Humphrey pring

My strikers cant score and i have no idea why

2024.01.05 20:48 yublep My strikers cant score and i have no idea why

My strikers cant score and i have no idea why submitted by yublep to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 20:48 yublep My strikers cant score and i have no idea why

My strikers cant score and i have no idea why submitted by yublep to TheOldZealand [link] [comments]

2024.01.05 20:47 yublep My strikers cant score and i have no idea why

Every match i lose i mostly end up having more shots and sometimes even more xg, but no matter the striker (ive used 3) they cant score and end up getting very low ratings regardless we win or not, anyone know why?
submitted by yublep to footballmanager [link] [comments]