How does ultracet work


2019.11.22 01:25 quiprr HowDoesKarmaWork

How does Reddit Karma work? The long lost secret... Feel free to post memes, theories, and shitposts (that pertain to reddit karma) but don't abuse it.

2023.05.13 02:12 Magneto-Electricity How does ouija work?

People forgetting how askouija works and saying full words

2018.01.12 21:37 Guys... How does this work?

For Media that makes you say "Hey, that's baloney!", in regards to boys and men. Our aim is to help foster a sense of healthy masculinity, and to combat misinformation. This subreddit is minority-friendly. As one user eloquently put it: "...This sub isn't an opposition to the NotHowGirlsWork sub - it's one that tends to agree with the posts there, but also recognizes that sometimes people gets guys wrong too."

2023.08.28 13:17 rohanpony Painkillers - how much to rely on them?

Hey everyone. I'm my wife’s caregiver. She’s been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by her rheumatologist. It’s been 2 rough years and I realise now that the doctor visits, blood tests, pain medication and management for my wife will probably be our new normal.
My wife and I are trying to learn how to approach the pain management aspect.
In a perfect world, if access to painkillers (tramadol, arcoxia, panadeine and ultracet) were not an issue - is it okay to rely predominantly on these pain meds as a way for my wife to be able to get through the day and be able to function physically?
OR is the use of painkillers something that should be heavily monitored and be more limited - to prevent addiction and over reliance? What is the max recommended amount of painkiller use per day?
It would make sense to try not to be overtly reliant on pain medication and practice more pain management - cold packs, heat rub, massage gun and TENS units.
I know treatment is very subjective and there’s no “one treatment plan for all” solution - but are there some guidelines out there that I haven’t found? Like best practices for pain medication and pain management?
Our rheumatologist has suggested we go to a pain clinic but my wife’s fibro pain compounded by her comorbidities makes it very very taxing to go out or go anywhere. Does anyone have any experience with pain clinics?
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your feedback! Not all of it may apply equally but it's good to know about the different views.
Some clarifications because I forgot to give context: We are not in the USA and cannabis is extremely illegal here, so not an option. My wife has tried Lyrica and Gabapentin and none of it works for her at all. However she is taking some antidepressants for mental health and we are definitely not going to stop those. And yes, with the pandemic and her inability to go out, it has disrupted her life and made it much harder to socialize with people.
submitted by rohanpony to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]