Dangers of lipitor


2024.01.01 01:47 -LightFox- DangersOfIndia

Welcome to DangersOfIndia! Please post anything that are dangerous found in India.

2011.01.16 10:10 TickleSplits Tenrō Jima

Fairy Tail is a whimsical and adventurous anime, full of Wizards, Dragons, and Talking cats! This epic series takes us through all the dangers that the members of fairy tail face and eventually overcome through mutual love and friendship. Through Arcs of all kinds Fairy Tail sticks together and learn more about their guild members past!

2011.07.31 02:49 AssBusiness Come hither for some Bearded Dragon fun!

A home to talk about all things Bearded Dragons!

2023.06.03 21:52 Scalymeateater Excerpt from Human Heart, Cosmic Heart by Dr. Tom Cowan

I tell many of my patients that I believe in the anvil theory of medicine: Say you are not prone to headaches. Then one day you are walking down the street and an anvil falls on your head. After that, you have daily headaches. It's probably from the anvil.
Some doctors don't believe in the anvil theory. A colleague of mine was an air force flight surgeon. At his yearly physical, he was told he had high cholesterol and that he needed to take the statin drug Lipitor if he wanted to keep flying. A few weeks after starting the Lipitor, he experienced a bout of amnesia while fly ing. He asked his doctor if was from the Lipitor and was told no. Suspicious, my colleague stopped the drug and didn't experience amnesia again. A year later, after he'd started the drug again so that he could continue flying, he experienced another bout of amnesia. His doctor again insisted that it was not caused by the Lipitor.
My colleague began to research the connection himself, set up a website to compile stories from other patients on statin drugs, and eventually wrote a book called Lipitor: Thief of Memory, detailing the mechanisms whereby statin drugs impede memory, inspired by the stories of thousands of people who had suffered the same symptoms. Besides pointing out one of the dangers of statin drugs, the point of this story is that a lot of doctors either don't believe in the anvil or, even if they do, don't bother to take the time to ask their patients the right questions or even listen to their story. As a doctor, this is a mistake I never want to make.
submitted by Scalymeateater to NewBiology [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 10:04 TelloTwee Generic Drugs unsafe?

Hi Everyone; this video caught my attention. I think I'll do my best to make sure I only use drugs made in the US, Europe, and other safe countries. I'm not exactly sure what to do, given this frightening information about the FDA's blatant failure to police generic drug companies.
Summary of Video by ChatGPT:
The video titled "Why the FDA Knowingly Approves Dangerous Drugs" is a book summary of the bestselling book, "Bottle of Lies," by Katherine Eban. The video begins with the story of a top FDA Inspector, who discovers fraud at 8 out of 10 drug plants inspected. The Indian and Chinese drug companies fear the inspector so much that they threaten, lie, and even poison the inspector. The inspector causes drug shortages back in the US, which affects the FDA's funding since the funding is based on new drug approvals. The FDA blocks the inspector from doing inspections, and the inspector quits.
The video then moves to the story of Ranbaxy, the biggest drug company in India that faked their testing data sent to regulators. A WHO report found massive fraud inside Ranbaxy's generic AIDS drugs in 2004. Dinesh Thakur, a Ranbaxy employee, discovered that over half of the data submitted to the FDA was fake. Dinesh and his boss documented the situation and made a presentation to the board. The presentation made clear that Ranbaxy had lied to regulators, falsified data, and endangered patient safety in its race for profit. The board members already knew about the massive fraud and asked if they could bury the data. Dinesh resigned and shared his findings with the FDA.
The video then explains why the FDA kept approving Ranbaxy's new generic drugs despite Dinesh's findings of fraud and corruption. The FDA has separate departments, one to investigate fraud and a different one to oversee drug applications. Congress put a lot of pressure on the FDA to approve generic drugs because paying for America's drugs through Medicare and Medicaid costs a lot of money. The U.S. Government spends as much money on Lipitor as they do on the FDA's entire budget. Generic Lipitor alone could save them billions a year. The top FDA bureaucrats' job positions rely on making the people who pay their salaries happy, so they approve generic drugs to save money. Another cool inspector's name is Peter Baker.
submitted by TelloTwee to blueprint_ [link] [comments]

2023.01.07 17:20 GoldenBeard Epileptic who just had my first Sleep Study. CPAP ordered after results. Scared and need guidance.

Hello Docs. 35yo male, 6ft tall 265lbs with history of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Was found after already metastasizing to the lungs but not to the brain yet. Partial nephrectomy completed on left Kidney to remove main mass. Lungs and blood work have just been monitored since. Right sided TLE (Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) patient as well with partial complex seizures that are not under control with 1500mg Depakote daily. Will list all medications at the bottom. I had a small stroke in the left cerebellum this past September. Lasting effects from stroke were complete loss of reflex on right side and loss of some sensation along with neuropathy. I have a perfect line down my face left to right where I can't feel pin pricks across my forehead on the right side until that halfway point across my face. Seizure activity increased after this. Mainly auras, absence, and partial episodes. No grand mals which is what I used to get prior to Depakote. Neuro ordered an at home sleep study after the stroke and I unfortunately have been way too busy with work to get it done until this last week. Finally left my job to start a new 100% work from home job that will be much healthier for me overall so I picked up the overnight Sleep Study kit and strapped it on for the night. Dropped it off the next day and just got my results today.

Here is what it says:
" Your sleep study shows obstructive sleep apnea with 9 events (times where your breathing stopped or decreased enough to lower blood oxygen) per hour. Your oxygen saturation went as low as 78% (>90% is normal). I am ordering CPAP and you should hear from Apria in the next week. Once you get your CPAP, it is very important that you use it regularly to help stay awake the next day and to reduce your risk of stroke, heart failure, and high blood pressure. I would like to see you back within 4-6 weeks."

This was a little over 6 hour test so I stopped breathing 54 times during the test. I am obviously scared of that but more so I'm scared that my blood oxygen is getting that low. From what I have read that is not just bad that is downright dangerous. Can someone help me understand the extent of how bad this is or isn't? My Neuro emailed me and didn't call so I haven't had a chance to speak to them yet. Any insight from you all would be greatly appreciated. Also curious to hear from anyone that uses an Apria machine on how comfortable they are and their ease of use. THANK YOU ALL!
Current Medications:
- 1500mg Depakote (Once daily in the AM)
- 1200mg Gabapentin (400mg 3x daily)
- 10mg Amlodipine
- 160mg Valsartan
- 81mg Adult Aspirin
- 40mg Lipitor
- 8mg Subutex (Previously was an addict. Been stable and sober nearly 3 years)
submitted by GoldenBeard to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.10.02 17:43 KaleMunoz I don’t understand what’s going on with my blood pressure and it’s messing with my mind

It is a long story, but a while ago I got overly concerned with my blood pressure and developed severe whitecoat hypertension as a response. I became fixated on the possibility of my blood pressure jumping to emergency numbers at sometime in the day. At the worst of it, I ended up in the ER with numbers consistent with a hypertensive crisis after an anxiety attack. The staff were initially concerned, but then a doctor came in and said this guy has anxiety, gave me Ativan, and sent me out.
My primary care physician said I probably did have some hypertension and gave me 25 MG losartan potassium. That seemed to work. Along with weight loss, the meds brought my morning readings down to about 111/75. But at my most recent visit, with a new doctor, I was at 159/90 in her office.
I’m sure that’s partially anxiety. But the thing is, right now, I can’t get a not anxious reading. My overall fear is that I will have a hypertensive crisis that will lead to serious health problems. The doctor at the ER seemed to think that was next to impossible because I had perfect labs, previous cardiological readings showing no heart abnormalities, etc.
Is it true that otherwise healthy adults don’t have to worry about this? Is my fear, that I wake up with healthy readings but then somewhere get betrayed by my heart and operate an extremely dangerous, emergency tear conditions without some underlying condition just not a thing?
I am talking to my psychologist about this, but he just tells me to throw my monitor away. It’s hard for me to talk to my doctors about this in person until I get to know them. But I had to change doctors after moving, then again due to insurance, and now again because she’s moving. Some help understanding this would do so much for me.
35 years old, white Latino, 6 feet, 200 pounds, now 50 MG losartan per day, 10 MG Lipitor per day.
submitted by KaleMunoz to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.07.18 09:31 ChrisNomad How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it doubled Pfizer’s annual revenue, it has also given the drugmaker unique weight in determining U.S. health policy — something that concerns even staunch vaccine-pushers like Dr. Paul Offit
Pfizer’s revenue in 2021 was $81.3 billion — approximately double that of 2020 — and the COVID shot accounted for $36.78 billion of that Pfizer’s COVID jab dominates 70% of the U.S. and European markets, and Paxlovid, its COVID drug, has become a standard treatment choice in hospitals. This despite findings showing the shot doesn’t prevent infection or transmission, and that Paxlovid causes severe rebound and supercharges mutations
The U.S. had thrown away 82.2 million expired COVID jab doses as of mid-May 2022, yet the Biden administration ordered another 105 million doses at the end of June 2022 for a fall booster campaign that will cost taxpayers $3.2 billion
Pfizer’s contracts are almost exclusively slanted in Pfizer’s favor. They’re guaranteed payment while having no financial liability for injuries and deaths, and it appears this indemnification applies even if they were to be found guilty of fraud
According to Kaiser Health News (KHN),1 the COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it yielded “outsize benefits” in terms of profits, but it has also “given the drugmaker unusual weight in determining U.S. health policy.”
“Based on internal research, the company’s executives have frequently announced the next stage in the fight against the pandemic before government officials have had time to study the issue, annoying many experts in the medical field and leaving some patients unsure whom to trust,” KHN reporter Arthur Allen writes, adding:2
“When last year Bourla suggested that a booster shot would soon be needed, U.S. public health officials later followed, giving the impression that Pfizer was calling the tune.
Some public health experts and scientists worry these decisions were hasty, noting, for example, that although boosters with the mRNA shots produced by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech improve antibody protection initially, it generally doesn’t last.
Since January, Bourla has been saying that U.S. adults will probably all need annual booster shots, and senior FDA officials have indicated since April that they agree ... The company’s power worries some vaccinologists, who see its growing influence in a realm of medical decision-making traditionally led by independent experts ...
When President Biden in September 2021 offered boosters to Americans — not long after [Pfizer CEO Albert] Bourla had recommended them — Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia ... wondered, ‘Where’s the evidence you are at risk of serious disease when confronted with COVID if you are vaccinated and under 50?’
Policies on booster recommendations for different groups are complex and shifting, Offit said, but the CDC, rather than Bourla and Pfizer, should be making them. ‘We’re being pushed along,’ he said. ‘The pharmaceutical companies are acting like public health agencies.’”
The fact that a vaccine-pusher like Offit — infamous for claiming a baby can safely tolerate 10,000 vaccines at once3 — is questioning and pushing back against Pfizer’s influence over health policy reveals just how brazen, unethical and potentially dangerous that is.
Massive Profits Made From Useless Products
According to Allen, Pfizer’s revenue in 2021 was $81.3 billion4 — approximately double that of 2020 — and the COVID shot accounted for $36.78 billion5 of that. For comparison, Lipitor, Pfizer’s previous top selling statin, generates roughly $2 billion a year,6 while their strep vaccine, Prevnar 13 rakes in $6 billion a year.7
Its mRNA gene transfer injection against COVID now dominates 70% of the U.S. and European markets, and Paxlovid, Pfizer’s COVID drug, has become a standard treatment choice in hospitals. This, despite researchers finding Paxlovid (molnupiravir) causes severe rebound and supercharges mutations.
In a rational scenario, that finding would have put a stop to its use, but no. In an official health advisory8 to the public, issued May 24, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first warns that Paxlovid is associated with “recurrence of COVID-19 or ‘COVID-19 rebound,’” and then in the very next sentence stresses in bold print a narrative supporting its use and enriching Pfizer with instructions saying:
“Paxlovid continues to be recommended for early- stage treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 among persons at high risk for progression to severe disease.”
Allen also notes that, during an investor call, a Pfizer official highlighted reports of Paxlovid’s failure, but spun it into “good news” for investors, as patients may require multiple courses!9 Obviously the objective has long ago shifted from helping humans to raping them for as much profit as possible.
Similarly, while Pfizer’s COVID jab clearly doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and Americans are rejecting the shots in growing numbers — 82.2 million doses had expired and were chucked in the trash as of mid-May 202210 — the U.S. government still went ahead and ordered another 105 million doses at the end of June 2022.
These are intended for a fall booster campaign, at a cost to taxpayers of $3.2 billion.11 The U.S. is actually paying about 50% more for each of these new jab boosters this time around — $30.47 per dose compared to $19.50 per dose paid for the first 100 million doses.
The U.S. government has also promised to purchase another 20 million courses of Paxlovid, at an eye-watering cost of $530 per five-day course. Basically, Pfizer is being financially rewarded for producing products that are useless at best and dangerous at worst, and we’re all paying for it. In case you’re curious, that is another $10.6 billion transferred from U.S. taxpayers to Pfizer.
Future Boosters Won’t Undergo Human Clinical Trials
After you likely thought it couldn’t ever get any worse, KHN also touches on, but doesn’t delve into, the fact that Pfizer suggested they skip human trials as they move forward with jabs that are reformulated for newer variants. If this strikes you as crazy, you’d be right. It’s sheer madness, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — a clearly captured agency — has already surreptitiously agreed to this egregious miscarriage of science.
How this wicked scheme, known as the “Future Framework,”12 was adopted by the FDA without formal vote is explained by Toby Rogers, Ph.D. — a political economist whose research focus is on regulatory capture and Big Pharma corruption13 — in the video above. He also explained it in a June 29, 2022, Substack article:14”
submitted by ChrisNomad to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2022.07.02 05:15 Sociological_Duck Do dangerous high heart rate spikes go to normal immediately? Confused by readings

This afternoon, I was in my office, turning my chair from on desk to another. I happened to glance at my Apple Watch mid-turn, and it jumped from 71 BPM to 173BPM for a moment then came back to about 80 immediately. I looked at the time stamps, and it came down in five seconds. I didn’t feel anything, and I’ve read reports of Apple Watches recording aberrant spikes. I am reminded that once this happened while taking a walk. My watch jumped from 90 to 193 for about ten seconds and went back to normal.
I know only an ambulatory ekg can confirm. I’m just looking to talk probabilities and urgency. I have severe health anxiety, and worry that everything is going to kill me.
Wouldn’t I feel most likely feel it? Don’t most conditions that shoot it this high produce other symptoms? And would it really just click back from 173 to 81 in 1-5 seconds, or when the bad signal/rhythm stopped would it still need to climb down? If I go for a run and get to 173, I won’t be 80 for 30 minutes. My resting heart rate is always in the 50s-60s.
Also, does past screening help argue against danger? It’s been several years, but during previous health anxiety bouts, I’ve had two 24hr+ halter monitor recordings, echocardiogram, MRI, MRA, stress tests, and probably more. I’ve had more ER EKGs from health anxiety than I care to admit, as recently as two weeks ago.
I will definitely tell my doctor when I see him on the 14th. Do I need to tell him right away? 911?
34 years old White Latino 208 pounds and dropping Six feet tall 10 MG Lipitor per day Started 25MG Losartan Potassium just over two weeks ago Hydroxyzine or Klonopin as needed
submitted by Sociological_Duck to AskDocs [link] [comments]


Our hot item is the elephant soft toy nowadays. That is due to the fact that these elephants face a serious crisis that needs to be solved. We have to divert our attention towards elephants to save them, and Promotional gift supplier's objective is exactly the same. We want to do it through an elephant soft toy.(This article is from:www.gift-supplier.com)
We, as a toy manufacturer, want to draw attention towards the Asian elephants, and this is the best we can do. We launch cute plushies in the form of giant stuffed animals that are used in homes, offices, and other places as a gift, souvenir, or just as a casual toy.
However, our company, Promotional gift supplier, is not only a elephant soft toy manufacturer. We can manufacture any type of custom stuffed animals. We manufacture personalized stuffed animals depending on the need of the customer. If the customer needs custom plush dolls, we can make those too. We are proper manufacturers of personalized stuffed animals. We can also engrave the logo of your desired company on the personalized stuffed animals. We have a whole process of manufacturing the custom stuffed animals. Today, we will be looking at the factors that customers must consider before buying plush toys for their kids.
Think about the Child's Interests
Is your little girl insane for ponies? Does your child's room seem as though a pastel box detonated in it? Then, at that point, a plain earthy colored pup likely will not energize her much. When choosing a squishy toy, think like the youngster who will get it. Is it accurate to say that she is continually drawing capricious animals like winged serpents and unicorns, or canines that take after the family German Shepherd? Would she rather have a standard teddy bear or one dressed like his cherished animation character? An important element in the selction of personalized stuffed animals.
Get the Child's Input
Whenever the situation allows, it never damages to ask the youngster what the individual in question would like, particularly assuming that your child's advantages change from one month to another. Pose inquiries like, "Assuming that you could have any sort of pet, what might it be?" or on the other hand "In case you could paint your feline any tone, which one would you pick?" Also, check out the toys your kid as of now claims. In case they are all teddy bears or zoo critters that should enlighten you regarding what to purchase. A child who loves elephants can't have an excessive number of them. Take a visit with the youngster through an extravagant toy site that has numerous choices. An important element in the selction of personalized stuffed animals.
Fluffy Stuffed Animals
In the event that you're truly confused on what to purchase and can't get your youngster's feedback, pick the mildest, furriest, fluffiest plush toy you can find. Regularly sites offer you a lot a larger number of choices to browse than a store, and yet there's no substitution for contact and feel. Kids can't avoid the glad material impression of cuddling a very soft delicate item. There's an explanation most loved toys will generally be extravagant. An important element in the selction of custom stuffed animals.
Match a Stuffed Animals to a Character in Your Favorite Children's Book
What a fun and mystical method for rejuvenating your youngsters' beloved book! It is safe to say that he is into mythical serpents and dinosaurs? Do you find out about mermaids, crabs, sharks and fish? Blending a sensible and very fun stuffed toy with a book can make an incredible gift, while giving a stuffed toy that is like a person in a generally cherished book will illuminate their reality! An important element in the selction of personalized stuffed animals.
Think about the Child's Age
A squishy toy that requests to an eight-year-old will most likely be not so great for an eight-month-old, as well as the other way around. Toys for children ought to be really delicate, little or flexible enough to be gotten a handle on by little hands and liberated from any connections or frill that could represent a gagging risk. Extravagant Toys that show on their labels as well as marks that they meet CPSIA and ASTM Toy Safety Standards have been tried for these dangers and are fittingly age-evaluated. You can audit the security guidelines that we test to here at Promotional gift supplier. Little children and youngsters regularly normally lipitor nonexclusive appreciate toys in totes like the Douglas Sassy Pet Saks. Many Toy sites permit you to shop by Age (us included) which can help as you continued looking for the right item. An important element in the selction of personalized stuffed animals.
Quality and Toy Safety
Soft toys have been famous for a really long time and frequently are planned and made by more modest, Family-possessed, and worked organizations that are many years old. As you would envision, family-run organizations who have seen ages of youngsters and grandkids themselves are maybe bound to give somewhat more idea to who their client is and focus on Safety before the tensions of conventional business results. Some of the time, this can mean more idea goes into stuffed toy plans, materials are more excellent, and quality control is viewed as a moral obligation rather than just government guidelines. Esteem is the catchphrase here when looking for squishy toys. Meticulousness, quality feel of the anti-toxin cipro textures, and development can regularly let you know how long a toy will endure, and regardless of whether it will face washing and steady play. An important element in the selction of personalized stuffed animals.
In the end, while purchasing a custom plushie for your kids, you need to consider several factors before making the purchase. All these factors are discussed in this article in detail. We hope that this article will help you while purchasing personalized stuffed animals for your kids.
submitted by giftsupplier to u/giftsupplier [link] [comments]

2022.04.07 05:50 njones1220 Routine blood labs had interesting results. Should I be worried, and can these two other symptoms be related?

42 White Male, USA 5'6, 200lbs Current medications: Prilosec 40mg, Ziac 10-6.25mg
My doc does blood labs every 6 months on patients over 40 with health problems or family history of them. Mine have always come back normal in the past, the ones I just got didn't.
His nurse called and said my LDL was 120 which wasn't terrible, but is elevated, and my HDL was 0. How is that even possible? She said he's putting me on low dose Lipitor. Hopefully that does something.
She then said my red blood cells are enlarged. I wasn't aware that was even a thing. She said normally low folate, low B12, or anemia are the common cause, but my other numbers across the board are perfect. She then advised me that if I quit drinking alcohol they should return to normal. I informed her that I don't drink alcohol, but I am a smoker, and asked if that could cause it. She said I'd have to call to talk to doc tomorrow about that.
So I'm left to wonder, what else could it possibly be, and are enlarged blood cells dangerous?
Also, the last 6 weeks I've been experiencing two things that may or may not be tied in. The first is my feet. I had a pain start in my right and a week later my left foot. It started mid arch, wrapped around the ball and side of my big toe, up to the middle of the top of my foot. My feet swelled significantly, the affected area was purplish, and the pain was so severe I could barely walk or stand, or even get shoes on. Sometimes it literally felt like fire for 15-20 seconds. It has greatly subsided now, but it was brutal.
The second is when I have a BM, the stools look normal, but there appears to be an oily sheen on the surface of the water every single time. I do not eat fatty or fried foods if that matters.
Any ideas on what the enlarged cells could be from, and of the other symptoms could be related? If not, any idea what either of those might be?
submitted by njones1220 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.03.14 17:09 DanCongerAuthor FDA Analogy for the Burden of Proof

The FDA Approval Analogy
Executive Summary
The FDA Analogy is, in my opinion, similar to and perhaps even more effective than the Courtroom Analogy. This analogy illustrates two ideas quite clearly. 1) the burden of proof lies with the entity making the claim and, 2) the more extraordinary the claim the greater the evidence that must be provided to support the claim. The analogy is this:
Before any company can bring a new medical device or pharmaceutical to market, they must provide extensive objectively verifiable clinical data to the FDA for review and approval. Also, for each drug/device claim made, specific and well-controlled clinical testing must be done to independently support each claim made. Only then will the FDA agree that the new device/drug actually does what the company claims it can do. Until the evidence is provided, the FDA does not claim that the drug/device does not work. They are agnostic about it and are just awaiting good evidence before concluding that the drug/device does in fact work.
The theist has the same burden of proof as the pharmaceutical company. They claim there is a god with certain characteristics. They must provide the evidence before the atheist will support the claim. The atheist does not definitively claim there is no god. The more claims the theist makes associated with the characteristics of their god, the more evidence they must provide to support their assertions.
If you are enjoying this, please check out my book, A Walk Through the Wilderness. https://www.amazon.com/Walk-Through-Wilderness-Dan-Congedp/1639882014/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35A02VKUNQYA4&keywords=a+walk+through+the+wilderness&qid=1647273513&sprefix=%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-1
Detailed Discussion
To re-state, there are two ideas clearly illustrated by this analogy:
First idea: the burden of proof lies with the entity making the claim. Example: our company has a drug compound that lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body (like Lipitor). Multiple levels of well-controlled clinical studies will follow. Studies to demonstrate safety. Studies to demonstrate efficacy. Studies to demonstrate long-term effects. All in all, these studies can (not will, but can) take upwards of a decade and cost in excess of $1B.
Below is a basic summary of how these studies may progress depending on the claim being made that will illustrate just how extensive these FDA requirements can be:
  1. In vitro – basic cell cultures and chemical combinations intended to establish efficacy (efficacy = it works as intended)
  2. In vitro – complex cell cultures and chemical combinations intended to more robustly establish efficacy
  3. Small animal – mouse or other rodent intended to evaluate safety and efficacy in a living organism, which is very different from how a compound may behave in vitro
a. Intermediate large animal – there is the possibility that safety and efficacy in an intermediate species will be required between small animal testing and non-human primate testing
  1. Large animal – non-human primate study intended to further evaluate safety and efficacy in a living organism which is more genetically similar to humans than a small animal
a. Multiple non-human primate studies may be required
  1. Human safety – the first and smallest study will be a basic, very highly controlled study specifically to establish safety in humans. Normally, the number of patients is + or – 100. This study does not care if the drug or device works (example, they don’t care if this shows that Lipitor lowers LDL). This study is SOLELY about establishing human safety
  2. Human efficacy – now we test a much larger sample of individuals, numbering in the hundreds to potentially the thousands, to establish the clinical validity that the drug or device works as the company claims it will. This study does care if Lipitor actually lowers LDL levels
  3. Human long-term mortality & morbidity (hereafter “M&M study”) – this is not always required, and even if it is required companies may be allowed to begin marketing and distribution while this trial is still ongoing. This would only be allowed if the results from the first two human trials were at a very high level of statistical significance. These studies are intended to involve thousands of patients over a period of multiple years in order to evaluate the long-term effects of taking a drug or having an implantable medical device in the body (like a pacemaker)
The FDA’s position during all of these various tiers of study is not that they definitively know the drug compound does not lower LDL cholesterol. They are agnostic about it. They are simply waiting for the company to progress through the various layers of testing and provide evidence via objectively verifiable clinical results that the claim is valid. Thus, the FDA is taking the position of the atheist. We do not claim that we know a god or gods do not exist. We are simply awaiting evidence to demonstrate the validity of the position. With the drug, the burden of proof through extensive levels of clinical study clearly lies with the company making the claim. Pfizer had the burden of proof to objectively demonstrate that Lipitor did in fact lower LDL levels. For the “god” question, the burden of proof clearly lies with the theist who is claiming that their god is a panacea that can cure (not will cure, but can cure if this god so chooses) everything up to and including the deadly flaw in one’s immortal soul.
Second idea: in colloquial terms, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In other words, the evidence to support the claim must be sufficient to satisfy the truth statements in the claim. Lipitor was difficult enough to bring to market with one claim. The claim that it lowers LDL levels. Pfizer spent over $1B to bring it to market. Now consider this fact about the drug. Many physicians will tell their patients about a beneficial side effect that has been observed with Lipitor. Some patients will experience a lowering of blood pressure along with the lowering of LDL levels. Now, consider the following question: have you ever seen a Lipitor advertisement about the blood pressure effect? There are many such ads clearly expressing the LDL claim, but have you ever seen an advertisement anywhere for the blood pressure claim? The answer is a definitive “no.” Why wouldn’t Pfizer advertise this positive side effect since it is so well known in medical communities? The answer is rather simple. They have conducted zero clinical studies to provide objective evidence supporting the claim. In the FDA’s view, a doctor telling their patient about this possible side effect is essentially hearsay even though the doctor is a true expert on the subject. In order to prove this additional claim, Pfizer would have to pass through additional clinical trials at significant additional cost before they would be allowed advertise the new claim. Thus, the greater the number of independent claims that are made (the more extraordinary), the greater the degree of evidence that will be required to satisfy the claims.
To restate, this analogy illustrates two major points that atheists often make in discussion with theists. 1st, we are not making the claim that we definitively know a god or gods do not exist … we are simply awaiting sufficient evidence to support the claim to a reasonable level of confidence. The FDA is not making the claim that the drug does not work, they are simply awaiting sufficient objectively verifiable clinical evidence to support the claim to a reasonable level of confidence. 2nd, the more extraordinary the claim, the greater the degree of evidence that will be required to properly support the claim. The more clinical outcomes the drug company claims, the more clinical data will be required before the FDA will be confident enough to approve the drug. Finally, if new data becomes available that shows some danger or change to the efficacy of a drug, the FDA can revise its position up to and including a revocation of the previously issued approval.
A Specific Example of a Real Drug
Let’s look at a drug called Torcetrapib. Wait, you’ve never heard of it? Spoiler alert … that’s because it failed in its long-term M&M study (see study progression bullets above). A couple of things before we discuss the drug: a financial note and a medical note. The financial note. Drug companies, once a patent is approved, have a limited life on that patent. When the patent expires, generic drugs (copies) can be manufactured and sold by anyone. Currently, Lipitor is off-patent and you can buy the chemical compound as a generic under a different name from any manufacturer, not just from Pfizer. Thus, a pharmaceutical company has a limited window of years when the revenue stream is exclusive to them … where they have exclusive monopoly on the profits. As one drug is reaching end of life on a patent, the pharmaceutical company is quite eager to bring a new compound to market to replace the expiring monopoly revenue stream with a brand new one. Torcetrapib was intended to replace the Lipitor revenue stream once the latter compound’s patent expired and generics became available. To be clear, it was not intended to be taken alone. It was intended to be taken along with Lipitor, but absolutely was intended to replace the revenue stream.
The medical note. LDL is often referred to as bad cholesterol. HDL is often referred to as good cholesterol. What does that mean? A cardiologist friend of mine explained it to me this way. Your body needs cholesterols and fats. Like all things, it follows the Goldilocks standard. Not too much, not too little, just right is what we want. Since your body needs cholesterols and fats, the body needs a system to transport them around. Look at LDL like a flatbed truck. It picks up cholesterol/fat in one part of the body, transports it to another part, and drops it off there. However, consider what happens as the body ages. Potholes develop in the roads, other problems develop, and things just don’t run as smoothly as they once did. Also, depending on one’s diet and exercise habits, there simply may be too much fat and cholesterol in the body. As the LDL flatbed hits a bump, cholesterol and fat fall off and start to pile up. The larger the pile, the more falls off the truck and plaque begins to build up in the arteries. Here’s where HDL comes in. HDL is like a garbage truck. Its job is to pick up the trash (excess fats and cholesterols) and transport them to the garbage dump (the liver) so it can be removed from the body. In a healthy person, the system works very well. LDL does its job of delivering items where they are needed. HDL takes out the trash. In an unhealthy person, LDL starts leaving trash all over the place and HDL just can’t keep up. Here comes Lipitor, which controls the number of LDL flatbeds in the body. By reducing their number, it slows the spread of the problems. To be clear, it may not provide enough support to reverse the problems, but it will slow their spread.
Now we get to Torcetrapib. Torcetrapib was a drug designed to increase the level of HDL in the body. By increasing HDL levels, it would in theory allow the body to dispose of more trash and have better control over the fat and cholesterol situation. It was a brilliant idea. There are many different statins on the market intended to control LDL levels, but nobody has successfully researched a way to increase the level of HDL. Pfizer looked like they had a huge winner on their hands. Torcetrapib passed everything. Passed all of its in-vitro tests. Passed all animal trials. Heck, it even passed the human safety and efficacy trials. It worked. It was determined to be safe and it effectively raised HDL levels in patients and Pfizer was very excited about it.
Then came the M&M studies.
In long-term studies, a huge problem was discovered. Taking the drug long-term, the trials showed a 60% increase in mortality vs just taking Lipitor alone. One expects there to be “adverse events” in a clinical trial involving people with symptomatic cardiovascular disease. There are going to be strokes. There are going to be heart attacks. It is simply a harsh and cold reality of working with symptomatic cardiovascular disease patients in a clinical trial. There are going to be adverse events during the trial. However, 60% greater risk of death??? This was beyond the pale. The M&M trials were canceled early, the drug was removed from development, and the over $800M that Pfizer had spent ended up being a complete waste. Why did it fail? Here is the prevailing idea for what went wrong. Well, remember that beneficial side effect of Lipitor … you know, it lowers blood pressure? As it turns out, there was a profound negative side effect observed in Torcetrapib patients. It increased blood pressure. Now, consider that for just a moment. You are giving a drug to symptomatic cardiovascular disease patients … and that drug increases their blood pressure. What do you think is going to happen? Increased rates of stroke, heart attack, etc are going to occur.
This is a great example of how the tiered clinical trial system is supposed to work. A problem that was missed at a lower level will hopefully be picked up in a later tier where the stakes are higher. Torcetrapib is a great example of how a previously unknown problem was discovered and a much larger catastrophe was avoided. Just imagine if hundreds of millions of people worldwide had started taking Torcetrapib like they do Lipitor. How many people would have died unnecessarily? Yes, awaiting objectively verifiable clinical evidence is very important before accepting that a given claim is true. In some cases, the stakes could literally be life and death for accepting a claim as true when one has insufficient evidence.
This is the FDA analogy. In order to establish the validity of a claim, objectively verifiable evidence must be presented. Show me the evidence for your god before you demand that I believe in it. In particular, show me the evidence for your god before you try to legislate your beliefs on society and demand that I order my life after the precepts of your religion. The level of specificity, number of tiers of testing, and statistical confidence required for that evidence will vary depending upon the degree of the claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Religion should absolutely be managed like a controlled substance.
Finally, as an afterthought, a kicker.
With the drug claim, I can show you the vial containing the pharmaceutical. Here it is. It’s in this vial, right here. I don’t have to prove that I have a drug … I can literally just hold up the pill or vial or whatever and show it to you at the outset before any testing is even done. With the god claim … you know, the panacea that can cure all things (again, not will cure all things, but can cure all things) … there isn’t even a vial to show us. I can hold up the vial containing the pharmaceutical compound before doing a single test and at least show you that I have something. The theist? There isn’t even a vial to show … we’re asked to take it on faith that the vial of “god” even exists before we even begin asking for evidence that it actually cures anything. This is simply not a reasonable proposition and there is indeed a huge burden of proof for the theist to overcome.
submitted by DanCongerAuthor to u/DanCongerAuthor [link] [comments]

2022.03.02 20:24 fibrepirate NP knows better than a Cardiologist?

I chose "shitpost" as my flare because I am ANGRY. If that's the wrong flare, go ahead and change it.
This was my second visit to see this NP at a clinic you have to apply to in order to get a sliding scale fee if your indigent or an immigrant. Instead of $150/visit, I'm not even getting my $10 I paid for it. I know beggars can't be choosers, but come on.
I've been down in the states for over a year now. My partner is in the process of extending my visa for me again and keeping me alive is one of their goals. We used a doc-in-box last year, found out about this clinic's charity program and worked hard at getting all the paperwork they needed to get me access to the clinic. We also found a cardiologist that took cash payments in the meantime and they were awesome at making sure I had access to the medications I need to keep my heart regular. My acceptance letter from the clinic came back to me in Spanish and I had to guess at what it said even though all the "English" boxes had been checked off.
My first appointment was a farce. Rescheduled 3 times, including on the day of the visit. The first was "Covid regulations say." The second was "oops, we forgot this was a holiday." The third happened while I was sitting in the waiting room and got a call on my cellphone asking if I was ready to have a video call. This was supposed to be an in-person visit. So it was rescheduled for a couple of hours later.
This did not bode well for this clinic.
First visit went okay. A ton of lab work was ordered by the NP and was done. Saw the cardiologist again after the labs results came in and he saw all the numbers from my lab work because we had handed him a print out of all of the test results and he did not add any extra medications but did switch out one that was reacting with another and causing massive migraines that were lasting for days.
I got a call about two weeks ago and the clinic wanted to see me on Monday of last week. I was very busy with real life things at that point, so I said no and that caused the scheduling staff to have a brain fart. When they recovered, it was scheduled for yesterday.
My partner came with me. Honestly, I didn't need to be there after the clinic staff had taken my blood pressure and had left the room.
Why didn't I need to be there?
I was not even involved in the conversation that happened between my partner and the NP.
NP came in, started asking questions directed at him and not me about my health and keep firing them at him, not me even though he was guiding NP to ask me. Instead of "how are you doing? What medicines are you on?" NP asked questions as if I wasn't even there. "How is she doing? What medicines is she on?"
I couldn't even get a word in edgewise for the entire visit until NP hit the glucometer use. "What was your numbers today?" "Don't know. Didn't test." "Yesterday?" "Didn't test either. I am on blood thinners and don't like bleeding for hours..." NP cut me off and told me off about how I need to do at least my morning test. I couldn't even get any words out about having "dawn phenomenon" (numbers running twice or three times as high as they should be because the liver dumps a form of glucose to get you going) or how the CGM I was on is nickel based and I can't use it. If I hadn't been using the CGM, I wouldn't know that I have dawn phenomenon, nor would I have known about my reactive hypoglycemia. I showed her charts from the CGM and she dismissed them. NP then proceeded to tell me off that my 6.9 A1C was atrocious.
I know a hell of a lot of diabetics that would kill for a 6.9 A1C who are insulin dependent. I'm doing the best I can with what resources I have available and turning my fingers into scars is not something I want to do.
NP complained that I should be testing at least once in the morning. If I was on insulin and tested only once in the morning and used that for my daily dose, I could end up in the hospital. Both my partner and I told the NP that we were looking at a different CGP because of my nickel allergy. I told the NP as well that the specialist where I had come from wanted me on the single weekly dose long acting insulin back in 2019 but because Covid hit, I wasn't able to see them again. NP dismissed my words, especially the warning that I am a "reactive hypoglycemic" as diagnosed by a diabetes specialist researcher who was a type 1 from childhood who lives in the UK (now retired).
Reactive Hypoglycemia means that anytime my blood glucose gets elevated, wait an hour, and watch the numbers crash. The Freestyle Libra proved that little fun fact.
NP then told my partner that my triglycerides was high (barely) at 166. That's 17 points higher than "optimal" and very low borderline. My HDL was high at 40, when the numbers show that 40 is low. NP said Cholesterol was high at 157 (NOT! Less than 200 is good), and my LDL was too low at 84 when the medical stuff shows that <100 is optimal. To me, the numbers seemed fine and since the cardiologist who went through them with me in detail a couple of weeks earlier was okay with them, I was fine with them too. My partner was the one all these numbers and details were given, not me.
NP then berated him about my diet. "Don't let her eat fried foods." I just shook my head. When I have the option, I eat salads, or something not fried. Nor do I eat fried foods at home. NP wasn't talking to me, so I played with my phone and caught more Pokémon.
NP mentioned to my partner that my kidney function was good. My 4cm+ cyst on the one kidney, swelling, and the random clouds of white blood cells in my urine say otherwise.
NP also has a weird fetish about how I need to have a mammogram TODAY when my screening agency had sent me a letter saying I wasn't due for almost another full year. I'm very glad she didn't go into a cervical screening, but the way she went on about how I had to have the mammogram NOW was farcical.
NP did not tell me that I needed to exercise or how bad my BMI was. BMI is a stupid measurement anyway. NP asked where my pharmacy was and my partner told her. He's the one footing all my medical bills so he got to pick that.
NP did not actually examine me. NP did not listen to my heart or lungs. She did not actually examine me in any way shape or form. I don't remember the NP doing an actual exam the first visit either. NP left the room and that was the last we saw of her.
The clinic technician came back into the room, and my partner was given a handout of what happened that day. We sat there, looking confused at each other, and then got up and left. That printout was essentially a dismissal of us. I was very confused because I wasn't given the paperwork.
By the time we had gotten to the car, a call came from the pharmacy that my prescription was ready. What prescription? I looked through the paperwork at home and found that NP had ordered Lipitor. This was not discussed.
I did some research. My numbers aren't bad enough for Lipitor. It can also aggravate or even cause Diabetes. My partner and I discussed it and since the cardiologist did not prescribe it, I called up the pharmacy and cancelled it.
NP billed for "exercise counselling," "nutritional counselling" of which NP did not do either one.
I am livid that the NP, a noctor decided I should be on a dangerous drug that the cardiologist I saw who read the exact same numbers said my numbers looked good and did not prescribe it. I am also looking over the paperwork right now and the drugs NP has me listed as being on is incorrect and one of them was halted by the cardiologist, so NP wasn't even listening to my partner when NP was going over the prescription changes by the cardiologist.
We won't be seeing that NP again. A doc-in-the-box we pay for would be a far better route than that NP's failure to examine and communicate.
TL:dr; NP didn't talk to me, only the man in the room, scripted Lipitor for "bad numbers" when cardiologist said those same numbers were good. Fail visit.
submitted by fibrepirate to Noctor [link] [comments]

2021.12.31 14:37 CompetitionMiddle358 But but vaccines are not profitable? How vaccine passports and medical apartheid could make Big Pharma hundreds of billions making corona vaccines the best selling pharma product of all time.

Just about health or is it money too?

If we pay attention to what politicians and some of the leading experts like Dr. Fauci say vaccination will not stop anytime soon, we will most likely vaccinate frequently for years to come. Vaccination is intended to be universal, for everyone even pregnant women, children and babies.
Get your booster shots at least twice a year they say, maybe forever. Surely it's about health but once they started testing the product on toddlers, banned young healthy unvaccinated people from buying groceries supposedly to protect grandma one has to wonder if there are other motives as well.
Vaccines are supposed to be not very profitable at least that's what they say. Is this really true in this case?

How much money do these products make?

Pfizer and Moderna are currently making $1000 per second, $86 million per day and $31 billion per year selling mRNA vaccines but they are operating with special pandemic pricing. Once the pandemic is under control they have reserved the right to increase prices. According to Big Pharma CEOs $100-200 per dose is what they consider to be a normal price for a vaccine. Current price is reported to be $20 per dose.
In the words of Moderna CEO Bancel:
Bancel: We’re currently in a pandemic as defined by WHO. At Moderna, like many experts, we believe the virus is not going away and there will be a need to vaccinate people or give them a boost for many years to come.” Bancel said the vaccine will be priced “well-below value” during the pandemic period. After the virus is under control and considered endemic, the pricing will follow the traditional market in line with other commercial vaccines, he said.

Income potential for coronavirus vaccines

Assuming 2 boosters a year with special and normal pricing

Pfizer special price $19.50
Pfizer normal price $150-$200
1 year special price 1 billion people $40 B
1 year normal price 1 billion people $300-400 B
5 year special price 1 billion people $200 B
5 year normal price 1 billion people $1500-2000 B

Best selling drugs of all time

Lifetime sales. Could a coronavirus vaccine become a or even the best selling drug of all time?

Lipitor $150 B
Humira $101 B
Advair $95 B
Remicade $100 B
Plavix $83 B
Rituxan $81 B
Enbrel $81 B
Herceptin $70 B
Avastin $67 B
Nexium $61 B

Market caps of the 10 biggest pharma companies and Moderna

The market caps reflect what investors are currently willing to pay for the lifetime earnings of the company, that is the value of the business. As one can see coronavirus vaccines could have the potential to be worth as much as an entire major pharmaceutical business.

Johnson & Johnson $453 B
Roche $355 B
Pfizer $327 B
Eli Lilly $265 B
Novo Nordisk $255 B
AbbVie $240 B
Novartis $195 B
Merck $194 B
Astrazeneca $181 B
Bristol-Myers-Squibb $138 B
Moderna $102 B
Why make drugs that only sick people will take when you can create a subscription model for vaccines and force the product on every human on earth?
In a papers please society, you will have no choice but to become paying customers as long as those in charge demand it.
Sounds like a fantastic business model. Bribe politicians to convert the entire population to a subscription model, wait for a new variant and sell more. As viruses will keep mutating forever you can make money forever or at least as long as people comply.

Does the booster mania make sense from a commercial perspective?

Pandemics as business opportunities? Sounds crazy? The idea is not new and Pharma CEOs talked about this as early as 2009.
Papers please, mandatory vaccination of pregnant women, testing vaccines on toddlers to keep grandma safe, no vaccine exemptions even for myocarditis post-vax, biannual jabbing of children and soon babies with experimental products, firing of healthcare workers in a pandemic, 4 boosters in less than 1 year. None of this makes much sense from a viral spread control perspective so many people will assume we are dealing with insanity or stupidity but what if we assume that the driving forces are perfectly rational actors and just interested in a different outcome than what we have been led to believe?
Would their actions make sense from the perspective of someone who wants to build a business model on the pandemic?
Pandemics don't last very long naturally, 1-2 years on average. Sooner or later enough people will have developed immunity and the virus will also attenuate over time.
If you can make a vaccine in 1 year you have maybe 1 year left to sell your product. Then many people might not want to the vaccine or not everyone will feel at risk. You can get maybe 50% of the population to vaccinate without pressure.
People will also be reluctant to take your product for an extended period of time. Fear is the primary motivation of your customer but people become desensitized to fear. Once people stop dying the fear will be gone.
Therefore your income potential is limited.

From the perspective of a business person what would you do if you wanted to maximize your profits?

You need to create as much fear as possible. Shame and guilt could also be effective. Sell emotions not products.
You would need to convince people that the pandemic can't end without your product.
You would want to convince people the pandemic can end only if everyone takes your product.
Once the pandemic is over you would want to convince people that it will come back if they stop buying your product.
You would need to make people believe that pandemic viruses will mutate to become more not less dangerous.
You would need to convince people that natural immunity does not exist or does not last.
You would need to convince people that everyone age 0-99 is at risk.
You would want to eliminate your control group. If there is no control group you can control the narrative. If there are still sick people it will be proof that your product is needed and that it would be so much worse without you, if there are no sick people it will be proof that your product works and that the disease will come back if people stop buying your product.
You would bribe politicians, journalists, celebrities, scientists to push your product.
A vaccine passport system is the perfect incentive to get people to vaccinate when the fear is gone and booster fatigue sets in. The vaccine does no longer just protect you against a virus and reduces your fears but it also enables you to have a job, a social life and education, things that are more less essential.
Once the system is in place most of the population will have to take your product and then you can switch from special to "normal" pricing and have created a revenue stream that could last for years.
So maybe that could be one of the reasons behind the enormous global push for vaccine passports and medical apartheid. They are possibly worth hundreds of billions to Big Pharma.
submitted by CompetitionMiddle358 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2021.09.12 03:59 jedburghofficial Is ivermectin safe?

Just for a moment, suspend any doubts you have, and assume COVID vaccines are some kind of dangerous scam.
I don’t know what’s really going on, and sadly we may never get to the bottom of it. But we’ll take it that it’s bad. Very bad. And the people behind it are getting away with murder. Probably literally.
This isn’t a small enterprise. It reaches worldwide, and knowingly or not, has to involve thousands, maybe millions of people. Pharmaceutical companies alone have billions riding on it, and billions of people are affected in one way or another. Entire nations are staking their futures on the outcome. All shielded by one of the biggest coverups in history. Like, forget moon landings, and JFK and aliens, this is totally next level.
Compared to all that, getting into an ivermectin plant and throwing a jar of nanobots into the vat sounds like a bit of a lark really. Even if it wasn’t part of the plan originally, it’s not hard to sort it out once it becomes known as the real cure.
And veterinary ivermectin is especially good. It doesn’t have to go though so many pesky checks, and those pastes and chews are perfectly designed to hide stuff. Save the nanotech, you can put a whole crystal radio set into one of those bad boys.
So you have to be pretty woke about this stuff if you want to take over the world with a pandemic. I know, we were all expecting guns and tanks, maybe killer robots. Zombies even, but not this! I mean, you can bet, right after President Trump first said the word “hydroxychloroquine”, overlords with corner offices above Mount Doom were already emailing their minions about it. They have to have been planning and covering their tracks for years, so they’re ready when decent people won’t fall into line. The sheeple will go along with the plan, they always do - it’s the people who aren’t fooled they have to worry about.
So if you’ve followed me up to this point, it’s probably not safe to take any medications anymore. Especially anything popular. And doubly so if you get them online, or delivered or what not. At least if you go to the vet in person, you know they’ll be humane enough to give you a batch that’s safe for horses, right?
Me, I’m swearing off those blue pills, they’re made by the same people who make the vaccine. It’s probably something like the plot they had going with Lipitor and the Egg Marketing Board. And I gave the bottle of vitamin C in the kitchen a long suspicious stare. I mean, who knows, really? Just one box of ivermectin and you could be pooping spiky proteins for days! Bad! Trust me, nobody wants a piece of that action.
I’ll get back to my bunker…
submitted by jedburghofficial to Qult_Headquarters [link] [comments]

2021.08.29 04:21 fabrictm Losartan & Metoprolol dizzy spells and palpitations - have you had a similar experience?

Hi folks,
I’ve been on metoprolol 25 since early July. On July 29th I had a a very bad dizzy spell where everything started spinning, I was drenched in sweat, and having palpitations. Went to the ER, and the best explanation was dehydration. Poking and prodding, they found some plaque in coronary arteries, but a few more tests and a PET scan with stress test, they said heart function is normal, and the two aren’t related, got put on lipitor. So bp still kinda high, and they put me on losartan 100. This made me lightheaded all day, and felt like in a fog. Then the third week I started to feel better, did a bunch of yard work, felt strong. Last Friday I started having these episodes where I could feel palpitations, with a dizzy spell, and would be drenched in sweat (not spinning dizzy, just dizzy). Mind you through all of this I had and have no chest pain or shortness of breath. That Friday night I lied down and took my bp. Very good numbers, but I caught my pulse at 55, and wasn’t dizzy, so I’m guessing my pulse was dropping below 55. Called my GP number on call, they told me to stop beta blocker. Weekend this continues. Monday have particularly nasty episodes and was getting nauseous. Went to the ER again. EKG, blood work, all “ok”. They told me to cut the losartan in half to 50mg and that it would take several days for the beta blocker to flush out. Today is 8 days after I first started having these episodes, and they continue, more doctor visits, and I need to arrange for a hauler monitor on Monday. They want me to wear it for a month. The only other thing that has changed is that I lost 33 lbs since July 29. I was at 380 on 7/29. Lost weight simply by eating a healthy diet, quitting alcohol, caffeine, very little meat, low sodium, low sugar. Not sure what is happening. Doctors don’t know, say I’m not in danger. Also my blood sugar is fine, I’m not crashing it. I’m so anxious and stressed, that I’m constantly exhausted. I’m miserable. Has anyone had anything similar? Oh and btw even with reducing the meds my bp this morning was 127/74, pulse 71 resting. Apologies for spelling mistakes, wrote this on my phone.
submitted by fabrictm to hypertension [link] [comments]

2021.04.25 14:02 kong-dao Pfizer-BioNTech: Lo que los medios no informan

Disclouser: El siguiente informe está respaldado por documentación pública que se puede encontrar en Internet; no es conspiración, es INFORMACIÓN, aprendamos la diferencia.


Recientemente la alemana Ursula von de Leye, presidenta de la Comunidad Europea, anunció la compra de vacunas, por 3º vez, con BioNTech-Pifzer por la cantidad de 1.8 Billones de nuevas vacunas que serán distribuidas durante el 2022 y 2023, descartando a la competencia bajo la justificación de que no habían entregado las dosis en tiempo y forma.
¿Qué es BioNTech-Pfizer?Son compañías separadas que firmaron un mutuo acuerdo para el desarrollo de vacunas con el SARS-2 o COVID.
BioNTech es una empresa alemana (el mismo país nativo que la directora de la UE, y, la misma nación a la que Trump intentó comprarle las vacunas en 2020) que cotiza en bolsa. A comienzos del 2020 las acciones de esta compañía costaban $36, y, actualmente, cotizan a $161, es decir, más de un 200% (link)¿Quienes sus inversores (link1)?
Pfizer es una empresa de Estados Unidos que también cotiza en bolsa (link), aunque por tratarse de una popular farmacéutica sus valores son más "estables", sus acciones pasaron de costar $32 en 2018 a $44 en 2019, ocasión que se está repitiendo actualmente luego de una abrupta bajada en Marzo del 2020 ¿Quines son sus inversores?
No es casualidad que las acciones de las 2 compañías involucradas en ambas farmacéuticas hayan pegado, también, un pelotazo de más del 200%

La historia:

Los medios de comunicación, la OMS y los políticos internacionales hablan de lo que Trump llamó "el virus chino" ya que el epicentro del caos se originó en Whuan, China.
Es bien sabido que existen lobbies e intereses entre el sector privado y público para que ambos salgan beneficiados con una tajada del pastel (económico) algo que los (corruptos) medios de comunicación y políticos no salen a decir, como tampoco dicen que Pfizer tiene sede en Wuhan desde 2009 (link1 - link2 - link3 - link4 - link5) para R&D (Research & Development - Investigación & Desarrollo)
Pfizer-BioNTech se fusionan en 2018 (2 años antes de que explote "la pandemia") donde la primera invierte en la segunda $425 Millones para el desarollo de vacunas contra la Influenza o gripe (común) y para demostrar su compromiso paga por adelantado $120 Millones (link1 - link2)
( No sé si los lectores recuerdan que a mediados del 2020 Donald Trump intentó comprar una vacuna de la empresa alemana CureVac que le dió un portazo en la cara con el apoyo de Merkel; resulta ser que esta empresa está también financiada por Gates Foundation, firmando a principios del 2021 un acuerdo con la farmacéutica Bayer para la producción de vacunas contra el SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) Está claro que los lideres en el mercado de las "farma", AstraZeneca, Moderna, Bayer y Pfizer, se están disputando el mercados mientras los medios de comunicación hablan de "miles y millones de muertos" inyectando histeria colectiva a las masas por medio de la "caja negra" )
Para acalorar aún más el asunto de lobbies, en 2017, Pfizer y la Fundación Gates anunciaron la reducción de costes en un anti-conceptivo inyectable fabricado en 2014 bajo el nombre de Sayana® Press. Es decir que los lazos entre ellos son tan antiguos como las controvercias sobre el control de natalidad que expuso el matrimonio Gates en varias ocaciones (link1 - link2 - link3 - link4 - link5) sobre los paises "tercer mundistas" o "en vías de desarrollo". Aquel mismo año, la ONG Population Reaserch Institute alzó la bandera informando que "los creadores de Sayana Press no habían dado información sobre los efectos secundarios acerca del producto, violando el acuerdo de Tiahrt que garantiza el "consentimiento de información al usuario". El compontente activo del producto es el acetato de medroxiprogesterona o MPA*, asociado a una gran cantidad de efectos secundarios entre los que se encuetran: trombosis venosa, perdida de la visión, ceguera, cancer de mama y retraso de la fertilidad. (En) otro estudio encontraron que las mujeres tratadas con MPA tienen un 49% más de contraer HIV con respecto a las que no utilizan Sayana Pres*" (Parece ser la "norma" de Pfizer el hecho de no presentar sus productos con efectos adversos, igual que con "la vacuna del Covid")
Es también curioso cómo Pfizer se relaciona con otro mogul elitista como George Soros, quien en 2016 decidió retirar las acciones que tenía en Chevron para depositarlas en la farmacéutica; algo similar a lo que hizo Warren Buffet en 2020 adquiriendo acciones de Pfizer en $1.8 Billones.
Casualmente en 2016, la controvertida farmacéutica fue la primer empresa extrangera en abrir sedes en Rusia adquiriendo la compañía NovaMedica (link1 - link2) que perteneciente al grupo RusNano, estrechamente relacionado (desde 2009) con Gamaleya la fabricante de la vacuna Sputnik; un año más tarde (2017) la familia Rothschild comenzaría a hacer lobby con Pfizer y Rusnano (link1 - link2) Cabe también añadir que Rusnano estuvo relacionada a Hillary Clinton y "los correos de John Podesta" (link1 - link2 - link3 - link4 - link5 ) quien fue miembro de la dirección comitiva. Pero los rusos no son trigo limpio, y la misma empresa colaboró, en 2016, con Amazon, Microsoft y Rockefeller Foundation para un proyecto de fusión energética, quienes en su web oficial no ocultan que Venrock (compañía de Rockefeller) forman parte de sus inversores.
Volviendo al mello.
Pfizer fue denunciada publicamente en 2010 por Wikileaks con pruebas y documentos publicado por The Guardian, haciendo eco de los estragos producidos en la población nigeriana con el fármaco Trovan, causando la muerte de niños y dejando seculeas en más del 15% de los "vacunados" contra la meningitis, un caso que también fue denunciado en 2008 y detalladamente documentado (pdf) por las Universidades de Nigeria y la Universidad de Iowa, resaltando la falta de ética con la que se maneja la farmacéutica usando componentes en el fármaco que no estaban aprobados por la FDA (Federal Drug Administration) en niños. Como consecuencia el gobierno demando a la empresa que decidió pagar a la ciudad de Kano por los daños causados la suma de $75 Millones (y también por no hacerlo público)
Otra noticia interesante, fue que en 2012, Pfizer fue penalizada a pagar $15 Millones por el Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos acusados de corrupción. No es casualidad que le empresa tenga más de el archivero con una abultada cantidad de denuncias y jucios por más de 10 productos sacados al mercado y sin haber sido debidamente testeados entre los que se encuentran:
Después de este historial ¿aún podemos creer en lo que nos quieren inyectar? ¿Por qué los medios de comunicación no hablan sobre esto? ¿Están los políticos tan arreglados con las farma? ¿A quien se le puede creer?
¿Casualidad o causalidad?
La cuestión es que la elite internacional encontró la forma de que sus "acciones" (capital) se potencien de forma "casual" bajo la causa de una pandemia, tanto unos como otros se están abultando las cuentas bancarias mientras a la clase media y baja le cobran por cada inyección al rededor de 100€; de esta forma los gobiernos que compran a tal-o-cual farmacéutica, lo único que hacen es incrementar la deuda pública a costa de los ciudadanos ¿de dónde piensan que los gobiernos sacan el dinero para pagarle a las farmacéuticas...de sus bolsillos por caridad o "filantropía"?
Si los internautas saben cómo usar Internet se podrían sorprender de la cantidad de información, documentos y cosas que el buen amigo "Google" no les muestra....
submitted by kong-dao to DeepMinds [link] [comments]

2021.02.07 22:18 mikl_pls Finding it nearly impossible to find a psychiatrist who will prescribe me an MAOI anymore...

Hey everyone, I'll try to keep this short, but I tend to be long-winded and verbose, so... we'll see how my best efforts go.
I'll sort of "mark" the "main" part of this post, which is surrounded by the recent turn of events with my psychiatrist, as well as a hell of a lot of complaining and moaning (I'm pretty angry about how things have turned out with my psychiatrist, and how hard it has been to find someone else to replace her). If you don't feel like reading this whole post (understandably so), look for the "-------------" lines above and below the "main" part of the post.
My current psychiatrist (from now on I'll abbreviate as pdoc 'cause I'm lazy) of about 8 years now (started seeing her in April 2013) has apparently put her foot down and is saying "NO" to MAOIs now. She recently prescribed me Emsam at my request for an MAOI, as I told her that MAOIs (especially Parnate + a stimulant) are the only meds that fully address all core symptoms of depression, not leaving me with any anhedonia, anergia, or any residual depression. The SSRIs, SNRIs, SMSs, TCAs, etc., are useless for me, all they do is give me side effects. Upon telling her this, she agreed that she would only prescribe me Emsam, and that she would only prescribe the 6 mg patch, no higher... I figured maybe we could talk that out later...
Well, I go to look for the copay coupon, and upon going to emsam.com, I am forwarded to viatris.com's website, and am shown product information for Emsam. Apparently Mylan wanted nothing to do with manufacturing Emsam anymore, so at some point during the end of 2020, Mylan and Upjohn formed Viatris Inc. to produce brands (like Viagra, Xanax, Lipitor), generics, including branded and complex generics, biosimilars, and OTC drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients. So now, Somerset Pharmaceuticals (owners of Emsam's patents) belongs to Viatris, and Viatris has absolutely no indication of providing either a copay coupon or a patient assistance program. I'm pretty disappointed, needless to say, as without the coupon, Emsam with my gold plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama is $710 at Walgreens, prohibitively expensive! (It's still a tier 4 non-preferred branded medicine, and as such is 40% coinsurance.)
I call back my pdoc and let her know about all this. I beg her to prescribe Parnate for me, and she of course lectures me, as she always does, about why she shouldn't prescribe this for me, how dangerous it is, etc. I respond with (1) how she actually owes it to me to go outside of her apparent comfort zone because of just how many agents I have tried with her and failed (I have tried nearly everything in every class of antidepressants...), and (2) how not dangerous, in fact, Parnate is, and that the inflated perception of danger of MAOIs is spread, even among pdocs, by misinformation from the results of old clinical trials with poor quality data from before we even had any true understanding of the pharmacodynamics of MAOIs and the drugs they were claiming they are contraindicated with (e.g., TCAs, stimulants, etc.). She didn't take too kindly to this, needless to say, but I'm honestly completely beyond my breaking point tired and fed up from getting a freaking long ass lecture every single god forsaken time I simply ask for something that will actually help me (and has before when she agreed grudgingly to prescribe it) about how dangerous these medicines are and how they can kill me and whatnot. I have taken to responding to this with "what would you rather kill me? Myself, or the medicines?" I know doctors are told "do no harm" in medical school, but what are they doing by not treating or not treating adequately? Is that not doing harm? I have told her this too, and she got pretty upset with me. After all this, she said, "I will have to look at your medicines and everything else you take to decide if Parnate is safe for you to take, but I can't do it right now, I'll have to get back to you." I said that's fine. After a while, I got to really thinking about it, and that was sort of a copout response from her, and I didn't think she was going to do it. So I just texted her with something along the lines of "don't worry about taking time out of your day to spend it on me to determine if Parnate is safe for me... You only prescribe two other medicines for me, and none of the other medicines I take don't interact negatively with Parnate." I went into a great amount of detail explaining why none of my meds interact negatively with Parnate, which I will leave out here for the sake of keeping this is short as possible. (It's already pretty long...) By then I'm pretty angry and suicidal, and just finish up the text with a nice little "it's okay, I won't be here much longer anyway..." which was stupid of me...
She responded with a nice, snarky response of "why are you saying this, because I didn't put everything down right now and do this for you right now? I was about to get to it now," with the implication that she wasn't going to do it anymore, almost out of punishment. I gave it a few days, responded back and told her that I literally just didn't think I was worth the effort for her. She said she just wants me to be happy with myself, but hasn't gotten back to me about the Parnate. It has been 2 weeks.
I have been searching for a new psychiatrist, as, a few appointments back, she suggested that I search for a second opinion and "go with them." (Almost like a "piss off" kind of thing...) One of my close friend's psychiatrist, who is in semi-retirement, recommended a psychiatrist who I kept trying for over a month to get ahold of. I finally got ahold of her office last week. Her office staff assistant was very helpful and very knowledgeable about medicines and mental health conditions. She took a very detailed history and inventory of my situation, especially for a phone conversation, and said she would talk to the pdoc. She lost my phone number apparently, as she told me when I called back after not hearing back for a few days. She apologized profusely, but I was like "stuff happens, we're all human!" She explained to me that they didn't have any patients on MAOIs, and that my case was so complicated (I'm guessing since I'm on so many other medicines for other conditions, mainly) that the pdoc didn't feel she could help me, and didn't feel comfortable taking on a case where an MAOI is the only medicine class that has demonstrated any help. I said before that I was willing to try anything non-MAOI if she thought it would help, even revisiting some past meds, but she seemed to think I would be better off with someone else. The office staff assistant recommended three names of other pdocs in the area.
I called their offices. The first, I got no answer but left a message. The second, I got an answer, found out that he was no longer in my network of providers as of that week and that I'd have to pay full price (this guy was actually someone my current pdoc tried to set me up with years ago when I tried to get ECT but my current pdoc dicked around and didn't get me set up, and that's actually when I got prescribed Parnate + Adderall and it helped me so much I didn't feel I needed ECT anymore after 6 months of waiting to get set up with him). She said she would talk to him and see what he says. If he thinks he can help me, he may take me on as a patient. If not, he may know of some people specifically in the area who may be able to help me. (I hope...) Otherwise, it's just going to be a crap shoot calling random psychiatrists from here on out and explaining my situation to the office staff and hoping they will be willing to talk with the pdoc, and that the pdoc will be willing to hear my case out, and that they may be willing to help me out. The last pdoc I got no answer with, but the answering service specifically said that she was not taking any new patients.
Why on earth is it so hard to find a pdoc who will prescribe MAOIs, specifically Parnate? Emsam is kind of regarded as a safer MAOI, I know, but I have never found it effective... Even with augmenting agents like stimulants and TCAs (have taken it with both Dexedrine and nortriptyline before...). Granted, my current pdoc, when she presrcibed Emsam both times I've tried it, would only go up to the 9 mg patch, and no higher... She said, "oh, you never prescribe the 12 mg patch, that's too high... It's too dangerous..." The second time I took it, I had read about how people often need more than the max dose of 12 mg, using two patches at once, which I experimented with on my own like the bad patient I am... I took it up to 15 mg with a 6 mg + 9 mg patch, and started to feel something, but not much of anything really... When I told her about this and asked what she thought of people often needing more than 12 mg, often up to 18-24 mg, using two patches at once, she said that that is outrageous and reckless.
Does anyone here know any way to knowingly find a pdoc who has knowledge and experience in prescribing MAOIs and is also willing to do so if they judge them appropriate for the patient? (I have tried all but two SSRIs, all the SNRIs, both SMSs, both SARIs, all the TCAs, Wellbutrin, Remeron, and three MAOIs of which only one has worked alongside a stimulant... If I'm not deemed as a prime candidate for an MAOI, then I probably will just quit medicine altogether because there's absolutely no point...)
Parnate + Adderall worked for me, but when she prescribed it for me, she only prescribed a baby dose of Parnate, 20 mg/day, along with Adderall 30 mg/day. It worked miracles for about 3 months. Strangely enough, and contrary to practically all medical literature, I gained 50 lb in those 3 months... There's absolutely no explanation for why that happened. My appetite didn't change, and I didn't eat any more than I used to... Parnate is not known to cause weight gain. Nevertheless, because it helped me so much, I was determined to stick with it. I asked for a dose increase, and she refused. I begged and begged and begged in that appointment, and finally she said she would increase to 40 mg, but only if I gave up the Adderall. I asked why those conditions, and she said that if I increased the Parnate any more, then my blood pressure would go dangerously high (I know now that this is not the case, according to Dr. Ken Gillman). I reluctantly gave it up, and of course, even with the dose increase in Parnate, the bottom dropped out in my depression. Rather than sticking with it, she pressured me to give it up. I didn't gain any more weight after that, but the weight didn't come off either. She kept telling me that if I switched to something else, the weight would come off. I asked her to increase the dose to 60 mg, and she said absolutely not. I asked why not and she simply wouldn't give me any reason. It was a "because I'm the doctor and I said so" scenario... which is totally not like her at all, at least not until that point. I know now also that that right there was a huge mistake on her part—underdosing the Parnate and abandoning it early when it "doesn't work." It's just like when pdocs prescribe Effexor XR and go "ope! It's not working at 75 mg, time to switch to something else!"
Anyway... sorry for the long, ranting and raving, drawn out post.
Any input is appreciated.
submitted by mikl_pls to MAOIs [link] [comments]

2020.09.04 15:54 thegoldenbluej Propranolol works great but concerning sides

Gender: Male. Height: 5’7”. Age: 30. Meds: Lamictal, Zyrtec, Lipitor, Lyrica, propecia, minoxidil. Diagnoses: Bipolar II, High cholesterol, Anxiety, Depression.
I take propranolol for situational anxiety and it works great for presentations, social situations, etc. Only problem is if I take more than 10mg I get shooting pain in the back of my neck, feel cold and clammy, and get heart palpitations. The headache often continues into the next day, but the rest of the symptoms mostly subside in around 30 mins. Even when I take 10mg I get headaches but the other side effects aren’t present at this dose.
My question is - is this a blood pressure issue? Do I need to stop taking this med? Are these side effects dangerous (I feel like I’m gonna die if I take too much from a heart attack or something, feels similar to a panic attack)? Is there a way I can prevent these side effects when taking propranolol?
All the other anxiety meds I’ve taken suck, they make me tired, foggy, and slow which is terrible for presentations. And I tend to still get this panic fight or flight response on these meds (benzos, pregabalin, hydroxyzine, etc.).
Also, is there another similar med that I can take for panic/anxiety that won’t cause these problems?
submitted by thegoldenbluej to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.04.27 19:05 Chris-t-fire Fish Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects

Fish Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects
Food Catalog / Ingredients, Herbs, and Spices / Fish Oil

Fish Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects

Written by: Christopher Karam | ✔️ Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Riad M., M.D - G.P and Micheal B., M.D | Last Updated: 2020 April 27
fish oil pills in a spoon on a wooden table
Break down and Background
What Is Fish Oil?
Fish oil is one of the most effective and consumed dietary supplements. It contains polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish oil does not contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

The health benefits of taking fish oil supplements regularly can lead to weight loss, physical, cardiovascular, and cognitive improvements.

Fish oil is also used to treat many kidney-related problems including kidney disease, kidney failure, kidney cancer, as well as other complications.

Fish oil is obtained by extracting the concentrated oil of multiple different oily fish. The oily fish that are especially rich in healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, are the following:

Mackerel oil

Herring oil

Cod liver oil

Salmon oil

Tuna oil


Many studies also show how fish oil can lower blood pressure, improve brain health, cognitive functioning, as well as improve triglycerides and cholesterol levels.

History and Background
A 1989 study showed a 29% reduction in fatal cardiac arrhythmias in subjects taking fish oil supplements once per day for 3 weeks. This was most effective in people who had a recent heart attack (myocardial infarction).

Another scientific study found a similar reduction in the number of death of people who’ve suffered from cardiac arrest-related death, non-fatal heart attacks, and strokes. These participants also took one fish oil supplement that’s high in omega-3 every day.

Fish oil has been a crucial part of the human diet since fishing was created, around the 14th century. The Greenland Eskimo civilization was one of the first groups of people to consistently consume fish.

That civilization suffered low heart disease mortality rates and reduced cardiovascular risk factors by having fish meat and fish oil be the main part of their diets, as compared to the Danes and Americans at that time.

Fish oil has been used as a natural supplement since the 1950s, and in medicinal remedies since around 400 B.C. Fish oil and dolphin liver oi is mentioned by the Greek physician Hippocrates as well as by the Roman military commander Pliny the Younger.

The historic mentions of fish oil tend to focus on dolphin liver oil, cod liver oil, tilapia, and catfish. Mostly mentioning the omega-3 benefits of cod liver oil and dolphin oil.

Both Northern Europe and Northern Scotland used to consider cod liver oil a delicacy, it was also used to fuel their lamps at night. In those regions, it was also given to people who have poor mental health and physical health, as all types of fish oil have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

The anti-inflammatory properties of fish oil come from its antioxidants, healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The composition of fish oil does not contain the omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), ALA is obtained by omega-3 rich plant-based foods such as:

Perilla seed oil (63g of ALA per 100g of oil)

Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil (60g per 100g)

Canola (rapeseed) oil (8g per 100g)

Walnuts and walnut oil (7g per 100g)

Soybeans, tofu, and soybean oil (6g per 100g)

Corn (maize) oil (0.7g per 100g)

Olive oil (0.6g per 100g)

Safflower oil (0.4g per 100g)

Sesame oil (0.3g per 100g)

Peanut oil (0.2g per 100g)

Palm oil (0.2g per 100g)

Cocoa powder (0.1g per 100g)

Coconut oil (0.1g per 100g)

When looking to get high-quality fish oil, you need to look at the nutrition facts, ingredients list, and the optimal ratio of EPA to DHA, to determine the best fish oil supplement. The optimal EPA to DHA ratio is 3:2.

Fish oil supplements are all FDA approved and have had many studies showing the multiple health benefits of consuming fish oil regularly.

Healthy fats help lower triglycerides levels, stabilize blood sugar levels, improve heart health, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How Is Fish Oil Taken?
Fish oil can be consumed in many ways, most people consuming fatty fish 2 to 3 times per week while a majority take a pill or capsule of mixed oils each day.

Certain types of fatty fish oils may also be used in cooking. Sardines and anchovies can be broken down into a paste and mixed into foods and ingredients, such as:

Cooking oils including extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and peanut oil.

Herbs and spices including yellow mustard, mustard seeds, parsley, basil, spinach, dill, rosemary, chives, garlic, salt, black pepper, cumin, ginger root, tarragon, cinnamon, summer savory, paprika, chilli, garam masala, curry leaves, and thyme.

Vegetables including white, red and green onions, carrots, mushrooms, bell peppers, hot peppers, olives, celery, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, turnips, green beans, artichoke, cauliflower, and green peas.

Fruits including tomatoes, lemon juice and zest, lime juice and zest, coconut milk, capers, grapefruit, and pomegranates.

Carbohydrates including white and brown rice, lentils, beans, vegetables, crackers,

Vinegars including apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and red wine vinegar.

Dairy including cheeses, sour cream, and butter.


Fatty fish can be mixed into a healthy salad dressing, sandwiches, or in a pâté, while fish stock can also be used in soups as well as risotto.

Fish have a strong fishy scent and flavor, to avoid overpowering your food mix your fish with cooking oils and acids such as lemon, lime, or vinegar. If you mix multiple ingredients into your recipes, it will lessen the fishy odor and flavor.

Cooking with fish is the cheapest way to consume adequate EPA and DHA fatty acids regularly. Fish oil pills are made using oily fish, such as:









Having 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish per week will significantly improve the health of your heart, liver, brain, and digestive system. EPA and DHA fatty acids are where most of the health benefits of fish oil reside.

Although ALA is an essential fatty acid that’s missing from fish, EPA and DHA have more health benefits. ALA fats are found in plant-based foods such as seaweed and algae, chia seeds, hemp seeds, nuts, flax seeds, and soy.

Some people don’t like eating fish, which makes fish oil supplements even more effective. Additionally, there are plant-based foods that also contain omega-3 fatty acids, such as:

Chia seeds

Brussel sprouts

Leafy greens

Cruciferous vegetables

Algal oil


Hemp seeds




Perilla oil

Popular in Japanese cuisines, soybeans contain a lot of ALA and omega-3 fats, this includes tofu and edamame. Walnuts also provide a large serving of omega-3 fats in the form of ALA and can be eaten anytime.

Ground flaxseeds may be used to sprinkle on cereal, salads and other dishes to provide essential fatty acids.

Fish Oil Health Benefits
The leading cause of death worldwide is from heart disease. Studies have shown that people who eat fish or consume fish oil regularly have much lower rates of heart disease.

Fish oil is thoroughly studied and has many scientifically proven health benefits. Multiple research studies have found that fish oil helped with many different physiological systems of the human body.

Some benefits include mood regulation and clarity, which will help you quit smoking, improve heart health, and reduce symptoms of arthritis.

Fish oils may also help those with liver disease. Healthy fats and natural fatty acids prevent inflammation in the liver, benefiting everyone but is much more effective in people suffering from liver-related disorders.

The fatty acids contained in fish oil, known as EPA and DHA, are not manufactured by the human body. The body is also unable to make EPA from DHA and therefore requires ingestion.

All heart disease risk factors are reduced when taking fish oil supplements. In all types of fish oil supplements, the optimal ratio of EPA to DHA is 3:2 respectively, which is 300 mg of EPA for every 200 mg of DHA.

Fish oil can also prevent the formation of plaques in the arteries, as well as make existing plaques softer for easier removal. Some studies also found that fish oils reduced symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

Consuming fish oil regularly has also been used for preventing heart disease, strokes, clogged arteries, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, bypass surgery, heart failure, rapid heartbeat, preventing blood clots, and high blood pressure after a heart transplant.

  1. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
Multiple scientific studies found that taking 1 fish oil capsule daily had a significantly reduced risk of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia, and heart failure. Taking 2 capsules per day had an additional 15% to 20% improvement.

A study conducted with 22,000 healthy males and 84,688 healthy women found that taking daily fish oil supplements daily improved the health of red blood cells.

These people were at risk of arrhythmia and myocardial infarctions (MI), they’re risk of contracting these complications was reduced by 70%.

An additional DART study conducted on 2033 post-myocardial infarction patients, 3 groups were either a diet high in fiber, polyunsaturated fats, or fish oils.

The group consuming fish oils had a reduced mortality rate of 29%. While another research study found a 73% risk reduction of cardiovascular disease and heart-related deaths.

The healthy fats found in fish oils help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and plaques in the arteries. All of which contribute to lower heart-related issues.

Fish oil’s primary health benefit is a drastic improvement of overall heart health, making it highly recommended for people of all ages.

  1. Lowers Triglycerides and LDL Cholesterol levels
Triglycerides are fat cells, called lipids, found in your bloodstream. When your body breaks down food, all unused calories are converted into triglycerides and are stored as fat cells for later use, this is the process for the body’s fat storage.

Fish oil supplements help lower triglyceride levels by 14 to 20% while simultaneously increasing both levels of good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol by around 8% each.

Because HDL reduce the effects of LDL cholesterol, the increase in both types of cholesterol may be beneficial, unless you have high cholesterol levels already.

Multiple studies were conducted on type 2 diabetic patients, with one group given fish oil and the other corn oil for 8 weeks. After the 8 weeks, the group given fish oil had seen lowered triglyceride levels by around 18% and increase HDL-2a by 4% and HDL-2b by 9%.

  1. Reduces Blood Pressure
Over 31 studies confirmed fish oil’s beneficial effect on blood pressure. This is due to the healthy omega-3s highly benefiting the cardiovascular system.

Blood pressure is measured using systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart pumps out blood.

Diastolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between heartbeats, while oxygenated blood enters the heart.

The length of these controlled studies lasted between 3 and 24 weeks and found an average result of:

Systolic blood pressure: -4.5 mm, -15 Hg.

Diastolic blood pressure: -2.2 mm, -0.8 Hg.

Each gram of omega-3 fatty acids contributed to a lowering of -0.66 mm, -0.35 Hg. These results are from healthy individuals, where results were more beneficial to people with a history of cardiovascular issues, hypertensive, diseases, or hypercholesterolemia.

  1. Promotes Healthier Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, it’s largely made up of omega-3 fatty acids and collagen, which keeps the skin shining, hydrated, and healthy.

Ageing is the leading cause of skin complications, wrinkles, diseases, and cancer. Consuming foods that are high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can drastically reduce your risk for any skin disorders.

Fish oil helps reduce the severity and risk of developing skin disorders such as:





  1. Improves Brain Health and Function
Fish oil heavily benefits mental health and may prevent certain mental disorders. Omega-3 fats are essential for proper brain development, function, and memory.

Additionally, the antioxidants help amplify these benefits by also reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, depression, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

These healthy fats also make it easier to quit smoking, reduces addictions and cravings, as well as relieve symptoms of anxiety.

A study published by the School of Criminology at the University of Haifa had 48 regular smokers participate, half were given fish oil pills and the other, a placebo.

After 30 days, the group that was given fish oil pills had a naturally reduced rate of smoking by 11%, while no changes were made in the placebo group.

They discovered that omega-3 fats would block endocannabinoid receptors in the brain, which signalled cravings and dopamine release. This also reduced the amount of dopamine released during the activity, making it less desirable.

  1. Fish Oil Reduces Inflammation
Inflammation is the immune system's response to fighting infections, foreign agents, and treating injuries. Fish oil helps the body cushion and protect the affected area, this reduces swelling and increases blood flow.

Reducing inflammation helps treat certain mental disorders and improve cognitive function, as your brain is made up of roughly 60% fats, most of which are omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3s are essential for proper brain function and health. In many research studies, it's been shown that most individuals who suffer from cognitive decline and disorders have a lower level of omega-3 fats in their diets.

Reducing inflammation helps treat a large variety of symptoms, diseases, illnesses, and chronic disorders. Multiple studies confirm that the anti-inflammatory effects of fish oil relieves chronic inflammation.

Fish oil can benefit people with chronic inflammatory disorders including:

Joint pain

Joint stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis




Peptic ulcers


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Crohn's disease




Symptoms of depression

Fish oil’s healthy fats may reduce the production and gene expression of cytokines, which are inflammatory molecules and a part of the immune system’s response.

Supplementing with fish oil helps reduce the production of cytokines, a major contributor to heart disease.

However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence that supports the prevention of heart attacks or strokes and is not medically prescribed to prevent any cardiovascular issues.

More research on cytokines ish needed, but with the potential to help reduce the immunoresponse of releasing cytokines, it’s recommended to take fish oil.

Fish oil supplements also have beneficial effects on patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Multiple studies have shown that fish oil reduces joint pain while lubricating the joints, improving stiffness and movement, as well as bone density.

The average North American diet contains far more omega-6 fatty acids compared to omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fats promote inflammation.

The omega-6 to omega-3 imbalance has been shown to increase the risk of low bone density in men and women. Adults with a higher level of omega-3 fatty acids have maintained greater bone density, making fish oil a potential treatment as it’s full of omega-3s.

  1. Can Cause Weight Loss
According to the World Health Organization, 33% of children under the age of 12 are classified as obese, while 1.9 billion adults are overweight. Obesity is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), heart failure (HF), and coronary heart disease (CHD).

The healthy fats found in fish oils lower insulin levels, which helps induce weight loss. The long-chain fatty acids found in fish increases levels of adiponectin. Adiponectin is a hormone that regulates glucose levels, which increases insulin sensitivity.

Being sensitive to insulin allows you to stay fuller for longer after eating. This lowers the frequency and intensity of cravings and allows you to maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day.

Insulin resistance is when your body doesn’t respond to glucose naturally, reducing the ability for cells to absorb blood sugar for energy. This allows obese and overweight people to lose weight drastically, with a minor change to their diets.

Controlled insulin levels also control blood sugar levels, allowing you to lose bodyweight, lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, hyperglycemia, as well as type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  1. Improves Eye Health
Similarly to the skin and brain, eyes rely on omega-3 fats for proper health and function. Studies have shown that people lacking in omega-3s have an increased risk of eye diseases. Some eye disease includes:


Color blindness




Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Crossed Eyes (Strabismus)

Diabetic Macular Edema

Eye health declines with age, which can lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Omega-3 fatty acids protect the eye from AMD and dryness by keeping the cells moisturized and healthy.

Fish oil has essential fatty acids that facilitate drainage of intraocular fluid, maintaining a healthy pressure in the eye. Proper Intraocular pressure decreases the risk of glaucoma, which is caused by high eye pressure.

Additionally, multiple research studies found that consuming fish oil supplements for 18 weeks improved vision in all AMD patients.

Fish Oil Side Effects and Detriments
The side effects of fish oil are minimal, almost every harmful effect stems from overconsumption or high mercury levels. The level of mercury differs from brand to brand, depending on which fish is used for making the fish oil pill.

Regarding dosage, it’s not recommended to take more than 3 fish oil pills per day if you’re generally healthy, or 4 pills per day if you’re severely lacking omega-3s in your diet. 2 fish oil pills per day is optimal for most individuals.

Overdosing on omega-3 rich foods while taking fish oil supplements can cause a range of issues such as high blood pressure, diarrhea, acid reflux and heartburn, nausea, digestive pains, and increases your risk of stroke.

Mercury is a very dangerous metal found in many fish, with higher doses in larger and fattier fish. If you ingest too much mercury, it may cause mercury poisoning which amplifies inflammation, headaches, insomnia, as well as other side effects.

Smaller fish such as herring, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies have low concentrations of mercury since they are low in size and fat.

A mackerel's mercury content is 30x smaller than that of a swordfish or shark. The higher the fish is on the food chain the higher the concentration of mercury. Make sure to buy fish oil supplements from trusted brands that extract oil from smaller fish.

  1. Fish Oil Negatively Interacts With Medication
Some of the more major side effects of fish oil consumption include an increased risk of bleeding and hemorrhagic strokes. These effects may be due to fish oil’s blood-thinning effects.

Fish oil is a blood-thinner that makes it harder for your blood to clot, this increases your risk of brain hemorrhage or a hemorrhagic stroke.

Avoid taking fish oil before going on surgical medication, any surgeries, and a few weeks after surgery. A surgeon or nurse will typically ask you if you have taken fish oil, aspirin or any blood thinners before surgery.

If you’ve been taken fish oil, make sure to disclose that to your care provider. Fish oil has negative interactions with multiple medications and drugs including:

Blood clotting and anticoagulant medication such as Aspirin, Clopidogrel (Plavix), Dalteparin (Fragmin), Dipyridamole (Persantine), Enoxaparin (Lovenox), Heparin, Ticlopidine (Ticlid), Warfarin (Coumadin), and Rivaroxaban (Xarelto).

Weight loss drugs such as Orlistat (Xenical, Alli), Lorcaserin (Belviq), Phentermine-topiramate (Qsymia), Naltrexone-bupropion (Contrave), and Liraglutide (Saxenda).

Heart disease, cariovascular disease, and blood pressure medication such as Clopidogrel (Plavix).

Fish oil does not negatively interact with statins including Atorvastatin (Lipitor) and thyroid drugs such as Synthroid (Levothyroxine, L-thyroxine).

Always consult a medical professional before taking any prescription medication or before adding concentrated fish oil to your diet.

  1. Lowers Blood Pressure
Fish oil’s blood-thinning effects can cause a drastic drop in blood pressure, which can be beneficial or harmful. A study conducted on 31 patients who were given either a placebo or 1g fish oil per day for 3 to 24 weeks.

After the research trial was over they found that the placebo group found a 7% decrease in blood pressure, per gram of fish oil consumed. If you already have low blood pressure, adding too many fatty fish to your diet may lead to:



Pale colored skin


Lack of mental focus

Chest pain

Blurry vision


Heart palpitations


bottle of fish oil pills
  1. May Cause Acid Reflux
Fish oil is a pure liquid, concentrated set of fats that may cause acid reflux and other digestive side effects. People who have high stomach acidity, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, or stomach ulcers should seek medical advice before adding fish oil pills to their diet.

As fish are full of omega-3 fats, consuming too much may seriously harm your cardiovascular and digestive system.

Consult a medical professional if you naturally have too much gastric acid. The side effects of taking fish oil with high gastric acid levels may cause:

Abdominal pain







Rating and Recommendation
Extremely Recommended

Fish oil is one of the very few supplements that we would recommend to the majority of the population, as fish oil has many health benefits and few side effects. The optimal dosage for fish oil would be 1 to 2 pills per day, with an EPA to DHA ratio of 3:2.

To avoid any potential side effects, skip taking your fish oil supplements on the days where you're eating fatty fish.

Fatty fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which are essential for proper immune health, heart health, and for reducing inflammation. The numerous health benefits range from improved blood sugar levels to improved brain function.

Omega-3 fatty acids also significantly lower cardiac risk factors while improving insulin sensitivity. Omega-3s are easy to incorporate into your diet through the use of fish oil, which plays a critical role in most systems in the human body.

Here’s the full list of the health benefits of fish oil:

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Lowers Triglycerides and LDL Cholesterol levels

Reduces Blood Pressure

Promotes Healthier Skin

Improves Brain Health and Function

Fish Oil Reduces Inflammation

Can Cause Weight Loss

Improves Eye Health

Here’s the full list of side effects of fish oil:

Fish Oil Negatively Interacts With Medication

Lowers Blood Pressure

May Cause Acid Reflux

Hundreds of research papers and studies have been conducted on fish oil, all of which have found numerous health benefits when taken regularly.

The most serious side effects of fish oil are through its interaction with medication and other drugs, including:

Weight loss medication

Anticoagulant and blood clotting medication

Heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and blood pressure medication

These issues arise from the concentration of the omega-3 fats in the fish oil pills, you can circumvent these side effects by consuming leaner, whole fish such as tuna, sole, cod, red snapper, halibut, and pike.

Lean fish are quite cheap, while most omega-3 supplements can get expensive. There are some high-quality fish oil and cod liver oil supplements that hover around 0.10$ per pill.
submitted by Chris-t-fire to MyDietGoal [link] [comments]

2020.02.04 04:47 crkscrew13 Keto post-coronary bypass

I am a 39 year old male, 6', 247lbs, who had quintuple coronary artery bypass graft (CABGx5) surgery about a month ago. No family history of heart disease, high but not dangerous cholesterol numbers several years prior to surgery (did not have it tested for several years), normal blood pressure, but was a pack-a-day smoker for 15-17 years, quitting for good about 6 months ago. I had pretty major blockage, hence the x5 bypass - 100% blockage in the left circumflex, 70-80% in the left anterior descending (the Widowmaker), 70-95% in the rest, the real good stuff. I was on a high speed train towards a heart attack, maybe the kind you don't come back from.
So, since I'm not posting from beyond the grave, surgery was a success. How does this relate to keto? I'm getting back to normal life and one of the things I'm looking at is my weight. I was on keto for ~4 months right around this time last year and it was very successful for me given the short period. I started out at 255 in early February and ended around 220 in mid-May. I had designs on 180 or less but I fell off the wagon and went back to old ways.
Prior to my diagnosis, I was pushing 250 again. After surgery, upon my discharge from the hospital, I had dropped to 235, but I've gained most of that back since leaving the hospital. Granted, I would rather have gained weight than lost it during my recovery, but now I'd like to get back on track.
Numbers and mitigating factors: for reference, my last cholesterol test (last week) was 158 Total, 37 HDL, 95 LDL, 131 triglycerides. My blood sugar spiked just after surgery, which I'm told is normal, but dropped down below 100 and has stayed there since exiting the hospital. Blood pressure has been very normal (110/70 is about the average). I'm currently on 20mg Lipitor which from research I know has a truly stellar reputation around here. /s That said, while that's a discussion I plan to have with my cardiologist, for the time being I'm not likely to argue my prescriptions too much so soon after surgery. I will say that meeting with the cardiac surgeon today resulted in him mentioning that the Lipitor was far from permanent and could be dropped sooner rather than later depending on how my health does. I'm also rocking Plavix, metoprolol, and aspirin ongoing, the Plavix for at least a year and the latter two likely for life. I no longer consume tobacco at all, I drink at most 1-2 drinks a week (often none at all), and I don't use drugs.
My question is, any thoughts on keto for someone who has confirmed coronary artery disease post-bypass? I'm not asking for medical advice, though I realize this question might seem like a minefield. I do not plan on taking any single piece of advice and running with it; I mean, I can't run at ALL at the moment, har har. Seriously though, I'm more looking for the experiential, the anecdotal, general thoughts and feelings. My care throughout the process was pretty stellar but the one place they lacked was the discussion of diet going forward - when I wasn't getting vague platitudes like "eat less salt" (I haven't ever had and do not currently have hypertension) I was getting specific things like "avoid meats, eat whole grains and complex carbs and lots of fruits." The thing is, maybe keto and heart healthy diets post-heart surgery ARE mutually exclusive. I don't know. That's the question I'm trying to make some headway on answering.
submitted by crkscrew13 to keto [link] [comments]

2020.01.31 22:21 jellobar LDL 4.09 Is this considered extremely high

Dr wants to put me on Lipitor I think i can lower numbers if i lose weight, exercise more, de stress stop eating crap..however there is heart disease in my family my Dad & several Uncles both died of heart failure, so there must be a genetic component.
They also had diabetes which i hear is brought on by Statins.

Its all or nothing with me I can go full out strict diet exercise or let myself go. I know its all up to me and this life is a choice. I really do not want to take Lipitor if its avoidable yet will if necessary.
I hope to get this number down by a lot, not just minimal, but wonder if i can because its likely genetic.
Is this number considered dangerously high ?
Of course i will be strict with diet and exercise now that i know i have high cholesterol with hope its going to make a difference.
Yet wonder if it actually will & if i should perhaps start making final plans, pre-plan my funeral, etc. (not to be dramatic) just practical & realistic. while doing everything possible to lower my LDL.
Dr. is not encouraging & downplays diet & exercise doing anything to reverse numbers.
LDL Cholesterol 4.09 Triglycerides 1.33

submitted by jellobar to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2020.01.09 14:19 ahanaseth The List Of Top 10 Best Selling Products In The World

The List Of Top 10 Best Selling Products In The World
The following is my contribution to "Top 10 Best Selling Products" and originally posted by The Youth. The concept of this Story/post is as follows:
Distinguishing and fulfilling the necessities of a customer is called 'Marketing'. Despite the fact that there are endless products, very few make it to the best selling class. Be that as it may, making the most mainstream result of the year satisfies each financial specialist. Truth be told, each business person has an aim to deliver and sell the best result ever. There are various products that rule the market over the world. An audit was additionally led by all day, everyday Wall St. what's more, the products which have the most elevated deals were additionally recorded.

The list of the top 10 selling products ever:-

Sony PlayStation:
Everybody thinks about the Sony PlayStation. It was first propelled in 1995 by Sony in the United States. It was presented with a 32-bit processor. The A-complete sales of 440 million copies have been recorded until today.

Lipitor was propelled by Pfizer in 1997 and it is only a drug endorsed to patients with low or elevated cholesterol so as to shield them from the danger of heart-related diseases. Up until now, offers of about $141 billion have been recorded.

Toyota Corolla:
Toyota Corolla was propelled without precedent for Japan in 1966 and the vehicle turned into an enormous achievement in the market attributable to its unwavering quality, low gas mileage, and reasonableness. A recently overhauled model was propelled in 2014 and is known to have better gas mileage and a bigger inside. Until this point, more than 40.7 million copies have been sold.

Star Wars:
The Star Wars has recorded the most extreme profit of $7.5 billion. It ought to be noticed that the motion picture "Gone with the Wind" brought more cash than the Original film of Star Wars yet the set of three gathered $2.4 billion. Regardless of the way that twentieth Century Fox offered it to Disney in 2012 for $4 billion, it has rights over the first Star Wars.

iPad is one of the two first Apple products on the rundown and it is as yet the best selling tablet. Up until this point, Apple has sold in excess of 400 million iPads.

Innovation has achieved its huge development exponentially as of late. There is a ton of interest for the smartphones that chips in with cutting edge highlights. iPhone was first propelled in the year 2007 by the Apple organization. Up until this point, it has discharged upwards of 12 ages of models and has become the best-selling cell phone on the planet. Apple has sold in excess of 2 billion duplicates of various things to date.

Super Mario:
Super Mario is the most well-known computer game ever. Indeed, even now, scores of individuals play this game for diversion and spare the princess from the program. The arcade game was propelled in the year 1981 by Donkey Kong which was later ventured into establishment Mario Bros. Up until now, a copy of 262 million has been sold throughout the years.

Michael Jackson's Thriller:
At times we run low on modifiers and superlatives to depict the King of fly in a single word. Among the entirety of his star collections, Thriller was seemingly the best one. It was the best dealer collection and was additionally granted in the MTV age. It has been said that more than 70 million copies have been sold.

Harry Potter:
Harry Potter-scripted by J.K Rowling is a dream novel and has been converted into 73 languages of the world. The narrative of the youthful British wizard has additionally become the best book on the planet. More than 450 million duplicates have been made worldwide and the procuring by the movie scaled up to $ 7.7 billion.

Rubik's Cube:
Rubik's 3D square was made by the educator of design Erno Rubik and it has by a long shot been the best-selling toy up until now. The 3D square was planned by him while showing his teaching 3-dimensional geometry. There are numerous instructional exercises on YouTube channels on the best way to comprehend the solid shape. Be it 3×3, 4×4 or 5×5, there are various answers to tackle the block. Up until now, in excess of 350 million blocks have been sold.

Referral /Source Website:- The Youth
submitted by ahanaseth to u/ahanaseth [link] [comments]

2019.12.31 22:21 MsUneek Is too much magnesium dangerous?

[62 Female 5'4" 170lbs. Haven't smoked for 30+ years, very light, occasional social drinker, no recreational drug use]
Type 2 Diabetes. Metformin, Novolog, Ozempic, GERD - Protonox, Synthroid, Cymbalta, Gabapentin, muscle relaxantant, Lipitor, Gemfibrozil, Zyrtec.
History of Stage III colon cancer / chemotherapy Other surgeries over the years
For years I have been taking a magnesium supplement, because I was positive that I was chronically low. OTC supplements come in 400mg or 500mg.
Started with new PCP 6 months ago, because I moved. She had me stop all vitamins and supplements (I was taking some others at the time), then 6 weeks later did a blood draw and saw that I was very low in magnesium. Which I TOLD her, but OK.
So she started having me take 2x per day.
She repeated blood draw/test, twice more over a couple months and told me to take more and more magnesium.
Now she wants me to take 2 GRAMS a day! That's 4 magnesium tablets a day. 2,000mg. But I looked everywhere, and even inquired about a prescription strength version, but no one makes anything higher than 500mg.
If no one makes more than 500, then it would seem unlikely that taking 2,000mg is at all common. And yes, I did double check with her that this is what she wants.
I am concerned that this is a huge dose. Can I hurt myself taking so much? Is it dangerous? Do I need to find a new PCP again?
Thing to note is that I knew that I was chronically low in magnesium because I have been having extraordinarily intense and painful muscle cramps / spasms my whole life. This can happen anywhere on my body. Limbs, abdomen, back, chest, fingers, toes, ANYWHERE. I've also had tests all my life, with not a single cause determined.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by MsUneek to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2019.12.23 03:54 pizzainge Lipitor and gin botanicals

Many gins use a variety of citrus botanicals that include bitter orange and grapefruit peels. I [24M, 6ft, 195lbs, hispanic] know that grapefruit juice should be highly limited/avoided while taking atorvastatin, but would the trace amounts in say, a gin and tonic drink be enough to cause a dangerous interaction? I currently take metoprolol and Lipitor for heart disease.
submitted by pizzainge to AskDocs [link] [comments]
