Organogram of an hotel

stories from the front desk of hotels/hostels/and others in the hospitality industry

2013.03.11 09:05 stories from the front desk of hotels/hostels/and others in the hospitality industry

A place where people from the hotel (mostly) industry can come and share the stories of the things our guests do and say that make customer service the hated job that it is. Non-hotel front desk stories welcome, so long as the tale involves a front desk. Retail employee? /talesfromretail

2008.12.22 06:28 Hotel Questions, Information, & General news

Welcome to Hotels! Use this community for questions, general information, or important news about hotels that impact the entire community. Advertising or soliciting of points will result in a ban.

2019.11.28 14:39 supwantsomebortsch HelluvaBossMemes

Banner by u/BloofBloofBloof. You may encounter spoilers here, if that's a problem go watch the new episode and then come back, the memes will wait for you. Don't post direct links to leaks or images from leaks, that can get the whole subreddit shut down so we have to ban for that. vivziepopmemes is for memes about Redditors in the community. helluvabossfanart is for posts that are original work but not memes. HelluvaBoss is for posts that aren't memes