Animals made of symbols funny

A place where we can laugh at our non-human friends.

2011.08.30 19:29 satayjo2 A place where we can laugh at our non-human friends.

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2013.02.22 05:05 tara1 animals being jerks!

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2011.12.07 04:00 blinkergoesleft Expectation Vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality images.

2024.06.09 18:28 Talios_ The Mechanically Biological War. (Part 4: End.)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
"That... Would certainly be appreciated. She's just outside."
And so, the two aspects of Atrosa, Logos and Celia, exit the medbay and fix up Chaos Meld, bringing it into proper working condition.
Max: "Ready for another drive, honey?"
Rachnia: "As I'll ever be."
Celia approaches Talios after finishing the repairs of Chaos Meld.
"I went ahead and threw in a tune-up for the Mana-Thrusters, it should use a bit less mana for flight mode now."
"Alright, thank you."
Chaos Meld: "All systems repaired and operational. Ready for combat, Pilot."
Finally, Max and Rachnia re-enter their mech, Weaver Of Fates. As the two enter and connect, the same thing happens as before. The cables attached to Max turn gold. Though this time, Rachnia's do too. A purple spider web pattern spreads across both their cables.
"All systems operational. Driver sync at 200%. The Weaver of Fates is ready for Combat."
"To protect and preserve, to carve a path for others to walk on, to weave the fate for the future, we stand and fight. Eldritch one. You've made your last mistake."
A large sword appears in one of the weaver's hands. It's alot like the one the Apostate of Misfortune wields, a form of Max very view of have gazed upon.
The Titanic Abomination in the distance can be seen wrestling with Aoi's projection. It seems to be overpowering even for the the Oni, but she has managed to hold her own against it. Jean can be seen flying overhead, using layers of defensive spells to buff and empower her.
the beam of the Polyphemus aims straight for the beast's left eye, to try to distract it.
Cerne's silver swords are stuck in her own projection, like daggers in her back. Not out of hostility, but to enrage and empower.
Talios places a hand on Chaos Meld's ankle, and is warped into the cockpit.
"Switching to manual controls. Welcome back Pilot."
Chaos Meld pulls out it's greatsword, but it quickly changes into a different form. A war hammer.
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 30%》
Immediately, Chaos Meld dashes in and attempts a powerful overhead strike on the abomination.
The blade of the Weaver Of Fates grows as the weaver takes hold if it with all four arms. A gigantic and ornate greatsword.
"To destroy those who wish for destruction, to end those who wish for annihilation. We turn their desired fates to their own selves. Face us, XYLFAPSAVEI, and die your final, fated death."
The thrusters on it's back and it's legs activate, burning white hot. It dashes forward at breakneck speeds, going for an upper cut to match Talios' strike.
The Titanic being Towers above everything, it's head nearly a full kilometer in the air. As Talios flies overhead and strikes down with the warhammer, it is effortlessly deflected by some kind of powerful energy field, and the same happens with the beam from the Polyphemus and the Weaver's attack. The exposed Brain sitting in the carved out skull psychically laughs, mockingly.
"You fools don't stand a chance before the power of a true God!"
Everyone experiences a flood of information entering their minds. it is a map of the beast, with a plan of attack.
Atrosa: "The thing has Shield Generators built into it's body that we're gonna have to take care of first. Your going to need to use your mechs to get inside, then fight your way on foot to the generators!"
"Talios, You use Chaos Meld and try to get under it's left flank, there is a hollow metal panel there you should be able to break open with your antimagic punch. Weaver, I want y'all to evade as best as possible while charging that cannon of yours, and wait until my signal that Talios has brought down the first generator. The second one is located in the right shoulder, but it's very heavily armored."
Talios: "Got it."
《Mana-Drain Thrusters: 60%》
Chaos Meld's speed increases massively. It begins flying around the abomination, trying to find an opening to the hollow panel.
"Ironsides, Wait for my signal, and when I give the order I want you to dump everything you have into this things Groin. Trust me on this."
The Weaver Of Fates armour plating shifts forward, as it stands guard before the Ironsides, ready to deflect attacks.
"Ready when you are."
Talios manages to fly around to it's left flank, Jean assisting Aoi in getting the abomination to lift it's arm, exposing a worn panel protected by a barrier.
Chaos Meld: "Target acquired."
Chaos Meld immediately dashes in with a superman punch on the worn panel, the anti-magic in the Chaos Meld being much more volatile. It causes black sparks to surge from the point of impact, all the mana in the vicinity being consumed by the sparks, essentially destroying the mana entirely.
The punch collapses the barriers and crashes through the panel, exposing a hallway leading down into the depths of the creature. The cockpit of Chaos Meld opens up, and Talios tosses a Chaos dagger into the exposed hallway, swapping positions with it.
Chaos Meld retreats back after it's pilot has safely entered the beast.
"Switching to automatic mode. Good luck Pilot."
The shipkeeper of the Ironsides, Ferra, has been preparing a shield disrupting shot amidst all this.
Ferra: "Awaiting command, Paragon of Preservation!"
The tunnels leads deep down into the chest of the mechanical eldritch horror, and opens into a large room with a massive glowing crystal. Around it, 3 mindflayer mages are focusing on some kind of ritual. They have not noticed Talios yet.
Talios summons his Chaos Blade, and another Chaos dagger into his free hand. Quiet as a mouse, he moves behind one mage... And immediately stabs his Chaos Blade into the throat of the mage. He tosses the Chaos Dagger at another of the mages, the dagger striking it's throat. Two down.
The final Mindflayer, in a panic, attempts to use a Mind Blast on Talios. But due to not having an actual brain... It is ineffective.
Talios charges the last one, shoulder checking it to the floor and proceeding to bash it's head into the floor once. Twice. Thrice. Fourice. Firice... What am I saying... Finally, he stops.
Atrosa: "Talios, hit that mana crystal with an anti-magic strike. Max, as soon at it shatters, fire your weapon into it's right shoulder!"
Talios walks over to the mana crystal. He widens his stance, placing his left hand fingers square on the center of the crystal. He takes a deep breath. Focuses...
《One Inch Death Punch》
He closes his fist, moving his whole body into the punch in an instant. The anti-magic freezes the mana in the crystal, while the punch itself could probably do some serious damage as well.
The jets of the Weaver Of Fates flare up, the armour shifts back, and they ready it's titanic greatsword to strike.
The attack greatly destabilizes the Mana crystal powering the first layer shields, causing it to shatter into thousands of pieces.
Atrosa: "Now Max, blast that thing with the shot you've been charging up and get ready to jump it!"
The railcannon fires straight into it's shoulder, weakening it significantly. The disruptor rune weakens surrounding materials, disabling magic caught in the blast.
The Weaver grapples onto the beast's side and runs upwards, reaching it's shoulder. A wound, large enough to fit the Weaver was made in the abominations shoulder, and after passing the fleshy, decayed exterior, they find themselves standing in a large room, and on the other side of a massive barrier lies a huge, spherical core of energy radiating a sickening divine light.
Atrosa: "Weaver, use a Godslayer rune on that divine core, that will render it mortal. Talios, you get back to Chaos Meld and get ready to scram. This is gonna get messy."
"Got it."
Talios sprints out of the hallway, leaping straight out of the abomination. Putting full faith in Chaos Meld to catch him as he falls...
And she delivers, soaring in and catching him mid-air, immediately warping him back into the cockpit.
"Welcome back Pilot."
"Charging up railcannon, rerouting power from all defensive systems."
"Firing Godslayer rune!"
The cannon fires at near point-blank range, smashing right through the barrier and into the divine core. This causes the mana with it to become unstable and explode outwards, leaving a massive hole in the eldritch corpse's chest. The Weaver is protected from the blast by a powerful barrier.
Atrosa: "Alright, Y'all get out too. Ironsides, Dump everything you got into that things crotch!"
The mortars, anti-material cannons, and artillery batteries all focus fire on it's groin, as the Railcannon is almost finished charging a godslayer itself. Aoi's Wargod projection moves out of the way to avoid getting hit, while Sarah fires her cannon in tandem with the others.
The barrage begins impacting the abominations groin, causing the structures holding it's legs together to collapse. Without a leg to stand on, it comes toppling down, landing forwards in the water. The massive tank containing the Elder Brain shatters on impact, and the seawater begins to cause it to shreak in pain.
Chaos Meld was flying around it when the abomination fell. Seeing the Elder Brain exposed, it grabs A.M.A.R from it's shoulder mount, firing 10 anti-magic artillery rounds into the brain. It only stopped because it had to reload.
Without the magic animating the Eldritch corpse, it begins to turn to stone, rapidly becoming overgrown with moss and sea life.
Talios sees the village below while flying, and notices the villagers trying to flag him down. He obliges, Chaos Meld descending down, gradually slowing its descent with the mana-drain thrusters. Once it lands, the thrusters power off entirely and it kneels, placing a hand on the ground. Talios is warped onto the hand.
A large man with skin the color of brass walks up to Talios. Judging from the draconic wings and tail, it's easy to tell that this must be the Half-Dragon chieftain.
"Thank you so much, great warriors! You have saved our village, and we are forever in your debt."
Talios: "...Just doing our job as the Crimson Paragons, chief."
A title with little meaning now. But it's all that comes to mind. Talios doesn't want to take all the credit...
The Weaver Of Fates arrive near the village, Max and Rachnia disembarking.
Max: "Good day, chieftain. I've heard much about you from Empress Aubade."
Rachnia looks like she only did a light exercise, instead of experiencing the same strain as before. Them being in sync seems to have done them both a lot of good.
The townspeople begin to gather around to thank their saviors, and the Chief, the Brass Half-Dragon Velzas, walks up to Max.
"I've heard good things about you, Maximillian. We've been appreciative for ARMADAs assistance for quite some time, and now we are truly in your debt."
Talios is busy being greeted and thanked by the villagers, when a large Lamia woman approaces him silently from behind, and picks him up into a huge hug. She gets a little carried away though, and accidentally squeezes him so hard that he can feel his body crumpling in from the pressure.
Talios visibly tenses up when he feels the Lamia grab him, but he quickly relaxes. He feels... Strange. An emotion unfamiliar to him.
With this action... A seed was planted in his mind. A seed that would quickly turn into something greater.
Max: "I'm surprised you all even remembered it's aid from ARMADA at all. Not exactly a catchy name, after all. Just glad to see you're all doing well."
Velzas: "Don't worry about the damages, it is nothing compared to the devastation that you have prevented. We've been acting as a sanctuary for dislocated demihumans such as ourselves for some time, and that does put us in indirect contect with ARMADA from time to time. You have been doing a service for our community that the world has always sorely lacked, and to call it gratitude would be a disservice."
Max: "I'll have a crew sent before noon tomorrow to assist with reconstruction efforts, chief Velzas."
And with that, the alien invasion had been stopped. All was well in Lantica once more. And Talios sat down on his chair in the tavern, having finished his retelling of this story.
"I'm never entertaining things like this again."
He will.
submitted by Talios_ to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:28 SGWaSega Zillion Fandub Ep. 1 - Auditions Open Until June 15th!

Zillion Fandub Ep. 1 - Auditions Open Until June 15th!
I'm working on an English fandub of Red Photon Zillion, a 1980s anime series about three protags that carry laser guns to defend their planet from invading Noza forces. It was made in partnership with SEGA to model the laser guns after their Light Phaser toy for the Master System console, which Zillion also got two games for.
Outside of Japan Zillion was most popular in Brazil - there were toy lines by Tec Toy and the anime show got a full dub in Portuguese. 5 episodes were dubbed in English in the 90s, but the full series has never seen an English dub. We're organizing the cast for the first episode and will use Casting Call Club so that actors can find the project and contribute through submissions and further collaborate through Discord or another social platform of choice. The project is unpaid at the moment and all voices are contributed voluntarily.
If you're interested you can check out our page for more information and reply here with any questions or comments. I'd love to hear from you especially if you're familiar with the Zillion games or TV show already. Thanks a bunch!
submitted by SGWaSega to ZillionAnime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:27 PsychologicalWay2691 I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend

I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend
Cross posting this on a couple of subreddits to hopefully get a good amount of advice.
Hey, I made this account for this and haven't used reddit before so I'm sorry if I do this wrong, and english is not my first language.
This requires a good amount of backstory.
I(19F) am from Louisiana and so is my ex(20M). We met when we were 14 because we were in the same grade at the same highschool. We hit it off immediately and became really good friends. After being friends for about 3 months he got the courage up to ask me on a date, and we started dating. We were together from then until we were 15 and 16, and got back together after I turned 16.
About 2 months into us dating this second time, he had a mental break. I have a lot of trauma that caused me to feel the need to stay with him despite the way he treated me at that time. He never cheated, but seemed to think it was funny or entertaining to do everything in his power to make me think he was, and to make me think it was with some of our close friends. He got distant and snappy and would yell at me over little things a lot. He tried to hit me out of frustration one time but I personally grew up in the hood and do not take lightly to being attacked so he got smacked right back and never tried that again. At this time his parents(they were practically my parents too, mine have never been good to me and they did and still do care a lot more about me then my own do) told me he was having a mental break and that I should leave for my own good but also that they understood why I was staying.
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and right before the start of our senior year we broke up(both 17). Throughout senior year he would spread rumors about me, a lot being about us having sex, though I was still a virgin and me and him never went farther then me performing oral on him. I distanced myself from him as much as possible but we were both in our schools top band and jazz ensembles as percussionists and were in constant competition with each other.
We ended up going to the same college, and we are now going into our junior year in a few months. I never had friends in highschool, my friends were just his friends and everyone "didn't pick sides" when we broke up. which they just said to me because I wasn't trying to make anyone pick a side but they really did just pick his, except our friend who I'll call Dan. I'll also call my ex Joe. Both are far from their names but I'd like to stay anonymous. Dan told me he understood that Joe was lying and spreading rumors, but felt to bad cutting him off as we all knew he was having a break, as did I.
This year Joe was set to be loving in a dorm right across the hallway from mine. When we had gone home for the summer I made no effort to reach out or see him as our friendship in freshman year of college was just not really there. Though all this time I really have missed my best friend, I've never felt like anyone has been as close to me as he was or understood quite like how he did.
I ran into him during move in day this year. He looked a lot less erratic then he had been the past couple of years and seemed a lot calmer. That night, I was leaving my dorm to go on a midnight walk downtown when I found him sitting on the front of his door in the hallway. He looked like he had been crying. I saw him and decided to quietly sit down next to him and sheepishly ask if he was okay. He said he wasn't, and asked what I was doing, so I invited him to come with me and he did. We left the dorms at about 10 pm, and didn't get back until 6 am. We walked and talked for hours about everything, and he might've apologized for the way he treated me a million times. He explained what happened that caused him to break, and told me he had a realization about it that led to a meltdown, placing him in the psych ward at the end of our freshman year. He was now medicated, healthy again, and finally in therapy!!! I was so insanely proud of him. I called him parents because I wanted to confirm and they confirmed he was telling the truth. From there, we rekindled our friendship and have been back to best friends ever since.
It's been a few months now, and we both have moved back home for the summer, both with plans to love with some friends in apartments starting when fall quarter begins. Recently my mom died in a car accident. She was an abusive neglectful parent who should have never had kids as she truly didn't view me as a human. But despite that, I've been struggling a lot with her death. Joe has been very helpful through this, as he is the only person I've ever told about what happened with my mom throughout my childhood. Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me, and he invited me to do my absolute favorite activity, night drive and smoking.
So now we get to the actual story and where I need advice.
Last night he came and picked me up at about 10. When I got in he handed me the rolling tray and had me roll a blunt for us while he drove to our normal parking lot. This whole time I couldn't stop staring at him and couldn't figure out what it was. When we stopped he turned the music down and faced towards me so we could talk properly and we started smoking and talking. Eventually, this dialouge exchange happened.
Joe - "No it just didn't work out with them so we broke up." Me - "Well what happened?" "Well a lot, but it boils down to they don't understand me in the way I would need my partner to" "How so?" "Well for lack of a better way to put it, the way me and you understand each other"
This lead to us talking about had gone wrong before, and eventually, he told me I looked really pretty and kissed me. I lost my virginity to him in his car last night, and it was more amazing then I ever imagined it could be. I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed sex but I have genuinely been thinking about that and him ever since it happened. When we finished, we took about 5 minutes of laying still and occasionally just muttering out a "Jesus christ that was amazing" before we eventually moved back to our seats. He took me to get ice cream and then brought me home.
I miss him, he's so amazing!!! The sex was great but that's not even what I'm worried about, I just couldn't stop staring at him and I still can't stop thinking about him.
I need advice. I want him back so bad, but is it worth it? He completely destroyed my confidence and love for myself in a way that has not recovered. I truly want to believe he's changed and all signs point towards him changing. I know if I asked him out again he'd say yes immediately. But I'm at a crossroads. Most of me wants to forgive and forget as he truly is the love of my life but that part of me that spent my childhood being abused by my parents has a little Itty bitty voice in my head telling me he isn't actually changed.
Would I be crazy if I went back to him?
submitted by PsychologicalWay2691 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 DonRedPandaKeys But you, Daniel, shut up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam to and fro, and knowledge will increase. - Dan. 12: 4

[ Notice: Not my article. Link: ]
Marriage Feast / New Covenant
(Benefit to those not anointed:
I thought it might help others to share the information from a letter to another anointed one:
Dear Xxxx, I am very happy that you decided to write me. Interaction with other chosen is a source of joy for those of us who seek truth, love and unity. Yes, as you know Satan's pressures are upon us, and will not let up until Christ comes to rescue us. Yet his care rescues us even now, in that he has sent us the spirit to be with us and feed us. He too, is manifesting his presence among us, that the world may believe that Christ is Lord. I hope you will clarify some things you said, because I don't know what you mean,
why Father allows many Witnesses to not be anointed, even though they can see the issues of the true gospel being the re-birth.
First, "why the Father allows many Witnesses to not be anointed". Are you wondering why Jehovah does not do more anointing among "Jehovah's Witnesses"? Not sure what you are saying here. I know that almost all "witnesses" now are worshiping an Organization, committing idolatry against Jehovah. Of those who are not, or who have left due to seeing the corruption, remember 2Chron.16:9? Jehovah shows his spirit to those with a complete heart. Only Jehovah can judge this about a person. The next part of that sentence, "even though they can see the issues of the true gospel being the re-birth." Now you've really got me. Can you explain what you mean by "issues", the "rebirth" and how this rebirth is the "true gospel"? Are you saying that the emergence of full truth (the spirit leading the anointed into "all the truth" John16:13), as being associated with the birth of the Kingdom? Or are you saying that when we are born again as perfect spirits, and the Sons of God are revealed (Rom.8:19), that only then will we have all the truth? Or, do you speak of the Word (true gospel) as being the "incorruptible seed", which, once sown in the heart and brought to maturity, gives a re-birth into eternal life? (Luke8:11; 1Pet.1:23; James1:21; Mark4:28,29; Eph.4:13)
If this is what you mean, perceiving this truth is not enough to obligate God to choose and anoint you as one of His sons. His righteous and just standards for making such a choice, reside with Him. I would love to understand what you are trying to say in order to share your thoughts, but the scriptures don't immediately come to mind as to what you are referring to, so I am at a loss. Remember the illustration of the marriage feast? (Matt.22:1-14) Those invited were not worthy, and so the King told his servants to invite anyone they saw, who were "going out from the City" (according to the Greek "diexodous") (Matt.22:8-9). These were given the opportunity to share in the marriage banquet. Today, all are being offered the truth of things that were previously hidden, such as the understanding of Revelation. Many anointed will not receive this spiritual food, because they are not worthy. They are busy filling their lamps with fuel that is teachings from men, or they are following their own thoughts independent of the body of Christ. These will not be given the true light of understanding (Matt.25:9-12). Their lamps, shine out darkness, because their "eye" of understanding is not "simple", exclusively guided by means of scripture (Matt.6:22-23; John8:47). Yet, those who have been drawn out of the corrupt "City" by Yhwh's spirit (Rev.18:10,18,4; Matt.22:7,9,10), will be invited to share in that feast of true food (Rev.19:9). It will be up to them if they are humble and appreciative enough, to attend and eat.
The next thing you say,
At least these are now partaking at home, after the Hall Memorial. That's a big plus.
If you are saying that you believe that the New Covenant is for all, and not for the sins of the Chosen heirs only; YHVH has plainly shown me how the ransom applies first, to the anointed. This is through the Covenant by virtue of Christ's blood (Luke22:20). Please consider Rev. 5:9,10:
And they sing a new song, saying: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and ~with your blood you bought~ ~persons~ ~for God~ out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, ~and you made~ ~them~ ~to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.'~
This is only one of the many scriptures that indicate a small piece of what spirit has plainly shown me, concerning all the truths of the Kingdom, and how the ransom is applied to mankind in general, through it's ambassadors, priests, and kings (Matt.7:20; Rev.22:2; Matt.10:40-42; Gal.4:19; Rev.12:2; Gal.4:26; Rev.21:2-3; 1Pet.2:5,9; Mal.2:7). The New Covenant, which ends/is fulfilled, at the arrival/ coming of Christ (1Cor.11:26) is for that administration (Eph.1:9,10,11,12,13,14; Mark13:27), which is then completed. It is through them as the Bride Covenant/ "woman" (Gal.4:26), that Creation is set free (Num.8:19,21; Rom.8:17,19; Rev.22:17), unlike the New Covenant, which initially sets the priests free from sin (Lev.16:6; Heb.9:11,12). First the mother must be free. Then those born to her, are also set free from sin, darkness, and death. First, there must be a free mother. Then the mother must marry a free father (Isa.9:6; Luke 4:16-21; John8:36). After the marriage of the lamb, children will be brought forth (Rev.19:7-9).The New Covenant is for those who rule (Luke22:29; Rev.3:21; 5:9-10). All Creation will not be redeemed through Christ only (as the anointed are), but through New Jerusalem and Christ ~together~. Once that Holy City is finally made complete, God's Kingdom commences, to the benefit of all who have obeyed the gospel of Christ. But in the meantime, those who belong to that heavenly city (Eph.2:6), offer the healing fruit of their lips (Matt.7:20; Rev.22:2) to those who accept Gods' sons (Rom.8:19; Ps.82:6; Gal.3:26,29; Rom.8:17).
For those who are not being redeemed (receiving a white robe Rev.6:9,11; 12:11; 19:7,8) ~now~, in order to be ~cleansed for Kingdom Rule~; the emblems ~of that cleansing~ are not for them. The cleansing of the sins of the 144000 and great crowd of final priests (who come through the great tribulation), is through the blood of the Lamb (Rev.14:1; 7:9,14) It is important to realize that the "Great Crowd" are the last remnant (Rev.12:17), who come through end-time tribulation (see ) The partaking of the emblems stop, when this promise is fulfilled for the Chosen (1Cor.11:26; Rev.20:5) Try to remember that Jesus fulfilled ~the Passover~ (1Cor.5:7; John1:29). Try to remember that the blood of the Passover lamb, was not for the saving of all Israel, but for the saving of the Firstborn (Exodus12:12,13; Num.3:13; Heb.11:28; 12:23; Rev.14:4). These "firstborn" ones are the first imperfect humans to be born again and released from sin and death by means of Christ's blood. The rest come to life subsequently, by means of Bride, Holy City New Jerusalem, and the Trees of Life who make up that City of living stones. Trees which offer the fruit which "cures the Nations" (Rev.22:1,2). All, whether chosen to be the bride of Christ, or her children, must be born again as spirit, in order to see God's kingdom (John3:3,5-6; 1Pet.1:23). All are born through the faithful and sealed anointed who have fulfilled the covenant promise in heaven (Gal.4:26).
That mother provides living water to others (Rev.22:1-2,17). Some are born now, by God's spirit, directly poured into their hearts, and his laws written on their heart by God's finger. They accept Christ, and live. They are tutored and nurtured by those already mature, to become members of the Bride (2Cor.11:2-3). Others are born through an acceptance of the living water, spirit, and truth from Christ's Bride (Matt.25:34-36,41,45; Matt.10:14-15; John13:20; Mark 9:37). By their treatment of God's messengers, they are judged. They are brought into account, at the last day. The difference between these two groups is seen in Jesus' words, at John11:25-26; 6:63,54,40,47-50 (John5:24; Rom.8:9; Eph.2:6). It is a wicked abomination for those who are not being raised up now, to partake of the emblems which are reserved as a symbol of Holy Promise, between those betrothed to the Christ, and their husbandly Lord. To take the emblems into oneself, is to become one "body" with Christ (1Cor.6:17; John17:22). Those who in presumption, do not discern this body of the Head, Christ (1Cor.12:27; 6:15) as a loyal husband is one flesh, only with his wife; drink judgement to themselves (1Cor.11:29,27).
That body of Christ, ~are anointed ones~ (1Cor.12:12,27-31). Partaking of the symbols of Christ's body, is to become symbolically, one flesh with him according to the promise. This is only for the virgins promised to Christ (2Cor.11:2; Rev.14:4) In godly fear, I certainly hope that a right to spiritual fornication with Christ, is not something you promote, to the destruction of all those who heed it (1Cor.11:29). Yet if it is, and this teaching is not sourced in scripture, there is yet time to correct this teaching. We are all being cleansed, refined, and perfected in the hope that by the arrival of Christ, we can be "~finally~ found" "without spot" or blemish (2Pet.3:14). This is why the parts of Christ's body, need one another to build one another up, in Truth (1Cor.14:26; 12:21; Eph.4:11,12). If you are actually saying that you believe that those not chosen to be one body with Christ, should show a marriage to him by taking his body into themselves; ~please provide me the scriptures which have guided you to this conclusion.~ Certainly we can not take it upon ourselves to leave the Bible's guidance, but more-so when we teach others and direct their actions before God (James 3:1).
Regarding one of your last comments:
I do believe in your anointing, and although I cannot see all your explanations being perfect as far as what things in Revelation in particular say
Please do not remain silent about the things you do not see eye to eye with (Eph.4:25; Zech.8:16). My explanations must be limited for each subject. The Truth is as wide as the sky, and I must choose how far to spread the border of what I discuss in each article. I have often received supplemental questions by individuals, requesting further proof or explanation of what perplexes them personally. If you ask, then I am made able to answer your personal questions, so that whatever point you do not clearly see as being scriptural, I can show you the scriptures to. In this way, individuals are assisted with their own doubts. There have been many times that an article is then made more beneficial for someone who did not benefit initially. Additions I then add, benefit all, including me. Each one has their own questions. I can not cover all Truth in each article, but if a point in particular is of personal interest to you, or is hard for you to see, if you let me know what it is, then you give both of us the opportunity to learn more. Please do not read an article, and leave it with unanswered questions, or worse, assumptions without scripture. If you need more, please request it of me. This has often lead to anointed ones having their vision clarified and re-adjusted, including myself. Any explanations I have given which you do not agree with, please speak up so that we may be "perfected" ~through the~ ~Bible's~ ~answer~. Again, I thank you so much for writing me. It is the will of YHWH and Christ that we come together, for many beneficial reasons. YHWH's spirit bless you with faith, hope, love, and Truth. Love, Pearl
submitted by DonRedPandaKeys to ExJwPIMOandPOMO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 Jexvite All of Titan History Before the Awakening of Godzilla

4,000,000,000 BCE The Earth is created. Inside of the Earth is a large area called Hollow Earth. Hollow Earth is different than the surface as time and gravity can sometimes behave differently. Every planet contains Hollow Earth Ore which comes from the core and is the reason for the almost unnatural place. The Hollow Earth is also filled with tons of radiation that comes from the Hollow Earth Ore. The Hollow Earth also contains Vortexes, which are almost like portals in between the Hollow Earth and the surface.
400,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, many creatures begin to evolve to be extremely big. Some even reaching 200 feet tall. They are called Titans and are the apex predators of Earth. Most Titans feed off radiation, making Hollow Earth a perfect habitat.
290,000,000 BCE Many Titans have evolved to be much bigger. Some can even reach over 400 feet tall. Some reptiles have evolved into Titans called Gojiras. Gojiras are powerful Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall. However, their height fluctuates based on how much radiation they can eat. Gojiras can also live to be millions of years old, however none have lived that long because they are always killed by other Titans. Some Gojiras can even harness the power of radiation if they have enough of it. If they are extra radiation in a Gojira, and that Gojira is strong enough, they can use it in the form of Atomic Pulses or Atomic Breaths. Atomic Pulses are large shockwaves of radiation that can burn and kill things around it. Atomic Breaths are a laser beam of energy that is concentrated and shot out of a Gojiras mouth. Gojiras also reproduce asexually.
270,000,000 BCE Many Titans have made their way to the surface through Vortexes and vast tunnel systems. The surface of the Earth has tons of radiation that has been untouched since Earth's creation.
250,000,00 BCE In Hollow Earth, a Gojira named Godzilla is born from a powerful parent. Right off the bat he is stronger than most and survives quite easily. He also is one of the few Gojiras to use Atomic Breath and Atomic Pulse. Godzilla also makes his way up to the surface where he becomes the most powerful Titan up there. However, only after a few thousand years his reign is cut short by an asteroid that kills 90% of life on the surface. This forces the surviving surface Titans to go into deep hibernation and only come out every few million years. This also stops the migration of Titans to the surface.
200,000,000 BCE Some ancient species of Titans have evolved into creatures called Monoliths. Monoliths are powerful creatures that full live off radiation and can grow to be miles long. They need very specific and perfect conditions to survive due to their size.
150,000,000 BCE With new types of animals such as mammals appearing in the Hollow Earth, many of them evolve into Titans. Some examples of this are Jishin-Mushis which are mammal Titans that are parasitic. Or Methuselahs that are large turtle-like Titans that carry small mountains on their backs.
100,000,000 BCE A new type of bug Titan evolves called Mosura. Mosuras look just like moths except have a wingspan of 803 feet and are 52 feet tall. The interesting thing about these Titans is that there offspring carries their conscious. For example, a Mosura will lay a few eggs all around Hollow Earth, but these eggs cannot hatch until their mother is dead, Once the mother dies, only one egg can hatch, and that new Mosura will carry the memories and mind of its mother. If that Mosura dies before it can lay an egg, one of its siblings will hatch and carry the memories of its mother and sibling. All of this can also happen if the Mosura is in hibernation. When that happens, the Mosura cannot wake up until its child dies or goes into hibernation.
70,000,000 BCE Almost all Monoliths are dead. The Earth and Hollow Earth are not in the perfect conditions for Monoliths, and they go extinct.
40,000,000 BCE In Hollow Earth, three different species of Great Apes evolved. These species are the Uprights, the Knuckles, and the Kings. The Uprights are the smartest apes and walk on two legs. The Knuckles are bigger than the Uprights and walk on their knuckles. The Kings are the largest at 25 feet tall and also walk on two legs.
5,000,000 BCE The Great Apes have evolved more. The Uprights evolved into Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Humans. The Knuckles have evolved into Gorillas and Orangutangs. And the Kings have evolved into Titans called Kongs and Reds. Chimpanzees are the third smartest and walk on their knuckles. Bonobos are just like Chimpanzees except a bit smaller. Humans are the smartest Apes, have lost all their hair, and not only are the smartest of the apes but are the smartest creatures to have ever lived. Gorillas are strong, walk on knuckles, and are the fourth smartest of the apes. Orangutangs are similar to Gorillas except are red, are smaller, and not as strong. Kongs are Titans that can grow to be almost 400 feet tall, they are also the second smartest apes. Finally, Reds are Titans that are similar to Kongs, except that they are lanky, skinny, and red. The Kongs and Reds are some of the only Titans to not survive off of radiation and actually have to eat. Kongs and Reds can also live up to 2,000 years old.
3,000,000 BCE An offshoot species of Gojiras called Shimos are going extinct. Shimos are bigger than Gojiras and have similar abilities to them. Shimos can shoot a beam called a Frost Bite Blast that freezes anything it touches. There entire bodies are so cold that the ground can sometimes turn to ice when they walk. The last Shimo ever is born in a lower layer of Hollow Earth called the Subterranean Realm. She is the last member of her species and will be called Shimo for simplicity's sake.
2,000,000 BCE Shimo has made her way to the surface and immediately starts shooting at the sky. She does this because she has never seen the Sun before and it hurts her eyes. She ends up hitting a cloud causing it grow and grow. This cloud eventually becomes a massive storm that blocks out the Sun. This gives Shimo some peace of mind. However, this awakens Godzilla who starts to attack the young Shimo. He ends up winning the fight and drives her back into Hollow Earth. But that does not stop what she did. Because of the coldness of her Frost Bite Blast, the storm she created will not stop. The storm eventually grows to cause an Ice Age.
800,000 BCE A very large and powerful Kong arrives on the surface. His name is The Rival. He emerges in the home of Godzilla. This wakes Godzilla up who is currently staved of radiation and not in the condition to fight, but he is forced to. After a long battle Godzilla loses and is kicked out of his home.
500,000 BCE An alien species called Ghidorahs roam the galaxy. Ghidorahs grow up on their home planet before being sent off into deep space. Once a Ghidorah discovers a planet with life they take it over and then live out the rest of its life eating Hollow Earth Radiation. Ghidorahs also have three heads with their own personalities. But as long as the middle on survives, all of the heads survive. Ghidorahs are also massive with a 1,300-foot wingspan and a height of 521 feet. They also can use electricity and radiation to create a Gravity Beam. Gravity Beams are yellow beams of lighting similar in power to Atomic Breath. One Ghidorahs discovers Earth and begins to take it over. This Ghidorah is simply called King Ghidorah with its head being named Ichi, Ni, and Kevin. Ni is the right most head and follows anything Ichi says. Ichi is the middle head, controls most of the body, and is in charge of the others. Kevin is the left most head, the most often killed, and the stupidest of them. When King Ghidorah arrives on Earth, he starts the War on Ghidorah. The War on Ghidorah is the first time in history where 90% of Titans team up to stop a common threat. For thousands of years King Ghidorah is fought and kept away from Hollow Earth. Some Titans, like Godzilla, are even able to kill Kevin. But he always comes back right after the fight. Eventually, King Ghidorah discovers a Vortex to Hollow Earth in Antartica. However, when he arrives, he is met with three Titans. Godzilla, Shimo, and a Mosura named Mothra. It is a long fight where Godzilla uses his Atomic Breath many times. The fight ends with Shimo being able to freeze King Ghidorah in ice. Although all Titans go back to fighting like animals after this, the Gojiras, Kongs, Reds, and Mosuras decide to keep the peace between them.
400,000 BCE After 100,000 years of peace, a rouge Kong ends up killing a small Gojira. This breaks the peace and starts the Great Titan War. The Gojiras begin slaughtering the Kongs and Reds, but due to how many there are it doesn't kill all of them. A Gojira could easily take on a Kong or Red in a fight, but not 10 of them. Because of how many Kongs and Reds there are, and how powerful Gojiras are, this makes the war even.
390,000 BCE After 10,000 years of fighting, the Great Titan War ends. The Kongs and Reds won with almost all of the Gojiras being dead, except for two. Godzilla and Dagon. Dagon is another old and powerful Gojira that survived the war. The victory of the Kongs and Reds did come at a cost. There populations were split and low. The Reds decided to stay away from the Kongs and keep to themselves as they were few Reds left. The Kongs have split into two tribes, the Royals and the Great Apes. The Royals rule the main area of Hollow Earth and have turned the dorsal plate of a Gojira into an axe that they use to show power. The Great Apes rule the Subterranean Realm and are trapped there by the Royals, Godzilla, Dagon, and Mothra.
200,000 BCE Mothra, the Titan that helped stop King Ghidorah, is Godzilla's lifelong friend. Mothra's consciousness has been passed on through thousands of generations of Mosura, and over the past tens of millions of years this Mothra conscious has formed a friendship with Godzilla. Mothra has just laid an egg on the surface for the first time.
100,000 BCE The Humans have formed a civilization called the Iwi. They have learned to speak, write, wear clothes, and build large structures. They also worship Mothra who is currently hibernating in their kingdom. The Iwi has learned from Mothra to speak to each other through their minds. Using this ability, they are able to form a strong connection with the Kong, specifically the Royals.
50,000 BCE Many apes start to go to the surface. Humans and other Human species make their way to the surface carrying Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, and Orangutangs with them. The first few civilizations start in places like the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. A small civilization forms in the Middle East called the Mesopotamia and will be the beacon of the future of Humanity. Another large civilization forms on an island off the coast of Europe called Atlantis. Atlantis is a massive city with huge buildings and statues. Atlantis is the hub for Hominid life and contains all species of man. However, places like Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa are not so excepting and devolve into war. This massive War of Man ends with only three Hominid species surviving. These species being Humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The War of Man destroys any surviving main land civilizations. The only city surviving city was Mesopotamia and it was demoted to a village. Atlantis was unaffected by the War of Man and still has countless Human species in it. Meanwhile a random group of Iwi get trapped on a surface island called Skull Island. Skull Island is a remote pacific island with a one-way Vortex on it. This causes it to be filled with countless dangerous Titans. These Iwi becomes isolated.
45,000 BCE Godzilla wakes up and walks around looking for food. He is seen by the Atlanteans, and they begin to build something for him.
42,000 BCE Godzilla is awoken again and this time he discovers that a bed was built for him in Atlantis. Godzilla uses this bed and is worshipped by the Atlanteans. Every day they walk around looking at him, praying to him, and respecting him. Godzilla is happy.
40,000 BCE After living in isolation and fear for 10,000 years, the Skull Iwi are saved. The Skull Crawlers have been revenging and ruling Skull Island for millennia, but recently they have started to have been killed. It turns out they the Royals in Hollow Earth have almost fully broken apart. The last surviving Ryals have escaped to Skull Island. Thousands of 100-foot-tall Skull Crawlers fight around fifty 400-foot tall Kongs. This starts the Skull Island War.
25,000 BCE The Humans begin their worldwide crusade. They start in Africa and make their way through Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, South America killing all Neanderthals and Denisovans along the way. Also around this time, Atlantis is flooded and pulled under the ocean. All Atlanteans and surviving non-Human hominids are killed in this flood. This leaves Godzilla sad and lonely.
11,000 BCE Dagon, the only remaining Gojira other than Godzilla gets into a fight with a Jinshin-Mushi named MUTO Prime. After fighting and chasing for years, MUTO Prime is able to overpower Dagon and lay her eggs inside him. After about a decade of struggle Dagon dies in a large cave where the baby Jinshin-Mushis named Hokmuto, Femuto, and Queen MUTO eat his insides. This makes Godzilla the only living Gojira.
5,000 BCE The past few generations of Kongs on Skull Island have been almost three times smaller than what they usually are. This is because they have limited food sources, are constantly at war, and are constantly under stress. If given the right conditions they could grow to their normal size, but they will stay like this until then. The Skull Island was easy at first for the Kongs as they were triple the size of them, but now that they are even in size, they are much harder to kill.
1000 Over the past almost 400,000 years, the Reds have been living in solitude. Due to lack of outside connections, and in fighting, they have gone extinct, except for one. There is only one remaining Red alive and his name is Skar King. He is only about 500 years old and still quite young. He discovers Shimo, who has been peacefully living in the Subterranean Realm since the War on Ghidorah. He is able to rip a dorsal crystal off her back and before she kills him, he uses it to control her. This crystal that he ripped off her can cause her extreme pain when pointed at her. Skar King uses this to manipulate and control her. Using Shimo, Skar King is able to take over the Great Apes. He turns them all into slaves and lock up Shimo behind a wall of lava.
1500 Skar King decides to mate with three Kongs. Those Kongs give birth to Skar Kings sons. The names of these sons are One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher. These kids are hybrids of Kongs and Reds.
1502 Godzilla briefly wakes up and takes a stroll through Europe.
1597 The last Kong on Skull Island is born. His name is King Kong. King Kong's parents are killed by Skull Crawlers as they leave him to be the last Kong on Skull Island. This ends the Skull Island War with the Skull Crawlers winning. However, now there is only one big Skull Crawler left, the rest have died. This Skull Crawler is named Ramarak.
1700 One-Eye, Stone Face, and Catcher are old enough and strong enough to help Skar King. He makes them second in command and calls them the Red Stripes. Meanwhile on Skull Island, Ramarak starts to have kids. However, King Kong is old enough to start killing these young Skull Crawlers. As if any of them got to be as Ramarak, they would easily kill him. King Kong and Ramarak have a deep-rooted hatred and rivalry. With them both being the most powerful and practically the last of their kind, although they hate each other, they are very similar.
1927 Skar King has another son named Suko. Suko carries much more Red genetics then Kong genetics, making him practically a successor to Skar King.
submitted by Jexvite to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:23 Dmen1478 (Theory) If we get an official 6th subclass, it's not going to be Resonance, Taken or SIVA because of mechanics.

So I've been hearing a bit of speculation with the release of the echos shader bundle having a resonance animated shader along with two others for Stasis and Strand. I think with those things being next to each other, people thought this might be a hint at an official 6th subclass outside of Prismatic which is just a mash of all the other ones. I'll be honest, I don't think that's going to happen chief for a few different reasons with the main on being game mechanics.
To start, consider Strand and Stasis before they were added as a subclass. If you just said, "but Stasis and Strand where'd in the game before their expansions" you'd be right. In both cases, either element was anywhere in the game or in the lore for that matter. The closest I can think of a possible reference for stasis was when Drifter and his crew when to an icy planet where he encountered something that suppressed light (I vaguely remember a Byf video from years ago on the subject and that was his theory). This could be a lot of different things least of which being pyramid tech like we saw in the Lightfall campaign. Every time a new element is added to the game, it is 100% new. In the cases of a lot of fan ideas for new subclasses/elements they are all known to us and while it would be cool to have them, it also does not help that these damage types are already in the game.
Resonance, Taken, SIVA while all are unique ideas, are just known elements applied in different ways. For example, go into VotD, go to Rhulk, stand in his beams till you die, and look at in the corner of your screen for what killed you, the game will tell you that Rhulk killed you with a resonance beam with an element type of solar. Anytime you die to Resonance in this game, it comes back as solar damage. Lubrae's Ruin, Rhulk's glaive is a solar glaive. Resonance is solar with a different presentation. In that same way, dying to a blight or a blight bomb, will comeback as kinetic damage (and/or misadventure). In fact we have Taken guns in the form of Malfeasance and Witherhoard, both guns that shoot taken energy and both are Kinetic. Meanwhile, SIVA is a mixed bag with the SIVA gun, Outbreak Perfected, being kinetic and some SIVA based weapons in D1 being categorized as solar.
With all that said, it is possible for Bungie to pull a Quicksilver and retroactively change the elements of these attacks and weapons but, that would require a lot of backend work on the part of the Ai attacks like Rhulk's beam and on the player side, making certain changes to facilitate keeping these weapons (especially exotics) in their original element for those players who like the original version, lest the devs incur the wrath of a belligerent Twitter user who will say their build is ruined.
Thank you for reading my ramblings. This has been something rattling around in my head since like Beyond Light but I never got around to putting my thoughts into words. I hope this made sense and I would love to hear your feedback or be totally wrong for that matter. The devs could make all those changes and give use some fun new subclasses from something we already know. I have no idea how easy or hard something like that would be as I am not a dev and this is just a theory based on game mechanics. A game theory if you will. THANKS FOR READING
TL:DR: Resonance, Taken, and SIVA are all in the game as solar or kinetic and any new subclass will have to be brand new in both a gameplay and lore standpoint making it difficult to accurately predict what the next official subclass/element would be.
submitted by Dmen1478 to DestinyLore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:22 higaroth Did Yana spill all the beans in season 1? (Manga spoilers)

I always wondered how much she told the season 1 directors of her plans with Black Butler. If I'm getting this right, they made season 1 after the Curry arc was released in the manga. I could really see season 1 being someone else's interpretation after hearing vague ideas of what she planned to do. It just seems like there's too many similarities, and I'm wondering if we can even make theories based on it.
Like season 1 similarities: - 2 white clad characters introduced in relation to working closely for the Queen with seemingly more-than-human capabilities (Ash/Angela and Charles Phipps/Charles Grey) - Undertaker being a grim reaper - Bringing Ciels dead family back alive in a living zombie kind of way (his Frankenstein parents in season 1, R!Ciel in manga) - Id assume this was more coincidence, but silver-haired animal-based addition to the servants (Pluto/Snake) - Elizabeth struggling with her femininity (flat shoes, swords, although I haven't read the early manga so not sure if that was already alluded to)
The only other big element I can think of that season 1 stated but the manga hasn't reached that point yet is that the Queen was behind the deaths of the Phantomhives. Which tbh, I could still see that happening in the manga, since it would fit the themes already introduced. Thoughts? Am I reading too far into it?
submitted by higaroth to blackbutler [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:22 iamkingsleyf Food Sources of Carbohydrates You Should Know

The sources of carbohydrates you choose to eat are essential, as some are healthier than others.
The sources of carbohydrates in the diet are more relevant than the amount of carbohydrates in the diet (high or low).
Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source. You can find Carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables, dairy, and grains.
Carbohydrates are found in sweeteners such as sugar, honey, and syrup, and foods with added sugars such as candy, soft drinks, and cookies.
Rather than adding sugars or refined grains, try to get most of your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, fat-free and low-fat dairy, and whole grains.
Carbohydrate-rich meals are an essential component of a well-balanced diet.
Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted into energy for biological functions and physical activities.
Bread, beans, Milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie are just a few carbohydrate-rich foods.
Carbohydrates come in a range of shapes and sizes. Sugars, fibers, and starches are the most common and abundant types.

What are Sugars?

Simple carbohydrates include sugars. Your body readily breaks down simple carbs. As a result, blood sugar levels swiftly spike and then fall.
You may rush energy, followed by exhaustion after eating lovely meals.
Furthermore, sugar restriction is necessary to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Sugary foods and drinks also contain more calories, leading to weight gain.
In addition, Refined and sugar-sweetened foods, such as white flour, desserts, candies, juices, fruit drinks, soda pop, and sweetened beverages, should be avoided.

What is Fiber?

You can get fiber from plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain products. Animal products, such as dairy and meat, are devoid of fiber.
Fiber is a complex carbohydrate that is good for you. Your body cannot break down fiber. The majority of it is absorbed into the intestines, where it stimulates and aids digestion.
Fiber also helps control blood sugar levels, decrease cholesterol, and keep you fuller for longer. Examples include Beans and Legumes, Fruits, nuts and seeds, vegetables, etc.

What Are Starches?

Starches are a type of carbohydrate that is both simple and complicated. Many (but not all) starches fall under this category. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Complex carbohydrates take longer for your body to break down.
As a result, the blood sugar levels are maintained, and fullness is kept for longer.

Food Sources of Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates, especially sugar, are the main source of carbohydrates for most of the world's population, and they come from plant-based food sources.
You can find carbohydrates in several natural meals and pre-prepared or processed foods.
Furthermore, Carbohydrates are classified based on their chemical structure, with monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides being the three most well-known types.
Read on as we talk about some of the sources of carbohydrates for the different types of carbohydrates.


This is the simplest form of carbohydrate, including glucose, fructose, and galactose.
Glucose is one of the sources of carbohydrates that we can get from Honey, golden syrup,
Dried fruits such as dates, currants & figs. Also, you can get small amounts in some fruits (grapes and dried apricots), vegetables (sweet corn), and Honey. In addition, they can also get them from Manufactured foods such as juices, cured hams, pasta sauces.
This is another source of carbohydrate that is a monosaccharide that you can get from Honey, Dried fruits such as apples, dates, and sultanas. Also, Fruit jams, chutneys, barbecue & plum sauce, gherkins, sun-dried tomatoes, Breakfast cereals made from whole wheat, oats, and fruits Fruits in cans, such as pineapple, strawberry, and plum, Fresh fruits such as grapes, apples, pear, kiwi, and banana.
Galactose is one of the different sources of carbohydrate that is a monosaccharide; this simplest compound can be derived from taking Flavored yogurts or with fruit pieces added, Lactose-free Milk, Instant coffee granules, and ground black pepper.


Disaccharides are complex sources of carbohydrate that can be broken down into simpler monosaccharides, and they include:
Sucrose is one of the sources of carbohydrates that you can get from sugar cane and sugar beet. Also,
table sugar manufactured foods such as cakes, cookies, and dark chocolate. In addition, Sweet root vegetables such as beetroot and carrot
Maltose is one of the carbohydrates that you can get from Barley and malted wheat, Bread, bagels, cereals, energy bars, Molasses, malt extract, and Beer.
You can get lactose from Milk, buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream, condensed milk, milk products, frozen yogurts, cottage cheese, evaporated milk, goat's milk, and ice cream.
This is one of the sources of carbohydrates that are not common. You can get them from Edible fungus and mushrooms, Seaweeds, lobsters, shrimp, honey wine, and beers.


Polysaccharides can be broken down into starchy and non-starchy carbohydrates.
You can get the starchy form from Cereal foods, cornmeal, pretzels, flours, oats, instant noodles, pasta, rice, potato, corn—also, small amounts in other root vegetables and unripe fruit.
However, the non-starchy forms include Fruit, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals.
Furthermore, this article will not be complete without breaking down some of the sources of carbohydrates in a more straightforward and eye-catching way.
Familiar food sources of carbohydrates include:
submitted by iamkingsleyf to u/iamkingsleyf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:20 Monkmode28 There is so much injustice in this prison that I get rage!

I get really mad of seeing the injustice and misery and suffering of this hell realm from animals to humans and all the living things!
I’m also suffering myself, this flesh prison of mine is really weak itself. I’m ugly and low IQ and I was suffering since birth.
Every living thing in this hell realm is suffering to some degree.
I see the injustice and pain around me that I get really mad with rage! I want to heal their misery and right the injustice. Deep inside of me knows that I have hidden powers.
This body of mine that is made of flesh and is decaying every day and my mind don’t hold much information and is making me miserable is holding down my soul.
I’m also a Christian and I pray everyday, I sometimes wonder where is god? And why are we even here in this hell realm?
I promise to destroy this realm and all others like it and I will destroy all the hells and free all the souls.
The idea of going to hell for sins that you don’t even know is a sin is ridiculous. I don’t also believe that our souls are evil. Our body is evil and it is programmed to do evil, there is evil that is programmed into our genes.
This realm is also designed for deprivation, every living thing in this realm is suffering from deprivation. We always lack food,water and shelter and we lack emotional support and we lack knowledge. This lack is making us suffer even more and our environment is also very hostile.
One thing that I learn about this life if our life is really about learning and this realm is a school is that it sucks! I hate this place, I don’t wish anyone to be born here. Suffering is 100% guaranteed if you are born here. And we wonder why babies cry after being born. Their soul knows that it’s going to feel pain and suffer.
submitted by Monkmode28 to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:19 dahlek Helping my sister at EOS and beyond?

Hey y'all - my sister's EOS is this summer (yay!!!!). She's been in for 10 years and I'll be going to Homestead to pick her up at the gate. We're going to be spending a few days in Florida with family, so we'll be driving from Miami to the northern part of the state. Once we're done in Florida, we'll travel back to Baltimore (via Amtrak) where she'll stay with me for a week before moving into transitional housing nearby.
So I guess I have three questions:
  1. Is there anything else I can do ahead of time on my end? I have ~2 months! (:
  2. What can I do to help her once she's out of the gates? Any recommendations on what to include in the backpack I'm bringing for her? My list currently:
  1. Once we're in Baltimore and she's staying with me, is there anything else I can do to ease her transition?
I've started collecting some of the necessities for her, but I'm unsure what else I can do beyond providing her a launching pad to get her life started. I've made it clear that my partner and I want to be a part of the support system, but we can't be *the* support system.
I'm planning to meet her exactly where she is--and I'm going into this with a lot of love, patience, and tender curiosity--but I've never helped anyone transition from prison and it's overwhelming.
submitted by dahlek to Felons [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:18 Spotlightzzzzz Yuta SURVIVES (with historical accurate evidence + pictures!!)

Yuta SURVIVES (with historical accurate evidence + pictures!!)
LOOK CLOSELY AT RIKA & YUTA IN CHAPTER 262: We see Rika holding Yuta’s lifeless body in her arms, weeping, bawling, wailing, muttering his name in utter shock. The woman lost her husband!!


1) Disney Tangled: Rapunzel held Eugene‘s lifeless body in her arms, crying and chanting some weird magical song that makes her hair glow and revives people. What happened? EUGENE LIVED.
Eugene dead
Eugene alive!!!
2) Disney Mulan II.: Mulan argued with anger-management-issue Shang, Shang did something stupid and fell off a cliff. Afterwards, Mulan was bullied into nearly marrying some random prince, weeping for Shang to come back to life. What happened? SHANG LIVED.
Shang dead
Shang alive
3) Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus: When Annika got hit by an avalanche and persumably died, fcking Aiden weeped as well and asked her to come back to life and to not leave him alone in this world. What happened? ANNIKA LIVED.
Annika dead
Annika alive!!!
4) Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper: Preminger made everyone believe that Princess Annelise died. Her mom, the Queen, was heartbroken and weeping, wishing her daughter would come back to life. The Queen was even bullied into nearly marrying Preminger. What happened? ANNELISE LIVED.
Queen weeps -> Annelise lives!!!
5) Barbie of Swane Lake: Due to Prince Daniels fcking idiocy, him and Odette where killed by Rothbart. Odette actually had some magical crystal in her Tiara to prevent that from happening but like I said: Prince Daniel fcked up. Anyways, those weird animal kids, Fairy Queen and Lila thought they died. What happened? THEY LIVED.
Prince Daniel and Odette dead
Odette alive!!! ... and Prince Daniel too.

Coincidence? I think not!!

submitted by Spotlightzzzzz to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 ashfinsawriter Aspec or just dysphoric, traumatized, and sick??

Hey guys, this might be a long one. TW for the "traumatized" portion of the question (non graphic discussion of SA, and SH)
So, just some background of my experience with the asexual community: I literally know more asexual people than allosexual people. My best friend is included in that. All the allosexual people I know are shy and ashamed about sex, so basically I just grew up with no exposure to sexual things beyond basic education and what I could stumble upon online on my own.
And important context for who I am: I'm autistic, 20 years old, and FTM transgender- I came out at 12 and got on testosterone very early at 13. I am also a sexual abuse victim, but not as severe as it could've been. I was also homeschooled with helicopter parents. I am an atheist with no concept of sex being a "sin" specifically though.
So growing up I was often pretty sure of being allo, though this isn't my first time questioning it. The reason I was so confident is that losing my virginity was like, the only thing on my bucket list. My primary exposure to the topic was reading smutty gay fanfiction which made it seem very good lol. Since I felt distinctly averse to sex involving women, but men appealed to me, I thought I experienced sexual attraction to men and was gay, but I'll get back to that later.
I also had/have fixations on fictional men which I always assumed were (sexually motivated) crushes.
However, I always hated being allo. I wanted to fit in with my asexual peers, and I was ashamed and disgusted by partaking in this taboo and inappropriate culture of sexuality. It was so bad that in my mid-teens, I attempted to self-administer conversion therapy to become ace. Any time I thought about anything sexual I'd hurt myself. I had to earn the right to eat by not being sexual, if I didn't have a sexual thought for long enough I'd reward myself with a treat, etc. I believe some of the extremism is because this started while I was being sexually abused so I "realized" sexual behaviours can only hurt me.
I figured it just didn't work after a while though and gave up. It took a few years for the idea of sex to stop making me so nauseous though.
Then I got a total hysterectomy including removing ovaries. An important note about my transition is that testosterone failed to reduce my ovary function so I always had female hormone levels, just plus extra testosterone. So basically I get neutered and all my sex hormones basically just disappear, even my testosterone is extremely reduced.
My sex drive is completely destroyed and I finally have time to reflect without the desire for physical stimulation confusing issues. Remember those fictional crushes? I'm not sure they're sexual. I always just imagine intense platonic affection. Sometimes I focus on seemingly sexually charged regions, like I go wild for a man with a slimmer waist than hips, but my actual thoughts are just "Oh my godddd my short arms (I'm 4'11) could get so much leverage for the BEST HUG". This also only applies to animated characters. I did have a slight fixation on real men in my teens but I made irl male friends for the first time at 19 and it totally disappeared after getting... Well, what I fantasized about, which is just stuff like hugs. If I could ACTUALLY hug these cartoon characters I think I'd be perfectly satisfied lol
But, due to my trauma, I don't know if maybe I'm just too terrified to let it get sexual, so that energy gets channeled into particularly intense platonic affection cravings? I really don't know
Oh and as for the dysphoria, whenever I actually try to imagine myself having sex I just end up having a breakdown over my AFAB anatomy. The idea of letting anyone other than a medical professional see me undressed horrifies me. The idea of letting anyone touch me ~down there~ disgusts me. I'm terrified I'd be how someone realizes they're not attracted to AFAB anatomy. Or worse- that's ALL they're into, and I can't even satisfy it because I wouldn't be able to do it like a woman. Which, yeah, I know I'd never physically enjoy it due to health issues. The furthest I can get with imagining is... Tbh imagine anything where the clothes stay on I guess, and even then I lost any interest I used to have. So, basically tldr on a practical level I CAN'T have sex so maybe I'm sparing myself the pain of unfulfilled attraction by not acknowledging it???
I also think dysphoria could be the driving force behind why I thought I was gay. Basically fixating on male bodies as appealing because I want to look like that, and being dissuaded by female bodies because I hated already looking like that. The more I transition, the more evenly I view male and female anatomy, which is why I wonder if dysphoria is driving my "preference".
This post is a mess but I swear I'm almost done. I told myself during all this post surgery questioning that I can't be sure til my hormones are fixed. Well they are now, everything's in a male range, and... Yeah, still not sure. My old drive is still gone but I'm back to occasional... Ahem, solo activities. And yeah everything I thought was sexual attraction (other than the situation with wanting to hug characters) is still gone. The libido I do have seems to focus on the IDEA of sex rather than on actual people.
So, uh. Yeah, does this sound ace or just traumatized and stuff?? Happy to answer questions, there's more I wanted to say but didn't know how to fit it in.
submitted by ashfinsawriter to AskAsexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:17 Less-Dragonfly-1148 Realizing That My SO (Most Likely) Has NPD

Found this sub and it exactly matches my need right now. I made a throwaway account to talk to people about my recent realization. I need as many perspectives as I can from people who either are narcissists, have been with people like that or are currently in a relationship of this kind.
Brief general context:
When I initially encountered weird behaviors, reactions, traits, I chalked them up to personality quirks, a different type of person from what I'm used to, and other benign things like that. I was also completely distracted by the novelty of the new romantic connection. Rose tinted glasses.
The behaviors and signs:
Then, gradually, these things started popping up more and more, causing massively escalating arguments and fights that made me start questioning my sanity, the way I see the world, the way I know myself, and have often left me a broken mess on the floor and in tears:
  1. SO believes that they're an extraordinary person that's on another level in terms of morality, taste, intellect, the ability to read people and know them better than they know themselves, the ability to manipulate people and play them, the ability to detach and coldly view things, the ability to figure things out without anyone's help (this means knowing what's the best course of action, what is the truth about the world, about science, about feelings, about health, etc).
  2. Stemming from what I described in the first point, my SO loves 'deconstructing' people. Casting doubt on any view, opinion, perspective and feeling they might have since my SO believes that they know better, know the truth, know what's between the lines. When this happens during an argument or a misunderstanding or any case where I try to explain myself, you can imagine how hopeless it feels to try to make any point when the SO instantly dismisses and deflates anything you might say. They are the arbiter of truth, always. They can never misunderstand, get something wrong, overreact, be in the wrong. Sometimes the SO might briefly admit it, but then either retract the apology or admission, or effectively behave as if it never happened. Gaslighting and denying things is very common. Will often accuse me of being the gaslighter when I try to stand up for myself or when I try to take ownership of knowing what I intend, mean or want and refuse to let them tell me about my own internal truths (I've been accused of being toxic, abusive, unstable, having my own issues, etc. Before this person, I've never heard even a hint from anyone - parents, family, past partners - that there might be something wrong with me. I'm boring and from what the people in my life say, very normative).
  3. The SO respects no authority except in some cases when it comes from close family members (and even then it's very rare). This means extreme distrust in doctors, any authorities in any field, casual dismissal of the law and pride in doing things illegally. This also means frequent reluctance to take medicine unless it's suggested by a trusted family member.
  4. The SO has a grandiose self image that connects to their distaste and distrust of authorities, as well as their refusal to participate in society (rarely leaving home, not having a credit card or a job, refusing to even apply for unemployment checks). They act as if they're too good to live life this way and therefore refuse to engage with it. They resort to getting money illegally, or having their parents paying for them and taking care of their every need or by manipulating people into giving them money or paying for things. Abruptly left the only read job they had and claim they'd rather kill themselves rather than get another 9-5 job. Reminisced about feeling seen when some coworker told them they're better than the current office job they had back then. Also has the most erratic and unstable sleeping schedule I've ever seen.
  5. Becomes extremely defensive when they perceive that their character or their beliefs are under attack, terminating any discussion or argument. Stonewalling. Extremely quick to resort to personal attacks, insults when they feel their argument or point of view isn't being accepted, or is being challenged. Ultimately they dismiss whatever opposition they had or have as irrelevant and below their level. Will only break out of this stance if they see that their opposition completely collapsed and they feel pity or awkward at how brutal the effects of their behavior is.
  6. Can suddenly shut down and become extremely hostile over differences of taste - becoming extremely arrogant, condescending and cruel to the point of openly questioning how their partner can be this low, this unrefined and casting everything good into doubt. This can happen over something as minor as liking a movie they disliked, or saying that you're able to enjoy some anime (the correct answer to avoid a fight is to say that all anime is horrible and you can never enjoy it). They can go on long rants where they basically tear you down as a person and belittle your intelligence, your capacity to understand things or art on their level, etc. Will absolutely refuse to acknowledge that there might be merits to things they don't like or approve of. For example, my SO has no academic education, and shows an almost visceral hatred for anything academic - dismissing it all as useless, stupid, a waste of time.
  7. Blatantly struggles with employing empathy or thinking with an empathic perspective. Will allow themselves to do and say things without even trying to imagine what it would feel like had it been done to them. Often openly mocks the idea that they should feel bad or guilt over them insulting or hurting someone. Has a general difficulty with apologizing or admitting wrong. Our relationship is very skewed because they allow themselves behaviors they would never tolerate from me.
  8. Typically in an argument they will find a way to put all the blame on me. Even if they started something, they will end up blaming how I'm reacting and focusing the problem on my reaction or how I'm dealing with their wrongdoing, rather than first and foremost dealing with what they did wrong. Example: blaming me for being difficult after they revealed that they've been sending some online stranger pictures for money. Mocking me for being hurt by that, for not seeing the bigger picture of how it's all very intellectual and basically insinuating that I'm beneath their level for not getting it and getting hurt by it. Briefly apologized afterwards before bitterly stating multiple times "I was so stupid, why did I even tell you?".
  9. Tendency to jump to conclusions and declare extreme verdicts based on small perceived slights against them. Some minor inconvenience or mistake around the house? I must've done it either on purpose, or because I know that it bothers them but I don't care ("left the faucet turned to hot water? you did that on purpose, you don't care about anyone around you, I can't trust you, you have a massive ego, you don't care about me") So extracting always malicious meaning out of things that are either clearly misunderstandings, genuine mistakes or something done out of naive ignorance of how it might offend them. This attribution of instant guilt. Causing me to walk and talk on eggshells out of fear that my actions or words might get misinterpreted and lead to some extreme conclusion about what I want, who I am or what kind of person I am to them.
So, what do you think? What am I dealing with? Is there any hope? Do you recognize any of these examples?
submitted by Less-Dragonfly-1148 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:15 adulting4kids Oracle Cards

To cultivate a meaningful practice with Oracle Card Spreads, start by choosing a deck that resonates with you. Establish a sacred space for your readings and set clear intentions. Regularly cleanse and charge your cards. Develop a connection with each card's symbolism through meditation and reflection. Practice various spreads to enhance your interpretive skills. Trust your intuition and incorporate journaling to track your insights.
Consistency and openness are key to deepening your understanding of Oracle Cards. Oracle cards are a divination tool similar to Tarot cards, consisting of a deck with unique images and symbols. Unlike Tarot, Oracle cards don't adhere to a standardized structure, allowing for greater creativity in design. These cards are used for intuitive guidance, self-reflection, and spiritual insights. Each card carries a specific meaning or message, and users often draw cards randomly or lay out spreads to gain insights into various aspects of their lives or seek answers to specific questions.
Oracle cards are embraced by individuals seeking personal growth, inspiration, and a connection to their intuition.
Oracle cards are diverse, covering themes like angels, animals, mythology, or affirmations. Users interpret the cards based on intuition, imagery, and personal associations rather than a fixed set of meanings.
The practice involves shuffling the deck, posing a question, and drawing cards to receive guidance. Some use Oracle cards for daily inspiration, while others turn to them during pivotal life moments.
The open-ended nature of Oracle cards encourages users to explore their spirituality, fostering a unique and personal connection with the deck.
Regular use enhances one's intuitive abilities and deepens the bond with the cards.To deepen your Oracle card practice, consider exploring different spreads that cater to specific inquiries or areas of your life.
Develop a ritual around your readings, such as grounding exercises or meditation, to enhance focus and receptivity. Engage with the imagery on the cards through visualization and contemplation, allowing your subconscious to contribute to the interpretation.
Maintain a journal to record your readings, insights, and feelings, fostering a reflective process that helps track patterns and personal growth over time. Remember, the essence of Oracle cards lies in personal connection and intuition, making each reading a unique and enriching experience.
Experiment with combining Oracle card readings with other spiritual practices like meditation, crystal work, or rituals to create a holistic experience.
Join communities or online forums to share experiences and insights with fellow practitioners, gaining new perspectives on card interpretations. Periodically cleanse and recharge your cards to maintain their energy.
Embrace the evolving nature of your practice, allowing it to adapt as you grow spiritually. As you become more attuned to your intuition, you may find that Oracle cards become a powerful tool for self-discovery, guidance, and empowerment.
Consider integrating Oracle card readings into a mindful routine, incorporating them into moments of introspection, gratitude, or goal-setting. Explore different spreads or design your own to tailor readings to specific aspects of your life. Share your insights with others or use Oracle cards in group settings for collective guidance.
As you progress, don't hesitate to explore advanced techniques, such as combining multiple decks or creating your own cards to personalize the experience further. Ultimately, the key lies in cultivating a practice that resonates with you, fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual insights Oracle cards can offer.
To further enrich your Oracle card practice, delve into the symbolism and history behind the specific deck you're using. Understanding the cultural or spiritual context can deepen your appreciation and interpretation of the cards. Explore different spreads for specific purposes, such as love, career, or personal growth.
Additionally, regularly revisit and reassess your personal connection to the cards, allowing your evolving perspectives to influence the readings. Continuously expand your knowledge by exploring diverse decks and attending workshops or classes on Oracle card reading. This ongoing exploration ensures a dynamic and evolving practice tailored to your unique spiritual journey.
Grounding exercises help anchor you in the present moment and connect with the physical world. Here are a few simple grounding techniques:
  1. Deep Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on the sensation of your breath to bring your attention to the present.
  2. Body Scan: Sit or lie down comfortably. Pay attention to each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up. Notice any tension and consciously release it, bringing awareness to each body part.
  3. Mindful Walking: Take a slow walk and pay attention to each step. Feel the ground beneath your feet, notice the movement of your body, and observe your surroundings. This helps shift your focus from thoughts to the physical experience.
  4. Grounding Objects: Hold onto an object with texture or weight, like a stone or a piece of fabric. Pay attention to its features, temperature, and the way it feels in your hand, bringing your awareness to the present moment.
  5. Visualization: Imagine roots extending from your body into the ground, like a tree. Envision these roots grounding you and providing stability. Connect with the Earth's energy as you visualize this grounding process.
  6. Five Senses Check: Engage your senses by identifying five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This exercise brings you into the immediate sensory experience.
  7. Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations or mantras to center your thoughts. Affirmations can help redirect your focus and bring a sense of calmness.
Experiment with these grounding exercises to find what resonates best with you, and use them whenever you need to center yourself or alleviate stress.
To incorporate crystals and rituals into your Oracle card practice, consider the following steps:
  1. Crystal Selection: Choose crystals that resonate with your intentions or the specific energy you want to enhance during your Oracle card readings. For example, amethyst for intuition, rose quartz for love, or clear quartz for clarity.
  2. Cleansing Crystals: Before each reading, cleanse your chosen crystals to remove any previous energies. You can use methods like smudging with sage, placing them in moonlight or sunlight, or using other crystal-clearing techniques.
  3. Crystal Placement: Position your crystals around your Oracle card deck or spread. You can place them in a pattern or intuitively position them based on the energy you want to enhance. Trust your instincts and the energies of the crystals.
  4. Setting Intentions: Before beginning your Oracle card reading, set clear intentions for the session. State your purpose and what guidance or insights you seek. This helps align the energy of the crystals and cards with your intentions.
  5. Ritual Elements: Create a ritual around your Oracle card practice. This might include lighting candles, playing soft music, or incorporating specific colors or symbols that hold personal meaning. Consistency in your ritual can create a conducive environment for your practice.
  6. Meditation with Crystals: Meditate with your chosen crystals before starting the Oracle card reading. This helps attune your energy to the vibrations of the crystals and enhances your intuitive connection.
  7. Crystal Grids: Experiment with creating crystal grids around your Oracle card space. This involves arranging crystals in a specific pattern to amplify energy and intention. Grids can be simple or complex, depending on your preference.
  8. Closing Ritual: Conclude your Oracle card session with a closing ritual. Express gratitude for the insights received, release any energy that no longer serves you, and cleanse both the cards and crystals. This helps maintain a clear and positive energy space.
  9. Crystal Charging: Periodically recharge your crystals to maintain their energy. You can do this by placing them in the sunlight, moonlight, or on a selenite charging plate. This ensures that the crystals remain potent and ready for your Oracle card sessions.
  10. Incorporate Elemental Energies: Align your practice with the elements. For example, use earthy crystals for grounding (e.g., hematite), airy crystals for mental clarity (e.g., clear quartz), watery crystals for emotional insight (e.g., moonstone), and fiery crystals for passion (e.g., carnelian). This adds a elemental dimension to your readings.
  11. Create Ritual Symbols: Develop symbols or gestures that act as anchors for specific energies during your Oracle card readings. For instance, drawing a particular symbol in the air or using hand gestures can amplify your intention and focus.
  12. Moon Phases and Oracle Readings: Leverage the energy of different moon phases for your Oracle card readings. Perform readings during the new moon for new beginnings, the full moon for clarity and manifestation, or the waning moon for releasing and letting go.
  13. Crystal Elixirs: Create crystal elixirs by placing crystals in water under moonlight or sunlight (ensuring the crystals are safe for water). Use the elixir to anoint your cards or drink before a reading, infusing the energy of the crystals into your practice.
  14. Dedicated Sacred Space: Designate a specific area for your Oracle card practice and crystal work. This sacred space can be adorned with meaningful items, creating an energetic container that enhances your connection with the divine and your intuitive abilities.
  15. Intuitive Crystal Pairing: Trust your intuition when combining crystals with Oracle cards. Allow yourself to be drawn to certain crystals based on the energy you sense or the guidance you seek. Intuitive pairings can deepen the resonance of your readings.
Continuously explore and adapt these practices to align with your evolving spiritual journey. The synergy of crystals, rituals, and Oracle cards can create a powerful and personalized experience, enriching your connection with your inner wisdom and the energies around you.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:13 potatoes-jpg Roommate has major doggy doodoo problem (buckle up, it’s a long one)

So I (21F) and my boyfriend (25M) moved in with his manager (47F) bc I’m strapped for cash and wanted to finally get an apartment with our two cats after being separated from them for months due to housing.
The move in is…less than smooth. She inherited the apartment from another coworker who lived in it with 2 other single men in their 30s. Let’s just say cleaning was not their strong suit. I’m talking 5 years of husky hair in the carpets that caused my vacuum to smoke. Dust caked to the ceiling fans. Baseboards that were white were BLACK. Looked like someone had a bonfire in the oven. And the bathroom had poo all over the seat and slobber and dog hair cemented to the bathroom floor. And when entering….the house smelled like dog, it punched you in the fucking face. Wet dog, piss and shit completely bombarding your senses.
Also let me go on to say that I have lived there only a week and I have hardly even started with the issues…
First off, her and her boyfriend were meant to live in the apartment together. They have been together on and off for 2 months and are now planning to get married within the next year. While she’s been dating him she has been divorcing her previous husband (one out of 3 ex-husbands) who was abusive. Her boyfriend fled from Alaska with a DUI and DoorDashes full time. Days before they are going to sign the lease he says he’s backing out and breaks up with her. She says it’s fine bc she has a new roommate lined up. He freaks out when he finds out it’s her male coworker (my boyfriend), gets back together with her and signs the lease. Can’t say this was out of jealousy or insecurity, but actions speak louder than words.
Moving on… it’s Friday and me and my boyfriend are meant to move on Saturday, but we still don’t have a key. We ask her to drop off the key at some point on Friday. She responds back at 9 PM saying that she’s at the apartment now we meet up with her only to find out how awful the apartment is. This is the first time that we had seen the place this was also the first time that she had seen the place, and we were both absolutely disgusted. We ask her for a key only to find out that she only has one key due to the other roommates not being responsive or moving out their possessions. We open up one of the bedrooms to find it is littered with empty bottles of alcohol, a boxspring, a bedframe and just literal trash everywhere. Supposedly this roommate was coming by to pick up his belongings, but had yet to do so and didn’t even bother to give his keys back to his roommate. Apparently he had been moved out for over a year but was “storing stuff” in his room that he had yet to clean up. So we only had one key. Knowing that she was likely not going to show up bright and early tomorrow morning for moving, we took the key So we only had one key. Knowing that she was likely not going to show up bright and early tomorrow morning for moving, we took the key.
Moving onto Saturday me and my boyfriend are deep cleaning the apartment top to bottom once we clean up our room we get all of our possessions in there and move in the cats. This goes on until about 6 PM. We had started at about 7 AM. the roommate has not shown up all day, at this point we had cleaned the entirety of the disaster apartment and we had not heard a thing from her. Eventually at 7 PM she pulls up with a trailer with her belongings. she said she meant to bring the trailer yesterday but attire popped and so they had to take everything off the trailer and put it onto a new trailer Saturday. Even after we deep clean the apartment and move in our own stuff. She asked us if we can help her unload her trailer. Meanwhile, she’s let her dogs into the apartment and not one minute into going in the apartment with her dogs her one dog, a two year-old unspayed dachshund pees on the floor the floor we just vacuumed and shampooed at this point after all the events of the day I’m ready to start screaming.later, I find poop in one of the other I’ll keep later, I find poop in one of the other unoccupied rooms. I asked my boyfriend if she told him that her dog has a potty training problem. He says no he was totally unaware and also tells me he’s pretty certain that the dachshund is in heat. Her vulva was inflamed, her behavior was off, and the peeing on the carpet pretty much sealed the deal. My boyfriend told his manager if she was aware that her dog was in heat. She said she had no idea.
Moving on, we introduce the dogs to the cats. She has the dachshund as I mentioned before and a large elderly, morbidly obese mutt with tumors all over his body. The poor dog is absolutely pitiful. all sorts of red flags are ringing in my head that this woman is abusing/neglecting her animals. My boyfriend then disclosed to me that she had SEVEN cats, was euthanizing three of them giving away three of them and keeping only one. This fact about the cats isn’t really relevant, but I believe it describes the kind of pet owner. This fact about the cats isn’t really relevant, but I believe it describes the kind of pet owner she is. We introduce the cats and the dogs in a monitored environment. Immediately, the big dog scruffs, one of my cats that is really friendly and runs away with him. My boyfriend is screaming at him to drop the cat and prize his jaws open to get the cat out. We then push both of the dogs out of the door and stare at each other. My boyfriend is extremely protective of the cats. He’s even declared that if anything happened to his cats, he would literally die or kill for them. The one cat is an emotional support animal that has been with him even in times of homelessness and substance abuse. He tells his manager that the dog nearly killed his cat. She dismisses it and says he’s probably anxious from moving but he has lived with cats before so he’ll be fine. This obviously does not alleviate any stress from the situation. It’s super dismissive of the problem.
Moving forward, it’s Sunday and his manager also has the day off. He asked her if she was planning on bringing more of her items today. She said that she had not fully packed everything at her apartment despite being told that she was accepted for the apartment three weeks ago. This means that there are no groceries, no cookware, no dishware, no silverware. she said she would bring all of these items so we wouldn’t have to worry about buying some of our own. as I am writing this, it has been a week and she still has yet to bring anything else from her apartment to the new apartment. my boyfriend really likes to cook and eating out is expensive so this is not ideal. Her and her boyfriend are eating out every night, but don’t even have utensils for eating their takeout.
At my boyfriend’s job, she works during the day and he works nights, so he spends most of the day at the apartment and she spends the nights at the apartment. I was out at work and my boyfriend was staying at the apartment for the day when the dachshund pooped three times and peed twice on the carpet. He asked his roommate if she would do anything about it and she said that she was at work and he would have to take care of it. And he did only for her to proceed in peeing and pooping more. It’s about Wednesday when my boyfriend decides he’s tired of cleaning up the pee and the poop after stepping in it one too many times she gets angry at him and ask him why he didn’t take care of the mess only for him to reply that it’s not his responsibility, she says he’s being immature and it takes two seconds just to clean it up. When it comes to scrubbing carpets of pee, it does not take two seconds. Any pet owner can tell you this.
I’m really pissed off at this point and she decides that her dog will maybe stop peeing and pooping if we scrub the carpets. I said that I had access to a carpet scrubber and so she asked me if I could just do it. I come to the apartment with my parents carpet scrubber to start cleaning the carpets. I’ve been there for two minutes, and her dog has pooped and peed already. Both times right in front of her owner and both times her owner did not scold her or do absolutely anything about it. Eventually, her and her boyfriend leave not even offering to take stuff off of the carpet so that we could clean them eventually I tell my boyfriend I’m not going to clean the carpets and he is in agreement with me. There’s no way that the peeing and pooping on the carpets is going to stop after cleaning them. It would be entirely useless at this point they were just going to get dirty again. I mentioned in passing that the dog needs to be litter trained. If it can’t even go outside and she asked me if I could do that for her. I’m fucking. She won’t even take responsibility for her dog’s potty training issue! Instead, she would rather have me take care of it! not only that, but I asked if she could buy a baby so that we could find her to the laundry room where there isn’t carpet when she’s not being supervised. She said she didn’t have the money for it right now. I don’t even have the money for it right now, but I went to Walmart and bought a cheap baby gate for her only for her to tear it down saying that she feels bad if the dog is isolated.
So it’s been a week of living like this. My boyfriend and I are applying to other apartments. Thankfully, we are not listed on the lease of this apartment so we can leave whenever we want, but this has been an absolute nightmare. This weekend we asked her if she was planning on getting more stuff from her apartment to which she replied. She had done enough last weekend and was taking this weekend off. I invited my boyfriend to my parents house with the permission of my parents because of the absolutely disastrous condition of the apartment.
Honestly, this whole experience has been a nightmare. I never thought I could’ve moved in with a worse roommate. I genuinely thought people were joking when it came to disastrous roommates. I thought she would be OK since she was an adult, middle-aged woman, but I was grossly mistaken, this was made really clear when she started bitching about her daughter like a teenager who had moved out (been kicked out?) of her mother’s house at 16 for micromanaging her relationships. Which to be fair, she probably was rightfully worried for her mom as she had several pretty bad past relationships. I had the experience of meeting her daughter who looks like a lovely girl, total polar opposite from her mother.
At this point, her boyfriend is slowly moving things out of the house, but he has made no comment on if he is moving out or not, but I expect him to be gone within a couple days with no trace left behind. I suspect he’s fed up with it as we are.
That’s all i have so far. This is a very long read. I acknowledge that, but it has been a long week. The apartments we apply for aren’t ready until next month so we’re probably going to have to endure this for the rest of this month.
Wish us luck. 🤞
submitted by potatoes-jpg to roommateproblems [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 Poison_Gumi Accused of stalking my childs daycare teacher

Last week I(24F) was accused by my child's(3F) daycare teacher of stalking her. On Thursday last week, I received a text messaged from the daycares assigned text number. The message was from the director(Owner) of the daycare, the text read "Hey this is Katie(fake name) when you get a chance, could you please give me a call. Not an 911 but need to talk with you" after which she provided her cell phone number. Katie is an older woman, I'm not sure of her specific age but I would safely say 60s. I called her immediately as it's rare to get messages from the daycare, especially from Katie directly. She was surprised to hear from me so quickly and made it known that I didn't have to call right then. I asked what was the matter to which Katie replied that Mary(child/fake name) was fine and that the topic was more so about me. I was confused but I said ok and tried to listen and not jump to conclusions as I have severe generalized and social anxiety which causes me to assume the worst. Katie informed me that one of the teachers on staff, Amy(23F), at the daycare has accused me of stalking her. I was absolutely shocked as I was under the impression that me and Amy were friends. We were friends on Facebook, every few weeks I would message her to see how she was. Since she was Mary's favorite teacher in the 2 year old room, I would send her photos of Mary when she was being silly. My love language is gifts, so there was a time or two that I have gifted her items to show my appreciation for how much she does to teach Mary and the rest of her classmates. Katie informed that one of the examples Amy gave of me stalking was of a photo I had taken of Amy and then sent to Amy. I know exactly what she was talking about but the timing is wrong. Katie said it happened a few weeks ago, which is incorrect, that happened once a few months ago. The situation was I was waiting in the hallway of the daycare waiting for Mary to be ready to go. Each classroom has a plexiglass window so people can see into the classroom from the hallway. I noticed Amy was working, I don't get to see her in person often as she is gone from work by the time I usually pick up Mary from daycare. I decided to be playful and take a photo of Amy from the window and send it to Amy. I did not keep the picture, I said "I see you lol" and that was that. I understand how this can come off as creepy but she did not express at any point that she was uncomfortable with it. I explained this to Katie but I don't believe she was listening to understand me, she was listening to respond to me. Another example Amy provided to Katie was that I sent naked photos of Mary in the bath. To point out previously, I would send photos of Mary when she was being silly, so once or twice I did send photos of her in the bath but all of her private areas are covered. Additionally, Amy has seen Mary's private area since she had to change Mary's diaper many times when she was in Amy's class. Katie informed me that the photos made Amy uncomfortable, could be considered child pornography and that I am lucky they didn't call DCFS on me. At this point. I'm in tears and trying not to freak out on Katie over the phone. I took a deep breath and explained to Katie that I was in no way stalking Amy and that the photo of her was a playful joke, to which Amy did not express to me she did not find funny. I also pointed out to Katie that the bath photos of Mary were in no way intended to be inappropriate. I told Katie that I was under the impression me and Amy were friend's and that this is a complete shock to me. Katie repeated that this isn't that big of a deal but to just keep my distance from Amy from now on.
After the call ended I burst into tears and explained to my husband, Roger(27M), about the call. He was and still is absolutely furious. He told me that my actions were not my fault and that Amy should have handled the situation better instead of "hiding behind her job". I tend to over think things so I messaged two friends, both have children, one who knows me well, and another who I am just now getting to know. I explained the call and the situation, they also have stated that Amy did not handle it correctly and that the joke I made would have been funny to anyone else.
As for staying away from Amy, Katie is not in her class anymore as she moved up to the 3 year old class last month. Roger stated he will pick up Mary from daycare from now on.
So reddit: Was I stalking her and just didn't realize it? Did I really do something wrong? I have my parent's telling me to get a new daycare.
submitted by Poison_Gumi to Stalking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:12 speckledlobster Greatly enjoyed [Lagoon] but that "zoo" is still a crazy dark cloud over this otherwise awesome park

Greatly enjoyed [Lagoon] but that
Flew all the way to SLC for a weekend of fun and of course had to spend Saturday at Lagoon. Absolutely love that this park has two classic Schwartzkopfs, 2 classic dark rides, the multiple incredible custom coasters, the Bavarian section, and of course primordial blew me away. I even spent a lot of time going through the huge pioneer town museum that is a park unto itself.
But then I made the mistake of riding the cute little train ride through the zoo. I had heard people complain about this, but people complain about every zoo. Seeing the sick looking lion in a tiny cage was a shock. Audible gasps from everyone on the train. The rest of the zoo isn't any better with tiny enclosures, no grass, concrete everywhere, and miserable animals.
I can't believe such an awesome park has such a dark "secret" that they are able to get away with like this. I think most other places in this country would have shut this down with a huge scandal!
submitted by speckledlobster to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 tasata Moving Cross Country?

For those who have moved crossed country, what are some tips?
My situation: Currently living in a house in the midwest where I've been for 20 years. I still have my husband's things (he passed 8.5 years ago) that I need to go through as well as other things I've accumulated. I know my house will need some work, but we made improvements so will get more out of it than we put in...fortunately I don't have a mortgage. Planning to move to the CA bay area, which I know will be a shock financially and then some, but I have family out there and am ready to be done with Iowa winters (and politics). I plan to move in the next 3 years so just want to get started now so I won't be overwhelmed when the time gets closer. I have no real timeline, but want to go sooner than later.
Again, tips welcome. I'm 54, single, 30 days sober, and will be taking 2 cats and my Jeep with me. Funny how that kind of sums up my life right now.
submitted by tasata to RedditForGrownups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 Hail_Cthuwu666 The Natlan Signora theory in detail before we get possible crumbs

First, the sources (another note, spoiler text is just me covering more morbid information, Aztec mythology comes with that territory):,early%20in%20the%2017th%20century.
I'll explain all of these by the order of the articles I linked, so first, Christian Rosenkreuz. His story is identical to Signora, or well the first part of it. Aside from her name being derrived from his last name and the Rosicrucianism philosophy, they are both scholars who traveled from Germany (Mondstadt) to Persia (Sumeru), discovering knowledge that would immortalize them figuratively and literally (Signora becoming an elemental and Christian's body being preserved perfectly even after his death). While he is an allegorical figure, his name being possibly fake too, it's worth noting that he is her most relevant inspiration, but not the one relevant to Natlan.
Her inspiration that is the actually relevant to Natlan is the goddess of death and resurrection, Ītzpāpālōtl. Honestly, there is so much aligning inspiration that I wouldn't be shocked if there was an Ītzpāpālōtl like god revealed in Natlan. The most basic similarities are:
-both are represented by moths, and Signora has the Itzpāpālōtl moth in the part of her concept art that was shown at an event in China.
-Ītzpāpālōtl is usually reffered to as the obsidian butterfly, and Signora used to be a cooled down elemental of liquid fire (lava cooled down turns into obsidian)
-The goddess is usually described as a pale, seductive woman who can turn into a monster of clawed wings (Signora's boss form has black pointed ends to her wings)
-Aside from death and resurrection Ītzpāpālōtl is the patron goddess of witches, and a formidable sorceress herself. She also consumed souls, which is rather similar to Signora filling her time piece with spirits.
-Also pretty important, both are fond of children. Signora has her fondness of Arlecchino's adopted children, and Ītzpāpālōtl's realm is a paradise for victims of infant mortality , aside from also being the place where humans were created.
While they aren't 1 to 1 copies (Itzpāpālōtl usually has black hair while Signora's is blonde), they're pretty much 80% related to put it simply. Genshin impact usually takes lots of inspiration from religious and mythological sources (Childe is based on Ajax the great and Ajax the lesser, Deshret's retainers are based on both Egyptian gods and could be a reference to king Solomon summoning demons to assist him), I fully expect this connection to be explpred which is why we heard very little of Signora before Natlan, while she also has all of these native American influences. The main reason this is the case is that Natlan is clearly inspired by mainly southern America and Mexico, and Ītzpāpālōtl is a pretty relevant goddess in Aztec mythology.
Last but not least, Signora's chess piece in the winter night's lazzo trailer matches the position needed to promote a pawn to another chess piece of the same colour. This leads me to believe that Signora will resurrect with a huge powerup and possible divinity while still staying a closer ally of the fatui even if she quits being a harbinger. The argument that could be made against this is that Signora's piece fell over, but right as Pierro was about to remove it one of her moths landed on it. Even if we ignore all other mythological references and artifact + item descriptions, this scene specifically is some of the biggest proof there is to Signora's come back.
I don't have a full theory, but with Signora having resurrection symbolism and being specifically based on southern American and Aztec mythology, while her only German influence is related to esoteric concepts, my conclusion is that her most likely, and possibly planned all along spot for resurrection is Natlan. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
submitted by Hail_Cthuwu666 to SignoraMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:11 tig_ole_biddys how did your hamster 💀 ?

im more so asking and wanting to hear other people’s stories lol. everyone ive met that has had a hamster has some funny/weird/draumatic story involving their unaliving.
i’ll start by telling just one of mine (bc i’ve had more than 1 hamster in my life😂) :
this story is kind of short, but bc there’s little details i feel i need to add it looks way longer lmao. so anyways, i got this hamster one time. there was someone with a hamster for free posted on a facebook group near me. it was in a small (like shoe box but a bit taller) size tote. i felt so bad for the little guy so i went and picked him up. i brought him home and filled the tote with new& more bedding, a couple hides, etc. to make it a little more enjoyable. i hung out with him for the rest of the day and held him while i did almost everything i did until bed. once i got tired i put him back and went to bed. i woke up around noon that day bc i was up kinda late and had taken some melatonin to sleep and clearly slept in 😂 but when i woke up i realized that his tank was delivered. i got up, went to the bathroom and went out and grabbed his stuff. i opened it up, made sure it was good and set it up. then i went upstairs to get all of his bedding/accesories/food and ofc, him. well when i went upstairs i realized that that little mf somehow chewed and made one of the holes in the tote bigger OVERNIGHT and squeezed through😐 apparently there must have been a reason the previous person didn’t have much bedding in there. but i felt bad and wanted him to have more comfort until his new home got there. i looked all over for him for weeks but he’s long gone now 🥲 this was 2 or so years ago now.
now for that long side note i mentioned lol- i would have completely moved him to a different/bigger tank immediately but i was waiting for them to come in the mail. i overnight shipped it. i saw the ad for him early in the morning, went and picked him up a couple hrs later. then i ordered the tank/cage while on my way to pick him up (i was in passenger seat lol, chill out) after i picked him up, i went to the store, got him a bunch of accessories and things that he needed then went home. the reason i say tank/cage is because i got a 20 gallon tank and one of those cage toppers for more room that doesn’t involve tunneling that way he had options. my previous hamster loved that set up so i just did it again -
submitted by tig_ole_biddys to PointlessStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 vadkender A request for people all around the world.

I was rewatching "Animated Tales of the World", one of my childhood favourites, and seeing all the different cultures made me realize how small-minded I am in this field. I am from Hungary, I've only been to a few countries in Eastern Europe, and obviously I've seen other places in media but the thing is, I have no idea how people live in different parts of the world. So, it doesn't matter where you're from, if you have time and are willing, please share your everyday experience with me. It doesn't have to be anything especially interesting or overly personal, I just want to learn how people in different parts of the world live every day. Anything is welcome!
submitted by vadkender to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 Direct-Caterpillar77 The girl (18F) I like kissed me (19M) when I dropped her off. What do I do?

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/throwra8274648
The girl (18F) I like kissed me (19M) when I dropped her off. What do I do?
Originally posted to relationship_advice
Original Post June 6, 2024
We met at work and became friends fast, now we spend a ton of time together. We started playing video games together so if we’re not working together we’re on the mic together.
I took her to get poke and boba after work. She touched my hand when she laughed and I almost died. When I dropped her off at her place she just leaned over and kissed me, thanked me, said she would be waiting for me on the game we play, then got out of the car.
Not going to lie, that was my first kiss, and I am a super virgin. My mind is reeling and I don’t know what to do. I kind of want to ask if she’s my girlfriend but that seems crazy. I don’t want to ask her and make her think I’m clueless (I am) and she laughs or never talks to me again. Also if the kiss was bad and she wants to pretend it never happened I don’t want to humiliate myself. I don’t even know if that was a date or not. Maybe I just move on and see what happens next? But I’d really like to try to make a move if she’s into me. I really don’t know.
Update here!
Sorry, I wasn’t sure if I should add it to this post or make a new one so I just made a new one! Thank you everyone for helping me!
Update June 8, 2024
Hi everyone! Thank you to everyone who responded, I really appreciated all the advice and reassurance. I was fully panicking and didn’t know what to do. I got a bit overwhelmed with comments and did not respond to all of them, but trust me when I say I read and appreciated every single one. I also want to add that I know my post wasn’t very popular but I was not sure how else to update, so I’m making a new one. I’m a bit jittery right now and I’m probably going to include too much detail, but I’m just very, very happy.
So, we went out on a date! The day after I made the post I dropped her off at home after work, I asked if she wanted to go to the mall with me this weekend. She laughed and said okay, then I actually kissed her this time which was awesome. I was very, very nervous the whole time.
The mall was fun, I chose it because it’s casual and there’s a lot of stuff we both like there. We got drinks and she asked for a sip of mine, and drank straight from my straw which did something to me. She hugged me a lot, she let me kiss her a bunch, we held hands, I put my hand on her back, I even played with her hair! It was really, really nice. All in all we just looked at cool stuff and hung out together which was all I wanted anyway. We went to dinner at a noodle place, she fed me something she wanted me to try. I don’t even remember what it tasted like because I was too busy panicking because she was feeding me. She also stole a dumpling off of my plate which was really, really cute. I didn’t even care that I lost a dumpling.
I went in her house for a while and she mostly just showed me her anime figures and PC set up, but it was still surreal the whole time. I told her she was pretty and smelled good and she laughed, and told me I was handsome and smelled good, which made me almost turn into soup. I think we technically made out on her bed for like 15 seconds. I told her she was my first kiss and she laughed and called me cute. I almost turned to dust. When I left she told me to message her when I get home so that she knows I’m safe, and again, I nearly died right then and there.
That was really it! I’m home now and my heart is still practically pounding! I almost asked her if she was my girlfriend again but I learned from the comments that that is a terrible idea, and I’m going to wait a few weeks and a few more really great dates to ask her to be my girlfriend. We’ve been messaging practically constantly since I got home. I’m sorry the update was boring and rambling and stupid, I’m just really, really happy.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to bestofpositiveupdates [link] [comments]