Baby food jar label template

StupidFood : Food. Point. Laugh.

2015.04.11 11:11 Clackpot StupidFood : Food. Point. Laugh.

A place to lambast idiotic methods of serving food, or any other epicurean inanity worthy of ridicule.

2016.10.30 01:41 sjrsimac sjrsimac's sandbox


2015.05.23 04:52 I3km A (former) place for broken moms to ask for and offer help.

Hello! I have taken the sub down. I have been considering it for several months, but this was the scheduled date of decommissioning as it's been more than a week since the last registration and request of assistance. Consider /assistance and their sidebar for alternatives.

2024.06.08 03:47 The_Walking_Wallet Findom Freestyling

In the sugar baby/daddy world, there’s a term called ”Free Styling”. Which means getting a sugar baby in the real world and not via specific sites/online dedicated to the cause.
Could that apply to FinDom?
On nights out (Friday/Saturday), would it be FinDom to talk to those on a girls night out and offer to be their personal wallet for the evening. Whether it’s a group of 2-10 women, be the one to buy them drinks/food the whole night.
They’ll ask “why?” Here, I’d blatantly say ”I’m a simp, walking wallet, submissive, beta that truly believes women are goddess. Thus, this is my bare minimum tribute to them/you”.
Would be more polished than that, but from the jump, they’d know it’s not a chat-up line or sexual advance. It’s simply free drinks/food covered for an evening. Perhaps if they want to do again the following week or birthday of one of the ladies.
submitted by The_Walking_Wallet to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:44 Downtown-Cricket288 Which one of you is “failee” on TT

Because thank you 👏 Idk how you’ve managed to not get blocked with your comments, but you are slowly opening the eyes of these blind followers and I love to see it.
What is up with her posting old ass videos of Zeke lately? I’m aware that “cuter” means more views, however it seems like she’s reminiscing him being a baby, which every mom does — but back then she was miserable and very bitter towards him as well. I would get so angry at her slowly making bottles while recording and letting the kid literally sit there and starve and salivate for his food like a dog.
Like I think she enjoys seeing this poor boy suffer and it makes me so angry. I feel so bad for him 😭
submitted by Downtown-Cricket288 to zekeandhalee [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:37 puffqueen1 Meal prepping parents- what are you doing for your baby?

My husband and I are pretty busy people. I typically meal prep on Mondays all of our lunches and dinners for the week. It works really well for us, we’ve been doing this for years.
I want baby to eat what we eat, but I feel hesitant to feed him food 4-5 days old. Am I overthinking? Are you all really cooking your babies multiple meals a day? I know that sounds silly, and obviously I’m going to feed my kid lol, I guess I’m just wondering how people do it this early on. It’s a lot of work and dishes to cook multiple things every day that he hardly eats.
I typically do eggs and a veggie for breakfast, and really try to do fruit and veggie for lunch. It’s always simple & doesn’t feel like enough.
submitted by puffqueen1 to BabyLedWeaning [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:36 5docdoc RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 4 (SheMZ)

RPDR Randomized Era 4: All Stars 5, Episode 4 (SheMZ)
The queens walk back into the werkroom after Kylie's elimination
In her confessional, Laganja talks about the shock of losing such a strong competitor like Kylie and that it really just proves that All Stars is a different ball game.

The queens gather around on the werkroom couches to discuss the challenge and elimination. Monet congratulates Symone on winning the challenge and the lip sync and says that she was hoping that A'Keria would pull through so that there would be $20,000 up for grabs this week. Laganja then jokingly asks Monet what makes her think she would be the one to win it. Dela then asks Symone what she thought about to make her decision. Symone explains that she couldn't choose Ra'jah because she was on her team for this challenge and didn't think her performance was that bad so it came down to Luxx and Kylie and since Kylie was in the bottom twice in a row it made the choice easier for her. Luxx thanks her and then asks her to open the box to see the other votes. Symone takes the lip sticks out one by one and reveals that there were...

5 votes for Kylie, 1 vote for Luxx, and 2 votes for Ra'jah
The queens start to raise their hands and acknowledge that they voted for Kylie, which brings Laganja and Peppermint to admit that they pulled Ra'jah's lip stick. Peppermint explains that she has worked with Kylie for years and knew that she had so much more to show and that she couldn't bring herself to send her sister home. Laganja agrees and adds that she was on a team with Kylie and felt like it wouldn't have been right to pull her lip stick. Ra'jah is really bothered about this.
In her confessional, Ra'jah talks about how these girls are out to get her and that she knows when she ends up in the top that she will definitely remember who had her back and who didn't.

Luxx thanks the girls for not choosing her lip stick. She admits that she thought that Dela was going to choose hers after their history with one another. Dela explains that she is trying to play the game fairly and that she isn't going to choose a girl just because they chose her but because of the options they were the right queen to go. Peppermint points out that as the weeks continue to progress that it'll be harder and harder to make those types of decisions. The girls all then start to de-drag.

The queens reenter the werkroom and celebrate being the top 7 queens. Symone makes a joke with Monet and asks her what it feels like to last this many episodes. Monet then responds by saying that she knows which lip stick she will have to pull when Symone lands in the bottom. Luxx laughs at this and points out that Monet said "when" and not "if". Just then the queens hear the siren for their RuMail which breaks the conversation. After watching their RuMail, they hear the werkroom door open.

RuPaul enters the werkroom!
RuPaul tells the queens that for their next maxi challenge they will be caught behaving badly on the nationally televised show SheMZ!
Ru goes on to tell the girls that they will be working in teams to improv through scandalous situations. She goes on to say that their goal should be to make her laugh. Ru then announces that the teams and their roles are as follows:
  • Team 1: Peppermint and Ra'jah O'Hara (a shoplifting gone wrong)
  • Team 2: Laganja Estranja and Symone (rival fake housewives)
  • Team 3: Bendelacreme, Luxx Noir London, Monet X Change (drag college admissions scandal)
In her confessional, Peppermint talks about how she hopes it won't be too awkward to have to work with Ra'jah after she essentially just admitted to her that she was going to try to send her home.

Ru then leaves the teams to start preparing for their improv challenge.

When RuPaul leaves the room, the queens separate into their groups to start coming up with ideas for their characters.
In her confessional, Monet talks about how much she wants to win to prove that she is a contender in this competition. She goes on to say that she feels like this could be the challenge that makes that happen.

Ra'jah and Peppermint sit down to talk about their scene. Peppermint talks about how excited she is for a challenge like this. Ra'jah agrees and adds that its the perfect opportunity to just be crazy. Peppermint jokingly talks about how anyone who has done drag has stolen before so she has plenty of inspiration for how she will go about her character. Ra'jah then says that she thinks the key for them really nailing it this week is to give each other the space to really perform and not steamroll over each other. Peppermint agrees and adds that she definitely thinks the chemistry needs to be there in order for them to make it to the top this week.

Monet, Dela and Luxx are then shown preparing for their performances. Dela mentions how happy she is to work with Monet this week since they haven't had the chance to be on a team yet. Monet then says that she feels good about their team and that this is the challenge that she is trying to win. Luxx asks her if she has ever done improv before to which Monet says that she hasn't but that she isn't new to comedy in general and that is what she thinks will pull her through this week. Luxx disagrees and says that improv is different than just regular comedy and that she doesn't want any of them to just coast this week because she isn't trying to be in the bottom again.
In her confessional, Luxx elaborates that she thinks that queens that have been told that they are funny like to play it safe and think that some natural charm is all they will need to pull through and she isn't willing to risk her spot in the competition over that.

Finally, we see Symone and Laganja as they start to think up what they could do for their characters. Laganja shares that she thinks they have the best set up for the week because there is so much that they could pull from. Symone agrees and says that they need to make sure they play it big and play it funny. She goes on to say that their team is the only team where both of them have won so they should have an edge over the other groups. Laganja laughs as she agrees and says they have this week in the bag.

We then see the transition to the All Stars performances in the maxi challenge. The show kicks off with all of the All Stars out of drag as they portray "straight men" working alongside Carson Kressley. The first scene we are shown is of Symone and Laganja as the cameraman Ross Mathews catches up with the housewife rivals at lunch. Symone really steals the scene and is able to tap into a 'NeNe Leakes' type persona whereas Laganja gets thrown off while trying to volley with her. The two queens reveal their fake pregnancies and end their scene with a pillow and food fight, truly chaotic in the best way. Up next, we are shown the scene with Dela, Monet, and Luxx. Their scene centers around Dela being the 'Drag U Fixer' and bribing money away from Monet and her drag daughter Luxx. Dela completely nails this scene and really takes the spotlight away from Monet during their verbal altercation. Luxx is hardly shown, though does have a funny moment when she first appears in the scene before Dela starts talking again. Finally we are shown the scene with Peppermint and Ra'jah where Peppermint was caught shoplifting from Ra'jah's store. Peppermint play an over the top has-been who stole tons of items from the store and was caught by Ra'jah . Ra'jah plays angry well but doesn't really stand up to what Peppermint is doing with her characterization.

RuPaul welcomes everyone to the runway and introduces the main judges for the week, Michelle Visage and Carson Kressley! She then goes on to greet this week's extra special guest judge Sarah Hyland! Ru then explains that this week the All Stars were challenged to improv their way out of some celebrity shenanigans and that tonight on the runway the category is Camo Couture!

The queens take to the stage and present camouflage looks.
RuPaul starts by telling the queens that after reviewing their performances in the challenge and their presentation on the main stage that she has made some decisions. She announces that both Luxx Noir London and Monet X Change are safe and that they may leave the stage.
The critiques begin.

Michelle starts with Dela and tells her she thinks her runway look is incredible and so different from what they have come to expect from her. She goes on to say that she put on an improvisation clinic with her performance in this challenge and that it was amazing to watch. RuPaul agrees that she was in her element this week and that the other girls need to watch out for her because it seems that she has finally awoken.

Michelle moves on to Peppermint and says that she feels that week after week they are getting new aspects of her talent and that she hasn't been let down yet. Sarah Hyland tells her that she thinks she completely was the star of her segment and that she couldn't take her eyes off of her. She goes on to say that it is rare for someone to be beautiful and hilarious but that Peppermint perfected this.

Carson then talks to Ra'jah and tells her that he thinks that she struggled to keep up with Peppermint in their challenge and that even when they were in the full group in boy drag that she didn't come alive the way some of the other queens did. Sarah Hyland starts by telling Ra'jah how amazing her look on the runway is and adds that it is her favorite look of the night. She then goes on to agree with Carson in that she felt that her performance was really overshadowed by Peppermint and that she wishes she pushed through just a little more.

Carson then talks to Laganja and tells her that she started off really strong in the challenge but that she kind of lost her edge once Symone started to put her feet on the gas. Michelle agrees and adds that with Laganja's performance it was like you could see the wheels turning in her head as she thought up what she should say next whereas Symone didn't really have that problem.

Michelle ends by telling Symone that was a natural in the challenge and that she found her performance to be one of the funniest of the week. She goes on to say that she comes to the runway with such confidence and that she loves being able to see that same level of performance reflected in the challenges. RuPaul agrees and adds that Symone knows her strengths and knows where her comedy lies and that she capitalized on it perfectly with this performance.

Following the critiques RuPaul announces that she has made her decisions.

Ru goes on to announce that...
Bendelacreme is the top All Star of the week!
In her confessional, Dela tears up as she mentions that it means a lot to be told she is the winner of the challenge and that she is so happy that the judges are recognizing all the hard work she is putting into the competition.

Ru then tells Dela that she will have the chance to eliminate one of the bottom queens if she can beat this week's lip sync assassin. She then tells Symone and Peppermint that they are both safe.

RuPaul then tells Ra'jah O'Hara and Laganja Estranja that they are in the bottom this week and are up for elimination

The queens all return to the werkroom to discuss the critiques
In her confessional, Symone jokingly talks about how she knows she should feel sorry for the queens in the bottom but that she is more annoyed that she wasn't the winner this week given how strong her critiques were.

Luxx and Monet greet the girls as they come back into the werkroom and make room for them on the couch. Luxx asks them what happened out there and Peppermint explains that Dela came out as the winner of the challenge and that Laganja and Ra'jah are in the bottom. Monet asks Ra'jah if she is ok as she can see that Ra'jah is really bothered by the news. Ra'jah says that she is just really frustrated with the critiques that she has been given and that she knows that there is more that she can bring and she doesn't understand why the judges aren't seeing that. Dela then says that she wants to talk with the girls one on one and she takes Ra'jah off to the side to talk with her first.

Ra'jah talks with Dela about how she feels the judges aren't seeing her and that it is really frustrating to her. Dela then asks if she could see what the judges were saying about her performance. Ra'jah disagrees and says that her character was a smaller role and that the focus was supposed to be on the thief. She goes on to say that she hopes that Dela takes into account how hard she is fighting to stay here when she makes her decision tonight.
While this is happening, Laganja talks to the group about why she should stay. She explains that this is her first time up for elimination and her first time receiving negative critiques. She adds that she won the first challenge of the season and that should count for something. She goes on to say that the way she has been performing so far proves that she is the one that should stay and that she hopes the other girls see it that way as well.

When Laganja talks with Dela she says much of the same things. She adds that she knows that Dela has said that she has been fair in how she has chosen lip sticks thus far in the season so she hopes she continues to be fair in her decision this week.
Ra'jah tears up talking to the group as she explains that she thinks the judges are casting her aside. Symone hugs her and says that she can't think like that and that she hopes that she sees how sickening she really is. Ra'jah then explains that it is frustrating to be told that she isn't trying when all she has been doing is fighting week after week only to keep ending up in the bottom. She then tells the girls that she hopes that they can see that and keep that in mind for when they make their decisions.

We then see all the queens going to the voting booth to cast their votes for who should be eliminated. At last we see Bendelacreme walking up to the mirror and deciding which of the bottom queens she will eliminate if she wins her lip sync.

The queens are back on the main stage. The other queens are seated to the side while Dela is on stage awaiting her performance. Ru asks Dela if she is ready to lip sync for her legacy to which Dela comedically shrugs and says she guesses. Ru then says it's time to meet this week's lip sync assassin...


The lip sync assassin is...
Heidi N Closet, Season 3 and All Stars 3!!

RuPaul welcomes Heidi back and tells her that she is happy to see her back home. Heidi then says that she is happy to come back and slay a lip sync whenever Ru wants. Ru laughs at this and explains that Heidi holds the lip stick of the queen the group has chosen to get the chop. RuPaul then announces that two queens stand before her. She tells Dela that this is her chance to impress her, win $10,000, and earn the power to give one of the bottom queens the chop.

The time has come to lip sync for your legacy

Good luck and don't FUCK it up!

The lip sync song Where Have You Been by Rihanna then starts playing and the performances begin. Bendelacreme is taking a more campy approach to this song playing it up like an angry housewife. She gets a few laughs from the judges throughout her performance. Heidi, however, it performing like its her place in the competition that is on the line. She dances all around the stage doing splits and tricks and stunts. We see the queens off to the side really living for her performance while waving their hands in the air and cheering as she continues to explode with energy.

The lip sync ends and RuPaul announces...

Heidi N Closet... you're a winner baby!
She goes on to announce that the cash tip of $10,000 will roll over to next week's winnings. She then tells Bendelacreme that she is safe and may step to the back of the stage.

RuPaul then asks the bottom queens to step forward.

She then explains that Heidi holes the lip stick of the queen that the group has chosen to get the chop. Ru then asks Heidi to reveal the lip stick.

Heidi then reaches into her garment to reveal that the group has chosen to send home...

\"Ra'jah O'Hara\"
Ra'jah looks upset to learn that she has been eliminated. She turns to give Laganja a hug.
As it is written, so shall it be done....

Ra'jah O'Hara... sashay away.

The queens clap for Ra'jah as she departs the main stage.

6 Queens Remain...


submitted by 5docdoc to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:35 sunkiss038 Day 2 of no booze — need reassurance that this gets easier, that there are benefits to look forward to …

— I’m 35 (F), and have been a heavy drinker since I was 18. I browned or blacked out at least a couple of times a week all throughout my 20s (which, frankly, while I don’t remember all the details, I look back on very fondly as I had loads of fun). Then I evolved into a “responsible,” high-functioning drinker in my 30s (ha, like 3-5 glasses of wine a night — but I don’t black out or get too hungover anymore). That said, I can’t remember the last time I had zero alcohol for more than a day (and that’s because of illness).
— At this point, being a big drinker is a really huge (and I know this is sad … but beloved) part of my identity. I rely on it completely to feel engaged in social conversations with almost anyone (as in, I don’t catch up with friends on FaceTime until I can drink at the same time). When I’m sober, I find it really exhausting and difficult to socialize in almost any way — particularly when I don’t know the person well (and even people I do know well, like my parents, who I have 100x more patience for when I’m imbibing). I really don’t think I’m lying to myself when I say that I’m a much more engaging person/conversationalist when I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine — and that I truly feel happier in this state.
— I just had my first embryo transfer via IVF two days ago (which means if all goes well, that I am now pregnant). I’ve dreaded and feared pregnancy since I was in my 20s, largely because I’d have to give up everything I love (booze, edibles, energy drinks, sushi, raw foods, basically everything I depend on for joy). When we started IVF a year ago, I knew I’d need to prepare for this moment — and even tried naltrexone for a while (but found that it made me really depressed?!) to try and prepare myself and retrain my brain to not “need” booze anymore. I then gave up, and decided to just enjoy what time was left, and that I’d figure it out once I absolutely had to.
— Here I am, literally 1 day after my transfer, and have no idea what to do with myself. I am incredibly bored. I don’t want to socialize (even TEXT) with anyone. I just keep snacking, hoping to find other forms of pleasure to sub in for my nightly drinks. Since booze honestly felt like a 95% positive thing in my life (as it fueled my social life and even helped me and my husband connect better in date nights) without any of the negatives (no hangovers, rarely do/say anything I regret), I’m finding it really, really hard to see any upside to this forced period of sobriety. I can only see things I miss. I can only see the void that not drinking leaves in my life.
I’d so appreciate if folks could help me see that upside (aside from a baby of course!). Are there benefits that are yet to come that I’ll come to realize? Are the first few days/weeks the hardest? Will this get easier? Is there any world where I come to actually enjoy (vs. just endure/tolerate) sobriety?
P.S. Based on recos from this sub, I just bought The Naked Mind and Quit Like A Woman in hopes that they’ll help me see this differently.
submitted by sunkiss038 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:15 KeyInternational6119 Is there anyone else out there like me?

I don't use Reddit at all, but I figured it would be the best place to go.
I'm a questioning trans guy. I've looked up this stuff, but I haven't found anything close to how I feel.
Are there any other trans guys who are very connected to girlhood and femininity? I'm not just talking about feminine-presenting trans men.
I've presented as a woman/girl for all 16 years of my life except for when I was 12-13 and identified as a trans man/non-binary. I use the term genderfluid now and I consider myself transmasc. I mostly fall on the feminine side of the spectrum, but I've always had passing thoughts/phases of wondering if I really was a trans man. But they go away eventually and I go back to feeling feminine, which is why I use the genderlfuid label.
I've always been a mama's girl - I love makeup and dressing feminine, and I currently identify as a lesbian. I've never really liked being a lesbian, but that's mostly due to internalized homophobia and comphet.
I'm stuck with this Kalvin Garrah mindset that I have to look masculine to be a trans man. And I know I don't, but I can't get it out of my head. I'm 5'1, have a baby face, and I look like a girl. Thankfully, I have a binder, but that's it.
I'm also too scared to get on hormones or get surgery later in life. I think it's because I've been questioning myself for my whole life, and I'm scared of making the wrong choice that will affect me for the rest of my life. I know I'm trans in some sort of way, but I don't know what kind.
Additionally, I'm aware that I don't need a label, but again, it feels like I do.
I'm just so confused and I need to know if anyone else knows how I feel.
submitted by KeyInternational6119 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:03 Environmental_Crazy4 At my wits end

I am at my wits end. I have a senior Maine Coon mix, Erin and she's 13. I had a husband and wife I took care of until the husband passed away August 2023 and the wife went into a nursing home a few months ago. They got this cat from their daughter who got her from an elderly woman in Utica, who had to keep her in a room by herself because she would fight the other cats. She has a thyroid problem that is being controlled by Methimazole. She is eating the same wet food that her crushed up pill gets put into and we changed her dry food to a popular sensitive skin and digestion formula that seems to control her vomiting and itching that she had. Her litter changed from a clumping litter to a pellet litter that turns to saw dust when wet. She has not had a problem with it since we started using it. She has gone through 3 moves in 8 months with the last move being back to the house my client's used to live in and Erin moved to last July so she knows the house. There were 2 other very lazy caregivers who never cleaned the letterbox. I once found feces in a box with 4 packs of baby wipes but she never went on furniture, until now. When we moved in, I tried putting her litterbox in a bathroom. She used it but hated it. I then tried it in my bedroom at the bottom of a linen closet that had no door but a door way. I pushed the back of the litterbox into the doorway. This was about the time she started pooping on the sofa and loveseat. I found out this wasn't good so I pulled it out. She stopped. Now she's started again. I tried aluminum foil all over the sofa and loveseat and it worked. For a while. She hated the foil but now she poops and pees on it. She's even gone so far as to move the foil to poop on the cushions. Idk what to do outside of clear plastic slipcovers. HELP!!!! Please, only remedies that have been used and actually worked. Thank you.
submitted by Environmental_Crazy4 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:03 LeeIsUnloved I don't understand some social norms

I dunno if its the autism or im just too young to understand some of these things yet (i'm 16)
-I don't understand why anyone other the parents of the baby (and doctors) would want to be in the delivery room while giving birth. Unless you don't have a partner and need some support from your mum or smth. -I don't understand why its rude to be invited to someones house and then not eat the food they make for you. You invited me, you should've checked I would like the food you wanted to make. or if youre inviting a group of people then say what youre cooking on the invite. -I don't really understand the need for vows at a wedding -Why do people feel the need to rub pregnant womans bellys unless the babies kicking
I don't really understand and i wanna know if it is an autism thing or i'll understand when im older?
submitted by LeeIsUnloved to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:02 gamergurl_89 Are my cousins narcs?

AITA for thinking my cousins are narcs
AITA for thinking my cousins are narcs?
So the first time I visited my cousins in CA was when I was 16. But I visited them when I was 33 and arrived in the airport, as I didn’t have my car I had to relay on others to drive me in CA but they had asked me to come to visit them. I was informed by my cousin-by-marriage, J, that I had to protect myself from her sister, G, who looks to destroy people and accuse them of things. At fast food I didn’t know anything about G as to what her order is so I left it but she yelled at me in the restaurant in front of my younger cousins. I laughed and defended myself saying I didn’t know what her order is and I wouldn’t presume. They told me I did well as I laughed and started talking to J’s husband, my cousin, D. Him and I went to the car as we were talking about a deceased relative. I only asked to go to one place and J took me various places when I had not asked, it was mostly her and my little cousins. I was along for the ride. One night we had a PJ night to watch movies with junk food and relax. One cousin-by-marriage, A, announced she was pregnant and me and my other cousin, Am, were single and feeling that tiny bit of sadness as we were single but we got through it and were happy about the baby. When I got back, J, was lying to my mother saying I had screamed in the fast food place in front of my younger cousins when I hadn’t at G. As I got married later at the end of the year as I met a wonderful man on a website my parents encouraged. Then J starts saying to the other cousins I should be guilty for how I met him with the cousin I thought I was close to, K, her daughter sending me a lengthy manifesto of what a horrible person I am, how ungrateful I was during the trip and how I forced J to drive me everywhere. I had paid for a whole bunch of stuff for them when I was there. But what got me was I found be guilty for my beloved husband as I married him when I was 33. J tells my mother I can out in a nightgown when it was the PJ night, that I didn’t send a message when I was landed when I tried and it apparently didn’t go through. She said I didn’t pay for anything when I have a list of things I did pay for and I kept thanking them. They made Am apologize for how she felt and were upset I didn’t apologize for emotions when I wasn’t upset or angry about a baby, I just was…sad that I hadn’t met my husband yet. I couldn’t afford for baby gift but I did send a car. I don’t understand why J lied so much. What was the agenda?
submitted by gamergurl_89 to RantsOfReddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:01 Shibenaut Did everyone suddenly become gluten-intolerant this generation?

Ever since I got diagnosed with gluten intolerance, I've obviously had to change my diet by quite a lot, and now all I can notice when shopping is the GF label on everything.
But has it always been like this (with so many GF options)? Even at restaurants, I see many modern eating establishments with GF labels on their menus.
It's either I was completely oblivious to this before, or there's suddenly more people in this world with gluten intolerance and a huge market for gluten-free foods now.
submitted by Shibenaut to glutenfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:53 omnichad Messy baby food mukbang YouTuber

Messy baby food mukbang YouTuber submitted by omnichad to weirddalle [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:53 Mysterious_Coconut52 Need a couple of bucks just to get us through the month.

Hi! I'm really really not used to asking for help, but I think it's my last resort. I need to do this for my rescued dogs and my life. I was once a private employee back then, but an incident where a senior of mine assaulted me because of a misunderstanding made me quit my job because the company failed to protect me. I was depressed for months but I held my ground and tried to start a new life though farming. I tried to venture in farming because I love planting and taking care of animals. I tried raising free-ranged chickens and fed them organic foods as to lower my operation costs and made their eggs healthier. Everything was doing fine and I thought I was on the right path. I had this dream of giving back to my community as well as help or rescue abandoned and mistreated dogs. I eventually ended up adopting a total of 18 dogs. Some of them mistreated, some are those who would have been thrown of the river, some would have been killed for food. I was so happy that I had already forgotten my depression. Seeing them happily roaming around and eating properly, being showered with love, I couldn't ask for more. But then, disaster struck me. There was this father and son who were beggars roaming around our community. I pitied them and welcomed them to my farm. I specially pitied the kid, because he's already 14 years old but still, he can't read nor write. I gave his father a job, gave him salary, food, shelter, and clothes, and sent that kid to school. At first, it was all okay. Little did I know, his father has some mental disorder. It'll started when he suddenly chopped off trees and plants at the farm, I warned him because I planted those trees(I have always loved big trees and forests). Then, the disaster. He poisoned our chickens using pesticide and rat poison. Just like that, I lost everything. I have already invested all my money gained from being an employee to this, now we don't have anything to earn a living.
I'm asking for your help. Help me start again for my dogs. I already applied for work and was already hired but I don't have any money to go to my work destination and means of living there while waiting for my salary. I already exhausted all my money to feed myself and my babies. I also was in a lot of debts, I already lost my car because of it.
Help me. Help us start again.
submitted by Mysterious_Coconut52 to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:50 harryhinderson Adventures in Unused Victoria 3 Icons Part 1

Adventures in Unused Victoria 3 Icons Part 1
So I'm only going over stuff I find immediately interesting, so I might skip over something or other. Also some things aren't listed as unused despite definitely being unused, so I might miss a lot of stuff.
This first thing is actually an unused institution: conscription. There's actually quite a few unused bits and bobs surrounding conscription. I assume it was made no longer an institution because it's annoying how slow they are, or some historical inaccuracy. I wouldn't know, I'm not a conscriptologist.
UPDATE: They actually talk about this in an early dev diary! They probably mention why they cut it out somewhere, but I can't be arsed to find out where that might be.
This is an unused building, the "foundry". You may be thinking "wait I'm pretty sure this is in the game". That would be the *artillery* foundry, this is different. The unique icon leads me to believe that this would lump together several different products made out of metal into one building. I have several ideas for what exactly this could have entailed, and they're all pretty dumb. I don't know *exactly* what was going on here but everything that could have gone on makes it obvious why this was removed.
Can you guess what this is? This is actually an unused wargoal called "take colony". I assume this was in the early stages where colonies were separate from unincorporated states, before the community convinced them to merge the two concepts. Even then, it's pretty redundant. Just use conquer state. Also this one wasn't listed as unused.
This is actually an unused AI strategy called "expand infrastructure". Yeah, that's pretty dumb. Its just a number, and there are no advantages to being under or significantly over the infrastructure limit, except in warfare with some stuff that isn't properly relayed to the player. If infrastructure < infrastructure limit then build railroad == true. Actually, interestingly enough I'm pretty sure at release the AI had a very hard time building enough infrastructure and everything always had 0% market access.
Here's an unused character trait. "Desert commander". I'm guessing this was showing up too much for random german dudes, or something. But they could have always restricted it to cultures with deserts in their homeland or something, I dunno. Is that even possible? I'm really bad at modding so I don't know.
Here's another unused character trait, showman. Probably too similar to arrogant, or reckless. Nothing that other traits don't already cover. Interestingly enough, this kind of looks like a 4th level of the "commander popularity" traits. "Showman" would be a pretty weird name for it, though.
Here's the last unused character trait icon and wait this is literally just wrathful. Actually, this is separate from wrathful in the files even though it looks identical, and it *is* in the unused folder. It's called "war criminal". No comment.
Here's a bunch of unused commander orders. Assault, Delay, power projection, standby, has target, move, and admiral repairing, in that order. A lot of these are things that they can do, but you never actually order them to do it. Yeah they do have standby mode, and they move, and they uh. Have targets. But you never actually order them to do any of that stuff. For admiral repairing I assume navies used to have to go to port in order to resupply manpower, which was abandoned for obvious reasons, that's a terrible idea. Power projection I guess was just ordering your navy to sit there and look scary. I have no idea why assault and delay are unused. I do remember on the forums a dev telling a detractor that there used to be a more exact level of control that you could have over the military, but it was really annoying and redundant. I guess this is what they meant, and I get it. I'm getting a headache just looking at this.
Here's an icon that represents a character being busy. For those that don't know, this is an actual state characters can be in that some events put them in. I don't think the game ever does a very good job communicating what exactly it entails, though. No idea why this is unused. There's a lot of other early UI elements, like from back when the concept of religion was represented using a very christian cross, but this is the only one I found interesting.
Here's an unused good. "Literature". Adding an "information" or "newspaper" good of some sort has been one of the biggest suggestions for goods. They probably removed this because they realized just how much other stuff they would have to add relating to it, and were on a tight schedule. This seems to have been an idea that didn't get too far, because there isn't an unused literature building or anything. Interestingly enough, this is actually labeled as used.
This pharmaceuticals good is a very similar story. No healthcare building or anything. My potions are too strong for you, victorian.
Can you guess what this good was meant to be? Knowledge? Nope, it's just lightbulbs. Yeah. I genuinely want to know what the thought process behind this was. Maybe this was an early version of electricity before they decided to make it local only, to justify why it can be shipped across the ocean?
This is probably the most interesting unused good icon. What is it called? Well, its just called "food". There are several possibilities for what this could be. First, a simple placeholder for several different types of goods. I don't think this is the case, because there already is a placeholder icon for goods. Next is an early version of what grain looked like. There's also the possibility that its an early version of what groceries were, which I can pretty definitively say is not the case. Why? Well besides the fact that this crumbly ass thing of bread is a very poor representation of what groceries are, in this screenshot in a very early dev diary, you can see it being used for the "struggling" icon, next to what appears to be a tasteful helping of gamer juice. Anyway just below it is the early middling icon, which contains what is presumably a very early groceries icon from the same period of development. The last possibility is the most far fetched one, but it is certainly possible: at some point in development, they might have been thinking about consolidating every food good into this one, or at least every staple food good. Could you imagine? That would be horrendous.
There's a lot of unused stuff with ideologies, but most of it is kind of confusing. Different names for the same thing, things that just straight up aren't unused, mixups between IG ideology and character ideology, things of that nature. I can't be bothered to sort this mess out. Here's two unused ideology things:
Modernizer. Presumably an early ideology trait thing for the intelligentsia or the industrialists, maybe only in pre-industrial economies.
WHOOPSIE! Guess what I just found out? You can't have more than 20 images in a reddit post. Shame, I had a bunch of other cool icons to ramble incoherently about. There are some unused laws (many of which we got to see in early dev diaries!), unused inventions, a bunch of unused lens stuff giving us a look into what actions you used to be able to do in Vic3 and some scrapped concepts. And. *takes a cursory glance at PM icons* Uh. Wow. Holy shit. That's a LOT of unused production methods. Remember when I said literature must have been cut very early? I might have been extremely wrong about that. So yeah, this is just part 1. No idea when I'm gonna do part 2.
One last thing to note, there are no unused profession icons even though we see an unused icon in an early dev diary, the clergy using a very christian cross. I still think they should've replaced it with incense instead of the hands. The hands are stupid.
submitted by harryhinderson to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:37 Waterfieldforge More memes

I heard there’s a lack of meme, here’s a template for the comments.
Don’t bring any food or drink to the event, mooch off everyone else. Be a Viking.
submitted by Waterfieldforge to sca [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:36 blueandgrayx New baby girl!

New baby girl!
Hi bettafish!
Before I go into detail here, please know that we totally weren’t expecting to end up with a fish but here we are 😅 My wife is a teacher and one of her kiddos had a new baby beta fish in a lil jar, the family didn’t really want to take care of it and being the animal lovers we are… we offered to take her. Meet Queen Charlotte 👑 (she’s that lil speck in the upper left corner!)
The day we took her in, we read a bunch of things in this group (thank you all so much btw) and went out to get her a 10 gallon tank and did a fish in cycle (not ideal, we know, but her jar was a hot mess). We’ve had her for a bit now and she’s doing great. She’s spunky and curious and loves to interact. Her water levels are good, and everything has been fine minus the fact that I freaking hate the heater we bought (sicce contactless, literally cannot figure this thing out and it doesn’t seem to heat consistently so we have another heater on the way but tank is at 79* for now). That white sponge is slowing the flow of our adjustable filter bc even at its lowest we were nervous it was too much for her but we could be overprotective 🫠 Planning to get plants for the surface soon too.
Anyway- we’re wondering two things:
  1. How much should this gal be eating daily because we see a LOT of conflicting information for babies. We’ve been feeding her crushed up high quality pellets 3x/day (only as much as she can eat in a few mins) and a lil bit of frozen brine shrimp every couple days. Her belly gets nice and big after eating but she seems to swim it off and is always ready for the next meal.
  2. Can/should she be solo in there? We’ve seen mixed opinions on sororities so we don’t want to go that route but would it be beneficial to her at all to have some kind of tank mate?
Also, just because I’m scared y’all are gonna come at me 🥲 we’ve both had bettas when we were younger, but they were adult males. Mine (Mopey) lived to be 6 and my wife’s (Edgar Allen Poe) was 5. So… we have some experience but we’re new to having a baby and getting her was a whirlwind so here we are.
Thank you in advance for your time and advice 🫶🏽
submitted by blueandgrayx to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:30 Ok-Aide3996 Help with Dad

I'm currently trying to help my dad, whose 59 and only has $1700 in his 401k. He has previously taken out money (like $4k) from his retirement accounts at his old company because he wanted to help his kids and also had problems with bills.
My dad was born and raised in Mexico and came to the US around the age of 35-38.He came not knowing anything about retirement or how to ask for help because he struggled with English. He barely knew anything about finances. He had a good paying job that offered him a retirement account (don't know if it was a 401k) for while. As years passed by, his company for some reason cut his salary and eventually let him go. I I don't if it was because of his age but as I said he took out money from his retirement to help with expenses and other stuff.
Everytime, I talk to my dad or see him, it's like he's given up on himself. I feel like it's because of his situation and I want to help him. Seeing him like that makes me sad because my dad is a great person, and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for him. He's Christian and really believes in God. He knows God has a plan for him. He helps other people even when he himself is having problems. My dad is also hard on himself because he feels like he didn't teach us anything in life and that we had learn ourselves. I just really hate seeing him like this and I just hope someday, I can be successful and finally give him the life he deserves. He has done so much for us.
Right now, he's basically currently living paycheck to paycheck. His bills include rent, phone bill, my brother's car who he thought would be paying it but no longer has a job, and etc.
I opened a Roth Ira for him and he can only afford to make $15 contributions which I know isn't enough but hopefully one day that amount will be a lot higher for his sake. I'm also planning to rollover his 401k into his Roth account and invest that as well but I'm still trying to figure that out. I will then make invest that money into the Fidelity 500 Index Fund. I'm also looking to invest into low risk stocks and just diversify his portfolio. I'm choosing to do low risk because of his age but with that also comes low gains. I don't know if I should do that. I'm no financial advisor whatsoever. I'm really new to this so correct me on anything. I only want what's best for my dad. And if you guys have any recommendations for him, please post them as it will really help me out. Thanks in advance.
-Quick add on about my brother whose 22. My dad has basically baby sat him his whole life. My brother is like a kid and has anger issues. He is very bad at money and doesn't last long with jobs. He would also get in trouble with the law and my dad would have to pay for everything, leaving him nothing. My dad has co signed him 3 times on vehicles because he thought he would be responsible but he was wrong. You would expect my dad to learn the first time but no. My dad had to take over all the payments because my brother either lost his job or was bad at money. He literally pays for everything, including his food, clothes, phone bill, insurance, his drugs and etc.I tell my dad all the time about this, that he needs to focus on his future because unfortunately he only has little time with us. I also tell my brother "what's to happen when dad passes away?". My brother relies too much on my dad for everything and he's old enough to take care of himself.
-My dad has a really big heart. He really cares about his kids and doesn't nothing bad happening to them. Some, could say he has too big of a heart because people take advantage of it.
Thanks again, for taking the time out of your day to read this!
submitted by Ok-Aide3996 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:19 lase_ Boomer refuses to find a trash can

A few weeks back, I took my daughter to get ice cream. The place we went is kind an outdoor public space downtown, basically an area with fountains and a bunch of seating next to several restaurants, brewery, coffee shop, etc.
Since people buy food and can walk around and eat wherever, there are trash and recycling bins all over the place. Very easy to see several from just about anywhere in the area.
As we were nearly done with out ice cream, a boomer and her family we were sitting nearby got up to leave.
Boomer lady gathered up her food trash, glanced around briefly, and carried it all over to a recycling bin that was clearly blue and labeled "BOTTLES AND CANS ONLY". She stared at it for a second, and since her definitely food waste non recyclable garbage wouldn't fit in the holes of the bin, she just gently stacked all of her shit on top and walked away.
My daughter and I also finished up around the time they were leaving, so I grabbed her trash and tried to explain to my daughter why we couldn't use the blue bin and why we were taking the boomer's garbage.
Honestly to me it was somehow worse than just leaving it where they ate? It was like she wanted plausible deniability that she tried to do something, but it was clearly just going to blow away in the next 30 seconds.
submitted by lase_ to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:17 Lord_Answer_me_Why These MF's will believe ANYTHING

These MF's will believe ANYTHING submitted by Lord_Answer_me_Why to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:16 Chance-Ad8592 Destiny Wedding Trip Vs Traditional Wedding?

Hi guys,
I am asking for some advice or insight if someone else has done this before and how did it work out? My partner (29) and I (30) want to get married soon, ideally sometime this year, we got engaged in March, the reason we dont want to wait is because we want to get pregnant this year too, we already have a 2 year old boy and want to have a baby soon so their age gap is not too large. We dont want to just get married at a courthouse and have a dinner afterwards, we want something a bit more memorable, but as you know, weddings need a lot of planning, money and time. I also generally dont care for weddings that much or parties in general, I am introverted and so is my partner, but we are romantic and we do want to celebrate that we got married and make it special in some way, have something to remember.
Option 1 We already went to see some local places/gardens for wedding with almost everything included, our original idea was to have a traditional wedding reception for 100 guests, have a judge go there and marry us at the same places as the reception, but the availability for the only place we really liked was in a year from now and since the rent of the place its only 5 hours I feel like that go by so fast Im not sure the amount of money you pay is worth it. We also have to consider other things like a photographer, snack/dessert bar, my dress would be formal so that can get expensive, also my hair, makeup, my partners tuxedo, etc.
Option 2 The other option is get married in the courthouse, have a dinner afterwards with family only. And shortly, like two weeks later have a weekend trip on a long weekend to a city that is 3 hours away by car. This city is a very popular vacation destination since it has beautiful landscape, beaches, vineyards, etc. Our plan is to rent a a big house near a vineyard with a big garden/patio or an oceanfront that is adaptable for small events. Invite our closest friends (no one has kids but us, 20-25 people) and acommodate them there. So we can enjoy the house in the morning/afternoon, and at the evening have a dinner party. One of the places we looked at has a big main house and separate cabins, which is great so our guests and ourselves can have more privacy. We would of course provide food, drinks, music, etc, but we are planning to keep it simple, like hire a catering service or buffet but the food would be more casual, hamburguers, mexican food or something along those lines, no 2 or 3 course dinner like in option 1. The places are beautiful and have beautiful scenery so actually the furniture can be really simple. Also, this places are available this year in the next few months. Another upside this would cost around 30-40% less than option 1.
So obviously I was getting excited about option 2, but I worry it might be an inconvenience for our friends to drive over there since they would have to cover their transportation, and there might be other things to consider that I havent thought of yet.
PD. We thought of a smaller wedding for around 50-70 people but the places available are just not special enough where I live and most of them will only rent the space but you have to take care of everything else too. The only places I liked are for 100-150 people minimum.
Any thoughts?
submitted by Chance-Ad8592 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:14 Halpsheepdown Starting Solids!

It is almost that time!! My baby is going to be 6 months in 11 days. She has a doctor's appointment two days after the 6th-month mark. Once I get the pediatrician's okay to start solids we are going to start with puree!
What foods did you guys start with?
I want to be as balanced as I can. I know iron intake is important once solids start. Let me know your ideas!
Side Note: I know some people really like BLW but I'm not into that idea. Not saying it doesn't work for other babies/parents, but it’s just not for me.
submitted by Halpsheepdown to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:08 Ok-Aide3996 Help with Dad

I'm currently trying to help my dad, whose 59 and only has $1700 in his 401k. He has previously taken out money (like $4k) from his retirement accounts at his old company because he wanted to help his kids and also had problems with bills.
My dad was born and raised in Mexico and came to the US around the age of 35-38.He came not knowing anything about retirement or how to ask for help because he struggled with English. He barely knew anything about finances. He had a good paying job that offered him a retirement account (don't know if it was a 401k) for while. As years passed by, his company for some reason cut his salary and eventually let him go. I I don't if it was because of his age but as I said he took out money from his retirement to help with expenses and other stuff.
Everytime, I talk to my dad or see him, it's like he's given up on himself. I feel like it's because of his situation and I want to help him. Seeing him like that makes me sad because my dad is a great person, and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for him. He's Christian and really believes in God. He knows God has a plan for him. He helps other people even when he himself is having problems. My dad is also hard on himself because he feels like he didn't teach us anything in life and that we had learn ourselves. I just really hate seeing him like this and I just hope someday, I can be successful and finally give him the life he deserves. He has done so much for us.
Right now, he's basically currently living paycheck to paycheck. His bills include rent, phone bill, my brother's car who he thought would be paying it but no longer has a job, and etc.
I opened a Roth Ira for him and he can only afford to make $15 contributions which I know isn't enough but hopefully one day that amount will be a lot higher for his sake. I'm also planning to rollover his 401k into his Roth account and invest that as well but I'm still trying to figure that out. I will then make invest that money into the Fidelity 500 Index Fund. I'm also looking to invest into low risk stocks and just diversify his portfolio. I'm choosing to do low risk because of his age but with that also comes low gains. I don't know if I should do that. I'm no financial advisor whatsoever. I'm really new to this so correct me on anything. I only want what's best for my dad. And if you guys have any recommendations for him, please post them as it will really help me out. Thanks in advance.
-Quick add on about my brother whose 22. My dad has basically baby sat him his whole life. My brother is like a kid and has anger issues. He is very bad at money and doesn't last long with jobs. He would also get in trouble with the law and my dad would have to pay for everything, leaving him nothing. My dad has co signed him 3 times on vehicles because he thought he would be responsible but he was wrong. You would expect my dad to learn the first time but no. My dad had to take over all the payments because my brother either lost his job or was bad at money. He literally pays for everything, including his food, clothes, phone bill, insurance, his drugs and etc.I tell my dad all the time about this, that he needs to focus on his future because unfortunately he only has little time with us. I also tell my brother "what's to happen when dad passes away?". My brother relies too much on my dad for everything and he's old enough to take care of himself.
-My dad has a really big heart. He really cares about his kids and doesn't nothing bad happening to them. Some, could say he has too big of a heart because people take advantage of it.
Thanks again, for taking the time out of your day to read this!
submitted by Ok-Aide3996 to Money [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:07 Difficult-Hotel-2255 Baby is old enough to start solid foods wth

submitted by Difficult-Hotel-2255 to ariannaandkiaraSnark [link] [comments]