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2024.06.09 23:35 Regular-Ocelot-6932 Husband Rant

Overall my husband has been super supportive and very attentive during our TTC journey which had gone on for about 2.5 years. He is complimentary and doting - took great care of me after our first ER. We are now starting up our second ER - currently on Lupron for the past 1.5 weeks with my baseline + stims coming up this Thursday. For this round I've implemented even more supplements, acupuncture and leaning hard into the med diet. All we discussed this time for him - which HE brought up and suggested - is to stop drinking for the entire round (not just the week before) and more as a mental / lifestyle support and less for his sperm quality (his results are always great, but obviously staying clean won't hurt).
But he simply will not try harder. He says all the right things - I'm following your lead, I'm here to support you, I'm in this with you - but time and again, specifically in social settings he chooses what he wants to do over what he says is our biggest priority. Typically I brush off and give him grace because it's only 1-2 beers. But today he came home from golf having had multiple beers and shots after his buddy shot a hole in one. I get it - it sucks to be in these situations where you're having so much fun and celebrating to abstain - but here I am doing just that and while he has apologized, I just can't help but clap back that while he feels sorry in these moments I feel sad and alone and scared because as we all know IVF is a mindfuck sometimes about whether you are going through all this because you actually want it / deserve it or is it actually the wrong choice for whatever reason. I'm just frustrated to feel even more alone than I already was not having any friends who understand this journey.
submitted by Regular-Ocelot-6932 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:34 robin__nh Once a Month?

I've been thinking about a long-term strategy that allows me to maintain weight and keep my alcohol intake low, but also allows me to be totally off the drug a significant amount of time. For me, the side effect of anhedonia happens even on lower doses, so I can't just have it in my system all the time. I'm a creative professional, and anhedonia just doesn't work for me.
It occurred to me that I could try a once a month dosing. It should be an effective dose, not a micro-dose. That would be out of my system in a couple of weeks, and I'd basically be on my own to try to continue the "good habits" I developed. I might start getting hungry and craving alcohol in weeks 3 and 4, but since I'm no longer in the habit of over-indulging, it's possible these patterns won't get a chance to settle in again during that short period. But I will get a full 2 weeks per month to be my normal creative self. Then in week 5, I can take my dose again and focus on losing the couple lbs that might have sneaked up over weeks 3 and 4.
This is all hypothetical still, and I've yet to try it, but I'm curious if anyone else has experimented with something like this.
submitted by robin__nh to ozempicmaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 Striking-Grab-2916 Seeking advice on overbearing in-laws? M/30 F/29

Hi all, I am seeking advice in how to handle overbearing in-laws.
My husband (30, M) and I (29, F) have been together almost 6 years and married almost 1 full year (anniversary is Sept 2024). My husband's brother is getting married this weekend and we have to travel for the wedding (flights).
I suggested to my husband, let's make a trip out of it. So we planned to fly some where 4 hours away from where the wedding will be and hit a couple of major cities on our way to the wedding. We fly out Tuesday and we will be where the wedding is on Thursday evening to enjoy the festivities on Friday and Saturday.
We are both in the wedding party. My husband is the best man and I am a bridesmaid.
When we first made these plans and my husband's parents asked when we were flying into the wedding and we shared that we were going out early to see a few cities before getting there they told us it was "wacky" and "I don't know why you would do that."
Today, we were trying to ask the family what the plans are for Thursday night, Friday and Saturday (because we haven't been communicated very many details other than we need to be there Friday for some activities they have planned.) My husband called and talked to his father about picking up the suits and some of those details and they hung up.
Later in the morning, my husband wanted to watch some sports on his parent's streaming service so called to ask for a password to log into the streaming service. When my husband's father picked up and heard my husband wanted to watch sports, he said "why don't you just go to the sports game before the wedding?" My husband replied, "What is the problem? We aren't missing any of the wedding activities, we will get there Thursday just like everyone else is." His father responded that it seems like we are prioritizing vacation over the wedding and we are being rude. He also said he didn't want us to be exhausted before the wedding said what we are doing isn't a good idea. My husband responded, saying how are we being rude to which his father had no good rationale for why he thought we were being rude.
This isn't the first time they have inserted themselves into our life and starting causing drama and stress where it didn't need to be. For example, we went on a group vacation in Croatia with his parents and my family (where there is 50-60 people in a group) and his parents expected us to do everything together. My husband and I were not allowed to go eat dinner off on our own. There was an expectation we had to do every activity together. It's not like we didn't have dinner with them and hangout with them, but I also wanted to have time with me and my husband where we enjoy a nice walk together. For example, my husband and I were going to go off and eat at a restaurant together and his father TELLS us, doesn't ask, tells us "we are joining you."
Am I overreacting thinking they have no business to tell us what we can and can't do before the wedding? Does anyone else think it's rude and disrespectful to my husband for his father to call and yell at him saying he doesn't think it's a good idea? We are grown adults with our own house, decent jobs, and we just wanted to take a few days to see a few cities we have never seen before. We are planning on doing museum stuff along with tasting the food of the area and that's about it. We aren't going on vacation to a music festival for 2 days before the wedding. We plan to be there Thursday around 4:00pm which is the time everyone else is arriving off of their plane anyways.
Also, what do I do long-term about his parents? We are thinking about having kids but they have no problem giving their opinion and/or loudly disagreeing with any decision.
submitted by Striking-Grab-2916 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 Kentucky_Fried_Dodo What alternative to the Trinity do you think is the most reasonable?

The Trinity is undoubtedly one of the favorite subjects for other churches to criticize the Witnesses about. The reason for this is relatively well known. In most churches, the Trinity is preached repetitively over decades without most people even understanding what it means theologically.
When they encounter the Witnesses who tell them that Jesus is not God (which is actually incorrect since, according to Witness teaching, Jesus is a lesser god, just not Jehovah), quick negative judgments are often made, and the topic is dismissed.
Of course, there are also people, even here in this sub, who are so pissed off at the Witnesses that they support the Trinity just because the Witnesses do not.
So, here are the biblical and historical facts:
The Trinity, in neither word nor meaning, is in the Bible. There is simply not a single verse that states something like: "God is one and consists of three persons who are equal to themselves and also God."
Mind you, everything else, such as the fact that Jesus descended from David and exactly how with every single ancestor, and that he is the Messiah are all written into it. All of that and many other side notes are interestingly all in the Bible.
But something as "important" as the Trinity? Seriously?
What Trinitarians use as "arguments" is cherry-picking. They piece together their doctrine throughout the entire book.
Is that wrong? No, but it can just as easily be used against them.
Someone says: John 10:30 "I and the Father are one."
I say: John 14:28 "The Father is greater than I."
Someone else says: John 14:9 "Whoever has seen Jesus has seen the Father."
I say: John 5:30 "I (Jesus) can do nothing on my own."
We could play this "game" for years. It makes no sense. Almost every verse can be interpreted differently, in a way that contradicts the interpretations of others.
"Yes, but John 1:1!!!1111!!!111"
There's a whole article on Wikipedia that clearly states that both "Jesus is 'God'," "a god," and "of divine nature" can be translated simultaneously.
That argument doesn't work.
The Trinity prevailed because the Arians lost politically at the beginning of the Middle Ages. Why? Because they wanted to honor Jesus by deifying him but didn't want to break with the Jewish traditions of the Father. After that, Trinitarian Bible scholars translated their Bible—quite correctly—in a way that leads more towards Trinitarian thinking. And that cycle repeats until today.
Fact is: 1 ≠ 3.
God is not illogical, irrational, or contradictory. The Trinity is.
Anyone who seriously believes that a God would truthfully reveal himself to his people by claiming on the one hand that he is immortal because he is eternal but on the other hand that he can be killed by the cross and rise again, I can't help.
And yes, when Trinitarians say that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man always and everywhere, even a kindergarten child understands that God the Father must also be mortal because he shares his essence with the Son and is somehow also separated from him.
And that's just one of many examples of what happens when you try to connect the properties of an imperfect created being—a human—with those of an almighty creator God.
There are even more examples, like why Jesus doesn't know when the end times will occur and refers to the Father, who supposedly "knows more" than he does in this context.
And yes, I have intentionally shortened the discussion of the Trinity for simple reasons because I don't feel like writing 200 pages about something that doesn't make sense anyway.
It just doesn't work. Period.
By the way, the argument "You can't fully understand God" doesn't apply either.
If I couldn't understand God at all, I couldn't get to know him. Ergo, Christianity would be a huge farce.
I can certainly admit that as an imperfect being, I understand God imperfectly. That's not hard. I know 100% what it's like to be here and now in this place at this time.
Maybe I can remember yesterday and maybe think about tomorrow.
But only God can be everywhere fully, at every place and every time, and that 100%, and I can't, and that's why God is almighty and not me.
That's logical and can also be presented that way. After all, the Bible itself says that God is the origin of time; otherwise, the statement that he is the Alpha and Omega wouldn't make any sense.
So yes, God is logical, 100%, and the Trinity is illogical and therefore, by definition, not a suitable description of God.
So, what are the alternatives? I see three different fitting models that I'd like to discuss with you.
  1. Arianism
No, the Witnesses are not Arians, but they are closer to Arius' thoughts than to the Trinity.
If God is an Arian element, then it is fire, and heat and light are its products. The products depend on the fire but not vice versa.
  1. Modalism
This concerns some charismatic Pentecostal churches. Here, the element of God is like water, and its states—solid, gas, and liquid—are completely separate states that the element—God—can take on.
  1. Mormons and Nestorians
Both are Trinitarian "heresies" and the only ways to save this nonsensical Trinity.
Nestorians reject the hypostatic union and postulate the existence of two separate existences of Jesus Christ—human Jesus and Jesus the God.
Mormons argue differently in that all three beings (FatheSon/Spirit) are completely separate and only act together "socially." That is, they reject the intrinsic Trinity but not the ecumenical one outwardly.
submitted by Kentucky_Fried_Dodo to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:33 TinyPinkPumpkin A selective mute finally finding her voice! ✨😊

This post will be sort of an update, to my last post from 3 years ago.
But in case you don't want to read that, the necessary context is just that I've been selectively mute for many years now, and barely been comfortably verbal with anyone other than my mom. Up until recently.
My boyfriend of nearly 3 years recently came to visit me, from across the Atlantic, and for this whole time, he has only heard me speak on the phone to my mom, or heard me say 1-3 words on some rare occasions, for the most part.
So the day arrives, where I meet him at the train station, and I couldn't get a single word out, so I resorted to typing on my phone, and letting him read it. While communicating this way, we agreed to walk off to a bench, somewhere slightly more secluded, where he just sat with me for 15-20 minutes until I was ready to get a few words out.
Throughout the week that he spent here with me, he helped me so much without even trying, and I quickly became comfortable enough to speak verbally with him, more than anyone else (except my mom), and it was amazing to finally feel ''normal''.
Once he went home, I was sadly back to being mute, but only a few days later, he got us both webcams to make it easier for me to keep the verbal flow going, and amazingly it worked!
I've been talking to him verbally on call, almost every day since, and have even managed to expand by calling a few friends as well, and it's going so much better than I could ever have imagined!
I still have some way to go, as my ''verbal circle'' is still quite small, but I believe that it's going to finally get easier from here on out!
Bonus progress: Taking the bus to and from the train station, when meeting, and dropping off my boyfriend there, was also a first for me! First time I've taken the bus alone, and I did it!
It's such a freeing feeling, to finally start being able to do these little things, that I assume is just trivial everyday stuff to the majority of others. I can't express the amount of weight that feels like is being lifted off my shoulders, and I feel so lucky to have a significant other who has been supporting me through all of it, and helped me get to this point when I was finally ready to. 💖
submitted by TinyPinkPumpkin to CongratsLikeImFive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:31 Icy_Definition_1761 I put break cleaner on my headlights like an idiot

I put break cleaner on my headlights without reading the can and now they are really cloudy. I’ve been googling the problem and tried resolutions such as WD-40 + an orange + baking soda, and then toothpaste. The first worked great but sadly I put the break cleaner on after, and the toothpaste did not work. Do I need to replace my headlight covers? Or is there a way to get this stuff off? I’ve been looking at headlight restoration kits (3M) but I don’t have a drill to attach the sanding pads to. Honestly I’m willing to pay like $100 to replace the covers but idk if this is how much it will cost including labor.
I have a 2006 Nissan Sentra if this helps
Thanks in advance
submitted by Icy_Definition_1761 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:29 Qb411 Solar pergola newbie questions

Hi all, I've been picking through posts and doing research online but I'm coming at this pretty much with poor levels of knowledge to start. I'll try to capture my scenario and current research, but ultimately would like to get some advice from the others who have built solar pergolas.
Scenario: I am based in Southern California (Santa Ana/Orange County specifically) and have a backyard area of roughly 14x18 to build out for a raised deck in my backyard. This would include a 5ft offset from the house and a 4ft offset from the property line. Think a rectangle running longways 18ft down the property line. I have been toying with differing sizes of the pergola, sizing it smaller than the full deck to allow for some area being for sunning/umbrella covered or BBQ'ing. Ideally I'm thinking 14x14, but perhaps 10x14, or 12x14, etc. Mainly its to cut down on costs a bit. The pergola would have to support used sunpower solar panels (400w panels) with a minimal 12 degree tilt, so the pergola would be angled in a single direction.
Possible solutions I've considered: 1. Been looking at Linx pergola kits (prefab brackets/etc, as a possible starting point. I suspect these are too small/can't handle the load required for the solawind needs. 2. Possible solar pergola kits from online vendors. These are fairly expensive, as the kit requires purchasing of all components from a third party. Also many are not Cali-based, so permitting/review likely is necessary. 3. Consider purchasing a design/plan for myself to build (which I could do, I have the tools/etc to get the deck and pergola built fairly easily). This would require additional permit review, as I know the final design with Solar would likely not qualify for expedited permitting/etc.
Issues: * I have a challenge in that the pergola will be under the incoming FibeCable/Electrical lines to the house and I can't find any specific clearance needs from zoning/permitting. * I would like to keep the solar system off-grid. I'm sure there's permitting review that would have to happen here, particularly given I'm in a residential area. * Ideally the wiring/etc would run to my garage where I'd have an all-in-one battery + inverter (looking at many of the pre-built like ecoflow/etc). * Are off-grid solutions even possible right now with the vague language in the California codes: * California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2 * California Residential Code, Title 24, Part 2.5(One- and Two-family dwellings) * California Electrical Code, Title 24, Part 3 * California Mechanical Code, Title 24, Part 4 * California Plumbing Code, Title 24, Part 5 * California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6 California Fire Code, Title 24, Part 9 * What am I missing in the solutions so far? Is there any recommendations for vendors to speak with on this?
Sources so far: 1. 2. 3. 4.
As mentioned earlier, just looking for any help/ideas/pointers on things I could read up or research further. I tend to think the deck/pergola is relatively simple; but the complication of attached solaengineering evaluation for windstress is the x-factor that I am likely too inexperienced for. As mentioned, any feedback/all help is appreciated.
submitted by Qb411 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:29 bucketofweewee Issues getting prescription filled.

I'm trying to get my third month dose from Boots (actual prescription was from a private doctor and not Boots weight loss aupport) and am having trouble getting it. I don't need it yet as I am still on month 2 dose, but it's been over a week. They say its on order, and it just doesn't come. Is anyone else having issues with the medication, with Boots, or this particular dosage ? I would hate it if it is no longer available, and I've just wasted two months and several hundred pounds. Boots have taken my money but have given me a receipt and said they will call.
Sorry everyone, I am just worrying, having had to come off of Saxenda when the last shortages happened, a d gained back all my weight lost plus more.
submitted by bucketofweewee to WegovyUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:27 L-DFile What I expect in the VS Blackbeard arc

Not long ago, I made a post about what my expectations are for the Elbaf arc. And it that list, I believed that the end of that arc could be a setup for the next Arc where Emperors Luffy & Teach will have their long awaited war!
While Idk exactly how, where, and/or when it will happen, I do in fact have a list of what my expectations will be for that very arc, which will be the main topic of this post. So without further ado, let's begin shall we.
What will inspire Luffy to go face Teach?
Besides being partly responsible for what happened to Ace & the WB Pirates, there are more good reasons why Luffy would go after Blackbeard, regardless of what his crew may think. For example, there's:
‐ The attack on Amazon Lily, where Teach tried to kill Hancock in an effort to get her Love Love Fruit, even though Rayleigh was able to thwart it in the last minute.
-Auger & Aokiji kidnapping Pudding, although that would mostly be something that will inspire Sanji to join Luffy in facing his fellow Emperor.
-Garp's capture, and possible execution (which I'll explain a bit more later in the post).
And although it hasn't happened yet, we can assume that Teach will kill Shanks not long after their long awaited reunion.
Plus, let's not forget that both Fishman & Wano will perish the moment Caribou tells the Blackbeard Pirates that 2 of the Ancient weapons are located there! And I don't expect Caribou to receive the same redemption arc Bellamy did.
Who will side with Luffy during this arc?
Based on what I have said on the 1st part, it should stand to reason that the Strawhats' side in this arc will most likely be an alliance involving the Big Mom Pirates, Hancock's group, and the Marines lead by Koby.
But while this kind of alliance is possible, the only question is whether or not they will put aside their differences & work together! After all:
- The Big Mom Pirates may hold a grudge against the Strawhats for what happened to their mother even though it was mostly Kid & Law's doing.
-Although Hancock would do almost anything for Luffy, there's also a chance her bias thoughts on Koby & Vegapunk for what they did to her homeland may cloud her judgment, whether or not she would at least give them a chance to earn her trust like Luffy did.
- Due to the events in Egghead, some Marines may not want to risk whatever is left of their resources to save Garp, even if there willing to get help from another Emperor like Luffy to do so.
However, since Luffy has the power to make those around him into his allies, I can see a moment similar to what he did in Udon where he inspires them to choose whether or not they'll join forces.
Buggy & Cross Guild's involvement
Back when we last saw Buggy, we not only watched him bravely stand up to his "commanders", and but also announced to everyone that Cross Guild will participate in the search for the One Piece.
And with the help of the recent chapter where we saw Crocodile's reaction to Vegapunk's message, including the part about the Ancient Weapons, this could be by far the only thing that could inspire all members to help each other get what they want, regardless of the risk.
Unfortunately, since the Blackbeard Pirates were able to get their hands on Garp, who is on their wanted list, I can see this leading to an event where 2 Emperor class crew will organize a public execution that will force Luffy & Koby's group to go to war with similar to how the Marineford war was set up. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Crocodile & Mihawk use this as a way to punish Buggy for trying to get his way.
However, I also believe that the Genius Jester will find a way to get the last laugh. Because let's not forget that Buggy was in fact the very 1st person to learn about the unusual things involving Teach, which he would eventually tell Shanks about. So in the likely event Shanks won't be around long enough to tell Luffy, then it would only make sense for Buggy to help him on his fellow Emperor's behalf, even if it was never intentional. And since the main topic is on Teach himself, I will now begin the next part of the post which involves more about him.
More information on Blackbeard himself
In one of the recent chapters, when Saturn was talking to Devon & Auger, Blackbeard's "special linage" was mentioned, which made some fans & myself very curious on.
Now I don't know what it really means, but I do know that sooner or later, the full revelation of it will have an important role in the final saga to moment we get more of it. It may even have to do with why he wanted to make Beehive Island a country that is affiliated with the government.
As for how the SH themselves may know about it, my best guess is that they'll learn it from either Marco (who was formally in the same crew as Teach), Shanks (who was scared by him), and of course Buggy (which I have mentioned earlier).
Aokiji's inner conflict
Ever since the day when Aokiji was revealed to be the 10th Titanic Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, I strongly believe that it is more inevitable for Luffy to recruit his final Senior Officer now more than ever! And since he was partly one of the people who captured Pudding, it would make sense for Sanji to be his opponent when the time comes!
However, there are some people who think that Aokiji won't stay loyal to Teach forever, even though we will need more time to see how his character arc plays out.
Law's comeback
Just like what I said with Kid on my Elbaf list, I also believe that Law's time in the story isn't over yet. And some obvious reasons for that are that he still needs to know more about the D initial, as well as wanting to save his crew from the Blackbeard Pirates, which will somehow lead him to reunite with the Strawhats, and also join their alliance in that arc.
Who knows, on the off chance Teach were to meet his end in that arc, while he is still alive, perhaps Law might end up inheriting his Emperor title just as Bepo hoped for in one of the recent recap episodes.
Garp's future fate
Now I can't guarantee whether or not Garp will be saved. But I do believe that what he told Koby & the others about how the young generation's safety is a major priority will have an even bigger role in that arc.
But at the same time, I would also like this to be a decent chance for either Luffy or Garp to have a moment of realization and accept that they may not have been in the right as they once thought, as well as question if the path they chose was a good one.
Anyway, this is everything I have to say, but what do you think? If you have any opinions on this topic, or know something else i may have missed, then please tell me in the comments section below. Thank you!
submitted by L-DFile to OnePieceSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 L-DFile What I expect in the VS Blackbeard arc?

Not long ago, I made a post about what my expectations are for the Elbaf arc. And it that list, I believed that the end of that arc could be a setup for the next Arc where Emperors Luffy & Teach will have their long awaited war!
While Idk exactly how, where, and/or when it will happen, I do in fact have a list of what my expectations will be for that very arc, which will be the main topic of this post. So without further ado, let's begin shall we.
What will inspire Luffy to go face Teach?
Besides being partly responsible for what happened to Ace & the WB Pirates, there are more good reasons why Luffy would go after Blackbeard, regardless of what his crew may think. For example, there's:
‐ The attack on Amazon Lily, where Teach tried to kill Hancock in an effort to get her Love Love Fruit, even though Rayleigh was able to thwart it in the last minute.
-Auger & Aokiji kidnapping Pudding, although that would mostly be something that will inspire Sanji to join Luffy in facing his fellow Emperor.
-Garp's capture, and possible execution (which I'll explain a bit more later in the post).
And although it hasn't happened yet, we can assume that Teach will kill Shanks not long after their long awaited reunion.
Plus, let's not forget that both Fishman & Wano will perish the moment Caribou tells the Blackbeard Pirates that 2 of the Ancient weapons are located there! And I don't expect Caribou to receive the same redemption arc Bellamy did.
Who will side with Luffy during this arc?
Based on what I have said on the 1st part, it should stand to reason that the Strawhats' side in this arc will most likely be an alliance involving the Big Mom Pirates, Hancock's group, and the Marines lead by Koby.
But while this kind of alliance is possible, the only question is whether or not they will put aside their differences & work together! After all:
- The Big Mom Pirates may hold a grudge against the Strawhats for what happened to their mother even though it was mostly Kid & Law's doing.
-Although Hancock would do almost anything for Luffy, there's also a chance her bias thoughts on Koby & Vegapunk for what they did to her homeland may cloud her judgment, whether or not she would at least give them a chance to earn her trust like Luffy did.
- Due to the events in Egghead, some Marines may not want to risk whatever is left of their resources to save Garp, even if there willing to get help from another Emperor like Luffy to do so.
However, since Luffy has the power to make those around him into his allies, I can see a moment similar to what he did in Udon where he inspires them to choose whether or not they'll join forces.
Buggy & Cross Guild's involvement
Back when we last saw Buggy, we not only watched him bravely stand up to his "commanders", and but also announced to everyone that Cross Guild will participate in the search for the One Piece.
And with the help of the recent chapter where we saw Crocodile's reaction to Vegapunk's message, including the part about the Ancient Weapons, this could be by far the only thing that could inspire all members to help each other get what they want, regardless of the risk.
Unfortunately, since the Blackbeard Pirates were able to get their hands on Garp, who is on their wanted list, I can see this leading to an event where 2 Emperor class crew will organize a public execution that will force Luffy & Koby's group to go to war with similar to how the Marineford war was set up. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Crocodile & Mihawk use this as a way to punish Buggy for trying to get his way.
However, I also believe that the Genius Jester will find a way to get the last laugh. Because let's not forget that Buggy was in fact the very 1st person to learn about the unusual things involving Teach, which he would eventually tell Shanks about. So in the likely event Shanks won't be around long enough to tell Luffy, then it would only make sense for Buggy to help him on his fellow Emperor's behalf, even if it was never intentional. And since the main topic is on Teach himself, I will now begin the next part of the post which involves more about him.
More information on Blackbeard himself
In one of the recent chapters, when Saturn was talking to Devon & Auger, Blackbeard's "special linage" was mentioned, which made some fans & myself very curious on.
Now I don't know what it really means, but I do know that sooner or later, the full revelation of it will have an important role in the final saga to moment we get more of it. It may even have to do with why he wanted to make Beehive Island a country that is affiliated with the government.
As for how the SH themselves may know about it, my best guess is that they'll learn it from either Marco (who was formally in the same crew as Teach), Shanks (who was scared by him), and of course Buggy (which I have mentioned earlier).
Aokiji's inner conflict
Ever since the day when Aokiji was revealed to be the 10th Titanic Captain of the Blackbeard Pirates, I strongly believe that it is more inevitable for Luffy to recruit his final Senior Officer now more than ever! And since he was partly one of the people who captured Pudding, it would make sense for Sanji to be his opponent when the time comes!
However, there are some people who think that Aokiji won't stay loyal to Teach forever, even though we will need more time to see how his character arc plays out.
Law's comeback
Just like what I said with Kid on my Elbaf list, I also believe that Law's time in the story isn't over yet. And some obvious reasons for that are that he still needs to know more about the D initial, as well as wanting to save his crew from the Blackbeard Pirates, which will somehow lead him to reunite with the Strawhats, and also join their alliance in that arc.
Who knows, on the off chance Teach were to meet his end in that arc, while he is still alive, perhaps Law might end up inheriting his Emperor title just as Bepo hoped for in one of the recent recap episodes.
Garp's future fate
Now I can't guarantee whether or not Garp will be saved. But I do believe that what he told Koby & the others about how the young generation's safety is a major priority will have an even bigger role in that arc.
But at the same time, I would also like this to be a decent chance for either Luffy or Garp to have a moment of realization and accept that they may not have been in the right as they once thought, as well as question if the path they chose was a good one.
Anyway, this is everything I have to say, but what do you think? If you have any opinions on this topic, or know something else i may have missed, then please tell me in the comments section below. Thank you!
submitted by L-DFile to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 scheliz Help with 4mo female, timid around men and is now biting when they try to touch her

Need help understanding why my parents female rat terrie mini poodle rescue pup has become afraid of men and is now aggressive when they touch or pick her up. She came to the rescue with her litter from an Amish breeder and the first day I got her off the rescue transport van, she met my dad and they instantly had a positive connection. She would wag her tail and stand up against his leg and try to have him pick her up. NOW, a month later, she won’t go near him and if he turns his body towards her or tries to interact with her she avoids eye contact and moves away as far as possible. Same behavior towards any other man that has met her. She is very attached to me and listens to me very well.
I don’t know what to do and how to get this to stop. She’s obviously scared and I don’t live with my parents so when she’s alone with them at their home, I’m worried that she’s feeling like she needs to protect herself? She’s always next to me, on my lap etc. she does do well with my mom and will seek her out at home but my dad was the main one who wanted to have a puppy for himself and now he’s feeling like she will never like him or want to be near him and that’s all he wants from her. Now that she is struggling, I have taken her back into my home to continue her obedience training but it’s a lot having her here as I already have 3 dogs myself and they are now losing my attention because I have been spending so much time with her.
I was hoping that with time, she would begin to trust him and go near him but it’s only getting worse.
submitted by scheliz to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:25 Darkangelsmg3 Computer black screens whenever playing Fortnite and Valorant - graphics drivers are updated

Hello, a friend of mine is having PC trouble with her desktop. Having tried to assist her in the issue, I've found that this problem is likely beyond my capabilities as I'm not quite as familiar with AMD-related issues as I am with Intel/Nvidia ones.
Whenever she plays Fortnite and Valorant, her computer will handle running the games perfectly fine (with some minor fps drops on Fortnite), but will suddenly black screen seemingly at random. The amount of time it takes for this to happen is very inconsistent; for example, sometimes she can open Fortnite and play it for a good while before it black screens, while other times it will black screen almost immediately before she even gets into a match.
During this black screen, her computer is still functioning just fine, as she will remain in discord calls until she eventually manually shuts off her PC to restart it and fix the black screen.
From what I know IT-wise and have seen online, I believe this to be a GPU-related issue, but after freshly installing the latest graphics driver (24.5.1) and also trying a rollback to an earlier driver (24.4.1, I believe), neither seemed to fix or help the problem at all.
We have confirmed that this is not a monitor or displayport/cord issue.
We have confirmed that nothing in AMD Adrenaline's settings is ON.
Her primary PC specs are as listed below:
CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core GPU - AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Memory - 16 gb (I cant recall the DDR type, but I believe it's DDR4) OS - Windows 11 Motherboard - Gigabyte B550M DS3H AC BIOS Version - American Megatrends, LLC. F13 (7/8/2021)
Any help or theories would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
submitted by Darkangelsmg3 to AMDHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:24 mpftutorials I think my Airman isn't right in the head but I can't make him go get checked. Is it worth saying something?

One of my airmen has always seemed a bit off and socially awkward. For example texting me during off hours like they're emails and signing them. He hasn't caused any problems for me nor got in troubles besides being late to work a couple times, but lately I have been wondering if it's worth saying something to him.
Recently he asked to talk to me privately. I thought it was something serious related to work. Instead, he was going to ask me to write him a reference letter for this college program he is applying to. It's supposed to be for his teachers but he hasn't been in school for a while, so workplace reference is apparently ok. The reference guideline asks me to talk about my airman's academic achievements and skills, and talk about any projects and essays he worked on while under me. I told him I can't talk much about what he would be like as a student or any academic work he did, but I can talk about what he was like as an Airman.
He then said he will try to get something "published with the Air Force" and later sent me two essays he wrote so I have an "idea of what to put in the reference letter". The essays? They were about:
  1. Trying to convince the USAF to add capes to our dress blues. It was about 15 pages with citations.
  2. A 10 page essay about this penguin that was waddling towards the mountains and the philosophical meaning behind it. Attached was a video of an actual penguin waddling towards the mountains as a man narrates it in the background with ominous music.
I think he already submitted the cape essay to whoever takes this kind of idea stuff. He now expects me to write him a shining reference letter to his academic program. I want to ask him if he's ever been tested for some stuff at BHOP. Should I just let this slide? Is there something in the water?
submitted by mpftutorials to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 Sparkled_ChilliSauce How to gain work experience right after you are born?

As far as I know "A FRESHER" is someone with little to no work experience for eg. recent graduates who have just landed their feet in the job market.
And an "INTERN" is a person that is not the part of the company...get minimum to no pay .... is either graduating or graduated (mostly with no experience) trying to learn work under supervision of a senior for a short time period.
I don't understand if companies nowadays understand the meaning of these words because it looks like its just a way for them to save money by choosing to get an intern instead of a permanent team member.
Im looking for a job and on LinkedIn and some posts infuriate me ... and these kinds of posts usually come from small team companies, just because they don't have enough manpower. The posts are made for hiring an Intern but with min 2 years of experience, should know all the skills of the entire department not just the position they want to hire. Putting up roles and responsibilities that clearly show that they want a person who can take up multiple roles can make decisions and can manage on its own. But will be paid 2-3k only
I mean clearly an intern is not the right title for it .... why would a person with 2 years of experience will work their as off as an intern?
Is it a right thing to do just to save money because I am seeing this trend as people are doing a lot of startups and they know a few things about different departments they want a person who should be working or even managing that department just do slavery for them because the owners/ founders etc... can give orders about what they want to be done just want someone to put it into action and for that they don't even want to pay so just add "intern" in the title and trap some naive newbies.
submitted by Sparkled_ChilliSauce to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 allaccountnamesused [Discussion] Modern Affinity

It’s no secret at this point that affinity looks poised to make a splash after mh3 and the question for everyone who loves turning grey cards sideways is “what’s the best way to do it?” I don’t have any particular deck lists that I think are worth posting since I haven’t put in the reps to justify advocating for any build so in this post I’m going to lay out some archetypes I think are worth considering and the cards I think are worth looking at from mh3.

General Thoughts

Affinity has felt as though it was on the cusp of meaningful viability for some time now and as people have pointed out on this subreddit before it seems to have an issue of balancing enablers and payoffs in a way that avoids clunky dead hands. Kappa cannoneer is positioned to offer a resilient beater and Ugin’s Labyrinth will help us avoid clunky hands.
Izzet affinity beatdown
This list is the one I think is most likely to take off early on. Easy access to meltdown, weatear, galvanic blast and countermagic all make this a strong contender though red does less for the deck than other second colors might.
Simic Hoof
There was experimentation after MH2 with a Simic version of the list that was neoforming 7 drops into hoof on big boards for wins
Dimir (hand destruction?)
MH3 has opened up black as a serious contender for a secondary color. Cards like etherium pteramander and refurbished familiar provide a solid early game while still being useful draws later on and crabomination supplements the top of our curve while also having potential to outright steal games off of good flips. If E tron ends up being the menace it’s threatening to be I could see this being a solid choice.
Grixis 8 plate
This list will have to sacrifice playing artifact lands and Ugin’s Labyrinth in favor of shocks and fetches to consistently hit its colors. Cards like pteramander, cranial plating, and cranial ram supported by our 0 cost artifacts with a top end of kappa cannoneer, thought monitor, and a couple copies of imskir, iron eater has the potential to put on serious pressure. The big concern this deck has given its higher density of lower cost artifacts would be getting crushed by meltdown in a way that the 7 mana affinity builds above don’t once they’re established. On the other hand, this list likely does have an easier time rebuilding than the higher cmc lists do.
Mox amber
This is the deck I’m least sure about and if it works i expect it to be UR with 4x tamiyo, 4x Ragavan, 4x Emry. Fitting these in requires cutting artifacts which slows us down and makes me think the deck wants a combo payoff or resigns itself to playing a grindier midrange deck.

individual card considerations (in no particular order)

Ugin’s Labyrinth: a card everyone knew would be a problem the second it was spoiled. This card’s ability to LARP as ancient tomb makes it an obvious candidate for a 7 drop heavy build. In order to consistently have an enabler in hand on turn 1 we want 14 7+ CMC cards in the deck. Obvious includes for this would be playsets of frogmyr enforcer, myr enforcer, and soujorner’s companion which leaves us wanting 2 more (arcane proxy and phyrexian fleshgorger are the only two that stand out to me).
Crabomination: this card strikes me as one with a lot of potential. While it doesn’t have any way to protect itself it’s a card that threatens to take over a game if it’s allowed to resolve and it’s well within the realm of possibility that we could land it on turns 2 or 3 consistently.
Etherium Pteramander: another big draw to running black as a secondary color. There’s nothing not to love about this card except for concerns about consistently casting it on turn 1.
Phyrexian Tower: I dont think much needs to be said about this, If the deck ends up in UB this card ends up in the deck.
Tamiyo: This card lends itself to either a slower midrange build or the Simic hoof build. Generating clues to draw you out of a stall and increase artifact count is great but being able to -3 to recur neoform and try to combo again or get back a galvanic blast to fight for board is fantastic.
Patchwork automaton: I’m torn on this card. We obviously can’t grow it as fast as legacy 8 cast and it can end up clunky but the ability to jam it on 1 off of Labyrinth and start pumping it puts a lot of pressure on an opponent especially if you follow it with kappa on 2 or 3.
Refurbished familiar: this card deserves testing. I think it has a real chance at replacing frogmite in any list running black

The 3 drops

These two cards are competing for an important slot in the deck.
Simulacrum Synthesizer: a card that’s been a staple in affinity lists for a while and will likely be an absolute house game one. Its major drawback is its fragility to meltdown which I have no doubt will be seeing a great deal of play in the near future. Not only does X=0 kill our tokens but X=3 isn’t unreasonable and takes the synthesizer with it.
Kozilek’s unsealing: my personal love of drawing a bunch of cards makes me lean in this direction over synthesizer but this card can also help smooth out curves with mana from saccing spawns and keeps us on a gameplan of presenting a high volume of threats while preventing us from ending up with 0 cards in hand. Thought monitor for 5 cards seems too good to pass up and the fact that it triggers on cast means it insulates us from counter magic.


At a glance, affinity looks to be in a better place than it has been in years. I’m hopeful that this modern classic will get to have another day in the sun and would love to hear the community’s thoughts on what the best colors are and see what lists everyone is brewing right now.
submitted by allaccountnamesused to spikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 SabineRitter [ROUNDUP] UFOs, ultraterrestrials, IAA2025, space lab Gifted program, Hanford Atom Factory. Countries:🇲🇽🇺🇸🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿🇻🇪🇮🇹🇨🇿🇦🇷🇰🇿🇧🇬🇷🇸🇯🇵 Colors seen this week:🟢,🔴🔵

Last week's post
Moon phase waning crescent 🌘 , four days before new
Mars Right Ascension 1h 36m 28s
.1 photos, daytime sky, threelights observed, photo shows twolights, moving fast, low over treeline, jefferson city Missouri, submission statement issues, , removed by mods
.2 sighting description, single object multiple lights, approach, directly in front, Laval Québec Canada 🇨🇦 , audio description beeping sound, scanning, oval-shaped, very dark, small colored lights racing along its middle ridge., the sonar beeps had reached me, hitting the ground around me in a rapid circular motion. , emotion of fear, witness left the area, vanishing, missing time 2 hours, subsequent entities
.3 photo, daytime sky, fleet, on ridgeline, repeat visitors, Mexico 🇲🇽, “brujas bolas de fuego en Mexico”, following the witness, vanishing and reappearing, [GOODPOST]
.4 video, daytime sky, twolights observed, single object blackwhite possible metallic sphere, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, moving straight, at home, backyard, stationary overhead, trajectory change, right angle turn, departure, Utah
.5 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object stationary, Satellite Beach Florida, near water Atlantic Ocean, above Patrick Space Force Base., USSF , similar sighting in comments
.6 video, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, fort Collins Colorado, single light object, elongated, tictac, horizontal orientation, horizontal trajectory, disappeared into clouds, [GOODPOST], similar sightings in comments, two witnesses, appeared directly in front, possible reaction to being observed, right angle turn, departure, wtf_is_that, silent
.7 new paper, ultraterrestrial
.8 photos, nighttime sky, Joshua Tree National Park California, single light object, human initiated contact, moving and stationary and moving, going left, right, stopping, going left abruptly, zig-zagging or moving in circle., zigzag movements, loop
.9 information, state of disclosure USA different OP, overview of events
.10 ➡️ sighting description, urban area, Sydney Australia 🇦🇺, nighttime, single light object, orange 🟠, overhead, it looked to be the size of a room or helicopter. , emotion of fear, I felt this rush of anxiety, or panic., silent , moving toward water, pacific ocean, it seemed to have metallic / silver fins portruding from the top and the bottom, barely visible from its glowing orange center. , electronic effects phone battery died, similar sightings in comments, [GOODPOST]
.11 video, at home, backyard, nighttime sky, single light object moving, flashing erratically, two witnesses, duration 3 minutes, Southern California, between San Diego and Los Angeles, multicolored, brightness change, flareup and dimming, blue 🔵 glow, vanishing and reappearing, powerlines , flew over the witness home , repeat visitor
.12 sighting description, at home, backyard, south Carolina, two witnesses, evening sky, single object multiple lights, blue 🔵 glow, diamond 💠 shaped, flew overhead, low over treeline, descending and ascending, speed change, The craft just swooped down from behind us to about tree top high then went back up as it went away from us. As it went forward and back up it increased speed., disappeared into clouds, cloaking, has anyone seen?, similar sighting in comments
.13 experience description and photos, orb, fleet, single object blackwhite, emotion of love, telepathy, dream description, entities, physical effects goosebumps,
.14 photos, nighttime sky, single light object, angular, color change, berwick on tweed England the UK 🇬🇧, near water north sea, contemporaneous report, moving erratically observed, duration 3 hours
.15 video, nighttime sky, storm, lightning, single light object, low below treeline
.16 ➡️ childhood experience description, [GOODPOST], nighttime, at home, urban area, Annapolis Maryland, men in black response, event amnesia, facility off of Defense Highway that I ran away from as a kid., Northrup Grumman, I think I might have been used in some compartmentalized government program as a kid and all I can remember is running away from one of the facilities., similar experience in comments Archive
.17 sighting description, at home, nighttime, single light object, reaction to being observed, sudden departure upward, I felt like it immediately saw me and shot straight up at a speed I can’t estimate because it was gone within a blink. , subsequent odor, I walk back outside again and there is a very strange clean smell, almost like an ozone type smell I used to get from an air purifier ., eastern Tennessee, similar sightings in comments, low over treeline, near oak ridge national laboratory, contemporaneous report
.18 drawing, single object multiple lights, red and yellow 🔴🟡, diamond 💎 shaped, threelights, triangle formation, disappeared behind ridgeline, duration 15-20 seconds , has anyone seen?, Central Kootenays British Columbia Canada 🇨🇦, similar sightings in comments
.19 video, nighttime sky, single light object stationary, multicolored, low below rooftop, urban area, Manhattan NYC New York state, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy
.20 sighting description, has anyone seen?, Wanganui new zealand 🇳🇿 , single dark object, pyramid shape, multicolored, all the edges lit up like a prism., over water Tasman Sea,
.21 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, at work, duration 3-4 minutes, threelights, triangle formation, blackwhite, flashing, formation change, speed change, vanishing, similar sighting in comments, low over treeline, Sacramento California , observed rotating, looked shiny and spinning,
.22 video, nighttime sky, single object multiple lights or fleet, flickering, threelights, formation change, low over treeline, anomalous to witness, Naperville Illinois, [GOODPOST], multicolored, flareup and dimming, lighting configuration change, stationary and moving, two witnesses
.23 photo, nighttime cloudy sky, fleet, stationary duration hours, all night, the UK 🇬🇧, similar sighting in comments, video, lighting configuration change, flashing in pattern and steady, [GOODPOST]
.24 dream description, repeat visitor, contemporaneous report, at home, single dark object, splitting, ship then broke into pieces and did a spiral motion and then disappeared., I then wake up what looks to be a shape or at least the wall to ceiling was curved and extremely clean and silver white., similar experiences in comments
.25 sighting and discussion of movement, it was there and then wasn’t. My brain/memory tried filling it in with it disappearing but not sure.
.26 childhood sighting description, entity, humanoid, inside home , Venezuela 🇻🇪 , i saw her with a white dress passing by , mimicking sister, emotion of fear, witness left the area
.27 experience description, building anomaly, disappeared, One day I passed it going to Landrum south Carolina,the other town, and then when I come back it wasn't there no more. , witness stopped the car and got out
.28 experience description, meditation, communication, AS5, AS5, AS5 and AS are my initials and number 5 in astrology stands for curiosity, knowledge and adventure., storm, lightning, contemporaneous report, the UK 🇬🇧
.29 audio description, loud sound, appeared out of nowhere, at home, two witnesses, nighttime, strange noise came from the tv. It was a foreign noise, so not something a tv or channel would make. , similar to the slenderman jumpscare sound except less extreme and more alien like., analysis requested
.30 experience description, at home, repeat visitor, footsteps, circling, nighttime, anomalous animal activity, loud bird, bird squawking all night long, seemingly as if it’s right outside the windows, all around the house. , I would hear what sounded like rocks clicking together, the sound would circle around my trailer and I would hear rustling noises like something was moving all around my trailer. , similar experience in comments, Galisteo new Mexico
.31 sighting description, Northwest Arkansas, nighttime, from car, two witnesses, single light object, flashing, blinking and spinning., rotating, low over treeline, brief duration 3-5 seconds, vanishing, witness stopped the car, previous sighting shadow figure, inside home , doorway
.32 discussion of sightings, entities, inside building, [GOODPOST] if I do say so myself.
.33 art 🎨, painting, "Zero Doubt"
.34 video, nighttime sky, single light object, blue 🔵, Oceanside California, duration 2 minutes, flew overhead, trajectory change observed, right angle turn, similar sightings in comments, ISS? , repeat visitor more video, big debunker energy, two witnesses more video, single light object moving, multicolored
.35 video and photos, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object moving fast, additional objects moving straight, urban area, Tampa Florida, similar sighting in comments
.36 document, IAA2025 uap amendment advances out of committee
.37 video, nighttime cloudy sky, spotlights type, diffuse, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, Gosport the UK 🇬🇧, contemporaneous report, low over rooftop,
.38 photo, nighttime sky, near water Atlantic Ocean, Tybee Island Georgia, triangle 🔺️ observed, ascending, moving and stationary and moving, hovered over the houses about 2 minutes before silently leaving. , had three large lights on each edge of the shape with smaller lights in between. , threelights,
.39 sighting description, airplane anomaly, vanishing, two witnesses, appeared to be a b52 completely come out of nowhere and had to have disappeared. It was headed straight for the dam at a very low altitude and no way having enough time to pull up before either hitting dam or a mountain. Made no noise, silent, near water
.40 photo, daytime cloudy sky, possible entity, camping, Looks like a wooden robot heating up lava?
.41 experience description, repeat visitor, ongoing, Pupcake3000, physical effects vision change, static, whenever a UAP is going to appear I can see a distortion that has a shape against the background of what it mimics or appears out of. I can track it until a flash occurs and then in place of the distortion, a physical UAP craft will appear.
.42 video, daytime sky, powerlines, single light object, low over treeline, plane for comparison, possible interaction with airplane, possibly circling plane, possible jumpy movement or vanishing and reappearing, flickering erratically, repeat visitor, Clear cloudless days are better, sunglasses help a lot., [GOODPOST]
.43 sighting description, entity, urban area, Florence Italy 🇮🇹, emotion of fear, As if he had been a predator forever, a danger since the beginning of time. His face is giving me goosebumps all over my back and behind my ears even now as I describe it almost ten years later.
.44 sighting description, nighttime, two witnesses, Central Arkansas, single light object, low over treeline, stationary and moving, physical effects paralysis, silent, horizontal trajectory, wtf_is_that, possible military response jets
.45 video, nighttime sky, near fairgrounds, possible single object multiple lights, urban area, Phoenix Arizona, OP is not the witness , removed by mods
.46 photo, nighttime sky, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, urban area, Las Vegas Nevada, contemporaneous report, submission statement issues, , removed by mods
.47 video, nighttime cloudy sky, through night vision camera, single light object, elongated, angled from the horizon, moving, disappeared into clouds, contemporaneous report, fishing, near water, creek, not seen by eye, possible cloaked craft, a blurry section of sky moving through the clouds., Montana
.48 video, nighttime cloudy sky, hard to see, cylindrical shape observed, moving fast, submission statement issues , removed by mods
.49 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object moving fast, blackwhite, possible interaction with clouds, elongated, possible disk shape, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy , Connecticut, video analysis requested , possible ARV
.50 drawing and reference image, single object multiple lights, multicolored, contemporaneous report, nighttime, central Missouri, stationary, from car, possible reaction to being observed, witness looked away and looked back, vanished,
.51 experience description, men in black response, at home, One day my uncle went out on a hike in the woods, when he came back he claimed to have seen a UFO flying above a river, A few days later I heard a knock at the door., I answered the door and saw 2 men wearing black suits, they asked me if uncle was there, they referred to him by his full name., 2 men showed up to his work and offered him money to retract his statements on the radio
.52 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object moving fast, contemporaneous report, urban area, Chicago Illinois, lighting configuration change, dark to light, flashing erratically, duration 10-15 seconds , downvoted to zero , polarized sunglasses., blackwhite, horizontal trajectory, silent , deleted
.53 video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, Sacramento California, urban area, powerlines, low over rooftop, two witnesses, single light object, twolights or plane for comparison, interaction with airplane, pacing plane,.moving and stationary and moving, speed change, while flying off it was making erratic movements, almost like it was swirling while flying, and was slowing its speed down periodically. , duration 5-10 minutes,
.54 sighting description, nighttime, contemporaneous report, twolights, single light object flareup and vanishing, moving in opposite directions, overhead, silent, duration 1 minute, near the Missouri-Arkansas border
.55 ➡️ experience description and drawings, [GOODPOST], at home, nighttime, fleet, line formation, moving, outside bedroom window, electronic effects lights wouldn't turn on, physical effects vibration, Then everything started vibrating and everything began glowing a bright golden light., location anomaly, found myself immediately back on my bed., audio description humming sound, approach, started to get louder and louder., communication, “Be Warned”, my guess is the warning was to brace myself, sudden departure, missing time 8 hours, northwest USA, more drawings
.56 childhood experience description, no craft, at home, inside bedroom, daytime, felt observed, physical effects paralysis, I got the sense of aliens in the room watching me, and I got frozen there., similar experience in comments, Patagonia Argentina 🇦🇷
.57 video, nighttime sky, greeley Colorado, reposted
.58 sighting description, moving stars, repeat visitors, nighttime, near water, pool, zigzag movements
.59 video, nighttime sky, urban area, Czech Republic 🇨🇿 , single light object stationary and moving, possible reaction to being flashed with light, vanishing, After it disappears the lights do something like a quick search , contemporaneous report , deleted
.60 sighting, two witnesses, electronic effects camera jammed, Michigan not far from lake Michigan. , near water
.61 photo, contemporaneous report, single light object, elongated, tictac, horizontal orientation, wishaw Scotland the UK 🇬🇧 , removed by mods video, powerlines, low over rooftop, disappeared behind rooftops , removed by mods
.62 drawing, experience, traveled to a burning golden world. Walking around the place was like standing on the surface of the sun without being harmed.
.63 childhood experience description, no craft, Gifted program, space lab, rural south Georgia, early 1980s, similar experiences in comments, event amnesia, telepathy
.64 video, nighttime sky, plane and star or twolights, multicolored, flashing, possible jumpy movement
.65 photo, daytime sky, single object multiple lights, worm 🪱, contemporaneous report, pacoima California, at work, stationary, duration 3 minutes, stationary and moving, descending below rooftop,
.66 photos, daytime cloudy sky, single dim object, elongated, angled from the horizon , low over treeline
.67 sighting description, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, at home, backyard, plane for comparison observed, single light object stationary, overhead, duration 1 minute, vanishing , removed by mods
.68 photos and video, single light object, observed stationary and moving, at home, very bright, low below rooftop, Almaty Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
.69 photo, nighttime sky, single light object, elongated, observed moving slowly, vanishing, Yerington Nevada,
.70 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, single dark object moving erratically, wobbling, shape change observed, the actual shape of it was quite inconsistent too, moving almost like it was not a solid object. , Derbyshire the UK 🇬🇧, at home , removed by mods
.71 experience description, possible landed craft, mimicking house, entities, scientists, Midwest USA, [GOODPOST]
.72 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, Bradenton Florida, two witnesses, over water, single light object, blackwhite, elongated, barbell, twolights close formation, zigzag movement observed, It was extremely shiny with no wings and it moved back and forth several times in an odd fashion.
.73 childhood experience description, at home, nighttime, witness woke up, entities, light shining in bedroom, angel, It was massive and seemed like it was coming from another dimension because it would not have fit in the space in front of my bed., emotion of calm, communication, telepathy, physical effects vibration, the vibrations were so loud and strong when it first spoke that I said ouch and kind of put my hands on my head in response to the intensity. It lowered the vibrations and asked me “is this better.” I responded yes., event amnesia, I can't remember that important thing it said to me where I told it I understood.
.74 video, nighttime sky, single light object, orange 🟠, horizontal trajectory, low below treeline, Darwin northern territory Australia 🇦🇺 , near water, Timor sea
.75 video, daytime sky, urban area, Seattle Washington state, over water, Puget Sound, single light object, flickering, flashing erratically, low over rooftop,
.76 video, nighttime sky, single light object, Bradenton Florida, two witnesses, twolights observed, moving and stationary, approach, directly in front, repeat visitor
.77 document, history, Hanford Atom Factory Washington state, multiple objects, repeat visitors, ghost planes, military response
.78 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, plane for comparison, downvoted to zero, Sofia Bulgaria 🇧🇬 , duration 1 minute, appearing and vanishing, single light object
.79 photo, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, green 🟢, moving erratically, speed change, trajectory change, all different directions, low over rooftop, Serbia 🇷🇸, single light object, worm 🪱 or M-shaped, duration 10 minutes , downvoted to zero
.80 photos of public event, Trumbull Connecticut, ufo convention
.81 sighting description, contemporaneous report, at home, nighttime, single object multiple lights, outside bedroom window, 5 bright red lights on top and 5 blue lights on bottom 🔴🔵, horizontal trajectory, trajectory change, it started spinning, and things got weird., rectangular shape or cylinder, silent, moving erratically, diving, spinning, zig-zagging, hovering, and moved more like a bird having fun or eating bugs than anything else. , angled from the horizon, zigzag movements, stationary and moving, five witnesses, duration 35 minutes, near airport, Bailey Colorado, interaction with airplane, approach, at one point it looked like it was going to intersect with a plane heading to Centennial. They were very, very close, and the object darted higher into the sky quickly just before the plane passed., similar sighting in comments , [GOODPOST], downvoted to zero
.82 drawing, art 🎨, entities, 2 species in cenos proxima centauri b.
.83 sighting description, has anyone seen?, from airplane, single light object, ascending and descending, vanishing and reappearing, over water pacific ocean, California
.84 photo, possible cloaked craft, contrail, horizontal trajectory, moving fast, emitting orbs,
.85 art 🎨, drawing, machinery
.86 dream description, repeat visitor, urban area, being in a city that's "suspended" in the sky. These cities are connected to each other and you travel to them on vessels that are also suspended., emotion of fear, I remember the traveling parts of the dream the strongest because my fear was really strong and it allowed me to experience the dream more clearly. entity, has anyone seen?
.87 sighting description, historical event, Trumbull county Ohio, 1994 Trumbull County UFO Incident dozens of civilian witnesses and 3 different police agencies had around 6 or more police officers see it close up less then a few hundred feet above him and it shut down his patrol car and radio and lit up the area he was standing like it was 12pm not 12 am during the incident as reported., the entire craft is coated in some kind of thick rock/asteroid material that provides protection from radiation when traveling through out the solar system it also is extremely heat resistant. They also have 3 smaller craft that form a triangle around the craft using electromagnetic fields and a propulsion system and charged particles that defy gravity
.88 information, This is a friendly reminder that the act of destroying or falsifying records in advance of a GAO audit, even if legislation mandating the audit has not yet been fully ratified by Congress, is considered obstruction and will result in severe legal penalties., AARO, IAA2025
.89 video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, multicolored, south of Japan 🇯🇵, to the west of Hiroshima, right on the coast., near water, in the centre, there looked to be a black triangle 🔺️, dimming, vanishing, repeat visitor, similar sighting in comments
.90 sighting description, entity, inside car, Gilman Springs California
.91 photo, nighttime sky, twolights, not seen by eye, 10 minute long exposure, overhead
.92 video, nighttime sky, at home, two witnesses, single light object stationary and moving, duration 3-4 minutes, reaction to being filmed, disappeared behind treeline
.93 video, daytime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, stationary
.94 video, daytime cloudy sky, single object blackwhite, possible disk shape with dome, horizontal orientation, moving fast, from car, racecar, Bakersfield California
.95 video, nighttime cloudy sky, low over ridgeline, single light object, elongated, diffuse, vertical orientation, appeared out of nowhere, flashing, vanishing, repeat visitor
.96 sighting description, from airplane, urban area, NYC New York state, metallic cylinder with acorn 🌰 shaped head, moving fast
.97 childhood sighting description and drawing, entity, has anyone seen?, at home, nighttime, inside bedroom doorway, physical effects paralysis, approach, pain, event amnesia.
submitted by SabineRitter to UFOs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:22 harry669066 When should i be worried about my(24M) girlfriend(23F) talking to a guy friend all the time?

I feel like I am overreacting a bit so i don't want to talk to my girlfriend about this without a good reason.
My gf has this guy friend who's older, goes to clubs and stays there till the next morning all the time and just lives a lifestyle that is very different from my own. I do drink a fair bit but my gf drinks and smokes much more that me and this guy drinks, smokes almost everyday. I think she looks up to him and they are texting a lot these days. I know they are texting because they text on a specific app that has a unique message tone, so I know it's him. She herself has said that she knows the kind of person he is, but she wants to be good friends with him just for the connections he has, which she calls a selfish reason. I don't want to say I don't trust my gf, but I definitely don't trust this guy or even like him as a person a whole lot.
There are two events that make me feel weird towards this situation.
Also, the guy wants to take my gf to a club that is known for being kinky (KitKat in Berlin) and where you have to dress really skimpy and whatever can happen will happen. My gf has told this to me and said she's open to go with me, but she needs a lot of mental preparation for something like that so she's not looking to go in the near future. But he keeps on asking her and sends photos of girls he's gone with and tells stories of how he lost his shorts when he was there. I don't think I am comfortable letting her go with the guy and if that comes up I will say I feel extremely uncomfortable with that.
But for now, do I have reason to be distrustful of the guy and the way my gf acts around him? I don't think she is trying to do anything bad but I'm worried at the rate they're going she might get an emotional bond with him over time. Please let me know if I'm just playing the role of the jealous boyfriend because I certainly don't want to be.
submitted by harry669066 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:21 allaccountnamesused Modern Affinity Discussion

It’s no secret at this point that affinity looks poised to make a splash after mh3 and the question for everyone who loves turning grey cards sideways is “what’s the best way to do it?” I don’t have any particular deck lists that I think are worth posting since I haven’t put in the reps to justify advocating for any build so in this post I’m going to lay out some archetypes I think are worth considering and the cards I think are worth looking at from mh3.

General Thoughts

Affinity has felt as though it was on the cusp of meaningful viability for some time now and as people have pointed out on this subreddit before it seems to have an issue of balancing enablers and payoffs in a way that avoids clunky dead hands. Kappa cannoneer is positioned to offer a resilient beater and Ugin’s Labyrinth will help us avoid clunky hands.
Izzet affinity beatdown
This list is the one I think is most likely to take off early on. Easy access to meltdown, weatear, galvanic blast and countermagic all make this a strong contender though red does less for the deck than other second colors might.
Simic Hoof
There was experimentation after MH2 with a Simic version of the list that was neoforming 7 drops into hoof on big boards for wins
Dimir (hand destruction?)
MH3 has opened up black as a serious contender for a secondary color. Cards like etherium pteramander and refurbished familiar provide a solid early game while still being useful draws later on and crabomination supplements the top of our curve while also having potential to outright steal games off of good flips. If E tron ends up being the menace it’s threatening to be I could see this being a solid choice.
Grixis 8 plate
This list will have to sacrifice playing artifact lands and Ugin’s Labyrinth in favor of shocks and fetches to consistently hit its colors. Cards like pteramander, cranial plating, and cranial ram supported by our 0 cost artifacts with a top end of kappa cannoneer, thought monitor, and a couple copies of imskir, iron eater has the potential to put on serious pressure. The big concern this deck has given its higher density of lower cost artifacts would be getting crushed by meltdown in a way that the 7 mana affinity builds above don’t once they’re established. On the other hand, this list likely does have an easier time rebuilding than the higher cmc lists do.
Mox amber
This is the deck I’m least sure about and if it works i expect it to be UR with 4x tamiyo, 4x Ragavan, 4x Emry. Fitting these in requires cutting artifacts which slows us down and makes me think the deck wants a combo payoff or resigns itself to playing a grindier midrange deck.

individual card considerations (in no particular order)

Ugin’s Labyrinth: a card everyone knew would be a problem the second it was spoiled. This card’s ability to LARP as ancient tomb makes it an obvious candidate for a 7 drop heavy build. In order to consistently have an enabler in hand on turn 1 we want 14 7+ CMC cards in the deck. Obvious includes for this would be playsets of frogmyr enforcer, myr enforcer, and soujorner’s companion which leaves us wanting 2 more (arcane proxy and phyrexian fleshgorger are the only two that stand out to me).
Crabomination: this card strikes me as one with a lot of potential. While it doesn’t have any way to protect itself it’s a card that threatens to take over a game if it’s allowed to resolve and it’s well within the realm of possibility that we could land it on turns 2 or 3 consistently.
Etherium Pteramander: another big draw to running black as a secondary color. There’s nothing not to love about this card except for concerns about consistently casting it on turn 1.
Phyrexian Tower: I dont think much needs to be said about this, If the deck ends up in UB this card ends up in the deck.
Tamiyo: This card lends itself to either a slower midrange build or the Simic hoof build. Generating clues to draw you out of a stall and increase artifact count is great but being able to -3 to recur neoform and try to combo again or get back a galvanic blast to fight for board is fantastic.
Patchwork automaton: I’m torn on this card. We obviously can’t grow it as fast as legacy 8 cast and it can end up clunky but the ability to jam it on 1 off of Labyrinth and start pumping it puts a lot of pressure on an opponent especially if you follow it with kappa on 2 or 3.
Refurbished familiar: this card deserves testing. I think it has a real chance at replacing frogmite in any list running black

The 3 drops

These two cards are competing for an important slot in the deck.
Simulacrum Synthesizer: a card that’s been a staple in affinity lists for a while and will likely be an absolute house game one. Its major drawback is its fragility to meltdown which I have no doubt will be seeing a great deal of play in the near future. Not only does X=0 kill our tokens but X=3 isn’t unreasonable and takes the synthesizer with it.
Kozilek’s unsealing: my personal love of drawing a bunch of cards makes me lean in this direction over synthesizer but this card can also help smooth out curves with mana from saccing spawns and keeps us on a gameplan of presenting a high volume of threats while preventing us from ending up with 0 cards in hand. Thought monitor for 5 cards seems too good to pass up and the fact that it triggers on cast means it insulates us from counter magic.


At a glance, affinity looks to be in a better place than it has been in years. I’m hopeful that this modern classic will get to have another day in the sun and would love to hear the community’s thoughts on what the best colors are and see what lists everyone is brewing right now.
submitted by allaccountnamesused to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:21 mistress_of_hades How can I feel more comfortable with my body?

I (24, F) have gained roughly 25 pounds in the last year. I went from 125 lbs to currently being 150 lbs. I'm 5'1", so it's hard to hide. I used to be naturally really skinny when I was in my teens, around 100 lbs, but unfortunately, now I need to take a vital medication that causes me significant weight gain due to disrupting my metabolic enzymes. I've tried working with professionals to find alternative options, but none work, therefore I am stuck with the one I have. There is no coming off of this medication either, as I mentioned, it is a vital need for me.
I have a wedding to attend as a guest in exactly two months from today- my friend is getting married. Other people I know will be there and most of them have girlfriends that are very thin and beautiful- the classic blue eyes with blonde hair and perfect teeth. The last time these people saw me was when I was thinner at 125 lbs. I feel so awful about myself and feel like everyone will think I'm ugly. I don't even want to take photographs because I know I will look horrible next to everyone, or just even on my own. Even my teeth have become crowded and yellowed. I feel confident about nothing physical. I feel like my body is not something that is to be expected of an almost 25-year-old female. I look very swollen and chubby. In all, I'm about 20 pounds overweight.
What's worse is that every time I bring up finding a guest dress with my mom, she makes comments that hurt me. Telling me to wear a wrap around my arms, wearing black, or wearing a size bigger than my usual. She makes comments relating me to her postpartum weight. I've never even had a baby! This upsets me so much to hear all of this. I feel so ugly and like I have let myself go. Although, my boyfriend who will be attending with me, says otherwise.
I know that it's my fault that I have gotten here. I have an appointment with a dietician and nutritionist in two weeks which is good.
What else can I do to feel better about myself? Since I know it's not possible to lose all the weight healthily in two months. How can I feel confident and beautiful again?
submitted by mistress_of_hades to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:21 Responsible-Tailor53 where to live (not just survive) in america? / seattle vent post i guess

i guess anywhere can be a home if you find the right people and community or whatever but i have no idea what the fuck that looks like, like really at all. i just left my hometown and moved to seattle a few months ago hoping i guess that it'd be some silly transgender party town or something but still haven't made many lasting friendships and im all emo about it so heres my reddit post.
a part of that i think is the isolation that came from being transfem fucking up the entire first part of my life making it hard to understand relationships etc, bad childhood to bad early adulthood, ptsd whatever, but also this nagging feeling that every queer space is only basically tolerant of transfems? like i'm allowed but still could i just not. i start to look around and i'm (probably, clockably, whatever) the only one there and noone seems to want anything to do with me unless they want to fuck me and thats probably not gonna happen unless im really feeling bad about myself bc all i can do is dissociate thru sex anyway.
im pissed because i think i actually hate this city a lot especially as a lifelong poor person and dropout fuckup who can't hold onto money or a job or housing for very long. the stratification taking place here is unspeakably dystopian and terrifying. and all of it is in service of like, what, a nightmare playpen for tech yuppies and mummies to complain about being introverts who have to see homeless people from outside their tesla windows? every month its like im discovering some place with an actual history as a place that meant something for a real community of regular ass people just as it's closing forever and probably getting demolished to build luxury condos or whatever.
the catch is: i lucked into the best job ive ever had thru connections i built in community organizing back home and now i feel like i can't give it up, bc its close to an actual living wage with actual healthcare, its working with pinko queers kinda like me (although again i find myself the only transfem), we don't have a boss, i work outside yadda yadda.. basically everything i could ask for, but it's not a panacea to capitalism obviously. all of it is in service of raising already rich people's property values and thats pretty much it, which has made me so physically sick i've had to leave early at least once already. sometimes i cry for the entire length of my commute and then its like ok haha im here time to toil yipee. its a fuck of a lot better than working in kitchens but at least in a kitchen you don't have to pretend like you're oblivious to the class war of it all; when it gets too much thats when you go scream and get drunk or high off your ass in the walk in real quick like god intended.
is there any life in this city? i ask myself questions like this all the time and dont know how much im the problem. when i find things i'm interested in doing i end up becoming super self conscious about my age (i'm really just 28 now) realizing i'm surrounded by younger kids who didn't have their adolescence stolen from them and now its like heres this how do you do fellow kids ass 30 year old extremely desperately trying to have fun for the first time in her life in this dying city of cultural decrepitude. i wanna be like ok fuck it who gives a shit yolo up the punx etc because obviously im just kinda in my own head but its way harder to do than i expected especially alone. i've been transitioning for years (medically unstably, on and off hormones over and over) but i still feel like a moody teenager on some "no one understands me" bullshit. basically i guess where the fuck are the dolls? are we out here doing cool fun shit somewhere, or are we all at home on the computer all the fucking time while we work to pay off medical debts and landlords until we quietly die? where can you live and be a working person in this country and also have a vibrant queer community that's not just tolerant of transfeminine ppl but truly welcoming? does this exist somewhere because im honestly feeling pretty desperate at this point and starting to panic realizing theres only one planet to be on and im stuck on it. like idk im worried i'm just not cut out for this shit. i daydream about railways and ufo cult abductions, revolution and rainbows over the big rock candy mountains and worry none of it will ever be enough. how much isolation can you shove into one lifetime before somethings gotta give? these are the questions i have. so like ok i guess my question is hows philadelphia hows portland hows chicago hows pittsburgh hows boston like someone tell me theres something cool happening somewhere and that theres more to life than this cuz fuuuuuuuuckk
submitted by Responsible-Tailor53 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:20 citvts iPhone GPS failing constantly

I have an iPhone XR. For at least 10 or so months I've been having this problem where I'm driving and my Apple Maps (or Waze or whatever else I'm using) will lag, say I'm facing the wrong direction, or say that my location is not on the road. It will intermittently fix itself and fail again a couple minutes later. Usually I can use the written directions to get where I'm going, but I miss turns a lot. My new job requires a lot of traveling and I need this to stop happening.
At first I thought it was my old phone (iPhone XR) because it was damaged. So my boyfriend gave me his XR and turns out it's giving me the same problem. Then, I had my sister use her phone's GPS (iPhone 11) today on my way to buy a new iPhone 12, and we were still having the same problem (I didn't end up buying a new phone).
My boyfriend can still see my location update even when all of this is happening. I drive a Mazda 6 2014 and my carrier is MetroPCS, if that matters. Is anyone else having this problem?? Is there a fix? I've tried turning my phone on and off, resetting location settings, and making sure all location settings are correct as per the Apple website's help page.
submitted by citvts to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:19 HoWItfeELTocHew5gum The pain never ends

I've tried so much, it works but there's so much more to deal with. Tackled insta and yt addiction but it's not Enough. My life is far from fixed.
I still can't get up and get shit done, I still procastinate, I still can't get my hands off my "thing". Nothing feels Enough, and I don't even feel good about the little I have achieved. I got 86% in my 10th finals which is good objectively. But i felt nothing. Rather I felt sorrow cuz I could have gotten better.
When I try to treat the "problem" I can diagnose myself with 50 things. Ex: perfectionism, anxiety, depression and what not. What do I do, will this take forever. How many videos must I watch.
submitted by HoWItfeELTocHew5gum to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]