Claratin d vs dayquil and sudafed

[Game Thread] (?) New York Liberty (0-0) vs (?) Washington Mystics (0-0) ~ WNBA Tipoff - May 14th, 2024 7:00PM ET ~ WNBA League Pass and ESPN3

2024.05.14 13:10 ahayling [Game Thread] (?) New York Liberty (0-0) vs (?) Washington Mystics (0-0) ~ WNBA Tipoff - May 14th, 2024 7:00PM ET ~ WNBA League Pass and ESPN3

[Game Thread] (?) New York Liberty (0-0) vs (?) Washington Mystics (0-0) ~ WNBA Tipoff - May 14th, 2024 7:00PM ET ~ WNBA League Pass and ESPN3

Game Information

New York Liberty vs Washington Mystics

Game Information

TIME MEDIA Location Broadcast
Eastern: 7:00PM Game Preview Entertainment and Sports Arena US: WNBA League Pass [FREE TRIAL] and ESPN3
Central: 6:00PM ESPN Gamecast District of Columbia Canada: None
Mountain: 5:00PM WNBA League Pass Local Home Team Broadcaster: Monumental Sports Network Streaming
Pacific: 4:00PM Local Road Team Broadcaster: WWOR-My9

Road Team

New York Liberty

Team Homepage Team Roster & Coaching Staff
Social Media Local Television & Broadcast
Twitter WNYW FOX5 New York

Home Team

Washington Mystics

Team Homepage Team Roster & Coaching Staff
Social Media Local Television & Broadcast
Twitter NBC Sports Washington
Instagram Monumental
Want to use my 2024 WNBA Templates and help contribute posting game threads for wnba? Download here!. A potential 255 Game Threads for the entire for 1 person is a lot of work. Ahayling needs volunteers so he cannot be relied upon.
Read The Flow Chart if you're Watching Games Courtesy of @cwetzel31 on Twitter for those if you're planning to watch the games.
submitted by ahayling to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:09 adz0r Top Esports vs. G2 Esports / MSI 2024 - Lower Bracket Round 2 / Post-Match Discussion

MSI 2024

Official page Leaguepedia Liquipedia New to LoL

Top Esports 0-3 G2 Esports

- G2 Esports advance to Round 3 in the Lower Bracket and will face the winner of Team Liquid vs. T1!
- Top Esports have been eliminated from the tournament.
TES Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter G2 Leaguepedia Liquipedia Website Twitter Facebook YouTube Subreddit

MATCH 1: TES vs. G2

Winner: G2 Esports in 28m Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
TES zac poppy orianna lillia vayne 47.3k 7 2 None
G2 senna ashe rumble braum renataglasc 61.5k 27 11 C1 M2 H3 CT4 B5 CT6
TES 7-27-15 vs 27-7-55 G2
369 ksante 3 3-4-3 TOP 8-1-6 4 camille BrokenBlade
Tian xinzhao 2 2-6-1 JNG 3-1-20 3 ivern Yike
Creme azir 2 1-7-3 MID 8-1-5 1 tristana Caps
JackeyLove varus 1 1-6-4 BOT 5-3-8 1 kalista Hans Sama
Meiko nautilus 3 0-4-4 SUP 3-1-16 2 leona Mikyx

MATCH 2: TES vs. G2

Winner: G2 Esports in 24m Game Breakdown
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
TES zac kalista poppy ivern vayne 39.8k 4 2 O3
G2 senna varus ashe rumble thresh 51.8k 19 9 I1 H2 B4
TES 4-19-3 vs 19-4-47 G2
369 ksante 3 3-2-0 TOP 2-2-6 4 twistedfate BrokenBlade
Tian jarvaniv 2 0-4-2 JNG 1-0-11 3 reksai Yike
Creme corki 2 1-3-1 MID 2-1-6 2 tristana Caps
JackeyLove draven 1 0-5-0 BOT 12-0-7 1 kogmaw Hans Sama
Meiko renataglasc 3 0-5-0 SUP 2-1-17 1 braum Mikyx

MATCH 3: G2 vs. TES

Winner: G2 Esports in 29m
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
G2 senna ashe lucian xinzhao twistedfate 57.9k 16 7 C2 B5 HT6
TES zac poppy orianna jax volibear 49.0k 6 3 CT1 H3 HT4
G2 16-6-34 vs 6-16-9 TES
BrokenBlade ksante 3 6-0-6 TOP 0-4-1 4 udyr 369
Yike ivern 3 1-0-12 JNG 3-1-0 3 reksai Tian
Caps tristana 1 4-1-0 MID 0-4-2 1 corki Creme
Hans Sama draven 2 5-2-4 BOT 2-2-1 1 kalista JackeyLove
Mikyx neeko 2 0-3-12 SUP 1-5-5 2 camille Meiko
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by adz0r to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:00 AutoModerator [Training Tuesday] - Weekly thread for questions about grad school, residency, and general career topics 05/14/2024

This is the place to ask questions about graduate school, training programs, or general basic career topics. If you are just learning about the field and want to know if it is something you should explore, this thread is probably the correct place for those first few questions on your mind.
submitted by AutoModerator to MedicalPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:34 PythonicParseltongue Help me improving my tmux start up script

So after I boot up my WSL2 Ubuntu I have a small script to setup my tmux session and start VsCode. It does (mostly) what it's suppost to do and I'm working on the next iteration:
#!/bin/bash SESSIONNAME="main" tmux has-session -t $SESSIONNAME >? /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then tmux new-session -s $SESSIONNAME -n admin -d tmux new-window -n project -t $SESSIONNAME: tmux send-keys -t $SESSIONNAME 'cd ./pyprojects/' Enter 'code' Enter fi tmux attach -t $SESSIONNAME cd ~/pyprojects 
So far so good. The frist flaw of this program is that it will create another 'project' window if called again. I'm unsure how to prevent this.
Secondly, the next step would be to source the last utilized Python venv. I haven't though of how to keep track of this. So for now I would go with just a default venv, stored in an env variable.
At the moment I'm mainly wondering if send-keys is actually the best / proper way of interacting with my tmux session. I'm affraid I'll be limited in what I can do from this bash script, as "things are happening in another console". So I'd be interested in your adivice here.
Also I'm interested in your ideas on how to track what venv had been used last. I thought using the fact, that VsCode keeps track of the last project, however I havn't been able to find/use this information.
submitted by PythonicParseltongue to bash [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:24 Obvious-Cost-7101 Other things to consider when buying or building your own PC. (For Beginners)

This guide is targeted for beginner builders without any tech background, especially the ones who are building Gaming PCs or Rendering Workstations.
Everytime I saw a beginner builder posting their draft builds, there are small but crucial things thats always being overlooked. I made this guide hoping that it will help newbies on building their own PCs. If you find some of the terms/ jargons too technical, just a quick google search will help you understand what it means.
  1. After you have all the essential parts listed on your build, your CPU, Mobo, RAMs, GPU. The last part that is sometimes overlooked or not really given the budget for is the PSU (Power Supply Unit). AMDs are more power hungry then Intel CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs, combining both AMD CPU and GPU will take more power rather than Intel and NVIDIA (although modern AMD CPU is on par with Intel in-terms on power consumption). Make sure you do your research on power consumption to provide the best PSU for your build. Just look for the Watts consumption of your CPU and GPU VS the Wattage your PSU can provide, also at least buy an 80+ Bronze rated PSU. Additionally installing AIO Coolers or liquid cooling on your build will add more power consumption, so move up to Silver or Gold rated PSUs. But it's to pricy? If you can buy AIO coolers you can buy a silver rated PSU.
  2. RAMs. a) This is a personal opinion so haters gonna hate. For me, buying a 1x16gb ram is better than 2x8gb if you are future proofing for an upgrade to 32gb ram, then it's easy to buy an additional 1x16gb rather than 2x8gb, also if you only have a mobo with 2 ram slots then you'll have to dispose your 2x8gb and buy 2x16gb. b) If you are planning to play 9th generation games, then 8gb is not enough even if the specifications says it is the minimum requirements. Yes it will run, but will it run smoothly? c) RAM clock speed, if you noticed rams have these numbers on their name; like 2666MHz, 3200Mhz, 3600MHz etc. The thing you should always remember is if you already have a 2666MHz ram you should buy your new one with the same clock speed, as your PC will use the lower MHz ram as based clock speed. Meaning your 3600MHz ram can't utilize its full potential if partnered with a lower MHz ram. d) Check your mobo's ram slot compatibility a ddr4 ram is not compatible with a mobo that houses ddr5 ram slot, vice versa.
  3. Cooling. a) Thermal pastes. Are you going to entrust your PHP10k CPU to a PHP25.00 thermal paste? I won't. Buy a decent thermal paste brand (Kryonaut, Thermal Grizzly, Arctic, Noctua are just examples of good thermal pastes) b) Stock CPU Fans are far more better than those "dUaL FaNs CPU cooler with paper thin heatsinks" (you know what I'm talking about). If you want to change your CPU fan, save money for a decent one. c) Case Fans. Don't get fooled with those pretty RGB colors. But IMO if you have an airconditioned room it will help a lot on cooling even you are using "budget meal" brands. d) AIO Coolers and Liquid Cooling. Unless you will be assisted by an experienced builder. I don't recommend installing this on your own, or at least do extensive research on installing one.
  4. CPU and Motherboard. a) Always buy this two at the same time and always check your mobo's CPU slot. Intel uses LGAxxx (LGA 1151, LGA 1700 etc.) slots and AMD uses AMx (AM4, AM5) slots. You can't use one on the other. b) Also check if you bought a pinned or pinless CPU, a pinless CPU is compatible with pinned mobos, vice versa.
  5. Warranty. Sometimes we overlook this as long as we can get a cheaper part buying online, but keep in mind the headache of return, replace and refund if you bought a broken part. If you have a choice to buy it on your local store I suggest you do or at least check your area if you have a service center of that part. If the only mean is buying online, buy it on trusted online stores, again a quick google search on the store will go a long way.
I know I will be downvoted with this statement, but building a "Gaming PC" is not cheap, you can't just use "budget meal" parts and say it work just fine as a 50k-70k PC (even with these price you can still call your build mediocre). I am not rich, it took me a year to build a decent enough gaming PC, if you can wait just save your money to buy decent parts. I don't hate budget meal parts, as it helps our friends build their own PC with budget restrictions, but let's be real quality comes with a price.
I hope you learned something with this guide and if you have more questions feel free to ask, just don't ask me to provide you a list of PC parts in regards with your budget. For those who have more experienced than me, if you have other things to add please do. Thanks.
submitted by Obvious-Cost-7101 to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:18 MagicalMusical1 Snow White vs Snow White Debunk

Snow White vs Snow White Debunk
Hey everyone, MuscialMagical-1 here. I’ve been noticing a lot of debunks recently, so that must mean that they’re really popular and that I should make one as well. And luckily for me, there’s some idiot named MagicalMusical1 who just so happened to make what I consider the WORST matchup ever, so I’m going to absolutely debunk it now.
I’ve wanted to do this for a while, since my original post on the matchup was when I was just starting out writing connections. It’s still my number one favorite matchup of all time, and I’m not going to stop pushing for it, so let’s run this back again.
Didn’t ask. Moving on.
Note: SINoALICE lore is confusing and there’s just straight up multiple different versions of Snow White. I’m getting all my information from what I believe is the main incarnation of the character (Character Descriptions of the original classes, and the Main Story of SINoALICE Though even in the main story there’s like three different versions of Snow White in the lore but shhhhh) Also, there’s going to be a lot of yapping, so take caution
Why are you debunking yourself not even a minute into your connections list. Are you stupid? Also, I am absolutely prepared to yap back, so you’re the one who should be taking caution
Core Theme: Two similarly named characters who fight for justice by taking down those who are evil after the loss of those close to them. As their journeys progress, both will struggle with being their ideal selves, and be filled with self-doubt. However, there’s a very notable contrast with their paths of justice and how they handle their flaws.
You’re already putting these connections on your connections list anyways, so I don’t have to debunk this part at all
Two major characters in series that are darker takes of their respective genres (Magical Girls/Fairy Tales) with the two taking direct inspiration from those older media (MGRP Snow White’s design is based on classic magical girl outfits/SoA Snow White is literally a stand in for the Snow White in the original fairy tale)
First connection in and there’s already so much wrong here. First of all, Magical Girls and Fairy Tales are not similar in the slightest. Second of all, bro have you seen magical girl and fairy tale shit dude. This weird girl named Minky Mono literally gets hit by a truck and in the original Snow White, The Prince literally orders the Queen to wear a pair of red-hot iron slippers and to dance in them until she drops dead. Those both are so much darker than whatever you’re trying to say here. And lastly (Yes I’m still not done yet), comparing clothing to in your words “literally a stand in for the Snow White in the original fairy tale” What an absolutely comparable connection
They were initially naive, believing in the good in others despite the many times they’ve been proven wrong (MGRP Snow White believed that magical girls were pure, righteous champions of justice, even as the death game was ongoing and after she’d been attacked multiple times by other magical girls/SoA Snow White didn’t recognize the seven dwarves treating her like a slave, and even after her mother tried to kill her, she still wanted to forgive her)
This one isn’t too bad, since at the very least you’re comparing people that tried to kill both, but then you decided to put slavery into this one, really?
However, their breaking point would come after the deaths of those they were close to (La Pucelle and Hardgore Alice/The Prince). Both would blame themselves for these incidents (MGRP Snow White would believe that she was useless as she didn’t take any action that could’ve prevented these incidents/SoA Snow White would blame herself for letting the death of her prince occur, exclaiming that she’ll never forgive what happened)
Okay and now we’re back to the bad stuff. See, MagicalMusical1 uses “those they were close to” to hide how incomparable these people are. The Prince is literally her lover and husband, while La Pucelle and Hardgore Alice are just her friends.
From there, both would swear to use their strong senses of justice to never let these events happen ever again, deciding to go out and defeat those who are evil to make the world a better place (MGRP Snow White taking it upon herself to capture rogue magical girls/SoA Snow White swearing to punish all evil and enforce justice).
Erm, actually one is only fighting a certain type of person while the other is punishing all evil. This isn’t comparable in the slightest
Their personalities shift into stoic fighters who are ruthless to their enemies, yet still kind to those they consider allies.
Generic as fuck.
While we would never directly see these characters administer their justice (It is only stated that MGRP Snow White was able to capture around 30 rogue magical girls/It’s implied that SoA Snow White ruled over her nation as an good enforcer of justice and changed some endings of stories for the better), we will see their paths changing as they go on a journey for another person important to them. (MGRP Snow White goes around trying to look for any clues regarding the whereabouts of Ripple/SoA Snow White goes around killing nightmares in order to revive her authors, The Grimm Brothers)
Firstly, MagicalMusical I know that you don’t actually have the evidence that SoA Snow White ruled her nation as a good enforcer of justice and only are getting that from her TV Tropes page. Secondly, bro why are you doing the “person important to them” shit again. The Grimm Brothers are literally SoA Snow Whites’ creators while Ripple is just MGRP Snow White’s friend.
On these new paths, they try to hold on to their ideals, but over time, their flaws become apparent, and they begin to doubt themselves. (MGRP Snow White continues to get roped up into deadly situations but unable to save everyone like she wants to, causing her to not believe herself to be deserving of her title of Magical Girl HunteSoA Snow White begins to doubt her justice as she continues the immoral path of killing sentient and potentially innocent beings in order to achieve her goal, with the voices of those she killed haunting her)
Ah yes, one is regretting not saving enough people while the other is regretting killing. I can absolutely see the connection there (Breaking character for a moment, holy shit that’s actually another badass contrast this matchup has now that I think about it.)
Extra connections that aren’t really about major story beats/are kinda a stretch thanks to the aforementioned multiple different versions of SoA Snow White in the main story, but still interesting to note the coincidental similarities these two share:
Again, please stop debunking yourself in your own connections list please. And these aren’t even safe either.
Both deal with manipulative mascot-type characters that try to drive both, and other characters like them to kill each other. (Fav, manipulating the events of Unmarked to turn it into a magical girl death exam/Parrah and Noya, who force the cast kill each other, most notably in Act of Elimination)
Parrah and Noya are puppets, please tell me where the “mascot-type” comes from.
While initially put off by these characters at first, both would eventually have a friendship with an Alice in Wonderland inspired character with a darker color scheme and a theme of obsession (Hardgore Alice, who is very focused on being with Snow White and protecting heAlice, who has a theme of bondage and feels heavily attached to her author)
Okay, not only are these characters obsessed with two different people, but one’s named Alice and the other is named Hardgore Alice. Completely incomparable.
Both are noted to be very beautiful (Magical Girls in MGRP are described to be “too beautiful to be human”/SoA Snow White, similarly to the story she’s based on, has incredible beauty that mesmerized everyone in her country)
Bro this connection is so generic that I literally cannot find anything to debunk about it.
Both would eventually be reunited with the person they were looking for, only for an unforeseen event to occur that caused them to lose said important person once again and cause the two to be broken once again (MGRP Snow White would be able to find Ripple, but in her mind control we state, Ripple would kill someone and run away once the mind control wore off, leaving MGRP Snow White to feel helpless and lose hope for a moment/SoA Snow White eventually revives her author in Act of Authors, only for Henrietta Dorothea Wild to be revived instead, and after Snow White killed her, her justice was put into question, leading to herself falling into despair)
Okay, I already said how the important people here aren’t comparable so I'll just say that MGRP Snow White’s friend is killing someone while SoA Snow White is the one doing the killing.
In different points in their stories, both get involved with deadly mobile games with the same name as their series. (The death exam that MGRP Snow White would be involved with would begin due to the Magical Girl Raising Project mobile game/Act of SINoALICE takes place in the real world, with the characters having to deal with nightmares that spawned due to the in-universe SINoALICE mobile game)
The death exam happens in the beginning of MGRP Snow White’s story while Act of SINoALICE happens near the end of SoA Snow White’s story.
Unsure about this one yet as MGRP: Red isn’t translated yet, but from what I’ve heard, both would battle, and lose, to another version of themselves who has less qualms with killing (Homunculus Snow White/Reality Snow White)
I’m skipping this one too as I haven’t read MGRP: Red either. It’s probably wrong tho.
Both have a connection to Batman of all characters (MGRP Snow White has been called the Batman of Magical Girls by the fanbase due to her backstory and the fact that she has a supercomputer assistant mascot/SINoALICE did a collab with DC Comics, with Snow White getting a class where she dressed as Batman) (Yeah this is a huge stretch, but the fact that you can make this stretch at all is the funniest thing ever)
Both are the fan-favorite characters of their respective series, even placing first on official popularity polls.
Oh yeah they have the same name.
Damn all three of these connections are actually solid (especially the Batman one) I have nothing to say here
What? These aren’t connections. I don’t have anything to say here because the only thing that really matters are connections.
So that’s all for the connections, but the potential is bad as well. There’s literally no reason why MGRP Snow White wouldn’t just ignore SoA Snow White, and I don’t see why SoA Snow White would care about MGRP Snow White since she didn’t really care about Reality Snow White in Act of Elimination.
And the fight potential reeks as well, you’re taking SoA Snow White, a character with swords, bows, polearms, hammers, orbs, instruments, books, staffs, literal nightmares, against someone with only one weapon and then MagicalMusical1 then tries to say that Half-Nightmare Snow White will be used in the fight when that’s never happened in the main story of SINoALICE.
I’m skipping this. I literally do now know what MagicalMusical1 is yapping about here.
So in conclusion, aside from debatability this matchup literally appeals to me on all fronts. A combination of good and funny connections, coupled with an amazing contrast. Interesting dynamics in both the fight and interactions. The potential for a very emotional story. And it uses obscure series and characters, one of whom is my favorite fictional character of all time and the other is also a strong contender. Yeah in my opinion this matchup is peak.
Nah bro, in conclusion this matchup sucks. It has bad connections, bad potential, and I forgot to say anything about the story but that probably sucks as well. And you’re using two obscure characters that will never be on Death Battle in the first place, so why even bother? So no, this matchup isn’t peak at all.
Besides, both have better anyways with Snow White vs Madoka Kaname and Snow White vs Kafka Hibano
…What the fuck did I just write?
submitted by MagicalMusical1 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:23 JB9782 Can I bring a camera to the stadium?

I will be attending the match VS Napoli and I’d love to bring a camera. I’m an amateur photographer and would love to take some pictures.
submitted by JB9782 to fiorentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:14 DommeDevon Findom is BDSM and has never been an online-only thing

Findom is Femdom. It's practiced offline, in the real world, in relationships all over the world. If anyone did like five seconds of actual research into BDSM, they'd know this.
Anyone I see ask about doing Findom in real life, or dating a sub, I am going to assume is:
  1. Literally a minor, or
  2. Has led an incredibly sheltered life, or
  3. Can't conceive that woman would want to be dominant in their personal relationships, or
  4. Think sub men are stereotypes of weak losers.
    If #4 is the case, check your baggage at the door, because that's an offensive stereotype and by that logic, submissive women are also weak losers. If you think it's different because gender, congratulations, you've drank the toxic masculinity Kool Aid and shouldn't be practicing a kink that requires subverting outdated and ignorant social/cultural beliefs in a safe and healthy manner.
Back to Findom. Findom is under the umbrella of Femdom. It's been around thousands of years. Fake Dommes on TikTok grifting their shitty guides didn't invent it three years ago.
While I'm at it, whoever told you it's money for just existing is full of something brown and stinky. It's never been that. It never will be that. If you've received "money for nothing," consider that you're simply a product they silently consumed, like renting a movie. A pornographic movie specifically, because no one spends money without getting anything in return. Their return was using you as a masturbatory aid (even if not literally). Or in some cases, masochism or self destructive behavior. But they still used you. And I'm not saying that's wrong, but y'all need to understand the reality of it, that this is what you've signed up for. As so many of us have been saying, Findom is sex work, and you're a product on the porn market.
When Findom is practiced as part of a real life D/s relationship, that aspect isn't there. It's no different than any other relationship. There's give and take and love and chores and bills all that. D/s is a kinky layer on top of a vanilla foundation. It's not the same as online (and so, so much more rewarding).
Online can be rewarding as well when you find someone you get on well with. I have some great conversations with my subs. I have many subs that I'm simply just friends with. I have a great community of other Dommes. I made that happen by treating everyone equally. By being social and friendly. My Twitter has zero bait posters and zero drama. If that's all you're finding, it's 100% on you. Get a better people picker and stop following the people who tweet shallow, tired Findom cliches. There's no shortage of experiences Dommes with engaging, intelligent content.
One last thing... where did this notion that Reddit has better subs come from? They're the same men. Findom doesn't change from one platform to the other. Men aren't "better quality" one place vs another. There's not a single social platform that won't have entitled men, incels, and scammers. So bury that notion or you're just going to be disappointed. If anything, Reddit has more entitled men because it's chock full of free porn. Muskrat has made adult content harder to find on Twitter, whereas Reddit has all the curated, free porn by the millions, easily searched and found, with literally zero barrier to entry. I would bet my savings account that there's far more minors on Reddit also. Now personally, I file that under "not my circus, not my monkeys," but if you're uncomfortable with minors seeing your ass in their feed, then just keep in mind... they absolutely are. You can't advertise on any social platform without that being a reality.
submitted by DommeDevon to findomtalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:53 YusufAndCemre Ask Me Anything related to Death Battle of VsDebate and I'll respond honestly (can't post on DBM so going here instead xD)

Ask Me Anything related to Death Battle of VsDebate and I'll respond honestly (can't post on DBM so going here instead xD) submitted by YusufAndCemre to Dbmlore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:49 Anxious-Armadillo23 Any fixes to these universe mode bugs?

I know that universe mode gets no love but in such a short amount of time I’ve experienced so many bugs that it’s making the mode unbearable and I soley play universe mode so it’s really upsetting that I may stop playing the game after a mere 1.5 months.
Can you guys let me know if you experienced these bugs and or have any fixes for them?
  1. Superstars constantly getting double booked on a show. No correlation whether they are champ or not, and it happens on the tv shows and PPVS. For example, on Smackdown I can Bianca vs shotzi as match 4 and then right after it I get Bianca vs Charlotte for match 5. She’s only in a rivalry with one or neither of them and the matches don’t have any branching. What makes it worse is sometimes they can have a superstar as a part of a random tag team match and then fighting for a championship on the same card!
  2. That point was meant to Segway me into this next one. WHY AM I GETTING A BARRAGE OF RANDOM TAG TEAMS. No, I don’t mean consistent tag teams that form, I mean one week I get John cena teaming up with my CAW and then the next week it’s John cena teaming up with the Miz. And they don’t stay formed, it’s like a one time and that’s it. This then can trickle into issue number 1, where then you’d see the Miz fighting in the money in the bank ladder match later that night on the PPV.
  3. ESTABLISHED TAG TEAMS FIGHTING WITHOUT THEIR PARTNER. It has been irking me for so long that for some reason I keep getting Ludwig Kaiser teaming up with Kofi when they both have their RESPECTIVE TEAM MATES. I’ve tried everything to fix this (clear Ally’s, put them in different shows/divisions etc.) jt just doesn’t make sense to me.
  4. LACK OF WOMEN! In a roster of around 50 per show, I make sure that the women superstars are atleast half. WHY DO I GO SEVERAL WEEKS ON A SHOW WITHOUT A SINGLE WOMENS MATCH.
  5. Consistent Random championship matches on weekly shows. I’m not against a championship being defended on a weekly show, but it happens on every raw, every Smackdown EVER WEEK.
submitted by Anxious-Armadillo23 to WWE2K24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:48 Anxious-Armadillo23 Any fixes to these universe mode bugs?

I know that universe mode gets no love but in such a short amount of time I’ve experienced so many bugs that it’s making the mode unbearable and I soley play universe mode so it’s really upsetting that I may stop playing the game after a mere 1.5 months.
Can you guys let me know if you experienced these bugs and or have any fixes for them?
  1. Superstars constantly getting double booked on a show. No correlation whether they are champ or not, and it happens on the tv shows and PPVS. For example, on Smackdown I can Bianca vs shotzi as match 4 and then right after it I get Bianca vs Charlotte for match 5. She’s only in a rivalry with one or neither of them and the matches don’t have any branching. What makes it worse is sometimes they can have a superstar as a part of a random tag team match and then fighting for a championship on the same card!
  2. That point was meant to Segway me into this next one. WHY AM I GETTING A BARRAGE OF RANDOM TAG TEAMS. No, I don’t mean consistent tag teams that form, I mean one week I get John cena teaming up with my CAW and then the next week it’s John cena teaming up with the Miz. And they don’t stay formed, it’s like a one time and that’s it. This then can trickle into issue number 1, where then you’d see the Miz fighting in the money in the bank ladder match later that night on the PPV.
  3. ESTABLISHED TAG TEAMS FIGHTING WITHOUT THEIR PARTNER. It has been irking me for so long that for some reason I keep getting Ludwig Kaiser teaming up with Kofi when they both have their RESPECTIVE TEAM MATES. I’ve tried everything to fix this (clear Ally’s, put them in different shows/divisions etc.) jt just doesn’t make sense to me.
  4. LACK OF WOMEN! In a roster of around 50 per show, I make sure that the women superstars are atleast half. WHY DO I GO SEVERAL WEEKS ON A SHOW WITHOUT A SINGLE WOMENS MATCH.
  5. Consistent Random championship matches on weekly shows. I’m not against a championship being defended on a weekly show, but it happens on every raw, every Smackdown EVER WEEK.
submitted by Anxious-Armadillo23 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:23 slybeast24 What are your thoughts on the “pre-match attack/injury, ref doesn’t care immediately rings bell to match start” angle

Obviously it’s been a thing for a while but it happened in the kofi Kingston vs Gunther match tonight so thought I’d ask. Sometimes it’s just one guy jumping their opponent, sometimes it’s a whole group, but regardless the referee seems completely unfazed and just carries on with the match. Personally I think it rarely works, it takes me out of it and I’m always left thinking “well that was kinda dumb”. It doesn’t make any sense when in basically every other aspect like injuries and presentation they’re moving towards realism. I’m not even upset that they have the match, we all know it’s tv, but at least have the ref or a doctor come check on the person beforehand instead of just immediately ringing the bell as soon as they get rolled in the ring. If you want me to believe someone has been hurt and it’s going to play a role in the match, wouldn’t having a doctor come out, look concerned and “just barely” being able to allow them to compete make that even stronger?
submitted by slybeast24 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:53 foggyfoggyfiction Paris event finals preview, three months out: Uneven bars (Part 2)

Continuing on from part 1 (vault), in the lead up to the summer team selections and the Olympics, I am previewing the anticipated event final fields! Today: uneven bars.
All data is sourced from u/bretonstripes, u/freifrausicher, and Lauren from The Gymternet - thanks for your efforts!
Event Finalist Predictions
Note that gymnasts are listed by existing top score; this is not a prediction of the podium.
In the spirit of the Mustafina vs. Kocian duel of 2016 and the Derwael v. Lee duel of 2020, the bars final is once again anticipated to feature a showdown between a dominant top pair in Qiu 🇨🇳 and Nemour 🇩🇿. Together, they own the top 14 international scores since January 2023, and having both improved greatly in consistency, they are favored to take gold and silver in either order.
The early bronze medal favorite is Shilese Jones 🇺🇸, medalist in the previous two World finals, having hit 11 of her past 12 routines since a mental breakthrough in consistency at 2022 Worlds. A group of experienced competitors with a history of 14.5+ scores and routines in the 6.2-6.6 D-score can be expected to challenge Jones:
As this group is rather inconsistent, D'Amato 🇮🇹 may have positioned herself as the most likely medal spoiler by hitting all six of her routines to date this year, including defending her European title. Andrade 🇧🇷 has also shown decent consistency this quad hitting 11 of her last 12 and 22 of 25 this quad; however, all three misses came at Worlds 2022 or 2023.
These eight gymnasts alone would make an extremely deep bars final, but there are three "dark horses" who could shake things up, both for the bronze medal race and qualification to the final:
  1. Nina Derwael 🇧🇪: The reigning Olympic champion made an extremely impressive recovery from a shoulder dislocation in late 2023. Despite falling at Euros QF on bars, Derwael is on-track to be competitive in Paris, as adding back her trusty Downie or Nabieva boosts her to a 6.3 D-score. She is also no longer attempting any Tkatchev 1/2 skill which could boost her execution score, and is typically one of the most consistent bars workers.
  2. 2nd Chinese 🇨🇳 gymnast: Had China been able to keep two-time World Champion Wei Xiaoyuan healthy, she likely would be the bronze medal favorite over Jones. Nevertheless, China has shown impressive depth on this event in 2024. Yang Fanyuwei, Hu Jiafei, and Zhang Yihan have all earned high scores with hit 6.4 routines internationally, while Huang Zhuofan (6.8) and Du Siyu (6.6) hit their difficult routines at nationals. Zhang Yihan and Du Siyu are the most likely to make the team currently, and though neither are favored to medal, it wouldn't be a shock either.
  3. 2nd American 🇺🇸 gymnast: Biles has teased a couple upgrades on social media which could put her back in the medal game, but the real unknowns in the American bars scene are Lee and Douglas. Without any scores for hit routines and with questions swirling about stamina, they need to show strong performances at nationals to be considered team contenders, much less potential medalists. However, both are set to attempt at least a 6.4 difficulty routine, which would put them in the mix for bronze given their typically high execution scores.
Interesting notes:
Top Eight International Scorers of 2024 Italicized gymnasts are ineligible for the Tokyo Final (didn't qualify or 2PC)
Rank Gymnast Score Difficulty
1 Qiu Qiyuan 🇨🇳 15.450 6.8
2 Kaylia Nemour 🇩🇿 15.433 7.0
3 Kate McDonald 🇦🇺 14.850 6.1
4 Yang Fanyuwei 🇨🇳 14.800 6.4
5 Rebeca Andrade 🇧🇷 14.700 6.2
6 Alice D'Amato 🇮🇹 14.700 6.4
7 Rebecca Downie 🇬🇧 14.633 6.6
Hu Jiafei 🇨🇳 14.600 6.4
8 Melanie de Jesus dos Santos 🇫🇷 14.533 6.2
Zhang Yihan 🇨🇳 14.500 6.4
R1 Elisa Iorio 🇮🇹 14.466 6.3
R2 Elsabeth Black 🇨🇦 14.400 6.0
R3 Jayla Hang 🇺🇸 14.350 5.9
Relevant 2023 Scores
Gymnast Score Difficulty Event
Shilese Jones 🇺🇸 14.833 6.4 Worlds
Huang Zhuofan 🇨🇳 14.766 6.5 Worlds
Naomi Visser 🇳🇱 14.566 6.2 Osijek
Simone Biles 🇺🇸 14.466 6.0 Worlds
Elisabeth Seitz 🇩🇪 14.400 6.1 Euros
Du Siyu 🇨🇳 14.366 6.2 Universaide
Lorette Charpy 🇫🇷 14.133 6.0 Worlds
Other Relevant Scores
Gymnast Score Difficulty Event
Rebeca Andrade 🇧🇷 14.967 6.1 2022 Pan Ams
Nina Derwael 🇧🇪 14.700 6.3 2022 Worlds
Sanna Veerman 🇳🇱 14.533 6.3 2022 Worlds

submitted by foggyfoggyfiction to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:53 hiddenbluewhale What is the reason for releasing a seperate ‘console version’ every year?

I don’t own a PC so am limited to playing on console (Xbox Series X) and hate that I can only have a few leagues loaded for any of my saves.
The Series X is relatively powerful enough - why can’t it power the full version? I’d be happy to cop longer load times if necessary.
This article explains how similar the Series X is to a gaming PC:,6800%20or%20Nvidia%20RTX%203070.
Could the ‘Touch’ version of FM simply be limited to Switch and iOS, whilst PS5 and Series X enjoy the full version?
submitted by hiddenbluewhale to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:41 Either_Imagination_9 Is Lorenzo the strongest NG11?

The way Blue Lock power scales is a bit odd compared to the typical sports (or even shonen in general) story. It wasn’t something noticeable until the U20 game. Where New Gen 11 players are able to go full games without even breaking a sweat. This is a way to show the level that they’re on compared to the typical soccer player. That’s not to say they don’t get outsmarted (because they obviously do), but they’re typically playing on another level compared to everyone else
Kaiser and Sae have both shown that they can bleed. Sae went all the way up until the end of the U20 game before he broke a sweat. His duel with got a single drop out of him, as evident with his reaction to Isagi’s goal in 147. And Kaiser first showed sweat at the tail end of the Manshine game after Isagi grabbed him and called him a clown. And yes this was sweat you can still see it on 203, page 5. And now we’re at the point where he’s consistently sweating all game because of how high level it is. And honestly if Sae was participating in NEL I think he’d be sweating a lot too.
Lorenzo tho is the only one who never broke a sweat. He went the whole Ubers game totally cool, which to be fair Kaiser did too but I feel like that’s because he was under lockdown the whole time. And we can see the end of Ubers vs Manshine Lorenzo was still totally sweat free.
submitted by Either_Imagination_9 to BlueLock [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 Khorde__the__Husk BattlePostings Game Rules

i like Warhammer 40k, but 40k doesnt afford you the abilty to let you play your own custom character or faction if it isnt up to certain specs in tournaments(lore strict rules). and running an army battle in dungeons and dragons is overly complicated unless you ignore a bunch of rolls and rules.
i propose a blend of both. who's cannon takes place in the cosmos of perspective.
(you make your own faction cannon. )
each unit type has user generated has one data sheet, each named character you have would have their own data sheet.
the models can be 3-D printed or kitbashed, but they must be at 1/36 scale. essentially one infantry= one of those cheap plastic army men standing at 5 cm tall.
from here, this was typed up before today, by a few months. there is no campaign.
but i would imagine a new fandom in table top roleplay would be born regardless
A tabletop rpg for diy, model painting, kit bashing, 3-DPrinting, and plastic army battling enthusiasts.
all parts of this game are user generated, with the exception of the rules. Though u/Khorde__the__Husk sent this to a bunch of redditors for help in balancing the game and setting up basic play structure.
Things to note:
· You must have one “advisor” per two warlords in the session. Advisors, act as the game master to make sure no one is cheating. If there is confusion on what kind of weapon a unit has in their hands or equipped to their armor, the Advisor has final say. The advisor is supposed to keep the game fair.
· In theory you could have as many players as you want, but no more than four is recommended because turns consist of multiple phases that are meant to organize the battle strategy for each player.
· Players are encouraged to kit bash, 3-D print, or purchase traditional plastic army men. For the sake of scaling, follow the scaling of the image below. But you must have your own general. It is recommended that your general be unique, make it yours. Have fun.
· Players can make their own campaigns and lore. Such attempts are encouraged. For the purposes of release, you can follow the campaign I have written.
· For any session, you will need a handwritten or typed general’s reference stats Dossier, 1D20, tape measure, and an army of which you will fight with. (painted)
· When rolling on a check, higher is always better. 20 is always a success
· Your armies stats are fixed and defined in this document. Your general’s stats are dictated by the roll of a 1d20. These stats are:
o morale
o Movement speed
o Accuracy
o Health points
o Punch
· Turns are split into phases.
o bombardment
o Movement
o Attack/counter attack
· The different types of units are:
o Infantry
o Armor
o Airborne

· We play at a 1/36 scale. All models are at that scale.
make your own terrain and cover. kitbashing, 3-D printing encouraged. terrain is the battleground, the floor the pieces and obstacles stand on. obsticles can be anything. debris, nature, etc. obstacles are cover. if an attacking piece can see the defending piece in its entirety, the defending piece is in the open. if the defending piece is partially seen by the attacking
· Ability checks logic below:
20=crit hit/sucsess
1=jam(gun)/woopsie(melee)/crit fail
To succeed , a unit must roll their combined ability score. This is their base ability +general ability. Debuffs such as kickback only are applied to whatever you rolled when you roll for an ability check.
Regardless, the fundamental rules of this game will apply to your creations. these are an assortment of rules designed to keep the game fair and guard against unfair players(referred to as God-Emperors or God-empresses) and hopefully combat power creep.
Now lets expand upon these ideas so you can have fun kit-bashing and army smashing quicker.
GENERAL’S (named character) STAT DOSSIER
Your army’s stats are based on your general’s stat Dossier. The leader of a nation is oft a good indication of how high of a quality their army’s going to be.
The first thing you should write is your general’s name, then write their bio. Their bio includes their background, their homeland, what politics are involved (if any). It is not recommended that you write a novel, you have a game to play. What are the weapons that your general will have on their person? What are their character traits? How will those traits affect how the game is played?
The next thing to do is to make a picture of your General that resembles the piece you kit-bashed for your general to be. It can be menacing, wholesome, serious or whacky. As long as the design choices resemble what your army has for their design and your general’s character traits. It doesn’t have to be hand drawn. A photo of your piece will suffice. no general may have a skill number higher than 16.
what good is a king without a kingdom?
each type of unit gets one ARMY STAT DOSSIER. you can have as many scout infantry you want, but you need a dossier on how they are deployed, what weapons they use, and most importantly, THEIR STATS. make sure your unit type description is comprehensive including what styles of combat they are trained for. this could influence your decisions on how you play. give them lore for shits and giggles. no unit may have a skill number higher than 15.
this is the list of weapon types and their ability modifiers.
when attacking bare handed, you go by your unmodified stats.
Now comes the part with the dice. You only need 1d20. This is to reduce the confusion.
· Morale
Rolled by 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit.
Morale is basically moral law. How far will your troops go to follow your orders? If your morale over a given unit is 1, the unit in question is shell shocked for one whole turn, to be marked with a yellow slip. If your unit is shell shocked, it is traumatized to where it cant follow any orders on the next turn. If for some reason the morale hits 0, that unit defects and must be marked with a red token. Units that defect are now under control of your enemy. If defected units hit 0 authority again, it simply dies. Suicide. Cowards way out.
The Morale that your general has over friendly units is base unit morale +the general’s modifier. Your general’s base Morale is the number you rolled the 1d20 for. If for any reason your general’s morale score goes below 0, the general must rally all nearby troops (within 30cm) to protect the general for one turn on the next turn. If your general’s morale hits zero, you get shell shocked, and your general cannot take action for one turn and if your general was within line of sight of any other allied unit, the observing unit cannot take action either.
· Movement Speed
Rolled by 1d20, measured by cm on a measuring tape or meter stick because inches suck.
Movement speed is how much ground a given unit can cover. Unless your object has a punch score higher than the hp of an obstacle, or can fly, you will have to go around the obstacle. There are exceptions. If the obstacle is below the knee of an infantry unit, the infantry or whatever can climb over at the cost of the individual unit climbing modifier.
The base movement speed of your general influences the movement speed of your troops. To find a troops total movement speed:
Your unit’s base movement speed + your general’s base movement speed = total troop movement speed. See army stat dossier or named character stat dossier.

· Accuracy
Rolled by a 1d20, checked by 1d20 per unit
Accuracy must be rolled every time a unit attacks an enemy unit.
Accuracy is basically the chance of your selected troop hitting their targets. Different weapons and vehicles have different accuracy modifiers(aka kickback or x-range), and different types of troops have different base accuracies. Accuracy can affect enemy/friendly Health points or morale. If a shot hits near enough to a troop, or makes a kill close enough to another troop, the troops affected must undergo a morale check with the exception to nearby friendlies of any troop who gets an enemy kill.
Explosives and artillery have an area of effect. any troop within the inner blast radius (with the exception of troops behind sufficient cover) is dead. Any in sufficient cover, or within the outer blast radius must make a morale check. Sufficient cover is a piece of the environment which has an assigned hp that is higher than the punch of an explosion.

Small arms fire requires line of sight for targeting. The path of bullets is a straight line, keep this in mind when deciding collateral damage. Friendly fire is a thing and it is a war-crime. If you want to play nightmare mode, your general gets summoned to a military court tribunal and executed if three friendly troops or more die as a result of friendly fire that occurred by your command.

Melee combat can only be conducted during movement phases. If its melee vs gun there is the variable of line of sight. If the melee unit is within line of sight, the gun unit has advantage. If the melee unit is outside of line of sight of the gun unit, the melee unit has advantage.
To find your troop’s accuracy:
general’s base accuracy+ troop base accuracy- kickback. The higher the accuracy the better.

· Punch
Punch is how much damage a unit causes to another unit or object should they pass their accuracy check. Different weapons pack a different punch. Remember to add their bonus to the punch check roll.
When attacking an obstacle or object, units must roll against the hp of the object. If the roll lands on a number that meets or beats the hp, the object or obstacle is destroyed.(marked with red sticky note and can be traversed as if the object was destroyed. Bullets pass thru within reasonable trajectories, no ricochet)
When attacking units, whatever is rolled is subtracted from the victim’s hp. The victim can only move at half of their normal movement speed afterward.(treaded, wheeled, and airborne vehicles excluded from the debuff even if they are hit. They are treated as obstacles with the addition of the passed accuracy check requirement.)
· Health points(hp)
Health points are what determines how close your units or general is to kicking the bucket. In any game mode, If your general kicks the bucket, you lose. If you have no units other than your general, you lose and your general must go into hiding. each unit and general may have no more than 10hp. powercreep is bad
Unit Classes are determined by how big the individual unit is, and how it traverses the battlefield. The smallest and most common all the way to the biggest and most intimidating of units are all fit into several categories by what they look like. To solve disagreements on what class your unit is, the advisor has final say. Disagreements should be easy to avoid if you design your units properly. It would be useful to stick to a theme. Candy punk, steampunk, horror, medieval, sci-fi, and historical designs are all fine, you could even come up with your own. A theme will be better for discerning friendlies from you enemies. At the same time, make your units discernable enough that players and especially advisors can easily determine what classes your units are.
· Your general/warlord, whatchacallit
Your general is the most valuable unit because it is what you have to control your forces. Without a wise and strategic leader, your forces will fall into disarray and you will lose the war. You can only have one general, and you made it yours. Kitbashing and 3D printing would likely be your most common means of gaining a general. They must take resemblance of the general on your general stat dossier they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Infantry
The easiest to acquire and kit bash. This allows for vast hordes of infantry, or small fireteams, or something in between. Find your play style. Your infantry should be as tall as the plastic green army men in the image below. These men and women are the bravest of them all.
they can swim in water terrain for two turns before they drown.
· Armor
Mainly made up of vehicles and smaller mechanical suits, must be land based. Expect tanks, jeeps ,Humvees, calvary mounted animals etc. here is an image I ripped for scale as to the largest example of armor you can have. Not my drawing. Its basically the largest tank ever built replace the man in the image with one infantry and you have your scale. Or 0.283333333 m* 0.283333333 m *0.5m
these machines will break down in water terrain.
· Airborne
Airborne units can only fly. They can drop bombs, airdrop armotroops, and attack up to one target per gun that the aircraft is equipped with(within range) as they move. Their biggest weakness is anti-aircraft weaponry and enemy aircraft weapons. How big can an aircraft be?
2.44 meters. X 2.44 meters by 0.60 meters is your maximum for all airborne units.
any airborne that fly like a plane have a +4 to their movement stat but can only bomb ground units 15 cm in front and attack any unit that is in front of it
anything that flies like a helicopter does not have this buff or debuff, they can shoot at any target, but can only use missiles for up to 15 cm on ground units.
Naval vehicles can be big or small, but they can only operate in the designated water terrain area. they can carry troops, they can fire artillery, depth charges, missiles, torpedoes, and submarines can hide below water for three turns before air runs out. but they can be spotted by sonar. if a submerged vessel is within 10 cm of an enemy surface or submarine vessel, the enemy vessel can act as if they know where the submerged vessel is even if the submerged vessel is still submerged.
· B.A.M. ‘s
Big Ass Machines are basically giant robots and massive land ships. These can be Game breaking depending on how you build them and how big you build them. They can fire upon one target per weapon. how big Can these be? They cannot be more than 1.5 meters tall or take up a ground area larger than 4 meters. Players are not allowed to use functioning motor vehicles including, but not limited to cars, trucks, busses, etc. rule of thumb, if you can ride it, you can’t play it. It might as well be just fan art. The maximum distance these can move at any time is 2000cm. to move these, they must make a special movement check. War machines of that size can get stuck easily, so subtract your general’s movement speed from your final roll on each check. If they are larger than the specified limits, you’ve built a giant immobilized obstacle for one turn.
Mobile terrain essentially is a whole battlefield or obstacle of its own. The biggest difference is that anything other than B.A.M. compatible units that are attached to the B.A.M'S can’t be removed from the B.A.M.'S. Artillery such as main guns can’t move, only rotate. same with S.A.M.S. , C.R.A.M.S., and anti aircraft weaponry.

Guns and RE’S(ranged explosives)Require a reload period(one full turn) every so often. Dual wield is an ability that is only applicable to infantry equipment . dual wield only applies when two identical weapons are in both hands of a single unit. Range is how far a weapon can fire before a debuff is added to your accuracy roll. For every 10 cm beyond the stated range, an x-range debuff of -1 is added.
Overheat can only occur on weapons that are labeled with overheat. Every time a gun with overheat is about to fire , a coin must be tossed. If the coin lands on heads, the gun overheats. Overheating will cause the unit to explode. The explosion will deal 1d20 damage to anyone/anything within a 6 cm radius. You only need to roll once.
Cone is a special debuff. Weapons with cone Can only fire at sequential targets within 25 degrees of original target.
im having trouble with deciding the individual weapon stats. so ive decided that i am going to leave those up to you. (the moment i hear people are getting into fights IRL, i will be putting in an elaboration which will settle all disputes regarding equipment and artillery... and i wont be happy about it.)
players are encouraged to record their battles in battle reports and post it online in their relevant subreddits. if they win/lose, then the player is encouraged to come up with a lore reason for any change in tactics, named characters(generals), or stats.
an army is considered overpowered if they can take out all opponents in as little as 10 turns. they must be nerfed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
unlike overpowered, underpowered armies can be taken out in 10 turns. they must be buffed if this happens. dont forget to add a lore reason for this occurrence in the battle report.
this is sci-fantasy/high fantasy, battles are supposed to be epic and economically exaggerated.
write the name of the weapon, the type of weapon.(melee or gun) and its accuracy and punch modifiers.(bare hands is melee and equal to. magic is gun)
spells must be vetted in good faith by advisors prior to the game to prevent game breakage. spells may not kill units or generals in one blow. spells effects can only last one turn unless its a healing spell. healing spells cannot heal more than 5 health points at a time per unit. write out the spells you have for your units and have them vetted by an advisor, advisor will determine gamebreakability of the spell. if spell is determined to be game breaking, mid game, the advisor will have the offending spell removed and the turn undone. at wich point the offending player effectively must alter their strategy in the spirit of good sportsmanship.) There are three approved arcane focuses, wands, staves, and hand casting, (one must not make them look like the caster is going to punch something, have them hold an orb or something.)
(the moment i hear that people get into IRL fights over spells, i will make a list of approved spells and a LONG LIST of forbidden spells. and no one will be happy. )
Dont be a dick, be a good sport, and have fun.breaking thegame intentionally is a dick move. advisors are encouraged to post their reports of game breaking spells so it may help me in the event Khorde__the__Husk has to revise the rules.
submitted by Khorde__the__Husk to Battlepostings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:24 jaundicesurvivor69 [H] Back 4 Blood, Oxenfree, Steelrising, Amanda the Adventurer, Soulstice, WH: Age of Sigmar, TemTem, Shadow of Mordor, Oaken, Breathedge, Iron Danger, Paper Beast, more games [W] Evil Within, RE Village, NORCO, Deadlink, offers, wishlist

May 2024 Choice
March 2024 Choice
February 2024 Choice
WB 100 Bundle
Or any offers, Happy trading :)
submitted by jaundicesurvivor69 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 concernedfriend68 Hot board games this year and Cthulu for newbies?

Hi! Sorry for bundling two questions into one but maybe that’s more efficient! My first time Gencon is approaching and :) :
1) are there any hot, new board games (strategy, euro, area control) that will release at Gencon? I have Pagan on my radar but I haven’t seen anything else in the event catalogue; admittedly I’m not sure what may release and how to look!
2) I’d love to play Call of Cthulu ttrpg and I’ve played one one-shot so far. Should I choose events for „new” players or would almost any event be appropriate? Also, why are some of them over $20 vs 4-8$, does the experience justify the price?
Thank you!!
submitted by concernedfriend68 to gencon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 jaundicesurvivor69 [H] Back 4 Blood, Oxenfree, Steelrising, Amanda the Adventurer, Soulstice, WH: Age of Sigmar, TemTem, Shadow of Mordor, Oaken, Breathedge, Iron Danger, Paper Beast, more games [W] Evil Within, RE Village, NORCO, Deadlink, offers, wishlist

May 2024 Choice
March 2024 Choice
February 2024 Choice
WB 100 Bundle
Or any offers, Happy trading :)
submitted by jaundicesurvivor69 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:52 AncientPC Thoughts and tips after climbing to 10k in 2 weeks.

Yes, I had a lot of time. I originally played this game when it launched during the pandemic and stopped at 1k trophies, and picked it up again ~3 years later. I want to share my thoughts about the last ~15 days while it's still fresh and answer any questions people might have.
I have a 43% win rate in 3600 BR games, and 300+ games with each of the following heroes: Angel, Bastion, Blizzard, Blot, Cyclops, Ghost, Levi, Lynx, Ramsay, Raven, Sparkle, Vi. I have the most fun with Angel, Raven, Ramsay, and Lynx.
I've unlocked every hero except Alice, paid for Blizzard and Vi.

Trophy Tiers

Broadly speaking, the percentage of poor players decreases as you gain higher trophies. Being completely honest, I saw a bunch of mistakes made by enemies, teammates, and myself at 9k trophies. At 10k+ trophies, most of the mistakes I see are my own.

Low Tier: <3k

I have a second account on an old phone at this tier that I use to play under powered / rarely used heroes in casual games. It's mostly bots and occasional humans with rudimentary gameplay.

Mid Tier: 3-7k

People are still misplaying all the time, but in general are improving and trying to coordinate as a team. Pickup teams are pretty easy to create and people are generally friendly. Honestly, I probably had the most fun at this tier since I enjoy playing the game casually with a variety of heroes and different team compositions (vs trying to win all the time).
There's still plenty of bots in offpeak hours.

High Tier: >7k

This is the first tier where it starts to get competitive. Relatedly, this is also the first tier I started seeing bad manners and griefing.
Early on when I was around 2k, I teamed up with some high trophy players and played in 10k games. That's when I learned first hand how much faster and aggressive the game was. On certain maps (Bank, Village, Hotel), fights will often initiate after picking up ~2 items.
As for bad manners, I'm used to it from playing plenty of other online games but enjoyed the fact that Bullet Echo largely doesn't have it. However at 7k+, now you get a lot of people bm'ing when they kill you, if two people fight over an item, etc. It most commonly manifests as sprays/stickers, but also a lot of head shaking and the occasional teamkill grenade for taking "their" item.
Pickup teams are a lot more mercenary. People join up, and if the team loses most will leave; there's little to no chat banter anymore. If someone misplays a few times, they often get kicked from the team, the team is disbanded, and/or they get defriended. This, uhh, has totally never happened to me.


The "end game." Heroes' power typically ranges 1650 - 2200 (Ultimate level 70 to Immortal), with the occasional Divine player. There's relatively few bots during peak times.
The games are fast and brutal, and any small mistake is quickly exploited. My winrate has dropped significantly even when playing my better characters, but I'm learning. Pre-10k, I'd typically open 3x battle and skull chests under 30 minutes. Now, opening battle and skull chests has become significantly harder.

Bravery Road

I don't have any experience with this tier since I lack Divine heroes. Others have shared that it's mostly full of bots.


Tier List

This is based on 9k+ trophy BR in the hands of a good player:


Bastion is great for bot farming and low / mid tier gameplay, but is easily outplayed in 7k+ games. I had a bunch of mid tier Bastion friends that I invited to 7k+ games and they've always left after a few games due to being outplayed.
Outplaying Bastion is usually done through kiting or baiting and flanking with teammates since their range is too short and movement speed is too slow. Bastion (and Blot to an extent) is outclassed by more mobile shield heroes: Angel, Hurricane, Satoshi.
Leviathan gets a special call out since his turret is great for zoning and has extended spray that can be abused to hit behind walls.

Grenade Users (Firefly/Shenji/Sparkles/Freddie)

Pre-10k, most of these are terrible nade spammers hoping to get an easy kill. I've seen so many Firefly users use more nades than bullets in a round, adding little value chucking nades into thin air. Shenji users, please use your nades to zone the enemies and less about trying to kill them. Also stop burning the grass because you can, especially when you're up against snipers.


My win rate with Vi is significantly higher than the rest of the field, which shows how broken she is. I think she needs to be nerfed, and she's my most played and highest leveled character (Stellar).
I also have some bad experiences after teaming up with a bunch of Vi-only tryhards (about 6-8 different teammates for 5+ games each). They're generally incredibly aggressive and good at racking up a high kill count, but often lack map awareness or team dynamics besides spamming, "Let's go!".



Climb as fast as you can, as high as you can since you get more loot per chest depending on your league level, and streaking gets harder the higher you climb in trophies. Bot farming (read below) is the easiest way to streak games and hit the next league level.
I think there is an argument to be made about staying in purple 1. I found it significantly easier to win most of the contracts at purple 1, but I was grouped with all the other grinders once I hit purple 2. This may or may not be a red herring.

Spending Money


Star Pass


It's $10/mo. You get a random hero motivated and 8 drone plugins (2 of each color) per week, and 10 tech tokens/day. 70 tech tokens/week is enough to get drone blueprints, 2xpersonal gears boxes, some squad gear, 500 nuts, and 5 costume tokens. Also your name is highlighted in gold.
I think it's great for the first month or two for the personal gear and drone parts, but not sure if it's worth keeping afterwards.


Recognizing bots means you can adapt your strategy when playing with and against them.



You start recognizing the bot names after a few hundred games.

In game

Farming (BR, SvS, sabo, koth)

Bot farming is a great way to hit the streak for a league jump or grind for festival tokens.
I find sabo, SvS, and sometimes arcade in offpeak hours (or other region's servers) the easiest modes for bot farming.
Generally bots will collect a few items and start roaming looking for enemies. If a firefight ensues, the bots will start swarming towards noise like zombies.
The best characters to farm bots are those that can do a lot of damage without taking any themselves. Since bots will run in a straight line towards you, assault rifles and snipers excel at bot farming.

As teammates

It sucks to get bots as teammates, but if you understand their behavior you can take advantage of it to try and win the round.


Zenith gets increasingly valuable in 7k+ games as you never have time to revive and/or enemies will camp dead bodies. Zenith's ability to revive through walls can also be exploited.

In game tactics

This is already a long post, so I'll brain dump common improvements / mistakes that I come across. Feel free to ask questions in the comments.


I thoroughly enjoyed playing Bullet Echo, bots and all.
submitted by AncientPC to BulletEchoGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 undeadreaper1370 new to gamemaker and cant get anything to work

"C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run
Loaded Macros from C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\macros.json
Options: C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\platform_setting_defaults.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID\local_settings.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\targetoptions.json
Setting up the Asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /preprocess="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492"
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 307.3348ms
Loaded Project: Survivor Game Template
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 39.1468ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 22.9409ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_effect_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 15.5875ms
Loaded Project: __yy_sdf_blur_shader
Found Project Format 2
+++ GMSC serialisation: SUCCESSFUL LOAD AND LINK TIME: 26.6557ms
Loaded Project: GMPresetParticles
Release build
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\ExtensionOptions.json
Options: C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492\PlatformOptions.json
[Compile] Run asset compiler
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/assetcompilewindows/x64/GMAssetCompiler.dll /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn="Survivor Game Template" /td="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP" /cd="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming\GameMakerStudio2\Cache\GMS2CACHE\Survivor_G_B527F3A4_DECAD492" /rtp="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168" /zpuf="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Roaming/GameMakerStudio2\unknownUser_unknownUserID" /prefabs="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Prefabs" /ffe="d3t+fjZrf25zeTdwgjZ5em98a3GCN4ODbTZzeH5vdnZzfW94fW82eH92dnN9cjZ2eXFzeGl9fXk2fm99fjZtf31+eXdpb3iANnBzdn41cII2cYJpd3luaYFrdnZ6a3pvfDZxgml3eW5pcWt3b31+fHN6NnZzgG9pgWt2dnprem98aX1/bH1tfHN6fnN5eA==" /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg="Default" /o="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM" /sh=True /optionsini="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\options.ini" /cvm /ba
seproject="C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\BaseProject\BaseProject.yyp" "C:\Users\josep\GameMakerProjects\Survivor Game Template\Survivor Game Template.yyp" /debug /bt=run /rt=vm /64bitgame=true
Looking for built-in fallback image in C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168\bin\BuiltinImages
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_effect_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_3 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with vs_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compiling Shader Shader___yy_sdf_blur_shader... compiled with ps_4_0_level_9_1 (optimised)
Compile Constants...finished.
Remove DnD...finished.
Compile Scripts...finished.
Compile Rooms...finished..... 0 CC empty
Compile Objects...finished.... 0 empty events
Compile Timelines...finished.
Compile Triggers...finished.
Compile Extensions...finished.
Global scripts...finished.
collapsing enums.
Final Compile...finished.
Saving IFF file... C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game
Writing Chunk... GEN8 size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... OPTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... LANG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EXTN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SOND size ... 0.00 MB
Converting snd_attack_chimes_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_attack_chimes_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lose to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_click to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_throw to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_lightning_impact_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_1 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_pickup_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_close to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_2 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_melee_hit_3 to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_menu to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_music_game to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_ui_select to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Converting snd_win to Wav 16bit mono @ 44100Hz
Writing Chunk... AGRP size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SPRT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... BGND size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... PATH size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... GLOB size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SHDR size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FONT size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... TMLN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... OBJT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEDS size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... ACRV size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... SEQN size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TAGS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... ROOM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DAFL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... EMBI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSEM size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... PSYS size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TPAGE size ... 0.00 MB
Texture Group - Default
Texture Group - __YY__0fallbacktexture.png_YYG_AUTO_GEN_TEX_GROUP_NAME_
Writing Chunk... TGIN size ... 0.01 MB
Writing Chunk... CODE size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... VARI size ... 0.03 MB
Writing Chunk... FUNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... FEAT size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... TXTR size ... 0.04 MB
0 Compressing texture... writing texture __yy__0fallbacktexture.png_yyg_auto_gen_tex_group_name__0.yytex...
1 Compressing texture... writing texture default_0.yytex...
2 Compressing texture... writing texture default_1.yytex...
3 Compressing texture... writing texture default_2.yytex...
4 Compressing texture... writing texture default_3.yytex...
Writing Chunk... AUDO size ... 8.76 MB
Writing Chunk... SCPT size ... -0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DBGI size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... INST size ... 0.02 MB
Writing Chunk... LOCL size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... DFNC size ... 0.00 MB
Writing Chunk... STRG size ... 0.00 MB
Stats : GMA : Elapsed=5230.2736
Stats : GMA : sp=53,au=18,bk=0,pt=0,sc=33,sh=3,fo=6,tl=0,ob=27,ro=2,da=0,ex=0,ma=6,fm=0xB00C4AE00224
Igor complete.
[Run] Run game
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe -game "C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\Survivor_Game_Template_A71D94C_VM\Survivor Game"
C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/windows/x64/Runner.exe exited with non-zero status (-1073741515)
elapsed time 00:00:06.1866255s for command "C:\ProgramData/GameMakerStudio2/Cache/runtimes\runtime-2024.4.0.168/bin/igowindows/x64/Igor.exe" -j=8 -options="C:\Users\josep\AppData\Local\GameMakerStudio2\GMS2TEMP\build.bff" -v -- Windows Run started at 05/13/2024 23:31:24
FAILED: Run Program Complete
For the details of why this build failed, please review the whole log above and also see your Compile Errors window.
any idea why i cant get anything to run? this is one of the prebuilt game and i havent made any changes to it.
submitted by undeadreaper1370 to gamemaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:18 Iamtheshadowperson Too much conflicting information online - need clarification please for bugs in home

Hi. I am very afraid of insects, something I didn't learn about myself until I moved into a "garden level" apartment. I'm working on moving past this fear (terror), but I would really like to sleep tonight, and right now that is not looking like an option.
By what I've been able to glean from research without being able to look at photos of I have silverfish, some sort of cockroach thing with wings(??), ants, spiders , and who knows what else. I live in the 4-corners area of the United States for reference.
My problem and reason For making this post is because I found so much conflicting information that i'm just not sure anymore. Can anyone clear any of this up for me? I just need a basic rundown of myth vs reality as to what repels and/or kills household insects.
A. Candles. Attract or repel? Light attracts insects, but they don't like fire (right?) I have a beeswax candle, I heard they don't like that. What about citronella as a general stay-away -from -me- tool?
B. Some sites say you can make your own super killer spray with bleach and vinegar, and the next page I read would say that still just attracts them. I just murdered the crap out of one of those weird looking winged roach things with this mixture, but im standing in the middle of the room too afraid to move. Im looking to make some witch-magic circle thing that bugs will not cross to get to me
C. Ultrasonic plug in repellers- good to add to the arsenal or should I just throw my money away?
I know that there are different types of insects and bugs and all of that stuff. I might be able to grow a pair and post a picture if someone really needs it...hopefully not, though.
Additional info: What I have already done:
I. Sprayed the ortho home defense max inside and out, carefully following instructions II. Laid down diatomaceous earth outside III.Laid down diatomaceous earth inside in the baseboard cracks and openings and then sealed them up with caulk/putty caulk, pushing the d.e. inside to act as an insulator IV. I just moved here. So it was fairly clean to begin with. But I just re-cleaned everything on the inside just in case. V. It's 1am and I'm weatherstripping my front door
Thank you if you're still here. I might also need a therapist, (lol) but for now, it's bug murder time. If anyone can help I would appreciate it.*
EDIT: i am looking at the diatomaceous Earth that I bought And I think I bought the wrong one. It's from Lowes. Is it safe for my health to use inside my home, and will it still kill bugs? 85%silicon dioxide 15% other INGREDIENTS. Thank you thank you thank you
what I bought
submitted by Iamtheshadowperson to pestcontrol [link] [comments]