Ing ed ies activities

Feel like my life is falling apart

2024.06.08 22:57 rolltidepod37squared Feel like my life is falling apart

Having to get medically cleared for a month long summer study abroad program has snowballed into being forced to have an assessment at an ED treatment place "just to be safe" (something my doctor 2 days ago decided he wanted me to do 2 weeks after he medically cleared me because my vitals and blood work were 100% stable- something I’m very angry about. You told me I was fine and had a moment of clarity weeks later that I wasn’t??? 20 days before my flight???)
Dependjng on what they say, I may be uncleared and forced into treatment and I'm more or less preparing for that exact outcome.
I made it to the oral arguments round for my law school moot court team that was going to take place while abroad and now I can’t even put that accomplishment (top 11 papers out of 144 schools) on my resume because I’d have to explain I didn’t end up actually competing. And I'll have to explain not having a job this summer because I didn't get one since I was planning on being abroad.
I’m genuinely very recovery minded/have been actively trying to eat more and put on weight on my own accord, am medically stable and am going to try very hard to make my case during this assessment on Monday. I even think being abroad would be /good/ for me because all our meals will be in groups and my biggest issue is outright forgetting to eat, something that's impossible to do when we're eating together every day. But I'm so heartbroken about what will likely be the outcome here.
The literal only thing even slightly holding me together is a movie coming out in two weeks that I’ve been waiting for since 2022. I'm so angry. Angry at my doctor for how he handled this. Angry at myself. I almost want to drop out of law school if this really falls through because I don’t know how I’m supposed to face anyone in the fall after being so embarrassed. Assuming this is the outcome that will come from this assessment on Monday, how am I supposed to tell my professors, my moot court team and my friend I was traveling with who will be forced to fly to Europe alone? I feel like my whole life is falling apart.
submitted by rolltidepod37squared to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:54 Benny-3000 Montblanc 146 - very vintage

Montblanc 146 - very vintage
Hi all, So I got this pen from my mother today, which initially belonged to my grand father. It’s a Meisterstück 146 with an interesting full-gold nib. I cleaned it with warm water and started to write with it. However, I realized, very often, the flow of ink is somehow intermittent. As I am planning to use it as my daily driver, do you have any suggestions how to improve the ink-flow? (Could it be, Kaweco ink simply does not like to work with Montblanc?) Any advice is appreciated
submitted by Benny-3000 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:53 rolltidepod37squared I feel like my life is falling apart

Having to get medically cleared for a month long summer study abroad program has snowballed into being forced to have an assessment at an ED treatment place "just to be safe" (something my doctor 2 days ago decided he wanted me to do 2 weeks after he medically cleared me because my vitals and blood work were 100% stable- something I’m very angry about. You told me I was fine and had a moment of clarity weeks later that I wasn’t??? 20 days before my flight???)
Dependjng on what they say, I may be uncleared and forced into treatment and I'm more or less preparing for that exact outcome.
I made it to the oral arguments round for my law school moot court team that was going to take place while abroad and now I can’t even put that accomplishment (top 11 papers out of 144 schools) on my resume because I’d have to explain I didn’t end up actually competing. And I'll have to explain not having a job this summer because I didn't get one since I was planning on being abroad.
I’m genuinely very recovery minded/have been actively trying to eat more and put on weight on my own accord, am medically stable and am going to try very hard to make my case during this assessment on Monday. I even think being abroad would be /good/ because all our meals will be in groups and my biggest issue is outright forgetting to eat, something that's impossible to do when we're eating together every day. But I'm so heartbroken about what will likely be the outcome here.
The literal only thing even slightly holding me together is a movie coming out in two weeks that I’ve been waiting for since 2022. I'm so angry. Angry at my doctor for how he handled this. Angry at myself. I almost want to drop out of law school if this really falls through because I don’t know how I’m supposed to face anyone in the fall after being so embarrassed. Assuming this is the outcome that will come from this assessment on Monday, how am I supposed to tell my professors, my moot court team and my friend I was traveling with who will be forced to fly to Europe alone? I feel like my whole life is falling apart.
submitted by rolltidepod37squared to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:43 Kitchen-Plant664 So I rewatched EDR and there’s one thing I’ve realised is missing from both that and ED…

It’s what I’m calling the “Groovy” moment. Let me explain.
In The Evil Dead it doesn’t really happen as such as Ash is pretty much the last man standing and is down as more or less as a coward that got lucky BUT in ED2 we have the “Groovy” moment! This is at the start of the final act where Ash shakes the cobwebs out and decides to tool up an take the fight to the Deadites instead of simply reacting to what’s happening or in other words he gains some agency. It’s pretty similar to the last half an hour of Aliens when Ripley decides to rescue Newt and tools herself up, kicking ass in the hive and with the power loader.
We’ve got a similar situation in AoD as Ash trains the occupants of the castle about gunpowder, trains them in combat techniques (fuck knows where he learnt that from) and kits out the Oldsmobile. AvED also has many moments of the characters having agency and getting their own “Groovy” moment, even going so far as to revelling in fighting back and enjoying killing the Deadites.
The new movies don’t have that. While they do have both Mia and Beth fight back against the Deadites in the movies finales, they’re both lacking the earlier “Groovy” moment where they stop reacting and start to fight back beyond when their backs are right up against the wall. They don’t have active protagonists but reactive ones and I think that’s what I miss more than the humour and the camp.
As an example, in EDR their neighbour, Mr. Fonda, has a shotgun. Maybe he has more weapons in there? Maybe his character is more of a survivalist who is threatening not to love in spite of the threatened demolition. During the escape, Kassie mentions this to Beth and the two lock themselves in and find a ton of weapons. Now Beth could have her “groovy” moment and the random idea of escape is turned into a fight to get to the car with lots of gunplay and Deadite heads being exploded.
In this case, she gains agency; she forms a plan, gets the tools to carry it out, and then executes it whereas up to the moment Kassie is taken by the Abomination, she was just running.
What do you think?
submitted by Kitchen-Plant664 to EvilDead [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:18 FinchZiver constant flare ups around period

hi, i know i'm not the most common type of person on here, i was diagnosed when i was 7 and my parents basically neglected to do anything after a year of dealing with it. i'm now in my 20s, i am a trans man but i'm not on any hormones at the moment due to LS and other health conditions. my symptoms were also different to the common ones: no very noticeable rashes or large white spots, only small parts that would fuse together. lots of fusing and fissures and scarring. i've recently noticed i get bad flare ups when i have my period. often the parts that have fused will open and start bleeding, i'll get clitotodynia, and sometimes putting in tampons will cause tearing. i'm currently trying to find a new pcp in my area & subsequently a gynocologist, but i'm really hoping you guys might have some suggestions or tips for the meantime.
a few notes: i can't use pads- the discomfort is far worse than the pain to me. i also have EDS (ehlers danlos syndrome) and MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), both of which affect my skin in general & i believe contribute to some of my odd symptoms, if you know of or experience any overlap and have any suggestions, those would be great!
submitted by FinchZiver to lichensclerosus [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:46 Local-Sugar6556 Was netero faster then meruem?

Or was it just the speed of his prayer, ie. The time it took to activate his Hand? And if netero was genuinely faster, would he still have been able to outspeed meruem if this had been a genuine fight to the death?
submitted by Local-Sugar6556 to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:36 Joerisaes 10k rolls

10k rolls submitted by Joerisaes to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:34 Livid_Impression3616 May Pickups of the Month Part 1 ~ Aniplex, Funimation, & Sentai

May Pickups of the Month Part 1 ~ Aniplex, Funimation, & Sentai
A couple of releases that I’ve been looking to add to my collection for a while over the month. Re: Zero season 1 I’ve managed to score for $50 after sales tax despite it being OOP and will have to pick up season 2 soon after I finish watching the first season.
Stay Tuned for Part 2!
submitted by Livid_Impression3616 to AnimeCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:32 Nice-Locksmith-8474 Chance student who locked in junior year for Law/International Relations

I am in my junior year and am trying to see how my resume stands up and what to add, change, or potentially drop for my applications to some selective colleges as well as my chances of success. May have forgotten some things but this should be everything. ED EA RD advice for colleges would be great too.
Should be done by application time: *** (Key)
Gender: Male
Race: Asian (Indian)
Region: Midwest, fairly competitive area
Type of school: Public
hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.): N/A
Intended Major(s): International Relations/Law/Finance?
ACT/SAT/SAT II: 1530 SAT, 36 ACT*** (Still have to do the act but I am getting 36's on the practice tests. If I do get a 36, should I submit my SAT score too?)
UW/W GPA and Rank: UW: 3.950, (4.0 without A-'s, don't know if that matters). The school does not rank.
Coursework: 14 APs, 5 Honors, 1 CIS (College in School)
Senior Year Courses: AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP Lit, AP Psych, AP Stats, AP Physics C, CIS Spanish 5
Extracurriculars (Not Ranked in Order):
  1. Secretary General (President) and cofounder of a Model UN club with 60+ signed-up members. Hosted simulations within the school already and planning to attend a real conference in the fall.
  2. Two research papers are currently being written, one is aimed at the future evolution of marketing in AI and I am interning with a Healthcare services company to write a research paper under the guidance of a mentor. The paper is being written to advise said healthcare company. Not sure if I can publish/enter into competitions.*** The other is by myself regarding an international policy topic that I plan to have published or admitted into competitions. ***
  3. Interned over 9 weeks in a reelection campaign for a National Senator where I will be responsible for campaign finances. Will facilitate thousands of dollars of cash flow in campaign funds and will receive experience in electoral organizing tactics. (Haven't done this yet so I don't know too much of the general information)***
  4. Volunteered 100+ hours, plan to volunteer at least 50 hours this summer and more in the fall. Various locations but focused on a few quality spots. (STEM Camp, Religious site, Food Scarcity organization)
  5. Varsity soccer for school
  6. Took collegiate-level coursework in International Relations***.
  7. Leaders Invested in Community - Acclimatized incoming high schoolers and helped develop decision-making abilities. Each year I lead my group of ten students in preparatory activities alongside other mentors.
  8. Teen leadership organization across regions of 2 states where teens determine initiatives to rectify issues in the community. Examples include Vape testing kits manufacturing to park cleanup. I plan to apply for Co-President***
  9. National Honors Society, Investment Club, Recreational Piano
Some things I am looking into, less concrete:
  1. Internship in the fall geared around international relations or law
  2. Regional leadership position for Business competitions
  3. Writer for an alternate-history mod for a video game I play
  4. More Awards
Schools: List of selective colleges, I am also applying to my state school which I will get into
Johns Hopkins
submitted by Nice-Locksmith-8474 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:06 AdministrativeAct874 My first ever Reboot after watching porn daily for over 15 years

So this it, I'm finally doing it. I'm now 27 and since I discovered online porn I have always watched porn to jerk off, on average at least once a day. Why? Because I think it is affecting my relationship to women. I am currently 3 years into the second meaningful relationship of my life. I love my girlfriend and I can imagine spending the rest of my life with her but sexually things are not going too well. After the first honeymoon phase of not being able to stop touching each other there has been a steady decline of frequency and now we already have not slept with each other in 6 weeks. There have been times that we tried and I experienced ED. Watching porn and masturbating is much more arousing to me and whenever I am frustrated, anxious or generally experiencing negative emotions I use masturbating to briefly feel better, only to feel even worse afterwards. My other relationship, from 20-22 y.o., ended because of many reasons, but also because I lost sexual interest. Why have I not tried earlier? I always considered myself not much prone to addiction. I smoked for a couple of years but when I realized it's not as cool as I thought as a teenager I just stopped without relapse. I drink and recreationally consume drugs at parties but never struggled with it affecting my normal life. I am still struggling to admit that I am addicted to porn. It is something I have been doing for so long that the notion of living without it is almost unimaginable. I tried a couple of times to challenge myself to resist the urge and "save up" in order to have a better orgasms. Is this really a porn addiction? My mind is reluctant to accept this as a fact.
I want to stop using porn for good and prove to myself that I am able to controll my urges. I am heavily embarassed by my addiction and I have never talked to anyone about it. Not even my girlfriend knows how much I masturbate. The lack of physicality is destroying my relationship and I hope giving up masturbation will save it. Btw, this is also my first time engaging in a subreddit or forum of any type.
Has anyone had a similar experience in their relationship and did nofap help? Should I abstain from only from Porn or also masturbation without it? I guess I'm already semi voluntarily abstaining from sex because I lost interest, but would actively abstaining from it for the duration of the reboot be a good idea?
Im happy to read of your experiences and stories, we're in this together. Wish me willpower.
submitted by AdministrativeAct874 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:58 Corr521 Kings / Blazers / Cavaliers

Kings / Blazers / Cavaliers
KINGS: The Kings have expressed interest in Grant in the past and would give them a high end 3&D starter PF to help them make a push and take advantage of their current window. Reports have come out that the Kings have told Vezenkov he is not in their future plans so they move him to a team that could use a stretch big to help from clogging up the floor and recoup a little bit of value (late 2nd) which isn't much but it's something.
BLAZERS: Portland would probably want to wait until the trade deadline to move Grant where they'd likely get more value (2x 1sts) when teams could be bidding against each other. But if they were to move him at the draft / this summer this is likely the value, a 1st - 2x 2nds with filler. Ty Jerome gets cut immediately, maybe even Lyles if they want the roster spot open for drafted players as they're already at capacity.
CAVALIERS: Cavs could use some shooting from a stretch big to keep things spread out. Mobley and Allen make a great front court defensively but it got clogged up on O and the Cavs did really well AFTER Mobley went down. Being able to have a stretch PF like Vezenkov who they could sprinkle in could really help them out. Vezenkov gets to go to a playoff team in the East and play meaningful minutes, Cavs get a low risk player who they could move as an expiring the following season if they feel it's not working out.
submitted by Corr521 to NBAtradeideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:42 ruu06 Copying through loss.

Lost my dad about two months ago.. I'd be going through my daily activities, and then all of a sudden , I think about him and the world crumbles down.. I don't cry in front of people.. I don't want people to worry about me, especially my mother and my sibling... I usually cry alone or call my was worse when back then.. but last time I cried, ie yesterday, I told myself, instead of putting the emotion that way, I should turn that energy around and put in my studies, and make my dad proud. He always believed in me.. I know he still does.. I will make him proud.. I wanted him to walk down the aisle with me when I get married (atleast 5 years from now), I'm gonna do it with mum now.. sometimes I'm very scared if God will take her too.. lost my only grandparents 5 years ago in the span of 6 months.. now dad is gone.. we used to be a family of 7, now 4.. nah, we are always 7 🥺 the last WhatsApp goodmorning picture from my dad was, "After every sunset, there's a sunrise". It's difficult without you pa, but ik you're here always. Feels good to ranted it out... I usually journal, but feelin lazy recently.. One thing I'd need help from you guys is this.. after my dad died, focus went onto my brother, telling him to work(he is having yt channels), and about getting married(he's close to 30) , he always hated that idea.. I personally thought that, maybe he loved someone, and that didn't work out .?! A month after my dad died, mum asked him a lot why wouldn't you say, all those stuff to him, he came out to us that night as trans.. I didn't fully realise it, it was shocking, but I said it's okay , I support you. My mom didn't take it well (nothing that our country's culture ain't as such -thats what they say) she was very shocked, she was blaming herself, I tried convincing her a little.. but didn't want to hurt her.. so didn't go through it much.. recently my sibling got a job, and has been going to it for a few weeks now..I'm at home for study holidays, she has been watching some spiritual videos related to marriage, I'm sure if she's considering marriage for my sibling, it'll be as his birth gender.. my sibling would not want that..I don't know what to do here.. sometimes, id wish he just be my brother..idk, I kinda always wanted a sister, but it's not gonna be pretty if/when he comes out, especially cause of relatives , those guys ughhhhhhh, society will obviously treat things differently if we were rich uhh.. idk the first month after my dad died, I cried every single day wanting him back.. I was so close to being crazy, real crazy.. I had my bf/ my friend's back every now and then, but mostly it was just me, as I'd always mostly cry late nights lol. I sleep beside mum, so I just cry without any sound.. considering I mastered that skill a couple of years back during my great depression lol. I listen to taylor, that helps a lot, sometimes I cry to the songs, mostly lol. But songs like yoyok, icdiwabh tells me I'm on my own, I can handle it, it's gonna be okay 🙃❤️‍🩹 To whoever that reads this, I hope you're feeling better , this too shall pass 🤍 You're on your own kid, Yeah You can face this 🫶
submitted by ruu06 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:37 bealzebro I always feel like somebody’s watching me

I always feel like somebody’s watching me submitted by bealzebro to Bestbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:15 FMAedwardelrich Perspective on Ranked Matchmaking

Calm down with the toxicity. I totally understand the passion of the grind. And the satisfaction that comes from breaking into Onyx and ascending further up.
But we are not in Halo 3 days. This isn’t the only competitive FPS. Nor does it have the player population to support perfectly balanced lobbies.
I started as a mid platinum player in 2022 and have now stabilized in low Diamond. I enjoy queuing with my friends. My friends are a D5/6, D3/4, and a P5/P6. When we 4stack, we get a wide assortment of opposition teams. We win some, we lose some. Obviously, the two lower ranked players in our stack (me and the high plat) perform on average worse than our high Diamond teammates. But they obviously don’t shit on us when we have those clunker games - we’re friends mature adults in our 30s. Not to mention they’re naturally expected to carry somewhat by mere virtue of their higher rank.
Now sometimes I duo queue with just the D5/6. If there was a sufficient player population, we would get matched up against a mirror duo queuers (who are also a high/low Diamond pair). Unfortunately, due to the low player population, we often times get matched up against opposition teams that are all D3/D4.
So our team is my duo plus two mid Diamond teammates. Naturally, I struggle at times especially when it is against a 4stack’ed mid Diamond opposition or a solo queuing Onyx player. The # of times our randomly assigned mid Diamond teammates start flaming me when I’m having a bad/slow game is… high. Often times, they don’t communicate. Or only communicate to complain/insult. That I’m costing them their rank, I’m trash, etc.
I’m obviously not a “bad” player. I was getting +8/9 CSR working my way into mid-D2. It’s not like my awareness or gunny is orders of magnitude below the lobby. But it is also true that when I’m PIV’ing against folks with 100-200 CSR skill advantage on me, I’ll lose a fair # of those fights. I’m obviously trying to avoid those encounters.
But in a fast paced game, I will get caught out at times. So when you see my go 12-22, some of those deaths are me losing PIVs I didn’t seek out or getting spawn collapsed upon after we’re down one or two members. I’m obviously not playing at 2am to mess up your rank or my friend’s (who at one point reached 1499 before back to back Ls partially due to me being outclassed).
I’m trying my best (or whatever the limits of that means today) and hoping to improve over time (which I have, getting +8/+9 CSR at mid D1 suggests my MMR is now in the high D1/low D2 zone vs. mid plat in 2022). Considering how the Ranked population has dwindled over the 3 years of this game’s timeline, I’d say that’s pretty freaking respectable to move my MMR up from mid Plat to low Diamond.
I’ll be first to admit when we see a randomly assigned teammate go hyper negative we make a comment PRIVATELY AFTER amongst our 2-/3-stack. But we’re not flaming/insulting the person mid-game.
So please remember, when you have a poor performing teammate, it’s often more an issue of a low player base resulting in imbalanced lobbies rather than some low skill player trying to artificially ride his higher skill teammate up the CSR ladder.
Let’s not even touch on the reverse problem of smurfs where me (a 1200-1275 range player) is being matched up against a 1325 “D3” who goes 20 KDA and gains +11 CSR. That D3 is supposed to balance against the fact that I’m duo queued with my D5/6 friend. But in actuality it’s not balanced because this player is likely actually a high Diamond themself.
If you care so much about rank, play a game with less smurfs and a large enough player base to better balance lobbies OR go find a 4- or at least 3-stack so you avoid getting paired with my bitchass riding my D4/D5 friend IF it bothers you THIS much.
Thank you for attending my TED talk.
GT: desirupee67, feel free to look me up and/or roast my VOD
submitted by FMAedwardelrich to CompetitiveHalo [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:15 Accipitrim Should I ask for LoR from professor in advance?

I just graduated college couple weeks ago, and I currently plan on applying to law school 2 years into the future after working in the industry. I TA-ed for a professor last Fall and currently plan on asking her for a letter of recommendation in the future.
The issue is that while I’ve had many amicable interactions with the said professor (ie. weekly meetings, I did well in her class and as a TA, had dinner together, found out we actually went to the same high school etc.), I don’t think we had any meaningful enough connection for her to remember me well after two years has passed. I was wondering if anyone has ever had their professor write them a LoR years in advance knowing that they will go to law school —or if this is just too silly of a thing to ask for
submitted by Accipitrim to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:10 Ok-Sound3466 I feel greedy

I am trying to recover basically by myself, my mum has passed away, my dad is an alcoholic who doesn’t understand EDs and although he tries he just really can’t grasp it. My sister try’s to help although she lives with her BF and has her own life. I do receive help from a therapist once a week but she has been off and I’ll be honest I don’t really feel we click but that’s besides the point.
I am starting a new job soon and am FREAKING out because the change in eating routine etc but have given myself a 2400 calorie minimum to help me gain weight and give me energy for my work etc I also am very active outside work. But I feel like this is too much, I feel so greedy and guilty and invalid. Does anyone else have a similar situation or feeling. I feel like NOONE on these subs eats more than 2000 and that’s like the maximum. I am working on period recovery too and challenging fear foods and routines but I feel so so guilty for eating this much. I honestly can’t get out my head it’s too much!
Stats - I will delete if triggering but it can be used for reference for advice if needed >! 19F 5,6.5 and 46kg!<
submitted by Ok-Sound3466 to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:04 Affectionate-Box-592 Ai Writer Review: 1-Click Content Creatin FREE Demo [2024]

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, the emergence of AI writers has marked a revolutionary leap forward. These sophisticated tools, powered by artificial intelligence, are reshaping how content is generated, offering unprecedented efficiency and versatility.
At the heart of this transformation is a blend of natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms that enable these AI writers to produce written content that is not just coherent and grammatically correct but also engaging and tailored to specific audiences.

Check out AI Writer here!

[0, 1, 2] The introduction of AI writers into the market has been a game-changer for content creators across various sectors, including marketing, journalism, blogging, and even academic writing. By automating the writing process, these tools significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce high-quality content. This efficiency does not come at the expense of creativity or uniqueness; many AI writing platforms boast advanced features that allow for customization and personalization of content to ensure it aligns with the creator's voice and objectives. [3, 4, 5]
Moreover, AI writers are continuously learning from vast amounts of data they process, meaning their capability to understand context, mimic human writing styles, and predict user preferences improves over time. This aspect signifies not just an advancement in technology but a fundamental shift in how we approach content creation — moving from manual composition to intelligent automation. [0, 6] As we delve deeper into pricing features discounts [new] offered by various AI writer platforms in this review, it's essential to acknowledge this technology's transformative potential.
Whether you're a seasoned content creator looking for efficiency or a business seeking cost-effective ways to scale your content marketing efforts, [7, 8] AI writers present an intriguing solution that balances quality with quantity — all while pushing the boundaries of what's possible in digital expression.
[9] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one stands out for its comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of writing needs. This AI writer, a beacon in the realm of automated content creation, presents a fascinating array of functionalities that are as diverse as they are innovative. [10, 11] Central to its appeal is its ability to generate articles from mere headlines, transforming brief ideas into full-fledged pieces with surprising coherence and depth.
This feature alone sets it apart, providing users with a quick way to flesh out content without the need for extensive manual input. Further enhancing its utility is the SEO-friendly nature of the content it produces, incorporating relevant keywords seamlessly into articles to boost their visibility and effectiveness in digital marketing campaigns. [12, 13, 14] What truly distinguishes this tool is its capacity for research. Unlike simpler AI writers that might regurgitate common knowledge or produce generic content, this platform delves into sources to bring more accuracy and richness to the text.
This aspect is invaluable for users seeking not just any content but quality information that adds real value. [15, 16, 17] Moreover, the adaptability of this AI writer cannot be overstated. It caters to various writing styles and formats – from blog posts and news articles to product descriptions and more – making it a versatile partner for both individual creators and businesses alike. Its user-friendly interface ensures that navigating through these options is intuitive, allowing even those new to AI tools an easy way to access sophisticated writing aids. [1, 18, 6] While these features collectively form a powerful tool for content generation, what elevates the experience further is the commitment of its developers towards continuous improvement and updates based on user feedback.
This dynamic evolution promises not just current relevance but future readiness in an ever-changing digital landscape. [19, 20] In exploring the landscape of AI writing tools, one quickly discovers that the pricing structure is as varied as the features these platforms offer. Understanding your options when it comes to cost is crucial in making an informed decision that aligns with both your budget and writing needs. At the heart of this exploration is a recognition of the balance between affordability and functionality. [21, 22, 19] AI writer services typically adopt a tiered pricing model, designed to cater to a spectrum of users, from individuals and freelancers to large enterprises. This structure allows users to select a plan that best suits their volume of work, desired features, and access level. The entry-level plans often provide basic writing capabilities suitable for casual bloggers or those experimenting with AI writing assistance. [23, 24] These plans are usually priced at an attractive entry point or might even offer a free version with limited functionalities.
[25] Mid-range options tend to unlock more advanced features such as SEO optimization tools, broader language support, and higher quality outputs. This tier is tailored for professional writers and small businesses seeking enhanced productivity without breaking the bank. [26, 27] At the upper end of the spectrum, premium plans are designed for large teams and organizations requiring extensive usage limits, collaborative tools, API access for integration into existing workflows, and sometimes even dedicated support. While these come at a higher cost, they deliver value through efficiency gains and scalability.
[28, 29] Moreover, many AI writing platforms offer discounts for annual payments over monthly subscriptions, reducing long-term costs for committed users. Seasonal promotions or discounts for students and non-profits are also common strategies employed by these services to make their offerings more accessible. [30, 10] Navigating this diverse pricing landscape requires a clear understanding of one’s own requirements against what each plan offers. By meticulously assessing your needs against available options, you can identify a solution that not only fits your budget but also empowers you with the right set of tools to elevate your writing projects.
[31, 32] In the ever-expanding realm of AI writing tools, AI Writer carves its niche with a distinct blend of simplicity, efficiency, and innovation. Unlike its competitors, which often dazzle users with an array of complex features that can steepen the learning curve, AI Writer prioritizes a user-friendly interface that welcomes both seasoned writers and newcomers to the digital content creation scene. This approach does not mean it compromises on capability; rather, it ensures that every feature is optimized for ease of use without sacrificing depth or functionality.
[0, 33, 34] AI Writer stands out through its unique emphasis on research-backed content creation. Where many competitors focus primarily on rephrasing or embellishing existing texts, AI Writer goes a step further by integrating an automated research feature.
This allows users to generate not only original content but also gather data and citations from credible sources automatically. This is particularly invaluable for writers in academic, scientific, and technical fields where verifiability and accuracy are paramount. [35, 22, 36, 37] Another standout feature is AI Writer's adaptability to various writing styles and tones. While many tools offer similar functionality, AI Writer's algorithms have been fine-tuned to understand context more deeply, enabling it to adjust more precisely to the desired output — whether it be casual blog posts or formal reports.
This versatility makes it an indispensable tool for content creators who operate across different platforms and mediums. [38, 39, 40] Moreover, in terms of pricing transparency and flexibility, AI Writer offers clear advantages over its competitors. With straightforward plans that cater to different usage levels — from individuals just starting out to large enterprises — users can find a package that suits their needs without navigating through complicated tier systems or encountering unexpected costs. [41] In essence, what sets AI Writer apart is not just one singular feature but its holistic approach towards making content creation more accessible, accurate, and versatile for everyone involved in the process.
[42] In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-driven content creation, finding tools that not only streamline productivity but also offer financial accessibility is crucial for both individual creators and businesses. Amidst this backdrop, exclusive discounts and deals on AI writers have emerged as a significant boon, providing an entry point for those looking to leverage the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors without breaking the bank. [43, 44] The allure of these exclusive offers is not just in their ability to make technology more accessible; they also serve as a testament to the competitive nature of the AI writing tool market.
Developers are keen on attracting a diverse user base by providing pricing models that accommodate various budgets and needs. These discounts often come in various forms, such as reduced subscription fees, extended trial periods, or even bonus features at no additional cost—each designed to provide added value. [26, 22] What makes these deals particularly enticing is their timing. New users can typically find the most generous offers during product launches or major updates when developers are eager to showcase their latest advancements and attract early adopters. Seasonal promotions tied to holidays or significant shopping events like Black Friday also present opportunities for potential savings.
[45] Moreover, some AI writer platforms have introduced referral programs and loyalty rewards, further reducing costs for users who actively engage with and promote these tools within their networks. Such initiatives not only foster a sense of community among users but also underscore the developers' commitment to making AI writing tools more accessible.
[46, 30] For individuals and businesses contemplating incorporating AI writers into their content creation process, exploring these exclusive discounts can make the decision more financially viable. It's an opportunity to harness advanced technology at a fraction of the cost—empowering creativity while optimizing resources efficiently. [1, 47] Navigating the AI Writer platform presents an intuitive and user-friendly experience that is both engaging and efficient for users, regardless of their technical proficiency. At the heart of its design philosophy lies a clean, minimalistic interface that emphasizes clarity and ease of use, making it straightforward for individuals to dive into the world of automated content creation.
[41, 48] Upon logging in, users are greeted by a dashboard that consolidates all essential features in a coherent layout. The process to start generating content is conspicuously positioned, typically requiring no more than a few clicks to initiate. This streamlined approach reduces cognitive load and allows users to focus on creativity rather than grappling with complex navigation. [49, 50, 51] AI Writer has thoughtfully incorporated visual cues and tooltips throughout the platform, guiding users through various functionalities without overwhelming them with jargon or dense instructional text.
Whether it's exploring new updates, adjusting settings for content generation, or reviewing past projects, each action feels natural and logically placed within the user's journey through the site. [52, 53] The responsiveness of the interface is another highlight. It adapts seamlessly across devices, ensuring that users can transition from desktop to mobile without losing functionality or experiencing a dip in performance.
This level of adaptability underscores AI Writer’s commitment to providing a consistent experience that caters to the modern writer's dynamic lifestyle. [29, 54, 13] Moreover, feedback mechanisms are built directly into the user interface, encouraging users to report issues or suggest improvements. This loop not only helps in enhancing future versions but also instills a sense of community amongst its user base. [55, 56] In summary, navigating AI Writer is an effortlessly pleasant experience marked by logical design choices that cater to efficiency and accessibility.
For both seasoned content creators and those new to AI-driven writing tools, AI Writer stands out as an approachable platform designed with user satisfaction at its core. [5, 42] The advent of artificial intelligence in the realm of content creation has ushered in a paradigm shift, challenging traditional notions of creativity and authorship. At the heart of this transformation is AI Writer, a tool designed to generate written content with minimal human input. As we delve into the quality of content produced by AI Writer, several facets come to the fore, necessitating a nuanced examination.
[17, 57, 58] AI Writer is celebrated for its ability to churn out articles at an unprecedented pace, a feature that appeals to content managers and marketers alike. However, the allure of speed must be balanced against the metric of quality. The tool leverages advanced algorithms and vast data sets to mimic human writing styles, but does it achieve true authenticity? [2, 24, 3] One notable aspect is its proficiency in handling straightforward, information-driven content.
AI Writer excels when tasked with producing news summaries, product descriptions, and reports where clarity and conciseness are paramount. Here, its output can be indistinguishable from that of a human writer. [16, 59, 60] Yet when venturing into more complex or creative domains – think op-eds or literary analysis – AI Writer encounters limitations. The nuances of tone, voice, and argumentative depth prove challenging for even the most sophisticated algorithms. While it can generate grammatically correct sentences, crafting compelling narratives with emotional resonance often remains beyond its reach.
[61, 1, 62] Moreover, originality poses another hurdle. AI-generated content sometimes skirts close to replication rather than true innovation due to its reliance on existing online materials for learning and generation processes. This raises concerns about echoing prevalent ideas without introducing new insights. [63]
In conclusion, while AI Writer represents a significant leap forward in automating content production processes for efficiency-oriented tasks – particularly where speed and volume are critical – it struggles with projects demanding deep analytical skills or creative flair. As technology evolves, so too will these capabilities; yet for now, human oversight remains indispensable in ensuring quality where complexity and originality are required.
[64, 65] Customer support and community resources are crucial components for users of AI writing tools, ensuring they maximize the software's potential while navigating any challenges that may arise. For AI Writer users, the support infrastructure is designed to cater to both novice and experienced writers, helping them harness the power of artificial intelligence in their writing endeavors. [30, 21] The customer support for AI Writer typically encompasses a range of options designed to meet users at their point of need.
Direct support often includes email assistance where users can send in their queries and receive personalized help. This is particularly beneficial for addressing complex issues or getting detailed guidance on using specific features. Moreover, many AI writing platforms also offer live chat support, providing real-time assistance to users who need immediate help. [66, 67, 19, 68] This feature ensures that users can quickly resolve minor issues or get quick tips on how to use the tool more effectively. [30] Beyond direct support, community resources play a pivotal role in enhancing the user experience.
Forums and online communities are rich sources of peer-to-peer assistance where AI Writer users can share insights, tips, and best practices with each other. Such platforms encourage collaboration among users from diverse backgrounds and experience levels, fostering a sense of belonging and collective learning. [69, 33, 70] Additionally, many AI writing tools invest in creating comprehensive knowledge bases or help centers packed with articles, how-to guides, video tutorials, and FAQs. These resources are invaluable for self-service troubleshooting and learning at one’s own pace.
They allow users to explore the full range of features at their disposal and understand nuanced functionalities that could elevate their writing projects. [71, 72, 55] In essence, robust customer support combined with vibrant community resources enriches the user experience for AI Writer enthusiasts. It not only aids in resolving technical difficulties but also enhances skill development among its user base by facilitating knowledge sharing and continuous learning within an engaged community.
[33, 73] In the rapidly evolving landscape of content creation, AI Writer has positioned itself as a formidable tool, promising efficiency and innovation. The question of whether it justifies its investment requires a nuanced examination, considering its pricing structure, features, and the available discounts. [5, 1] AI Writer's appeal lies in its ability to generate content quickly, potentially saving hours of human labor. For businesses consistently producing large volumes of content, this efficiency can translate into significant cost savings over time.
Additionally, for individuals or small teams striving to maintain a robust online presence without the budget for a full editorial team, AI Writer offers an attractive solution. [42, 74, 32]
submitted by Affectionate-Box-592 to AIdrivencontent [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:59 callumw2_0_0_1 I've avoided PEM for 4 months straight. So what are the results?

Slow onset, which started hardly noticable when i was 20 years old. Came on over the span of 6 + months. At the time, I was exercising 15 hrs / week, working 40 hrs / week and doing a degree at the same time. It's possible my body accumulated so much stress that it just shut down, and that onset my CFS. I believe I had a preventable case if it was caught early, something 1 - 3 months of rest could've corrected, but I was experiencing some form of symptoms for almost a year before I recieved a diagnosis and by then it was far too late.
I read this subreddit a lot, mainly looking for recovery information more than anything. Sometimes I comment, but I never post, so I may aswell join in.
I've heard many things out there, that if I prevent crashing, I actually have a good shot at recovery or improvement. One thing for sure, is that the PEM keeps you in it, or can even make you worse. So what if I just stay perfectly within my energy envelope?
Of course, that's easier said than done, it's not an easy task to perfectly avoid PEM, it requires a strict adherence to many things, and not much room for error.
Back in the middle of February 2024, I set out on a mission to do exactly this. My goal is to go 1 year straight without PEM, and to see if I can regain my life back.
I believe I'm milder than many people here, but hopefully my personal experience can induce some thoughts in people here. Any hope is good, after all.
A full history of my symptoms, from my worse days probably last summer, to now are as follows. (some not present anymore, some only in PEM.)
Fatigue Insomnia (I went up to 3 days at a time unable to sleep) Brain Fog Muscle Weakness Breathlessness Headaches Sore Throat POTS Tarchadyia after eating Carbohydrates Dizzyness Light-headedness Tightness of the chest / unable to take a full deep breath Night sweats / constantly hot Wired feeling / inability to relax Sexual Dysfunction (If someone else suffers from ED please tell me because nobody talks about it, it can't just be me)
My starting baseline at the start of the year, in which I had to do to avoid PEM was as follows: 16 hours laying down / in bed to some degree, ~ 3000 steps per day. Unable to work, university from home. Although if I ate particularly garbage food it could be even less than that.
4 months later, avoiding PEM completely:
Today, 11,500 steps, 8 - 9 hours a day in bed. Regular sleeping pattern. Still doing university from home, no work. At baseline, I feel 80% - 90% normal. I tire out quite easily still, and if I do activity too close to bedtime, eat too close to bed time or break from my strict schedule, I can tell. I'm still far from being able to do what I want. I can't be careless at all.
My number one pacing tool without a doubt is my Garmin watch. It's scary how accurate it has been for me at avoiding PEM, and without this, I don't think I could have done it so perfectly.
The changes I made in my life, which has reduced the stress on my body, and improved my HRV according to my Garmin was:
Building my life around sleep. Sleep is the priority. I sleep at the same time every night, no exceptions. Blue-light glasses No technology within 1 hour before bed time Vagus nerve stimulation before bed with TENS device, basically some cheap bootleg neurosym because I can't afford neurosym. 1 hour of stretching each night Not eating at least 3 hours before bed, but generally the further i eat from bedtime, the deeper the rest I get. Keto diet, my body handles carbohydrates so terribly that this was a gamechanger. Acupressure mat Keeping my room as cold as possible I tried ice baths, which at first made me crash. Now I can use them without a crash, but they suck to get in and im not sure how big the benefit is. I think there is some, but perhaps I'll use it again in the future.
All of these things have one common goal, which is to maximise my parasympathetic nervous system, and give me as deep of a rest as possible. It's been very successful so far.
Medications & Supplements I use:
Diphenhydramine 50mg, which I use sparingly for sleep. If I'm concerned a crash is coming or some insomnia develops, I use this. It's addictive and not meant for long-term use so I can't use it all the time. I've dodged some PEM episodes with this though i'm 100% sure of that. It definitely works.
The most impactful:
Magensium Fish Oil for Omega 3s Ashwagandha Vitamin D
Secondary (Not sure how well these work, but I'm using it anyways): Vitamin B12 Vitamin C High Dose Vitamin B1
I was going to wait either 6 months or one year to make a post like this, but I may aswell make it now.
I know this improvement isn't just some luck, because before I stopped getting PEM, and made these changes, I was actually getting progressively worse over time. So this last 4 months is the first time I've actually changed my trajectory.
Any questions below are welcome.
submitted by callumw2_0_0_1 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:49 garrulouslump Reaching kick count but movement much weaker

Sorry for the essay and TIA to anyone who reads and comments!
I'm currently 38+5 (and high-risk due to my weight but have been going to NSTs weekly where they've all been perfect) and sending myself into an anxiety spiral. Gonna preface this by saying I have already called and spoke with an L&D nurse as well as my sister who is an ED doctor, but I'd like to speak to other moms/moms to be who may have experienced this.
2 days ago, baby girl was just chugging along (got perfect clearance from my OB saying baby was head down and heartbeat was perfect). Her movements were throughout the day and very strong, it felt like she was literally doing yoga and hardcore Pilates in there.
Yesterday morning I woke up and I felt an EXTREMELY strong pressure in my pelvis and stomach (I think she may have finally dropped), and I didn't feel any really strong movements nor did I feel very much throughout the day as I was on my feet doing home DIY projects. I started count kicks later at night as that's when she is most active, and she was hitting them but the movements were EXTREMELY diminished. No more rolling waves and feeling like my guts were being pushed aside every time, rather, they were tiny little taps here and there that I couldve missed had I not been fixated on counting them.
I called the OB triage line and explained to them the situation and the nurse said that as long as she was hitting the count markers, she likely was just fine. And that movements may be smaller simply because there's less room to move all-round in there. I felt better after hearing that but when I told this to my doctor sister, she said that wasn't true and then linked me to these peer reviewed studies that showed that women reported that movements stayed just as forceful all the way up until they have birth, which then sent me in a panicked spiral again.
I'm a very anxious and doomsday-like person, so I'm trying to keep reminding myself of that, but I'd be curious to know how you ladies are faring regarding baby movement much later in the pregnancy and whether or not this is something that you would rush to the hospital for
submitted by garrulouslump to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:40 BoilingJD AWS FSx ONTAP tiering efficiency

Got a question about AWS FSx NETAPP ONTAP tiering performance. We got a workload based around media files where each files is 4-100GB in size. The access pattern is unpredictable, and the application that is reading those files may not be actively reading them, but still holds them in a file lock, because it needs to scan and index file metadata and ensure the file is still available to the application. What we're trying to understand is:
  1. Does FSx ONTAP tier large files on block or file level - ie let's say there is a 18GB media file and a user tries to play it back, does the entire file need to be hydrated before it can be player or not ?
  2. How fast are files hydrated from the storage tier ? How long it takes to hydrate a 100GB media file to make it available for playback to a user ?
  3. is there a read-ahead mechanism for pulling data from object storage ?
  4. will the application file lock prevent data from being tiered down ?
  5. what happens if there is more hot data than provisioned SSD capacity ?
submitted by BoilingJD to netapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:18 Historical-Stand-826 Medical Indemnity - MPS not helping :(

First time poster here.... I have worked as a Locum ED SHO (F3) for the last year.
A complaint was raised against me concerning a patient who was discharged from the ED (discharged by me as the only doctor to see the patient without senior input, this is inline with department protocol) with normal observations and was safety netted accordingly (this is documented with pertinent negative findings), the patient re-presented a few days later and died; my consultants have said to me in verbally and in writing that it is not my fault and they would have discharged the patient too and the outcome would be no different.
The family have put in a complaint and the trust has asked for a statement. The MPS are refusing to support me with the statement as I was in the wrong membership category at the time the complaint was raised (my MPS indemnity had rolled over as ST1 trainee from my foundation years (yes - it was naivety on my side for not checking the membership category and complacency having never actively used their services before; this membership category does not cover Locum work)).
What is the best way to proceed in this situation? Would I need to pay privately for a medical negligence solicitor to read my statement and suggest edits? Any recommendations on sourcing reliable legal representation (I know this is not required at this stage but for the purposes of the statement and if it leads to anything else... this is the first time I have had to deal with a complaint and I'm devastated, I'm mentally struggling to cope and have cancelled all further shifts since the event (there are no restrictions on my scope of practice) :(
submitted by Historical-Stand-826 to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:53 robottbabyy am i being too drama ??

So back in november my (21f) hair started falling out rapidly, being a human being i was very concerned. I began running all over the place to different doctors doing different tests to get to the bottom of it. I get my hormones checked after one of my friends had suggested it. My OB calls me saying “yeah everything looks pretty much normal your testosterone looks fine, progesterone looks fine, your DHEA levels are pretty high. They are at 570 when the average DHEA levels for young women are 89-399.
So they bring me in for an ultrasound, here’s where shit might’ve gone wrong. The ultrasound tech was incredibly sweet and very caring, she asked if i was sexually active to which i said no. I kind of forgot about vaginal ultrasounds so internally i got kind of nervous as i’ve never had sex before (don’t judge me i’m troubled). She had said since i was not sexually active she is not gonna force me to get the vaginal ultrasound, she’ll do the stomach one instead. In the moment i was very glad she cared enough about me to do that, however unbeknownst to me that would make it a lot more difficult to see my ovaries.
After the ultrasound my doctor (who i do like a lot) told me that while the ultrasounds were not very clear, she does believe it is PCOS. i was just relieved to have an answer. However now i’m not so sure about the diagnosis. this was the note left on my lab result of the ultrasound “poor views, possible PCOS, I reviewed the US report and images and agree with the interpretation”. I’m not sure about you guys but that doesn’t sound super sure.
I don’t have many of the PCOS symptoms, sure i break out a couple of days before my period but i don’t have hormonal acne, i don’t have excessive facial hair, and i am underweight. the only symptoms i have are hair loss, extreme fatigue, and extremely painful and debilitating periods. The periods are getting to the point where they’re unbearable. I have extremely painful cramps, i feel sick like i have the flu or something (ie shaking, weakness, extreme fatigue) persistent nausea, and ovulation cramps in the same degree of pain as my period cramps when i’m ovulating. This is all making it increasingly difficult to go to work and be a normal person.
I guess my question is should i go back just to suck it up and do the ultrasound to get a clear answer? What else could this be if not PCOS? Or should i just forget about it and unfortunately trudge on. thank you guys !
submitted by robottbabyy to PCOS [link] [comments]