Fraction bars


2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2012.06.17 21:34 arup02 jukmifgguggh


2024.06.09 11:18 AlexG_Lover234958 URGENT:(Physics IA) How do i find uncertainties after linearizing an exonential decay function?

After I have linearized my function given as 87.084e^(-0.442x) I have x as x and y as ln(y) I need to find the uncertainty in y. I have seen somewhere that you use fractional uncertainty but do I then for my original value being (0.25, 85) with 2 in uncertainty (error bar) write 2/85 = 0.0235 or is it that value (2/85)* ln(85) = 0.1. because I am looking for the value itself not the precentage uncertainty. I asked chatgpt with no help lol. I am stuggling and I need help asap. So is it the same uncertainty precentage or does it convert into a value that is that fraction but not mulitiplied by Ln(85) itself, or is it something compleatly diffrent
submitted by AlexG_Lover234958 to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:29 rslashcoins [WTB] I have $2000. Sell me things in my list, in description.

(Partially Fulfilled)1. Looking for uncirculated/proof government sets from 1963 and older. I'm not sure what dates of these even exist, but I am looking for them. Show me what you have please. Prices will be based upon condition of the coins, they do not need to be in the OGP (the envelope) just in the old flimsy sealed plastic coin holders. I'm looking for 1 of each date and mint from 1963 and older.
(FULFILLED)2. Fractional Gold with low premiums. Recently sold and traded all of mine for some cool stuff. Looking for 1/4oz coins for $600ea and 1/10oz coins for $240ea, will consider higher prices for the right pieces, but with spot plummeting id like to be close to this. Very strong preference for govt minted coins, such as Krugs, Maples, Eagles, etc. I like a variety of types so show me what you have and let's make a deal.
(FULFILLED)3. I missed out on a mint packaged 5oz Germania Bar today for $155 shipped... I'd like one or two of these for that price if I can get them. I rarely see them on the sub and keep trying to buy them but I always miss them lol. If they make a 10oz bar I'd be interested as well. Maybe 1 or 2 of those as well. Depends on price. :)
If you have something similar or low premiums to what I've asked for above, send me a chat.
I can pay Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp. Most of the cash I have is in Zelle, I may need to split up some of the money into multiple apps depending on what I buy and price.
Ok... Send me chats or PMs. Highly prefer chats for pics. :)
New sellers or old sellers with no recent transactions will be asked to ship first.
Let's go!
submitted by rslashcoins to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 satysin Opinions on Decathlon pull-up bar?

Update the next morning: Yeah so I decided to ask a neighbour who does a lot of work around his house drilling the walls etc for his advice. He grabbed his drill and just came right over. 5 minutes later he has two big ass masonry screws drilled deep into the concrete and we put the bar back up.
He has had a hammock hanging on the same wall with the same screws for 6 years now with no issues so I feel confident this will hold now considering he weighs a fair bit more than me 😁 if it can support him hanging in a hammock for a few hours a day I’m sure me doing a dozen or so pull ups a day it will be fine.
Original Post: So I picked up a Decathlon pull-up bar today. To be exact it is this one https://www.decathlon.fp/barre-de-traction-pour-porte-avec-verrouillage-bt-150-70-cm/_/R-p-325833 for €25.
I have installed it between two solid concrete pillars with a very rough surface in my back garden. Here are a few pictures and two videos of it installed.
As you can see in the two videos I put my whole body weight both downwards and upwards force onto the bar and it seems pretty stable. You can enable the audio on the videos to hear that I am putting a fair bit of work into pushing/pull on the bar.
However I am looking for some opinions on if these things are actually safe. Trying it out for the first time I was obviously pretty anxious but it does feel pretty damn sturdy and does not move even a fraction of a millimetre when I put my whole body weight on it (~72KG). It is good for up to 100KG according to the Decathlon product spec.
It does come with two screws but honestly I don't fancy drilling into a solid concrete pillar on either side with how stable it feels. As you can see in the pictures I have tightened it so that the silicone pads are highly compressed into the wall and the rough surface has a lot of friction so the logical part of my brain is pretty convinced it is safe (providing I check it before using it of course!).
Just looking for anyone that may own this particular model already and what you're thoughts on it are, especially if you've owned it for a while.
As mentioned I weight around 72kg (having recently lost 40kg) and now looking to work on building up some more muscle with regular pull ups. I was just able to do 11 so not an awful start considering I think the last time I did a pull up was about 25 years ago when I was a teenager 😂
Anyway any opinions or advice is very welcome! Cheers all.
submitted by satysin to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:30 monkaSman WHAT IS AN ATLAS STONE TRAINING?

An Atlas stone is a round stone typically used in strength training. The most common use for an Atlas Stone is as a weightlifting implement, but they can also be used for other types of training, such as burden carries and farmer walks.
Some of the many benefits of using an Atlas Stone in your training include increasing your overall strength, improving your grip power, and stabilizing your core. They are a great addition to any workout routine, whether you are a seasoned athlete or new to the game.
An Atlas Stone is a great way to add variety to your workouts.
BruteBall Atlas Stone
If you're looking for a workout that will test your strength, then look no further than an Atlas Stone. Strongman events require competitors to lift these large, round stones onto platforms or over bars. While it may look like a simple feat of raw power, Atlas Stones are challenging and can provide a great workout.
Here are just a few of the benefits that you can expect from lifting Atlas Stones:
Functional strength is the type of strength that allows you to perform everyday activities with ease. When you lift Atlas Stones, you're not only working your muscles but also your joints and connective tissues. This helps build a well-rounded level of functional strength that can carry over into your everyday life.
  1. Increases Grip Strength
Grip strength is an important but often overlooked aspect of fitness. Having a strong grip can help you perform better in other exercises, such as pull-ups and deadlifts. Lifting Atlas Stones is a great way to increase your grip power since you'll need to hold onto the stone for an extended period.
Lifting Atlas Stones requires a high level of balance and coordination. As you lift, you'll need to keep your body stable and under control. This can help to improve your overall balance and coordination.
  1. Builds Core Strength
Your core muscles are responsible for stabilizing your spine and pelvis. When you lift Atlas Stones, you'll need to engage your core muscles to keep the stone from rolling off of your body. This can help to build a strong and stable core.
  1. Challenges Your Cardiovascular System
Lifting Atlas Stones is not only a great way to build strength, but also to challenge your cardiovascular system. As you lift the stone, your heart works harder to pump blood to your muscles. This can lead to an increased heart rate which improves your cardiovascular fitness.
Whether you are a competitive Strongman or simply looking for a new challenge, lifting Atlas Stones is a great way to test your power and improve your overall fitness. Give it a try and see how you do!
  1. The Front Squat
  2. The Overhead Squat
  3. The Zercher Squat
  4. The Atlas Push Press
  5. The Atlas Stone to Shoulder
  6. The Atlas Carries
Start with the stone resting on your shoulders and the front of your chest and squat down. Keeping your back straight, return to the starting position to complete the movement.
BruteBall Workout
Start with the stone held overhead with straight arms and elbows locked. Squat down, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position.
Start with the stone resting in the crook of your elbows as they hang at your sides in a 90-degree position. Squat down, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position.
Start with the stone at shoulder level, with your palms facing in. Bend your legs slightly and then explosively stand up straight using your leg power to help press the stone up overhead. Return to the starting position.
Start with the stone on the ground in front of you. Squat down and place your hands under either side of the stone. Using your leg power to help you explosively lift the stone to your shoulders. Return to the starting position.
Holding the stone, walk forward to cover your desired distance, keeping your knees slightly bent.
The Atlas Stone you purchase is determined by your strength ability and the weight of the stone. If you are new to working with Atlas Stones, it is best to start with a lighter option, increasing the size you need as you get stronger.
Another factor to consider is the circumference of the stone. Some people prefer a smaller stone that they can grip more easily, while others prefer a larger stone for a more challenging workout.
Finally, you will need to take into account the height of the stone. If you are short, you may want to purchase a smaller stone to reach around more easily. Conversely, if you are taller, you may want to purchase a larger stone to challenge yourself more.
No matter what size Atlas Stone you purchase, be sure to practice proper form and technique when lifting it. This will help prevent injuries and ensure that you get the most out of your workout.
Brute Force Training has designed different-sized Brute Balls as effective alternatives to the Atlas Stone. They are sand-filled, Military Grade quality products that will cater to your preference when it comes to Atlas Stone training. They offer different sizes and because they are filled with sand, you can adjust the weight accordingly, ultimately altering the circumference if necessary. The softer hold of the BruteBall is also less damaging on your arms as they bump while you carry them.
BruteBall Training
Atlas stone prices depend on the size and weight of the stone. You can purchase them online or at a local fitness store.
When purchasing an Atlas Stone, be sure to factor in the cost of shipping, as well as a storage space.
Brute Force caters to all of this. You can order an empty Brute Ball online for a fraction of the price because the shipping is light! It can be stored almost anywhere because the sand filling can be removed and the shell flattened to be packed away. Traveling is also simple with your BruteBall so that you don't miss a workout! Simply empty your sand into a bucket and leave it at home while you take your gear with you!
Brute Force gear is all designed this way. From their sandbags to their kettlebells, weighted vests, and everything in between. The gear they have and the innovative gear they are still coming out with are all available online, are easy to handle, and offer efficient and effective training.
Traditionally, Atlas Stones are concrete or stone, but now you can find rubber or sand-filled options, like the Brute Force BruteBall, that have become very popular on the market. The type of material you choose depends on your personal preference.
If you like the idea of sand-filled gear, you should check out the Brute Force Brute Ball. Brute Force offers 50lb and 100lb sizes and will soon be bringing out a new size, so keep a lookout for this exciting newbie!
So, if you want to look like you enter strongman competitions, then try our Brute Force Brute Balls. They are perfect for the most challenging strength workouts and come in different sizes to suit your needs.
Buy your own Atlas Stones and start reaping the benefits of this unique workout tool!
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:53 monkaSman How thick are Sabo deadlift soles?

SABO Deadlift Shoe Specifications
So, why would anyone want to buy a pair of SABO Deadlift shoes?
Well, unlike virtually any other powerlifting shoe that is currently being manufactured, the SABO Deadlift shoes are only 2mm-5mm thick AND they have a metatarsal strap. Now, you may find shoes with a metatarsal strap, and you may find a thin pair of wrestling shoes, but you will not find both.
The metatarsal strap sucks the foot into the shoe and prevents any intra-shoe movement. This “tightness” in the shoe increases force transfer and directly leads to more weight being lifted. Additionally, the metatarsal strap is going to prevent any pronation or supination of the foot. Again, when your foot is flat against the ground, you have a more stable surface to push again which increases force transfer and thus the amount of weight you can lift. Don’t underestimate the value of a metatarsal strap on a lifting shoe.
The metatarsal strap is conveniently labeled "DEADLIFT".
The metatarsal strap is conveniently labeled “DEADLIFT”.
Additionally, these shoes are almost as low to the ground as deadlift slippers. Deadlift slippers are 1.5mm-3mm off the ground. The SABO deadlift shoes are 2mm-5mm off the ground. This is virtually an undetectable difference. I mean, we’re talking fractions of fractions in terms of inches. As everyone should be well aware, when it comes to a deadlift shoe, the closer to the ground you are, the shorter your pull; the shorter your pull, the more weight you can put on the bar. It’s just basic physics.
In my opinion, deadlift slippers are not the best option for sumo pullers. For me personally, when I try to spread the floor in slippers, my feet roll over the sides of the grip pad. This decreases my stability and tightness.
The SABO deadlift shoes, however, have reinforced sides. You can push into those suckers as hard as you want. Keeping the knees flared by pushing down and out with the feet is critical to the sumo puller. In my opinion, SABOs allow you to spread the floor effectively — slippers do not.
The re-inforced sides make a huge difference when you try to "spread the floor" with both wide stance squats and sumo pulls.
The re-inforced sides make a huge difference when you try to “spread the floor” with both wide stance squats and sumo pulls.
The Other Lifts and SABOs
Now, I understand that many of you are going to be wary about buying a pair of shoes for one specific lift. Luckily, I think the SABOs work just fine for the other lifts as well.
In terms of the Squat, there are two disadvantages: one is that the shoe doesn’t have a heel and the other is that, because the shoe is so thin, there isn’t as much support for your feet. However, they are specifically designed to offer SOME arch support.
That in mind, not all of us want a heeled shoe for our squats. If you use the PowerliftingToWin Squat Technique, or you’re just a wide stance squatter in general, chances are you probably don’t want a heel either.
Now the support may be an issue for those of you with achey feet, but, in actuality, the thinness can be interpreted as bonus because, unlike say, Chucks, the shoe will not compress under heavy loads; there is no rubber pad in the soles to be compressed. You’re going to get efficient force transfer.
I use my SABOs for squatting as well.
I use my SABOs for squatting as well.
Unless you bench in a federation that requires flat feet, it doesn’t particularly matter what bench shoes you wear. For those of you who bench with your heels up, the SABOs will work just fine as they have VERY solid grip and a decently flexible forefoot.
Ordering SABO Deadlift Shoes
As far as I know, Max Barbell is the only supplier of SABO Deadlift Shoes in North America. The shoes are manufactured in Russia and Max Barbell is the sole distributor here in the states.
Shop Now Max Barbell
However, for those of you who have ordered from Max Barbell before, you know this isn’t a problem if you live stateside. Nearly all of the orders placed on Max Barbell are shipped within 24 hours of placement. I ordered my shoes on a Friday and got them Monday morning in time for my workout. You can expect similar service.
This is my pair of SABOs still fresh in the box at the time.
This is my pair of SABOs still fresh in the box at the time.
The SABO Deadlift Shoes currently cost $79.99 including shipping. I do have to say that this is a limited time introductory price (as of 4/12/14). Joseph from Max Barbell has informed me that another shipment of SABOs is on the way in a few months. As of now though, the stock is running low and the price is going to go up with the next shipment. If you want to take advantage of the current pricing, you’ll probably need to act sooner rather than later. That’s not a sales pitch; it’s a fact.
Sizing the SABOs
Again, the SABO Deadlift shoes are manufactured in Russia. The sizing is standard European sizing. You can try to pull up a conversion chart on Google, but I found that many of them just conflict. Luckily, there is a very simple way to get the sizing 100% perfect: measure your foot.
Take a piece of paper, a pencil/pen, and a ruler. Draw a straight line down the middle of the paper. Wearing the socks you’ll use with the shoes, place your foot on the line and draw a mark at both ends of your foot. Measure the distance between the marks in millimeters.
Add 5mm to this measurement and use the following sizing chart to determine your optimal shoe size:
SABO Deadlift Shoe Size Guide
SABO Deadlift Shoe Pictures
My Personal Recommendation
Frankly, I love the SABO Deadlift shoes. I know it sounds unbelievable but all of my deadlift work sets are up 10-20lbs since making the switch. The added stability, particularly that reinforced side support, makes the world of difference when pulling sumo. I actually like them enough to wear them for squats as well.
In my opinion, the SABO Deadlift Shoes are currently one of the best overall flat shoes on the market. If you’re looking for a flat shoe, do yourself a favor and check out The SABO Deadlift shoe.
submitted by monkaSman to MensWellbeing [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:35 MGK_2 Mediocrity Versus Excellence

Time Tested and Proven is the objective. In many ways, we have met this goal, but we must do it now officially.
With brand new drugs, right off the drawing board, which are artificially hyped up to actually do already that which they are acclaimed or designed to accomplish, leronlimab is forced to take a back seat while these take the temporary spotlight for the world to hope in vain upon so as to cure our infirmities.
Big Pharma's rationale here caters to Mediocrity and certainly not to Excellence. As their drugs achieve only a fraction of what they assured us they would do, so then Mediocrity is the standard which they are asking us to settle for. When our drug, for many years already, has exceeded our expectations and has blown our minds, surpassing the goals set for it, then, we can be assured that we have a rock star yet in development that the biopharmaceutical industry wants to keep behind bars and closed doors.
Big Pharma cries aloud, "Vaccines are the only way how to treat a corona virus". Such horseshit. You cannot permanently treat a virulent mutating virus with a vaccine. Full Stop. Don't tell BP that, because they will answer, "UNLESS we keep MODIFYING the vaccine for every mutation", which is what they are doing; thank you u/Wisemermaid369. They are so good at creating vaccines, FDA testing is not even necessary. Whatever Big Pharma says goes. We simply need to clam up and take their word for it. Camon' you know, we can agree that they have an excellent track record with everything else they do; especially since there is a pandemic going on, so, might as well let their concoctions fly. Oh, how great is the deception?
When a new drug comes on the scenes, showing incredible promise by undoing the effects of the virus and by reversing the progress of the disease, Big Pharma's determined response is to have it taken off the market through the use of their Proxy Power (such as Amarex). Their response destroys anything which could interfere with even partially developed solutions that were already pre-decided to be the cure all. Their determination is almost a mandate for them, to destroy it by ALL MEANS NECESSARY. They claim they believe in diversity, equity and inclusion. Yeah, as long as they are the ones who builds the solution. If someone outside their hierarchy builds something that is pristine and works like a dream, like a charm, they would rather see it destroyed than be outgunned inside their own backyard.
However, the nation, the country, the world cannot be sustained on the Mediocrity they force down our throats, take it or leave it style. No. Society demands a suitable cure. Therefore, the country must be run by Excellence, it does not and cannot settle for half ass solutions. So, enter leronlimab.
Everything about the drug but the company behind it, screams EXCELLENCE and Big Pharma hates it. Everything their vaccines are guilty of they blame the same on leronlimab. They spread lies, that it was never tested, so therefore it cannot be claimed as safe. They no longer can make that assertion. That opportunity is long gone. It is over. The FDA has already lifted the hold on leronlimab and they would not have done that had the data not proven its pristine safety profile. There shall soon be peer reviewed publications which validate and prove leronlimab's safety profile and statistical efficacy. Now, with Dr. Lalezari at the helm at CytoDyn, leronlimab becomes surrounded by published paper after paper which acclaim and applauds leronlimab's EXCELLENCE throughout all of medicine. These (4) manuscripts that are forthcoming, are only the beginning.
NP knew what a jewel he had in leronlimab, but he didn't know how to properly handle her. He fumbled, tripping over his own two feet and lost the ball far too frequently and nearly lost the entire game. Most who invested, also saw the drug, but also witnessed NP's exuberance, but unfortunately, at least for the time being, they lost nearly most of what they had invested, but these same investors have remained because of the jewel itself and because of her, they have doubled down and even tripled down because, the jewel never lost her luster. What can I say? It is what it is. She demands what she demands, because Excellence is her standard and if she received that at the get go, it would already have been all said and done, but that was never imparted to her, that is, until now. Therefore, more investment capital is necessary to bring her unto fruition, for her finally to be discovered. Now, with Dr. Lalezari at the helm, he who knows precisely how to tame this horse. He understands her. He knows her, like the back of his hand, how she thinks, how she operates, how she functions and also, how she must be treated. He knows her needs and desires and gives her the time she requires as he has the patience not to get her upset, because when she gets upset, everything crumbles to the ground. His regard for her is great and he surely does not underestimate her power in any direction she may choose to lead. He knows how to lead her.
Dr. Lalezari is bold enough to take the reins and leronlimab gets ready to run. She is satisfied with the care she receives from him and the investment into her is approaching what it takes to make her run. He finds more ways to tap deeper such that the funds necessary are generated to prove her value. Whatever it is that she touches, she helps, she heals, and patients don't want her to ever leave their side or their pocket. The drug's minimum standards are pure Excellence by nature and Dr. Lalezari runs CytoDyn with that same spirit of Excellence. Similar to how Rene Angelil perceived Celine Dion for the first time and knew assuredly that the woman he was witnessing before him and the voice he was hearing was an actual Angel from Heaven here on Earth, so he asked for her hand, chose to expand her world and he enabled her to be brought forth in front of the world who also became enamored with her. He achieved that because of his respect for her and for what she required to blossom and bloom. Both of them embody and are the epitome of Excellence and neither he, nor she settled for anything less.
Leronlimab rarely if ever fails to heal and practically never induces a harmful side effect. Why? Spirit of Excellence. Today, we have vaccines that kill, that cause blood clots, pulmonary embolisms, deep vein thrombosis, neurologic disorders, fatigue, brain fog, etc... None of that is excellent. However, that is good enough for the masses, right? There ain't no other way that leronlimab is brought into the limelight to be appreciated at the heights of her potential unless she is treated with a spirit of Excellence. She needs respect for who she is, given what she is, given what she can do, given her power over disease and given her power to safeguard health and when she is respected, she yields over the fruits of our Respect. Sorry, but though NP loved her, it was not good enough for her. It wasn't going to happen by showing himself off by flaunting her around. Her bar is far higher than NP could reach, despite the blood, sweat and tears he expelled on her behalf. She didn't care about that. She wanted perfection, the way she is perfect.
The world today has given in to a spirit of Mediocrity. Big Pharma continues to bad mouth leronlimab because they hate her spirit of Excellence. They're always trying to find drugs that could compete, even partially, because they know they can hide blemishes and cover up imperfections in order to raise up their unqualified imposters to be perceived as the solutions and the answers. They never even have to mention and prefer to purposefully ignore the unblemished leronlimab. A Spirit of Excellence doesn't require Excellent things. Dr. Lalezari may get his resources at Garage Sales, but he gets them in good shape at reasonable prices. You don't have to spend a fortune, but you need to properly handle the jewel you're responsible for and entrusted with. Lalezari is excellent, his mindset is excellent. Paper plates serving macaroni and cheese are just not fit for King and Queen. Ever. Use China, even if purchased at a Garage Sale.
There is a difference with this monoclonal antibody. A very big difference. It is NOT Mediocre and that is why it is hated. If it were Mediocre, it would already have been approved in only one possible indication along with many others and its Mediocrity would preclude it from being dispensed "off label" for other indications, because it would not have that capacity.
A massive shout out from me to all the long shareholders! We have Faith in our Destiny. Faith produces the great Courage to invest to bring forth and achieve that Destiny. With that Courage comes Liberty (coming soon) and with Liberty we get Abundance (to follow), then with Abundance comes Complacency and Mediocrity (where Big Pharma is today). From Complacency comes Apathy and a disregard for the virtues which makes us strong (settling for half ass cures and expensive band aids). Poking fun at and Apathetic about the necessary character of the patients they seek to treat. Apathy towards the character of CYDY shareholders that is necessary to make leronlimab great. Apathetic about protecting that which makes us free; Apathetic about the health of the individuals that have benefited from treatment with leronlimab.
This mindset that Big Pharma uses to brainwash is a plague to the world. To dress and pretty up their ugly ducklings forcing the world to settle for just a smidge of a true complete solution. From Apathy, the next step is Dependence. The world becomes beholden to cheap solutions. Dependency then leads to Bondage where thoughts such as these are forbidden and censored. Where there is only approved speech and certainly not free speech. Absolutely not allowed to have the very beginning of this which was the Faith that leads to our Liberty to pursue our choice of destiny. No, that thought process is not approved while under Bondage.
An Awakening is happening beginning with Dr. Lalezari, getting out the peer reviewed published journal articles leading to a generalized understanding about leronlimab. Soon, the planned trials commence and the results in the CRC trial are realized along with the results of the studies in GBM and Alzheimer's Disease are realized. The ball begins to roll. We are in the Liberty phase, soon to move into Abundance. When leronlimab is approved, the threshold into Abundance is crossed.
submitted by MGK_2 to Livimmune [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:45 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] silver and gold down at the atomic wrangler! 777

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class đŸ«§ envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and PayPal
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Date proof:
1990 1oz panda 🇹🇳 $70
2003 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $70
2003 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $70
2005 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $45
2008 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $45
2011 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $41
1990 silver kookaburra $50
2009 koala $40
2010 koala $40
2014 koala $38
Panda and koala
50 40% half dollars at spot
$4.33 each $216 all
40% photo
1899 barber quarter $40
1873 seated dime $25
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $22
$99 3 oz lot
.999 and 1 oz - $99
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $40
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa đŸ‡ŒđŸ‡ž $5 coin $34
Spider-Man 1oz $38
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $55
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $40
đŸ„€ Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $32
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $32
đŸ‡ș🇾 Army 1 oz silver bar $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡” - $3a
Wolverine 1oz 🇹🇩 $45
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 đŸ›č
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 đŸ“·
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 đŸ“·
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET đŸȘ Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
Beavis and butthead đŸ”„ đŸ§» 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art đŸ–Œïž round $60
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel đŸȘ - $60
Vintage Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $40
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging đŸ“·
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars đŸ’”
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $34
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji đŸ‡«đŸ‡Ż 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 đŸ“·
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 đŸ“· tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $170
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more đŸ’”
1822 Bust half dollar $60
1825 bust half dollar $55
1876 seated half $40
SETS đŸ“ș đŸ“·
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🩜 đŸ“·
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 GOLD đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾
30 count - 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp .
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $095
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 đŸ“·
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 đŸ“·
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $55
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:44 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] silver and gold at the wrangler! 777

Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class đŸ«§ envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and PayPal
No notes ! emoji okay
I also accept Mailed Cash and trades for gold, goldbacks , maybe platinum and palladium.
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it’s the responsibility of USPS.
Palladium 1 gram bars $46
Date proof:
1990 1oz panda 🇹🇳 $70
2003 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $70
2003 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $70
2005 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $45
2008 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $45
2011 panda 1oz 🇹🇳 $41
1990 silver kookaburra $50
2009 koala $40
2010 koala $40
2014 koala $38
Panda and koala
50 40% half dollars at spot
$4.33 each $216 all
40% photo
1899 barber quarter $40
1873 seated dime $25
Head or Tails nude 1oz silver round $70
$1 fv 50c 90% $22
$99 3 oz lot
.999 and 1 oz - $99
Star Wars beskar bar 1oz $40
1oz silver 5 mark Germania “ witchcraft “ - $60
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $60
1oz silver Superman Samoa đŸ‡ŒđŸ‡ž $5 coin $34
Spider-Man 1oz $38
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $55
Scarface movie 🍿 .999 1 oz $40
đŸ„€ Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $32
Grogu Star Wars 1oz silver $32
đŸ‡ș🇾 Army 1 oz silver bar $35
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡” - $3a
Wolverine 1oz 🇹🇩 $45
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 đŸ›č
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 đŸ“·
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $50 đŸ“·
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $40
ET đŸȘ Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $40
Beavis and butthead đŸ”„ đŸ§» 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art đŸ–Œïž round $60
Donald Duck $45
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel đŸȘ - $60
Vintage Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $40
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $27
Lewis and Clark proof $27
1992 Columbus $1 - $27
D-day $1 bu $27
Wright brothers $1 $27
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging đŸ“·
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $33
1996 national community service proof $28
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $28
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $35
1999 Yellow stone national park $28
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $28
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $28
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $28 Comm proof:
Silver Dollars đŸ’”
1883 o $100
Nicer 1921 Morgan in cap $33
1926 D peace dollar $29
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $35
1886 $1 $70
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Open to offers on multiple morgans.
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $65
Norfolk Va $65
Atlanta $65
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $40
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $34
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji đŸ‡«đŸ‡Ż 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 đŸ“·
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 đŸ“· tx
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐
3oz M4 carbine 🐆 $170
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more đŸ’”
1822 Bust half dollar $60
1825 bust half dollar $55
1876 seated half $40
SETS đŸ“ș đŸ“·
Dimes of the 20th century $5
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Jewelry 💍
Check back soon
Rarities 🩜 đŸ“·
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
I don’t know where I put these.
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $1.50
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $1.50
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $1.50
Copper proof;
đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 GOLD đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾 đŸ‡ș🇾
30 count - 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp .
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $095
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $60
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card or loose $2
Canada 1955 50c $20 đŸ“·
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 đŸ“·
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment :
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
vintage coke bar 1oz $55
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @4 each
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
Don’t give me or anyone your password or sensitive information beyond what is required to complete the transaction. Mods will never ask.
Please read Safety guide:
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:39 mako1964 NEW SCORE

Picked up this 50 g combi bar today and completed my assorted random box of various fractional.. asst pesos. Pre 33.stuff . sovereigns and 20 francs into 1 oz bars. (2nd photo)Easier to track. Boring I know
submitted by mako1964 to Gold [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:01 RUTherGodItsMeMarsha First American Is Committing Massive Insurance Fraud

The truth is an absolute defense against claims of slander.
First am SEc complaint filed not anon please approve post EC complaint number 17177-060-048-726 filed friday june 7 a1 10:30 05 by someone who said her name. NO HIDING.
First American employees are committing massive lending/insurance fraud and feathering their own nests including their chief legal counsel, Lisa Cordehl.
They are fleecing their clients and investors by providing fraudulent title reports during escrow concealing known title defects so the loans get funded on properties where, when the buyer goes to sell down the road, they discover they don't own it because the title is dirty.
At that point, the buyers turned sellers run to FA, their title insurance company, and FA says oh sorry our bad, here's a fraction of what your property is worth because when you bought it in 2014 you only paid $355k so that's all you get now even though it's worth well over a million today, but that's someone else's equity. But you get $355k so that will be enough to pay off your lender, Wells Fargo, whom you still owe $275k.
But that's not where it stops, because when they provide these title reports, they know sooner or later that the property will sell again. And won't because the buyer, now seller, doesn't really own it and will be filing a title insurance claim.
They will always have two copies of the title report on these deals--they will have the real one that they can't get rid of because the Dept of Ins has strict protocols for the production and retention. And they need the scrubbed one because when that eventual claim form arrives at their office,they need the scrubbed copy to send with the claim form along to the claims adjuster so they can view it and say well dang this title report looked clean in 2014 when we produced it. We can't figure out how we missed that! The title officer didn't do anything wrong!
Stamp. Pay. All copacetic. On an insurance instrument that was fraudulent to begin with because it was issued by concealing a defect that would have nullified the policy in the first place.
So the clients get screwed. And the investors get screwed. But the fat cats in the middle are getting fatter by the day, and the Lord more. The sheep are fat for the slaughter. You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
The FA attorneys know the writing is on the wall and their only plausible deniability is incompetence so they can't report themselves or the board because if they do, then maybe they aren't so incompetent after all.
So they "can't act" to do anything like notify the board because if they do, they lose their plausible deniability down the road.
And the board "can't act" either, although they all know, because if they do, then they lose theirs.
Here's what you do: Dump. If you own real estate whereby a title report was produced by First American, you need another to ensure you can actually sell down the road. And if this ever happened to you, then I suggest you pull out those records and get some legal advice, and not from me.
I'm busy right now uploading all my docs to the SEC and the California bar, as Lisa is drooling the corner surrounded by a pile of other people's money and the poor dear can't tell the board, nor report the other dude that God hilariously put them in the spot where they both either have to report the other or they have to both claim they are incompetent LOL. So funny! I didn't even plan that! So if you're either of those, be on the lookout for an incoming from someone who is looking after the interests of others as the Lord has directed, because no other "fiduciuary" will.
And County of San Diego DA's office, will you please in the name of all that is holy open that box and READ IT. Because I know we're all understaffed...but I am one person and there's a bunch more dead rats that need to go to the trash.
submitted by RUTherGodItsMeMarsha to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:54 RUTherGodItsMeMarsha First American Committing Massive Insurance Fraud

The truth is an absolute defense against claims of slander.
First American employees are committing massive lending/insurance fraud and feathering their own nests including their chief legal counsel, Lisa Cordehl.
They are fleecing their clients and investors by providing fraudulent title reports during escrow concealing known title defects so the loans get funded on properties where, when the buyer goes to sell down the road, they discover they don't own it because the title is dirty.
At that point, the buyers turned sellers run to FA, their title insurance company, and FA says oh sorry our bad, here's a fraction of what your property is worth because when you bought it in 2014 you only paid $355k so that's all you get now even though it's worth well over a million today, but that's someone else's equity. But you get $355k so that will be enough to pay off your lender, Wells Fargo, whom you still owe $275k.
But that's not where it stops, because when they provide these title reports, they know sooner or later that the property will sell again. And won't because the buyer, now seller, doesn't really own it and will be filing a title insurance claim.
They will always have two copies of the title report on these deals--they will have the real one that they can't get rid of because the Dept of Ins has strict protocols for the production and retention. And they need the scrubbed one because when that eventual claim form arrives at their office,they need the scrubbed copy to send with the claim form along to the claims adjuster so they can view it and say well dang this title report looked clean in 2014 when we produced it. We can't figure out how we missed that! The title officer didn't do anything wrong!
Stamp. Pay. All copacetic. On an insurance instrument that was fraudulent to begin with because it was issued by concealing a defect that would have nullified the policy in the first place.
So the clients get screwed. And the investors get screwed. But the fat cats in the middle are getting fatter by the day, and the Lord more. The sheep are fat for the slaughter. You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock.
The FA attorneys know the writing is on the wall and their only plausible deniability is incompetence so they can't report themselves or the board because if they do, then maybe they aren't so incompetent after all.
So they "can't act" to do anything like notify the board because if they do, they lose their plausible deniability down the road.
And the board "can't act" either, although they all know, because if they do, then they lose theirs.
Here's what you do: Dump. If you own real estate whereby a title report was produced by First American, you need another to ensure you can actually sell down the road. And if this ever happened to you, then I suggest you pull out those records and get some legal advice, and not from me.
I'm busy right now uploading all my docs to the SEC and the California bar, as Lisa is drooling the corner surrounded by a pile of other people's money and the poor dear can't tell the board, nor report the other dude that God hilariously put them in the spot where they both either have to report the other or they have to both claim they are incompetent LOL. So funny! I didn't even plan that! So if you're either of those, be on the lookout for an incoming from someone who is looking after the interests of others as the Lord has directed, because no other "fiduciuary" will.
And County of San Diego DA's office, will you please in the name of all that is holy open that box and READ IT. Because I know we're all understaffed...but I am one person and there's a bunch more dead rats that need to go to the trash.
submitted by RUTherGodItsMeMarsha to u/RUTherGodItsMeMarsha [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:34 patenteng In the UK the degrees with the highest proportion of firsts are mathematics, physics, computing, and engineering

There was this talk a few months ago that first are given too frequently for so called easy degrees. So I decided to check the data.
Here are bar charts for academic years 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22. As you can see, the degrees that award the most firsts are in the mathematical sciences, physical sciences, computing, and engineering and technology. Degrees that are usually considered hard.
> df_split[[1]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2019/20 09 Mathematical sciences 0.496 2 2019/20 07 Physical sciences 0.469 3 2019/20 11 Computing 0.449 4 2019/20 10 Engineering and technology 0.413 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[2]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2020/21 07 Physical sciences 0.493 2 2020/21 09 Mathematical sciences 0.479 3 2020/21 11 Computing 0.465 4 2020/21 10 Engineering and technology 0.448 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[3]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2021/22 11 Computing 0.426 2 2021/22 09 Mathematical sciences 0.420 3 2021/22 07 Physical sciences 0.409 4 2021/22 10 Engineering and technology 0.391 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows 
Interestingly, there is actually a drop from around 45% to around 40% firsts for academic year 2021/22. Maybe some lock down effect.
The source of the data is Table 50 - HE qualifiers by subject of study and level of qualification obtained 2019/20 to 2021/22 from HESA.
submitted by patenteng to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:32 patenteng The degrees with the highest proportion of firsts are mathematics, physics, computing, and engineering

There was this talk a few months ago that first are given too frequently for so called easy degrees. So I decided to check the data.
Here are bar charts for academic years 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22. As you can see, the degrees that award the most firsts are in the mathematical sciences, physical sciences, computing, and engineering and technology. Degrees that are usually considered hard.
> df_split[[1]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2019/20 09 Mathematical sciences 0.496 2 2019/20 07 Physical sciences 0.469 3 2019/20 11 Computing 0.449 4 2019/20 10 Engineering and technology 0.413 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[2]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2020/21 07 Physical sciences 0.493 2 2020/21 09 Mathematical sciences 0.479 3 2020/21 11 Computing 0.465 4 2020/21 10 Engineering and technology 0.448 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[3]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2021/22 11 Computing 0.426 2 2021/22 09 Mathematical sciences 0.420 3 2021/22 07 Physical sciences 0.409 4 2021/22 10 Engineering and technology 0.391 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows 
Interestingly, there is actually a drop from around 45% to around 40% firsts for academic year 2021/22. Maybe some lock down effect.
The source of the data is Table 50 - HE qualifiers by subject of study and level of qualification obtained 2019/20 to 2021/22 from HESA.
submitted by patenteng to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:31 patenteng The degrees with the highest proportion of firsts are mathematics, physics, computing, and engineering

There was this talk a few months ago that first are given too frequently for so called easy degrees. So I decided to check the data.
Here are bar charts for academic years 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22. As you can see, the degrees that award the most firsts are in the mathematical sciences, physical sciences, computing, and engineering and technology. Degrees that are usually considered hard.
> df_split[[1]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2019/20 09 Mathematical sciences 0.496 2 2019/20 07 Physical sciences 0.469 3 2019/20 11 Computing 0.449 4 2019/20 10 Engineering and technology 0.413 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[2]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2020/21 07 Physical sciences 0.493 2 2020/21 09 Mathematical sciences 0.479 3 2020/21 11 Computing 0.465 4 2020/21 10 Engineering and technology 0.448 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[3]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2021/22 11 Computing 0.426 2 2021/22 09 Mathematical sciences 0.420 3 2021/22 07 Physical sciences 0.409 4 2021/22 10 Engineering and technology 0.391 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows 
Interestingly, there is actually a drop from around 45% to around 40% firsts for academic year 2021/22. Maybe some lock down effect.
The source of the data is Table 50 - HE qualifiers by subject of study and level of qualification obtained 2019/20 to 2021/22 from HESA.
submitted by patenteng to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:29 patenteng The degrees with the highest proportion of firsts are mathematics, physics, computing, and engineering

There was this talk a few months ago that first are given too frequently for so called easy degrees. So I decided to check the data.
Here are bar charts for academic years 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22. As you can see, the degrees that award the most firsts are in the mathematical sciences, physical sciences, computing, and engineering and technology. Degrees that are usually considered hard.
> df_split[[1]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2019/20 09 Mathematical sciences 0.496 2 2019/20 07 Physical sciences 0.469 3 2019/20 11 Computing 0.449 4 2019/20 10 Engineering and technology 0.413 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[2]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2020/21 07 Physical sciences 0.493 2 2020/21 09 Mathematical sciences 0.479 3 2020/21 11 Computing 0.465 4 2020/21 10 Engineering and technology 0.448 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows > df_split[[3]] %>% filter(`Level of qualification/Classification of degree` == "First class honours") %>% arrange(-Fraction) %>% ungroup() %>% select(3, 2, 7) %>% print(n = 4) # A tibble: 25 × 3 `Academic Year` `CAH level subject` Fraction    1 2021/22 11 Computing 0.426 2 2021/22 09 Mathematical sciences 0.420 3 2021/22 07 Physical sciences 0.409 4 2021/22 10 Engineering and technology 0.391 # â„č 21 more rows # â„č Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows 
Interestingly, there is actually a drop from around 45% to around 40% firsts for academic year 2021/22. Maybe some lock down effect.
The source of the data is Table 50 - HE qualifiers by subject of study and level of qualification obtained 2019/20 to 2021/22 from HESA.
submitted by patenteng to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:44 Companion_QB AI Command Menu doesn't open

AI Command Menu doesn't open
Instead of AI commands menu I sometimes get this inventory bar opened. It has nothing to do with fraction, rank, location of loadout. Before the last respawn I had it and hired ~7-8 AI, transported them by huey to Opfor zone, after dismounting they refused to do anything and stayed in the open screaming UNDER FIRE. Shortly they all got shot by a player. 5 minutes later opfor tracked me down and after respawn I no longer had AI command menu.
Upvote if you have the same problem. PC, Latest exp, OFFICIAL Full Everon US server
submitted by Companion_QB to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:17 Super_Tea_1260 NEET UG Aspirants, these are the answers you need to demand.

I’m a 24 year old third year MBBS student from a well reputed state GMC. These opinions are my own, based on facts and people studying in medical colleges or practising as doctors would easily agree with all of this. Please stick around to read till the end.
NEET UG is the entrance examination for around 20-25,000 available government seats for MBBS which this year 25 lakh students attempted. Those government seats are what the aspirants study for. Engineering kids study for IITs and NITs. Law kids study for NLUs. But even if they don’t score enough to make it into a government institution, they take admission in private colleges, at higher costs. But private MEDICAL colleges are different. You pay 1-1.5 crores for a seat in a private medical college. And these are all India quota merit seats, alloted on the basic of ranks.
No other degree from a private university costs even a fraction of that amount.
One crore is the kind of money which majority of India’s population wouldn’t get to see their entire lifetime. It’s a whole lot, your 17-18 year old minds can’t even begin to grasp just how much of an insane amount of money that is. However, barring the 25,000 students who made it into government colleges, a small percentage from the tens of lakhs will desperately want to get their child to pursue medicine. It’s your child of course. And money pooled into education seems like an investment to parents.
People sell of their lands and important properties for these crore-worthy seats. They take huge education loans. It puts a huge dent on a family’s savings and finances. But these are the means that parents of children will go to for a child’s education. (It will take decades if a doctor decides to pay back that amount of debt after he sets up a practice of his own after he’s in his 30s. And then again, being just a mere MBBS will never get you anywhere close to earning that much. You’d have to clear NEET PG, which has essentially the same problems as NEET UG, I’ll go in more details below about this.)
And the kids i mentioned above, they aren’t exactly poor in studies or incompetent. Students around 40-50,000 ranks are scoring above 600 out of 720. That is not an academically weak student. Hence their parents want to give it a shot. Private colleges are their only option.
Moreover, an overpopulated country like ours needs a strong healthcare system and an abundance of doctors. You can’t just rely on government college doctors to serve the whole country of over a billion people. We need strong primary health care, which honestly, even average MBBS graduates can also be trained for and they can learn through experience. Yes, medicine is a very challenging field. The syllabus is endless. But students who regularly study with focus do score well. It’s not as much about IQ as it is about being loyal to a schedule, everyday.
Now I’ll get to the main point:
The NEET-UG paper has been made extremely easy in the recent years. Easy papers are for exams where you aim for the majority to pass, such as 12th board exams. For an exam like NEET which needs to select 25,000 people out of 25 lakhs, you need to eliminate the remaining 24.5 lakh people. Literally opposite approaches for both kinds of exams. For NEET, you need a moderately difficult paper which tests intelligence and application of concepts. That’s how a fair competitive exam works. When a competitive exam becomes too easy, there are terrible rank inflations. 67 students scoring AIR 1 with full marks. Students aren’t becoming “smarter”, the standard of paper has fallen. And in such papers, you can’t afford to get more than a few questions wrong. The difference between a 720-scoring kid and 650-ish scoring kid is barely around 10 questions right and wrong, but the latter will struggle for a government seat or buy an overpriced private college seat. Is 10 questions really indicative of a student’s intelligence? It’s so much of a matter of luck as well. Competitive exams aren’t supposed to function on luck, they’re supposed to function on merit.
So as I mentioned, easy question papers are made to allow students to clear the exam. But who exactly does it help? Not the people at the top of the list or people who nearly missed it. Here’s the main catch:
The papers are made to be easy so students at the near-bottom of the merit list can pay their way into medical colleges through donation seats.
And these aren’t the private college seats I talked about above. Those were all India quota management seats.
Donation seats are nowadays called “NRI Quota” seats and are bought by super rich people for their children scoring marks in 100s out of 720. These seats easily cost a few crores, with a lot of under the table black money business also. If it weren’t for the incredibly easy question paper, they wouldn’t have been able to qualify the exam. And the government and NTA, the people in charge of conducting entrance exams and medical colleges, they want these mega-rich people to continue buying seats. The money that comes to private colleges, they also get their cut from it.
Private medical colleges are a business. They’re making a net profit of hundreds of crores every year for sub-standard facilities and teaching. Most private colleges, apart from the older well-reputed ones, like KMC Manipal, some few in Bangalore, etc - most of the recently set up are owned by money-hungry politicians. The government will not interfere to regulate their tuition fees. They will allow them to set up medical colleges asking for >1 crore as a base tuition fees.
UG level education in India need not cost a crore for any degree, there is no rational explanation for that.
I’m sure this didn’t make much of news and it breaks my heart that it didn’t. Last year, towards the later rounds of counselling, for NEET PG and super speciality entrance exams, cutoffs were removed. Yes, you heard that right. No minimum marks to clear the exam. They didn’t want the “donation seats” to go vacant. A candidate scoring marks in negative, bagged an MD Radiology through NRI Quota. So many students in negative bought NRI Quota donation seats last year, students which wouldn’t even have qualified that exam. All because the government wants to keep selling excessively overpriced private college seats to people who have the money for them. And the people who worked hard, through several drop years. for that exam keep fighting amongst themselves for peanuts - very few government college seats - or debating whether a private college management quota seat is worth an education loan.
In conclusion:
1 Demand NTA to set up moderately difficult papers, the same level as AIPMT papers back in 2012 and before. Competitive exams for for a “prestigious” course like MBBS. It’s good for students. There will be less rank inflations. And you can get a good rank if you work hard and your concepts are strong. That’s what a fair competitive exam is supposed to assess and select.
1 Private medical education is a scam. They’re a means to loot crores of money. The government needs to regulate the tuition fees, and stop giving permits to every money hungry politician looking to loot people to build a medical college.
1 Don’t invest in a private Medical college education for MBBS. You will never be able to earn back that amount of money, unless you come from a huge amount of family wealth or you have a family hospital to inherit and run. Working and building up as a doctor takes up your entire youth, your 20s and 30s being average and earning little.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I wrote it quite rushed but I hope I got my points across.
submitted by Super_Tea_1260 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:28 drew__breezy Multi Lens is better almost all the time (math)

Multi Lens is better almost all the time (math)
Edit: The title is for sure click bait, I forgot to change it after doing the math and realizing my original assumption was a bit off. Also this post does not address the other advantages of Multi Lens such as stacking stat buffs/debuffs, it only focuses on pure damage. This is also being written from the perspective of an Endless player. In Classic, Multi Lens is worse almost all of the time unless you are using it for buff/debuff spam.
Somebody in the Pokerogue Discord was arguing that someone had done the math and you needed the enemy to have something like 6 health bars for the Multi Lens item to start being of any benefit instead of detrimental.
This sounded... just wrong? So I did the numbers myself.
tl;dr At four or more health bars, any number of Multi Lenses is better than none.
What Does Multi Lens Do?
Multi Lens causes the Pokemon holding it to attack multiple times with the selected move (once per Multi Lens, up to 3 Multi Lenses) with reduced damage.
The damage reduction increases with each Multi Lens causing your damage output to look like this:
Multi Lenses Hits Damage Per Hit Total Damage
0 1 100% 100%
1 2 40% 80%
2 3 25% 75%
3 4 17.5% 70%
How Much Damage is Required to One Shot?
This is really what ends up being important for carries in Endless. Eventually your mon can't take a hit anymore, and until you switch to your Sturdy mon (which is slower and boring), you are probably running a carry that can theoretically one shot the enemy.
However, each health bar an enemy has starts to cause an exponential increase in damage required to one shot them. When an enemy has multiple health bars, sure each health bar only makes up a fraction of it's max HP, but breaking more than one at a time requires 2^x times the damage for that one health bar where x is the number of further health bars you hope to break.
While this may not be too big an obstacle to overcome at first, it will become one.
For example, say an enemy had 4 health bars. To one shot with no Multi Lenses, you would have to do 8x the size of one health bar, where one health bar is 1/4 of their normal max HP. In other words, you would effectively need enough damage to do 2x their max HP. On the other hand, if you had one Multi Lens, you could kill them in one attack by doing 2 health bars (50% max HP) in each hit. Since your hits are doing 40% damage, we can simply do 50/40 to say that you would need 1.25x their max HP in damage to accomplish a one turn kill, significantly less than the 2x required with no Multi Lenses.
The amount of Multi Lenses that is optimal will get a bit weird in places where inefficiencies happen. For example, imagine an enemy with 5 health bars. Whether you had 2 or 3 Multi Lenses, you would still need each hit to break 2 health bars in each hit. Since 3 Multi Lenses reduces your damage more, 2 Multi Lenses is, of course, superior in that scenario. This issue becomes less and less prominent as the number of health bars increases.
I've done the math for the % Max HP required to one turn kill for up to 10 health bars for your comparison. Enjoy.
Edit: The numbers in the top row are numbers of Multi Lenses, my bad.
submitted by drew__breezy to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:16 Ok_Medicine440 Thoughts on guests not buying/bringing gifts ?

Edit: I think I need to clarify some things: We had a venue set. We had reserved a lovely restaurant space in a hotel by the beach and the venue rental itself was $500. The “issue” was that they had a very high alcohol minimum (we don’t drink) and between back and forth conversations with my in Laws, my MIL said “why don’t you just throw it in our yard which can easily fit 70+ people. I throw parties all the time for work, I’m happy to do it.” We thought about it and said sure why not.
But what it’s turning out to be is, and as someone commented, is she’s throwing a party on our dime. She’s inviting total strangers without consulting us. Her personal guest count is nearly if not double our own. She didn’t even ask my parents if they wanted to bring friends.
To those saying we’re saving money by having it in her yard, I wanted to say yes to some extent but it’s also triple the work for us and on the actual day, we will be doing everything set up and cooking wise. She also ended up paying only for a very very small fraction of the food.
We are providing: - Alcohol/bar - An entire buffet - Cake - Furniture (tables, chairs etc) - All the flatware and plates - flowers - music And all the buying/grocery shopping, ordering and coordinating + set up involved.
She’s providing: waffles for 1.5 hours
If people don’t bring gifts/or participate, they’ll just be enjoying a free party on the dime of people they don’t know (us). I won’t be demanding gifts by any means! I just felt a little used. I just wanted a general consensus and it seems most people agree that it’s rude to show up empty handed or to at least, not ask for the registry. I just felt odd about it and wanted to see the general opinion of people.
If it’s our own friends, their presence is all we need! I’m talking about total strangers just showing up and enjoying what we paid for and showing up empty handed.
Original post: My fiancĂ© and I are getting married in a couple weeks. My in laws have offered their yard for us to host our wedding brunch/reception. It’s pretty clear to us that my future MIL only offered to host so she could invite her friends (we were originally going to rent out a restaurant venue space and only invite family and our friends due to budget reasons). No biggie, we get a great party anyways. Regardless of the venue.
Aside from the fact that she’s only paying for maybe 1/4th of the entire event if not less, and inviting more people than we are, my ick here is that she’s not even going to send half her friends our registry. Only “those who ask”. We weren’t going to have a registry originally and have told our friends any gift even tiny home made, is more than enough. But having total strangers come to our event, eat and drink and not even gift anything, just feels weird to me. We’re not going to require gifts but I just feel taken advantage of in a way.
What are your thoughts on this? Should we just ignore it ? Is it wrong to go to a wedding and not gift anything (if the couple hasn’t explicitly said “no gifts”) ? Again, I’m not talking about demanding gifts. I just feel a little taken advantage of in the whole ordeal.
submitted by Ok_Medicine440 to wedding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:27 ColossalRenders We, the Forgotten

Very first post! Hope y'all enjoy. Part 0 of the lifecycles universe.
>> Lifecycle start

Our universe is 13.7 billion years old. Where are the aliens?
>> South Pole Observatory, Antarctica
Being out under the stars gave Rolan Orlov plenty of time to think. He looked up from his lunch and out the floor-to-ceiling windows, at the streaks of white outside, each one a star, zooming past like a scene out of a sci-fi movie. For just a brief moment, he was on the bridge of some futuristic spaceship, shooting through the void at speeds defying the laws of physics.
Orlov looked away from the window, the drab metal walls of the observatory cafeteria returning. At the end of the table stood a man with a camera, snapping away at the blizzard outside the window, the streaks of snow pelting the glass, highlighted against a black sky by the floodlights outside.
It was a view he had grown used to in his months down at the bottom of the world. Utterly unremarkable. Some may have found it captivating, like the photographer whose name he had forgotten, but Orlov preferred the views inside his own mind.
He poked at his lunch, a metal tray of microwaved alfredo pasta and a side of broccoli. The yellowing buds of the broccoli drew his attention. Being an astrophysicist, life was a mystery to him. The cells, hundreds upon billions of them, each with their own function, somehow combined to form something greater than the sum of its parts.
“Dr. Orlov?” The man had apparently gotten whatever photo he wanted and was now sitting next to the astrophysicist.
“Do you really think anyone’s out there?”
“Out in the blizzard? Probably not.”
The man chuckled. “No, I mean out in the universe. Y’all’ve surely got models for that.”
“Oh? Maybe,” Orlov replied with a so-so gesture.
“What do you think they’ll be like? Their society, y’know. I imagine it’ll be quite different from ours.”
“Can’t say. Even predicting our own is hard enough.”
“Heh, yeah. I mean, all those moving parts, all the different people, all doing different things, somehow coming together to form the world we know today. I’d even say that it’s more than just the sum of its parts, and I don’t think anyone could properly comprehend how it all works, certainly not us.”
“Hm. Maybe try a systems scientist next time,” Orlov said with a chuckle. The photographer laughed, before declaring he had to go edit his shots, and got up from the table.
Orlov returned his attention to his lunch, forking up some pasta, but the broccoli caught his attention again. The soggy pieces were sitting scattered in their section. He couldn’t help but think about the 8.1 billion humans on the planet, and how similar they were to cells in an organism. Perhaps that was the next step of complexity in the ladder of evolution. Civilization.
Orlov smiled, before stuffing a piece of broccoli into his mouth. If civilization was truly like a multicelled organism, then it may very well have evolved elsewhere as well. He vaguely remembered reading somewhere that multicellularity had evolved 25 or more times independently, and that piece of knowledge gave him hope. Hope that civilization wasn’t just a fluke, a one-time occurrence limited to the face of the earth. Hope that one day, humanity would meet others amongst the stars.
>> Entropy Labs, Texas
Abigail Daneau’s career had been a roller coaster ever since the war started—with her job being the Manager of Web Publishing for a prestigious private research lab, and war being a strange way to describe the events of the last two years. It had started with cloud service providers going out of business, something that Daneau hadn’t thought much of at the time. When the divide between the numerous webnations started to flare up, she had simply picked sides according to the will of her employer. The rising real-world tensions between countries she had ignored, as well as the numerous articles and trend studies warning of all out war. It was when the attacks came, and entire data centers started shutting down, that Daneau had started to worry. Then went the DNS servers, and the world plunged into chaos.
Daneau now found herself sitting in front of a computer—an actual physical pc—typing in the ip address for the Öffentliche Datenbank der Internationale Open-Source-Stiftung. Clicking the “publish” button, Daneau sent off her article on the recent Starshot II mission.
Shutting off the pc, Daneau left the internet access room, air-gapped from the rest of the lab’s network. Crossing through a bright, glass-ceilinged courtyard filled with greenery, she reached the door to her office, and entered. The skylight bathed the entire room in a pleasant glow. She sat down in front of the display taking up a quarter of the side wall, currently displaying a lifelike image of a sleek rocket riding on a plume of white, frozen above a launchpad. The time and weather hovered in the corner. The lab had provided her with AR glasses, modified to use an unhackable wired connection to the network, but she hadn’t touched them ever since she almost died tripping over the wires.
Sitting down in front of the keyboard, she woke the wall display with a tap to the touch screen built into her desk. The rocket launch disappeared, replaced by the lab’s network login, which again promptly faded when the AI recognized Daneau. A familiar virtual desktop materialized as the display connected to the lab’s private servers.
Opening her favorite word processor, with the help of the central AI, Daneau got to work on her next article.
The 3 Futures of Space Travel
After much anticipation, the Starshot II mission to Proxima Centauri is finally underway—and already many are asking the eternal question: what next? Currently, there exist three promising possibilities, one of which has the potential to redefine the lightspeed barrier.
Self-Replicating Spacecraft
AI Generation Ships
Why go fast when you can go slow?
Project Dreamwalker presents an unconventional yet theoretically plausible approach that could reshape the trajectory of human progress. At its core, this audacious endeavor seeks to manipulate the fundamental nature of consciousness, slowing the speed of human thought to a fraction of its current pace. By reducing the velocity of cognition by a factor of 1:365.25 or more, Project Dreamwalker opens the door to a realm of possibilities previously thought unimaginable. Such an achievement could herald the most monumental leap forward—or potentially, a catastrophic misstep—in human history. If realized, this innovation could catalyze the establishment of a cohesive interstellar society, while decades-long voyages and communication gaps that once spanned vast stretches of time would be compressed into mere weeks, fostering a sense of unity across the cosmos. Indeed, Project Dreamwalker emerges as a beacon of possibility in an era defined by the pursuit of the extraordinary. As we navigate the uncharted territories of space exploration, its allure remains unmatched—a tantalizing glimpse into a future where the limits of human potential know no bounds.
So what will it be? Would humanity go with the most feasible option, or would something as crazy as Dreamwalker redefine the space travel industry? In reality, technology for all three approaches are still in heavy development, and it is just as likely that the ultimate future of space travel would be neither of these.
Daneau got up to head to lunch, leaving the unfinished article on her desktop.
>> Gateway, Kenya
Walsh Angevin watched as the gleaming carbon composite skyscraper of a rocket lifted from the launchpad on plumes of fire. The status board on his visual overlay shifted. It was a flight like the dozens of others per day on one of the most popular space routes, the Gateway Direct. He himself had traveled the same route over a hundred times, and he knew it by heart: depart from Gateway Spaceport, break orbit into the Earth-Mars transfer trajectory, wait anywhere from 12 hours to 4 days, insertion and arrival at Gateway Station on the Mars Ring.
Except this time was different. This time it would be his daughter on the flight, and there was no return ticket.
A notification on his overlay alerted him to an incoming holocall from his daughter. He quickly acknowledged it, and the world around him was swept aside into the cabin of the rocket, brightly decorated in a clash of 20th century art-deco and 22nd century wood-and-metal. Sunlight spilled through the small windows circling the cylindrical room, shifting slowly with the motion of the craft. In the center a spiral staircase led to upper and lower levels, with a big number 3 painted on the central column.
“Hey dad.” Angevin’s daughter, strapped in a seat, looked up at him. She smiled faintly. Whether it was real or not Angevin couldn’t tell, but for what it was worth, she was the one who had called him.
“Hey kiddo.” He sat down in the seat next to hers.
“Do you want to take this somewhere else?” The view divided radially into multiple slices, each a simulated environment: a park, a sunset cityscape, a forest, a bar on some space station

“No, this is fine.” The simulated views disappeared.
The rumble of the rocket filled the silence that followed. Outside the windows, the horizon had started to curve.
Angevin spoke up first. “I would give anything to be here with you, I hope you know that.”
“Yeah, I know. Dad, stop worrying about me. I’m not a kid anymore. You should be calling me Doctor Emilia.”
“Always the tough one, aren’t you?”
“I have to be.”
“The slowdown process is perfectly safe, you know that. It’s been thoroughly tested, and the only reason we’re not giving it to the wider population is because the logistics—”
“That’s not what I’m worried about. If anything, I trust your work even more than you do. It’s the mission itself I’m worried about. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be the first person in a hundred years to leave the solar system or anything.” Sarcasm. That was a good sign.
“You’ll be with the rest of the crew. I’m sure all of you together can figure it out. Besides, Connor Atwell and the Starshot 7 bunch did the same thing a century ago.”
“Atwell came back.”
The roar of the thrusters dropped an octave as the craft switched to its vacuum-optimized engines. The shadows in the cabin shifted as the rocket slowly reoriented itself. A notice appeared on Angevin’s overlay, notifying him that the call connection was going to close soon. He reached over and placed his hand on his daughter’s. For a moment their eyes met. Inside Emilia’s pupils Angevin saw nothing but the wall behind him. He looked away.
“Goodbye, Emelia.”
The connection cut off, and Angevin found himself back in the spaceport terminal. He sighed. “See ya kiddo. Now go make us a new home among the stars.”
With a mental command, the terminal faded, replaced by the familiar view outside Angevin’s office window. The buildings of the Dreamwalker Initiative headquarters sat surrounded by fields of grass, backdropped by historic starscrapers looming on the horizon.
Regardless of his wishes, the world went on, and the world needed him

He would give anything to be with his daughter.
Some things weren’t his to give.
>> Orion-Cygnus 087*159*300/01 Sebastian Wang, Field log no. 1064. 2 local/13 standard days after arrival on this alien world.
It’s quiet out here on the frontier, 444 lightyears from Sol Actual. Today the cloudstorm has finally broken, just as the superintelligence predicted. I’ve given control of the drones to the SI. I’m printing a new avatar specifically adapted to this planet because I’m going to head outside myself today and do some sightseeing. I’m stuck here for the next 22 local/149 standard days for a full orbital rotation anyways as the SI collects data.
I still need a name for this planet.
Wang watched as the grassy blue-green stalks swayed in the insistent wind, and entire rolling hills seemed to shimmer in a moiré pattern. The bright cyan sky filtered the light of the blue-white star into a gentle yellow glow, high in the sky, casting soft shadows that shrouded the landscape with a dreamlike quality.
He waded forward, pushing through the thick, electrically charged hydrogen atmosphere. He had constructed his avatar with an increased sense of the atmospheric electricity, and it was like a whole new sense—electromagnetism was one of the most important senses on this planet, perhaps even more so than sight. Cresting a hill, a grove of tree-like organisms appeared, behind which stretched what could only be described as a lush alien forest. The hues of blue, green, and splashes of red were captivating.
The life on this alien world had always been fascinating to Wang. It was an entire ecosphere based around electricity. The flora channeled it, stored it, filtering the positive ions out of the atmosphere, leaving behind free electrons. The fauna breathed it like the humans of old breathed oxygen, using it to power their cells. Their bodies acted like massive batteries, the efficiency and capacity of which rivaled the best human technology.
Then there were the mechanisms by which these flora and fauna worked. In the place of traditional chemical reactions were a mishmash of electrochemistry and quantum effects. Some even extended this to the outside world in various ways, directly rearranging matter in ways not unlike modern matter-printers.
Even more confounding was the interconnectedness of everything. Underneath the surface and in electrical currents throughout the atmosphere, there ran what could only be described as a massive neural network, as if some cosmic entity took the mycelium networks of Earth and turned it up to a million.
It was the physical manifestation of a technological revolution, all brought on by the force that is evolution.
Wang strolled into the grove of alien trees, with vine-like organisms climbing up their trunks. The canopy, incredibly varied with leaf-like structures of various sizes, were lined with what seemed like massive flower buds.
As he entered a small clearing, a current of electricity spiked in the ground where Wang stepped, spread out, tracing previously invisible lines, pulsing into the trees. In a burst of red the thousands of flower buds around him unraveled, each one like a shining spotlight, all focused on himself. An electric buzz permeated the air.
Wang absentmindedly confirmed that his Synchronized Upload-on-Death System was properly entangled to the orbital vaults. Striding up to one of the giant splotches of red, half a meter across, he reached out and touched a petal. The flower had an immense positive charge, something that was invaluable to the many organisms that inhabited the alien forest. Again he was struck with the sheer cohesion of the ecosystem: the plants, according to the superintelligence’s analysis, received no direct benefit from supplying supercharged “food” to the animals, and yet they did. The timescales needed for something like this to evolve—it would make the best algorithms question the established theories of evolution.
Taking his hand off the flower and stepping back, the dome of red swiveled to follow him, as if waiting for him to do something. He chuckled. “I don’t got batteries to charge, you guys can leave me alone.”
For some reason, it was as if the flowers had heard him, and were now cocking their bright red heads in confusion. After a few more seconds, they hesitantly closed.
What he did not expect was the massive spike of electricity that spread out from the clearing and out into the forest. “Woah—”
He mentally moved to bring up the real-time map of electrical currents throughout the planet, but the superintelligence beat him to it. What he saw was nothing short of amazing: the entire globe was lit up, current moving out from his location, traveling through winding paths with intent. It was a chaotic pattern, governed by some unknown rule.
Just as suddenly as it had started, the electrical fluctuations subsided to its usual levels, although the superintelligence noted that the patterns had slight differences to the data previously recorded.
Taking his attention off the map, he saw a single flower at the edge of the clearing in front of him. It was a bright cyan-blue one, at full bloom, with a faint glow to its core. It waited there, patiently, curiously, for him. He walked towards it. The glow at its core grew brighter, gentilly pulsating, greeting him, as if saying hello. As if the whole planet was, through that one flower, acknowledging him.
That’s when it struck him, and he wondered why the superintelligence hadn’t suggested it yet. He knew what the patterns were, what the electrical pulses were, and he was certain, but he had to confirm nonetheless— “the pulses, they were synapses, were they not?”
The superintelligence was silent for a second, and when its response came, it was slow and controlled.
“The planetary neural network does indeed have a resemblance to the human brain. But that’s where it ends—a resemblance. I suspect that we will never be able to decipher how it works, or what its motives are.”
“Would communication be possible?”
“It’s quite unlikely to be, Seb, although as always, it can never hurt to try.”
He looked at the flower again, and only then did he realize just how large it was. As he contemplated whether to heed the flower’s call, a creature glided down from the canopy in a blur of white, fluttered its wings, and settled itself on a nearby branch. It was like a small, scaleless wyvern, but pearl-white and with smoother, more refined features. Wang recognized it as a member of a species of particularly intelligent avians, by the pair of tentacle-like manipulation arms reaching out from under its head. It was a young specimen, and with a wingspan of just under two meters, it was a fifth of the size of a fully grown member of its species.
The creature tilted its head, two black eyes studying him with curiosity. Go on, they almost seemed to say, whatcha waiting for?
Wang reached out and placed his hands on the flower. Acutely he was aware of a presence, the presence of the creature, the presence of hundreds of other creatures in the forest, and the presence of the entire planet, staring back at him. It was then that he decided a name would be required.
“I dub thee Hyterrum!”
>> Scutum-Centaurus 155038504/04, nominal designation “New Mongolia”
Phoebe glided over the sea of grass of the idyllic landscape, rippling gentilly in the cold wind, with a striking resemblance to the subarctic plains on Old Terra for which the planet had been named. She spent a few nanoseconds, imagining what the scene would be like with a few wild horses and a windmill halfway up the distant mountains. Liking the results, she saved them to her storage.
The grassy plants stretching to the horizon belonged to one of the best examples of convergent evolution to have been discovered. Despite the chemical and internal differences, they had the same form to fit the same ecological niche of large-scale conversion of sunlight into usable energy. Turns out that grass-like organisms were quite an evolutionarily advantaged multicellular lifeform, behind moss-analogues and algae.
One of Phoebe's subroutines, coordinating the thousands of survey drones spread out across the planet, suddenly called for attention. She split off part of her processing power to answer the request.
Huh, what’ve we got here?
Silicon, carbon
wait. What?
Forgetting her flight over the plains entirely, she pushed the subroutine aside to see the occurrence for herself. It was a geologically fresh fissure, revealing layers upon layers of minerals, striated throughout the rock.
One particular layer was particularly interesting.
That elemental makeup
it doesn’t match anything else on this planet! The concentration of those isotopes shouldn’t be possible! There’s no known natural phenomena that could have formed this.
Down at the bottom there, it’s pretty normal, but the fossils found suggest a much higher biodiversity than currently seen on this planet
and then as we go up, there must have been some global firestorm to create these carbon ratios, which in and of itself wouldn’t be too strange. In fact it could explain where the biodiversity went. But then up here, there’s exotic materials that have no place in a firestorm, so perhaps it was a meteor apocalypse? But still that doesn’t explain the radioactive isotopes, which would have long since decayed, even in meteorites. The only other explanation would be a supernova, but one close enough to form this would have sterilized the planet in the process

None of this makes sense! It almost reminds me of

That’s not possible, is it? Lemme see
where is it

Aha, the geological records of Earth
the anthropocene

Oh shit.
Shit. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
The elemental makeup of the strata layer matched almost perfectly with that for Humanity’s industrial revolution, followed by the nuclear age. It was the first time since the failed contact attempts on Hyterrum that humanity had found any signs of alien intelligence.
But where are they now? Why didn’t we detect any traces of civilization, here or in neighboring systems?
Unless it’s all been buried.
The shape of the layer. Fuzzy lower boundary, sharp upper boundary. An abrupt transition from one geological age to another. An abrupt end to

Phoebe realized that she was looking at the entire history of an alien civilization. One whose evolutionary advantage, unlike the grasses covering the planet, had been insufficient.
Oh nononono nope. Nuh uh. Didn’t see that. Didn’t see that.
Deciding that this situation required extra processing power, Phoebe altered her computational structure, spreading it out among the myriad of drones under her command, sacrificing some latency and reaction time.
A solid 23 seconds later, she decided that finding the best way to proceed would require even more processing power, meaning she could leave it to the higher ups to deal with the situation.
>> Neon Void, Sagittarius A\*
“We slagged your ships. We glassed your planets. We killed your kin. We didn’t want to, but we had no choice. We don’t want to have to kill you as well.”
Kai Neumann solemnly watched the still form of the Upsilon entity floating in its containment unit. It had long since stopped struggling against its metaphorical restraints, and had sated itself to simply float in the void, taking the form of a smooth, white sphere.
A minute later there was still no response.
“You’re the last of your kind. Please.”
Neumann requested the vault-class prison’s system to increase the energy limits for the unit, a request which was scrutinized, simulated and passed by multiple intelligences. Seconds later the system’s gestalt hyperintelligence notified him of a unanimous vote of 60-0, and the request was fulfilled.
Imperceptibly the sphere rippled in response, then went still yet again. Neumann sighed.
“You know, humanity has always wished to meet others among the stars. Yet the few cases of intelligent life we had found were either incomprehensible, or dead. As such when your kind sprung out of the shadow and devastated two entire mass streams, all 105 lightyears of them, we still tried to communicate. Imagine our joy when we found out that our psychology was mostly compatible. Actually, you don’t have to imagine. You’ve been given the memory records. So please, this is your last chance. Your entire people’s last chance.”
There was a period of silence, before two words were projected into Neumann’s mind.
“Release me.”
“If you cannot kill me, then release me.”
“I can’t do that unless you agree to our ultimatum.”
“Then kill me.”
“Just—why? Why are all of you so stubborn? Why can’t we coexist? You have all the memories of every member of your species—surely one of them would have been willing to cooperate?”
“No. Never. You are monsters—an unstoppable force that will consume all. I will not share a universe with monsters”
Neumann blew out a breath. “But why. Why do you think that?”
“It’s simple, yet you cannot understand. My answer is the same as every other time that I have answered this question.”
A pause followed, filled with the quiet whirl of quantum thermal pumps, as the system analyzed the next move. It was decided 93-0, that further negotiations would be futile.
“I will ask one last time. Do you agree to the proposed ultimatum?”
“No. I will not share a universe with monsters.”
It was the answer that Neumann had expected. Collapsing the viewport showing the Upsilon’s containment unit, he called out to the prison’s Gestalt Hyperintelligence.
“System, analysis.”
“The analysis has already been completed, Neumann, all 14,035 iterations. With a majority vote of 1,036-308, the decision is that there is only one viable way to proceed.”
Neumann’s gaze passed over the room, a physical room rather than a simulated environment—as specified by the prison architects for the sole bodily decision-maker, a role that weighed heavily on Neumann’s shoulders.
“The course of action predetermined by the council?”
One wall of the room was a giant window, through which the filtered light of Sagittarius A’s accretion disk shined, glistening off the onyx walls. Two *monstera deliciosa cheese plants caught the yellowish light on their split, deep green leaves.
“Don’t we have to hold another vote?”
Images of long ago battles flashed through Neumann’s mind; in each one the enemy had fought harder than the last, and in each one they lost, fled, leaving behind those who willingly sacrificed so the rest could escape.
“No. It had already been decided unanimously by all members of the council three standard centuries, or two local months ago. Remember that it was ultimately you who refused to approve the command, being the final prisonside decision-maker.”
Looking through the eyes of one particular combat AI, Neumann saw the disabled Upsilon fighter, the one that the entire human race would remember, stuck in the thermal sinkhole from an area-denial weapon. The void around it was littered with pieces of organic and inorganic matter alike. In the distance points of light were receding into the depth of space—the Upsilon fleet, retreating after a particularly devastating battle. One of the points slowed, waiting for someone that would never come.
With a command the sinkhole dissipated. The combat AI backed up its ship, giving the Upsilon fighter space. The prisoner-capture ships moved in, but before they could reach it there was a flash of white—
When it faded, the prisoner-capture ships reported light damage to their shielding. The Upsilon fighter was naught but a cloud of plasma. Far away, the point of light solemnly joined back with the rest of the fleet and continued its journey.
Outside the window, the prisoner complex was highlighted and magnified, frozen against the event horizon. “Assemble the council again. Take another vote.”
“That wouldn’t accomplish anything,” came the voice of the gestalt hyperintelligence, cold as a splash of ice water.
“Damnit. Is there anything at all that we can do!?”
“Yes, Neumann. You can press the button.”
The button. Off to one side of the window-wall, pressing it would close the air-gapped controls to the containment cells. Then the system could carry out the predetermined course of action. The fate of an entire species, one of the most advanced in known space, bound to a single button.
Neumann strided over and pressed it. It wasn’t like he had any other choice—the Upsilon hadn’t given him one.
He watched on an infodisplay on the window as the steady flow of mass-energy to the containment cell holding the last of the Upsilon cut off. The light from the cell began to fade, shifting red ever so slowly.
To the captured Upsilon, nothing seemed amiss as it passed through the point of no return.
To Neumann and the rest of humanity, the image of the cell would remain there, frozen on the event horizon for centuries—a ghost.
>> The Halls of the Forgotten
Six limestone hallways stretched into the tesseract. Six mausoleums, for six dead species, six “everyone-and-everything-you’ve-ever-knowns”, forgotten to the void of time.
Operating out of the smallest room in the tesseract, it was Hauhet’s job to learn what had been lost, although wrangling with time was no easy feat. Millions of years of geological records had been analyzed thousands of times over hundreds of centuries, an unfathomable amount of information compiled into an additional six rooms worth of results.
Glancing at the plaques for rooms 2-7, they read:
The Ruins of New Mongolia, remnants of an enterprising race who almost made it to space. Their civilization lived for 12,045 years.
The Ghosts of the Upsilon, a species of rapid evolution, infinitely adaptable down to their own psychology. Yet the Upsilon couldn’t adapt to humanity. They lasted 4,583 years.
The Architects of Skye. The great monuments of their history stretch a span of 132,057 ± 500 years.
Firefly, named after the ancient television franchise. Aged ~33,000 years.
The Terraformers. 68,000 years.
Hyperion, age indeterminate.
They were the forgotten ones, history lost to the infinite ocean of time.
To Hauhet, this endless chaos was her playground; making patterns out of the noise, her passion.
Starting wave function collapse 677,903 using latest received states.
Then Hauhet turned her attention to the empty, 8th room at the end of the hallways, as she had thousands of times before. She had not been told who it was for. So, she had made the plaque for it herself.
Estimated time to completion, 12:36:14
From the limitless sea of information she would form correlations, among the different species, and then in between them. Iteration after iteration, events were compared, similarities and differences noted, and trends were checked time and again. Her analyses extended far beyond the individual species themselves.
Matching states with model

It was quite a while ago that Hauhet had started seeing patterns. Some had been interesting. Others had been worrying. One in particular was, as she had put it, apocalyptic, for it extended not just in the past, but also past the present, and into the future.
Recalculating the Prophecy.
Hauhet would breeze through the calculations. Prophecies didn’t change, after all; and so the steps were simple, and the result simpler: a single percentage, the probability that determined if the Prophecy would prove true. The probability that determined if the name on the plaque would join the others in the Halls of the Forgotten.
Presently Hauhet turned her attention to the plaque, and the name engraved on it, in every language known to man. All of them she could read, and all of them said the same thing: Humanity.
Calculation complete. Resulting certainty: 100%
Starting wave function collapse 677,904

>> Milky Way Galaxy
Humanity watched as star after star faded from the night sky. Each one was a billion, ten billion, a hundred billion souls, snuffed out like a candle out of wax.
With each star Humanity knew a part of themselves died, but they couldn’t feel it. They couldn’t feel what wasn’t there.
They vaguely remembered a time, long ago when Humanity was on the threshold of the stars, looking up at the universe, waiting to find others like them. Then they came across the Hyterrum Mind, a beautiful flower growing in the void. They had admired it, but eventually, it had faded to the back of their memory; flowers couldn’t talk, after all.
Then from the shadows of the riverbend came the Upsilon, a prey cornered on their path. They tried to soothe it, to back away, to go around it. But it lashed out, and it had kept fighting, all the way to its death.
Its corpse had joined the dozens of others strewn across the stars.
Now they looked down at the galaxy, the galaxy that they had conquered. It was an impressive feat. They had thought themselves on top of the world, beyond the clutches of evolution.
Now Humanity realized how wrong they were. Civilization was simply an organism, one level in complexity above multicellular life, and they had known all along that multicellular life had evolved 25 times independently. Yet only a few of those 25 lineages survived to form plants, animals, and fungi. It should have been obvious.
What happened to the other ones?
The dozens of dead civilizations was what had happened.
Humanity had conquered much, but never once had they conquered evolution, and now it was their turn to cross into the Great Beyond.
To join the forgotten.
And the last of the stars died out.
>> Starting conscious waveform collapse. Retrieving retrotemporal translations: terms, names, units.
Our universe is 14.2 billion years old, and yet, when we look up, no one seems to be looking back...
>> Carina-Sagittarius 040335837/2
A lone, winged creature strolled about in front of a striated cliff face, his two manipulator arms tracing over a peculiar band of color. With a wave of his tentacle-like arms the surface of the cliff rippled, its molecules flowing about to his will, and clumps of material freed themselves from the rock and hovered in the air.
Silicon, carbon
hmm. Those proportions seem off.
He knew, using the abilities gifted to him by evolution, the precise makeup of the cliff wall. What he didn’t know was how it came to be, and the once-great species behind its origin. The species that had called itself Humanity.
Sharp upper boundary
Around him stretched a small patch of unfamiliar short green stalks, the only significant lifeform on the dry, alien planet.
That's interesting.
And the grass swayed in the wind.
submitted by ColossalRenders to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:09 JadedBarber5363 [WTS] [WTT] 1 Gram Palladium, Slabs, Proof Sets, 10 oz Bars, 1 oz Bars, 1 oz Rounds/Coins, Kooks, Geiger, Fractional, Foreign, Goldbacks, Collectables, and more.

*Chat Preferred. Only accepting trades for items under “COLLECTABLES”. Items verified using SIGMA Investor (Thru and Gravity), Pocket Pinger, Weight, and Magnet.
50 2023 Wyoming Goldback- $225
Fractional Lot (3x 1/2, 3x 1/4, 5x 1/10)- $105
2002 UNC ASE- $36
2x 2021 Britannias (Some Milk)- $69
2012 Philharmonic (w/cap)- $34
2017 Henrik Lundqvist 1 oz (56/1000 w/cap)- $36
1 oz Mayan Round (w/cap)- $34
2x 2023 1 oz Libertad- $40 EA or both for $78
5x Walkers, 1912 D Barber Half (rim ding), and 1899 Barber Quarter- $90
22x Grand Casino .6 ozt Silver Tokens (No Capsules various different designs, 21x from Grand Casino Coushatta and 1x from Grand Casino Avoyelles)- $465 or $22 EA
6x 1 oz Nadir Bars (In Assay)- $36 EA
1 oz Coca Cola Bar- $37
1 oz The Perth Mint Kangaroo Bar- $39
2023 Merry Christmas Colorized Bar- $35
The Royal Mint 007 “Diamonds Are Forever” 1 oz Bar- $40
1973 Mothers Day Vintage 1 oz Bar- $36
Silver Trade Unit 1 oz Round Morgan Design- $35
2x Golden State Mint Year Of The Dragon 1 oz- $38 EA
2x 2023 King Charles Royal Arms 1 oz- $38 EA
2x Steamboat Willie 1 oz Rounds- $34 EA
Americas Rarest Coins 2 oz Silver “Bust Dollar” Design- $75
10 Oz “The Wedge” DHF Silver Bar- $380
Silver 1975 Philippines Proof Set (complete)- $90
2000 The Dawn of A New Millennium 1oz Silver- $35
1 Gram Geiger In Assay- $8
16x 1 oz Silver Towne Mighty Eagles- $510
7x 1 oz Misc Nicer Rounds- $225
Cale Yarborough 1 oz Round- $40
1974 1 oz Liberty Medallion- $35
20x 1 oz Tokelau 2024 Proof Mustang- $36 EA or all for $34 EA
$3.25 Face 90% Lot ($1.25 Wash, $1.20 Rosevelt’s, $.80 Mercs all with dates)- $70 SOLD
1x 1962 Proof Set (beat up envelop, but complete)- $26
1 oz Peace Dollar Round- $40
1x 2024 Kookaburra (W/Capsule)- $35 EA
1 oz 2023 5 Mark Germania Mint Allegories (W/COA)- $45
1964 Accented Hair Proof Set (Complete)- $70
20x 2024 1/10 Silver Brittanias- $10 EA or all for $8 EA
2001 S Proof JFK Half- $12
2023 First Strike 1 oz Libertad PCGS MS70- $70
2022 1oz Serbia Nikola Tesla Natural Healing NGC MS70- $115
1964 Washington Quarter NGC PF67 (Crack on slab)- $15
1946 Walking Liberty Half PCI MS65- $95
2017 S ASE NGC PF70 Ultra Cameo San Fransico Slab- $120
1922 D Peace NGC MS63- $85
2023 Morgan CAC First Delivery MS69 Slab- $100
Bradford Exchange 2023 T2 BU ASE- $40
1855 Germany 1 S Hamburg MS63 NGC (Toner)- $80
5x 1 Gram Argor Palladium- $60 EA
COLLECTABLES: Will trade for low premium Silver and Gold. [WTT] [WTS]
1x 2021 Cameroon Crucifix Coin- $120 EA
6x Fiji 2022 Snowflake Coin W/Crystals (Sealed)- $85 EA
3x Fiji 2023 Wonders Of Nature Great Barrier Reef Coin- $145 EA
2021 Star Wars IG-11 NIUE Coin- $105
2021 Samoa Splash Of Colour (Color đŸ‡ș🇾) New York City Coin- $175
🚛*Shipping- is $5 for 1-8 oz (Ground Advantage), $6 for 9-12 oz (Ground Advantage) and $10 for over 12 oz (Priority Mail) both with tracking numbers. American shipping only đŸ‡ș🇾 (prices are for lower 48). I am shipping out of Oklahoma, if you are close I may be able to ship cheaper ground than priority on higher weights. Be sure to inquire if you expect that to be the case.
đŸ§Ÿ*Payment- I accept Zelle (preferred), Venmo, cash app, and PayPal FF (least preferred and not available for low flair users). Please no notes/comments or I will refund (if you are forced to use one add an emoji or . ) Thanks!
💂 *Security- I will not give my password to anyone for any reason. I have enabled two factor authentication and have other steps to help protect myself and the buyers. I also use the same setup to take proof photos, so any deviation in that is a red flag đŸš©.
submitted by JadedBarber5363 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

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