generic Slimterface. The exception.)
There's a litany of ways to get the face gasket to be perfect. Mine isn't and no one's gasket is, but I got what I assume for the first run was a very good print that I haven't needed to modify. I chalk this up to doing the scan in a very brightly lit bathroom. But, as detailed in the Beyond review by Reddit user Lemonhead1337 linked at the beginning of my review, the gasket can be hit or miss. For most people, their gasket covers their eyebrows. Mine doesn’t, and it sits pretty deep in my eyes. It “muffin tops” my eyebrows and puts pressure on my nose. For stand-up activities, I was able to spend 6 plus hours in my Beyond and was having a great time. Sleep was more difficult, but still possible. I experienced a lot of pressure on my nose, but I managed to put up with it. I run a VIVE Facial Tracker arm all the time, adding to that weight my nose has to support. I plan on ordering what Bigscreen calls an “optimized” stock interface when they become available, now that they’ve had nearly 9 months of revisions since my original make. Until then, I have a non-standard use case the Beyond was not designed to support out of the box, so I really needed additional help.
Is there an alternate solution available? There's this universal gasket mod, known as the “Slimterface”: . I have purchased one for my own uses as a comfort experiment for a non VR user family member with the same IPD spec as me, but also due to my own curiosity. This Slimterface was put together by user Ridge_XR, and the version I have was their initial creation, with the 2nd finished version going to another Beyond Discord user for dancing activities. The version linked above is maintained by val.virtual and the initial design by sporkysporkyman. Using the Slimterface on my modded Beyond, I now have an FOV of 100 H X 91 V (pictured configuration).
All of my initial head strap comparisons were done with the stock interface, and I’ve only tried the Slimterface with the AVP Solo Knit strap. But just this permutation alone has increased my QoL substantially. The overall sweet spot and picture is a tiny bit clearer on the purpose made interface made by Bigscreen, but what cannot be seen in any picture comparing the two gaskets is the amount of pressure the stock Beyond interface puts on my nose. I didn't have a frame of reference for how much pressure there was before. Now, I have almost no pressure on my nose. And my FOV was actually noticeably bigger without measuring it with WimFOV. I've slept in the Slimterface for 4 hours straight, a 25% increase on my usual time. I did 4.5 hour SadlyIt’sBradley meetup wearing it 2 weeks ago, I danced for 3.5 hours at Schism later in the day (Thrillseeker VR Dance club), followed by another few hours of hanging out while reclining in bed in VRC. The generic version of the Slimterface stands up to scrutiny for sure, but I might have a face that's within the standard population deviation. I’m having to clean my prescription lens inserts more now (or space my eyes with magnets), but that’s a small price to pay. I recommend Koala K Cloths btw, you can find them on amazon. Val told me in VRC that the Slimterface can be customized to the user, also using an iPhone plus Blender method that went way above my head. Not my area of expertise, I’m sorry. My hope is that this review gets enough traction that Bigscreen would consider an official Slimterface revision of their gasket, with credit & compensation towards the initial creators. Please, if you feel strongly enough to leave feedback in the comments, on Discord or over email, be respectful.
--------Comfort section summary
There is a sea of comfort mods for this headset, because all the HMD really is, is the visor part. The Focus 3 that I used to daily drive (really, weekly or monthly drive, more on this in a bit) is ~800g. Its balanced and has a leather gasket and a soft plastic backing, but I just don’t want to wear the Focus 3 anymore. There is too much inertia, and the clamp doesn't feel so great after extended periods of time. Wearing it in bed puts a massive amount of strain on your neck, even with extra back and head support. At least on other user on the VRCFT Discord has tried this and agrees with me that the experience is a nightmare. You can do whatever you want with the Beyond without worrying about a battery or a crown fit. Crown fits have always been an unfortunate necessity for heavy HMDs but have otherwise always felt off to me despite most VR users praising of them. A big improvement for BSB 2 would be a more in-depth customization process that takes a custom strap into account, along with the face gasket. All the above said, just because we have the freedom to make things work, doesn't mean the defaults shouldn't be up to par. All this comfort experimentation has cost me extra cash for sure. I very dearly wish that Bigscreen could officially make their own Solo Knit style design. But to avoid a legal situation, including an “Official Adapter Pack” for commercially available straps would be the next best thing.
--------Well, so what? (For people who are concerned about FOV and the Lenses)
So after all this work and extra expense dialing everything in? I use my Beyond almost every opportunity I get. Almost daily, with sessions lasting up to 6 hours at a time or more. Multiple times a day on the weekends, with breaks, with almost no fatigue. Visually, while I do experience significant glare, it only bothers me in about 1 out of 5 general scenarios. In the (pictured) head strap setup and in both the stock and Slimterface gasket configurations, I don't experience a large amount of color shift, as I'm directly in the eye box sweetspot 95% of the time. I'm in heaven, I want to live here. The meat of why I felt strongly enough to write the first version of this review is the this: the Bigscreen Beyond is sort of an unofficial successor to the canceled Diver-X Half Dive. This is an underrepresented end of the market, and an area with almost no (relative to the VR sector) mainstream consumer options. Just some sporadic academic research.
The Half-Dive looked very interesting. For people with disabilities, for sleepers, hell, for ERP degens. But it never left the starting line due to logistics and COVID problems. The creators sold all the screens they bought for it over twitter, lol. They make the Diver-X Contact gloves, which I've written about here: .As an aside, the gloves do pair very well with the Beyond for sleeping compared to very stiff controllers, but that’s all they should really be used for. Including some feedback pics I’ve sent to Diver-X, as well as my sensitivity settings people can copy, to save those who take the $550 plunge on these some trouble. (The promised Additional Sensor Module and Haptics Module have not materialized, which as a Kickstarter backer that pre-ordered the latter for about +$350 is mildy infuriating.)
With the Beyond, I've gotten to try new activities in VR that only could've been comfortable in devices like the Half Dive, like sleeping in an HMD. If you would’ve asked me a year ago, I would have told you that people were insane to attempt sleeping in VR. Turns out, its actually the killer app VR has been waiting for. Communal Sleeping, dead serious. In VRChat, in whatever avatar you want, in full body, with the people you vibe with. Or Resonite, if chilling with friendly inquisitive types who like experimenting with virtual contraptions is your cup of tea. Both are sleep ready!
Why do this, spending all this effort just be in a bed for the majority of the time? It's not something can I explain succinctly. It has to be experienced. If you know what it's like, good for you, I mean that sincerely. You are my people. At this point, VR is a hobby that I deeply care about on an emotional, physiological, and psychological level. I get to decompress, in the manner of my choosing, with people I like. It feels so fun and rewarding. Removing the barrier of comfort feels so freeing! As you can probably tell, tailoring the Beyond to perfection has also become a hobby in itself, but it might be more of an obsession at this point. The Beyond is now not a just a VR headset, it’s a lifestyle device. It’s the type of HMD every XR company on the planet wishes they could glue to my cranium.
The Beyond (with my excessive modding, pictured example) enables this wonderful sense of freedom, while looking between 75% and 85% visually like the Pimax Crystal. Again, yes, I've tried a Crystal. Since initially writing this review, virtualreality had a Top Trending post (linked at the beginning of this review) declaring that the Beyond should be pulled from sale in the EU because its lenses are somehow worse than ones that have bacteria growth in them, which has to be a gross exaggeration. I am not misleading you when I say that, visually, the Beyond and the Crystal are the same thing for my purposes/specific use case*.* Only the Beyond, with mods, is actually wearable. Almost every day since the Crystal Light's announcement, I've been telling the people who I spend my precious time with to not purchase the Pimax Crystal. Because it will make them miserable, at a now confirmed 950g with the DMAS and a comfort kit ( ). They use VR almost as much as I do, and in the same manner.
--------The Mixed Bag, with a silver lining (For people concerned about support times and quality, speaking from my experience as a USA customer.)
How can I be so resolute in my feelings that big HMDs suck and so forgiving regarding the Beyond's shortcomings? Because recently, over a period of 5 weeks, I've had to go back to my VIVE Focus 3. The right eye screen of my Beyond stopped working correctly after 287 hours in early April. It became extremely dim. Happened out of nowhere when hanging out, no previous indications of an issue. I sat on a ticket for 2 weeks and some change, waiting in line. Support got to me, sent me a new link box and cable free of charge, that didn't solve my issue (I was not asked to return these items). They asked me to send in my 287 hour unit before swapping it out with a brand new to me, free of charge. This will be my 3rd unit, the first was a 64mm that I swapped for a 62mm. I got my newest unit on May 14th, and I couldn't be more relieved, thank goodness.
In that time, I was pretty miserable. The VIVE Focus 3 is terrible for my current purposes and makes me sad to use on so many levels, from software to hardware, both of which I have complained about since first getting one in 2021. The most egregious issue being the VIVE Business Streaming Wi-Fi 6E signal cutting out every few seconds repeatedly on OS Software 6.0.999.948, even though the Asus AXE 11000 router I use is right next to my head. In that 5-week period of time, I only managed to fall asleep once. After I woke up, my neck hurt a lot. Hell, my neck would hurt just laying down awake after just a little while, would take just under an hour.
I had been very patient and understanding with support (this happened during a break period for them), and I'm sure support could say the same of me. The support staff are extremely accommodating people who work very, very, very, very hard. I've seen them struggle so much. They've processed other tickets for me, including the IPD swap, a cancellation of a 2nd beyond for a family member, and address switches. They should be proud of the hard work they've put into contributing making the Beyond an amazing headset and the Discord a fun place to be in. I'm not mad at Bigscreen for my stuff breaking and the long wait, I am thankful that their support has been so good to me, even if there was a ton of waiting involved.
--------Anything else besides the lenses? (Here’s my current, serious criticism regarding the Beyond)
It’s my belief that the spec discourse and pre-release armchair criticism regarding the Bigscreen Beyond lead to the last-minute change in the headset's FOV. This change sacrificed binocular overlap, from a projected 87-90 degrees to 77-80 actual for me. Even though I never got a change to try the higher BO prototypes, I don't agree with this decision on principle. I think VR headsets should all be 95 degrees or more of overlap, FOV be damned. Pretty important when you're communal sleeping and want to more easily see/focus on the user's face lying next to you, in this age before the varifocal HMD becomes commonplace. I was fine with my FOV before the introduction of the Slimterface. The FOV increase I gained while using it is a nice bonus for me, the real game changer was the increased level of comfort.
This binocular overlap change more than likely (it would be nice to get official commentary on this) contributed to exacerbating the IPD mismatches and eye box complaints that people have been experiencing since the Beyond’s release last year. The FOV changed happened very late in the dev cycle and was only tested with a relatively small handful of people, some of which might have already been experiencing mismatched IPD symptoms in the first place, but they could not recognize it at the time. This headset has been one big learning experience for both the creators and customers. It's been very costly for all involved.
--------Looking toward the coming future of the Beyond
It's been 2 years, 5 months, and a few weeks since the announcement of the Somnium VR1, the headset I primed for my next upgrade before the Beyond debuted. I’m looking forward to seeing wider coverage on the final unit (other than just VR Flight Sim Guy, as nice & positive as his impressions have been), but I can’t bring myself to desire having such a large HMD ever again. At least as my primary HMD. For those who are looking for an HMD and have not looked toward the Beyond due to its missing of various features, this end section is for you.
~Bigscreen Beyond Eye and Face Tracking vs the Quest Pro and the existing crop of Standalone VIVE HMDs
The Quest Pro is now the go to HMD for Eye and Face Tracking, in light of the discontinuation of the VIVE Pro Eye and VIVE Facial Tracker. It comes with near end game Pancake lenses that people scream are the best thing ever. But, these features come with the caveat of an almost un-modifiable crown fit design. Standalone HMDs come with an annoying layer of onboard standalone software obfuscation in my experience, hello resetting play spaces. They also have an OS update cadence that can either be your best friend or worse enemy, depending on any given day, week, or month. HTC has been pretty awful since day one, but there’s been a consistent improvement... from awful to just ok. From what I hear, people are completely at Meta’s whims, they’re very inconsistent from update to update. Recommendations, like this half hearted and back handed one from Boneless VR, leave a lot to be desired: .The XR Elite and the VIVE Focus 3 have ET+FT addons. I haven’t tried the former, but DO NOT recommend the latter from my personal experimentation: . Do NOT get the VIVE Focus 3 for Eye and Face Tracking, please, I beg you. Anecdotally, I’ve had someone else on the VRCFT Discord back me up on this in regard to sleep activities, it’s not worth it.
The Beyond currently has like 3 to 5 teams/individuals independently working on ET VR variations, with an "official" v6 solution slated for later in 2024 (WIP credit: Prohurtz - ). I've had a VIVE Facial Tracker strapped to my Beyond for 6 months (here it is - check the Beyond Buyer’s discord for the most recent mount: . You will need the top portion of this other mount, I recommend printing with Stereo-lithography (SLA), should you use ). There’s also an “All in one” version that you don’t need to glue together, but the potential of this version being VERY difficult or expensive to cleanly print is very high:
. Project Babbel exists ( ), and EOZ announced the development of a universal face tracker in partnership with the Babbel team at a recent VRC live event (Sources [VRCFT Discord: - 1) , 2) ). I've seen a variation of the Beyond ET VR project (v4 derivative) live in person in VRC, multiple times. It's very, very convincing. I can't wait for v6, but you can build your own v4 (and soon to be v5) version right now!
~The Bigscreen Beyond and its Lenses vs Aspheric HMDs
Aspheric HMD users, the clarity of the visuals in VR is obviously very important to you. You can move your eyes around, rather than using your head. That's excellent. I've seen it for myself in the Crystal, it looks amazing right? But I have to ask, how has the tradeoff in weight worked for you? Are you really sure the weights of the Pimax Crystal/Light, or the Aero, or the upcoming Somnium VR1 are fine if someone wants to do more than just sim racing and flying? While there is no glare or pancake color shift to worry about, other characteristics such as the geometric distortion, higher amounts of chromatic aberration, and pupil swim still exist in aspheric lenses. Do any of these HMDs offer correction in software for these issues when combined with eye tracking? Is paying $899 for the Crystal Light + Steam VR plate with no eye tracking built in worth the potential lack of software and hardware compensation possible?
~The End, for real
For my money, light & low inertia headsets with pancake lenses are where we need to be heading. The biggest thing VR fans refuse to contend with is that VR is uncomfortable for the vast majority of people. This has not changed even with the recently released techno wonder HMD that is the Apple Vision Pro! We can't keep asking people to put on bricks if we want the industry to push for a perfect VR Lifestyle device. The Beyond is NOT an endgame device, due to its many compromises and cut corners regarding the stock comfort, FAR from it. But it is a great step in that direction, provided you spend the time, effort, and extra expense customizing it for your needs.
Well, tell me what you think in the comments. How do you feel about comfort vs specs/features? What are your preferences? Please sound off in the comments on why aspheric are your go to, or why the Quest Pro as an all-in-one ET+FT solution is worth its fit. Or do you not care about comfort or using your hardware for more than just traditional VR activities, and just want another Half Life Alyx tier game?
[Contact Glove Images]
submitted by copelandmaster to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:50 TheMyrmidonKing DnD Campaign Creature Case - Custom Clings v2

I made a previous post post about making custom clings and they were decent.
But the main issue was my printer wasn't handling inkjet vinyl stickers very well and couldn't find static cling that was directly printable on. So in v1 of my clings I used photo sticker paper.
v1 was good, image quality was great but the main draw back was it was stiffer than the dnd clings which then made it hard for it to cling to the discs. they did but they would pop off easily and if bended would cling very well.
v2 now however is much better. nearly perfect. I tried inkjet vinyl sticker sheets again but a different brand and my printer handled it perfectly. No jamming or slipping anymore. and image quality just as good since its a white gloss material like photo paper so image quality indistinguishable. The material is also significantly more flexible. like 95% as flexible as the dnd brand clings which makes it again significantly better and clinging to the discs. No issues like v1 with falling off just because. They are ever so slightly thicker than the dnd clings but barely. still thinner than v1. As you can see in the last image of v2 images I can hold it mid air while the cling is not fully attached to the disc. Something that would be impossible on any size of v1.
So all in all v2 is the best with what materials are out there unless inkjet printable static cling becomes a product.
submitted by TheMyrmidonKing to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 20:50 TheMyrmidonKing DnD Campaign Creature Case - Custom Clings v2

I made a previous post post about making custom clings and they were decent.
But the main issue was my printer wasn't handling inkjet vinyl stickers very well and couldn't find static cling that was directly printable on. So in v1 of my clings I used photo sticker paper.
v1 was good, image quality was great but the main draw back was it was stiffer than the dnd clings which then made it hard for it to cling to the discs. they did but they would pop off easily and if bended would cling very well.
v2 now however is much better. nearly perfect. I tried inkjet vinyl sticker sheets again but a different brand and my printer handled it perfectly. No jamming or slipping anymore. and image quality just as good since its a white gloss material like photo paper so image quality indistinguishable. The material is also significantly more flexible. like 95% as flexible as the dnd brand clings which makes it again significantly better and clinging to the discs. No issues like v1 with falling off just because. They are ever so slightly thicker than the dnd clings but barely. still thinner than v1. As you can see in the last image of v2 images I can hold it mid air while the cling is not fully attached to the disc. Something that would be impossible on any size of v1.
So all in all v2 is the best with what materials are out there unless inkjet printable static cling becomes a product.
submitted by TheMyrmidonKing to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:48 PerspectiveOne7129 No More Sprite Ribbon Cable

No More Sprite Ribbon Cable
Recently, updated my part cooling to the new taurus v5. for some weird reason, whenever the extruder would go over a certain spot on the x gantry, the part fans would shut off. i checked all the wiring, tested it on/off, and couldn't figure it out.
Well that was the last straw for me. Got rid of the ribbon cable completely and wired the parts fan straight in the control board. Problem solved. And as a bonus, no more hard to manage huge ribbon cable.
I fried all the ports except for the part cooling fan when a blob formed after not checking a print for an extended period of time.
submitted by PerspectiveOne7129 to ender3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 09:18 VolarRecords Thoughts on Ross Coulthart's speech posted today at the Scientific Coalition for UFOs in Huntsville, AL following his talk at Contact in the Desert this past weekend and some major takeaways the more I get through this

Like a few of us here, I watched Ross Coulthart's new Reality Check live, as I've been doing since its inception.
I do want to make note here that I like data and numbers. Reality Check doesn't always do so well right away, but we're eleven hours in, and this video is at 100K views. I also watched the numbers for the The Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford increase pretty rapidly in the past couple of months. People are very focused on this topic.
I thought it might be best to start with end of the presentation.
Ross ends by saying that he's involved with the Australian Non-Human Intelligence Research Institute, the first organization of its kind in the Australasian region.
The Institute is being funded by the generous support of neuroscientist and businessman, Dr. Anton Uvarov.
According to Ross:
"We plan to fund collaborative scientific research projects into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. And we are very interested in funding generously collaborations with scientists worldwide.
We're already working with Dr. Beatriz Villaroel who's already working who is also presenting at the conference (and who is also part of SOL and presented at their conference) to assist her superb research into astronomical transients.
Another planned project is the construction of absolutely state-of-the-art observation stations that will be placed in UAP hotspots. These will be mobile, using absolutely best-case, top-of-the-line technology. We hope they will collect extensive data on UAP."
Today's video was his presentation at the SCU, the Scientific Coalition for UFOs, in Huntsville, AL, following this speech at Contact in the Desert this past week. He was the keynote speaker for the SCU Conference. These events were held back-to-back, and at both, Coulthart made very clear that if anything were to happen to him, he had journalists around the world ready to publish everything he has. If anyone here still wants to call him a grifter, GFY. As detailed in his speech here, he's won many accolades for his journalism over the years in Australia reporting for 60 Minutes and 7 News, the largest broadcast network in the country.
I remember when this was announced, as Huntsville is a very interesting choice for this conference. Huntsville is one of the biggest hubs in the US for aerospace companies, namely Boeing, something the city prides itself on, and it also has massive contracts with NASA.
My new friend u/lastofthefinest was among those on here to point out that both Amy Eskridge and Dr. Ning Li, who were working on anti-gravity tech and UAP research in Huntsville, both turned up dead. These names and their stories are very familiar on this sub, and I think holding this conference in Huntsville with Coulthart as the keynote speaker was a definite shot to the bow.

Handdrawn spaceship design done by 15 year old Werner Von Braun at the U.S Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL.

US Space Command wanted to move their facility to Huntsville but were denied. Mike Rogers, one the known members who helped gut the UAPDA, was actively pushing for this.
I know there's a lot more to dig into regarding Huntsville and its history of UAP research and defense contractors, but let's stop there for now.
Ross's comments that stuck out to me as I was listening earlier. I'm sure I missed plenty.
Ross brought up the Echelon Agreement, a surveillance system between the US and UK updated in 1998 when that technology was taking off. Here's the Wikipedia page which could be changed at any time, the history goes back further:
Here's a link to the European Parliament's statement on the program:
During the second half of the 1990s press and media reports revealed the existence of the Echelon network. This system for intercepting private and economic communications was developed and managed by the states that had signed the UKUSA and was characterised by its powers and the range of communications targeted: surveillance was directed against not only military organisations and installations but also governments, international organisations and companies throughout the world.
This study recounts the uncovering of the network, notably through the STOA investigations, questions by MEPs, debates in plenary, the setting up of a temporary committee and the final position adopted by the European Parliament. It also takes account of statements by researchers and journalists on the technical aspects and legal implications of the Echelon network. Finally, it considers the views of the political groups in the European Parliament and of the Commission and Council.
Fifteen years after the events, The Echelon Affair draws on the European Parliament’s archives to describe and analyse a worldwide scandal which had an impact on the history of Parliament and which today is echoed in the revelations of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange and in other cases of spying on a grand scale.
Something else Ross brought up is that the GAO, the US Government Accountability Office, has stated that the Pentagon has failed its audit starting in 1981. That's the year President Ronald Reagon and VP George H. W. Bush took office. Reagan was narrowly elected after an agreement for Iran to return US hostages after he took office. Trump is trying to do the same right now with Russia with Wall Street Journal journalist. Here's a Chris Hayes piece tonight about that. It's literally the same fucking move.
Bush has a history of both UFO/UAP recovery and oil wars. I'll piece this together later, but his name keeps coming up thanks to u/36_39_42 and u/harry_is-white_hot delving into the Magenta '33 crash recovery. His family's bank funded the Nazis. That's for later. But I think I think Ross mentioned 1981 on purpose.
Here's a statement on Bernie Sanders's website just weeks after Grusch's interview with Ross (and I just saw earlier that Grusch's first closed-door interview with Congress was June 12, 2021, which led to AARO, which means the Pentagon's really caught in another trap here):

NEWS: Sanders, Grassley and Colleagues Make Bipartisan Push to Audit the Pentagon and End Wasteful Spending

Last year, the DOD failed its fifth audit and was unable to account for over half of its assets, which are in excess of $3.1 trillion, or roughly 78 percent of the entire federal government.

WASHINGTON, June 21 – As the recent debt ceiling deal increased military spending to $886 billion for fiscal year 2024, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), along with Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), today introduced legislation that would require the Department of Defense (DOD) to finally pass a full, independent audit in fiscal year 2024. If enacted, the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2023 would require any DOD component that fails to complete a clean audit opinion to return 1 percent of its budget to the Treasury for deficit reduction.
Ross talked about how the Air Force was pushing an anti-gravity program way back in 1956. Here's the Wiki:

United States gravity control propulsion research

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American interest in "gravity control propulsion research" intensified during the early 1950s. Literature from that period used the terms anti-gravity, anti-gravitation, baricentric, counterbary, electrogravitics (eGrav), G-projects, gravitics, gravity control, and gravity propulsion.\1])\2]) Their publicized goals were to discover and develop technologies and theories for the manipulation of gravity or gravity-like fields for propulsion.\3]) Although general relativity theory appeared to prohibit anti-gravity propulsion, several programs were funded to develop it through gravitation research from 1955 to 1974. The names of many contributors to general relativity and those of the golden age of general relativity have appeared among documents about the institutions that had served as the theoretical research components of those programs.\4])\5])\6]) Since its emergence in the 1950s, the existence of the related gravity control propulsion research has not been a subject of controversy for aerospace writers, critics, and conspiracy theory advocates alike, but their rationale, effectiveness, and longevity have been the objects of contested views.United States gravity control propulsion research.

Evidence of existence

Mainstream newspapers, popular magazines, technical journals, and declassified papers reported the existence of the gravity control propulsion research. For example, the title of the March 1956 Aero Digest article about the intensified interest was "Anti-gravity Booming." A. V. Cleaver made the following statement about the programs in his article:
What are the facts, insofar as they are publicly known, or (as at this date) knowable? Well, they seem to amount to this: The Americans have decided to look into the old science-fictional dream of gravity control, or "anti-gravity," to investigate, both theoretically and (if possible) practically the fundamental nature of gravitational fields and their relationship to electromagnetic and other phenomena – and someone (unknown to the present writer) has apparently decided to call all this study by the high-sounding name of "electro-gravitics." Unknown, too – at least unannounced – is the name of agency or individual who decided to encourage, stimulate, or sponsor this effort, also in just what way it is being done. However, that the effort is in progress there can be little doubt, and, of course, it is entirely to be welcomed.\7])
The gravitics programs had not been evinced by any technological artifacts, such as the Project Pluto Tory IIA, the world's first nuclear ramjet. Commemorative monuments by the Gravity Research Foundation have been the artifacts attesting to the early commitments to finding materials and methods to manipulate gravity. The endeavor had the resources and publicity of an initiative, but writers from that period did not describe them with that term. Gladych stated:
At least 14 United States universities and other research centers are hard at work cracking the gravity barrier. And backing the basic research with multi-million dollar secret projects is our aircraft industry.\8])
The writings about the gravity control propulsion research effort had disclosed the "players" and resources while prudently withholding both the specific features of the research and the identity of its coordinating body. Publicized and telecasted conspiracy theory anecdotes have suggested much higher levels of success to the G-projects than mainstream science.
Ross then says that because of the Echelon project and what he knows about the surveillance of phones, he wrote over 160 hand-written letters to, if I remember correctly, former aerospace employees and university professors from the time who'd gone quiet.
He references the 1953 CIA Robertson Panel's push the debunk the UFO subject entirely.
He talks about Wilbert Smith, head of Project Magnet. Here's the Wiki:

Project Magnet (UFO)

Project Magnet was an unidentified flying object (UFO) study programme established by Transport Canada in December 1950 under the direction of Wilbert Brockhouse Smith, senior radio engineer for Transport Canada's Broadcast and Measurements Section. It was formally active until mid-1954 and informally active (without government funding) until Smith's death in 1962. Smith eventually concluded that UFOs were probably extraterrestrial in origin and likely operated by manipulation of magnetism.
Smith made a request to use the facilities of the Department of Transport to study UFOs. The project was formally approved on December 2, 1950, with the intention to collect data about UFOs and apply any recovered data to practical engineering and technology. The ultimate goal of the project was to apply any findings on the subject of geomagnetism to the possibility of exploiting Earth's magnetic field as a source of propulsion for vehicles. Smith and his colleagues in government believed that UFOs, if real, might hold the key to this new source of power. A small-scale undertaking, the project used DOT facilities, with some assistance from personnel at the Defence Research Board (DRB) and the National Research Council). In June 1952 Smith issued a preliminary report arguing that UFOs likely came from intelligent, extraterrestrial sources and almost certainly manipulated magnetism for flight. A 1953 report reiterated these conclusions. Also in April 1952 the Canadian government established Project Second Storey, a parallel UFO research project, with Smith also involved. It consisted of a group of scientists and military officers who met periodically to consider the UFO question and to recommend government action. Smith reported to Second Storey on some of Project Magnet's findings and conclusions.\1])#cite_note-Library_and_Archives_of_Canada-1)
Smith believed UFOs were linked to psychic phenomena \2])#citenote-Denzler2003-2) and believed himself to be in contact with extraterrestrial beings who communicated to him through telepathy.[\3])]( Smith wrote a number of articles for Topside, the publication of the Ottawa New Sciences Club which he founded, outlining the philosophy of the "Space Brothers" with whom he claimed to be in contact.[\4])]( The articles were later collected and published posthumously in 1969 under the title The Boys from Topside.[[5]](
Smith then tracked down physicist Robert Sarbacher in 1950.

Robert Sarbacher Confirms UFO Crash

A remarkable interview occurred in Washington, D.C., on September 15, 1950, but the content did not leak out until the early 1980s, when Canadian ufologist Arthur Bray found a memo by one of the participants, radio engineer Wilbert B. Smith of Canada's Department of Transport. The memo described a conversation with physicist Robert I. Sarbacher, a consultant with the U.S. Department of Defense Research and Development Board (RDB), at one of the regular meetings Sarbacher and other government scientists conducted with their Canadian counterparts.
Asked about the crash rumors, Sarbacher said they were "substantially correct." He said UFOs "exist. . . . We have not been able to duplicate their performance. . . . All we know is, we didn't make them, and it's pretty certain they didn't originate on the Earth." The issue was so sensitive that "it is classified two points higher even than the H-bomb. In fact it is the most highly classified subject in the U.S. government at the present time." Sarbacher refused to say more.
Smith, who died in 1961, mounted a small, short-lived UFO investigation, Project Magnet, for his government. Through official channels he tried unsuccessfully to learn more than Sarbacher's cryptic remarks had revealed. After the memo surfaced, ufologists found a listing for Sarbacher in Who's Who in America, citing his impressive scientific, business, and educational credentials.
When interviewed, Sarbacher said he had not personally participated in the UFO project, though he knew those who had, including RDB head Vannevar Bush, John von Neumann, and J. Robert Oppenheimer -- three of America's top scientists in the 1940s and 1950s. He had read documents related to the project and on occasion had been invited to participate in Air Force briefings.
"There were reports that instruments or people operating these machines were also of very light weight, sufficient to withstand the tremendous deceleration and acceleration associated with their machinery," Sarbacher told an inquirer in 1983. "I remember in talking with some of the people at the office that I got the impression these 'aliens' were constructed like certain insects we have observed on Earth, wherein because of the low mass the inertial forces involved in operating of these instruments would be quite low. I still do not know why the high order of classification has been given and why the denial of the existence of these devices." Sarbacher could not recall where the crashes had taken place, but he did remember hearing of "extremely light and very tough" materials recovered from them.
Sarbacher's story never varied, and he resisted the temptation to elaborate or speculate. All who interviewed him were impressed. Still, his story could not be verified, since the persons he named were all dead. Sarbacher himself died in the summer of 1986.
Processing img ui54nqov9w4d1...

And Smith said that Sarbacher outed Vannevar Bush, the first scientific advisor to the President under the Manhattan Project.

There's lots to dig up on this sub about Bush and Oak Ridge Laboratory, which is were Sean Kirkpatrick now works.
Ross says that he was given the names of key Canadian scientists to look into who have been working with US scientists.
He brings up how physicist Thomas Townsend Brown, who I posted about recently, and which I did not know, was the first head of NICAP, and wanted to go public about UFOs.
At the time, people stopped reporting UFOs to the Air Force out of frustration because they weren't taking them seriously, just like today with AARO.
Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, tried blowing the whistle on UFOs a year after he left office. This video's pretty famous around here now.
Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter was the third Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (May 1947 – October 1950). After retiring from the CIA in 1950, Hillenkoetter warned J. Edgar Hoover of Agency’s “corruption”:
After his CIA post, he resumed active duty and was eventually promoted to Vice Admiral in 1956. His final post was Inspector General of the Navy, finally retiring on May, 01 1957, after which he served on the Board of Governors for the civilian National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena from 1957 until 1962.
Says there was a crashed disc with windows found in Afghanistan post-9/11 that the Russians beat the US to.
He then talks about an Australian AF photographer whisked away in secret, and unbeknownst by the Australian AF, by the British AF to fully photograph a crashed UFO in a jungle, who was then forced to develop his film in front of the British AF folks, after which the film was confiscated. This means there's no Chain of Command and plausible deniability. Who would this photographer have reported to? Who would have believed him?
During the rebuilding of Kuwait following the American invasion of Iraq, an Australian office was set up that was bugged by the UK's MI6 so that the UK could win commercial contracts to reverse-engineer crash-recoveries over the Australians. Now making more sense that the "UFO too big to move" had the US Embassy built over it in 2006/2007.
Talks of a crash-retrieval in Europe and a secret Cold War between US, Russia, and China over downed craft that is still ongoing
My biggest takeaway, the fact that we're still shooting them down, like over Alaska in early 2023, is a moral stain on First Contact
After all the letters he wrote, he started getting responses flooding in. He emphasizes his need to protect sources. But one source did allow him to use his name, as he was dying of cancer: Nat Kobitz.
Kobitz was the Chief R&D officer, Research and Development, for the US Navy:
Here's Nat Kobitz in a 1993 Navy memo included on the Defense Technical Information Center website:
According to Ross, Kobitz was read into the crash-retrieval program following multiple NHI crashes to help reverse-engineer them. At one point, he was flown to Wright-Patterson and taken underground to a crashed craft bulkhead, and he told Ross that the skin and bulkhead were crafted in a way that defied human science. That they were composites, bonded at an atomic level, and suspected it was NHI tech. He felt that US citizens had a right to know, and that's why he was coming forward in his last days.
Those letters Ross was getting were from people who knew Kobitz and had encouraged him to get in touch with Ross about The Program.
Ross says that people had been threatened they'd be killed if they ever talked about it, and some possibly have been. Lines up with Ross's statements about his information coming forward if anything happens and Lue Elizondo's recent tweet about how he has no intention of harming himself.
Ross ends by saying that he's involved with the Australian Non-Human Intelligence Research Institute, the first organization of its kind in the Australasian region.
The Institute is being funded by the generous support of neuroscientist and businessman, Dr. Anton Uvarov.
According to Ross:
"We plan to fund collaborative scientific research projects into Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. And we are very interested in funding generously collaborations with scientists worldwide.
We're already working with Dr. Beatriz Villaroel who's already working who is also presenting at the conference (and who is also part of SOL and presented at their conference) to assist her superb research into astronomical transients.
Another planned project is the construction of absolutely state-of-the-art observation stations that will be placed in UAP hotspots. These will be mobile, using absolutely best-case, top-of-the-line technology. We hope they will collect extensive data on UAP."
NHIR's Mission Statement:

NHIR Institute - Our Mission Statement

submitted by VolarRecords to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 18:37 steventual LIIFT4 exercises group spreadsheet tracker

Ok so I'm halfway into LIIFT4, and wanted a way to track the exercises but also be able to follow my progression from previous weeks. I found u/seren88's sheet which was great for tracking as it shows what order exercise for each day, however it was hard to figure out my progression with weights since each week it's a different order. Ok, so using their spreadsheet, and some online spreadsheet I found of the exercises, I put together this combined solution that shows what day/order each exercise is and you can track it across weeks. I had to expand it to two pages as it wouldn't fit otherwise. Any feedback is appreciated.
The order field shows the day of the 4 day week: ie/ D1 then - the next number is the order of the exercises for that day and the letter after is the group of sets that it is in.
I use this to preplan my weights for each group of sets, based on previous week.
Thank you u/seren88 for this original thread with spreadsheets with all the exercise order, I wouldn't have been able to pull it together without it:
submitted by steventual to BeachBodyWorkouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:17 Much-Hovercraft-6760 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Non-Profit Looking for Zines!

Hey everyone! I work for a queer Youth organization in a small Canadian community that's looking to expand the amount of zines we have available for our kids. Recently, our director has seen the impact that zines and zines creation has had on our community, and we were wondering if any of the talented 2SLGBTQIA+ Zinesters on this reddit would be interested in sharing their zines with our library.
As we are a non-profit organization that focuses on helping the queer community, we realize that many creators cannot afford to digitize, send, or donate their zines, free of cost, to a rural community in what may be a completely different part of the world. That said, if you wish to contribute but cannot afford to donate your hard work, please consider sending us a link in the comments to your Etsy,, or similar zine storefront! We cannot guarantee that we will purchase from every store as we're working on a shoestring budget for this project, but we will definitely consider buying any zines that we think would be a good fit for our community. We are also willing to trade some of our digital zines as well!
Some basic criteria for those interested:
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to message me here on reddit, message The Youth Project on facebook, or email my supervisor at []( . Submissions and links can be sent to .
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, whether or not you decide to participate!
submitted by Much-Hovercraft-6760 to zines [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 14:44 spritz_bubbles Battery Replacement Tips - IPod Classic 7th Gen

Some notes that MIGHT be helpful if you’re planning on replacing a battery yourself. If there’s any extra tips or corrections, please lmk in the comments:
• Don’t use plastic tool when attempting to ply apart iPod - a thin flat metal tool (ex: iSesamo Opening Tool or New Elite Obsolete Electronics Jimmy Metal Opening Tool Flat). I read about using guitar pics to keep the seems apart.
• Don’t ply the Ipod apart starting near the 30 pin outlet - instead begin on the upper right corner near where the securing clips are. Go gently downward and a switch will release the case apart quicker. Avoid the left side of the iPod and especially near the aux outlet.
• When you finally separate both sides, don’t rip the battery ribbon wire attached. Carefully and mindfully open the iPod apart like a book. Be aware of the hard drive ribbon wire still attached to the other side. You can remove it too but not necessary.
• When disconnecting ribbon wire connected to old battery, don’t use pliers to remove or snap in new battery. While wearing plastic gloves, carefully and slowly pinch the end of the ribbon wire out to remove.
• Make sure for IPod Classic 7 Gen has the thin battery - 160 gb 580mAh (not sure how many volts)
• When removing the battery, use a plastic small lever, while holding down the ribbon wires surrounding the area near and underneath. Be aware of the ribbon wire under the battery and try not to be aggressive when separating old battery from adhesive. Try starting from the top. Discard.
• Remove adhesive from new battery and gently place. Then softly apply pressure to the ribbon wire and using your gloved hand place back in the connecter at the bottom right corner.
• Make sure to adjust clips to be properly placed back in tact.
• Apply hand pressure to sides of ipod back to make it fits better.
• If both sides of iPod won’t stay together, use a special glue and let dry for 24 hours.
• When opening ipod, you can use a printable guide to show where’s what inside, like the side clips.
submitted by spritz_bubbles to IpodClassic [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:28 DasKatzenbrot Hello, i want to make an Stream Deck mount

Hello, i want to make an Stream Deck mount
I am pretty new to flying. I already have a Stream deck because i was doing video editing before. I want to use my Stream Deck in dcs, but there is one problem: its hard to reach it. i have it next to my Keybord, and have the TWCS throttle to my left. My table is formed like an L. I am sitting to far away from my keyboard, to press my stream deck comfortably. So i thought i could 3d print a Stream Deck mount similar to the one in the F-16. I couldnt find anything on Thingiverse, Printables etc. Does someone have found a mount? Its the Upfront Controls. Thanks!
submitted by DasKatzenbrot to homecockpits [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:44 mexpyro 2014-2019 Highlander rear cup holder repair.

2014-2019 Highlander rear cup holder repair.
This is a walk through of what I did to repair the back captain chairs cup holder. Over time the under engineered cup holder clips will break causing the hinged portion to fall out. I found an awesome person online who put up their part they designed so you can 3d print for yourself.
I had some nice guy on Reddit in my town print me out 2 sets and so far they have worked out great. Below I will go over what I did and some images of the ordeal.
Parts List: - 3D printed pieces - Epoxy (General use or plastic) - 6 medium countersunk screws #6x3/4” - 4 small copper countersunk screws #4x1/2” - Dremel for cutting plastic - Cut off wheel and Sanding wheels for Dremel - 120grit sand paper - Drill for screwing - 12mm socket and ratchet - Plastic clip pry tool
  1. You will need to open the cup holder so it’s horizontal to the floor of the car.
  2. There should be 2 plastic clips toward the bottom where the tray connects to the captain chair, remove those.
  3. Pull the bottom part of the tray straight out. The plastic trim is also holding on to a piece of metal toward the front of the seat.
  4. Once the initial trim piece is removed now the back trim piece needs to be removed. Remove the 3rd plastic clip holding it on.
  5. The trim piece has 3 additional tabs holding it in place. 2 toward the back and one at the top. Slide the piece back and down to remove the trim.
  6. Now you can get to the 4 12mm bolts that need to be removed to take the cup holder tray out.
  7. Once try is removed cut off existing C brackets. I used a. Dremel tool with cut off wheel and small and big sand wheel.
  8. Next scuff up the area with 120 grit sand paper where the new part will go. This is so the epoxy will adhere better to the plastic.
  9. Place epoxy on the 3d printed part where it will touch the plastic tray and push it down. Make sure to align the bottom ears so it clears the hole and won’t interfere with a cup going in the hole.
  10. Screw the pieces down. I used 6 medium size screws and 4 small screws total. Size is in the parts list.
  11. Once screwed down let the epoxy cure for a day. Make sure the smaller screws have enough clearance for the bottom hinge portion of the cup holder to clear.
  12. Once Cured put the hinges back in place for the cup holder. You will need to press pretty hard for it to sit properly. If you need help I used a flat head screw driver on the back one since it was so hard to push into the 3d printed part.
  13. Now just install back the tray in opposite order. Bolts first then back trim and then main trim piece. I’m sure there is a torque spec but I was too lazy to look I just cinched them down enough. The nuts have serrations so they should stay in place fairly well.
NOTE: when done the hinged cup holder won’t be as loose as before but will take some time for the plastic to kind of sand itself down.
(Images I added are not in order just photos of what I could grab while working on it)
submitted by mexpyro to ToyotaHighlander [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:29 agent86ix DIY 3d printed Sebo Dart "suction control"

I recently bought a Sebo Dart after reading tons of good reviews/recommendations on this sub. I found it very hard to push on my carpet, though, and no adjustment I could make (even buying the soft brush roller!) made it easy enough.
I thought about returning it, but it seemed like the problem was something solvable. I figured there was too much suction getting to the head, causing it to seal tightly to the floor. Given that the hose is directly in the suction path, and connects to the body in a pretty simple manner, I thought I could figure something out.
A few hours of CAD and 3d printing later, and I had this:
I fit it into the vacuum, adjusted the opening, et viola! The vacuum is way easier to push on carpet, and with a quick turn of the sleeve I can get back to max suction for hard floors.
Anyhow, releasing this in case it helps anyone else in a similar situation. Certainly not as good as controlling the suction via the motor, but it works and it was inexpensive :)
submitted by agent86ix to VacuumCleaners [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 12:28 NamelessMason How is vertically polarized antenna not the best long range RX?

I'm trying to get my Geprc Mark 5 to fly long range. It has 2.4ghz ELRS module with this tiny T shaped antenna mounted horizontally at the back with a TPU piece. Yesterday I flew 1.5km out, and all was well until I decided to head back. Turning around, the signal dropped like 20dbs, and my heart sunk for a moment. Ultimately it got back fine, but I was googling antennas as soon as I got home. I'm a total antenna noob, but reading I understand there are 2 problems with my setup:
  1. Turning around involves crossing the 90deg antenna angle (null?)
  2. Drone's body obscures antenna signal
Googling "long range antenna fpv" the top result is this clip with a guy hand-making a vertically polarized "stick" antenna. And it does make sense to me. Sticking up, it's not being obscured by the body, and being a LR, banking 90deg sideways is very unlikely. But looking at some LR setups out there, vertical antennas is not what I'm seeing. I keep seeing this horizontal, T shape, moustache-looking antenna mounted at the front. Actually, I'm having hard time finding vertical "stick" antennas in FPV shops at all.
What am I missing? I can see some benefits of front-mounting. It's probably less obscured, and if my signal is going to go low, I'd rather it happen on the way out. But with horizontal mounting the null at the turning point seems unavoidable. How is that not a massive issue when I'm miles away? Or is it ok-ish because the turn lasts a couple seconds and then it's smooth sailing? Or am I misunderstanding antennas entirely? I appreciate any input!
submitted by NamelessMason to fpv [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:32 anTastico PETG Advice

Still new to 3D printing, done stuff with PLA which has been fine but I recently needed to make some stuff with PETG. I've gone through most of the calibrations in Orca. During the flow rate testing, I struggle to see/understand much difference between good and under-extrusion. I also used some of Ellis' Print Tuning Guide and just printed two squares, one at 1 (top), one at 0.95 (bottom). Both are really smooth, the one at 1 is a bit rough on the very edge and has a matt finish. The one at 0.95 is smooth everywhere and has a gloss finish. Edit: Forgot to add, when I did Orca flow test, I felt the best result had me lower to 0.937. Comparing that with the later Ellis' tests, it looked/felt exactly the same as 0.95.
So I left it at 0.95 and printing something. Again, really smooth and glossy.
At this point, I feel I have read and looked at too many petg "good and bad" examples and seen many people say it's hard to print with Petg etc. So I am now unsure if mine are good or not...
I also have my Petg in a diy storage/dry box ( ) and have a bowden tube from that into my print head using a combination of these mods:
submitted by anTastico to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:36 Interesting-Head-841 Resource (Website, Person) for Mac Best Practices?

Hey all, this year I'm going through a pretty thorough life reorganizing in order to facilitate a big, individual creative project of mine (200+ hours so far). Are there any resources that you've come across that helped you better utilize your Mac itself, or showed you functions that kind of saved time as you were working (through any workflow)? I've read through the Mac User guide and similar docs provided when I purchased my MacBook, but I'll take any suggestions!
I'm on this sub and others a lot, and for example, I've downloaded or purchased Scrivener, Tot, and Affinity and they've been so great for me. But I'm wondering if there's stuff I don't know about Apple, say, color coding tags and how deep they go, or "The Pictures Folder" has XYZ functionality, or "Go read the sidebar, noob"
Not looking for anyone to spend a ton of time on my request, but if you have a website, channel, resource, or anecdote you can share I'm all ears. What I'm trying to avoid is learning at the end that I could have automated or combined workflows on certain things, by not knowing how to use the Mac.
Functionally, I'm pretty basic for Mac stuff (1 yr), but I'm making good progress writing/drawing and incorporating photos for this story I'm telling. Ultimately, a big part of it is going to be a simple portfolio/website, but the illustrations coming out of the story would likely be printable but I'm frankly years from that. Right now, the coolest thing I'm doing with it is learning HTML and CSS from a website called "Internetting is Hard" but one thing I learned is that the code editor they recommend, Atom, is like, not supported anymore. So it's things like that that are part of my learning curve. Thanks for any insight!
submitted by Interesting-Head-841 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:11 gaugastrikes Question about head base patterns

Hello! I've been considering starting my first fursuit partial project sometime this year and have already begun looking for supplies and tutorials etc. in preparation, HOWEVER I'm having a really hard time finding the correct printable patterns for the head. I'll be making an otter so I'd need patterns either specifically for otters or just mustelids in general, but... I can only really find them for canines and felines lol.
Are there any sites with a bigger catalogue of head base patterns for different species that I'm somehow missing? If any of you are in the know of any mustelid patterns or something that could be easily modified to be similar to that, priced or free, I'd really appreciate the help! Mostly looking for something a bit more on the toony side, but honestly anything that isn't too realistic would do
submitted by gaugastrikes to FursuitMaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:33 JasonBetter10 The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp

The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp
Packing for camp? How exciting! We hope after reading our summer camp packing list that you'll feel prepared for fun-filled summer at Camp Friendship.
Camp gear to bring
Suitcase or duffel?
It doesn't matter which! Campers are free to bring a large duffel bag, a suitcase with or without wheels, a large plastic tub, or even a set of plastic drawers. There's no need to buy anything specific, whatever you have at home will work just fine, but we don't recommend large trunks because of their size. Please note that all our cabins and bunks are different, so there's no guarantee that luggage will fit under the bed. However, our awesome counselors will help campers store luggage so that it's out of the way of cabin fun.
Pack comfortable clothes that are okay to get messy and are adventure-ready. Kids go through more clothes at camp than you'd expect. While they're actively enjoying the outdoors, they're actively getting dirty tool Please ensure your camper has enough clothes to change a couple of times each day to stay comfortable, healthy, and dry.
Our Camp Store does have some great CF swag. However, you'll want to ensure your camper has enough of their own clothes to last at least a week and a half. For our campers staying multiple weeks, we'll do your laundry for you towards the end of each week.
Although it is summer camp, it can be cool at night. so include a few sets of warm clothes on your camp packing list. Afternoon rain showers are fairly common in Virginia, so a light waterproof jacket is must.
Camp Tip: Two-piece swimsuits can be easier for younger campers to put on and take off.
We have a closed-toe shoes rule at camp to ensure everyone's tootsies stay safe from rocks, twigs, and splinters. Tennis shoes are perfect for everyday wear. If campers want to wear flip flops, those are best saved for shower time. We recommend a pair of closed-toe water shoes like Crocs or Keens that easily slip on and off for the lake or pool.
Personal items
Although camp can be messy, it's important to stay clean and healthy. Pack a washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush (or two!) and any other personal items campers might need. Please consider packing their favorite toiletry items rather than selecting new travel sized ones. Many campers realize the toothpaste packed isn't to their taste or they don't like the smell of their new soap. Knowing they will use their familiar items with confidence is a must for good hygiene at camp.
If your camp forgets or runs out of any of these items, we always have extra and are happy to help some campers like to bring all these items in a plastic basket or shower caddy for easy carrying. When packing liquids, use plastic bags to avoid spills and leaks.
Required items
There are a few essential items to put on your camp packing list. Firstly, a water bottle is a MUST. Campers spend more time outside than they are typically used to and can easily become dehydrated during the busy camp day. Although counselors encourage campers to drink water during meals and activities, campers should carry a water bottle with them at all times. They can fill up at the various hydration stations around camp. Staying hydrated is cool at camp, we even have special CF water bottles and water bottle stickers to prove it.
What's the thing we hear our counselors say more often than anything else? "Don't forget your sunscreen and bug spray!" Campers enjoy many activities around our forests and fields, and bug spray is especially important in the mornings and evenings.
It's always a good idea for campers to bring a small backpack to carry their belongings between activities. Backpacks are handy to keep a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of socks, and that perfectly shaped pet rock you just found!
While our camps have electricity, they are not air conditioned. Campers should bring battery powered fans to help them stay cool in the cabin. We recommend packing extra batteries and practicing how to change out the batteries with your camper.
Lines and Laundry
Camp beds are all single bunk beds. We encourage parents to pack twin size sheets regardless of whether campers bring a sleeping bag or blanket. You can't go wrong by packing an extra sheet or two as campers are asked to make their beds as part of their daily cabin chores. There's nothing like jumping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets at the end of a day full of fun!
Campers should come with at least one bath towel and one beach towel, but extras are always recommend for campers who will be swimming multiple times during the day.
Campers who fly into camp from other states and countries can receive camp linens on arrival. Camp linen sets include a pillow, blanket, sheets, and are refreshed at the end of each week.
Camp tip: Pack your camper with a mesh laundry bag, even d they're only staying one week. It helps campers stay organized and differentiate from their clean and dirty clothes. Additionally, it makes packing up at the end of the week a breeze.
Horseback riding gear
If your camper is enrolled in the Equestrian Program, they will need to pack some program-specific gear. It is important to be comfortable when riding, long pants are required, and bringing extra socks is always a good idea. Caps are welcome if you have them. Make sure to bring your riding boots or hard-soled shoes will a heel. If you have your own helmet, you're welcome to bring it to camp as long as it's ASTM-approved. If you are missing gear, you are more than welcome to borrow some from camp. There's no need to bring your own tack and grooming supplies though - we have plenty here!
What NOT to bring
If something is valuable, treasured, fragile or potentially dangerous, leave it off your summer camp packing list! Campers should also leave all electronics at home. Camp Friendship is a unique experience where children can truly connect without the use of digital devices. Please give your child the chance to make these connections by leaving phones and all other electronics at home. For our friends who travel to camp from other states and countries, we will gladly keep electronic items safe and return them upon departure.
Packing pro tips
Label your stuff
Please don’t let your camper’s stuff join the Lost and Found mountain. We encourage parents to label every item, article of clothing, and piece of equipment with your camper’s first and last name.
Companies such as Mabel’s Labels and Oliver’s Labels have easy-to-use waterproof labels that help to avoid mix ups and lost items. You can even purchase these labels directly through your CampInTouch account by selecting “Camper Clothing Labels”.
Pack medication in original packaging
All medication, prescription or non-prescription (including vitamins and over-the-counter medication), must be brought to camp in the original packaging or in a blister pack pre-packaged by a pharmacy. Medication will be handed to the Nurse on check-in day and kept in our Health Center for safekeeping.
Make letter writing easy
Help you to help…you! If you want to hear from your camper while they’re at camp, it’s wise to send them with letter-writing materials such as e-Letter paper, dark ink pens (not pencils), pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, postcards or smoke signals (just kidding!) Campers have cabin time each day where they can choose to write home.
Camp Tip: Most campers write their letters from their bunk bed. A book light with a clip can be really helpful for younger campers still perfecting the art of holding a flashlight while writing.
Please remember that even the best of intentions can be forgotten. Campers have exciting new games to play with friends, the chance to finish that friendship bracelet they’ve been working on, time to take a nap, or chat to their counselor with an interesting accent. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive a letter from your camper within the first day or two. We’ll do our best to encourage them to write home. Sending them with the materials to make it quick and easy certainly helps.
Bring a few home comforts
If this is your camper’s first time at sleep-away camp, certain reminders of home can be a nice touch. A favorite book, comfortable blanket or family photo can help make their cabin feel a little more homey. Games for cabin time are always a great move too. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or something very dear to them, we suggest leaving that at home and finding a ‘camp favorite’ to bring to camp. We would hate for your child’s favorite item to go missing!
Help your camper re-pack
Include an UN-checked copy of your packing checklist in your camper’s things so they can use it to re-pack and come home. This helps them to ensure they have everything and reduces Lost and Found at Camp—yay!
Don’t let packing for camp stress you and your camper out! Use our printable packing checklist to make packing a breeze.
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:34 Nnyan [USA][CA][WANT][PETG]John Oliver needs Supermicro mods printed.

I am looking for John Oliver to print the following mods for a supermicro 847s:
Front Shroud (1):
Drive Trays (12*):
Fan Wall (1)
(*) want to do airflow/temp testing on these trays before I have the last 24 printed. If all works out I will order more the the other Supermicros.
Thank you.
submitted by Nnyan to 3Dprintmything [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 22:57 TheKBMV Anyone looking to commission terrain STL files?

First of all I hope you all don't mind me posting the question and of course if it's deemed inappropriate please remove it.
I'm a new-ish 3D designer looking for projects to fill out my portfolio, gain more experience and earn a bit of extra money. And since in my experience 3D printable fantasy stuff that would fit the vibe of Frostgrave isn't as abundant online as, say, something like WH40k I was wondering if anyone here had anything in mind they'd want to have made?
Here's the thing: as I said, I'm relatively new. I had a few private commissions and I've published some scatter terrain files for Star Wars: Legion already, which I've generally gotten positive responses to. But considering my experience level and that these commissions would help me along in more ways than just monetary I had the very exact price range of "we'll figure out something that works for both of us" in mind.
The caveat: sadly humanoids/creatures/characters are currently beyond my skill level as my experience is in hard surface modelling. So in general I can't in good faith say that I will try making minis for you, we'll have to stick with terrain pieces and buildings.
submitted by TheKBMV to frostgrave [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:50 Kraivyne ZSA Voyager 3D Printed Hard Case

ZSA Voyager 3D Printed Hard Case
Hey Voyagers!
I travel a ton with my Voyager and needed something a bit more secure to travel with it. I designed and 3D Printed this magnetic locking case, and so far it's been doing a great job!
I mainly travel with the AER TP3 backpack that has a cable/tech organizer in the front, so normally the cables for the keyboard are in there.
The lid, tried to get the logo right but struggled a bit!
1st layer reveals the right hand side
Base layer holds the left hand side and the magnetic feet.
Compaison shot against the soft pouch that comes with the voyager, I really wanted to keep the size down and match as closely to it.
Depth Comparison
Would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Hey guys! Appreciate all the love. I have uploaded this to printables here:
Printables STL
I plan on uploading to makerworld eventually.
For those of you without a printer, I have created an Etsy account to post it for sale here:
Etsy Store
I tried to keep costs down for this but it does require a bunch of materials and time to assemble.
submitted by Kraivyne to zsaVoyager [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 16:19 learningdash Need advice on modifying a model from Printables

I am very new to 3d printing and looking to get into how to model. I found this print on printables that I am looking to modify: .
There are two changes that I am looking to make:
  1. Modify the diameter of the part that goes onto the watering can to be 15/16" or 23.8125mm
  2. Modify the part that goes onto the watering can so that it is threaded.
I am trying to use Fusion 360 to do this but not having an easy time seeing how to scale just the part that goes onto the watering can. I also am having a hard time finding out how to add threads to a open cylinder.
Can any one give me tips on how to start approaching either of these items?
Thanks in advance - it's much appreciated.
submitted by learningdash to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]