Phrases social humorous

...where jokes go to die

2014.01.27 10:57 tilnewstuff ...where jokes go to die

A place for stuff that was supposed to be funny, but isn't

2018.05.22 16:54 bfj9000 DubSmashit.

Basically the act of being sexy in front of a self-shot video for social apps like snapchat,, dubsmash, sing, like, twitter, instagram, fb. It's either sexy or unintentionally humorous. You are free to post the humorous ones too.

2012.06.14 09:29 Horrorcore-Princess All things Trashy!


2024.06.08 18:53 No-Increase3902 Best Memecoin in 2024 - $EGGDOG

Best Memecoin in 2024 - $EGGDOG
New Memecoin Takes Flight Egg on Dog has officially gone live, marking the entrance of a fresh and exciting player in the memecoin market. Unlike other memecoins, Egg on Dog leverages the speed and efficiency of the Solana blockchain. This makes transactions faster and cheaper compared to those on other blockchains.
The project wants to drawing attention for its whimsical name and playful branding, which embodies the spirit of internet culture. The meme behind this project is a dog trying to balance an egg on its head. Judging by the early online reactions, the community has quickly begun to embrace this fun idea.
Memecoins have become a significant trend in the cryptocurrency market, capturing the imagination of investors and enthusiasts alike. Egg on Dog is the latest to join this trend, promising not only fun but also functionality. Its launch has been met with enthusiasm from a rapidly growing community, eager to participate in this new venture.
About Egg on Dog Egg on Dog is a classic memecoin operating on the Solana blockchain. Its mission is to bring humor and innovation to the crypto space. The project has been seeing an increase in community support, indicating a bright future ahead.
This is a direct competitor to Dogwifhat, another memecoin that has been gaining popularity in recent months.
The choice of Solana for Egg on Dog's operations is strategic, given Solana's reputation for high-speed transactions and low fees. This decision enhances the coin's appeal to investors looking for efficient and cost-effective cryptocurrency options.
It is possible to buy Egg on Dog on Raydium, the popular Swap platform. Dexscreener also lets anyone interested check the live chart of the $EGGDOG/$SOL pair.
Egg on Dog is more than just a meme. The project represents a community-driven initiative with a commitment to creating a unique and enjoyable experience for its users. As evidenced by its strategy, Egg on Dog wants to become a significant player in the memecoin niche.
For more information about $EGGDOG, the project's website and social media channels provide updates and news on the project.
submitted by No-Increase3902 to SmartChainCryptos [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:31 chang916 AITA for calling a girl the other “N-word”

Before I start, big fan of Yugo’s owner, I listen daily. I’m an asian man, dating an African American woman for 6 months. I also had children with my ex wife, who is African, like fresh off the boat African (just context). I have known, let’s call her Karen, for 6 years, she’s also African American. The issue started when Karen texted me one day , when I was at work, and asked for 20 bucks. I replied “hey, let me ask my gf, I’ll get back to you.” She text back “ok” I went back to work and asked my gf during lunch, my gf said, no because we’re barely scraping by this month. After work I texted Karen and told her my gf said no, Karen texted back ok, and I thought it was the end of it… until 5 minutes later when she started texting me, about how unloyal of a friend I was and how this bitch changed me. I texted back, it was a decision my gf and I made together, and I don’t appreciate Karen disrespecting my gf. Karen then went on a rant about me: being disabled (I have mild cerebral palsy), how I sexualize black women, and how it must feel to be my children confused about their race. I told Karen she went to far and that she needed to watch her mouth. I blocked her after showing my gf. Karen then went on social media, where she ranted about my gf and I, hilariously using Kendrick lines, calling me a certified p-word for dating and younger girl. (Im 32, my gf is 24). Eventually I got tired, and petty, so I responded. She wanted beef, i gave it to her. I called her a little girl still trying to cosplay as an adult, saying how she wanted problems over 20 bucks and how this is just vegan meat, not even a beef. But since she liked Kendrick so much, I told her “I heard you like them dumb, about the smartest thing that they do is run, for any man that’s trying to hit that, I hope you wrap it before you cum.” She fired back in a post using the “n-word” and how I might date her people but she dared me to say it. (Side note, she’s the only one who actually said it, so from here on, when I say “n-word” i actually mean that phrase “n-word”) I posted “I would never use that word because it’s disrespectful to the history of a culture, also calling you that would disrespect everyone as no one wants to identify with your crazy ass. But no worries, you’re not that “n-word” you’re the other “n-word”. You’re “nothing.” When I met you, you were nothing, 6 years later, you’re still nothing. In 10 years, you’ll still be nothing.” I got a lot of lol and laughing emojis, but I also got a lot of backlash for that. So reddit, AITA?
submitted by chang916 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:22 babyuuuu Met a boy at a coffee shop

Studying for the CAT exam can be so draining sometimes, so I decided to take a break and head over to Third Wave Coffee behind Select. It's my favorite spot; the ambiance is just perfect for studying. I found a cozy table and dived into some algebra problems.
While I was deep in my equations, a boy from the next table leaned over and asked what math I was working on. I looked up, slightly surprised but also a bit intrigued. I told him about my CAT preparation. He seemed genuinely interested and even offered to show me some algebra techniques.
I wasn't expecting that, but I figured, why not? We started talking, and it turned out he knew his stuff. It was a refreshing change to talk to someone who shared an interest in math. We ended up chatting for about two hours, not just about math, but life, future plans, and random things. He was easy to talk to and had a good sense of humor.
As he got up to leave, I noticed he seemed a bit hesitant. I wondered if he wanted to ask for my contact information but didn't. Honestly, I would have liked to stay in touch, but I didn't want to make the first move either. I watched him leave, thinking he was nice and hoping we might run into each other again.
Later, as I packed up my things, I kept thinking about our conversation and wished I had been bold enough to suggest we exchange numbers or social media. It's rare to find someone you can easily connect with, and I hope he felt the same.
NOTE: Satire post hai bully mat karo Aur Maine khud baithke nhi likha hai chatgpt use Kiya
submitted by babyuuuu to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:21 Searchingforhuman 23M looking for summer friendship

Hello and good morning/evening/night to everyone that is taking their time to read this.
Summer is here so i’d like to try to find someone to spend time with talking, watching or even playing games with.
I’m looking for a friend or possibly a best friend for long term. I suck at talking to people but i’m constantly learning and trying my best to get better at it. I don’t really have huge plans for this summer so It would be great to spend the summer vacation with someone in vc or playing or whatever, i just don’t feel like doing nothing like the previous summer vacations.
Some info that you might like to know about me is that I’m currently learning to cook so i can make different types of meals. I’ve been cooking for a long time and suddenly one day i just woke up with motivation to cook more meals so i’m now learning to make them. I also have broken humor…
I’ve also recently started to watch movies and anime but sadly it sucks because i’m almost always watching them alone. I like playing games… Been playing since i was a child. I also have been thinking lately about starting to play Minecraft again to just chill and enjoy being creative but haven’t found anyone to play with. I also like rain with thunder and the smell that comes from it (If you like rain too then you know what i’m talking about, someone actually told me the name of it but i totally forgot). I have social anxiety and don’t really talk with a lot of people.
If you’re interested in getting more info then feel free to ask me, and if you’re really interested in talking then please make sure you actually want to spend your summer time with me and not a 2 day texting and then disappearing from the earth. It really sucks to have people text you and then suddenly disappear so really make sure that you are willing to give it a try.
If this post got your interest then i’d love to talk with you but if i didn’t peak your interest then i’m still grateful that you took your time to read all this so thank you :D
If you however decided to text me please know that it is really important that you have an EU timezone (CEST, GMT) or close to that. Normally i’d be fine with talking to people that have US timezones but in my experience someone always has to sacrifice their sleep to spend time with each other and right now i’m mentally exhausted to stay awake at night and sacrifice my sleep to talk to people from there.
submitted by Searchingforhuman to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:19 Searchingforhuman 23M Looking for summer friendship

Hello and good morning/evening/night to everyone that is taking their time to read this.
Summer is here so i’d like to try to find someone to spend time with talking, watching or even playing games with.
I’m looking for a friend or possibly a best friend for long term. I suck at talking to people but i’m constantly learning and trying my best to get better at it. I don’t really have huge plans for this summer so It would be great to spend the summer vacation with someone in vc or playing or whatever, i just don’t feel like doing nothing like the previous summer vacations.
Some info that you might like to know about me is that I’m currently learning to cook so i can make different types of meals. I’ve been cooking for a long time and suddenly one day i just woke up with motivation to cook more meals so i’m now learning to make them. I also have broken humor…
I’ve also recently started to watch movies and anime but sadly it sucks because i’m almost always watching them alone. I like playing games… Been playing since i was a child. I also have been thinking lately about starting to play Minecraft again to just chill and enjoy being creative but haven’t found anyone to play with. I also like rain with thunder and the smell that comes from it (If you like rain too then you know what i’m talking about, someone actually told me the name of it but i totally forgot). I have social anxiety and don’t really talk with a lot of people.
If you’re interested in getting more info then feel free to ask me, and if you’re really interested in talking then please make sure you actually want to spend your summer time with me and not a 2 day texting and then disappearing from the earth. It really sucks to have people text you and then suddenly disappear so really make sure that you are willing to give it a try.
If this post got your interest then i’d love to talk with you but if i didn’t peak your interest then i’m still grateful that you took your time to read all this so thank you :D
If you however decided to text me please know that it is really important that you have an EU timezone (CEST, GMT) or close to that. Normally i’d be fine with talking to people that have US timezones but in my experience someone always has to sacrifice their sleep to spend time with each other and right now i’m mentally exhausted to stay awake at night and sacrifice my sleep to talk to people from there.
submitted by Searchingforhuman to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:50 Proof-Enough-2407 Martin Brygmanns kommentarer til dokumentaren om sexisme i musikbranchen, som han og hans advokat forgæves forsøgte at få stoppet (vil blive vist i næste uge på DR):

Martin Brygmanns kommentarer til dokumentaren om sexisme i musikbranchen, som han og hans advokat forgæves forsøgte at få stoppet (vil blive vist i næste uge på DR): submitted by Proof-Enough-2407 to GossipDK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:47 Proof-Enough-2407 Martin Brygmanns kommentarer til dokumentaren om sexisme i musikbranchen, som han og hans advokat forgæves forsøgte at få stoppet (vil blive vist i næste uge på DR):

Martin Brygmanns kommentarer til dokumentaren om sexisme i musikbranchen, som han og hans advokat forgæves forsøgte at få stoppet (vil blive vist i næste uge på DR): submitted by Proof-Enough-2407 to InfluencergossipDK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:18 Accomplished_Toe6025 What would you do?

Long story but I’ll try to keep it short. Worked for a local defense agency, and was screamed at/cursed at, and demeaned for prior missing persons work I had done in the past. Now keep in mind I highlighted this work on my resume, talked about it in my interview, and it was one of the main reasons I got the position.
Here’s the almost full story:
A little over 2 years ago I got a job for a local defense agency, this was my first career in law. I’ve been an investigator for a little over 8 years and worked previously in missing persons and bail recovery. With my last case before joining the agency being that of a missing 8 month old little girl. When I started everything was awesome, I outperformed even senior employees who had been there 20+ years. The work came naturally for me. The discourse started with a few comments from a manager, she told me I needed to dress more feminine, lose my ponytail, and find Jesus. I took this to higher ups, because I felt it was highly inappropriate. I’m pagan, proudly as well a bisexual female who is more masculine than others. I’m okay with this, it’s just who I am. Nothing was done. While employed here me and my family went through a huge hardship, we were targeted by a sexual predator. After I found a substantial amount of CP, I called law enforcement and my agency because we would have to conflict him from our agency as it would be a conflict of interest to represent him. During all of this going on I started to have panic attacks, sometimes at work. I would try to minimize anyone seeing or hearing me, and kept to myself. I told my supervisor that I was going through a lot at home, that I had a prior diagnosis of anxiety ptsd and depression and that I felt I needed help. It’s also worth noting that I had self indicated that I had a disability prior to working there. In Jan last year I had to identify a child in the photos they recovered from my ex. It was my 4 year old, I was beyond crushed, heart broken, etc there aren’t even adjectives that fully convey the amount of pain I was in. I tried to go back to my office after having to do this and was called in by the same manager that had made the disparaging comments before. She told me that I can’t be having panic attacks at work and that I needed to give my problems to God, he would help. During this time I was also up for a promotion, I declined because it involved s3x crimes and I was already in enough of a hell. Eventually they moved me into it anyway. Then proceeded to bring up my trauma and what we had been through at every meeting, promotion offer, etc. They never phrased it as they wanted to help, it was always about my ability to preform even without ever having a problem, write up, or anything. I had received great feedback and was even recognized for going above and beyond in my work. A few months later I was up for another promotion, and at the time a friend had started dating a coworker. She did something that violated ethics in a major way and could’ve even gotten us sued or worse. So against all better judgment I turned her in. A day, a DAY later they called me in and went off on my about my use of social media. Said that it made me look bad to help others avoid predators(I offered tips as to how to stay safe while dating). That I needed to delete everything. I did, or at least I thought I did. I was also told during this meeting with the head of this agency that I am not allowed to have panic attacks at work, because they make me look guilty. I got the promotion, still no write ups or concerns about my work performance, I’m still highly regarded with those I work with closely. I forwarded an email that was from a client in my previous position to the new person in my old position. I received an email stating that that was inappropriate and that because of this they wanted to have a meeting with me. A week later at the meeting they proceeded to hand over a dossier on my past social media usage from over 3 years ago regarding the missing child and started cussing and screaming at me that my efforts to find the child were bullshit. This is bullshit. Over and over and over again. He pounded his fists, and lurched towards me in anger. When I asked to be treated with respect he told me he’d treat me as he saw fit. He told me I had a week or I would be fired. I quit and cited his abusive behavior as the reasoning.
Sorry just had to get it out this has been a lot to hold
submitted by Accomplished_Toe6025 to paralegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:44 ElvenNeko Should I try going commercial?

Hi. I need some advice about publishing my next game.
I am a writer and a bit of game designer. Not long ago I came close to finishing my 4-th game. I work alone on it, so I don’t respond to anyone and can make whatever choices I want about it (I clarify that in case of anyone asking about what other members of the team want).
My previous 3 games were free. There were several reasons for that, but the main one is that I always wanted for anyone to be able to play my game. Living in Ukraine, where economical situation ever changed only for the worse, I could not afford to buy many games, so I had to resort to piracy, and I still do, because some games now can cost more than my entire month income. Experiencing interactive stories helped me to survive in society that has no place for disabled people, and I want to do the same for others who are in need of something positive in the lives. So my next game will be free as well.
But, at the same time I consider making a paid version in Steam. Why?
And if that wasn’t enough, in this game I decided to try out things I never tried before, starting for the genre – parody. I am usually quite certain in quality of my plots because I understand the art of storytelling well, but that is only true because I have lots of experience in genres I work with. Parody is not one of them – it’s a rare genre, and a complicated one, because you need to balance references and general humor very carefully, to avoid situations where people without extra knowledge will not see anything funny at all. Also my sense of humor were always quite weird: I rarely found mainstream comedies funny, and preferred the absurd type of humor, like movies with Leslie Nilsen. Also, like South Park show or games i decided to parody some of the social issues. So I had a lot of ideas for jokes in this game, but not sure how funny they will be to the others. Also, the game is part musical. And musical is also a niche genre.
So I ended up having a triple-n game – quest, parody, musical (I wonder if I should put it in the description?). I believe that with proper marketing it could find the playerbase, but with it being limited to standard amount of Steam views I have doubts that it will be large enough to at least pay back the entry fee (I don’t plan to put a high price on it since it’s quite short). I showed parts of the game to my friends, one of them even works in gamedev as an artist, and got positive feedback. I know it’s not much, but that + my almost 20 years of gamedev experience should be enough for the game to not be a complete garbage. But I am not sure if I would be able to reach the target audience either.
So, the question are – is it worth to risk and go semi-commercial? I even created a bit of funny extra content for the pirate version of the game. But still cannot decide if I should go for it.
submitted by ElvenNeko to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:39 MiBo What does the phrase "jus' press" mean, and does it have any negative connotations?

I know Led Ka'apana uses "Jus' Press" in his titles, but I'm interested to know if it's a commonly used phrase.
I assume it's a reply to the question "how did you play that?", maybe when a someone asks a guitar player. The player replies, "jus' press". It seems humorous; of course the player is just pressing the strings, maybe the player means "watch me and do what I do". It doesn't answer the question of how it was played but it answers how to learn it.
I'm guessing it's a local way of saying "learn by observing." Traditional elders encourage youth to observe and mimic. Maybe it means "how I do it is too hard to explain, use your eyes and ears to learn." If this is what it means then I'd like to use "jus' press" in any learning context.
Does the phrase have any negative connotations? Is it just a polite way of saying "nīele! You ask too many bothersome questions!"
submitted by MiBo to Hawaii [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:36 OfficialExquisite What steps can I take to reconnect with my ex girlfriend, considering her emotional unavailability?

First time posting on reddit after reading tons of other posts.. not sure how this goes but here goes some context to better understand my question.. I dated someone from work for about 8 months or so, everything happened organically and naturally over time to where we both eventually fell in love with eachother.. unfortunately she broke up with me on valentines day, ironically enough.. her reasoning was she started going to therapy for the loss of her father about a year and a half to 2 years ago whom she was extremely close with as well as certain things that happened with her ex before me.. she insisted I did nothing wrong and that ive done everything perfectly but with going to therapy she found that she's emotionally unavailable.. prior to valentines day she did seem a bit distant, yet still showing her love and expressing it to me until that day..
Granted, I was devastated.. she said she needed space to figure herself out.. I told her I hope we can pick up where we left off to which she got close and said "that I can absolutely promise you". But, unfortunately my feelings overtook my logic and kinda fucked things up a bit.. I ended up writing her a long letter expressing myself and how I'm still gonna be here for her with whatever she needs and blahblahblah to which she told me was extremely overwhelming and made it hard for her to even want to talk to me.. didn't really kick in until she told me that I was unfortunately exhibiting similar behaviors of her ex.. 🤦🏽‍♂️ so yeah.. bad on my part.. so I've kind of kept my distance but still tried to be cool with her at work and what not.. we would talk here and there and then she went super cold out of nowhere.. I asked one day if we were ok to which she kind of exploded on me and essentially said that she wants nothing to do eith me or anyone and how she feels nothing for no one.. because I didn't respect her boundaries is the reason she wants absolutely nothing to do with me.. I expressed my apologies and how I'm just trying my best to understand her viewpoint and what not.. then, let her be for a while..
We've recently talked a couple times mainly because of some shenanigans at work to where she expressed how certain people are making things up about her but how she doesn't care because she has more important things to deal with in life right now.. she had a conversation with another coworker about us but that coworker didn't tell me everything.. "Yeah she didn't tell you everything else I said huh.. figures.. I basically told her like yeah we actually dated for a while, he's an amazing guy, he's fantastic, he treated me great, it just didn't work out I'm just not in the headspace to be with anyone right now but I wish him nothing but the best." About a week or two after that conversation I talked to her about me defending her name amongst certain people at work to where she thanked me and said she appreciates me doing so.. about another week later I ended up walking outside with her and had a casual conversation about her niece graduating kindergarten and how she's gonna have to go to new York for like 2 days to drop her mom off to her aunts house.. she did confide in me when talking about the work shenanigans how her mother has been in and out of the hospital lately and how that's taking up all of her time, but she immediately shut it down when I asked how her mom was doing to which I said ok, sensitive subject, I won't ask any further..
Basically, I'm still in love with this girl.. she means the absolute world to me.. I don't wanna give up on her but at the same time I'm new to this whole "emotionally unavailable" concept.. she said what she said about me being overbearing in the beginning, which I understand is completely my fault.. the whole I want nothing to do with you hurt alot, yet, for someone who doesn't care about me at all believe it or not she's always, if not almost always one of the first people to view any story I post on instagram.. there's been a couple times to where I'm working and we're within the same confines and as I walk past she'll look or stare, but if I try and engage conversation it's a different thing so I've been actively not trying to engage as much conversation as before to continue to give her space.. there was one conversation we had where she said something like "I'd rather tell people I'm insane than to actually admit I talk to people about you and us" "oh so you talk about me huh?" Which she ended up giving me an eye roll.. our humor and stuff together has always been sarcastic in some form so joking with her like that feels good but I try not to be too pushy..
Basically, I want to know if there's any way I could win her back.. I haven't felt a connection like this in quite a long time and would do anything to fix it.. she's told me when we first got together "when I fall in love I fall hard, like there's nothing that can steer me away from the person I love" she's said so many great things to and about me so to go completely cold within an instant is wild to me.. I've given her distance and space, she said she wants nothing to do with me yet still engages with my stories on social media, gives me random glances from time to time, it's all so confusing.. my birthday is coming up and I'm going to said restaurant we work at for dinner at the bar myself, I want to reach out and just tell her something along the lines of how I know she's going through things and I know I've been overbearing and intrusive with her and I apologize I unfortunately let my feelings take control, but I miss how close we were and would like to slowly work on being close again, but I feel that's super intrusive in its own.. I'm just trying to figure out if this is even the best plan of attack or how to possibly word it or if it's even worth it at all.. to me, this girl is absolutely worth it.. and I know you might think this is just the fantasizing aspect of it but I absolutely mean that she's worth it..
So.. idk.. alot to read/type here I feel like I'm steering off course of the main topic.. Basically, I would like this girl back in my life no matter what it takes but dealing with this emotional unavailability I have no idea how to maneuver or work with this.. I've read random articles here and there but I'm interested in any real life accounts from both men and women.. anything helps and if needed more context, feel free to ask away..
Thank you in advance 🙏🏼
submitted by OfficialExquisite to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:33 No-Debt-7 Review: Turtles All the Way Down (Contains Spoilers)

I happened to casually bump into the trailer while I was surfing the internet a few weeks ago, and it actually caught my attention. There was this specific scene about how a waitress was projecting frustration towards her regular customers (Aza and Daisy). I thought it was ridiculous how the duo were so broke that they always ordered food using a coupon and tipped the waitress in quarters. I didn’t watch the movie right then because life was lifeing at that time, but now I’m over the moon for watching it. I love how it unfroze emotions within me that I didn’t even know existed.
Upon watching the first few scenes, it was evident that Daisy was a spontaneously adventurous and humorous kind of friend. I admired how she unconditionally had Aza’s back and saved her from a gazillion awkward encounters into which Aza unwillingly slipped. Daisy possesses such a heartwarming and lovable character.
I actually think that I relate to Aza in some ways. Starting with her OCD, I am aware of the condition and the effects it has on one’s manners, but this was my first time witnessing it in action (thought process). The movie further demonstrated the biological nature of the disorder through Aza’s graphic representation of her inner monologue, which solidified my comprehension of OCD and the actual inconveniences experienced by an affected individual. As a result of her condition, she faced multiple obstacles in both her personal and social life. I relate to her in this particular aspect as I find difficulty making genuine connections as well. I’m just never comfortable enough with commitments. It felt good to know that Davis and Aza’s relationship struggles were somewhat “normal,” and not everyone is destined to have a specifically happy ending. I got lost in my thoughts for a moment, wondering how they were so close yet so far away from each other. I guess it’s just the way of life.
Even though Davis and Aza shed tears towards the ending, I was somewhat satisfied with their story. I admired how he treated her with respect and “sugar daddied” her. He actually took her on his father’s private jet to Chicago just because she mentioned how passionate she was about going to college there and meeting her favorite professor, but due to financial difficulties, she wouldn’t be able to do so. He’s such a gem for making her dream come true.
Alright, I have a confession to make. I was low-key relieved about the fact that Davis and Aza were forced to part ways instead of having a happy, long-lasting relationship. I wouldn’t specifically categorize a normal relationship as “boring,” but I figured that it’s better to appreciate moments or “phases” that are short-lived and still be open to new experiences. Exposure to constant newness is a necessity at this point for personal development and improved adaptation in life.
My overall rating for this movie is 10/10 as I feel it’s the only movie that so far enabled me to effortlessly connect with my buried feelings. Like I mentioned earlier, my personal experiences in life and relationships are somewhat similar to what was portrayed in the movie. Absolutely loved it!
submitted by No-Debt-7 to moviereviews [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:29 Goopisfloop I’m Black from the hood with ASD. Unsure of my options.

My name isn’t Marcus, but I’m going to call myself Marcus. This is not my main Reddit account. I’m a recently 27 year old Biracial Black man from a midwestern rust belt “hood” city. I grew up in a single parent household, initially as an only child but that changed with time and I became the oldest of 6 siblings.
I never believed myself to be on the ASD spectrum, as the explanation for my behavior and tendencies by elders around me was “he’s just like that”. But now at 27 years old I am starting to question everything. As soon as I could walk, I began to walk on my toes, and I continue to walk primarily on my toes to this day. When I learned to talk it was with a speech impediment or a lisp. By age 3 I could read, by age 5 I could read at an advanced level (chapter books/adult literature). In this time period I began to develop a love for herpetology (the study of reptiles/amphibians) and arachnology (the study of arachnids). By age 12 I had memorized over 1500 latin species names. Cold blooded animals and invertebrates for much of my life is all I would talk about, and I held a vast plethora of knowledge on the subject. I thought it all was very cool and assumed everyone would also think it was cool (obviously lol).
I did not fit in with any children my own age. I was constantly “bullied” though I didn’t initially understand I WAS being bullied. I didn’t know what was going on, I was easy to deceive, and I couldn’t understand sarcasm at all. I was always very logical, blunt, and straight to the point. I also did not understand humor, though I would make jokes in a monotone voice but my jokes weren’t digested properly by the masses. As time went on I started to understand social behavior through repetitions and mirroring. I learned to get the best social results by studying and emulating the social ques, expressions, behaviors etc of others.
As time went on I began to draw reptiles, insects, and arachnids. From here I went on to develop an artistic ability.
My mother was always impressed by me. But I had extreme reactions to me with all other people. I had my interests but I did not do well in school. I was very disruptive, I would make noises throughout the class, or draw, or read my own personal books on animals. Teachers knew I was smart they assumed I was just misbehaving and being bad. Really looking back I don’t know why I behaved like that. Other children identified that I was different and would target me. I tried to de-escalate but this would always escalate. I got into many fights and this is where I developed an affinity for fighting.
At 15 years old my mother decided to move into an abandoned house. There was trash everywhere, boarded up windows, and a shower that electrocuted you if you touched it in a certain way. I located my fathers number (who I did not know) and I asked for help. He came and got me and brought me to the east coast where he lived in a suburb.
My years of living in the ghetto had trained and hardened me. The suburban school I attended was huge, over 2000 kids and I blended in. I stopped getting into fights and girls started to like me. My reality was turned upside down. I went from sharing resources with 5 other children to sharing resources with one very young child. I went from having no securities, constant instability, and threats around me to living in a culdesac.
I loved it. What I didn’t love was that there were no pictures of me in my dads home. What I didn’t love was the fact it took 15 years to be in this environment. What I didn’t love was a lack of love and I identified there was a lack of love.
I started to act out in the home. After one year I was kicked out. My dads excuse for my behavior was that I was overly sensitive and gay (which is not true I am heterosexual).
I moved back to my mother in the Midwest who was now living with my siblings in a woman’s attic. I began acting out. I became obsessed with how humans treated other humans.
For the last 3 years of high school I went to 8 different schools. I was constantly expelled or pressured to leave due to my behavior.
I dropped out of school and started staying with women and friends instead of going home. I got mixed up in the wrong crowd and I began to be traumatized though I did not know. I witnessed 2 murders, countless robberies, countless overdoses, I was always fighting, had friends die etc. I began to suffer with substance abuse on and off.
Fast forward to now I am drug free but I cannot keep a job. I cannot sustain relationships. I have one young 10 month old son who I love very much but with where my brain is I worry about taking care of him or fucking him up. He is a very unique and aware baby and I also worry he will be like me.
If I seem normal I promise I am not normal. Everyone thinks I am normal just a bad man with bad behaviors. Don’t know what to do and am looking for informational resources. Thank you
submitted by Goopisfloop to autism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:15 Friendly-Technology8 Exploring the Masters of Photography: 20 Iconic Photographers and Their Impact 📸✨

Photography is an art form that captures moments, tells stories, and evokes emotions. Over the years, many photographers have left an indelible mark on the field, each bringing their unique perspective and style. Here's a look at 20 iconic photographers whose work continues to inspire and influence photographers around the world:
  1. Ansel Adams
    • Specialty: Black-and-white landscapes
    • Notable Work: Capturing the beauty of the American West, especially Yosemite National Park.
    • Impact: Known for his meticulous technique and the development of the Zone System, Adams' work emphasized environmental conservation.
  2. Dorothea Lange
    • Specialty: Documentary photography
    • Notable Work: "Migrant Mother" during the Great Depression.
    • Impact: Lange's poignant images brought the struggles of the poor and displaced to public attention, influencing social policies.
  3. Henri Cartier-Bresson
    • Specialty: Street photography
    • Notable Work: "The Decisive Moment" concept.
    • Impact: As a pioneer of photojournalism, Cartier-Bresson co-founded Magnum Photos and shaped the practice of capturing candid moments.
  4. Steve McCurry
    • Specialty: Portraiture and travel photography
    • Notable Work: "Afghan Girl" on the cover of National Geographic.
    • Impact: McCurry's vibrant and powerful images bring global attention to human stories and cultural richness.
  5. Annie Leibovitz
    • Specialty: Portrait photography
    • Notable Work: Celebrity portraits for Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone.
    • Impact: Leibovitz's iconic images combine artistic flair with intimate insights into her subjects' personalities.
  6. Robert Capa
    • Specialty: War photography
    • Notable Work: Spanish Civil War and D-Day landings.
    • Impact: Capa's harrowing images from conflict zones humanized the realities of war, co-founding Magnum Photos in the process.
  7. Diane Arbus
    • Specialty: Portrait photography
    • Notable Work: Images of marginalized individuals and those on society's fringes.
    • Impact: Arbus's work challenged conventional notions of beauty and normalcy, offering a compassionate view of her subjects.
  8. Sebastião Salgado
    • Specialty: Social documentary photography
    • Notable Work: "Workers" and "Migrations" series.
    • Impact: Salgado's powerful images highlight global socio-economic issues, emphasizing the dignity of his subjects.
  9. Vivian Maier
    • Specialty: Street photography
    • Notable Work: Candid images of life in Chicago and New York City.
    • Impact: Maier's work, discovered posthumously, offers a unique and insightful view of urban life and its inhabitants.
  10. Gordon Parks
    • Specialty: Documentary photography and film
    • Notable Work: Civil rights movement documentation and American Gothic series.
    • Impact: As a pioneering African American photographer, Parks used his lens to confront social injustice and promote change.
  11. Edward Weston
    • Specialty: Fine art photography
    • Notable Work: Detailed black-and-white images of natural forms.
    • Impact: Weston's innovative compositions and use of form and texture elevated photography to an art form.
  12. Cindy Sherman
    • Specialty: Conceptual self-portraiture
    • Notable Work: "Untitled Film Stills" series.
    • Impact: Sherman’s work explores identity and gender, challenging viewers to question societal norms.
  13. Richard Avedon
    • Specialty: Fashion and portrait photography
    • Notable Work: "In the American West" series.
    • Impact: Avedon’s minimalist, high-contrast portraits reveal the depth of his subjects, from celebrities to ordinary people.
  14. Joel Meyerowitz
    • Specialty: Street and landscape photography
    • Notable Work: Color street photography in New York City.
    • Impact: As one of the first to embrace color photography, Meyerowitz’s work captures the vibrancy and chaos of urban life.
  15. Gregory Crewdson
    • Specialty: Staged photography
    • Notable Work: Cinematic, surreal scenes of American life.
    • Impact: Crewdson’s elaborately staged images blur the line between reality and fiction, creating evocative visual narratives.
  16. Martin Parr
    • Specialty: Documentary and street photography
    • Notable Work: Brightly colored images of modern life.
    • Impact: Parr’s satirical and often humorous images critique consumer culture and social norms.
  17. Helmut Newton
    • Specialty: Fashion photography
    • Notable Work: Provocative, high-contrast black-and-white images.
    • Impact: Newton’s bold and sometimes controversial work pushed the boundaries of fashion photography.
  18. Bruce Gilden
    • Specialty: Street photography
    • Notable Work: Close-up, flash-lit portraits of people on the street.
    • Impact: Gilden’s confrontational style captures raw, unfiltered human expressions and stories.
  19. Alex Webb
    • Specialty: Street photography
    • Notable Work: Vibrant, complex compositions often taken in Latin America.
    • Impact: Webb’s use of color and composition creates rich, layered images that tell intricate stories.
  20. Sally Mann
    • Specialty: Fine art and documentary photography
    • Notable Work: Intimate portraits of her family and Southern landscapes.
    • Impact: Mann’s evocative and sometimes controversial work explores themes of memory, family, and the passage of time.
These photographers have each contributed significantly to the world of photography, offering diverse perspectives and pushing the boundaries of the medium. Their work continues to inspire and influence photographers around the globe.
Who are your favorite photographers, and how have they influenced your own work? Share your thoughts and any iconic images that have inspired you in the comments below!
submitted by Friendly-Technology8 to u/Friendly-Technology8 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:15 sameed_a what is the social learning theory for language acquisition?

A few summers ago, I found myself utterly lost in a quaint little village nestled deep in the heart of Spain. You see, I was traveling solo, and despite my best efforts to plan ahead, I had forgotten one critical aspect- brushing up on my Spanish.
I was struggling to even purchase a simple meal, let alone navigate around. In sheer frustration, one day, I decided to sit quietly in a bustling café, sipping on my coffee, watching people interact. It was amidst all of this that I stumbled upon an ingenious idea.
With no access to classes or textbooks, I began observing the people around me, their interactions, consciously picking up words, phrases, tones, and body language. Gradually, I found myself understanding and even speaking a bit of conversational Spanish.
This weird yet fascinating experience is a classic example of the Social Learning Theory in action. Social Learning Theory, coined by Albert Bandura, proposes that new behaviors can be acquired by observing and imitating others. It emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.
Comprehending the mechanics of this theory, I allowed myself to observe, imbibe, and imitate the linguistic behaviors of the locals. Progressively, I found myself engaged in simple chats, ordering meals, haggling with vendors, and even giving directions to fellow tourists. I was not only acquiring a new language but also learning about their culture, further enriching my travel experience.
Suffice to say, I returned home not only with remarkable experiences but also a newfound proficiency in Spanish- thanks to being a living testament to Bandura’s Social Learning Theory.
P.S. Thankfully, this isn't one of those "Dear reader, this story was entirely hypothetical" type of thing. But hey, next time you find yourself lost in a foreign land, or just struggling to pick up a new language, remember my little Spanish adventure and the power of Social Learning Theory. Seriously, mental models are not only for academia, they can be your unexpected saviors in real life as well. You never know, they might just help you order your next paella!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:07 Zoran_Neptune Hello everyone. Could you please give a warm welcome to… Zoran Neptune!

Hello everyone. Could you please give a warm welcome to… Zoran Neptune! submitted by Zoran_Neptune to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to BSCMoonShots [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to NFTsMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:01 Able-Plantain-926 $FLOKITA Unlocks DeFi Potential On Solana The Next Generation Of DeFi

We're thrilled to announce that $FLOKITA has officially launching on the Solana network! Today marks a major milestone in our journey to revolutionize DeFi.
Contract Address: 6iaoMhnsKoqe6oNsnj7iteTbyCjdv1DHvfhWGaAH6vJk
• Successful presale with 1800 Participants
• Token supply: 1 Billion
• Listed on Dex : Radium V4
• Starting Mcap : $615K
Our mission is to empower users with fast, secure, and scalable DeFi solutions. We're committed to continuously innovating and improving our ecosystem.
Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible on Solana!
Telegram : u/flokita_portal
All Links :
$FLOKITA SOL team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.
Let your imagination run wild, and let's make the internet buzz with #FLOKITASOL humor. Ready, set, meme!
submitted by Able-Plantain-926 to CryptoMarsShots [link] [comments]