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Vivo X100s: Powerful Performance and Capable Camera

2024.05.23 08:32 Lee_Benj003 Vivo X100s: Powerful Performance and Capable Camera

Vivo X100s: Powerful Performance and Capable Camera
The Vivo X100s, released in May 2024, offers a compelling combination of strong performance, a versatile camera system, and a long-lasting battery. Powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9300+ processor, it tackles demanding games and applications with ease. Users can choose between 12GB or 16GB of RAM for smooth multitasking, ensuring the phone runs efficiently even with multiple apps open.
The camera system boasts a 64MP main sensor with impressive zoom capabilities, reaching up to 3x optical zoom and 100x digital zoom. This allows users to capture clear and detailed photos even of distant subjects. A 50MP ultrawide sensor complements the main lens, ideal for capturing expansive landscapes or group shots. The third rear camera is another 50MP sensor, offering flexibility for various photography needs.
The X100s features a large 6.78-inch display with a smooth 120Hz refresh rate for a visually immersive experience. Whether you're browsing the web, watching videos, or gaming, the display delivers crisp visuals and responsive touch input. A 5100mAh battery keeps the phone powered throughout the day, and 100W fast charging ensures you can quickly get back to using your phone when needed.
The Vivo X100s positions itself as a well-rounded option for users who prioritize performance, camera versatility, and long battery life.
submitted by Lee_Benj003 to TechPop [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:33 grisisback Nuevo GUI para explorar los vectores de ataque

Nuevo GUI para explorar los vectores de ataque
LazyOwnExplorer GUI


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LazyOwn es un proyecto diseñado para automatizar la búsqueda y análisis de binarios con permisos especiales en sistemas Linux y Windows. El proyecto consta de tres scripts principales que extraen información de GTFOBins, analizan los binarios en el sistema y generan opciones basadas en la información recopilada.
Revolutionize Your Pentesting with LazyOwn: Automate Binary Analysis on Linux and Windows


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LazyOwn es un proyecto diseñado para automatizar la búsqueda y análisis de binarios con permisos especiales en sistemas Linux y Windows. El proyecto consta de tres scripts principales que extraen información de GTFOBins, analizan los binarios en el sistema y generan opciones basadas en la información recopilada.
Revolutionize Your Pentesting with LazyOwn: Automate Binary Analysis on Linux and Windows
Discover LazyOwn, the ultimate solution for automating the search and analysis of binaries with special permissions on both Linux and Windows systems. Our powerful tool simplifies pentesting, making it more efficient and effective. Watch this video to learn how LazyOwn can streamline your security assessments and enhance your cybersecurity toolkit.


  • Python 3.x
  • Módulos de Python:
    • requests
    • beautifulsoup4
    • pandas
  • subprocess (incluido en la biblioteca estándar de Python)
  • platform (incluido en la biblioteca estándar de Python)


  1. Clona el repositorio:

git clone cd LazyOwn 
  1. Instala las dependencias de Python:

pip install requests beautifulsoup4 pandas fastparquet 


para las busquedas
para ejecutar una busqueda contra la maquina a analizar
El proyecto consta de tres scripts principales:
  1. Este script extrae información de binarios y sus funciones desde GTFOBins y la guarda en un archivo CSV. ya hice el scraping así que mejor evitar y usar la db que ya tiene en formato csv, a menos que quieran actualizar la db
en el caso de querer actualizar hacemos
cd LazyOwn rm *.csv rm *.parquet ./ import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv # URL del servidor que contiene el HTML url = "" # Hacer una solicitud GET al servidor response = requests.get(url) # Verificar si la solicitud fue exitosa if response.status_code == 200: html_content = response.text else: print("Error al obtener el HTML del servidor") exit() # Parsear el contenido HTML con Beautiful Soup soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # Encontrar el contenedor de la tabla table_wrapper = soup.find('div', id='bin-table-wrapper') # Inicializar una lista para almacenar la información data = [] # Recorrer todas las filas de la tabla for row in table_wrapper.find_all('tr'): bin_name = row.find('a', class_='bin-name') if bin_name: bin_name_text = bin_name.text.strip() functions = [] for func in row.find_all('li'): function_link = func.find('a') if function_link: function_href = function_link.get('href').strip() function_name = function_link.text.strip() functions.append({'name': function_name, 'href': function_href}) # Añadir la información a la lista de datos data.append({'binary': bin_name_text, 'functions': functions}) # Guardar la información en un archivo CSV csv_file = "bin_data.csv" with open(csv_file, mode='w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(['Binary', 'Function Name', 'Function URL']) for entry in data: binary = entry['binary'] for func in entry['functions']: writer.writerow([binary, func['name'], func['href']]) print(f"Datos guardados en {csv_file}") 


Este script lee el archivo CSV generado por, extrae detalles adicionales de cada función y guarda los datos en un segundo archivo CSV.
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv from urllib.parse import urljoin import time import os # URL base del servidor base_url = "" # Nombre del archivo CSV de entrada input_csv = "bin_data.csv" # Nombre del archivo de salida CSV output_csv = "bin_data_relevant.csv" # Función para obtener la información relevante de una URL def obtener_informacion(url): response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Error al obtener la URL: {url}") return [] soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') data = [] for section in soup.find_all('h2', class_='function-name'): function_name = section.text.strip() function_id = section.get('id') function_url = f"{url}#{function_id}" description = section.find_next('p').text.strip() if section.find_next('p') else "" example = section.find_next('code').text.strip() if section.find_next('code') else "" data.append({ "function_name": function_name, "function_url": function_url, "description": description, "example": example }) return data # Leer el archivo CSV de entrada binarios_funciones = {} with open(input_csv, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: binary = row['Binary'] if binary not in binarios_funciones: binarios_funciones[binary] = row['Function URL'].split('#')[0] # Verificar si ya existe un archivo de salida y hasta dónde se ha procesado resume = False if os.path.exists(output_csv): with open(output_csv, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) rows = list(reader) if len(rows) > 1: last_processed = rows[-1][2] resume = True # Inicializar una lista para almacenar toda la información informacion_binarios = [] # Abrir el archivo CSV para escritura csv_file = open(output_csv, mode='w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(['Binary', 'Function Name', 'Function URL', 'Description', 'Example']) # Recorrer la lista de binarios y sus funciones for binary, url in binarios_funciones.items(): # Si estamos retomando desde un punto anterior, saltamos hasta el último URL procesado if resume: if url != last_processed: continue else: resume = False full_url = urljoin(base_url, url) informacion = obtener_informacion(full_url) for item in informacion: informacion_binarios.append({ "binary": binary, "function_name": item["function_name"], "function_url": item["function_url"], "description": item["description"], "example": item["example"] }) # Guardar la información en el archivo CSV csv_writer.writerow([binary, item['function_name'], item['function_url'], item['description'], item['example']]) print(f"[+] Binary: {binary} {item['function_name']}") # Hacemos una pausa de 5 segundos entre cada solicitud de URL time.sleep(5) # Cerrar el archivo CSV csv_file.close() print(f"Datos guardados en {output_csv}") 
  1. Este script analiza los binarios en el sistema y genera opciones basadas en la información recopilada. Detecta si el sistema operativo es Linux o Windows y ejecuta el comando adecuado para buscar binarios con permisos elevados.

import pandas as pd import os import subprocess import platform # Lee los CSVs y crea los DataFrames df1 = pd.read_csv('bin_data.csv') df2 = pd.read_csv('bin_data_relevant.csv') # Guarda los DataFrames como Parquet df1.to_parquet('binarios.parquet') df2.to_parquet('detalles.parquet') # Función para realizar la búsqueda y generar el CSV de salida def buscar_binarios(): binarios_encontrados = set() # Detecta el sistema operativo sistema_operativo = platform.system() if sistema_operativo == 'Linux': # Ejecuta el comando find para Linux result =['find', '/', '-perm', '4000', '-ls'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) output = result.stdout # Extrae los binarios encontrados for line in output.split('\n'): if line: binario = os.path.basename(line.split()[-1]) binarios_encontrados.add(binario) elif sistema_operativo == 'Windows': # Script de PowerShell para Windows powershell_script = """ $directories = @("C:\\Windows\\System32", "C:\\", "C:\\Program Files", "C:\\Program Files (x86)") foreach ($dir in $directories) { Get-ChildItem -Path $dir -Recurse -Filter *.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ForEach-Object { $acl = Get-Acl $_.FullName $privileges = $acl.Access Where-Object { $_.FileSystemRights -match "FullControl" } if ($privileges) { Write-Output "$($_.FullName)" } } } """ # Ejecuta el script de PowerShell result =['powershell', '-Command', powershell_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) output = result.stdout # Extrae los binarios encontrados for line in output.split('\n'): if line: binario = os.path.basename(line.strip()) binarios_encontrados.add(binario) # Filtra el DataFrame principal con los binarios encontrados df_binarios_encontrados = df1[df1['Binary'].isin(binarios_encontrados)] # Genera un CSV con los detalles de los binarios encontrados with open('resultado.csv', 'w') as f: for binario in binarios_encontrados: detalles = df2[df2['Binary'] == binario] if not detalles.empty: f.write(detalles.to_csv(index=False, header=False)) print(detalles.to_csv(index=False, header=False)) # Función para ejecutar opciones basadas en los datos encontrados def ejecutar_opciones(): df_resultado = pd.read_csv('resultado.csv', header=None, names=['Binary', 'Function Name', 'Function URL', 'Description', 'Example']) for binario in df_resultado['Binary'].unique(): print(f"Binario encontrado: {binario}") detalles = df_resultado[df_resultado['Binary'] == binario] print("Opciones:") for i, (_, row) in enumerate(detalles.iterrows(), start=1): print(f"{i}. {row['Function Name']} - {row['Description']}") print(f"{i+1}. No hacer nada y salir") while True: opcion = input("Seleccione una opción: ") if opcion.isdigit() and 1 <= int(opcion) <= len(detalles) + 1: break else: print("Opción no válida. Por favor, intente de nuevo.") opcion = int(opcion) if opcion <= len(detalles): print(f"Ejecutando opción {opcion} para {binario}") # Código para ejecutar la opción correspondiente print(f"Ejemplo de ejecución:\n{detalles.iloc[opcion-1]['Example']}") # Aquí puedes agregar el código para ejecutar el ejemplo si es necesario else: print("Saliendo") break if __name__ == '__main__': buscar_binarios() ejecutar_opciones() 

Uso modo LazyAtack

Este script de pentesting en Bash permite ejecutar una serie de pruebas de seguridad en modo servidor (máquina víctima) o en modo cliente (máquina atacante). Dependiendo del modo seleccionado, ofrece diferentes opciones y funcionalidades para llevar a cabo diversas acciones de prueba de penetración.
Opciones del Script Modo Servidor:
Ejecuta en la máquina víctima. Ofrece opciones como iniciar un servidor HTTP, configurar netcat para escuchar conexiones, enviar archivos mediante netcat, configurar una shell reversa, entre otros. Modo Cliente:
Ejecuta en la máquina atacante. Ofrece opciones como descargar listas de SecLists, escanear puertos, enumerar servicios HTTP, verificar conectividad, monitorear procesos, ejecutar ataques LFI, entre otros. Ejemplos de Uso Uso Básico
./ --modo servidor --ip --atacante ./ --modo cliente --url --ip 
Esto ejecuta el script en modo cliente, configurando la URL de la víctima como y la IP de la víctima como

Funciones del Script

Funciones del Script Descargar SecLists: Descarga y extrae las listas de SecLists para su uso. Escanear Puertos: Ejecuta un escaneo completo de puertos usando nmap. Escanear Puertos Específicos: Escanea puertos específicos (22, 80, 443). Enumerar Servicios HTTP: Enumera servicios HTTP en la URL víctima. Iniciar Servidor HTTP: Inicia un servidor HTTP en el puerto 80. Configurar Netcat: Configura netcat para escuchar en el puerto 443. Enviar Archivo Mediante Netcat: Envía un archivo a una escucha netcat. Verificar Conectividad: Verifica la conectividad mediante ping y tcpdump. Verificar Conectividad con Curl: Verifica la conectividad usando curl. Configurar Shell Reversa: Configura una shell reversa. Escuchar Shell con Netcat: Escucha una shell con netcat. Monitorear Procesos: Monitorea los procesos en ejecución. Ejecutar Wfuzz: Ejecuta un ataque de enumeración de directorios web con wfuzz. Comprobar Permisos Sudo: Comprueba los permisos de sudo. Explotar LFI: Explota una vulnerabilidad de inclusión de archivos locales. Configurar TTY: Configura TTY para una sesión shell más estable. Eliminar Archivos de Forma Segura: Elimina archivos de forma segura. Obtener Root Shell mediante Docker: Obtiene una root shell mediante Docker. Enumerar Archivos con SUID: Enumera archivos con permisos SUID. Listar Timers de Systemd: Lista timers de systemd. Comprobar Rutas de Comandos: Comprueba rutas de comandos. Abusar de Tar: Abusa de tar para ejecutar una shell. Enumerar Puertos Abiertos: Enumera puertos abiertos. Eliminar Contenedores Docker: Elimina todos los contenedores Docker. Escanear Red: Escanea la red con secuencia y xargs. 

Menús Interactivos

El script presenta menús interactivos para seleccionar las acciones a realizar. En modo servidor, muestra opciones relevantes para la máquina víctima, y en modo cliente, muestra opciones relevantes para la máquina atacante.
Interrupción Limpia El script maneja la señal SIGINT (usualmente generada por Control + C) para salir limpiamente.


Este proyecto está licenciado bajo la Licencia GPL v3. La información contenida en GTFOBins es propiedad de sus autores, a quienes se les agradece enormemente por la información proporcionada.


Un agradecimiento especial a GTFOBins por la valiosa información que proporcionan y a ti por utilizar este proyecto. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo!
██╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ██╗ ██║ ██╔══██╗╚══███╔╝╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ██║ ██║ ███████║ ███╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ██║██║ █╗ ██║██╔██╗ ██║ ██║ ██╔══██║ ███╔╝ ╚██╔╝ ██║ ██║██║███╗██║██║╚██╗██║ ███████╗██║ ██║███████╗ ██║ ╚██████╔╝╚███╔███╔╝██║ ╚████║ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ 
LazyOwn es un proyecto diseñado para automatizar la búsqueda y análisis de binarios con permisos especiales en sistemas Linux y Windows. El proyecto consta de tres scripts principales que extraen información de GTFOBins, analizan los binarios en el sistema y generan opciones basadas en la información recopilada.
Revolutionize Your Pentesting with LazyOwn: Automate Binary Analysis on Linux and Windows
submitted by grisisback to LazyOwn [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:23 marito_87 ¿Cómo reconvertir mi carrera?

Hola gente del foro. Les comento un breve resumen de mi vida profesional para entender dónde estoy parado y hacia donde ir.
La cuestión es así: trabajo en el rubro de transformación de procesos y automatización para una Big Four. Soy Manager en una consultora importante y Contador Público. Tengo 36 pirulos.
¿Cómo terminé de ser un contador a dedicarme a Automatización de Procesos y liderar un área más asociada al rubro IT?
Bueno… a ver, arranqué hace unos años como analista de impuestos en una pequeña consultar. O sea, el típico pibe estudiante de contador. Después fui ascendiendo a senior, supervisor, etc. Trabajé en consultoras chicas y luego en una multinacional importante. En esta última empresa, por mi “habilidad natural” para analizar procesos de negocio y mi interés por el IT, desarrollo de software y automatizaciones, empecé a asumir roles de “analista funcional” para mejorar los procesos fiscales. Lo que debería ser sencillo, como descargar reportes de ventas y compras para hacer una declaración de impuestos, era extremadamente complejo. Por eso, encaré varios proyectos para implementar soluciones que nos dieran eficiencia junto al área de IT y consultores externos. Pasaba requisitos, elaboraba documentación y también testeaba las soluciones (cuando eran proyectos complejos tenía ayuda para testear y elaborar test cases).
Poco a poco, el mundo IT me interesó cada vez más y me di cuenta de que no quería seguir siendo “contador de impuestos” sino especializarme en el análisis de procesos de negocio contables, financieros y fiscales. No quiero aburrirlos, pero fui haciendo un camino que me permitió terminar trabajando en un área de implementaciones de tecnología.
A la larga terminé siendo contratado por una big four que me dio la posibilidad de ser manager del área de implementaciones de soluciones tecnológicas para las áreas de finanzas, tanto para clientes como también mejorar el área a nivel interno.
Mi rol actual es el de PM (sé que algunos desarrolladores aquí deben odiar a los PM), pero también tengo un rol comercial y de liderazgo directo sobre los equipos de trabajo. Básicamente, lidero un equipo funcional y a la vez otro equipo técnico (que tienen a su vez dos arquitectos que manejan de forma directa toda la implementación técnica) que se ocupa de implementaciones de soluciones RPA, desarrollo de software o consultoría para automatizar procesos contables, financieros, payroll e impuestos en empresas TOP.
Debido a mi curiosidad y ganas de aprender, me metí a fondo en el mundo de los desarrolladores para poder conversar con ellos a un nivel más técnico. Me capacité en RPA (robotic process automation - AA, UiPath -), SQL y VBA (esto último porque las macros ayudaban mucho en soluciones simples para clientes de bajo presupuesto). A tal punto lo aprendí que yo mismo he participado “codeando” algunos proyectos y hoy en día hasta capacito a desarrolladores juniors (y no tan juniors…) a mejorar en SQL e implementar buenas prácticas en base de datos, y también he participado activamente en el desarrollo de frameworks de RPA. Ahora, por hobby, estoy aprendiendo Python.
¿Qué me pasa? No gano lo que creo que debería (2,7 netos) para el esfuerzo y responsabilidad que conlleva mi función. Esto lo he hablado, pero lamentablemente las B4 tienen un modelo de negocio “explotador” donde buscan máxima rentabilidad y no les importa convivir con la rotación de personal que ello conlleva.
Además, me gusta programar, liderar temas más técnicos y quiero meterme de lleno en la programación, separándome completamente de la función de contador público. Pero con 36 años, familia e hijos, me resulta imposible empezar de cero y formarme profesionalmente desde cero en una carrera de IT.
En conclusión, quiero reenfocar mi carrera a desarrollador o TL porque estoy convencido de que tengo las capacidades. No es por falta de humildad, pero me considero bastante inteligente y capaz jaja. Si pudiera trabajar como contractor para afuera, mejor aún. Quiero ganar más guita, no por ambición de gastarla toda, sino para ahorrar, comprar una casa y algún día retirarme del mercado y vivir de rentas. Aunque disfruto de mi trabajo y del rubro, no concibo el trabajo como un fin sino como un medio, y quiero tener libertad financiera algún día (¿quién no?).
Bueno, mucho texto perdon!!
submitted by marito_87 to devsarg [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 07:00 jacob-aa [WTS] Leatherman Arc, Spyderco Para 3 Modded, Spyderco Silverax

Hi. I'm selling some knives and tools I don't use as much. I'll be taking PP F&F. All items are priced with shipping. YOLO over PMs/Chats. Thanks for looking and let me know if you have any questions!
• SOLD Leatherman Arc: SV$185. First owner. Took out the box and fidgeted with and carried for a day. Cut tape but that's about it. Perfect condition. Bigger than I like to carry but great set of tools for the size. Comes with original box and sheath. I gave away the bits. Will ship in original Leatherman box.
Spyderco Para 3 s30v: SV$185. Atleast 2nd owner of the knife. First owner of the modded parts and modded by me. CF Scales. Blue anodized hardware. eBay clip. Great action. Centering perfect. Not used much. Blade has been sharpened and has subtle scratches (tried to capture in the pics). Do not have original box.
Spyderco Silverax: SV$105. This is a catch and release. Just picked this up on the swap. Has great action especially for the flipper (previous owner did a detent mod that seems like the flipper and spyder hole are both dialed in. Definitely has better action than my Spyderco Mantra 3. Has been sharpened and is sharp. Selling since I prefer the size of my mantra 3. Comes with original box.
Thanks for looking
submitted by jacob-aa to EDCexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:16 jacob-aa [WTS] Leatherman Arc, Spyderco Para 3 Modded, Spyderco Silverax

Hi knife swap. I’m selling some knives and tools I don’t use as much. I’ll be taking PP F&F. All items are priced with shipping. YOLO over PMs/Chats. Thanks for looking and let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks for looking
submitted by jacob-aa to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:23 Lee_Benj003 iQOO Neo 9s Pro: Powerhouse Performance in a Sleek Design

iQOO Neo 9s Pro: Powerhouse Performance in a Sleek Design
The iQOO Neo series has carved a niche for itself, offering flagship-level specs at a competitive price. The upcoming iQOO Neo 9s Pro promises to continue this trend by packing serious power under a stylish hood.
At its core lies the MediaTek Dimensity 9300+. This next-generation chipset boasts an overclocked CPU with a blazing-fast main core, ensuring smooth performance for demanding apps and games. MediaTek's focus on power efficiency means you can enjoy this power without excessive battery drain.
The visuals won't disappoint either. A large, 6.78-inch 1.5K AMOLED display with a high refresh rate of 144Hz delivers stunning visuals and silky-smooth scrolling. Whether you're browsing the web, watching videos, or gaming, the Neo 9s Pro promises a captivating experience.
Under the hood, you'll find up to 16GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 1TB of UFS 4.0 storage, ensuring seamless multitasking and ample space for all your games, apps, and media. On the back, a dual-camera system, while not yet fully detailed, is expected to leverage a 50MP main sensor for capturing high-quality photos and videos.
The iQOO Neo 9s Pro doesn't compromise on design either. It's expected to sport a sleek, lightweight design with a four-sided curved glass back for a premium look and feel. With a massive 5,160mAh battery and support for 120W fast charging, the Neo 9s Pro promises to keep you powered up all day long.
While an official launch date outside of China hasn't been announced, the iQOO Neo 9s Pro is generating a lot of buzz. With its powerful processor, stunning display, and sleek design, it's shaping up to be a compelling option for users seeking a feature-packed phone without breaking the bank.
submitted by Lee_Benj003 to TechPop [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:38 Loose-Ask Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2 (Download)

Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2 (Download)
Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2

Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2 Reviews: Is it worth it?

Looking to turbocharge your productivity and creativity? Dive into the world of "Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2" and unlock a treasure trove of techniques to revolutionize how you manage your ideas. Let's break down the essential features of this game-changing course that promises to supercharge your brainpower.

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Organizing for Insight: Mastering Digital Chaos

Unit 2 is all about transforming the chaos of digital life into a well-oiled machine. Learn how to convert your scattered digital notes into powerful thinking tools using transformative techniques. Plus, uncover the magic of the PARA method for swift organization and gain essential tips for combating information overload.

Digital Cognition: Upgrade Your Mental Toolkit

Unit 3 dives deep into the digital realm, exploring must-have features for your notes app and strategies for managing information effectively. From harnessing the power of "Productive Randomness" to adopting the Feynman Method for intellectual weightlifting, you'll discover how to build a valuable knowledge base that propels you toward success.

Progressive Summarization: Streamline Your Note-Taking

In Unit 4, Tiago Forte introduces the concept of Progressive Summarization, a game-changing approach to note mastery. Explore the pros and cons of different note organization methods and learn how to strike the perfect balance between compression and context for maximum ROI.

Maximizing Return-on-Attention: Boost Your Productivity

Unit 5 is all about maximizing your return on attention in a world full of distractions. Delve into the science of flow and discover productivity hacks to minimize setup costs and transform your workflow with Intermediate Packets. Plus, learn how to externalize your thinking with concrete knowledge artifacts for peer feedback.

Just-In-Time Productivity: Embrace Efficiency

Unit 6 introduces the concept of Just-In-Time Productivity, helping you harness your ideas for leadership and career advancement. From overcoming procrastination with the Archipelago of Ideas to speeding up learning with idea capture tools, you'll discover how to add structure just in time for efficient and timely outcomes.

Workflow Canvas: Design Your Personalized Second Brain

In Unit 7, Tiago Forte guides you through the creation of a personalized Second Brain tailored to your needs. Complete the Workflow Canvas to integrate tools seamlessly into your workflow and receive feedback on areas for improvement.

The Big Picture: Thrive in an Information-Abundant World

Finally, in Unit 8, gain a mindset shift as you transition from container to stream thinking. Develop situational awareness and creative confidence while overcoming common productivity barriers. Prepare for the Idea Management Era and embrace sustained success in a world centered around interpretation and persuasion.
Ready to unleash your full creative potential with "Tiago Forte - Building A Second Brain V2"? Sign up now and embark on a journey to revolutionize the way you manage your ideas!
submitted by Loose-Ask to UPW_Anthony_Robbins [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:17 theananthak Malayalam literature for beginners

So my last post asking why Indians don't read Indian books anymore had me surprised with the number of people genuinely interested to know more about Malayalam literature. A lot of them asked me for recommendations, so I thought I'd make a post. Now this won't be just a simple list of books to read. The reading list at kerala is probably better for a complete list of Malayalam books to read than a random internet post, but I hope with my post you will understand and appreciate Malayalam literature and Kerala better.
Malayalam evolved from Tamil. It branched off from Tamil in those parts of Tamilakam (a collective name given to the ancient Tamil kingdoms) which were most influenced by Sanskrit. The earliest literature that is distinctly Malayalam are from the 1100s, but the true beginning of Modern Malayalam starts from the 15th century with Thunchathu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan, master poet and father of Malayalam. Now Ezhuthachan (whose name literally means 'teacher of writing') was a lower caste Ezhava man who dared to study the Vedas and even began to write and teach others to write in an age where literacy was gatekept by Brahmins. His seminal work is the Adhyathma Ramayana, a retelling of the Ramayana from the lens of the Advaita or nondual philosophy. Here is an excerpt from the same work, translated by me. This verse is an opening verse where Ezhuthachan asks Brahmins for permission to retell the Ramayana. Sounds very serious and solemn, yes? Now watch Ezhuthachan mock the hell out of the entire class system of medieval Kerala.
For who can speak of the greatness of that lofty creed, owners of the earth, commanders of the Vedas, whose ceaseless boons and curses, drive even Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to their wit's end. But pray, may I, born out of the feet of Brahma, number one among the unknowledgeable dare tell Rama's tale for the unconscious ones.
By the 1800s Malayalam literature had modernized very much. It was the first Indian language to start translating the works of Shakespeare, Milton etc. and the 19th century brought with it a fascination for Russian literature in Kerala that still has not ceased. Most big Malayalam bookstores have whole sections devoted to Russian literature translated from the original to Malayalam.
We get our first Malayalam novel in 1889 with O. Chandu Menon's Indulekha. Indulekha is about a young Nair lady of the same name, well educated in English and Sanskrit, in love with Madhavan, a western educated young man torn between modern culture and the culture he grew up in. Later, modernity and the past clash again when old Brahmin men try to marry Indulekha according to the old system. A saddened Madhavan runs away to Bengal in haste, leaving Indulekha to make her decision. The novel shows Indulekha as a modern, unwavering woman, willing to challenge her patriarchs, and shows how the society of Kerala had changed by the 1880s, when the decision of a woman could no longer be overruled. Must read for fans of Victorian fiction like those of Jane Austen, or even PG Wodehouse. (Spoilers - Madhavan realizes his mistake and returns for Indulekha.)
CV Raman Pillai's Marthanda Varma is another behemoth from the 1800s. Based on the life of the 18th century king Marthanda Varma, known as the maker of modern Travancore. Marthanda Varma was born in the royal family of Venad in a Travancore where the ruling family had lost all power to a group of eight Nair families known as the Ettuveettil Pillamar or the Pillas of the Eight Houses. The treasury of the kingdom was almost zero and real power and wealth were in the hands of the Pillas who had even started charging taxes and tarrifs. What follows is a brutal and bloody game between Marthanda Varma, a young prince who just won't give in, and the Eight Houses conspiring to kill him, told from the point of view of a love story involving a chivalric knight and an upper class girl. I've always noticed how Indian books and movies like portraying historical figures like superhuman gods perfect in every way. This book is for those who want to see the real nastiness of history. I recommend Marthanda Varma to fans of books like Shogun or even Game of Thrones.
With the 20th century we have writers like Thakazhi, a towering figure in Indian literature, whose Randidangazhi tells the story of a peasant uprising against landowners during the formative years of modern Kerala. Set in the paddy fields of Kerala, it shows how the poor, after having lived in a state of blissful ignorance starts to slowly come out of their coccoon and realise the horror of their slaving lives. Randidangazhi is a glimpse to how Marxism and Socialism began to get imported to Kerala and how it influenced the culture of Kerala. The less critically acclaimed but more popular novel of Thakazhi, is Chemmeen or Prawn, later made into one of the most succesful Malayalam movies ever. Chemmeen is set in the fishing landscape of Kerala in the shores of the Arabian sea, where fishermen believe that if a woman cheats on her husband while he is at sea, the Sea-Mother would swallow her up. Presented in this socio-cultural context is the story of Parikutty, a muslim fisherman in love with Karuthamma, the daughter of a Hindu fisherman. Their story is a more realistic and tragic version of Romeo and Juliet, with Karuthamma having to marry another man. But her love for Parikutty never dies, and they end up dead in the shores of the ocean.
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer - probably my favourite Malayalam writer. Basheer was a well educated Muslim man who grew up in the rural Muslim dominated areas of Kerala. He wrote in simple colloquial Malayalam and was looked down upon by the literary giants of his day, but today he’s seen as one of the masters of Malayalam fiction. He was once called by an English writer as the Chekhov of India to which a Malayalam writer responded saying that Chekhov was the Basheer of Russia. Basheer wrote about very ordinary people from the most ordinary places. The most famous and finest book of his I have read is called (and this sounds hilarious in Malayalam cause it’s basically a sentence squished into a word in a thick Muslim accent) Ntuppuppaakkoraanendaarnnu! which means My grandpa had an elephant! or more accurately Mygrandpahadanelephent! It’s a coming of age story about a little girl named Kunjupaathumma or little Pathu, who grows up in a family that once used to be rich but is growing poorer by the day. Little pathu gets consoled by her mom on almost a daily basis telling her ‘your grandpa had an elephant!’ clinging on to old pride while doing nothing to solve their present crisis. The English translation is actually called Me Grandad 'ad an Elephant, which kinda captures the original vibe.
MT Vasudevan Nair - the greatest writer to have ever written in Malayalam. Award winning novelist, short story writer, screenwriter and director. His first foray into fiction begins with winning a prize in a short story writing contest held by the New York Herald Tribune in 1953. What proceeded is one of the most impressive literary careers in history. His novels Naalukettu and Asuravithu show the shifting economic landscape of Kerala's Nair households. In Kaalam, the protagonist living in the city begins exploring the nostalgia of his past in feudal Kerala, having to face his crippling loneliness.
MT's most celebrated work and the second (you'll hear of the first very soon) most read Malayalam novel ever is Randamoozham or The Second Turn (translation is weirdly titled Bhima: The Lone Warrior, but English readers swear its very good). Let me begin talking about this novel by simply showing you the opening lines.
The sea was black in colour. Even after having swallowed a palace and an entire city, as if it's hunger hadn't died, the wave beat her head on the shore and screamed in agony.
You just read MT describe the sinking of Dwaraka. Randamoozham is about the Mahabharata, specifically about Bhima, the second of the Pandava brothers, well... dealing with being the second. He reinterprets the events of the Mahabharata with such skill that he makes you empathize with even the cruelest characters. Modern retellings of Indian epics like Asura or Jaya basically rewrite the story and change major events and add plot twists. MT changes nothing, and I mean nothing from the Mahabharata. He simply points out things you never thought about, and explores what might have been the deeper emotional reasons behind the actions of each character. MT being the most empathetic writer I've read has this incredible talent of seeing through people and making characters feel real and tangible. In Randamoozham he explores so many emotions, Bhima's feeling of being inferior to Arjuna, his feeling of emasculation and sexual helplessness, his intense love for Draupadi never repaid as she always prefers Arjuna over him.
Khasakkinte Ithihasam or the Legends of Khasak by OV Vijayan is usually considered the best Malayalam novel ever written. If you google 'greatest Malayalam novel' either this or Randamoozham comes up (google switches them up now and then). The novel is basically magical realism, the same genre of 100 years of solitude of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. But Vijayan's magical realism is a very different beast from that of Marquez. The distinction is subtle. Unlike the novels of Marquez, whether the magical parts of the book are real or not is left ambiguous. Let me explain, the protagonist is Ravi, a stoic man separated from his girlfriend, arriving at a muslim village called Khasak in the middle of nowhere to work as a school teacher. At first its a weird disjointed series of sketches of life in this strange village filled with strange characters who attribute every event and occurence to the workings of magical beings, spirits, or even long dead Muslim warriors. But the novel slowly reveals itself to be the story of a man learning to disconnect from reality and start seeing the magic buried within life. There's a scene where the mc recollects a memory as a child of looking up at the suns and seeing the weird wiggly things that move around in your eyes. His mother explains to him that they are actually Devas or tiny gods in sky, shying away when you look at them. This scene perfectly encapsulates the genre of this novel. I'll also share the fantastic opening para:
When the bus came to its final halt in Koomankavu, the place did not seem unfamiliar to Ravi. He had never been there before, but he had seen himself coming to this forlorn outpost beneath the immense canopy of trees, with its dozen shops and shacks raised on piles; he had seen it all in recurrent premonitions—the benign age of the trees, their riven bark and roots arched above the earth. The other passengers had got off earlier and Ravi sat alone in the bus, contemplating the next part of the journey as one does an ominous transit in one’s horoscope.
Mayyazhipuzhayude Theerangalil or On the banks of the Mayyazhi river by M. Mukundan - This is a novel spanning generations of French Indians in the French colony of Mahe in Kerala. It just wonderfully rolls out history like a scroll and shows you the glacial shifts of history from the reverent attitude of the locals towards the French in the beginning of the novel to complete rebellion by the end. And all of this is interspersed with a love story and magical realism concerning an island where dead people go to and turn into dragonflies. It really opens up a new world unknown to even most Malayalis, where French words are sprinkled in between Malayalam sentences to sound cool the way we use English today and where French aristocrats have to use Malayalam to get their kids to wake up. Some of it sounds jarring and outright weird to Malayali ears.
Mon petite! Mon petite! Ezhunekkoo! Samayam vaiki! Mon petite! Translation - Mon petite! Mon petite! Wake up! It's late already! Mon petite!
Aadujeevitham or Goat Days by Benyamin - as promised, here is the most famous and most sold book in Malayalam. I really really hope at least some of you recognize this from the recent movie Aadujeevitham or Goat Life starring Prithviraj. If not, see the trailer and get an idea of what this book is like. It's fairly recent, from 2008, and is single handedly responsible for rejuvinating Malayalam literature after almost a decade of hibernation. Benyamin became an overnight sensation and a household name with this novel, and It's probably the most read Indian novel in any language. So Aadujeevitham which literally means Goat Life is based on the true story of a man named Najeeb who travelled to Saudi Arabia after he was promised a job by a friend. But at the airport he is basically tricked by an smelly fat Arab into a truck and taken to a goat farm in the middle of the desert. What follows is a tale of survival spanning 4 years of animal-like living herding goats in the middle of nowhere. Najeeb has no access to actual food, and has to dip Khuboos in water pretending it's curry, has no access to toilets and must clean himself after excretion using sand, and has no access to new clothes or shaving. The novel explores the slow devolution of a man into a barely recognizable beastlike figure, living among goats, losing his status as a human and becoming synonymous with a goat. Now how does a human go from that to running across the desert for 4 days to escape? Read the novel and find out. Every Indian must read this honestly, it's quite horrible when it really sinks into you that this shit happened. With the movie recently we got quite a lot of interviews with the original man, and it blew away so many Malayalis that some of the most horrible stuff that happens in the novel wasn't made up, that it actually happened.
The next is the last novel I'll recommend. It's from 2009 but I didn't keep it till the end because of its recency. I kept it at the end because this novel created shockwaves in the Malayalam literary community, became a very controversial book, and ended up as a sensation among the youth. This novel is credited with bringing back or introducing so many young Malayalis (including me, this is the first Malayalam novel I read) into Malayalam literature. But fair warning, this really may not be for you.
Francis Itty Cora by T.D. Ramakrishnan - Possibly the most fascinating novel I have ever read in my life. You will either love this, or hate this. I'll tell you the premise in simple words:
There are 18 secret families, whose members are some of the wealthiest people in the world, spread all over the globe who are tied to ancient rituals and satanic sex cults, protecting secret texts and scriptures, They basically control the world. All of this is interspersed with a clusterfuck of a historical mystery involving the Indian origins of calculus, Cleopatra, Florence, Fibonacci and Hypatia, and how there’s nothing in common with any of these except for the fact that all of these elements are mysteriously connected to a single 15th century pepper trader from Kerala named Francis Itty Cora. Read that again.
Still interested? The novel opens with a young American man named Xavier Itty Cora, a war veteran, who has been having erectile dysfunction ever since he sexually assaulted a girl in Iraq. He seeks help to regain his sexual health from three college girls in Kerala running a makeshift sex resort, who begin suspecting his real intentions for contacting them out of anyone else in the world. It is revealed that Xavier Itty Cora had gotten to know that his family descends from a 15th century Christian pepper trader from Kerala named Francis Itty Cora who travelled around the world and started 18 families. The three college girls set out on a hunt to find the real truth about this man all the while being chased by a secret family that still worships him as his god. Now if that does not excite you, you probably won't like it. But personally, this novel ruined Da Vinci Code for me, as every Dan Brown novel I read after this just felt stupid and dumb compared to the sheer breadth and scope of this novel. T.D. Ramakrishnan uses history to not just give you a kick, but every mystery, every detail he adds is there to support his basic thesis that violence and lust is the driving force behind human civilisation.
I hope this post was helpful in showing you the insane diversity of Malayalam literature there is. It's not a monolith, Indian languages are whole literary traditions of themselves and not just niches or small genres compared. I wrote this hoping to start a chain reaction in this subreddit, and I expect more such posts on every other Indian language from you fellow readers. Happy reading!
submitted by theananthak to Indianbooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:05 sizejuan Switch from 15 pro max to Pixel Pro 8, here are my thoughts.

Firstly, I know madami nang gantong thread, pero hopefully lumusot padin to since as a techy guy, excited padin ako mag share ng ganito. Started with android, then nag switch ako to ios around Android Nougat, and mostly Sony and Samung gamit ko back then, then hated iOS for a bit then learned to love it and it's ecosystem, then now back to Android.
What I like
What I don't like
Neutral comment but worth mentioning
If you have some question for me, let me know.
submitted by sizejuan to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:28 TELMxWILSON Fresh bangers! Unglued, T & Sugah, GLXY, Molecular, Monty, 1991, Sub Focus & more! Review for the deep and gritty LP from Wingz and some colourful aggression from Manta! [+weekly updated Spotify playlist] New Music Monday! (Week 21)

Weekly updated Spotify Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass
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Youtube Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass YT Music
Apple Music Playlist H2L: New Drum & Bass Apple Music
Retroactive Playlist H2L: Retroactive New DnB
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Follow us on Instagram TELMxWILSON, lefuniname, voynich

Picks Of The Week (by u/lefuniname)

Hello, dear reader! This thread marks four whole years (!) of us doing these threads week in and week out, and we, the whole new releases team, just want to say thank you for sticking with us for this long. I'll put some fun review statistics in the comments below, but for now, let's take a look at two excellent schnitzeltastic Austrian DnB releases from this week!

1. Wingz - Ghost LP [Overview Music]

Recommended if you like: Rizzle, En:vy, Invadhertz
For my tastes, the minimal/deep and dark scene in drum and bass is sometimes a little too crowded. Every single week, we've got upwards of 50 releases just in that corner, and while I try my best to highlight the really good ones, I've still got a bunch of other subgenres I deeply (heh) care about as well, leading to a lot of dark stuff slipping through the cracks. Not all of it good, mind you. Some of it though! For instance, one excellent artist that we haven't talked about here at all yet, that has been consistently delivering pure gold on the vibey, rolling, minimal sound front for years now, is very much overdue a proper spotlight on here. Of course, I'm talking about the Luigi of the dnb scene (a quote of his I sadly cannot find the link for anymore), Wingz! More like the Luigenius of DnB. Anyway.
While his journey to widespread acclaim in the scene arguably only started to properly kickstart in 2019, Viennamese music enthusiast and professional Twitterer Markus Kocar has earned his musical wingz way earlier than you might think. Back in 2008 (!), Markus had already begun delving deeper into all things DJing, and depending on how far back you go, you minimal enjoyers might be surprised what you hear him spin. You see, after seeing Pendulum at his very first DnB party, he became a massive Dancefloor enjoyer, from where he jumped over to Jump Up and eventually Neurofunk, which provided a smooth transition point to the more minimal vibes he is now known for. Over the years, Markus got more and more active around the scene, sharing his mixes around a lot, regularly hanging out on DnB forums and just generally interacting more with the scene in Vienna. One fateful day in 2013, he was chatting to this Austrian guy, who had been gaining some popularity recently, I think his name was Meth Juice or something, no one you would know nowadays, and he basically told him, if you don't start producing you won't stand out amongst the sea of DnB DJs. So... he did just that!
It didn't take long for him to put the knowledge he had gained from his time on the legendary Neurohop Forum, on which he made tons of connections with the likes of Grey Code, Vorso, Rueben and many more, to good use, turning what began with certified club bangers like "Untitled Roller WIP" into much more serious output, the first of which was debuted on the then-newly-founded IN:DEEP Music in 2014. As the Forum transitioned over to Facebook and turned into what you might now know as the Music Squad, Markus continued to improve his game, by not only showing Dancefloors all over the area what a good set sounds like, but even touring with man like Phace and spreading his production wingz far and wide across the likes of T3K, Context, Addictive Behaviour, Flexout (which earned him his first Noisia Radio play), Demand Records (which earned him support on Skankandbass), and eventually, Lifestyle. Why am I highlighting Lifestyle in this list? Because that's where he made the career-altering connection with none other than Peter Piper Maxted, who was part of Lifestyle at the time and would go on to found his very own label, Overview Music, soon after this.
Not only did Peter fly Markus over for his first UK gig in the one and only Volks club in Brighton in 2018, since then he also signed him on for (as of right now) 5 whole EPs and so many hot singles the ads on even the filthiest of websites will pale in comparisons. Wingz wasn't just a household name on the Overview roster though, during that time he also debuted on (warning, long list) Korsakov, Mainframe, Fraktal, Cyberfunk, Deep Within, V Recordings, Delta9, 4NC¥ //DarkMode, Sofa Sound, VISION, Blackout and DIVIDID, remixing Noisia, Agressor Bunx, Droptek, Grey Code and Data 3 and collaborating with Rueben (who remixed him in 2017 as Ordure!), Submarine, Waeys and En:vy along the way. Phew. Not to mention his Future Garage alias In Agony, with which he showed the world his take on the Burial sound, and his sets all over the world, hitting even South Africa in recent times! I feel like I used my spreading his wingz pun too early.
However, there was one thing he hadn't done all through this yet: an album. As you can maybe tell from the way I not so subtly phrased that there, that changed this week, with the long-awaited arrival of the Ghost long player on his home imprint, Overview. So let's check it out!
We ease into the landscape of the melodically pleasing, deeply minimal vibes Wingz has become known for with the opening track Ghost, showcasing a ton of introductory atmospheric beauty, before smoothly sailing down a stream of minimal rolling vibes, the melodies around it constantly evolving over the stretch of one very long drop. Lonely Place continues the general vibe of minimalistic ear candy nicely with a proper low blanket of (sub)bass keeping us safely tucked in, while a mean kick shakes us to our core and a lot of heavy reverberations fill out the scenery. However, from the distance, we can hear someone approaching: Rider Shafique! On Keep Control, we trade lovely vibes with large swaths of goosebump-causing sounds intertwined with Rider's signature menacing vocals, both exhaling pure destruction at every stop. These heavier tones linger on a little bit longer, as Street Echoes takes us down the path of upfront, powerful drum action, basslines going back and forth between delightfully threatening and growing into menacing mountains of madness, and a vocal that demands that you dance already.
After so much energy, we have earned ourselves a bit of a break, and luckily, Wingz delivers a proper auditory vacation with Parting. Audio crackles, a tightly looping dramatic melody in the background, a moody vocal, plopped onto a smoothly rolling, hi-hat-filled drum set, with the occasional vocal, synth bloop and even some tiny distortion peeking through - just lovely! Speaking of, Guardian Angel takes this loveliness and amplifies it to straight-up soul-soothing, thanks to West Midlandian Luke Truth bringing in one of his most soulful performances yet, while we continuously roll through all sorts of subtle subdued little treats for the ears floating around on here. Gambit very much breaks us out of our trance, with only the wubbiest of wubs, the snappiest of snaps and some gnarly distorted basses. Minimal club bangerism at its finest! On the followup Submission we go deeper and deeper into it, with a supremely deeply vibrating, Dancefloor-incinerating bassline, spiced up with a drum-laden cocktail of think breaks, rave sirens, what sounds like turn indicators and even more I can't quite identify, evolving in a really satisfying way.
We stay down in the aggressive mud a little bit longer, with Within Me. Not only do we get great finely-tuned and groovy aggression coming from the drum action, we've also got some thick bass whomps and the strangely catchy, titular vocal sample - a banger, in other words! On Tonight, the vibe pendulum swings back to the lovely side of things, this time brought to us via a composition of soulfully synthed-up chords, blooped-up synth bleeps, distorted stabs, and an intoxicating tincture of various nicely processed vocals. The vibe pendulum strikes again, and we are back with one last wub-infused minimal club banger, Someone, that in my eyes especially excels in the relentlessly tick-tick-ticking drums that hammer into us while we witness the back-and-forth between the bwoam and the wubs. I'm very good with words, you see. For our closer Forgive & Forget, Wingz swings (say that three times) back into soulful territory once more, ending this journey through melodic minimalism with the one and only Collette Warren putting on a hell of a performance, a heartwarming blanket of bass underneath it all, and just general drifting-away energy.
It's rare that I'm actually this engaged with minimal DnB on a full album runtime, but by reaching across the whole spectrum of deepness, making sure that every single tune sports a deeply satisfying progression and never straying too far from his mission of injecting musicality into even the most minimalistic of club bangers, minimalstermind Wingz has managed to capture my attention wholeheartedly.
Other deep, dark or vibey stuff from this week: - En:vy, Monty - INLOVE - Hiraeth, Alexvnder - The Truth (Leniz Remix) - Shortball, Las Iguanas - Sun Slows Down - FERVL - Vvild 💎 - YAANO, Skylark - Falling - Molecular - Heritage & Sound LP - KRÆK - XOU002 💎 - Kuttin Edge - Flicker & Flash

2. Manta - Home [Sinful Maze]

Recommended if you like: Irontype, Esym, The Clamps
After such a detailed deep dive, let's do a fun little quickie to finish things off. Luckily, we've got the perfect candidate: The one and only Manta, who you might remember from way back when we talked about his Diascope EP, has debuted on one of my favourite labels around, the wonderful Czechian imprint Sinful Maze, who you should remember from all the times I talk about it on here. Those are all separate links!
But first, a quick check-in: What has Daniel "Manta" Hollinetz from Salzburg been up to since we last talked about him here? Well, of course he has been busy playing shows all over the place, but he's also been putting out some rather (Man)tasty releases on the likes of High Tea, Blu Saphir, Korsakov and, as of 2023, even Neurofunk behemoth Eatbrain! While all of these are sick in their own right, I have to specifically shout-out his and his good mate Frank Lemon's VIP-ified version of my all-time favourite of theirs, Adventure, on Hanzom - what a tune.
Alright, so what does his Sinful Amazeing debut, Home, sound like then? Built around a sample of the Bards of Skyrim's The Age of Aggression, one of the coolest samples I've come across in recent times by the way, Home takes us through one of Manta's signature cinematic adventures full of all sorts of ear candy production elements. Right from the beginning, during the relatively short intro, we are treated to such a sick sounding guitar part that you can't help but become curious what is about to follow. As the bard hits the titular With our blood and our steel we will take back our home lyric, the age of aggression really does begin, with almost out-of-control-spiraling, soundsystem-decimating distortion explosions sparring with relentless, futuristic, colourful and straight-up mind-piercing machine gun fire. I can't even point to a specific favourite part or anything, literally everything in this just sounds so damn good. A proper adrenaline rush of a tune.
Simply Mantastic.
Other heavy stuff from this week: - DNMO, Wolfy Lights - Bombalaya (Blooom remix) (<333) - TANTRON - Enchanted - Various Artists - MODULES two - Karpa - Keep Away - Sinister Souls - Chronicles, Volume 1 - Various Artists - Headz Up vol. 2 - Foks - Miss You

New Releases

General DnB / Mixed

submitted by TELMxWILSON to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 11:58 Traditional_Ad_9788 Fake accounts visiting my website?

I am running a Google Ad for the first time. My budget is set to get around 30-50 clicks daily which I am getting. The ad leads directly to my website's homepage which further links to my shop and sub-categories in the shop.
My website is hosted on Wix which has its own analytics. (If you already know about Wix and its analytics you can skip this para). While the daily visitor numbers are matching, what these visitors are doing on my website is making me suspicious. Wix gives you very accurate real-time analytics, showing exactly what a user did on the website and how long they were on it. It also shows the source of the traffic.
Here is the problem. My Wix analytics show that all these "visitors" simply visit my homepage, spend a couple minutes there doing absolutely nothing and then leave. I would say maybe my homepage was lacking if it was just a few visitors. But it's ALL of them. My business is quite small so I doubt these are competitor bots, I don't have competitors lol. The traffic source is shown as "Unknown (paid search)" instead of "Google" which shows up every time someone human does use Google search to browse my website. I also tested the Wix analytics by asking a friend to visit and do a bunch of stuff. And Wix was able to capture her activity accurately. So I am suspicious of Google Ads scamming me with their own bots. What do you all think?
submitted by Traditional_Ad_9788 to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:02 BrownLucas123 Dimensity 9300+: An Incredible Performer

Hold onto your gaming controllers, folks, because MediaTek just unleashed the Dimensity 9300+! This chipset is all about pushing the boundaries of what a phone can do.
Basically, it's the OG 9300 on steroids:
CPU Cranked to 11: The main core hits a crazy 3.4 GHz, making it a beast for demanding games and apps.
Wi-Fi on Warp Speed: Say goodbye to laggy downloads and choppy streaming. Wi-Fi 7 with extended range means you'll be leveling up while your friends are still buffering.
Power Efficiency on Point: Don't worry about your phone turning into a hand warmer. The new 4nm chip design keeps things cool without sacrificing performance.
Here's the real question: is it worth the hype?
If you're a mobile gamer who needs the absolute smoothest performance, or a videographer who wants to capture stunning visuals, then the 9300+ is a dream come true. However, for casual users, the standard 9300 might be enough muscle.
The verdict? The Dimensity 9300+ is a serious contender for the top spot in the phone chip world. It's all about raw power and next-gen features. Now we wait to see which smartphones will pack this powerhouse under the hood! Anyone else excited?
submitted by BrownLucas123 to u/BrownLucas123 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:43 panconques79 comenzando en ciberseguridad

Hace mucho tiempo que me gusta el tema de la ciberseguridad y todo lo relacionado con él. Sin embargo, casi siempre que quería comenzar, terminaba dejándolo. Hace unas semanas, decidí realmente esforzarme y comenzar mi camino en la ciberseguridad. Busqué artículos, algunas investigaciones y consulté varios videos para crear un plan de estudios. También pedí ayuda a ChatGPT para poder organizarme mejor y quisiera saber su opinión sobre si el camino que elegí y los conceptos con los que pienso empezar son adecuados. Agradecería mucho su ayuda. Aquí está el plan que me propuse:

1.1 Teoría de la Computación e Historia de la Ciberseguridad

Paso 2: Desarrolla Habilidades Básicas en Informática y Programación

2.1 Aprende a Programar

2.2 Conceptos Básicos de Redes

Paso 3: Explora Recursos de Ciberseguridad

3.1 Libros y Tutoriales

Paso 4: Practica con Laboratorios y Plataformas de Entrenamiento

4.1 Laboratorios Virtuales

4.2 Proyectos Personales

Paso 5: Participa en Competencias y Comunidades

5.1 Competencias

5.2 Comunidades y Foros

Paso 6: Obtén Certificaciones Básicas (Opcional)

6.1 Certificaciones Iniciales:

Paso 7: Seguridad Personal y Ética

7.1 Ética en Ciberseguridad

7.2 Seguridad en Línea

Paso 8: Educación Formal y Extracurricular

8.1 Cursos Escolares

8.2 Clubes y Actividades

Paso 9: Mantente Actualizado

9.1 Noticias y Blogs

submitted by panconques79 to ciberseguridad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:28 Potential-Bunch-8109 5 days of Her (pt2)

Part 1:
This is the second night with her.
Since maraming nag request ng update here we go. This one is a long read(you guys asked for this)
So a lil sumthing about me. I'm not really a nice guy. I wouldn't call myself a bad dude either but I'm the type of dude na I won't let my sisters to date. I'm not the ideal.
So yep, sinundo ko s'ya sa hotel n'ya. That was 5pm. She's so awkward talaga as ever. I tried opening the door for her pero naunahan n'ya ako. She didn't know kung saan kame pupunta but plinano ko na pupunta kame sa cat cafe since I know how much she loves cats dahil majority ng captured pictures n'ya sa phone ay mga pusa n'ya na observe ko nung first date namin.
Oh and before the date lininis ko talaga yung kotse ko carwash/vacuum. Even bought a new cabin air filter.
Anyways during the trip I was just asking her about her day and the previous day. Wala parin s'yang idea sa pupuntahan namin. Pero nung nag papark na kame nakita n'ya yung cat cafe and nanliwanag yung mata n'ya. Iba rin yung ligaya na naramdaman ko pag nakikita ko ren yung saya n'ya. She got excited and we stayed there for an hour hahah. Bought her a t-shirt and crocs charms na souvenir ng cafe. I also like the fact na she's willing to pay her part everytime we spend something. But I've never let her spent anything while she's with me. So tapos na kame don. And after non di n'ya parin alam kung san na kame pupunta little did she know we're going to another cat cafe na mas maganda. Buttt di kame umabot kase closing na nung dumating kame don hahah nasa mall yon and medyo crowded. So I initiated to hold hands dahil I wanna keep track of her dahil nawawala s'ya sa peripheral vision ko at medyo mabagal s'yang maglakad talaga or mabilis ako hahah. Pati pag holding hands ang awkward n'ya na di marunong. So we walked around the city again while planning kung san pupunta. And while crossing one of the roads tinangal n'ya yung Crocs dahil madudulas daw s'ya. Maulan kase so basa yung kalsada. So naka paa s'ya hahah weirdo. Kaya biglang binuhat ko na lang s'ya patawid hahah and I bought her a new set of tsinelas since pudpud na pala yung Crocs n'ya kaya pala sinabe n'yang madulas. So di n'ya rin pala magagalit yung charms na binili ko hahah 😅 and after that we went to the beach na malapit lang. I just watched her. Then we talked again while sitting on the sand honestly we struggle to communicate like normal and do deep conversation. She's very bad at talking in person. And also the fact that she's nervous. But we ended up sharing our life back in highschool.
Oh I also took photos of her through out the date dahil I know she's also bad at taking pictures but she likes taking pictures of her and stuffs. And I know how much it sucks to be by yourself all the time and only have one form of picture taking(selfie). I'll share it here(yes I'm just flexing how ethereal she is)
Well, after the beach we ended going to the arcade para mag escape room kame pagkatapos. We had fun even though she's really awkward and quiet. Sinabayan ko ren kaweirdohan n'ya by sniffing her armpit after every game namin kahit anong laroin namin 😆
Tapos somehow nakahanap ako ng rose flower na naiwan ng ibang costumer and I was smooth with it dahil inaamoy ko yung kili kili n'ya then I suddenly gave her the rose. Gosh, her reaction... She was really blushing. Apparently it's her first time receiving flowers from someone in person. Tagal den namen sa arcade kaya di na naabutang bukas yung susunod na pupuntahan namen.
Kaya deadset na kameng makahanap ng alak pero it was very late na at that point it basically just became a night ride with a lil purpose. We were just looking for places na bukas pa to look for alcohol. There's a cute interaction I had with one of the places we went pero di namin nagustohan dahil masyadong maingay and I just wanted somewhere na tahimik where I can listen to her. We were at the parking lot and naka upo lang sa kotse ko looking for the next place to go. And may matandang lalaki na pinababa bintana ko para makipag usap tungkol sa kotse ko at kinompliment n'ya at pinag usapan namen yung car and at the end of our convo in compliment rin ng s'ya nung matanda. Ang ganda n'ya daw pero tinawag n'ya s'yang asawa at girlfriend ko hahaha that felt so good even though we were together she got shookt ren dahil di ata s'ya sanay maka tangap ng compliments hahah
But yeah it was just an hour or two of me driving and her on my passenger seat while hugging my Gengar plushie. I never take anyone on my passenger seat besides my plushie so she's basically my first passenger princess.
When we gave up to look for alcohol we just went sa 711 to get siopao and water. We finished the night at the beach again to talk and smoked a cigarette cause she wanted to try it hahah
I guess she wanted to get drunk so she can come out of her shell a lil bit? Kase when we tried talking she can't come up with anything. To describe her, she's basically not normal. She admits it too.
She suggested that I can just talk and she'll listen. Which is I'm no way used to at that time I was also kinda vulnerable and was gonna get emotional with her pero I told her na she can ask me anything then we can start from there.
She asked me the most unhinged thing and caught off guard. Aling betlog ko daw yung mas mababa 😭 and I guess it's one of the things I like about her. Like who tf asks that under the moon light in the beach after a date?
So I was expecting her to have an emotional conversation with me when that's not her. So I just watched her do her thing that makes her happy. We went through her phone hahah this time sa discord and ig n'ya. She was just yapping while showing stuffs and was just mesmerized the whole because that's how she expresses herself. And the more ko na narealize kung gaano talaga kame mag kaiba. I'm also very surprised na she doesn't really talk to other guys. We did that until inaantok na s'ya and that was around 3:30am. So sinamahan ko lng s'ya hangang sa elevator ng hotel. I didn't get to hug her or smell her armpit cause she rushed in dahil sobrang antok n'ya na.
Man, when I tell you. That was the longest 35 mins drive back home I ever had. I caught myself tearing up sa mga stop signs/red lights from the overwhelming emotions I'm having.
So anyways this is just some of the thoughts and details that I have to share of that night; like I said I'm not the best dude but I surprised myself that night. I had my phone on do not disturb because I wanted to enjoy the moment. Opened every door for her even sa car. Minimal physical contact like holding hands but not all the time and I cherished every single moment of it. I ALWAYS asked how she's feeling every chance I get. I asked her what her boundaries are so I won't ever make her uncomfy. Which she didn't answer for some reason that I'll never know. I observed her and wanted to learn her. Never had her spend money the whole time she's with me. Her happiness was my happiness that night. That was my objective.
Something I've never done before despite sa mga ilang beses ko ng nakadate/hook up na babae.
Honestly I was just scared of asking her what she feels about me... Part of me thinks na it's only platonic on her side or that she's not as emotionally invested as me. Which is fine by me but it stings. Kase I never really know her intentions from the yellow app wether she's looking for a friend or something else. Also caught her stalking my profile sa bumble so baka crush nyako hehe(delulu). And there's also the underlying bittersweet fact na we both know there's an ending to it. Uuwi ren s'ya in a couple days. And as for me I know from myself na I never do LDR. But still, I wanted to do my best for her. Even though I know we are not the endgame. I want me to be her standard. I want to give her the best couple nights she can have so she'll have something to remember for a very long time in her life. She somehow made me a better person that night. So yeah guys I'll have to cut this post since I'm getting kinda teary na. There's so much more I wanted to share but words cannot describe it so yeah I did the best I can to share ;))
Oh and yes, we're going on a date again later tonight ofc ;))
Last part 3:
submitted by Potential-Bunch-8109 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:24 CuriousBilal [HELP] Plugins for sending paragraphs to another note

I capture ideas throughout the day that come to my mind in a note called "Inbox"...
then at the end of day I put those ideas (from inbox) in their best note so that I can easily find them later. (By the way, I use PARA method for organization.)
Now, the problem is... It's been a week and I haven't put those "Inbox notes" into their notes and I'm here looking at the piles of little lines of notes which I have to individually put in their places.
Is there a plugin to make this easy... where I can just select the text, hit a hotkey and search the regarding note and just send it to that note?
"Send" is the keyword here. Not go into the note, find the place, hit enter, paste and then come back to the "Inbox note" and repeat that for 200 times at least.
I hope that makes sense!!!
submitted by CuriousBilal to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:06 Brilliant_Sky_7714 I would like to have a Gmod port of this SFM addon:

I would like to have a Gmod port of this SFM addon:
I have tried to carry it but it is very difficult.
submitted by Brilliant_Sky_7714 to gmod [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 welsim Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting

Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting
Automated testing is an essential component of modern large-scale software. High amounts of automated test cases are used to maintain the stability of large software products. For the software with a graphical user interface (GUI), establishing an automated testing system can be challenging due to limited resources. Previously, the author has written articles on automated testing for engineering simulation CAE software, see “Automated Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”, “Quickly Create Regression Test Cases for WELSIM”, and “Automated Regression Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”. This article presents how to use QtTesting to quickly implement an automated testing system for graphical software from a software development perspective.
QtTesting is an open-source testing framework with a friendly license, similar to BSD3, and can be used for commercial products. It has been applied in practical instances for large-scale software such as VTK, ParaView, Slider3D, and WELSIM, proving to be an effective and user-friendly testing framework. As long as the software utilizes QT as its GUI framework, QtTesting can be used as the foundational component for the testing system. The source code of QtTesting can be directly downloaded from or
QtTesting is officially endorsed for UI testing. Although, in practical use, it not only can test GUI, but also can test any other functionalities of a product through the properties provided by the GUI, such as the accuracy of calculation results. Many of the numerical results in WELSIM can be validated through the functionality of QtTesting.

QtTesting Framework

The Testing Module of QtTesting consists of two major modules: Translator and Player. Both modules establish connections with widgets in the QT framework to interact with the GUI framework. The translator captures events or signals of the widgets, while the player controls the widgets by traversing all active widgets to obtain the current object of the widget.

Test Translator

The translator module provides users with a fast way to create test files, essentially acting as a macro command for mouse, keyboard, and widget controls. When users perform certain low-level Qt actions such as “mouse movement,” “button press,” “button release,” etc., the generated signals will be captured and converted into higher-level events that can be serialized and played, such as “button activation.” The pqWidgetEventTranslator class and its derived classes play an important role in QtTesting. The derived classes of pqWidgetEventTranslator need to implement the translateEvent() method to handle Qt events and convert signals into high-level events consisting of two strings: a command and a command parameter (which may be empty). Finally, the high-level events are passed to their output container by emitting the recordEvent() signal once or multiple times. This is saved to an XML file, completing the recording of a macro command.
During program execution, pqEventTranslator receives every Qt event that occurs in the entire application runtime and sequentially passes Qt events to each pqWidgetEventTranslator instance. The high-level events emitted by pqEventTranslator can be captured by corresponding observers. Observers either serialize and print the high-level events, or save them. Currently, QtTesting includes two observers, pqEventObserverStdout and pqEventObserverXML, which serialize high-level events to standard screen output and XML files, respectively. Developers can also create their own observers to implement custom functions, such as serializing events to log files or Python scripts.
The translator module can also record check events, such as verifying a property. During the check, an overlay will be drawn on the widget where the mouse hovers. A green overlay indicates that the widget can be checked; if the overlay is red, it indicates otherwise. When clicking on the widget for checking, a check event will be recorded, and a related QString value will be output. This feature is a crucial part when verifying numerical results in WELSIM automated testing.

Running Tests

The essence of running automated tests is to play back recorded macro commands. In the QtTesting framework, pqEventSource provides an abstract interface for objects that provide a stream of “high-level events.” pqXMLEventSource inherits from pqEventSource and implements specific functionality. It is capable of reading XML files generated by pqEventObserverXML.
pqEventPlayer maintains a set of pqWidgetEventPlayer objects responsible for converting high-level events into low-level events. pqEventDispatcher retrieves events from pqEventSource and passes them to an instance of pqEventPlayer for execution. During runtime, each high-level event is encoded into three strings (object pointer, command, and parameters). Those are passed to pqEventPlayer::playEvent(). pqEventPlayer decodes the pointer address and uses it to locate the corresponding widget. Then, pqEventPlayer passes the high-level event and widget to each pqWidgetEventPlayer until one emits a signal indicating the event has been handled.

Creating New Translators and Players

A new translator must at least reimplement the translateEvent(QObject object, QEvent event, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it must check if the object is of the correct class. Then, it should handle the case of pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, saving the command and related parameters. Sometimes it should also be able to handle pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT.
Similarly, a new player should at least reimplement the playEvent(QObject* object, const QString& command, const QString& arguments, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it should handle pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, converting the read command and parameters into Qt commands, returning true for events it can handle. For checking commands, it should be able to handle the pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT event type. Using the provided command and parameters to check the current value of the Qt object, it should set the error variable to false in case of different values, but it should return true for all handled check events, even failed ones.
Sometimes translator and player classes will correspond one-to-one. Developers can refer to pqLineEditEventTranslator and pqLineEditEventPlayer for simple examples, and pqAbstractItemViewEventTranslatorBase/pqAbstractItemViewEventPlayerBase for advanced examples.

Running Tests

The source code of QtTesting is easy to compile, provided with a CMake program, which allows quick compilation into a static or dynamic library. Since this testing module is called in only a few places in the product, compilation into a static library is appropriate.
QtTesting has been successfully applied in software such as VTK, ParaView, but no test cases are available publicly. Fortunately, the general-purpose engineering simulation software WELSIM not only uses QtTesting as the GUI testing framework, but also open-sourced all test cases. Users can download WELSIM and the test cases to experience automated testing based on QtTesting.
WELSIM’s automated testing user interface is based on the interface of QtTesting, with additional features, such as:
  1. Support for reading *.wstb files, which contain a set of *.xml files, allowing for easier reading of multiple test cases at once.
  2. Saving failed test cases to *.wstb files. Users do not need to manually select test cases for saving.
  3. Adding a right-click context menu for selecting or deselecting test cases.
Developers can also add other functionalities as needed.


QtTesting is a free testing system for Qt GUI frameworks. It not only provides the core functions for capturing QT events and signals, but also offers a user-friendly interface, making it friendly for both developers and end-users. QtTesting can assist software developers with quickly establishing testing systems. Its built-in functionality for capturing and controlling widgets can meet the testing needs of most products, and it is easy to adapt. Developers can add new testing modules based on the widgets of their own products.
We have successfully applied QtTesting to the automated testing of the simulation software WELSIM, achieving great results. The content discussed in this article can be applied not only to CAE simulation software, but also to any graphical software built using the QT framework.
WelSim and the author are not affiliated with Qt or QtTesting. There is no direct relationship between WelSim, the author, and the Qt or QtTesting development teams or organizations. The reference to Qt and QtTesting here is solely for technical blog articles and software usage reference.
submitted by welsim to u/welsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:32 Lluvia4D Optimizing Weekly Review for GTD and PARA Systems: Inbox

Hello everyone,
I've been using both the Getting Things Done (GTD) and PARA systems, which I believe complement each other well by covering different key aspects of productivity and organization. However, I'm currently facing a challenge with my weekly review process.
I have a weekly task that summarizes the checklist of steps to follow, but I'm unsure about the ideal distribution of tasks and how to allocate the workload according to the authors' recommendations. I understand that the information may vary depending on the source.
My main concern lies in processing my various inboxes:
It's clear that the PARA weekly review handles notes, voice recordings, and files within the PARA distribution in documents and cloud storage. The author also mentions emptying these inboxes during the review.
I believe the best approach for reviewing email is to process it completely and assign actions as needed, which aligns with the GTD methodology. However, I have doubts about how to handle my reading list and screenshots, as I often take screenshots on my mobile device to quickly capture ideas or notes.
I'm curious to know:
I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from those who have experience integrating GTD and PARA in their weekly review process. Thank you in advance for your help!
pd: also, do you think it is better to do PARA first or GTD during the week?
submitted by Lluvia4D to basb [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:32 Lluvia4D Optimizing Weekly Review for GTD and PARA Systems: Inbox

Hello everyone,
I've been using both the Getting Things Done (GTD) and PARA systems, which I believe complement each other well by covering different key aspects of productivity and organization. However, I'm currently facing a challenge with my weekly review process.
I have a weekly task that summarizes the checklist of steps to follow, but I'm unsure about the ideal distribution of tasks and how to allocate the workload according to the authors' recommendations. I understand that the information may vary depending on the source.
My main concern lies in processing my various inboxes:
It's clear that the PARA weekly review handles notes, voice recordings, and files within the PARA distribution in documents and cloud storage. The author also mentions emptying these inboxes during the review.
I believe the best approach for reviewing email is to process it completely and assign actions as needed, which aligns with the GTD methodology. However, I have doubts about how to handle my reading list and screenshots, as I often take screenshots on my mobile device to quickly capture ideas or notes.
I'm curious to know:
I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from those who have experience integrating GTD and PARA in their weekly review process. Thank you in advance for your help!
pd: also, do you think it is better to do PARA first or GTD during the week?
submitted by Lluvia4D to gtd [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:09 MY_GUY_C4RG0 A meandering rant about work making me miss seeing the big solar storm last night.

Idk if this is the right sub for this type of rant but it's most definitely anti work so we'll see 🤷‍♂️
TLDR; A long-winded rant about me missing my chance to see the Auroras because I had to get up early for a job I can't take days off from.
Preemptively, I recognize my position of privilege when it comes to being able to complain about something comparatively menial to the other absolute atrocities happening in the world today, but this feels therapeutic and, if nothing else, I want to put it out there for selfish reasons (possible vindication idk).
Since the start of my senior year in highschool I've worked in my family's business as a vendor to some local grocery store chains, I get up at five am five days a week and three am on the other two days. I only get national holidays off and sick days are all but non-existent, I've been able to have my dad pick up for me if I was vomiting and couldn't stand or something. I've been doing this job for about three years now. It pays well considering I still live with my parents and they don't make me pay rent, but it's nowhere near the amount I could live on my own.
I recently picked up a second job at a greenhouse with a shitty boss, the workers (like usual) run the store and a lot of the decisions when my boss can't be fucked to leave their office, but we still get paid far less than them. I work my greenhouse job three days a week and go from my morning job straight to the greenhouse and I get home around five thirty-ish. All this context is to establish that I don't have a lot of free time and what little I do I cherish and protect as fiercely as I can.
While I don't think my conservative ultra religious city has much in the way of a night life, I have no way of knowing for sure because of my line of work I've needed to be home and asleep by nine o'clock ish so I can get up on time the next morning. My body is really weird in the way that if I don't get enough sleep I will literally wake up with what I imagine a hangover to be like (vomiting and a horrible headache) so I never got around much in highschool or anytime afterwards because the night was basically off limits to me. It's hard to meet friends who have a similar schedule where they're free during the day and occupied at night, but I'm autistic as hell so I can just put that on my tab in terms of social problems.
The whole reason I'm making this post though is because of what happened this morning. I'm a huge astronomy nerd, I love stargazing, looking through my telescopes at different shit I can barely make out through all the light pollution, and trying my hand at astrophotography when I can. That whole hobby has basically been cut out of my life since I got the vendor job.
Just last night was a huge solar storm, Auroras would've been pretty plainly visible from where I live and I haven't been able to see them because it happened on a night where I was getting up at three am. Since it's a family business, we have no other employees that could fill in for me, days off just aren't a possibility. Waking up this morning, I saw so many people's stories on Snapchat of all the gorgeous pictures they were able to capture of the auroras and/or the times they shared with their friends or partners stargazing.
I'm just utterly devastated, I've never been able to experience night life with the small handful of friends I do have and for the foreseeable future I won't be able to. The society we've been trapped in just seems so hopeless to me, I can't even afford a break from work to look at the fucking sky. I've been distracting myself all morning throughout the job with different podcasts and videos and any other para social relationships I've developed, but that's just it, in order to stop feeling so shitty about missing this huge storm and the isolation that comes from not being able to experience it with others, I've pacified myself with media and tried to claw back any sort of comfort I can get, i just hate it.
submitted by MY_GUY_C4RG0 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:53 soubhagya_sahu Notion Templates by Thomas Frank

Premium Notion Templates by Thomas Frank

Ultimate Brain – Second Brain For Notion

Get the template here
Price: $129
Ultimate Brain by Thomas Frank is a very popular Notion template for the ultimate productivity system and second brain for Notion.
You can easily take notes, and add tasks, projects, and goals for your life. It will turn your Notion into an all-in-one productivity system that has a task manager, note-taker, and planner. You can use this Notion template at the price of $129.

Creator’s Companion: The Ultimate Template for Content Creators

Get the template here
Price: $149
Creator’s Companion is another popular Notion template for content creators. You can use this Notion template for your YouTube channel and blogs like Thomas Frank uses.
It brings everything from ideas, topics, research, and scripting to publishing your content online.

Free Notion Templates by Thomas Frank

Ultimate Tasks

Get the template here
Price: Free
Ultimate Tasks is a free task management Notion template that will help you create and manage projects.
It includes a master task dashboard with smart views of Today, tomorrow, Next 7 days, and more. You can create sub-tasks, task priorities, and recurring tasks to manage your tasks.

Ultimate Notes

Get the template here
Price: Free
Ultimate Notes is a note-taking template that helps you to easily capture notes, web clips,, and tags system to keep your notes organized.
You can find the most accessed notes on favorite and recent sections of the template.

PARA Dashboard

Get the template here
Price: Free
This template is based on the PARA system of organizing all your information. PARA is an organizing system that divides into Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive.

Ultimate Habit tracker

Get the template here
Price: Free
This is a simple habit tracker based on Zig Ziglar’s “Pick Four” workbook. Each week you will get a new habit tracker page, allowing you to track your habits.
Over time, you will be able to scroll through the previous week and see your progress.

Expense Tracker

Get the template here
Price: Free
This is a free expense tracker template that you can use to track all your recurring expenses in your business and never get blindfolded by a recurring expense.
With this expense tracker, you can see the monthly cost for each expense from the annual expense.

Video Project Tracker

Get the template here
Price: Free
This is a simple Notion template that you can use to create and publish YouTube videos. With this template, you can track, and have an editorial calendar, research notes, scripts, and other elements required to create a professional YouTube video.

Final Words

Thomas Frank’s templates are really useful and go in-depth of templates. It uses possible Notion formulas and methods to bring an effective Notion template. You can learn more about Notion on his YouTube channel and try a free Notion template.
submitted by soubhagya_sahu to NotionTour [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:25 Goodisabelle Youtubers who shared Build your second brain techniques by Tiago Forte do not do it justice.

This book is so underrated. I see lots of YouTubers trying to summarise this book and clearly do not convey the message in the full-length book. The reiterated messages in the book were written repeatedly for emphasis. The stories shared were inspiring. The stoic advice hidden between the passages of “techniques” was memorable. These understanding of little gold nuggets of advice are the differences between people who end up actually taking advantage of the second brain system and those who are simply reading and forgetting.
I hear of friends who tell me they know the PARA system well, but rarely do I find them using it at all. More than PARA, they will not understand the point of having a second brain.
Edit: I realized my comments above are too brief and should be substantiated with some practical examples of where I think the gold nuggets are. So below are some key phrases that may pique the interest of those who haven't read the book. Hopefully, readers resonate with some of these and dive deeper instead of skimming the surface of this book.
submitted by Goodisabelle to PKMS [link] [comments]