Printable farkle score sheets

Major Tom Völlig losgelöst Chords & Sheet Music - Peter Schilling by Peter Schilling

2024.06.09 07:12 ArtFraga Major Tom Völlig losgelöst Chords & Sheet Music - Peter Schilling by Peter Schilling

Major Tom Völlig losgelöst sheet music download as MusicXML, Guitar Pro, and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Duesenberger
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:30 ArtFraga Aloha Heja He Chords & Sheet Music - Achim Reichel by Achim Reichel

Aloha Heja He sheet music download as MusicXML, Guitar Pro, and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @Duesenberger
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:10 Felbrooke Homebrewed Resources

Hey y'all! So, I've been prepping for a bit to run A More Perfect Union, the HA campaign arc given in the Battlegroup book, and in the process there of I've discovered that for as much as I love this game for some of it's brilliant ideas and execution, it has some awful issues, such as the ammount of sheer effort it takes to make enemy fleets and the lack of proper character sheets and the such; to that end, I made them.
In here there's an actual player character sheet made in Excel that includes a sheet for your commander, an action reference page and a full page for each potential Capital Ship in your group; there are also printable versions of these that can be done double sided and made as needed.
All maneuvers and tactics, plus a round order and gyre reference details have been put together into sheets for easy printout if needed and there's a printable gyre included, as well as my ongoing notes on A More Perfect Union as I'm still prepping it. Any additional resources or printouts or changes I make will all be in this Drive, so...
Yeah, I hope this helps.
submitted by Felbrooke to LancerBattlegroup [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:18 Brainfried Albert - the Cowardly Narcissist

Many problem gamers wear their red flags for all to see, allowing you to decide if you can handle those particular flags or not. Other problem gamers, like Albert, reveal their red flags slowly and casually. Like the proverbial boiling of a frog. By the time you realize they are the problem in your game, it’s too late.
The time is mid-2019, Gerard joins the group and is the ideal gamer. He wants to enjoy the game, comes prepared, doesn’t hog the spotlight, but is ready for when it’s on him. After a few months when Gerard asked to invite a person who was just hired on at his place of employment, we said sure.
Albert knew the 5E and was a positive addition to the game. Or so we thought.
His PC did not start off broken, but ended up a bit broken in time. Around double-digit levels his eldritch knight was becoming a bit unhittable. I, the DM, would need to roll 18’s just to score a hit thanks to his high AC. This was made worse when he got a Cloak of Displacement or cast Blur.
When it came to saving throws, he was nearly immune thanks to feats, decent Dex stat, and class features. And that is ok, I am not a new DM and know how to challenge the group. So, I designed a particular combat just to challenge him, that threw a lot of lightning bolts at him (the group’s tank). Some constructs that would start with a standard Lightning Bolt aimed at its target, and when it was reduced to 50% hp, the Lightning Bolt would recharge. Albert’s PC took a beating, but the party won, and Albert had sufficient healing to keep him alive without issue.
But he moaned and whined about it. I was a little irritated at that, because his PC was never truly in danger because he could easily make the saves and had easy access to heals.
That is when I started remembering the various little things he had been doing all this time and started noting more things that would pop up:
Here are the less minor things that just show what a pathetic cowardly narcissist he truly was.
Gerard ended up getting laid off of work at the same time we switch to VTT. It turns out the Albert set up a situation to make Gerard look bad and Albert look good (promoted even). So, when layoff time came, Gerard had some ticks against him that made the choice easy for the higher-ups in the company.
Now this story makes several of us laugh. All except Albert.
Spoilers for Curse of Strahd
In Curse of Strahd there is a cart that says something like “Do not open!”.
Another player’s PC (a stereotypical half-orc barbarian) said “I ain’t gonna let no sign tell me what to do.”, and proceeded to open the cart.
The cart was full of alchemists’ fire and exploded for a heinous amount of damage. The party was low-level enough that a failed saving throw could kill.
Two PCs died. One of those PC’s was Albert’s.
The half-orc made his save and survived.
Now I knew that Albert would whine, so I took a pic of the trap and posted it in group chat.
Well rather than him being an adult (this was CoS after all, and was not going to be easy) making a new PC, he read every single word of that trap and caught one bit that I missed.
The person opening the door gets disadvantage to their Dexterity save.
Rather than letting it go, he decided to be a petty rat and pointed out what I missed.
The half-orc rolled again and made the save.
The rest of us love that story, because there’s some poetic justice in it.
Now this next story was based around an idea that’s been around the internet for a bit, that I modified to my needs for the story.
A wizard established a town where its initial townsfolk were constructs that he made, and they were regular people in all respects until the wizard died. The wizard just wanted a family, so the town became his extended family as he watched it grow larger with every year. And he was happy.
When he died, half a dozen townsfolk abruptly turned into iron golems. They were motionless and would remain so until the town was under attack. Then they would spring into action to save the town.
The party was in this town when it happened, and they were curious, but they had some world-saving to do on some islands nearby (getting a MacGuffin). There was also an evil red dragon, that had wanted the area around the town as its lair, but the old wizard kept him at bay for decades.
The party investigated an island that had some sad cyclops that had been reduced to the stone age. They had a nice little society and were able to smith weapons. But then the “oxidation beasts” (rust monsters) came and didn’t kill the cyclops, but destroyed everything of theirs made of metal.
The party was willing to help, though they were concerned about the risk of some of their nicer items. (Note: when I use rust monsters, I always give extra treasure to make up for what was lost.)
But Albert, he ran his cowardly butt back to the boat stayed offshore for the remainder of the session. He couldn’t risk his recently bought magical armor and weapons (which he’d be able to buy again later).
He refused to the point the rest of the party abandoned the cyclops to their plight and I had to toss that session’s planned encounters. I was content to have them go on with the adventure and leave Albert sitting on the boat.
I wasn’t irritated at the party, but I was extremely unhappy with the cowardice of Albert and his supposed hero. A double-digit level paladin afraid of some 0.5 CR monsters that the party could kill from a distance.
I debated booting Albert. I debated having his deity abandon his PC for cowardice.
Then I had a stroke of evil-DM genius. I had not even thought about the rust monsters versus the iron golems when I started the planning, but then I saw a painful opportunity.
While the party was successfully getting the MacGuffin, the red dragon made a deal with the cyclops and put the rust monsters to use.
The dragon made an appearance to the town and activated the iron golems, who ran into a herd of rust monsters released from bamboo cages on the beach. When the golems were gone, the red dragon, the cyclops, and other assorted baddies destroyed the town.
When the party headed back to town, the black smoke warned them something bad had happened. They figured out what happened, felt horrible, and wanted revenge.
Except for Albert. “Sucks to be them. I’m fine.”
And the final straw before I finally booted Albert from the group.
The same party, about a month later, needed one last MacGuffin for their world-saving quest and only one NPC knew where it was – a semi-sane lich who enjoyed taunting the party in evil, Joker-esque ways.
This time he had a carnival and all the party had to do get the clue for the last MacGuffin was to win every game of skill in the carnival in one hour.
I spent hours on preparing the various games of skill the party would have to win, looking at character sheets to ensure the right DCs were set to the right amount of challenge within the time limit.
I was looking forward to this because it wasn’t a “kill the monsters and take its treasure” kind of session. It was supposed to be a little silly and whimsical.
The party was cautiously concerned, but played along up until the point where the lich required them to put all of their magic items in a box so they could not be used during the games.
Most of the party was all “absolutely not”, the loudest being Albert.
And they were right, it could have been a trick to steal their stuff.
A couple of the party were fine with it, because it was different, but I was deflated.
I pushed forward and ensured the party that there was no trick to steal their items.
And Albert still refused because his PC “must wear his armor at all times”. He tried to hide behind a flimsy role-playing excuse of “It’s the way my order is”.
I had hit my braking point. I nearly ended the campaign right then and there.
I had to point out the work I had done for this session and they were taking a giant dump on it because of a coward and his armor.
The carnival went forward, but the fun was robbed from me.
A few days later I booted Albert from the group, took a two-month break from DMing while we played some other games. The newest campaign started at level 1 and the PCs just hit level 17.
submitted by Brainfried to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:55 temporaryaccount153 Switched from navy to Air Force thinking of jobs

I know there is a “dream sheet” which is different from the navy as far as picking jobs. I was able to pick any job in the navy and only needed to pick one if it was available. I will be able to pick any job in the Air Force as well since I have a 93 picat score. I plan on having my top 3 being ATC, Contracting, and something in the cyber field. Now one thing that is different is that one of the Air Force recruiters that reached out to me is that there is nothing stoping me from filling my list full of jobs I want. An example would be if I filled the jobs list full of cyber and medical jobs (I plan on putting medical in because I’m going to college for nursing anyways so might as well) but as mentioned earlier I have a 93 picat score and an associates degree so if you were in my shoes what job would be a good choice to use in the civilian world as well as the Air Force?
submitted by temporaryaccount153 to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:28 FrequentSuggestion28 SJC for Linguist?

I have the ASVAB score to list a cryptologic linguist on my dream sheet, but I will most likely have to get a waiver for my childhood asthma. Does that mean I don’t pass the SJC code to be a linguist?
submitted by FrequentSuggestion28 to AirForceRecruits [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:04 RedSoxGameday Post Game Thread: 6/8 Red Sox @ White Sox

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BOS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 9
CWS 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 6 10 0 7

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T5 Bobby Dalbec homers (1) on a fly ball to right field. 0-1
B5 Andrew Vaughn singles on a ground ball to second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Danny Mendick scores. Corey Julks to 3rd. Zach DeLoach to 2nd. 1-1
B5 Gavin Sheets hits a grand slam (7) to right field. Corey Julks scores. Zach DeLoach scores. Andrew Vaughn scores. 5-1
B7 Paul DeJong homers (11) on a fly ball to left center field. 6-1


Description Length
Brayan Bello against the White Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Boston, June 8 vs White Sox 0:07
Bench availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Fielding alignment for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:11
Bobby Dalbec: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:10
Visualizing Bobby Dalbec's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Nick Nastrini's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Brayan Bello's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Gavin Sheets' home run 0:12
Analyzing Gavin Sheets' home run through bat tracking 0:11
Breaking down Paul DeJong's home run 0:12
A deep dive into Paul DeJong's home run 0:11
Andrew Vaughn's jumping catch 0:12
Rafael Devers' leaping grab 0:25
Red Sox turn double play 0:27
Brayan Bello K's Oscar Colás 0:07
Bobby Dalbec's solo home run (1) 0:29
Andrew Vaughn's RBI single 0:12
Gavin Sheets' first career grand slam (7) 0:29
Alex Cora gets ejected 0:27
Nick Nastrini K's five 0:46
White Sox score five in the 5th 0:52
Paul DeJong's solo home run (11) 0:25
Michael Kopech Swinging Strike to Jarren Duran 0:06
submitted by RedSoxGameday to redsox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:03 chisoxbot POST GAME THREAD: Red Sox 1 @ White Sox 6 - Sat Jun 8 @ 3:10 PM

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BOS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 9
CWS 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 6 10 0 7

Box Score

LF Julks 4 1 0 0 1 0 .274
RF DeLoach 2 1 0 0 2 0 .091
CF Ellis 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
1B Vaughn 4 1 1 1 0 1 .217
DH Sheets 4 1 3 4 0 0 .246
SS DeJong 4 1 2 1 0 0 .234
RF Colás 4 0 1 0 0 1 .235
3B Sosa, L 4 0 2 0 0 0 .230
2B Mendick 4 1 1 0 0 0 .221
C Maldonado, M 3 0 0 0 1 1 .074
Nastrini 4.1 2 1 1 5 5 87-42 8.39
Banks 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 22-13 4.60
Brebbia 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 20-13 6.35
Leasure 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16-9 3.00
Kopech 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 33-21 4.05
LF Duran, Ja 3 0 0 0 2 1 .263
2B Valdez, E 2 0 0 0 0 1 .186
3B Westbrook 2 0 0 0 0 2 .200
DH Refsnyder 4 0 0 0 0 3 .333
3B Devers 2 0 0 0 1 0 .284
C McGuire 1 0 0 0 0 0 .216
2B Wong 3 0 1 0 1 0 .331
1B Smith, Do 2 0 0 0 1 0 .223
RF Dalbec 3 1 1 1 1 2 .159
SS Hamilton, D 4 0 2 0 0 2 .277
CF Rafaela 4 0 1 0 0 2 .216
Bello 4.2 9 5 5 3 2 95-60 4.78
Kelly, Z 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 5-3 2.00
Anderson 3.0 1 1 1 1 1 41-24 4.41

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T5 Bobby Dalbec homers (1) on a fly ball to right field. 0-1
B5 Andrew Vaughn singles on a ground ball to second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Danny Mendick scores. Corey Julks to 3rd. Zach DeLoach to 2nd. 1-1
B5 Gavin Sheets hits a grand slam (7) to right field. Corey Julks scores. Zach DeLoach scores. Andrew Vaughn scores. 5-1
B7 Paul DeJong homers (11) on a fly ball to left center field. 6-1


Description Length
Brayan Bello against the White Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Boston, June 8 vs White Sox 0:07
Bench availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Fielding alignment for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:11
Bobby Dalbec: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:10
Visualizing Bobby Dalbec's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Nick Nastrini's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Brayan Bello's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Gavin Sheets' home run 0:12
Analyzing Gavin Sheets' home run through bat tracking 0:11
Breaking down Paul DeJong's home run 0:12
A deep dive into Paul DeJong's home run 0:11
Andrew Vaughn's jumping catch 0:12
Rafael Devers' leaping grab 0:25
Red Sox turn double play 0:27
Brayan Bello K's Oscar Colás 0:07
Bobby Dalbec's solo home run (1) 0:29
Andrew Vaughn's RBI single 0:12
Gavin Sheets' first career grand slam (7) 0:29
Alex Cora gets ejected 0:27
Nick Nastrini K's five 0:46
White Sox score five in the 5th 0:52
Paul DeJong's solo home run (11) 0:25


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Banks (1-2, 4.60 ERA) Bello (6-3, 4.78 ERA)
Game ended at 6:03 PM.
submitted by chisoxbot to whitesox [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:54 Important-Resort-479 Happy Pride!

Happy Pride!
I had some printable iron on sheets and decided to use up some of those color and create shirts as pride t-shirts! Forgive me, nobody's hair is styled and nobody is wearing shoes but they all look like they're having fun 😊
submitted by Important-Resort-479 to RainbowHigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:26 Particular-Ball7753 The Signs of Rue 21 Going Bankrupt

As most of you probably know, Rue 21 has filed for bankruptcy and has closed all their stores by now. A lot of ex-empployees were shocked to hear this sudden news, I personally believe the signs were already there that the company was bleeding for a couple of a years prior to the announcement. Here I will share my experience working for Rue21, the things I believe were signs of the impending, and things I believe led to the company's failure.
Let's start with the first red flag, the sign of the impending:
The payroll hours: sometime in 2022 after the holiday season was over our store was allocated 125 store hours and we were not to go over under any circumstances. This continued into our busier summer, back to school, and even our holiday seasons of that year. My store manager was actually worried, saying she hoped the company wasn't in any financial trouble. The company of course was silent on that end. Now for those who do not work in retail may not know that 125 hours is less than bare bones minimum needed to run our store. We were short staffed during hour peak business hours and closing managers had to take lunches literally 1 hour after clocking into their shift. The sales plan forecasts were growing bigger and yet the payroll hours stayed the same. Before, the company would always increase hours as sales plans grew, but no. It did not happen. This was not just our store, I believe all the stores in our district were affected as my SM talked with another SM at another store who had a much bussier store and she was stressed with all the boxes she had in the back due to the 125 hours she was operating on. Not enough hours for staff to process shipment in a timely manner. Concerns about these hours were brought up to our DM, but the only thing the company gave us was an instruction sheet on how to 'flex' these 125 hours and schedule effectively to clean the store and process shipment. We did recieve a temporary increase an hours when visuals came in, but then went back to 125.
Higher and higher sales plans: right before I left in 2022 we were getting all these insane store goals that had no reflection of business the previous year. we obviously did not make those plans. I feel like this was so the company would not need to pay bonuses for managers since we would get a bonus if we made the month's sales plan and over. Not sure if this happened in other stores.
No Merit Increase: the year I left, merit increases were promised to come around April or August. I had a great review and the DM said merit increases would happen, but they never came around. Prices were going super high at the time, food was going up, the cost of fuel was up, so a merit increase made sense to help ease the burden and then it never happened. Our store never got them and the DM told my SM who broke the news to us. Again I am not sure if it was just our store or the other stores as well, but we did not get them that year. Appearently, they used the excuse of getting a low finanical score store rating to deny us these plans. My SM said why would we get more money when we weren't doing our jobs. The company had increased our work once fitting rooms opened up again and ship from store was a go. We were definietly doing our jobs and doing more.
Ship from Store adjustments: in 2022 we recieved a memo that if we cannot find a product in an order, cancel it so another store gets the order in hopes they have all the items and the customer would not recieve multiple packages. This was a change from the previous directive where we were to partially reject the order and send what we were able to fulfill to the customer. I definitely see the pros to that, mutiple packages sounds like a haggle. The company added in its memo that it costs them 10 dollars to ship every package, i found it odd they say that since customers generally pay for shipping themselves when checking out. Unless it hit the free shipping threshold. Again, this might have been an oversite on the company's part.
The loss of online shipping: a while after I left the company, I noticed on the website that shipping to home was no longer available at all for any product. The website advertised, buy online and pick up in store during this time. So any rue 21 customer without a store nearby is basically cut off from buying from them ever again. Bye bye to the online customers. This continued up until the company announced bankruptcy, although it was partially restored as the company brought back online exclusive products but a very, very small selection. If this was not a signal the company was doing bad I don't know what is. I went back to the store to visit one if my old managers and she said it was costing the company too much money to ship items.
The reports of restructuring and financial woes: this was after leaving the company. I read a handful of articles saying Rue21 was hiring consulting firms to help bolster sales and financing as the company kept earning negative ebitda and store sales were declining. I beleive they partnenred with at least 2 or 3 different firms to help reorganize themselves, but to no avail. The conpany still went under. I even heard from my old co workers that the company put our DM in another district and all districts doubeled in size, I also heard most of the RDs were let go.
Here are the tings I believe contributed to the conpany's fall:
More stores open: This may come as a surprise, but during the pandemic era, the company had actually expanded their stores. I believe 15 stores were opened during this time. An article I found online confirm's their decision to open more stores as they say this was backed by customer data and trend forecasts. I am not sure what figures they were looking at but this was definetly a bad idea as stores started underpeforming once inflation rose sky high, price gouging, and food costs all up. Everything went up.
Tunnel vision with certain KPIs: During the same pandemic area our store and I think the whole district got traffic counters installed so they can add conversion to their KPIs, basically its a percentage you get by dividing transaction counts by store walk ins, we initially started off with a 27-28% goal in our store than I belive right before i left it was lowered to 22%. Our DM was really on us saying no stores are to hit below 20% conversion and that any stores that do will have a conversation with the executive team about why their store is that low. A vague threat that never came to fruition because that never happened to us nor did i hear from other stores about this. We had missed this goal several times. The company became way too focused on this saying that numbers tells a stroy in the store and that we are leaving X amount of money on the table every time we miss our conversion goals. They got this figure assuming the difference in percentage of the goal and ADS, but that was all theoretical. I could have made my sales plan with a 49 dollar ADS and conversion rate of 15% at closing. I would rather have that than a 32% conversion rate, missing sales plan for the day, and an ADS of 10 dollars. The culture the DM spread around was toxic, to her it doesn't matter if you miss your other KPIs just dont miss your conversion. I feel we did pretty well with this conversion thing, but it was ridiculous what corporate was trying to tell us with conversion. Also the DM mentioned that when stores would go under 20% conversion she would get a call from her RD at 5am in the morning asking why the store went that low, if true this was super toxic, the DM is not gonna know that answer at 5am while they are still sleeping and the business day has yet to start. This move to conversion focus with less empahsis on other KPIs was crazy. Also we would have the same customers that would walk in and out of the stores several times going to meet families and their friends and then walk back in, artifically inflating the true amount of cusotmers we actually had, now we had to get them to buy things again but realistically that didn't happen. Also this thing counted strollers and other such things so again this conversion rate was not an accurate reading of our performance here. An amazing coversion rate was not gonna make my sales plan, but is only one factor to how business was that day!!!
Loyalty program: just like most other retailers, you sign up with your basic info and you get points for your purchases which lead to discounts or 'rewards' is what they called it. Our store did fairly well most of the time, but there were times on weekends our sign up rate would go down since our store was in a tourist hot spot and several tourists would refuse the loyalty program because there was no Rue 21 near them nor would they shop online. Our DM heavily micromanaged this aspect. I heard several conference calls were she would call out the underperfoming stores in the district and give everyone overall a lecture about it. Due to this what seemed like company wide culture, corporate sent us a memo for managers to sign saying we were not to falisfy rewards accounts because appearently this was happening in the company. Probably managers desperately trying to make the goals. There was even a store in my district that claimed customers were not allowed to make a purchase without signing up for loyalty/needing to give a phone number. Not sure how true this was, but it could have happened. My DM even went as far to say if employees were not getting their loyalty sign ups up then replace them with new hires who will. The thing is were where these new quality employees gonna come from? Compared to Rue 21 in my state, their starting pay was very low compared to the other retailers in my outlet center. You want quality employees, but you gotta up your ante to stay competitive and Rue 21 was not being competitive in this area for Associates and Managers.
Credit cards: this one was a big one. Just like how every retailer has credit cards now, so did Rue21. They wanted us to have at least 1 approved card application a day. It was tough getting people to try and sign up, especially with the high interest rates at the time. Again, corporate was toxic with the credit card thing as my DM said she would get fired if she doesn't get enough credit cards. The RD was visting our store with her at the time and she said that around her and she didn't even say anything to refute this. Her silence meant everything! What do they want? To have a Wells Fargo situation to happen to them. This was at a time when inflation was up and less people were trying to spend money so credit cards made no sense. We would get nasty emails when we missed our credit card goals from our DM. The conference calls weren't any fun because of that either. Also, Rue21's motto was always fast and friendly at the cash wrap, but with all these extra things poppinh up, the BOGO deals, fragrances, loyalty, and now credit cards! The fast part kinda went away and is now a maze of information bombardments to the customer. All these things tacked on much more time than neccessary and some customers even felt overwhelmed by it too. We were all nonstop talking to the customers at the wrap about these things I was out of breath with every single transaction! It was exhausting!
Lastly, the reason I believe Rue 21 failed, pure greed! It is outrageous to think that the customer base for in-store shopping was there during the panedmic era. I can still remember the time the company annouced more stores, the year during the pandemic with tax returns, unemployment money, and stimulus checks coming in, I think that was in 2020 or 2021. We had so much business company wide, they came out with a memo saying that the sales volume/foot traffic mirrored Christmas shopping season. Our store specifically made 200-400% over our daily sales goals during this time. The rush would not stop and during this time the company increased our converision goal 1% saying that the extra percent is equal to 1 million dollars more in revenue for the company. Rue 21 also changed all of its merchandise to normal price to make more money, then the memo that the new stores were coming. The sales seemed boundless, until it all came to a gridning halt with gas, food, rent, utilities, and just about everything else went through the roof and then the company slashed payroll hours outrageously low. This was pure greed, instead of focusing on the stores they already had and paying down debts, investing in their employees and customers, the company expanded and tried to cash in even more on this ride of money, but it all came crashing down under them in the end and this was probably their undoing. Greed.
Well that's a wrap!
Any ex-Rue 21 employees out there who want to talk about the company? I would love to know your experience and whether you observed the same findings I did. Did we all go down to 125 hours company wide in the past years leading to the bankruptcy? Were merit increases denied? Did coprorate contribute to any toxic/negative attitudes to making conversion, loyalty, and credit cards?? I would love to know! Thanks!
submitted by Particular-Ball7753 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:24 askkristin How to Write the Credit Perfect Dispute Letter

How to Write the Perfect Dispute Letter to Clean Up Your Credit Report. 😱 Credit repair doesn't work, but this credit sweep strategy does! ! If you would like to get a free credit sweep consultation head to Credit Sweep Cheat Sheet Link is below this text. 👉Get the 4-page cheat sheet FREE on my Telegram channel
In this video, you'll learn a step-by-step method for writing the perfect dispute letter to remove negative items from your credit report. The process includes answering essential questions for your letter, constructing a compelling dispute reason, and utilizing a proven structure for effectiveness. The guide also covers how to document inconsistencies across different credit bureaus and handle disputes efficiently, whether you're an individual or a company. Additional tips are provided to avoid common stalling tactics used by credit bureaus. For a comprehensive understanding, viewers can access a downloadable worksheet, a full credit suite training, and other resources through the described event.
00:00 Introduction to Writing the Perfect Dispute Letter 00:26 Key Questions for Your Dispute Letter 00:48 Example Dispute Letter 01:22 Structuring the Perfect Dispute Reason 02:04 Detailed Examples of Dispute Reasons 02:28 Finalizing Your Dispute Letter 03:13 Additional Resources and Conclusion
Get the Chat with Credit Course at Get the Dispute Funnel Course at Learn about the coaching on my Patreon store under memberships at
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⭐ Video Notes :
submitted by askkristin to u/askkristin [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:35 DIY_Forever Matched set update.

Matched set update.
Close up of the new fan shroud around the Spider V3 hotend.
Got the 3DTouch mounted. Plenty of room to route the wiring away from the hotend.
Clean space and filament efficient design. Now I just need to get that mainboard swapped and firmware stabbed in and I should be good to go.
So the new to me second hand G32 printer is here, and assembly and configuration excluding the dual Z is completed. Ran PID tuning on both the hot end and bed, trammed the bed, spent way too long tramming the bed but got it smooth up level, ran an absolutely gorgeous auto mesh, and got the extruder to do its thing. Slammed Mirscoc in it and tried my hand at a custom splash screen. Apparently I did something wrong but will go back and fix that later. Running a print job now, had a hiccup when I printed the display frame so printing a new one. Should be a fast and easy test of the setup.
The original Aquila is being checked and sadly, it is a sick puppy. The new cables are here and it's not the cabling. Mainboard / driver is definately bad. I think I am going to get new to me Aquila at 100% before I rip the innards out of my original. Still need to get some liquid electrical tape anyway.
So for those keeping score.
Original has PEI build sheet, 3D Touch, and Spider V3 hot end, bed handle, vertical screen bracket, display frame, WinSinn LED fans in the hot end and mainbaord housing, Aluminum leveling knobs with heavy duty springs, Ender 3 custom fan shroud, Ender 3 style BLTouch mount, metal extruder direct drive, dual gear extruder, and dual Z. Pending installs are the slot covers, and the 4.2.7 mainboard. Slot covers are being printed on the new to me Aquila as I type...
New to me Aquila has. PEI build sheet, 3D Touch, bed handle, slot covers, vertical screen bracket, Aluminum leveling knobs with heavy duty springs, WinSinn LED fans in the hot end and mainbaord housing, Ender 3 custom fan shroud, Ender 3 style BLTouch mount, metal extruder direct drive, dual gear extruder, Pending updates are Spider V3 hot end, dual Z, and a better print of the display frame. There is a possibility if not a likelihood I am going to do the 4.2.7 board in this one as well, again to make them match.
The new to me and seemingly working, or at least in testing Aquila mod platform...
submitted by DIY_Forever to VoxelabAquila [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:26 Patient_Register2740 FSOT Results Spreadsheet

June test takers - If you'd like, feel free to add your results to the FSOT results spreadsheet:
As has been demonstrated in previous posts on this subreddit, FSOT scores are not a predictive factor of passing the QEP, however, without the reports on this spreadsheet, that information could not have been known. Please add your score and details to the scoresheet so that future analysis can continue to be possible.
edit: link to correct (June 2024) sheet on the doc
submitted by Patient_Register2740 to foreignservice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:10 Certain-Succotash766 cDAT Breakdown (23AA, 21 PAT)

cDAT Breakdown (23AA, 21 PAT)
Test Scores:
Reading and Comprehension: 20 Biology: 24 Chemistry: 24 Science total: 24 Academic Average: 23 Perception: 21
The cDAT gets no love so I thought I’d make a post on my experience writing the DAT as I got my test marks back today.
Timeline: I followed the 8-week study schedule from the DATCrusher website and studied for roughly 10 weeks.
How I studied: I followed the schedule strictly to make sure I did everything which really wasn’t much until you get to taxonomy so roughly 6-10 hours each day, I watched the videos, and I took notes. I didn’t read the chem notes tho lol because I think the guy in the videos does a great job and you can practice all of the same questions in the videos. Every single new fact or question I got wrong I wrote down (sometimes multiple times to make sure I’d remember it after x number of mistakes) on a piece of paper which I pattern folded ;) into a four sided sheet and jotted down simple notes such as (arthropods - tagmata) or (tannins - bitterness in plants - secondary compound) to act as flash cards and review notes for when I got to phase 2 of the study schedule. I didn’t use anki or anything else just this simple notes on paper. This equated to 30 pieces of paper total which can be reviewed passively in 4 days and actively in 1-2 days!
Chem: I made sure to complete however many questions each module had so anywhere from 60 -220 questions and just jotted down simple notes on paper such as equations or statements like the laws of thermodynamics. I also wrote down every question I got wrong even if it was super long or if I already got it wrong before.
Bio: I watched all the videos and took simple notes such as (deforestation - weather changes) or (primer pheromones - long term behavioural changes) and I made sure to write down simple notes for every question I got wrong even if (once again) I got it wrong multiple times. I did as many as 220 each day to make sure I covered everything before my test because it’s crucial as the notes do not have everything and you need to get some questions wrong to get some right in the future by writing them down same with chemistry. So 100% the game and do every question.
Reading Comprehension: watched the vids and chose to read the passage for 5 mins however far I got even if only 3 big paragraphs and did the questions using search and destroy for the rest of the passage. I can’t lie I was too lazy to review when I got questions wrong but don’t be like me so u can score higher :).
PAT: The vids are pretty essential to ur strategy cuz for keyholes and TFE you should be doing process of elimination, angle ranking you should be choosing to analyze the angles based on how u can eliminate the most answer choices. For hole punching u should draw a 4x4 grid, for cube counting u should draw a t table, and for pattern folding process of elimination once again.
DATCrusher Scores: I have all the scores as I took picture but I’m kind of lazy so I’ll just write the range of the score I got for each section.
Bio: 25 - 27. Really surprised after every test but I studied well by reviewing my pattern folded notes. I got 128 for all sciences on my MCAT so I was also pretty confident beforehand.
Chem: 21 - 28. Got 21 on one test but the others averaged 25. I was careful to read the question twice before answering for keywords like rate constant when asked if it will change based on a change of concentration (answer is no/0 effect). When balacing equations I just look for an answer to start with and count instead of doing it from scratch to save time.
PAT: 19-22. what I felt was one of my weakest sections it was super hard to predict angles I was usually scoring 11/15 on keyholes, 8/15 on TFE, 9-12 on angles, 15 on CC and hole punching and 10-14 on pattern folding. For angles I just trusted my gut and honestly did so much better than when I was using suggested angles in the answer choices. For the other sections process of elimination is key and then the test becomes super easy.
RC: 19-23. Was super scared of this section too because western’s cutoffs are a 19 and if I didn’t get high enough I would be screwed. I just read 5 mins of passage and searched and destroyed.
Kaplan and Princeton Dat scores:
I honestly forgot to write these down but I didn’t do to well I think I got a 17 in chemistry on one of them which is very different from what I’ve been getting on DATcrusher so if your scores are low don’t mind it too much. I did these in the final 5 days before my exam. i fekt like pat on both was not representative of the real test and the science sections were a tad too hard.
2007 and 2009 Dat Scores:
Yes, I’m probably one of the few people who actually did them. i did these in the final 3 days before my dat. these felt super easy in terms of the sciences and the pat where process of elimination got me really great marks.
2007 Bio: 22 Chem: 25 PAT: 20 RC: 20
2009 Bio: 22 Chem: 22 Pat: 23 RC: 21
Actual DAT Scores
Drum roll please!
Okay so to preface I thought I was super smart and drank an energy drink the day before my test and 2 on the day of my test. Well guys I hadn’t been drinking caffeine in a while so I stayed up the whole night and got 2 hours of sleep and just took a super cold shower in the morning to activate my reticular activating system location in my brain step (which is the same location that regulates sleep ;) ) and literally chugged my 2 energy drinks and ate a donut the morning of my test. When I got to the test center I felt super confident and felt aura around my body like goku for some reason. Anyways i got there 20 mins early and shoved a wad of toilet paper in my crotch so i could tinkle during my exam (which i did about 3 times and i got no piss on me!) I started my test and on question 5 the screen went black lol. So at first I was kind of panicking but then they told me that time actually stopped when the monitor did so I technically got more time to think about that question I as stuck on. Bio felt hard I had 8 marked questions by the end of my 30 mins and Chem I had 6 questions marked which it felt a bit easier with not too many calculations and more theory based.
I took my break ate a donut and started pat. I hit review and jumped to question 31. I literally was like what the actual fuck when I got to the angles because it was impossible to tell the difference but I had to spend only a certain amount of time on them so I just rushed through lol. The hole punching and cc was easy just had to secure the bag and get em right. Pattern folding felt pretty easy just had to due process of elimination. Keyholes again looked scary as it is not my friend and often commits hate crimes against me just wanted me to solve discrimination and use the process of elimination to discriminate between which ones are good and which ones are bad based on features not present in the image. Same for TFE. When I got to the end, question 30, I accidentally touched the button again and it unclicked my answer! Please don’t do this to yourselves.
Took my break ate some more donut and started reading comp I switched my strategy last second and read it for 5 mins and answered the questions I could and then used the rest of the paragraph to answer the rest using search and destroy. I realized my first passage had 20 questions and i considered seizing to get the invigilator to allow me to reschedule my test cuz at this point I was scared of not meeting westerns cutoffs. Alas I continued this just meant the other two passages have 15 questions so I continued. I used a lot of time but I had to guess randomly on 4 out of 5 of the last 5 questions as I could just barely make it to the end and click on question 50 due to our good old cockblock, the prometric delay. I ate cheetos and waited 20 days until today. Alas:
Biology: 24 I am so shocked because I didn’t do as well on the official tests.
Chemistry: 24 I thought I would have done better.
Pat: 21 I have no idea how cuz angles was hard and again I had to guess on questions during TFE to save time. Process of elimination was key I guess. Just figure out what is not in the image for almost all sections of Pat.
RC: 20 I am so happy even though I think everyone would consider this a below average score because it makes westerns cutoffs! I did not think I would get this score because I calculated that I could get at most 15 q wrong to get a 19 with already 5 questions wrong because i had to guess on 4/5 of them and didn’t get to answer one.
Overall: learn from my mistakes and don’t drink a monster the day before ur test, do not double click an answer or it will disappear, and do put toilet paper on ur crotch to tinkle during your exam ;)
Please find my score report attached below!
submitted by Certain-Succotash766 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:06 Sad-Perspective4702 [GDT] Kelly Cup Finals Game 5 - KC Mavericks @ Florida Everblades 6:00 PM CT

Florida leads series 3-1
Series Matchup Sheet
Game Center
2024 Kelly Cup Finals
Game 1 – FLORIDA 8 at Kansas City 1
Game 2 – Florida 1 at KANSAS CITY 5
Game 3 – Kansas City 3 at FLORIDA 6
Game 4 – Kansas City 1 at FLORIDA 4
Game 5 – Saturday, June 8 at 7:00 p.m. ET at Florida
Game 6 – Monday, June 10 at 7:05 p.m. CT at Kansas City (If Necessary)
Game 7 – Wednesday, June 12 at 7:05 p.m. CT at Kansas City (If Necessary)
submitted by Sad-Perspective4702 to KCMavericks [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:40 Metanoye Wtf NTA.

Source: Check out this video.
Iss video mei jo ldki hai uska naam Ayushi Patel hai. Isne bhi issi saal NEET diya tha as a second time dropper. And according to the NTA Answer key, she is scoring 715 marks.
Ab hua ye ki jab 4th June ko result aaya, pop up aaya that the result is not generated jiske baad email aata hai ki her result wasnt uploaded because the OMR was in DAMAGED condition. After which she and her family went into shock. As one of her relatives is an advocate they moved to the high court, jiske baad 24 hours mei she received the pictures of her OMR sheet from NTA.
And in my opinion, the way the bubbles were filled in the omr, mujhe ye lgta hai ki jaanbuch ke omr kisi ne faada hai. Now ofcourse ye bhi ho skta hai ki she is making this up, but i am more inclined to believe in her because usne admit card, mail aur omr video mei dikhaayi hai. And koi bhi insaan jo competitive exam ki tyaari kr rha ho 3 saal se, vo apna hi answer sheet ya omr kyu damage krega?
She finally scored well in her third attempt, and uski saari mehnat paani mei.
All thanks to nta.
submitted by Metanoye to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:20 mozzzz Can someone explain this god awful "save as" material screen? Why can I never save new settings? It's always just grayed out. why is this so confusing? this software sucks

Can someone explain this god awful submitted by mozzzz to silhouettecutters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:11 BaseballBot Game Thread 6/8 ⚾ Red Sox (32-32) @ White Sox (16-48) 4:10 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Red Sox (32-32) @ White Sox (16-48)

First Pitch: 4:10 PM at Guaranteed Rate Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Red Sox Brayan Bello (6-2, 4.36 ERA) NESN WEEI, WCCM (ES)
White Sox Nick Nastrini (0-5, 9.74 ERA) NBCSCH WMVP, WRTO (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BOS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 9
CWS 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 6 10 0 7

Box Score

LF Julks 4 1 0 0 1 0 .274
RF DeLoach 2 1 0 0 2 0 .091
CF Ellis 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
1B Vaughn 4 1 1 1 0 1 .217
DH Sheets 4 1 3 4 0 0 .246
SS DeJong 4 1 2 1 0 0 .234
RF Colás 4 0 1 0 0 1 .235
3B Sosa, L 4 0 2 0 0 0 .230
2B Mendick 4 1 1 0 0 0 .221
C Maldonado, M 3 0 0 0 1 1 .074
Nastrini 4.1 2 1 1 5 5 87-42 8.39
Banks 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 22-13 4.60
Brebbia 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 20-13 6.35
Leasure 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16-9 3.00
Kopech 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 33-21 4.05
LF Duran, Ja 3 0 0 0 2 1 .263
2B Valdez, E 2 0 0 0 0 1 .186
3B Westbrook 2 0 0 0 0 2 .200
DH Refsnyder 4 0 0 0 0 3 .333
3B Devers 2 0 0 0 1 0 .284
C McGuire 1 0 0 0 0 0 .216
2B Wong 3 0 1 0 1 0 .331
1B Smith, Do 2 0 0 0 1 0 .223
RF Dalbec 3 1 1 1 1 2 .159
SS Hamilton, D 4 0 2 0 0 2 .277
CF Rafaela 4 0 1 0 0 2 .216
Bello 4.2 9 5 5 3 2 95-60 4.78
Kelly, Z 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 5-3 2.00
Anderson 3.0 1 1 1 1 1 41-24 4.41

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T5 Bobby Dalbec homers (1) on a fly ball to right field. 0-1
B5 Andrew Vaughn singles on a ground ball to second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Danny Mendick scores. Corey Julks to 3rd. Zach DeLoach to 2nd. 1-1
B5 Gavin Sheets hits a grand slam (7) to right field. Corey Julks scores. Zach DeLoach scores. Andrew Vaughn scores. 5-1
B7 Paul DeJong homers (11) on a fly ball to left center field. 6-1


Description Length
Brayan Bello against the White Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Boston, June 8 vs White Sox 0:07
Bench availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Fielding alignment for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:11
Bobby Dalbec: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:10
Visualizing Bobby Dalbec's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Nick Nastrini's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Brayan Bello's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Gavin Sheets' home run 0:12
Analyzing Gavin Sheets' home run through bat tracking 0:11
Breaking down Paul DeJong's home run 0:12
A deep dive into Paul DeJong's home run 0:11
Andrew Vaughn's jumping catch 0:12
Rafael Devers' leaping grab 0:25
Red Sox turn double play 0:27
Brayan Bello K's Oscar Colás 0:07
Bobby Dalbec's solo home run (1) 0:29
Andrew Vaughn's RBI single 0:12
Gavin Sheets' first career grand slam (7) 0:29
Alex Cora gets ejected 0:27
Nick Nastrini K's five 0:46
White Sox score five in the 5th 0:52
Paul DeJong's solo home run (11) 0:25
Michael Kopech secures win 0:06


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Banks (1-2, 4.60 ERA) Bello (6-3, 4.78 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
77°F, Cloudy 12 mph, Out To LF
HP 1B 2B 3B
Alan Porter Ryan Blakney Jim Wolf Sean Barber
Game ended at 7:04 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:40 AliceInGames Competition results script to sort SUM formulas onEdit from multiple pages + issues maintaining dynamic references to cells on other pages after those pages auto-sort

I'm working on a score tracker for my local TCG League event. Each league has 3 rounds (1 month in duration).
I'm currently using a combination of scripts and formulas to do the following:
Formulas: - Monthly: --- each player receives a sum of monthly points, accumulated each week --- a checkbox per player that turns true when player monthly total is equal to or greater than 3 indicating they qualify for the monthly raffle of prizes
Scripts: My scripts are triggered onEdit
What is working: - the Monthly sheets sort appropriately - the checkboxes work properly - League season checkbox work properly
What isn't working: - League season results do not sort based on totals - monthly total cell references do not dynamically update when the monthly pages sort
What I've tried: - Inputting the auto-sort codes directly in the main code - creating separate auto-sort code functions for each page that are called from the main code --- I put dialogue boxes in each function code so I know the codes are calling properly just the final total sheet is not sorting even though the function is executing
Here is the monthly page function code, these work properly: (this is one of three, the other two have their page name specifics replaced for each mobthly page)
function june24(e) { /*SHEET_NAME = "June"; SORT_DATA_RANGE = "A3:J7"; SORT_ORDER = [ {column: 6, ascending: false}, // 14 = column number, sorting by descending order ];*/ const sh = e.source.getSheetByName('June'); sh.getRange("A3:J7").sort([{ column: 6, ascending: false }, { column: 1, descending: false}]); e.source.toast('complete'); //var result = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("June", SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK); leagueResults(e); 
Here is the season end code: (this is where the monthly total cells do not dynamically update nor does this page sort based on any totals, incorrect or otherwise)
function leagueResults(e) { SHEET_NAME = "League Results"; SORT_DATA_RANGE = "A3:F7"; SORT_ORDER = [ {column: 5, ascending: false}, ]; const sh = e.source.getSheetByName('League Results'); sh.getRange("A3:F7").sort([{ column: 5, ascending: false }, { column: 1, descending: false}]); e.source.toast('complete'); 
//var result = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("LResults", SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK); }
Here is the base code that calls each sort function onEdit: (this function is currently not called in the main onEdit, but the code is directly in the main code's onEdit)
SHEET_NAME = "League Results"; SORT_DATA_RANGE = "A3:F7"; SORT_ORDER = [ {column: 5, ascending: false}, ]; function onEdit(e) { june24(e); july24(e); august24(e); //leagueResults(e); const sh = e.source.getSheetByName('League Results'); sh.getRange("A3:F7").sort([{ column: 5, ascending: false }, { column: 1, descending: false}]); e.source.toast('complete'); var result = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Base", SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK); } 
Here is a sample spreadsheet structured the same as my real one including adjusted code:
Hopefully I've made things clear enough for what I'm trying to do, but please let me know if something is unclear.
I really appreciate help y'all can provide, thanks!
submitted by AliceInGames to googlesheets [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:57 sir-rant-alot NEET 2060

NEET 2060 submitted by sir-rant-alot to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:26 Vegetable_Dot_753 The first step of stoicsm in my life

Raised by a single mom, I was a very naughty and sensible child who never asked for what my mother couldn't get me (other than ice cream). My father came back to us when I was in 5th grade, and I was sent to a hostel where I got a scholarship to study until the completion of high school for free.
Everything went well until my mom gave a surprise visit to my hostel the same week when my stupid face was bitten by bees (obviously, I was breaking a beehive with my friends). She took me back home on the same day I was in the 2nd semester of 8th grade.
The Downfall
By the end of the 1st semester of 9th grade, I started feeling that my father acted differently with people outside and at home. Once, I followed him just to get caught and slapped. By the middle of the second semester, one day, I asked my father for 100 rupees to change the tube of my cycle tire. He unwillingly gave it to me (the last time I spoke to him). At night, my mom and I hugged each other and cried as he left us with massive debt acquired by gambling.
My mother gave a police complaint against the debt collectors who were harassing us.
In the meantime, my thought process collapsed as my maternal family was against me staying with my mom.
I just asked myself what is important: "Amma (Mom)" was my answer.
I again asked myself what should I do in these hard times for her: make her happy.
I asked myself for one last time how should I make her happy: with my actions. I started studying (I was smart but never focused on anything). I went to one of my friends and asked him to let's go to the hostel and study. My mom supported me. For 6 months, I didn't know what happened at home; it's not that I didn't care, I knew it would not matter as I couldn't do anything about it. I just studied with my friend. I completed my 10th grade, which is a major exam in India. I scored full marks in math and science and got a very good percentage.
I took the result sheet home. All my maternal family were in disbelief, and my grandma said, "Where did you photoshop this?" I didn't care; I only wanted to see my mom smile after a long time. She held my hand, went to the cyber center, checked it herself, and made everyone's mouth shut.
Now I'm 25: my maternal granny (a doctor) is bedridden with Parkinson's, and my mom is a successful lawyer who helps people in need. I'm an engineer. We bought a house two years ago and completed the home loan, living happily.
View Poll
submitted by Vegetable_Dot_753 to Stoic [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:11 RedSoxGameday Game Thread: 6/8 Red Sox (32-32) @ White Sox (16-48) 4:10 PM

First Pitch: 4:10 PM at Guaranteed Rate Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Red Sox Brayan Bello (6-2, 4.36 ERA) NESN WEEI, WCCM (ES)
White Sox Nick Nastrini (0-5, 9.74 ERA) NBCSCH WMVP, WRTO (ES)
Game Preview
Reddit Stream for this post

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
BOS 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 9
CWS 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 6 10 0 7

Box Score

LF Julks 4 1 0 0 1 0 .274
RF DeLoach 2 1 0 0 2 0 .091
CF Ellis 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
1B Vaughn 4 1 1 1 0 1 .217
DH Sheets 4 1 3 4 0 0 .246
SS DeJong 4 1 2 1 0 0 .234
RF Colás 4 0 1 0 0 1 .235
3B Sosa, L 4 0 2 0 0 0 .230
2B Mendick 4 1 1 0 0 0 .221
C Maldonado, M 3 0 0 0 1 1 .074
Nastrini 4.1 2 1 1 5 5 87-42 8.39
Banks 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 22-13 4.60
Brebbia 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 20-13 6.35
Leasure 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16-9 3.00
Kopech 1.0 1 0 0 1 2 33-21 4.05
LF Duran, Ja 3 0 0 0 2 1 .263
2B Valdez, E 2 0 0 0 0 1 .186
3B Westbrook 2 0 0 0 0 2 .200
DH Refsnyder 4 0 0 0 0 3 .333
3B Devers 2 0 0 0 1 0 .284
C McGuire 1 0 0 0 0 0 .216
2B Wong 3 0 1 0 1 0 .331
1B Smith, Do 2 0 0 0 1 0 .223
RF Dalbec 3 1 1 1 1 2 .159
SS Hamilton, D 4 0 2 0 0 2 .277
CF Rafaela 4 0 1 0 0 2 .216
Bello 4.2 9 5 5 3 2 95-60 4.78
Kelly, Z 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 5-3 2.00
Anderson 3.0 1 1 1 1 1 41-24 4.41

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
T5 Bobby Dalbec homers (1) on a fly ball to right field. 0-1
B5 Andrew Vaughn singles on a ground ball to second baseman Jamie Westbrook. Danny Mendick scores. Corey Julks to 3rd. Zach DeLoach to 2nd. 1-1
B5 Gavin Sheets hits a grand slam (7) to right field. Corey Julks scores. Zach DeLoach scores. Andrew Vaughn scores. 5-1
B7 Paul DeJong homers (11) on a fly ball to left center field. 6-1


Description Length
Brayan Bello against the White Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Bullpen availability for Boston, June 8 vs White Sox 0:07
Bench availability for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:07
Fielding alignment for Chicago, June 8 vs Red Sox 0:11
Bobby Dalbec: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:10
Visualizing Bobby Dalbec's swing using bat tracking technology 0:11
Breaking down Nick Nastrini's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Brayan Bello's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Gavin Sheets' home run 0:12
Analyzing Gavin Sheets' home run through bat tracking 0:11
Breaking down Paul DeJong's home run 0:12
A deep dive into Paul DeJong's home run 0:11
Andrew Vaughn's jumping catch 0:12
Rafael Devers' leaping grab 0:25
Red Sox turn double play 0:27
Brayan Bello K's Oscar Colás 0:07
Bobby Dalbec's solo home run (1) 0:29
Andrew Vaughn's RBI single 0:12
Gavin Sheets' first career grand slam (7) 0:29
Alex Cora gets ejected 0:27
Nick Nastrini K's five 0:46
White Sox score five in the 5th 0:52
Paul DeJong's solo home run (11) 0:25
Michael Kopech secures win 0:06


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Banks (1-2, 4.60 ERA) Bello (6-3, 4.78 ERA)
Game ended at 7:05 PM.

Tracker Game Graph
submitted by RedSoxGameday to redsox [link] [comments]