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2008.01.25 05:02 Productivity

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2010.02.28 08:02 AgentConundrum I Want To Learn: Connecting people who want to learn with people that can teach

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2024.06.09 19:26 Different-Log-2308 I am confused (rant on the apparent holy status of material count in this sub)

Decided to summarize all my thoughts in a post because I'm getting tired of arguing about this in another thread. Feel free to disagree with my logic in favor of yours.
It seems like the overwhelming majority on this sub is firmly against encouraging newer players to attempt to play piece sacrifices.
Some of you might say that this is bad because... are willfully going down on the material count. When 95% of beginner games are decided by blunders, so if anything material count should be less decisive in the lower rating ranges. This seems like a very one-POV type of argument. (can't you just be happy that they are not UNintentionally giving up material /s) are likely just making it harder for yourself, and are more likely to misplay the position. Which I again see as a one-POV type of argument. There's also an opponent you're playing, right? If you can make it more likely that THEY mess up, why not just go for it? can simplify the game by exchanging pieces and go into an endgame where you're winning. This is definitely not as simple for beginners as it's made out to be, let alone the fact that the majority of lower rated players don't know how to convert endgames where they're only winning by a small margin. are not getting something back immediately, like a checkmate or winning back material. Then it's not a sacrifice, it's just a tactic. (by the way, do your puzzles lads)
...the engine doesn't approve. I can't tell you how many games I've played where the engine would've thought both me and my opponent were drunk. The right kind of sacrifices complicate the game for both players, but because you are the one who plays it you've already put more thought into it than your opponent. Again, beginners are not likely to stay ahead if your sacrifice has a clear motif.
...the engine does approve and says it's equal or better, but I'd still like to refer to any of the above points. Just no.
I don't understand why it's apparently such a no go to encourage the players on the aggressive half of the playing style spectrum to try and develop an eye and intuition for when a sacrifice does look threatening and when it doesn't. Not even discussing the perception that playing a move where you tempt your opponent to go ahead in material is perhaps one of the most smug things you can do on a chess board and for many players it can make the game a lot more enjoyable.
submitted by Different-Log-2308 to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 abdehakim2222 Medicinal Garden KitPlant

Imagine stepping into your backyard and looking at your new colourful medicinal garden. Your backyard will smell of fresh lavender and chamomile.
You can pick any of these medicinal plants and turn it into the remedy you need.
I’ve gathered all the seeds for 10 herbs, inside the Medicinal Garden Kit. All these seeds have been handpicked from the very best plants, as I wanted nothing less than premium quality seeds
Chicory – The Painkilling Plant You Should Grow in Your Backyard
Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer
California Poppy – Better Than Sleeping Pills
Marshmallow – The Most Powerful Plant for a Healthy Digestive System
Chamomile – The Natural Antibiotic
Evening Primrose – A Natural Remedy for Skin and Nerves
Lavender – The Perennial Anti-Inflammatory Herb
Echinacea – The Most Powerful Immunity Plant You Should Grow
Calendula – The Herb You Need to Keep Close During Dark Times
Feverfew – Nature’s Aspirin for Fevers and Migraines
Inside your Medicinal Garden Kit, you’ll find 10 smaller packages with each type of seed. In total you’ll get 2,409 high-quality, NON-GMO seeds packaged right here in the US.
Even if you’ve never planted anything before, you’ll have no trouble growing these 10 plants. You will find details on how to plant, grow, and harvest each one in the free Herbal Medicinal Guide: From Seeds to Remedies that you'll receive with your Medicinal Garden Kit.
365 Days Money-Back Guarantee click here
submitted by abdehakim2222 to Minnesota_Gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 jaykayel Audio recording and description of my encounter from 2018

Listen to Unknown Animal Sound Recording by hopshead on #SoundCloud
You can also hear the full story on Sasquatch Chronicles it's episode 940 "Unknown Animal on the Pipeline Site"
Hey all, just wanted to share this with the community to get some feedback. I'm curious to see what people think of this audio. I'll share the story here:
In 2018 I got a super easy job as a security guard for a natural gas pipeline construction project in rural Ohio. This was a ways outside of Minerva, home of the locally famous "Minerva monster" story from the 70s or 80s. My job was to just sit at the entrance to this construction site to make sure no one sabotaged or stole construction equipment, which never happened so I mostly did literally nothing from 7pm to 7am. There were 2 houses within a mile of where I was and most nights their dogs would bark all night in some kind of yelling match with the coyotes. It was just a constant that you could rely on. Dogs barking, coyotes yipping, and occasionally a cow or two mooing in between with a Neverending chorus of crickets and Frogs in the background. One night in August around 2am, EVERYTHING went quiet. It was the weirdest most eerie abrupt silence it gave me goosebumps. I genuinely thought there might be an earthquake or something about to happen. And it stayed silent for about an hour and I was anxious the entire time. Then, the roaring started. It started far off to my right side. So far, I could barely hear it. I thought it was a person messing with me from like a mile or two away. But it got closer SO QUICKLY. You'll hear in the recording, this thing was vocalizing every couple seconds and at some points it sounds pretty pissed at something. The sound quickly crossed my field of hearing in about 5.5 minutes it went from out of earshot on my right, crossed in front of me, and then was out of earshot on my left. I cannot describe how FAST this thing had to be moving to cover that kind of distance in that short of a time. At its closest, the sound reverberated in my chest and literally rattled the windows of my car. I've spent much of my life fishing, hunting, camping and hiking in Ohio. I know every kind of sound of every kind of animal Ohio has to offer. The ONLY animal explanation I will accept of this recording is MAYBE a beagle or some kind of hound Baying but even then I don't believe it I could just kind of see it could be that possibly. People have tried to tell me this is a deer and I laugh at them. Some people think it sounds like a rusty gate or machinery but I don't really hear that and the way it reverberated is not how squeaky rusty sounds carry through the woods.
If you find the episode on Sasquatch Chronicles you can hear some of the weird things that happened the nights before the recording was taken which I don't feel like typing up in detail but in short we found a muddy handprint on top of a shipping container, and then a whole ass rock was thrown THROUGH the side of a shipping container. I do not have pictures of those however :-(
Please feel free to ask questions and tell me what you think of the recording!
submitted by jaykayel to bigfoot [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:25 databro92 Do you find casters boring?

Back in legion I decided to switch from mage to Hunter, and I was amazed by how fun it was. Even Marksman was awesome, because there was only one ability that was casted and that was aimed shot, there was a channel ability that could be used while moving, everything else was instant cast or cool down. Right now as I'm playing remix I'm also playing a demon hunter, which is my first melee class in a really, really long time. Probably the first time in like 12 years. But I tried doing a warlock and I just couldn't do it. It's so boring, and in remix it's even worse because everything dies instantly so you can't get a cast off of anything. For example trying to get casts of chaos bolt and the boss that you're targeting is already dead. Because a hunter or someone else had used a bunch of really quick instant cast abilities.
The only caster I really, truly enjoyed was shaman, but they still have AoE cap which doesn't really make sense. Compared to Hunter that has barrage and a number of other AOE abilities that activate almost without even needing to think about it, shaman actually has to put real effort into doing AOE
submitted by databro92 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:24 Dangerous-Draft-3552 I just don’t know what to do about our break up.

My bf cheated on me and I made it worse. Idk what to do
I (16f) found my boyfriend (17m) looking at girls tiktoks who he used to like and has tried to get with before. Ik we are young and I feel immature to even being upset about it but there is a lot more to it. Around a year ago when we first started dating I had a groups of friends I hung out with, I became friends with them after I had broken up with my ex of 2 years who had cheated on me to many times to count, I was alone with no friends during this time because I wasn’t allowed to have any my ex didn’t like any of my friends who I had and I wasn’t very good at making new friends as I liked to stick to my circle. With this group of friends I had I didn’t want to lose they were all I had and we were all so close and got along. While I had a situationship with one of the boys in the group and another had liked me I still wanted be friends with this group while getting with my now bf (17m). I wasn’t allowed friends in my last relationship and I told myself I couldn’t go into that place I was again were I was alone with a guy I didn’t know if I could trust yet, so I continued hanging out with them for about 2-3 months before I eventually cut ties with no drama for my now bf. Fast forward everything goes perfect for months until about a month ago I had a gut feeling and decided to look on his phone, I ended up finding videos of women on TikTok wearing very little clothing ( I wasn’t really mad about that because I didn’t know them there could be no way he would know them in real life or cheat on me with them) AND one of my friends tiktoks and another girls that goes to our schools account, he had looked threw everyone one of their videos at around 12 at night after I had to go home at 11. He had also screenshots my friends account name so he could look it up on his other account. I felt sick so I played it off as I just didn’t feel good and asked for him to take me home and once I walked through the door I sent all the screenshots and proof of the videos the account name being copied all the other girls and said I didn’t want to hear from him. He then at first lied and said it came up on the people you may know slide on TikTok how it comes up and just showed people who you might know, then after arguing a bit more and me saying how he looked her up and screenshotted her account name doesn’t line up with he just stumbled along her account and the other girls account. a few days go by we’re not on the best of terms but we end up going on a trip with a few of his buddies to see another of his friends graduation, a few days after that I ask him to come up to my job on my break to talk and for me to tell him I’m moving (he is also moving to a different town 11 hours away for college in July and I’m moving to a town around a hour away from our home town) and talk about everything that has happened. During our talk he brings up me hanging out with my friends and the guys who liked me in the beginning of our relationship. I explain to him why I still did that and why I needed my friends (he knew about my past with my exs, and how I was kinda sa’d by one of them) he knew I wanted my friends there for me so I knew I wasn’t going to be trapped and felt alone again. At first he let me see them at our town hang out spot while he was there and I was perfectly fine with that then eventually it grew to I couldn’t see them at all. Im upset but I understand. Back to when we were talking , I end up storming out of the break room where we were talking to grab my friend who works with me to talk to her, I explained everything that happens, and I decided to break up with him. A few more days go on and we argue some more and I end up going with my friend who I had the situationship with before my bf to lunch that next school day, and start seeing my old friends again. We end up going to the lake one day and my friend (16f) tells me to f her brother (19m) we end up just lying and saying we did when we did not to get back at my bf for hurting me and doing what he did (I KNOW THAT WAS MESSED UP, that should have never happened for a number of reasons) Everyone hears about it and eventually my bf does too and he says it’s a case and eventually tells my mom about us drinking and about me and my friends brother and I get told to come home to exchange clothing and stuff. I end up getting grounded for the whole summer and I tell them both that we lied about it all and it was just to get back at my bf for hurting me , this almost gets my friends brother in trouble with the cops but my mom believed me when I said we didn’t so she didn’t press charges. Then my bf (now ex) and my friends brother get into a fist fight over something not involving me. And friends brother gets arrested and released.
I apologize this is not well formatted, and apologize for it being a little confusing as it is for me too. I do not know how to handle the situation further, I’m hurt, he knew about what I’ve delt with with guys and he told me I could trust him then he turns around and stalks my friends who are exactly his time, we are all blonds with blue eyes, but they are so much prettier then me and have better bodies, he says I’m the pretties girl in the world but how do I believe that when hes been looking at other girls who are obviously his type, it just makes me feel I’m not good enough for him and he just settled for me.
I just want opinions on what I should do, he treated me perfectly those months in between and we were happy I don’t want to lose that but I know I’ll never be able to trust him again, he probably won’t either. Im aware I messed up and made the whole situation worse and brought more drama into it but it helped me feel better at the time.
submitted by Dangerous-Draft-3552 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 chicken_mini93 ULPT - Bought a car with no title

So, I found a pretty great deal on FB marketplace for a car that came with no title nor bill of sale (latter was my fault for forgetting, it's my first time buying one like this). It was 90 out and I wanted to get home after also having to buy it a new battery, so I didn't think to ask if she would work with me on a bonded title. I want to get one though so I can insure it. I also didn't realize I had options for this, I was thinking I'd do some fixing and flip it and still sell with no title to someone else who didn't care.
The process for getting a bonded title in Colorado is relatively straightforward: VIN inspection, title search to locate previous owner, sending a letter to them via certified mail requesting title transfer, getting a dealership appraisal, then purchasing the bond and getting the title. The owner has 3 years to claim the vehicle before the bonded branding falls off the title and it becomes clean and in your own name permanently. If I understand everything correctly.
The part I'm curious about is the letter, I cannot find any specific verbiage about what must be said, other than "requesting title transfer". It seems like all the DMV cares about is getting the green stub as proof of contact. Wondering if I could literally just send a blank letter so that person has no idea this is being done. I really don't want to put some cash into it to get it in better shape only for them to randomly claim it within the 3-year period because of course, they wouldn't have to pay a dime to get it back except maybe to have it towed home. I don't know how they'd locate me though especially if I put an old address on the envelope. I guess even if I had to provide a copy of the letter, I could just print one that looks like a legitimate request, but send the blank one out?
It's likely the lady I bought it from is the legitimate last owner. She clarified no title in the description and said she hasn't touched the car in 6 months and wanted it gone fast and did not want to go through the replacement process and the waiting period. But I can't trust she wouldn't try and claim it back if so.
Or should I do some minimal cost repairs and sell it with no title still? Just curious if anyone has been in a similar situation. If I can guarantee myself the bonded title, my plan may change to sell my current car to get rid of a car payment and drive this one until it becomes clear title.
submitted by chicken_mini93 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 maelovepickle AITA for getting together with my best fiends boyfriend?

i (19f) and my best friend emily (20f) have an extremely complicated past; we first met in my junior year of high school when we were both 17, we instantly clicked and had a lot in common. she had a boyfriend mike who was also in our highschool. emily and i had a mostly good friendship but she was only interested in what i had to say when it was something she was interested in, this created some issues in our relationship because i often felt ignored. 6 months into our friendship emily confessed she had feelings for me, i did not reciprocate those feelings and i rejected her. 2 months or so later emily, mike, and i got very drunk on mikes birthday. emily and i started dancing and we kissed, mike then asked if he could join and she said yes. i was 17 at the time and a virgin, we all had sex and i remember absolutely 0 about that night. i honestly don’t even remember kissing her, nor did i want to have sex with mike. i felt very uncomfortable and just wanted to ignore that it ever happened, mike agreed. emily however thought i used her and threatened suicide if i didn’t start dating her, so i started dating her. mike didn’t care if we dated and he continued to date emily separately. i was very weirded out by this situation but i felt like i couldn’t get out of it. i ended up breaking up with her after about 3 months, she did not take it well to say the least. my heart was was never in the relationship, but i was so scared that emily would react poorly or even harm herself physically that i felt obligated to stay till i couldn’t take it any longer. she basically said that she thought i was leading her on and i made her think i liked her. which i did, platonically. also i would like to clarify that we didn’t have sex at all during our 3 month relationship, i did not want her to get more attached, and i just wasn’t sexually attracted to her. this is a very long story and emily and i took a lot of long breaks in our friendship along with her frequent mental hospital stays so pardon me if i forget some details, but i think we took a 4-6 month break of talking after i broke up with her. in that time her and mike broke up. after we took our break i initiated that i wanted us to hang out again, i missed her a lot and i always felt connected to her as a friend. we ended up hanging out and i met fred, her then boyfriend, he and i hated each other at first and we didn’t click, she kept bringing him everywhere and just ignoring him while we hung out. emily started flirting with me a lot, even going as far to try and kiss me in front of fred. it made me super uncomfortable and i felt very violated honestly. i also started feeling bad for fred because he always seemed sad and left out, i began trying to talk to him more and include him in our conversations. we ended up connecting and eventually, became great friends. emily and fred had a very toxic relationship. emily would hold suicide over his head and make him bend over backwards for her. she also decided she wanted to be in an open relationship that was only open to her, so she could date women while keeping him around. her bipolar kept getting worse and she went to over 4 mental hospitals in the span of a year, when she wasn’t in the hospital she would have mental breakdowns and manic episodes daily. she would hit him, scream at him, have him chase her down the street, etc. we both felt horrible for her but i also felt horrible for fred being the one who has to handle it. emily also admitted to me that she is a lesbian, she said she didn’t find fred attractive and was only with him because it makes her life easier and he took care of her. fred would get constantly ignored, she would never help with he had depressive episodes, she relied on him financially, and she never touched him. it got to the point where i started thinking less and less of emily for treating a human like that, i knew what it was like to feel ignored by someone and i started making even more of an effort to hang out with him. about a year 1/2 into fred and emily’s relationship i told fred he should work with me at the restaurant job i had at the time because he was looking for work, he ended up getting hired. emily went on a 3 month long trip and it was just me and fred hanging out and working without her. we had a great time, we realized how toxic emily was in our lives and how freeing it was to be able to have conversations not revolving around her. 2 months into emily’s trip her and fred broke up mutually, they were both emotionally separated from the relationship for over a year by then. about a month later emily was still out of town and fred and i began developing feelings for each other, we did not flirt or anything while emily and him were together but i think deep down we always kinda liked each other. i did not want to tell emily because i didn’t want to ruin her trip or trigger a manic episode which usually resulted in self harm. when emily got back from her trip fred and i were full on dating, i still was way too scared to tell her. a couple months in to fred and my relationship i still didn’t openly tell emily, but i would drop hints and talk about our dates, expensive gifts, ask for advice, etc. and i just kinda assumed she knew we were together. ignorantly i thought she wouldn’t mind because she said she was a lesbian and wasn’t even romantically interested in fred, but oh was i wrong. i ended up saying something about fred’s beard being annoying when we kissed and she flipped tf out, it was incredibly awkward and i was literally shaking. i said “i just assumed that you knew sense i talked about him so much” and she said “i just thought you were close friends”. she was extra offended because i wasn’t hanging out with her nearly as much because i opted to hang with fred instead. she was never that good of a friend to me and fred made me feel way more heard and supported. fred and i have been together 8 months now, we’re in love and happy. fred has a lot of past trauma from the relationship but he has improved so much, i always make him feel appreciated and attractive. emily and i have only talked a little sense the debacle but i think our friendship is basically done. i still miss her sometimes but i know what i did is irreversible and our relationship will never be the same. so am i the asshole for getting with my best friends boyfriend?
submitted by maelovepickle to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 LovelyHime1 Together forever

A young couple stares at the stars, sighing contently, and wondering how life could ever get better than this. Thinking about the day they will get married, the day that they will move in together; the young couple grin, leaning into one another, speaking in hushed tones.
They squeeze conjoined hands tighter, as another happy possibility washes across one, and they get to share it with the other.
“Perhaps we’ll get a cat!”
“Or three!... we could live in a boat”
“and travel across the sea!”
“Would we live there for a year?”
“As long as we’re in our prime!”
“In that case, I think we’d manage until the end of time!”
They burst into laughter, rocking gently back and forth, and when the noise subsides, they are left in sweet harmony, knowing they’ll be together forever.
Little did they know that this poem was written from the perspective of their daughter.
They never got married or went on holiday.
Only stuck together, by their children, whom they remind of the matter by the day.
Once holding hands, now only holding resentment, of everything that built up;
Never enough money, or time, of friends, or something as simple as talking.
But still, they were right, they will be together forever. Not because of any love left between them. In fact, it's the sheer opposite. The absence of it keeps them imprisoned, in the sad shell of a house they were once so happy to buy. It suffocates them, draining them of the people they once were, and who they could have been if only they’d left. But they’ll be together forever. What once was their dying dream, turned into a living nightmare and will keep them chugging along, until the end of time.
submitted by LovelyHime1 to Poem [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 Fraud_D_Hawk Update - Got my first proposal, thinking about rejecting her

So firstly, I don't know if posting an update is allowed, but I really want to thank you all.
I made a post the day before yesterday about how one of my friends asked me out. I was thinking about rejecting her because of my overthinking and stuff, but you guys really helped me to think straight.
So, I asked her out yesterday. It was the cringiest thing I have ever done, but damn, it was worth it. She started crying, literally, saying how she thought I would reject her. I cried as well. It was really bittersweet.
I don't feel like this is actually happening; it feels like a prank or something. I'm literally on cloud nine, my stomach is full of butterflies, and everything seems so colorful. And it's all thanks to her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me, it's not even close.
I still can't believe this is happening to me, and here I was thinking about rejecting her. How could I be so stupid? I want to punch past me super hard.
Really, thanks to u/desigirlsummer for giving me the advice. You really changed my life for good. I wish you all the happiness in life. You are a godsend.
I might not be from a top engineering college like her, nor am I a doctor, but I promise I will do my best to make her happy. I will give my 1000%. This is the least I can do for her.
We went on our first date today. We went to an orphanage. I was expecting something like a mall or something, but she told me that she and her friends volunteer at the orphanage every second Sunday. And not gonna lie, it was really fun. The kids there were super friendly, and I really enjoyed my time. I'll bring my PlayStation next time I go there.
So once again, really, really thanks from the bottom of my heart. I wish you guys the best of luck in finding love yourselves. It truly feels good, man.
Really, thanks Reddit
submitted by Fraud_D_Hawk to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 abdehakim2222 Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer

Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer
You lways want to have a quick and reliable way to stop a wound from bleeding and help prevent infection. Yarrow does both, and it really saved my knuckle. On day 42 of Alone, I accidentally cut my hand while gutting a fish. The wound was very deep and most likely would have gotten infected since I had no antibiotics with me.
Luckily, I found some yarrow and wrapped it around the wound. The bleeding stopped in minutes, and my wound healed so well that now there’s barely a scar left. Since then, I always carry a pouch of dried yarrow with me, just in case. A yarrow tincture, when applied to your skin, acts as a natural and effective way to repel mosquitos and other insects.
Quick Backyard Remedy
If you ever get a toothache, try chewing on a fresh yarrow leaf as it will numb the area and provide needed relief.
Garden Uses
The beautiful yarrow flowers attract beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs, which eat aphids and other pests and also help pollinate your plants.
Recipes in the Brochure
Infused Yarrow Oil for Swelling and Varicose Veins; Stop Bleeding Poultice; Yarrow Tincture for Burns, Cuts, Bruises, and Insect Bites; Yarrow Salve for Old Scars; Yarrow Elixir for Menstrual Cramps and Heartburn; Yarrow Tea for Digestive Upsets
think everyone should have a medicinal garden in their backyard. I see no reason to take something made in lab, when you can first try a natural remedy you grow at home. You can easily go and pick the remedy you need at any time. Your backyard pharmacy will be there for you even in times of crisis when regular pharmacies might be closed or looted.
Imagine stepping into your backyard and looking at your new colourful medicinal garden. Your backyard will smell of fresh lavender and chamomile.
You can pick any of these medicinal plants and turn it into the remedy you need.
I’ve gathered all the seeds for 10 herbs, inside the Medicinal Garden Kit. All these seeds have been handpicked from the very best plants, as I wanted nothing less than premium quality seeds.
With your seeds kit, you’ll also receive a FREE copy of Herbal Medicinal Guide: From Seeds to Remedies. This guide will show you how to turn these 10 plants into tinctures, ointments, salves, poultices, decoctions, infusions, essential oils —all in minute detail so you can follow our guide even if you’ve never made an herbal medicine in your life.
Get your medical garden kit today
submitted by abdehakim2222 to herbs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:22 dazzyjazzy123 I’ll never be enough

I’m literally always going to be stupid. I just found out that all of my old friends from elementary school and other extracurriculars I used to have (before my mom ‘banned’ me from socializing) are going to very prestigious colleges/universities. Every. Single. One. It’s colleges that rarely accept anyone. Not only that, they’re all extremely smart. Most of them got scholarships, and all of them participate in SO MANY extracurriculars. Some participated in parades thanks to their highschool, and two of them were on broadway.
Because a lot of them are older than me, they graduated this year. I found out what graduation cords are today because of it, and I wish I didn’t. I’m never going to have those. I’m not even going to get anything except a fake homeschool graduation paper that my mom will get off google images. Even if I try, everything I’ll forget everything I learn right after. My brain can’t handle learning for whatever reason. I did Khan Academy for two months straight and remember none of it now.
I’m so tired of being dumb. My online friends always talk about SAT/ACT’s and it hurts. I’m proud of my former and online friends for their accomplishments, but it constantly reminds me of how much of a failure I am.
submitted by dazzyjazzy123 to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Sorry_Geologist8037 ### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!

### Discover the Thrills of Teen Patti Munda: Your Ultimate Gaming Companion!
If you are an ardent fan of card games and are looking for an exciting new way to experience the classic Indian card game Teen Patti, then the Teen Patti Munda APK is your perfect match! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, this app brings the exhilarating world of Teen Patti right to your fingertips.

#### What is Teen Patti Munda?

Teen Patti, often referred to as Indian Poker, is a popular card game that originated in India. It is traditionally played in a group of 3 to 6 players and uses a 52-card deck without jokers. The goal is to have the best three-card hand and to maximize the pot before the showdown.
Teen Patti Munda is a mobile application that offers a digital version of this beloved game, providing a user-friendly interface, engaging gameplay, and various features to enhance your gaming experience. Available for Android devices, Teen Patti Munda brings the thrill and excitement of the game to your smartphone, allowing you to play anytime, anywhere.

#### Key Features of Teen Patti Munda APK

  1. **User-Friendly Interface**: The app is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you'll find the interface intuitive and straightforward.
  2. **Multiple Game Modes**: Teen Patti Munda offers a variety of game modes to keep things fresh and exciting. From Classic Mode to Variations like Joker, Muflis, AK47, and more, there's something for every Teen Patti enthusiast.
  3. **Real-Time Multiplayer**: Play with your friends or compete against players from around the world in real-time. The multiplayer functionality ensures that you always have an opponent ready to challenge your skills.
  4. **Daily Bonuses and Rewards**: Enjoy daily bonuses, rewards, and free chips to keep the game exciting and give you more chances to play and win.
  5. **Secure and Fair Gameplay**: The app uses advanced algorithms and security measures to ensure that the game is fair and secure. You can play with confidence, knowing that your information and chips are safe.
  6. **In-App Chat and Emojis**: Enhance your gaming experience with in-app chat and a wide range of emojis to communicate and interact with your fellow players.

#### How to Download and Install Teen Patti Munda APK

Downloading and installing the Teen Patti Munda APK is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started:
  1. **Download the APK**: Visit the official website or a trusted APK download site to download the Teen Patti Munda APK file.
  2. **Enable Unknown Sources**: Before installing the APK, ensure that your device allows installations from unknown sources. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. **Install the APK**: Locate the downloaded APK file in your device’s file manager and tap on it to start the installation process.
  4. **Launch the App**: Once installed, open the app, sign up or log in, and start enjoying the thrilling world of Teen Patti Munda!

#### Tips for Winning at Teen Patti Munda

  1. **Understand the Rules**: Make sure you have a good grasp of the rules and different hand rankings in Teen Patti. This will give you a strategic advantage.
  2. **Start Small**: Begin with lower stakes to get a feel for the game and gradually increase your bets as you become more confident.
  3. **Pay Attention to Opponents**: Observe your opponents’ playing styles and patterns. This can help you make better decisions and anticipate their moves.
  4. **Bluff Wisely**: Bluffing is a key part of Teen Patti, but it should be used judiciously. Know when to bluff and when to fold.
  5. **Manage Your Bankroll**: Set a budget for your gameplay and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses and play responsibly.
submitted by Sorry_Geologist8037 to u/Sorry_Geologist8037 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Paranormal_Girl81 SAS Haul Part 2

SAS Haul Part 2
Just got my 3rd order (1&2 were combined in first post, 4th order is on the way) and I'm in love! As promised here is Part 2 of my haul with personal reviews...
All were blind buys except for Into The Night, it's my absolute favorite and I was almost out so I used a free reward on a backup 😁
I was expecting to have at least one I wasn't sure about, but I honestly really like all of them...even Fruity Sherbet Scoop! I'm normally not into smelling like candy or dessert but this one is deliciously delightful. I also am pleasantly surprised with Confetti Daydream!
I've seen a lot of negative reviews on WMV so I was nervous about it, but the only negative thing I can say is it definitely doesn't have staying power...which is a shame because I think it smells amazing! I might have to layer it over some body oil or something to make it last longer, but that's not a dealbreaker.
I'm still trying to decide how I feel about Tropidelic from my previous order, I'm not 100% a fan. I might just give my niece what I got in that scent (FFM, mini perfume, and hand cream) since her birthday is later this month. I have sooo many FFM, so there's no sense in keeping something I'm not totally in love with. Definitely still returning Watermelon Lemonade once I can get to my nearest B&BW 💯
My 4th and last order has a few candles for the first time ever, I'll post them in part 3 when they get here!
submitted by Paranormal_Girl81 to bathandbodyworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:21 Dazzling-Ad2397 Crossing boundaries

I’ve been FWB with this guy for long time off and on but we’ve been hooking up A LOT these past few months .. For awhile he would try to get me to do things in bed that was a complete no for me (EX: rimming, being filmed, etc)
Somehow I let him convince me to do it. He kept asking and kinda put me in the position to do it .. basically I’m realizing I let him cross my boundaries to please him. He doesn’t foreplay with me at all, stopped giving me head and I’m realizing everything is bout pleasing him. We basically only do what he likes. We’ve got into some arguments over this and when I’ve tried to end things he threatens to post our sex tapes … which i asked multiple times for him to stop filming while having sex and he does it anyway .. tells me he’ll have another girl come by and if i don’t show up he’s gonna send me videos of them .. threaten to show up to my family house where i live at. I know I’m to blame too because i allowed the disrespect to continue for so long in the sake of having someone around. And i also struggle with BPD and if you know bout BPD you know once someone if your “fyp” it’s hard to let go .. but I’m ready to bc i dealt with too much disrespect. Tells me to leave if i have feeling’s involved and when i try to he gets pissed. I’ll be damned if i stay and I’ll be damned if i go..
I’m wanting better and i need to leave him alone for my only mental health.. i feel like he groomed me to please him exactly how he wants and his threats with the videos is what keeps me around .. I’m just feeling disgusted with myself for letting it get this far . Is it weird to feel like I’m addicted but also hate it at the same time?
Advice? Or anyone been in a similar situation
submitted by Dazzling-Ad2397 to SexAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 StorageGloomy9719 How do I stop caring so much about what my mom thinks so I can create the life I truly want ?

I’m a 23F who is taking steps to get her life together. I’m not in a bad place in life because I live at home bill free but, I still have a lot of adulting to do.
My mom is always complaining about “how much she does for us” and that other people my age “would kill to have my set-up” even though half the people I know still stay at home and tons of other people in the world given the economy rn. But then she switches to “you can always rely on me” or “why wouldn’t I help you I’m your mom”. Now you would think I’m an ungrateful little shit the way my mom complains about my sisters and I. Besides the house getting messy sometimes, I give my mom literally zero issues and I never have.
For context I grew up with a verbal and physically abusive ex stepdad who is crazy. I speak to my dad a handful of times a year and she’s married to a man who I’m positive has an undiagnosed mental illness( he throws fits like a literal child and always has something negative to say about what I do. Schizophrenia also runs in his family). I was barely allowed to do anything when I was younger(even as a teen) until I turned 18. Also, when my mom divorced her ex husband she struggled REALLY bad financially and we were on the brink of poverty for years. I don’t deny they love me but it’s more out of obligation than true love tbh. My situation could also be much worse. I’d take the life I live now over how we used to live any day.
But things are wayyy different now(at least financially). My mom makes good money and is able to pay her bills just fine and help us out if we need it. The thing is she still has a struggle mindset and the way she acts gets worse with time. She lets it be known that she regrets having kids young and that she life would’ve been easier if she waited to have kids. But the next second we’re her best friends and she lives for us. It’s to the point now where I’m tired of the mental gymnastics. She has done/said some really fucked up things to me and she puts men before my sisters and I(always has and still does).
Well, instead of sitting around sulking about how I wish I had better parents I decided that I’m just going to leave and become better. Because I don’t have a degree at the moment(still working on it :] ) I’m about to start in fine dining and work as a substitute teacher two days a week. I’m ready to get my shit together and fast. I told my mom and she immediately makes a face and says that the restaurant I want to work at wasn’t busy when she went (this was during a lunch shift on a slow day I'm sure), there wasn’t a single black worker( I saw a few black workers in recent photos on Google), and that she would never spend money there. She always does this. Unless it’s an office related job (I’d rather have a degree to make more money and have more options before I do this) she out right judges the job.
Just the other day she was speaking on how it doesn’t matter what job I work if I’m trying to get my shit together ( I told her I was iffy about working in a restaurant but the money potential is what makes me want to do it). I’m so ready to tune her out and do my own thing but it’s hard. My mom used to be my best friend but ever since she married my stepdad she turned into this negative woman who is ALWAYS and when I say ALWAYS complaining I mean ALWAYS. I don’t want to be around it anymore because I see the ways they influence my own behaviors and thoughts. My mom and my stepdad see life as soul crushing and unenjoyable. I know life can be hard but I want to be happy and I know that I can .
How can I tune her out and stop feeling so sad about how she is and letting it affect me? How can I stop wanting her validation?
submitted by StorageGloomy9719 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:20 ShineFamiliar3741 turn the Page my recovery from abuse and inheritance theft

A lot happened before my father passed my sisters both demanded accounts and signed on the way they owned our father and her to the lot of large amount of money before he retired one sister had full control to put one account and because her husband had knowledge of how to control people with these accounts and how to sign them to where you own them and could walk away with all that one dollar unless my dad wanted to press charges felony and he did not he lived with that for several years the thing was my brother-in-law demanded I didn't no help and no cash from my father who bought me a vehicle and he also demanded who bought from him so he could have his own cash that started a bad thing but on the other note my other sister and brother planned a long time ago to steal all on the end and one sister her whole name go in life was to still everything in the end to work as a librarian in order to mingle with authorities with a plan of cutting me out because mother made her hate me when we were children she told her she was a real oldest daughter I was adopted by my father in the state of Missouri because I had no father my mother was abusive to me and she got her words she cut me out she got threw me out of the family they had me abused I had a death threat at one time when my memories came back I have an appointment to talk to a trusted her recovery attorney next week but it's well down to now it's a dirty stuff but they're still a very large amount of money missing that was too preachers one being a bad lawyer who was elected to prosecutor because of his name the state of Missouri couldn't help me with that because he was elected. There's no protection for heirs even though there's laws in Missouri. And when did in-laws with hating their heart and greed they come errors assets were never reported I never got anything from my dad as far as I had property stored there I finally got my camper but it cost me a lot my brother forced me to sign titles and soon tops and my sister would use them on something I told her it would be fraud because they couldn't Court can tell immediately that the paper was added to after the signature landlords can't get away with that anymore unless the person can't take them to court then they do cuz it happened to me before my thoughts are I was abused my life was certain all this Northwest Missouri it's very corrupt a bank account was moved when I was dying in another state and the prosecutor won't even let me look because it's been a few years back I need prosecutor the bank was concerned like there was a criminal and that prosecutor said get a lawyer well that's all I was told by a person well when they have more money and they've used pictures to launder money they use the prosecutor to get their way to not probate a larger state and they turn their back on me that goes to me like I am a disease because I know what they did my life was in dangerous I still don't feel safe I'm in this town I'm working on getting away from here so I can take care of the rest of this but my children didn't deserve to be cut out my father did not do this they did what they wanted for very large amount of money who got a very large attack right before he died and then I don't know who got the money I'm not money doesn't drive me but the fact that they did what they did has me irritated because my children did not deserve this my brother was supposed to probate and help me get all this done so my sister's got their way so far but my mother was in the background she was the first ex-wife and he was single but my one sister control freak controlled dad never move after his last divorce and he couldn't trust her she stole tooth imagine that grave sold them a year later without telling him to make banked on that but she did that because my other sister would find onto his largest inheritance account and controlling him with it he didn't press start his own either one but he did turn him in before he died after he got that last check he was bullied that's why they wanted my memory is gone I hired somebody to come into my life I found Love with a narcissist who was there for hire St Joe Missouri is very corrupt Andrew county was where the prosecutor fake probate attorney was they're still a fake casing at the judge refused to move it off but my brother is no longer represented who paid it to get it stopped to get those two titles back my father bought way more local than that my brother and said he was doing his own probate he bullied me to sign in 15 titles two were property I can't find out where those went except for I know they were laundered through his church his Titan picture who greedy preacher but also was involved and getting money off the top that's I'm in the assets it's all a mess it's a very big mess I'm talking to Tony next week another one thing is only have one chance that they got more money than they're counting you know I they laundered money they did it's on public 300 vehicles cars and trucks at dad bought for probate my brother promised to do with me that sisters pays him to do with that program that month is already had the prosecuting attorney as a lawyer he's not even a probate lawyer and now he's not a prosecutor attorney who knows he did wrong he's also a preacher but he's one of those tithing pictures like the other one putting printers lying their own pockets with other people's money they don't give it to the floor they're legal things in my eyes but I'm opinionated
submitted by ShineFamiliar3741 to Lizzys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Living_Inspector5084 Girlfriend lied about her past

For context, I’m dating my girlfriend for almost a year now. When we were just starting, we agreed na i-disclose everything about our pasts - mga naging ex, body count, fling, etc. I was honest naman sa side ko and sinabi lahat ng sexual experiences ko. Sa part niya naman, nagkwento rin. She made me believe na yun na lahat yun. Part ng kwento niya ay yung naka one night stand niyang classmate sa college, na workmate niya ngayon. I asked her before if naging sila ba or something, pero she assured me na one night lang talaga yun and di na nasundan. I asked sino nakakaalam, silang 2 lang daw at ako ngayon.
Bothered ako for the longest time at may kutob talaga ako na it was more than that. Why? Nakita ko pic niya nung college, 4 girls and 1 guy. So nag ask ako kung sino yung guy. Took her a while to answer. May mga pics din akong nakita na magkasama sila and the dates don’t make sense based sa kwento niya na they stopped talking na daw. Later on, inamin niya rin na yun yung guy na naka-one night stand niya after ko siyang awayin on that day (2 months of dating pa lang kami nun).
Then recently, hindi ko alam. I was at the church pero may parang bumulong lang sa akin to check again yung information na yun. Weird nga kasi ang random talaga. So when we were having dinner na, I asked her if naging honest ba siya sa buong relationship namin. She said oo naman. I asked again. Multiple times. Same answer. I even assured her na if there’s something to confess, now is the time kasi I’m giving her free pass. All I wanted was her honesty. I even specified na about sa one night stand din yung tinatanong ko.
Then I said, “okay. Since sure ka na dyan, go to your messenger, open your best friend’s convo, and type . Them boom! Many messages pointing na nagkasomething sila ng guy. She said stop na daw - invasion of privacy na. Then I asked her last time to message her best friend this - “BFF! Naalala mo ba yung one night stand namin ni ?”. Nagreply si BFF niya na “ahh oo. Nakwento mo nga. Pero di ko masyado maalala. Ano meron?”
Confirmed! Tama ang kutob ko. Then ayun na yung kwinento niya lahat na they had sex more than once. They were on and off. Magulong usapan. Etc. She was just afraid daw na baka di ko siya matanggap kasi it was a messy story. Guy was a douche and she just tolerated it.
Idk. I’m so down right now. I felt betrayed for the longest time. Di ko alam kung kaya ko pa ba siyang pagkatiwalaan. Di ko nga rin alam if valid na mafeel ko to ngayon given na di pa naman niya ako kilala when they interacted. I could accept her kung sinabi niya lahat sa una pa lang. Ang ikinagagalit ko ay yung how convincing she was when she was telling me na it was just one night stand. Kasi I totally believerd her. Nagagalit ako kasi for almost a year hindi man lang niya inamin sa akin. Hindi ba siya na guilty?
Ngayon, workmates sila pero my girlfriend is leaving na next month for another job. Di ko alam kung anong gagawin. Makikipagbreak na ba? Pagkakatiwalaan kaya ulit? Di ko talaga alam.
Give me some words of wisdom please?
submitted by Living_Inspector5084 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Worth_Tip_4877 UPDATE N°3: AITAH for telling my aunt her child is a "spoiled brat" and it's entirely her fault ?

First of all I wanted to say thank you for all of the support on my last post, and on the two posts before that!!
I never thought I would be writing another update, but here we are. In my last post I mentioned that my uncle told Karen that if she didn't want explanations she shouldn't have come, and I said that he was going to get in trouble at home for saying that. Well I was right.
About an hour ago my uncle showed up to our house with a suitcase asking my dad if he could sleep at our house. We immediately understood that he had gotten into a fight with Karen. After we told him to come in he told us what happened and I'm going to try and tell you what I remember.
When they got home after I talked to them, Karen gave my uncle the silent treatment and ignored him for the rest of the day. That doesn't really surprise me honestly, considering how manipulative she is, she knew exactly how to make him feel bad and apologize. However my uncle didn't want to apologize so he just accepted his "punishment".
All hell broke loose this afternoon, when he overheard Karen telling Emily that it perfectly okay for her to behave like she did and to demand things from other people. She was basically telling her that it just made her a strong, powerful and determined woman, and that people got angry because they were scared of that and didn't want her to have power. My uncle just had enough and intervened to say that being disrespectful wasn't being powerful and that people who were truly powerful knew how to get what they wanted while respecting others.
Karen apparently got very mad and started yelling at him for "continuously defending his b*tch of a niece" or something like that. My uncle then told her that everything that I had said to her were facts, and things she had really done, and that if that made her uncomfortable and angry then she should change her behavior and realize she was the problem. She continued to yell and him so he went for a drive because he was tired of her screaming and when he came back she had locked him outside and put a suitcase with some of his stuff in front of the door.
So he came to our house. She is currently not replying to him, and he is thinking about contacting a divorce attorney, which he will try to do tomorrow. My grandparents have also tried to call Karen but she doesn't reply to anyone.
I feel kind of bad that I created all of this, but at the same time it finally made him realize what a terrible person she is, so good for him. What makes me the saddest is that, if they divorce, Emily will be left with only her mother to teach her right and wrong and is probably going to end up like her. It makes me sad because I felt like she was starting to realize how disrespectful her behavior had been and now I'm not sure she will ever change. But anyways, it seems like we are finally getting rid of Karen, so today is a great day for our family!
submitted by Worth_Tip_4877 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Keebler8448 Can someone explain weapon-swap damage to me like (because) I’m stupid?

So, I've been running a bash/upheaval build and decided to try to tweak it for more damage. The normal loop was bash/overpower into upheaval, which works as a more powerful steel grasp, then tag for more bash damage. I have mortal draw glyph to ramp the damage of my bash when I swap back to Paingorger everything I hit with upheaval. The problem is even with 900% overpower damage, upheaval almost NEVER hit for more than 1mil. While bash hit for 4-5 mil and 7-8 mil with berserking/weapon swap/vuln. I decided to try a build where I replaced all of my damage to "damage when swapping weapons" and ran mortal draw with crusher and used dual wield for bash and two-hand mace for lunging strike. I just alternate between attacks, and bash damage stays abaout the same, 1-2 mil per strike, but lunging strike Crits for like 500k. With all basic attack bonus gems, and all maces, with full basic attack gems and like 700% damage while swapping weapons, it seems like lunge should hit for more than 500k. I can't even get it to hit for 1m with unbridled rage and war cry with steel grasp. I understand the bash cleave temper is apparently multiplicative so bash will always do more, but overpower isn't multiplicative (and without 400k life I don't even see how it would be a reasonable build option) so i guess my question is: is there any way to capitalize on weapon-swap damage? Why are build bleeds able to ramp up to billions of damage when I can invest every point of my build into overpower or weapon-swap and there's just nothing multiplicative to ramp it?
submitted by Keebler8448 to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Effective_Age3530 Paint beast? 👀👀

Paint beast? 👀👀
Could be viable
submitted by Effective_Age3530 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Potatoskewer22 24[M4F] UK/Online - Searching for the "one" isn't easy but hey! She's out there somewhere, and patience is a virtue! Or.... something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming 😂)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage 😂🤌 I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on 🤷
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently 😅 so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no 😭 but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a must🗿👍)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 Potatoskewer22 [24/M] - Searching for the girl who's the "one" isn't easy but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming 😂)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage 😂🤌 I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on 🤷
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently 😅 so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no 😭 but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a must🗿👍)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]