Good morning sayings

Good Morning!

2010.09.05 15:50 admin36 Good Morning!

A place to say Good Morning

2010.04.15 13:59 Andy_1 Good morning, nerddit!

A reddit community for Nerdfighteria. DFTBA!

2008.01.25 05:07 A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures

Things that make you go AWW! -- like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things.

2024.05.15 11:10 Jock-locked From best night to worst night

From best night to worst night
Like it says. Went through my normal wind down procedure last night. Did a mask check to make sure I had a good fit. Relaxed for 30 minutes and checked the app to make sure all was good, and it was. Woke up after about 5.5 hours with head gear slightly dislodged. Took a pee break and reset the mask fit. Tried for another 30 minutes to fall back asleep with no luck. Tonight is an another chance. Thanks for all of the support.
submitted by Jock-locked to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:10 CCalamity- Tysabri to Orcevus switch - terrified of PML

Good morning! I'm looking for some reassurance or understanding.
I'm on Tysabri and have been since diagnosis of Severe RRMS 6 months ago. I started with JCV+ of 0.75, I've got my blood test to check the titers next month, but regardless of the results I don't plan on staying on Tysabri for more than a year.
It works great for me but I'm terrified of PML and even a 1/10000 risk with every infusion feels too high. I feel like I'm constantly triple checking myself for signs and it's definitely not good for my mental health.
I am considering switching to Orcevus because of the lower risk of PML but I've read up on the switchover (probably excessively) and there is a risk of Carryover PML, there are currently around a dozen permenant naps from it recorded out of 125,000 switched over. All fatalities were because it was caught too late. Anecdotally, around half of those already had signs of it in their MRI's.
I know the stats are in my favour but I've never been lucky in my life and I'm honestly so scared.
I've emailed my nurses and I'm waiting to hear back but I think I need to hear from others because I feel a bit lost and the medical papers can be so hard to understand. I also think that part of my fear stems from not knowing if they would catch signs of PML early enough to do something about it.
It's so hard to be well informed on your MS and not be gloomy, but I'm working really hard to keep my chin up and be brave. Just looking for support or common experiences.
submitted by CCalamity- to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:09 Equivalent_Letter564 Welcome bonus

hiI registered for 888 poker and they accepted the authentication of my account.I want to pay via Skrill, but unfortunately it says that it is not good for the WELCOME100 promotional code.Can you help me what to do?I can't find support contact information. You can only talk to a bot.thank you very much
submitted by Equivalent_Letter564 to 888pokerofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:09 T-roll999 Should I teach my gf to play GD with me?

I just got a gf while playing GD this morning and I started to think I have someone to be with me except my cousin now, so I think it would be good If we playing this game together, but she didn't know this game. Should I do it?
submitted by T-roll999 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:09 onewordlifesucks This is taking over my life

Just a rant, I think.
I don't understand how functioning alcoholics exist. I can't do it.
Every single day I'm late for work because I'm sat on the john having liquid painful poops that come with an alarming "get to the bathroom NOW" feeling.
When I get here, I just sit for like 3 hours, sweating, heavy breathing, unable to think or function. I'm self employed so I don't have a boss breathing down my neck, and I work from home so I don't have to drive.
I have a constant headache. I sleep maybe 3 good hours a night, after about 2am I'm just in and out of a sweaty, hot/cold light sleep that I have to break up with 2 or 3 visits to the bathroom. My heart pounds constantly and the anxiety and fear is unreal.
Once I'm up, I overeat during the day, especially in the morning, to try and make myself feel better, so on top of the £300 a month I'm spending on wine and beer, I'm also spending a tonne on crappy food.
My day is interspersed with multiple sudden, urgent toilet visits, to once again sit writing in agony as my insides go into spasm.
None of my clothes fit, so I have to go out and get new ones all the time. I'm ballooning.
I try and quit, I make it like... 3 days maybe? I feel incredible. I've never had the bad sober sleeps or anything like that. If I didn't drink tonight I would sleep like a CHAMP... honestly like 10 hours straight, and tomorrow I'd do the same. It's always 3 days... or a weekend comes along and I'm right back to making excuses... "just this weekend" or "I'll only drink friday night". Yeah, we all know how that goes.
All this to say, I have recently found myself pouring my first glass of wine and saying out loud to myself "I don't even want this. I hate this." then obviously going on to sink a bottle of 13.5% wine and 4 6.5% cans of beer. So, I guess that's progress. I've identified that I don't want it. All I need to do is act on that. Man that's terrifying.
I hate that all this started with just a beer in the evening, then two, then 4, then changed it to a bottle of wine because it's cheaper... then a bottle of wine plus a beer, then two, then four.
There are no AA groups in my area, in fact the nearest one is a 45 minute drive away
It has to end.
submitted by onewordlifesucks to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:09 Constatstateofpanic My (28/f) sister (42/F) just got disability pension. I have videos and pictures of her doing physically hard things. Should I report her?

My sister just got awarded disability for fibromyalgia a few days ago, and I have some mixed feelings about it and would like some advice on what to do.
For some background on my sister:
I can't remember her ever working a regular job. She has been on government support for as long as I could remember, but always had side jobs like cleaning houses. She always said that that the reason for her not being able to get a job or further education was because she got a bad back from working. This bad back has never hindered her in taking care of five horses, moving around heavy things, going out partying or hunting, so a lot of people always questioned it.
The thing is that a few years ago she got compensation from her back injury. This was both a lot of money and made me think that there must be something wrong for her to get compensation. She has lived well of the stipends she gets and often talks about being the most financially stable of us siblings.
Then about two years ago I was told by my social worker, that she wanted me to apply for disability pension, because she didn’t think I could get a job. (I was born with Cerebral Palsy Hemiplegia, which is basically a brain injury that damaged the part of my brain that controls the right side of my body, so my right arm doesn’t work, and I have trouble walking. And I had a surgery on my left arm that didn’t go well and now I have problems with that arm too.)
After I applied to disability, my sister said she wanted to apply for disability too because she had fibromyalgia and couldn’t work because of the pain. I understand that fibromyalgia isn’t something you can see on a person, and I understand working through the pain, because I’m in constant pain but I have never heard her talk about it before. The only time she mentions she is in pain is when somebody else says they are in pain. Fx I say I can’t go shopping with her, because my legs hurt, suddenly she will talk about her legs hurting too. I is also worth noting that she has helped my parents do physical labor and never once complained about pain of any kind.
Anyway, I got my disability pension last year, she got hers a couple of days ago and went paddle boarding to celebrate and she is now talking about getting a handicap placard because she can’t walk that far.
I kept thinking that I didn’t want to say anything, because I have been questioned a lot on whether I needed disability pension, because most people can’t tell I’m disabled just by looking at me. But yesterday I was looking through some pictures and videos I had taken of some birthday parties and such. The videos are pretty shaky because my hands, but in one you can see my sister helping to lift a couch, in another she is giving our niece a piggyback ride and in a third she is carrying her 20 year old daughter, like she is a baby. I have pictures of her working around her farm too, doing a lot of physical labor.
This began to irritate me. Our parents are over 60. Our mom goes to work every day despite a bad back and dad’s cancer diagnosis didn’t stop him from going to work, because it’s the only way they can make ends meet. And I feel like if she is faking this, she is not appreciating how hard they worked for us to be able to have a good start.
So I was thinking about sending her social worker the pictures and videos I have, because if she is faking a disability knowing the medical problems I went through and how hard our parents worked for us, just so she doesn’t have to work and take care of her horses and go hunting and whatever. I think that is pretty disgusting. On the other hand, if my sister's disability pension is taken away, she will be right back where she started. She has no education beyond the 9th grade and as I said before, I can’t remember her ever working a regular job, so I don’t think her prospects are good if I do this.
A part of me is also wondering if I'm doing this out of jealousy. My sister and I have had issues in the past and it does irritate me how easily she seems to get disability, while doing all these physical things, where I have to hear from social workers how I’m not that disabled because I can stand up.
So what do I do here? Should I just leave it be or do something about it?
submitted by Constatstateofpanic to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:08 Sufficiently_Bad_ Betrayed by my mom my friends and my ex girlfriend

I am an 18 year old male. So much shit has happened to me since October of last year. I've been so depressed and suicidal for what feels like forever. In October I realized my mom had taken away payment for my therapy, this was after my therapist had told me my mom was abusing me and manipulating me and I confronted her about it. I asked for her to explain herself and she did nothing but defend her actions and criticize me. I stopped talking to her. I told her I needed her to acknowledgment that what she did was wrong and how deeply it has hurt me. She did nothing but defend her actions even more. I've since realized my mother is an abusive narcassist, and these patterns have been there my whole life. My family tried to pressure me into fixing my relationship with ny mom, but all I did was ask her to apologize for cutting my payment to therapy without my knowledge. It has been 7 months, I've heard nothing. No apology, no acknowledgment, nothing. I live with my dad now. A week after I stopped talking to my mom (still October) I asked my ex girlfriend to be friends with benifits (rookie mistake I know) she was my first girlfriend and I was upset and felt so alone. She told me I was disgusting and only wanted her for a body and told me she was dating her male best friend from when we were together. She had told me days before that this was not the case, so she had been lying to my face for weeks. She was my best friend, and she betrayed me, lied to me, and left me alone with zero support in the toughest time in my entire lift. She told me she doesn't want to speak to me anymore. I apologized many times but it didn't change yet mind. 3 weeks later I was hanging out with this new friend group, with a couple of guys and a girl. I liked the girl, and I was pretty sure she liked me too. My other best friend, was in that friend group and hung out with us everyday. I told him I liked her. I asked her to come over, we cuddled amd watched a bunch of movies, and then I asked to kiss her. She rejected me on the spot. Said I was sweet but she wasn't into me. I talk to my best friend about it. He says I was in the wrong for 'pressuring' her into cuddling with Mr which was not the case at all. He convinces the girl I forced myself onto her and that she wasn't capable of making decisions for herself since she had a glass of wine earlier. A month later I found out my best friend was sleeping with her while almost immediately after that night. Everyone in my life betrays me. Everyone is terrible. I don't believe in good people anymore. I serve a purpose and then people move on when I stop serving that purpose. I am suicidal and am genuinely considering taking my life. I can't do this anymore. Everyone except my dad and my brother in my family cut ties with me the day I set a boundary with my mom. I lost both my best friends in the shittiest way possible. I'm jobless and feel like a waste of space. I'm thinking of swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills and antidepressants in order to do the deed. Part of me wants to live hut I just don't see a way out. Everyone in my life treats me like shit. I just can't do this.
submitted by Sufficiently_Bad_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:08 ThrowRA12779 I (24F) need to break up with my boyfriend (27M) but I don't know how. What do I say?

This requires quite a bit of context so apologies for the long post. I (24/F) have known my 'boyfriend' (27/M) for around 4 years now, and this current 'relationship' has been going for just under a year. The reason why I put 'relationship' and 'boyfriend' in quotation marks, is that he has never actually officially put a label on it, but he definitely doesn't consider it to be a situationship.
We have previously dated twice before and broken up twice, the first occasion he broke up with me, and the second time I broke up with him. The second break-up went really badly. He has struggles with drinking, using drugs and gambling, and also is a very poor communicator, and I broke up with him because I wasn't able to deal with the way he was taking it out on me. After the breakup, he went down a bad spiral and was really not doing well, and at the time I felt really responsible and guilty, I still do. When we first got back together, he often would make "jokes" about how I broke his heart and wrecked his life and how everyone around him hated me for that.
When we got back together, I was hoping he had changed and worked on things, as he did seem apologetic. However, over this year I have often felt like it was a mistake and I am firmly of the view that he is just not someone I want to have a future with. However, I have been finding it really hard to actually break it off. I am really worried about how he will receive the breakup, and I am scared of him reacting like last time. In the last breakup, it felt like he didn't really hear the reasons (which I thought were valid reasons to breakup), or at least he disagreed.
There are quite a few reasons why I know we won't work, and I'm trying to think of a way to say it that is honest but that hopefully doesn't send him spiralling or turn me into some kind of villain in his eyes again.
The reasons are: (1) I am a very motivated person, and despite my own struggles with my mental health - I have a successful career. He is quite the opposite and hates his job and has no direction in his life. He has been talking for years about finding a new job but has not taken one step to do so. I feel that this is on it's own an unfair reason to break up with him as it is not really his fault that he doesn't like working. In other areas of his life, he is also quite unmotivated - he doesn't have any hobbies, doesn't exercise, doesn't cook and is constantly ordering takeaway and doesn't plan holidays - he talks a lot about starting/doing that but doesn't take action and that really bothers me. I feel like his lack of motivation almost rubs off on me, when we are together, I see a really lazy side of myself that just lies around all day - when I'm not like that when I'm alone. I love to travel and plan holidays and I also could not see myself travelling with him.
(2) All of my friends and family strongly dislike him. My mom is putting a lot of pressure on me to break up with him, and my dad has said he has lost respect for me for continuing to date him. This has meant I can't bring him around any of my friends and family and it is really getting to me, I feel like he is totally isolated from the rest of my life and I cannot maintain a relationship that has to be totally separate from the rest of my personal life. In the past, he did not make an effort with my friends and family at all, which is why they dislike him - however, I haven't given him a chance this time around as they just refuse to be in his company. Again, I feel like this is a horrible thing to say to him.
(3) In the last four months, I lost a close relative and a pet, both took quite a toll on me personally. On both occasions, I reached out to him for support and he was totally absent and said he was too busy at work and having his own struggles. At the time, I felt bad for him and didn't want to burden him, but looking back I feel like I really want a partner who is there for the good and the bad and is able to support me. However, I feel like if I wanted to cite this as a reason to break up with him, I should have done it at the time, and now too much time has passed for me to bring it up as the reason. This specifically is a concern, because last time I broke up with him, I mentioned one event where he had bothered me (that had occurred two months before we broke up), and he said that if that was the reason for the break up (it wasn't, it was just a factor), then I should have done it at the time and not waited so long.
I am someone that is strongly of the view you should be honest in a breakup, because there is no point in lying but I also don't think it is necessary to be cruel or mean. At the end of the day, whilst I do not love him romantically at all anymore, I do really care about him.
tl;dr i want to break up with my bf because he is lazy and unmotivated, my family and friends hate him, and he failed to support me when I needed it but I'm worried about how he'll react.
submitted by ThrowRA12779 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:08 Necessary_Mousse8156 I found out my mother put a child up for adoption before I was born

Hey everyone,
I have been doing some reading on this sub and it has really helped me to understand the various perspectives that both the mother and the adopted child have.
To give context, I'm 30 and have lived as an only child my whole life. My mother had me quite young, and split with my dad when I was about 9 years old. My dad and I still communicate and have a great relationship. I have been arguging a lot with my mother recently and have had thoughts of restricting our contact.
Long story short, my dad told me this week out of nowhere that my mother had a child before me when she was 18 and gave that child up for adoption. The child was born in the UK, but I am from Ireland and all my family are pretty much Irish. I would say I am a strong person but I am very shaken by this information and do not know what to do next.
I feel immense symapthy for my mother, but I am very shocked that she kept this a secret for so long. I have no idea about the situation itself, as my dad knows very little. But he did tell me that my (many) aunts and uncles know and that my grandparents (both of which are alive) know this information too. I have a good relationship with my family on my mother's side.
I am looking for help and perspective on knowing what I should do with this information. I am still in a state of shock, but another part of me feels that it is none of my business since this all happened before I was born. I want to talk to my mother about it, but I don't know if it is appropriate or worth opening old wounds.
For my sibling, I don't even know what to think. One part of me would like to connect as I feel we share a common bond (which sounds weird even writing given that we do not know each other at all). On the other hand, I feel like that is selfish on my behalf and totally inappropriate. I understand that they may be out there looking for me, may not know I even exist or may wish to have nothing to do with their past, it is really a big unknown for me.
I would really appreciate some input and perspective on this. I am extremely fragile at the moment so try to go easy on me, I might be making an issue out of something that isn't my business and I am conscious of that.
Thanks guys
submitted by Necessary_Mousse8156 to Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:07 pumpkincutiee What should be my approach?

F Talking to a guy since few months now. We both took it slow, but it's been fast since past few weeks, his parents visited my house with him, a few days back. We come from families where the decision solely lies with us. The family meeting was not a decision point. We both have chemistry. It feels effortless. The vibe is there. We talk regularly, meet regularly. He has said that now the rest is just formalities, he already declined the other proposals. ( One of the prospect owned a hotel of her own, mind you. I am not even close to that. It shows that he isn't after just money or family name.)
Now, on one hand, you have rosy, effortless, borderline mushy connection. There's affection, romance, deep talks, he holds my hand when he drives the car, I cook for him sometimes, he cleans up, we sit in the window to drink coffee watching sunsets. He will be tired but he will talk to me for an hour making an exception.
On the other hand you have microanalysis of behaviours and interpretations. He is very observant and holds his family relationships on a gold standard. We both are different, but I see it as being complementry to each other. He does all of the good things, and sometimes he will be like " Do I even want to get married? You look worried for this, can you manage the stress of my business background? You talk about Europe so passionately, why are you marrying me and not going? I don't want you to cry later for missed opportunities and regrets when you still have a chance to go. Why aren't you as observant as me? Why aren't you as curious? Why don't you ask questions? Will you be able to handle it? Handle me? You have a bit of a dark personality. I have never chased a woman in my life, I see some of my friends do that, how sad is that."
The above collection of sentences are some of the few I hear and honestly, I feel sad. I realise that all of the above is practical, but when we talk about these, his approach is very self-focused. He says feelings make him unfocused and weak.
I have a guy who does take care of me, but at the same time, is deep down unsure. It is a bit hard for me to keep up with hearing to " after we are engaged let's sit for financial planning" to " I am 29, in my prime, I have all my life ahead of me, why should I get married? Just for the fear of being alone?"
I keep an open mind and discuss everything of this with him, even if maybe he will one day get up and decide to not proceed ahead, because I take this seriously and want to establish a relationship where he can talk to me about anything.
I don't know. It steals my sleep, sometimes. I know this sub advises to not get emotionally too much involved, but... We drink coffee sitting in his window at sunsets now. His sisters are coming in next week, according to plan I am supposed to meet them. Unless he decides not to. I think what I am asking for here is... How should I approach this so that I can accept any outcome to my best gracious abilities, and turn this into success. What questions should I ask him so that I can get some real clarity? We have talked about all of this before, but somehow his approach changes everytime.
He also said that I look at everything with very me-focused lens? Am I doing the same here?
I really don't have it in me to date anymore. If this fails, to hell with my fertility window. I'll work for orphans and give them all the love I have. I'm possibly quitting.
Thank you.
submitted by pumpkincutiee to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:07 Lychee-4825 “Power of Communication”

Communication is the foundation of our interactions that impact our relationship and personal growth. In my journey of improving my communication skills and how to be a good listener, I have experienced many lessons that helped me understand how to communicate effectively. Through the process of developing these skills, I began to understand the power of good communication and the nuances that make it successful. From learning prepositions of place to understanding comparative and superlative adjectives, from comparing and contrasting to classifying data, here are some of the important insights I have gained.
Prepositions of place play an important role in clarifying and defining the content in communication. Using the correct prepositions when describing physical locations, verbs, or relationships between locations can improve understanding and avoid ambiguity. It is particularly illuminating to learn to distinguish between “ in,” “ on,” and “at ” in relation to space. For example, knowing when to use “in” to refer to a nearby location, “on” to refer to a place, and “at” to refer to a specific place or location develops the precision of my descriptions, making communication more concise and effective Superlatives are important tools for expressing degrees of comparison and emphasizing differences or similarities.
My ability to share my observations and thoughts in detail and clarity has been improved by knowing how to make and use them. If you know how to use the words as a quality, quantity, or feature, it helps our communication to be more depth and strong while using comparative adjectives and superlatives. Regularly gaining knowledge and understanding the context in which each form is required has helped me improve my communication skills.
These techniques allow us to highlight similarities, differences, and relationship between concepts, thus providing deeper understanding and insights. In contrast, classification provides a means of organizing complex information into coherent categories; on the other hand, learning to compare can improve relationships as well as support.
Enhancement of my ability in connecting with others, understanding and confidence when speaking results from my applying these lessons. Furthermore, open communication ensures that messages are clearly understood while reducing misunderstandings and confusion about some issues raised. Being clear in art cultivates me to be brief in the expression of ideas and careful selection of words to convey meaning accurately. The power to communicate is unlocked by focusing on active listening skills development as well as cultural sensitivity helping us to become better communicators with other people. It is a journey of many facets, where one learns continuously and grows along the way.
I'm confident that I can keep going on this journey by using ideas about adjectives, comparing things, and different ways to show differences or similarities. When we use these lessons, we can get better at connecting with others, understanding each other, and reaching our goals through clear communication. Mastering the Power of Communication is a complex process. It begins with being aware of the nuances of good communication, which include both what you say and how you say it.
submitted by Lychee-4825 to u/Lychee-4825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:06 Cautious-General-199 How do I (33F) navigate through a situation where my (31M) does not meet my intimacy needs and gets distant and angry when I bring it up?

My partner and I have been together for over 2 years. We have lived together for 1 and recently moved to another new place. We have always had good chemistry, very similar goals , interests and dreams. Besides a couple of things we are a great match. One of the things that is a big problem for me is he is not affectionate, we have had a few fights and a few calm coherent conversations where I explained to him that cuddling, occasionally offering me a light massage or hugging is huge for me, it’s like foreplay for me emotionally and by touch. He himself has his own intimacy needs that he shared with me, they are all related to sex, and I have done each and everyone of those requests even though some of them to me were just meh.
Not only have I done them, I offered to do them at certain points of our relationship myself enthusiastically to make him happy. And he has told me how much he appreciated and loved it.
But after 2 years I am still waiting to wake up one morning to him cuddling me or randomly hugging me. He will occasionally give me a kiss or quickly touch me but that’s pretty much it outside the bedroom . Few months ago I had a huge meltdown over this and told him I can’t be like this anymore, that it’s something that I lack tremendously, that I want my partner to cuddle me without asking. He got angry and defensive and shut down for days, when he came to talk after 2 days I was so angry he responded this way to me when I was hurt and vulnerable I said I didn’t want to continue. But we talked for hours and made up and he promised he will make an effort. He did for first few weeks slightly better and I hoped that progress will evolve but it has reverted back to how it was. And now I feel insecure and generally bad about myself because I have talked with him several times about this, calmly and not calmly-crying and I can no longer think he doesn’t get it but chooses not to do it
Another thing to mention is that I do most of housework, and I constantly have to ask him to do things as well, he does some easy housework without me asking, but a lot of things like cleaning toilets, fridge, bathtubs, windows, bed/towel laundry is all me. He never does it unless I ask him and because when I ask him he will reply by signing and annoyingly saying OK, I have stopped, because it feels like I pestering him.
We split the cooking id say I do 70% of that but he is a great cook. And we split finances 50-50.
This weekend I kind of had a trifecta of all these issues and ended up breaking down in tears again. First I came on to him insinuation we get busy later and he joked it off which I didn’t take seriously at that moment but nothing happened for 2 days and at the end of second day I asked him if he can cuddle me in the morning, he said yes and I asked him to promise me which he did. When I woke up he heard I was awake but didn’t come , I came out of bedroom looking upset and he realized he forgot, and said oh no sorry I forgot let’s go, at first I said just forget it, but then later we went , he spooned me while browsing with his phone and I went seriously? I didn’t really want to continue because it felt like he was doing a chore I asked him to do interrupting his phone time. So I left.
Sidenote - A week before this I asked him to go grab a small coffee table we had in our car after the move , I kept asking him all week but he never did it , so this same day I asked him again: please go grab it tomorrow I have been asking you for a week I don’t want to drive with it in my car. He again sighed and said K.
So the next day comes and by 7 pm he still hasn’t brought it upstairs so I go take up myself . He asks you need help? At that point I’m boiling inside thinking “kinda late to ask that buddy” and say no, because well I already brought it. I went into bedroom and closed the door and suddenly it all hit me: ignoring my sexual advance , forgetting to cuddle with me again then bringing his phone for the ride,forgetting the coffee table I asked him to do at least five times , I couldn’t hold back tears and waterfalls started.i know he realized I was upset but didn’t approach me, when I came to sit on a couch he asked if I was ok. I gave myself 2-3 min to calm and said: no ok you win I’m done asking you for affection I’m so tired of asking you to do things you are supposed to do as an adult, Do wtv you want I feel drained.
He interrupted raising his voice saying I told you I forgot to cuddle ! I went and cuddled with you after. To which I said ya ok with your phone in hand browsing, thanks for that special moment. And then he said I did dishes the other day. To which I replied: you took 10 minutes to load dishwasher but I literally spent 4 hours cleaning unpacking our boxes and organizing things. He raised his voice again and I said : you ask me what’s wrong I tell you and you yell at me, anything else you want to add ? He shut down. I thought F this got dressed for a walk and before I left I calmly came up and said;when I tell you how I feel you yell at me then shutdown, so let me tell you this when you are done with your silent treatment after 2-3 days don’t come talk to me, not this time. As I walking away he said “I wasn’t yelling but ok”.
I have no idea where to go from here , part of me just wants to end it because I don’t think he will ever try to fulfill my needs. Part of me wants to be manipulative, but that wouldn’t work I think. And part of me wants to tell ya let’s continue as partners / roommates as we JUST signed new lease and neither can move but to sleep separately - no intimacy.
Has anyone faced similar issues? Any ideas how I can navigate though his response ? I feel so hurt that he again chose to raise his voice rather than comfort me or apologize. I will never feel comfortable again asking him for affection at this point it would be pathetic. Besides ending it is there anything I haven’t tried that I should?
submitted by Cautious-General-199 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:06 Shadingthesky417 Cant straighten my arms after first day of gym

I was used to workout before but usually just different variation of pushups at home and some chin ups but nothing serious. Recently decided to join a gym and boy i might've gone a little too hard on the first day, Trained my bicep multiple sets to almost failure before stopping, it felt good and nothing too bad other than bit of stiffness, but by the end of the night started having problem stretching my hand, next morning kind of worsen but i still went to the gym and hit, by the afternoon, my arm went completely fucking stiff, im barely able to stretch my arms past 90 degree, my bicep feels sore as fuck when i try to straighten my arm, i've read it sounds like doms, i just want to know how long could it last and should i rest or workout through the pain, its the third day since my first workout, couldnt go to the gym today cuz of soreness and because my dumb ass drank too much of electrolytes so im shitting myself rn too but its gotten better, the t rex arms are my biggest concern rn, any tips to soothe the muscles or to quicken the process?
submitted by Shadingthesky417 to workouts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:06 helenapurpl Finding the right bread recipe with time constraints

Hi Breadit! I am in charge of baking the bread for big breakfast (9 people). I have some time constraints so I am struggling to find a good recipe with the right timings. Anyone who can share their tips or recipes? I have made the overnight white bread from "Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast" before, but my loaves come out a bit too dense.
This time I was thinking on doing bread rolls European style bread rolls or ciabattas, instead of big breads.
I was thinking on doing something that I can mix the day before, proof it overnight and pop it in the oven in the morning. Is there such a thing? The recipes that I have found with overnight proofing also include another 1-3 hours proofing period the day after.
Thank you so much in advance!
submitted by helenapurpl to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:05 laptopstand84 How to deal with a lack of motivation at work?

I've been really unmotivated at work lately. Took a few days off recently which helped a bit but didn't completely solve the issue. I wouldn't really say I'm burned out as my job isn't strenuous, mentally or physically, but the lack of motivation does sort of feel like a burnout.
Overall work are happy with my performance even though I feel like I'm slacking. I receive positive feedback quite often and even got promoted recently. But I don't feel like I'm performing well. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the bare minimum and tasks with no set deadline get put off indefinitely sometimes.
I've tried using my downtime for hobbies but I feel immense guilt for doing that. I know I would never get caught as long as I meet my deadlines and complete my tasks but I still don't. So usually I just procrastinate work with YouTube or scrolling Reddit during quieter times.
Overall I feel guilty for feeling like this. My pay is decent, work is very flexible with wfh and taking time out of work for appointments etc. I get along well with my boss and my colleagues for the most part too. The pay isn't great but it's alright for my experience level and I've also been promoted recently with a decent pay bump. Considering the insane cost of living in Dublin these days we didn't really have to go without anything, even on my starting salary. Overall the job is a good gig so I feel guilty for taking it for granted and being unmotivated as I have definitely had far worse jobs and there's many in a way worse position than me.
Has anyone else had this and how did they deal with it?
submitted by laptopstand84 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:05 8g6_ryu Self worth and Narcissistic Tendencies

Everyone is talking about self worth and how you can improve that it. But most of them are saying stuff like you don't need external validation for making a good assessment of your self worth. I see it as a side effect of society pushing for over independence. I feel like today people think that everyone must be completely independent. I can see its validity for materialistic things .
But human beings are emotionally interdepend. If one without no extremal validation of his values and beliefs tend to believe everything they do is right , there is a high chance of them being a person with narcissistic personality.
So how people with no close connections can have high self worth without Turing into a narcissistic person?
So as INTJs who are famous for independence what do you think about this?
submitted by 8g6_ryu to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:05 awkward_potatoe07 I feel worthless bc I don't have a job

After tons of sent emails and job applications in these past 2 years I've only been called for a job interview twice and still didn't get the job. I know it's bad to tie your self worth with a career but I feel like I'm worth nothing if I'm jobless. People around me are not helping either. Everyone's only question is if I have a job and when I say no it seems like the conversation just ends there. It's not just random people, it's my friends and family as well. I feel like I'm judged all the time bc at my age I didn't reach the milestone that most of people do. Instead of having a family of my own, being married and having a good career, I'm living with my parents and struggling to get called for a job interview, let alone get employed. I feel embarrassed of myself.
submitted by awkward_potatoe07 to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:04 Shadingthesky417 Cant straighten my arms after first day of gym

I was used to workout before but usually just different variation of pushups at home and some chin ups but nothing serious. Recently decided to join a gym and boy i might've gone a little too hard on the first day, Trained my bicep multiple sets to almost failure before stopping, it felt good and nothing too bad other than bit of stiffness, but by the end of the night started having problem strenching my hand, next morning kind of worsen but i still went to the gym and hit, by the afternoon, my arm went completely fucking stiff, im barely able to strech my arms past 90 degree, my bicep feels sore as fuck when i try to straighten my arm, i've read it sounds like doms, i just want to know how long could it last and should i rest or workout through the pain, its the third day since my first workout, couldnt go to the gym today cuz of soreness and because my dumb ass drank too much of electryloytes so im shtting myself rn too but its gotten better, the t rex arms are my biggest concern rn, any tips to soothe the muscles or to quicken the process?
submitted by Shadingthesky417 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:04 NoTrash611 I need a pair of good nippers. What would you recommend?

Throughout my hobby career I went through a lot of nippers, from cheap chinese cutters that rip the plastic more than cut it to tamiya ones that were pretty good but I accidentaly broke them. I now need a new pair that will be just right and I'm asking for recommendations. Let's say that anything more expensive than the current GW cutters is out of my budget. From what I gather, those high end gunpla nippers may be too fragile for the way GW does gates in the sprue.
submitted by NoTrash611 to Warhammer40k [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:04 tepremihai Cheating or soething else?

Hello everybody. I have a question. From Saturday morning since I had my last win, I started getting only demon lobbies. I am an average player in my opinion. I can do like 5 to 8 kills per game, going in 2 digit kills rarely. But, from Saturday morning i only got games with 0 to 2 kills. I don't get it.. either I encounter a lot of cheaters, or only extremly good players. It happens on all types Duos, Trios, Quads, Resurgence, Classic.. everywhere. Have they abbandoned alltogheter the anticheat? Or it's jst a "Get gud" kind of situation, and i just have to invest a lot more time into it?
submitted by tepremihai to Warzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:04 ppetak Giving linux PC to grandparents: Voice assistant, Media center, remote help ... any current tips appreciated!

So as title says, I don't need help with distro selection, or DE ... I will go with something simple. machine will be some recent middle-low level specs, 16GB ram for chrome, and that's it :D
What I tried to find are tips for software, and all threads here are old enough to be locked.
  1. So first question is voice assistant. It would be like magic for them, and also their vision is poor so don't have to read would be great benefit. I found only abandoned projects, and some where the installation and update is complex so it would be prone to break. There is apparently possibility to integrate Google assistant API somehow, IDK if I want to do this, but should be more stable IMHO. I could maybe opt for some text to speech reader instead, not having conversation ability but could read from browser, so GPT chat can be then used for conversation. Someone succeeded in this?
  2. Lot of usecases they have is to watch their and family photos, videos, and usually watch documentary films on TV. I would like some app that would just do this, catalog their local media, and offer some basic search and presentation. Playing youtube is not necessary, FF with adblock is OK for that. One app, big icons, thumbnails, so they can operate it on TV. I know only Kodi, so I would go with that, but maybe someone has another favorite media app that is good and lightweight?
  3. Remote help. Everyone recommends nomachine, the thing is I have public IP on my router, their will be connected behind small city provider so they will not have it. So I need to initiate connection from their side, and I was not able to find if this is possible with nomachine. I can go with anything that can be scripted so they don't need to make any complex input, just click icon and that's it. Again, I know only basics, I can imagine ssh tunnel and VNC, but maybe there is some solution I don't know about?
So that's it. Thanks in advance for your tips.
submitted by ppetak to linuxquestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:03 not_sosuretho I'm starting to not like my sister

For a bit of back story, my older sister hasnt really been a part of the family. She has been in boarding schools from middle school till uni and only stays a while to visit. I guess this whole family concept is new to her. She used to be the best older sister. I would always brag to my friends about how preety and smart she is even though ive had some horrible experiences with her. She recently graduated uni and is back at home she is looking for a scolarship in Tokyo for her master's ( that I really hope she gets)
My little sister is really wise and calm for an 11 year old but she also has her complaints about her. My older sister tends to ignore people and then pretend to be nice, valuable or a 'saviour' by baking, cooking and cleaning around. She also pretends to be this really smart person and interrupts laughs or makes rude remarks when trying to prove your point in a debate. I have ADHD which is frustrating for my clean freak little sister that i share a room with as i tend to forget things she asked me to do or leave random things all over the room jumping from task to task. My sister and I always bicker but end up making up and I truly put in effort to keep the room clean. On one of these bickering moments my oldersister came into the room and imediatly took her side and ignored anything i had to say and would directly talk to her like im not in the room "Dont worry just ignore her, we all know she doesnt care about anyone" which makes completly no sense at all but whatever.
Im really smart and everyone knows that biology is a subject I'm good at so when my mum was talking about something and i was explaining it to her from a biological stand I was confused to see her mocking and laughing at me and looking at my little sister who was just as stunned as I was. We got into a debate about whether smoking causes cancer or not and i said that it doesnt but has a correlation to which she indirectly said that I'm 'young and stupid' and we aren't here to argue 'semantics' She then went on to use 'big words' in hopes to make me feel dumb but failed terribly. she asked me if i knew what a certain chemical compound was and when I said no she just went completely out of control with her rude attitude and when i confronted her, she just said that "being rude is the only thing that works with me" I, later on, asked my dad who has a high IQ and is super good at all sciences what that compound is and he had no Idea.
My mom recently bought everyone chocolate. I kept mine in my bag but decided to keep it in the fridge a couple days later. both my sisters had eatten their bars so i was surprised to see that my bar was also missing. Im not a fan of the brand and would have let her eat it if she had asked me. I asked my younger sister if she ate it and she said no, my parents dont like sugar which only leaves her in the home. I found out later that she told my mum I ate mine and some of hers, she is really good at manipulating my mother. I also saw her take my earbuds and use them, I asked her if those were mine to which she replied "I dont know what ur talking about" and then put them on and blasted music. I told her I would appreciate if she asked before using my stuff to which she replied "I dont know what ur talking about" and smirked
The next day I took a chocolate she had gotten for herself and hid it. When she asked me where it was i told her i dint know what she was talking about to which she responded to saying stuff under her breath. He had had a physical fight when i was around 13 and she did some damage there but knew not to mess with me now as im bigger and stronger than she is. she complained to our mum saying that money should be deducted from my pockets. I let her believe i ate her chocolate for an hour to let her know how i feel about her taking my things without my permission then i placed her chocolate on the kitchen counter and accidentally knocked yogurt she put in the freezer and promptly cleaned it up. she saw the spilled yogurt and was jeering at me and flinging all sorts of insults. I didn't care and camly cleaned up the mess. I guess she saw the chocolate because its missing from the counter and people in this house dont just take things that dont belong to them.
I'm starting to seriously not like my sister and I dont know what to do about it. she's not all bad but for a 22-year-old.. this is completely unacceptable. there was a time she decided to go vegan and would call the food in the fridge a "grave yard" when i tried to fry an egg she made a disgusted face and called it "chicken period" she also called any kind of meat "corpses" Im guessing she has grown a little from then but ill never forget that easter break she came over. If you ask her about this she will tell you that she would never say 'such a thing' and that 'the human brain creates false memories' and so thats what i must be going through.
I dont want to dislike her because she is family and i have alot of good memories with her but I also will not tolerate nonsense. AITAH for not liking my sister? or hiding her chocolate? I feel bad "playing God" and making her learn a lesson.
submitted by not_sosuretho to AITAH [link] [comments]