Bmtron team game

Miami Dolphins

2010.08.22 05:08 thatguy142 Miami Dolphins

The official subreddit of the Miami Dolphins football team. Discussions about the latest team news, players, game recaps, and more!

2018.05.16 16:09 Git Gud!

Memes of the popular Indie Metroidvania game Hollow Knight, released by Team Cherry in 2017

2014.01.17 21:01 /r/KillTeam

A subreddit dedicated to Warhammer 40000 specialist game, Kill Team.

2024.06.10 01:39 Treasure_Island99 [Online][DCC][Sundays 2-6 PST] DM looking for party members in a player driven, homebrew campaign.

Hello Adventurers!
I am looking for 4-5 players for a new homebrew DCC campaign.

Campaign Overview:

The players begin as a band of local commoners embarking on an opportunistic first quest for riches. Those who survive and still have the stomach to continue on a life of adventure will go on to risk their lives against strange and terrible monsters, wield dangerous and unpredictable arcane magic, perform mighty feats of arms, make pacts with dubious extra-planar entities, and more over the course of the campaign.
The campaign will begin with a level 0 funnel. At the end of the funnel each player will choose 1 surviving character of theirs to advance to level 1 and continue with as their PC. At this point the party will have a few quest hooks and the focus will be on the emergent, player-driven narrative. I'm very open minded about where the party takes the game. I plan on wrapping this campaign up at level 5.

Game Details:

  • Day and Time: Sundays 2-6pm PST.
  • Frequency: Weekly.
  • Level Range: 0-5
  • Races / Classes: The 7 core classes/races, plus the 9 classes/races from the Crawl! zine: Bard, Dwarf Priest, Elven Rogue, Gnome, Halfing Burglar, Halfling Champion, Paladin, Ranger, and Orc.
  • Optional Rules: Lankhmar Fleeting Luck, Adventuring & Exploration supplemental rules.
  • Tools: Camera and microphone are both required.
  • Platforms: Discord for voice and video. Google docs or form fillable PDFs for character sheets (TBD). Talespire is the VTT we will be using. NOTE: I own enough seats for everyone. You will not need to purchase TaleSpire to play in this campaign. You will need to be able to install and run the software though.
  • Character Creation: Players will pick a block of 4 level 0 commoners from a pool of 4 character blocks. These characters can be whichever race you choose. When your character advances to level 1 you can swap 2 of their stats, which will be enough to make any class / race viable. Once your character hits level 1 you can worry about filling out their back story.
  • Character Advancement: XP based. XP will be awarded for defeating monsters, recovering non-magical treasure, and for successfully navigating high-stakes social encounters.
  • Session 0: There will be a session 0. Everyone can get to know each other, level 0 commoners can be chosen, the party can go over tentative plans for their characters, handouts can be distributed, questions can be answered, we can make sure the tools and platforms are working well for everyone, and start the campaign all on the same page.

About Me:

My name is JC (34, he/him)and I'm an inexperienced GM putting together my first campaign. I've run a few DCC 1 shots and a couple of homebrew short 5e adventures (2-5 sessions). My first exposure to TTRPGs was dabbling in 3.5 when I was a kid. I started playing 5e about 2.5 years ago and began trying out other systems and GMing shortly thereafter.

GMing Style:

I enjoy the OSR and trad styles of play. My favorite thing about trad games are the potential for more complex narratives and deeper character customization. My favorite things about OSR games are that creativity is highly encouraged and rewarded, emergent storytelling, and decisions feel much more meaningful when the stakes are consistently so high.
I like for the 3 pillars of roleplay, exploration, and tactical play to all be well represented. Some sessions will have a balanced mix of all 3 elements, others will focus heavily on 1. It will all depend on the party's course of action.
I generally stick to the RAW/RAI as best I can. OSR-style creative problem solving is highly encouraged. If you pitch me an idea on how to solve a problem, I'll always hear you out, and if I don't allow it, I'll explain why. Consistency with rules and rulings is key.
I roll all attacks, damage, and saves that the PCs would be aware of in the open. I do not fudge those kinds of rolls. My monsters know what they are doing and my bandits want to make it home alive. That being said, I am always the party's #1 fan. I want the party to succeed against the odds and see their ambitions fulfilled, but sometimes thats not how the dice shake out. I do strive a reasonable amount of balance. There is also nothing wrong with trying to circumvent an encounter, or attempting a social solution. If all else fails, retreat is an option too!
Character backstory exists primarily to inform roleplay and secondarily to provide material for potential plot hooks. The events and decisions that happen at the table are the most meaningful part of the character's story.
I prepare situations for the party the react to and interact with and allow the story to emerge instead of trying to create a specific story.

What I Am Looking For:

  • Players must be 18 or older.
  • You do not need to be an expert on all of the rules, but I will expect you to have a firm grasp on what is relevant to your character.
  • Active, engaged players. This table is not a good fit for players with the audience member playstyle.
  • Punctual and reliable players. Everyone should consistently be ready to begin playing at the scheduled time. Cancellations should be made as far in advance as possible. I prefer the whole party be in attendance every session, but we will play as long as at least 3 players are in attendance. If you have difficulty showing up on time, or the need to frequently cancel this game is not a good fit.
  • Team players. If you are familiar with playing to lift or have read Monte Cook's Your Best Game Ever, I highly encourage you to apply.
  • Respectful and inclusive players.

How To Apply:

Fill out this Google form. I know its on the longer side, but its important to intentionally build a table were the players and campaign are all a strong fit.
If you are applying as an existing party of 4-5 players that has a different day and time that works for you, I may have the flexibility to accommodate your group.
submitted by Treasure_Island99 to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:38 Mordegeezer Honestly... My experience with Morde in gold/plat elo recently is really good.

Honestly... My experience with Morde in gold/plat elo recently is really good. submitted by Mordegeezer to MordekaiserMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:38 DirectorUsuals any short games to play while waiitng for elden ring dlc release in 10 days?

Hey there! I'm on the hunt for some short games to pass the time during my 9-day break. Work's been exhausting, and I'm just about ready to crash for a nap. Recently, I finished playing King Arthur Legion IX, a neat turn-based tactical game. It's a shorter experience, but I enjoyed it, especially with the undead Roman soldier twist compared to their previous title, King Arthur Knight's Tale.
In case you're wondering, I've already tackled all the FromSoftware games and similar Souls-like titles, including Crab Souls, which was surprisingly good. Team Ninja's games, like Rise of Ronin, are also in my completed list. Now, I'm eagerly awaiting the upcoming games showcased during events like the PC Gaming Show, but it's too bad they're far away. Thankfully, Steam's Next Fest demo drops tomorrow, offering a chance to sample some potentially great short games.
I recently finished Wuthering Waves, and while it's not bad, I'm itching for the next story update. In the meantime, it's become my go-to alongside Genshin Impact. The recent 4.7 update for Genshin has been meh; I only liked Clorinde's story more, though. Also, I've been hooked on Star Wars: Hunters lately; it's quickly become my preferred multiplayer game over the likes of Valorant, League of Legends, and even Overwatch 2.
When it comes to single-player experiences, I gravitate towards roguelikes and visual novels, especially the shorter ones. Alongside Genshin and Honkai: Star Rail, I'm always on the lookout for new titles. As for platforms, I mainly stick to PC gaming, although I do own a PS5 and a Switch. My PS5 sees action solely for Stellar Blade.
submitted by DirectorUsuals to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 dan24683 I’m new and lost

I’m new and lost
Hi, I downloaded hi3 about a week or two ago and I’m a bit lost. I’m captain level 53. I downloaded the game because I heard good things about the story (which I’ve enjoyed so far) but had little to no knowledge of the game.
First things first, I’m not sure who to pull for.
Out of the characters I have, I enjoy HoFi the most, but also enjoy Chrono Navi, and Senadina based on trial use. I have HoO and I’m hoping to get HoT soon for the trio team.
Should I go for Lone Destruction: Shadowbringer?
Also, is there any basics to team building that I can use as a starting point? Are there any “universal” or generalist characters I should invest in?
Finally, are there any resources with builds or anything? I’ve seen Marisa, but what was wondering if there were any additional resources.
Thank you! Any help is appreciated.
submitted by dan24683 to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 Xenophilimus Parents mad at me post tournament

So it’s the end of the season and I just had a tournament where my entire family had to drive 3hrs to go to. I was very thankful for them for taking me. During the first game, I was a starting middle and I played decently. My coach only put me on middle for the whole entire season. We won the first set, and when the 2nd set came, I was put on again but for right side? I have never played right side throughout the entire season and I didn’t know the positions. I was confused throughout the whole set and I played quite bad. We won the game, and during the next 2 games I played on the 2nd set as usual because I am a bench warmer. But during the last game of the day, I didn’t play for both sets and my parents were mad at the coach. (Our age group still has fair play) I knew the reason the coach didn’t put me on the 2nd set was because he didn’t want to lose the game, so I understood, but my parents didn’t, so I just let it go.
Day 2: I woke up motivated and ready to go to the venue for the quarter-semi finals. The first game? I didn’t play a single set… what about the 2nd game? Not a single set either. We lost the semi finals game in the 3rd set (which I wasn’t put on of course) and I did a last meeting with my team and left with my mom. On the ride home she was always yelling and complaining about how the coach was “biased” and “unfair” but I understood the reason why he didn’t put me on. All was fine until two hours into the ride my parents started putting the blame on me? I’m skinny and not strong enough as everyone would say to me. So I used this as motivation to workout and eat more. But since it was also the end of the school year I had to also focus on exams, so I didn’t go to the gym for a month, which postponed my progress, but I assure you I’ve been putting my best effort during practices and other sessions my mom takes me to. But she says “you don’t have the drive and motivation to better yourself” or “you never listen to the advice we give you” but every tip of advice they gave me has been false. Then my dad joins in and says “you’ve been doing pull-ups for a year now, how far have you progressed?” In a very aggressive tone (he always speaks to me this way) but keep in mind a year ago I was very skinny and weak to the point where I couldn’t do a single pull up. So for the past month I’ve been trying to work my way up. But then my mom says “you never go online to watch videos and experiment yourself” but the thing is, I’ve spent more than 100 hours watching videos and practicing everything. I’m trying not to let them ruin my focus as I have plans for myself, but it’s just very frustrating to hear my parents say a things about me which I clearly do. Like they say “you’re not motivated” but I’m the most motivated I’ve ever been. I hope you understand, I didn’t intend to type this much but it’s just really frustrating and I hope you can understand because my parents will be talking about this for another week and keep pestering me about it for the longest time.
submitted by Xenophilimus to volleyball [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 Alx101921 Teams who qualified for June monthly finals through lower bracket. (Day 2)

  1. Gohan Omoshiroi (Stardragon, Harrison, Tiger Kong, Powertech)
  2. Angelic (Kanga, Megumin, Sago Geki)
  3. F/A Nai Dug (Kuru, Ryohei, Ghost T)
  4. Revenant Esports (Ken-G, Seargeant, Terry)
EMEA (Upper Bracket)
  1. SK Gaming (Joker, Lenain, Yoshi)
  2. Eclipsar Esport (GuGu, OPE, Mebius)
  3. HMBLE (Symantec, BosS, Lukii)
  4. Ogurchiki (Nob, Angelboy, Drage)
EMEA (Lower Bracket)
  1. Pale Fox Esports (A, TheMeg, Pineapple)
  2. FUT Esports (OG, Gas, Rama)
  3. Zeta Division (Meow, Gero, Nowy)
  4. Pirates (Filippo, Salty, Tomzy)
South America
  1. Marruecos (Alonso, Kristian, Loko)
  2. Olimpo Squad (Exic, Meliodas, Nico, Portox)
  3. Reis Da PL (IceCrow, Lele, Brabao)
  4. Ó Us Caba Squeak (Niceshot, Golden, Nubis)
North America
  1. Naucalpan Esports (Tattier, Elvis, ROLEDU)
  2. Real Ones (Razu, Nathan, Square, Genie)
  3. 512 (DiegoGamer, Counter, Relax)
  4. STMN (Bobby, Sans, Zhar)
Notable Wins
Revenant Esports- After failing to qualify last month they were able to qualify for this month who are looking to claim an LCQ spot. Looks like the new roster worked out well for them, extremely excited to see how this group will perform on mfs as they have to face Rival Esports in quarters.
FUT Esports - This team seemed to be doing well until they faced SK Gaming and lost to qualify through the upper bracket. Now in lower bracket they had to face Am o Fantezie which they sweeped and were finally able to qualify to a monthly finals after 2 months. Now they will have to face the team that sent them to the lower bracket for their quarter final match.
Pale Fox Esports - WOW What an incredible run that they gave us with beating Reply Totem and now they will be competiting in their first monthly final of the year. Even though its too late for them to get a spot for lcq or worlds, this is huge for this team and I cant wait to see their journey in mfs.
SK Calalas - After losing to Marruecos in qualifiers last month, they looked really solid this month and were even able to qualify in upper bracket and unfortunately this rivalry between both teams continues onto monthly finals as they have to face eachother in quarter finals.
STMN - With them being the 6th seed in NA, it was do or die for this team if they didn't qualify their dreams of lcq would be over. In the upper bracket they were unable to win against LG and were thrown down to the lower bracket where they had to face Homeless and luckily got the win to qualify to mfs.
Notable Losses
3R Gaming - Unfortunately their hopes of going to LCQ are now over since they lost to Revenant Gaming even if they were to qualify and win next month they would still not get an lcq spot. I am extremely sad from this team as I have been rooting for them since the start but I hope they will manage to get a strong ending next month.
Reply Totem - Something that nobody would have expected is TTM not qualifying but they were knocked out off the lower bracket by Pale Fox Esports who played exceptionally well today. Now their lcq spot is at risk with Pirates and FUT looking to claim that spot for themselves.
Urubus Do Pix - Even though they are the 8th seed in SA they got knocked out by first time monthly finalists (Ó Us Caba Squeak) who they actually faced in the may qualifiers in which they won but unfortunately they failed to do this month.
West Coast F/A - This qualification was extremely necessary to keep their hopes up for at least an lcq spot. With their loss against Real Ones unfortunately their 2024 season will now be over as they failed to qualify. This team has faced a hard time through this season but I am hoping to see this roster next year.
CT Esports - At the final round they had to face Tribe Gaming which they faced last month and won but now they were unable to get the win. Surpisingly in the lower bracket they were unable to win against Naucalpan in that last set of knockout. As the 7th seed of NA, I am almost certain it's time to say goobye to this rosters hopes of an lcq spot. It would be very hard for this team to comeback from this loss but they have had a tough time throughout this year with many of their roster changes. Really looking forward to how they do next month.
submitted by Alx101921 to BrawlStarsEsports [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:32 DoughnutPlayz135 [Recruiting] Imperial Delta™ Lvl 4 Clan CWL, Friendly, Clan Wars, Clan Games & Donations #2GJPQQCLR

We're a NEW Clan! ✧『 What We Offer』✧ 🔥 Active and Supportive Community: We believe in teamwork, a passionate clan with a mix of seasoned veterans and eager newcomers.
⚔️ Consistent Clan Wars: Participate in clan wars every day! Contribute to earn rewards, including CWLs.
🏆 Clan Games & Events: Engage in clan games and special events. Earn valuable rewards and contribute to our clan’s success.
💬 Communication is Key: Stay connected with fellow clanmates through our dedicated Discord server. Share tips, discuss strategies and have fun together.
✧『 What We're Looking For』✧ 🎯 Active Players: We seek committed players who actively participate in wars, clan games, and donations.
🤝 Team Players: Cooperation and teamwork are our pillars. Be ready to support and uplift your fellow clanmates.
💭A desire to learn, grow, and contribute to the clan's success.
🎓Respectful, friendly and positive attitude.
➭ For more information, request in-game or contact me for our Discord Server. Thank you! 🙏
Clan link:
submitted by DoughnutPlayz135 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:32 Reasonable_Fill2714 City Connect Release

City Connect Release
Anybody gonna be going to the City Connect Leak at Target Field?? I won’t be able to attend the game but gonna go to the activities before hand
submitted by Reasonable_Fill2714 to minnesotatwins [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 yikesloI R is for “Red plastic rhinestone crap, blue plastic rhinestone crap”, S is for…

R is for “Red plastic rhinestone crap, blue plastic rhinestone crap”, S is for…
Honorable mentions:
•“Remember, everyone’s replaceable.”
•“Remember, there is no ‘I’ in team, but there is an ‘M’ and an ‘E.’ And it’s all about me.”
•”Report to the office, you have been a very bad girl. Teacher brutality will get you a session of banging erasers” - Cathy
Comment any iconic lines, cast members, or moments from the show that begin with “S”!
side note: I understand that this trend has been done in this sub before, but I have never seen it in this sub, personally. More people seem to be enjoying the game than disliking it, so I will continue the game for that reason!!
submitted by yikesloI to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 J-Midori Crash [Episodes 9 & 10]

submitted by J-Midori to KDRAMA [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 AutoModerator 🌟 Join Our Discord 🌟

🌟 Join Our Discord 🌟
Do you like playing Monopoly Go? Want to enhance your gameplay experience? Well our server is the one for you! Get access to trading with thousands of other players, and feel safe trading with tiered traders with our strict trading reputation system! We also have fun games, a friendly and welcoming community and active and helpful moderation team to help keep everyone safe!
In addition to trading, we have rewards lists, flash event notifications for events such as high roller and sticker boom, and predicted events so you can plan your day!
If all of this looks like fun to you, come join REDDIT MONOPOLY GO!, the Discord server for the official Monopoly Go subreddit, Monopoly_GO!link :
submitted by AutoModerator to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 Captain_Shadow150 So who survived last night and should I change anything or add more

So who survived last night and should I change anything or add more submitted by Captain_Shadow150 to nhl [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 CreeperBeeYT Skibidi X New executor 100% unc!!11!!1

Skibidi X New executor 100% unc!!11!!1 submitted by CreeperBeeYT to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:28 Unusual-Wash-6282 Gaming Laptop lagging

I’ve asked so many people this and no one has an answer. I have a good razor laptop that I’ve used for 5+ years. Better than avg specs. Never had any issues with it. About a week ago, ALL of my games started either lagging (like freeze for a half second then catch up), or crashing. Specifically happens whenever I would put an input in while playing games. Most of the games aren’t even beefy, and they are also games I’ve played for years with no issue until now.
Ex 1) I’m playing league of legends, a team fight starts and probably 8 spells are casts in 1 second, my screen freezes for one second, then everything catches up. It can even happen if I use one spell all by myself.
Ex 2) I’m playing warhammer total war III, game crashes while the turn counter is going.
Ex 3) I normally get 50mbs download speed on steam. Now it’s 2mbs.
All of this started at the same time. I thought it was a steam issue, but that doesn’t make sense as to why my riot client is lagging. I’ve tried resetting everything. Updating drivers. I got a laptop cooling fan setup. I turned off my virus protection for 1 minute while downloading a game off steam to see if my virus protection was slowing stuff down. But no change. It’s starting to get really annoying and I would love some ideas.
submitted by Unusual-Wash-6282 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:27 colors31 💀

submitted by colors31 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:27 alkosz Nerf the fucking lights already!!!

The fact that one of them has the mobility to get right up in your face, dodge all your bullets like the matrix and kill you within 2 seconds is utterly ridiculous. Every single fucking melee light goes 15+ kill streaks because all they do is zoom around the map like they have no clip enabled and just cleave entire teams in half before they can even get down to half health.
And then there’s these other players that just WISH I mean PRAY for the game to die by spouting false rumors that the light totally doesn’t need nerfing. You got highly respected YouTubers even complaining about light class and yet these devs sit by and THEN release a new season utterly DEDICATED TO THIS overpowered meta.
Yeah let’s just throw teamwork out the window and just make everyone a one man army.
This is why your game will die, you say you have passion for it yet don’t give a damn about balancing. I don’t wanna hear another dev spouting nonsense about how much they have passion for this game because clearly they’re on a one way suicide bombing to no where’s vile.
submitted by alkosz to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:27 yO_VenoMz LFP for a community team

So we are a community based team looking for some extra players
Mainly GK and defenders
We enter stream tournaments and our games are usually streamed
18+ server plus players 🔞
Want to get involved then hit us up and come join in with the fun with a great community
submitted by yO_VenoMz to ProClubsRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:27 Luma44 Community Update - 6/9/2024 (Brigading, New Mods, DFV Doxxing, !Bets! tag)

DRS Megathread // WTF is happening with GameStop!? // PleasrDAO/Wu-Tang Megathread

Hello Superstonk!
What a week! And all signs point to the next few weeks being equally interesting. Between the rollercoaster price action, all the new people subscribing (Over 1 Million subs!!!), DFV returning, DFV posting here, DFV returning to his YouTube channel, shareholder's meeting next week... well it's just been a lot going on!
There are a couple of housekeeping items that we have to talk about, especially for some of the new people here.


So, if you're new here, one of the things you're (unfortunately) going to get familiar with is brigading. Brigading is defined as: when a group of users, generally outsiders to the targeted subreddit, "invade" a specific subreddit and flood it with downvotes or upvotes in order to damage karma dynamics on the targeted sub; spam the sub with posts and comments to further their own agenda; or perform other disruptive behavior.
Put simply, Superstonk has been put in its own little isolation bubble. Here, we are unable to do certain things that other subs can, such as tagging users and crossposting to other subreddits. We're not able to talk about other communities freely. It's not our choice as a mod team or community, but it's a consequence of prior issues that this community has created for Reddit. As a result, it's NOT ok to post content here about other subs. You can't post screenshots of other subs. You can't celebrate your ban from another sub. You can't show images of other subs with you dunking on users who have a bear thesis towards GME. It is a systemic risk to Superstonk to post content like that here, and all you do is give the mod team more content that we have to remove (along with more ulcers). Brigading is a way to speedrun yourself to a ban from this community.
Similarly, there are some subs out there in the Reddit investing world that have publicly announced that they do not permit discussion of GME. That's their choice. There is to be no interfering with their sub on behalf of GME or Superstonk. It's not ok to go to other subs and encourage people to come to Superstonk, or to attack or berate other sub mods. That could get you banned in other subs, and if you have an extensive post history here, it can create the perception that Superstonk is a problem that Reddit needs to fix. Bottom line, whether you like it or not, we have to keep Superstonk talk on Superstonk, and sort of pretend that other subs simply don't exist.
We have been provided screenshots of comments from users that are being attributed to Superstonk that contain vitriol and threats, and those sorts of comments are simply not ok. Frankly, we don't think that true good-faith participants of Superstonk would make these sorts of comments on other subs.
We don't condone any nature of trolling or harassment, and if you observe ANY evidence that it is happening within our community, tag !mods! or report it and we will take immediate action. We appreciate your commitment to fostering positive and constructive spaces within our walls.
We know the specifics of brigading can be confusing. Just remember to follow the rules in whatever community(ies) you may participate in besides Superstonk, and make sure you don't discuss your adventures in the wider world of Reddit while you are here. We have to stay in our bubble.

New Mods

Welcoming Diznavis and welcoming back _Exordium to the mod team!
Here are a couple quotes from them:
Diz - "I've been watching GME since 1/27/21, bought my first shares on 2/1/21, which was also my first ever stock purchase. I became part of an advisory team of sorts at the Jungle a couple years ago, mostly by being in the right place at the right time, and was eventually added as a mod over there. When I saw the SCC being created, it seemed similar to the team I had been part of at the Jungle, so I joined it so I could help out with this sub as well. I never expected to be asked to join the mod team, it wasn't even on my radar when I joined the SCC, but when it happened, I accepted and here I am."
Exo - "No Luma, I'm too busy to talk to you right now. I'm helping my mom build a garden bed and a bunch of yard work right now, feel free to write what you please about me." Exo is an amazing person, and we're excited that after a long hiatus from the mod team he was interested in jumping back in for a little while.

DFV Doxxing Posts

We've seen an uptick in a new category of weird posts. It's unclear if they are intended to be sweet, or creepy or funny or what, but we've noticed a HUGE uptick in pictures of DFVs family, including his wife/sibling(s). We remove those on sight. They're totally unrelated to his activity as an investor and streamer, and his family and friends deserve their privacy. Posting their photos... honestly it's a little creepy and violates their privacy. Don't do it.


Announcing a new tag - !Bet!
In any comment, on any post, if you see a bet, make sure it is recorded.
Starting now, we have a new mod tag: !Bet! which will alert mods to any bet that somebody has made.
Maybe it's your bet, and you want to make it official. Maybe it's somebody else's bet and you want to make sure they... deliver.
Some bets are... how do I word this... some bets are best delivered on your own NSFW profile (and not on Superstonk). However, a bet is a bet. Make sure, if you make one, you're clear about the terms.
!Bet! will help us make them binding... and maybe make a "Bet Megathread" or something fun along the way.
(An unrelated gif.)
Be safe out there Superstonk. Next week should be spicy! Buckle Up!
submitted by Luma44 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:24 Surrealisticnonsense Anyone coming to America for the preseason/stateside cup games?

If you’re going to the Wolves game in Annapolis, Maryland, I will be happy to offer great recommendations for food and drinks etc. It’s an awesome city for food and drink and a really low level soccer team draws thousands every weekend. Will be an awesome summer event in a pretty cozy stadium.
I have gotten into EPL myself the last few years, but because all my teams here in the states in other sports lose a lot I cheer more for players and coaches/styles (personalities especially) than committing myself to any one team. Watching Zaka play for Palace was a big boost in my EPL interest and so I will be joining you guys in your section versus the boring arse Wolves squad. Looking forward to fully participating and having fun that night.
If anyone has questions about Annapolis I will be happy to help. Until I get to London someday this will be the closest I get to full on EPL experience. I have heard Palace has one of the best fan experiences though so I am excited. Let’s have some fun this summer.
submitted by Surrealisticnonsense to crystalpalace [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:24 angelsbaseball [Post Game Thread] Light That Baby Up! Angels defeat Astros!

Astros (30-36) @ Angels (25-40)

First Pitch: 1:07 PM at Angel Stadium
Team Starter TV Radio
Astros Justin Verlander (3-2, 3.95 ERA) SCHN KBME, TUDN/KLAT (ES)
Angels Patrick Sandoval (2-8, 5.23 ERA) BSW KLAA, KTMZ (ES)
Game Preview
/angelsbaseball Discord
Reddit Stream for this post

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
HOU 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 14 2 8
LAA 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 2 9 12 0 8

Box Score

2B Stefanic 5 0 0 1 0 0 .167
2B Guillorme 0 0 0 0 0 0 .246
3B Rengifo 4 1 2 0 0 0 .316
LF Ward 5 0 0 0 0 2 .247
DH Calhoun, W 3 1 2 1 1 0 .296
DH Tucker 0 0 0 0 0 0 .178
PH Adell 1 0 0 0 0 0 .189
RF Pillar 4 3 2 0 0 1 .330
C O'Hoppe 5 3 4 2 0 0 .269
1B Schanuel 2 0 0 2 0 2 .211
SS Neto 3 1 1 1 0 2 .247
CF Moniak 3 0 1 2 1 1 .167
Sandoval 5.2 8 5 5 3 4 99-60 5.23
Strickland 0.1 2 2 2 0 0 10-7 3.33
Moore 1.0 2 0 0 0 0 18-13 5.11
García, L 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 9-9 4.28
Estévez 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12-10 4.05
2B Altuve 5 2 4 3 0 0 .297
3B Bregman 3 0 1 1 0 0 .237
LF Cabbage 1 0 0 0 0 1 .227
DH Alvarez, Y 3 0 0 0 2 0 .292
SS Peña 5 0 1 1 0 0 .300
C Diaz, Y 5 0 1 0 0 1 .257
CF Meyers 5 0 2 0 0 2 .263
3B Dubón 3 2 1 0 1 0 .297
1B Abreu, J 4 2 2 1 0 0 .132
RF McCormick 4 1 2 1 0 2 .214
Verlander 5.0 7 4 4 0 3 101-62 3.95
Martinez, S 0.2 0 1 0 0 2 15-8 2.12
Montero 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 8-5 3.04
Abreu, B 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 26-16 2.97
Pressly 0.2 2 2 2 1 1 17-13 5.40
Hader 0.2 2 2 2 0 1 15-10 4.08

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B2 Nolan Schanuel out on a sacrifice fly to left fielder Mauricio Dubón. Kevin Pillar scores. 1-0
T3 Jose Altuve singles on a line drive to center fielder Mickey Moniak. Mauricio Dubón scores. José Abreu to 2nd. 1-1
T3 Alex Bregman doubles (12) on a ground ball to left fielder Taylor Ward. José Abreu scores. Jose Altuve to 3rd. 1-2
T3 Jeremy Peña singles on a ground ball to left fielder Taylor Ward. Jose Altuve scores. Alex Bregman to 3rd. Yordan Alvarez to 2nd. 1-3
B4 Nolan Schanuel out on a sacrifice fly to right fielder Chas McCormick. Willie Calhoun scores. Kevin Pillar to 3rd. Logan O'Hoppe to 2nd. 2-3
B4 Mickey Moniak ground bunts into a force out, third baseman Alex Bregman to second baseman Jose Altuve. Kevin Pillar scores. Logan O'Hoppe to 3rd. Zach Neto out at 2nd. Mickey Moniak to 1st. 3-3
B5 Willie Calhoun singles on a ground ball to left fielder Mauricio Dubón. Luis Rengifo scores. 4-3
T6 José Abreu doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Taylor Ward. Mauricio Dubón scores. 4-4
T6 Chas McCormick doubles (4) on a fly ball to left fielder Taylor Ward. José Abreu scores. 4-5
T6 Jose Altuve homers (10) on a fly ball to center field. Chas McCormick scores. 4-7
B6 Mickey Moniak singles on a ground ball to center fielder Jake Meyers, deflected by pitcher Rafael Montero. Logan O'Hoppe scores. 5-7
B8 Zach Neto doubles (14) on a sharp line drive to center fielder Jake Meyers. Logan O'Hoppe scores. 6-7
B8 Michael Stefanic grounds out, second baseman Jose Altuve to first baseman José Abreu. Zach Neto scores. Mickey Moniak to 2nd. 7-7
B9 Logan O'Hoppe homers (8) on a fly ball to left field. Kevin Pillar scores. 9-7


Description Length
Justin Verlander against the Angels 0:07
Patrick Sandoval against the Astros 0:09
Bullpen availability for Los Angeles, June 9 vs Astros 0:07
Bullpen availability for Houston, June 9 vs Angels 0:07
Bench availability for Houston, June 9 vs Angels 0:07
Fielding alignment for Houston, June 9 vs Angels 0:11
Bench availability for Los Angeles, June 9 vs Astros 0:07
Fielding alignment for Los Angeles, June 9 vs Astros 0:11
Starting lineups for Astros at Angels - June 9, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Patrick Sandoval's pitches 0:04
Patrick Sandoval's outing against the Astros 0:25
A deep dive into Jose Altuve's home run 0:11
Breaking down Justin Verlander's pitches 0:04
Justin Verlander's outing against the Angels 0:23
Breaking down Jose Altuve's home run 0:13
Nolan Schanuel's sac fly 0:21
Jose Altuve's RBI single 0:17
Alex Bregman's RBI double 0:22
Jeremy Peña's RBI single 0:14
Justin Verlander strikes out Zach Neto 0:08
Nolan Schanuel's second sac fly of the game 0:19
Mickey Moniak's bunt brings home a run 0:18
Dana Brown joins the broadcast 1:15
Willie Calhoun's RBI single 0:15
José Abreu's RBI double 0:29
Chas McCormick's RBI double 0:26
Jose Altuve's two-run home run (10) 0:31
Patrick Sandoval strikes out Jake Meyers 0:06
Patrick Sandoval's four strikeouts against Astros 0:28
Mickey Moniak's RBI single 0:16
Justin Verlander's three strikeouts versus Angels 0:28
Alex Bregman leaves game after being hit by a pitch 0:38
Zach Neto's RBI double 0:23
Michael Stefanic's game-tying groundout 0:17
Josh Hader Swinging Strike to Taylor Ward 0:13
Josh Hader escapes 8th inning jam 0:07
Logan O'Hoppe homers (8) on a fly ball to left field. Kevin Pillar scores. 1:28


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Estévez (1-3, 4.05 ERA) Hader (3-4, 4.08 ERA)
Game ended at 4:24 PM.
submitted by angelsbaseball to angelsbaseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:24 TwinkleToesMOD BE A SMART BUILDER

These are great tips, especially for newer players. Thank SoS Game Info Team.
submitted by TwinkleToesMOD to State_of_Survival [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:21 NeoMagicStar Big Big Run Shoutouts! To iAmNoSkill, Xéno, and eru♪

SHOUTOUT TO THIS AMAZING TEAM FOR GETTING ME TO GOLD FOR THE FIRST TIME!! I'm literally so happy about it. Sure, we didn't beat the Triumvirate, but I'm really happy that we got such a high egg count. Want to know that number? 161 eggs!
I want to say thank you, even if I know you guys won't see this. Y'all rock so hard. Hope that eventually, I'll see you in game again. Slay!!
submitted by NeoMagicStar to splatoon [link] [comments]