Chares kindoms of camelot

[Android][2016+?] A "tactical" RPG for android

2020.11.19 20:02 Shousev [Android][2016+?] A "tactical" RPG for android

What I remember is:
The main character was a knight whose name i dont remember, he met a blonde healer on level 1 and then on level 6 i think, he meets a wizard called merlin. The plot was something about the kindom of camelot being invaded by demons or something like that
You could unlock new characters with gold coins, and there were many of these. Also, after a fight, you could go to the shop, buy armor, weapons and stuff, and equip it to your characters. You could also level them, and there was some sort of "path" where you could choose if you want the knight to become a berserker or a highly trained one(?)
In combat, the skills you unlocked were used tapping on the character, tapping the skill, and if it was targeted, choose the target. You could also make the characters be controlled by the AI.
The graphical style was very cartoony.
Thats all I remember, please help :(
submitted by Shousev to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2013.12.29 01:16 Eatenplace7439 [TOMT] [Computer Game] Fantasy. Played online, it was a turn-based game where you earned 1 turn every 5-20min (depending on the server) that passed in real life.

This game was a massive multiplayer that you played in a browser that was text-based. It could be closely compared to Kingdoms of Camelot, except this was popular in 1999.
I remember you could pick one of five or six types of kindoms (black necromancer, green druid/plant based, red with dragons and fire golems (think of HOM&M) etc.).
The servers restarted whenever the world they were in was destroyed by players who researched and finally cast an ultimate spell of doom. Why? because they could and it was fun to get in the high scores and the credit after all was destroyed.
submitted by Eatenplace7439 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]